The Fortunate Tailor
- 4 years ago
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By C
Once upon a time, in the tiny village of Schmetterlink, there lived a poorbut honest little tailor named Gottfried. He dwelt and worked in a one-roomhouse on the edge of the village. He labored hard from sunrise to sunset, andyet he had barely enough to survive. Thus he was very upset to learn one daythat someone, or some thing, was pilfering his meager stores of food. He hadgone into his larder early in the morning to fix his usual breakfast of stalebread and salted meat, and he saw that both his bread and meat were almostgone! Impossible! he thought; he had just replenishedthose supplies the day before. He checked a barrel in which he kept peas, anddiscovered to his horror that it, too, was nearly empty. What to do? If theftof this magnitude continued, he might soon starve.
He was wringing his hands over this development, when he heard a pitter-patter,just above his head. He looked up in time to see something with bright, brightgreen wings, rather like a butterfly's, dart quickly from rafter to rafter.Apparently it realized that he had seen it, for it then shot out through thenearest window. If it was a butterfly, it was the biggest in creation—abouta foot long, with a wingspan of at least two feet.
"Not a butterfly!" said Gottfried aloud. "That's a Blazing Tanaquil!" Thestartlingly green wings gave the creature away. Gottfried's mother had beena wisewoman; she knew fairies well, and she had taught her son much fairy lore.Well-trained as he was, he knew that the mystery of his missing stores wassolved. Tanaquils were exceedingly greedy and malicious fays: a flock of themwould descend on a household and strip it of provender in days, or even hours.He had to act quickly, or he was lost.
Gathering together a small amount of money that he had saved against justsuch an emergency as this, he went out and purchased new food, as well as severalherbs well known to his mother. Then he came back to his house, put the suppliesin plain view, and spent the rest of the day on his sewing. When at last histailoring was done for that day, he chopped up everything he had bought—sausage,peas, celery, carrots and other vegetables, plus the special herbs—thenput it all in a cauldron with some water. He then got a good fire going inhis fireplace and hung the cauldron over the fire. Soon the fragrance of sausagesoup filled the little house.
When the soup was done, he took the cauldron off the fire and fixed himselfa nice big bowl. He then went to his larder and filled his drinking cup withale. The fairies had gotten to the ale, too, but enough was left to make himgood and drunk if he consumed it all. Perfect! he thought.He ate two bowls of soup, and chased it down with plenty of liquor. Then, feelingquite fine indeed, he got unsteadily up and staggered off to his humble cot.He left the cauldron, still half-full of soup, out on his table. If the fairieswere watching (and he hoped they were), they would very likely assume thatdrunkenness had made him negligent, and that's why he'd left this wonderfulmeal out in the open.
He was awakened in the middle of the night by the wailing of many shrilllittle voices. He got unsteadily to his feet, then lit a candle and made hisway over to his table. There, beside the bowl, lay three Blazing Tanaquils,trembling and clutching either their tummies or their groins. On the floorin front of the table lay two more in the same condition. He searched his housefrom top to bottom and found another five, all likewise brought low by theherbs (poisonous to their species) that they had greedily consumed.
He cleared the table, then lined up his ten little victims on it. Each wasabout a foot long, with wings of phosphorescent green that fluttered uselessly.Aside from their wings, they were human in form, both female and male, withperfectly shaped little bodies and beautiful faces. The hair on their headsand groins was bright red. They wore green shirts (sleeveless for the fivegirls) and green, knee-length boots, but nothing else. All were crying profuselyand violently trembling, and they kicked out hard from time to time with theirfeet. The whole time, they held on tight to their nether regions. The fiveboys had what must have been painfully stiff erections.
"So," said the tailor. "Look where your avarice has gotten you."
"Y-yes, good master," said one of the girls, whose hair was especially curly. "Your
p-poison has reached our . . . our organs of generation. We can't . . . lastmuch longer."
The little tailor wasn't a cruel man, so he asked: "Is there . . . anythingI can do for the pain?"
"Not . . . for the p-pain . . . nor for the . . . pleasure. Ohhhhh!" (Andhere she kicked frantically several times). "It just has to . . . run its course!"
"Well, I'll wait here until it does," he said.
"Of . . . of course," said the fairy. And she kicked a few more times, forgood measure.
The better part of an hour went by before the tailor noticed something. Thefairies shook, and kicked, and moaned, and cried out—but so far, no onehad come. The poison was supposed to induce killing orgasms in its victims.The boys should have spouted plenty of blood-tinged cream by now. Fairy girlsejaculated, too, though not as ostentatiously; these ladies should each haveproduced some honey-scented droplets. Instead, there was nothing.
"Shouldn't you, uh, be dying by now?" said Gottfried.
"It's a slow . . . p-painful process," said the curly-haired girl. She thendrew her legs sharply back and groaned. Five other fairies did exactly thesame thing. "I'm sure, oh
c-clever captor, that when you c-come . . . come back in the morning, you'llfind us all well and t-truly dead. Owww . . . this really hurts!"
"Hurts . . . . Hurts . . . . Hurts . . . ." echoed several of the others.
"Maybe you're right," said Gottfried, but he thought something else entirely: Damn! Ididn't make it strong enough! The fairies surely knew this,and they were putting on a show. Either they'd eventually play dead, sothat he'd toss their bodies out, or they'd wait for him to go to sleep.In either case, when they'd fully recovered, they would exact an unpleasantrevenge.
He yawned and walked away, in the direction of his cot. But instead of lyingdown, he went to where he kept the remaining herbs. He got them out and putthem in a bowl with a little water. Then he took his sharpest needle and dippedit in the mixture. He made sure the point was liberally coated with poison.Then, armed with bowl and needle, he went back to the table.
