- 3 years ago
- 43
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Chapter 4: Peace
A shadow fell from time to time. He tried not to think of it, but he felt the darkness coming.
She changed jobs, and they could not talk as often or as openly, she was in a cubicle now, and could be overheard. Larry’s condition had improved, and he was more alert, their meetings grew less frequent so as not to raise suspicion.
Once she came to his door and told him, apologetically, that she was not ‘available’, he understood what that meant. She was on her period. They cuddled and kissed only, as they had so many times before, but he wondered at her timing.
He finally dismissed it, she got away when she could. But the next time was the same.
He grew troubled, but did not ask. He didn’t dare. But the time after that was all right, and they made love. For the first time, though, he had trouble keeping an erection.
Later, he realized: His body knew. His mind refused to go there, but his heart had felt the first cold hint of winter.
There were still good times and ecstasy to spare. Once, he had bought her a fishnet body stocking, and she wore it for him, the effect was devastating, and they both savored his reaction. Her pale white skin, so veiled and yet revealed, the subtle emphasis it gave to all her curves, the way her perfect legs and ass and breasts looked sheathed in it, the shocking cutout that exposed her perfect pussy–it was a marvel. He fucked her wearing it, then pulled it off and fucked her naked. She only wore it once.
She came to him less often. It would be two months, or three, between her visits. They planned them more than that, but sometimes she would call and cancel. Something came up, she’d say, and her excuse was always plausible.
Sometimes she didn’t call until the day after, and he would wait and watch for her on his balcony and pound the rail and cry all afternoon the day she was to be there.
She came one day, and she was hours late, they only had an hour to be together. She said, ‘I’m sorry, Charlie, but I was reading a really good book…’
He did not know what to say.
There were good times, even after that, and he could still cling to the hope that she still loved him. It seemed so, when they kissed and held each other and made love.
He remembered fucking her, holding her ankles wide as she pumped her hips back at him, and she whispered, ‘You like me open, don’t you?’
‘Open and naked,’ he gasped, and she reached down and stretched her lips apart for him as he fucked her.
‘All I’m wearing is your dick,’ she whispered, and it was true. But he could not come.
She tried to end it gently. She did.
One day he met her at the Botanical Gardens, where it had begun and where they had gone again from time to time, and as they sat together in a small gazebo overlooking a peaceful stream, she hesitantly began:
‘Charlie–Larry’s getting so much better, I don’t think I can do this any more.’
His mind was frozen. He was filled instantly with fear, fear of the darkness and the cold, of nonexistence, of living once again without her love. It was the unmoving center of his turning years and days, the center of his life, the reason and the hope of his whole being.
He looked at her, and his face was bleak. ‘You’re going to break my heart again, aren’t you?’
She looked stricken. ‘Oh, no!’ she quickly said. She took him in her arms and said, ‘No, never! I love you, Charlie! Please don’t be afraid!’
He could not remember what she said after that. They saw a movie, and he could not remember much of that, either.
She reassured him as they parted, but he went home shaken and quivering with dread. The darkness was about to fall, again, and he could not face it.
She tried hard. She came to him as often as she could, and they even made love, but he sensed a kind of sorrow in her that he had not felt before. He tried to forget what she had said, but could not.
They spoke rarely on the phone by this time, only to set up meetings, and when she called to cancel. They emailed more than they called, and that was just for news, to keep in touch.
Sometimes he cancelled too. He grew to dread their meetings as much as crave them, fearful of what she might say, of what new coldness he would sense around her.
They could not talk as they once had. That secret, silent channel they had shared, where words were a distraction from the love and trust they shared, was off the air. Silence was only silence now, and there was too much of it when they were together.
The next to last time they met, it was sad but good, he stripped her slowly, removing her shoes, her hose, her necklace and earrings, and then the rest–he liked her naked–but they hardly spoke, and looked each other in the eyes as he undressed her–not at all.
It had been six months or more since last he saw her, and she had let her hair grow. She tinted it now, he saw. She tried to please him–she had him lie on his back while she brushed and swept her long hair on his body, and kissed him deeply, and fed him her taut nipples. They tried to fuck, and did, but he could not stay hard. He jacked off to her at last as she posed for him, so sweetly, and he finally coaxed a few weak spurts from his half-hard cock.
He had obtained, and taken, some Viagra. He was fifty, after all. It didn’t help. The ache, the crippling, was in his heart, not in his dick.
