AftermathChapter 18 free porn video

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The altimeter on the helicopter's instrument panel read 6300 feet above sea level, about three hundred feet above the point where the rain turned to snow. This put him almost two thousand feet above the rooftops of Garden Hill, high enough to see the entire subdivision and the surrounding landscape. Of course what he was doing would not have been possible even a month ago. The snow would have quickly iced up on his rotor blades, degrading their aerodynamics, eventually enough so that they would no longer be capable of providing the necessary lift to hold up the aircraft. Nor would he have been able to see anything, even before the icing became a problem. But over the past month the precipitation had slacked off some. Not a lot. It was still a moderate rainfall down in Garden Hill and a moderate snowfall at elevations above 6000 feet, but it was certainly not the heavy rain that had been the norm since the crash of Fenwell and the aftermath. It was moderate enough that Brett could risk being up above the snow level for a while.

"We've been some busy people down there," Brett said in admiration as he hovered in place and looked below at the impressive array of trenches and fortifications that the townspeople had been digging and constructing since the news of the Auburn attack force had reached them.

"No kidding," said Jason, who was also looking down from his position in the navigator's chair. He had a large map of the area around Garden Hill, an update of the one that Brett had used to brief everyone in before the attacks had begun, unfolded on his lap.

The reason for this flight this morning was no more or no less than an area familiarization. The remains of the Placer County Militia were just breaking camp a little more than seven miles to the east of them. After being harassed and hindered for the past fifteen days and nights, they were now in striking distance - about to enter the ring of the Garden Hill main defenses. Brett would be responsible for directing the battle that was imminent in no more than a day or two and - so busy had he been ferrying strike teams and flying night missions - he had not been able to keep as close an eye on the new defenses as he would have liked. He and Jason were now comparing the terrain below them with the map, making sure the two were compatible with each other and that Brett would be able to reference correctly when a troop movement needed to be made.

The work done by the women and men of the trench teams was admirable indeed. To the north of the wall, towards the interstate, was the area that Brett had always considered their most vulnerable to mass attack. The landscape between the wall and the lanes of the highway was marked by gently rolling hills dotted with pine trees and the occasional redwood. To the far east of this area and to the far west of it, close in towards the wall, were the taller hills that served as the main guard positions. Between these two hills, which were not close enough to each other to provide overlapping fields of fire, the majority of the trenches had been dug, starting from just south of the freeway and stretching all the way to within fifty yards of the wall itself. Each trench was, of course, atop of a hill and well covered by trees and fallen logs. The trenches themselves were lined with sandbags made out of dirt and pillowcases for the most part and could hold ten to fifteen troops. If the militia chose to advance through this corridor - which would seem the easiest route to them - they would meet some very nasty surprises.

To the west - their second most vulnerable avenue of attack - the hills were a little higher and steeper, covered with denser layers of trees. The going would be somewhat rougher for the militia over on this side but there was also a much wider corridor through which they could potentially travel. It was also the closest approach to the wall and the community center, around which the final defense lines were even now being dug. There were not as many trenches dug over on this side and they were both smaller and with greater distance between them. The trade off was that if the militia attacked from this direction, many of the defending troops could station themselves atop of the various hills and snipe at them as they advanced before falling back into a solid network of bunkers a quarter-mile from the roadway and the western wall.

Unfortunately, Brett saw that there were a few large gaps that could potentially be exploited if the militia knew about them. Though it was almost impossible to approach the town from the east due to the cliffs on that side, a group could conceivably hook around from the north and penetrate along the east side of the subdivision between the wall and the cliffs. They would have to pass very close to the large hill on that side of the town to do this and would take considerable casualties from that alone, but once past that hill, no trenches had been dug and a defense would be very difficult indeed. Another such gap was along the southwest corner of the subdivision, near the canyon itself. If a group marched along the rim of the canyon and penetrated from this direction they would once again find their only major obstacle to be the hill that guarded the southern tip of town.

Brett was uncomfortable about these gaps and, had he been given the time, he would have done his best to close them, but he had not been given the time and he had felt it more important to shore up the areas where the militia probably would attack from. He took a little comfort in the fact that it was unlikely that the men commanding the Auburnites would attempt such feats in the absence of any intelligence that such a thing was actually their best bet. It was a gamble, but Brett was reasonably certain that the attack would come from one of the two predictable directions. Nevertheless, trying to cover all of his bases, his mind began turning over just how he would react if they did do the unexpected.

"What about the old grocery store and the gas station and all that?" Jason asked, looking at the roofs of those buildings off to the northwest. The entire strip-mall, home to the hair salon and the Starbucks and the Raley's, was still there, just outside the wall and across the road. Though a few of the roofs had collapsed from the constant rain, the buildings would still make an ideal cover point for an attacking army if they could reach it.

"Hopefully they'll never get that far," Brett said. "If they do, you can see there's a final network of trenches just on the north and east of it. The troops will hold them from there and then retreat inside the wall if they manage to close. Paul and his team have rigged up the inside of those buildings with more than a few of Steve's mines and some other booby-traps he came up with. The militia would find that occupying those buildings would be a rather bad mistake."

"Cool," Jason said, smiling a little at the thought.

"My feelings exactly," Brett said. "So how's that map looking? Are you able to figure out the trench numbers and compare them with the actual ground?"

"Yeah," he said, looking from one to the other. "They did a good job on this map. It's almost perfect."

