The Agony Of Failure free porn video

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The Agony of Failure

The Sultan looked at the three captives huddled before him. His eyes narrowedwith a cruel delight as he studied the delightfully curved figures of the twonative girls and their white companion.

All were good looking, despite the rags they hadused to disguise themselves. Now, after the struggle of their arrests, thegenerous curves and smooth skin of their bodies could be seen through the numerousrips and rents in their shabby clothing. The oldest of them was the Englishwoman,Charlotte Conway, who was twenty-five. Long brown hair and a deep tan fromher years abroad set off her slim body perfectly. The Sultan and the men roundthe throne enjoyed the sight of Charlotte's full breasts thrusting againstthe torn remnants of her costume as she tried to retain some shreds of modesty.

Charlotte's maids, Mia and Soo Ann, local girlsand both only sixteen, clutched each other, shivering and whimpering in fear.Charlotte tried unsuccessfully to conceal her own rising terror as she lookedround at the cruel, eager faces of the guards and courtiers. Then, Charlotte'sfaint hopes of any kind of mercy died as she saw the figure standing at theSultan's shoulder. Her lover, General Chong, the man who had been helping herto collect the information… the man who had 'arranged' their flightfrom the city, smiled back at her in triumph. The betrayal was complete andshe was about to face the consequences.

As the girls clutched each other, Charlotte tremblingat the ruin of her plans, the Sultan smiled, like a cat toying with a mouse.'I see you now understand that your plot has failed. It is only right thatyou should enjoy the penalties of failure to the full… and then youwill plead for death.' He lifted his hand. 'Take them downstairs… givethem to the Lady Lei Chen and her women. Let them experience… everything.'

A few minutes later the prisoners were being hurriedalong a stone corridor, lit by flaring torches and lined on each side by thebarred doors of cells and rooms. Finally, the three women were pushed throughanother archway and into a large open chamber.

After the darkness of the corridor, the glarefrom white walls and many lamps was quite blinding and the three prisonersblinked furiously at the sudden contrast. Charlotte looked round, knowing asshe saw the sinister equipment… the hanging ropes and fastenings onthe walls, that this was the Sultan's torture chamber about which so many awfulstories were whispered.

'Welcome to my own special place…' The voicewas soft and quiet. Charlotte jerked round in surprise as a woman walked throughanother arched doorway She was closely followed by two young girls and threemen. About forty but still powerful and attractive, Charlotte thought… thenshe remembered the Sultan's words '…give them to the ladyLei Chen and the women…' Could these be their torturers?How could such a calm and elegant person wish to do them harm?

The woman's body was firm and well muscled, hersmall conical breasts still high and firm despite her age. Charlotte couldsee she wasn't completely naked beneath the semi-transparent fabric of hersarong, as she'd at first thought. Like the girls she was wearing a littlecache sexe, the black triangle of silk emphasising the firm thrust of her moundwhilst the g-string cut erotically up between her full buttocks to the narrowwaistband. The three men wore white loincloths, their slim bodies hard withmuscle and slick with oil that gleamed under the flaring lamps.

Then the woman came near enough for Charlotte tounderstand the truth, to see the eager heat, the hurried breathing and thecruel excitement in her face as she studied the three prisoners. Charlottealso saw that the woman's long dark nipples were already hard and pointed witharousal and excitement.

'I am the Lady Lei Chen. His highness is most generousto send us three such delightful subjects to enjoy… so, let us see youproperly.' The woman said, watching as the two girls with her began to touchand stroke the prisoners' bodies. 'It is time to be rid of your clothes.' Shepaused, a sinister smile playing round her lips, 'I'm afraid they will onlybe in the way of the things his highness wishes me to do to you… Willyou remove them, or should I command the eunuchs to undress you?' She gesturedtowards the three men standing in the shadows with their arms folded

Charlotte and her maids looked in panic. 'Do notthink of escape, the guards are near… besides,' Lei Chen licked herlips, 'we are used to dealing with his highness's reluctant guests here.' Charlottereached up reluctantly for the first button on her dress. Immediately, oneof the girls was there, easing the rags away until the beautiful Englishwomanhad been stripped of everything. The girl's soft hands continued stroking herback and buttocks as Charlotte watched Mia and Soo Ann being stripped nakedin the same way.

'Oh yes, you are beautiful, so ripe and ready…you,you will be last,' Lei Chen whispered to Charlotte, her slim hands cuppingthe Englishwoman's large breasts, fingernails scraping round the wide aureolesbefore pinching each pink nipple into firm arousal. 'But first, you will watchas your maids scream in agony under their punishments.' Her hands moved downCharlotte's body, fingers just tracing the outline of her mound and the slitof her sex. 'And as you hear their cries, my helpers will make your pleasurecome again and again, to make you wet and ready for your turn.'

She stepped back, looking at Mia and Soo Ann. Shepointed at Soo Ann, 'that one… on the bar I think to start with. Putthe other two on kneeling frames.' The eunuchs seized Charlotte and Soo Ann,hurrying them to one side of the room where two low, 'A' shaped frames madeof polished bamboo were placed facing the middle of the chamber. 'Kneel down,back against the wood,' Lei Chen's soft voice commanded.

