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It was the shoes that did it for him. He'd first noticed them when he openedhis new shop in a middle class area. They seemed to be the new fashion amongstthe young mothers who frequented his newsagents during the school run. Theywere flat and round toed, with little girl straps. It was this juxtapositionbetween the girliness of the shoes and the well to do women in their late twentiesor early thirties who wore them that aroused him.

It was because of the shoes that he'd paid particular attention to one womanthat morning. In many ways she was typical of his new clientele, harassed bytwo small children wanting drinks or magazines. But the shoes fired his imagination,and as he appraised her further, he noticed many fine qualities. She wore herbrown hair short, but choppily stylish, and her tight t-shirt and A-line skirtrevealed a slim figure. Perhaps she wanted for larger breasts, and her hipscould be cruelly called 'child bearing', but she was his sort of woman – pretty,stylish and well-to-do.

If it hadn't been for the shoes, he wouldn't have been surreptitiously watchingher, and therefore wouldn't have seen her slip a packet of sweets into herhandbag. So casually did she do it, he could almost have been fooled into believingit had been the absent minded action of a harassed mother – apart fromthe quick look she had to see if anyone was watching. This was why he had installeda high quality surveillance system.

Luckily the shop had emptied as the mothers rushed to get their childrento school on time. His quarry left her children browsing the magazines as shepicked up a paper and brought it to the counter. He let her pay, then, as shewas leaving the shop, he called her back.

'I'm glad you at least paid for something' he said, 'but may I look in yourbag.'

Briefly she looked like a cornered fox, and then decided to brazen it out.'Of course' she murmured.

He found the sweets immediately, and as the expected argument was trottedout, that it was all a huge mistake by a harassed mum, he showed her the playbackfrom the security cameras.

'Would you like to be arrested by the police in front of your children?'he asked.

'Of course not!' she gasped, looking frightened. He wondered whether shehad stolen before. If so he doubted she had been caught.

'Reach up to the top shelf and bring me a magazine called Janus' he instructed.She did so, glancing at her children who were watching her intently from thedoor.

'Please, I have to get my children to school' she said.

'Well, this can take a short time or a long time' he replied with an evilsmile. 'Open the magazine.'

She did so and gasped in horror. It showed women getting their bare bottomssmacked.

'Now give me your purse' he ordered. She did so despairingly, glancing nervouslyat the magazine. He flicked quickly through the contents of the purse, alightingon her driving licence. 'Well Lisa,' he said 'step back and lift your skirtto show me your panties.'

She looked around, but her children were now engrossed in a magazine.

'Quickly, before someone else comes in' he suggested.

With a quiet sob she did so, revealing pristine white panties. They werenice, but she'd have to do better for her punishment. He tossed her a packetof beige tights from a nearby stand.

'You will take your children to school and then go home. I want you to shaveoff all your pubic hair, put on these tights with no underwear and the puton the rest of the clothes you are wearing now. At 10.30 you will drive tomy house for your punishment. If you are late your punishment will be doubled.If you are more than ten minutes late I shall call the police and I will alsopost pictures of you flashing your panties on the internet.'

With this he passed her a card with his address on. 'What are you goingto do to me?' she gasped.

'Young lady, I am going to thrash your bare bottom!'

With a sob she gathered her children and rushed out of the shop.

The school run had passed in a daze. Now Lisa lowered herself into a warmbath, preparing to shave of all her pubic hair. She couldn't understand whythe man would want her to. Her husband had asked her to shave and she alwaysrefused to do so. Now she was going to do it for a stranger, a stranger whowas going to dress her as he liked and spank her bottom! She could think ofno other way out of her predicament though, so, not quite believing she wasdoing so, she began to shave her pubic mound.

When she was done, she climbed out of the bath and dried herself. Lookingin the mirror, she was shocked by her appearance. She looked like a littlegirl, and yet a grown woman at the same time. Mournfully she pulled on thedisgusting beige tights and her girly shoes, unknowingly mimicking the stateshe was soon to be in. Quickly she pulled the rest of her clothes on – timewas running short and she dare not be late.

She was a minute early. Getting out of the car, she walked slowly up thedriveway to the newsagent's house. Her legs felt like jelly, barely able tocarry her. She reached the door and with a pounding heart, rang the bell.

After a tantalising wait, during which Lisa felt as though she was goingto wet herself, the door opened, and the newsagent leaned casually againstthe door frame, leering at her. Discomfited, Lisa endured his stares until,shockingly he said 'Lift your skirt up.'

'Not out here' she pleaded, her voice quiet and tremulous.

He just raised his eyebrows. Looking anxiously around the street for passersby, Lisa finally obeyed his command, exposing her newly shaved pussy and thetights he had made her wear. Yet he wasn't satisfied.

'At the back too' he growled menacingly. With a little gasp, she slowlyraised the back of her skirt, exposing her nylon covered bum to the street.For what seemed like an age he made her stand like this, utterly humiliated,dreading the sound of a car or pedestrian. When he finally beckoned her intothe house, she was almost relieved.

Today was not the first time Alan Lee had done this to a thieving customer,but this one was a class apart from the usual scumbags he caught. The moveupmarket was already a great success! Poor Lisa looked shocked and devastatedby the way he was treating her. Alan reckoned he'd be able to get away witha lot today – maybe the whole lot.

He made her stand in the middle of the room, holding her skirt up aroundher waist as he drank in the sight. Those shoes, and the beige tights thatdidn't quite go with them, but turned him on even more so because of this.Then there was the bald pussy, and further up, the embarrassed, anguished lookon her face.

