Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 3
- 3 years ago
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The altimeter on the helicopter's instrument panel read 6300 feet above sea level, about three hundred feet above the point where the rain turned to snow. This put him almost two thousand feet above the rooftops of Garden Hill, high enough to see the entire subdivision and the surrounding landscape. Of course what he was doing would not have been possible even a month ago. The snow would have quickly iced up on his rotor blades, degrading their aerodynamics, eventually enough so that they would no longer be capable of providing the necessary lift to hold up the aircraft. Nor would he have been able to see anything, even before the icing became a problem. But over the past month the precipitation had slacked off some. Not a lot. It was still a moderate rainfall down in Garden Hill and a moderate snowfall at elevations above 6000 feet, but it was certainly not the heavy rain that had been the norm since the crash of Fenwell and the aftermath. It was moderate enough that Brett could risk being up above the snow level for a while.
"We've been some busy people down there," Brett said in admiration as he hovered in place and looked below at the impressive array of trenches and fortifications that the townspeople had been digging and constructing since the news of the Auburn attack force had reached them.
"No kidding," said Jason, who was also looking down from his position in the navigator's chair. He had a large map of the area around Garden Hill, an update of the one that Brett had used to brief everyone in before the attacks had begun, unfolded on his lap.
The reason for this flight this morning was no more or no less than an area familiarization. The remains of the Placer County Militia were just breaking camp a little more than seven miles to the east of them. After being harassed and hindered for the past fifteen days and nights, they were now in striking distance - about to enter the ring of the Garden Hill main defenses. Brett would be responsible for directing the battle that was imminent in no more than a day or two and - so busy had he been ferrying strike teams and flying night missions - he had not been able to keep as close an eye on the new defenses as he would have liked. He and Jason were now comparing the terrain below them with the map, making sure the two were compatible with each other and that Brett would be able to reference correctly when a troop movement needed to be made.
The work done by the women and men of the trench teams was admirable indeed. To the north of the wall, towards the interstate, was the area that Brett had always considered their most vulnerable to mass attack. The landscape between the wall and the lanes of the highway was marked by gently rolling hills dotted with pine trees and the occasional redwood. To the far east of this area and to the far west of it, close in towards the wall, were the taller hills that served as the main guard positions. Between these two hills, which were not close enough to each other to provide overlapping fields of fire, the majority of the trenches had been dug, starting from just south of the freeway and stretching all the way to within fifty yards of the wall itself. Each trench was, of course, atop of a hill and well covered by trees and fallen logs. The trenches themselves were lined with sandbags made out of dirt and pillowcases for the most part and could hold ten to fifteen troops. If the militia chose to advance through this corridor - which would seem the easiest route to them - they would meet some very nasty surprises.
To the west - their second most vulnerable avenue of attack - the hills were a little higher and steeper, covered with denser layers of trees. The going would be somewhat rougher for the militia over on this side but there was also a much wider corridor through which they could potentially travel. It was also the closest approach to the wall and the community center, around which the final defense lines were even now being dug. There were not as many trenches dug over on this side and they were both smaller and with greater distance between them. The trade off was that if the militia attacked from this direction, many of the defending troops could station themselves atop of the various hills and snipe at them as they advanced before falling back into a solid network of bunkers a quarter-mile from the roadway and the western wall.
Unfortunately, Brett saw that there were a few large gaps that could potentially be exploited if the militia knew about them. Though it was almost impossible to approach the town from the east due to the cliffs on that side, a group could conceivably hook around from the north and penetrate along the east side of the subdivision between the wall and the cliffs. They would have to pass very close to the large hill on that side of the town to do this and would take considerable casualties from that alone, but once past that hill, no trenches had been dug and a defense would be very difficult indeed. Another such gap was along the southwest corner of the subdivision, near the canyon itself. If a group marched along the rim of the canyon and penetrated from this direction they would once again find their only major obstacle to be the hill that guarded the southern tip of town.
Brett was uncomfortable about these gaps and, had he been given the time, he would have done his best to close them, but he had not been given the time and he had felt it more important to shore up the areas where the militia probably would attack from. He took a little comfort in the fact that it was unlikely that the men commanding the Auburnites would attempt such feats in the absence of any intelligence that such a thing was actually their best bet. It was a gamble, but Brett was reasonably certain that the attack would come from one of the two predictable directions. Nevertheless, trying to cover all of his bases, his mind began turning over just how he would react if they did do the unexpected.
"What about the old grocery store and the gas station and all that?" Jason asked, looking at the roofs of those buildings off to the northwest. The entire strip-mall, home to the hair salon and the Starbucks and the Raley's, was still there, just outside the wall and across the road. Though a few of the roofs had collapsed from the constant rain, the buildings would still make an ideal cover point for an attacking army if they could reach it.
"Hopefully they'll never get that far," Brett said. "If they do, you can see there's a final network of trenches just on the north and east of it. The troops will hold them from there and then retreat inside the wall if they manage to close. Paul and his team have rigged up the inside of those buildings with more than a few of Steve's mines and some other booby-traps he came up with. The militia would find that occupying those buildings would be a rather bad mistake."