Shuffling awkwardly, Charlotte turned so her backwas to the frame. She could see Mia being positioned against the other frame,her thighs stretched wide apart as she tried to get her knees on the flooroutside the wide splay of the front struts. Charlotte could feel the smoothnessof the thick bamboo poles against her own thighs as she moved her legs astrideto get her knees in position.

Moments later, the young Englishwoman felt theburning tension in her thigh muscles as her feet were dragged backwards andher ankles tied together. Then, a soft rope around each wrist dragged her handsbehind her. The eunuchs, working with the skill of long experience, stretchedher arms back and downwards before lashing them to the frame. The ropes heldher hard against the thick bamboo poles but also dragged her shoulders back,forcing her large breasts to jut out even more.

Just as Charlotte thought they'd finished, anotherbamboo rod was wedged across between the frame and the small of her back. IgnoringCharlotte's gasps of pain, the eunuch's worked it downwards, pushing each endin turn until it was braced across her buttocks. Only then did they lash itto the frame. The agonising refinement of the pole pushing her hips forwardsthrust the bulge of her sex out and splayed her body wide open for the tormentsto come.

Charlotte tried to control her rapid breathingas she looked across at the obscene and helpless spread of Mia's body on theother frame. She knew that she must look the same and she shivered, waitingfor them to start on Soo Ann who was still standing between the two young women,eyes wide with horror as she watched her friends being prepared for their ordeal.

'You should be able to see everything from there,and it keeps you so available for us too.' Lei Chen let her fingers trace downCharlotte's body, watching the involuntary rippling of her muscles as her fingerstickled across the flat, tensed stomach and then slowly dipped in to teasethe naked out-thrust lips of her labia. 'Now to prepare your other maid forher adventures… ' She turned to watch as a small wooden frame was placedin the middle of the floor.

It was just a simple stand with two thick uprights,each about three feet tall with a carved, U-shaped hollow in the top. Theywere set, just over shoulder width apart, on the wooden stand. A short crossbeamat either end kept the frame stable on the floor. No straps, no fixings. Charlotte,fighting against the pain of her own bonds, didn't understand how such an objectcould be used in the torture of her maid…

Suddenly the silence of the chamber was broken.Soo Ann gave a scream then turned and tried to run. There was a rain of slapsand blows as the girls seized her, forcing her back to the central area. Charlotterealised that it was the sight of one of the eunuchs, and what he was carrying,that had caused the girl to panic. Soo Ann obviously knew the evil significanceof the soft black glove, leather wrist cuffs and the polished bamboo pole hewas holding. She was shivering violently as he stood waiting patiently, lookingat his mistress.

'I see you have heard about our ways already… wellthen, lie down and prepare…or should I tell them to make you?' Lei Chensaid softly to the quivering sixteen year old. The girl gave one despairinglook towards Charlotte and Mia before slowly lying down on her back. Lei Chensmiled, holding out her hand for the strange, black glove. She spoke softlyonce more. 'Poor thing, she know what's coming next…' Charlotte watchedtransfixed as Soo Ann now lifted her legs, bending her thighs back until theywere pressed tightly against her breasts. The eunuch placed the bamboo polecentrally across the crooks of Soo Ann's knees whilst the other one fastenedtwo straps on the girl's wrists, leaving the long ends from each one hangingloose.

Then, before Soo Ann could do anything else, thetwo eunuchs suddenly leaned heavily on her shins, bending her knees down overthe pole and pressing her calves hard against her thighs whilst the third oneknelt to tug her hands under the pole. He tied the trailing ends from the cuffstightly together and, immediately Soo Ann's wrists were secured, the otherreleased her, the natural tension of the girl's limbs locking her against thebar, unable to do anything, or move any part of her body except her head andfeet.

Two of them lifted the pole, the girl's body swingingdown so her head and shoulders pointed to the floor and her parted buttocksfaced upwards. Carrying Soo Ann like some obscenely split parcel, the eunuchsrested the bamboo pole carefully in the U-shaped hollows at the top of theuprights, leaving the young maid hanging, head down and folded tightly roundthe bar. Her breasts were squashed and concealed by the pressure of her thighsagainst her chest, but the dark rosette of her anus and the plump, split bulgeof her cunt were stretched open unbearably by the dreadful position she wasin.

Lei Chen looked at Charlotte and then across atSoo Ann, gently swinging between the uprights. 'The eunuchs call this littletreatment the 'goat's kiss',' she whispered in Charlotte's ear, holding upthe black glove... 'In old times it was a favourite punishment to bind a strayingwife like that and then let a goat lick salt from her flesh… Just imagine,that tongue, lapping and licking and you not able to move or stretch a muscle…'Charlotte gasped in shock as the woman ran the palm of the strange black gloveover her out-thrust breast. It was like tiny claws against her skin, worsethan any sandpaper or bristle! 'Goats are so… unreliable,' Lei Chenpurred. 'With this glove the effect is the same but we can control how muchshe feels…and for how long.'