'So you like stealing sweeties do you?' he sneered 'No wonder you've sucha big bum.' With that he slapped her buttocks hard and she leapt forwards yelping.The skirt fell to cover her.

'Get that skirt back up and get back into position' he shouted, and wasgratified to see her obey him quickly. He took the offending bag of stolensweets, and laid a trail on the floor with them. 'If you like sweets so muchyou can get down on your knees and eat them off the floor like the pig youobviously are.' he said.

Poor Lisa crawled along the floor, her bum sticking into the air, suckingup the sweets as her gluttony was brought home to her with sharp spanks. Thiswas so much more embarrassing than she could ever have imagined.

Eventually all the sweets were gone, and she was made to stand in frontof him again. This time he made her undo the skirt and let it drop around herankles. She stood like this, with her blotchy bottom on view through the largebay window, whilst he pulled a chair into the middle of the room. Then AlanLee beckoned her to him and she draped herself over his lap, her bum stickingvulnerably up in the air.

'Have you anything to say for yourself?' he asked.

'I'm sorry' she ventured.

'You will be you greedy little bitch' he laughed. 'How old are you?'

'Thirty three'

'Thirty three' he mused, his hand stroking her thigh, moving ever closerto her pussy. 'Have you ever been spanked before?'

'Noooo!' His hand had reached its destination as she answered.

'Imagine that. Thirty three and about to receive your first spanking forbeing a common thief!'

He raised his hand and began to spank her bottom, sharp rhythmical slapscovering each buttock. Lisa quickly began to yelp and squirm as they raineddown on her exposed flesh, her buttocks pinkening immediately. A wave of panicspread over her. The pain was incredible! She began to kick her legs and struggledto get off his lap, but he held her waist tight.

'You're going nowhere miss' he said sternly, and continued, increasing theintensity of the spanks, but slowing his rhythm slightly.

'Ow, Ow, oooh!' she yelped, 'please stop. I'm sorry I stole from your shop!'

'I bet it wasn't the first time either.'

'It was, I promise. Oh God please stop, it hurts so much!'

She started to scream as each slap ignited her buttock. Alan was beginningto tire of the constant struggle to keep her on his lap, and his own hand wasbeginning to sting. With a last hearty barrage he pushed Lisa unceremoniouslyto the floor, where she rolled into the foetal position, rubbing her bottomand moaning and gasping. He watched her for a while, enjoying her discomfort,before deciding that he needed to see more of her body and humiliate her further.

'Lie on your back' he ordered. Although she took her time responding, hewas gratified to see she did it without putting up a fight. He liked this viewtoo. Lisa clamped her legs tight together, but this just toned her legs furtherand her shaven pubic mound was visible through the material of the sheer towaist tights.

He needed to see those pussy lips though.

'Come on, spread those pretty legs of yours' he ordered.

She obeyed with a sob. Lisa looked up at her tormentor through a prism ofas yet unshed tears.

'Why are you doing this to me? I don't deserve this. It was only a packof sweets!' she whimpered.

'Well let's see' Alan countered. 'I'm doing this because thieves like youcost me hundreds of pounds a year. But mostly I'm doing it because I can. I'mdoing it because you don't want your husband or your friends know that you'rea common thief. Because you're too proud to appear in court and take the punishmentthe law demands.

But you're not too proud to lie on your back with your legs spread in frontof a stranger. You're not too proud to shave your pubes off or have your bottomspanked. You deserve everything you're getting!'

'You blackmailed me.' Lisa wailed.

'No. I gave you a choice. You chose this rather than going to court. Nowstop arguing with me and start playing with your pussy instead.'

'I'm not going to do it you pervert.' Lisa was already getting ready torise. 'You've done enough to me already.'

As she stood, Alan said quietly 'You are currently being filmed by 3 videocameras. If you leave this house I shall send a video of you to your husband.I shall also publish pictures of you on the internet.' He neglected to mentionthat he was planning to do this anyway.

'You can't.' Lisa gasped. But already she was beginning to waver.

'I can and believe me I will' he countered. 'Come here at once' he ordered,his voice suddenly steely.

Tears began to stream down Lisa's face, but she walked slowly towards him,receiving two sharp slaps to her thigh for her troubles. He made her standin front of him with her legs spread and began cruelly fondling her pussy,showing her who was boss. He did not take kindly to being called a pervert,no matter how true the accusation may be.

It was time to move on to the next part of her punishment. Alan stood upand lifted Lisa's t-shirt over her head, revealing small pert breasts in afloral bra. Her only protest was a quiet whimper as the t-shirt came off andanother as he fondled her breasts. He exalted in these moments of victory.She was his now, and his mauling of her exposed body reinforced this.

He led her by her ear to a large sofa, and bent her over one of the ends,pushing her shoulders down until her face and breasts sank into the plush cushionsand her bum thrust invitingly upwards. He then spread her legs until she neededto stand on tiptoes to maintain her position, and moved behind her to enjoythe sight of her bald pussy peeping through the pantyhose gusset.

Lisa had never felt so scared, exposed and vulnerable in her whole life.Her nether regions were now the focus of her attention. She was aware of hiseyes boring into her vagina, and awaited with dread the return of those fiendishprobing fingers. Then there was her bottom, glowing red, thrust up towardshis painful slaps. The spanking had hurt so much and yet there was much moreto come! She wondered what he would do to her, how far he would go. She'd alreadylet him to do so much more to her than she had ever allowed her husband, yetshe now knew that to protect her reputation, she would have to comply withalmost any order he gave her.

