Encounter free porn video

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She held her hand poised in mid air, thinking to herself that she must becrazy. What she was about to do went against everything she was ever taught,every lesson in self preservation she had ever learned. But here she wasnonetheless.

It had started innocently enough. One evening, bored after a night out ofdrinking with the gals, she went into a chat room. A man instant messaged herand they chatted all through the night. Together they spoke of their lives,their dreams, their fantasies... towards the early hours of morning the conversationgrew very sexual. Likes and dislikes, experiences, fantasies. The rapport wasamazing. As she lay in bed that early morning after signing off, she strokedher clit and fantasized about her new "friend". Her orgasms lefther exhausted and quivering.

If it weren't for the rapport and the similarities she wouldn't be standingon the doorstep to his hotel room, ready to knock on his door. She wanted toand she knew it. The hunger was growing within her. Her pussy was wet and herknees felt weak. Some force deep within her propelled her hand forward andshe knocked on the door. For a moment that spanned an eternity she waited forthe door to open.

The door opened and she saw him. His picture was true to life. He was a handsomeman, tall in figure, broad in shoulder. His brown eyes shone warmly as he smiled,lighting a fire within her.

"I am glad you came," was all he said as he stepped back and usheredher in.

As she heard the door seal closed behind her, she had a moment of panic. Whatam I doing? She thought to herself. But within a moment, hishands were on her shoulders, his lips on her neck. She melted into him,feeling his presence and inhaling his scent. Yes, this feelsright.

As she leaned into him, feeling the sensations of him nibbling on her neck,his hands made their way to her breasts. Her nipples stood erect, sensitiveto his light touch. She sighed as he held her to him, lost in this moment intime. Soon her blouse was unbuttoned and open, her breasts exposed behind thecage of her bra. She felt his fingers under her bra, grazing her nipples. Asigh escaped her open mouth as her excitement grew.

She felt his hands at her waist, unbuttoning her skirt. He had asked hernot to wear underwear, just a garter belt with her stockings and she had compliedwith his request. She knew that soon she would be exposed fully to him andher pussy convulsed at the thought. The warmth was spreading through out herbody and her desire was growing. As her skirt fell to the ground, she moanedsoftly, knowing that he had full access to her.

Expectantly she waited for his fingers in her pussy, but he knew she wasexcited and wanted to build the tension within her. Instead he stepped backand pulled her blouse off. Next he unsnapped her bra and let it fall to thefloor. He stood behind her admiring the woman before him, noticing the linesof her body the way her waist drew in and her hips curved out. The full roundnessof her ass and her shapely legs.

"Turn around," he spoke in a husky voice. She did as he bid herand turned to face him. Although she knew he hadn't undressed for some reasonit was a shock to stand naked before him while he was fully clothed. His handgrazed her cheek as he peered into her eyes. "You are so beautiful."

She blushed a little, but smiled back at him, taking in his masculine presence.

"Are you ready to play?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

She had to laugh. Here she stood naked before him, nipples erect and herpussy wet and throbbing. She wanted him to take her and fuck her right thenand there. But she knew he wouldn't. This was their night and he had told herthat if she came to him, he would make the most of her and of their time together.

Before she could answer, he moved closer and placed his hands on her breasts,cupping them and grazing his fingers over her nipples, sending pleasure coursingthrough her body. Leaning forward slightly he kissed one nipple then the other,tasting her and feeling her nipples harden further. She leaned into him, feelingthe pleasure he was giving her.

She raised her hands to place them on his shoulders. He stopped her, lightlygrasping her wrists.

"Keep your hands at your sides," he whispered to her. Slightlyperplexed, she lowered her arms, feeling the need to touch him. "I wantyou to think of nothing but what I am doing to you," he explained.

He continued kissing her nipples, slightly nibbling and pulling with histeeth. She sighed in pleasure, feeling the heat rise within her. His handstraced lines down her side, grazing her hips and teasing her. Her pussy wasgetting wetter and she was feeling his touch to the core of her being. Subconsciouslyshe leaned into him, wanting more.

