- 3 years ago
- 35
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It’s never enough, is it? What we have is never enough, we always want more. I dust the flour from my hands as I think about the way my life is going. Married, though the question of happiness is still way up in the air, with children, and wanting to break free of the restraints that bind me. Wanting to soar, and to explore the self I am trying to keep hidden, but which is emerging as if from a long sleep. The self that wears push-up bras in black and red, and stockings with garters to work. The self that browses the shelves of the local larger women’s stores looking for the form-fitting stretch jeans and tops, and the thongs and skimpy silk bikinis. The self that buys every salacious Harlequin Blaze novel, and every other novel with sexually explicit, even pornographic writing, and devours them with my three meals. The self that secretly watches the men who pass in and out of my life with a hungry desire to know them
I pour the batter into the two baking pans, put them in the wall oven, and shut the door with a snap. The phone rings, and I hurry over to get it before it wakes the house. Oh, did I forget to mention that it is six o’clock in the morning? Yes, it’s dark out, because the sky is overcast, and the chances of rain are 99.9%.
‘Hello?’ I say quietly into the phone.
‘Sorry to call so early, dear,’ my mother says, ‘but I wanted to get you before you left for work. When Mike is coming in today, ask him to bring the old barbecue grill with him, please. We’ve decided to do that potluck outdoors after all, like you suggested.’
‘Sure, Ma,’ I agree, and add, ‘Would you like some cake for the party? I’ve two in the oven. I can send one down, too.’
‘Send?’ she asks. ‘You not coming in today?’
‘No,’ I answer. ‘I’m taking a mental health day.’
‘Well, if you’re sure…’ She sounds hesitant. My mother never wants to ‘take food out of her babies’ mouths’, as she likes to say.
‘It’s okay, Ma,’ I say. ‘I’ll send the smaller one.’
Two hours later, the house is quiet, except for the hum of the dishwasher, and the washing machine. Even the radio, which I normally keep on, is off. I want to be free to think about my new interest. As I lie back on the wide old leather couch, with the laptop in my lap, my mind wanders over the first time we talked online, my new interest and me.
It had been a long conversation, for a first meeting, but we had had a lot to say about a variety of subjects. He was looking for escape, and I was looking for answers. Neither of us could help the other except here, in this space. And so we had talked – about his wife, his children, his job, our shared interest in erotica, my husband, my children, our shared interest in history. There had been a lot of inadvertent and meaningless flirting, of the totally ordinary sort – emoticons with smiling faces, or winking eyes, or bared teeth. Nothing even remotely sexual. We had said goodbye, with him not holding out any expectations of future chats, and me not asking.
I read my friends’ blogs while I wait, half expecting him not to say hello. I have taken this day off work deliberately, because I know he is off too, and I want to give him some of my undivided attention. And I want to get his. For as long as he was willing to give it.
The little messenger jumps in the dock as a conversation window opens. The icon is a hug.
‘Mornin’, Miss Kitty!’
My heart does a little happy dance, a smile plays about my lips, and I type, ‘Back at ya, Sir!’ I add a wink and send it.
A wink greets my comment, and a ‘Hello, darlin’!’ I wait, and ‘Sleep well?’ appears under the first comment. He always asks me if I’ve slept well, so I’ve learned to wait for it.
‘Like a baby!’ I reply. ‘You?’
‘Likewise,’ he answers.
There is a pause, while the screen tells me ‘Sir Knight is typing’.
I let my head fall back against the smooth, cool surface of the sofa, and wait for whatever he will say.
I smile. Always a pause before the words that will jumpstart an erotic conversation.
‘Penny for your thoughts…’
‘Have you ever met any of your friends from here?’ I type.
‘Yes,’ he replies, after a pause. ‘A long time ago.’
‘And?’ I prod, anxious to hear more.
‘What do you want to know?’
‘What was it like? What happened?’
I watch him tell me what he’s doing: ‘smiles, folds arms.’
‘We met at a conference, actually. It was unplanned, and we would have missed each other, except that we were online at the same time, and discovered we were in the same hotel, three floors apart.’
‘She’s also a banker?’ I am incredulous.
‘No. I said that badly. We met when I was at a conference. She was chairing an annual meeting of her Learned Society in the same hotel.’
‘What happened?’ I repeat.
‘We had a pleasant lunch meeting on her last day at the hotel. In the dining room. Cosy, intimate.’
‘Tell me about her,’ I prompt. ‘Is she married? Does she live around where you do? Are you still friends?’
