Sonya - A Slave free porn video

Chapter 1 – Sonya's hair
It seemed to Sonya that her Mistress stayed angry with her all thetime lately. No matter what Sonya did, it was wrong and she was punished. Asshe finished loading the dishwasher and cleaning the kitchen after dinner,she sighed.
It was the loud SIGH from Sonya that caught Mistress Martine's attention.Dammit, she thought to herself, that girl had been a pain in the ass the pastfew weeks. All she did was moan and groan and sigh and complain about whatshe had to do. It wasn't like Sonya was being forced into anything! She hadsigned the Slave's Contract of her own free will - well, and maybe after abottle or two of wine.
Mistress Martine looked at Sonya. "Stand up straight girl, and pullthat damn hair out of your face."
Sonya tried to stand up taller and she brushed her long, golden locks fromher face. Martine looked at that hair. It was beautiful, no doubt about it,but it was constantly hanging in Sonya's face and more importantly, it annoyedMartine this evening. "Come here cunt."
Sonya gulped and moved towards her Mistress.
"On your hands and knees, like the little bitch you are tonight."
Sonya sighed, again, and dropped to her hands and knees and approached MistressMartine. "Yes Ma'am?"
Martine reached out and grabbed a handful of Sonya's hair. "Follow me." Yelping,Sonya tried to stay close to Mistress Martine and her long strides. "OhMa'am, please, you are hurting me, please."
Mistress Martine pulled out a kitchen chair and motioned to Sonya, "Sit."
Obeying quickly, Sonya sat on the cold metal chair. Mistress Martine quicklyattached the metal bracelets on Sonya's wrists together and fastened them tothe low back of the kitchen chair. She then stooped down and did the same toSonya's ankles to the legs of the chair.
Mistress Martine looked at Sonya with her cold gunmetal blue eyes. "Isuggest you be very quiet and not make a peep, girl. I would hate to use apiece of duct tape on your mouth."
Biting her lip, Sonya said, "Yes Ma'am."
Mistress Martine walked behind Sonya and picked up the shears from the kitchentable and smiled. She reached and pulled up a long lock of blonde hair andcut, leaving about two inches of hair behind.
Sonya gasped in horror. "What are you doing?" she cried out.
Mistress Martine reached around Sonya and slapped her hard on her face. "Shutup girl. Don't make me tell you again." Mistress Martine grabbed anotherlock of hair and cut it a bit shorter this time. One lock at a time, MistressMartine cut, leaving no two hairs the same length.
It didn't take long for the tears to start rolling down Sonya's face. Shehad loved her long blonde hair so much. Her hair was the only thing about herthat she was truly vain about. Sonya knew that her Mistress was very angrywith her, indeed.
There was a knock at the back door and Mistress went and opened it. "HelloJack. How are you this evening?"
"What are you doing answering the door, Martine?" Then he spiedthe slave girl, tears rolling down her cheeks, and he burst out laughing. "Whydidn't you just use the dog shears on her, Martine? It would have looked better!"
Jack walked over to the girl he had used so many times and ran his handsthrough the remains of her hair. "Well, at least you left enough to holdon to when I fuck her mouth."
Martine and Jack both laughed. "I got tired of that hair always on mythighs when she was eating me. Plus, it hangs loose and just annoys the fuckout of me."
Jack laughed harder. "You were just jealous. You can't fool me."
Martine had to laugh. "You are absolutely correct. But, I think youhave the right idea." Martine opened the pantry and pulled out the olddog clippers. "I wonder if these still work."
"Please Mistress, no! I am begging you." Sonya cried harder.
Jack leaned over and forced Sonya to look up at him. "I suggest, pet,that you keep quiet."
Sobbing, Sonya said, "Yes Master Jack. I am sorry."
Martine plugged in to clippers and turned them on. They worked. She grinnedat Jack and he grinned back.
"Just watching this has made my cock hard, that's for sure." Jackrubbed the front of his pants.
Martine looked at him and said, "I think you have the perfect gag forSonya while I do my barbering."
In an instant, Jack's pants were done around his ankles. Rubbing his largecock, he walked over to Sonya. "Open wide girl." Sonya licked herlips and eyed Master Jack's cock. It was so large, that she had a difficulttime performing oral sex on him. Jack moved up to her face. "Take it inpet."
Sonya started licking his cock. Jack pulled back and slapped her face sharply,leaving a red handprint on her cheek. "Suck it now, cunt." Sonyaopened her mouth wider to accommodate his thickness.
Jack looked over at Martine. "I want her to take it all this time."
Martine shrugged. "It's your dick, throat fuck her if you can."
Jack started moving his hips. With each thrust, his cock went into Sonya'smouth deeper and deeper. It took a several deeps thrusts, but he finally achievedNirvana. His cock was deep in the slave's throat. It felt soooo good.
Martine switched the clippers on again and walked towards her slave slut.She motioned for Jack to use Sonya's shoulders rather than her head to keephis balance. She placed the clippers on the back of her neck and started movingthem upwards, hair flying.
Sonya screamed on Jack's cock. "Oh yeah, that feels great," Jacksaid.
Martine moved the clippers and slowly shaved all the hair from her slave'shead, leaving only a little handhold in the front. As she finished the laststroke of the clippers, Jack finished his last stroke and shot his cum downSonya's throat. He pulled out and wiped his cock on her face.
Martine and Jack stepped back and looked at their slave. Sonya's eyes wereon the floor; she could not believe what had just happened to her.
Martine suddenly leaned forward and put her hand between Sonya's legs. Shelaughed. Sonya's cunt was dripping wet. "Such a sweet little slut." Martinereleased Sonya's right hand. "Cum for me cunt." Sonya started rubbingher wet pussy while her Mistress and Master watched her.
Jack leaned over to her and started rubbing her baldhead. "It's almostas soft and smooth and that pretty pussy of yours."
Sonya came hard on her fingers. She sat there, sucking in air and wonderingwhy humiliation made her so wet. Mistress Martine released her from her bondageand told Sonya to go take a quick shower and return. Martine was not finishedplaying this evening.

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