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By M.M.

Thatday began like any other day. The firm was at its best, people running allaround, telephones ringing and faxes coming like crazy. Everybody was sobusy and cheerful, everybody but me. It was me who had the dullest and moststupid job in the firm. Standing all day behind the reception desk wasn'treally anybody's idea of fun. This was a part time job during summer pauseand I was so determined that this is going to be my last year at college.I've been going there for 6 years now and was tired of it all.

Myboss came in around 10:30, "Good morning ser" I said, and he replied, "HiBobby. Hey listen, today a new head of marketing department is coming, someonecalled Jones. I want you to be extremely nice and professional, ok. As Ihear this one could easily get to be our boss next year so I think you knowwhat I mean" and he went to his office. I knew what that asshole meant; weshould all be kissing asses like he does. My father had some shares in hereand he wanted me to work here regular after I graduate. This may be the reasonI am still in school; I disliked that place pretty much so I stall my timeat college.

Itwas around 11:15, I was checking some records from last week when I heardsomeone saying, "Good day!" I lifted my head and, what a surprise; "Marla?" Iasked and she looked at me like she was trying to remember who I was. Finallyshe said, "Robert? Is that you, Robert Caine", she smiled and I said, "Yep,it's me but everyone calls me Bobby. How've you been Marla? I haven't seenyou like for hundred years." Then it came to me; "Marla Jones was her name.Jones, like new marketing manager, anyway I asked, "What are you doing here?I didn't know that you're back, I thought you ere living somewhere back east,ha?" "Yeah, I am, at least I did until two days ago. I got the job here soI came back but my folks are still there. I thought that I'll find somethingnew in this place but it's all the same, nothing changed. What about you?This is your job, here?" she asked that like in wonder. "Yes…well,it's only during summer, you know…" I was embarrassed now, "stillin college", "College? You're joking, right?" she couldn't believe it butneither could I, frankly. "No, I am afraid not…I had some problems,you know, but this will be my last year, I promised that to my self" shewanted to say something but I interrupted," which job are you here for?" Ialready knew, "Marketing manager!" she said proudly. "My boss just told methis morning that someone by name Jones is coming today and that I am tobe very polite and professional and…well, you know, just to kiss assI guess. I never even imagine it could be you." She looked at me with a smileand blinked her eye, "well, I like that." "Like what?" I asked but she turnedaway and said, "Gotta go now, see ya!" I watched her walk away and said tomy self, "No objections, I could kiss that ass anytime."

Theboss arrived late as usual, "Hi Bobby!" he said cheerfully, "Hi boss, it'snice to see you're in good mood." "What's with you and that chick Jones,anyway?" I didn't know what he was talking about, "What do you mean boss?" "Youknow her?" "Yes, I know her, she use to live around here, we went to schooltogether, and it was like million years ago. I hardly recognized her, butwhy do you ask?" he thought it for a second, "Never mind, you got to go anyway" andthen he called, "Diane!! Come here and replace Bobby, will you?" girl came;he grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, let's go." "Go where boss?" he lookedat me and smiled kind a sourly, "to marketing Bobby, to marketing."

Tobe a front desk boy was enough for me, but to be a Marla's secretary, nowthat was degrading. 'Bumpy Marla', that's what we used to call her at school.But she was no Bumpy anymore I can tell you that. She looked like Penthousepet of the decade. Long and curly black hair covered her beautiful face.Although little skinny, she reminded me of that actress Diane Lane. She hadgreat body, nicely shaped little ass and even greater legs. I couldn't takemy eyes of those for she wore a mini and had some red high heels on. "HHmm…" shecoughed, "Mind your own legs Bobby…for now" I blushed, I could feelblood running into my face like in jets. "I am sorry…I wasn't…" butshe interrupted," yes you were, but never mind that now. I know you're notthrilled with working for me and if you refuse, that's fine with me. Butlook at it as a promotion, I can make it look good in your file, I just wantto help. It's up to you to decide but I want you to know, if you decide towork here with me it'll be a hard work and you'll have to do variety of differentstuff. I am a demanding girl and if you're not up to it, then…" shestopped and watched for my reaction. 'Not up to it?' I thought, 'come onsweetie, you don't know a thing about me'. "Ok, I'll do it, no problem" "Sure?I need you to be absolutely sure, I don't want to have to replace my secretaryafter a week" she smiled kind a wickedly, "don't concern your self Marla,that won't be necessary." "And Bobby, it is Miss Jones when we are not alone.Ok?" I bowed my head and said, "Yes miss Jones." She looked at me kind acold and said, "I like that. Now let's begin. Go to the personal and seewhat they have for me, they just called." "Yes Miss Jones" and I went butshe stopped me, "it's already noon and once I am done with that, maybe wecould go and have a lunch together; that is if you're not busy." I was justabout to ask her the same thing, "No, perfectly free" I said and left.

Wewent for Chinese, few blocks away. "So, Marla tell me, how is it that youbecame a marketing manager?" "Well, I graduated with honors and one smallcompany hired me. I became manager over there in a year then the firm calledme and here I am" she said and I continued, "and soon, I'll be running forthe office." She wasn't pleased with what I said, "And you probably, as anyother man would, have some objections when it comes to successful women,ha Bobby?" "No, no, I don't…I am really glad for you, I think thiscountry desperately needs a lady president. Maybe there would be no warsthen, we are always in some kind of war." We were silent while we ate ourfood and she said, "You know what, as I am a boss and a senior now, I saywe don't go back to work today. It's Saturday anyway and no one will notice.Maybe we can take a walk around the town; I'd like to remind my self of pasta little, what do you say?" "Well, if the boss says that we shouldn't workanymore…who am I to object." We laughed and after a while left therestaurant. I took her to the center and then we went to see our school. "Rememberthat teacher, Miss Spalding, she was a bitch I say, and I bet she still beatsher husband." But she didn't agree, "Well, I liked her, just a few of usdid. And it's not true that she beats her husband, the man was clumsy; heused to fall a lot." I looked at her and said, "come on, you know better,I don't think anyone is that clumsy to fall everyday and bruise him selfon the face, always different spot." Then I brought up something that I maybeshouldn't have, "Hey, you know how the kids used to call you back in school?" Iwanted to say but she interrupted, "I know and what do you mean boys, younever called me that, Bumpy Marla?" I defended myself, "No, as the matterof fact I never did", "Yeah right..." she said. "Look Marla, I need to tellyou this. I don't want you get offended but, when we were in school, youreally was an ugly girl" I noticed that she was angry, ready to jump at meand pull my eyes out, but then I said, "But now…" I waited, "What??" shealmost yelled, "Now you look like…" I waited again, I liked provokingher like this, "Like what Bobby??" she was furious, she thought who knowswhat I am going to say, "You look like million dollars now Marla, really.I barely recognized you yesterday, you changed a lot" and I saw her calmingdown. "Hmm…thank you, nobody said to me that before. So, what elsedo I look like, ha? Bumpy?" she took the game now, "and remember; I am yourboss now." "No, you don't look bumpy, I just told you; you're beautiful;you really are. And…" "And what?" she gave me that investigative look, "Andyou really look sexy when you act so bossy like just now". She looked atme kind a cold again and said, "Really? Hey Bobby, I can be bossy, I canbe bossy a bunch, believe me" she said that like she was saying 'and I amgonna show you how much'.

