Strip Tennis
- 2 years ago
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AFTER TENNIS A fantasy tale by Cordoza
Chapter 1 After tennis
Major Maria Garcia had a very important appointment and didn't intend tobe late. The big black stallion breathed hard and fast, his flanks sweatingfreely as horse and rider galloped across the plain towards the town in thevalley below.
It was late afternoon when they entered the compound. Garcia reigned in hersteed as a girl soldier hurried forward to grasp the bridle. She steadied thepanting stallion as her commandant swung her leg across the saddle and jumpeddown.
Across the parade ground a black security van had drawn up. Angry voiceswere heard as a protesting young woman was dragged from the van's rear doors.The Major ignored the scene as she lovingly patted the horse's forehead andkissed its nose. She turned to speak to the guard.
"Good evening major" said the girl expectantly as she stood quickly to attention.
"Corporal." began Maria, "Take Ramón back to the stable and see thatmy stallions are groomed and well rested. It is quite possible that they willhave a very long ride ahead of them tomorrow. Do you understand me girl?"
"Yes Major."
The young soldier smiled as Garcia walked toward her office. Taking the bridle,she led the big horse away. When they were almost at the stable door, she pausedand whispered in his ear, "Who's a very lucky boy then?"
Meanwhile, Sarah Wilkinson, the young woman from the van, had been marchedthrough the doors of the security headquarters into a brightly lit receptionarea. This, she observed, was staffed entirely with female soldiers. 'Maybe,'Sarah hoped, she prayed, 'this won't be so bad after all!
She was dressed in her white tennis outfit, and still a little sweaty fromthe game. In fact, she had been playing tennis with the other company secretarieswhen she had been arrested. Sarah was by nature quite extrovert, but now shefelt awkward and very conspicuous.
The reception office was very busy, so the young woman and her escort wereordered to wait for a while on a long wooden bench. As she sat there, Sarahlooked around and saw other young women waiting their turn. She was struckby how beautiful they were! If it weren't for the soldiers guarding them, shethought that this could easily be some kind of modelling agency.
After a long wait, she heard her name called. They got up and crossed theroom to a desk. The female soldier holding Sarah's left arm politely coughedand presented Sarah's passport. The much older woman NCO accepted the smallblack booklet and noted the name stamped on the cover. 'Sarah Jane Wilkinson.Age 18. UK citizen.' Then she glanced up and carefully studied Sarah's face.
"Ah yes!" she said thoughtfully. "A young woman with black hair in a neatpageboy cut. You appear to be the right girl…you are Sarah Wilkinson,yes? and this is your passport, yes?
"Err…Yes." Sarah replied uncertainly. "But I wish to make a formalprotest to your commandant. I have done nothing wrong."
The woman was ignoring her; in fact, Sarah noticed that she was staring intentlyat her body, and smiling! She felt suddenly embarrassed as the handcuffs behindher pulled her shoulders back, displaying her rather prominent cleavage. Thejourney lying on the van floor had also ridden up her very short skirt. Thehem was now caught under the waistband and revealed rather too much of herslim tanned thighs and white panties.
The sergeant's eyes took a very lustful stroll down the teenager's swan likeneck to the proud swelling of her breasts. Sarah hadn't noticed that her nippleswere becoming alert, a combination of the stifling heat of the room and hersuppressed terror. Now each little bud stood upright, clearly outlined by thetightly stretched white cotton fabric of her blouse…and at this moment,they were undergoing very careful scrutiny.
The woman's eyes were on the move again, and continued down the girl's flattoned stomach to her naked thighs. Sarah blushed and wriggled, trying to freethe hem of her skirt. The sergeant muttered Spanish words of approval and winkedat Sarah's escort, who sniggered.
Sarah yelped in panic as a hand snaked under the rear of her skirt and cuppedher ass. She tried to move away, but powerful hands gripped her arms. The handgrabbed the soft flesh and kneaded it, pushing her groin up against the deskfront.
Sarah tumbled forward. The sergeant leaned across and with her hands fondledthe girl's breasts through her thin blouse. Then the woman kissed Sarah hotlyon the lips, her rough peasant mouth opening wide and forcing her tongue insidethe girl's mouth. Sarah was stunned. She squealed against the woman's faceand pulled away.
Sarah flushed red and felt very queasy. She was shocked by the very unnaturalway these women were treating her. In desperation, she looked around the roomfor help … but no one appeared to have noticed!
Sarah was beginning to suspect that something was very, very wrong.
The older woman and the guards laughed. The sergeant sat down again and pickedup a telephone. A short conversation took place with the handset, and thenshe put it down.
"Good news young lady!" smiled the sergeant. "We won't be keeping you waitingany longer. Our commandant says she is expecting you … perhaps she willbe able to 'clear up' this…er… unfortunate matter."
A real fear of the unknown gripped Sarah as the sergeant barked instructionsto the two guards. Holding her arms tightly they marched her away, pushingand pulling her through a series of doors and along brightly lit corridors.
Sarah's fears became very real when her escort stopped by an open door. Herescort appeared to be enjoying the scene within. Sarah could see a seated youngwoman of about her own age. She noticed that the girl's wrists and ankles weretied to the wooden chair. The girl looked terrified as a woman soldier, nakedfrom the waist up, moved behind her.
Pulling the girl's long dark hair to one side, she bent forward so that hernaked and very large sweaty breasts caressed the back and sides of the girl'sneck. Peering over the top of the girl's head, she reached her hands aroundand tore open the girl's blouse, the little white buttons popping across theconcrete floor. The girl wore a small back lace bra. The woman pushed the cupsdown then began to squeeze and fondle the soft flesh of her breasts. As shedid so, she whispered softly in the girl's ear.
Sarah couldn't hear what the woman was saying, but the girl bent her headin shame and shook it violently from side to side, as if to indicate a verynegative response. The older woman grunted in disappointment. Removing onehand from her breast, she grasped the girl's hair and pulled her head back.Then with evident relish, she licked the side of the girl's neck and reamedout her ear with long slobbering sweeps of her tongue. The girl sat very stilland sobbed, loudly.