"Good, because when we're in the middle of this thing, I'm going to be relying on you quite a bit. Both of us are going to have to multi-task up here big time. I'll need you to report to me what trenches our troops are in and where the militia is advancing. I'll need you to give me this information by map grid and trench number as soon as I ask for it and then, while I'm looking at the map, I'm going to need you to keep an eye on the instruments for me to make sure I'm staying in a hover."

"No problem," Jason assured him.

"Goddammit, I wish we would've had time to get you checked out on flying this thing," Brett said, shaking his head a little in frustration. "That would've made things so much easier. I could've had you fly while I watched everything from your chair."

"I know everything about this helicopter," Jason said, his tone sending a message. "You've taught me all of the instruments and what they do, you've taught me how it flies, why it flies, and how you make it fly. All I haven't done is actually put the controls in my hand."

Brett looked over at him for a moment. He shook his head, answering the unasked question. "Unfortunately, that's the most important part," he said. "You can't just jump behind the controls of this thing and start flying it, no matter how much you've watched someone else do it. There's just no margin for error. If we had even a week to practice up, I'd get you up to speed. But we don't."

"It was just a thought," Jason said, disappointed but not terribly surprised either.

"And a good one, I'll admit, but there's just too much risk. You could probably fly this thing right now straight and level and you could probably make turns without too much problem either, but hovering in place for a long time is one of the more difficult maneuvers and that's how a lot of the ops in this battle are going to be done."

"Like I said, just a thought. But as soon as we kick these assholes out of here, how about we have some hands-on lessons."

"It'll be the first thing," Brett said. "Now lets get finished up here. We still have one more day of hit and run drops to make."

The hit and run teams were only able to hit the militia twice during that day, costing them only four men. This close to Garden Hill there simply wasn't all that many places that drops could be made safely without their enemy being able to see and/or hear the helicopter. But still, despite the relative break that the militia got, the main function of the hit and run strikes - that of slowing down the advance - was accomplished. Though they had started the day off only seven miles away from the wall itself, by nightfall they had only marched a little more than four miles. The main lines of defense started a mile and half outside the wall on the west and two miles out on the north. The militia made camp that night to the northwest of town, still more than a mile away from where their real resistance would start.

Brett stood down the helicopter after one final high altitude flight at 5:00 PM. Dinner was served in the cafeteria and, as mad as it seemed, all of the traditional guard posts were left unmanned for the duration of the briefing after it. It was another gamble. Brett thought it unlikely that the militia would be able to move in on them in the darkness and he did not want them listening in on the transmissions from the radios that were used to transmit such meetings to the guards.

As such the cafeteria seemed unusually full that night. Every table was full of men, women, and children, many of them dirty and looking tired. Dinner was yet another batch of canned soup and spinach, served cold of course, and baked bread that had been made two days before.

"Okay, everyone," Brett, looking more than exhausted himself, said into the public address system. "Let's call this meeting to order. In all likelihood, this will be the final briefing before the real fun starts. As I'm sure you've heard by now, the militia is camped out a little more than three miles to the northwest. From their current position it is but a short march to our defense lines and I expect that contact will be made sometime around 10:00 AM tomorrow."

Some nervous chatter met these words.

"Jason and I went over the tapes from our recon missions of the militia tonight," Brett went on. "While it is impossible for us to get a completely accurate count of their numbers, we do have a very good estimate of their current strength. It appears that there are about two hundred of them facing us."

There was some more nervous chatter as well as many expressions of disbelief at that number. "Two hundred?" several people groaned. "Jesus. Two fucking hundred?"

Brett called for quiet before the grumbling could get out of control. "All right, you pessimists," he said. "You're looking at the glass as half empty. You're saying to yourselves, 'my God, there are two hundred of them out there'. But remember, when they started their march, there were four hundred of them. Four hundred fairly well disciplined men with guns bearing down on us. In the past fifteen days our two groups of hit teams and Jason and I on the night missions - at the cost of only one death and one injury - have killed or caused to desert half of that force. Not only have we done that, but you can bet your ass that those remaining troops are demoralized, exhausted, and not able to think very clearly. By no means are they looking at a pushover. And also keep in mind that two hundred remaining troops is a conservative estimate on my part. The actual number may be even lower.

"Now back when we first heard about Auburn's apparent vendetta against us, we knew that they once sent an attack force of one hundred and sixty people which they turned around at the last minute. You may recall that I've said on multiple occasions that if they had attacked us with that force at that time, they would have beaten us. Maybe some of you out there are thinking that that same thing applies here, that the militia now has forty more people so that maybe they'll be even more likely to come away the victors." He shook his head strenuously. "That is simply not the case. Had those one hundred and sixty men attacked us the first time, they would have found nothing but our basic defenses. Now, they will find trenches and a coordinated defense and some women and men that are ready to kick some fucking ass!"

His words stirred them up a little, alleviating some of the doubts.

"Now I know the numbers don't sound all that great," he said. "We have a town population of one hundred and seventy-nine people at this moment, not including Hector over in El Dorado Hills. That's eighteen men, one hundred and four women, and fifty-seven children under the age of seven. What that leaves us with is one hundred and twenty-two people that are capable of fighting these fuckers. Only, as you're aware, we can't all do that at the same time since we only have eighty-six rifles, semi-automatic weapons, or automatic weapons to fight with.

