Four Seasons free porn video

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Chapter One - Spring

New life surged through my veins. The morning sun was warm on my face, thefresh sweet dew cool and refreshing beneath my body. It was a new life, newgrowth, and the start of a journey.

My new Master and Mistress had brought me out here. i did not ask why, thatwas not my place. The soft folds of the silken scarf wadded in my mouth proscribedquestions in any case.

i was naked, and helpless, as a good slave should be. This was all new tome, and i lay in the long grass, inhaling the heady scent of damp earth, andtaking a childish pleasure in the tickle of the foliage on my soft skin.

A thick scarf was tied around my head, covering my eyes. i had no idea towhere i had been taken, only that it was the wish of my owners, therefore itwas right. But i was content, there in the warm, with the other four sensesstriving to feed me information on the world around me. A cool breeze stirredthe fine hairs on my arms, raising goose pimples; a small scurrying insect,an ant i hope, momentarily thrilled me by running across my foot. i could hearthe sound of the cuckoo, Heralding a bright new year, and the varied chirpsof smaller birds and the rustles as they flitted from branch to branch, allalive with the joy of the new spring.

i breathed in, enjoying the scent of the clean air, mixed with the fragranceof my owners. Already i had learned to distinguish them, over long hours indarkness. His: warm and masculine, fresh and strong, Hers: delicate, spicy,sharp.

They had summoned me, and now i was Theirs, contracts signed - my life, myhopes, my future, now transferred into Their hands, and my spirit in bondageto Theirs, as much as was my body.

i heard the grasses rustle, felt the movement of the air, smelled His scent,as He approached. i could almost visualise it as He bent down beside me. Mysenses painted a picture glowing with vibrant colours that my eyes could neverhope to emulate. i heard the small breath He took before the words driftedacross me.

"You are here, because We wished it. You are Ours. You will obey every command,fulfil Our every desire. Our happiness is your happiness; Our disappointmentis your punishment. Do you understand?"

i nodded in the affirmative, my head rustling the grass beneath it.

A small sigh - of satisfaction? "Excellent. Then We shall begin."

Warm, hard hands closed over mine, then lifted away. The sensation of pressurequickly abated as the thin rope binding my wrists crossed in front of me loosenedand fell away. My arms were free, and i let them flop to my side, feeling themthud to the soft earth with a sense of relief.

The almost- whistle of something cutting swiftly through the warm air, thenthe thunderclap of sensation, the sharp slap, and the instant blossoming ofpain on my left breast, leaving me gasping and chewing at the cloth stuffingmy mouth, too shocked by the abruptness of the blow to even attempt to cryout.

Tears started in the corners of my eyes, running down the sides of my facebeneath the blindfold. What had i done? Had i failed already, or was this partof the lesson?

His voice gave me the answer almost immediately. "I did not give you permissionto move those arms. An early lesson for you, slave."

There was a lump in my throat as i hurriedly returned my arms to their formerposition.

The second blow came without warning, not even the prescience afforded bythe movement of air. His slap was still tingling on my skin, the heat beatinginto my tender breast, as His voice came again. "I did not give you permissionto move those arms, slave."

A frown creased my brow, even as the tears stung at my eyes and my breastthrobbed at the impact of His hand. i don't understand, i called in the darknessof my mind. In my confusion i let my arms drop again, and scarcely had i doneso when a third crack of flesh on flesh preceded a harsher, more painful sensation.

This time i cried out, yelling into the cloth gag, arching my back as ifthat could somehow eliminate the pain.

And His voice again, with no change of tone or pitch. "I did not give youpermission to move those arms slave."

i wept into the cloth over my eyes. What was i doing wrong? i thought i wasobeying. How was i making these mistakes, why had i failed?

"Those arms are a problem to you, i can see that," He whispered, His breathhot against my ear. "It is too soon, my pet, too soon for you."

Too soon? What did He mean?

My answer was to be peremptorily rolled over on my front, my smarting breastsmashed into the soft ground, the wiry grass stalks instantly springing upright,wherever my body presented a crevice - up into my cleavage, and i could swearone even wormed its way into the warm darkness between my legs. i had not sufficienttime to take in the host of new sensations before my arms were gathered inone of those strong hands and i felt the kiss of cold metal around my leftwrist. i lay still and rigid, not wishing to invite further retribution asthe steel encircled my wrist, and there was a series of clicks, as the cuffwas ratcheted shut.