‘Yes, but we don’t chat as much anymore.’ The pause this time is longer, before he adds, ‘It was a special afternoon, for both of us, I think.’ Another blip in time, and then he asks me, ‘Why do you ask?’ I note that he hasn’t answered most of the questions I have asked him. I remember his words to me: ‘A gentleman never tells…’ and I smile.
‘I was just wondering what it would be like if we met…’
Seems like only yesterday we had that conversation. He writes: ’smiles’. I smile as I post my reply: ‘You’re the one with the gift of gab, mister, the one who’s kissed the blarney stone. You’re the one who would make the magic.’ ’You think so?’ he asks, and I can almost hear the laugh in his voice. ‘Where would we meet?’ I ask. He doesn’t answer for a long minute, and I begin to wonder if I am pushing the envelope too much. Maybe he’s not willing to play this game anymore. I decide to give him an out, without hurting his pride. ’Never mind, love. It won’t happen, so why speculate?’ He is typing when I make my hurried response. He stops. ‘So, is your house quiet?’ I continue, not giving him a chance to speak. ‘Everyone asleep?’ ‘No, actually. I’m in the basement. Remember I told you we were house hunting.’ It suddenly strikes me that we haven’t spoken to each other in weeks. It seems he’s moved. ‘A basement? Nice. I guess you’ve set up an office down there, right?’ I pause, then add, ‘Cam?’ ‘And speakers!’ he replies immediately, then adds a grinning emoticon. I laugh. ‘So, maybe we can talk sometime,’ I say. ‘Maybe,’ he returns, holding out no promise. ‘When the time is right.’ ‘And when will THAT be?’ I want to know. ‘We’ll know when the moment is right. Just like we have in the past.’ He adds another emoticon, this time a wink, and asks, clearly changing the subject, ‘Everything quiet on your end?’ ‘Yes, everyone’s gone to school or work.’ ‘Why aren’t you at work, too, Miss Kitty?’ ‘I needed a mental health day,’ I say, playing it off, not willing to let him know I have taken the day because I know he’s off and I want to be with him. This obsession is getting to be more serious than I know how to handle. ‘Wanna play?’ he asks. If he were speaking into my ear, I could not have been more immediately aroused than I suddenly was. ‘What?’ I hedge. ‘Truth or dare!’ he says at once. And then he waits. I know he’s waiting. I type ‘ok’ in the box and hit the return button. And my belly begins to quiver. He writes what he is doing: ‘sits back and smiles’
‘Why do you come by every night?’
We have talked about this before, so I know he’s giving me an easy one to start off, and I answer readily. ‘I enjoy your company, the pleasant, often…stimulating conversation. You know that.’
‘Stimulating? Explain…’
Here is where it gets tricky. I don’t want to lie, but the
whole truth will lead to questions I cannot answer without possibly jeopardizing our relationship. I hedge.
‘Isn’t it my turn to ask Truth or Dare?’
I can hear him chuckle knowingly, a split second before a wink and a grinning emoticon appear before my eyes, and ‘LOL’. He writes ‘smiles’
‘Truth or dare?’
I haven’t thought about what I’d dare him to do. In fact, I haven’t thought much about this game at all. I’m so delighted that he is spending some time with me. I think, and he writes: ‘Quiet lady…’
‘I’m thinking. Hold on.’ I send him a thinking emoticon. Then I hit upon it: ‘Tell me what you’re thinking right now.’ It’s a lame dare, I know, but it’s all I can come up with at the moment.
‘I’m thinking about you.’ His answer is cryptic, and I realize I am not surprised. He likes to tease me, and I figure this is just another one of those times, so I wait for his question.
‘My turn. Truth or dare?’
I decide to follow his lead, and keep my fingers crossed, literally, that he won’t ask me to do something I am afraid or unwilling to do.
‘Tell me where you are right now. I want details.’
I breathe a sigh of relief. This seems easy enough. ‘I’m sitting on an old, worn-out leather lounger, with my feet up. It’s toffee-colored, with a lot of cracks from being so well-used. There’s a bright red throw over the worst of the cracks, and a couple of toffee-colored velvet pillows. The lounger is in the sun room, which a small sitting room off the kitchen at the back of the house, with big windows on two sides. It overlooks the back yard. The lounger is angled diagonally against one of the windows, with a small round end table between it and the window with a Tiffany lamp on it. There’s a magazine rack on the other side.’
I pause, then write ‘Whew!’ and post an emoticon wiping its brow in relief.
Lee sends a grinning emoticon to me, and is obviously waiting to continue the game.
‘Truth or dare?’
‘Dare!’ he says again.
‘Tell me exactly what you are thinking about me.’