"But people, you've trained to fight with those numbers and those disadvantages. You've been formed up into squads and you know what your job out there is going to be. One of the most important rules of warfare that you need to remember is: the advantage goes to the defender. That is certainly true in this case. Though the militia has a better than two to one numerical advantage, they are going to have to fight their way across open ground while you will be concealed in trenches. In addition to that, you will have Jason and myself in the air above you, feeding you information on their movements and concentrations. While we won't be able to provide fire support during the daylight hours - the danger of having them bring us down is too great - we will be able to deliver some of our other nasty little surprises to them.

"But most important of all perhaps, is the fact that we have the will to fight. We are defending our homes, our town, our children while they are just following orders. They don't have a lot to gain by fighting us and they have much to lose - namely their lives. We, on the other hand, don't have much to lose by fighting since we know the fate that awaits us if we are defeated and we have everything to gain by fighting as fiercely as we are capable.

"Ladies and gentlemen - we will prevail."

A large cheer rose up at this. Brett almost felt ashamed at it, thinking that he would've made a good recruiter had he stayed in the army. Now that the patriotic, morale-instilling part of the speech was over, he got into the meat of the matter.

"Now everyone already knows their jobs," he said. "But why don't we go over the main battle plan one more time, just for clarity. From this point on until this thing is over with, I want everyone to stay here in the community center. If you need to make a quick trip home after the meeting for some essential supplies, by all means, do so, but everyone sleeps in here tonight, okay?"

There was a little bit of good-natured grumbling but no one disagreed with this.

"In here you're all within reach of the weapons and we're all within instant, unmonitored communication with each other. Now Jason and I plan to hit them from the air several times during the night. There's no sense in letting them get much sleep now, is there? But you folks, I want you to get to sleep as soon as you can tonight. Get as much rest as you possibly can. Tomorrow is apt to be a long day. We will get up before dawn in the morning and those of you in the primary squads - those that will be carrying the weapons - will assemble and get ready. Paul will get his medical teams ready to help any wounded and then we will do what the majority of warfare consists of: we will wait.

"We will need to wait so that we can see how the enemy is going to attack us. At this point we do not know from which direction the attack will come or if it will come from two directions at once. If I were the commander of that group, I would hit us from the north and the west simultaneously, therefore splitting the defenders in two, but there's no telling what their leadership is thinking. We can be pretty certain that they will not be able to hit us from three directions as Jean and Anna, our newest citizens, have told us they planned. They simply do not have enough troops for that any more.

"Whatever their plan is however, I will discover it before they get close because of our helicopter. Once I know what they're planning, I will direct your three platoon leaders - Chrissie, Michelle, and Matt - to deploy you in whatever trench complex - or complexes if they hit from more than one axis - will provide the best defense. You will assemble there and I will do my best to keep you updated on the enemy's progress and I will shift you if need be. Remember that we must talk in code during unit-to-unit broadcasts! While we believe that the helicopter to platoon leader communications are secure, the unit frequency is nothing but citizens band - the same band that the militia uses. Don't give yourselves away by talking in clear text, no matter what kind of shit is hitting the fan.

"When you finally spot the enemy visually, hit them the moment they get into range. Don't just go blasting away at everyone in sight though. Pick them off using the "sector of responsibility" tactics that you were taught. Those of you with the single-shot hunting rifles, you're the workhorses of the battle. You'll be able to hit them from a much greater range than those with the semi-autos and the autos can. Use those scopes and don't forget to lead your target and to allow time for the bullet to reach. Those of you that do have the assault weapons, use them inside the two hundred and fifty yard range. Hit people that are clumped together. Don't waste a whole clip blasting after one man unless there's nothing else to shoot at.

"When it comes time to retreat, do it orderly. One squad will provide cover fire while the other retreats and so on and so forth. When you have wounded, call for Paul's team. They'll be lingering in the rear ready to pull casualties off of the line. Remember the key word here - wounded. As distasteful as it may sound and as disrespectful as it may seem, you need to leave the dead where they lie. Paul and his people will be rushing in through open ground. I know we all know each other and care deeply about each other, but be realistic in your assessments and don't risk our medical teams by having them come and pull someone out that is dead. It does neither the dead person nor the rescuer any good.

"Are there any questions?"

There were many, so many in fact that the meeting lasted another hour. And even then, most of the people weren't sure if they had all of the information that they needed. Everyone had doubts about what was going to happen tomorrow.

While the pre-battle briefing was occurring in the Garden Hill community center, another meeting was taking place in the hills to the northwest of town. Most of the troops had bedded down for the night (although anxiously awaiting the first of the air attacks - they had no reason to believe they would stop tonight). Others were walking the perimeter, taking their turn at guard duty (one of these was actually in the process of slipping away - he wanted no part of what was to come). Near the center of the mass of soldiers, three of them were sitting dangerously close together in the partial safety of a grove of trees near the base of a hill. These three were the only surviving lieutenants of the Garden Hill expeditionary force: Stu, Colby, and the technical second-in-command, Lieutenant Mitchell.

"There are 188 of us as of nightly role call," Stu said, taking a slug of water from his canteen. "That'll be more than enough to take that little shitpot town in the morning. Especially now that we've reorganized the squads and the platoons again."

"I agree," said Colby, who agreed with almost everything Stu said. "We'll split into two elements at dawn and hit them from the north and the west."

"I'll lead the group from the west," Mitchell said, his fingers nervously playing with his own canteen. Mitchell was a competent enough tactician, having served a tour in the Marines in his former life. He was also, like most former Marines, an expert with his rifle. "We'll stage just on the outside of the far ring of hills and then move in once the other group is ready."