"Wh-what are you doing?" said the fairy girl.
"Making sure of things," said Gottfried. As he spoke, he took firm hold ofher midriff with his left hand and used his right to jab her monsveneris with the needle. Once, twice, three times he thrust ithome. She screamed each time—shrill little ribbons of despair—andbegan to kick in earnest. Seeing what was happening, her companions startedcarrying on as well. "No! Oh please no!" some cried. Others just wailed andwept.
Gottfried coated his needle once again, then shoved it into a boy fay's pouch.The boy screamed, as shrilly as the girl. Two more jabs, and he spouted. Hiscream was good and bloody—something that couldn't be faked. Treatingthe needle each time with fresh poison, Gottfried went from fairy to fairy.Their cries, their violent trembling, their explosive coming—all of itwas incontestably real.
In a lull between tremors, the curly-haired girl looked up at him. Her facewas red, swollen, and streaked with tears. Her body shook from the crown ofher head to the tips of her pretty green boots. Her thighs glistened with fairyhoney. With obvious difficulty, she spoke again: "Y-you've really . . . reallykilled us!"
"It looks that way, Miss.".
"We all were . . . married . . . earlier today!" she sobbed. "And this .. . this is our
b-bridal bed!"
"If that's the truth," said Gottfried, "I've bedded you just as you deserved."
She quickly changed the subject, saying: "Since I really am . . . d-dyingnow, I have . . . prophetic power. I foresee it: y-you'll be a mighty fairyhunter. You'll stalk the . . .
b-biggest of fays, and you'll . . . make them . . . cry bitter tears . .. just like me! Just like me! Yes . . . you'll do to them . . . what you'vedone to me!" And with these words, she redoubled her weeping.
Gottfried smiled. "A wicked little missy like you is one thing; but how coulda humble tailor like me bring some giant fay to tears?" Rather than answer,the fairy just cried, and kicked, and came, until life deserted her. Her companionsdid the same. When they were all finished, their bodies lay there for a fewminutes, then suddenly collapsed in little heaps of white dust.
"Wow . . . ." said Gottfried. "Ten at one blow! Or was it maybe two blows?Or should I count up all the times I stuck 'em?" Soon he had an idea. He wentand got some of his finest blue cloth and made it into a sash. Then, with whitethread, he embroidered these words on the cloth: "Ten Fays with Two or So Blows." Hewould wear the sash from now on in proud commemoration of his fairy-killingfeat.
He lay down on the cot and started to think things over. It was all welland good to kill wicked fairies, but fairies are a vengeful lot. Perhaps thesehad some relatives who'd be only too happy to come after him. And, truth totell, Gottfried was sick of being a tailor. He'd heard that a local rich manwas buying up cottages in the village, so the very next day he went to theman and received what, for him, was a princely sum for his house. Then he gatheredup his most needful belongings, put them in a knapsack, and set out. The sashadorned his right shoulder.
Once, as a child, he had visited the big town of Tonner-unter-Donckendorpf,about twenty miles to the north. This might be a good place to start a newlife, so he strode briskly up the north/south road.
When he arrived at Tonner, he was surprised and dismayed to see that theonce busy and crowded town seemed almost deserted. Just a few people wanderedaimlessly through the streets. The houses and shops, all looking very sad andshabby, were boarded up. "What happened?" he said out loud.
A thin, elderly man in tattered clothing, who had been leaning against anearby shop, now spoke. "New in town?"
"Uh, yes," said Gottfried.
"You must have come from the south."
"Yes, from Schmetterlink. How did you know?"
"Because if you'd come from the north, you'd know very well what's wrong. . . or you'd be dead."
"I'm afraid I'm not following your meaning, Herr . . . ."
"Flugenberg. Joachim von Stuppfest-gegen-Flugenberg. But Flugenberg willdo."
"That's good to know," said Gottfried. "I'm Gottfried the tailor."
"Good to meet you," said the old man as he shook Gottfried's hand. "I'm theMayor of this fine city, by the way."
"Oh my," said Gottfried, and bowed awkwardly.
"None of that, my dear boy," said Flugenberg. "You can see what being Mayorof Tonner is worth by looking around."
"Yes, I've noticed. What happened?"
"Oh, I was going to explain, wasn't I? It's like this: Tonner-unter-Donckendorpfwas once a very prosperous town, thanks to trade with the Imperial Capitalup north. Every day, the road between Kaiserstadt and here was crowded withmerchants. We were, in our modest way, rich." The old man sighed and then lookeddown.
"And . . . ?" said Gottfried.
"Sorry," said Herr Flugenberg, "but it's painful even to think about. Oneday, almost a year ago, two giantesses set up house on the road to Kaiserstadt.They demanded a ruinous toll of everyone who came along the road: whatevergoods or money the poor souls had. And they killed all who resisted. We sentout the town militia, but only one survivor returned. A few messengers havegone to the capital for help, but the news from the Emperor has been most discouraging.It appears these wicked creatures are just about unstoppable, and the ImperialTroops have taken a savage mauling the few times they've challenged them. Sonow the Emperor just stands by as these vicious females wander through hisrealm and destroy the commerce of one town after another. We're dying. Thiswill soon be a ghost town."
"That's . . . that's dreadful!" said Gottfried. "Well, perhaps I'd betterbe on my
way . . . ."
"Say, what's that on your sash?"
"Oh nothing; just a . . . ."
"'Ten Fays with Two or So Blows?' You're no mere tailor, you're a fay hunter!"
"Well," said Gottfried, "I had a good day once, but I wouldn't say I'm a. . . ."
The old man ran into the middle of the street and began to shout: "Citizensof Tonner, come out, come out, wherever you are!"