Lee himself was pondering which implement to use next on Lisa's magnificentlyupthrust arse. He doubted she would be able to tolerate a prolonged thrashing – she'dstruggled enough with the spanking. He was a traditionalist at heart, so thecane would finish her off, but he was torn between the tawse and an Americancollege paddle. In the end he opted for the paddle, looking forward to thebillowing effect it would have on those large firm cheeks.

He swatted it through the air above her, and she flinched and whimperedin anticipation.

'Patience my dear' he murmured sadistically, and then swished the paddledown onto her quivering buttocks with a resounding splat!

Lisa screamed, both her legs kicking out as the force of the stroke pushedher into the settee, the last of the harsh cry muffled by the cushions. Bothhands came back to grasp and knead her stinging buttocks. She panted and whimperedas Alan repositioned her, then SPLAT! The stroke landed on the same spot, billowingher buttocks and reigniting the smouldering fires. She drummed her feet intothe ground but her scream was muffled into the cushion of the settee.

'Get those legs back into position and turn your face towards me.' He hissed.As she obeyed he could see that she was struggling to hold back the tears thatwould inevitably come. For a moment he almost felt sorry for her, and the nextstroke was slightly lighter than the previous two. Nevertheless he was ableto see Lisa grimace and hear clearly her anguished gasp.

He hardened his heart and brought the next stroke smashing down onto themiddle of her thighs. Poor Lisa almost jumped off the couch, her hands shootingback to try and rub away the intense sting, her legs kicking wildly. She howledlike a banshee and tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Now Alan Lee was, it would be fair to say, a sadist. Yet it wasn't the painper se that did it for him, it was the power and the humiliation. He had brokenher, and if he didn't rein back, anything else he did would just be torture.So he said almost kindly 'Only two more to go.'

He waited until she settled back into position, enjoying her sobs and whimpers.Her bottom was a mass of red blotches, and as he stroked it he could feel theheat it was emitting. Lee moved behind Lisa and spread her legs again. He unzippedhis jeans and pushed his achingly erect penis against her vagina. If the tightshadn't been there he would have been unable to stop himself from fucking herthere and then. Instead, ignoring her screeching protests, her continued torub and push against the gusset.

'You can't do this to me!' Lisa screamed, fear raising the pitch of hervoice. He was going to rape her! But he didn't, not yet. Instead he finishedby rubbing his penis down her leg, and then returned to his paddling position.Now Lisa could see his member standing proudly erect as he raised the paddleagain and brought it down with a crack onto her buttocks. She screeched asa wave of pain exploded over her. 'Please stop' was all she could finally moan,unable to take her eyes away from the penis she was sure was soon going toviolate her. She was going to say no though, when he asked her. She'd rathergo to prison and have pictures of her placed on the internet than have thatthing inside her, wouldn't she?

Suddenly she was no longer so sure, and that scaredher even more.

The last stroke fell as she contemplated that ghastly thought. Catchingher by surprise it literally took her breath away for a moment, lifting heroff the sofa, and dumping her on a heap on the floor. She lay there sobbingand forlornly rubbing her aching buttocks. When she finally looked up it wasto see Lee and his erect member towering above her.

'You can have a short break,' he told her, 'remove your bra and go and makeme some lunch.'

Alan Lee followed Lisa into his kitchen. He sat watching her obey his instructions,stroking his cock. God he loved days like this! When she had finished makinghis sandwiches, he instructed her to get up onto the kitchen table. Lisa gavea panicked whimper as she did so.

'Yes my dear, I'm going to cane your arse now.' Lee told her. 'Lie on yourback and hold your legs straight up in the air.'

Poor Lisa felt even more vulnerable and scared. She drew her knees up toher chest, spreading and straightening her legs as instructed until her bottompresented an inviting target, her gaping cunt fully exposed. The cane! Themere thought of it sent waves of panic crashing over her.

'P..p..please don't cane me' she whimpered, 'I'll do anything else you ask.'Immediately she hated herself for saying it. Lee laughed.

'I do believe you're going to do anything I 'ask' anyway' he replied.

He brought the cane down in a smooth arc, whipping his wrist at the lastmoment to impart extra sting. It landed right in the middle of her buttocksand Lisa let out an anguished wail.

'Please, no more, I can't take this' she begged.

CRACK! The cane answered for him, leaving a parallel line as Lisa screamedagain.

Barely pausing to let her catch breath, Lee angled it back down, the rattanburying itself into the ample cheeks before springing back triumphantly tothe sound of sobbing. Tears were again flowing freely down Lisa's cheeks.

Lee realised he was only going to manage 'six of the best'. He was disappointed,as he would have liked to continue punishing her for longer, but had brokenher.

Stroke four landed onto her pussy, a particularly nasty trick. Lisa's handsshot to rub her sore lips and she lost her position, rolling onto her side.Improvising, Lee rolled her onto her front so she laid legs straight and buttocksclenched. He grabbed her arms, holding them tight behind her back, and canedher across her thighs. Her legs kicked forlornly, trying to dissipate the sting.

He stepped back to admire his handiwork, allowing Lisa to clutch her buttocks.

'I'd move your hands away if I were you' he told her. 'The last stroke isalways the hardest and I'd hate to rap your knuckles.'

'You bastard,' she sobbed 'you fucking bastard.'

'Language my dear' Lee chided.