Before they could discuss any more elements of this plan, Stu broke in and scuttled it. "I don't think that splitting the men up is a good idea," he said. "We've lost enough of our numerical advantage that we should just charge in as one big group."

Mitchell looked over at him (or at least in his direction - he couldn't actually see him since it was dark) as if he had gone insane. "What the hell are you talking about, Covington? If we split ourselves into two elements, that means the enemy will have to split into two elements to counter us. It'll make it twice as hard for them to coordinate and each of our own groups will be up against less resistance."

"That does make a lot of sense," Colby said, uncharacteristically agreeing with someone other than Stu for once.

"It'll also make it much harder for us to coordinate with each other," Stu said. "We need to take the most advantage we can here and charge them from the north, where the going is the easiest. We send the bulk of the troops right through the gap between their guard positions."

"That doesn't make tactical sense," Mitchell said in bewilderment. "You should know better than that."

"Actually," Stu countered, "it makes a lot of tactical sense. The northern route has much smaller hills and a lot fewer trees. There's less room for those bitches to hide and snipe at us. If we get them to dedicate their entire force in that area, it's just a matter of clearing each hill with flanking maneuvers. Remember, we're dealing with bitches here for the most part. They'll cut and run as soon as we close with them."

"That doesn't have anything to do with dividing into two or not," Mitchell said vehemently. "Jesus fucking Christ, the same principal applies to both plans. We need to hit them from both directions so that their forces are split. It's the only thing that makes sense!"

The argument raged for better than thirty minutes, with neither Stu nor Mitchell giving any ground. Colby seemed to swing back and forth in opinion, tending to agree with whomever had just finished talking at any given time. He made a few points of his own from time to time, but nothing that was original in thought.

"Look," Stu finally said when things started to get really heated, "why don't we just shelve this discussion for the moment and get some sleep? The air attacks are going to start any time now and we're all bunched up."

"We need to make a fuckin' decision before morning," Mitchell said, directing his comment at Colby, who was the one that would ultimately have to do that.

"Well..." Colby started.

"We can sleep on it," Stu insisted. "We'll be able to make better decisions in the morning and we'll still have time to brief in the troops before we move out."

"What?" Mitchell said, wondering what kind of madness Stu was talking now.

"Yes," Colby said. "I think that's a good idea. We'll pick this up in the morning, before daylight."

"We need to decide this now!" Mitchell said. "Goddammit, we..."

"In the morning," Colby said, more firmly this time. "The air attacks will be starting soon and we don't want to be bunched up like this. Let's separate for now."

And so they separated, each of them moving far enough away from the other so as not to invite the attention of the gunship. The decision remained unmade for the time being.

It is debatable which decision Colby might have made. Mitchell's arguments were based on solid military logic and carried much weight, perhaps enough to swing the favoritism that Stu enjoyed. As it turned out however, Stu's plan was the one that would prevail. Stu knew that this plan entailed more military risk but he was afraid that a mass desertion - perhaps led by Mitchell himself - would take place if the militia were split in two. Again, whether or not this would have occurred is very debatable.

But after the first air attack of the evening - which took place shortly after 9:00 PM - Lieutenant Mitchell was found to be among the three dead, a victim of three rounds in the chest that were assumed to be from the helicopter gun. His body was stripped of weapons and supplies and then dragged off to the side with the rest. As with Bracken before him, no one noticed the blood on the back of his head.

Stu was now second-in-command of the remaining militia and the sole military adviser to Colby.

The community center was quiet but restless as 10:00 approached. Most of the Garden Hill residents were sleeping downstairs, either in the cafeteria or the adjoining rooms. They were laid out on the floor, covered with blankets, their heads on pillows, their bodies tossing and turning on the edge of slumber. They tended to be bunched together by the squads and platoons they had been formed up in, adhering to the bonding that comes in such circumstances. A few of them however, had slipped off with their spouse or spouses to other parts of the building, knowing that this would be the last chance they had to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh before the battle tomorrow.

Steve Kensington and his two wives were in an upstairs storage room, all of them naked. Sarah and Lori, the wives in question, were not into lesbianism and, as such, Sarah was patiently waiting her turn at the throttle while Steve pounded in and out of Lori atop their blankets.

In yet another upstairs storage room, Ted Eljer and his wife Carrie were busily involved in a threesome with Jenny O'Riley, who they had been having such relations with for the past week. Ted and Carrie had no intention of inviting Jenny permanently into their relationship at any point; they were just enjoying the freshness of her young body. They had gone through several such third persons in the last month, doing the Garden Hill equivalent of playing the field. Jenny, though she desperately wanted to be a part of their union - of anyone's union - knew that they were just using her for their own enjoyment but she consented to it anyway. She craved the release of sexual congress as much as anyone. Especially on this night.

In the main food storage room, which was the domain of Tina and Stacy, the two women were using their privileges to pass through the locked door to full advantage. Some weeks before they too had discovered the joys of female-to-female sexuality and often they indulged in sessions of heated passion both with and without Jason. In this case Tina was kneeling between Stacy's legs, licking her contentedly while running her hands over her huge belly. Stacy's due date was February 4, just over a week in the future, but her impending delivery did not detract from her sexuality. She had to muffle a scream as she came, her hands tearing into Tina's hair. When Jason arrived a few minutes later, fresh off his first mission of the night and under orders by Brett to get some sleep, he quickly joined in the fun, sliding himself into Stacy from behind while she returned Tina's favor.

And down in the cafeteria, near the corner where Jessica had once tried to kill Brett, another such pairing was in the works.