She let the glove drag down Charlotte's breastagain, this time the little barbs felt like fire and Charlotte cried out aloud,feeling as if the flesh was being stripped from her nipple as the mass of hooked,needle-like barbs caressed her body. 'The palm of the glove is covered withthe skin from one of our local fishes, like a shark… but rougher, muchmore… stimulating for the victim, I find…'

The woman smiled, 'remember the story… andwatch as your maid enjoys the ecstasy of the glove's kiss.' One of her helpers,a slim, black-haired girl with a narrow waist and tiny, bud-like breasts tookthe glove, pulling it carefully on her right hand as she walked back to thecradle holding Soo Ann.

'Now it begins, Lucy will attend to that one andWeh Ma will see to your pleasures with me,' Lei Chen murmured softly, watchingthe struggles of the terrified girl. 'In a moment she will sing for us… asong begging for Lucy to go on pleasuring her… and then, in a littlewhile… why, she will scream and offer us anything… anything atall, if only Lucy will stop stroking her cunt.' Lei Chen laughed softly, watchingthe girl she'd called Lucy kneeling to face the girl's tightly curved buttocks,looking eagerly at the wide cleft of her body lying open and waiting for herattentions.

Charlotte saw the first, delicate caress, justa gently stroking along the soft lips, the fingers trailing over the mouthof Soo Ann's vagina and across the crinkled flesh of her anus.

Charlotte winced against her own bonds as she heardSoo Ann's muffled gasp, a sound repeated more loudly as Lucy continued to strokethe tiny vicious barbs of the glove across the maid's most secret flesh. Watchingthe slow, deliberate torture, Charlotte could see Soo Ann's head twisting andshaking, her feet working madly as she sought to release the dreadful stimulationof the glove against her exposed sex.

In minutes, the gasps and little cries were louderand more frequent, sounding almost familiar in tone. Charlotte suddenly understoodthat Soo Ann was already on the brink of orgasm, forced to a peak by her confinementand the rasping friction of the glove. As the cries became wilder the polerocked and trembled in the stand. Then, Charlotte felt Lei Chen's fingers teasingthe wet lips of her own sex, bringing her a sudden hot arousal as she watchedSoo Ann bucking and straining against her confining straps, trying to ridethe spasms of her climax without being able to stretch or move at all.

Now the cries were more intense, more desperateas the glove's scraping, flaying masturbation continued. Charlotte, fightingthe remorseless stimulation of her own body, could see the moisture coatingthe inside of Soo Ann's thighs and realised that Lucy had not yet parted thelips of the girl's cunt. Charlotte shuddered as she imagined the feeling ofthat barbed glove rasping against the button of Soo Ann's clitoris, as it wouldsurely do so soon.

Lei Chen nodded at the other girl, the one she'dcalled Weh Ma, who was enjoying the sight of her friend working on the maid'sbody. 'Bring me a rod, the ivory one with the vine pattern, and help me bringour English guest to her first pleasuring.' The girl hurried into the darkness,returning holding a thick, carved phallus. Charlotte, knowing it was for herown impalement, hissed in anticipation and fear as she saw the exaggeratedbulb of the helmet and the way the thick curving shaft was covered with a sharplyraised decoration of twining vine stems and leaves.

'Slowly, Weh Ma, let us take her slowly…'Obediently, the girl slid the black shaft along the wet length of Charlotte'scunt, wringing more gasps from the Englishwoman as the deliberately raiseddecorations teased and fretted against the tender flesh. 'The glove will forcethat one to come again in a few more minutes,' Lei Chen said, watching as thegleaming wet phallus slid to and fro along the moist valley of Charlotte'sbody. 'Now, make our English guest join her as she comes…' Obediently,the girl moved the dildo, searching with the rounded crest until Charlottegroaned, arching against her ties, as the flaring bulb pressed into her vagina.The groans increased as the Englishwoman felt the slow, stretching tensionbuilding up.


Lei Chen smiled tenderly at the girl working thephallus into Charlotte's body. They both knew the sudden cry signalled thatthe massive bulb had popped fully through the ring of muscle at the entranceto Charlotte's vagina and the rest of the thick, carved shaft could now beworked slowly up inside her. Lei Chen watched, her breathing slow and heavyas the black shaft disappeared inch by inch into Charlotte's cunt. The girlgently moved and twisted the thick column as she worked, using the raised decorationexpertly to stimulate and tease Charlotte's most delicate tissues.

'Ah, ah, oh yes, yes n—n-now, p-p-please,ah, Oh God yes, YES!' Charlotte gabbled wildly, her cries joining with SooAnn's as the black glove continued to flay the maid's labia and the soft mouthof her vagina.

'Now Charlotte, let your pleasure come for me,'Lei Chen whispered. One finger wriggled delicately into the front of the Englishwoman'scleft, stroking the little button of her clitoris as the girl moved the ivoryphallus with a long deliberate rhythm. Together, the two women slowly forcedCharlotte to a shaking, bucking climax, a climax mirrored by the frantic andincreasingly desperate cries from the frame where Lucy' attentions were bringingSoo Ann to a peak for a second time.

