The Agony Of Simone free porn video

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THE AGONY OF SIMONE A fantasy tale by Cordoza

"Very well then you little slut, don't talk! We really don't care if it meanswe can gain so much more pleasure from watching your beautiful body writhein torment," the colonel cupped her firm breast and whispered into her ear, "Youhave no idea what we can and 'will' do to the most intimate parts of you bodyif you continue to keep silent," then she twisted the girl's nipple painfully.

The beginning

April, 1942, and in a small French provincial town a young girl sat tremblingwith fear. It was exactly forty three minutes since her bedroom door had beenkicked in, at last they had found her with her radio set. She had no time totap a warning message, the Gestapo agent in the black leather trench coat andfedora had seized her wrist then slapped her hard across the face. She spunacross the room onto the bed. He grabbed her arms and cuffed them behind herback, then pulled her to her feet.

An SS soldier picked up the radio set while two others took hold of the youngFrench girl and dragged her out of the door and down the stairs. They waitedin the hallway while outside a platoon of soldiers savagely beat back the smallinquisitive crowd. Having cleared a path they took her out of the door andbundled her into the back of a military police van. Two SS soldiers sat oppositeher leering at her legs and breasts. Then one of them looked into her eyesand smiled. She thought for one stupid moment that he was showing a glimpseof humanity, but then shivered with fright as he tauntingly drew his fingeracross his throat and laughed.

And now here she was, awaiting her fate in a cold office of Gestapo headquarters,a sinister grey stone building covered in red, white and black swastika flagsat the center point of the now notorious Rue De Douleur.

Simone was barely eighteen, five feet two inches tall, and a stunningly beautifulyoung woman with a curvaceous figure that instantly turned the heads of bothFrenchmen and German soldier alike. Her pretty short straight dark hair wasnow disheveled, wisps of softest black hung over her pretty brown eyes, andin their corners two teardrops started to form.

A woman dressed in the hated black uniform of the SS entered the room. Simonelooked at her coldly. She noted that the officer was tall, she guessed herto be in her late thirties, with fine neatly combed shoulder length blond hair,a typical Arian maiden of the Nazi Reich. The older woman glanced sidewaysat the girl with steely blue eyes, set in what would otherwise be considereda very beautiful face. Her long black leather boots squeaked as she strodeacross the floor and sat down behind the plain wooden table.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle. I am SS Standartenfuhrer Helga Schmidt." she began,glancing quickly through a thick brown folder of papers. Nodding with satisfactionshe looked up at Simone with ice cold insensitive eyes, "Good, good. …So,we have caught you at last! You are the radio operator we have been seekingfor some considerable time. We know that your codename is 'Swift', … butregrettably not swift enough this time mademoiselle! Now, I would like youto tell me the names of your resistance contacts. "

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Simone replied defiantly, herlip quivering.

The Colonel laughed.

"Oh! and I suppose you are going to tell me that you were just listeningon your little radio to the Paris Symphony Orchestra!"

The girl didn't answer and gazed determinedly out of the window. Agitatedby her coolness, Colonel Schmidt slammed the folder down on the desk makingSimone jump with fright. A tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of herlover George.

Schmidt shouted at her…


The girl turned quickly to face her again.

"GO FUCK YOURSELF COLONEL!" she replied, and spat in her face.

The older woman took out her handkerchief and delicately wiped the spittlefrom her cheek, then shook her head in despair.

"Madame! You are either very brave, or very stupid. Do you think we havethe time to play silly schoolgirl games!" there was no answer, "Very well,you stubborn little French Bitch!" then she waved to the guards. "Take herdown to Sturmscharfuhrer Gruber," she commanded.

Simone cursed and fought desperately as the soldiers grabbed her arms, liftedher up and bundled her out of the door and into the lift. In her mind Simoneknew she had entered an unending horrendous nightmare as the machinery hummedloudly in her ears, taking her on a journey into the very depths of hell. Herthoughts were only of her lover George coming home to find her gone. What wouldhe say? she wondered, what would he do? There was a jolt and they had reachedthe cellars.

