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Sub*lime ©2004

"I usedto always catch you staring at me," my friend said casually.

I took a sip of the margarita Ihad ordered, gulping it nervously. Of course he had constantly caught me,and though my face would grow hot with embarrassment each time, he'd onlysmirk nonchalantly and continue on with his activities.

"I liked you, even then," I quietlyoffered.

He grinned. "Well… I likeyou, too. Do you like your food ?"

"It's very good. How's your shrimp?"

"Too bad you're allergic to them,they're great."

Returning his smile, I wonderedwhere our little supper date would end up. Even though I knew it wasn't tobe romantic, I had still done some special preparing for it. That afternoonI went to a local lingerie boutique to purchase some exotic underwear justin case we ended up together in a bedroom.

I browsedthe aisles for something that would flatter my body; I had been kick boxingfor a couple of months but was still unhappy about my skinny, unshapely legs.I chose some black garter stockings to enhance them and a lacy red bra thatunlatched from the front.

I wasnear the panty rack when I noticed a mannequin wearing a dominatrix costume.Fascinated, I took in her leather mask, her satin bustier, tight black skirtwith riding crop stuck into the waistband, and her thigh-high boots. I feltan unusual desire emanate inside of me and momentarily thought about buyingat least the boots and crop. I licked the corners of my mouth as I continuedto marvel at the statue. Then, instinctively, I looked to my left at a manin the bikini section. He was grinning sleazily at me, baring a snaggletooth,tobacco-stained grin. With that, I hurried to the checkout line.

The meal with my friend was goingpleasantly. We talked about the same things we always did and our platonichonesty remained intact. I asked him, "You have any other hobbies?"

As he explained them to me, I studiedhis face, which was quite unremarkable. I couldn't understand why I was sovery attracted to it. He had dark brown hair cut into a nondescript styleand boring brown eyes that finished off his average appearance. I smiledagain as I thought of how perfect he'd fit in the lawn care department ofLowe's. As he returned my grin, I wondered what his true opinion of me was.

I focused on finishing my food.More than his looks, though, I liked his sociable, down-to-earth personality.He liked to act as a teacher to those around him and had an unmistakableauthority to him. It intrigued me. Being a teacher was like being in controlof the person one was talking to and that was what initially turned me onto him. It was easy for our friendship to develop once he began to assistme with my tasks.

A couple being led into the eaterypassed our table and as they caught sight of us, their eyes widened in momentaryshock. I'm sure that my friend noticed it along with me.

He took a pregnant pause and confirmedmy assumption by asking, "Have you ever done this type of thing before?"


"You know.Go out somewhere with a white guy."

I wipedmy mouth with a paper napkin and softly said, "I've done just about everythingthere is to life at this point."

His eyebrows lifted. " Every thing?"

"Well, everything vanilla ."

He onlyresponded with his smirk. I wondered if he knew what vanilla meant in thecontext I was using it in. Soon, I'd get the answer.

"What about the type of women you'vedated?" I asked.

"I've been pretty conservativein my life about that."


"I've had… experiences,though."

I absently stroked my bottom lipwith my thumb and perked. I felt comfortable enough to ask, "With who?"

His demeanor didn't change. "Afew black prostitutes I picked up when I was serving in the military."


"Yes. But they weren't anythingspecial. Most of them just laid still underneath me and kept asking if Iwas almost finished."

"I see."

"It's so much better when a womanis with me to enjoy it, not for any other reason."

"That's very true."

He eyed me for a while, and I thinkhe was being so straightforward to test me. I just suppressed a beam, enjoyinghis candor as much as a juicy piece of gossip.

By the time we entered his homethat evening, the sun had all but lowered and the moon was out in the grayingsky.

"Do you date a lot?" he asked,locking his door behind us.

"Not a whole lot, like once a month."

He prepared mugs of coffee forus while I looked up at the early stars from his slide door.

"What about relationships? Haveyou had many?"

I sipped the cappuccino he handedme. "No. The ones I've always been in have been short. And unhappy."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What'sbeen the problem?"

