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Nikki by Callie Messenger "You fucking bastard! You said you were a fucking footballer!" "I do play football, Sandy!" I laughed. "I thought you were fucking Baggsy!" "Sorry, honey. Slam the door on your way out, would you?" "You'll regret this. If you ever come close to a real footballer you'll wish you were fucking Baggsy, or whoever it is, cause I'll make sure you get humiliated like you did to me now." The door slammed. I smiled and pulled out the Polaroids from the night before. The guys were going to be buying me drinks for months. Sex with Sandy Bitches of the Sunday Sport. She of the Double G's, and all I had to do to get hold of them was pose as a footballer. Boy, was she dumb. ----- Three Years Later. Millennium eve we got tickets to the Sugar all-nighter in Liverpool. All the celebs would be there and we were lucky to have tickets. The DJ line-up was incredible and there would be the Sunday Sport Girls' Stage Show, as well as wet T-shirt contests and a foam room. Totty Heaven! Gary joked that Sandy Bitches might be there, but she wouldn't remember me anyway. She'd got what she wanted, in the form of half the Arsenal defence and a kiss'n'tell exclusive in The Star. We queued an hour while we watched the limo's line up to offload their famous cargo. Finally we got in for the warm-up and headed for the bar. We got a few down before going bankrupt and reaching for our cards. "The women in here don't have to carry money!" Quipped Kewsey. Damned stupid thing was that we couldn't afford to buy them anything. We tipsily rolled into the main arena for the stage show. The girls came on, and all I got was the questions. "What the hell does it feel like to fuck one of those, Davy?" I puffed up with ego. Hell, it had been worth a lot. "Look!" Screamed Gary. "It's Tony Eves. You and him fucked the same woman. Why don't you see if he'll buy us drinks?" I looked down toward the stage and there he was with a few other Arsenal players. They were asking for trouble in a Liverpool nightclub. Perhaps they'd appreciate the company. I screwed my Dutch courage to the wall and headed down. "Tony!" I yelled, tapping him on the shoulder. I was about to say something else, only as he turned around the world seemed to slow down and go crazy around me. I froze and felt my body buzz all over. I managed to see Sandy up on the stage. She was winking at me. Then she was gone and Tony Eves was facing me. "Hi, sweets. What's your name?" I unfroze and felt a foot shorter, and strange sensations all over my body before Tony's question sank in. "I'm Nick Dowd." I held up my hand. His swamped it as he took it to his mouth and kissed it. I was dumbfounded by my long, red-painted nails. "Can I get you a drink, Nikki?" I looked at my hand, and his questions confused me. Nikki? Sweets? "I need to get out of here." I thought aloud. "No problem," he responded, taking me by the arm and leading me to one of the doors. I tripped slightly on my shoes as they seemed to have something stuck underneath the heels. He almost carried me out. We were outside waiting for his car before I realised what had happened. I was so cold. Why? I looked at my arms. They were bare, and skinny, and hairless. I looked down at my legs but my view was interrupted by two skin coloured footballs that someone had shoved onto my chest, held up only by a strap of white stretchy material that also barely covered my sides and hips. If I had a dick it would be hanging out under the material, but I didn't. My legs were smooth and bare, and slipped into a pair of high-heeled white sandals. The only things keeping me warm were the long auburn hair hanging over my neck and back, and Tony's arm around my shoulders. What the hell had happened? There was a flash at my side and I turned to see some guy with a camera taking shots. I smiled. Why? Then a car turned up and Tony helped me in. "I shouldn't be here." I said, as soon as the door closed, but I couldn't open it from the inside. When Tony climbed in it moved away immediately. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "You said you wanted to leave." He replied, reaching over to stroke my thigh. I flinched. "Don't have second thoughts." "I need to get back. My friends are there." I was getting very worried and feeling oddly drunk for some reason. I could almost ignore his hand on my thigh now. "Look, Nikki, you wanted this, just like any other chick. If it makes you feel better, we'll pretend I forced you. I tell you what, let's play a game. This is how it's going to go. If you blow me till we get back to my hotel, we won't dump you on the streets. If we get there, you be an even better girl and I'll bring you back in time to kiss me at midnight. Then you can go home with all the other Sport girls." "I'm not a Sport girl!" The driver slowed the car. We weren't in the most pleasant looking of areas and something told me that it wouldn't be wise to get thrown out here. I undid Tony's flies and pulled out his cock, bending my head straight down to it and taking it in my mouth. As it grew I sucked and squeezed it like it was something I'd done all my life, like it came natural somehow. I even held off until we were parked outside the lobby of the hotel. Then I just let go without letting him cum. "You teasing bitch, Nikki." He growled. "For that I'm going to fuck you within an inch of your life!" He opened his door and got out to open mine. He helped me onto my feet and I looked around for anyone I knew, even for a landmark. We were at the most expensive hotel in Liverpool, and I didn't have the change for a cab back to the club. Tony marched me