‘I am seeing you in my mind’s eye, in your jammies (he inserts a wink), lying back on the old leather lounger, your feet up on the rest, long legs crossed at the ankles. Your hair is mussed from lying back and your eyes are fastened to the screen, watching my words. Your arms are bare, as are your shoulders, and your heavy breasts hang softly under the top. You look …incredibly desirable.’ He sends this, then types some more, and I wait for him to send it. He stops typing.
‘Are you done?’ I ask, feeling my pulse quicken.
‘For now. Truth or dare?’
I wimp out. ‘Truth!’ I write.
‘How does it make you feel to have me think those thoughts about you?’
I suppose I should have said, ‘Dare!’, though then he might just have asked me to tell him how it feels to be desired by him. I swallow, which is amusing because he’s not really here with me and can’t see how I am reacting. I can lie, but I won’t. Funny how this relationship, cyber though it is, has become a place of honesty for me. Even when that honesty makes me look like a slut. How to say what I’m feeling…
‘I’m…aroused.’ I stop. I can’t say more. He waits, and I write ‘Truth or dare?’
‘Truth!’ he surprises me, because I fully expected him to keep choosing the dare.
I take the plunge. This is a question I have wanted to ask him for a long time, and we have been friends now for over a year. ‘Why do you keep coming back to visit me?’ I wait impatiently, but fearfully, for his answer. I realize that what I hope he will say and what he actually says may not match, and I know, in my deepest heart, that I will be … disappointed if he doesn’t say what I want to hear.
‘I want to be here. With you.’ He pauses, and I wait for him to continue the game, not sure how I feel about his answer. ‘I want you,’ he continues, surprising me again.
I feel warmth sliding up from my feet, and in a minute I am so hot I must fan myself with splayed fingers. They don’t work so well, so I reach over for a magazine and fan in earnest.
‘Have I gone too far, Kitty? Should I stop? Are we done playing?’ His questions pop up on the screen, and I realize that he thinks I may be upset.
‘It’s okay, Lee. We can still play, if you like. I’m just a little hot, so I’m fanning myself. It takes longer to type one-handed.’
He types, and ‘LOL’ appears on the screen. I blush, realizing what that must have sounded like, as he sends a wink and a flirt to me.
‘You’re so bad,’ I say.
‘Who? Moi?’ He sends an emoticon sticking its tongue out and I laugh aloud in the empty house. The sound reverberates around the still room, warm and sexy even to my ears.
‘Yes, toi!’ I send him a smile, as he sends me a wink, and a grin.
‘I don’t want you ever to be uncomfortable with me, Kitty.’ He pauses and writes what he is doing: ‘sits back’
I feel myself relax, and realize only then how tense I had been, whether in anticipation or fear, I do not know. I do not want to know.
‘So, Lee, what are your plans for the day?’ I ask.
‘You mean, aside from being with you?’ he asks in return.
The phone rings. ‘Brb’ I type, and put the laptop carefully on the set before rising to go to the small desk. I pick up the ornate receiver and speak, trying to not to sound annoyed or impatient.
‘Hello?’ I still sound a little miffed to me.
‘Please hold for an important message…’ a tinny voice says. I narrowly avoid slamming the receiver back into its cradle, and return to the lounger and my conversation.
‘Remind me to get caller ID in this room,’ I type.
‘Who was it?’ Lee asks.
‘Don’t know. Was asked to hold for an important message.’ I choose an angry-faced emoticon and send it. ‘If you know you’re not ready to talk to me, why call me?’
‘If I call you, it will be because I’m ready to…talk to you,’ he types, then sends a grinning face.
I laugh. I seem to be laughing a lot this morning.
‘Let’s continue where we left off,’ he suggests. ‘You wanted to know what I have planned for today.’ He stops and I wait, wondering what he’s thinking. Then he tells me. ‘I’m thinking about inviting myself into your little sun room. I want to hear your voice, and maybe see you again…’
‘Are you asking me for my phone number, Lee?’ I ask.
‘Would you give it to me?’ he replies. ‘Do you trust me, Kitty?’ I do not answer for so long that he types, ‘Are you still there?’
‘Yeah,’ I reply.
‘No pressure, hon,’ he writes. ‘We don’t have to do any more than this, if it makes you uncomfortable.’
‘I think you know what I really want, Lee,’ I say, typing furiously. ‘And I think you know it can’t happen. I’m just afraid that hearing you, seeing you like this, won’t help the ache…’
I stop and hit return instead of delete. So he gets the last part of the message, the part I don’t want to admit to him, to myself.
‘Forget I said that,’ I type. ‘Don’t respond to it.’