And they came, dozens of them, their bodies undernourished, their clothesragged. They stared at Gottfried with an expectant, almost dazed look in theireyes. Not knowing what else to do, he kept silent.
"Citizens, citizens!" cried the Mayor. "Let me make an announcement: thisyoung man is a fay hunter! He can deliver us from the evil that besets ourfair city!"
"Well," said Gottfried, "it's very generous of your Mayor to say that, butthe fays I killed were just . . . ."
"Hurray! Hurray!" shouted the people. "You can save us! Hurray!"
"But folks, I mean . . . you need to understand . . . ." And then Gottfriedremembered the fairy's prophecy. Perhaps it was true after all. Perhaps thiswas the new life he hoped for. Gottfried the Fay Hunter! And why not? He raisedhis hands to the crowd and said: "Citizens of Tonner! I'll do the best I can!"
"Hurray! Hurray!" they answered.
The next morning, the Mayor and several other townspeople escorted Gottfriedto the militia headquarters. They were able to scrounge up a wagon with twohorses, some pikes and swords, and a steel helmet and breastplate that moreor less fit their savior-to-be.
When they were back outside, the Mayor spoke to Gottfried: "Do you, uh, havea plan, Fay Hunter?"
"Yes I do," said Gottfried. He had thought it up the night before; now hewould see how workable it was. "I have a list of special herbs here; are theyall available in this locality?"
The Mayor scrutinized the list. "I believe so," he said.
"Great," said Gottfried. "I need your people to go out and scour the countrysidefor every one of these plants, as many as they can gather. Also, I need toknow: do you have any stores of wine?"
"In my basement," said the Mayor, lowering his voice now, "I have two bigbarrels of twenty-year old Plotznian, the best wine to be found in the Empire.I hope you'll understand that I haven't widely announced this fact . . . ."
"I understand fully," said Gottfried, "but I need both barrels, and everydrop in them."
The Mayor looked a little stricken, but he agreed to have the wine broughtposthaste. Then everyone, including Gottfried and the Mayor, went out intothe fields and woods and brought back huge quantities of the necessary herbs.Gottfried chopped up and mixed everything in what he thought were the rightquantities. Then he pried the tops off the wine barrels and poured his mixtureinto each. The herbs would dissolve completely in the wine, but would theyleave a tell-tale flavor? He scooped up some with a cup and tasted it. It wasdelicious, better than the best beer he'd ever drunk. He resealed the barrels,and then he and some of the stronger townsfolk manhandled them into the backof the wagon. Next he put on his armor and clapped a sword and swordbelt athis side. Finally, he gathered up some additional weaponry (including two pikes),and also a lot of rope, and tossed everything into the wagon, alongside thebarrels. "Well, I think I'm ready," he said.
"So you are," said the Mayor. "God speed, Fay Hunter."
"Hurray! Hurray!" shouted the townsfolk.
Gottfried climbed into the wagon and shook the reins. The two horses whinniedwith obvious irritation, but they put their backs into it, and soon they weretaking him north, towards the Capital.
About five miles out, the highway ran through what had once been well-tendedfields, now rank with wild growth. To the right, fifty or so yards ahead, wasan especially dense thicket of bushes, saplings, and wild grasses. Gottfriedhad struggled to prepare himself for the encounter he knew was coming; nonetheless,he let out a gasp and started to tremble when two great figures rose up fromthe thicket and strode onto the road. They turned to face him and stood sideby side, blocking his way quite effectively. They were at least twenty feettall--beautiful, full-breasted women with blood-red hair falling to their waists.Each wore a low-cut, sleeveless halter-top of bright green, as well as knee-lengthhigh-heeled boots, apparently of some kind of snakeskin. The boots were moreyellow than anything else, but had glints of red, and gold, and orange, too.Aside from their tops and footwear, the women were naked, each sporting a brightred semi-diamond on her groin. They stood with their hands on their hips--ajaunty posture, which matched their proud, disdainful expressions. But theykept their legs together, and so managed to look demure, even vulnerable, atthe same time. They are vulnerable, Gottfriedthought. The way to their destruction lies between their legs, andthey know it! They're just like the Tanaquils, only bigger. Still,unlike the Tanaquils, they could crush him to jelly, and so he continued totremble. He had to squelch the impulse to turn his wagon around and flee; forif he did so, they might just run him down and kill him for having dared toannoy them.
Struggling to keep himself under control, he came within twenty feet of thetwo women. The wind was blowing towards him, and he now picked up the scentof their pussies from the air: a strange but pleasing amalgam of flower nectarand vinegar. He could see a gleam of moisture where each mons veneris wasslitted. Had he interrupted their lovemaking? And if he had, would that factalone doom him? Oddly, as frightened as he was, what he saw and smelled gavehim an immediate, insistent erection.
"That's far enough!" said the giantess on his right. So he pulled back onthe reins and brought the wagon to a halt. "There hasn't been anyone up thisroad in the longest time," said the giantess on the left. "We were pretty surethat Tonner-unter-Donckendorpf had breathed its last. We were going to headout for, ah, greener pastures later today, but maybe we were being too hasty."
"I'm, uh, I'm not from Tonner," said Gottfried, trying to keep the tremorout of his voice. "I'm from . . . uh, Speck-am-Ellbogen, to the south. I camethrough Tonner, and it seemed completely deserted. I had no time to investigatethe reason, though. I have a cargo here that's bound for the Palace in Kaiserstadt,and I may wind up in the Palace dungeon if I don't get it there by tonight!"
"Oh?" said the giantess on the right. "And why's that?"