Itwas all she said it will be, a pretty damn hard work. I never even imaginedthat so much was happening in marketing department. Sometimes, Marla wasa real bitch, when edgy she was yelling and calling everybody names. Butstill, she was the very best in the business. We went out together everyday,sometimes only for lunch and sometimes we would spend all evening. I supposewe both knew that we were attracted to each other in some way, but none ofus wanted to make a first move for a quite a long time. One day she invitedme to see how she had arranged her new apartment. It looked kind a cold butI still liked it. We were sitting in her living room, having some wine andjust chatted about old times. "I knew you all called me Bumpy Marla but thatdidn't bother me much. What bothered me was that all the boys just lovedto pull my hair, all the time. You used to do that, too, haven't you?" shewanted me to feel guilty now, "You've had long red hair, what happened tothat?" I asked, "Don't change the subject, you used to do it, too, answerme?" I didn't know what she wanted with this, "Well, yes, I think I did thatonce." "Just once?" she asked, "Yes once, I never liked doing stuff likethat, I wasn't like the other boys." She smiled and said, "Yeah, I guessso. I remember one time everybody was harassing me, then you came and pulledmy hair real gently and I asked my self 'what's wrong with this one'. Ifyou didn't like doing it, why did you do it then?" "Hmm…I guess Ididn't want everybody to think that I am some kind of wimp" I was like excusingmy self. "You boys always have to be macho or something, ha? Well guess what,not all the women like that. Me, I'd personally always choose a gentle wimpthen some macho bully asshole" we both waited a little and she said, "So,what are you Bobby, wimp or a bully?" I didn't want to answer that becauseit sounded like really stupid question, "I'd like you better if you werea wimp" she said. "A wimp, ha; you want me to be a wimp so then you'd likeme? What kind of bullshit is that?" I thought she was provoking me now, "NoI like you anyway, but…", "But what?" I asked, "If you were a wimpI would be able to feel better, I had enough bullies in my life" I didn'tknow what she was talking about and I said, " Well, I am sorry if you alreadyhad you disappointments with men, but we are not all the same. If you'llfeel better I'll start to act as a wimp with you, you're the boss anyway,ha, ha…" I was teasing. "Will you?" she asked sweetly, "Will I what?" Iasked back, "Be my wimp…" I didn't understand what she was after, "Beyour wimp? What do you mean 'Be my wimp', what kind of game are you playing?" Ididn't have a clue where she was getting at. "I am not playing a game, notyet anyway. Come with me…" she put our glasses on the table and ledme to her room. Once we were in there we began to kiss and remove each other'sclothes rapidly. She was kissing me very passionately, caressing me withher hands and removing my clothes at the same time. She was very anxiousto get laid. Once naked we laid on the bed and I wanted to remove her shoesbut she stopped me, "No! I always keep my shoes on during sex" I was prettyamazed by this but, hell, I didn't give a damn. She pushed me on my backand climbed and leaned forward so I could kiss her breasts. She had greatboobs, medium but very round and very hard. I began to lick her nipples andshe rubbed her pussy against my dick, "Oh yes, lick those, mmm" she moanedvery laud. My dick was all hard by then and she just slipped her pussy onit, "Aahhh…feels so good" she began to ride me and we were both reallyhorny by now. I was breathing heavily and she moaned so loud that I was almostembarrassed what the neighbors would think. She was fucking me very passionatelyand almost roughly and she suddenly stopped, "Give me you hand" she saidand took my hand. She pulled some silky laces from below the cushion andsaid, "Don't worry, you'll like it" she then tied my both hands to the bedrail and went to the other end of the bed to tie my ankles. Once she wasdone she stood beside the bed and just watched me for few moments. I didn'tknow what was going on so I said, "Kinky, ha?" and she almost yelled at me, " SHUTUP! " she placed her hands onher hips and said, "try to untie your self!", I tried but I couldn't, thoselaces were silky but Marla knew the right knots. "Is this some kind of revengefor pulling your hair back then? I did it gently, you said so yourself." "YesI know, but that was because you're such a wimp." "Come on, we are both grownups,if you like it kinky just say so, I'll probably go along with it" I saidalso I promise not to tell anyone. "Maybe you're right, maybe I am just kinkybut that doesn't matter now, does it? You're over there and I am here, onceagain I am in charge" she had this calm and wicked expression on her face.I thought that playing along is probably wisest thing then, I was immobilizedand couldn't compete with that, for what I knew, I didn't know anything whatshe was capable of. So I decided to keep my mouth shut and let her make thefirst moves. "Cat got your tongue?" she asked but I remain silent. "Hmm,ok then" she said and climbed the bed. I watched her beautiful body as shestood above me with her legs spread, she was really gorgeous. She placedher right foot on my chest and said, "Maybe I should walk all over you forstarters, or…" her foot slide down to my groin, that freaked me outa bit. "Lets do a test, shall we?" she sat on my chest turning her back tome and took my dick between her shoes. She was light weighted so I had noproblems with this. She then began to play with my dick and soon it was hardand erected, "Well equipped wimp" she just said and began to stroke it withher feet. "We'll soon find out if there is any chance for us" I didn't knowwhat she was talking about but all this made me very horny and soon I wasall moaning and breathing heavily." Mmm…haahh", "Oh, he likes it,how about that. Let's get this done." She said and began to stroke me veryrapidly, 'Ohhh, yes…yeeesss, ahhhhaaa" and I came all over her shoesand my belly. "Ts, ts, ts, you naughty boy, look what you did" I couldn'tbelieve that she managed to make me cum so quickly this way. I was confusedbecause I didn't know what really turned me on. She stepped off the bed andwent away to clean her shoes. She came back with some other red shoes onher feet. "So who's kinky now, ha? You just came like a teenager on a firstlay and did so under my feet. You like being there don't you; under my feetthat is?" She waited a little and said, "I won't beat around the bush anymore,I'll just come out straight, ok?" she waited and I said, "Please do." "Youwere right before, there is a kinky side of me…I like to be in charge" shethen untied my hands and ankles. "I like to dominate men, that's where Iget my kicks from" I stood up and went to get my clothes. We went for theliving room and she asked, "Some more wine?" and I said," Sure, that'll benice." I was still in shock from what she just did to me and from what shesaid. I had to admit myself that I had this fantasy about older women butthat was when I was little. This was different, she was my age and I neversaw this coming. "Go on." I said. "Well that's it, I just told you." "Andwhat am I suppose to say now" I asked, "I don't know, say whatever you like." "Whatis it that you, exactly, want from me, I still don't know. You got this kinkything in you but I know nothing about all this, I never…" I didn'tknow what to say anymore. "You ever had any boyfriends to dominate before?" shesmiled and said," No, not really. I had boyfriends and I tried this twicebut they ran away immediately." She bowed her head, as she was so disappointed. "Hm…whowouldn't?" I said and she replied silently, "You're still here" and I was,wasn't I? "So, what if, I repeat, what if I decide to go along with yourkink, what then" I suppose she sensed that I just might and smiled cheerfully, "thenI'll have to make you my slave" I opened my eyes wide in amazement, I alreadyfelt like one just being her secretary at work. "A slave??", "Yes, I mean,sex slave, it's all about sex anyway, I am not going to force you to pickcotton or something, ha, ha, ha." Damn, she was just irresistible. "So whatdo I do then" I asked, "Anything I say, that's what slaves are for", "Andwhat about good old plain missionary fucking, ha? What about that?" I askedand she thought it for a while, "Well, if you are a really good slave I mightfuck you from time to time, or let you fuck me" she gave me a strange glance. I decided to provoke a little, "Ha, I bet you have a basement full of leatherand shackles?" she looked at me coldly and said, "Come, I'll show you something." Shetook my hand and led me to the door of some room I haven't seen before. "Thereis no basement in this building, but…" she opened the door and turnedthe light on, "here we are". Room was almost empty except for some strangefurniture around and a closet. She opened a closet and I just couldn't believewhat I saw then. It was full of leather collars, handcuffs, whips and crops,all kinds of devices for who knows what. I was stunted, I had no words tosay except to swallow and let go a "Wow! Jesus, what's all that?" "My toys,our toys that is, if you want to try them" I suddenly felt very cold andslightly frightened. "This looks like pain, I am not sure I like it at all." "Aha.So you are a wimp after all, that's too bad." "What's that suppose to mean,I am a wimp if I don't like whips and chains?" I was angry, "No, but youare a wimp because you're afraid to try something new." "That's bullshit,I am not afraid to try, but…" and she interrupted me, "if you're notafraid then prove it to me." Now I was intrigued, "Prove how?" "Well, letsplay for an hour and then we'll see if you're a wimp or not." I wasn't reallysure about this but…, nobody calls me a wimp for no reason. "Ok" Isaid, "let's play" she smiled wickedly and said, "That's a good boy." Shetold me to strip and to wait here and she went to the bathroom. I lookedaround the room and thought 'what' a fuck am I doing?' I asked when she cameback, "What are we going to do here?" and she said, "That's for me to decide".I was ordered to strip naked and stand still, "Ok, this blindfold is justfor beginning, later I'll take it of" she placed it around my eyes, "andthe handcuffs…" she cuffed my hands in front of me, "those will probablyremain through the game." She buckled a leather collar around my neck anda weird leather strap around my waist, which also had a leather lace goingdown below my balls and back to my back. She pulled that collar and said, "Comeon, follow me" she towed me into the middle of the room and said, "Now waithere a second" and she left. In a while I heard her coming back; her footstepswere now much lauder. "Ok, put your hands up" and so I did. She hooked somekind of shackle to the handcuffs and then pulled my hands up with something.She removed the blindfold and stood behind me at first, I saw that I waschained to the ceiling, all stretched upwards. When she came in front ofme, she stood there for a while showing off her outfit to me. Her hair wasnow curled into a ball on top of her head, she wore black leather corsetwithout the top so her breasts were bulging out. She had black leather pantiesand that was it except the shoes, which were also black and had very highheels with spikes on them. "So, what do you think?" "Oh, nothing much, justhangin' around, ha, ha…" I tried to make fun of her and that was reallystupid. "Hmm…so you're a joker I guess, ha? I think I'll just giveyou a kiss for that" she came closer, put her hands around my neck and pressedher lips on mine. Just when I was about to return the kiss, she stepped onboth of my feet with her shoes and lifted herself to increase weight, "AAoouuucch…Jesus!" Iyelled, "Oh, I am sorry, I didn't mean to" she said, " bullshit, you didso!" it hurt pretty much and she came closer again and said, "No, I didn't…butif I did it would be like this" she kissed me again, this time much morehard and placed her heels on my feet. This hurt twice as much, she rippeda little of my flesh and I screamed, "OOHH, nooo, aaaarghh!" Suddenly I wasso scared I was freaking out and without thinking I said, "Please, don'thurt me anymore." "Oh baby, are you scared? Don't be, aunt Marla will fixeverything" she moved away and 'THAAM!' she slapped my right cheek so hardit was burning in an instant. "You see, I have to make sure that you won'tmake any more jokes, I have to make you obedient, otherwise it's all fornothing, except for the kick I get out of this. So, it's really up to you,if you are a good boy, then maybe I'll be gentle and if not…well,I have plenty of ways to make you a good boy." She stared right in my eyes, "Ithink you should let me go now" I said but she replied, "Oh, I am sorry butI can't do that, and please, don't ask why, ok?" but it just came out, "Why?" and'THAAM!' she slapped my left cheek even harder, "You just won't listen, ha?Ok then…" she went over to that closet and took a leather whip fromit. "Few minutes more and you will listen, I promise." I was out of my mind, "Whatare you doing? What you want that for…" I didn't even finish whenI heard that whip cutting the air 'Ttsssamm…smack' she lashed it acrossmy back, it felt like a torch against my skin, "NNOOOO! STOP, please I'lllisten I promise…" 'Tsaaam…smack' the other one came and caughtme across my ass cheeks, "AUcchh…" she just said, "don't make thosesounds, I don't like it" and the third one lashed me across my ribs and mychest but I managed to bight my mouth and remain silent. "Now, that's better,you see, you are listening now. We are getting somewhere" she said cheerfully. "Ithink I'll let you off now, but remember, I haven't show you the worst yetand, believe me, you don't want to know about it" she removed that bucklefrom the cuffs and as my hands fell down they almost dragged me to the floor,too. I bowed down and gathered my strength a little and, after a minute maybe,I went towards her, I wanted to kill the bitch that bruised me like this.She saw my intention and suddenly her left leg swung some kung-fu move andhit me in the guts. "What 'a fuck do you think you're doing, ha?" I fellon my knees and curled down and she punched me at my temple so, that I fellon the floor. " YOU WANTED TOJUMP ME, DIDN'T YOU…YOU PIECE OF SHIT ?She was furious now, she kicked me in the ribs several times then she pushedme on my back with her foot, she stepped on my chest with her full weight.I thought that her heel would just rip thru my lungs, those were real killers. Sheplaced her right foot on my neck; I thought she'd break it, "I could endyour pathetic life right now" she said calmly, "But then I'd have to lookfor new slave, so I won't. She stepped of and placed her left foot on mytemple, "this I where your kind belong, under our feminine powerful feet.I had to remain silent because this one could just fulfill her threats. "Well…areyou a wimp or not, hmm? Are you ready to play this game or not? And bettersay yes, or else…" I didn't want to know what 'or else' means, soI said, "Yes, I am ready, whatever you say." "Now, that's more like it, butjust for the record, that move was jit-kwan-doo, so don't try that again,ok…" she removed the cuffs from my hands and told me to lie on thebed that was near. "Stay here, I'll be back in a minute." She changed herclothes again, this outfit was normal, just a plain red dress and black sandals,her hair was now loose too. She brought some bottles, some cotton and a towel. "Ok,lay down, I have to check the damage I did" only then I looked around mybody, I had whip marks all over, some bruises on my ribs and chest and stillhot cheeks. As she was attending my wounds she said, "Shit, I messed youup good, I never noticed. I, definitely, have to throw away those shoes;those may just kill someone…" I knew she was smiling at me. "Ok, Ithink you'll be fine, not much harm done. Now, lets see what you just learned.I want you to give my feet a treatment, you know what I want, don't you?" Iknew, so I kneeled on the floor and began to kiss and lick her shoes andfeet. "Mmmm…yes, that' a boy, lick them, lick them good. Aha, lickthose heels, too, yeess." As I was licking her feet I thought, 'Jesus, howsick she is' "Open your mouth,now!" as I opened she shoved her heel into them and said, "Suck on this andsuck good!" I had to suck her heel for at least 5 minutes, she was moaningand she became very hot by this. "I want you to come up here and eat me,I wanna cum in your mouth. I want you to do a good job, and if I am not satisfiedwe'll do this all over again, is that clear?" "yes it's clear" I said, Imight as well bring this to an end as I planned not to come back here everagain. She pulled me up by the collar, and grabbed my head. "Come" she saidas she pulled my head between her legs, "Come and lick me, but slowly now,I'll dictate the pace." I began to lick her clit gently with a tip of mytongue. I knew from my previous girlfriends, that pussy eating was one ofmy better sides in sex, and so I figured maybe I could torture her little.It would be a sweet torture but sweet is better then none. "Ohhh…" shemoaned and began to move her hips around, "Yess, lick it, oh yeah" I lookedup at her, she was twisting her eyes and licking and biting her lips. "Ohfaster, yeah…oh god!" she was almost orgasmic; rivers of cunt wentdown my chin. By now, she was rubbing her cunt on my face, "Stick it, stickyour tongue inside…yeah, ahhhhaa" and I was really horny, too. Mydick was hard as a rock, and my cum was yelling 'I want out!!' And then,she pulled my head towards her pussy hole like she wanted it all inside and, "OOHHH,I'M COMINNG, I'M FUCKING COMING…YEESSS, OUUUHH" and she came violently.She calmed down after maybe 20 seconds but still held my head forcefullyagainst her crotch. I was hardly breathing; I almost lost all the air soI began to twitch my head left right; she was a very strong woman. "What...don'tyou like it there?" and then she released me 'uhaaaah' I breathed deeply.She looked at me like with pity in her eyes, "You can dress now; we are done." Iwent back to THE room and got dressed. She went to the bathroom and I usedthe moment and just left the place.

OnceI got home, I couldn't close my eyes for a second. My wounds hurt but alsoI couldn't stop thinking about what happened this evening. I was now prettysure that I won't be going over there anymore but problem laid at work. Ihad to go over there tomorrow and pretend like nothing happened, but afraidI won't be able to do so.

Around9:00 am I went to the office. At first I thought of calling in sick and stayingat home but that was impossible, that way I had to lye to Marla and she'dknew why I wasn't coming, so I went. "Hi Bobby" she said as I entered theoffice, "Marla" I replied. "You're late, don't do that again" she was sharp, "Yeah…ok,I won't, sorry. Look, about the other night…I think that I can't…" butshe interrupted me, "We are not talking about that here and now, ok. Thathas got nothing to do with work, private things we keep for our free time." Shewas very bossy and strict, I couldn't object, she was the boss after all.'I know' I thought 'I'll just ask for transfer to some other department'I figured that the situation was unhealthy in here, now, 'yes, the best thingto do is to go'. "Miss Jones, I need to speak about something" I said. "Sure,go ahead" "I'd really appreciate if you could ask for my transfer to someother position. I don't think I can work here anymore" I said and waited. "Wimp!" wasthe only thing she said. "What, what did you just say?", "Nothing really.Ok, if you want to go, go, but I need to tell you, this won't look good inyour file. I'll make a call this afternoon, by tomorrow you're gone, is thatok?" "Yes, thank you, I appreciate this" I went for the door to exit theroom but she called, "Bobby!" "Yes" I replied, "I' am really sorry aboutlast night, it didn't go as I wanted it to go." I waited for a while, "Areyou sure?" I asked, "About what?" "About that you are sorry about last nigh." Shelooked at me for few seconds and said, "No, I am not"

Shecalled for me around 11:55, "Now is a lunch time, if you want to go that'sfine but I thought maybe we could stay here and talk. Now we can talk aboutlast night, what do you say?" "Well…what's there to talk about Marla?" Iwondered what she had in mind now, "Well… I just thought that youmight want to ask me some questions, I don't know. I know you were prettysurprised last night." That sounded interesting, "And if I do, you will giveme a straight answer to any question, is that a fact?" "Well I guess I oweyou that much." I gave it a thought and, "OK, lets begin then" I took myjacket off and sat on the couch she had in the office. She was still sittingbehind the desk but she lifted her legs on the desk. This was just to provokeme, she had a really short skirt, and her legs were great. She saw me lookingat them, "Like them?" she smiled. "I ask questions now." "Ok, shoot." I didn'tknow where to begin; last thing I wanted then to happen was for me to startasking stupid questions, I didn't want to make her feel superior or something. "Ok…letssee…when was the first time you felt that you want to tie someoneup and abuse him?' I had to be direct, "Oho, direct, aren't we? Ok, I'lltell you. It was in high school, second year, when I actually did that. WhenI first wanted to do so, I cant recall." She was direct, too. "And… whathappened between you two later?" "Well, I had good time then, but later,he died, so that was it" she said that like that was nothing, just mere occasionthat happens regularly. "He died? Christ, what happened?" she was prettycalm considering, "That's not really important, is it? Maybe I killed him…,ha, ha." Nothing else I could of think at that time but 'this woman is sick'. "Anduntil today, how often did you…, you know, practice this?" she repliedcalmly, "I don't keep a record, but not to often anyway. It's not easy tofind a partner, you know." I imagined that was true. "And what do you expectout of your life, to whip and step on men for the rest of your life? Whatabout love, family and that stuff? And friends, what about friends? Oncethey find out every one will think that you're some kind of freak, pervert?" shethought for a while and said, "tell me something Bobby, before last night,what kind of feelings you had for me, ha, tell me that?" she knew very wellwhat she was doing, I did start to feel for her, "I don't know exactly, Iguess I liked you, I wouldn't go around with you if I didn't." I was honest,no reason for me to lye. "So, if we could manage to forget last night, eraseit completely, would you come to my place again?" I was confused now, "Ithought that I'll be asking questions." I said, "Ok, just answer this one,please" "yes, I suppose I would, why?" "So, that means you still like me,ha?" and she was right, I did, "Maybe I do, I don't know, you did hurt meyesterday, you know. But I want to know how or why you become this…" Ididn't know what to call her, "This kinky I guess. "I don't know; I didn'tbecome anything; it was just there in me. It is something that turns me on,that's all. You asked for straight answers, so I' am giving them to you." Shechecked her watch and said, "Oops, it's working time again, we'll have tofinish this some other time." "Ok" I stood up and went for the door, "Justone more thing…" "Yes" she said, "Did you kill that guy or not?" Ihad this strange feeling that she just might have said 'yes' but she justlooked at me and blinked her left eye, "Maybe" she said quietly, "Now goto work."