He made her wait, watching her hands clench andunclench by her side as she anticipated the stroke, whimpering. Then the caneswished down one last time, billowing her cheeks.

'Noooooo!' she screamed, her hands clutching oncemore at her buttocks, her legs drumming wildly.

Lee waited for the sobs to slowly subside. It tooksome time but he was in no rush. Once Lisa was still, he moved to her feet,slipping off her shoes. He proceeded to give himself a slow foot job, the softmaterial of the tights urging him towards a climax. Finally succumbing to temptation,he came, spurting all over the soles of her feet.

Lisa could not believe what he had just done. Shelay there feeling his warm sticky juices on her feet, her bum throbbing. Sheconsoled herself with the thought that her humiliating ordeal might be comingto an end, but she was very much mistaken.

Lee ordered her to kneel on the table and spreadher legs. She heard a kitchen draw open and close, then felt scissors snippingaway at her gusset. In less than a minute she felt cool air on her pussy, thenLees' fingers probing her dry shaven vagina. She wanted to make him stop, butafter all the other things she had let him do to her, she had little choice.

For a moment he left her, returning with a ballgag and a set of handcuffs.

'No!' she gasped, but a moment later she openedher mouth when ordered to and allowed herself to be gagged. Tears again startedto fall at this latest submission.

Lee pushed her body down and cuffed her hands behindher back. She lay there, her exposed pussy thrust upwards invitingly, whilsthe went to the fridge and brought out a short, thick cucumber. Panicky squealsforced their way through he gag, but Lee held her tight as he smeared one endof the vegetable with KY jelly and forced it into her.

Lisa screamed as she felt it spread her to herlimits, filling her vagina. She felt violated and humiliated, her pussy coldand sore. Worse quickly followed. She heard a buzzing sound, then felt pressureat her anus. Unbelievably, a small vibrator was pushed agonisingly into herchute. Lisa had never let so much as a finger up there before, and the pressurewas appalling.

'If either of these falls out whilst I'm havingmy lunch, I'm going to cane you again' Lee told her. 'Do I make myself clear?'Lisa groaned her assent. She was already having to contract her pelvic musclesto keep the violating objects in place. As Lee settled down to eat the lunchshe had made him, Lisa was aware she was providing his lunchtime entertainment.

She tried desperately to block out the rhythmicalbuzzing of the vibrator, which now seemed to fill both her pussy and anus.As the meal wore on though, this became increasingly difficult. The vibratorand the contractions of her pelvic floor muscles were leading to an inevitableconclusion that she just couldn't fight against. Lisa felt her breathing quickeningand a familiar wetness down below. Unbelievably, the waves of humiliation seemedsuddenly to exacerbate rather than quell the feelings of arousal!

Lee smiled to himself. He watched Lisa's feet clenchand unclench, saw her fighting against the inevitable. With one final anguishedgroan of defeat and arousal, she came, her body shuddering in harsh spasms.

This was the time to strike, whilst Lisa was tooshocked at herself to do anything other than obey. He pulled the vibrator andcucumber out of her holes and dragged her off the table. Uncuffing her hands,he ordered her to put those sexy shoes back on. Lisa did so, feeling the coldwet sticky cum on the soles of her feet. Finally, Lee ungagged her. He wantedto hear her screams now.

He led her, still dazed, into the lounge, and thrusther back over the arm of the sofa. With quick, well practiced movements hespread her legs and dropped his trousers, his prick once more standing to attention,eager for the final prize.

Lisa knew what was coming, and although she coulddo nothing to stop him, she screamed 'Noooo!' as he entered her and began thrustingviolently. She was letting this pervert fuck her, and this was a fucking! Hewas using her as his sex toy now, each thrust knocking her painfully forward,forcing air out of her lungs as she screamed.

Lee grabbed her hair and pulled her head back,watching tears course down her face. He was fucking this thieving middle classbitch! This was what life was all about. He continued to fuck her for someminutes, able to control his arousal. She had stopped screaming now, the yellsreplaced by resigned sobs.

Lee was determined violate her completely. He pulledout of her cunt and pushed his penis against her puckered arsehole. Lisa screamedagain, a banshee wail of pain and frustration as he entered. He thrust hard,unconcerned at the pain he was causing. Lisa begged him to stop, pleading desperately,but he continued until he felt another orgasm building up.

Quickly he withdrew and pulled Lisa off the sofaand onto her knees.

'Suck it' he commanded.

She tried to pull away but he held her in placeand started slapping her face with his cock until she opened wide and tookhim in her mouth. He let her suck away at her own ineffectual pace to startwith, enjoying her muffled sobs. After a while he began thrusting harder andharder, gagging her, until his orgasm began to build again.

When he was ready, he withdrew, and tilting herhead back by her hair, ordered Lisa to open her mouth and stick out her tongue.

'No!' she gasped.

'You'd better,' he snarled 'or I'll thrash theliving daylights out of your arse.' She had no choice.

As Lisa obeyed, Lee allowed himself to orgasm.Cum shot all over her face and onto the tongue, causing her to gag. Despitehis earlier orgasm there was plenty of thick white semen to cover her humiliatedface, and she sat there sobbing, wiping it away from her eyes.

'Is it over?' she whispered finally.

'Not quite. You need some time to ponder the errorof your ways.' Lee told her. He let her put her t-shirt back on, but pulledit up over her breasts.

'I think I'll keep the bra as a souvenir' he laughed.