"Chrissie," Maggie whispered, having slid her body a little closer to her squad leader's. "Are you awake?"

"I'm awake," Chrissie whispered back, opening her eyes to look knowingly at her friend. The ambient light drifting in from the lanterns in the nearby locker room was just enough to see the hungry look on her face. "What's up?"

"I... uh... need someone to hold me," she said softly, putting emphasis on the word "hold".

Chrissie knew well what she meant. Since their first episode nearly two weeks before, after their first day of hit and run missions, Chrissie had made love to Maggie five additional times. They never talked about it, never made allusions towards it. Maggie still pretended each time that she had not planned on it occurring. But she always asked for it the same way - telling Chrissie that she needed some comforting, that she needed someone to hold her.

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Hi friend’s mai ISS ki stories 2 saal se padh raha hu aur aaj mai apni ek real story aap logo ke sath share krna chahta hu and I hope aap logo ko pasand aaegi. Mera naam Rohit hai mai 19 years ka hu aur meri girlfriend ka naam Shama hai jo ek jalti hui aag hai bht hot aur sexy hai uski age 18 years hai abhi humne uska 18th birthday manaya hai. Ye baat aaj se 3 mahine phle ki hai jb hum meri sexy girlfrnd ke sath mera birthday mana rahe the meri aur. Shama ki friendship 1 saal se thi hum daily...

3 years ago
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Through the Door Part One

Through The Door Part One They were well into a bottle of wine. His trousers unbuckled, her hand expertly teasing, not letting him go too far. Then she stood before him, unhooked the little black dress, and let it drop, her eyes never leaving his, always with that frank, slightly teasing look. Later, he would realize, always in control. You like this, don't you? she said. Posed a little. She was wearing all black; a cami, bra, panties, thigh highs with lace trim,...

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Aunt Julie

Two days after high school graduation, I was up and dressed and ready to continue searching for the summer job I needed to help pay for college expenses in the fall. I usually had a summer job lined up by this time of year but the economy was slow and the builder I usually did labor for had already laid off a couple of his regular workers. I was a little anxious about that situation but determined that I would get a job somewhere.Mom and dad had already left for work that morning and I had...

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Revenge of the NerdChapter 65

"Jeff's coming with me." "Are you sure that's a good idea? This is supposed to be between you and your mother. In addition to working out the wedding it's supposed to bring you closer to her." "Jeff's coming with me." My tone was different from the first time I said it. She understood. "Jeff has a plan?" she said. "Judo." Sunny hesitated briefly and then broke into almost uncontrolled laughter. "This should be fun," she said. "I don't know why I had to be here for...

4 years ago
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Apni Virgnity Ko Aunty Ki Garam Chut Se Thoda

Hi friend’s main abhi abhi is site se juda hu main bhi apke sath apne sex experience share karna chahta hu. Meri umar abh 27 sal hai height 6 feet rang whitish. Main ludhiana main rehta hu ye 5 sal pehle ki baat hai jab mein college main patda tha. Hum rented house main rehte thai hamare sath ke aur family bhi rehti thi ek unle or ek aunty unki ek bethi thi jiski ab marriage ho chuki thi. Uncle aunty ab akele rehte thai. Uncle ki umar karib 45 sal thi or aunty ki umar takriban 40 sal. Aunty ka...

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Unforgettable Indulgence With A Cabbie Part II

Hi Honey here. I’m here to continue with the story of the “Unforgettable Indulgence With A Cabbie – Part I” After I experienced his iron rod in the open ground on that moonlit night, I could never sleep without masturbating thinking about him. Even at work, I was feeling horny and trying to suppress my feelings I used to get headaches. A couple of days passed by and in 2-3 days my parents will be back home. After that, chances to fuck him would be less. And I dint have the guts to fuck once...

2 years ago
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“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...

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Classy Lady loves BBC

Classy Lady loves BBC“Let’s go to my house” he whispered. “We have a pool where we keep the water pleasantly warm”.“But I do not have a bathing suit” I mouthed quietly.“Don’t worry, we’ll find something. Besides, the pool has very high walls and no one will see us.” He answered and took care of the bill by simply telling the waiter to put it on his account.We drove up the La Jolla hills and I realized that his house was not a house, it was a mansion. As we entered the atrium, “I’m here” he said...

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Strangers in the NightChapter 6

Strangers in the Night: 6. "A job?" she said, "Do you have any idea how badly Dalmar wants you to go to work at Valmaat?" "I don't want any favors." "Let me handle it," Wendy said. She did. The hospital decided if I was well enough to spend the night in a hospital bed with my naked sister, I was well enough to go home ... until Wendy said we didn't do anything but talk. When I had been injured read that as in a coma I was first admitted to the University Hospital at Tampere...

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Anita used by a BBC in front of me

I was sent to Dallas on a quick business trip and Ana asked me to come with me, just to pay a visit to some friends there.We were resting in our seats during the flight and I could notice that she was looking in a persistent way at a black male flight attendant. He was a tall young man, handsome, but I thought he could be gay.I asked Ana if she would like to have that man inside her.She smiled and replied that he was just a good looking man and she knew what I was guessing; but he could not be...

4 years ago
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Office WorkloadChapter 4

Characters in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Miss Jenna: The General manager of human resources in the company. Mrs Patel: The supervisor who is assigned to guide the author on the daily routine of a HR personnel Cleaner: A cleaner lady who cleans the office during break times Miss Huo Ren:She is the receptionist of the office Setting for the current chapter: Office: This is the workplace of the author and...