"I don't know," I answered whileremembering how I got no joy or real sexual satisfaction from any of them. "Howabout you?"

"I've had some good relationshipsover the years. When I found the kind of woman I like."

My cheeks warmed. I didn't thinkto ask him what kind of woman he was speaking of. I nursed my drink and mulledover how hard sex and relationships were for me, though I regularly achedfor them both. I didn't think that this night we were sharing would be anydifferent. I was just obsessively drawn to him and wanted to consume as muchof him as possible, even in the ultimate way. I hoped I wouldn't get so nervousthat I'd be uptight and not able to do or experience anything. I had drunkquite a bit of tequila so I was feeling bold, but I knew one frown from himwould destroy my augmented self-confidence.

We werein his home office, near his desk. He kissed me for the first time there.His cologne danced into my nostrils and relaxed me more. His arms were aroundmy waist and my breasts squeezed against his chest. I hesitated for a second,drawing back, but he held me tighter and slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

"Feelsgood?" he asked, his face but an inch from mine.


Then hesuddenly loosened his embrace and shoved me roughly into the desk. I gapedat him, frozen. His expression was dark and my heart leapt curiously. I glancedat his front door.

He yankedmy shirt and bra up, then carefully bit my right nipple. I gasped while myhands clutched the shoulders of his shirt in case I had to keep him at bay.But to my relief, he remained gentle, and I found the slight pain from histeeth was actually making me aroused. My chest heaved as he switched to lickingand sucking my breasts. He undid and lowered my pants and with the sightof my garter stockings and naked pubis, his face lit up. He propped me onhis large desk and slid himself inside of me. I was surprised and pleasedwith how easy he pushed it in.

He movedin me with good even strokes which were slow at first. I squeezed and caressedhis smooth buttocks while feeling heat and contractions between my legs.Moans escaped my throat and it all caused me some embarrassment. He heldme tightly around my shoulders and pumped away, then quickly took a holdof my buttocks and we thrust together until our climaxes.

He kissedme once more then withdrew and untangled himself from me unceremoniously.He went to finish off his coffee and I was left in the office feeling spentbut awkward. My heart was also still slamming from the initial terror ofhis mood swing. I didn't know what to do next. I felt like a slut that hadjust been fucked in a back alley.

"Comesit with me," he said from his sofa.

I rubbedmy lips together thoughtfully and obeyed him. We lounged there together fora while. We watched TV. Then he said, "Come closer to me."

I meekly sipped from my mug anddid so. He embraced me and drew back to press his lips to mine. I savoredthe sensation as he repeated the action again and again.

He cupped my rear and writhed hiscrotch into mines. Feeling his penis pulsate against me, I gripped his backand parted my legs more. His living room was dim and quiet except for theTV, and I found his couch to be quite cozy and perfect for lovemaking. Butthen he took my right hand and pulled me up and towards the back of the house.

Once inside his bedroom, he gaveme a playful smack on my backside. I broke into a smile and he peeled offhis shirt and dropped his pants. Without asking he stared into my face andtugged off all my clothes. I was glad that he was being aggressive, dominant,and take charge with me. Like the biting it was giving me a euphoric adrenalinerush.

We kissed some more in his bed.My heart still thumped and I felt inadequate, but thrilled. He nipped atmy nipples again and stuck three fingers inside of me. When he attemptedto do four, I silently stopped him. He climbed on top of me and I held ontohim and thrust upward in pleasure with my eyes squeezed shut.

"Look at me," he said.

I made myself gaze into his faceand it heightened my arousal. He felt larger inside of me that time. Andhe fucked me much rougher, smacking his skin into mine and knocking the headboardagainst the wall so hard that I wondered if he was trying tohurt me. When the passion was over, he rolled his body from mines and thingswere quiet for a while.

"You liked it when I bit you," hestated it in question form.

My eyes opened and for the firsttime I noticed that his ceiling was stucco. "You scared me half to deathat first."