They talked a little, naked. The doors were closed, and they both knew it, but they tried to open them a little. It was too hard.
They hugged and parted, and from his balcony he watched her walk to her car and leave. She did not look up. He wondered if he’d ever see her again.
After he watched her car vanish out of sight, he stood there and wept, for hours. He could hardly bear to go back inside and see the bed where she had lain with him.
It was eight months before he saw her again.
They talked a few times, but once, he had called her at work, and someone else called her to the phone. He thought he heard the word ‘husband’ from the one who answered, and Carol answered in that low and intimate tone he knew and loved so well: ‘Hellooo….’
And she said, ‘Oh, it’s you.’ Her voice was flat and cold. They talked a few moments only, and she just sounded annoyed.
Other times were better. She tried to sound warm and caring, and their emails we’re still friendly, at least.
She canceled more than once, and so did he, but finally, she came to him again.
She looked sad and serious–and Charlie was saddened, too, she had finally begun, all at once it seemed, to show her age. She had put on more weight, and her face had begun to succumb to gravity. There were lines around her eyes and mouth he had not seen before, her chin and jaw carried extra flesh, and there were wrinkles.
Charlie didn’t care. Her skin was just as clear and luminescent as it had ever been, and those were still her eyes, her lips, her sweet pale throat, even if there were lines that had not been there before. She was still Carol, and he still loved her.
He knelt to take her shoes off, and she let him, but when he reached higher to take her hose, she stopped him. ‘Charlie–I’m sorry. But I can’t do this any more.’
‘Just to cuddle? Just your top?’ he asked hopefully.
‘No. I’m sorry, Charlie. I just can’t.’
He wept a little, and she held him. ‘I knew this would be hard,’ she said. ‘But this part has to be over. Just hold me, Charlie. That’s what I came here for.’
His eyes were wet, and he tried to hold it in. But then, he burst out, ‘It’s been eight months, and you don’t want me!’ He wept then, like a child.
‘It isn’t that,’ she said. ‘You know it isn’t that. This is just the way it has to be.’
He pulled himself together, or tried to. ‘I know,’ he said. ‘I understand.’
‘You always did,’ she said, smiling at him. He dried his eyes and smiled back then.
‘Besides,’ she said. ‘Look at me, Charlie. I’m old.’
He touched her cheek. ‘You’re still the most beautiful woman God ever made.’
She smiled and shook her head. ‘Just hold me,’ she said.
He held her for a while, and he talked of how he had said, when they began again, that it was enough for him that they were friends.
She smiled and snuggled close. ‘And we are,’ she whispered. ‘Always. I do still love you, Charlie.’
That helped. When she left, she promised: ‘It won’t be eight months till next time, Charlie. I’ll see you soon.’
But as he stood on his balcony and watched her go–this time, she looked up and waved–he knew that he would never see her again.
He tried to let it be enough. They talked occasionally, but planned no meetings. They emailed, once or twice a week, and stayed in touch, he tried to keep it warm and friendly, but sometimes the ache was just too deep, he missed her love and passion for him just too much, and he spun out of control and called her, weeping.
‘I was just so happy, Carol! I was happier than I’ve ever been! I just need you so much!’
She tried to comfort him and be his friend. ‘I know, Charlie. It was good, wasn’t it? I don’t regret it.’
But it’s over, she didn’t say. He heard it anyway, and the greatest pain was knowing she was right.
She’d speak to him gently and ask if he was still taking his medicine, he was on antidepressants again, but they didn’t help so much this time. Or perhaps they did, who knows how crazy he might have been without them.
They spoke less and less. When he was dealing with it well, he didn’t want to talk to her so much, and when he wasn’t, it hurt her. He tried to call when he felt upbeat and good, and that was best. Still, now and then, he’d lose it.
A friend set him up on a blind date, and he went. The woman was not as pretty as Carol–no one ever could be, for him–but she was sweet and funny, and they had a lot in common. He decided to try and fall in love again.
He almost did. He shared more values and beliefs with JoAnn than he ever had with Carol, and they could talk about anything.
From the first, they clicked. He made her laugh, and she liked that. She made him feel smart, and funny, and attractive again.
He put away the pictures of Carol, with all the other things he’d kept, and hid the box on a high shelf in his closet. He had kissed JoAnn, and deeply, on their first date, and in two weeks, or less, they were sleeping together.