My right arm was pulled taut, and that wrist was similarly enclosed, beforeHis grip slackened. My hands thudded into the small of my back, my wrists heldclose by the handcuffs.

i breathed again, as best i could with my face buried in the grass. Silently,i thanked my Master for the gift of the handcuffs. No control, that was better.With no control, there could be no mistakes. No mistakes, no punishment. iunderstood now. But i knew, as i grew and flourished under Their care and tutelage,that there would be more control, and i would have to learn to avoid the mistakesmyself.

i felt His hand again, stroking up and down on my bare behind, roving overthe cheeks, and then dipping between into the crack, the fingers probing allthe way to the ring of my ass. i caught my breath, as the long slim fingercircled around and around, and finally withdrew. "Too soon again," His voicesmiled. "But not long now, maybe even next time."

My throat constricted at His words. Next time…next time those questingfingers would plunge deep into my ass, and the time after…?

Without warning, my world revolved again, and i was on my side, with thesun warming my back, my pinioned arms, and my bottom. Then i caught anotherscent. She was there, and so close. Her perfume wafted over me, as She camecloser.

i swallowed and tried to anticipate the next move, but blindfolded as i was,there was no telling.

And then, a firm grip around my left nipple. i yelped and then moaned softlyas a stream of well-being flooded through me as She kneaded the nipple betweenthumb and fingers. Pinpricks of pleasure spread across my back, followed bya quaking shudder. Unbidden, the warmth at the centre of my body, of Theirbody, the first dew of arousal between my legs.

She continued to roll my nipple, and at the same time, i felt Her other hand,soft and cool, gliding down my stomach, leaving a wake of tingles, as it circledmy abdomen and drifted down to stroke slowly around my smooth mound.

My breath quickened and my heart rose to join the silk in my mouth, as thetip of one fingernail scored the sensitive flesh. i sighed with a mixture ofpleasure and discomfort, and instinctively thrust out my pelvis, the left hip,upon which the weight of my body rested, grinding into the grass and earthbeneath.

"A good response," Her voice, light and refreshing as an April shower. "Youshow promise."

i glowed with happiness, with pride. So soon after punishment, a complimentof no little magnitude.

Master was still there, i could both sense and smell him, but He was no longerby my ear. Engaged as i was with Mistress' attentions, i had ceased to payattention.

The folly of this was soon impressed upon me as with another rush of air,my backside unexpectedly quivered under an enormous blow. A loud slap echoedin my ears, even as i cried out, and at the same time Mistress' fingers slippedquickly between the folds of my labia and deep into my pussy. The combinationof pain and pleasure was instantly overwhelming. The nerve endings in bothfront and back were quivering with the twin assaults and i fought to stay inposition on my side.

Another blow assailed my ass-cheek as another finger joined the first insideme. My senses were overloaded with the blend of the good and the bad, and myonly outlet was to sob into my gag, in a confusion of contentment and self-pity.i truly could not understand why They were doing this, but then, i was Theirs.They must have had Their reasons. i knew They were good people; they had takenme in when everyone was against me. They'd set me back on my feet, healed myhurt. i owed them everything, and i'd paid with my entire being. i was Theirsfor as long as they wanted me. My legs, free and unbound, kicked at the emptyair, scant seconds before two stinging blows landed on my heated buttocks.

There was no corresponding sensation within my pussy, and i knew that i haddone wrong. i had moved my legs.

i gulped, my dry throat transforming it into the effect of swallowing a golfball, and felt my legs seized, and something soft and supple wrapped aroundthem, jamming the anklebones together painfully as it was tightened.

"And we were doing so well," She breathed, a note of regret in Her voice.

One, two, three, four, the slaps rained down again, my asscheeks wobblingas His hand struck and spikes of pain spearing through my body and, even asi lay there, my muscles tensed with the effort to remain still and weepingfitfully behind the cloth of gag and blindfold, a third and fourth finger werejammed into my cunt, and i gasped again, as a soothing wave of arousal washedover my pain.

It was then, as i first felt the soft lapping of His tongue on my alreadyerect nipple, even as She continued to toy with the bud of my clit, that ibegan to feel sincerely thankful and content.

"Pleasure and pain, My little one," She breathed, Her voice trickling overme like honey. "So different, yet so alike. You will learn to love both, tobeg for both. Pain is not punishment, there are other punishments. Do you understand?"

Even in my heightened state of arousal i had the presence of mind to answer,but my answer could only be a shake of the head. i did not enjoy pain…painwas a punishment. What else could be worse?"

She sighed, a small exhalation of breath. "i will ask again, one day."