His voice was gentle. "I'm sorry.That was the was last thing I meant to do."

"It's okay."

"Did my teeth hurt?"

"Not too much."

"Did you like the pain?"

"It was… okay," I answeredwith carefulness. I didn't know where he was going with the conversation.

The fact that he had shoved mewithout reason was still on my mind, but I decided not to bring it up ifhe didn't. There was something more important that was bothering me, anyway.

"You know…" I started.


"I've never done this before. Imean, going home with a guy for the first time, and jumping into bed withhim. This the first time I've ever doneit."

"Why did you?"

"Well, we've already known eachother for a while now. It's not like we're strangers. We're friends"

"That's right. So why are you explainingyourself?"

"I justdon't want you to think that I'm a slut or anything."

"You'renot a slut," hestroked my hair, then added, "But I wouldn't mind if you became my slut.My obedient black slut."

He strokedmy hair once more then laid back in bed while I digested his last words witha furrowed expression. Then before long I was drifting off into a light,brief sleep.


Webecame closer over the next month. He craved intimacy and was very demandingof it. He often did whatever he wanted to me without asking while givinga pinch, nip, or shove to my body. Otherwise he'd give me orders to follow.I liked what he was doing and wasn't freaked out by it. I enjoyed followinghis commands, it turned me on. His treatment inspired me to one day reminisceto him about times I had asked past boyfriends to spank me and get kinkyduring sex.

"Well, I didn't ask them straightout," I told, "but I implied to them that it was what I wanted."

He peered at me with narrowed eyes. "Andwhat did they do?"

"They didn't take me seriouslyat all. Some even laughed." I blinked my eyes impishly.

"You… everthought about me spankingyou?"

"Mmmm,not really."

"Do youlike the idea now?"

My cheekswarmed and I smiled. I wouldn't look at him then.

"Yes or no. Does the idea turnyou on?"


He leaned back, then suddenly gotpensive. He interlocked his fingers and was silent for long moments. I watchedhim expectantly.

"Whatif I told you that I'm a Dom?"

My mouthparted and I fumbled for words.

"Do youknow what that is?" he asked coolly.


"Whatis it?"

"A… dominator."

He smiledslightly. My friend was very confident, controlling, and straightforward,especially behind closed doors, and yet at all times there remained his easygoing,mentoring demeanor. Therefore I stayed relaxed, though still surprised thatI actually knew someone who was into such a thing. I mean, spanking and pinchingwas one thing, but was he talking about extreme stuff like whips, chains,and piercing needles?

"That'sright, basically." He nodded. "Are you familiar with play?"

"N-no,not personally. I've seen things on TV about it, though," I answered witha quick shrug to appear sophisticated.

"Wouldyou like to have a session with me?"

"You mean… here? Now?"

"Sure. I want to. And I have everythingwe need."

"Well, I don't know you that well.I just couldn't…"

He placed his hand on my knee. "Youcan trust me. I'm sane, I'm safe. I was formally trained to be a Master andtake it very seriously."

I shot him a look. "Why didn'tyou tell me all this before?"

He stood up thoughtfully. "I didn'twant you running away from me screaming."

"I wouldn't have done that."

"I know."

"I'm notjudgmental."

He was staring directly down atme and I felt the pressure to make up my mind. I looked up into his eyes.

"Whatdo you want to do to me exactly?"

"I'll keep it light, okay? Youdon't have to worry," he replied in a soothing voice and started massagingmy shoulders. Warm goosebumps flooded my upper body.

"You've trusted me so far, haven'tyou?"

"Yeah," I admitted.

"And I mean, if I were a psychopath,I would've done something bad to you a long time ago. Why would I wait solong?"

I remained silent and thought thatover. He began to fondle my nipples through my clothes. Stirring began betweenmy legs as my mind was struggling with ambivalence.

"Let's just try it once. If youdon't like it, I'll stop right away and we can go back to the way thingswere before this conversation, okay?"

He took my hand and pulled me up.I found myself walking with him to the bedroom. My heart was racing and stomachfluttering.