The two guards pulled back the gate then walked her quickly down a long concretecorridor lined with cell doors. Suddenly she heard a lonely pitiful screambehind one of them. Twisting around she tried to run, but the guards held herfirmly by her arms and propelled her forward again, she protested loudly, herfeet dragging along the ground until they reached a grey steel door at thefar end, marked 'Entry Verboten'.

The guards knocked. High up, a small trap door opened and an ugly woman'sface peered at them. Then she noticed the raven haired beauty and grinned.The door opened and Simone was thrown inside.

It could have been just another featureless room, but far from it. The younggirl almost peed with fright as she saw the two huge valkyrian thugs standingunder two rusty chains that hung from the ceiling. She shuddered as she lookedaround the room that was full of equipment that could only be for the purposeof torture. Racks of whips of varying size and design, and terrifying toolsof unknown torment hung in neat rows on the filthy stained walls. Wood andsteel furniture of a strange design were scattered about, and in the cornerthere smoldered a huge iron brazier, it's orange and red coals glowing brightly.The two women seized her.

"NEEOOO! … NON! … YOU FILTHY PIGS! … LET ME GO!" shesquealed angrily as she struggled against the rough pawing hands. She slappedone thug in the face and the huge woman retaliated by punching her hard inthe stomach. Simone doubled over in pain and retched. They grabbed her wristsand pulled them up to the chains where they were locked securely into two bloodstainedsteel cuffs.

The tall blond tore open the front of the girl's blouse, while her brunettecompanion ripped apart the hem of her flimsy black skirt. Simone kicked outwildly as piece by piece her outer clothes and shoes were cut away from herbody, until at last she hung there in her bra, panties and long black stockings.She whimpered quietly, her breasts barely restrained in the lacy black halfcup bra heaved up and down, while her nervous breaths scattered the wisps ofblack hair that clung to her face. The blond squeezed her tits painfully. Herbig ugly face grinned as she grabbed the delicate material of her brassiereand ripped it away. Her black panties quickly followed, as did her stockingsand garter belt.

The colonel entered the room and locked it behind her.

"Ah, that is good! Our young friend is ready to play with us." She strodetowards the hanging girl and gently spoke to her…

"I will ask you again. Will you tell me who your contacts are?"

"NON!" Simone replied and bravely spat at the blond thug next to her. Thehuge Valkyrie winced, and was about to punch her again when her commander heldup her hand. She spoke to the angry sergeant …

"Heidi my dear, I think we will start with the long whip. This little bitchneeds to learn a few manners!"

The blonde guard smiled with delight and removed her black shirt. At almostsix feet she was very tall, her light blond hair was braided but caught upon her head in a severe bun. Her name was Staff Sergeant Heidi Gruber, maniacallyloyal to the party, and a particularly nasty piece of work. Her huge Teutonicbreasts, naked now, and her muscular body gleamed with sweat in the stronglights as she went to the wall and took down a long vicious looking black snakewhip. She tested it by striking it hard along the concrete floor. The whipcracked like a gun shot and Simone cringed then shivered as the evil bitchgrinned at her with her perfect white teeth. She flexed the powerful musclesin her naked arms and chest just to show the girl what little mercy she wouldreceive, then took up position behind the young girl's naked defenseless body.

Simone gritted her teeth and tried to concentrate her mind on her lover George'sface. She could see him now, walking that last time down the street towardsher. In her dream he stopped and smiled, then their lips met and …


Her back exploded with searing pain. An angry red stripe burned across hertender young flesh and licked around her side. Several spots of blood formedand trickled downward and into the crease of her buttocks. She didn't evenhave time to prepare as there was another swish and her thighs caught fire.


A pair of stripes glowed a vivid scarlet in a ring round her slender legs.Tears oozed from the corners of Simone's eyes and ran down her cheeks. Herlips quivered and she shook with fear and anger as the horrendous pain screamedupward from her nerve endings to her brain.