She was as passionate as he could hope for–but he was entirely impotent now. She had known that from the first–he believed in full disclosure–but she said it didn’t matter. He hoped that she was right.
Charlie even went so far as to call Carol and tell her about JoAnn. ‘I think I’m over you,’ he even said–but not quite, ‘Don’t crook your finger at me, Carol,’–it was an old joke between them, that he would come to her at the least hint of her beckoning–‘This is a lady I don’t want to hurt.’
‘I’m happy for you, Charlie,’ she said. ‘I can hardly believe it, but that’s wonderful. I hope it works out for you.’
It didn’t, of course. They had much in common, and he could satisfy her easily with his hands and with his mouth–but JoAnn found it hard to accept that she could do nothing for him. He cared for her deeply, and did grow to love her in a way, but there was no passion there, however hard he tried to make it so. She wasn’t Carol. Her ghost was with him still.
JoAnn and Charlie parted, and there was no more romance, but they liked each other so much, and respected each other so deeply, that they soon settled into a warm friendship that remained a haven and a comfort to them both, forever after.
Charlie and Carol stayed in touch, and she was disappointed that he was still alone, but still, she tried to stay his friend.
He made that difficult sometimes. He would descend into depression, and look to her for comfort she could not give. He would speak of his love and need for her–and what could she say, that would not hurt him more or make it worse?
She began to shut him out again. There was no helping him, and she never knew what idle word or small remark would set him off. He was volatile and angry and frantic and depressed by turns, and she did not know how to be his friend any more.
She gradually shut down all communication. He would email her often, sometimes every day, and she would reply only rarely.
She tried to be more than polite, to stay warm and friendly while trying to be careful in what she said, but it didn’t matter. He would still descend into madness and go off on her, either weeping at his love and need for her and his hopelessness and despair at her absence–or railing at her for being so cold and distant, and not caring.
And finally, the festering illness that their friendship had become, because of him, came to a head and broke. It happened late in May, which would be important.
He had emailed her often, and she had not replied a word for weeks. Finally, he sent:
‘Are you OK? I haven’t heard from you in a long time. I hope you’re all right. Just drop me a line and let me know. Please, Carol. I miss hearing from you.’
He had been remarkably sane for quite some time, not dwelling on her constantly, and he really wondered if something had happened.
It took a week for her reply, and it shattered him.
‘I guess I’m OK. I work, I sleep, sometimes I read a little.’
That was all there was. No greeting, no closing, no hint of warmth, nothing personal at all. He felt like an annoying stranger, or a pest dismissed. He felt wounded and abandoned. He wrote back, in a tone of deep hurt and black depression:
‘It’s been six weeks since I’ve heard from you, and now you hand me this?!? I check my inbox twenty times a day, hoping for a kind word or a bit of contact, and for weeks on end you send me nothing. And now, this? This two-line note that you wouldn’t send a stranger?
‘You know how I feel about you. You are the center of my life and the only person on God’s Earth I love or ever will. All I ask is maybe five minutes a week, Carol. Five damn minutes that you could take to send me a fucking email that has a little warmth to it and might bring a little light into my life. You know how dark and cold it is without you. You say you are my friend and care about me, but you can’t even give me five minutes of your time?
‘You’ve given me a lot of long, dark nights that I’ve spent crying over you. This will give me another, maybe the longest and darkest of them all.’
Her reply came back within minutes. It was longer:
‘How dare you! You tell me how much you love me, and then you threaten to kill yourself? You have no idea of what I’m dealing with and the pressure I’m under. I don’t need any more pressure from you. If that’s what you think you need to do, then you just go ahead and do it.
‘I’m tired of hearing how much you love me and how bad you hurt. I’ve got problems too. I’ve tried to be your friend, but you won’t let me. You want more from me than I can give. Live with that or don’t, but don’t ever threaten me with that again. If you can’t be cheerful and positive when you write me, I don’t want to hear from you at all.’
He was horrified and fell into a blind panic. He sent her five or six more emails that afternoon, apologizing, begging her forgiveness, apologizing again. To prove he could be positive, he sent her a lame joke he had heard the day before, he couldn’t even think of a good one.
He hadn’t meant to say he meant to kill himself. He only meant he was in for a long night of tears and aching, but looking back at what he wrote, he could see how she could have taken it that way. He didn’t trouble to deny it.