3 years ago
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Pati Ke Boss Se Chudai

Hi mera naam Anita hai mai 40 saal ki ho, aur mai school me teacher ho. mere shade ko 10 saal ho gaye aur mujhe 2 bacche hai mere pati merchant navy me job karte hai to adhiktar vo bahar hi rhete hai vaise saal me ek do bar ana hota hai mere pati ki is job se mai pareshan ho q ki vo mujhe time nahi de pate aur muje pyar ki kami mehasos hoti hai. Mai thodi size me jada ho par dikhne me sundar ho meri saheliye Kehti hai shadu ke baad bhi tum sundar lagti ho mera size 40 38 38 hai ek din mere...

4 years ago
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Slutty Little girl

Few months ago my friend mike revealed a deep and hot happening to me. He only told me cause im the only one who is fucked up enough to handle it. Mike got married to hot piece of ass a few months ago that he met in a titty bar. This woman was all ass and tits and i could tell that she knew how to fuck. That was nothing in comparison with her slutty step daughter (the father died about 2yrs ago) who was only eighteen. Ive seen her and pictured myself fucking her tight fat pussy. She was build...

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Amanda in Taiwan Chap 2

Amanda in Taiwan – Chap 2   I was stretched out on the edge of the king-size bed, finishing a thin joint of some very resinous Hawaiian pot. We were staying on the Club level at the Taipei Hilton; one of the older luxury hotels, you could still open your room windows…making it very convenient for me. Among the frequent business guests, it was also known as the largest brothel in Taipei. The staff was ‘old school’ as well – a few dollars up front and the promise of much more when...

3 years ago
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Romance of Lust part 12

That morning I purposely arranged that we should be late in entering the school-room. The doctor sternly reprimanded us, and told us we must attend him in his private room after twelve o’clock. Poor Dale turned pale as he heard this, dreading the punishment to come of which his experience was so recent and so severe.At twelve we, apparently ruefully, entered the doctor’s sanctum sanctorum. He had preceded us by some few minutes, and had already donned his long dressing-gown, by which I was...

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A Visit to the North Chapter 03

A Visit to the North by MadQuill Part Three This is a mystery story of Annabelle's changed life. The characters are all fictional. There are many chapters so please consider finding and reading the earlier parts. Please leave your comments. A Lead The return train ride to Washington allowed Barbara time to consider and think of the possibilities. She just considered the web data and connections too improbable. Was her concealment of her past sexual adventures also part of...

5 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 31 Lost in a Gale

September 1813 The weather, being inclement already, took a turn for the worse on the next day. Thomas was quite happy about this since it would make things easier for Rourke and his volunteers. Thomas spent the day performing his various duties, mostly at his desk with young Mr. Leeds in attendance, but he was also able to take his meals in the presence of his female companions. The thought of Mirabel returning to England was weighing on his mind nevertheless and the resentment it created...

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Aliens and CowboysGoodbye and Hello

The rest of the day was pretty normal, not many people around and no further incidents or conflicts. The day was primarily moving stuff from the house and ship to the lodge. When they came in for lunch, Kat informed Mark that his phone had been ringing all morning. Since he never carried it with him anymore, he just left it in the office. When he looked at his phone, he saw that all of the calls were from the same number and although his call history showed they had called 8 times, there was...

4 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 77

It was raining Tuesday morning when Kim woke up. She could hear the rain hitting to roof of the cabin and went to the window to look out. "This sucks!" Kim said out loud. "What does, Kim," Sally said as she rolled onto her back and looked up at her cousin. "It's raining, we'll have to stay in the cabin." "Why? It's not like we're going to get our clothes wet or anything," Sally giggled. "That's true, I guess it won't hurt us if it isn't too cold out." "We could just...

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So It Begins Part 4

So it begins part 4 The next morning when I woke I was wearing my chemise over my bra and panties. I was also wearing my false nails and eyelashes. I wanted to take things further today, no half measures I resolved. I felt so much sexier as a woman than I ever did as a man I thought as I stroked my body in my chemise. What would it be like if my body was smooth and hairless like a woman's I thought? I came down for breakfast but Tracey was not up yet. Sarah sat me down at the...

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All For My CassieChapter 2

Cassie and I had a great day of sight seeing and shopping. She thrilled at getting some new clothes. The furniture store scheduled us for delivery for the next day. By the time evening had come we were both famished. I stopped off at a steak house for dinner before we headed home. That night Cassie didn't even make the pretext of wearing panties with her t-shirt when she climbed next to me in bed. Cassie snuggled right up to me. She draped an arm and leg over me. I put my arms around my...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 121

I saw Melissa and Conny heading out the door as I made my way into the exercise room. “I thought you’d be in there waiting for me,” I joked. “One show per night, perv,” Melissa rejoined. “Good to see how far your dedication goes,” I answered with a wink. “You’ll be fine,” Conny told me. “See you tomorrow.” They offered another wave and departed to return to their lives. I opened the door and stopped in my tracks. Ben was standing in the middle of the room in a pair of bicycle shorts, a...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 75

The Council chamber listened in silence as Morgana gave her detailed mission report of the demise of the Coalition leadership. It was only after she completed it that the questions began. “You mean you have no intentions of attacking what’s left of the Coalition in Iran?” Mage Fen asked. “None at all,” Morgana replied coolly. “Why not, I would have thought you’d relish the thought of going in gung ho?” Fen retorted. “Their leadership is broken. We don’t know where they all are and unlike...