Even he was having a bit of trouble resisting his temptation to speed thingsup and just take her then and there. He pulled himself away from her and steppedback to admire her. She stood there, nude except for her garter belt and hose,slightly swaying and quivering. Her eyelids half closed as if she was in anotherworld. He couldn't help but smile. He knew he had her.

"Come, help me undress, " he asked her. She stepped forward, andbegan to unbutton his shirt, her fingers lightly grazing his chest as she didso. She wanted to tease him a bit like he had her. After his shirt was unbuttonedand removed, she unhooked his belt buckle. She could feel and see his hardcock beneath his trousers.

A knowing smile passed between them as his trousers fell to the floor. Hetook her hand and led her over to the bed. She saw the restraints. Her eyesopened wide. But not in surprise. They had discussed it. He knew it was herfantasy. That she wanted to be tied down while a man ravished her. He was thereto make that fantasy come true.

"Do you trust me to do this for you?" He looked into her eyes ashe asked her.

She returned his gaze, peering deeply into him. She knew she did.

"Yes," was all she said.

He directed her to lay down in the center of the bed and to spread her legsand arms wide. Starting with one of her wrists, he secured the fabric cuffrestraint and continued around until she was spread eagled wide and held securely.

He smiled down on her, taking her in. Noticing the wetness of her pussy,the way her chest rose and fell in time with her breaths, the glint of excitementin her eyes. She was testing the restraints, pulling them slightly to see ifshe was truly held secure. When she was satisfied that the restraints wouldhold her she settled a bit.

As she lay there, she was feeling an excitement completely unknown to herbefore. She felt alive and on fire. The feeling of the fabric around her wristsand ankles and the tension of the tethers holding her to the bed made her feellike she was soaring. She looked up at the man standing above her and smiled,she wanted this and she wanted him.

He sat beside her on the bed, watching the tension in her build. He wonderedjust how far he could take her. His right hand began to roam her body, squeezinga nipple, caressing her ribcage, flitting his fingers over her stomach. Passingover her pussy, he stroked her inner thighs to her delight and frustration.She clenched her pussy wanting him, wanting his touch.

"Please...," she half sighed, half moaned to him.

"Impatient?" Chuckling at her, he ignored her request and continuedstroking her body, completely ignoring her pussy. He knew it was driving hercrazy, but it was what he wanted. And, although she wouldn't admit it, whatshe wanted as well.

He body was fairly vibrating with excitement, weaving her hips back and forthas she moved on the bed. She was aching for his touch, her pussy wetter thanbelief. Even her inner thighs were slick with her moisture. She never knewthat not being touched could be so exhilarating. His teasing was leaving herin a state.

Leaning over he kissed her open mouth slowly with passion. He worked hisway down to kiss and nibble her neck, sending chills throughout her body. Sheached for him, arching towards him, needing more. Ever slowly he kissed hisway down her body, reaching her hard nipples and softly biting each in turn.

A warmth spread through her middle, she tensed and her pussy convulsed asshe felt a wetness between her legs, running down to seep into the spread.He noticed and paused just long enough to smile at her reaction to him.

"Your first of many cums this evening, my dear."

All she could do was smile and moan softly. She wanted more, needed more.The sensations were overwhelming. Being tied, being open. Just for him, todo with her as he pleased. She pulled at her bonds, as if to test her reality,to make sure that she really was this exposed. They held her tight, givingher comfort.

His hands continued their journey over her body, coming ever closer to herquivering pussy. She held her breath hoping he would touch her, caress her,feeling an aching need arise within her. His fingers grazed her inner thighs,stroking, pinching her lightly, teasing her. He could feel the heat risingfrom her flesh and watched as she arched toward him expressing her desire withher body. She really was quite beautiful in her need.