Next he took her into his back garden. Takinga long wooden pole, he thread it behind her back, through both sleeves of thet-shirt, forcing her arms into the crucifix position. Then he placed the endsof the poles into a simple framework, so she faced away from his house. Asa final humiliation, he pulled her tights down to her ankles and hung a signround her neck. 'Punished Thief' it read.

The afternoon sun baked down on Lisa's face, crustingthe semen, despite her tears which splashed down onto her breasts and her shavedpussy. She was a grown woman reduced to this humiliated posture!

She would have felt even more humiliated if shehad seen the video camera which recorded her from an overlooking window. Thiswas the 'money shot' for Punishedthieves.com, an exclusive members-only sitewhich dealt with the spanking and humiliation of real women. Within hours,Lisa's tears and semen streaked visage would be e-mailed to subscribers, invitingthem to watch the edited highlights of her punishment.

Little did she know that one of these subscriberswas her own husband!

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Study, study, study, was the word of the day for Selena as she kept classes current and attended all the review forums she could. Any spare time she had was spent at the library doing research. She had so many irons in the study fire she surprised herself at the pace she was keeping. However, there was one overriding factor in all of her schoolwork, she could not keep her mind off of Joe. As she thought of her future from one day to the next 10,0000, Joe was part of every one. She longed to...

3 years ago
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Mannsborough Tales 3 Svetlanas Second Chance

Svetlana didn't even glance up when the doorbell rang. Despite the fact that he left her alone all but three or four days out of the month, Karl liked the illusion that she was completely helpless and, without him around, would soon starve or go mad due to her inability to perform even the simplest of tasks, like opening doors or turning on the television, for herself. For the most part, Sveta was happy to humor him. After all, he let her stay in this fairly posh apartment and asked so little...

1 year ago
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A sexy night with my cousin

one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one room.my cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

1 year ago
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“WILLOW HALL” “It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced you’d be up for it” Suzy leaned forward in her chair as she spoke. The three girls had been mates well before high school, they all worked together as typists in a large office complex on the outskirts of London, Suzy had seen the advertisement in one of her girlie magazines. “Let me have a closer look?” Lynn enquired taking the...

2 years ago
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The True Orgin Of Viagra

Introduction: Disclaimer:This is not my story found it on the web and want more people to see it My alarm clock rang and woke me up. Today was going to be a great day. It was the last day of school and it was my 18th birthday. I woke up and took a shower. I then went downstairs for breakfast. My 18 year old sister, Maggie, was there. Happy Birthday squirt. She had always called me that. Im not exactly huge. Im only 56 and I weigh 135 lbs. Maggie is 57. She never tells me how much she weighs but...

1 year ago
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Teased and Tormented

I sat on the bed waiting, my eyes blindfolded. Jason and I were going to do things today that we had never done before. We were suggested to try this by some friends who had experience in this. They said it would help to boost our sex life and give us some more fun. All I know is that tonight I’ll be teased until I can’t take it any longer and that it involves lots of things that I’ve never seen before. The wait was so long that my body decided to slump down and I felt like sleeping. I didn’t...

3 years ago
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FAMILY VOW.“Father is father, he granted to fuck all of them and son is son he have to fuck mammy only!”Morning Mike! Yes morning, Jessy. How are you doing? I am doing well, Mike.“What are doing in my bed room?” I asked. “Mike you know our dad is in work trip for two week” she replied.So far,: my name is Mike, I live with my family of few members. Just me, my sister called Jessy, my daddy who is engineer and my mom, she is a house wife. We live in one of beautiful mansion away from the city but...

4 years ago
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A Chance Encounter of a Swedish Kind Part 2

It was with this Desire and Passion for Her, it was in this moment of Pure Lust, that I totally gave into the magical moment of chance, of a chance encounter with this beautiful women who seemed so sensual and sexy but in truth, who who so hurt and broken from being left by her boyfriend while on vacation together and yet here I find myself giving pleasure, women are so such strange creatures, and so pushed hard while pulling her into me. I stop and kept the full length of my 9 inch cock deep...

1 year ago
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Maine teen ki ek sath chudai ki

Hi ISS readers kaise ho me gujrat ke junagadh saher se hu aur me 26 sal ka hu mera lund 8” ka he aaj me jo aapko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo meri aur ek iss reader couple ki he. Ye bat aaj se karib ek month pahele ki he meri story padhke ek story reader couple ne muje mail kiya ki hum dono tumhare sath sex ka maja lena chahate he lekin ye bat hum tino ke bich rahani chahiya fir maine mail kiya aur uska pata manga to vo rajkot sahar se the. Fir usne muje adress diya aur time diya us din sunday...

1 year ago
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Badi Behen

Mera nam al hai me apne ammi abbu aur badi behen laiba k sath karachi me rehta hn.me is waqt 18 sal ka hoon ye waqia aj se do sal pehle ka hai jab me 16 sal ka tha aur matric ker chuka tha.meri behen mujh se 3 sal badi hai us waqt wo 19 sal ki thi aur micro biology me honours ker rahi thi.meri behen bilkul manisha lambha jesi hai same hieght,same complexion,same figure(approx).meri height us se zyada hai is liye me us ka bada bhai lagta hn. Mene apni behen ko kabhi sex ki nazar se nahi dekha...

4 years ago
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The Last Wish BluesChapter 7

Brenda looked around the small cabin curiously. They had taken care of the horses, and he was starting a fire in a small pot-bellied stove in the middle of the room. There were two beds, on opposite sides of the room. The wall opposite the door was lined with shelves that were stocked with canned goods, cooking utensils and plastic containers for things like flour, sugar, salt and the like. The bedding had been rolled up, tied, and suspended from the ceiling when they got there. Bob had told...