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A Wifes torrid love affair

Amanda was your typical mom of two young boys, who at the age of 38 had begun to look at herself more closely than ever before. Her husband Steven was a few years older than her and held a job that had him traveling around the country. Even though they had been married happily for the last twelve years there were times Amanda had felt isolated from him. To keep herself busy Amanda would volunteer for a number of things at church. She also helped out at the preschool where her two boys had...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 41

When we returned to Darcy's apartment, it was quiet, so we headed to her bedroom. As we were walking, we didn't have a need to talk. We took off each other's clothes and after quickly checking to make sure she felt well lubricated, I shifted my body, and I laid my body down between her legs. She grabbed me, and set my dick head in position. As I slid in her, a sound came out of her that was somewhere between a moan and a purr. The love and desire fueled us into a slow rhythm where I could...

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Paper Boy vs The Hot Latina

About an hour later I was out back in the pool. I had a nice tan going on a week now. I drank a few cold ones while I waited for some job calls. Nothing happen the rest of the day. I went online after dinner. I watched some porn, then headed to bed. It was close to 7am when the door to my room burst open. I rolled over to see my Dad with a note. He placed it on my forehead as he walked out of my room. It read: "Get a job. Your mother and I will no longer give you money. Plus you need to pay...

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Mary straightened after unpacking the last box and looked around at her new home with pride and joy. She and Frank had just moved into the smaller home in which they intended to live out the rest of their years together. They had recently celebrated their 53rd anniversary and knew it was time to enjoy their lives without the extra hassle and expense of the larger house that their kids had grown up in and eventually moved away from. She set up the coffee maker and went to find Frank as it...

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The Devils Pact the Hell ChroniclesChapter 4 Tyrant

Fire burned my flesh. An endless, consuming, hungry, agonizing torment consumed me. There was only one thing I could hold onto to. I retreated into the depths of my mind to escape the never-ending ravages of my flesh. There, I clung to a single, solitary thought—one day, I would be free of Lucifer's torment and Mark Glassner and his whore would pay. The bastard stole everything from me. He stole my precious wife, my Desiree, from me, and transformed her into his whore. He so...

2 years ago
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The Mental Sickness Part 3

Hello indian sex stories dot net Readers, Thanks for reading and liking my stories. I got motivated to write more and believe there are many in queues. The hard fact is that I am not getting much time to write due to my job and housework. But whenever I get time I am writing these for you. Later that day when all work finished and most of the guests go back to their towns and homes, I sat with Brides mother and did some gossip meanwhile taking some food as we both were hungry. That was real...

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Mere Office Ki Suman 8211 Part I

Hello readers, How are you guys? Belated Happy New Year. Mera naam rahul he aur mein delhi ka rahne wala hun. Mein ek software engineer hun aur aaj kal Bangalore mein job karta hun. Mein 18 years ke umar mein hi apna verginity kho dia tha. Meri khud ki badi behen ne mujhe apne sath sex karne ko mana liya tha. Wo kahani fir kabhi, abhi mein jo sunane ja raha hun wo haal hi mein mere sath hua he. Mere office mein ek ladki kaam karti he. Uska naam he Suman. Height 5.4 aur figure 34-26-28 he. Giri...

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EvilAngel Gia Paige Anikka Albrite Amara Romani AJ Applegate Holly Hendrix Morgan Lee Husband8217s SixOnOne Reverse Gang Bang

Gorgeous Anikka has a surprise to celebrate husband Mick Blue’s 40th birthday party. Petite Gia Paige, Holly Hendrix and Morgan Lee join curvy AJ Applegate, perky Amara Romani and butt-blessed blonde Anikka to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the hung stud during a slobbery, six-way suck job! They rim his bunghole and deep-throat his dick. The pro cocksman drills six assholes like an industrial fuck machine. Frenzied sodomy comes with nasty ass-to-mouth fellatio, kinky toe sucking,...

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Jenn“Aah!”I am not sure who was more surprised, Jenn who was standing there still holding the tarp she had just ripped of the pile of firewood it was protecting or me who had been hiding underneath the same tarp. We looked at each other for a moment, not knowing what to say. I was holding my now deflated dick in one hand and a pair of her panties in the other, still inhaling her wonderful Womanly scent. “What the hell are you doing here?” she shouted after she had regained her...

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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” When I arrive at their hotel suite I quickly decide the pics Ada showed me do not do them justice. They are both around their late-thirties, obviously a professional business couple. I soon leant despite their French accents they both...

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Ebony And Agony

I sat in the comfort of my home, reflecting on the turbulent aftermath of George Floyd's murder as well as the unending quarantine. The looting bothered me, but I understood the rage. I understood as well as any seventy-year-old white woman can. I've lived through social unrest before with civil rights and Vietnam War protests. These days for excitement I'm venturing out in my mask and gloves like a senile proctologist. Sure, it's inconvenient but so is being hooked up to a respirator. But,...

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Slave Trade

SLAVE TRADE It had been an awful few weeks the boat was so over crowded, there was noroom for anyone hundreds of us packed into this tiny little space no air, nolight, and no sun, hardly ever let on the deck for some exercise. Mid summerand the heat was searing the smell from all the human waste was over poweringbut still we could do nothing I sat in my little corner near the door and watchedpeople die on that journey, die from malnutrition die from heat exhaustionand disease which ran riot...