By the time I hit return this time, though, he has already sent his response, and a second later, he sends ‘Too late! LOL’.
His message says ‘I ache for you too, Kit. More than I care to admit, too.’
Neither of us speaks, and the silence becomes unbearable, as I wonder what he’s thinking, and what we will do now. I have felt an ache with this man every time we speak, and since this is the first time we’ve spoken in about two weeks, I am full to bursting.
‘Kit,’ he writes, and I can almost hear him thinking. ‘Hon…’ he hesitates again, and then says, ‘I think you know what I want too, and it’s more than a phone call.’ He stopped typing and I said, forestalling him,
‘You’re the one who said this is an escape, Lee. If we cross that bridge, there will be no turning back. Do we really want to leave this safe zone?’
‘I am sooo tempted, Kit. You tempt me,
hon. I want you.’ He pauses, then resumes his typing. ‘But you’re right. We have too much to lose, and too many people would be hurt.’ Another pause, then, ‘Can I please hear you, baby? I promise I won’t stay long, and I’ll be good.’
I hesitate only long enough to make him think I’m really thinking about it, and then I type my number and hit return. I wait to see what he will say.
‘Thank you Kitty. Give me five?’
‘K,’ I type, and ease off the couch. I need to empty my bladder suddenly, and I barely manage to make it to the powder room down the hall. I’m back at the door of the little office when the telephone rings. I rush to pick it up. ‘Hello,’ I say, my voice high and nervous, even to my own ears.
‘Hello! Please hold for an important message. This is not…’ I slam the receiver down, shocked at the anger that has bubbled to the surface. My hands are trembling, and I grip them together to stop them. When the telephone sounds again, I hesitate, and it rings five times before I can pick it up.
‘Hello?’ My answer is a question.
‘Good morning,’ a strange male voice says. ‘Am I speaking with Miss Kitty?’ His voice is deep and lazy, with a drawl that makes me shiver.
‘Yes, it is,’ I reply. ‘Lee?’
‘Yeah, baby, it’s me,’ he says. ‘And you have the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard from a woman. Say something, hon. Let me hear you.’
I search around for something to say, and then it hits me. ‘Lee,’ I say, ‘wanna fantasize?’
I hear a sharp intake of breath, and his voice is husky when he replies, ‘Yeah, baby!’
I feel a tingle between my thighs, and suddenly I am drenched with desire. It scares me how desperately I want the man behind this voice to touch me, to take me. I lean weakly against the desk, my hands trembling, my heart pounding in my chest as he says,
‘Don’t hold back, baby! Anything you want to say, I’m here.’ He stops for a second or two, and then adds, ‘You know what I want to do right now?’ He doesn’t wait for a reply, but continues, ‘I want to touch you with my tongue. Everywhere you’ll let me. Starting right here, behind your ear, baby!’
I can hear him breathing, and a little moan escapes me.
‘Mmmmm!’ he replies, ‘Yeah baby, Just. Like. That.’ And then he moans again.
The phone beeps in my ear. ‘Lee,’ I say huskily, and must clear my throat before continuing. ‘Someone’s trying to get through. Hold on!’ I press the flash button with a trembling finger, and hear Mike’s voice on the other end of the line.
‘Did I wake you, Kate?’ he asks, his tone concerned.
‘No…no, you didn’t. What’s up?’ I try to keep my voice even.
‘Nothing,’ he says. I wait, and he continues. ‘Why aren’t you sleeping? I thought you took the day off to rest.’ His tone is puzzled, but also demanding an explanation, as though I am a child who has done wrong. Or maybe that’s my conscience yelling at me.
‘I went back to bed for a while, but you know me. I can’t stay in it for too long without suffering the consequences.’
‘Well, go back there now, and get some rest. I don’t know how you do it, getting by on the little seep you have every night. Coming to bed so late…’
I feel a whine coming on and I forestall it. ‘I’m fine, really I am!’ I pause, then add, ‘When are you coming home?’
‘Late,’ he says.
I feel the resentment against his boss that I’ve felt since day one. It almost chokes me, so that I must force myself to speak. ‘How late is late?’
He hesitates, and I can almost hear the wheels turning in his head. ‘Not before eight tonight,’ he finally says.
‘I’ll leave dinner on the stove for you,’ I say.
‘Thanks,’ he replies, and then says he has to go. ‘Later.’
I switch back to Lee. ‘Sorry, that was my husband.’ The moment is lost, and I feel it keenly.
‘What were you saying?’ I ask coyly, hoping he will resume his seduction. I hear his chuckle.
‘Nothing,’ he says. ‘What did he want? Your husband, I mean?’