2 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 3

"But it's our first school disco, Paulie ... you've got to go!" Penny Palmer was 12 and excited! "You know I don't like that stuff, Pen ... what you mean is, you want to go, so I have to," Paul Jennings replied. They had lived next door to each other for seven years now and were about as close as it was possible for two non-related people to get: although they were so emotionally attuned, that they acted more like twins than friends. "Well ... yes ... but I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

2 years ago
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Worshipping Mother In Laws Feet While She Was Pass

Ive had a foot fetish for womens feet since I can remember, maybe 8 or 9 yrs old.. Im not sure when or how it came about I just started realizing that if I smelled the sweet scent of a womans foot I would get aroused, even before I was old enough to cum I realized this..The first foot encounters I can remember was when I was about 8 or 9 yrs old my mother worked nights so we always had a babysitter.. Most of the time my mother would work until the wee hours of the morning like 3 or 4 am which...

1 year ago
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Celestial WarsChapter 8

No Return Only HE can force an Angel to enter Hell. Once a being of the Light has walked within the Halls of the Damned, there is no saving them. The Dark always keeps those who embrace it. -Devnik- Her breath went out slowly ... and with it came a whisper. "So good..." The words were soft and muffled ... and they were lead-heavy and full of a woman's emotions. The sound of it was utterly foreign to me. I didn't understand it ... not even a sliver. I drew her closer and softly...

2 years ago
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I need to get FUCKED Gay

I made myself a stiff double scotch and scrounged around the fridge for something to eat. I actually found enough to make a salad which was a welcome relief from all the crap I had eaten in the office that week. I poured another scotch and got out of my clothes, ready to hit the hot tub, when I passed my computer. Although I had taken out a great many frustrations at the gym, there was one that suddenly bitch-slapped me for attention. I needed to get fucked!I logged in to my account at manhunt...

2 years ago
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Bettys Choice

“All I can say Jack is that I won’t wait for you. If you do it don’t count on me being here when you come home.” I sat across the table from Betty and made a life changing decision. “Your choice Betty. So be it” I said and then I got up from the table and walked away leaving her sitting at the table. Twenty-four hours later I signed the papers and two days after that I was on a Greyhound and on my way to Fort Knox, Kentucky. I remembered that I hadn’t told my mom where I had left my car keys...

3 years ago
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New Beginning With My Son Unexpected Encounter

My life was hell. Born to a Brahmin family, I fell in love when I was 18+. It was too late to realize I was scammed and had to accept my life. My husband was a heavy drinker and beat me up every night he came home. I always wanted to end my life, but the only thing that kept me alive was my son, Ram. Five years ago, Ram’s father had a fatal accident in the industry he worked. Ram was 18+ years old then and he was a grown-up man. He was 6 feet tall with dark brown skin and an attractive face. He...

1 year ago
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Lets Go for a Drive ch 2

My friend Dave and I just took a sexy drive in the country, one where I was wearing no clothing. I have never been that aroused for awhile. We just drove up to my place and I led him by the hand into my house. “Things are about to get a little hotter, I cooed, now that we are alone.” Dave is his sixties; his hair is brown with flecks of grey. To me age is just a number, as when there is snow on the mountain there is always a fire in the furnace. His tanned face, bold nose, and strong...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Spanked the Sissy

You had driven all night to get to where you were and as you look at the house you wonder why? You just cannot understand why you are outside the house of Mistress Penny. Is it curiosity you wonder, certainly she is a completely different Mistress from your own goddess, Mistress Michele. She is the Mistress to your good friend on Fetlife, Sissy Davina but the only thing you know about her is how she has been described by Davina. You know she is curvy Mistress unlike Mistress Michele, is...

2 years ago
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Tricks of trade

INTRODUCTIONThe aim of the Tricks of the Trade workshop is to provide health and safety information relevantfor street sexworkers and those who work with them.A street sexworker needs to:• attract customers;• negotiate with the customer about what s/he will do, where and for what price;• provide the service agreed;• maintain health, safety and dignity in the process.Sexwork styles and the problems that people have with it are individual and various. Handingout pamphlets and supplies can never...

3 years ago
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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 8 A Really Good Shower

Crouching down on the shower flower Chloe’s big wide damp eyes were staring up into Stephen’s eyes and very quickly Stephen found himself feeling very sorry for the girl. He pulled little Chloe up to his body and held her close. He could feel her pointy little nipples press into his flesh and she could feel his penis growing into an erection up against her abdomen. Stephen gently kissed the top of Chloe’s head and ran his hands up and down her bare back and even gave her cute little butt...

2 years ago
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my first time with auntie

it was a sunny day on the farm and it was just me and my uncle in laws wife she had a nice fit body for a 40 year old women and nice firm tits and a cute little butt she was at the other house and i was all alone cause my family have gone out on a little vacation for my sister so i left our little home and headed to my uncle in laws houe where me and my auntie we would have dinner with each other and do dishes and stuff so when her husband came back and my mom and step father would come back...

4 years ago
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Black Picnic

The last time I had seen Del we were two black dudes with more attitude than a pub full of skinheads. We were the main men on the street. Then he fucked off down south and never came back. I never did think he would go straight man. I went down on the bus to see my old man Battersea some time back and there he was – looking spruce and spick like some middle class trash and his nose up in the air sittin in the park with some prim proper genuine class blond bitch. I had to look twice – but yep,...