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Betsy CarterChapter 18

Betsy paced the floor, criss-crossing the living room in her house. Fortunately, the house was built with a wide open spacial style that allowed her a lot of room to move. If the room had been a bit smaller, she would have been bouncing off the walls ... literally, not figuratively. Not for the first time since returning to the house that morning, she asked, “Where is he?” “I don’t know,” Charlie answered without having to ask who he was. “Why isn’t Gary here?” “He had to go to the...

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Afternoon Romp

"Come quick." Harry shouted out to his girlfriend. "What?" "Just come with me." He seemed eager about something but wasn't sharing. Amanda stopped cold in her tracks. "Not until you tell me where we're going." Harry let out a powerful sigh. "Okay but you have to promise not to tell anyone." "Why would I?" Amanda had a smirk on her face. She loved teasing Harry. He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand. "Come on." "Okay." "It's not too much further," Harry turned...

3 years ago
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i always take the bus to work and i usually use the bathroom before i go . When i walk in the Room there was a Thin beauty standing by the sink . She had brown hair , green eyes and a ass of a angel . i stopped i was speachless,,, i have never been attracted ot a girl before but this was different i could tell that she was watching me too the way her eyes followed me to the stall .after i was done i came out of stall to find her standing right be side the door .. her slim little fingers went to...

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Caught and Spanked by Two Women My Revenge

As a sixth form boy scout I had been caught by the two Akelas reading a dirty magazine and smoking. For my troubles they made me undress and both spanked me on my bum with a cane and then on my cock with a plastic ruler because I had a hard-on “that I was unable to control”, they said. I had been left with conflicting feelings. The cane had hurt but I was also turned on by being made to take off my clothes in front of these two very attractive women and have them touch and spank me. More than...

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Your Secret Is Safe

copyright 2005 There was a young fellow named Kimble Whose prick was exceedingly nimble, But fragile and slender, And dainty and tender, So he kept it encased in a thimble. Mother stood there at the entrance to our living room holding father's robe closed with both hands, frozen in fright that I should be home. Dan looked from me to my mom and then back - a smirk growing on his lean handsome face. Me, I just stood there mouth open - my heart felt as if a hand clenched it while my lungs...

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A Viking Saga

The year is 821 AD, and the word Viking is feared throughout northern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. And in the snowbound lands of Norway, in a small seaside port Hakon Magnusson is Jarl. As the lord of the land he has himself many luxuries the common folk would wish for, including two wives and numerous concubines through which he has produced many children. These children are of varying ages, builds, intelligence and general character, but for all of them one fact rings true.... They have...

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A Weekend with my Mother in Law

My mother-in law ‘Gloria’ is 62-years old, stands 5’10 and weighs around 130 pounds, with flowing raven hair and never ending beautiful legs. She has 4 beautiful daughters, none as tall as she but all dark-haired lovely girls with beautiful bodies. She has a way of walking that turns the head of not only men but women as well. She wears a special Italian perfume that always weakens me as she walks by. Gloria and my father-in law John live in London England where he is an international...

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Sonali amar Sahakarmini 2

Sakal bela uthe ami ektu edik odik hatlam tar por chan kore jalkhabarkheye abar traing te gelam. Sekhane ami Sonali ke dekhlam. Sonali ke aajke beshi sundor lagchilo. Sonali amar anek aage bose chilo. Traing sesh habar por ami Sonali ke abar dekhte pelam na. Ami amar ghore phire elam. Praye bikel chatar somaye Sonali amake phone korlo. Sonali amake phone kore bollo, “ami tomar janno amar ghore wait korchee. Tumi taratari amar ghore chole esho.” Sonalir phone peye ami khoob khushee holam. Ami...

1 year ago
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Night Dreams Chapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Jason. I was eightteen and was having wet dreams for the . That is when the first incident with my mom took place. It led to sexual adventures that I have never spoken about with anyone then or since. First, you need some context for my story. I was small growing up. My dad was six feet; but my mother was petite, a slender 5 ft 2. I have an older sister, Emily, but she was three years older and had gone on to college. She had a normal...

2 years ago
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Arms Divided

“One day guys! I WILL fuck Keegan Irish! I’m determined!” I said as I got off the bus that drops me off in front of my apartment. My room mate Brittney was waiting for me upstairs in room 618. “Hey! How was the concert?” Brittney asked, she had short black hair, with big boobs that I was jealous of, and the nicest legs. “It was awesome, and obviously Keegan didn’t notice me!?” I said frustrated, I had gone to an Arms Divided concert after school today! It was one of my favorite bands, I...

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Michelles Gift part 2

Siobahn and her boyfriend Brian have decided to give their friend Michelle a very special birthday gift. They’ve just returned from Michelle’s birthday party at the local bar to Michelle’s house. ‘Oh, someone’s been naughty tonight! Look, honey, she hasn’t beenwearing any panties,’ Siobahn said to her boyfriend Brian as she pushed up Michelle’s skirt. ‘Mmm and she’s’ very wet. Come taste.’ The tall black man was immediately on his knees between the legs of his girlfriend’s best friend. As...

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Apprehensive HeartsChapter 5

Those were the memories that were running through his mind as the bus pulled into the Port Authority. Up until that moment he’d been sure of what he was doing. Even if it didn’t work, he thought of himself as being on a romantic quixotic mission. But now reality was setting in. As he got out of the bus, breathing in the diesel fumed air, the uncertainties all returned. He had no idea how she would react to him and the thoughts of their last meeting began to haunt him. He remained resolute,...

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