"Cool," Jason said, smiling a little at the thought.
"My feelings exactly," Brett said. "So how's that map looking? Are you able to figure out the trench numbers and compare them with the actual ground?"
"Yeah," he said, looking from one to the other. "They did a good job on this map. It's almost perfect."
"Good, because when we're in the middle of this thing, I'm going to be relying on you quite a bit. Both of us are going to have to multi-task up here big time. I'll need you to report to me what trenches our troops are in and where the militia is advancing. I'll need you to give me this information by map grid and trench number as soon as I ask for it and then, while I'm looking at the map, I'm going to need you to keep an eye on the instruments for me to make sure I'm staying in a hover."
"No problem," Jason assured him.
"Goddammit, I wish we would've had time to get you checked out on flying this thing," Brett said, shaking his head a little in frustration. "That would've made things so much easier. I could've had you fly while I watched everything from your chair."
"I know everything about this helicopter," Jason said, his tone sending a message. "You've taught me all of the instruments and what they do, you've taught me how it flies, why it flies, and how you make it fly. All I haven't done is actually put the controls in my hand."
Brett looked over at him for a moment. He shook his head, answering the unasked question. "Unfortunately, that's the most important part," he said. "You can't just jump behind the controls of this thing and start flying it, no matter how much you've watched someone else do it. There's just no margin for error. If we had even a week to practice up, I'd get you up to speed. But we don't."
"It was just a thought," Jason said, disappointed but not terribly surprised either.
"And a good one, I'll admit, but there's just too much risk. You could probably fly this thing right now straight and level and you could probably make turns without too much problem either, but hovering in place for a long time is one of the more difficult maneuvers and that's how a lot of the ops in this battle are going to be done."
"Like I said, just a thought. But as soon as we kick these assholes out of here, how about we have some hands-on lessons."
"It'll be the first thing," Brett said. "Now lets get finished up here. We still have one more day of hit and run drops to make."
The hit and run teams were only able to hit the militia twice during that day, costing them only four men. This close to Garden Hill there simply wasn't all that many places that drops could be made safely without their enemy being able to see and/or hear the helicopter. But still, despite the relative break that the militia got, the main function of the hit and run strikes - that of slowing down the advance - was accomplished. Though they had started the day off only seven miles away from the wall itself, by nightfall they had only marched a little more than four miles. The main lines of defense started a mile and half outside the wall on the west and two miles out on the north. The militia made camp that night to the northwest of town, still more than a mile away from where their real resistance would start.
Brett stood down the helicopter after one final high altitude flight at 5:00 PM. Dinner was served in the cafeteria and, as mad as it seemed, all of the traditional guard posts were left unmanned for the duration of the briefing after it. It was another gamble. Brett thought it unlikely that the militia would be able to move in on them in the darkness and he did not want them listening in on the transmissions from the radios that were used to transmit such meetings to the guards.
As such the cafeteria seemed unusually full that night. Every table was full of men, women, and children, many of them dirty and looking tired. Dinner was yet another batch of canned soup and spinach, served cold of course, and baked bread that had been made two days before.
"Okay, everyone," Brett, looking more than exhausted himself, said into the public address system. "Let's call this meeting to order. In all likelihood, this will be the final briefing before the real fun starts. As I'm sure you've heard by now, the militia is camped out a little more than three miles to the northwest. From their current position it is but a short march to our defense lines and I expect that contact will be made sometime around 10:00 AM tomorrow."
Some nervous chatter met these words.
"Jason and I went over the tapes from our recon missions of the militia tonight," Brett went on. "While it is impossible for us to get a completely accurate count of their numbers, we do have a very good estimate of their current strength. It appears that there are about two hundred of them facing us."
There was some more nervous chatter as well as many expressions of disbelief at that number. "Two hundred?" several people groaned. "Jesus. Two fucking hundred?"
Brett called for quiet before the grumbling could get out of control. "All right, you pessimists," he said. "You're looking at the glass as half empty. You're saying to yourselves, 'my God, there are two hundred of them out there'. But remember, when they started their march, there were four hundred of them. Four hundred fairly well disciplined men with guns bearing down on us. In the past fifteen days our two groups of hit teams and Jason and I on the night missions - at the cost of only one death and one injury - have killed or caused to desert half of that force. Not only have we done that, but you can bet your ass that those remaining troops are demoralized, exhausted, and not able to think very clearly. By no means are they looking at a pushover. And also keep in mind that two hundred remaining troops is a conservative estimate on my part. The actual number may be even lower.
"Now back when we first heard about Auburn's apparent vendetta against us, we knew that they once sent an attack force of one hundred and sixty people which they turned around at the last minute. You may recall that I've said on multiple occasions that if they had attacked us with that force at that time, they would have beaten us. Maybe some of you out there are thinking that that same thing applies here, that the militia now has forty more people so that maybe they'll be even more likely to come away the victors." He shook his head strenuously. "That is simply not the case. Had those one hundred and sixty men attacked us the first time, they would have found nothing but our basic defenses. Now, they will find trenches and a coordinated defense and some women and men that are ready to kick some fucking ass!"