‘Checking up on me,’ I say, trying to keep the resentment out of my voice.
‘He loves you, Ms. Kitty. Got to keep the home fires burning, my dear.’ His voice is low, sincere, and I feel unaccountably as though I have lost my best friend. Has he called me to mouth platitudes about my husband? I don’t want to hear them. I want him to make me weak like he’s been doing.
I was in a Book Store where I shouldn't have been, looking at Video tapes in the "alternative Lifestyle" aisle when I heard, Hello there." I turned, there was an older gentleman there beside me with a stupid smile, he had on a cap from which beneath I saw a shock of snow white hair. He wore a leisure suit with the front zipper down to the middle of his chest that revealed snow white chest hairs. Hello I responded, he smiled turned and walked away angling towards the back of the store, where the...
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At the end, she nearly believed. Demelza was outside, playing chase with a fox and a badger. The dog was watching., slapping his tail on the grass slowly. Angela stood and took Krill’s hand and led him upstairs. Usually it was him that lead the human, male or female (usually female) to the path, she was paving the way. She was still holding back, she was saying ‘okay, show me’ not ‘okay, let’s find this’. But she was melting; in bed, he would show her. He took off her clothes, they were...
PART SIXTEEN: PUNISHED "What are you doing?!" Emma demands. I'm prancing around the house in your clothes. What does it look like? This is terrible. "I, uh," I stammer. "I just took that dress off five minutes ago and you're already wearing it!" she scolds. "Take it off!" she demands. "Take it off, right now!" she repeats. "Babe..." Dave calls from the doorway. "You okay?" he says but his words hang there. Dave smiles broadly. "You don't want to wear girl's clothes,...
Hi all ISS readers, myself Karthik a 26 yrs. Handsome guy from Chennai. I’m an ISS reader since last one year and got highly inspired by all those stories all you people wrote, so here I’m putting forward my true story which happened 3yrs back. My house is in a very posh locality, where there is very less neighborhood interference as most of them were staying out of the city and remaining houses were for sell. My father refereed one of the neighbor houses to his old friend who recently came in...
As an Uber driver, I meet alot of interesting people, especially on Friday and Saturday nights, but this story is by far the most amazing experience I’ve ever encountered.It was early on a Friday night in Seattle, just beginning my shift with a request I received from a woman named Shannon, as I arrived at the hotel for the pick up, a beautiful woman about 23 years old dressed in an outfit resembling a fantasy secretaries outfit walked up to my car and entered into my front seat. I couldn’t...
A note to the observant: Almost all city names are false, they were taken from a variety of fantasy sources. All characters are based on real people, so it is no coincidence that they are the strongest part of the story. Names, and sometimes personality and personal history, have been modified to protect the innocent. The events of this story, however, are complete fiction. Quote Attribution: the line of song Heather sings is from Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi. Used without permission. ...
© Copyrighted 2004 by Powerone She was bound with her hands behind her back with heavy metal handcuffs. She complained that they put them on too tight, but they ignored her. Her bra was gone, her shorts unzipped and open, her pink panties showing. She was pushed along the corridor of cells, some of them open to the hallway, others just ominous large metal doors, the unknown behind them. She looked in some of the cells and was surprised at what she saw. There were other girls in them like...
Reviewing My Sexual Performance – The resultsReviewing my Sexual Performance Part 2The results are in: Participants: Overall Performance Satisfaction Rating• Tim age 52 9.1• Laura age 46 8.5• Adam age 23. 7.3• James age 39 8.1• Darryl age 41. 9.0• Matt age 53. 7.5• Scott age 47. 7.9• Dave age 73. 8.8• Dan age 37. 6.5Tim’s ReviewMya really is an absolutely captivating and alluring woman and I’ve been admiring and lusting over her for some time now and despite asking her husband Marc for...
This is a series of stories about the naughty and sexy adventure of my friend and fuck buddy prabha . Prabha is a sexy 25 year old Indian girl who had her first sexual experience in her teens and ever since has grown into a wild and carefree sex goddess . She is a curvy Indian beauty who has made many cocks hard and helped out many of those hard cocks too ( in all ways imaginable ;) .Ill give you a description of her looks so that you can better visualize her .body stats :height :5'4"weight :...
0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Derrick was moving through the access way toward the main section of the shipyard. Ahead to his right Staff Sergeant Randall Jimison signaled to his left. Sergeant first class Daniel Norman nodded as he...