"Comeon, we'll pick out some things together ," hewas saying.

He went into his closet and beganlaying out his equipment, which I had never seen until that time. All ofit was high quality and I felt a little hurt that he had kept this side awayfrom me. My faith in him was shaken.

But I continued to go along. Hestood behind me and I felt like he was my father guiding me through somethingthat was unknown but ultimately beneficial and wonderful. He chose a leathercollar for me, a thick one that was black and had decorative steel chainslining it.

He placed it around my neck. Itfastened just like a belt and clung to me securely. In the middle of it wasa metal ring that he then attached a leash to. With that, I was already beginningto feel like his personal property. I got the same sensation as when I sawthe dominatrix outfit in the store.

We looked over his collection ofspanking tools: there were leather slappers, hand paddles, and small whips.He picked up a paddle that had a leopard-print surface.

He asked, "How about this one?Do you like it?"

I nodded. I was hesitant to counterhim even if I didn't agree. He grazed the surface of it along the right sideof my face while smirking.

"Take off your clothes."

I silently obeyed him and was leftstanding in my blue bra and panties. He chose a gray blindfold and placedit over my eyes. Sight taken away from me, my other senses got more acuteas did my anticipation of what he'd do next.

The paddle brushed across my faceagain, then traveled down the middle of my chest and belly. I swallowed hard.

"Do you like the way it feels?" heasked.


Abruptly it smacked against myleft buttock and I gasped as rapid stinging spread over the surface of myflesh.

"Yes, what?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir ?"

"Good, bitch," he praised, thenslapped my backside once more. "And don't forget it. Now put your hands behindyour back."

I waited to hear the clinking ofhandcuffs, but never did. He secured my wrists together with leather bandsthat linked with metal rings.

That'swhen my heart started to race faster. Tethered and without my sight or hands,I was totally vulnerable to him. I prayed that he indeed was trustworthyand sound.

"How doyou feel being so helpless right now?" he asked.

"Okayso far."

"What'sgoing through your mind, slave?"

"I'm wonderingwhat you're going to do next."

He tugged on the leash and I jerkedforward. "Come sit a while."

As I sat in his bedroom chair Icould hear him changing some of his clothes. I heard zippers zipping andlaces being pulled. Then he removed the restraints from my wrists. He yankedon the leash and I stood up.

"Get on your hands and knees likea good bitch… Good… Now kiss my motherfucking feet."

I reached my hand out to find them,patting the floor. He yanked the leash and slapped my buttock with his barepalm.

" Withyour lips ."

I puckered them and after somefumbling, found one of his feet. My lips pressed against the toe of his shoeand discovered that he had changed out of his sneakers. I felt and smelledleather as I kissed both of his feet silently, feeling like an exploitedpiece of garbage. But it was vaguely gratifying me. Amazed, I tried to decipherwhy I wasn't as offended as I should've been. Meanwhile, my crotch was stillstirring in pleasure.

"You like the way it tastes?" heasked huskily.

"Yes, Sir."

He stepped away from me and I paused;he tugged me towards him. I crawled to him and resumed kissing his boots.Again he stepped away and began to lead me around like a dog through thehouse. We came to his living room sofa.

He had me climb up on it. My elbowsand knees sunk into the plushness with relief. My backside was in the airand facing him. He took hold of my panties and pulled them upwards so theyacted like a thong. My cheeks fully exposed he began to lightly massage andcaress them with his hand, then thrash them each with the paddle.

The burn was intense. A moan escapedmy throat and he smacked harder as if to get a stronger response. I bit downon my bottom lip and relished whenever he paused to soothingly graze my buttockswith his fingertips.

"You like the way this feels, don'tyou?"

I winced and breathed hard. "Ithurts."

He whacked harder. "This can bejust the beginning. Do you want it to be?"

Right then I was smarting, butthe punishment was still satisfying a hunger somewhere inside me. I had beenright to ask for past spankings.

"Answer me, cunt."