Thatevening she called around 7:00 pm, I was just about to leave the house, "HiBobby, what are you doing?" "I was just about to leave" I said, "I have togo some place for an hour maybe; what is it?" "Oh nothing, just bored I guess.I don't know anyone anymore in this town, you're the only friend left" 'afriend, ha' I thought, 'she's up to something' but I felt kind of sorry forher anyway. "Ok, maybe we can go for a drink later, just don't bring anyof those things from that closet of yours, you wouldn't want to scare meaway, would you?" she laughed and said, "don't worry, how about same placeas yesterday, half past eight?" "Sure, that's fine" I hung up and left. Afteran hour that we spent together I almost forgot all about what happened theother night, she was again that sweet and lovely girl. "So, you still livewith your parents then, ha?", "In a way, yes. I live in a guesthouse justby the manor. I hardly see them anyway. It's a big property but I want tobuy something on my own." "I hope that we can remain friends, Bobby? If wecan't be more then that, fine, but I really need a friend in here." We wereboth silent for a while and she said, "Well?' "Yeah, sure, we can be friends.It's a shame tough." I wanted her real bad but I wasn't prepared for moretorture. "What's a shame?" she asked, "That we cannot be more then just friends" Isaid. She watched me or a while, "Look Bobby, it is difficult for me, too,you know." She lowered her voice and came closer across the table, "I likesex just as any other person my age… and it is very hard to…youknow… not having any" she almost cried, "sometimes I feel like a freakmy self, you know what I' am saying? I really like you Bobby and I managedto make you despise me in only one hour" she released a tear, "Come on, Idon't despise you; you just caught me by surprise, that's all. Maybe we couldtry again" I couldn't believe I said that, she lifted her eyes and said, "Really…Imean, are you sure?" I wasn't sure of course, "yes I am sure, but…maybewe should go to my place this time, ha? And this time we do it my way" shewas thinking for few moment, "Ahhmm…ok, why not" buy now we were holdingeach other's hands.

Wereached my place in about an hour and once we were inside we began to kissvery passionately and to remove each other's clothes. We quickly went tothe bedroom and crushed down on the bed. As horny as we both were we beganto caress each other with hands and kisses all over our bodies, very soonwe ended up in 69. Marla was wet as a spring, "Ohhh…Bobby, yes, mmm,do me" and I, I was all ready to explode. She sucked me so hard I felt myballs would soon come out of my dick. I was sticking my tongue deep insideher thru any hole I could hit. "Suck it, yeaah…" I was hollering, "ohh,I….will come, yees" she was pushing her cunt forcefully to my faceand I was shoving my dick deep down her throat. We both came simultaneously, "OHHH,yees" she yelled, I came so hard that I just lost my voice, I opened my mouthwidely and just let a few, "Ah...Ah….AAAAAhhhhh." She crushed on thebed beside me and after few moments she said, "Jesus, we didn't manage tofuck at all. I never saw any man horny like this","Well…yes, I wasin overload I guess, but you had your revolutions high, too, didn't you?" Ilooked at her and kissed her gently,"Night's still young…" "Yeah" sheagreed. We both went to the bathroom, first her and then me. When I got backshe almost fell asleep already, "Hey, you tired? Maybe we should go to sleep,ha?" I asked, "Yeah, I am a little wasted but I don't want to miss this…youknow, you being so wild and all…" she smiled, "Oh, don't worry, thatwon't go anywhere" I was again ready to jump. I began to kiss her breastsgently and to massage her clit with my right hand. I slowly went down tohers belly button and I easily licked it, after few second my head was betweenher hips and I was sucking on her clit. She let out a moan, "Mmmm…nice,lick it, yeah", I began to circle around her swollen pussy lips and her pussyhole but she just wouldn't get wet. I tried to get her going for a few minutesbut then she said, "Hmm…Bobby, a…maybe I am too tired, I amreally sorry" she put her hand on my cheek, "Sorry…" she repeated. "It'sok, don't worry about it" I pulled my self up and lied beside her. "I amnot really sleepy, it's just…I don't know…maybe we shouldn'tof been so quick the first time, I feel like I just released something out,completely, and…" but I interrupted her, "don't concern your self,just rest, ok" I pressed my self against her back and put my arm around herwaist. I expected us to fall asleep soon, but like me, she wouldn't closeher eyes. After a while I asked, "Still awake?" "Yeah" she said. I thoughtof something so I said, "Hey, I have an idea" I got up from the bed and said, "Waithere." I was quick so she never managed to ask what, but I just ran out ofthe room. I spent maybe 10 minutes looking for some stuff and when I gotback she asked, "What's this?" but I just said, "You'll see…" I broughther shoes, those were some black sandals with a high heel; I noticed beforethat she never wore any shoes without the heel. I had a brown leather belt,that was mine, and I picked up two pairs of stockings that were left by Sandra,one of my ex girlfriends. "Come on, sit up" I said, "Why?" she inquired, "Justsit up, ok, you'll see soon enough why." She sat on the edge of the bed andI put her shoes on her feet. Then I took the belt and made a noose of theend with buckle. I put that around my neck and tightened it just to fit.I looked at her and saw her eyes wide open; she was confused by my acts,now. I tore up those stockings and made for pieces out of two pairs and placedthem on the bed rail to hang loose. I then took the other end of the beltand said, "Here, take this" she wouldn't at first but I insisted. "What areyou doing?" she asked acting ignorant, "You know what I am doing, come on.You are tired but you cannot sleep, I know what the problem is and I am surethis will help." She was watching me for a few seconds and the she said, "Ithought that you didn't like this kind of things; what is it now?" I waiteda little, "I said I don't like being hurt and tormented; I never said thatyou cannot tie me up from time to time. So take that leash…I mean,belt, and lets do it" she still played ignorant, "Do what?" I knew I hadto provoke her a little bit so I said, "Are you just acting or you're reallystupid?" and then I saw how she suddenly changed the look in her eyes. "Stupid?" sheasked almost whispering and then she yelled, " STUPID?I'LL SHOW YOU STUPID, YOU BITCH " andshe slapped my face twice but gently, she knew that she shouldn't loose controlif she wanted me to play along. She pulled the belt a bit and placed hershoe on my chest. After a while she crossed her legs, put her shoe undermy chin and just said, " LICK !" Ithrew my tongue out and began to lick her feet and her shoe. I managed totake a peek on her crotch and saw drops of her juices coming out already.She began to get excited. "Take it off with your teeth, now! I want my feetclean" I knew she might ask me this so I left her shoes a little loose whenI put them on. The shoe fell on the floor and she placed her toes on my mouth, "Suckthem good!" and I sucked her toes one by one. "The other one now!" she saidand I took the other shoe off, too, and repeated the process. "Lie down onthe floor, now!" I lowered my self down and she placed both of her feet onmy mouth and started to rub them on my lips. "I need to clean them soles,too!" She was shoving them in my mouth, taking turns, "You like my feet,don't you worm? Say you like them!" "Yes I do, I do" and I did, she had greatfeet, very nicely shaped and maintained. After a while she pulled the beltand said, "Come on up, lets tie you up, you are moving too much" I climbedthe bed and spread on it. She went for the pieces of stockings but I said, "Justone thing before you tie me…" "What!!" she almost yelled, "Did youor didn't you kill that guy, I want to know now?" she froze and took a lookat me and then she said, "lets say I did, so what? I am not going to hurtyou, ok, just don't provoke me and you'll be fine." I couldn't believe whatshe just said, I was shocked and by the time I got my thoughts back togetherI was already tied up. And now, I was really scared, 'what in a world mademe do this 'I thought, but I didn't dare to say anything now. She probablysaw the fear in my eyes and she smiled wickedly, "Maybe I am out to showyou, ha?" "Show me what" I asked really politely but she yelled, " SHOWME WHAT, MISTRESS!! THAT'S HOW YOU ADRESS ME NOW !" 'Jesus,if she looses control again I am fucked' I thought, so I said, "Yes Mistress,sorry" "That's better. I'll be back in a second" and she ran out of the room.After a few minutes she brought a scarf she had on previously, looked likeit was silk. She sat on the bed and began to put her shoes on, "Sorry, butI can't fuck with you without my heels" she climbed the bed and stood aboveme, legs spread, "This won't hurt…" and she placed her left shoe onmy chest and began to add pressure, in a few moments she was standing withher both feet on me. "Does this hurt, tell me, and I want the truth?" "No,not really" I said, it did hurt a little but not much. Then she stood onthe bed again and said, "Maybe I killed him this way…" and she placedher foot on my neck."You see, this way I could kill you in a second" andshe began to add some pressure to my neck. "Argghhh…" I let some soundout, "Hmm…no, I'll let you live for now" she then removed her footoff, "Or I could just smother you to death with my bottom" then she loweredherself on my face, placing her asshole on my mouth and her pussy hole onmy nose. "Can you breathe worm?" I barely could. "Start licking, you fuck-face!" sheordered and I began to lick her asshole. She rubbed her pussy and her assholeall over my face allowing me from time to time to catch some air. The weirdestthing for me was that I liked it, I was so hard and stiff I thought I wouldburst really soon. I was all sticky; her pussy produced so many juices Icould get drowned only by those. By then she was really wild, "AHHH, yesss,lick it, ahhaa" she moaned loudly, "OHH, that's it, yeess, I'll come allover your face worm…yeaah" and suddenly she just stopped and turnedaround to check my dick. She grabbed it and my balls together and squeezedhard, "Oh no, don't you dare coming on me now, if you do I'll really killyou" and "AAoouuucch" I yelled, the pain was huge and my dick just went limpin a second. "Don't yell on me, you shit, who said you can yell. And nowthe real thing…" she moved down, sat below my groin between my legsand placed her foot over my mouth. "Lick some more, I need your dick stiffnow" I licked her foot and somehow, she was right, my dick got all hard anderected again. "You see, you even like it wormee…" she then pulledup and placed her pussy hole on top of my dick. She looked at me and said, "Deathfuck" I was horrified, I didn't know what she meant. She began to fuck me,up and down she moved, slowly at the beginning but faster and faster then.After a while she took that scarf she brought and dragged it under my neck,then twisted the ends in opposite directions. She slowly began to tight itup like she was to suffocate me, "This is the way I killed him; I just suffocatedhim with my scarf." She began to ride me more and more fast and she was tighteningthat scarf around my neck. I began to loose the air, I felt blood rushinginto my face, "GHG...ghkg" I was coughing; faster the pace of her fuckingwas, less air I had. "Oh, yeahh…fuck" she yelled and I thought 'Iam dead, this time she'll really kill me'. "yeah…mmm, oh Bobby, Iwant to…I want to kill you…aahhhh, may I, may I please killyou" she was all messed up and out of control, "NN…no. Ghghghh" Iwas struggling to say something, "But...but I need to, yeahh, die Bobby,ahhhaaa, ohhh…I am coming, yess, I AM COOOMMIING" she screamed likecrazy, and she came so violently, that was something I never saw before.She fell on my chest and calmed down, and fortunately, she loosed that scarf.She pulled up and looked at me with her eyes open, "STILL ALIVE??" she yelledand 'SMACK', she slapped my right cheek pretty hard. I was terrified whatshe might of done next but she just stepped down on the floor and sat onthe bed. "Hey! You scared?" she asked, "don't be, it's all right, that wasjust a game, I like you too much to hurt you plenty, ok?" I had to say something, "a…fora moment or two, I thought that you will…" I lost my words but shewondered, "will what Bobby? "You know…kill me…" she smiled, "Nosweetie, I told you, I like you, you're not like other men; you care forme, right?" "Yeah, right" I had to say that. "Want me to untie you, or youprefer some more" she looked at my groin, "I thought you'll cum soon, lookat your dick, it's still standing, ha? And your balls are like huge, youknow…" she smiled, "I'll fuck you again; I want to see that cum spraying…whatyou say? Or I could just jerk you off; hey, do you know what blue-balls are,hm?" "No, I don't know" I said but the sound of it wasn't any comforting, "Wantme to show you? I'll show you all right…" She took my balls in herleft hand and my dick in her right. She began to squeeze them gently andto stroke me very slowly and gently. I wanted to cum but she just wouldn'tlet me, once she saw that I might she would stop, wait for a minute untilI calm down and repeat the process all over again. Now, if anything was atorment this was it in it's worst shape, "Oh…Marla…I mean Mistress,please, I beg you let me cum, please…" the area around my groin wasso tense and it began to hurt, I felt a pressure all around, I thought everythinginside was about to collapse. "Well, this is it, blue-balls. Come on begme some more…" and I had to, I was on the edge, I felt tears comingdown my cheek, "Please Mistress, I'll do anything, just…Oh, I begyou, just let me cum" "Hmm…no, not just yet. I want to hear you beggingme, I want to hear how you beg me for some more of the game, come on, I wantto hear you say how you just love whatever I did or I might do to you" Icouldn't stand this anymore, "Come on wimp, I am giving you the unique sexualexperience, you should really be grateful to me" "Yes Mistress…ahh…Iam, I am very grateful, I love everything…oohh…that you doto me, please Mistress" she knew her skills, she was keeping me on the edge, "Ibeg you…I'll do anything, a...a…anything you want, just letme cum…please" "Anything Bobby? Really?", "Yes, I will, I promise…" "Ok!'she said, released my balls and stroked my dick for 3 or 4 times rapidlyand I shot my load, I shot it all over me and the bed. Some of it fell onher chest, too and she was just laughing like nuts, "ha, ha, ha, that's it,come on…' I was shooting and shooting; I thought it would never stop.I twitched all my muscles; I was all-spasmodic for several seconds beforeI managed to catch my breath again. "Better now? What do we say?" I knewwhat she wanted, "Thank you Mistress" "You see, what did I tell you, whenwas the last time you had an orgasm like this one, ha?" and she was right,never before in my life I felt something like this, never. "Ok, now is myturn again' she untied me and said, "don't try anything stupid or I'll haveto use my skills again, remember…" I remembered that kung-fu shitshe knew, "Follow me!" she pulled that belt and led me out of the room towardsthe bathroom. Once we were inside she said, "You promised to do anythingI say so get on the floor and lean you head on that" she pointed on my toiletbowl. I didn't know what she was doing but I obeyed, I was too wasted toeven think of anything. Once I was down she approached me and stood abovemy head. She grabbed my head and said, "throw you head back" and so I did.She was standing above me, just smiling viciously and after a few momentsshe said, "Close your eyes and open your mouth!" so I did and I felt warmpee coming down on my face and my mouth. "Drink it, you scum, come on" shewas pissing all over my face, and then she sat down on it still peeing. " Mmm…thisis nice" she said, "you're my toilet slave Bobby" she pissed on me for atleast 2 minutes and I was all wet, covered with it. "Have you had enoughof you beverage, worm? I think you have…" she stepped up and stoodaway. I think that's it for today. Lets get dressed…oh, and maybeyou should take a shower first" she giggled and went out of the bathroom.I lay down there for at least 5 minutes more; I had to get my act together.I went for the shower then and only thing I could think about was 'how couldI possibly get so excited by all this'. I couldn't believe I liked it evena bit. But I did, I had to admit that to myself, not all, but some of itI liked and that was a scary thought for me. I showered and put on a bathrobeand I went for the living room. She was sitting on the sofa, "Hey, I foundthis bottle of wine so I opened it, you don't mind, do you?" she was allcheerful. "No, it's ok' I took my glass which she already filled and drankall of it, I was thirsty like hell. She lifted and curled her legs on thecouch as she leaned on me, "So how do you feel baby? Ha?" I didn't know whatto say, should I say I liked it or not. Maybe not so I just said," I am fine".We were silent for a while and she said, "I really like you Bobby, I thinkI may be falling for you…" she sounded sincere. "Falling for me? Youalmost killed me there." "Don't be silly, if I wanted to kill you, you wouldn'tbe here talking to me, right?" 'We'll see' I thought, at that moment I decidedto play on a dangerous ground so I said, "Lets say, hypothetically, thatI am some really crazy son-of-a-bitch…" she looked at me curiouslyand said, "Yes?" "And if I was so crazed with all this, over there, to begyou to…" I stopped a while, "to beg you to kill me…what wouldyou do?" she frowned as I caught her by surprise. "Can you tell me for surethat I'd still be alive now, ha? I mean, while you were in trans over there,tightening that scarf around my neck…" "I wasn't in trans, what…" butI interrupted, "Oh, yes, you were, believe me." She thought for a while, "That'sreally stupid question Bobby, I don't know why…" but again I interruptedher, "Just give me a straight answer, will you?" she bowed her head for amoment and said, "Of course not, don't be ridiculous." Somehow I just didn'tbelieve it. After an hour she went home.