(Gentle reader. Please rest assured that all models used in this story are at least the minimum legal age to fuck and suck to their heart's content. If it boggles the imagination to read of a girl old enough to be in college who still has her cherry, then feel free to skip this chapter. As much as I hate to admit it, I was halfway through college before I got my ashes hauled the first time, and I had been spending most of my waking moments trying to find a partner for years, so it is not so...
INDIGESTED BEAUTY Hot babe so pretty Swallowed but not digested Slimy you emerged I have seen all types of cases over the decades but non as bizarre as the following. The fact that the victim was young and pretty only made the case more memorable to me. One afternoon in 2009, my assistant (who I usually assigned to the male or older female cases) ran into my office telling me that we’ve got something never seen before. I went into the embalming room and saw a body lying on the lab...
The Waterbury was a membership country club, but the restaurant was open to anyone with the money to pay the outrageous prices they charged for your dining pleasure. I’d taken a couple dates here before, so I knew the game. Today’s ticket was gonna hit me for a couple of bills; that was just the reality. But I had the money and I had a mission. I was definitely figurin’ on hooking up with one Lea Scott—long term, maybe for life: yes, love at first sight and all of that. “This is very nice,”...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14Ich wartete, dass ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt...
I had ordered my second drink when she got up and walked past me at the bar, heading to the restrooms or something. I gave her a good solid stare and she locked eyes with me. One second is a glance, two seconds gets a little twitchy but four full seconds of eye contact with a pretty stranger gets my blood pumping. I swiveled my head as she passed and got a good shot of those yoga pants. Now it seems that lately yoga pants, especially those worn by teenage girls out in public, have gotten...
Sophie was exhausted. She had been working behind the bar for six hours tonight, new years eve. Back from university for Xmas break, she was lucky to pick up a few shifts at the local pub, to top up her student loans. It helped that her dad drank their most weekends.Most of the regulars knew her and her family, and would chat to her about uni and her studies. None of them were her age.There is another temporary barman, Tim, another student, a couple of years older, who is constantly trying to...
Summer Experiment Chapter One Frankie felt the agitation building in his body simply talking on the phone to his wife. He missed her terribly. She was hours away and he was feeling so down about being alone. And she was bringing up the same old thing all over again, sex. He didn't like the topic of sex. It made him feel nervous inside just talking about it. It was awkward discussing their sex life or lack of it and it was even worse to do it while his wife was on a speakerphone...
**Reading "All-You-Can-Eat Buffet", "Back For More", and "Samurai Time" (up until I leave to get food) are helpful, but not required.Another damned out-of-town conference? I would have started getting suspicious, had I cared. I loved my wife, but, if she was getting some on the side, I didn't mind. Seeing how she had set up some amazing sexcapades for me, it wouldn't be fair for me to have all the fun.I thought all this while mowing the lawn. I hated yard work, so I put it off as long as...
She was forty years old from the year 2040, but now living in the year 4000. After being cryogenically frozen for 2,000 years, she was starting her new life. In the past she was a Trans woman fighting for her rights to be herself. Now in the year 4000 things had changed for her. There was even such a thing as dual gender now. Earth to Mars are occupied by the human race and the and the One world government needed help fighting crime. . In the year 2040 a corporation called lilac...
John and DeeDee Wilson were the average couple of their times. Both had been raised in a white Christian environment and throughout their lives were taught that black people were not as good as they were. Times change though, whether you want them to or not. Both are now in their early 60's, having been married almost 45 years, and as they grew older the neighborhood around them changed as well. More and more black families were moving in and more and more white families were moving further out...
It had been a long time in coming. Andee wasn’t sure if having to “pay up” for losing a friendly bet with her co-worker was just a passing joke in the hallway, or if he was serious about collecting on it. As a thirty-eight year old mom of two very active boys and career woman, she enjoyed a bit of adventure in her life and this was the second time in a year she had found herself confronted with a sexual complication with her friend. Without question, Andee had been a shameless flirt with...
Storytime!When I got up this morning and my “date” from the previous night had finished orally polishing my peen, I had a revelation. I thought to myself, “I am really tired of having to teach tricks about how to do sex well. Wouldn’t it be nice to get someone with experience?” And so, I considered trying my hand with older ladies but ran into a snag. “These ladies and I come from different generations; how best should I go about macking on them?”To improve my technique, I thought I should try...
Live Mature Sex Cams‘Mom, I got the job! I’m going to be working in the city!’ I exclaimed into the cell phone. I was on my way back to my home in a small rural town, navigating my little red car through the streets of an unfamiliar suburb outside the city. I’d been working on finding work in my field for quite sometime now, after I graduated college, and had finally found I a job that I’d knew that I would love. ‘Congratulations honey! I knew you could do it! I’m so proud of you,’ my mother gushed into the...