"Yes. I would."

He hit me harder than ever beforeand I yelped out.

" Yes,what? "

"Yes, Sir ."

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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 13 Viva Las Vegas

The next day, we flew to Las Vegas. Evan lived a couple of hours from the Portland airport. Since Noelle was going, too, she hopped a ride with us and we all traveled together. It was a quiet trip, at first. I was exhausted from the day before and my relatively sleepless night. Every once in a while, Evan would look at me, squeeze my hand and smile. I knew he was worried about me, but I was just tired. The flight was uneventful and the cab ride to the hotel took less than twenty minutes....

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Had A Great Time In Bangalore With My SisterInLaw Chandana

Hi friends, hope all are doing well. I am Arjun 5.9 height and good physic from Hyderabad this is my second story after “lovely journey with my Sandhya Rani”. This is story with sandhya’s sister chandana got sex with me last year i.e. 2012. Coming to story, chandana is younger sister of sandhya and now she is working for big MNC in Bangalore. She was in love with her classmate while engineering. They got some misunderstanding bet’s them and she called me and told all happened and I went to...

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Palm Springs Charity Golf Tournment

I hand off my clubs to be put on the golf cart and head over to the check-in area which is under an open air canopy. To the left there is a table for the coffee, juice, bagels and donuts. To the right is the table for check-in and across the front of the room were a couple of tables selling raffle tickets, school paraphernalia and other items to raise funds, each staffed by a couple of volunteer moms. This is definitely going to be a novelty having so many women around at the golf course....

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Taking that little leap

Hi everyone, this is my first story on this site. My apologies if this first part is a little short, this is the first time Ive ever written something like this, so your feedback is greatly appreciated~ I hope you enjoy this story. – – – Kiara walked briskly to work, clad in her baby blue scrubs and her tote bag swinging madly. She was nearly late for work at the hospital. Crap! Five minutes to get up to the floor. She broke out into a light jog at this point, her sneakers slapping...

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Her Game Was Passion Ch 01

Note: This story is a football related story… This was one of those rare writing moments in which I watched a lot of football films like ‘North Dallas Forty’ & ‘Necessary Roughness’… There is a lot of football related jargon in between the sex scenes… some readers may be put off by that… never-the-less, enjoy! ***** -one- God, I wanted a drink. In the worst way. My throat felt dry and my fingers felt tight and nervous. I had been one year on the wagon. I was scared to death of having a...

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In the Slammer Ch 05

[Hector has been sentenced to four months in the slammer, but by mistake he’s been sent to the Women’s Facility. He shares a cell with Dolores. Like all the other inmates, they wear work uniforms during the day, but are kept naked at night. He’s been trying to choose between Dolores and Rachel Ramirez, whom he’s been banging in the storage room every Tuesday afternoon. ] — Dolores and I were waiting for the cell door to open. Things had calmed down since our fight. We were still sleeping in...

2 years ago
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Warm Day at the Walla Walla River

It was a warm day at the Walla Walla River; I figured it was discrete enough to take off my clothes and just skinny dip. I walked along a rocky area and slowly took my clothes off feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. It was quiet and peaceful, the river was running slow, I could even see the rocks at the bottom, and if I look hard, I could see the fish moving through the current. The water was refreshing soothing the heat off of my body as I slipped in. It was shallow enough just to sit in...

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Watching your insatiable wife

Leon couldn't wait to walk into the apartment and surprise his wife. With a bouquet of flowers in his right hand and a bottle of her favourite champagne in his left he made his way up the communal staircase. As usual he was smartly dressed, wearing dark jeans and a crisp collared shirt. He had so much respect for his hot, sparky wife who was modest and incredibly classy but also very rude and highly sexed. Maybe this time he would take her by surprise. He could whisk her off to the club and...

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The Lesson Continue

Call him, tell him you have had a little to much to drink you are going to have your friend Dottie drive you to her house to stay the night ,you be home in the morning. My wife, being ever reluctant started to resist,but Dottie would have none of it. “Call him,cunt,or you will be sorry.” With that she called me, told me the story, and I told her ,”great,that I would see her tomorrow.” No that was not so hard was it baby,Dottie said to my wife, c’mon get into the truck,don’t bother...