His words stirred them up a little, alleviating some of the doubts.
"Now I know the numbers don't sound all that great," he said. "We have a town population of one hundred and seventy-nine people at this moment, not including Hector over in El Dorado Hills. That's eighteen men, one hundred and four women, and fifty-seven children under the age of seven. What that leaves us with is one hundred and twenty-two people that are capable of fighting these fuckers. Only, as you're aware, we can't all do that at the same time since we only have eighty-six rifles, semi-automatic weapons, or automatic weapons to fight with.
"But people, you've trained to fight with those numbers and those disadvantages. You've been formed up into squads and you know what your job out there is going to be. One of the most important rules of warfare that you need to remember is: the advantage goes to the defender. That is certainly true in this case. Though the militia has a better than two to one numerical advantage, they are going to have to fight their way across open ground while you will be concealed in trenches. In addition to that, you will have Jason and myself in the air above you, feeding you information on their movements and concentrations. While we won't be able to provide fire support during the daylight hours - the danger of having them bring us down is too great - we will be able to deliver some of our other nasty little surprises to them.
"But most important of all perhaps, is the fact that we have the will to fight. We are defending our homes, our town, our children while they are just following orders. They don't have a lot to gain by fighting us and they have much to lose - namely their lives. We, on the other hand, don't have much to lose by fighting since we know the fate that awaits us if we are defeated and we have everything to gain by fighting as fiercely as we are capable.
"Ladies and gentlemen - we will prevail."
A large cheer rose up at this. Brett almost felt ashamed at it, thinking that he would've made a good recruiter had he stayed in the army. Now that the patriotic, morale-instilling part of the speech was over, he got into the meat of the matter.
"Now everyone already knows their jobs," he said. "But why don't we go over the main battle plan one more time, just for clarity. From this point on until this thing is over with, I want everyone to stay here in the community center. If you need to make a quick trip home after the meeting for some essential supplies, by all means, do so, but everyone sleeps in here tonight, okay?"
There was a little bit of good-natured grumbling but no one disagreed with this.
"In here you're all within reach of the weapons and we're all within instant, unmonitored communication with each other. Now Jason and I plan to hit them from the air several times during the night. There's no sense in letting them get much sleep now, is there? But you folks, I want you to get to sleep as soon as you can tonight. Get as much rest as you possibly can. Tomorrow is apt to be a long day. We will get up before dawn in the morning and those of you in the primary squads - those that will be carrying the weapons - will assemble and get ready. Paul will get his medical teams ready to help any wounded and then we will do what the majority of warfare consists of: we will wait.
"We will need to wait so that we can see how the enemy is going to attack us. At this point we do not know from which direction the attack will come or if it will come from two directions at once. If I were the commander of that group, I would hit us from the north and the west simultaneously, therefore splitting the defenders in two, but there's no telling what their leadership is thinking. We can be pretty certain that they will not be able to hit us from three directions as Jean and Anna, our newest citizens, have told us they planned. They simply do not have enough troops for that any more.
"Whatever their plan is however, I will discover it before they get close because of our helicopter. Once I know what they're planning, I will direct your three platoon leaders - Chrissie, Michelle, and Matt - to deploy you in whatever trench complex - or complexes if they hit from more than one axis - will provide the best defense. You will assemble there and I will do my best to keep you updated on the enemy's progress and I will shift you if need be. Remember that we must talk in code during unit-to-unit broadcasts! While we believe that the helicopter to platoon leader communications are secure, the unit frequency is nothing but citizens band - the same band that the militia uses. Don't give yourselves away by talking in clear text, no matter what kind of shit is hitting the fan.
"When you finally spot the enemy visually, hit them the moment they get into range. Don't just go blasting away at everyone in sight though. Pick them off using the "sector of responsibility" tactics that you were taught. Those of you with the single-shot hunting rifles, you're the workhorses of the battle. You'll be able to hit them from a much greater range than those with the semi-autos and the autos can. Use those scopes and don't forget to lead your target and to allow time for the bullet to reach. Those of you that do have the assault weapons, use them inside the two hundred and fifty yard range. Hit people that are clumped together. Don't waste a whole clip blasting after one man unless there's nothing else to shoot at.
"When it comes time to retreat, do it orderly. One squad will provide cover fire while the other retreats and so on and so forth. When you have wounded, call for Paul's team. They'll be lingering in the rear ready to pull casualties off of the line. Remember the key word here - wounded. As distasteful as it may sound and as disrespectful as it may seem, you need to leave the dead where they lie. Paul and his people will be rushing in through open ground. I know we all know each other and care deeply about each other, but be realistic in your assessments and don't risk our medical teams by having them come and pull someone out that is dead. It does neither the dead person nor the rescuer any good.
"Are there any questions?"
There were many, so many in fact that the meeting lasted another hour. And even then, most of the people weren't sure if they had all of the information that they needed. Everyone had doubts about what was going to happen tomorrow.
