Joanna's First Gynecological Exam free porn video

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Author: Powerone

Title: Joanna's First Gynecological Exam

Part: Chapter 1 Preliminary Exam

Summary: Joanna has never had a gynecological exam and that fact is whatDr. Michael is betting on. He intends to humiliate and abuse her lovely bodywith the help of his colleagues.

Keywords: M+/F, anal, oral, bd, humil, enem

Copyright 2004 by Powerone. Author may be contacted at [email protected]

Joanna's First Gynecological Exam

Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patientof the day. He'd had the room specially equipped to take advantage of the femaleshe specifically chose from the young, inexperienced students who received medicalexaminations at no charge. In exchange for this free service they would allowmedical students to be present during the exams. Or these females would thinkthe men present at their exams were medical students. Dr. Michael never letactual medical students take part; instead he usually invited some of his friends.It was an exceptional chance to abuse a young girl at whim and get away withit.

He checked the chart of the next patient, Joanna, a nineteen-year-olduniversity student from Stratford, Ontario. Many university students visitedhis clinic, which was exactly why he located it close to campus. He didn'tpractice medicine for the money; he had more then he could ever spend. He simplyenjoyed female flesh. And, the younger, the better. He preferred young, inexperiencedgirls who could be easily controlled by an authoritative person, such as adoctor.

He had never met Joanna, but therewas a picture of her in the chart. She appeared to be tall, about five feetten with obviously long legs. Blonde hair covered her breasts, which is whatinitially peaked his interested in her. He loved the sight of a girl nakedfrom the waist up, hair concealing her naked breasts; but just the possibilityof a hard nipple peeking out from between the blonde strands would make hiscock so hard. He looked at her breasts, guessing them to be about 36C's, buthe would soon find out for himself. He enjoyed inspecting breasts very intimately.The picture did not show her ass, but soon she would be stripped naked on hiscold metal table, her legs spread high and wide in the metal stirrups. He evenhad large leather straps for the ankles, to "protect her from hurting herself"—orso he would tell her. He and his "interns" would have her spread open, withhands and fingers in all of her orifices.

Even though she was nineteen, Joanna had never had a gynecological exam before. Unwittingly, she was a perfect candidate for Dr.Michael, not knowing what was expected, gullible enough to accept almost anythingthat would be done to her innocent body. She had been told that it would bea very extensive exam done under a research grant and would require a minimumof four hours. Since it was free, she would be required to give them her fullcooperation in whatever they asked and she accepted this condition.

Dr. Michael knew Joanna was sittingjust outside in the lobby filling out the spurious forms. There were so manyof them, over 30 pages of "legalese" that his receptionist told her was necessary.She had started reading them but became bored after two pages and finally wentdirectly to the last page and simply signed it. Had she read it, she wouldhave seen some rather important clauses. The section where it described theresearch project for the study of the Masturbatory Practices of the FemaleCollege Student and that the volunteers would be required to masturbate duringthe exam or allow one of his medical staff to masturbate her "as many timesas necessary." Or the stipulation that should the volunteer decide not to completethe extensive exam, she would be liable for all costs incurred, which couldreach as high as several thousands of dollars. Or that the volunteer will bephotographed and/or videotaped during the exam, while nude and engaged in orbeing masturbated, for teaching purposes. She would soon find out the sad truthof what she had signed.

The receptionist smiled at Joanna, "you may go in now,Joanna. The doctor will be with you in a few minutes. Just have a seat. Thebeginning of the exam will be getting your history. Relax," she added whenshe noticed how nervous Joanna was. She won't be nervous by time she is finished,the knowing receptionist thought. Dr. Michael would make her cum so many timesbefore he was done, she would be barely able to walk. As Joanna disappearedinto the office, the receptionist picked up her purse, left the office andlocked the door, putting up the "Closed" sign. Dr. Michael did not like tobe disturbed during testing. His friends had already arrived and were dressedin their "doctor" coats, with stethoscopes around their necks, waiting fortheir chance at the fresh meat.

Joanna looked around the large, sterile room with somefear. She had heard about g ynecological exams and dreaded the thought of beingtrussed up naked and spread like a plucked chicken, but the school requireda yearly physical and a bi-yearly g ynecological exam in order to participatein sports. Her budget was severely limited and she jumped at the opportunityfor the free exam when recommended by a girl at school. What Joanna did notknow was that the girl was paid by Dr. Michael to recruit others for his exams,but only after he had done an extensive background check on them, somethinghe could easily afford. The pictures and videos that were produced from theexams made him thousands of dollars in the overseas markets, especially Japan.They could never get enough videos of naked, blonde teens being examined bydoctors. His videos showing their forced orgasms were the best in the market.

Joanna looked at the metal table with dread, imaginingwhat would happen on it. She shivered at the sight of the evil looking stirrups,made worse by the leather straps around them. Would her legs be bound to themwhile spread? She had not thought of that, assuming that she would merely placeher feet in them.

She noticed another table nearthe wall, with a drain near the center, two-inch walls up the side and a largespray nozzle hanging down from the ceiling. Across the center was a raisedportion about five inches wide and padded with heavy rubber. In each of thefour corners were the evil leather straps again, no doubt to fully restrainthe patient. It was definitely big enough to hold the spread body of an individual.

She could not tell what was underneaththe white towels on the smaller, movable tables, but she presumed that theywere instruments used for the examination, including the dreaded speculum.She had seen pictures of them and she cringed at the thought of something thatbig going inside her let alone spreading her open from within.

Dr. Michael entered the room,his eyes immediately drawn to Joanna. She was as beautiful as her picture,long blonde hair flowing down in front, covering her breasts exactly as he'dimagined. She wore a button-down blouse and jeans so low on her hips it lefther stomach naked. He could tell she was tall even as she sat and couldn'twait to see her long legs naked. She had such lovely lips, the type that lookedso nice wrapped around your cock, sweet eyes looking up at you as you fed morecock deep into her mouth. "Good morning, Joanna, I'm Dr. Michael. I want tothank you for volunteering for our study. It is so important that we get peoplewho will take the time to help in our important research."

"Thank you Dr. Michael. I hopeI will do well. I'm really nervous about it. I've never had a gynecologicalexam before and I'm not sure what to expect." Joanna shifted nervously in herchair, the doctor's eyes looking her body up and down as she talked. Damn Joanna,he's a doctor. He is supposed to be doing that. Relax, it will be OK, she thought,trying to calm herself.

"I will guide you through thewhole thing, Joanna; explain it as we go. I have three colleagues who willjoin us after we go through your medical history. This is a teaching clinicas well as a research clinic. I know it will be a little uncomfortable foryou with so many people in the room, but we will keep you as relaxed as possible.If you would like, we could give you a mild tranquilizer to calm your nerves.All you have to do is ask."

Joanna felt a little better. Dr.Michael seemed genuinely interested in making sure she was comfortable. Asfor the other doctors, she would just close her eyes and make believe no oneelse was there. "It's OK Dr. Michael. I appreciate your candor. I'll be OK."

"Fine, you seem to be a very maturewoman. I'm going to begin with your medical history. I'm going to ask one ofthe interns to join us to help take notes and he may have some additional questions.He is a new intern so if he seems a little blunt, take into account that hehas not had the practice that the others have. Just answer him frankly andI will discuss his approach with him after your exam. Is that OK Joanna?" Dr.Michael smiled at her.

"Yes, that is OK." She watchedDr. Michael push a button on his desk. Within a minute, a door opened and anotherdoctor walked in. He was older, somewhere in his mid forties. She had expecteda younger man.

"This is Dr. Steve, Joanna."

"Good morning Joanna." He wasvery businesslike, without the flair of Dr. Michael. He sat down next to Joanna,a pad in his hand.

"Good morning Dr. Steve." He wasn'tas handsome as Dr. Michael either; he had a rugged look that you would notexpect to see in a doctor. Maybe that is why he was older, perhaps becominga doctor as a second career.

The questioning began with hermedical history, diseases and illnesses she had, her parents' medical historyand the usual questions regarding her menstrual cycle. Then it got to sex.

"One of out four women will havea sexually-transmitted disease in her lifetime. These diseases can cause sterility,cancer as well as problems with pregnancy, childbirth and infant health," Dr.Michael stated to her. "Very often, women have no symptoms. That is why itis important for me to know whether you are at risk for sexually transmittedinfections. Don't let your embarrassment become a health risk. I will not knowunless you tell me if you've had vaginal, oral or anal intercourse, how manypartners you have had or if you masturbate. You must answer my questions truthfullyand fully. I need to know all of the details to determine the risk. Do youunderstand Joanna?" then he added, "I think you are mature enough to understandthe situation."

He was right, he was a traineddoctor and she knew that she would have to give him all the information, eventhough it might humiliate her. "Yes Dr. Michael. I will answer all of yourquestions truthfully."

"Fine, Joanna. Are you a virgin?

"No," she answered quickly.

"Have you had more then one partner?" Dr.Steve asked.


"A more detailed answer wouldmake this go faster," Dr. Steve shot back. "I'm sure you understand the reasonsfor our questions; you seem to be an intelligent girl." He appeared to be alittle angry.

Both doctors looked at her, waitingfor her answer. "I've had vaginal intercourse with two different partners,the first was only for a short time, we did it only twice; the second was alittle longer, but was still only three times, other than that, I haven't hadvaginal intercourse," she revealed her entire sexual history in one long breath.

"Thank you Joanna, that was veryhelpful." He smiled at her and gave Dr. Steve an irksome look.

"Did you enjoy it Joanna?" Dr.Steve asked.