Around10:30 she called me in her office, "Bobby, I have a client at 11:15 and Iwant you to be here, too. But I want you here 15 minute earlier, is thatok? We have to prepare something for this guy." "Ok, no problem, I'll beback in 20." And I came back around 10:55, "Ok, so what do we do" I asked.She stood up and closed all window blinds. I came to her and she pulled achain-leather collar, out from her drawer, "Come closer" and she cuffed itaround my neck. "Marla, this is crazy, someone could…you know" "Iknow, that's why it' so great, ha, ha…now go down under the table" Igot down on the floor and she went and opened the blinds, and now everyonecould see her from outside. She came back, sat down and took the collar, "Youknow what to do" and she placed her right foot in front of my face, "Nowbe a good boy and lick my foot, come on" and as I began to lick she placedthe other foot on my head just to keep it still. After maybe 10 minutes somebodyknocked on the door, "Come in!" she called and pushed me further below thetable. "Hello!" I heard some guy's voice, "Hmm, are you miss Marla Jones?" "Yes,yes I am, come on in…" "Hi, my name is Philippe, Philippe Marceaufrom Quebec, we have an appointment I believe" guy was all happy when hesaw who was he dealing with, Marla looked amazing today. "There's no oneout there, I mean, your secretary, so I just knocked, I didn't interruptanything, I hope?" "No, no, it's ok" she said and pulled the leash becauseI stopped licking, "I sent that wimp to do something for me" and he asked, "Wimp?" "Yes,my secretary…he is a man" "Oh, I understand…ok. So, did youmanage to read the contract I've sent last week…" they talked aboutwork for maybe 15 minutes and Marla pulled the leash few times more whenI quit licking. Then, she pushed my head away, sat straight on the chairand spread her legs. She moved a little to the edge of the chair seat andthen, easily pulled my leash until she brought my head in front of her crotch.She was already wet and hot, I sensed the warmth and scent coming out fromher pussy. She mad a move like she was fixing her skirt but instead she pointedto her pussy with her finger. She wanted me to eat her and so I got closerand began to lick and suck her clit. Now she had problems with talking, "So,I suppose…a…this is…mmm…it, I guess that…aa…wehave a deal" that guy probably saw that something was strange so he asked, "Hey,are you all right?" "Oh yes" she replied, "Never better…hmmm" "Okthen, I'll be going now…listen, maybe I could take you to dinner sometime,if you like?" "Sure Philippe, that'll be nice" she was smiling, "Ok, hereis my card, so when ever you're free, call me, I'll be here until Wednesday." Andthe guy left, "What was that all about?" I asked, "Shut up and lick it, don'tstop now" so I did it for some 5 minutes more until she reached the top andcame, not to forcefully like usually. "Oh, now this is really nice" I wasangry, "There I was under the table, licking everything and you just madeappointment for the date" she smiled at me, "Bobby, don't be silly, ok. Ihad to be polite; he is the client after all. You don't have to worry…" sheleaned towards me, "You are the only one, I swear." And she kissed me softly. "So,what do we do tonight?" I asked. She smiled wickedly and said, "Tonight,I'll make us some diner and after that we can watch some TV or something,I don't know" she was teasing me, "Unless, of course, you had something elsein mind, ha?" I had to think for a while, "I don't know, we'll see" and shesaid, "Ok, come over to my place around 19:00, ok" "Your place? I don't knowabout that…" I remembered that room she had there. "Oh, come on Bobby,I cant cook at your place, I don't have all that I need over there. Don'tworry sweetie, I won't be taking you to my special room unless you ask meto, ok, that's a promise". I guessed I could live with that, so, I agreed.

Iarrived around 19:10, whatever she was cooking smelled great. "Hi there" Isaid and kissed her and she kissed me back, "Hmm…that smells great,what is it?" "A duck" she replied, "This is a meal from east Europe, theycall it 'Hunters stew', it's really great, little spice but not much, you'llsee. Hey, I have a bottle of Cognac, why don't you pour us two glasses, ha?Wine is already in the fridge, I hope you like whit wine?" she was in verygood mood. "Yeah, that will be fine" I said and went to get that bottle ofCognac; "There you go" I gave her the glass and sat by the kitchen table. "Iwanted to ask you, what about friends, you have any? You never mentionedanyone of your friends." "Well…I had a few friends in high schooland college, too. I had a few boyfriends but my folks moved a lot aroundthe country, so it's hard to stick to your friends that way. I don't reallyhave any steady friends except for…" she hesitated, "There is thisgirl, her name is Jennifer…she is the only real friend I have. Wehear from each other from time to time, she travels a lot, too. I think she'ssomewhere back east now, we don't see each other much, though. I don't rememberlast time I saw her." "That's a shame. So, what does she do?" I was tryingto find out more about her, how she became whatever she is now. "She worksfor the government" she said. "So, is she…a…you know, doesshe also like to…" I didn't know how to put it, "What Bobby?" "Youknow, play games and all" she smiled, "You mean, tie up people and kill them?" shesaid sarcastically, "Jesus, don't say that, it gives me creeps" "Well…letme put it this way for you, she is something else and believe me, you don'twant to be tied up in the room with her in it, that's all I am going to say,ok?" I couldn't imagine anyone crazier then herself, but seemed like I waswrong. "The food's almost done, maybe you could fix the table, ha?" she wasvery polite, "Sure, no problem" so I went to bring some plates and all. Thedinner was great, something really new to my tastes. Once we finished, Ihelped to pick up the dishes and we both washed them together. While doingit she said, "Bobby I have a secret to tell you…but I want this toremain between you and me, can you promise me that?" "Sure, I can keep asecret, it's safe with me, I promise" I wondered what it could be, "OK…well…yousee, I, in general, dislike men. I am not lesbian or anything, it's just…well,something happened while I was in high school and since that day I hatedall men" I saw that the subject was kind of difficult for her, she becamelittle disturbed by it, "Look, if you don't like to talk about it, then justdon't, I don't want you to ruin your evening now." She looked at me and smiledsweetly, "You are very sweet Bobby, you are sweet and caring" and she reachedfor my lips and kissed me, "But anyway, I don't want to say what happened,it's just that I hated all men until we met again, and you were right, youare not like others" she sounded sincere. "So…this thing that happenedto you, maybe that is the reason for you to…a…for you to getyour kinks and all" I was close to the truth. "Maybe, yes…I don'tknow, I suppose that it made those feelings more intense, I am not reallysure." "So, how do you feel now? You still feel like tying me up, every timeduring sex or maybe we can go and do it classically?" she didn't know whatto say. "maybe we can experiment a little, ha?" I said, "How do you mean?" "WellI guess I better show you" I knew I was now on very dangerous ground butI was also curious, I wanted to know how she really felt about me. I figuredI could play these games for a while, but to spend my life with someone whowants to beat and humiliate me all the time, no; that would be too much.So we went to her bedroom and started to undress each other. I put my handson her hips and began to caress her back and her ass while kissing her. Ilaid her down on the bed and licked her nipples, one by one, "Mmm, oh thatfeels good" she said as she began to get excited, "Yess, lick them" she thentook my balls and my dick and stroked the up and down gently. I became hardin an instant, "Oh Bobby, look at you, you are a horny dude aren't you? Come,lay down…" I lay on my back and she went down for my dick, at firstshe just licked its head for a long time squeezing my balls gently at thesame time. It felt great, I was afraid I might cum too early. "Ohhh…mm,suck it, yeah" I moaned heavily, "You like this?" she asked and suddenlymy whole dick disappeared in her mouth. She took it out and coughed, "Gh,Gh…Jesus, it's huge" she then began to blow me, nice and slowly atfirst, "Hahh…yes…mmmmm" and it felt great. She was lickingand sucking it, stroking it faster and faster, "Don't cum yet…" shesaid, but she wouldn't stop and I just couldn't hold it any more. "AAAHH…OH,oh…I am…I am coming" and I shot my load right into her mouth.She was all in effort not to loose any; she drank it all. "You tricked me,I told you not to cum; it's not fair…" she was joking, "I am sorry,but… I couldn't…you wouldn't stop" "No, I am just joking, it'sok Bobby...I loved it" "Well, we do have all night" I said and I just relaxed. "I'llgo get some wine, you just relax" and she went to the kitchen. She came backwith the wine, placed the bottle and couple of glasses on the night tableand said, "Pour some, I have to pee" she went for the door and I said, "DoI have to go, too?" I was trying to be funny, "Hmm…if you want to,come along". I don't know what got into me but I jumped off the bed and followedher. When we got to the bathroom she looked at me and said, "Do you justwant to watch, or…?" I wasn't sure really but watching her peeingseemed like stupid idea, so I just stepped into the bathtub and laid inside, "Ok" shesaid and climbed the tub. She placed each leg on other side of the edge andsquatted down above my face, " Hmm…I thought you wanted some wineinstead of…" she didn't finish but began to piss all over my face.I kept my mouth shut until she said, "Drink some, I will make you even morethirsty with it" so I opened my mouth and started to drink her piss. Sheclosed her eyes and as relieved she let out a sound, "Mmmm" and then shelooked at me and said, smiling, "Toilet boy!" Once she finished she said, "Cleanme up, please." She held my head up while I was licking the drops from herpussy, I felt her juices and warmth of her pussy, she was on fire but shejust acted cold. "Better wash yourself up, you don't want to go to bed thisway" I looked at my dick and saw how stiff and huge it was again. I supposeshe saw it too, but made no comment of it. She went out and I went to theshower and after few minutes I got back in the room. She was on the bed drinkingwine, "What was that all about?" she asked and I didn't know what to say, "Iam not sure, I just…I just felt like it." "Ok then, come…" Ilay on the bed beside her and took my own glass of wine. She then took mydick in her hand, "Now look at this, good as new, ha? You know what I thinkBobby? I think that I know what you're thinking now, I'll bet on it." Sheseemed confident, "Ok, what am I thinking then, tell me?" "I think that youwant some of this…" and 'SMACK' she slapped my butt gently, "Hmm?Am I right? I think that you're just waiting for me to take control and maybeget you in that room of mine?" she saw that I was confused now, "There isnothing that you have to admit to me, only to your self Bobby. Let me makeit easier to you…I'll go over there now, and, I will wait 10 minutesfor you. If you came, that's fine, if not I'll just came back here and neveragain even try to tie you up or anything alike, ok? I think that's fair enough." Iwanted to say something but she was too fast for me, she went to that room.Damn, I was so divided inside, I wanted to go, but I was afraid…Iwas afraid of me not of her. I was thinking rapidly, examining all combinationsin my head and after about 7 or 8 minutes I decided to go. There was no comingback; I knew it. The only comfort was that I was still able to have sex normalways. The only thing that was really bothering me was that I still wasn'tsure if she really killed that guy or not.