Sarah was appalled. 'What sort of place is this?' she wondered, and feltshe wanted to vomit as she took in the horrific scene. 'These women must beALL fucking dykes!'
Suddenly, another unseen female peered around the door, winked at Sarah'sescort, and swiftly closed it. Then one of Sarah's guards turned to knock ona door on the opposite side of the corridor.
"Come." said a strong feminine voice. The party entered.
Behind an old steel desk sat a powerfully built woman dressed in a very smartgreen officer's uniform. Sarah thought she looked to be in her late fortiesand really quite stunning to look at. The woman had a finely chiselled facewith prominent cheekbones, above which glittered two dark, piercing Latinoeyes. Unlike the other soldiers Sarah had seen, she noticed that this womanwore makeup, and a deep red, but not too obvious lipstick pleasantly accentuatedher full and very sensual lips.
What would normally be a long mane of dark hair was gathered up onto therear of her head in a neat and tidy bun. The older woman reminded Sarah ofher old gym teacher at her very exclusive girl's school. Sarah eyed her rathervoluminous shirt and thought she was perhaps rather too fat to be an athlete.Nevertheless, although she was seated, she was obviously very tall, and verystrong, and that gave her a powerful Amazon appearance that made up for herchubbiness.
The woman waved her hand at a chair in front of the desk.
"Sit down please." The Amazon said to the girl in a polite and friendly manner.
Sarah's reactions were apparently too slow for she was pushed down hard ontothe steel chair. The cold aluminium of the seat felt like ice on the back ofher naked thighs. She wriggled uncomfortably.
"I am Major Maria Garcia." explained the woman in a definite yet matter offact tone. "I am superintendent of state security for matters concerning femaleespionage."
"I don't know why…" began Sarah.
"Why you are here!" interrupted Maria, "You are here because the local police…," shepaused to read from the file in front of her, "…have informed me thatyou have been passing state security information to the rebel guerrillas."
"But that ISN'T TRUE!?" Sarah protested. "Now look here commandant, I amjust an ordinary secretary from England … I work here for United Oil… Iam a British Citizen," Sarah ventured assertively, "and I demand to speak tomy Consul."
"Demand!" Maria gasped, "Young lady, you are in no position to demand anything.We are not in the habit of letting spies roam the country, or do anything they'demand!' and clearly from the evidence sent to me, 'you'… are a spy."
"There must be some mistake." blurted Sarah, tears welling up in her eyesand running down her cheeks. "I don't know any rebels!"
"Well now…you see 'there' we have a little problem." Maria replied,coldly. "You initially told the police that you are not a spy, and that iswhy you have been brought to me. I have read all the evidence 'most' thoroughly.'Clearly' you are now lying to me as well."
"But I honestly don't know what I have done!" Sarah sobbed.
Maria Garcia sat back in her chair and gazed intently at the girl.
She remembered when she had first set eyes on this succulent, sexy littlemorsel; it was only a week ago at the President's beach barbecue. The girlwas there because of an invitation sent to her employers, and because she mightbenefit from the experience, her boss had asked Sarah to accompany him.
The barbecue was completely informal, that is if one could ignore the veryheavy, and very tight ring of army security around the grounds. The guestshad been invited to bring their swimwear. Major Garcia had been in commandof security, and had been delighted when she first saw this stunningly beautifulyoung English rose, dressed, or rather undressed, in a very brief and mostrevealing black bikini.
Now, sitting in her private office, she was again looking at the same girl.
'Oh my little dove,' Maria mused to herself, 'how I remember as you rosefrom the sea, the sun caressing the curves of your firm young thighs, thosevoluptuous breasts and hips, and oh, that wet, so wet pert little butt. Howsexily the water dripped from your firm ripe tits down the flatness of yourflawless belly. How much I desired your body then…and how much I WANTit now!'
Eventually, Maria replied…
"You are here because you are going to tell me all about your spying activities.Female spies are my own security unit's responsibility, and you will soon betelling us 'all' we need to know."
The security unit was Maria's private little army of all female, and 'most'importantly, all lesbian recruits. She had personally handpicked these womenfrom the most evil and most sexually perverted female criminals in her country'sprisons.
Her plan had worked well, for it was she, Maria Garcia who had provided thepolice with false evidence about Sarah. Now the young woman was her personalproperty, to do with as she pleased.
The major ignored Sarah's sobbing pleas and spoke briefly in Spanish to theguards standing behind her.
Sarah heard the opening of a steel cabinet, the clink of glass, and finallyfootsteps as someone approached her chair. Very quickly, a thick cotton padwas pressed over her mouth. She panicked and tried to turn her head away asher lungs filled with the heavy sickly odour of chloroform. For a few secondsshe struggled fiercely, before collapsing senseless across the desk.
Sarah didn't know how long she had been unconscious. It was another powerfulsmell, a small bottle waved under her nose that brought her to her senses.She slowly opened her eyes to see the major leaning over her.
Sarah immediately panicked and instinctively tried to move away. First, shetried to twist her body, then she tried to move her arms, but she couldn'tmove them! Then she pulled at her legs, but they wouldn't move either. Hereyes now wide with terror, she twisted her neck and looked around her.
She found herself in another much bigger room. It looked rather like a gymnasium,with plain colour washed walls, tall grey steel cupboards, and strange lookingframes and benches made of wood and brightly polished steel. Directly aboveher head were powerful white strip lights, between them hung steel chains,ropes, and pulleys.
Sarah sensed she was lying on a Y shaped, leather padded bench. It felt verycold and clinical. Her arms were pulled back above her head, and downward atan angle toward the floor. Tight leather straps bound her wrists, and she couldhear the clink of chain as she tugged at them. Her legs had been pulled wideapart, each ankle strapped to the end of the two front facing arms of the Yshaped bench.