3 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 27

The blast of noise from the crowd as the barrier fell was intimidating in its intensity, reaching new heights of frenzy. The Meds sprinted over and rolled them apart, one of them ready with a bag of blood for Tira. Tika, standing alone in Tira's paddock, found she was crying as she looked across and met Davdan's eye. Davdan gave her a warm little smile, and Tika ran around the side opposite her group into her loved elder's arms, and cried even harder for a pair of minutes, and when she...

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Kanata SummerChapter 6

I came down the ladder a little too quickly the next morning, banging my cock on every rung again. But this time, it hurt, and not in a good way. The racket woke my sister, who looked at me with sympathetic eyes when my discomfort registered in her mind. Even Mom and Dad heard the noise, adding their own comments to the situation. "Steve, you're going to have to learn how to do that without neutering yourself ... or we'll never get to be grandparents," Dad mentioned as he extended his...

1 year ago
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Rons AwakeningChapter 2

After coming in his hand twice in less than half an hour, Ron was ready to sleep. Only a few minutes were necessary to have a series of vivid dreams running through his mind. Every dream was of Aunt Pam, all spread out for his personal use and pleasure. The woman demanded he lick, suck, stroke and poke until his dream body was as tired as his real one. In Ron's sleeping, hormone-driven mind, she wanted to fuck him in the worst way. Unknown to Ron, that was exactly what Aunt Pam wanted, but...

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Fantasy Play with the Wife

Fantasy night. My favorite night of the week. A few months ago my wife and I agreed to have a fantasy night once a week in which we each get to request an evening of erotic pleasure based around a fantasy. There are no set rules other than that if the person is uncomfortable with it there will be no pressure and a new fantasy shall be chosen. We alternate each week so that twice a month we each get a turn at choosing the evenings sexual context. It has led to us having better sex and we usually...

1 year ago
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Two Virgin Sister 8211 Part IV

Bhumika: so sir who was better. Me: Bharti being an expert did it very well and I the level of excitement that she gave me was very high. Bharti: interrupted) yee I won Bhumika: this is a biased decision Me: wait I haven’t finished yet but Bhumika even though being a new comer did exceptionally well and also made me cum so I think it’s again a tie. Bharti: ohhhh I thought I’ll win this round Bhumika: thank god and I thought I am definitely going to lose Bharti : so what do we do now, how do we...

3 years ago
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Shejar Cha Bhabhi La Zavle Marathi Story

Hi mitr aani maitrinino. Namskar. Maaz naav rahul sure. Mi mumbai la rahto. Maaz vay 23 varsh n mi electronics engineer complete krun job krtoy. Mi tumhala maazi ek gosht share krnar aahe jyachi suruwat gelya varshicha may mdhe zali. Teva mi engineering cha final year la hoto. Maaza shejari ek u.P.Mdhli familly raht hoti. Tya family mdhe ek 30 year chi renuka bhabhi n ticha ek 5 year cha mulga bharat raahtat. Bhabhi che job nimmitane delhi la rahtat. Ani tyanchi mahinyala ekda tri feri hvaychi....

4 years ago
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The Night In The Hotel

The A/C in the room was roaring at full blast. I was on the bed under a loose blanket. Completely cold and bedridden. My body aching. I got myself up, my long hairs let loose over my naked body. I was smelt of a whole lot of things, whisky, cigarette, beer and sweat. I could feel my whole body limb and was tired. It did not take much time for me to realize how wild I was over the past few hours. I looked around the room. Shi was lying on the bed next to me, dug inside layers of sheets and...

4 years ago
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First Time with Zach

Lately I have been hanging out with a new friend of mine. His name is Zach Walsh and man was he hot. Shaggy brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes, great personality and body. I couldn't help but want him for some reason. I think at this time I really started to question my sexuality. Zach was 5'4 and 110lbs pounds maybe. When I started hanging out with him I gotten into a phase of seeing how big my friends were. So at sleepovers I would wait until they were fast asleep and feel them up a little...

3 years ago
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Unwrapping Package With Office Mate

Hi, a friend this is Randeep again from Mehsana, Gujarat, for more details about me please read my earlier story ‘Pleasure with Receptionist’ this is story about recent Christmas. Have fun reading it. Let me introduce Puja, She is a hot chick, dusky skin, firm boobs and tone body to die for, she is working with me as my juniour. We had good moment (sex) before also, generally we book hotel on S. G. Highway Ahemdabad, for christmas celebration we book one, here tho story begin and whole day we...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth had just moved to Boston a couple of months before to give this new teaching job a shot, and to be closer to her boyfriend Felix. Unfortunately, that didn't turn out well and just 5 weeks after her move, they split. Having Ann for a roommate wasn't a problem since she'd known her since college. She is a good roommate and a nice person but she needs to learn a few life lessons. Pete, Ann's not so savvy new boyfriend, would hang out at the house on a daily basis and raid the fridge...

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Crisis Management

I glanced over at her for the fiftieth time. Two rows ahead of me, two machines to the left. I quickly forced myself to look back at the row of TVs hanging from the ceiling, not wanting her to catch me looking at her again. Not that she had any idea I was even alive, mind you, maybe I was more afraid of being embarrassed by someone else catching me ogling the ultra-fit redhead with the ponytail effortless gliding away on the elliptical machine. So instead I kept sneaking peeks every 30 seconds....