"It's two barrels of the finest Plotznian wine. The Emperor craves it forhis table, and if he doesn't have it by tomorrow morning at the very latest,I might as well try my luck in someone else's empire."
"You poor thing," said the left-hand giantess, and she covered the distancebetween them in two steps. She bent down to inspect the barrels, and Gottfriedgot a fuller whiff of her girl-scent. If he stiffened up any more, he was goingto put a hole in his pants. He had to admit it: she was breathtaking, withthe brightest of green eyes (her eyelids were green, too!), full, blood-redlips, and straight white teeth (her canines were just a bit sharper than thehuman norm).
"May I know to whom I'm speaking . . . Miss?" he said.
"Sure. I'm Echidna, and my sister is Tiamat." And with these words, she priedthe lid off a barrel with one hand.
"Uh, Miss? As I said before . . . ."
Echidna ignored him and spoke to her sister: "What do you think, dear?"
"I don't know. Could be a trap of some kind. You say you're not from Tonner,little man?"
"That's right. Now if I could just be on my way . . . ."
"Shut up until we tell you to speak, and you may have a chance," said Tiamat.Gottfried gulped.
"What if it's poison?" said Echidna.
"Well, there's one way to test it," said Tiamat, who then came up to thewagon beside Echidna and pried the lid off the other barrel. (In appearanceand scent, she closely resembled her sister, but her eyes and eyelids wereviolet.) "Do you have a cup, little man?"
"Um, yes," said Gottfried.
"I want you to take a nice big draft from each barrel. Any problem with doingthat?"
"No! I mean, not at all."
"Good. Do it."
So Gottfried filled his cup from one barrel and drank the contents down.As before, he could detect no strange under- or after-taste. He went to thesecond container and did the same with it.
The two big fays waited for him to go into convulsions. When, after severalminutes, he did not, Tiamat said: "I think we're okay."
"Yes," said Echidna. "I think so, too." Each woman then reached down andscooped up a barrel. They had to use both hands, but otherwise it seemed tocost them no effort at all. They put the barrels to their lips and tilted themback. Then they chugged down one gallon after another of fine liquor.
Gottfried was astonished at their greed. Could they possibly empty everythingin a single go? He then realized it was time to escape, if he could. He climbedquietly down from the wagon, then ran for all he was worth into the overgrownfield to the west. The fays didn't seem to notice—so intent were theyon filling their pretty tummies with wine. He crawled under a thick cover ofweeds, where he planned to wait until the poison began its work.
What did he expect to hear? Screams, wailing, sobs, a string of despairingcurses perhaps. Anything but what actually greeted his ears within half anhour: the sounds of lovemaking! It started out quietly, with a gasp here, awhimper there, and at first Gottfried thought the poison must be doing itsjob. But the sounds got louder, and louder, and louder, and took on a pronounced,pounding rhythm that at last left him in no doubt. Soon he was hearing this:
"Ah! Oh! Oooo! Unnhhh! Yes, yes, oh fuck, yes! Do my pussy . . . do it, doit, do it! Oh fuck yes, do it! Fuck you, you bad bitch, do it! Oh, ahhhh, giveit to me! Give it to me!"
As quietly as he could, he crept to the field's edge and peeked out fromthe weeds. There they were, lying in the middle of the road, each furiouslytonguing the other's twat. They would remove their mouths just long enoughto let loose an "Oh fuck, yes!" or a "Give it to me!" and then it was backto the most frantic cunnilingus Gottfried had ever seen.
What had gone wrong? No big mystery there: either he had once again mixedup too weak a batch, or they hadn't downed enough of it. It was stimulatingtheir genitals, but it hadn't brought on the pussy-rending spasms that wouldturn their toes up for good. "Damn, damn, damn," he said under his breath. "Whatnow?" Frustrated, angry, and afraid, he hid there in the weeds while the fayscontinued rutting.
It must have been an hour or more, but at last the sounds of passion diedaway, to be replaced by loud snores. Gottfried was half-asleep himself, butthe snoring brought him back with a start. He looked out, and sure enough,there were Echidna and Tiamat, sprawled next to each other on their backs,sawing wood for all they were worth.
Could they have prepared a trick for him? Perhaps, but he had to see thisthrough to the end. As quietly as he could, he emerged onto the road. Firsthe went over to where the fays had put down the two barrels. A quick look insideconfirmed what he suspected: the girls had left almost half the liquor. Ifthey had just quaffed a little more, the plan might have worked. He then walkedover to the wagon and made sure that it and the horses were unharmed. As hewas inspecting the wagon, he saw the two pikes he had stashed there beforehe set out, and he got an idea. Might not a pike do for a giantess what a needlehad for the Tanaquils?
He picked up the pikes and balanced one in each hand. It only now occurredto him just how heavy they were. He hoped his muscles would prove equal tothe task. At least the points were nice and sharp. Brandishing his weaponsvery inexpertly, he walked over to the nearest wine barrel and dunked the businessend of each in the poisoned liquor.
Then he tiptoed up to the sleeping fays. They lay side by side, still snoring,their bosoms gently rising and settling. The girls were separated by abouttwo feet of space. Gottfried entered that narrow zone and moved, very slowlyand quietly, past their feet. (Their scent was stronger than ever; in response,he again became annoyingly erect.) His plan was to position himself just alittle south of their groins, and then bring the pikes down as hard as he couldin the vicinity of each puss. If only the shafts weren't so heavy! Gottfriedwas not a robust man, and had not been brought up in the hard life of a soldier.He was beginning to weave and wobble, and his hands were now slick with sweat.He wasn't sure he'd make it. He passed the girls' knees, picked up his pace,and then tripped on a stone.