Yet i knew, i just knew that She was not disappointed. She had expected thisanswer. Even as the birds sang, the cool breeze murmured, and the trees sighed,even as Their combined attentions brought forth the flowering of orgasm, andi bucked and twisted and cried out with joy, i knew this was only the beginningof my education.

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Four-Way Street By Cassandra Morgan "Are we really doing this?" Chris wondered, his apprehension growing. Maggie laughed, but her nerves could be heard, too. "If you want to...." she said. "I mean, we've talked about it enough, haven't we?" Chris stared at the window. The road signs flashed past. Yeah, they had talked about it, all right, endlessly. They had debated and considered and fantasized about it. Theoretically, They agreed that opening up their marriage was a noble...

2 years ago
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Four Of Us

It was just about a month after our three-way with Fred that we met them both at a function at the Yacht Club.Now I have to say this, so you know. Freddy had a heart attack a week after our three-way. Gail was only home for three days from Florida. It wasn’t a big one and he was only in the hospital for two days.  He was fine and Gail was a wreck. I never saw anyone dote over someone, like Gail over Fred. She wanted to spoon-feed him and, he wanted to have a party on his boat.At the Yacht Club...

Wife Lovers
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Four to California

*February 9, 1848 - Thursday* Here begins my journal. I arise today a new man. My past is that of a cad, my future, if I have one, will be that of an emigrant farmer. I am Christopher Hanlon, 23, born October 12, 1824. I am 5' 6", 150 pounds, moderately good looking with brown hair and a beard which I keep well trimmed. I grew up on a farm in up state New York and left home as soon as I could. I had found employment at a stock brokerage firm in New York City. In the last eight years I have...

4 years ago
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Four Rules

It began innocently enough, for an obsession. I wasn't the type for obsessions, but sometimes you don't have much choice. I'm an executive with a large insurance firm, a conservative company for conservative clients, which means I have plenty to lose. I'm married to a decent woman, a good mother to our two grown kids. We don't have sex very often, but who does after twenty-five years? I told myself I didn't care, that passion and abandon were for hormone-stoked teenagers, not senior vice...

3 years ago
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Foursome Teacher part 1

Hey there i am ink , the characters in this story is myself and my school teachers when i was in Higher secondary . The story here is about how i saw my teacher horny and how it ended up to be a foursome. I was the school leader at the time of my schooling. i was well built , 5.9 feet height , 5 inch cock with a girth also inch so its a thich one ( Anaconda ) , Demilia a chemistry teacher (tan in colour)- 5 feet height , 32 DD with nice holes with hairy pussy; Thendral (tan) a Maths teacher...

4 years ago
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Foursome With Two Hot MILFs

This is Maddysab, a 24-year-old handsome young energetic man from Bangalore In my previous story of I had shared my threesome experience with daughter and mom. I didn’t contact them afterward. Then one day I got a call from a new number and Truecaller’s name showed Sapna (name changed). Then I heard that hot MILF voice again, “Beta kaisa ho? Hum yaad hai? Ye mera number hai save karo.” Then after some formal discussion, she told me that she is visiting Bangalore again. This time she told that...

3 years ago
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Foursome Of The Decade

Hey guys Jatin here! I am back with another amazing and a real experience. It’s up to you if you want to believe the story as a fiction or a real-life experience! Do let me know if my experience gave you an orgasm or not and if you want any advice or wish to give the feedback! This just happened a month ago, now you know about my mami from my earlier story if not then go and read that to know her dimensions and how busty she is! So, my mami has a daughter 4-year-old and in her school was...

2 years ago
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Foursome With Couple

Hey dosto pyare lundo or sexy chuto kaise ho sab. Aap sab ne meri last story bhut like ki uske liye aap sabhi ka thanks.To dosto iss baar fir mai ek or story leke aaya hu apni pyari auntie’s ke liye and unke sexy hubby ke liye. To dosto ye story ek foursome story hai. Apni story aage badhane se phle mai ek baar fir aapko apne bare me bata du. Mera naam Ankit hai age 21 height 6 feet,cock size 8 inches hai fair color slim body hai dikhne me bhi smart hu or mujhe sexy,aged aunties bhut pasand hai...

3 years ago
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Foursome in Delhi 2

Dear ISS Reader, as you have all read about the first part of my foursome encounter in Delhi farmhouse. Now let me describe about the second part. I had told the story up to 1 o’clock. Maya and I had two orgasms and our husbands had only one. My husband Rahul thought this was over. But Maya told him that we should have two more rounds till evening. She also said that she had some surprises for us. Because we were tired we took some rest. While we were sitting on the sofa each one of us had a...