Surprised at the question butdetermined to respond honestly and not make Dr. Michael angrier, she blurtedout, "It hurt the first couple of times. Both of them had big cocks-- I meanpenises, sorry." Joanna took a deep breath then quietly admitted, "They seemedto be more interested in cumming than in umm… than in making me cum."

"That's fine, Joanna" Dr. Michaelsmiled, "Use whatever language you are comfortable with. Have you ever givenoral intercourse?" Dr. Michael waited anxiously for her answer.

"Once. My last boyfriend forcedhimself on me. He stuck his cock in my mouth and made me suck him until hecame. He was mad when I spit it out." Joanna remembered how he had held herhead with both his hands, pulling her back and forth on to his cock as if hermouth were her pussy. She'd choked and gagged when he pushed all the way intothe back of her throat but he slapped down her hands when she tried to stophim. He finally finished in her mouth, bathing it with his hot, salty cum.It tasted terrible, so thick. She spit it out and that had made him angry.That was the last time they had dated.

"Did you like the taste of hissemen, Joanna?" Dr. Steve asked her, while imagining her lips wrapped aroundhis own cock.

"No, it was so thick and salty." Herface grimaced as she recalled the taste. "It hung in my mouth for days no matterhow many times I brushed my teeth or gargled."

You will have to learn to loveit, Joanna. By the end of the day, your mouth will be filled with cum. Dr.Steve's pleasant smile hid his thoughts from her. "Some girls don't like thetaste of semen. It's like a fine scotch," he explained, "the taste is acquired."

"The only way I would do it againwould be if I were forced," she shot back.

And so it will be, Joanna, Dr.Michael silently said to himself then asked, "have you ever had anal intercourse,been sodomized, Joanna?"

"NO! NEVER!" She would never dothat. Only gay men had sex that way. She barely let a boy touch her ass cheeks,never mind the tiny anus tucked between her tight cheeks.

Ignoring her outburst, Dr. Steveasked, "Do you masturbate, Joanna?"

"Yes, a couple of times a week," shewhispered, embarrassed, not sure if that was more than most girls.

"That's not unusual for a girlyour age, Joanna," Dr. Michael assured her, as if reading her mind. "A smallnumber of girls do it even more often." Dr. Michael's research showed thatcollege girls without a current boyfriend were chronic masturbators. Then hecasually tossed out the next question, "at what age did you first start youmasturbating?"

Joanna looked nervously at Dr.Michael and murmured, "twelve." What would he think of her?

"Many girls begin at an earlyage Joanna. It is nothing to be ashamed of," Dr. Steve gave her a smirk ashe thought about the number of times they would make her cum today. She'd becaught up for a month, he laughed to himself.

"Obviously you enjoy it and youseem to have a healthy, though sparse sex life, so it has not hurt you. Masturbationis a very important part of a healthy sex life and we will discuss that later.We might be able to help you learn to enjoy it more." Dr. Michael smiled ather, prompting hers in return.

"Thank you, Dr. Michael." Sheliked Dr. Michael; Dr. Steve was another story.

Dr. Michael pushed the buttonon his desk again, the door opened and two more men in white coats walked in.It was so quick, it seemed as if they were just outside the door. They wereolder men like Dr. Steve. Joanna's face showed her obvious confusion.

"Joanna, this is Dr. Bill andDr. James. I see you have noticed that most of my interns are older. They havebeen doctors for a number of years but in general practice. They have decidedto specialize in gynecology and obstetrics as board certified doctors, so theymust spend time as an intern, just as a new doctor would. Doctors, why don'tyou have a seat? We have a lot of work to accomplish and need to get started." Michaelwatched Johanna as they sat on either side of her, each assuring themselvesof an unobstructed view of her body.

"Can you bring your chair closerto me, Joanna? I'm going to start with the breast exam. I'm not going to haveyou get into the standard paper examination gown that opens in the front. Itis a little humiliating. You don't mind, do you?"

Joanna felt relieved. She thoughtshe would have to strip immediately. Dr. Michael seemed to be very sensitiveto her needs and fears. She was glad that he was doing the examination. "Thankyou," she acknowledged gratefully and moved her chair closer, only inches fromhis.

Dr. Michael's hands reached outand pushed her hair from the front of her shirt-covered breasts. "You havevery beautiful hair, Joanna." His fingers lightly brushed her face, feelingher shiver. "Joanna has a very nice pair of breasts," he began to talk to theother doctors as if instructing them. His hands moved down, watching her eyesas they followed, not even flinching when his hands gently touched her breasts. "Veryfull and, we will soon discover, firm. Young girls' breasts can be very sensitiveso you must be careful when manipulating them."

Dr. Michael now addressed himselfto her, "If it hurts, just tell me Joanna and I will stop." At her nod, hemolded her breasts in his palms and hefted each globe, bouncing them gently.Joanna did not protest this manhandling of her but tensed when he moved hisfingers to the buttons of her shirt and began to unbutton the first one. "Relax,take a deep breath. It will be all right," his voice soothing as he slowlyunfastened her blouse.

Joanna's hands clenched on thechair as Dr. Michael began to remove her blouse. This was not as she thoughtit would be. She expected she would be naked all at once, not with the doctorslowly undressing her like a lover. She wasn't sure how she felt about it.While it would be slower and less humiliating—or she thought it wouldbe—the suspense was killing her. And the wetness she felt between herlegs was surprising and embarrassing, like the feeling she got when she wasmaking out with a boy. She felt him pull the short blouse to each side andknew her stomach was now completely naked, her bra revealed. She felt, ratherthan saw the doctors crane their necks to get a better view of her cleavage,her bra pushing up her twin peaks, a small gold cross highlighting the dividebetween them.

Dr. Michael's hands returned toher bra-encased breasts, this time squeezing them a little, again with no protestcoming from Joanna. Maybe she would enjoy a little pain; he thought and remindedhimself to test her later. His hands ran lower on her body, feeling her suckin her stomach with her breath, unmoving as he touched her skin. He then stoodup and walked behind her; she turned her head to see what he was doing. "Facethe desk, Joanna, I'm going to remove your bra," he ordered her. Her swiftobedience pleased him. He touched her shoulders, enjoying the goose bumps appearas she trembled. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Good girl, Joanna," thenpushed her gently forward so his hands could find her bra catch. Over her shoulders,he watched her breasts push out her bra as she bent over, his cock jerkingat the sight of her lovely globes.

She could not see him, but shefelt his every touch on her body and trembled at the contact. As her bra wasreleased, her breasts spilled free of their containment, straps hanging fromher shoulders. She was still bent over, no one able to see her breasts yet,but she knew it was only a matter of time.

Dr. Michael let the straps slidefrom her shoulders and down her arms. He pushed her hair forward, sliding thelong blonde locks over her naked breasts. "Take off your bra, Joanna and putit on my desk." Once more, she obeyed without question and he hoped her submissiveattitude would continue when they would soon take advantage of her young body.He stood in front of her again, making sure her hair covered her naked breastsjust as he liked to see it, though her palms were clutching her globes, hidingthe naked treasures from their view, temporarily.

She felt him touch her arms, knewhis eyes were on her as he pulled her hands from her breasts. Now all eyeswere on her breasts and she was exceedingly uncomfortable, as she knew theywaited to see her naked mounds. Dr. Michael brushed her hair forward again;Joanna felt relief as blonde hair covered her naked breasts, ignorant of hislittle fetish. She felt her nipples pucker and harden as her hair caressedthem, ashamed that her body reacted to the stimulation and knowing they wouldsurely notice. She looked into Dr. Michael's eyes, silently pleading that hewould not detect her body's betrayal, but the smile he gave her was all knowing.

"Put your hands back on the armsof the chair, Joanna. I need to examine your naked breasts. Then he praisedher, "You're being such a good girl."

She pressed her naked back againstthe cold chair, arching a bit, thrusting her chest out. Her hands turned whitefrom gripping the chair so hard, her lips clenched in anticipation. She lookeddown, her breasts covered by her blonde hair, but hints of her naked globespeeked from beneath. It was almost as if she was teasing them.

"Now relax, Joanna. Dr. Steveis going to take a few pictures. They are for the training lectures. Nothingto worry about." But at his words, her hands shot up and covered her breastsagain, a shocked look on her face. He stroked her cheek and pushed her hairfrom her eyes. "Relax, Joanna. It's normal procedure. We only use the picturesto compare to the doctors' notes. It verifies or denies our analyses and isa very important diagnostic tool used by all teaching and research hospitals.Now put your hands back down," he pressed, exerting a bit of force until sherelented, her hands returning to the chair arms.

Joanna sat there as Dr. Michaelarranged her hair again, covering her breasts, his fingers accidentally grazingher nipples, the hard tips now twice their normal size. God, they were goingto think she was a slut, getting excited just from a doctor's exam, she thought.Dr. Steve now moved in front of her with a small digital camera. She closedher eyes as the flash went off repeatedly, cringing at how she must look. Shefelt someone come close to her. She opened her eyes, Dr. Michael next to herface again.

"That's good, Joanna," his voicescarcely above a whisper, "just a few more pictures then we'll move on to theexamination."

He caressed the front of her,lightly brushing a few strands of her hair out of the way, staring as her nipplesonce again poked through. He moved out of the way and she shut her eyes asDr. Steve took more pictures, this time her nipples and areolas exposed tothe harsh glare of the camera flash.

"Excellent, now open your eyes,Joanna." Dr. Michael sat in the chair in front of her. "Doctors," he beganand pulled back Joanna's hair, her breasts now fully exposed. Hefting her breastsin his hands, feeling her tremble as he let his fingers run over her nipples,teasing them, "you must be gentle when examining young girls' breasts likeJoanna's." He smiled, "If you clench your hand on them, you can feel for lumps,bumps or thickening. Let your hand press in small circles all over the breastflesh, starting at the top outermost edge and spiral in to the nipple. Youwill notice that Joanna's nipples are extremely hard and long. Some patientsmay get sexually excited by this stimulation."