He traced the outline of her pussy lips, feeling the smooth skin and hermoisture. He smiled as she gasped and lurched toward him. She felt the shiversrun through her at his touch. He had teased her so for long that she almostcame from his slight touch. She contracted her muscles in a vain attempt toreach for him.

Following the lines of her inner labia, he found her clitoris and began tolightly stroke around her little nodule, drawing circles in her flesh. Gaspingfor air, she was surprised at the depth of her reaction. She felt her musclestensing and the heat spreading from the center of her being, giving way toanother orgasm. Again, she arched toward him, feeling the joy of her orgasmwash over her.

Her fluids washed over his fingers, giving him confirmation of her pleasure.He smiled as he continued to play, watching her writhe in her passion. He lovedto watch a woman in her ecstasy. There was something so ultimately primal inthe abandonment of orgasm. Shifting his hand he slipped a finger inside herpussy while his thumb massaged her clitoris. He could feel her muscles graspingat his finger, gently squeezing as if trying to draw him further within her.It made him think of the pleasure he would receive when he finally did fuckher. But that was a ways off yet; the night was young.

As he toyed with her pussy with one hand he reached up to pinch and playwith her nipples. As he firmly pinched a nipple, she convulsed again and sentanother torrent of fluid washing over his hand. Gasping and moaning, she reachedfor him with arms that were held secure, impotent in their bindings. She threwher head back, as she arched up trying to push her body into his able hands.With each climax, the orgasms became more intense. She lay there, her breathingragged, breasts rising and falling in time.

Her last reaction gave him an idea.

"Time for you to rest for a moment my dear, well kind of..." hesaid mischievously.

Smiling at her, he walked over to the night stand and pulled out something.She couldn't make it out as he shielded her vision with his body.

Coming back to the bed, he sat down. In his right hand he had a rabbit vibrator.Guiding it within her, she felt it's presence as her pussy clasped onto it.He positioned it so that the "ears" were lying directly on her clit.

"Close your eyes for just a moment," he told her. She did as heinstructed and sealed her lids shut.

She felt his hands on her breasts and nipples. Suddenly she felt somethingpinch her nipple tightly. Her body convulsed and she almost came again. Herepeated the process on her other nipple.

"Open your eyes."

Looking down she saw her nipples clamped and connected by a bit of silverchain. She smiled as she writhed on the bed feeling the firm, yet very pleasant,sensation on her nipples. He pulled lightly on the chain and she felt her nipplesbeing pulled a bit by the clamps attached to the chain. She moaned in pleasureand smiled her joy.

Reaching down, he pushed a few buttons on the rabbit and it came buzzingto life, wriggling within her and vibrating her clit. The response was immediate.She would have jumped up if not held securely down. Gasping, moaning and gruntingshe came again, squeezing her pussy around the rabbit and drenching it in herfluids. She rode the wave of her pleasure, feeling the sensations bring herto new heights.

He pulled lightly on the chain and watched her pleasure mount again. Betweenthe vibrating and pulsating toy in her pussy and the steady pinch and pullon her nipples, her pleasure was overwhelming. She was grunting her joy, tossingher head back. Beyond the black cuffs restraining her wrists, her hands clenchedas if reaching out to him. If she wasn't tied down she would have flown outof the bed at him. Instead she rode out her passion as her body showed everybit of pleasure she was feeling for his watching eyes.

He wanted to give her more pleasure, to see how truly far he could take her.He reached down and began to rhythmically slide the vibrator in and out ofher wet pussy as his other hand still held the chain tight. Every time he pushedthe toy in her pussy he would pull on the chain, giving slight release whenhe pulled the toy out. She lurched and jumped, thrusting her hips and matchingthe movement of the vibrator. Within just a few strokes he felt another rushof her warm fluids wash over his hand. He couldn't help but to smile. He lovedher enthusiasm and her response.