"Enough!" said the colonel. She walked to Simone's side and whispered again, "Well,my little dove, do you wish to say anything to me before Heidi continues?" Theyoung French girl hung her head in silence, "Very well then you little slut,don't talk! We really don't care if it means we can gain so much more pleasurefrom watching your beautiful body writhe in torment," the colonel cupped herfirm breast and whispered into her ear, "You, have no idea what we can andWILL do to the most intimate parts of you anatomy if you continue to keep silent." Shetwisted her nipple painfully. "You are a stupid young fool," Then she noddedto the sergeant who shifted her position, grinning in sadistic delight as sheswung back her arm.


This time the long rope of tightly braided hide landed partly on her lowerback and snaked around her flank blazing a trail of fire across her flat tonedstomach. The evil whip fell away and the soft white flesh trembled, then turnedto a strip of deep angry bluish red.

The valkyrie continued whipping her for ten agonizing minutes, making herway slowly around the naked sweating body, taking her time as she scourgedthe young girl's most sensitive areas of skin. Simone grunted and yelled withpain as the savage whip seared her buttocks, her thighs and her calves. Eachtime the whip recoiled, it sprayed a shower of hot sweat across the concretefloor. Simone constantly wailed and blubbed, the tears flooding down her cheeks.Her skin was now a spiders web of deep red stripes and black bruises. Longtrickles of scarlet flowed from the places where the skin had been torn anddripped into small puddles on the floor. But the young French girl swung defiantlyin her shackles, her stubborn silence remained.

Up till now her breasts had been spared, but that ended when the colonelhanded the brunette a long thin cane from the wall. Trude knew her job welland taking the cane stood to one side of the girl. Simone looked down at therod as it was rested momentarily on her cleavage, then it rose high into theair. There was a pause, then a blur, and all feeling suddenly ceased in herheaving breasts. They froze into ice for a second then melted in an instantas the skin temperature in their sensitive tips soared to incandescence. Thepain was so bad it winded her. She could only stand and stare ahead of heras she fought to breathe once more. Finally she gasped, then screamed louderthan ever … and in a moment of weakness she cried out George's name.

The colonel held up her arm and the whipping ceased.

"So my little dove!" Schmidt whispered, "You are missing your lover, yes?"

Simone quickly stared at the woman in panic. How could she know about him?

"Please …" she whimpered, "he knows nothing. Pleeeeeeeease don't hurthim!"

Helga Schmidt laughed.

"Do not worry little one, we know he is nothing to us. Just a poor simplefool… No, it is 'you' we are interested in…but maybe…" sheadded thoughtfully, "yes, maybe the love he gives you can loosen your tongue."

"Why!!!?... wh' … what do you mean!" Simone looked at her in terror.

"I mean my little whore, that 'we' can love you as he can," Helga purredin a deep sexy voice and started to undo the buttons on her shirt. Her twoassistants grinned with expectant glee and also began to strip off their uniforms.

Simone watched them with puzzlement for a moment, then wailed as she realizedthe horror of what she meant!


"Oh, I think YES my little French dove," Helga cooed, her large breasts exposedto the girl's frightened stare. She walked forward and stopped directly infront of her, then reached out to caress the side of her face and neck. Simoneturned away, but Schmidt grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her head forward,then kissed her full on the lips. The woman's powerful hand squeezed the girl'scheeks forcing her mouth open and permitting Helga to push her tongue deepinside.

"UUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM!" Simone squealed against the rough mouth, then squealedagain as she felt another pair of naked breasts press into her back.

The tall blonde guard leaned her clammy sweating body against the girl, thenbent her head and breathed hotly into her ear. She nibbled the soft littlelobe before moving down to kiss and lick the side of her neck and the top ofher shoulder. Gripping her tightly around the waist with her hands, she groundher already moist sticky cunt in circles against the girl's naked butt.