He fell forward and landed on his face. Quite by luck, momentum carried eachpike right into a pretty fay belly, some inches past the groin. The girls screamed,then clawed at the pikes with their hands. Gottfried staggered to his feetand dashed away, so as not to be crushed. At what he thought was a safe distance,he looked back with wonder on what he had wrought. The poison was at last havingan effect: his victims were too weakened by it to pull the pikes loose. Theyjust gripped them with their hands, kicked spasmodically, and whimpered, groaned,and wept. Mostly they wept, the tears streaming down their lovely, agonizedfaces.
"Bitter tears!" Gottfried shouted. "I've made them cry bitter tears! Theprophecy was true!" He was elated, but he couldn't lose sight of the businessat hand. Had the poison taken them past their tipping point, or was there moreto do?
Cautiously, he walked back toward the stricken fays. Still weeping, Echidnacast a hateful glance at him. "It was . . . foretold to us," she said. "We'dbe vanquished . . . by a mighty h-hunter! We expected a strong man . . . maybeeven a giant like us . . . . We thought that, when he came for us, we could. . . convince him to spare us . . . m-make us his wives! But you . . . a littlecreep like you! H-how can it be? How can it be? Ohhhh fuck . . . it hurts!"
"D-don't . . . insult him, Sis," said Tiamat. "So he's the one. Well, whatof it? L-look at us, little hunter. Aren't we. . . aren't we beautiful? Couldn'twe . . . be of some service to you? (Ouch! It does hurt! It does!)"
"You surely are beautiful," said Gottfried. "But before this goes much further,I think I need to be blunt. What could I possibly do with a pair of giant wivesgalumphing about? I mean: along with all the other risks of consorting withfays, you might just step on me one day."
"No!" cried Tiamat. "We wouldn't!"
"Never! Never!" added her sister. "We'll be the best of wives, light-footedand obedient
. . . we swear!"
"And I've a feeling," said Gottfried, "that, given your size, you'd findme a less than satisfactory lover, so the day of reckoning would probably besooner, rather than later."
"No!" wailed Echidna. "We're tight! So very tight! You'd fit us . . . justfine!"
Yes," said Tiamat. "Try us on! Try us on! You'll love us . . . and we'lllove you!"
"A husband . . . to tame us . . . ."
"A husband . . . to keep us . . . oh dear God, please!"
"Ladies," said Gottfried with a sigh, "if it eases the sting of capture,you can call yourselves my wives, address me as husband,--I don't mind. Butunderstand, pretty brides: this and this alone is the bed I've made for you,one you won't be getting up from. You've had a good start on your kicking andcrying; but you need to take it further. It's bitter comfort, but comfort nonethelesswhen a fay's time is near."
"N-near?" said Echidna.
"Yes" said Gottfried. "Very near."
"We're . . . f-finished then?" said Tiamat. "No matter what we do . . . orsay?"
"Finished as finished can be."
For a time they were silent, trembling and biting their lips, holding theirpassions in, trying not to surrender. But at last his words (gentle but barringall escape) overcame them. Their hearts broke, and they sobbed now more profuselythan before. Their legs took on new vigor and kicked out hard again and again,as if kicking could banish a caught fay's hurt.
Surely, thought Gottfried, their death orgasmsmust be minutes off. But the minutes passed, and for all theircarrying on, they didn't come. Instead, the tears and kickiness slowlysubsided, and they once again fell asleep. No snoring this time; theirpretty bosoms rose and fell with a gentle suspiration.
What was the problem now? If they didn't come soon, the poison would surelywear off. Gottfried didn't want to think about that. He wracked his brain fora while, and then it came to him: Their genitals! The closer to those,the better. So . . . . . He went up to the unconscious girls and,with some straining and gasping, pulled out the pikes. Neither fay stirred.He needed to take advantage of this deep sleep while he could, so he took hisweapons back to the nearest barrel and coated their tips with poison once again.Then he returned to where his victims lay. He put one pike down and held theother with both hands. Echidna was nearest, so he started with her. Grippingthe shaft as tightly as he could, he slipped it into her cunt, then leanedon it to force it all the way in. Echidna shrieked and drew her legs sharplyback, knocking Gottfried to the ground. As soon as he recovered, he pickedup the other shaft and went to Tiamat. Awakened by her sister's cries, sheknew what was coming. Screaming "No! Oh God, God, no!" she covered her groinwith her hands and squirmed back and forth in a frantic effort to evade him.So he jabbed her belly—one, two, three, four times, until her strugglesweakened and her hands fell to her sides. It was now an easy matter to skewerher puss. (Her shrieking then was even louder than her sister's!) Further andfurther in he forced his weapon, and with each thrust she gave out a deep,despairing groan. When it wouldn't go another inch, he at last fell to theground and tried to catch his breath.
The fays, of course, had resumed their kicking; only this time, their pussiesspurted gout after gout of blood-suffused honey. (Such a sweet perfume! Gottfriednearly swooned at the scent of it.) "Ohhhh!" cried Echidna, "Oh! Oh! Oh! Youcan't doubt it now, you cruel man! We're dying . . . I swear we're dying .. . . P-please don't hurt us any more!"
"Please!" added Tiamat. "Please . . . ."
"I'm not cruel," said Gottfried, "but I don't flinch from a job that needsdoing. Since I know at last that I have destroyed you,I promise: I won't hurt you any more." And he was as good as his word. Anotherthought came to him, at which he felt some trepidation, but curiosity won out,and so he asked: "Can you . . . can you prophesy now?"
"Y-yes," said Tiamat. "Not . . . as to your ultimate fate, you'll be . .. happy to hear. But if you're wondering: are we the last . . . who'll meetyou and cry bitterly . . . because we met you . . . be assured we're not!"