She didn’t answer
. He tried to call her office and got her machine, and left another message, his voice shaking with panic, begging her forgiveness once again. He left two more over the next few days.
She didn’t answer, no matter what he wrote.
A week went by, then two. He had resigned himself to the fact that he had finally broken something that could not be fixed, whether he meant to or not.
He sent her one last email, apologizing again, and more:
‘I know I’ve been a fool and a pest and a blight on your life for years. I’m truly sorry. I can only plead that I love you, I always have, I always will, and losing you has made me a little crazy.
‘You have shut me out again, and I understand, but silence from you has always hurt me most of all, and that’s when I really lose it. No, I didn’t know about the pressures you are under. How could I? You no longer tell me anything at all about your life.
‘I’m deeply sorry for what I said and for being what I least wanted to be, an annoyance and a problem. I wanted to be your friend too, but I just love you too much, I guess.
‘Above all, I mourn the loss of our friendship. I hope your pressures, whatever they are, are soon gone, and I hope you have a long and happy life. I will always love you. If you ever need a friend–if you need anything at all–I will always be here.
‘Love, Charlie’
It was the end of the school year, and he had to turn in his laptop. He had no other computer. It didn’t matter, anyway, he knew there would be no answer.
He felt wrung out, empty. Maybe it’s better that we’re not in contact, he thought. There was only pain there for me and annoyance for her. Let it go.
He tried. There was nothing else he could do, anyway. He tried to call her office, but was told she didn’t work there any more. He knew her home number–he had had it memorized for thirty years–but even when he was at his worst, he would not call her there.
A few weeks after school was out he bought a used computer, and there, in his inbox, was a message from Carol.
‘I’m sorry too. You can reach me at this address till May 31.’
It was almost the end of June. He emailed anyway, undeliverable.
He knew she was active in community affairs where she lived, and he found a website for a committee she served on that gave her work and home numbers–and an email address for her new job. He sent her an email immediately, telling her he’d gotten her last message late and hoping they could talk again. There was no answer.
He called her office number.
Cool and noncommittal. Not hostile, but as distant as the Moon.
‘I, uh, I just thought I’d call and see, you know, how you’re doing.’
‘Well…’ She seemed about to say something, but changed her mind. ‘Everything’s all right,’ she said. ‘I’m fine.’
‘I thought, maybe, we could just visit for a minute.’
‘I can’t really talk right now.’
‘Can I call back again, some other time?’
‘It would be better if you didn’t.’
He hesitated. ‘I understand. Okay, then.’
A tiny hint of warmth. ‘Thank you, Charlie.’
‘Goodbye, Carol.’
‘Goodbye.’ He hung up.
She was thanking him for leaving her alone. Well, he thought, if that’s all that I can give her, then that’s what I’ll do.
He tried. He sent her an email now and then, with a joke he knew she’s like or just to say hello, but she never answered. He also left her messages on her office phone at night–on her birthday, Mother’s Day, the anniversary of the day they met–but he never expected an answer, told her so, and got none.
He could still lose it and be overwhelmed with grief and loss and loneliness. One night, he left a message on her office answering machine that reminded her that he could have wrecked her marriage if he had wanted to hurt her–that he still had a picture she had signed, ‘to the biggest, best, and so on,’ he said. It was a veiled threat.
That was on a Friday, she would not get that message till the Monday.
He felt bad about it, and then worse, as the weekend passed. He had never intentionally hurt her, and he knew he never would.
This has to stop, he thought.
He took out the box that held her pictures–the large one and the smaller, with its inscription–and he looked at them. From the larger one, she still smiled out at him with that special twinkle in her eyes.
Introduction: Do you believe in love at first sight? He heard her voice before he saw anything. Bubba, you son of a b&hellip,. Come back here! Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the womans voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind...
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Carol Baker stepped over the threshold of her suburban semi-detached house and into the shade of the hallway. She was a tall, slim brunette with green eyes and a soft, easy smile. Her long hair hung almost to her waist and she wore it loose. Although she’d been at work, her crisp white blouse was pristine and her skirt, possibly a bit too short for a thirty-something, look like it had just come from the cleaners. She was elegant and loved the looks she got from men as they studied her long,...
Over the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...