Sarah felt a distinct chill and wondered if a window was open, but she couldn'tsee any windows! It was only when she looked down her body that she realisedto her horror that she was completely naked!
"That is good." purred Maria, gazing into her eyes. "My darling sleepingbeauty has woken. Now we can start to have some fun." The older woman ran herfingertips up and down Sarah's inner thigh, savouring the way the soft youthfulfemale flesh yielded to her touch.
Sarah found her voice…
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" she wailed, "I've told you, I don't know anythingabout…"
Maria quickly placed her hand over Sarah's mouth, and whispered…
"Hush, Hush little one," she cooed, "Be patient. We will have plenty of timeto chat later on. Meanwhile, you are here so that I can get to know you better,and for you to get to know me…and hopefully young lady, for you to getto 'like' me."
She raised her hand and stroked and ruffled the soft delicate fringe on Sarah'sforehead.
"Pretty Sarah," she said, bending to kiss her forehead, "Pretty…pretty… littlegirl." The woman punctuated each word with further tender kisses to her cheekand the tip of her nose.
"NO!.. NOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Sarah, "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" she spat, tossingher head left and right, her naked body twisting and pulling hard on the leatherstraps. "JUST WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME…yOU…yOU?SICKPERVERT?!"
Garcia's expression instantly changed and a frown crossed her face. Mutteringangrily in Spanish, she strode across the room and opened one of the cabinets.
"Now I was hoping I wouldn't have to use this," she said, returning withsomething in her hand.
Maria pinched the girl's nose hard. She waited until the girl's mouth sprangopen to yell, and then quickly thrust a big black rubber ball between her teeth.There were leather straps attached to the ball and the major fastened themtightly around the back of Sarah's head. Now the girl couldn't say anything,except utter desperate but effectively muffled noises of protest.
"There now young lady. Let's have no more of those 'nasty', naughty words!You really mustn't be so impatient with me my girl. I am trying 'so' hard toplease you."
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFF!" screamed Sarah through the gag as she lay staringup at the ceiling. She thought that the woman was probably quite mad, as wellas being a sadist, and that trying to talk to her was a complete waste of time.Besides, the ball gag was pressing down hard on her tongue and even attemptingto utter the simplest of words was now quite out of the question.
"That is good." Maria purred with satisfaction. "You 'are' being a very patientgirl…so I will give you a very nice reward."
Garcia stepped backward into the centre of the room, then satisfied thatSarah had a clear view of her body, she whispered over to her, "Now watch andenjoy, my love." Then she started to undress.
Very slowly and seductively, Maria undid the buttons of her voluminous greenshirt, then teasingly she drew the two halves of the material apart. To Sarahit suddenly became obvious why the woman's shirt had looked so baggy. She hadbeen expecting to see a huge ugly belly, but two enormous breasts appeared,each capped with a dark, plump, and very erect nipple.
Maria saw the girl stare at her huge tits, so she proudly thrust them outwardfor the girl's approval. Lustfully, the older woman looked deep into Sarah'seyes as she raised her hands and cupped and fondled her huge breasts. She sighedcontentedly as she used her neatly manicured fingertips to tug hard on thebig rubbery nipples.
After a few minutes of pleasure, Garcia reached down and removed her shoesand socks. Finally, she slipped off her crisp green skirt then let her pantiesdrop to the floor in a lacy puddle.
Sarah couldn't help staring in awe at the woman's naked body, it was sleekand very muscular, not unlike a panther. Her skin was smooth and darkly tanned,stretched tightly across a very athletic frame.
Sarah was instantly repelled with disgust as she caught sight of the junctionbetween the woman's legs and stomach, for there nestled a pair of very prominent,fat pussy lips. The older woman had cleanly shaved this area, and the largecrinkly folds of skin glistened wetly under the strong white light. The heatof the enclosed room was making Maria heavily perspire, and the intimate moistureof her rising lust mixed freely with the sweat that trickled down the firminner walls of her muscular thighs.
Pleased with the girl's shocked expression, Maria picked up a large plasticcontainer from a table and returned to stand at Sarah's side. Breathing heavilyshe smiled down at the naked girl, her enormous breasts wobbled as her bodyshivered with her growing excitement. She spoke to Sarah in a husky tone.
"I will tell you what I am going to do with you. I am going to spend a long,long time enjoying your deliciously sexy young body," the major tilted herhead to one side and looked thoughtfully at the girl, "and I know that youwill enjoy me too."
Sarah struggled furiously, screaming useless and pathetic protests throughthe tight rubber gag. Garcia continued speaking…
"You see my love…OH!" She stopped mid sentence and her hand rose quicklyto cover her mouth. She giggled like a little girl before resting her handon Sarah's arm.
"No, that won't do my darling, will it?" The hand moved up to stroke Sarah'sshort dark hair. "No… not my 'love,'…but my 'lover'." she exclaimed,emphasising and savouring that final intimate word.
"Mmmmmm, yes! Because that is what you are…and very soon my 'lover,'I shall be stroking, kissing, licking, and sucking that voluptuous young fleshthat you are offering me."
Her eyes surveyed the length and breadth of the girl's naked body.
"Now where shall we start? …Why yes! your beautiful legs I think.But first…" she went on, moving around to stand between Sarah's widespreadthighs, "I want you to be just the way you were when I first saw you, thatday at the beach, standing in the sea, your beautiful skin so slippery and…ohso 'very' wet!"
Garcia poured some clear liquid from the container into her palm, then reachingdown she lovingly smoothed it along the girl's naked thigh. She gasped withpleasure as the tiny soft hairs of the girl's skin sprang upright and tickledher palm.
"I'm afraid I haven't any sea water," Maria explained, "but this is somethingmuch better…more suitable for our passionate love making."
She held up the container to Sarah's eyes. The girl read the words on thebright pink label. 'BABY OIL.'
Maria poured a liberal quantity across the girl's stomach, up over her firmripe youthful breasts, finally she coated her long slender arms. Her otherhand followed closely behind, spreading and smoothing the warm oil across thegirl's skin until the whole of Sarah's body was a glistening sheen of wet,sticky oil. The major stood back to admire her work.