The brunette, Trude, was by now also naked and stood by Simone's other side,her hand cupping the girl's soft breast and firmly squeezing the tender orb.She bent her head and kissed the other side of her neck, then paused and bitthe girl hard on the shoulder. After a couple of minutes, Schmidt releasedthe girl's mouth and looked deeply and lustfully into her frightened tearfuleyes.

"I have a couple of toys that I had specially made for pretty little thingslike you. I think you will enjoy them as they will so remind you of dear George." Shewinked at her companions, "Enjoy her for a moment my dears, while I get ready."

Simone screeched as the two women set about kissing and fondling her bodywhile the colonel went over to a table and removed her uniform. Heidi kneeledon the floor between the girl's legs. Prizing apart the slim thighs she buriedher face in the small black triangle of pubic hair. Simone screamed as theblonde licked the lips of her labia, tugging at the folds of skin with herteeth. She pushed her nose between them and sniffed the girl's wonderful intimateperfume of sexual youth.

The brunette cupped the girl's breasts in her hands. She squeezed the softfleshy orbs, delighting in their smooth voluptuousness gliding against thecoarseness of her palms. Leaning inward she head butted the side of Simone'sface, the girl squealed in pain and turned her head away. The brunette divedinward and fastened her teeth onto the slender neck. She sucked hungrily ather neck and throat, making it gleam wetly with her saliva, then she suddenlygrowled in her sexual frenzy and bent down to bite hard on the girl's nipple.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" screamed Simone in agony.

Trude sucked hard and the soft bud shot deep into her mouth. She clampedher lips around it and pulled her head back, stretching the soft flesh intoa tiny cone. Gazing up into Simone's startled eyes, she let go then suckedin a whole mouthful of tit, her cheeks hollowing deeply as she sucked and chewedon the hot sweaty flesh.

Down below, the blond Valkyrie had first lifted and now gripped Simone'slegs firmly over her shoulders, her blond hair bun bobbing backward and forwards.She searched and found the girl's clit, then tugged at it, making it grow andthrob between her lips, and was rewarded by a squirt of the girl's intimatejuices that spattered her cheeks. She sucked hard at the swollen button offlesh, worrying it with her tongue and occasionally nipping it between hersharp teeth, making the girl squeal in both pain and reluctant pleasure.

Trude acted in perfect synchronization with her colleague, she stood behindher and clamped her powerful muscular thighs around Simone's calves to keepthen in place against her partner's back. Heidi increased the girl's degradationby reaching up under her crotch and forcing apart her buttocks, then she pushedtwo of her fingers deep into her tight little anus. She wiggled them aboutas she sucked on her clit, sending powerful and ecstatic signals racing tothe poor girl's fuddled and confused brain.

Helga Schmidt had crossed to a cupboard and taken two large black objectsfrom the shelf. She laid one on the table, then bending down, she stepped intoa web of black leather straps and pulled the object up her long legs. It wasa primitive type of strap on dildo made from hard rubber. Heidi had requestedthat the rubber used for the prick part should be manufactured with small studs,to add some very unpleasant friction when worked inside a tender young pussy.

Picking up the other long object, she came back to the three writhing loversand stood in front of the French girl. Simone looked down at the huge blackpenis and realized that the woman was going to rape her with it. She was tooshocked to say anything.

"Now my little French dove. I think you need to be in a more comfortableposition, don't you think?"

Heidi and Trude unfastened Simone's wrist cuffs and dragged her over to astrange looking bench. The device was a sort of wooden platform with two verticalsteel posts bolted on either side about half way along, these were fitted withrestraining cuffs top and bottom. The bench platform was V shaped. At the narrowend was a vertical steel rod rising up from the base, attached to the top wasa steel collar.

Simone was forced to kneel up on the platform with her legs spread wide apart.Trude took each of her wrists and strapped them to the top of the posts, holdingher arms open behind her. Then she took each knee and strapped it to the bottomof each post to hold the girl's thighs wide apart. Heidi sized Simone's hairand pulled her head and chest downward, then she fastened the steel collararound her neck with a padlock. The young girl was now kneeling on the bench,bending downward with her butt high in the air.