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"Hi there , you must be Carol" , I was pleasantly surprised.My best buddy had set me up on this blind , double date with his new wife and him , and carol.I love big tits and curvy girls with big asses who's body wobbles when pounding them so Carol is tottaly 'not my type'.She was beautiful, with long straight blonde hair hanging to her waist , big 'doe like' eyes , supple lips , a white even smile but.... she was tiny.Not only was she under 5 foot tall , but she was thin and seemed flat...
CAROLOne of Carols main fetishes, of many was being helpless, it was a main them removing any ownership she did not want to show while I was slow fucking her, telling her what I was going to do to her. When she came, it was hard. The location was on a section of the state park beach we went to a lot. If there were any people they were usually lone men rock hunting or walking their pets. She would be off the beach, behind a sand mound. with three sides woods the other the lake. I would tent...
CAROLThere is a place in Vagues I would take her to. They had a round bed as you walk into one of the group rooms. Carol loved to be cum on, lot of cum, from a lot of strangers, This is including glory holes we played at but that is in another story, she never wiped any of it off. I did not have a fuck toy so I would sit on the outside of the round bed, between her legs, insert two fingers in her so cum would not go in, and very slowly masturbate her. She did not want to be fucked. A lot of the...
I had met Carol through a dating site. She was 8 years older than my 50 years but she was VERY sexy with a nice curvy body. The sex with her was awesome and the more we fucked the more uninhibited she seemed to become. One night while we were screwing I blurted out that I would love to see her fucking and sucking another cock. To my complete surprise she said that she would do that if it made me happy. My cock became even harder than it already was and I asked her if she was serious? Her reply...
Chapter 1 "How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile. "If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I...
Today Carol was coming over. We have been playing dirty since we were about twelve. We used to sleep over and sleep naked and feel each other up all night. We sucked tits and pussy till we were sore. When she arrived she wasted no time getting naked and kissing me. I shed my clothes and she began to kiss over my body. She sucked my tits and bit them as she loved biting a lot. Her teeth were chewing my nipples as I felt her fingers go into my cunt. She three fingered me and began fucking me hard...
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We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy. Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as 'normal'. I felt safe with Caroline. She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful. That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice 'safe' relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle. It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub...
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This is Nikhil from Kolkata and this time I’m back with my new service and story both. For those who don’t know me, I’d recommend my previous stories on this website. So to begin with, I had started new stuff named SSS ‘Social Sex Service’. Under this, I have sex with all the unsatisfied Women and females who are looking for good sex, irrespective of their age, caste, creed, religion, location. So, coming to the story. Knowing about SSS, a lady contacted me. She was from an extremely rich...
Marsha smoothed back her red hair and walked slowly toward her front door. She was in the middle of her workout and not eager to greet a door-to-door salesman, or for that matter anyone who'd talk long enough that her heart rate would slow. She needed to keep it at 80% of her maximum rate for 45 minutes if she was going to keep the cellulite from building up on her 41-year-old thighs.She opened the door and was surprised to see Amy, the 18 year old friend of Marsha's daughter Emily."Amy, come...
“Those cucumbers are huge! – What high school dude would have a cock that big?” Bob asked. “Um…. Like most of us! – Your dick doesn’t get that big when it’s fully hard dude?” I said. “Uh no it doesn’t. – Are you serious? – Yours gets that fat when you’re hard?” Bob said nervously. “Hell no! – I was just fucking with you man! – You should see the look on your face. – If I really had a cock that big, do you think I’d be here at the game with you’re dumb ass?” I said. “I don’t know?...
Bob Lacy was day dreaming about the lift home he had given to Eileen and the fun he had with her in the car. She certainly was uninhibited and a wild little sex kitten. While she had a liberal attitude as to sex, she also was an interesting person to talk to and fun to be with. He thought he would like to see her again. During the week he phoned her and she sounded a little surprised that he had called. He said that he just wanted to thank her for making Saturday a nice time. She was an...
Hello friends i’m vickram raj in short vickyraj. I am from bangalore, 27 yrs old, tall and handsome. I am working as an engineer here in bangalore; i was born and brought up here itself. Today i am going to tell you how i lost my virginity to a married woman and became a father. This incident happened exactly two years ago when i was 25. Everything started from a parking lot in a movie theatre. Usually i go to movies alone as i don’t have any friends with whom i can go to movies. Its my nature...