Satisfied, she then tipped the bottle over herself, the oil pouring in acascade over her huge breasts and running in a steady stream down her stomachand thighs. The liquid splashed onto the floor to form a large puddle at herfeet.
Pausing a moment, Garcia put the bottle down, then used her hands to rubthe oil over her muscular torso, all the while swaying her hips and body ina very sensual dance. She smiled evilly. Her dark piercing Latino eyes seemedto paralyse Sarah's brain, and the girl felt like a mouse hypnotised by a particularlyvenomous snake.
The oily reptile's lust was steadily rising as she moved her naked body upclose between Sarah's wide spread thighs. Garcia pushed her groin forward untilher hot sticky genitals were pressed firmly against the girl's obscenely spreadcunt lips.
Leaning forward, the woman fully mounted the young girl, then rubbed herbody against her in a slow circular motion, Garcia delighting in the way herown powerful muscles kneaded the soft, oily youthfulness beneath.
She pushed downward with her chest, squashing Sarah's softer tits with herenormous breasts. Twisting from side to side, she rubbed her big oily nipplesacross Sarah's sensitive little buds.
The woman reached her hand up and around and grabbed the back of the Sarah'shair in her fist; then pulled her head back sharply. Dropping her mouth, Mariagrunted happily and slobbered noisily as she licked and lathered Sarah's throatwith her tongue. As a finale, Garcia spread her mouth wide to chew and sucklike a vampire on the girl's neck.
Keeping her groin pressed firmly against the girl's cunt, Garcia pushed herselfup to concentrate her full attention on Sarah's breasts. Gripping the twinglobes with her hands, she used firm palm strokes to squeeze the slippery oiledtit flesh upward, then she viciously pinched and pulled at the girl's sensitivenipples with her fingertips. Maria further abused Sarah's painful teats bypursing her lips and blowing hotly across the tips, until both nipples stoodup like stalks and the aureoles were puffy and pink.
Sarah, her thoughts and emotions in utter turmoil, lay very still and cried.She tried as hard as she could to ignore the natural feelings of arousal thatwere enveloping her. No way did she want this evil dyke to think that in anyway she was enjoying her ordeal.
Garcia had other ideas.
"Oh my!" she exclaimed, noting with pleasure the sustained erectness of thegirl's nipples. "Maybe I am being too shy. These little ones tell me that youdesire much more loving than this."
On hearing that, Sarah screamed even louder, pulling and twisting with allher strength against the leather straps.
"Aha!" exclaimed the woman, "you answer yes! You are begging me for moreloving, yes?"
Sarah's reply was very brief, very loud, and very angry. It would have beenobvious to anyone, even to the psychopath Garcia that she was screaming "NO!"
"Fear not little one," She cooed softly to the girl. "It is now time foryour loving. Much, much loving that you will remember for a very long time."
Maria Garcia's idea of 'loving' couldn't be further from any romantic ideal;it was born of a sadistic gang rape by rebel guerrillas when she was a younggirl. More so to Maria, that was the kind of 'loving' that she would rememberfor a very, very long time… and would never let her own victims forget!
She arose from the girl's oiled body with a sticky sucking noise and paddedacross the floor to a steel cabinet. Sarah stretched her head up to see whatthe evil woman was up to, and shuddered when she saw her take something largeand black from the shelf.
Garcia padded back to Sarah and held the object up, as if she were expectingthe girl's approval.
"Now my angel, I would like you to meet a friend of mine …or ratherI should say it is the likeness of a friend, a very 'special' friend…andif you are a very good girl, then you will get to meet him."
Maria held up a huge black rubber strap on dildo. It was a full twelve incheslong, two inches thick, and sculpted along its entire length with some veryrealistic veins. One end of the dildo was fashioned into the exaggerated likenessof the head of a male penis, and in addition, to accentuate its male qualitiesthere swung freely below the base a massive pair of solid rubber balls.
The monstrous phallus was firmly rooted to a broad leather panel. On thereverse side was mounted a shorter dildo, pointing in the opposite direction,this was for the benefit of the wearer. Finally, there hung from the panela web of tough leather strapping and buckles that bore testimony to the heavystrain that would be placed upon the device.
Sarah's mind was already in depression, but it now began to freefall intoutter despair as the woman stepped into the leather harness and pulled it quicklyup her long legs. She watched in disgusted fascination as Garcia eased thesmaller dildo up into her own pussy. The woman was breathing heavily as shepushed the rubber plug firmly home.
It took several minutes to fasten the strapping together, but at last thelarger of the two dildos was poised ready for action, thrusting obscenely outwardfrom Maria's groin.
Returning to her position between the terrified girl's thighs, the womanknelt down carefully on the oil-covered floor until her mouth was level withSarah's pussy.
"Oh yes! Such a beautiful pussy for someone so young and so inexperienced!I think that it desires so much pleasure from me tonight."
She wrapped her forearms under, then up around the girl's upper legs andgripped her thighs with her hands. Resting her cheek on Sarah's thigh she rubbedher face along the soft tender skin.
"Mmmmm … my darling, you are so hot and sexy for me!" The older womanshivered as she rubbed her face along the teenager's thighs, nuzzling the smoothoily flesh with her cheeks, her eyes, her lips, and her chin. Maria followedclosely with her hot mouth, she lapped around every nubile contour, and chewedand sucked on each newly discovered muscle.
Sarah squealed as she felt Garcia press her nose between the tender lipsof her pussy. The soft thatch of dark pubic hair tickled the woman's nose asshe breathed in deeply.
"Mmmmmmm…I smell your love and passion for me," she whispered in deepexcited breaths.
Sarah screamed and bucked her hips violently sideways, trying desperatelyto pull herself away. This only increased Garcia's excitement as the slipperyoiled lips of Sarah's cunt rubbed erotically over her cheeks and chin. Sheincreased her grip on the girl's thighs to hold her down. Then ploughing hernose up and down the fleshy furrow, she savoured and worshipped the rich, earthyaroma of the young woman's sex.