His fingers moved in toward herareolas, large dark brown circles the size of a half dollar. They ran overthe flesh, tiny goose bumps appearing on her breasts as he did. He caressedboth breasts simultaneously, watching her shift in her chair, obviously arousedby the manipulation of her breasts.

Joanna was so humiliated, unableto control her nipples, all of the doctors able to see how aroused she was.She felt the wetness between her legs, ashamed when they would do her pelvicand find her wet. Would it become worse when they completely stripped her andbegan to run their fingers over her pussy, as she was sure they would? "Mmmm," shequietly moaned as his fingers gripped her nipples, tightening on the sensitivetips. She felt the pain as he twisted them right then left.

"Some girls like their breastsfondled a little harder than most. There is a fine line between pain and pleasureand nipples are very sensitive to this." Dr. Michael gripped her nipples alittle tighter, his fingertips digging into the hard flesh. "Does that hurttoo much Joanna? Would you like me to stop?" but he already knew the answer.Her lips were clenched tight, but her back was arched, her breasts thrust intohis painful grip. Joanna said nothing but emitted a low moan. He pulled onher nipples, stretching them out over an inch, tightening his grip even more,not allowing them to escape his cruel fingers. "We will have to test her breastsand nipples later for tactile stimulation." he told the other doctors, thenexplained to Joanna, "we will place certain instruments on your areolas andnipples, Joanna, to make sure that your nerve endings are as responsive asthey should be. It might be a little bit painful for you but it is a necessarypart of the procedure."

"Doctors, gather over here. Youcan practice examination of the breasts on Joanna. Joanna, I want you to laceyour hands behind your head. Be a good girl and obey."

Her nipples were being crushed,fingers still gripping them tightly, squeezing the blood from each. The bloodexploded back into the tips when he released them, the pain quickly following.Now the others were going to touch them, would they do the same as Dr. Michaeldid, make her nipples hard, arouse her. She hesitated at his command, knowingthe other doctors were already gathering around her half-naked body, theirfingers eager to run over her teenage flesh. She reluctantly complied, raisingher arms, feeling her breasts rise up even higher, as she laced her hands behindher neck.

"Move your elbows out to the sidenow. This will tighten up the muscles, making the breast palpation much easierfor the doctors. Now arch your back a little, Joanna. Yes, very good Joanna.See how firm her breasts are, the nipples pointed, no sag at all in them," hetold the doctors.

Joanna posed for them, frozenin position while they took turns running their hands over her breasts, eachpaying special attention to her nipples. They seemed bent on outdoing eachother, trying to make her nipples harder than the man before. It was embarrassingbecause they succeeded. Fingers grabbing her nipples hard, one snapping hernipple with his fingernail, igniting a sharp pain that radiated from her nippleup her spine.

Dr. Michael moved next to heragain, whispering into her ear as Dr. James, the last one pulled on her nipples,stretching each obscenely, twisting the pink nipples crushed beneath his callousedfingers. "That's not so bad is it, Joanna? I think you are enjoying it a little," heteased her, her face turning red with shame as her body betrayed her.

"Stand up now Joanna." She rosefrom the chair, her breasts bouncing. He put his hands on her hips, turningher towards the other doctors. "Jeans are always so hard to get down, girlsseem to buy them to fit like a second skin and Joanna's jeans are no exception.See how they cling to her buttocks?" Joanna's mortification was evident ashe pointed this out to the others.

Dr. Michael's hand caressed herass with a touch that was a little bold. She felt his hand at her waist, unbucklingher belt, unbuttoning the top button before his fingers gripped the zipper. "Ican do it," she was near panic as she tried to grab the zipper from him, wantingto get it over with quickly. It was as if Dr. Michael was slowly strippingher naked for their pleasure.

Dr. Michael slapped her ass withhis palm, "I will do it Joanna. Now, behave." His voice stern.

She was taken aback by his tone,the slap just barely registering through the thick jean material. She let herhands fall to the side, obeying his order, not sure why, but not wanting tofind out what would happen if she didn't. "Yes, Dr. Michael."

His hand returned to her zipperand began to slowly pull it down. The sound of the moving zipper broke thenear silence in the room, joining only the echoes of the breathing of the doctors.She felt his hand push in when it reached bottom, touching her panty-coveredpussy, the thin material the only barrier between his hand and her naked sex.She had forgotten that she had on a sexy thong, thinking that she would takeoff her clothes and put on a gown. Now they would see her in it, her ass cheeksnaked.

Dr. Michael reached up to thetop of the jeans and pulled them over her flaring hips, making sure that herpanties did not come down with them. He caught a glimpse of her ass cheeks,the thong leaving her almost naked in the back. He tugged farther, past theV in her legs, down to her knees. He let them sit there, trapping her legstogether.

"Joanna has very smooth and silkyskin," he demonstrated by running his hand down the side of her naked hips, "reflectingher general good health." He turned her sideways, so the other doctors couldsee her naked ass cheeks. "Her buttocks are a beautiful and healthy pink, shemust also work out often as they are also tight," his hand gripping one ofher naked cheeks in his hand as he "lectured."

Joanna suddenly felt like nothingmore than a doll. Dr. Michael talked about her and touched her as if she wasn'treal, only a doll to examine. She felt him grip her ass, her hips pushing forwardas he did.

"You take good care of your body,Joanna, you should be proud of it. This doesn't embarrass you, does it?"

Here she was in the company offour older, strange men, naked from the waist up, her chest heaving, her nippleshard, her pants at her knees, a thong the only thing covering her sex and hewas asking her if she was embarrassed? "No Dr. Michael, I'm fine," she lied,flashing him a fake smile as he continued to rest his palm on her naked asscheeks.

"I knew you were very mature,Joanna. Now gentlemen," his hand grabbed her thong at the waist and slowlylowered it, "we will remove Joanna's thong so we can exam her sex." They allwatched as her curls came into view, a nicely trimmed blonde bush that wasalmost invisible to the eye. The light, thin hair making her pussy almost baldlike a twelve-year-old girl. He continued to pull it down until it was stoppedat her knees by her jeans.

Now she was completely naked,made worse because her jeans and thong were gathered at her knees, bindingher legs, looking like a little schoolgirl waiting for a bare bottom spanking.All eyes focused between her legs, her puffy pussy lips tugged tightly closed,her mound hiding her inner secrets. However, she knew it would not be long,the cold metal examining table beckoning her. The ominous stirrups waitingto secure her legs, her sex made open and available, as they spread her wide.

"Please sit back down Joanna andslip off your jeans and thong. We need to proceed and will need you naked."

All eyes watched as she sat downand struggled to pull the jeans off, bending over to take off her shoes, herpendulous breasts hanging down. She started to pull off her jeans, bendingher knees outward without thinking, affording them an unobstructed view ofher pussy, which they did not pass up. She tried not to look at their facesas she finally got the jeans and thong off, now completely naked, Dr. Michaeltaking her only protection.

"Just a few more pictures Joanna,then I will need you on the exam table," he spoke as if this was a completelynormal part of the exam. "Please sit back firmly against the chair and keepyour shoulders straight. Yes, that's a good girl. Now lace your hands behindyour neck again. I want your breasts standing up."

This posing for them, her titspushed out, her nipples still hard, her exposed, wet pussy was more humiliatingthan anything she'd ever experienced. She cringed when the camera came forwardagain, her eyes squeezed tight as the camera flashed again and again, capturingher naked heaving breasts."

"Arch your back a little higher,Joanna. That's so good, yes. Get a picture of her hard nipples," Dr. Michaelrequested, then leaned in close to Joanna, his hand resting on her leg. "NowI need you to spread your legs open a little for the camera, Joanna. Can youdo that for us?" He pushed between her tightly clenched thighs, feeling hertighten against his hands.

Her eyes shot open when she felthis hand press between her thighs. "No, please, don't take a picture down there," shebegged, feeling him pushing out on her tender thighs.

"Just a few, Joanna. Next timewe have a mask that will cover your face so no one will recognize you, butfor now we must insist that you spread your legs and open up your sex for thecamera."

"A mask?" What kind of picturescould they possibly take that she'd need to wear a mask? She could no longerresist his hands, stronger than her thighs, her legs parting, moving towardsthe outside edge of the chair. She opened her eyes, looking down at her sex,her pussy lips beginning to spread apart, ashamed as she saw the glisteningdew on her sex.

"It will be better with a mask,that way we won't accidentally get your face in the picture. Now relax yourthighs, yes very good, a little bit farther," feeling her legs spread. "Scootforward a bit in the chair, Joanna. Yes, that's it. Such a good patient youare, Joanna."

"Take some pictures now," he orderedDr. Steve.

Dr. Steve knelt between her legs,his camera lens less than a foot from her open sex. She actually felt the heatof the flash as the camera flicked on and off, the click of the shutter deafeningin the quiet room as her wide-open sex was captured for posterity.

She jumped when Dr. Michael'shands touch her vulva.

"Joanna has very fleshy lips," againdemonstrating as he peeled them back exposing her pink inner skin to the camera. "Relax,Joanna. I just need to open you up so the camera can see inside you." Her vaginanow exposed, as was her clit hood. "Try to get a good picture without my fingers." Dr.Steve moved in for a real close up, now just inches from her sex.

"You will notice that Joanna hasstarted to secrete juices. You can see it glisten when the camera flashes.The exam sexually arouses some patients and it is nothing to be ashamed ofJoanna. A few have even had orgasms while being prodded with speculums."