IncestThe Plains of 2214 The trip across the plains continues. Christine had managed to get a great video of the cat’s act. Kayla and Tosha had also gotten video with their phone cameras. Ashley, in complete innocence, turned to Selina. “Why so quiet? Are you okay?” “Oh, I am very well, indeed,” Selina bubbled. “It was just so sudden that it scared the pee out of me for a moment there.” “Oh, crap. Me, too. My heart is still going like crazy. And then Jeff just casually tosses Mr. Bad Ass way...
“Where are we now?” “You mean when are we” “You are pissing me off, for a guardian angel, you are fucking annoying” “I get that a lot” “Well?” “? Oh, yeah, well. This, my dear man, is 1961. The year you met and married Maggie, your dear wife” “Dear, as in expensive?” “Ha. That only deserves one ha, not two” There she was, sashaying down the street. She was a looker, no doubt about it. She was stunning. She was smiling. She’d just been offered a modelling job. She couldn’t wait to tell...
Hi all readers. I am Abhay aged 26 average looking tall guy from Bangalore, a big fan of sex stories. I am always fascinated by having fun with strangers and this story which I am narrating is something which I can never forget. It was this night, which I was supposed to travel back to Bangalore I usually prefer a semi sleeper, but I was too tired so I had booked a ticket in a sleeper coach. Let me tell you I was too lucky b4 as I already had 2 females in bus one was unmarried with whom I had...
Turned in to a SlutIt all began innocent enough. As usual Tim's mom grabbed her six-pack ofbeer after she finished the dinner dishes and retired to her bedroom forthe evening. We gave her about a half hour before we slid out the backdoorto burn a joint. Back in his bedroom we played video games for a whilewhen Tim asked me if I wanted to check out the prono's his brother hadgiven him when he moved out a couple weeks ago.Of course I was game. What teenage guy would say no. He pulled a box...
Glamour babe Dani Jensen is a blue-eyed vamp from the United States. In today’s DDF Network Hardcore porn episode you get to enjoy this stunning Redhead’s big tits and absolutely amazing curvy body in all its glory! The American Milf gets fucked real hard by Danny Mountain in this epic 4K glamour porn boy-girl sex tape! Check out her incredible tits and seductive blue eyes as she grabs that stud by the balls, feels his meat and unzips his pants. Doesn’t she look amazing in her...
xmoviesforyouTamara moved onto her belly, propping her upper body up with her elbows so that her nipples grazed the ground. The horse's long yellow tail was flat on the floor of the forest, at that moment between Tamara's tits. She could feel the soft fur of Golden Flash's tail rubbing against her cleavage, making her feel womanly. She had the palms of her hands flat on the horse's loins, rubbing his lower belly on either side of his cock shaft. Every time she looked at the horse's humongous dong...
“Eve, you’re…you’re freaking me out.” I stammered, slowly backing away until I bumped up against her desk. I couldn’t see her at all, the windowless room being pitch black. I had to suppress a squeak of shock as she grabbed handfuls of my shirt. The next thing I felt were her soft lips on my own, and then pain as she slowly leaned me backwards over her desk. I thanked my lucky stars that she didn’t have much on her desk, nothing sharp and nothing too hard. “Mm, I’ve...
So it was the night before we weredriving back home, and I was laying in bed. I was thinking about the fun week I had with wifeys sister Peggy, and her friend Sadie. After getting hard, I may of started whacking it, which may of made the bed squeak and creak and may of lead to Peggy coming in to see what all the noise was from. Peggy comes in the guest room, not even knocking, and sees my whacking it. After watching for a minute she asks why I didnt come get her? I told her we needed to be up...
In the early to mid 90's I worked for Macy's at Bayfair Mall in San Leandro, CA.. I was an "Area Manager" overseeing multiple Departments. During my three years with Macy's, I hooked-up with about ten girls, ranging in age from 18 to 48. At the time I was in my early 30's. The girls came in a variety of shapes and sizes with our encounters going from a short one week fling to staying FWB for years to come. My first encounter came about shortly after I started. I was called upon to assist an...