Iknew she told me how things are different now, how she has realized thatnot all men are dirt and all. But, each time we played the game she was reallyclose to bruising me bad or killing me. I had to know, to be sure and theonly way was to push her to the limit. That was a really stupid and dangerousmove for me to make but I made up my mind. I came inside and she said, "Oh,and I was just about to go back there. You're 1 minute late and that's notgood, I don't like late" this was just introduction for the game, "Fortunately,I am in really good mood today, I feel like behaving good. You like that?" Iknew she wouldn't be much longer, "Yes, I can see that…" I referredto the outfit she had on her; very high-heeled leather boots with thick soles,some leather body corset and leather gloves up to her elbows. She was blondenow; she put a wig on her head. The closet was open, probably that I couldsee all of the toys, just to scare me a little. "Come closer" she said, "Iwant to see you eyes better" the room was pretty dark except for the fewred and weak lights. "You're not afraid are you?" "No, I am not, If I wereI wouldn't come I suppose" I knew my tone of voice had to be irritating; "Smart-ass,ha? We'll see yet…" "Put it on!" she gave me the collar, "Doggy…" shesaid. "Good boy, now, get on the floor and follow me." She led me to somewooden bench and said, "Get up and bend over!" so I did. "We have to do somethingabout that tone of voice you have…" and 'SMACK', she lashed a whipover my ass. "Count for me, now!" "Ok" I said, "No, no, it's 'YES MISTRES,NOW', get it?" she yelled; "Yes Mistress" I repeated. "Good then", 'SMACK'she hit me again, "two" I said…'SMACK' she whipped me harder thistime, "tree" I said, 'SSMMAACK' that one was a killer, "four" I said andshe stopped. "Did you like it, slave?" she asked and I began to provoke, "Youare so gentle Mistress, thank you." "GENTLE!" she yelled, "I'll give yougentle…" and she went over to the closet. I couldn't see her but Iguessed that she was little too far to even reach me with that whip, suddenlyI heard 'SSSUUMM' like something was flying thru the air and 'SSSKSSHH' Ifelt like something was tearing my skin off my back. I screamed 'AARRGGHH'and she said, "Look, look what I have here. I lifted my head and saw thelong, thick leather flog she held in her hands, it looked horrifying. "Gentle,ha?" she said and swung it towards me 'SSSUMM' it came down on my left arm,my back and part of my chest. The pain was agonizing, I began to cry soundless;I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. "Be careful what you say to me, wimp,you se what happens when you're not careful. Stand up now and come here." Ibarely managed to, but I came, "Go down and see to my boots, they have somedirt on them, I think" I kneeled then bowed down and began to lick thoseboots. Once I sensed the smell of her leather boots I forgot all about thepain. "Look at you; I think you really like this, ha?" "Yes Mistress, very" Isaid and she seemed pleased. "Keep licking, boy! You are better and bettereach day, I can see that now." I licked her boots for some 6 minutes, maybe,and then she said, "Ok, that's enough, lay on your back" I lay down and sheplaced her boot on my chest. She began to add pressure to it but I managedto keep my face looking cool and still. "Does this hurt, ha? And watch whatyou'll answer, because" but I interrupted her, "No Mistress, not even close." "Nooo?" shewas confused, "stay there, I'll be back soon" and she went to the closetagain. It was too dark to see what she was doing. She came back and by thesound I knew she changed her footwear. She had some small boots but withvery sharp spiked heels. She stepped on my left arm first and said, "Howabout now, pig? Does it hurt now?" but I kept my game, "No Mistress, is thatthe best you can do?" she looked at me unable to believe what I was saying.She removed her boot and stepped on the floor, her eyes still wide open.Then, she suddenly jumped in the air and landed on my chest with booth boots. "AAARRGHGHH" Iscreamed, I couldn't hold that one back; it hurt like hell. She began totwist her heels in place, " I think I'll just pass right thru you chest withthese, maybe that'll teach you a lesson…but then it'll be too late,you'll be dead, you piece of shit" she was mad now. I looked at my chestand saw blood coming out from my skin. "You see…you see, I am killingyou…now, apologize for what you said, you crazy prick" but I keptsilent. She moved her foot to my hard dick and stepped on it, "Maybe hereI should make some mess, ha? I could just smash it under my power…" shepressed my dick to the floor; I thought it would brake in two. "Don't youhave anything to say yet, slave, don't tempt me, I am warning you." She wasstill unable to understand what got into me to act like this. "M…Mistress…?" "Yes,worm!" I decided to touch the limit, "I want you…" but the pressurewas too hard, I barely spoke, "YOU WANT ME? Are you nuts?" "I want you to…aahhh…killme…if…if it pleases you." I couldn't believe my ears what Isaid just then, "You want…you want me to what??" I managed to openmy eyes and take a good look at her face, she was stunned, shocked with mywords. Both her mouth and her eyes were wide open and she just couldn't speak, "A…A" shetried to say something but she just swallowed her words. She stood up onmy chest for at least 3 minutes before she finally managed to say, "Whatis this? What are you trying to pull, ha?" I kept silent but she insisted, "Comeon, answer me…" her voice was calm. After a minute or two I said, "Idon't think that you have actually killed anyone, it's just a game of yours" Icouldn't say if those words would just provoke her even more. She bowed herhead down as she was ashamed of something, "I don't want to talk about that.Either we quit this conversation now or I'll just stop all this and, no moregames…ever" I knew she was serious. "Ok, I won't mention that again,I promise" I didn't want to let go just now, "Are we ok, now?" I said, "Doyou want to continue this?" she asked and I just nodded with my head. "Forthis, I'll have to punish you…severely this time, you know that don'tyou?" I just hoped those were mere threats. She stepped off my chest andsaid, "Get on you knees!" As I kneeled she went behind me and cuffed my handand ankles. I tried to look at her but 'SMACKK' she suddenly slapped my faceso hard I felt on the floor. I felt my lip began to bleed, I tried to turnmy self over and as I lifted my eyes I just saw her left boot coming fasttowards me and 'SBBAMM', she hit the left side of my face with her boot sole. "FUCKIN'WITH ME, HA?" she yelled and kicked me forcefully into my ribs. I felt dizzyI thought I just might faint. "I'LL MAKE SURE THAT YOU NEVER EVEN CONSIDERDOING THAT AGAIN…" and series of blows began to intercept my wholebody. She was kicking me with her legs without thinking where she does it,I was so all in pain that after maybe a dozen blows I felt nothing anymore,still she continued kicking me. "Crawl over there!" she pointed to some kindof table covered with leather. It took me at least 20 second to get on myhands and knees, "Here, let me help you…" she removed those cuffsfrom my ankles and I was able to spread my knees a little to ease the crawling.But that was not her intention; once my legs were apart she swung her rightleg and hit me in my balls. "AAAggghhh…" I fell on the floor and curled,I just couldn't move, "You won't be needing those anymore, not after this" shesaid, "GO ON, CRAWL BITCH!!" I lifted my self slowly minding not to spreadmy legs too much this time. She pulled the collar up, forcefully, my neckalmost broke; "Come on, on the table!" I barely managed to climb up and Ijust fell on my back. She pulled up some chain with the shackles on themand began to shackle my wrists and ankles, "Look up worm, you'll se somethingnice!" I looked and there was a mirror on the ceiling. I saw dozens of bruiseson my torso and my legs, my left eye was all black, my lips bloody and swollen.I felt horrible pain in my back; too, she beat me up this time, properly.I was all stretched on that table and she said, "Whatever happened or whateverwill happen to you, I want you to know, it's all you fault. I wouldn't eventouch you if you weren't so…so cocky before" she went to that closetand when she came back she had some black rubber gloves on her hands. Shesat directly on my face and said, "Look good, smell it and taste it good,I think this is the last time you'll se this divine cunt of your Mistress…" shebegan to rub her pussy over my mouth and this time it didn't felt so good.It hurt; my lips were damaged as the rest of my face. However, she enjoyedit, "Get that tongue out, you fuck, lick it…I want your blood on mycunt, come on!" she began to rub it harder and harder. I felt my lips werebleeding even more, now, "Yeah…ohh, that's it, come on…" shewas talking through her teeth, "Eat it, you pig…EAT!!" she was nowall-wild She turned around and grabbed my dick, "Is this still operational…IFYOU CAN'T GET IT UP I'LL HAVE TO CUT IT OFF, DO YOU HEAR ME?" I felt my dickwas already hard by she just wanted to frighten me even more. She pulleddown and slipped on my cock in an instant, she began to fuck me, "Final fuck,Bobby…" she said and leaned over to put one hand on my mouth and theother on my nose. I couldn't breathe, "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, HA?" sheyelled and increased the pace of going up and down on my shaft. "Ohh…youwant to die for me…aahhh…ha? Is that…is that what youwant…Ohhh fuck" she was almost jumping on my groin, I didn't knowif I was still inside her or not, "I'll fuckin' kill you this time…ohyeahh, aahhh, come on…hhhh…tell me, can you…can youbreathe" I couldn't breath or speak. "You're dead….ohhhh…yeess…dead…comeon, die you shit…mmm…die!" she suddenly stopped and removedher hands, "Now, beg for your life, beg me for it…and I am serious,too!" "Gh, ghghh…hhrrr" I was trying to fill my lungs with the airand she just sat there and waited for me to speak. "You…I knew that" Ibarely produced any words, "I knew that you can't…do it, you justcannot do it, ADMIT IT!" I raised my voice as much as I could. She suddenlygrabbed my neck with her left hand and squeezed it. She held it like thatfor the moment and then swung her right hand 'SBAMM', 'SBAAM' she began toslap my face with her palm in one way and with her backhand in the opposite.She was slapping my face like maniac for at least twenty times. She suddenlystopped and slowly placed her right hand little above the left, on my neck.Again she was fucking me, but suffocating me at the same time, "Ohh…Bobby… thisis…this is goodbye" I opened my eyes and I saw the tears coming outof hers. I tried to wave my head left and right to stop her but she was incomplete trans, "HHMmmmh…ohh...i can't…I am" she was just babblingwith no sense, "you have to…aahha…die now…die, die,die…" she was pressing and squeezing harder and harder. I knew thatthis time she wouldn't stop, I opened my eyes wide as I felt they just mightpop out and then, "OHHH….I AM COMIIIINNGG…AHHAHHA" she camewith a violent twitches of her body. She calmed down, her head bowed downbut I was still choking. She then looked at me and without a word she threwher head backwards and squeezed my neck as harder as she could. That wasit, my sight was all blurred and becoming hazy and dark. Only thing I rememberwas her screaming "DIEEEE YOU WORTHLES MAN, DIEEE". And so, I died, at leastI thought I was dead. I don't know for how long I was unconscious and whenI woke up I saw her curled on the floor, she was moaning. I coughed as mythroat was all fucked up and she suddenly turned and looked at me. She stoodup and held her both hands over her mouth looking stunned and happy at thesame time, "You are not… you are alive, oh Jesus, you are alive" shebegan to cry then, "H...h...hh…I thought I… I thought you weredead" she suddenly bent down and started to kiss me all over my face likecrazy, "Oh Bobby, you're alive, you're alive…" She quickly removedthe shackles and said, "Come on…I'll take care of you" she helpedme to stand on my feet but my leg just wouldn't hold, so I fell on the floor.Every inch of my body ached. "OH NO!!" she yelled and quickly helped me backup. She then took me to the bedroom and went to bring various bottles andpainkillers. I couldn't sleep for the whole night and she was just tryingto fix all of my wounds and bruises. I fell asleep when the sun was alreadyup. When I woke up, she wasn't there. I found a note; she wrote that shehad to go to work and that I better stay home for couple of day. As she wasmy boss, she didn't have to report me being ill so that was convenient forboth of us. I wanted to go home and for that I had to disguise my self sopeople around wouldn't see me all bruised up. I decided to stay there forday or two and not to open my door or answer the telephone either. I washurt physically but emotionally, too. I just loved Marla when she wasn'tin her element, but this was too much for me. The phone rang that day severaltimes but I never replied. She knew I was in, so she left few messages onmy answering machine, she was asking how I was, she wanted to talk, to seeme, she practically begged me to pick up. But, I just couldn't, I was afraidif I did she'd again have me just where she wanted and I couldn't even thinkabout last night.

Shequit calling me after two days of not replying to her calls. I called myex boss and told him that I quit the job, summer was coming to an end anyway,so it wasn't really unexpected. Few days later the phone rang and I pickedup, I thought those would be my folks probably as they found out how I quitthe job. But instead, it was Marla, "Hello!" I said and for a few minutesthere was only silence on the other end. "Hi Bobby, it' me…" she finallysaid, "Oh…hi Marla" I shouldn't picked up that handset. "Are you ok,Bobby?" she asked, "Well…yes, I think I am…" "Why didn't you…whydidn't you answer my calls. I know you were there." I didn't know what tosay, "Ahm…I don't know really, I just needed to be alone I guess" andshe said, "I understand…it's just that…I felt really bad forwhat happened and I wanted to…I wanted to redeem somehow, althoughI don't know how…and I…" but I stopped her, "it's quite allright Marla, I am fine now…" "Your bruises…did they…Imean, are you…Damn; I don't even know what I want to say…" shesounded scared and confused. "Look, Marla…I don't know if we shouldcontinue to see each other, because I think…" but she interruptedme, "Bobby, I left town yesterday!" she said quickly, "You did? Why?" I wassurprised, "Well something came up and I just had to leave…" "A, ok...And when are you coming back?" I asked, "I am not Bobby. I won't come back…Ileft for good" suddenly I felt sorry, sorry for myself, "But…why?If it's the previous night, you don't have to…" and she interruptedme again, "No, it's a different story…I can't say but it's for thebest anyway" I was silent for few moments, "Bobby…still there?" Ireplied silently, "I just thought that we…that we had something, youknow…" "Yeah, we had, and that something was me almost murdering you…no,this is for the best. I just wanted to say goodbye, Bobby. Maybe one day,I'll send you my address and you could…" she never finished, "GoodbyeBobby…" I wanted to stop her, "BUT MARLA…!" I raised my voice, "Iam really sorry Bobby, bye now…" and she hung up. I just stood thereby the phone, disappointed with what just happened. I sat back on the sofaand thought it for a while, it felt strange, I was kind of sorry that shewas gone and at the same time I was also relieved. I thought about schooland it looked that I was better without her, she could mess me up again,badly, and I didn't want to miss my classes over sex and whipping. I knewI would have hard time putting her out of my mind bit it didn't really matter;I just had one more, little freakier, experience. The only thin that troubledme still, was that I didn't know for sure if she killed that guy or not.Maybe I was just lucky to be alive.