While the pre-battle briefing was occurring in the Garden Hill community center, another meeting was taking place in the hills to the northwest of town. Most of the troops had bedded down for the night (although anxiously awaiting the first of the air attacks - they had no reason to believe they would stop tonight). Others were walking the perimeter, taking their turn at guard duty (one of these was actually in the process of slipping away - he wanted no part of what was to come). Near the center of the mass of soldiers, three of them were sitting dangerously close together in the partial safety of a grove of trees near the base of a hill. These three were the only surviving lieutenants of the Garden Hill expeditionary force: Stu, Colby, and the technical second-in-command, Lieutenant Mitchell.
"There are 188 of us as of nightly role call," Stu said, taking a slug of water from his canteen. "That'll be more than enough to take that little shitpot town in the morning. Especially now that we've reorganized the squads and the platoons again."
"I agree," said Colby, who agreed with almost everything Stu said. "We'll split into two elements at dawn and hit them from the north and the west."
"I'll lead the group from the west," Mitchell said, his fingers nervously playing with his own canteen. Mitchell was a competent enough tactician, having served a tour in the Marines in his former life. He was also, like most former Marines, an expert with his rifle. "We'll stage just on the outside of the far ring of hills and then move in once the other group is ready."
Before they could discuss any more elements of this plan, Stu broke in and scuttled it. "I don't think that splitting the men up is a good idea," he said. "We've lost enough of our numerical advantage that we should just charge in as one big group."
Mitchell looked over at him (or at least in his direction - he couldn't actually see him since it was dark) as if he had gone insane. "What the hell are you talking about, Covington? If we split ourselves into two elements, that means the enemy will have to split into two elements to counter us. It'll make it twice as hard for them to coordinate and each of our own groups will be up against less resistance."
"That does make a lot of sense," Colby said, uncharacteristically agreeing with someone other than Stu for once.
"It'll also make it much harder for us to coordinate with each other," Stu said. "We need to take the most advantage we can here and charge them from the north, where the going is the easiest. We send the bulk of the troops right through the gap between their guard positions."
"That doesn't make tactical sense," Mitchell said in bewilderment. "You should know better than that."
"Actually," Stu countered, "it makes a lot of tactical sense. The northern route has much smaller hills and a lot fewer trees. There's less room for those bitches to hide and snipe at us. If we get them to dedicate their entire force in that area, it's just a matter of clearing each hill with flanking maneuvers. Remember, we're dealing with bitches here for the most part. They'll cut and run as soon as we close with them."
"That doesn't have anything to do with dividing into two or not," Mitchell said vehemently. "Jesus fucking Christ, the same principal applies to both plans. We need to hit them from both directions so that their forces are split. It's the only thing that makes sense!"
The argument raged for better than thirty minutes, with neither Stu nor Mitchell giving any ground. Colby seemed to swing back and forth in opinion, tending to agree with whomever had just finished talking at any given time. He made a few points of his own from time to time, but nothing that was original in thought.
"Look," Stu finally said when things started to get really heated, "why don't we just shelve this discussion for the moment and get some sleep? The air attacks are going to start any time now and we're all bunched up."
"We need to make a fuckin' decision before morning," Mitchell said, directing his comment at Colby, who was the one that would ultimately have to do that.
"Well..." Colby started.
"We can sleep on it," Stu insisted. "We'll be able to make better decisions in the morning and we'll still have time to brief in the troops before we move out."
"What?" Mitchell said, wondering what kind of madness Stu was talking now.
"Yes," Colby said. "I think that's a good idea. We'll pick this up in the morning, before daylight."
"We need to decide this now!" Mitchell said. "Goddammit, we..."
"In the morning," Colby said, more firmly this time. "The air attacks will be starting soon and we don't want to be bunched up like this. Let's separate for now."
And so they separated, each of them moving far enough away from the other so as not to invite the attention of the gunship. The decision remained unmade for the time being.
It is debatable which decision Colby might have made. Mitchell's arguments were based on solid military logic and carried much weight, perhaps enough to swing the favoritism that Stu enjoyed. As it turned out however, Stu's plan was the one that would prevail. Stu knew that this plan entailed more military risk but he was afraid that a mass desertion - perhaps led by Mitchell himself - would take place if the militia were split in two. Again, whether or not this would have occurred is very debatable.
But after the first air attack of the evening - which took place shortly after 9:00 PM - Lieutenant Mitchell was found to be among the three dead, a victim of three rounds in the chest that were assumed to be from the helicopter gun. His body was stripped of weapons and supplies and then dragged off to the side with the rest. As with Bracken before him, no one noticed the blood on the back of his head.
Stu was now second-in-command of the remaining militia and the sole military adviser to Colby.
The community center was quiet but restless as 10:00 approached. Most of the Garden Hill residents were sleeping downstairs, either in the cafeteria or the adjoining rooms. They were laid out on the floor, covered with blankets, their heads on pillows, their bodies tossing and turning on the edge of slumber. They tended to be bunched together by the squads and platoons they had been formed up in, adhering to the bonding that comes in such circumstances. A few of them however, had slipped off with their spouse or spouses to other parts of the building, knowing that this would be the last chance they had to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh before the battle tomorrow.
Steve Kensington and his two wives were in an upstairs storage room, all of them naked. Sarah and Lori, the wives in question, were not into lesbianism and, as such, Sarah was patiently waiting her turn at the throttle while Steve pounded in and out of Lori atop their blankets.