into the reception. The concierge looked at me disapprovingly, and I caught my reflection finally in the mirror behind the desk. I was half a head shorter than Tony even in these heels, but that wasn't the most obvious thing. The first for me was my hair; long and just curving slightly in around my face, in the most beautiful shade of reddened brown. The second was two things, round and football sized, pushed by my dress against my chest and splayed wider than my arms. As Tony turned us toward the lifts I looked over my shoulder and caught the view of the skirt of the holed-back dress stretched tight over two rounded mounds sitting firmly at the top of my legs. The skirt ended right at the crease where leg met arse, and there was no panty-line. That was because there were no panties, a fact that Tony pointed out to me with his finger in the lift. Unfortunately at that moment I was pinned into a corner and distracted by his mouth over mine. His finger between my legs was a shock but as I flinched away and squirmed it only helped him to find what he was looking for while his mouth kept me quiet. By the time we reached the fourteenth floor I was pressing my crotch against his finger because it felt so good. I thought I was going to cum. But then the doors opened and he pulled me into the corridor as I gasped for air. As we got to his room, his phone was ringing. He told me to answer it while he went into the bathroom. I picked it up. "Hello?" I queried. "Nikki!" Cried a voice I thought I recognised. "It's Sandy!" "Sandy! What the hell is going on?" "I told you that when you met a real footballer you would be humiliated in the way I was." "How can I stop this?" "If you've noticed, you can't. You're just that type of girl." "What happens next?" "Crunch point is midnight, darling! You either kiss him at midnight, or you kiss me, and that'll determine how you spend the next millennium. Getting your enormous tits out and fucking footballers, or getting your insignificant little dick back." There was a click and the line went dead. "Who was that?" Tony asked as he exited the bathroom naked. I couldn't take my eyes off his tool, hanging down thick and long. My crotch was still feeling tense and I began to squirm. I knew what fitted in it. "Nobody." I replied, as I got up and walked towards him around the bed. "Stop there. Take off the dress." I reached down and lifted the material over my head like a T-shirt. My tits flopped down heavily and then my hair slipped through the dress and I dropped it onto the floor. I held my tits to take some of the strain off the top of my chest. Tony's cock began to grow and rise. I could feel the hole between my legs almost growing in response and crossed my legs tight in an effort to stop the sensation but it was no good. He came towards me and gently pushed me backwards until I fell onto the bed. Then he parted my legs, and guided his cock into my wet hole. As my lips parted and slid around it I gasped to feel his huge girth pushing me apart. He seemed to enter me for an age before he slowly pulled back, and I began to feel his full length stroking me inside and out. In moments each thrust was beginning before the last ended, piling pleasurable strokes on top of each other, and I could barely take a breath. Then he stopped and left me empty and gaping, and I growled in despair. "You're addicted, aren't you, sweets? Now turn over and get that ass in the air!" I knelt on the bed, my head low to rest my breasts on the sheets, and he climbed on top of me. He slid easily inside me and kept going until he shoved me forward from inside. I couldn't believe how deep he felt inside me and pushed back into his hips to get all of him inside me again. He obliged repeatedly, filling me sensationally full. It wasn't like he was stroking me now, but stuffing me, and the pleasure was different, less intense, but likewise more entire, and I was soon reaching back under myself to add the intensity that would throw me over the edge. Without missing a stroke he caught my hand, and grabbed the other one, holding them firmly against my back and forcing my head down onto the bed. He then fucked me fast and hard until I was crying from the abuse of my insides. Then, with even more powerful strokes and almost twisting my arms out of my shoulders he grunted and slammed his jism into me. Slowly he backed out and rolled back onto the bed while I slipped down flat to rest my cunt against the cool blanket. I felt his juices begin to drip from my crack. He rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed. I felt his hand sting my backside as he slapped it. "Get your dress on, sweets. We've got to get back to that party. I slowly stood up, wiping my eyes on the sheet. "You'd better use the bathroom." He suggested. "You look like you've just been fucked by a master." I trotted out on my heels, and looked in a mirror. There was lipstick all around my mouth, mascara dripping down my face, and my eyeshadow was smeared. I didn't know what to do. I washed carefully around everything, trying to leave as much make-up in place as possible. I needed to pee, so I sat down on the toilet and let it all squirt out. I wiped myself with the paper and felt the tissue soak up a load of slimy cum. I squeezed, and more came out, and I tried to soak up as much as possible. I really didn't want to drip on the car seats or anywhere else. I found some talc, and padded some onto my crotch and under my arms to try to soak up the perspiration before I started to stink. Finally I headed back out and picked my dress up off the floor. Tony was already dressed and finishing off a brandy he must've taken from