Twodays latter I came home around noon, I just visited my parents, but theywere not angry as I expected. I promised again that this would be my lastyear in school and they were glad. I just came out of the shower when someonerang my door bell, "JUST A SECOND…!" I yelled and went to dress upquickly. I opened the door and there were two people, man and a woman. "Mr.Robert Caine?" the guy asked, "May I know who's asking?" I replied and hecontinued, "I am special agent Freeman and this is special agent Beck," hepointed at the woman. "We'd like to talk to you about a woman, Marla Jones…doyou know her?" I suddenly felt very cold, "Yes…yes I know her…" Iwas afraid what I was about to find out. "May we come in" the woman asked. "Ohsure, sure…come right in…take a seat. Can I offer you something,coffee, tea, anything…?" "Coffee would be nice" he said. They saton my sofa in the living room and I went to the kitchen, "It'll take a minute,make your selves comfortable…" I had to think fast 'why they werehere and what would I say about me and Marla' and I decided to lie aboutwhat we did. I came back after few minutes, "What happened to your eye?" sheasked as she saw a bruise on below my left eyebrow. "Well…few nightsago, me and the boys had a fight in one bar…I hope it's not illegal,is it?" I began my lying, "As the matter of fact it is…" the guy said, "Butwe are not county police, we're FBI, that's not what we wanted to talk about.We wanted to ask you what your relationship with Miss Jones is." I waitedfor a moment and said, "Well…we're friends and I used to work forher here, in one local law firm. We also know each other from elementaryschool, she used to live here when she was little" I figured I could tellsome truth to those two. While he was asking questions, woman was watchingevery move on my face, it felt really weird and I began to feel really uncomfy,she just stared me all the time. "And that's it…I mean...you two neverhad any closer relation but just being friends, ha?" "Yeah, she was my bossat work, so it's kind of inappropriate, wouldn't you say" I managed to staycalm, "Hmm…yes I suppose it is. And you wouldn't happen to know whereshe is now, would you?" I thought it for a while,"No, I don't, she left thetown on some business, I really don't know where…" and I didn't, really. "So,when's she coming back" the woman asked, "I don't think that she is comingback" I said, "I asked her the same question but she never answered", somehowI felt that she knew I was lying. "Mr. Caine, do you have a girlfriend here?" sheasked, I was confused now, "Well, no…why do you ask?" "Oh, no reason…thisis just standard procedure, these questions, you know..," "Aha, I see…" "Ok,we won't be taking any more of your time" the guy said, "And thanks for thecoffee." "You're welcome…if there is anything else I could do…?" Iacted cooperative, "Not at this time" he said and they left. I watched themgoing to their car, they were discussing something. They were just aboutto enter the car when the woman turned around and headed to my door. 'Whatnow?' I thought. I opened the door before she managed to rang my bell, shelooked at me and said, "Hmm…Mr. Caine…here is my card" shegave me her visit card and said, "If anything at all may cross your mind,which could help us to find this woman, I want you to call me, ok? I'll bestaying at this hotel and you can call me there or just call me on my mobilephone, ok?" "I looked at the card and said, "Ok, sure, if anything comesaround I'll call, ok?" "Ok then, have a nice day" and she turned away fora second and then faced me again and said, "Call me!" and she went for thecar. I was certain that she knew I knew something. I got back inside andchecked her card 'JENNIFER T. BECK' 'SPECIAL AGENT OF FBI', and there wheresome numbers and addresses. And then it hit me like a rock, 'JENNIFER???'Was this just a coincidence or…? No, that can't be it, woman happensto have the same name as Marla's friend, that's all; just mere coincidence.Goddamn curiosity! I had to find out, so around 18:00 I called her at thehotel but she wasn't there. I then called her mobile and she answered, "Specialagent Beck…" "Yes…hi, this is Robert…Robert Caine" Iwas afraid and confused, who knew what I might found out yet, "Oh, helloMr. Caine!" as she knew I would call, "A…yes, I need to speak to you,miss. Can you come over or…?" "Well…I have a meeting in 30minutes, but if you could come to my hotel, maybe we could talk there…ifit's not convenient for you then…" but I interrupted, "No, that'sfine, I don't have anything to do, anyway, and I could use a walk, too." Ihad to clear my mind before I see her. "Well then, how about in one hour,is that ok?" "Yeah, that would be fine" and I hung up.

Igot there a little earlier, feeling very anxious to find out. I have to saythat I had some thoughts about Special agent Beck. She was very pretty andhandsome. I knew that, below that official suit was a great body; she couldn'thide her looks even with the suit. She came 10 minutes latter, "Oh…hello.You're early!" "Yes…well, I had nothing to do so I just waited herefor a while. "Would you like something to drink, I am off duty now and Ireally feel like having some" she asked. "Yeah, I suppose I might." We wentto the bar and had a beer each. We just talked informal, she asked me aboutthe town and the firm and I managed to figure out her age. She was same ageas Marla. "So, you and Miss Jones are just friends, ha?" she began, "I thinkthat we should talk about this somewhere else, less crowded" I said, andshe looked at me inquiringly, "Ok…maybe…maybe we can go tomy room, we'll have enough privacy there" that sounded good, "Yes, I thinkthat'll do" and we went up. We took our coats of and sat in the dayroom.She had a suite; it was rather big. She removed her shoes and said, "Theseare killers" and then she took out the gun, handcuffs, her badge and somesmall police stick. I stared at those cuffs as they reminded me of Marla. "Somethingwrong?" she asked, "No, no…I was just thinking. Look…beforeI start I want to ask you something." I needed to know, "Yeah, sure, shoot…" "Well…Marlasaid something about her friend named Jennifer…could that be you?" shewas surprised to hear this, and she kept quiet for a while. "Hmm…ok.Yes, I know Marla; we went to high school together. I suppose we were friendsthen…but…lets just say that we had some common interests atthat time, that's all. I don't really see her as a friend anymore…yousee, Marla is wanted by the FBI for four years now and I wanted this jobbecause I know her" she stared at me again. "I don't suppose you could tellme why she is wanted by FBI?" she thought it for a while and said, "Murder!" andI just felt stone cold, "More preciously, murders! We have strong doubtsthat she killed six people, all of them man…" I couldn't breathe orspeak, I felt like crying and laughing at the same time. "Would you likea glass of water?" she asked and went to bring some without my reply. I drankit and felt a little better after a while. "Ahm…Miss beck…" sheinterrupted, "Call me Jennifer, ok!" "Yes…fine…are you absolutelysure that…that we are talking about same person…I mean…Ican't believe that she…" I saw how calm she was so I quit. Word 'murder'came out of this woman's mouth like any other word; it was something that,obviously, didn't bother her too much. "Yes Robert, we are quite sure, I,myself, are 100 percent sure. I just miss few strong evidence, but I'll getthose soon, too." We were both silent for a while and then I said, "Thereis something I want to show you, if you like…?" "Sure, go ahead." So,I stood up and began to unbutton my shirt and my pants. She just watchedcalmly and I felt so embarrassed and stupid. Once I removed my shirt andI lowered my pants she lifted her eyebrows in wonder, "Jesus, how that happened?" sheasked and I felt blood rushing into my face, "Well…it's a little embarrassingbut…we were lovers and she liked to…she liked to play thisgame and…" I couldn't end my sentence, she must have figured it outso she said, "It's ok Robert, put your clothes back on; I know what I needto know. I saw bruises like that before." I sat back, covered my face withmy hands and bowed my head. I almost cried. "I'll be back in a minute, youbetter call room service and order something heavy for your self; you looklike you need some." She went to the bedroom and I picked up a phone. I ordereda bottle of Jack Daniels and waited. They were quick; it took them only fewminutes. I heard shower running and then she was doing something in the bedroom.When she got back I already had two glasses of the liquor and was fillingthird one. "Hey, easy on that…you don't mind me getting a little comfortable,do you?" "No, not at all" I said. She wore white bathrobe and white slipperswith heels. I saw only in porno movies that women goes around in slipperswith heels, 'what is it with these women these days' I thought. I was right,she had beautiful body, and legs; I never saw legs like those before. Shebrought a plastic bag with her and something in it. "May I have some of that?" shetook one glass and filled it up to the top, no ice. She opened the bag andpulled out pair of black leather boots with high spiked heels and thick soles, "Isuppose she used something like this on you…" she was smiling, I couldn'tbelieve it. I felt really ashamed again, "Well…yes…somethinglike those." I kept staring at her legs; she uncovered them on purpose. Allthis began to remind me of Marla. "Want to tell me more about what two ofyou did?" she asked but, "I don't really want to talk about it…" Isaid. "Well, that's ok; I think I get the picture, anyway. From all thosebruises, I should know. I think that you can consider your self very lucky,Robert. I saw bruises like those before on other people, but they were alltied up and dead, strangled to death. You see Robert, Marla was differentbefore. She always had a thing about S/M but in high school, those were justfantasies. We used to talk about it and it was pretty innocent, then. Well…somethinghappened, Marla was raped and badly beaten up by tree guys and after that,everything changed. One of those guys was found dead, tied up, badly woundedand bruised, and strangled. Police never managed to pin that up to her oranyone else, but I know it was she. After that we never talked about it.The problem is, that was not just a revenge…" she drank some of thewhiskey and continued, "I think that she just hate all men, and she is becominglike a serial killer because of that. I can't figure out why she let youlive, though." I had all kinds of mixed feelings in me. Christ, I slept witha serial killer, and worse, I had feelings for her. Even though she apparentlykilled all these people, I still felt sorry and affectionate for Marla. "Isuppose that those boots are Marla's, like evidence or something?" I askedand she said, "No…no, these are mine boots." She watched as I changeexpression on my face, "YOURS?" I raised my voice a little, "Yes, what isso strange about it, can't a woman have boots?" I didn't know what to sayso I just kept staring at those great legs and shiny leather boots. She sawmy confusion and asked, "Want me to put them on?" I didn't follow at first, "What??" "Isaid: do you want me to put them on Robert" she said it word by word. "A…No,no, why did you say that" I tried to look uninterested, "Why are you staringat them like that, ha?" she was pushy now, "You look like paralyzed withthose boots…" I had to said something, "No…actually, I wasstaring at your legs, sorry…" "Oh…you like them" she was allpushier and pushier, she wanted to confuse me and she did. "A…yes,yes I do, don't you" what stupidity I then said, "What…My legs?" Shewas laughing, "Of course I like my legs, as long as they are in one pieceand listening, ha, ha, ha…" I managed to get my thoughts togetherso I said, "You know, when Marla mentioned you, she said that…well,she said that I wouldn't want to be tied up in the same room with you, Jennifer.What was she talking about, ha?" she kept silent for a minute and smiled, "Hmm…MarlaJones doesn't know me, Robert, she just like to think that we are the same,but we are not. I never hurt anyone the way she does. If you are guessingwhy do I have these boots I suppose you're guessing right, if that's whatyou want to know?" "Yes…I suppose I do…I mean I did" she gotme confused again and the whiskey got to me, too. "You are still staring,Robert!" she pointed at her legs, "Come closer and take a better look, ifyou like." I felt excited instantly, I just wanted to get on the floor andstart licking those great, beautiful legs. "Well…I know you want to,so…if you want here they are" and she removed the robe a little more;I could almost see her panties. She then offered her hand to me and said, "Come,don't be shy!" I took her hand and she pulled me easily. I stood up and wentaround the table to get closer,"Here, sit on the floor" she put me down bythe hand and placed her legs in front of me. I was on my knees looking ather legs when she easily lifted her right foot in front of my face. I didn'tknow what should I do, at first, but then I just opened my mouth and lookedher in the eyes. She just smiled and touched my lips with her toes and Iclosed my mouth with her middle toes in my mouth, as I began to suck themshe said, "That' a boy…you see, it wasn't so hard, was it?" I justgave my self in, and then…I took her foot in my hand and began tosuck and lick every inch of it, from her toes to the heel. "Lay down on thefloor" her voice was gentle and so I laid back. She put her left foot inmy mouth and said," suck it now" and with the other she began to rub my dickover my pants. I was hard as a stone. "Oh, nice…look at that" shereferred to my dick, "you are a kinky little prick, aren't you. She rubbedher foot over my face and my mouth, very gently. I thought I would cum soon,if she wouldn't quit pressing her foot over my dick. "She did this?" sheasked and placed her left foot over my throat, I suddenly felt fear again.She must have seen it so she removed it and said, "No…don't be afraid" andplaced it back on my mouth. "Come up" she said, so I did. I sat on the sofabeside her and we kissed, very passionately. "I'll be wicked to you, onlyas wicked as you want me to be, ok?" that sounded good, so I said, "Ok…butas long as it pleases you, too." She smiled and said, "don't worry aboutthat, I'll take care of everything, come, follow me…." We went tothe bedroom and sat on the bed. "I'll go back there for a minute and youcan get rid of those clothes for me, ha?" "Sure" I was really excited, thislooked good, much better then with Marla. I got naked and she came back aftera minute, wearing those killer-boots. "How do you like them now, ha?" shebrought her handcuffs, too. "Come, give me your hands…" and she cuffedmy hands behind my back. She took out a leather collar with a leash fromher bag and said, "is this ok with you?" "Yes, it's fine" I said, "Now, I'llhave to start to act bossy over you, so if you have objections to that, tellme now." "No, it is ok; I know how the game goes." "Ok then…On thefloor!" she raised her voice a bit and I kneeled in front of her. She saton the armchair and said, "Lick those boots, dog! I want to see my face onthem once your polishing is done." I began to lick her boots from bottomto the top. "You can lick some of my hip, too, but not too much" I lickedher inner thighs and she allowed me to see her wet panties. She grabbed myhair gently, pulled my head and said, "Come, take a sniff!" I felt the scentof her sex; it was magnificent. She kept my head like that, an inch fromher cunt, for maybe two minutes. She pushed me away, "I want to walk now,is that ok with you?" I knew what she meant so I took a look at her bootsand it didn't look safe. "Yes…" I looked at her eyes and said, "Mistress!" shejust smiled and said, "Oh…some training you had, ha? I like it thatway. Ok then…" she removed the handcuffs, "Now lay on your back, dog!I need to walk!" I assumed that she was heavier then Marla, but I wantedthis. I felt like a sick man but I still wanted it. I laid back and she steppedon my chest, first. She began to add pressure little by little and when shesaw no pain on my face she climbed fully with her both legs on my chest. "Youpervert, you even like this. No wonder she messed you up that bad, you gaveher a reason. I bet that you want me to hurt you, too, ha? Tell me the truth,dog, do you?" I had to think a while, wasn't so sure how safe that was. Finally,I said, "Yes, please…do hurt me a little Mistress." "Hmm…okthen, but I need a reason for that, you have to give it to me now" I didn'tknow what to do, so I just said, "Fuck you!" She opened her eyes wide andsaid back, "No, FUCK YOU!" she swung her boot and hit me in the face. Shelooked at me to see if there was any damage and said, "Be careful, you know,there are limits for anything. Hmm…turn your head aside, I want tosee something." I turned my head but she just placed her boot on my temple, "Canyou take this, ha?" she applied some pressure on it, "Can I step on it fully,tell me, can you take it?" I couldn't say so, "I…I don't know" "Well…thereis only one way to find out" and she stepped on my head balancing on herright leg. "You see, your ok so far…I wouldn't want to crash it intopieces…or would I?" she was much heavier then Marla, I knew that now.She stepped off and squatted on her knees near my head, "Are you ok, dog?Say something!" "Yes Mistress, I am fine, you've been very good to me." Shewas surprised, "VERY GOOD? Oh really, come on…don't flatter me, youpervert, you'll see, yet! I need to go to the bathroom, you just wait here." Isaid then, "Maybe…maybe you could do it here" she looked at me, "Dowhat?" "You know…relieve your self here." "Oh…ha, ha…that'swhat you have in mind, ha? Let me see…no, you just follow me" andwe took off to the bathroom. "Lay on the floor, bitch, and open your mouth." Shewidened her legs and I crawled beneath her, "I have to say that Marla dida great job on you…you're completely hooked, aren't you?" I was afraidthat she was right; all this began to turn me on like crazy. She let go afew drops at first and then a golden shower came down from her pussy, "Drink!" sheordered, "Drink it, you piss-lover! I don't want any on the floor, do youhear?" she had a lot and I couldn't catch all, "I am afraid that you'll justhave to lick the floor now" she said after she finished. "Start licking thefloor while I have another walk over your back" I turned around and got mytongue out as she climbed my back. She walked all over my back; she steppedon my neck but lightly and went back down to my ass cheeks. "Ok, lets goback" she pulled my leash and led me to the room on my hands and knees. "Layon the bed, face down!" she ordered. I felt my dick would just explode andmy balls were so heavy. I laid down and she went for that bag again. Shetook out the whip and said, "I am going to punish you for…for…well,I'll just punish you!" she placed her knee on my neck and began to flog myass. "Does it hurt?" but my face was buried down to the pillow so I managedto let only, "Mmmhh" "What? I can't hear you." "Mmm…No..." "No? well,it will, believe me!" and she hit me harder and harder. Every time she whippedme she would either say 'Yeah' or just let out an 'Ahhhaaa'. After maybea dozen hits my butt went num and she said, "Ok, turn around now!" I turnedaround and she went for that bag again. This time she pulled out a strap-onwith a dildo on it, she strapped it around her waist and sat on the chair. "Crawlto me, dog, I have a bone for you, ha, ha, ha" I stepped on the floor, squattedto my hands and knees and crawled to her. "CLOSER, BITCH! COME CLOSER!" shewas yelling now. She placed one leg over my back and said, "You like it?It's all yours." She kept my head with one hand and dildo with other andshe brought it to my mouth, "Now lick it…suck it and give me a goodblow-job, or else…" she pointed to the leather whip which was stretchedon the floor near the chair. I began to lick the dildo and in a moment Iwas sucking it, she shoved it deep into my mouth. "Now this…this reallymakes you my bitch, doesn't it?" she began to breathe heavily, she moanedlike it was part of her. "Mmmm…oh yeah…uhhh, suck it, suckit good…that's it. Oh yeah…you're good, you know…verygood, I just…oh yes…I just might keep you in my possession" shethen removed her leg, straighten up and began to fuck me in my mouth fast.She was shoving it deeper and deeper, "Ohh…fuck, this is great…comeon…I want to see cum coming out of it…yes…fuck, fuck…ahhaa" shewas wild. She stopped and so very quickly, she removed the strap and thedildo and shoved my face into her crotch, "LICK!" she yelled, "FUCK ME WITHTHAT TONGUE…YEESSS…EAT ME GOOD, COME ON!" she went nuts, shewas rubbing her pussy on my face violently and after maybe a minute, "Ohgod…I am… I am…ah…ah…COMING…SHIT…AAHAHHHAH" andshe came with my face deep in her sex. After a while she looked at me andsaid, "You may go now! Go there to the bed, now!" I obeyed her order andwent to the bed. "Bend over the bed, dog!" she said and I did. She came besideme and said, "Spread your legs, I am going to make you my prison-bitch!" shepressed the dildo on my asshole and penetrated me hard, "Aaaouch!" I screamed,It hurt pretty bad. "Now, you're really fucked" and she began to fuck myass, slowly at first but faster and faster then. "You better cum quick orI'll just bust your ass with this!" and as she was fucking me I felt I wason the edge, "COME ON YOU PRICK, CUM ALREADY!" she yelled and spanked myass forcefully. My muscles began to twitch, she saw me cuming and said, " you'reallowed to scream if you want" and I suddenly let go, "AAAHHHH….OHHHH…OH…OH.…OH" andI spurted all over the bed, liters of cum came out of my balls, my bellyand my chest were all cum covered. She pulled out a dildo and moved away.I turned around on my back and smiled, I was actually smiling. "Nice, ha?" shesaid and laid beside me. She leaned over to my chest and tasted some of mycum with her tongue, "Mmmm…nice, I just love hot fresh cum." I lookedat her and said, "Thank you!" She smiled at me and said, "No, thank you!You were…you were great, so humble and obedient, I couldn't even imagine.I was looking for someone like you for years." I smiled to that and said, "Maybewe should be grateful to Marla, after all, I never knew anything about thisuntil she came back" "Maybe…" she said. "What time is it?" I askedand she looked on her watch, "it's half past ten, why?" I looked at her andsaid, "it's still early…" then she looked at me all in wonder andasked, "AGAIN?" I smiled and said, "Why not?" "You're sick, you know that!But I just love you that way" she kissed me, climbed on my chest and 'SBAAMM'she slapped my face, "BITCH!" she yelled and smiled, "You're dead, you know!" sheleaned over to kiss me but her mobile phone rang. "SHIT!" she said and climbedoff of me, "I'll be right back." She came back with a strange look on herface, she covered the phone with her hand and said, " IT'SHER…IT'S MARLA. " Iwas shocked. She turned on the speaker and I could hear, "Oh nice, reallynice…ha, Bobby, cheating with my best friend, ha?" "I am not yourfriend Marla" Jennifer said, "Why don't you give your self up, we know what…" butMarla interrupted, "He wants to die, Jenny, kill him" I just couldn't believeall that what was happening, "What' a fuck are you…" Jennifer triedto talk but, "He has a death wish so, kill the fuck! You should try it, youknow, it's something else, really…and don't bother to look for me,I am gone, far gone" and she hung up. We were both shocked by this; how didshe get her number. She sat on the bed beside me and said, "Damn it! She'salways one step ahead of me; I don't know how she does it…" I pulledher to my chest; "Forget about her, you'll catch her, sooner or later" andI kissed her. She looked at me and said, "What was that all about, you wantingto die and all? Did you tell her something like that?" I didn't know whatto say, but I didn't want to lie either, "Well…once when we were doingit…I just wanted to provoke her, you know, to see if she is capableof killing someone…" I stopped for a while, "And she almost did killme, you know. I was unconscious for few hours." She couldn't believe this, "Jesus… andyou're still alive, I don't believe it! So…how does it feel to…youknow, to almost die?" I looked at her for a while and said, "Pretty exciting,to be honest." She just stared at me, "You are…you are crazy, youknow, I mean…I don't see how it could be exciting, it's…it'ssick!" "I think we both had our kicks from it, especially she, but that timewas really too close." And she became curious, "So…what did she do…Imean, how did she…" "She was strangling me, first time with a scarf,second time with her hands." She was amazed once again, "TWICE? You did ittwice?" "Yes" I said, and she pushed me on my back and jumped on me, "Likethis? Is this what she did?" she placed her both hands on my neck and squeezeda little.