In yet another upstairs storage room, Ted Eljer and his wife Carrie were busily involved in a threesome with Jenny O'Riley, who they had been having such relations with for the past week. Ted and Carrie had no intention of inviting Jenny permanently into their relationship at any point; they were just enjoying the freshness of her young body. They had gone through several such third persons in the last month, doing the Garden Hill equivalent of playing the field. Jenny, though she desperately wanted to be a part of their union - of anyone's union - knew that they were just using her for their own enjoyment but she consented to it anyway. She craved the release of sexual congress as much as anyone. Especially on this night.
In the main food storage room, which was the domain of Tina and Stacy, the two women were using their privileges to pass through the locked door to full advantage. Some weeks before they too had discovered the joys of female-to-female sexuality and often they indulged in sessions of heated passion both with and without Jason. In this case Tina was kneeling between Stacy's legs, licking her contentedly while running her hands over her huge belly. Stacy's due date was February 4, just over a week in the future, but her impending delivery did not detract from her sexuality. She had to muffle a scream as she came, her hands tearing into Tina's hair. When Jason arrived a few minutes later, fresh off his first mission of the night and under orders by Brett to get some sleep, he quickly joined in the fun, sliding himself into Stacy from behind while she returned Tina's favor.
And down in the cafeteria, near the corner where Jessica had once tried to kill Brett, another such pairing was in the works.
"Chrissie," Maggie whispered, having slid her body a little closer to her squad leader's. "Are you awake?"
"I'm awake," Chrissie whispered back, opening her eyes to look knowingly at her friend. The ambient light drifting in from the lanterns in the nearby locker room was just enough to see the hungry look on her face. "What's up?"
"I... uh... need someone to hold me," she said softly, putting emphasis on the word "hold".
Chrissie knew well what she meant. Since their first episode nearly two weeks before, after their first day of hit and run missions, Chrissie had made love to Maggie five additional times. They never talked about it, never made allusions towards it. Maggie still pretended each time that she had not planned on it occurring. But she always asked for it the same way - telling Chrissie that she needed some comforting, that she needed someone to hold her.
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I really didn't want to go to this stupid concert. All that was going to be there were a bunch of teeny boppers seeing their idols Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber. For me it sounded so boring. Being a 28 year old male metal head , I was only going cuz a friend won tickets and wanted me to go with her. I agreed and we trucked off to the concert. The concert was surprisingly good as both of them put on a great show to their screaming masses. I found myself surprisingly very turned on by the sight...
The cabin was barely visable from my perch on the downside of the hill. Judging by the laughter echoeing around me, I assumed my freinds had already arrived. Beads of sweat slid between my 34C breast, slowly soaking my barley-there tank top. My shorts were riding up my ass so I hurried my pace. Sarah greeted me at the door with a smile and devilish gleam in her blue eyes. She spun on her heel and flounced away, letting her ass swish side to side. I admired the view briefly before shutting...
The ship slowly nosed up to the unloading point. The moon cast a faint glow on the desert landscape as everyone onboard held their breath. Then from the shore, a red light was seen flashing on and off. Shaun relaxed from the tension that had built up. They had not been discovered, Captain Stavros quietly gave an order, and the ship slowly came to a stop. The ship was secured to the shore, and the ship’s derrick swung into action. Shaun could see from the bridge shadowy figures appearing on...
Our place had a new trainee, Rachel. We were short-staffed and have been unable to fill a post for more than a year. This was more or less the situation across the country.During regional meetings, one of the other consultants had come across Rachel. She was unhappy with her present workplace and was looking to move out. As we had nothing to lose, we interviewed her.She was nothing brilliant, had average references but was someone who could do the job, that’s what I heard. A pair of hands is...
CheatingI’ve been so bad and you are angry at me, really angry. Not just the usual kind of anger that gets me whipped, but the kind that gets stone cold silence and rigidity in your posture. You push me away from you and go to stand up, but I cling to you and say I’m sorry. You ignore me, shoving me down onto the bed. I grab your waist and plead for you to forgive me; again you push me from you. I begin to cry, it doesn’t move you. I fall down before you, grab your ankles and kiss your feet with my...
BDSMIf you have followed my blog you probably read about a game I played called Beg for Mercy. The rules are simple, anything goes and the way you win is to be the girl that can go the longest without begging for mercy!The record was 26 minutes. My first attempt at the game about 10 months ago was 24 minutes. I came close but just couldn't hold out for the remaining 3 minutes needed to beat the record.I was excited when my girlfriend called me up last night and said she was going to another bfm...
It wasn’t every day that Andee had the chance to travel for work, but this time was exciting. She had been selected to attend a training session in Denver for a week and she was determined to make the most of the experience. After checking into the hotel, she headed down to the lounge to get something to eat. It was a pretty quiet place, with only a handful of guests sitting at the various tables. Andee found an empty stool near the end of the bar and made small talk with the bartender. He...