4 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 21

"Does it look familiar?" Nil asked Lavender as they stood side by side in the bow. "I think so," she shrugged noncommittally. Before them was a modest-sized port of low buildings stretched wide on both sides of the mouth of a river. "But it doesn't matter." "Why not?" "Because those are my mountains," she said pointing to the horizon beyond the port. "That was my home." It was a clear, bright day but the distance was great enough one could just barely make out the faint...

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total sissy humiliation

my phone buzzed.looking at the screen the name before me both puzzled and startled me. I had posted an ad on craigslist 10 days ago, offering to suck cock. i was 32 and had been dressing as a girl and fantasizing about sucking cock since i was 13.....and now being single, I'd decided to act. within 12 hours of my ad going live I'd had 10 emails from guys...some of which i deemed timewasters. I'd quickly narrowed it down to a guy named least thats what he said his name was.Lee lived...

1 year ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 6 The First Meal

The rush of wind in the face, watching the people move like ants, being withdrawn from the crowd, above it. Tim experienced all of these things as he leaped tall buildings in a single bound. Sinbad had first led him to a store that was still open at two o'clock in the morning. It was a specialty shop catering to a particular crowd. Suffice to say, Tim walked in wearing the tatters of a pink dress, and left wearing a suit of black leather, with a long black trench coat on over it. Guided by...

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POV CHOICES David, a twenty year old staying home for the summer to earn money by watching his sister while his mom and his step-father are in Australia. Lori, David's 18 year old sister. Asher, David's life time best friend.

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My Shy Virgin Sweet Heart

Hi friends, this is my story of me and my then girlfriend, of making love to each other, on a lucky day. My name is Rakesh, and I wish not to disclose my girlfriend’s name or other details. She is a voluptuous girl, 22 years of age and older to me. I don’t have a good looking body, but she says that she likes me because of my cute face. Coming to the story, she is an untouched virgin, and I am the first male, to even hug her, in a sexual way. It was a Sunday morning, she told to her parents,...

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All Play and No Work

God, Taeria was going to pay for this later, and she knew it. Scrolling through her phone's gallery under the mahogany table she was sat at during a business meeting, her pink lips twisted into a small smirk. She finally found a good picture, a small giggle building its way up inside her throat as she pressed it. Her fingers then found the "Share through Messaging" button, and found Tiffany's name. Attaching the picture of her in a red lacy bra and panties to match to a message, her thumbs...

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Ed BiggersChapter 20

The circadian cycle is not twenty-four hours, but varies from person to person. Some people have a much longer cycle than other people do. For them, fitting into the normal daily schedule can be difficult and for those unfortunate ones, mornings can be the roughest part of the day. For Ed, mornings had always been rough. After the time in Antarctica, he had slipped into an exaggeration of his natural cycle and returning to the normal daily schedule was tough. Still half asleep, he wandered...

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Dead Girls VengeanceChapter 2 Revenge School Starts

Oh, where was I? Enjoying talking about the revenge done in my name. Oh yes, the revenge school. Our teacher was Filene, Fii-lean, not File-ne. Her well-written revenge story is documented in If It Seems Too Good to Be True by peregrinf here on SOL. Our first lesson began, “Carol and Margo, revenge training comes with some secrets that must not be shared with other Grotto residents. The Really Big Secret is that we have no way to prevent someone from abusing children. Indeed, the only way...

1 year ago
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IHaveAWife Christiana Cinn 22489

Christiana Cinn wants to further her legal career, and she’s willing to do whatever it takes, and that includes going to her boss’s house to fetch some necessary case files. But she’s conflicted when, while talking to her boss’s husband Chad, she discovers that he’s been neglected by his wife because she works like a maniac. Would advancing on Chad also advance her career? Or would it put it in jeopardy? Christian’s pussy is too wet for her to say no, so she goes all in on Chad’s big dick to...