Now they all knew that she wasa slut. Dr. Michael's fingers held her sex split open, making her pussy tingleand drip in excitement. What must they think of her? God, could she reallycum with them here? Yes, she knew she could. "I'm sorry, doctor," humiliatedat her body, her thoughts, not sure what to say, just knowing that she shouldsay something.

They finally finished taking pictures,Dr. Michael's hand gone from her pussy lips, Joanna feeling embarrassinglyunfulfilled as she sat in the chair, decidedly aroused. She badly wanted toplay with her clit until she would cum.

"Stand up Joanna and move overto the exam table." Dr. Michael saw the look of fear come over her face asshe stood, his hand moving to her naked waist. "It will be all right Joanna,just be a good girl and it will go easy and be over before you know it." Helet his hand slide down a little lower, touching the gentle swell of her tight,teenage ass. He felt her cheeks gently sway as he walked her over to the table,as a guard would do with a condemned prisoner.

Joanna felt all eyes on her, herbreasts bouncing as she walked, unable to control them. She felt Dr. Michael'shand on her waist slide down to her butt, afraid to say anything to him, moreafraid of what the rest of the examination would bring. She looked at the tableas she approached it, gleaming, cold and sterile, the ominous stirrups up high,waiting for her slender ankles to be placed in them, the dark leather strapsready to secure her tight in the stirrups, unable to stop them from spreadingher open. She went to sit on the table, but was stopped by Dr. Michael's voice.

"No, I want you on all fours onthe table. On your hands and knees, facing the other way." His cock jerkedwhen he said that. He loved a girl spread open that way, her ass pushed uphigh, begging to be touched or prodded, her pussy and anus open and accessible.

This was the worst. He wantedher in the doggy position, like an animal waiting to be mated! She hesitated,but his hands urged her up onto the table, her hands and knees touching thecold metal first. She closed her eyes and only imagined how she must look frombehind as she crawled forward, knowing that her pussy and anus were brutallyexposed to their eyes. His hands pushed her this way and that until he hadher exactly in the position he wanted; in the center of the table, on her knees,her arms extended outward, supporting her upper body. She was so self-conscious,her breasts hanging down, her ass pushed up right into their faces.

"First we're going to do a briefexamination of Joanna in this position. Later we will put her on her back withher legs in the stirrups, but this is less embarrassing for Joanna." Joannacould not believe he thought this less embarrassing!

He moved toward Joanna's head,brushing her hair from her face, pleased at the way her breasts hung down,noticing that her nipples were still hard. She might have a distressed lookon her face but he imagined that her pussy was still wet. He moved his handdown her back, softly running over her silky flesh. "Lower down, Joanna," pushingon her back. "Put you head down on the table, but keep your bottom raised up."

She felt like a trained dog, herhead on the table now, her face turned toward Dr. Michael as he slowly rubbedher flesh, moving down her arched back towards her pushed out butt. When hemoved behind her she had no trouble imagining his view.

"Move your legs a little moreapart, Joanna." His fingers slid between her thighs, feeling the tension inthem, pushing outward. He tapped lightly with his palm, a light slapping soundringing out in the room. She obeyed, the gap between her thighs getting wider,his hands urging them farther yet. He loved the sight of her teenage body,her butt cheeks spreading apart, her pink rosebud peeking out, her pussy pouchpushed outward. She was in the perfect position of servitude, arched up toserve her sex to whomever wanted it

Joanna closed her eyes, not wantingto see as they observed her sex so open and spread before them. Her head snappedup when she heard the door open, her eyes wide when she saw a janitor enterthe room. His eyes caught hers then moved down her body to gaze at her nakedhaunches so obscenely exposed. "Doctor! Get him out of here!" She screamed,horribly embarrassed. She started to get up, looking urgently for something,anything to cover her body.

Dr. Michael pushed down on herback, this time more forcefully. "Settle down, Joanna. It's only Jim. He'shere to take out the trash and will be gone in a minute." His hands held herdown as she tried to squirm free.

"No, make him leave, please," shepleaded, her body pinned beneath the doctor's big hands.

"I will not tell you again, Joanna.Now settle down. We must get on with the examination. Are you going to behave?" Helightly slapped her ass cheek with his palm, the white flesh turning a slightpink.

Joanna had never been spanked,even as a little girl. Now Dr. Michael had slapped her ass, the sting stillradiating through her tender flesh. She didn't know how to respond to thissituation. She was sure that this was terribly wrong, but she did not knowwhat to do. She was naked, four doctors crouched around her exposed body, surethat they would not let her go. Resigned to the fact that even the janitorwas eyeing her naked body, her head went back down on the table. She felt handsback between her legs, urging her thighs farther apart.

"That's a good girl, Joanna. Nowraise your butt a little," his hand gripping her sex in his palm pushing herup higher. "Now doctors, you will notice that Joanna has a very puffy vulva." Hisfingers slipped lightly into the folds of her sex. "Be gentle when you pullher lips apart," his fingers gripped each pussy lip, spreading them apart,her pink inner lips exposed to the others. His finger skimmed up and down herpussy slit, feeling her wetness. "Look for any growths on the inner lips byusing your finger. It might require doing this several times as you want tocatch even the smallest ones." His finger slid up and down, her hips beginto move, all of them knowing that he was sexually arousing her. Her juicesbegan to flow more, his finger glistening in the bright light.

As Jim was ready to leave, Dr.Michael slid his fingers slide along Joanna's slit up towards her anus, hercheeks now widespread and then, without removing his hands, stepped a bit tothe side and asked with a devious smile only the men could see, "Jim, wouldyou please get this trash can before you leave?" Joanna looked at him, hereyes pleading, truly embarrassed, the thought of the janitor behind her asthe doctor occupied himself with her sex making it even worse. He lightly tappedher ass, "he'll be finished in a minute Joanna, now relax and stay in position."

Dr. Michael continued talkingto the others as if they were the only ones in the room his hands rubbing upand down Joanna's slit. She could feel her juices run down her thighs, hisfingers stimulating her, humiliated to be so sexually aroused. No, she criedsilently when she felt his fingers move up to her anus, dragging along herjuices on his fingertips.

Dr. Michael's fingers rested oneither side of her anus and began to pull outward, watching as the tiny rosebudbecame completely exposed. He pulled wider and the tiny star began to open. "Notethat Joanna has a tiny anus, obviously truthful about not engaging in analintercourse. See how pink the opening is, no sign of hemorrhoids." He pulledwider, her anus stretching open. "Thank you, Jim." Dr. Michael acknowledgedthe janitor as Jim gazed at Joanna's spread sex, her anus peeking at him.

Joanna cringed when she heardhim talking to the janitor, opening her eyes just in time to see him pass byher head, staring at her hanging breasts before looking directly into her eyes.He winked at her, smiled and left the room; Joanna hung her head in shame.Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. She felt the fingerson her anus begin to apply pressure on the tiny opening.

"Push back on my finger, I needto check your sphincter muscle." She strained, pushing her ass back, the tinyanus beginning to open around his finger. "So good, Joanna, a little more." Joanna,who swore no one would ever touch her there, shocked herself by obeying. Dr.Michael watched her anus close when she pulled forward a bit, then begin topush outward again as she followed his instructions. She was so tight but hisfinger finally won, as he knew it would, plunging in to the first digit beforeshe could do anything but gasp in surprise and pain. He moved his finger around,feeling her sphincter trying desperately to expel the foreign digit. "Joannahas a very strong sphincter. It is applying pressure on my finger, trying topush it out. When she is in the stirrups, we will explore her rectum and colonfurther. She is very tense right now, and I'm afraid that makes it difficultto do internal examinations without harming her, so I think we should beginthe research project to help put Joanna at a more relaxed frame of mind."

Joanna looked up again. Begin theresearch project? "What are you going to do, Dr. Michael?" Her eyes turnedback towards them to see them all staring between her legs.

"You did read the consent form,didn't you, Joanna?" Dr. Michael responded to the puzzled look on her face.

"It was so long and boring, Ijust signed it." Joanna realized her mistake and asked now, when it was obviouslytoo late, "what are you going to do?"

Dr. Michael's hand softly strokedher ass, allowing his finger to return to her lips, feeling her jump as hepressed in and stroked her inner pussy. "This study is on the MasturbatoryPractices of the Female College Student. You are going to be masturbated bysome of us and also by yourself and we shall record the procedures for testingpurposes."

"NO!" Her head shot up in protestand she started to scramble off the table. "I want to leave."

Dr. Michael had heard protestslike this before and was prepared for them. He kept Joanna on the table witha hand on her back and picked up the consent form with the other. "You mayleave, but when you signed this form, you also agreed to pay the costs incurredfor the examination up to the time you choose to leave. Since we will not getany useful data from the exam, you must pay for it." While Joanna now returnedto all fours as she listened, Dr. Michael continued his manipulation of herpussy.

"That's fine, how much do I oweyou?" How much could it be, she had been here for less than an hour. Joannawasn't even consciously aware that she'd returned to her position, slowly rockingback and forth on Dr. Michael's still stroking finger.

"I don't have the exact figures,but it is about $3,000.00." He smiled, knowing what her answer would be.

"WHAT! How can it be that much?"

"You have to pay for the costof the room, the receptionist, four doctors, as even interns get paid, alongwith all the other incidental costs. Our administrator is a real stickler aboutcollecting these balances and has taken some patients to court or put theminto bankruptcy to be paid. The University also frowns on students not payinglegitimate bills. However, you may get dressed and leave," as his finger keptup the gentle masturbation of her pussy.

She put her head back down. Howhad she gotten into such a situation? She didn't have $3,000.00 or even a hopeof getting it. She was already naked, seen by the janitor and was now beingmasturbated, which incidentally was beginning to feel good. She let her hipsbegin to rock back and forth gently.