Helga moved between Simone's thighs and rubbed the dildo up and down thecrack of her widespread pussy. Trude reached between the two lovers and spreadapart the swollen pink lips of the girl's labia, then helped guide the dildoas Helga pushed her hips forward, driving the prick deep into the girl's cunt.The girl screamed at the full realization of her rape. Heidi fetched a longcane from the wall and stood at the girl's head. Judging the right moment shebrought the whip down hard on her naked back, making her scream again as thewoman drove the dildo deeply inside her. Helga now held up the other object,another dildo fitted to a wooden handle. The rubber device was also studdedand the woman positioned the bulging tip against the girl's anus and beganto twist and push it home.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH! STOP! STOP! … NOT THERE! … PLEASE NON! NON!" shescreamed, but Helga took no notice and was soon plunging the ass dildo in andout in time with her rapid fucking.

Schmidt held the girl around her slender waist with her other arm to enableher hips to thrust freely backwards and forwards. She set up a steady rhythm,the huge muscles in her butt and thighs flexed and bulged as she pumped bothpricks in and out. Simone's body jerked, and she groaned with pain as the greasyrubber invaders pounded into her belly and bowels. She screamed every timethe whip struck her back and shoulders, again and again and again. Meanwhile,Heidi and the brunette were squeezing her breasts upward in their palms, bendingdown to alternately suck on the soft sensitive throbbing nipples.

"COME ON BITCH, MOVE THAT ASS!" Helga screamed as she rode the sweating younggirl.

"UGH! … UGH! … UGH! … UGH!" moaned Simone as the ruttingwoman's hips and thighs slammed into her butt with a loud sticky slapping noise.Hot sweat dripped from the young girl's body as she was viciously fucked andsodomized. The two guards were sucking and biting hard on her nipples, causingher intense pain in their tender tips as the rough lips and sharp teeth pulledand tugged at them.

"You know … little one," the woman grunted as she fucked, "this isjust the nice … part of this … interrogation. If you tell us … whatwe want to know, then you … will be free to become … our sexslave. How about it … my little French whore?"


"OH!" Helga paused her humping and leaned down across her back, "Then maybeyou would prefer a nice male cock then, mmmm?" she pulled her dildos out ofthe girl then turned to the brunette.

"Trude, I think that she would prefer Wolfgang. Why don't you go and fetchhim for our little bitch."

"But of course Frau Commandant!" she replied, "He will be delighted withhis new toy." And so she went to the end door and disappeared for a few minutes.

Schmidt and her sergeant undid the girl's straps and released her, takingcare to keep her wrists firmly cuffed tightly together in front. Heidi thentold her to lie on the ground, and when she refused, she beat her with thecane until she lay down. Schmidt looked down at her as she lay sniveling onthe concrete floor.

"I want you to meet a dear friend of Trude's. He has been very patient waitingto make love to you." There was the sound of growling outside the door andthe brunette entered leading a big Doberman on a heavy leash. The dog barkedfrantically when he saw the naked Simone and excitedly tried to drag his mistressover to her. He sniffed at her legs and crotch, and then buried his snout deepbetween the girl's thighs, lapping hungrily at her cunt. Simone screamed andtried to scramble away, but Heidi lashed her several times with the whip.

"STAY STILL YOU LITTLE BITCH!" she shouted, "Let him have his way with you!"

"NON! NON! … NON! … TAKE HIM AWAY! … IT IS DISGUSTING!" screamedSimone, struggling to get up on her knees. She kicked out at the dog's noseand it yelped in pain.

"DON'T YOU DARE HARM MY POOR LITTLE BABY!" Trude screamed at her, then crossedover to the brazier and took out a red hot smoking iron.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHH!" screamed Simone, as the iron tip burned a nastyred hole in her shoulder.