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Trapped as a sissy in a fanasy world

Eugene has an obsession with video games almost shutting out his friends and family. Feeling they have no choice the family begs a videogame company to help them bond with him. The company agrees they test the family can beta test the game, and bond. They even promised that he could not come out until he had properly bonded with each family member seprately. This however was not told to Eugene. Well they told him 15 times, but he wasn' t paying attention. He eagerly agreed to joining the game...

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BlacksOnBlondes Jennifer White 12082020

Jennifer always loves cleaning out her plumbing because she gets a crew of hot guys coming over to do the work, but today, she’s thinking more of servicing another kind of plumbing….. all her hot holes!!! She calls the crew of three guys over who think they are stopping by again for some clogged pipes but when they come into the kitchen she shows them her butt plugs and toys and uses them in front of them to turn them on while she talks about how she need HER pipes cleaned out...

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Urlaub im club

Matthias hatte ein Reisebüro und betrachtete hocherfreut das junge Pärchen das gerade sein Geschäft betreten hatte. Das heißt er betrachtete die Frau, ‬denn die war genau sein Geschmack.Und ganz sicher auch der Geschmack seines Freundes Mohammed der eine Hotelanlage in Tunesien betrieb.Lange gelockte dunkelblonde Haare und blaue Augen, ‬solche Frauen wurden in Tunesien begehrt,aber eben nicht nur dort. Die beiden schauten sich Prospekte an. Sie ein trug ein kurzes Sommerkleid das ihre schönen...

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BimboTech Chapter 10 Bimbos Devour the Senators Pussy

Chapter Ten: Bimbos Devour the Senator's Pussy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “There it is,” squealed Becky, her face pressed against the limo's window, staring ahead. “There it is,” Alice agreed, her voice a low purr without a hint of bimbo excitement. She had a fresh injection of the intelligence serum flowing through her veins. And since we weren't flying in an airplane, there wouldn't be any mishaps like last night. My wife...

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Tempted by brother Part 6 out of 8

Suddenly I woke up, it felt weird in my bed. I opened my eyes, and saw my brother’s face an inch away from mines. My hand was still clenching his. Wow, I dreamt about the day that we’d sleep in the same bed. If only I knew it would have been that easy. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to touch him so much. But I knew if I’d start I wouldn’t stop, he’d wake up and would freak, probably worst than my ex did. I carefully let go of his hand, and tried to go over him, but I miscalculated hoping that...

3 years ago
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Hi all if you like my story mail me on So don’t forget mail ok thanks for like my story. Sarah Jefferson lay in bed, restless. She was in her pajamas. She was a nice looking girl. Dark eyes and hair, pale golden skin. Really beautiful. She looked good and knew it. She was an honor student at her college. Her parents made a good living. Her father owned a chain of restaurants and her mother was a lawyer. Sarah herself was a model and she had a good reputation. She had it all. Money. Fame....

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Six Days on the RoadChapter 44

When I woke the next morning I realized my need to exert more self-control. This morning I was damned nearly tired when I woke up. The facts of life intruded on me over my hard work in the furs last night. There were a lot more women in the furs than there were of me. None of them ever had a headache and none of them would even consider telling me no, not even Rose. I needed to hold myself down to only one turn a night for any of them, because I finally realized they were going to get ready...

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Sex with A Virgin Rubina from Pakistan

Sex with A Virgin Rubina from Pakistan Hi guys and girls out there I am Ali from Jhelum (Dina).my Mail id is , I already sent many hot sexy stories and guys/Girls/Aunties liked so much , I received so much mail from u so dear now i came with a new sex experience. I think u like it so much , my height is 5 feet 10 inches weight 71 kg and good health , Hot , strong and having so much sex experienced, so dear girls/aunties if u want complete sex then mail me and meet me ,I have hairy chest, hot...