4 years ago
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foursome in delhi

Foursome in Delhi Hi, I am an avid reader of ISS. My name is Nina. I live in Bhopal. My husband Rahul is an industrialist. He has a sponge iron factory. We are an upper middle class family. We live in a joint family. My age is 45 years and my husbands is 48 years. It all started about some five years back and it is still continuing. As a reader I read others experience and I also want to share my juicy experience with others. We are now married for 20 years. We also have kid of 15 years now....

4 years ago
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Foursome Sex Experience Of The Belly Dancer 8211 Part 6

The drive from the beach to Dhruv’s place today seemed a little longer than usual. I was desperately waiting to reach home and to know what all surprises my Indian boyfriends had for me. Would it be foursome sex? The day before, they made me strip dance and blow their dicks before fucking me in all possible ways. But today was a different day and a different mood. As soon as we entered the flat, the three guys jumped together on me without wasting any time. They were so rough and savage that it...

2 years ago
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Foursome Fantasy Fully Fulfilled

My friend has a great ski house in Vermont that barely gets used over the summer and she offered to let me use it for a long weekend. I convince Ron to take some time off and join me; we rarely get to spend nights away together and are both ridiculously excited to fuck each other’s brains out without interruptions!I arrive before him, set out some food, mix up some margaritas and slip into a little black lace piece. I see his truck pull up the driveway and start getting so wet with...

Group Sex
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 1

A noise startled me. I jerked awake, blinking the sleep from my eyes. The TV was on. Bryan was nestled in the crook of one arm, Gabrielle in the other. Their eyes were glazed over; both sleepily watched the race. Her twin sister Gwendollyn was quietly playing with a family of Potato Heads on the coffee table. "Enjoying your little nap?" Katie kissed me, then picked up our son. He lazily snuggled up to his Momma. Now that she had me all to herself, Gabi cuddled a little closer. I just...

3 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 2

"Have you seen Mimi and Geoff's latest video?" Leah asked as I lathered up her hair. "No," I replied. "When was it posted?" "Tuesday." She tilted her head back as my hands massaged her scalp. "They sent us an email ... wanting to know if we would come down and see them next month." The warm water cascaded over our bodies. There were jets coming from all directions, one of the luxuries we had built into this house. In each of the master suites, we had a stand-up shower large...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 3

That night, after putting the kids to bed, the four of us sat around the coffee table in the living room. Each of us had a copy of Mimi and Geoff's email. "So what do we do?" I asked. "I say we do it." Since our trip to Georgia, Katie was the most gung-ho about this new adventure. "To what end?" Melinda asked skeptically. She has been the most reserved. I think she didn't want anything to mess us the chemistry we had formed over the years. Extra-marital activity will do that, you...

4 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 4

The girls banished me from the house. Usually, I'm in charge of running the day-to-day things and keeping everything straight. It's all part of being the one of us who stays home. However, with company coming, the girls all went on a cleaning tear, because apparently I didn't do it right. Mimi and Geoff had originally invited us to come visit them, but the girls wanted to do it on their own terms and in a place that was familiar to them. So we invited our friends up to visit us for a...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 6

I think Mimi and Geoff expected us to jump them right away. While we are just as anxious to be getting started, the first thing we did was give them a tour of our "adult" playroom. Their eyes were wide at the scope and variety of activities we could engage in. We pointed out the various contraptions we had and gave them a quick—but clinical—safety briefing for some of the devices, such as the hydraulic bondage rack and the pedestal-mounted Sybian. Of paramount interest was the rack of TV...

4 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 7

Very quickly, I retreated from the bed. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, then covered myself in a terrycloth robe. When I got upstairs, Gabi had settled down. She had a life-sized Elmo doll clutched in her little arms. Gwen was in the next bed over, snoring softly. As silently as I could, I stroked Gabi's hair, wishing I could will away the bad dreams that still haunted her. After a few moments, I went back downstairs, all libidinous thoughts pushed aside. Stopping in the...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 8

I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 10

"So what's for dinner?" I yawned lazily. "Probably pizza," Katie replied absently. I was still in bed. Melinda and Yesmine had gotten up a little while before to take a shower, and Red wanted some cuddle time. "I'll tell you what," I started. "Melinda, Mimi and I will take the kids out for dinner and you, Leah and Geoff can have some 'alone time'." My wife perked right up at my suggestion. I could tell she wanted another go at her new male slave and I knew Leah was always up...

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