'Go on now, Lucy… bring her off again whileshe can still feel it properly, make her ready for me…' Lei Chen, hotwith her own desire, threw aside the gauzy wrap and let the ties of her cachesexe come loose so that Charlotte could see the wet, shaven lipsof her cunt for the first time. 'Let the rod take this one again whilst shebrings me pleasure.' Lei Chen ordered, her voice thick with lust. She straddledCharlotte's head, pressing her sex down over the Englishwoman's face as thegirl began to slide the thick curving phallus in and out of Charlotte's bodywith a long driving motion that pressed the massive bulb right against themouth of her cervix with each thrust, building her towards her peak once again.

Lei Chen gave a cry of delight as she felt Charlotte'stongue begin to wriggle and flicker against her own clitoris The woman wasso aroused by the scenes in the chamber that she only needed a few momentsof that special, slippery caress to feel the growing excitement of hurryingtowards of her own orgasm Clutching at Charlotte's long hair she could feelthe Englishwoman's cries and spasms of uncontrollable sensation as the drivingphallus brought her to her second climax in as many minutes.


Soo Ann's scream of unbearable pleasure and agonyripped through the chamber. The shrill, desperate sound served to enhance LeiChen's own rising pleasure as she rubbed her body frantically against the Englishwoman'sface. Below her, Charlotte's efforts redoubled as the raised designs alongthe shaft dragged new and delicious sensations from her body as she rode herown peak.

Lei Chen suddenly broke free of the tethered bodybelow her and hurried across to the bound figure of Soo Ann. Kneeling astridethe maidservant's dangling head she looked into the hot cruel eyes of the girl,Lucy. 'Now, Lucy, part her lips and make her scream into me, strip her cuntraw so I may feel her agony against my body...' she commanded. Lucy grinnedin anticipation as she used her free hand to spread Soo Ann's red and weepinglabia. She paused, waiting for her mistress to lower herself against the younggirl's mouth, and then she started stroking the tender, wet groove, lettingthe fingers of the cruel glove rasp across the little nerve bud at the topof her cleft.


Charlotte, still bucking helplessly as the girlcontinued to work the ivory dildo within her body, looked across in horroras the squeal of agony erupted from her maid. Lei Chen's body half muffledthe sound and Charlotte could see the look of ecstasy on the woman's face asthe girl's agony brought new sensations to her cunt. Watching her mistressin a duet of pain, Lucy stroked and scraped Soo Ann's flesh unbearably so thatthe wild screams and frantic head movements took Lei Chen remorselessly toa shuddering climax.

Lifting herself from the body of the young girla few moments later, Lei Chen looked down at her anguished, tear-stained face,now glazed with the moisture of her tormentor's orgasm. 'That was the pleasuremy little one… now feel the Sultan's pain as Lucy uses the glove insideyour body…'

As she walked back towards the spread-eagled Englishwoman,her, the girl slowly withdrew the shaft from Charlotte's heaving, twistingbody. Lei Chen replaced her black, silk cache sexe andturned to watch as Lucy slowly pushed one gloved finger into Soo Ann's body.This time the scream was almost inhuman, the ties creaking wildly as the maidheaved in desperation against her bondage as the glove stripped the skin fromthe insides of her vagina.

Now Charlotte understood the horror of the punishmentSoo Ann faced. The gentle, deliberate stroking would go on and on, first makingthe skin red and sore, then abrading away the top layer and finally flayingthe delicate flesh of the girl's cunt into a mass of raw, weeping tissue withevery sweeping touch of the devilish glove ripping fresh agony from the torturednerve endings. Bound as she was, the little maidservant could do nothing torelieve the terrible scratching bite of the glove. The pressure on her bodymeant that she was also gasping and crying for breath, unable to fill her lungscompletely so she face the added torment of slow suffocation as the torturecontinued.

For the next half an hour Charlotte tried desperatelyto block the sounds of her maid's agony. At first, Soo Ann had been forcedrepeatedly through a cycle of pleasure and pain as Lucy worked her to climaxafter climax. Then the agony had taken over and her voice had cracked and diedto a gasping reedy whisper as her throat gave out from the continual screaming.Now, as Lucy worked on with the same steady rhythm, the upturned valley ofSoo Ann's sex was red with blood and each new pass of the glove only broughtfresh whimpers from the broken girl.

Lucy looked up, 'Mistress, she is not respondingany more. Should I go on, or shall we try something else?'

Lei Chen looked at where Mia knelt, braced likeCharlotte against a bamboo frame. 'No, Take that one away… we will playwith her again later. Bring on the Tiger… the other maid can show usher riding skills for a while. … ' Soo Ann screamed just once more astwo of the eunuchs carried her out through the archway towards the cells. Charlottewatched her disappear and then heard Mia cry out as she was forced to standup right, held by Lucy and the other eunuch. The two men returned and quicklyremoved the wooden uprights leaving the centre of the floor clear once more.At a gesture from Lei Chen they hurried to fetch the next piece of equipment,the 'Tiger' she'd requested.