Pregnant! The word hit me like a massive fist to the gut delivered by a prizefighter. I felt myself turning pale and weak. For a moment I thought I was going to faint. I recovered as quickly as I could and tried to act casual in front of Teresa. She didn't notice my distress. "Uh, when do you find out about that?" "Last night," Teresa replied. "Apparently my mom found Vera's pregnancy test kit. All hell broke loose after that. Mom insisted that Vera take the test right then but Vera...
what you are about to read is a true and accurate accounting of a day I spent in a video arcade boothits early Saturday afternoon, and i'm sitting here in an arcade video booth dressed only in sexy little bikini panties, training bra (for my little a cup puberecent like titties) and a white silky like full slip, I have left the door slightly ajar while I rub my little sissy clitty, which is confined in a tight fitting chasity devise, and tucked back between my legs, while watching a really hot...
The next morning, Brad woke up to his work clothes neatly folded on the back of a nearby chair, joined by a pair of clean socks on the arm rest, and his shoes and keys in the seat. Next to the chair stood his smiling wife Kerri. ‘I got you all ready for work today, this is my way of apologizing for brushing you off last night. I wasn’t feeling well, baby, I’m sorry,’ she lied. Her purpose was to get him dressed and out of the house immediately. ‘That’s a nice way of apologizing, but I have...
The Maid (Part 1)by Impaler49152Translated and with additions by OutwithaBANGIt was another one of those days when you wonder why you actually got out of bed. Nothing was going Sandra's way today. The engine of her old P.O.S. Chevy wouldn't start, forcing her to take the bus to work. Given the kind of day she'd been having, she should have been surprised that the bus made her half an hour late. Her boss Eva, (Who, at 21 years of age, was only 3 years older than Sandra herself) had been waiting...
The Fisherman After a full day of sun, I started thinking about what trouble I might get into that evening. I had enough of the dive bars Jane and I had been going to all week. There didn't seem to be any place to dance on this island. No easy relaxed places where you can get close to your partner, with no one smashing into you holding their beer bottles or pink cocktails. I walked to the edge of the surf and watched the sun as it moved closer to the water. Jane had left early that morning...
MatureAs you were taking a walk around your local park you see your friends ex girlfriend Bronagh also walking through the park. You had always had a major crush on her but were never able to act on it due to her being with your friend but even now you were nervous about talking to her. As you were trying to come up wuth something to say to her you felt your mind start to wander and found yourself staring at her tits and her nipples poking through her light t shirt. As you were gazing she noticed you...
BDSMLook at this, the ones from my story Beautiful Betty, who made the biggest stink about attending, are the first ones here. Do you believe it? ‘Hey, Betty, you look very beautiful, as always. Davis, thank you for coming, it’s nice to see you.’ ‘Take your dirty paws off my woman, Freddie, or I’ll deck you and stomp you to death, you hack!.’ ‘Listen here, Davis, I have my wireless keyboard with me and I can write you out of the next scene if you give me any shit. Matter of fact, if you don’t...
I'd been alone after the separation, when almost everyone else disappeared overnight. I didn't know if whatever took everyone blew out anything transistorized or if there still was something going on that made transistors not work, but there it was. I didn't know what to do with myself and staying there being a night manager for an empty hotel didn't make a lot of sense. I'd had more than my fair share of getting stubborn diesel tractors to work back on the farm so trying to get a...
A masseuse (Sheena Ryder) is wondering why her next massage client is late. When the client (Ailee Anne) finally arrives, she is soaking wet and miserable. Ailee apologizes for being late, explaining that she got caught in the rain. Sheena is immediately sympathetic and concerned, offering additional treatments to the standard massage to help Ailee warm up. Ailee graciously accepts, stripping out of her wet clothes. After using a towel to dry herself off, Ailee lies down on the massage table....
xmoviesforyouLea konnte es kaum erwarten, dass Mara sie zuhause besuchte. Sie war sehr aufgeregt. In einer Stunde würden schon die Jungs kommen. Lea und Mara sprachen über dies und das. Schließlich lenkte Lea das Thema auf Kosmetik. "Hey Mara", sagte Lea. "Probier doch mal diesen Lippenstift aus. Er ist ziemlich teuer, aber seine Farbe passt doch nicht zu meinem Hautton. Aber ich könnte mir denken, dass er deinen Mund gut betont und die Jungs anmacht.“ Mara hatte einen schlanken Körper, einen schönen runden...