"Oh my love!" Purred Maria, and giggled. "What is this that I've found?" Partingher lips, she drew in the tiny bud of Sarah's clit, and began to suck.
Sarah gasped in surprise. Little electric shocks of pure pleasure shot fromher groin to her brain. She lay very still; a warm, familiar glow bloomed inher stomach and before she realised it, Sarah had closed her eyes to enjoythose wonderful feelings. Deep inside her, the baby oil that had intruded wasnow diluted by another, more natural moisture of her own.
Garcia had noticed, it was trickling down her chin. The young girl's clitwas beginning to grow and throb. Maria smiled contentedly and nipped at thehighly sensitive little button. That brought Sarah suddenly back to realityand she shamefully remembered that this wasn't sex… she was being rapedand humiliated!
She heard Garcia scramble to her feet. There was a pause, and then she feltsomething hard push between the lips of her pussy. Sarah screamed into thegag as the bulbous tip of the huge dildo thrust deeply up and into her belly,lodging firmly in her cervix.
Sarah was in agony, but before she could react, she felt the rubber intruderwithdraw. Opening her mouth to yell again, her breath was cut short as thehuge rubber prick once more pushed firmly home.
The girl was in severe shock. Her mind was numb as the woman gripped herfirmly by the hips and settled into a steady rhythm of long plunging strokes.Below the gleaming, pistoning rubber prick, the huge rubber balls slapped rhythmicallyand very loudly against the girl's buttocks.
As Garcia pumped the dildo, she leaned down and fastened her mouth to Sarah'snipple. Biting it sharply, she lashed it with her tongue before drawing thenipple deeply into her mouth. Sarah gasped in pain, whimpering and sobbingloudly as the woman's cheeks hollowed inward. Maria's head pulled sharply backstretching the breast into a cone, her hair bun bobbed up and down in timewith the rhythm of her urgent suckling.
Sarah squealed and cried against the ball gag as Garcia nursed on her tits.Rapidly switching from nipple to nipple, the woman's sucking and fucking wasnow accompanied by a growing succession of bestial grunts and gasps.
Sarah continued to struggle and sob, tears flowed freely down her cheeks.She thought she was lucky that she wasn't a virgin, but this wasn't the innocenceof young love…this was the most evil abuse!
For several agonizing minutes, Sarah's savage rape continued.
The soles of Garcia's feet skidded on the sweat and oil stained floor asshe tried to exert some extra leverage. Her big thigh muscles flexed and quiveredas she rode the whimpering young girl. Hot sweat ran in steamy rivers downher naked back and dripped off her jerking buttocks. Her animal passion mounting,she rutted towards her imminent orgasm.
Maria grunted loudly as she quickened her frenzied humping. She nipped andsucked harder on the girl's nipples, encouraging her whimpers to become louderand more urgent.
Her body spasming, Garcia gasped loudly and collapsed forward onto the girl'slimp body. With a bestial growl, she bit savagely into Sarah's shoulder. Thesharp teeth drew blood, leaving a livid red love bite that would scar the girlfor life.
After what seemed to Sarah an eternity of pain, the woman pushed herselfupright, pulling out the warm sticky dildo with a wet sucking sound. Garciaused the back of her hand to wipe away the sweat that dripped down her foreheadand into her eyes.
"Thank you…my darling," she panted, "you were very good…sovery passionate for your lover!"
Sarah just lay still and sobbed. She didn't feel good, she felt very dirtyand ashamed. Garcia ignored her agonized expression and tears and sat downto rest on a steel chair.
"Oh yes…my darling. I can see that you … will please my dearfriend very much. You will have much love for him too! … but now youmust rest and sleep."
Maria crossed to the doorway, opened it, and barked an order. Two soldierscame in and started to undo Sarah's straps.
"Have many beautiful dreams my lover," she called after her as Sarah's batteredand abused body was dragged away, "and dream of tomorrow … for thatis when you will meet and share your love with Ramón."
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VoyeurKnowing I went to a gym close by my friend Dan asked a favour one week. He had to work late so asked if I would collect his wife Helen from the tennis club after her lesson. I didn’t know her that well but agreed telling him he owed me. On the day in question I finished in the gym and not bothering to get changed drove round to the club to collect Helen. When I got there I parked in the car park looking over the tennis courts and soon spotted her having her lesson. I quiete liked what I saw...
Knowing I went to a gym close by my friend Dan asked a favour one week. He had to work late so asked if I would collect his wife Helen from the tennis club after her lesson. I didn't know her that well but agreed telling him he owed me.On the day in question I finished in the gym and not bothering to get changed drove round to the club to collect Helen. When I got there I parked in the car park looking over the tennis courts and soon spotted her having her lesson. I quiete liked what I saw with...
I was tired out after one set of doubles. Sara was a much better tennis player than me, almost a match for David, and able to hold her own with my husband Eliot. She didn't want to stop playing. We had a quick lunch on the patio, sandwiches, and iced tea, and she and Eliot went back out on the court to play another match. I had cooled down some, at least, but I didn't want to go back onto the court. It was afternoon now, and it was going to heat up soon. David helped me clear up, picking up the...
CheatingThis is a true story from a few years ago about my first time with Karen. I'm a pretty keen tennis player, and have been all my life. I started attending a weekly roll-up session at my local tennis centre a few years ago with my ex, after we split up I continued going but mainly because of all the MILF's that went, and because it was during the day time, I was the only guy under 50, which meant I was generally the focus of all their flirting. Generally we would play a set or two of men's...
Two for Tennis – Episode One – Discovering the unexpected On Wednesday afternoon, I usually take off to play some tennis with friends at the local sports club. It’s a nice group, we usually have lots of fun and its great to get the body in shape and fit again. One of the girls I play tennis with often is Elin. Elin is a beautiful young blonde girl, unfortunately straight. She lives together with a hunk of a boyfriend and they are having plans to get married and have some kids. One Wednesday...