The device they now placed in position was madeof brass and red lacquered wood. Below the carving and ornate gold decorationAnn could see the basic design was similar to the frame they'd use to holdSoo Ann, a sturdy base with two metal uprights, but this time a bar joinedthe uprights. The thin steel bar's top edge was wavy, forming a series of small,rounded peaks down its length. As Charlotte studied the ornate device, theeunuchs fiddled with the fastenings on the uprights. The centre bar suddenlydropped until it was low enough to step over. Lei Chen signalled for Mia tobe brought forward.

'This is our own little 'Tiger', specially designedfor girls like you to ride. Go on, step astride the bar…' Pushed verygently by the two girls, Mia stood as she was told with her feet on eitherside of the polished steel bar. 'Now, we don't want anything interfering withyour enjoyment, do we, so…' At her signal one of the eunuchs began bindingMia's arms up behind her back, each wrist pulled hard across to the oppositeelbow before he lashed the young maid's forearms carefully together. That done,he knelt, pushing Mia's knees apart so he could tie each one to the end ofa short bamboo pole. Mia was left helpless, straddled across the bar and unableto close her legs to protect her body

'Lift her…' Charlotte, biting her lip inthe knowledge of what they were going to do to her maid, watched the bar beingraised until it just touched the lips of Mia's sex. Lei Chen leaned over, gentlyparting the girl's labia so the bar slipped up between them. 'On tiptoe now…'she whispered to the shivering girl as they lifted the bar still higher. Miawas arched up, her toes already white with strain when Lei Chen finally signalledthe men to stop raising the bar. She studied the girl's pose for a moment,slipped her hands between her legs to check the seating of the ridged bladeand then idly pinched one of the maid's stubby nipples before moving back towhere Charlotte knelt, still strapped to her frame.

'You can watch her riding as I bring your pleasureon again. This time we do not touch her… she will ride all by herselffor as long as I wish.' Her fingers moved to Charlotte's tender cunt and theEnglishwoman grunted in pain as Lei Chen stroked the wet lips once again.

'Would you like to ride my ivory man once more?'Charlotte, still sore from the Weh Ma's long expert masturbation with the dildo,shook her head frantically. 'I thought not…' She turned to the girl,who'd been using the ivory phallus on Charlotte, 'Weh Ma, fetch me a tongue,one of the little ones…' The girl giggled as she hurried to do her mistress'sbidding. 'Something new for you to try,' Lei Chen said softly as Weh Ma handedher a little silk bundle. She unwrapped a small object and held it up for Annato study. 'See…'

Charlotte looked at the curious red toy her tormentorwas holding. A small handle, dimpled across its surface for a better grip,tapered down to a curving, narrow neck. As Lei Chen turned the object in herhand, Anna could see that the curving neck was flattened from side to side,almost like a blunt blade and the tiny tip ended in a little bulb. Turningthe handle so the blade of the tongue curved up Lei Chen looked at her pinionedvictim hungrily. 'This will bring your pleasure on despite anything you tryto do. It will only search out one place but you will feel an agony of sensationwith every touch… Weh Ma, attend to our guest's breasts while I letthe tongue have its first taste of her body…'

Charlotte braced herself for whatever this fiendishwoman was about to do to her but shivered involuntarily as she felt Weh Ma'snails scratching lightly over the tender skin of her aureoles. She tried desperatelyto think of anything, anything at all… other than the delicious, maddeningarousal of those fingers circling her nipples. Lei Chen waited patiently asher young helper brought the pink tips to full erection, enjoying the sightof Weh Ma holding the creamy globes cupped in her small hands so that she couldnibble and lick each stiff bud in turn.

The slow masturbation of the Englishwoman was interruptedby a sudden cry from the girl riding the bar. All of them looked across tothe lacquered frame as they heard the sharp outraged squeal of pain. Mia'sleg muscles had finally tired, letting her to drop down onto the rounded steeledge. The cruel pressure against her cunt was too much and she had forced herselfup onto her toes again. 'Aaah,' Lei Chen purred in satisfaction. 'Now her ridereally begins…'

'Iiiiiiiiih!' Mia squealed as she sank down ontothe bar again only moments later. Charlotte could see her maid's face screwedup in agony as she tried to balance the pain of the bar and the burning firein her leg muscles. She gasped at the strain and rose jerkily onto her toesonce more. Charlotte finally understood. Mia, trapped on the fiendish device,would be forced to 'ride' up and down continually on the torturing bar, thepain in her cunt and legs growing and growing until she collapsed.

'Now to introduce you to my little pleasure tongue,look down and watch for yourself as it searches for your most delicate place…'Charlotte peered down between the sharp peaks of her breasts, watching fixedlyas Lei Chen eased the curved blade between her exposed labia, lifting the handleso the tip burrowed up between the soft, wet lips. Already breathing hard fromWeh Ma's attentions, she stifled a cry as she felt the blade's exquisite ticklingdeep in the sensitive, wet slot of her cunt. Charlotte tensed her muscles;only too aware of the place Lei Chen was seeking as she moved the scarlet bladeso delicately between the folds of her sex.