He had her. She was obviouslyenjoying his finger. She didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. Her lackof protest was enough. "Enjoy it, Joanna. Relax and enjoy the feeling." Hisfinger moved lower, locating her clit. The tip of his finger swilled aroundher clit hood, not touching it, just teasing it. "Dr. Steve, would you seewhat you could do to stimulate Joanna's nipples and breasts. She seems to likea little pain with the stimulation so take that into account."

Dr. Steve ran his hands softlyover her back. It tickled as he moved down her side, but his hand quickly latchedonto one hanging breast, two fingers grabbing her nipple and squeezing it.She gritted her teeth when it began to hurt.

"Does that hurt too much, Joanna?" Hishead was next to hers, but he pinched harder reveling in her cringe of painand lack of attempt to stop him. He let his other hand completely encirclethe dangling globe, tightening on the firm flesh, pushing the blood towardthe swollen tip. He released the nipple as the blood rushed down then clampedback down on it, twisting and turning the hardened rubbery tip. "Yes, Dr. Michael,I think she likes a little pain. Is she wetter?"

Dr. Michael ran his fingers upand down her slit, two fat fingers pushing apart the folds, rubbing up anddown the slick walls. "Very wet. Whatever you are doing, continue. Dr. Bill,would you take over masturbating Joanna?"

Joanna felt the comfortable handsof Dr. Michael leave her wet sex, replaced by the strange, somewhat awkwardhands of Dr. Bill. He did not rub as softly, two fingers moving to her clitright away, pulling her clit hood back, exposing the red bud. He slapped hisfinger back and forth over her clit, sometimes rather hard, other times softer.His other hand moved up to her pussy, forcefully pushing her lips aside untilhe exposed her vagina.

Dr. Bill then pushed two fingersagainst her vagina and began to apply pressure, feeling her muscles slowlygiving way, the tips of his fingers bit by bit being engulfed in her hot flesh.He pinched her clit hard, her body jerking back onto the fingers invading hervagina, her pulsating pussy walls clenching, wrapped tightly around his fingers. "Joannahas a very tight vagina. I can just barely get two fingers in, even with allof her juices lubricating the way. She definitely has a very sensitive clitoris,the more I stroke it the larger it becomes."

She squirmed on the fingers invadingher vagina, trying to push them in farther, squeezing them as they plungeddeeper into her pussy. She no longer cared about the exam, the doctors or anyoneelse; her only desire now was to cum. They had been gradually arousing herand she could no longer resist her betraying body. Fingers plucked at her nipple,sometimes painfully, her breast compressed within one strong hand, the bloodpushed to the swollen tip. Her clit was being finger slapped, it felt likehe would rub it raw if he continued much longer and her pussy was being fingerfucked, two delicious, fat fingers sliding inside her. She had to cum soon.

"Good girl, Johanna, you likethis I see. Rock back on the fingers." Dr. Michael moved behind her again,watching Dr. Bill masturbate her soaking wet pussy. He moved his hands overher butt softly, feeling her body tense up, her buttocks contracting. "RelaxJohanna, relax." His hand moved down between her cheeks, slowly tracing thecrack, heading for her pink anus.

She shivered in fear as she feltanother set of hands moving over her butt. She rose up, giving over her bodyto the hands that continued to drive her to higher heights. "Mmmm." Her asswaving back and forth, fingers running over her anus, the tiny rosebud quiveringin excitement. He wouldn't penetrate her there, would he?

Joanna was a sight each of themen present truly appreciated. Her hips pushing back and forth on invadingfingers in her pussy, her ass cheeks clenching as her vaginal muscles grabbedat fingers pulling from her body. One breast swinging freely back and forthbeneath her, fingers tightly pinching the other by the nipple, delicious painshooting through her body.

Then, one finger slowly rubbingover her exposed anus, lightly stimulating the nerve endings, a forbidden feelingrushing over her, the desire to be penetrated—there. Dr. Michael knewthe time had come, Joanna was almost theirs.

"I think our little Joanna isgoing to cum for us, doctors. Let yourself go Joanna, let the pleasure sweepover your body." Dr. Michael did not have to wait long, her head rose up fromthe table, a look of sheer pleasure on it, her eyes wide-open, soft moans ofpleasure coming from her lips.

"God," Joanna pushed back hardon the fingers, trying to drive them deeper. "Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Makeme cum!" She no longer cared what she looked like, what she sounded like; noteven when Dr. James stood in front of her, busily snapping picture after pictureas she orgasmed, her naked body fully exposed, shuddering before the camera'simpersonal lens. She humped back and forth, her ass raising up and down likea dog in heat, her pussy gushing over the invading fingers inside her. Shehad never felt anything like this before, her mind a confused jangle of sensations.

"Now, doctors." Dr. Michael directedthe others. Three fingers plunged deep into her tight, wet pussy, painfullyspreading apart the slick walls. Sharp, hard fingernails once again slappedher nipple, igniting intense pains that rushed throughout her body. Dr. Michael'sfinger entered her anus, the dry, fat finger pushing aside the clenching sphinctermuscle, entering her virgin rectum for the first time.

Joanna bucked, her body painfullyspeared on fat fingers, her openings spread wider than ever before, her pulsatingvirgin ass filled with flesh. She came again, this time even harder then before. "FUCKME! She screamed. She had never felt so full, the fingers moving inside herpussy, the one in her ass, separated only by a tiny layer of tissue. They seemedto be joined, stimulating her from both sides, her asshole clenching on thefinger moving inside, her pussy pulsating on the digits, lips clenched tightlyaround the fat fingers stretching her wide. She came repeatedly. Her hips drivingthe fingers back and forth deep inside her, no longer caring about the pain,the men, her wantonness, just loving the fullness these men provided. She screamedas her clit was pulled and twisted, fingers roughly yanking the bud from beneathits hood. "Noooo!" she cried, her juices running down her thighs as she came,Dr. James flashing away at her face, then behind her, capturing the sheer ecstasyshe was experiencing, her body prolonging her orgasm seemingly for the menand the camera.

The doctors watched Joanna finallyslump on the table, all hands now removed from her orifices, exhausted withthe powerful orgasms that ripped through her teenage body. Dr. Michael lethis finger slip between her legs again from behind and softly rub along hercum-soaked pussy lips. He reached up with his other hand and pushed her sweat-soakedhair from her face, turning her towards him. "Good girl, Johanna. You cameso nicely for us," his finger slowly masturbating her again. "So wet, so muchcum." Joanna had no strength to look away, her humiliation veiled in fatigue.

"I think we need to clean Joannaup so we can continue with the examination." Two doctors picked her up andcarried her over to the other table, Joanna was too exhausted to care, slumpingdown as they placed her in the center, spreading her body out. "On her stomachfirst," Dr. Michael ordered and they turned her over.

It was uncomfortable, her bodyspread on the cold table, the high rubber ridge in the center arching her assup over a foot from the rest of her body. She felt hands pull her arms straightout to the corner, barely resisting as leather cuffs passed around her wrists,binding her arms to the far corners of the table. She yanked on the cuffs withwhat little strength she still had and found herself unable to move, fear creepinginto her barely conscious state. She felt hands on her ankles, spreading herlegs wide on each side, the dried cum between her pussy lips pulling apartpainfully, her ass cheeks spreading open again. "What are you doing, please?" Shewhimpered, a pitiful look on her face, pleading with them, receiving only smilesfor her answer as she was spread and bound on the table.

"Calm down, Joanna, we need toclean you up for the rest of the exam." Dr. Michael finally chose to respond. "Itis necessary for you to be secured," his hands lightly stroking her face. "Wewon't hurt you anymore than you want." He knew these last words would barelyregister in her dazed condition. His hands slid down her back, her head turningtowards him as he softly caressed her skin, moving to her ass cheeks.

Joanna looked over her shouldersat her upraised ass, her legs spread wide, the doctors viewing her from behind.She shouldn't be embarrassed after all of them witnessed her orgasms, but thebondage, the spread of her body and the unknown made it humiliating to be insuch a position. She tugged on her arms and legs as some of her strength beganto return, but the leather straps held fast. "Why are you doing this to me?" shecried.

Dr. Michael moved over towardsher, his hand reaching out to her, touching her lightly. "It's OK Joanna, wejust need to get you clean inside and out."

"Inside? What are you going todo?" she shrieked in panic. Dr. James moved toward her, a large red enema bagin his hand. She looked at the tube, the black nozzle looked so huge. She hadnever had an enema before but she had heard stories about them and knew itwas something she never wanted to experience.

"We are going to put a speculumin your rectum to see if there are any polyps, so we must clear it out first.Just relax. It is relatively painless. You will feel a little bloating andtowards the end you will experience some cramping, nothing that you can't handle.It's standard procedure for internal examinations. The table has drains andwith the shower, we will be able to clean you off relatively easy." Dr. Michaelput on a pair of sterile gloves, snapping the material loudly in the quietroom.

Joanna put her head down ontothe rubber pillow, turning away from them, not wanting to see what they weregoing to do, resigned to the fact. But, she could still hear Dr. Michael'slecture.

"The upraised position of Joannaallows easy access to her anus," Dr. Michael told the others. "The straps arenecessary to make sure the patient is kept in position and does not do damageto her anal tract by any sudden movements while the nozzle is inside her. Thisis a large enema bag but I only want Joanna to go through it once. NormallyI would do two-to-three small enemas starting with a hot, then warm and finallya one cold. That is the most efficient method of flushing out the anal tract.In Joanna's case, we will use a hot, soapy enema. It will work faster, thoughthe soap has a tendency to cramp more, it does eliminate the need for multipleenemas."