Iknew that, in a way, she was like Marla, but I also sensed that two of uscould have great time together. The only thing was that we had to mind thelimits. With Marla, that was impossible; Marla could cross that limit anytime, I knew then that she had feelings for me but it was still unsafe ground. "Thatwould come at the end" I said, "We played for an hour or so before this…thisdieing thing. You should really see her then, she's all in trans, she doesn'thear or see anything, she just looses all her senses" I was explaining toJennifer what this did to Marla. She removed her hands from my neck and said, "Hmm…wouldyou show me that? I am just curious, now, that's it" I had to think it twice,I wouldn't want her to go crazy, too. But I also wanted to please her and… andme, maybe, so I said, "Ok…but we have to do it all from the beginning.Maybe we could do a quickie, ha? Lets do this…you think of a few thingsthat make you most excited and aroused, and go for it. For this, you haveto be really turned on, ok?" she watched me as I explained, "You'll knowwhat to do, then. I'll make sure of that. And, this time…I want youto be selfish, think only about your own pleasures, ok? That way it'll bemuch more intense for both of us" I saw at her expression that she wasn'treally sure about all this but then she said, "Ok, my pleasures only…hmm,that shouldn't be so difficult. For this, I think I'll go and change my clothes;I have this game I often fantasize about but I never had an opportunity tobring it to life. Maybe…maybe this time I can, and I promise it'llbe fun." I have to admit, that she sounded scary then. First, she sat meon the chair and cuffed my hands behind it…and then she pulled outsome duct tape and rapped it around my ankles and taped my body to the backof the chair. "I'll be back soon" and she went out of the room. After maybe10 minutes she came back. She was wearing some kind of uniform; it wasn'tan ordinary police outfit, probably some FBI official uniform. She had onemore pair of handcuffs, a 37mm gun and a police stick, all-hanging from herwaist. The only difference was that she had those leather boots instead ofregular shoes. "This is the game, I imagine a thing or a fact and then Iinterrogate you. You have to guess what it is, sooner your guess is right,sooner the interrogation stops. I'll have to use some unordinary ways ofinterrogation, other way it would be boring. Are you comfortable with allthis?" she asked and I just wasn't sure. I gambled before so I did it again, "Sure,no problem" I agreed. She licked her lips and said, "Hmm…let me see…ok,you are a suspect in a criminal case and you need an alibi. I have only oneplace for you to be, on the night of the crime, to believe you alibi. Youhave to find it out for your self" this won't be easy, I was quite sure ofthat. She stood in front of me for a while and said, "Ok…so, Mr. Robert,where were you on the evening of 11 th ,between 08:00 and 11:00 pm…and you better tell me the truth. You arein deep shit now, and only the truth can save you!" "Well…I can'tremember exactly but I think that I was at the party with my girlfriend" Isaid, "Hmm…we already checked and you do not have a girlfriend" andshe took that stick in her hand and circled around me. She stopped behindme and 'SDUMM' she hit me with it on my left shoulder, not so gently, "DON'TLIE TO ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT, I WANT THE TRUTH!" she yelled and another onelanded on my right shoulder, even more forceful 'SBAAM'. "Now try again anddon't think you can lie to me, I know all the tricks" she came back in frontof me. My shoulders hurt pretty much, "I am sorry, I…mixed up thedates. Yes, on eleventh I stayed home, alone, I watched a movie and wentto bed, yeah…that's right, I remember now" she just placed her booton my chest and pushed me on the floor with the chair, I fell on my backbut then she rolled me over to a side. I couldn't move at all. She swungher right leg and hit me in the guts with it, "LIEING AGAIN? I DON'T BELIEVEYOU, IDIOT!" and then her left boot sole intercepted my face, "I am gonnamess you up bad, if you don't say the truth." I was thinking very hard ofwhich place could she invent for this and suddenly it came to me, "Ok...Ok…Iadmit, I was lying, but I'll tell the truth now, I was…I was at thecrime scene that night, that's where I was, I did it, I confess…" andthat was it, I guessed right this time. First, she was surprised but thenshe smiled. She rapidly turned around and took the whip. "This is for mypartner you shot dead that night…" 'SMACK' she lashed that whip acrossmy back, "YOU THOUGHT YOU'LL BE OUT OF YOUR MISSERY ONCE YOU CONFESS, YOUPIG!! WELL…" 'SMACK' she hit me again, "YOU WERE SO WRONG!!" and shebegan to whip me fats and hard. 'SMACK…SSSLASH' blows came quickly,one after another, I lost my counts, but I figured around thirty or so. Iwas badly scarred now and she…she looked just like Marla, now. Sheplaced her boot on my head and said, "I should end your life right now!" andshe added some pressure, "But, not yet…I want you to suffer as yourvictim did. To rape and cut someone up like that…it's sick!" she wasdeveloping the game in her head. Then, she stood fully on my head then andyelled, "IF THIS HEAD OF YOURS COLLAPSE NOW, IT'LL MAKE ME REALLY FEEL GOOD" sheflexed her leg few times as she tried to add some pressure. "Come on…whydon't you just die now, you sick fuck…I am just wasting my time withyou" this was a little too much, now. She stepped off and said, "NO? Ok then…" shepulled out her gun and pointed it to my head, "Goodbye now…" and 'CLICK',she pulled the trigger but the gun was empty. I felt cold sweat coming outof me, my heart had pace of thousands per minute; I thought I'd had a heartattack. She took a razor and cut the duct tape away and said, "Stand up!" Shestripped in a second; she was now naked except for the boots and a hat. "Layon the bed, now!" I lay on my back and she tied me up to it with leatherlaces. She removed that hat and took out from the bag a black hood with openingfor her eyes only. "In this state, when you confess you crimes, penalty isdeath!" I saw her crotch; it was all wet; she was horny like hell. She climbedthe bed and stood above me, "Any final wishes, you are entitled to one lastwish before you die?" I looked at her and said, "Just make it quick!" "Hmm…Iam afraid that's impossible now, if it's quick, no kick for me, and I amselfish, remember…any other wishes?" I thought it for a while andsaid, "Before you kill me, I need one more taste of that pussy, please" andshe almost jumped on my face, "Ok, lick it dog!" I began to lick her eagerly,she was all hot and sticky, rivers of cunt came down my chin, "Mmmm…yeah…oh,that's a licker, come on" she began to rub her crotch all over my face, "I'llfuck you some this way, pig!" she was now riding my tongue like nuts, "Ohhh…yeess…ahhahh…open…openyour mouth" as I opened my mouth her pee hit me right in my throat, "Drinkit…yes…oohhh" and once she was done, she moved away. She placedher cunt on my stiff dick and slide down. "This is it…your sentenceis to be executed…" she began to fuck me and took the whip. She draggedit below my neck and pulled out. As she crossed the whip around my neck shebegan to tight it up, little by little. "Ohh…You must die now…ahaha…you'rea criminal…and…and I have to…oh…oh…KILLYOU!" she yelled at the end. I knew she was about to cum, so I said, "Harder!" "WHAT?" sheasked and I continued, "Tight it harder…" she was now confused, "I…Ican't… I don't want to…" but I interrupted, "HARDER! HARDER,YOU BITCH!" After that she became furious, "BITCH? YOU...YOU JUST CALLEDME BITCH? DIE, YOU PRICK!" and then I was out of my breath, she was reallystrangling me, "Ohh...yeah…aha…aha…die, you fuck, die….AHHAHHH….IAM COMING…OOHHH…YESSSSS!!!" she went spasmodic; I could seeall of her muscles twitching and her arms, too. She was strangling me withthat whip without even knowing it. I managed to let a few sounds and to cough,so she would come out of her trans, "Gh…gh…gghhg" and she loosenedit, finally. She removed the hood and looked at me, "Oh shit! Are you allright?" I was still breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath. She removedthe laces and freed me, then began to explore my throat and my body. I supposeshe was looking for any bigger damage she might have caused. She was verygentle, now, with her hands all over me. She stopped when she came acrossmy hard and erected dick and rapidly she took it into her mouth and beganto suck me. I came in seconds, spraying like fire hose all over her faceand hands. "Robert…are you all right?" she sounded very concerned, "Iam so sorry…I didn't realized that…" but I jumped in, "No!It's quite all right…I am fine. This was what I wanted you to experience…", "Really?Just like this?" I took her hand and pulled her closer to me, "Yes…didyou like it? I think you did." She looked confused and embarrassed, "I don't…Idon't know, really…it was weird" she said. "You should of seen howyou looked when you came" I smiled at her, "You just lost it for a moment" shecrushed beside me on the bed. "I guess you're right, but…I don't reallywant to do this again, it's dangerous, I almost killed you" I knew she meantit so I said, "No…you weren't even close, believe me, I was fakingit" I wanted to calm her down. We just rested for a while and she said, "Ithink we should get some sleep, don't you? Come, get up, I need to changethe sheets." I went to the bathroom and she changed the linen, and when Icame back she was already undressed, ready to go to bed. So, I joined her.