Charlotte couldn't help the cry as she arched backhelplessly at the shock of sensation blazing though her. 'Oh God, ah, ah, p-p-pleas… AAAH!'She bucked again, unable to control the spasms as Lei Chen found the placeshe wanted, wriggling the little pointed bulb very slowly under the hood offlesh to nuzzle directly against the hard stub of her clitoris.

The bulb moved again, teasing and twirling so thatCharlotte jolted and jerked, the bamboo frame creaking softly as she strainedat her bonds. 'Oh p-please, don't, don't do that, too much n-n-no t-t-too muchp-please AAAAHHHH!' Charlotte sobbed as the woman gently turned and moved thelittle tongue within her cunt.

'Give her something else to feel, play with herfor me…' she ordered Weh Ma. The girl moved behind Charlotte, standingagainst her bound arms so she could reach down to tease and pinch the Englishwoman'sbreasts as she watched her mistress bringing Charlotte remorselessly to anotherclimax. Charlotte wriggled frantically as she felt the girl's fingers tormentingher tender breasts once more, but she was also desperate for the wonderfulsensations now teasing her clitoris to continue. Her cries became more pleading,more desperate as she felt the tongue tickling her very core, building herup to that delicious peak she now wanted so badly.

She heard Lei Chen's voice, 'use your nails onthe tips, hard as you like… she's there again already…' Thenthe avalanche swept down, a crashing flood of sensation as Charlotte Conwayreached her third orgasm in the Sultan's torture chamber.

'N-N-N-N-Aaaah! Y-y-yes YES, YES! GO ON! Ah, AHARRRRGGGGGH! Oh yes, that's it y-yes, Oh, oh, oh, aaaaaah!'

The two tormentors smiled at each other as theylooked at the sweat soaked figure hanging against the bamboo frame. Two orthree more orgasms to come, thought Lei Chen, and then… then they couldbegin to find out the Englishwoman's reactions to pain as well as pleasure.

Waiting for Charlotte Conway to recover, Lei Chenlooked across at the bar and the gently moving, moaning figure of the youngmaidservant. Time for something else, something sharper for them to enjoy,she thought.

''Let her dismount,' she ordered, gesturing atMia's rocking figure, still fighting to balance the agonies in her sex andthe burning muscles of her thighs and calves. 'Get rid of that thing and puther on a pole… Lucy can try her skill with a cane while she feels theshaft within her.'

Mia was lifted off the bar, her arms freed to allowher the luxury of clutching at her aching groin as the richly ornamented framewas removed. One of the eunuch's flipped a rope over a hook set in the vaultedroof then the others carried a heave metal disc, about two feet across, intothe middle of the clear area letting it fall with a crash to rest immediatelybeneath the rope. As it came to rest, Charlotte slowly began to take in whatwas happening as her breathing came back to normal and the spasms of her orgasmsubsided. She watched blankly as the girl called Lucy placed two small boxeson either side of the heavy metal plate then bent down to help the eunuchsfit a metal pole into a socket in the middle of the disc.

'Oh no, no you can't, oh poor Mia, it will killher…' Charlotte whispered aghast as she saw the ridged shaft and bulboushead that crowned the metal pole. She watched with a horrified fascinationas Mia's hands were prised away from her groin and tied tightly together beforebeing clipped to the ceiling rope. The eunuchs pushed her up onto the littleboxes, forcing her astride and then lifting her onto the rounded bulb of theshaft. As the girl felt the oversized dome of the helmet stretching the openingof her sex she began to babble frantically, twisting and turning against theunyielding hands of her tormentors.

Her sudden gabble of fear was the signal for therope to be hauled taut, tightening until her upstretched arms were taking mostof Mia's weight. Charlotte gasped with horror when the eunuchs abruptly pulledthe boxes away so her maid was hanging with just the rounded tip of the thickshaft lodged in the entrance to her vagina. 'They will lower her very slowlyuntil she is on tiptoe once more,' Lei Chen whispered, stroking the sweat-slicknipple of Charlotte's left breast. 'Then Lucy will use the cane on her…'Her hand moved down, stroking and cupping the fullness of Charlotte's bottom.'Starting here but not neglecting…' the fingers returned to tickle Charlotte'snipples, 'these little places also...'

Charlotte didn't see the rope move but Mia suddenlystarted scrabbling madly at the pole with her feet, trying to press them againstthe polished surface to get some grip, any kind of grip that would supporther and stop the slow impalement that was beginning to stretch her vagina sounbearably.

'Watch, Lucy knows how to deal with that littlegame…' Lei Chen said, a cruel enjoyment evident in her voice. Charlottesaw the girl running her hands across Mia's sweating body before she bent tokneel in front of the pole and the maid's scrabbling legs. Looking back ather mistress she smiled like a big cat with its prey as she rubbed her moisthands up and down the polished pole, leaving it slippery with Mia's own sweat.She repeated the process, this time concentrating on the base of the pole justwhere Mia's feet were beginning to find a tiny amount of friction to help supporther body.