"In-indeed," said Echidna. "I see them: so many fays . . . their groins bleeding,their faces . . . wet with tears! You'll put them all to bed . . . your hatefulbridal bed! Oh, you terrible little man!"
"Thank you," said Gottfried.
He waited now for the end. It was nearly an hour of breasts heaving, andhands clenching convulsively, and snakeskin boots kicking up the dust, andsobs, and unstinting tears . . . but at last the girls were still.
When it was over, Gottfried retrieved his pikes. Then he gathered up allthe rope he'd brought and, with much cursing and sweating, used it to tie thedead fays securely to the back of the wagon. Next he got the horses moving.They complained audibly about the added weight, but they pulled it along justthe same. And thus he returned with his catch to Tonner.
When they saw that Gottfried was victorious, the Mayor and other townspeoplecheered, and they wined and the dined the brave little tailor for the nextseveral days. Herr Flugenberg offered him an official post, but after somethought, he turned it down--politely of course. Tonner was still a dreary,shabby place, and neither the Mayor nor anyone else had a pretty daughter tooffer him in marriage. He decided to move on, and see what kind of successhe'd have as an itinerant fay hunter. He revised the motto on his blue sash,so that it now read: "Twelve Fays, with a Good Deal of Work." That sash, andthat motto, would soon be famous.
Hello Friends. I am Rahul, age 29 from Ahmadabad, first time writing the story based on real experience. Kindly excuse me for my English. Without taking much time let me narrate the real incidence happen in my life just few days back. I have been married since 6 year. My wife Neha(age 28) is a beautiful cum sexy woman. Usko dekhke kisi ka bhi man ho jaye aisi uski figure hain. She is having 38-30-38, and fair in colour and 5″5 tall. Her nature is kind of conservative and emotional too (at least...
By: Naresh Hi all, after reading all the hot stories in ISS i finally got the guts to narrate a real incident that happened in my life 2 yrs ago. I am naresh from chennai working for an MNC and i m 22 yrs old. We are a family of 4 consisting my dad, my mom, my younger sister and myself. My dad owns a small scale industries and he keeps roaming half the time in search of new clients. My mom shilpa, is about 44 yrs old and she is a housewife. We are a quite well of family. Now let me...
Hi all, after reading all the hot stories in ISS i finally got the guts to narrate a real incident that happened in my life 2 yrs ago. I am naresh from chennai working for an MNC and i m 22 yrs old. We are a family of 4 consisting my dad, my mom, my younger sister and myself. My dad owns a small scale industries and he keeps roaming half the time in search of new clients. My mom shilpa, is about 44 yrs old and she is a housewife. We are a quite well of family. Now let me describe about my mom,...
It was a hot summer day. Anu wanted to go to the tailor but her mother did not have the time to take her there. Her father was also out of the city for another few days. She was feeling very desperate as she had to check the fittings of her new dress which she was to wear on the marriage of one of her cousins. Few days back she had sel the cloth herself but could not give her measurements properly and had to give her another shirt for the purpose as on that day also her mother was busy...
Hi indian sex stories dot net reader. I have come with another story for u all. This story is my fantasy and fictional only. My name is Nagen and I’m newly married with a sexy slim wife name Revathi. She has a nice figure of 34-30-36. Her ass is bigger than her slim body. Her bra fit right to her boobs. After our marriage we move to a new town that far from my house. My age is 26 and my wife also same. She always like to wear little sexy but I won’t allow her to do. As now we are far from our...
Hi all! I am a family man with a loving wife, but she doesn’t know about my crossdressing. It just so happened that she had gone to her mother’s place during her pregnancy, and I got ample time for my crossdressing. I did all of my shopping on Myntra and bought myself some nice soft satin sarees, dresses, gowns, tops, high-heel shoes, a makeup kit, perfumes, and loads of bras. I was waiting for the delivery like a curious kid waits for their birthday gifts. Finally, the day arrived and the...
Gay MaleHi friends, I am Harman. I have already posted three stories of mine and got some good response from lot of readers especially females. They are titled: 1) Cousin sister ko shadi se do din pehle choda 2) Hot sex with a divorcee colleague 3) Amazing sex with a married horny ISS reader This story is of my friend who is not able to post his story and hence I am doing it on his behalf. I am ARYAN 28 WORKING IN MNC IN JAIPUR earning sufficient to fulfil any requirement of my wife. Before starting...
Mera naam poonam hai or mein 24 yr old housewife hu. Mere pati senior sales manager hai or unki job ke vajaha se vo bohot travel krte hai. Kuch tour 2 din to kuch tour 45 days tk ke ho jate hai. Shru ke 10-15 din unke bina to rhe leti hu pr uske baad unke bina mann nhi lagta. Ye meri life ka wo experience hai jb mere pati 45 days ke tour pr gye the. Raat ki tanhaiya mujhe din me bhe satane laggi or unki kami mujhe bohot khalne lagi. Pr is baar mujhe ek rishtedar ki shadi me jana tha to socha...
I have this tailor for almost four years who used to tailor my shalwar kameez., and he was very well behave and good manner. Let me tell how he looked. He was a fair man short and thin a Muslim .He used to come to my home and take measurements and cloth. He will call me before coming, and mostly when nobody was in house. While taking measurement he use to brush my breast and my gaand. This was his habit and i use to like it. I never asked why he was doing this and that is why he got bold. He...
Rima got out of the car and pushed her dark sunglasses on her head into her silky dark hair, as she walked to the tailor shop. As she entered some bells on the door signaled her entry. A young man of about 25 years of age came out from an inside room and asked, "Can I help you, Ma'am?"He looked quite strong and muscular, with a well-proportioned body, his slightly hairy chest was partially visible through the 2 open buttons of his shirt. He was not bad looking, not at all. In fact, thought...