Group Sexits been a few years now since my last sexual adventure,lifes been really normal.ive split the wife and now moved in with my younger sister.she was kind enough to take me in when life was at it lowest.i know live in a nice house which is semi detached.at the back of the house there is a little garden then it backs onto another house.after that is woodland.the only noise we get is from cars coming and going into the nature reserve behind us.the track to it is at the side of the house.my bedroom...
The email started out simple but then she went in to trying to explain why she hadn’t contacted me earlier. She said that she thought I was mad at her for not being safe when she took off the condom and putting her cock back in me. At the time it did worry me but I got over it realizing it was okay. She then suggested that I should come by some time if I was still interested telling me she’d be working the next weekend. Smiling, I quickly responded to her email with a heartfelt hi, saying it...
Bratty teenage slut Rebel Lynn thinks shes going to have her parents house all to herself over the weekend when, upon hearing her doorbell ring, she finds out that her mom has hired a house sitter to make sure she doesnt party. At first, shes absolutely infuriated since she was planning on having one of her many friends with benefits come over to fuck the shit out of her. However, after checking out the male house sitter, she starts fantasizing about him and begins DPing herself with two...
xmoviesforyouService and Submission The evening play party was winding down, and I was still on the "X" frame in the main room. It had been a most memorable evening, having been on display, available to play for whomever wanted to use me. The leather corset I was cinched into had warmed over the last few hours, so it was reasonably comfortable particularly with the way my chest was heaving in exertion from the whipping. I was cognizant of the feel of the nylons covering my long legs, and the...
After several minutes, though, Mac pulled away and instead brought his cock up to my face yet again, the tip barely visible from its sheath. "Ready for round two so soon? Well, if you insist…" I said as I eagerly wrapped my lips around the tip of his cock. If anyone was watching, it would seem pathetic how badly I wanted to suck his dick. My tongue was swirling frantically around his tip and I was sucking as if my life depended on it. However, this time precum was not what came out. It was...
The first time I had sex with a man when I was nineteen. I knew I was attracted to other men and boys but in my very traditional family homosexuality wasn’t even talked about. I didn’t realise what my feeling meant. But that night, my first gay sex experience with a man changed everything. I was at a pub having a beer when a strongly built man sat next to me. He ordered a beer and started chatting with me. He had tattoos on his arms and had a beard. But he was hot. So very hot. He caught me...
GayI had been dating Daniel for about three years and I loved him with every ounce of my being, but nothing was exciting to me anymore. Every time we had sex was the same, and every time it was the same lousy orgasm. Don't get me wrong, they were better than what I could do to myself, but it left me to wanting to do more, something different. After spending about a week reading what we could try, it finally hit me - anal. It was a Friday night, and I had spent the day preparing myself for it....
AnalI just got home when I heard the shower running. I opened the door and undressed and got in with mom. I told her "I bet you need me to get that pussy all clean. Spread your legs and let me clean you." As mom spread her legs I soaped my finger with a lot of suds. I then began to rub all over her pussy spreading the lips and getting every crease of her sexy pus. She began to moan when I gave her clit a very good cleaning. Then I soaped up again and shoved fingers in her love hole. She moaned and...
Her one year older brother was passing by and saw her through the slightly open door. Seeing her topless wasn’t anything really new for him, but he stopped to appreciate the view nonetheless. “Whatcha doin', sis?” He asked. “Are they too small?” She asked him, so he entered her room. “Too small for what?” He asked. “They look just fine. Maybe even perfect for your size, truth be told.” Fran was a petite girl, only about five feet tall, with a trim little behind. All she was...
At Sebastian's party I meet his sexy daughter Tiffany and even sexier wife Fiona! When my friend Sebastian and his wife Fiona invited me and my wife to their daughter Tiffany’s engagement party we reluctantly agreed. Though my wife didn’t get on badly with Fiona she couldn’t see why any woman should have such spectacular looks and a figure as Fiona and have such a perfect marriage too. I felt something of the same. Sebastian had gone from success to success while I’d...
StraightAfter leaving for home from work early that evening, Tom Farmer pulled onto the exit ramp. The radio was playing a CD of his favorite opera. His little commuter car wasn't much to look at, but it had a very good stereo system installed in it. Tom had a singing voice that sounded a lot like a cat in heat, but he sang along anyway. Unlike a lot of commuters, Tom truly enjoyed the ride to and from his business. As the owner of a business, he didn't have a moment of peace during the day. There...
Carol and I lay spooned together in a sort of post-fuck catnap when I felt our blanket pulled up and Russ climbed in beside me. He pulled himself close up behind and ran his hand down my side and rested it on my hip. He drew himself close in so that I his semi-hard cock push up against my ass. My cock started to get hard and Carol stirred looking over at us and said “Ooooh what’s this? Are you going to have us both?” She turned on her side so that I was in the middle and they were on either of...
Hello friends. I am Varsha here. Thank you all for your messages and mails. All the guys here, I am not going to entertain your chat requests so kindly refrain from sending me creepy messages. Your views on my story are welcome on . I have deactivated my Kik account so no use texting me there now. So I am Varsha from Mumbai. A mother to 2 most beautiful twins and a wife to a caring and loving husband, Hemant. This story recounts my lesbian relationship with ny Niece which I’ll share with you...