"Hey Veris. I heard what you did with M the other day, and I'm wondering if you'd be the most amazing sex I've ever had too.""Well, darlin', that depends on what you heard.""M said you were the best sex she's ever had, and you were respectful too.""Hmm, that sounds about right. Did she mention anything else? Details perhaps?""No, but I've been burning with YOU tell me what you did with her?"*chuckle* "Since she's gone and spilled the beans anyway, I suppose details,...
Ever since I could remember, I’ve always had a bodyguard. You see, my family is quite high class if you know what I mean? I’ve pretty much been very wealthy since the day I was born. And I’ve had about 5 bodyguards since then. Anyways, my names Chris, I am 18, about 5”7’ and about 150pounds, I am Caucasian with medium brown hair and light greyish blue eyes. I’m not muscular, I just have a nicely toned body from all the sports I play. Since I was 16, my bodyguard has been the same man named...
Lisa directed me toward the university. She said, "Being reasonably close will help me get use out of the office." We were getting close and she pointed. "Turn in there. This might be a solution." 'There' was an office condominium complex that looked well built. There was a model office with an agent and we went inside. A kind looking older woman was at the desk. She said, "May I help you?" Lisa said, "We are looking for office space for the two of us and a secretary." The woman...
The year is 201X. A new pathogen is discovered in the wreckage of a ship buried in the arctic ice. After it infects the entire research team resulting in their quarantine, experiments are performed in a lab deep in the mountains of the United States. The way this pseudo-virus operates is outside the bounds of anything this world has ever seen before. Instead of killing or harming its hosts, it changes them into a higher evolved version of themselves. They become stronger, faster, smarter, but...
Gay100% fiction! It's Friday and dad is going to play golf tomorrow morning and will not be home until noon. Oh well if I am going to die i'm going to die with mom knowing I have the pictures of her. Mom always checks her E mail Saturday morning so I am going to send her pictures of her sucking cock and see what happens. I just sent them and I heard her yell " go to bed." I always sleep in on Saturday morning, I didn't hear Mom come into my room I just woke up and she was sitting on my bed. " Well...
IncestThey called it the 'lateral arabesque'. You hopped from company to company, each time a little farther up on the food chain. It was the result of several things: First, there was very little promotion within a company. Most companies, when they posted a job internally, were also required to post it for the outside world. Second, HR Departments tended to believe, absolutely, what was on resumés, leading them to conclude that the people outside a company were infinitely smarter and more...
Andrew proposed and Raven accepted. Much to her great delight, Raven discovered that making love as an engaged woman was even more spectacular than making love to him as a member of the project. Initially, she had approached Andrew's bedroom worried that the tenderness with which he had approached sex would disappear now that they were engaged. She still feared that men upon claiming a woman would become sexually aggressive in a dominating way. She was shocked that he was even more attentive...
As I reached the top of the stairs an elderly gentleman gave me a program for the day’s services. He wore a dark blue topcoat over what I somehow assumed to be a three-piece suit. He seemed to have lost weight as he got older, and what had once been craggy, aristocratic good looks now appeared tired. I took the program and entered the Cathedral. The floor, which I remembered from childhood to be concrete, had been recently paved with brown and tan marble tiles. The Cathedral does...
August Ames’ step-brother has found out her little secret, that she is, in fact, a stripper and not a waitress and he’s blackmailing her, she has to have sex with him or he’s telling her parents. She tries to deny it but when he gets her pile of cash she’s been saving from stripping she doesn’t have a choice and strip for him, but things don’t stop at this point, she starts touching herself in front of him to tease him. Knowing that he has some dirt on her,...
xmoviesforyouThe windows in Gregg Barnhart's office were open. A white oscillating fan whirred atop a filing cabinet. Papers strewn across the thirtysomething guidance counselor's desk lifted briefly, then fell back into place. Barnhart tugged at the collar of his button-down shirt. It was early August, two weeks before the start of a new school year. And it was hot. "Man, I really wish these cheapskates would shell out some money for air conditioning in here." The tall lanky man griped as he...
I had been lonely for a while, no one special in my life, living alone had its benefits but sometimes you need to feel wanted and to really want to pleasure someone. Searching the internet one evening, thinking about past experiences, I ended up on a transsexual escort site, searching through the different pictures and profiles, who were saying they were in my area. In all honesty I was doubtful about some of the pictures being genuine, but then I came across a link to a lady who called...