Joanna jerked when she felt Dr.Michael's hand touching her anus again. This time his finger was cold and rubberymassaging the tiny rosebud, lubricating it for bigger things. "MMMGG," shemoaned, as her anus was once again forced open by his finger, the digit movingdeeper than before, in and out, lubricating her anal tract for the nozzle.

"See how her anus is distendedby my finger, having to stretch around it. The anus is very flexible and canexpand to take quite large things without tearing, as long as care is usedduring insertion. While it does tend to burn when stretched, anal intercoursecan be a very pleasurable experience for the female. Many tiny nerve endingsin the anus are stimulated when the female is sodomized. A penis inserted insidethe anal tract gives a sense of fullness to the female. If the vagina is similarlyfilled at the same time it can result in an anal orgasm for the female."

"Are you doing all right, Joanna?" Hepulled his finger from her anus, all of them watching as the tiny hole closed. "Theanus will shrink back down to almost its original size. Even after anal intercourse,the anus will shrink back to its previous size and shape in less than a week,unlike the vagina, which rarely returns to its initial size. Many men findthis very desirable and this is the reason why men enjoy sodomizing women somuch. It is like having a virgin over and over," he laughed.

Dr. Michael took the nozzle andcoated it with lubricant up and down the shaft as if it were a cock. She raisedher head then put it down again, he wasn't even paying attention to her, hewas only interested in her tiny anus. She felt the hard plastic nozzle pushagainst her greased opening. She gritted her teeth, bearing down, trying tostop the hard nozzle from entering her.

"You will notice that Joanna istrying to stop the insertion of the nozzle by bearing down with her sphinctermuscles. Her anal tract is sufficiently lubricated as is the hard nozzle andher efforts will be in vain. See, there goes the nozzle," the others watchedas Dr. Michael pushed harder, the black plastic nozzle sliding over four inchesinto her, passing through her rectum before entering her colon. He patted Joanna'sass, "there now, that's not so bad, Joanna."

She gasped as her asshole wassuddenly and swiftly filled with the hard plastic, unyielding as it ran alongher lubricated back passage. She felt Dr. Michael pull the nozzle about twoinches out, before pushing it back in again, this time it going deeper. Shecould not even raise her hips or spread her legs wider, to relieve the uncomfortablefeeling deep inside her, the straps preventing all movement.

"Take a deep breath, Joanna. Youwill feel the water rushing into you rapidly. It will be hot and will causeyou to sweat. You will feel a little pain when it begins to move into yourcolon and then fill you and begin to give you a little cramping. You will experiencea bloated feeling. You must hold the water in."

She had never felt anything likethis before. The strange feeling as her insides began to fill caused her tobuck on the table, trying to escape, the straps holding her tightly spreadbefore them. "Stop!" she screamed. A sharp pain, the water now rushing deepinside her. She looked back, the giant red bag only half-empty, a light sweatalready covering her body. God, her stomach felt like she ate too much at Thanksgiving,her abdomen began to swell. She wanted to close her legs, the straps holdingher tightly. "No more," she begged in futility.

Dr. Michael squeezed the bag,sending a torrent of water rushing into her bowels. She looked back again,her face clearly showing her anguish as she was unmercifully filled. "Goodgirl, Joanna, almost finished." He gave the bag another quick squeeze, shootingthe last flood of water deep into her colon.

"I'm going to pull the nozzlefrom your anal tract, Johanna, and replace it with my finger. You're goingto have to hold the water for a while so it can penetrate the walls and cleansethem before you release it. I want you to squeeze very tight and don't letit escape. It's important that you hold it or we will have to do it again.You don't want that, do you, Johanna?"

"Please, at least release thestraps so I can go to the bathroom when you let me. I don't think I will beable to wait."

"That's not necessary Joanna.You will release it here. The table has a drain built into bottom and I havea very fine, warm spray that I will use to rinse you off. Don't worry, justrelease it when I tell you."

"God, no! You're not going towatch while I let it out. NO!"

She looked back as Dr. Michaellubricated his gloved fingers, knowing that she would soon be penetrated again.She felt the nozzle sliding out of her anus, and she gripped it tightly withher sphincter, not wanting to release the fluids gurgling deep inside her.She tightened even more as she felt it leave but was instantly penetrated bytwo, slick fat fingers. Her anus spread wide around the digits moving insideher. She firmly bore down on them.

"As I've mentioned, Joanna hasa very strong sphincter muscle." He moved his fingers inside her, feeling herclench and unclench on them as he did. "Her partner will have a very desirableexperience when she decides to have anal sex. You're doing great Johanna," Shejumped and he knew the cramps were starting. "I know, the cramps hurt but youmust hold it a little longer. Doctors, would you see what you can do to helptake Joanna's mind off of the cramps?"

"No!" Joanna demanded, but itdid no good. She felt a hand slide underneath her along her pussy lips beforereaching her clit, grabbing it with two large fingers and rubbing back andforth. Another hand pushed under her breasts, tightening on the firm flesh,fingers moving over her nipples, bringing them back to hardness again. Oh,please no, not again.

"Can you cum for us again, Joanna?If you cum, I will release my fingers and let you drain the liquid fillingyour bowels." He was amused as she began to hump the finger rubbing her pussyalmost before he finished his statement, knowing that she would do anythingto stop the cramps. "Yes, that's good, let their fingers find the places youlove them to touch."

The masturbating quickly arousedher again, the fingers in her asshole massaging her anal tract, her sphinctergripping tightly as her body was rocked with cramps. She had to cum, had tostop the cramps.

"It looks like Johanna is ready,doctors. Come on, Johanna, let your juices flow again, cum for us." Her hipsbounced up and down on Dr. James' two fingers inside her pussy, pushing themin and out, her clit slamming against the other fingers hard, sending flashesof pain and pleasure to her brain.

"Yesss!" she cried this time,her pussy gushing as she came. She felt her asshole suddenly emptied of fingers,her sphincter unable to hold back any longer, her orgasm sweeping her bodyaway. She felt the liquid shoot out her asshole with such force that it openedher anus wide. It clamped shut, only to open again, another torrent of watershooting out before closing again. This time two fingers entered again, triggeringanother explosive orgasm before they once more left her empty, her anus openingto shoot out the last of the water. She humped up and down on the fingers likea dog in heat, her anus puckering open and closed, her anal tract spasming.She felt warm water slowly spraying over her body, a soft hand running overit, lightly cleaning her. It touched her anus, spread it open and she feltthe warm water cascading over her rosebud.

"There. It's all done now, Joanna." Helet a finger slip inside her relaxed anus, entering her rectum, her sphincterbarely gripping it. "You're much more relaxed now, Joanna."

Her arms and legs were releasedas Dr. Michael wiped her with a soft towel, paying special attention to herbreasts and between her legs, the terry cotton towel rubbing the tender flesh.Dr. Michael helped her up and then over to the exam table, the sight of theominous stirrups causing her sense of dread to return.

"Now for the rest of the exam,Joanna." Dr. Michael uncovered the instruments under the towel.

To Be Continued

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My daughters med exam

My pelvic exam is broken up into three parts because each part is so different. The first part of it is my rectal exam & radiology studies of my lower colon. The second part is my bladder exam & x-rays of my bladder. The last part is my vaginal exam & ultrasound. I was told to give myself an enema before I came so I would be clean for the rectal exam. When I first got there, the nurse led me into a room with a special table called a proctology table. She told me to take off all my...

1 year ago
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My wifes physical exam

33years. 120Pounds. 5’4”. My wife was going to get her annual complete physical. She had never seen this doctor before. We just found him in the local listings. We were both very excited as we waited in his exam room. My wife was terrified. She hated doctor exams. They are hugely embarrassing and humiliating and often painful for her. I could see the fear on her face as we waited and waited. After a forty-five minute wait because the doctor had some sort of emergency he had to deal with,...

3 years ago
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Joannas First Exam

He checked the chart of the next patient, Joanna, a nineteen-year-old university student from Stratford, Ontario. Many university students visited his clinic, which was exactly why he located it close to campus. He didn’t practice medicine for the money; he had more then he could ever spend. He simply enjoyed female flesh. And, the younger, the better. He preferred young, inexperienced girls who could be easily controlled by an authoritative person, such as a doctor. He had never met...

2 years ago
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Mother Watches Her Sons Punishment Exam

The patient's mother, Miss Smith, phoned me to set up her son's examination. The boy had just turned 12. She felt he required a special exam session due to what she had seen him doing with another boy of his own age. She had came home from work early one day to find her son and the boy "playing doctor" in his bedroom. She explained how she watched as her son played the role of the patient, the other boy having him lie on the bed in just his briefs as he sat beside him and proceeded to peel...

1 year ago
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My final First year Exam

After my first study session with Caitlyn for our first final exams of first year we manage to get through the next 3 study sessions without fucking each other. Although we didn't fuck each other again yet we did exchanged a few passionate kisses and felt each others bodies on a number of occasions. It was a Thursday morning and I made my way to Caitlyn's house rather early as our final exam was at 1pm that day. My girlfriend Jessica finished her last exam of the year the day before and her and...

4 years ago
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Jeans doc exam

So my wife goes in for her annual gyno exam with a doctor she has had for over 15 years , he is recently divorced and a decent looking Asian about 55 years old. During her previous exam a year earlier, the doctor told her he had felt a very small cyst on the upper inside of her pelvis and that it was probably nothing but he wanted to take a note on it to make sure it wasn't going to grow. The doctor began the exam as he always did asking her questions about her health and he mentioned that...