LesbianDonald’s manner changed in an instant. He looked around the shop. “Find me a rapier! The finest rapier you have, suitable for a lady. Also a sword breaker dagger, like mine, but finer. I will take six of the shields with me now. Go fetch your family then tell me where these men are located. Do not tell anyone you have seen me. I will need spears. Send all the shields and as many spears as you can manage to Nathaniel’s caravan.” “Is there to be war?” he asked “Yes, if what I fear comes to...
My name is Johanna I am 19 and I have been sexually active for about four years now. I have been with seven or eight men and two first time I might not like it because it was the first time and if I don’t like it the second time then I probably really don’t like it. This all started when my father meet a new friend who was about 32. His name is Anthony. The first time I meet him I was instantly attracted to him. He was the true meaning of a redneck. He was rough around the edges but a great...
EroticIntroduction: Two people finding each other after being pulled away. This is an edited version of the previous story, had some grammar issues I wanted to change, this should be a smoother read! Love never fades. Growing up. My name is Aaron Fitz. For the first twelve years of my life, I grew up like any other child. Went to school, came home from school, did my homework, played with toys, was just a normal child. I was a happy normal child, until one of the most important nights of my life....
The weekend following their return from eloping, Val's parents threw a party, ostensibly for them, but Val knew it was really a business meeting for her father, who was seldom doing anything else, the real party would be held during the Christmas holidays, with the entire families of Joe and Val attending; in effect, a wedding without the ceremony. Joe had allowed his hair to grow to a shoulder length, and it was feathered back and gleamed in the afternoon sun. He already had a great tan...
had been drinking. I wasn’t thinking very well and let them attempt to drive. Well we got into an accident. No one was hurt, thank goodness, but their car was totaled. My friends were taken to jail for drinking and driving. I hadn’t been drinking and was free to go home. Unfortunately, I had no way home. My parents would not have picked me up. Under these circumstances. One of the officers, was actually off duty and offered to take me home. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart....
Bunny The Slave Wife, A Day in the Barn.Bunny looked up at her husband through her big hazel eyes. She let out a soft gurgling noise as she tried swallowing the last of his cum. A tough thing to do with her mouth wedged wide open by the formidable ring gag trapped between her teeth. She could feel the leather strap, harnessing it into her mouth, biting into her cheeks. She couldn’t wait for him to take it off.“Great job Bunny, you really are starting to get the hang of this deep throat thing.”...
Following is a creative work of fiction about an obsession. It involves intimate moments of both physical and psychological nature between mother and son, intended for fun. All the names, characters, and incidents are works of pure imagination. They do not resemble any real-life names, characters, and incidents. Being the first kid, my mom loved me more than my other two siblings. I enjoyed a special pampering while getting punished for the naughty things, which I used to do. As a kid, my mom...
IncestPARTY FAVORS ???? PARTY FAVORS ???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.?...
Christopher broke the silence. “Jen, you’ve tortured Andrew enough this evening. He is way beyond needing to cum. He doesn’t have to lick you first. He doesn’t have to lick you after. Andrew, you have permission to spend the rest of the evening fucking her hot, horny cunt as much as you want. “Jen, lie back and service my son until he’s satisfied. Andrew, you can start using her pussy whenever you’re ready.” Desperate to be fucked, Jen welcomed Christopher’s instructions. With a lecherous...
What if someone depended on you for a critical life-or-death chore, but the subject under your supervision was less than cooperative? Wouldn't you go to any lengths to get the task completed? How about eight inches? Distinguishing Characteristics The Klymonns were packing up almost before they reappeared in the neighborhood. Scuttlebutt said that some business enemies forced good old Bert out a decade ago by, causing his abrupt departure. Not one to learn from his mistakes, Bert had...
Hi Guys & Girls/Ladies!! I have been reading the stories out here since a long time now. I can figure out a number of ones are simply fake or fantasies. However, I can feel there are a number of real life stories going around in ISS. Coming to my experiences, I have had quite a bit of them. I would love to narrate each one of them and in this write-up I am narrating a story of my experience with a house wife and a mother of a kid. This is my first story in ISS. However, this is not my first...
--- Suggestible (Mm+f, mc, inter, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Nicole Dillon sat on the couch and sipped her beer. She didn't know many people at the party personally, and was feeling a little self-conscious. The music was loud and booming, and again she wondered to herself why she had come. But she knew the answer to that: Mike had asked her. It was his house, and he was one of the most popular guys in school -- a straight-A senior student, star football...
My wife stares at Amy wondering what if anything she sould do slowly she says how much did you see of your mother and me? and how old is your teacher? and just what do you mean by YOUR SLUT? Amy's face lites up you'll help me then? Kat in a stren voice says answer the questions frist! Well I saw mom sucking your tits in the car and in the bedroom, I saw you fucking her hard with the strap-on and then shoveing it in her mouth till she gagged on it.I saw her plead and beg for more you took her...