"YOU WILL GET MORE … MUCH MORE GIRL IF YOU DON'T STAY STILL!" Trudescreamed, "Now lie on your back and open your legs wide for him!"

Simone sobbed loudly with the pain in her shoulder as she lay back on thefloor and reluctantly spread her thighs. The dog growled at her then sniffedand buried his eager nose once more. He licked her cunt and inner thighs withrenewed vigour, occasionally baring his razor sharp teeth which grazed thesoft skin and left angry red bloody smears.

"That is good!" Trude praised her, "Now lean under Wolfe and suck him untilhe's hard enough to fuck you, … OR ELSE!" She waved the still smokingiron menacingly in front of the girl's face.

Simone whimpered as she crawled sideways under the dogs furry belly and staredfearfully at his prick. She jumped when she felt something touch her thigh,but it was only the dog's wet nose, and she quickly pressed down on the floorwith her cuffed hands to raise her mouth to the dog's organ. She sniffed atit cautiously, It didn't smell as bad as she thought it would, and she gingerlyopened her mouth and closed her lips over the small pink shaft. Gradually shebegan to suck. The animal stood perfectly still and made strange whimperingnoises as it's prick began to grow longer and swell in the French girl's suckingmouth. She felt filthy and ashamed as she lay there under the dog, bobbingher head up and down, the muscles in her arms and back ached as she crouchedin such a painful position. The dog's penis rapidly grew longer, fat and swollen,his balls churned and became bloated with cum.

"That's enough!" said Trude, "He's hard, now get up onto your hands and kneesso that he can have some of that delicious pussy, and be quick about it!"

Simone wriggled sideways and rolled over onto her belly. She pushed downonto the floor with her cuffed palms and raised herself onto her knees, herbutt pushed high in the air.

"Spread those thighs wide girl, and keep your face pressed down to the flooron its side, so you can be a proper little bitch and we can see you enjoy him."

The girl instantly obeyed and the Doberman rushed eagerly around to her buttwhere he started sniffing again. Satisfied that he had a real bitch, Simonesniveled and blubbed as the dog scrambled up onto her back, it's long clawstearing a trail of bloody streaks down her flanks as he rutted his hips. Hesoon found the soft wet target and rammed his doggy prick home. Simone criedloudly as she lay there feeling the hard pumping rod deep in her belly. Theanimal panted hard and hotly against the back of her head as he worked her.

Trude knew her pet's most intimate passions, so she bent down and pushedSimone's black hair to either side exposing the soft whiteness of her neck.The dog barked with delight and snapped his teeth shut on the exposed skin.Getting a firm grip with his mouth, he growled, his drool running in a vilesticky river down the young girl's cheek to enter the corner of her open gaspingmouth. She tasted it, wretched, then vomited across the floor.

For half an hour the huge Doberman worked the girl's sweat soaked body. Shetried to keep still, all she could do was be a bitch, his bitch, and sweatlike a pig. The dog shook her like a rag doll as he pounded her with his hugeprick, his balls swollen with cum, slapped loudly against her soft white underbelly.Then his teeth released her bloody neck. Lifting his head he howled as hisprick jerked and spurted inside her, his bloated balls pumping their boilingjism deep into her womb.

At last the huge animal scrambled off, leaving a trail of white sticky spermon the French girl's inner thighs which trickled slowly down to her knees.Trude patted the dog's head, then snapped his leash back on and led him outof the door. The girl slumped down onto the floor, curled herself up into aball, and wept.