3 years ago
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Daughters exam

I am a physician assistant at a busy walk-in medical center. My duties include everything from minor first aid to doing complete exams on the patients. There are four physician assistants, four physicians and eight nurses who work rotating shifts twenty-four hours a day. We all get along well, and we help to take care of medical problems in each other's family, this since we are the only medical facility within fifty miles, that being the reason we are so busy. My spouse and I have been married...

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US Army Recruit Medical Exam

Private O'Neil, had been in the army for just weeks. Her time at Aberdeen proving ground was far different than anyone had said. She was having a bad time at the moment. O'Neil was 5' 6" quite big and stocky. She had a chest of 38DD. Short cropped auburn hair. She was very fit having been brought up on her uncles farm near Dayton Ohio. She had no problem with the training as she was very strong anyhow. All she'd known was the farm and local school, her knowledge of the ways of the world...

4 years ago
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Time for another physical exam

I had recently completed and appointment with a new doctor just to meet him and discuss my health. After arriving and sitting in the waiting room for about 15 minutes, I was called in to be seen. A cute, young female nurse attended to me by weighing me and taking me to a room to wait for the doctor. In the room, she took my vitals and blood pressure. After finishing, she said the doctor would be in shortly. I thanked her, she said "you're very welcome", and she left, closing the door behind...

4 years ago
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healt exam

My wife i 42 years old and still extremely sexy. She has dirty blonde hair, an athletic body, and a great ass. She loves to show it off too. In fact, we both get incredibly turned on when she exhibits herself in public. She has left the curtain slightly open while trying on clothes at an H&M so that any customer passing by could get a peak. One guy passed by the curtain four times trying to act like he wasn't snooping. She once wore a thong bikini bottom to a beach to the great satisfaction...

2 years ago
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The Uneventful Couple Event 3 Getting Prepared for an Exam

Bruno was dumbfounded. He was walking out from his annual medical check-up with the company doctor. She was a woman in her early forties, brunette and slightly overweight, resembling his wife Julie when she was the same age. In the last four years, he had met her six times and felt at ease with her no-nonsense attitude about global health care. This time, however, he was holding in his hand a prescription for a preventive medical procedure imposed by the company's insurer. Every corporate...

1 year ago
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My Unversity Physical Exam

Hi Everyone! My name is Mary, and I am a junior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro! UNCG does not require students to get a physical exam for college, but my parents my senior year of high school forced me to get one anyway! lol They said it would be a good time to have my first OBGYN visit.... Boy was it scary!!!! ahhh THIS IS A TRUE STORY; THIS REALLY DID HAPPEN TO ME.... My mother had called her OBGYN and set me up an appointment to get a full OBGYN physical at the university...

4 years ago
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My Annual Exam

Unlike most men, I look forward to my annual prostate exam because living in a sexless marriage, it’s the closest thing I have to sex with another human being.  My doctor of thirty-plus years apparently sees things differently because the last couple of years, he simply asked me if I was having any issues urinating or if I found myself getting up frequently at night to pee. In hindsight, I should have said, “yes,” because I’m sure he would have slipped on the glove and probed away but my...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 15 The Final Exam

Emily barges in Tommy’s room without so much of applying a courtesy knock. Walking right in, she sees Tommy at his desk studying and doing his homework like her good little slave. “Good, I see you’re doing your homework. By the way, how are those grades coming?” She asks. Tommy was a little perturbed, ever since they made this agreement, Emily thought she had the right to walk into his room whenever she wanted to, which considering the agreement, he guessed she did. But it was still...

2 years ago
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MICHELLE'S FIRST EXAMMichelle and Dr. Wellhung had been writing emails back and forth and chatting on instant messenger for nearly a month before she finally decided to follow through with her desire to undergo an examination. She was nervous, she was apprehensive, and she was also driven by a desire that was relentless. That was her dilemma. She was an intelligent and responsible woman, and she was about to do something that any intelligent and responsible woman would think was absolutely...

2 years ago
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Sissy Bitch gets an Exam

Nicole knew the minute he walked into the office that this guy was going to be an asshole, and of course, he was here to see Dr. Jackson. She watched him sit down in the waiting room. His posture indicating that he thought he was someone important. She rolled her eyes. Dr. J was just gonna love him. She checked his chart, noting that he was here for a physical exam. “Let’s get this over,” she said, under her breath. After making sure the exam room was ready, she called his name, and then led...

2 years ago
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Donnas gyno exam

Donna rolled over in bed, her alarm rudely awakening her from sleep. Having just turned 18, Donna's mother had advised her to schedule an appointment with her physician for a complete exam. Wanting to get the appointment over with as quickly as possible, Donna had accepted the first appointment the receptionist offered, at 7 a.m.Running her fingers up and down her toned stomach, Donna cursed herself for making such an early appointment. Donna's hands squeezed her sort of large but firm breasts,...

3 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 2 The Exam

"Phillip that is a very shallow thought. That you are not a man because the size of your penis doesn't measure up to some preconceived, and very faulty I might add, notion." Emma Frost said sternly. "But have you been laughed at on two different occasions because of it? Did you hear the snickers at you in the lunch room? I have and it wasn't nice." Phillip retorted "Yes, Phillip, you are correct, that isn't right and it is something that you should not of had to experience, but you...

3 years ago
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Annual Doctor Exam

Another Reprise from the stories I posted as Handsomepeter47Annual Doctor ExamI live 50 miles from the city where my doctor has his office. Yesterday was to be my annual exam. I always like to be early in the office so arrived there at 8:00 a.m. When I was called by the nurse to follow her to the examination room, I had to silently curse the daily Cialis I had been taking because her ass was so nice. I thought about other things though and was only semi-erect when she asked me to be seated.She...

3 years ago
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First Exam

Melinda page nervously through a two tear old Newsweek, while waiting for the receptionist to call her name! She had just turned eighteen, and her mother had decided that it was about time she had her first "female doctor's visit"! "Good grief," she thought to herself, "she was in great shape, why in the heck did she need to see a gynecologist anyway!?!" It sounded just like a gun shot when a nurse poked her head out of the door leading to the examination rooms and said, "Melinda, we're ready...

First Time
2 years ago
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First Exam

Melinda page nervously through a two tear old Newsweek, while waiting for the receptionist to call her name! She had just turned eighteen, and her mother had decided that it was about time she had her first ‘female doctor’s visit’! ‘Good grief,’ she thought to herself, ‘she was in great shape, why in the heck did she need to see a gynecologist anyway!?!’ It sounded just like a gun shot when a nurse poked her head out of the door leading to the examination rooms and said, ‘Melinda, we’re ready...

3 years ago
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The Doc Exam

Your friends have told you about Doctor Dan, they usually laugh or blush as they say “he’s got unusual methods, but he’s a really good OB/GYN doctor.” So, it was time for your yearly woman’s exam, so you called and made an appointment. You were instructed to drink a 16 oz. glass of water 2 hours before you arrived, and try not to void in between. As you arrived at his office, I greeted you saying “Hello Alissa, I am Doctor Dan” and I take you to the exam room and told you to disrobe. A few...

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I felt a little nervous as I parked in the medical arts building parking lot. It was not because my new doctor was a woman; I was secure enough in my manhood that it didn’t bother me. I just felt a little uncomfortable, as was natural, whenever you establish yourself as patient with a new doctor. The fact that I was running late, and had the last appointment of the day, did not help.The company I had just joined insisted on a physical exam, and since I was new to the area, I needed to find...

1 year ago
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Annual Doctor Exam

I live 50 miles from the city where my doctor has his office. Yesterday was to be my annual exam. I always like to be early in the office so arrived there at 8:00 a.m. When I was called by the nurse to follow her to the examination room, I had to silently curse the daily Cialis I had been taking because her ass was so nice. I thought about other things though and was only semi-erect when she asked me to be seated. She asked me about my medications, asking if I still took each one and if I...

2 years ago
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A night with my teacher before the exam

I’m not a slut or whore, I’m the top student of my class, but I also have fantasies. My fantasy man was my thirty-seven year old physics teacher, Mr. Denning. He was tall, had short hair, most of the time dressed in white shirt and black pants with polished leather shoes. He was the hottest man in the world for me. I thought about getting fucked by him, but I never tried to seduce him, because I knew that not all the fantasies come true. But a day before my physics exams, I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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A night with my teacher before the exam

I’m not a slut or whore, I’m the top student of my class, but I also have fantasies. My fantasy man was my thirty-seven year old physics teacher, Mr. Denning. He was tall, had short hair, most of the time dressed in white shirt and black pants with polished leather shoes. He was the hottest man in the world for me. I thought about getting fucked by him, but I never tried to seduce him, because I knew that not all the fantasies come true. But a day before my physics exams, I couldn’t...

Straight Sex
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The Exam

A Colon Exam and a ‘Quickie’ can be a good thing.A friend asked me if I’d ever had to go to the hospital after a meeting with one of my friends. I did, a few times, but not because of what he did. I did have to be treated, on occasion, for an irritated bowel; irritated colon is the better term. This usually happened when I lived with a guy for a while or was dating someone who wanted sex numerous times in a week. The condition actually began when I was in my teens, it was treated then but, no...

3 years ago
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Airport Anal Exam

Airport Anal Exam By Humbleslave A few months had passed since the wild Christmas party, which had found me bound, beaten, ass-fucked, and humiliated in front of more people from my past. I was busy washing Mistress Chantz's convertible in a skimpy white string bikini and matching heels, with my hands bound behind my back, which was obviously quite a sight for the neighbors. By now I was used to this sort of thing, and went about my business, kneeling on the hood of the car to scrub...