Two for Tennis - Episode One – Discovering the unexpected On Wednesday afternoon, I usually take off to play some tennis with friends at the local sports club. It’s a nice group, we usually have lots of fun and its great to get the body in shape and fit again. One of the girls I play tennis with often is Elin. Elin is a beautiful young blonde girl, unfortunately straight. She lives together with a hunk of a boyfriend and they are having plans to get married and have some kids. One Wednesday...
LesbianJean’s a much better tennis player than I. So it was an unexpected pleasure to be asked for some games. Although I was unlikely to win, it would be fun just to play at my limit for a while. Not for that long, though, as I’m ‘no longer young’. What made the pleasure tantalising was the chance to watch Jean move his lean, wiry body on the courts – even though his was also no longer young. We played two sets. Of course I lost – 6-2, 6-4 – but they were good sets. Interesting and fun. I needed some...
This story takes place about two years ago.At the time I was a junior at Millard North High School in Omaha, NE. I had moved up there with my parents as a freshman and being that it’s Omaha and I was moving from Kansas City, a large and fun city by comparison, I hated it. It took me most of my sophomore year and an encounter with the police to calm down my teenage outrage at being taken from my home and friends.But more then anything else what pulled me through that time of youthful angst was...
First TimeCharacters: Elena, Olga, Claire Tennis Oh shit Elena thought losing another game to her opponent Olga. It was the fourth game of the second set she had already conceded the first set six to three, even in the second set she was trailing by all the four games. Elena sat on the bench calmly reorganizing some of her lost composure. She couldn’t even look at her coach, Claire, who was sitting there in the stands emotionless, cold as ice. Elena was not only disturbed about her performance but the...
were woodland walks and picnic places, popular in the summer with couples looking for a place to copulate. Wilson and his pal Fred were in Innbury on holiday and they often left canned beer in a stream up on the hill to cool while they played. They also liked to sit on the sidelines and watch the local girls. They were good-looking lads and the girls were well aware that they were watching for a glimpse under their short skirts when they served. One afternoon the boys were on...
Sandra and I had been going out together for about six months. She was the perfect looking girl for me, with her beautiful freckled face, slim turned-up nose, pouty red lips, light green eyes, long blonde hair that she usually kept in a ponytail or braids, a great body topped with perky B-cup tits, and a cute firm ass that just screamed to be pumped. She was only 23, but Sandra already knew what she wanted out of life, and wasn’t afraid to go for it. She had met her latest acquaintance at the...
This story takes place about two years ago. At the time I was a junior at Millard North High School in Omaha, NE. I had moved up there with my parents as a freshman and being that it’s Omaha and I was moving from Kansas City, a large and fun city by comparison, I hated it. It took me most of my sophomore year and an encounter with the police to calm down my teenage outrage at being taken from my home and friends. But more then anything else what pulled me through that time of youthful angst was...
There was a big Halloween party planned for Saturday night, so Alan figured there wouldn't be much action earlier in the day while people were conserving their energy and preparing for the party. However, everyone was keen to test the waters on how things would be now that Ron was gone. Katherine woke up fairly early and went jogging. She'd been exercising regularly to keep in shape since before she became a cheerleader, but lately she was even more dedicated because she considered herself...
pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...
Afterschool pleasure[/b] At Golden Star High school, class 12 D was having an English lesson and the teacher is Ms Taylor. Taylor is a 30 year old woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes; she also has an amazing figure that almost every girl dreamed of having. “Class open your book to page 25” Ms Taylor said. In the front row sat Cindy. Cindy was eyeing the teacher from head to toe and she couldn’t help fantasizing about the teacher. For some time now Cindy have been thinking of...
This day was no different except for this fateful day, I was caught. She turned her head inquiring of a question she was on and I hadn't heard her or saw her movement my eyes glued to the lower portion of her body. What shook me of my daze was the giggle that came from her as my eyes darted to hers and my face reddened in embarassment. Her look was telling me she saw, but she was not shocked, embarassed, or upset to what I had been looking at. I was then shocked as I saw through the...
Poindexter and Charlene wake with the sun stabbing in their eyes. The others were still asleep, they realized they had slept together, but she didn’t know if they had just slept together or he popped her cherry first. They went out and made themselves hot tea (with help of a microwave). Neither were seeing too well (mornings like this she needed her glasses to find her glasses). She felt the instinct to drink water while the microwave spent two minutes heating their mugs, teabags and water....
Isabelle, a sweet, young, innocent virgin who had recently turned 18 lived in a small suburban town of Melbourne, Australia. Everyone knew Isabelle as ‘that’ girl. What did ‘that’ girl mean? Well, ‘that’ girl was the town’s ‘sweetheart’. None for being an angel. Isabelle was proud of being the sweet, innocent girl she was known for. She loved helping others, achieving her goals and she played a great roll in her community, but little did anyone know that Isabelle had a completely different side...
I’m sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous. ‘Misses, am I in trouble?’ he asks, looking up at me. ‘Yes, you’ve been a bad boy,’ I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he’s sitting. ‘Jason, how old are you?’ I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler. ‘I’ve just turned eighteen misses,’ he answers. ‘Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?’ I ask. ‘No…,’ he says. ‘I want to...
It is the eleventh grade and most of my classmates are around 17 years old. Of course it is still one year before they turned 18, the legal age when they could start doing whatever they want. But in this High School in Albany, NY, nobody cares for the rules; sometimes not even the adults that do know what happens care. Hell, they were our age once before. The thing is, while most of the other guys are able to do what they want under the noses of their oblivious parents or behind the backs of...
Hi Honey, Here is what happened a while ago.........I replied to Rubio’s text message and told him that I was willing to meet him on Friday night. He said “you are willing to taste me now! I’m excited to see you again”. I texted him back “I’m horny lately and I want have a wild sex now…. hmmm”. He replied, “I’m glad finally you decided to have fun with me, ok see you then, what time and where?” I replied “I have to meet some friends so I’m free at 10 and I prefer to meet at Italianis at...