2 years ago
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My sexy dominating teacherchapter 3

I lay, gently stroking her hair and her dark eyes eventually fluttered open. "Good morning mistress," I said. "Good morning slave. Go downstairs and get me some toast, get something for yourself while you're there as well," she said, stretching.  I nodded and hurried downstairs where I put some toast on and cruched an apple quickly for myself. I buttered the toast and took it upstairs. Miss Anderson tucked into the meal and licked her lips. "Right now take the plates...

2 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 3

The passing of time was no longer a blur to me, the way it had been just instants before. Time was moving, and fairly fast, but now it was more like a movie put on fast forward rather than the vapor trail it had been. And my memories were returning, no longer events to be observed, but actual pieces of myself and my life; just a trickle at first, but as one moment made itself known it was quickly followed by another, and another ... faster and faster and faster, until the trickle was a flow,...

1 year ago
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A Rewarding Marraige Ch 01

Approaching 35 years of being married, Bobbi and Joshua Greenberg reflect on their time together. Each of the partners will give you their perspective on why their romance has lasted so long. This is Part 1 of a multi-part series. Give it time to heat up. This is a work of fiction where I have taken some historic liberties and a few suggestions from the woman who has been married to me for almost the same amount of time as has Bobbi and Joshua. The Past – Part 1: 1972 While my given name...

3 years ago
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Money Can Buy Pussy

I was at my private table in the club I owned in Vegas looking over the crowd. The club was packed with good looking people I noted with pleasure. My staff was doing just as I asked. Only the well dressed got in and more ladies than men. The dress code was strict. The girls were all in their best sexiest dresses and heels and the guys all looked very sharp. My eyes scanned the crowd when I saw her. She was with a small group of hot females but she was the only one with the shiny thick black...

1 year ago
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I am auction off as a male sex slave in front of m

(This is a sequel to my "Before I am auctioned off ... story.") We slaves are are taken from the display area. to be prepared for auction. I am washed and looked at to make sure that all my body hair has been shaved off. I noticed that there were a few guards with rifles guarding us. That made me feel good. I felt that they thought we were valuable and did not want anyone to steal us. We were lined up and then ordered to walk through a tunnel to the auction arena. To enter the area we had to...

2 years ago
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Die wahre Geschichte von Karina German

Die wahre Geschichte ?ber Karina by Thomas Ich habe nun lange ?berlegt ob ich die ganzen Geschehnisse der letzten Jahre zu Papier bringen soll oder es lieber f?r mich behalten. Nachdem nun aber einige Jahre vergangen sind, m?chte ich auch euch diese Dinge nicht vorenthalten. Vielleicht findet der eine oder andere ja auch Spa? daran. Um mit der Geschichte beginnen zu k?nnen, m?ssen wir einige Jahre in der Zeit zur?ck gehen. Ich war damals 24 Jahre alt und Single. Ich genoss mein Leben mit ...

4 years ago
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Brother in law

Introduction: Brother in law comes to town, and has his way with his brothers young new wife. He swiftly grabbed me up and threw me over his shoulder. Jeremy put me down!!! I screamed, beating my fists into his solid back. Although he called me fat quite frequently, he seemed to have no problem throwing my 135 pounds around with ease. At 22 years old, and 250 pounds of solid muscle I would think no different. Shut up fatty. He mocked me calmly, continuing to walk down the hall towards the...

2 years ago
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Life Is ChangeChapter 05

The county is happy to convert most of the parking around the block to metered parking. Other businesses like the extra customer parking and walk-by clients while their staff like the secure car parking in the old stables building which is set up with the top floor reserved for tenants to rent car spaces, the middle floor is all day parking for local workers, and the ground floor is hourly parking for customers. Both of the lower floors are changed for use as all evening parking at 6:00 p.m....

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 11 Naughty KittyCat

Zanyia “You’re so good for helping out Master and Mistress,” I purred, parting Josephine’s plump butt-cheeks. She lay on her belly on Kora’s bed in her room in the inn. It was a small room, a narrow bed, mattress stuffed with straw, shoved beneath the eaves. My tail brushed the rafters as it flicked back and forth, excited. “Every brother should know the joy of making love to his sister,” Josephine giggled as I stared down at her butt-cheeks, Master’s cum leaking out of her well-fucked...

2 years ago
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Fun times with Romy

As soon as the shower turned on I heard a loud stumble followed by a scream. I put on some pants and went to the source of the sound. It appeared to come from the Women’s changing room. “Is someone in there?” “Yes, please help me” When I walked in I was shocked to see my longtime friend and gym partner Romy compactly bare on the ground. She is your typical sporty teen with dark blond hair and a muscled body. “I slipped while showering, I think I maybe have broken something” “Are you still...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 3 Moving Forward

-- SEPTEMBER 2005, SENIOR YEAR -- "What do you think, deli?" I thought about the three or four different sandwiches I might order at our usual deli, and shook my head. "Kinda in the mood for Blondie's." "Pizza again?" Bert made a face. "How 'bout Thai?" We'd gotten Thai food last week, but I'd ordered Pad Thai then and today the thought of Crying Tiger actually appealed. So I head-nodded south in the direction we'd need to go. Bert turned at the next fork in the walkway, and...

3 years ago
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Horny Cousins

Now, at 17, my cousin Helen was turning into quite a hottie, even though she was a little bit overweight. With shiny blond hair, ice blue eyes, and perfect skin, she could almost pass for a model. She was often the imagined figure behind my jack off sessions, especially that time when we were both 11 and i dared her to do jumping jacks in front of me completely naked, then she dared me to do the same thing. 'And tonight,' I thought, 'Will be the night I make another advance.' ...

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