'Aaaaaiiiiiiih, NOOOOoooooooo!'

Mia wailed in anguish and tortured frustrationas Mia stroked her up stretched body. The girl leaned close to tickle the helplessmaid under the arms, forcing her to wriggle even more violently as her feetslithered uselessly against the sweat-slick metal of the pole.

The cries and screams continued for the next fiveminutes as Mia was lowered very slowly onto the thick phallus crowning themetal pole. Finally, one toe scraped the base of the metal disc, then the other.The eunuchs continued lowering until she was able to rest the balls of herfeet on the metal base. Charlotte watched her maidservant's face, the grimacesand contortions as she tried to cope with the thickness of the ribbed shaftwithin her body. All attempts at trying to grip the pole with her feet wereended and she stood very still, the pole disappearing deep inside her cunt,her arms at full stretch above her head.

'Oh Mia, oh my darling, are you all right?' Charlottecried out.

Mia looked across at the bamboo frame where hermistress was still splayed open, Lei Chen's hand just tracing over the contoursof one creamy breast. 'Not so bad now, Mistress, but my legs are still so sor… Aaaaah!'Lucy wrung the cry from the little maid by simply holding her hips, turningher round on the pole a little way and then swinging her back to face her mistress.Charlotte bit her own lip, realising how the movement must have scraped thesharp ridges on the embedded phallus against Mia's flesh.

'Now you can watch as Lucy uses the cane… andit's time your own cries joined your servant's as you enjoy my little tongueagain.' Charlotte shuddered uncontrollably as Lei Chen's fingers moved overher body. She started panting, desperately trying to prepare herself for thetorturing ecstasy of yet another climax, trying to ignore the maddening sensationsas the expert fingers tweaked and stroked the soft, sensitive trigger pointsof her body.

Lei Chen once more concentrated on the tender pinkpeaks of Charlotte's breasts, working them back to rigid stubs that stood proudof the creamy globes. She nodded at Weh Ma who fetched a small, carved boxfrom the side of the chamber. Opening it, she showed the contents to the boundEnglishwoman. Charlotte looked blankly at the two small golden serpent's headsnestling against the red silk lining. Weh Ma smiled, lifting the finger sizedobjects out to show her how they were linked by a fine gold chain.

It was only when she pressed a serpent's head,and the mouth opened to reveal a line of triangular steel teeth, that Charlotteunderstood…

'No, no, please, please you can't. Not there, noton me, I can't please they're too sore, please, p-p-p-please…'

Lei Chen laughed softly. 'But this is such a littlething… and besides, you cannot do anything to stop it, can you…?'She took the first clip, holding the golden jaws apart so she could place itover the jutting peak of Charlotte's left breast. 'Feel the serpent's sting…'Charlotte watched as the jaws closed on her nipple. She gasped as she feltthe teeth biting into the already tender pink flesh and then gritted her ownteeth as the pain of the spring-loaded jaws lanced through her body.

Lei Chen studied the Englishwoman's reactions carefully,and then smiled in evil anticipation as she slapped the side of the curvingglobe very softly. 'Aaaah!' Charlotte gasped as the blow made the fullnessof her breast jiggle so that the little clamp on her nipple danced and wiggled,the jaws working into the flesh and sending more stabbing pains through Charlotte'salready exhausted body.

Lei Chen played with her victim for another fiveminutes before she held out her hand for Weh Ma to give her the other clip.This time, knowing exactly what was coming, Charlotte managed to control herfirst gasp of pain as the teeth closed on her right nipple. But, as the twowomen began to work together, Lei Chen continuing with her rhythm of soft slapswhilst Weh Ma tugged and pulled at the gold linking chain, Charlotte's controlbroke.

'Aaaah, please, no, Ah, ahhhh! No, Nooo, Please,please d-d-d-don't. P-please stop, stop, STOP!' Her torturers enjoyed the cries,smiling at each other as the Englishwoman surged and pleaded beneath theircruel and busy hands.

On her own in the middle of the whitewashed chamber,Mia was trying to concentrate on two things at once. The sight of her mistresswrithing on the bamboo frame and the thin, whippy cane that Lucy was flexingbetween her hands.

Sated for a moment, Lei Chen stopped the remorselesstreatment of Charlotte's teats and let the Englishwoman slump down againstthe polished bamboo frame. Weh Ma gave the gold chain a final tug and thenreached across to remove the tiny beads of blood from the serpents' jaws. Shepicked up the empty box and vanished silently into the darkness.

Lei Chen studied the hanging figure for a moment.'Behind, I think, Lucy… to start with anyway. Weh Ma will help you.See if the two of you can bring her off with the cane alone. Like you did withthat merchant's daughter last week.' She smiled at the memory. 'Remember herfat father babbling where the money was so that we'd stop… and the daughterpleading for you to go on and on…' She stopped, replaying the sceneas the young woman had screamed in ecstasy under the beating. 'And if not,she can share the tongue with her mistress in a few minutes…'

Lucy rubbed her own small breasts, their peakshard with the excitement of the things she was about to do to the sixteen yearold hanging impaled on the thick shaft in front of her. She grinned as WehMa, carrying another of the thin, whippy canes, joined her on the other sideof their victim. Mia's head jerked frantically from side to side, trying unsuccessfullyto watch as her two young torturers prepared to begin flogging her buttocks.