My step mom is sexually very active. My dad was normally out of town. Seeing my mom's sexual activities i learnt and experimented with a tailor just before my marrage. Hello readers of Juicy Stories Let me tell about how I became a mother in eight months of my marriage. Surprised or not? You all may be thinking as to what is special, these days do girls and boys meet before marriage and it happens. Yes it is true but there is something different in my case. I am Susheela, now 26 , mother of a...
AffairHey Xhamsterians, this is my first story on xhamster. I'm AMIT and this story is about my sister's sexy encounter with a male ladies tailor.My sister's name is Neha. Let me tell you about her , She is married and has a great figure.Big busty 38-C boobs and 42 (XXL) round big ass as a pure desi girl (bhabhi).She has a figure as desired by every man in their bhabis and wives. And I'm personally a great fan of her armpits, she has broad and beautiful armpits so smooth ♥ and she often exposes her...
Surrounded by a solid block wall, Gravestead was reasonably well protected. I reminded myself to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention, at least until my pets and I could safely fight other champions in a dungeon. I approached the two guardsmen stationed at the city gate. Vixen’s over-sized clothing amused them, and they didn’t try to hide it. Grinning, they asked a few questions about where we came from and what we planed to do in the city. My pet had expected their questions, and...
My friend Kathy got her clothes stitched by a tailor. I was intrigued as I had never heard of a tailor stitching women’s clothing! Kathy said he stitched clothes much better than seamstresses. I had in mind to stitch a mini skirt with some frills for some time. So I decided to get it stitched by her tailor. When I told her of my intention she giggled and said “be careful, he is a Casanova”.When I heard those words my pussy twitched for some seconds. The eagerness to get my skirt tailored by...
As a Wall Street attorney, I have to dress the part. Believe me, if it was up to me, I'd wear jeans and polo shirts all day everyday.Please let me introduce my self. My name is Kevin Provocante. I am 30 years old and just over 6 feet in height. I have black hair which I keep short to maintain my professional appearance, and I have green eyes. I keep in shape by working out probably three times a week, plus a good run on weekends when I can find the time. At 175 pounds, I keep myself in pretty...
I had this fantasy since I was young. It included me and an older very sexy lady that works as a tailor the weird thing is that she works as an underwear tailor and especially panties. I used to fantasize about would she take my measurements and that she would make them very small just to play around them and try to fix them on me while I get the most wonderful sensations. At that time (I was probably six or seven years old) my sensations were purely genital and non sexual and I didn't know...
Hi, my name is ramesh kotari i am 19 years old and i live with my parents my dad’s name is rajesh and he works in an indian company and my mom's name is sunita and is a housewife. We stay at pune. This incident i am going to share is when i was 14 years old. One day during my summer vacation i was watching tv when mom called me and said to accompany her to the market. Mom was wearing a red colour saree and a matching blouse. Now to describe mom looks, mom was 38 years old at that time and...
Hi to all I am writing my experience in Telugu please read and give me feedback. Hope u enjoy it. I am ajay basically I am tailor due to family circumstances nenu marriage chasukoledhu. Marriage chasukokunda brathakadam antey chala kastam because mana feelings control chasukovadam chala kastam. Coming to my experience nenu tailor ga settle iyanu and my age is 30 unmarried ala life velthundhe Apudu oka roju customer ochendhe. Nenu stitching chasthu una Apudu I can’t see her but Tana feet chusa...
Hi, my name is ramesh kotari i am 19 years old and i live with my parents my dad’s name is rajesh and he works in an indian company and my mom’s name is sunita and is a housewife. We stay at pune. This incident i am going to share is when i was 14 years old. One day during my summer vacation i was watching tv when mom called me and said to accompany her to the market. Mom was wearing a red colour saree and a matching blouse. Now to describe mom looks, mom was 38 years old at that time and her...
IncestHi guys I’m yashwant. Now for a change geetha will narrate the story now to you Hi, this is geetha sharing with you an experience at the tailor’s. Once yashwant had an invitation to attend an important congregation of commercial photographers. He wanted me to look at my absolute best on that evening which was a week away. Now, I look tempting for a 28 yr old. I am 5 ft 7”, 36c 30 38 and fair. He wanted me to dress up for the occasion. So, I reached my friend deepa for suggestions. She mentioned...
I was just out of college and doing the kid in his twenties thing by heading to the big city to see what it made of me. I had been in econ major and school and managed to get a staff position with a small stock broking firm. Only problem is, I didn’t have a suit, really any formal work wear. To rectify this, I decided to go the tailor and get myself properly done up (and coincidentally properly done). An elderly Italian couple owned the nearest place to my apartment. They were somewhat...
This happened first time when i was 12. I used to go this tailor's shop to stitch my school uniforms every year. But it was in the 7th grade that he started doing these dirty things to me. When he was taking my measurements, his hand accidentally(i think so) pressed against my crotch region. I felt somewhat embarrassed, but unintentionally i got erect. It was my mistake, i know, but i just couldn't do a thing because it was an autonomous reaction. His hand again hit on my crotch while...
Up until then, I used to do the stitching of my blouses by myself with the knowledge passed on to me by my mother. I decided to try this place. On a hot and sultry June afternoon I managed to find the tailor shop, after shopping my saree and the matching blouse piece. I was sweating by the time I reached the tailor shop, so the cool air from the air conditioning was a great relief when I entered. I was greeted by a 14 to 15 year old boy. "Hello madam ..Please sit down, uncle is busy inside -...