2 years ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 15 The Sidhe Host on the move

The tavern was half full of evening diners. Flower moved through the crowd easily to remove dishes or mugs as she sang. I was singing a counterpoint to her song as little Sky held her fist to her mouth and kept yawning as she fought to keep from going to sleep. I glanced at the door as three sidhe entered. They looked around and stared at me before moving to a table. One of the serving girls went to take their order as Henry slipped out the kitchen door. Her crossed to me and I leaned over...

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ravenhawk12 pleasures him self looking at my tits

10:28 pm, July 13 Lateshayyou just made me cum.12:29 pm, July 11 ravenhawk12I hope you do not mind me sending these.10:17 pm, July 5 ravenhawk12Another little idea...~shrug~Its been so damn hot lately, even the feel of the steaming water of the shower falling upon me right now, feels deliciously cooling. Washing away all the accumulated sweat that has collected on my skin feels so good. Hard to believe I’ve done nothing but sit around, unmoving, and sweated this much.The A/C really needs to be...

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An Unfortunate New Law Adding to the Family

Forward In a future in which the World Community Government (WCG) exists, the world has shifted to a socialistic society like the one in which Star Trek is set. People do what they love to do and what they’re suited to do - generally what they’re naturally good at. As with any society, there are square pegs that are shoved into round holes. Square pegs just don’t fit in, but they do their best to get by. Some people are only good at drinking, or gossiping, or fighting, or sex. There’s a name...

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Chapter 22 Aunty Amandas Nursery

Chapter 22. Aunty Amanda's Nursery Helen pulled out her mobile, punched a number and pressed it to her ear. When someone answered, she quietly spoke. "We're coming up to your street now." She listened for a moment, said, "Thank you," and hung up. She instructed her driver, "Turn right here and drive down this street, all the way to the end, Rose. It's the last house at the end facing the street, the grey one, and the garage door should be open. Drive straight in." Helen glanced at the...

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Persuading the Girl Next Door 1

Chapter One Looking back I was very naive but I just assumed my life was normal. I was good at getting people to do what I wanted and, at that age, never thought about it. When I wanted to play with other kids they would play the games I wanted. Of course their games were also fun so it wasn't like we always did what I wanted. But, if I really wanted something, then that was what we did. There was a girl next door named Kim and she was two years older than me. We used to play...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 4C

Robert paused, and began again with a strained voice and face. "You chillun cain't be playin' around here together no mo'. I done got the word on it from yo' brother Steve, and from Miz Sansone across the street. She call me on my phone at home, and when Miz Josephine Sansone calls me at home, I know it's ser'ous. She seen us all on the wagon yestiddy, and she say... she don' wonna see no more of it with you and Mister Speedy." "But why?" "Now, I told you, child, please mind...

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My Sweet Coullege 8211 I

Hi to all of the readers,I know you all are reading this believing this is yet another fake story but I want to assure you that each and every word of this story is true and i am writing it out of my heart. Their are some characters in this stories of whom i have changed the names to protect their identities..Its nearly 6 or 7 years back when i was in college and doing a computer course alongwith that. I was a bright student and was self financing my study. Hence i used to teach also after...

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OneHanded Tales 1 Sissy And The Slut

One-Handed Tales #1: Sissy and the Slut By Sarcastic Slut I watch him writhing under her touch, half turned on, half terrified. I smile and cross my long legs, adjusting my tiny skirt to cover my wet panties. The sissy hangs there, chained by the wrists to the post, arms above his head, ball-gagged and blindfolded. The slut in front of him runs her hands over his smooth, stocking clad legs and his silk pantied crotch. Her hand moves up, over his corset to touch his chest where the cups...

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My Shy Homely Wife Turns a Slut

It was after a couple of years that my wife Jyoti and me finally saw a film in a cinema hall. I hardly get time from my busy work schedule and prefer to watch movies on television. But after this evening, I realized it was these small pleasures in life which I was missing. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We began with a stroll in a public garden, filming each other on our video camera – to preserve the nice moments for posterity. We followed it up by a nice dinner and then saw the Hindi movie...

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