the mini-bar. "Let's get you back for the show." He said as he got up and opened the door. "It kicks off just after our midnight kiss. You're so beautiful I want everyone to see us together before they see what they're missing." As he led me back down to the car I tried to think of a way to be away from him and with Sandy by midnight. I certainly didn't want to be kissing him when the chimes rang out. He was very possessive. We got back to the club and his hand stayed round my arm as he introduced me to his mates. They joked about his luck with women and asked me if I could bring the rest of the girls down after the show. There was a dawn party at the hotel. I said I'd ask them. "I'll go now." I said to Tony. "Just wait a couple of minutes, sweets. You can kiss me then meet them on stage." "What time is it?" "Nearly midnight." Shit! I really had to move. I had no idea where Sandy was and I had to kiss her at midnight. "I need to use the ladies' room." I said. "I'll help you get there." He escorted me to the door and waited outside. I gave him a little smile as I went in. What was I going to do? How could I avoid him. I sat on a toilet and relieved myself then walked back into the crowd in front of the mirrors. "Nice dress you're nearly wearing!" A sarcastic comment from a fat blonde, but it gave me an idea. "Do you like Tony Eves?" I asked her. "Ooh, he's gorgeous!" She cooed. There was a chorus of assent. "He's just outside the door. If you lend me your jacket cause it's cold waiting in here, I'll give you the midnight kiss with him." She paused for a second, then slipped off her shiny red PVC jacket and handed it to me. Lucky she was big so that I could close it over my bust. "Come on, girls!" She cried and charged out. I raised the collar over most of my hair and joined the crowd following her out. Tony was almost bowled over by them and I slipped past. He saw me, but couldn't get through quickly enough before I disappeared into the noise and light. I caught a glimpse of Kewsey and Gary. Wouldn't it be fun to chat them up without letting them know who I was? But I didn't know how long I had left to find Sandy, and I didn't want to be caught kissing one of those two at midnight. I wanted my body back so I wanted to kiss her. That's when I saw her up on the stage. They were getting ready for the first strip show of the new millennium. The music went quiet. Everybody stopped dancing. I looked around and saw everyone pairing off. The DJ's voice came over the loudspeaker. "TEN!" I had to get up to that stage. I turned back towards it. "Nikki!" Tony was standing right in front of me! He reached out for my head with his hand. "NINE!" I ducked and shot sideways. He smiled and followed me as I parallelled the stage. "EIGHT!" I could see all the girls lined up. Sandy was right at the front and middle. They were all wearing short, tight dresses just like mine and shiny red jackets. They looked fantastic. "SEVEN!" I headed for the stairs at the side of the stage. "SIX!" There were two huge security guards right in front of the stairs but there were lines of them in front of the stage. At least I might get through just two. "FIVE!" I got to the guards just as Tony caught my arm. He pulled me back towards him. "FOUR!" I wrenched my arm free in panic and sprinted between the guards. "THREE!" They closed behind me leaving Tony stranded and fuming. I ran across the stage. "TWO!" I reached Sandy and put my arms around her. "ONE!" I placed my lips on hers and held her close. "HAPPY NEW MILLENNIUM, EVERYBODY!" I finally removed my lips from Sandy's and looked around at the sound of the whole crowd cheering and clapping. "PLEASE WELCOME ON TO THE STAGE THE NEWEST RECRUIT TO THE SPORT GIRLS," cheered the DJ. The show was starting! I had to get off the stage! "FROM RIGHT HERE IN THIS CLUB." Sandy held my arm and prevented me from leaving. I gave a tug. "PLEASE GIVE A BIG HAND, BECAUSE SHE'LL NEED ONE TO HELP HER WITH THAT FRONT, TO MISS NIKKI DOWD!!" I wasn't strong enough to get away, and a strange cold feeling was spreading over my body as the announcer's words sank in. I put a hand on my chest and felt the squidgy mounds of flesh that should have disappeared. "ISN'T SHE WONDERFULLY ENDOWED!!!" He cried out, and the wolf whistles came fast and thick. I looked at Sandy. She shrugged. "You chose to join us at midnight." She whispered to me. "I thought if I kissed you I'd change back!" I growled. "I only said that who you kissed would determine how you spent this millennium. Sorry for the misunderstanding." She smiled. "AS IS TRADITIONAL WITH THE GIRLS," blasted out the announcer, "NIKKI, CODENAMED TRIPLE-H, WILL MAKE HER SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR THE REST OF THE EVENING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. THE AUCTION WILL BEGIN RIGHT AFTER THE SHOW, SO YOU CAN SEE EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE BIDDING FOR!!" The music started. "Just follow me." Said Sandy. "You have full control of that body now, as that gift ended at midnight, so try not to be too embarrassing." "How about I just leave?" "Tony's waiting for you. And without me you have no hope." "Bitch!" I slid my feet carefully to a gap at the back of the group. Suddenly these heels felt uncomfortably high and hard to balance on. As if that was the greatest of my worries! How was I going to get back to me, and what the hell was going to happen before I could? Still, give thanks for small mercies - at least I was going to get a chance to try sex out again, only this time with the guy of my choice. Any guy of my choice, because let's face it, I could have any guy I wanted.