Moaning, she felt her orgasm wash over her once again as he continued playingher like a violin. Sweat formed on her brow and upper lip as she strained withthe power of her ecstasy. Every stroke brought her to greater heights. Herworld consisted just of the pleasure she felt, her only awareness was of theman and the pleasure he was giving her as she had one mind blowing orgasm afteranother.

As he watched her in her ecstasy, he was having a harder time controllinghis own desires. Every movement of her body invited him. The way her hips rockedback and forth, the glistening of her skin, the quivering of her body and theway that her breasts rose and fell with each gasp of air. Her energy and pleasureemanated from every pore, betrayed by every moan and movement.

As her last orgasm subsided, he withdrew the toy from within her, turnedit off and set it aside. She whimpered at its departure, clearly wanting more.He had to smile at her; she was a "hungry" little thing.

He leaned over her and kissed her, pulling on the chain, causing her to riseup to him seeking him out. As he kissed her he released her nipples in turnfrom the clamps. She gasped as the blood returned. He massaged and caressedher nipples to ease the sensations.

"Are you ready for me?" He asked as he looked into her eyes. Shecould do nothing but nod, so far gone was she into the depth of her excitement.

He moved to place himself over her, his hard cock sliding between her pussylips, bathing in her moisture. He gritted his teeth to keep himself in check.Playing with her and watching her had excited him as well. Supporting himselfwith his hands he slowly lowered himself to kiss and nibble her neck. She thrusther hips toward him, eager to feel him within her.

Positioning himself to thrust his cock within her, he kissed her lips andpushed himself deeply within her. She convulsed as she came. He continued tothrust, in and out, as he kissed her. Every stroke brought another wave ofpleasure. She was wild in her ecstasy, half crazed from the pleasure he wasgiving her. She could no longer feel when one orgasm ended and another began,it was just one long beautiful golden thread of physical delight.

He was feeling his orgasm rise from within him, as her pussy grasped at hiscock and held tight, squeezing him. He would not be able to hold back muchlonger. He increased his rhythm, causing her to moan and grunt. She convulsedas he rode her. Shaking wildly, she had no control over her body or her responseto him. Her body was a vessel for the orgasmic pleasure he was giving her.

In a primal release of his pleasure, he yelled out as he felt his cum risefrom within him and pour out into her. Stroke after stroke, he came and rodethe wave of his orgasm. She willingly and gladly took all he gave her. Collapsing,he fell on top of her, still within her. He kissed her passionately right beforethey both passed into unconsciousness.

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The fantasy of a threesome was constantly playing in my mind. Ever since I had gotten pregnant the idea just wouldn’t leave my head. If I ever wanted to do it, now would be the perfect time. I wouldn’t get pregnant by any man’s cum, and I didn’t have a family to leave behind at home just yet. After much discussion, my fiance gave me the ‘okay’ and I began to plan my first threesome experience. I already had the perfect couple and they were definitely up for the new experience: Emily and Joseph....

2 years ago
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Braless and stocking tease

Part one – Bra-less tease I don’t usually wear a bra. I’m a student and also work part-time in a travel agency. For work I wear a uniform skirt, white blouse and jacket (although the jacket is rarely needed in the office). Most times I wear a camisole under my work blouse. For college I wear a variety of T’s and tops, unless I am going there straight to or from work. I particularly like wearing loose rather than tight tops. My boobs are 34B and quite perky so I don’t need any support and I...

4 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 17

Since it was only mid-day I had time for a leisurely afternoon. The new black stallion, Blackey, and the new buskin model were both well started so I gave Red a break, saddled the buckskin, Buck, and headed back to check out our wall and other stock. The wall had damned sure done its duty even if it hadn't come through without a little damage. Most of the electric fence-wire was pulled down now and a lot of it was wrapped around a very large cave bear who seemed he'd been really mad about...