Before I start this, I just want you people to know that I really hesitated about sharing this story. The reason being that this site has so many followers you never know who is on here and if they read your stories. The information in this story is true and it could cost me my job if anyone figured it out. That is when I decided to use fake names to protect my ass and the innocent. One day when I was laid up in the hotel with my man fucking his brains out, we decided to play a truth game. It...
try to make this short and sweet. i met this girl in college she always use to tease me and bully me how? just doing annyoing shit like taking my gym clothes etc. i didnt know she really liked me til later when i seen her at a walmart. she was working the game section. well when i found out she liked me i picked her up from her break. kissing each others face off i wanted to bring her back to my crib so she was with it. did i mention she said she dont suck dick damn was she lying she gave me...
The following is fiction, it is long, and it is good.For the most part I was an average 16 year old tenth grader in the spring of 1982. I played sports, did ok in school, hung out with friends, and thought a lot about girls. I had no idea when I got off the school bus that Friday afternoon that my world was about to change. This was the age before computers, the internet, and cell phones and I just planned on watching some TV when I got home. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling my...
So, in my country students go to school in the morning one week and in the afternoon another week. This week is afternoon week so I decided to have some fun for my 18th birthday.Last class today was gym so we all went there to do some exercises. It was boys vs. girls volleyball. Two other girls and me didn't play (I came up with a menstruation excuse) so we were sitting. When I saw both girls leaving to the changing room and/or toilet at least once I did so, too. Most of the time I have some...
I'm sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous."Misses, am I in trouble?" he asks, looking up at me."Yes, you've been a bad boy," I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he's sitting. "Jason, how old are you?" I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler."I've just turned eighteen misses," he answers."Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?" I ask."No...," he says."I want to teach...
Group SexIn 1959, I was fourteen, and a freshman in high school. It was a more innocent time then, the days of Ozzie and Harriet on TV, John Wayne in the movies, and the Internet was decades away. Sex was something talked about in whispers and giggles, virgins were the rule not the exception, and parents were not afraid to let their kids roam the streets of our town by themselves. High school was not turning out to be a good experience for me. I was not one of the cool kids. Today, I would be called a...
It turns out that all life really is one, an expression of God if you will, the Word which is all life, DNA. But life is separate from Physics so we still have not unmasked the face of the Mystery. The Architect can still be inferred from the construction- matter, energy, and spirit in it’s various manifestations. Trees of differing species exchange nutrients through fungal connecting mats, various species adopt and nurture the offspring of other species, some birds foster their eggs in the...
George comes home from a hard day at work and sets his briefcase and coat by the door. He finds that the house is unusually quiet but pays no attention and heads up to the bedroom. As he makes his way up the stairs he smells the wonderful scent of his beloved wife Linda’s perfume. As he reaches the landing he hears the faint sounds of music escaping the slight crack from the door of their bedroom. Making sure not to make any noise he opens the door slowly. “Linda?” he says in a quite, very deep...
EroticOne moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."
GayMolly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...
“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...
I lie bent over our bed and Salome kneels behind me. Slowly, patiently her tongue licks each and every welt she left upon my bottom. She is methodical, starting at top left, following the line the cane left, moving across my buttocks, then down the next, slowly sweeping, Her tongue seeking out the ridges with patience and care. I feel her nose across my bottom, touching me as She moves from welt to welt. My Mistress cares for me. This I know. She shows it in how we communicate when not in play....
Quickie SexAftermath Confessions: Chapter 2 of 7- Jeff and Allie Author's note: It was hard picking a category for this one. It's a wife loving, voyeur, masturbation straight sex story about a man telling his wife about his past experiences with another couple. Send me an email at if you would be interested in an illustrated version. __________________________________________________________________________ “You tell me yours and I tell you mine. Nothing held back.” She squeezed my cock into her pussy...
Straight SexThis is a follow up to a previously published story called The Unexpected Threesome. Please be forewarned, while there is no bisexuality in this chapter, there are references to the bisexual (MFM) threesome which took place in the previous story. If the mere mention of bisexuality between men offends you, please don't read. Also, if you'd be interested in seeing an illustrated version, just drop me a line at __________________________Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 1 - The Prelude I woke up...
Wife LoversMy niece was spending the afternoon at my place. She was studying for her exams. She turned to me, tears on her cheeks, sniffling as she breathed. “Come now, you know you know all your chemistry, you are just having a bad morning.” “I know I am, what if I have a bad morning on the day of the exam?” Fresh tears formed in her eyes, and she sat up a little, turning towards me and put her arms around my waist. I held her to me, whispering comforting words to her and her sobs lessened. I kissed the...
IncestThe sun peeking through your shades stirs you from a restful sleep. As you sit up in your bed you can hear the coffee pot perking, and you thank a god you don’t believe in for coffee timers. You shuffle to the kitchen nook in your studio apartment hoping a cigarette and a hot cup of Joe would combat the pounding of your head. As you prepare your cup you smell something you can’t place, and look at your constantly filled sink silently laughing to yourself. With the warm cup in hand you look for...
FantasyBrother and sister sat in the coffee shop. Daphne said, “Yeah, it’s nice catching up. But it’s not like you to call me up like that. We’ve hardly been close lately. What’s the deal?” Kyle was nervous. “Well, this is really, really freaky stuff. It’s about your sex life. Well, mine too. I’m pretty sure you’ve only had real intercourse twice. And it was incredibly freaky because the second time you heard dad’s voice.” Daphne stared. “Well, it happened to me too. Dad really is there and can...
Years passed. Daphne had to admit that her father had kept his end of the bargain. He never said a word when she and her husband were having sex. Of course he was there, but then all the ancestors were there every time people had sex. It’s just that she had a vivid memory that proved what was just theoretical to other people. As events developed, she was thankful to him. Her daughter Veronica, at age 20, had fallen in with a very bad bunch of people. Guys who ran a meth lab. She was having...