This happened first time when i was 12. I used to go this tailor's shop to stitch my school uniforms every year. But it was in the 7th grade that he started doing these dirty things to me. When he was taking my measurements, his hand accidentally(i think so) pressed against my crotch region. I felt somewhat embarrassed, but unintentionally i got erect. It was my mistake, i know, but i just couldn't do a thing because it was an autonomous reaction. His hand again hit on my crotch while taking...
Designing exclusive outfits for exquisite females is my profession. I am well known for my haute designs. Most of my customers are the rich classy type. One of my sex crazy friends showed me this site. I didn’t mind revealing the experience I once had with of my horny customers. But first let me introduce myself properly. I am 24 year old, name is Vinod. Our whole family is into ladies tailoring business. My father was from a poor traditional family. Hence I was also very simple and sincere...
Hi all. Thanks for your all lovely mails. I really like some of your comments. This is Vishal again with priya series. Hope you have not been bored yet reading her stories. Let me introduce myself . I am a man of mid 30 with average height ,well built body & of course with a truly nasty brain & dick. My lust for beautiful ladies is never ending. I am not a lady hunter at this age but neither misses opportunity nor perform below expected level if the dealing is with a sex bomb. I am on & on &...
I am Rahul,28 years old,living in Delhi.I am working as a software engineer.My wife is Amrita,25 years old.She is very beautiful and typical Indian housewife.We are having our marriage life since 3 years. We love each other very much and we share everything between us. According to that,she shared an experience of her college life with me.When,she was 21,she had that experience.So,I am narrating that incident in direct speech,as I heard from my wife. When I(Amrita) has experienced the...
I want to tell the readers about my short but sweet episode which happened last week. I am Preity 32 years, married for last 7 years with no kids. I am fair complexioned and has very good figure, good health. For my readers to imagine me you can say I almost resemble the earlier film actress Ayesha Takia. My figure was an envy of all even in college days. With 36 D size bust I was a center of attraction wherever I went. In contrary my husband is very skinny, tall and bit darker in complexion....
In continuation of my biographical episodes which I wrote earlier, let me tell about a particular rainy day which I cannot forget for the rest of my life. Yes, we had fixed to meet at 2PM. But it suddenly started to rain that day at around 1 PM and did not stop. You know the rains of Mumbai. For that week my husband, Shashidhar, had gone to Bangalore along my kids, to attend a marriage of his sister’s daughter. I pretended sick and did not go. The telephone was dead. I had no way of contacting,...
Her name is Nidhi. What a treat for eyes and perfect to arouse me. I am a ladies tailor. First time she came to my shop was around 2 years back. She was wearing a black chiffon saree with black blouse and white bra. From his bra selection, I knew she was seeking attention type. She is fair like milk and “Bhara hua Badan”. Her navel was visible thru the saree and boobs were protruding out. From her makeup, bangles, necklace and ring, I could make out that she was recently married. She was really...
HI this is my first story. Any bhabhi,aunty or girls interested in my 9 inch cock can mail me on am gujarati and this story is about how my wife got fucked by 2 Muslim tailors,My name is sushmit and her name is sudeshna.On last Navaratris, or three days before the 1st day of Navaratri, we reached to Ahmadabad to meet my parents, and Sudeshna wanted to witness and play ‘Garba” festival. Well, she wanted me to get her few new sets of traditional ‘chania-choli’ for her participation in the...
It was more than a week ago, now, but I couldn't stop thinking about that night. That shameful night. That disgusting night. A night I most desperately hoped would remain locked in the silence of the three participants. And make no mistake — a night I would love to repeat. I had been home, late in the evening, sipping at my third or fourth drink. My wife of sixteen years was working the overnight nursing shift at the hospital. My fourteen-year-old daughter, Aubrey, had just gone upstairs to...
I am Mridula and am 20 years old. Slim built petite figure and just got married three days ago. He is a software engineer working in Delhi. Our first night was OK as both of us never had s.. our hm was in beautiful Kashmir. We had booked a bungalow and were taking the flight tonight. We were both excited and he had told me we would have a lot of S.. We arrived in Srinagar and were transferred to the hotel/ bungalow. we would be there for a week. We had s.. a couple of times and slept. Next 2...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Home of the Brave For 'Drea, just cause. She finished the story, and turned off the computer with a sigh. It had been a good story, having some of her favorite elements. Her favorite stories were about girls who even though they had been forced to begin life as boys, had taken the steps needed to live as their true selves. "She was so brave...." she sighed to herself, thinking again of the heroine of the story she'd just finished. .".She had to overcome so much, and yet she didn't...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesThe Brave ForceBy: Londebaaz ChohanThe Murphy’s Law states that if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong and at such a God forsaken time that nothing could hurt more in life.Leo was unable to understand, if something was wrong with him or what, because as he was growing in age, his interest in men was much more than in women. It was not until late that his bisexuality got materialized. He was younger than his sister Mia by almost 1 year but his sister was much taller. Of course; he had...
Brave New Women's World! This is a story I wrote some years back that was published, just in case it may look familiar to you. This is my vision of the future, enjoy! BRAVE NEW WOMEN'S WORLD My favorite type of FEMALE Dominance is one in which the FEMALES Rule completely; in the family's home, at work, in the community, in the world! Where WOMEN take over all rights, FEMINIZE their males and control the males lives completely. I especially love when the FEMALES of a home...
After the Exodus, the brave new beginning By: Malissa Madison To my fans and longtime readers, thank you all for joining us in this adventure. This spin off, is the result of some very good questions asked by a few of you, and we want to let you know how things are going back home. Thank you, Malissa and Gang ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dotty and David sat quietly in the separate interview rooms waiting for the interrogations to begin....
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn Sites