2 years ago
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Private School Girl II

(Private School Girl Kelli (14) had been abducted, assaulted, raped, and tortured in a city alley.  Thinking she was dead the Gangsta’s wrapped her in a plastic sheet and threw her in a dumpster on another side of town.)DUMPSTA TRASH?Where am I?  What has happened to me.?  ?I can’t move.? The smell was terrible, Kelli was completely disoriented.  She couldn’t understand where she was.  It was dark, dirty, and awful.  Her pain was somewhat numbed but she could remember all too well the torture...

3 years ago
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My best friend my dick

I woke to a text from Cassandra Chris! You wont believe what I picked up last night, I need you to come to my place as soon as you read this. Cassandra has been my best friend for over 10 years, I have always had a small crush on her but the thing is she is strictly a lesbian. We tried hooking up one drunken night but she just couldnt get into it. Shes adorable though, 5'2 about 110lbs super cute face, jet black hair with some nice DD's and an ass like you wouldnt believe. She has always loved...

3 years ago
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For my Birthday

Last night was my birthday. I turned thirty-three and after my son was put to bed, I went for the shower, cleaning myself up for what I was hoping would be some hot sex with my wife. After cleaning up and drying off I came out of the shower to find my wife bent over the bed with only a t-shirt and high heels on. She had also placed a rather large butt plug in her ass, letting me know that I was in fact correct, hot sex was on the way. YEAH! I came up behind her and rested my hand on her ass and...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My Best Friends Mom

This is a true story of how I lost my virginity to my best friend's mom.My High School job was working a gas station and this was back in the day when you had full service: check the oil, tire pressure, wash the windows. We had self-serve which was a little cheaper but no service.My best friend at the time was Jonathan Wilson. We were typical teen guys that liked our hot rods, drinking beer, smoking some pot and wishing some girl would give us some pussy.Up to this point the closest I had come...

3 years ago
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Turned into a sex slave for Black Men

A few years back I spent time on and off with several shall we say more dominating types of gentlemen. One of them, who for this I shall call Leroy, just loved when we got together to make me totally helpless. It was our 6th or 7th meeting. Leroy and i had been chatting on Yahoo and when he found out i was free that weekend he insisted on coming over later that afternoon. We talked about when and what he wanted me to be wearing when he arrived. We settled on 4:00 and I was to be wearing a red...

2 years ago
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College Ki Masti Maze

Hi friends, my name is ‘Wahid’. Yeh meri college ki story hai jis me masti, maza-saza bhi shamil hai. Spelling me kuch galti ho jaye, to maaf karna. Story pe aata hun. Mera umar 18 saal hai. Mai college me sab se masti khor baccha tha, aur 2 baar fail ho chuka tha. Mere dad ne mujhe final warning di thi, agar tu ab ki baar fail hua, to tujhe college se nikal dunga. Mai thoda dar gaya. Mere se to padhai hone wali nahi thi to sochne laga kya karu? Kuch hi dino me final exam...

3 years ago
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This is not really porn but anyway

It's sad when you first fall in love with a man who doesn't care much for you. It's sad when you realize he just wanted a blowjob. Yeah, I know, how could I have been so naïve?When your first lover dies on you, you think people are actually nice and they also want a relationship. It took me a couple of years to go out again.It was sad for me to find out most people only want sex. You might think: How can you be so dumb? In a conservative society like Mexico, you have to keep a low profile. I...

1 year ago
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My First Woman

I cannot believe the dreams I have been having of me and another woman. I have never been with a woman but I have always wondered what it would be like. I see attractive women every day and I can appreciate a good-looking woman. There is a woman in my office, Caitlin, who is gorgeous. She has long red hair and the most amazing body I have ever seen. There is an office party coming up at the Hyatt in a few weeks, if I am lucky she will be there. As I dress for the party, my pulse begins to race...

4 years ago
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Beth excused herself and went to the bathroom, where she cleaned up and returned. She had taken the time to fix herself up, straightening out her sweater, refastening her bra, and pulling her skirt back into place. I started to get up, but she knelt beside me for a briefly and whispered in my ear, “You’re not done yet.” Her breath smelled of mouthwash.I turned over on my back, wearing only my shirt, my cock at half- staff. She smiled as she cradled my head in her right arm. “I’m not done yet,”...