It was the summer of 1967 or 1968, it’s been so long I can’t be sure. I lived in the country in Indiana on six acres with two barns and other outbuildings as you would expect in a farm type situation. We didn’t have the usual farm a****ls, just a pony. I had a friend who lived down the road who raised sheep for 4H. We always had great fun in the summer. We would go out into one of the surrounding corn fields; lay back on the warm ground and talk about all the things young boys talked about....
The Stim Cortex Transformation by SilkyTV part 1 Prologue: Lester Ryder and Duncan Vesper are developers/owners of a company that has developed the Stim-Cortex.. The Stim-cortex operates directly on the nervous system of the subject--causing excruitating pain or intense pleasure. It is extremely effective in breaking the will of whoever is subjected to it -- they in effect become slaves. One of the side effects of the Stim-cortex is that it heightens sexual arousal. ...
I had gotten emails on this site before, but this one was the first from a guy. The tag line was, "My wife likes your profile." I thought that was interesting so, click."Dear Sir,I am married to a wonderful young Asian woman who needs more than I can supply. Can we meet an discus?Bill"So I wondered just what this was all about. So we agreed to meet at a food court in a mall. Bob didn't show. I was somewhat PO'd but nothing ventured….Then I got a txt."My wife and I checked you out at the mall....
Sport Complex, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario 8:45pm, Friday, November 23, 1979 At half time of their game against Guelph’s Central Collegiate, Medway was in their first real game in over three weeks with the score 33-29 for the Cowboys. The Lady Colts had a superb point guard, who had done an excellent job at handling Medway’s full court pressure. Because they weren’t getting as many easy points off their defense, Zupena was more involved in the offense and led Medway with 14 points...
Jake, Leslie, and the Morris Turner family arrived back in Columbus on Wednesday afternoon. They picked up their cars at the airport and went back to the duplex. Charlene and Leslie went grocery shopping while Jake and Mo scooted over to Fort Benning to sign in, find out what was going on, and pick up a training schedule for the rest of the week. Most of their class was back from leave and looking for the same information. Jake and Mo checked their room to make sure it was squared away. They...
It had been some time since I had a hard cock in my anus, it was all by choice, I decided to go straight and see what the world was offering. I had met some friends and was very sociably accepted, my friends had girlfriends and so did I, not anyone particular. Was always at the best parties and get together s and having a ball. Until this one time that I went too far. How it exactly started I have no ideal, just a bunch of guys messing around at a swimming hole was all I could remember. Wine...
Kathy was trying very, very hard, but she really wanted to cry. Michael had ruined the whole evening and put an end to her dreams. She buried her face in Christi's hair. It smelled of roses and cinnamon. In fact, Christi's whole body smelled like cinnamon. Curious, Kathy gave her forehead a lick. She tasted, well, a little salty, but like cinnamon, too. "What are you doing?" Christi giggled. "You taste like a giant red hot." "Do not!" "Do, too. You've got cinnamon coming out...
Hi to all and I am Rahul, working for an MNC in Bangalore. I’m aged 29 with tall, dark built in the last story I had told you guys how I got my MIL and drilled all her holes after I started drilling my MIL and my married life became normal. I was getting restless having a virgin at home. I wanted her too but since, my SIL did not have big boobs and a curvy body I did not get into her much. She was too skinny for me and we all were a well knit unit. My SIL was to finish her MBA and it was her...
IncestBy: Kamboj Hi my name is Raj I’m an cool boy mare age 20 saal hai mai 11th mai pedta hu, mari choti se family hai sab ek dusre se behut pyar karte hai, mari do choti behan hai ek Rema or dusre shena Rema ke umar 19 saal hai or shena ke 18 saal, hum ek saath school jate hai mai ap ko jayeda boor na karte huwe story par aata hu ye aaj se do saal pehle baat hai hum bhai behan ek saath ek room mai sote hai mai ab school mai apne dosto ke maded se sex k bare mai sab kuch jan geya tha or Din mai ek...
The culmination of Alyssa’s journey. Part Six: The Price of Passion Gary was dead, and I had met the man who had killed him. Trying to return to a normal life after that, I felt, was nearly impossible. I withdrew from the semester, and even though it was too late to get any tuition back, I didn’t care. I could easily pay my father back, although he would wonder where the money came from. I went back home for a while, staying with my folks through the holidays. My brother Roger made a...
When I was 30, and the internet was a much newer concept that it is now, I got chatting to an older woman via an online chatroom. We got on pretty well and there was a bit of flirting - it turned out she was only out of a very long and not very happy marriage. Well, out of as in separated, not yet divorced.After a bit of persuading, she agreed to meet me, and we met at a motorway roundabout one day which seemed like a handy neutral venue and was easy to get to for both of us. After a chat in...