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Meet the Vampiric Prince Vellen... An admirable young man born to privilege, sharp of mind and grace Vellen's earliest records of existence were discovered to be from the time of crusades sharing space with many Kindred royalty of Old; Vlad being one of these if we were to name names. The exact years were strangely vague as staggered the stories of this Prince and others like him were inconsistent like pages torn from history. Our dear Vellen enjoyed the mystery so much so that one could find...

1 year ago
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Sissy Emma is turned

Sissy Emma is turnedI had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean...

4 years ago
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My Turn as the Toy

The craziest thing I've ever done was at this sex party that used to happen in Glasgow. It was kind of a swinger party, guys would pay to get in, couples would pay half and women got it for free. It was a mixed bag of ages, I was 20 when I started going but it was primarily older people, 35 and up and only a set number of single guys could get in.I think over a 6 month period I only managed to get in about 5 times but they also had this special raffle, that every guy wanted to win. It was to be...

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Tear It UpChapter 6

Everything seemed superficially normal, of course, as we went to pick up the kids, including not only Danielle and Stacey, but also Carl and Caitlyn, Amber's twins by David. We were all dressed up in our Sunday best again, acting as if the adults hadn't just engaged in an orgy and planned for another one when we had the next opportunity. The four little ones were quite eager for some junk food, but then so were us adults, albeit for somewhat different reasons. They were also excited about...

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Meeting With A Matured Indian Sex Stories Reader

Am a married matured guy of 44. I am in a traveling job. This is my second story for a long time almost a year. When I posted my first story I got a mail from one women reader. She said she liked the story and wished it was her in reality. I am a shy guy by nature but then the need sometimes takes better of you. So we started to exchange emails wherein I asked her if she would mind being friends. She replied back saying she won’t mind but it would be just chats though can be hot but nothing...

3 years ago
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Sara and I had been close friends since our sophomore year of high school. I guess that’s where I should begin. You know how close friends get, how you get to be physically as well as emotionally close, and you are so comfortable around them you feel like you could do anything. That’s how it was with Sara and I. Sara is petite and pretty, and always makes me laugh. I, curvier – particularly the D breasts – had always felt like there was something more between us, even though I had never...

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How I Became a Black Cock Cumslut

This is my account of how my eyes were opened up, and body and senses awoken to the world of black cock. I knew I could never go back to a white dick ever again.Anyway, firstly let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Sarah and I am 22 years old, I have a killer body that is toned and athletic without being too muscly as a result of going to the gym at least four times a week. All mixed in with curves is all the right places. I know I have a cracking ass that is round and peachy me...

3 years ago
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Derricks Revenge 1 Sam and Whitney

Introduction Derrick Simpson was a relatively common man; wealthy but not rich, in his mid-40s working in middle management and watching people his children's age pass him by. He was prolific in one aspect of his life, though, having 5 ex-wives, and 10 daughters and step-daughters. His inability to bear a son had always haunted him, each child being more of a disappointment than the last. For these and other reasons he wasn't in as much despair as many others would have been when his doctor...