Gia Derza is visited by her landlord, Evan Stone. They’re friendly towards each other, but Evan firmly says they need to talk. Evan tells Gia that he suspects she’s running a business from her apartment, which goes against the terms of her lease. Gia admits that she offers NURU massage services from the apartment, and Evan tells her she has to stop or risk being evicted. Gia gets flirty and tries to sweet talk him into letting her continue the business, but Evan isn’t...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, this story is in response to one of my favorite fans who reached out to me on email looking for a good time. Almond, this is for you. Any women looking for an experience may contact me at After writing about my experience with Lisa, a fellow ISS reader reached out to me. “Hi! I read your story and I really wanted to get to know you,” she said. So we started emailing back and forth, and I couldn’t get enough of it. This was one of the sexiest women I have personally come across,...
Tami was in a rush to get to class as she ran as fast as she could but time definitely wasn't on her side. She had about 7 seconds till the bell rung and she couldn't be late, her teacher threatened that anyone who was late over 3 would face big consequences. This would be Tami's fourth time. The teacher was Ms.Bradley, and she never took any shit in her classroom. She was very strict, and if you asked a stupid question she would just look at you for a long moment and then adjust her glasses...
FetishI realised I was bi-curious in my late teens, but it took until I was about 25 before an opportunity finally occurred. I had a small collection of straight hardcore porn mags, remember this was in the days before the Internet, and to this day I remember this double-page spread of this hot girl on her knees in front of 7 fit guys with massive cocks, getting ready to suck. I loved that photo, I always had a quick glance at the girl before focusing on the guys and all those beautiful hard cocks,...
“It’s like I’m sliding sideways through time and space,” Quentin explained to Vivienne. “You might have seen that movie with Gwyneth Paltrow, or maybe, in this continuum, Renee Zellweger: Sliding Doors. Only for me, it’s all the time. The way I understand it is like what Stephen Hawkings explains. You know, that we live in an infinity of parallel universes. Only that while most people stay in one spacetime continuum all their lives, I’m constantly sliding through all of them. I don’t go...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThank you all for the feedback from the first story, I've tried to shorten the paragraphs here to make it a bit easier to read. Please, let me know what ya'll think about these first 2 stories. I have a few more ideas, but if you have any suggestions for stories, please send them along to [email protected] and I'll see what I can do with them. _________________________________________________________________________ With the approach of spring, it could only mean one thing. The...
“Not here!” Izzy was begging in her pipsqueak voice.But Buddy wasn’t listening. He was grinning that mischievous dimpled grin she couldn’t resist and pulling her into the closet. The closet was big enough to fit a few people, despite the books stacked up, the coat hanging that smelled of cigarettes, and the hanging lamp they had to keep pushing out of the way.“You said ‘anytime, anywhere, anyhow’ didn’t you?” he was telling her, grabbing her arms, protruding his lips towards her like he was...
TeenYour opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife, young. XNXX doesn't...
The first summer after I got married to my husband Mike is when it happened. My little sister Hayley was fifteen and asked if Mike could help her drive. I worked from 1pm to 9pm. During that time Mike and Hayley spent together driving. Later I was told everything that happened. The first day they were on the back roads going to the creek and Hayley had to pee badly. They pulled up behind some trees where nobody else could see them. Mike waited in the car while Hayley took a leak. The next time...
her bedroom and she shuts the door. My heart is beating faster than normal. I'm nervous and excited. I've fantasized about this moment for years."Strip", She says with confidence and authority. It sounds louder than it was in the quiet.I immediately take all my clothes off, my cock quickly filling with blood. I put the clothes on a nearby chair, and then stand next to the bed. She walks next to facing my side. I feel her lean into me. Her clothes touch my bare skin. My nakedness becomes...
Under the laws of New America females do not perform work as laborers in industry nor as laborers in any other types of business. Supervisory and management positions are always held by females. Workers and laborers fall under the Classification 4 and clothing is only permitted to provide minimum levels of safety needed for that position. Male laborers are subjugated to all females within the organization and at the mercy of their direction and orders. Benjamin (Ben) Wright was a young man...
The night had gone on and i had lost track of time but my body ached and i was covered in sweat by the time Marcus told me to stand up and led me to the bathroom turning the shower on and kissing the back of my neck while we waited for it to heat up. The shower was large and took up the entire corner of the room with a bench under the head. Marcus told me to go sit down and my legs nearly gave out while the hot water splashed over my naked body. My ass felt warm and open underneath me and...
March brought a lot of wind and rain, and Ryan felt like she'd walked through it all on her way home from work. She went into her apartment, hoping the quiet would alleviate her headache. It had been a hell of a day, but it was Friday and it was over. She tried to concentrate on that as she went to her room to change. Things were moving along for the band. They'd found a lawyer through Trout's father, and a manager; Ryan was relieved to cross those items off her list. She had wrestled with the...
Love StoriesI’m good at my job. That’s what got me into trouble.The New York State Library found a partial copy of William Blake's First Book of Urizen, and they called a team of experts to authenticate it. I was one of those experts and I was the only one to identify it as a clever fake. It turns out, I was right. That’s what made me famous in the world of rare book antiquities.Six months later, my supervisor at the Boston Public Library, Mr. Matthews, told me that a well-preserved copy of the 1455...