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Jessica and the Exam

It was a bright sunny day in October as Jessica stepped out from her car. The wind caught her skirt and sent it twirling around her thighs. As the cold wind swirled around her legs she started to feel worse about what she was at the building to do that morning. She looked up at the sky and took in a deep breath trying to brace herself for this day she hated and it appeared that every year seemed to get harder and harder to come here. What was so important about the gynecologist anyway? It...

3 years ago
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Graduation Exam

“Thank you and now get the hell into your room. I can't work with you beside me,” Claire scolded her roommate Christopher with just a hint of desperation in her voice.“Come on, you didn't even receive the e-mail with your exam questions yet. Besides, it was you who came to me almost crying because your internet connection wasn't working. How did you accidentally delete our Wi-Fi password from your computer?” Christopher replied with an undertone of growing frustration.“I said thank you for...

Quickie Sex
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wellnes exam

Upon this door it read "Women's Health" and I knew I was soon taking the next step in my exam. This room also had an examination table in the middle of the room, but this time it also had stirrups attached and the backrest was sitting at about 60 degrees. At this stage only a female nurse was in the room, her back to me I could see her assembling and placing instruments on a metal tray. The orderly ordered me to take a seat on the side of the table. He soon left the room and a male doctor...

1 year ago
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First Fuck After French Exam

First Fuck After French Exam***This is a true story and is as much as I can remember, but seeing as it was more than 15 years ago, I might have missed out a few details***My friend John and I had just finished our written French exam. It was barely 12.30 in the afternoon and we had no reason to remain at the school. We began walking home together as we shared part of the route and got to talking about our girlfriends. I had recently split from this dumb, fugly girl who I had only been with...

2 years ago
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Wife enjoys doctor exam

Let me give you a visual of my wife. 5’10’ 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. ‘I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...

4 years ago
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A routine gyno exam

My loving hubby woke up very early that morning. I heard the fucking alarm and I rolled onto my stomach. I slipped two fingers down to my shaven mound and inserted them deep into my cunt.It felt wet and very nice indeed.Victor noticed I was touching myself; so he lifted the covers and slapped my buttocks a bit hard. He then laughed, telling me I should not forget my appointment with the gynecologist... It would be just a routine general exam, including my asshole.As soon as Victor left for his...

2 years ago
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The doctors exam

Rex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctorsand felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. Theappointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel andunusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and Doctor Jenkins' nurse, Miss Boyd cameflying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkinsentered the examining room, sat down on...

1 year ago
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The Oral Exam

"Come, Jane, it's your turn," the instructor commanded.This was it. The last exam at the Slut School. If Jane passes this exam she would get a Diploma as an a-class slut."This way," her female instructor led her into a long hallway.What Jane saw in the hallway was not an ordinary sight. About 20 restrained men of all ages where lined at the left wall, standing cloth-less on elevated platforms, so their crotch was on head level to whoever walked the hallway.The ground looked dirty, covered in...

3 years ago
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Next in the examining room was a nervously boy named Ronny waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He had told me before that he hated doctorsand felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. Theappointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel andunusual punishment! I opened the door and being Doctor Jenkins' nurse, I cameflying through the door and told Ronny the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkinsentered...

3 years ago
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One Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam

One Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam Coming home after taking my exam all I want is a beer and a nice hot bubble bath to relax. When I reach the door there is a note that reads, “I am here for whatever you desire tonight.” I open the door; I hear Robert Plant’s voice coming from the stereo, which brings a smile to my face. TJ knows how much Robert Plant's voice turns me on and how the music of Led Zeppelin always puts me in a better mood. Walking in the door there is a nice chilled glass...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Wife enjoys doctor exam

Let me give you a visual of my wife. 5'10" 135 with thick long nipples on a pair of C-cup breast. Long strong legs with a very curvy ass. Long hair and very shy. My wife came home a little anxious after seeing her gynecologist. She started explaining to me what had happened in the exam. "I was sitting on the examining table when he came in. He seemed in a really good mood. He walked up to me and took my hand to shake it and continued to hold it as we were talking. He had pointed out a new chart...

Wife Lovers
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The Doctor8217s Exam

Rex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctors and felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. The appointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel and unusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and Doctor Jenkins’ nurse, Miss Boyd came flying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkins entered the examining room,...

4 years ago
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Darla in Africa InsatiableChapter 14 Darlas Followup Exam

As Darla arrived, Michelle, Dr. Anderson's new student nurse and sex partner, gave a smiling signal to both Dr. Anderson and Dr. Chad, who was a visiting doctor from the Congo, as the young patient raced in the door and announced herself. Michelle, who was barely 18, pretended to barely notice Darla as she kept her head down and instructed Darla to fill out some medical forms, after which she walked toward the back to see the final preparations being made for Darla's examination. Michelle...

1 year ago
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The doctors exam

Rex waited in the examining room nervously waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He hated doctors and felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. The appointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel and unusual punishment! Just then the door flew open and doctor Jenkins' nurse, Miss Boyd came flying through the door and told Rex the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkins entered the examining room, sat...

2 years ago
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The Make Up Exam

With a loud sigh, Madeline Myers laid the essay she had just finished on the growing pile to her left. Then, rather than reach for the next one, she opted instead for the open bottle of beer that rested between the two piles. Normally, the thirty-six year old redhead would never indulge while grading student papers, but in this circumstance she felt she would never get through them without doing so. Putting down the bottle, she again sighed as she picked up another paper from the now...

3 years ago
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First Exam

Nicole was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers as she waited for her ten oclock appointment with Dr. Corbin!!! She paged through three or four magazines without ever really reading any of the articles, and when the receptionist called out her name, she practically leaped out of her chair while following a nurse to the examination room!!! How are you today, the nurse asked while they made their way down a long hall, you seem a little bit nervous!?! Does it show that much, she replied...

1 year ago
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First exam

Nicole was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers as she waited for her ten o'clock appointment with Dr. Corbin!!! She paged through three or four magazines without ever really reading any of the articles, and when the receptionist called out her name, she practically leaped out of her chair while following a nurse to the examination room!!! "How are you today," the nurse asked while they made their way down a long hall, "you seem a little bit nervous!?!" "Does it show that much," she...

4 years ago
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Sissy Bitch gets an Exam

Nicole knew the minute he walked into the office that this guy was going to be an asshole, and of course, he was here to see Dr. Jackson. She watched him sit down in the waiting room. His posture indicating that he thought he was someone important. She rolled her eyes. Dr. J was just gonna love him. She checked his chart, noting that he was here for a physical exam. “Let’s get this over,” she said, under her breath. After making sure the exam room was ready, she called his name, and then...

3 years ago
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One Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam

One Hell of a Way to Unwind after an Exam Coming home after taking my exam all I want is a beer and a nice hot bubble bath to relax. When I reach the door there is a note that reads, “I am here for whatever you desire tonight.” I open the door, I hear Robert Plant’s voice coming from the stereo, which brings a smile to my face. TJ knows how much Robert Plant’s voice turns me on and how the music of Led Zeppelin always puts me in a better mood. Walking in the door there is a nice chilled glass...

4 years ago
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My Doctors Exam

Many years ago, I was experiencing a burning sensation when I urinated. It would come and go. Sometimes it wasn't that bad and other times it was really irritating. because I am self employed and work a lot, I put my little issue to the back of my priorities list and hoped it would just get better. It didn't! Finally, I decided that I needed to see a doctor. The problem was that because I hadn't been to a doctor in years, I didn't know who to go to so iasked my wife who she saw. She...

1 year ago
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High School Nurses Exam

Chapter  1 –        High School Nurses Exam or Welcome to Hell, Boys        15 Year old Jordan Haystack shifted anxiously in his seat as he awaited the mandatory nurse’s exam for freshman year of high school.  The knot in his stomach grew tighter and tighter, and he felt sicker and sicker.  The line of boys in front of him looked just as terrified.  The boys filing out of the nurses office ahead of us kept their gaze fastened straight to the floor, their cheeks bright red.        It didn’t...

1 year ago
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Mom and Daughters Incest Exam

Lee Ann is fourteen years old and beautiful. She is a soft spoken, quiet, a well-behaved young lady, a bit on the shy side. She is slim and petite, a tan firm body with a wonderful muscular tone from being an avid tennis player. She stands about five feet and five inches tall. She has shoulder length blond hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Lee Ann's tits are small and firm, with pointy peach colored nipples surrounded by the pale white flesh of her breasts that are in contrast to her deep tan....

4 years ago
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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 11 Girlie Exam

“I'm telling you it was hot!” Silvia repeats. “I believe you.” Eddie responds lazily as he idly runs his fingers down Silvia's skin, tracing the swell of her breast as she cuddles comfortably into him. “Any ideas we can use at the club?” “Maybe. I think maybe I'll ask for one of those mouth spreaders when we go back for a brace adjustment. I can picture the boys painting Tina's cute braces with cum if we tie her up and have her wearing one of those things.” “Yeah, that will...

3 years ago
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Failed exam

"Fuck!" you curse silently looking at the mail from your physics teacher. As he promised he sent the results of a final test, the one which will decide what grade you will receive in the final year of high school. You got (in your school they are using 1-5 scale, where 5 is the best grade) 2. So you passed...but barely. Considering your other grades you know that you needed to get at least 4 to had a chance to get into the college without entrance exam (and with a scholarship). For a moment you...

2 years ago
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The Remake Exam

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS THAT MAY/WILL SHOW UP FROM ANY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. THEY BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. ANY CHARACTERS THAT APPEAR FOR THE PURPOSES OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE. Well, looks like someone is going to have to answer a lot of difficult questions! It could be in any form. A magazine questionnaire. One of those facebook quiz's that your friends are always sending you. An interview question catalogue. An actual exam. In some form or...

Mind Control

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