BDSMPorn Mate! There are loads of ways to find porn nowadays. The most common is to use a preferred search engine, and there is no problem with that, but you are at the mercy of the algorithm, especially if you don't know what you are looking for. Aggregates are pretty good, too, though most are cluttered with spam and other potentially malware-laden crap. However, this porn directory has loads of porn recommendations and other sweet goodies, too. Read on to see what I am talking about.The Design...
Free Porn Tube SitesChapter 11 The Pool Hall Gangbang (pt1) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * The cab driver’s name was Randy as Barbara found out as they sped off into the city talking to each other while driving through the downtown area. Randy knew exactly where to go to get Barbara more of what she wanted. There weren’t...
Its Zahid, Age 23, From Delhi. Now I tell u about my first Sex Experience. I think would u like to listen it in Urdu Language. But I will tell u Urdu and English Mix. In the previous summer I had go to enjoy my holidays to my Auntie’s House. She live in Lahore, My Aunty has three children. One girl and two boys. Girl is really very beautiful, barree baree ankhaine teekhay teekhay nain naqash, rang sanwalaa sa aur figure Wow, 36-28-36. Amazing figure. I was trying to touch and kiss him but wo...
Charles helped Diana stand from her bent position and they undressed and picked up and put away all the items they had just purchased. He called down to the laundry service to come pick up his suit for cleaning. They cleaned themselves up ... again ... and brushed their teeth. Diana put one of the robes on and combed out the tangles and brushed her hair smooth while Charles shaved. He was standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around his hips. Diana could feel tingles between her legs...
Sunday, June 13, 1971 She snored! I guess no one is perfect, although everything else about Izzy had seemed perfect up until now. I smiled as I remembered the night of love that had ended all too soon, when, after she had cum for the umpteenth time, she just cradled my head to her breast and was asleep almost as soon as she bid me goodnight. It was not light enough outside to see my watch, so I had no idea what time it was. But I scanned and saw that it was Mikeya softly tapping at my...
Hello Readers… This is Zainy from Gujarat with my first story which happened with my younger brother Abby… I am 27 Years old married lady with a curvy body and flesh at the right places. But my hubby has been losing interest in me as i have put on some weight but still my stats are 38-30-40, fair and a height of 5’4″. My brother is 6 Years younger and we are very close to each other and share everything with each-other. This happened about 4 years back… My sex life was getting boring day-by-day...
IncestTom, Jack and Paul walked into the girls' cabin, after knocking on the door and being told to come in. Brad lagged behind, but finally went it and sat on one of the couches. The girls came out of the bedroom Lisa and Megan shared. Kim, Sally and Lisa were all naked, but Megan wore a bikini. Jack smiled at his girlfriend, walked over to her and put his arms around her narrow waist. "You look sexy, Megan," Jack told her, really wishing she would go naked like the other girls. "I'm...
I guess you’d say What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin’ ‘bout my girl (my girl) Sometimes Vanessa and I glam it up. Just for the fun of it. She was taking a Friday night off from both Euforia and BEAR on Broadway. A sure signal that she had both operations running the way she wanted. We were wearing bandage dresses, tight, form-fitting. Vanessa’s was black with fringes hanging from mid thigh to mid calf. They swirled as she strode through the night, drawing...
Greetings, my name is Behemoth, or at least that is what is is, now. You see, before I was Behemoth, I was Florida's answer to Crocodile Dundee, Jackie Lance. As Jackie, I looked like an Irish Terminator with a Van Dyke beard and the Count Dracula widow's peak hair line. I had been brought into the Silver Blood Community to help with tracking the mutants that were causing harm. These mutants looked like your classic horror monsters, aliens and mythological creatures with or without...
Laurie Simmons sat on the living room couch, watching television. Her low-necked sweater and short, blue skirt showed off her firm, young tits and her long, slender legs wonderfully. "Dinner will be ready soon," advised her mother as she walked in from the kitchen and sat down beside Laurie. She was a tall, well-built woman with long brown hair that matched her daughter's. "By the way, I got a raise in salary at my job today," she told Laurie. "Gee, that's great." "Yes, I really...
I wait for my submissive Trish to arrive at our place. My slave Abby sits in her chair watching me prep the Chair for my submissive for her training tonight. I set out the wrist leather restraints, and ankle restraints and rope. The blindfold is at the ready, and so is the Hitachi. In order to continue my subs training I will remove all control and build on her need to touch me and deny it. My submissive desire to kiss me and touch me has consumed her, the need for her to serve me, even just to...