1 year ago
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Best RegardsChapter 21

He allows her to lie that way for half an hour before slapping her ass and commanding, "On all fours, cock whore." Unable to stop the babbling pleas gush out promising everything that she can think to promise. Then Cheryl begins to cry when he grabs her waist in a powerful grip and yanks. Once she is properly positioned his voice maliciously directs, "Spread those rosy cheeks for me sweetheart." As if of their own volition her hands move to obey the psychotic sadist. This time as...

1 year ago
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If cuckold porn is your thing, Cherry Pimps' Cucked series may be what you're looking for. Cherry Pimps is a pretty well-experienced premium porn site. It's come with many different series, all of that serves a different fetish or kink. The site's Cucked series is no different in terms of the quality of videos and how hard it goes into the fetish. Cuckold porn is unique and those into it can fantasize about being either the man fucking the other guy's girl or the one being cucked!It seems like...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
2 years ago
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The Secret Admirer

The Unknown Caller It was a slow day at the office, and Marvin had slouched down at his cubicle, idly surfing the Web. When his phone began to ring he was almost grateful to be interrupted halfway through the latest listicle. A glance at the call display gave the caller ID as UNKNOWN which seemed strange to Marvin but he was paid to answer the phones after all. "Hello, this is Morgan Mech Annex, Marvin speaking," he rattled off, doing his best to give a phoney cheerfulness to his...

2 years ago
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Family Life My Way Ch 7 Wedding plans

Sunday morning and David was sleeping off a heavy drinking session with his mates the night before, one of his pals was celebrating the fact that his girlfriend had finally allowed him inside her knickers and he had actually managed his first fuck with her. He of course was confident he had taken her virginity, whereas David was reluctant to tell him that he knew at least three other fellas who’d fucked her.He was dozing, half awake, thinking about his mother and sister, wondering if he would...

3 years ago
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You and Azure the WinterDragon

But then there it was. An apartment building, not different like the others in the block, but it radiated with the knowledge that your goal was within. So you approached, luckily you had not to ring the bell as someone just came home and held the door open for you as you approached - obviously believing you lived here as well. But you glanced at the name-tags at the entrance to make sure you knew which floor to go. Floor 14; out of 30. You went with the stranger into the elevator, that...

1 year ago
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KinksChapter 11

It was the middle of January when Sandra told me that her parents had invited me to their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, which would be the coming Saturday. They wouldn’t be doing much, there was no visiting family or friends, so it would be just the four of them, plus me. It gave me an idea. “We need to get people together when we are ready to be extracted,” I said to Mrs Clarke after maths on Thursday afternoon. It was afternoon break now so we had a few minutes to talk. “How about we...

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Clarence C took what he wanted

Clarence C. and his folks moved into our neighbor, in fact just in the next block six houses away from mine. Clarence was a brute and always bullied the rest of the k**s that played on our street. There was rumors that his father was in prison and his brothers beat him for no reason. Being cautious I stayed out of his way, always going the opposite direction of his route and running like crazy when out of his sight. I t was on a dreary days in April that I made a big mistake and found myself...

1 year ago
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Sex Related Terms

1. Pearl NecklaceWhen a guy ejaculates sperm on a woman’s neck, it is called giving a ‘pearl necklace’.2. BarebackingHaving sex without any condoms is called barebacking.3. FurballWhen a guy goes down on a bushy girl and her pubic hair get stuck in his mouth, it is known as a furball.4. Golden Shower >This term is used for urinating on someone (with their consent of course).5. Rimming >Performing oral sex on someone’s anus is called Rimming. ATM is another term for it (Ass to Mouth).6....