Thephone rang, 'Jesus, it's already noon' I thought, "Hello!"…"Hi, it'sme…", "Oh, hi Mrs. Caine!" "Hi Mr. Caine, what are you doing?" "Juststudying…how about you?" "Well…it's dull day today, here atthe office, but I like it that way, no crimes, no nothing…and, thebest of it is that I'll be able to split earlier" "Ok…that's great,I'll make us some dinner then, for…let's say 5:00 pm?" "Yeah, I thinkI'll manage to leave by that time. I bought something for us, today…wannaknow what?" "No…no, I'll rather go for the surprise." "Fine then,and be sure not to mess up the food, or I'll just have to...well, you knowwhat happens to bad, bad cooks." I smiled, "yes I know, I'll do my best,don't worry." "Oh, I am worried, all right! I am worried that you'd do everythingright and that I won't have anything to punish you for, ha, ha, ha…" "Iam pretty sure you'll be able to find something…" "Ok then, love youBobby, and see you later." "Ok, bye!" " WHATDO YOU MEAN 'BYE', WHERE IS MY 'I LOVE YOU, TOO" AND ALL, HA ?" "Ohcome on…who could love such a mean, sadistic bitch like yourself,ha?" she was silent for a moment, "Did you just say Bitch? You're dead!" andshe hung up. I smiled, as I knew this would be one ' HELL 'of a night.

Shecame home around 5:15 pm, as she entered the house she called, "I AM HOME,HONEY!" then she added, "And hungry like hell" "Bobby?" but I kept silent.When she entered the dining room, she was really surprised by the sight;on the table there was variety of different food, but on the bed beside,which I brought from the bedroom, there was me, stretched on it and naked.I had a blindfold and a collar around my neck. I just said, "Take your pick!" shewaited for a few seconds and then she said, "SHIT! I'LL HAVE TO EAT COLDDINNER." She approached the bed, looked around and took the whip from thechair, nearby. She then looked at me, swung the whip thru the air and 'Sswish'she lashed it across my chest, "Well…let's get this party going on."

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Office Loving

Mary had been working for me for three weeks and she was driving me crazy. She’s a petite little thing with a fantastic figure and full, mouth-watering tits. Since I had hired Mary as my secretary all I could think about was fucking her in that perfect little ass. Maybe if Mary didn’t wear those damn tight jeans that push right into the crack of her ass, I would have been okay, but as things stood, all I could think about was that ass. Both sides of her chubby little lips were fully defined by...

3 years ago
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Woods Loving

Kara, my best friend, and I had been best friends for years, but it was nly just recently that I had started to have feelings for her that weren’t normal. She was blonde, beautiful, tanned, blue- eyed. An all – American gal. Whereas I, I was an average half African black girl with long black hair. Kara was driving us to her Uncle’s cabin in the woods for a two day weekend holiday. I kept glancing over at her chest that was spilling out of her red, sleeveless sport vest. I felt an odd,...

5 years ago
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Chocolate Brown Tropical Loving

Isabella Brown was a snotty twenty one year old student, on a holiday with her two best friends from university in Santorini, Greece. They stayed in a small hotel and went down to the beach everyday to catch some rays and swim. ‘Come on, Isabella, you got to come out with us tonight,’ urged one of her best friends called Lucy Dixon. She was a petite blonde with baby blue eyes. Isabella groaned and sighed heavily, as if she didn’t say yes to her friends they’d just go on and on and she’d never...

3 years ago
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Universal Loving

I collapsed into my bed with a sense of relief. The clock next to my head told me it was 2 am. I had been staying up to do a sociology assignment in my shared dorm and I was ready to crash. Before I could fall asleep, I could hear stumbling outside my door as someone drunk tried to find their room. I closed my eyes tight in an attempt to block it out. The stumbling stopped right in front of my door. “Shhhh….” Said an all too familiar voice between giggles. “My roomie’s probably...

2 years ago
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King Of The Jungle Loving

My name is Yasmin Banks. I’m thirty two years old and I’m from South London. I had saved up a few grand to backpack through Southern Malaysia. It was something I had always wanted to do since I left college fifteen years ago. One thing after another had always prevented me from following my dreams. So, here I am, backpacking in Southern Malaysia with a tour guide. The magnificent and breath-taking views of the country made me gasp in astonishment. All beautiful greenery for miles around. And...

4 years ago
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College Loving

I never knew college would end up like this! This is my first erotic story and I hope it is good. I really enjoyed making it and hope to make more. Please leave loads of comments and tips for my next story. Thanks for reading.  So I was 17 when I left home for college, I lived far away from home and although I had loads of new friends at the college, there was one girl that made my life so much better. Her name was Jemma and she was the same age as me but younger. Even though she was younger,...

4 years ago
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Afternoon Loving

He stands behind her, and runs his hands lightly up her back from her hips to her shoulders. He leans in and kisses her neck, moving her hair out of the way, he trails kisses up to her ear, before whispering “I want you,” in her ear. He turns her around to face him, and his mouth descends on hers. He kisses her softly, once, twice three times, then deepens the kiss. His tongue sweeps into her mouth and tastes her. The kiss becomes demanding, showing her what he wants to do to her, tasting the...

2 years ago
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Openly Loving

*The Main Characters* Male lead: Zackery Campbell, he goes by Zack for the most part. Since the idea for this story is to see the couple at different times in their relationship age isn't really specific. He is a 6 foot tall caucasian male, he has brown hair styled in a shorter quiff (should with age he explore different haircuts he can.) His body is similar to that of a farmer/country boy, he is strong but not overtly muscular or defined. Because of this he often gets underestimated in terms...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Loving

He stands behind her, and runs his hands lightly up her back from her hips to her shoulders. He leans in and kisses her neck, moving her hair out of the way, he trails kisses up to her ear, before whispering “I want you,” in her ear. He turns her around to face him, and his mouth descends on hers. He kisses her softly, once, twice three times, then deepens the kiss. His tongue sweeps into her mouth and tastes her. The kiss becomes demanding, showing her what he wants to do to her, tasting the...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Stepdaughter loving

My step daughter Savannah didn't tell me before she came home from school on a day I was off and sound asleep in the bed, naked. I was dreaming of nothing in particular until I felt warm wet lips on my penis and figured Sheree, my now ex wife,had come home to surprise me with a blow job for lunch as she often did. I stretched out and enjoyed her lips and tongue working their magic on my erect cock and balls until she went deep down on me and made me super rock hard and long. I opened my eyes...

4 years ago
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Woods Loving

Kara, my best friend, and I had been best friends for years, but it was nly just recently that I had started to have feelings for her that weren't normal.She was blonde, beautiful, tanned, blue- eyed. An all - American gal. Whereas I, I was an average half African black girl with long black hair. Kara was driving us to her Uncle's cabin in the woods for a two day weekend holiday. I kept glancing over at her chest that was spilling out of her red, sleeveless sport vest. I felt an odd, throbbing,...

3 years ago
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Universal Loving

I collapsed into my bed with a sense of relief. The clock next to my head told me it was 2 am. I had been staying up to do a sociology assignment in my shared dorm and I was ready to crash. Before I could fall asleep, I could hear stumbling outside my door as someone drunk tried to find their room. I closed my eyes tight in an attempt to block it out. The stumbling stopped right in front of my door. “Shhhh….” Said an all too familiar voice between giggles. “My roomie's probably asleeeeeep.” ...

3 years ago
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Little sisters can be annoying and also very loving

“It’s okay Sis, I was just surprised and a bit winded.” “Did I damage your thingy that is sticking out?” “No and there’s nothing sticking out”. Apparently, she saw the start of an erection and I immediately sat down with my hands covering my lap. “Your thingy got bigger after I ran into you”. “Drop it Sis; you’re not old enough to be talking about it, and stop calling it a thingy”. “What’s it called?” “It’s called a Penis”. “Is your Penis swollen because I hurt it?” “Yes, now please...

4 years ago
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Library Loving

Shelly didn't notice him at first when she walked into the library to find a quiet place to study for her midterms. Before heading up the stairs, she stopped at the coffee vending machine and plopped some change in it to purchase her first caramel latte of the night. Then she glanced over and saw him standing behind the counter processing some books that had just been returned and he caught her looking at him and smiled. He didn't look like any librarian she had ever seen, his build...

4 years ago
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Big Girls Need More Loving

Right off the bat I want to make it perfectly clear I don't need any of those "tall jokes". Just because I am a female and slightly over 6 foot 6 inches doesn't make me a freak of nature. I weight a very lean 158 pounds on my long frame and my ass and boobs are actually not smallish. It is just that they look a little small on my extra tall body. I have to admit my feet are quite large and it is difficult to hide that fact with the revealing shoes that all females favor these days. My mom...

1 year ago
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Locker Room Foot Loving

"My my! You have sexy feet and legs!" Kristina said to the girl who was getting dressed beside her. "Pardon?" The girl asked. "I said you have sexy feet and legs." Kristina responded. "You like them? Are you a lesbian?" The girl replied. "Actually, I am bisexual. I like guys and girls. What about you?" Kristina asked. "I am straight. I have a boyfriend outside waiting for me. I am not fond of girls hitting on me." The girl stated. "Tell me that you have never fantasized about making out with...

2 years ago
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Yours lovingly

Hello there, this is your jj this time submitting a narration with a difference. S very different and only meant for the female readers, read on to learn how i would lick you off when we get a chance to meet. The images that flashes in my mind’s is that of a woman who is on the edge, edge meaning nearing menopause a perfect south indian in her late forties inspire my imagination. His short story of how i would eat your pussy was written just for you. Read it and enjoy it while stroking your...

3 years ago
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Tough love

    I would like to thank Echa724 and Kinkyashley347 for their editing of this story, I’m so happy there are people interested enough to help. Again thank you.                                                                                                                                                                           TOUGH LOVE                                                           By   Graymangazer.                                                                  Part...

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