But Helga and Heidi pulled the sniveling Simone to her feet, mostly by herhair, and dragged her over to the wall and sat her on a heavily built highbacked wooden chair. It looked like something straight out of a medieval torturechamber, with rows of spikes on the back, seat and arms that were fitted withfour heavy leather straps. The young girl screeched when her naked butt waspierced by the spikes and her soft skin started to bleed. Heidi pulled herwrists high above her head and clipped a heavy chain to her wrist cuffs. Thenshe turned a handle. Simone was pulled up onto her toes, up until she swungslightly in the air, the backs of her thighs brushing against the chair arms.Heidi pulled up the girl's left ankle and bent her knee back, then she strappedboth her ankle and knee to the spiked left arm of the chair. Taking her rightleg she strapped it the same way to the right arm of the chair. Simone wasnow kneeling at about waist height above the chair seat, her thighs and cuntspread wide apart and freely open to access. She constantly wailed in terriblepain as the arm spikes shredded her shins. Schmidt whispered to her…

"Now tell me Mademoiselle, do you still refuse to talk? …because ifyou don't then I warn you that what has happened so far will seem like a picniccompared to what we are going to do with your body now."

Simone breathed quietly in short sharp agonized gasps. She kept her headdown and said nothing, her short black hair was soaked with sweat, and herbody greasy with running sweat, drool and dog cum. She tried to focus withher eyes that were red and raw from crying.

"Very well then little one, we will continue."

Helga nodded to Heidi who fetched a large bakelite control box that traileda set of thick coloured wires. Setting it down beside the girl on a trolley,she reached underneath and picked up a stainless steel cylinder, about teninches long and two inches thick. Bending between Simone's thighs she twistedthe shiny probe deep into her raw red cunt. The girl could only gasp in painas she looked down and saw the woman clip a green wire to the exposed end ofthe shaft.

Heidi then picked up the ends of two red wires that each had a vicious lookingsprung serrated clip attached. She held them patiently as Trude picked up apair of heavy steel pliers. The brunette took up position on the girl's rightand closed the tool over her nipple, then taking a tight grip, she pulled thebreast outward into a cone.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Simone screamed in agony.

Trude released the nipple and inspected it. Unsatisfied with the result,she then gripped it again with the pliers and pulled until it stood out halfan inch.


"Then tell me what I want to know!" Helga coaxed her, gently stroking herhair.

"I CAN'T … I JUST CAN'T!" she blubbed.

"Than I can't help you!" Schmidt answered with a frown and nodded to hersergeant.

Simone's nipple was very swollen and bright red with pain, it throbbed withblood. Heidi reached forward and closed the bright steel clip over the highlysensitive tip.


They ignored her as Trude once more used the pliers to pull on Simone's othernipple until it was also erect. There were further screams as a second clipwas attached to the tender bud and the young girl's chest heaved with the awfulpain making her young tits wobble, the clips and sinister red wires dancingwildly in the air. Helga gave the wires a sadistic playful tug to make surethey were firmly attached, she smiled when she saw a trickle of blood oozefrom the savaged tips, then nodded to the blond. Heidi flicked a switch thenheld the control box firmly as she turned a large handle on the side.

A heavy current flowed through the girl's nipples straight to her cunt. Theeffect was instant. In agony she arched her body upward and outward, no soundcame from her lips as her mind was paralyzed with shock. After about ten secondsthe current ceased and she slumped down onto the chair arms, panting heavily,her body a gleaming sheen of hot sweat.

Trude crossed to the brazier and pulled out a fresh smoking iron, it wasred hot. Returning to the girl she pressed the glowing tip against the sideof her thigh.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Simone screamed as a cloud of white smoke rosefrom her skin, which blistered and bubbled, tainting the air once more withthe sickly odour of scorched meat. She screamed in earnest now, sniveling andblubbering like a child as the brutal brunette pulled out fresh irons and tookturns burning her hips, her thighs and her armpits. The brunette stood backas the blond turned the generator handle and transported Simone once more intohell.