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Hostory book

The history book gives you complete control of the history of anything any changes you make will be retroactive for example lets say you, wright, that hot chick on the bus has e cup tits then they will always the book also lets you read 24 hours in to the futuer

Mind Control
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 25 The Commodores Ball

“So, Will, how was your computer course? Who were some of the people running it?” Jack asked me. We had just cast off from the Earle’s jetty on our way up to the sailing club, to arrive in style for the ball. I was wearing a dinner suit, actually my father’s suit, since the ball was “formal”. I had spent over half an hour practising tying the bow tie so it looked correct, and I had a matching black silk cummerbund around my waist. Jack was dressed in a dinner suit as well, and Chris and Lori...

4 years ago
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The officer

‘POLICE! STAND STILL!’ you immediately do as you’re instructed. ‘Up against the wall, arms outstretched. Spread your legs.’ Again you comply. You lean slightly forward on your outstretched arms, legs spread level with your shoulders. ‘I’m officer Walker, i’m stopping and searching you under section seven, do you have anything on you that you shouldn’t have?’ ‘N-no.’ you stammer, wondering what this is all about. ‘Name?’ ‘Smith er Sarah Smith .’ ‘OK Sarah, i’m going to search you.’ Something in...

3 years ago
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Most people came here for the coffee — it had one of the best reputations in the city and it produced great quality espresso. Some came because of the wonderful range of Italian pastries and gelati, always freshly made on the premises. I come here because of Marissa. Marissa has been making my coffee every day for six weeks. I remember when she started — not just because of her rare skill of mastering the machines with her first perfect cup, but because of that smile. Before Marissa arrived,...

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Tales from StVincentsWhat Lorraine Heard

On entering the main convent building Lorraine had been told by Sr.Angela to take a seat outside Reverand Mother Gertrude's private study and wait to be called in to account for her naughty behaviour.Lorraine climbed the stair case which led to a long corridor,she walked along the corridor glancing out of the windows at the city.Lorraine came to the polished wooden bench outside the Reverand Mother's study and sat down.She knew that this would be the only time she would be able to sit...

3 years ago
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Bou Dela Aau Mu Genhili2

Prathama month salary paiki bou lagi sadhi saya blouse aau panty sahit bra kinili. Ghara lagi ki souda aau pariba kinili. Khusire gharaku asili. Taa sahit mutton bi anithili. Bou jinisha dekhiki paisa sabu ganiki rakhila. Ratire bou mutton randhuthila je bath room ku gali. Bou bia ku genhuchi bhabi bhabi muthimarili aau bhala kari fresh heiki asili. Ratire khaisari bou sadhi ku dekhuthila je mu kahili. Bou pindhunu. Dekhi kemiti laguchi. Bou tike hasila. Hau raha mu fresh heiki ase. Bou fresh...

3 years ago
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A Cute Young Boy Part 2

Part two of A Cute Young Boy. Contains sex between 15yo and 8yo boys. If that offends you, go read something else. My cock has been hard all day with anticipation. I cannot wait to see Seth! I arrive at Greenthorn Elementary and check in. I go over to the table I work at and sit down. I nervously fidget while I wait, my cock still hard. The kids start coming in. Seth comes over and gives me a big hug, like always. He sits next to me, and we start the craft that the grade leaders have planned. ...

4 years ago
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From Unwanted Guy to Maid and Slave Part 1

Chapter 1: Answering the Ad. It was my third and final year at University. I was a young student named James, studying hard and looking forward to finishing and heading out into the world. My grades had been good, I had developed a great social life, almost everything was amazing. The only problem was the past two years I couldn't hold down a place to stay. I stayed in halls during my first year, but all of my friends on the floor I lived on decided to move in with classmates for the...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 60

Meiersdottir glared at the native; a human would have recognized the fire in her eyes instantly, though the Edenite might not. "Shall we leave, then?" she challenged. "We can call the lander back now and be gone quickly, is that what you want?" "You will come back," muttered Akakha. "You came back before." "Others may come back, that's not for us to say," she retorted. "We won't come back, not where we're not welcome. We've come because we promised we would, and because we...

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