Aftermath by Nicole Larson My head was pounding–absolutely pounding–when I woke up. A spear of sunlight had shot through an errant slat in my vertical blinds and lanced right into my eye, waking me up. The pain was close to unbearable, but I didn’t have the strength to stand, or even move, other than to drape a hand over my eyes. I told myself to go back to sleep. Too early to deal with a hangover, especially one of the epic proportions this one seemed to be taking on. It was as I was falling...
This is a follow up to a previously published story called The Unexpected Threesome. Please be forewarned, while there is no bisexuality in this chapter, there are references to the bisexual (MFM) threesome which took place in the previous story. If the mere mention of bisexuality between men offends you, please don’t read. Also, if you’d be interested in seeing an illustrated version, just drop me a line at ____________________________ Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 1 – The Prelude I woke...
Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 2 of 7- Jeff and Allie Author’s note: It was hard picking a category for this one. It’s a wife loving, voyeur, masturbation straight sex story about a man telling his wife about his past experiences with another couple. Send me an email at if you would be interested in an illustrated version. ____________________________________________________________________________ “You tell me yours and I tell you mine. Nothing held back.” She squeezed my cock into her...
Sometimes we do things that have no rhyme or reason. We just do it without thinking. My name is Jillian Springston and I and my family live in a small town in Southern Indiana. If there were such a magazine called the "All American family", the four of us could well be on the cover. By the four of us, I refer to myself and my husband of nineteen years Jake; my daughter Lisa and my son Brian,who just graduated from high school this past June. I of course am on the high end of thirty something,...
Author's Note: This story is hard to categorize. Loving wife, group, threesome with a touch of bi. There's not a lot of bisexuality, but there is some, so if this offends you please don't read. On the other hand, if you'd like to see the illustrated version, drop me a line at _____________"How exactly did you end up in bed with Jeff on our wedding night?""Not just Jeff..." She flashed a mischievous smile in response to the incredulous look on my face.The idea of Carol sleeping with my college...
Group SexAuthor's Note: As I said before, these stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, a threesome, with some light bi-play and a hot wife. If male bisexuality offends you, please don't read the story. If you'd like to see an illustrated version, send me an email at ************ Chapter 5 - Trick and TreatCarol looked wonderful walking ahead of me into our bedroom, her cute little ass peeking below her swaying shirt tail. The top of her firm legs and inner thighs were visibly wet...
BisexualAuthor's Note: These stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasie-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. lol. Send me an email at if you would like to see the illustrated versions of the stories.-----------------"For God's sake, tell me you got to fuck that girl." Words I never dreamed I'd hear coming out from my wife. Now it was my turn to play coy. "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out."Reliving my time with Jeff and Allie had us both horny...
ExhibitionismAuthor's Note: These stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasi-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. If you're interested in an illustrated version of the stories, send me an email at ----------------------------------Smiling up from between my legs, she ran her tongue sensuously along my shaft, licking her own juices from my cock. "Now, give yourself a minute to calm down, and then tell me how you got 'poor, sweet, innocent' Allie to spread her...
VoyeurAftermath By Ellie Dauber © 2015 This story is based on a Lorna Samuels caption. Thanks, Lorna, for this one and for all your great work. This story first appeared (and can still be found) in the "Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes Mixed Tape." I'm posting it separately, with Jenny North's permission. There was no mention of the story in any of the reviews of that Mixed Tape, and I'd like to see what people thought of it. I thank Jenny for the opportunity to be part of her Mixed Tape and...
Aftermathby Nicole LarsonMy head was pounding--absolutely pounding--when I woke up. A spear of sunlight had shot through an errant slat in my vertical blinds and lanced right into my eye, waking me up. The pain was close to unbearable, but I didn't have the strength to stand, or even move, other than to drape a hand over my eyes. I told myself to go back to sleep. Too early to deal with a hangover, especially one of the epic proportions this one seemed to be taking on. It was as I was falling...
LesbianAFTERMATH ('THE SLUT') By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 WARNING: CONTAINS REFERENCES TO SUICIDE & RAPE. Author's Note: One of the saddest stories on FM is Janice's 'The Slut': "Three teenage girls exact revenge on the older brother of one of them, who is obnoxious to them, with dire results." It's a short but powerful story, cutting 'close to the bone' of reality. Many of its reviewers demanded a sequel. 'Aftermath' is an unauthorized tribute to Janice's gut-wrenching realism....
The altimeter on the helicopter's instrument panel read 6300 feet above sea level, about three hundred feet above the point where the rain turned to snow. This put him almost two thousand feet above the rooftops of Garden Hill, high enough to see the entire subdivision and the surrounding landscape. Of course what he was doing would not have been possible even a month ago. The snow would have quickly iced up on his rotor blades, degrading their aerodynamics, eventually enough so that they...
Susannah comes. It’s even more intense this time, a constant throb of sensation that pulses out from her clit and overwhelms her every single thought with pleasure. A part of her mind floats above it all like a tiny boat riding a massive swell, but all it can do is marvel at the sheer power of the orgasmic bliss that keeps hitting her over and over. Her muscles tense up, locked tight in an attempt to hold onto the moment forever and all the ecstasy that comes along with it. She lets out a...
It was the first time. No, not the first time. She wants to be accurate. It was the first time after they knew they were going to have an affair instead of just an encounter. Long afterward, it remains in place for her, not as narrative, not as full sentences. No, it remains as images and fragments of scenes and isolated words. Was it worth it? It cost her so much. At least there are memories. She still has them. Such as? Such as how she told her husband she was ill and would stay home. Not...
I was sitting at my desk working through some papers. The door burst open and what seemed like whirling dervish came through, plonked a bag on the floor, and threw herself on the sofa. “Oh uncle, it’s so stressful, I am going to fail, I just know it.” The whirling dervish was my niece. In her final year of school, wanting to study at university, and facing all the stresses of exams, study and university entrance. “Take it easy now, just relax and unwind for a minute. I will get you a drink. Hot...