Lucy's first stroke sliced across the crest ofeach firm mound with a crisp, sharp sound. The whippy cane curling across thesummits to flick agonisingly against the opposite cheek so that Mia cried out,jerking as far as she could on the impaling rod.


The first cut from Weh Ma mirrored the one fromLucy. Hearing Mia's second, semi-stifled cry and watching her twitching onthe pole that thrust so deeply into her body, Charlotte suddenly noticed thatWeh Ma was left handed. Between them, the two girls were able to keep a constantrain of blows coming from either side. No matter how Mia wriggled, every partof her bottom was going to be thrashed unmercifully.

Thwick… thock… thwick… thock… thwick… thock…

The two canes sliced in from either side. Withinminutes Mia was gasping and crying aloud in earnest as the rain of blows, noneof them really heavy but all hard enough to raise a stinging mark across hersoft brown bottom cheeks, began to build up a crescendo of agony as striperecrossed stripe and the skin of each buttock was slowly brought to a glowingredness.

'ARRRGH! Pleeeassse, not, no no, NOOoooooo! Ah,Ah! AH! NOOOOoooooooooo!'

Mia began screaming uncontrollably as the incessantstinging pain became too much. In her agony she moved and twisted on the thickphallus lodged in her vagina. Now, the cunningly place ridges did their work,rubbing and stimulating her inner flesh to a frenzy. Gradually, the tone ofthe screams changed. The two girls exchanged knowing glances as they realisedthat the young maidservant was going to climax in a few minutes. Brought toan unwilling peak by the flogging, and the incessant movement on the burieddildo Mia was unable to help herself… pain and pleasure had joined inher mind and all she wanted was the release of coming.

'You must join her as she reaches her pleasure…'Lei Chen whispered, fingers once more reaching for the clips that still grippedthe hot, swollen stubs of Charlotte's nipples. 'Are you ready for another tasteof my little Tongue…'

'AH! God no! No, no, please, no, no more. I can't,please don't touch me, please, leave me alone…'

'Shhh, don't waste your breath. I told you howit must be… I will bring your pleasure on until you have no strengtheven to cry out at the peak of ecstasy. And then… then there will bepain…' She twisted the clips so that Charlotte squealed and surged againstthe ropes. 'Pain, which will make this feel as nothing…' Picking upthe little red Tongue form the floor, Lei Chen traced the tiny rounded tipover the sweat-slick curves of Charlotte's breasts before running it downwardstowards the wet, swollen lips of her cunt. The Sultan's chief torturer smiledas she watched the Englishwoman struggling against her bonds. 'Shall I begin…?'

'Aaah n-n-n-no, no don't p-please d-d-d-d-don….AAAAHHHH!' Charlotte gasped and pleaded as she felt the little ivory bladeof the Tongue once again slipping gently between her labia. Her words brokeoff in a breathless cry of protest as the rounded tip quickly returned to nuzzleunder the little hood of flesh. Lei Chen paused, waiting for Charlotte to relax,before moving the Tongue again, using the tiny bulb against her clitoris sothat she writhed and screamed dementedly at the unbearable sensations createdby even the slightest movement of her tormentor's hand.

Lei Chen, playing the Englishwoman's body withdevilish skill, was also listening to the cries of Charlotte's maid as hertwo helpers used the thin bamboos to lash her into a frenzy of lust. She snappeda command to the eunuchs in the darkness at the side of the chamber and theyslackened the rope holding her up…

Impaled on the thick bronze phallus, the maidservantsquealed manically, working her self up and down in a frenzy of release asthe caning spurred her over the edge. The screams of her mistress filled herears as both women were forced to climax at the expert hands of their torturers.It was only as the rain of blows from the canes ceased that Mia discoveredthe new horror she faced.

Holding her self on tiptoe once again, Mia triedto recover from the effects of her orgasm. Slowly, her breathing eased andshe was able to take a little of the strain on her arms. Her respite was short.'My Lady says to warm these now…' Lucy's voice sounded in her ear andMia felt the soft, teasing fingers of the two girls caressing and tugging thepoints of her small, high breasts

Unseen in the dimness of the entrance to the cells,the Sultan watched as the maid screamed and writhed on her metal stake. Hisgaze moved to where the Englishwoman knelt astride on her bamboo frame. Hesmiled as he studied the heaving flanks, the shining sweat soaked skin andthe gold serpents gripping the pink peaks of her breasts. As usual, the LadyLei Chen had prepared her victim well.

Now the traitor's agony could begin….

To be continued…


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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
3 years ago
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

2 years ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

2 years ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

3 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

4 years ago
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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

4 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

4 years ago
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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

4 years ago
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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

4 years ago
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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

4 years ago
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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

2 years ago
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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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