As the current died away the young girl hung like a rag doll in her shackles,a scarlet striped bloody mess of humanity, her chest heaving violently as shegasped for breath. Heidi removed the nipple clips and smooth steel dildo. Reachingto the wall she then took down a device that looked like a huge old fashionedwelded pair of steel wrist restraints. She opened the two half ring collarsand closed them around the girl's breasts, then turned two large compressionscrews on either side until both breasts bulged outward like huge pink bullets.Trude stirred the heating rods in the brazier and selected a glowing red steelcomb, this was about an inch wide and welded to the end of a rod. Standingonce more at the young girl's right hand side she stroked the comb across thetaught breast, causing agonized screams as the sharp tips left a parallel trailof tiny red stripes. She lovingly scarified all around the tender globe, carefullyavoiding the nipple. Satisfied with her bloody artistic work, the brunettereturned to the brazier.

Heidi took another device from the wall that looked like a copper and steelmechanical crab. It had two large claws either side and one smaller centralclaw, underneath which protruded an eight inch copper tube. At the center ofthe device was an oblong copper tray. Bending down, Heidi positioned the devicebetween the girl's thighs and pushed the copper tube into the girl's cunt,she then closed the two larger steel sprung jaws onto both lips of her labia.Then holding the small central jaw clip, she rolled and squeezed the girl'sclit until it was firm, then clamped the small jaws onto it. Trude returnedfrom the brazier with a large piece of glowing iron held in a pair of tongs.She bent down and placed the smoking iron in the copper tray. It took onlya few seconds for the heat to take effect and travel along the tube and tothe tips of the three claws. Simone's piercing screams echoed around the roomas the intense heat roasted her cunt, lips and clitoris.

"TELL ME LITTLE SLUT! … GIVE ME THE NAMES OF YOUR CONTACTS!" Helgascreamed again. Simone was in too much pain and too incoherent to answer.

Assuming the girl was refusing to talk, Heidi picked up the pliers againand ignoring the screams pulled hard at both of the girl's nipples until theywere erect once more. Trude picked out a set of glowing bronze tongs and carriedthem back to the trembling girl trailing a feint wisp of white smoke. Holdingthe tong tips over the end of her right breast, she allowed the young girlto feel the bright heat scorch the outer regions of the tender purple tip.Simone looked down at the instrument of torture in wide eyed horror.

"DEAR GOD NON! … NOOOOOOOOOO!" she wailed.

Then the woman slowly opened the jaws about an inch, paused for a terrifyingmoment, then closed them over the nipple. There was cloud of steam and thesoft bud of flesh disappeared into a bubbling blob of black jelly.


Heidi picked up a bucket of water and threw it in the girl's face. She cameto, eventually, spluttering and gasping in agony.

"Don't go to sleep little one, we have your other beautiful breast to warmup now. And then my sweet, we will start to pull out your toenails, your fingernailsand those pretty white teeth!"

"STOP! … OH GOD STOP!" she pleaded, "I WILL TELL YOU!" she screamed, "PLEEEEEEEEASE!... I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE!"

"NAMES, I WANT NAMES!" Schmidt demanded, picking up a notepad and pencil.

The girl told them everything she knew, all her contacts, their addresses.Then she felt sick with shame.

"Please … you must shoot me now!" she pleaded.

"Shoot you! What, and spoil our fun!" Helga exclaimed, "… we are onlyjust getting started, … and I think that Trude has a few more pets thatshe wants you to meet, my little French dove."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Simone screamed and fainted again as the glowingtongs hissed once more, extinguishing the life in her other beautiful nipple.


It was late into the early hours of the morning when Simone was dragged toa stinking cell. The young girl was a terrible raw bloody mess, raped by womanand beast, and tortured to within an inch of her miserable life. She lay inthe corner on a heap of dirty straw, her toes and fingers bleeding where thenails had been torn out. She sobbed, her agonizing toothless gums bleeding,and now she prayed for death.

But death never came. The next day, the resistance alerted by George thatshe had been caught, mounted a heavy attack on the building and freed her.A few brave men died in the attempt, but young Simone was carried to safetydeep in the mountains, to be with her lover George.

Helga, Heidi and Trude escaped, but during the rescue a grenade had destroyedall the information they had obtained from Simone.

Cordoza 2004 All rights reserved

[email protected]

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

4 years ago
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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

4 years ago
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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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