1 year ago
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Verkracht tijdens gaypride Gran Canaria

Dit verhaal is waargebeurd en speelt zich af tijdens de gaypride in GanCanaria.Mijn naam is Maarten, ben 26 jaar, sportief gebouwd en nog steeds single.Op een avond trok ik mijn stoute schoenen aan en wou ik eens gaan cruisen in de bunker in GC, het was er pride en dus veel volk.Gekleed in mijn harnas, jockstrap en sneakers ging ik naar de inkom, betaalde en ging binnen.Aan de toog eerst nog een drankje en dan op mijn gemak de beneden is gaan verkennen.Overal waar ik rondkeek zag je mannen met...

2 years ago
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Africa Slave QueenChapter 5

The ride in the presidential helicopter was the first freedom she had felt in over two months. High above the Butta River following it south the large green bird rattled and hummed intensely. Inside the rear cabin Rachel sat in a flowing red dress flanked by two of Mobana's notorious elite troops. She was not bound or restrained in any way instead allowed to sit prim with knees together on the hard vibrating seat. She could just see out of the window; the sea of jungle green below turning...

3 years ago
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DaisyChapter 21

They all joined Daisy at the feast of French toast, hash browns, eggs, bacon and Champagne orange juice (which Sharon introduced them to). Afterwards they all showered in turns of pairs. Sharon soaped Daisy's body and rubbed hers all around it. They didn't have time for much as the hot water would run out. It was enough to get them both wanting more. Sharon kissed her deeply and then told her what a wonderful time she had had. "You're a very lucky girl to have those two roommates. And...

2 years ago
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My First Time With Ryan

I'd had a profile on a local swingers site for years and had a few encounters. I had switched my Sexual Orientation back and forth from straight to Bi-curious to Bi-comfortable several times, but finally decided to be true to myself and if it stopped me from getting anything out of the site, oh well... I was Bisexual and was going to keep my ad that way.My wife and I had been swingers for awhile, but she freaked out one day and put it all to an end. Long story there, but she and I only had sex...

1 year ago
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A Visit to the Past

100% fiction! It had been awhile since I had seen Steve. We both were older with wives and babys. Many times I had thought about the past, growing up with Steve (and our friend Dave) and discovering the our sexuality. I think back to how many times I had Steve's cock in my mouth as we grew up, and even in our late teens and early 20's (see the story "Boys will be Boys.') Anyway, I recently ran into Steve and it brought back all those memories. So vivid were they, my cock was getting hard just...

2 years ago
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In the stables A dream

Hmm ... I've dreamed of straight run to have and to discover in the darkness of a barn, far out into the light is still burning ...When I try through one of the discs inside look I feel a shock and I will black out ... when I come back to me I'm naked on a fixed type bracket / stand and my eyes are connected. Hear different voices around me, men and women. It smells of barn, dust and old hay.Lubricated I feel like a slightly tingly, hot pregnant cream on my asshole and my pussy is ... then the...

3 years ago
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TyballaChapter 11 A Different Kind of Learning

Chloe's aunt lived along a narrow, red-bricked street in a red-bricked building stacked six stories high. Next to the building, a narrow alley wound under an arch back to a small parking lot. Chloe pulled Brandon's car into the alley, slowly, almost scraping the paint, and on into the lot. The car was too large to fit in any of the free spaces, so we had to block another car. "We'll leave a note," Chloe said, and she did, scribbling down her aunt's apartment number and leaving it on...

4 years ago
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The Married Mans Reprieve

Rose pulled me from the bar, down the street, and into the train station. Never once did we stop touching. I stood behind her with my hands on her hips as she paid for our tickets. We remained physically linked as we boarded and even as we sat beside each other. The train was not crowded. The Friday evening rush was already through. "This is all too easy, Rose." She tensed. "Yes, it is. Please, Charlie, trust me. We'll dicuss it in the morning. You're free now. Be my guest for the night and...

Love Stories
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3 December 2006Chapter 6

Dan drove the Nissan towards home with Abby sitting close to Brad in the back seat. He thought of Trisha and the flirting she did. She certainly wasn’t shy about showing off her great cleavages to him. But he thought more about Wendy. She looked very beautiful, similar to Karen in size and hair colour, and he didn’t have the same reaction shaking hands with Trisha that he did with Wendy. “And that tingling in my hand. If you made a move on me, I certainly wouldn’t turn you down, Wendy, and...

1 year ago
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Pennys Other Life

CHAPTER 1.Penelope Perkins had been properly bred. There was nothing about her life that she would not have openly shared with her mother. Or even her grandmother. Until a couple of years ago. Now, with the help of Brian, she had another life, and although she knew she was a sinner and she would definitely go straight to hell, she was rather enjoying this other life.It was early Sunday morning and Penny had been dreaming again. It was a mixture of anxiety and pleasure. Brian had called her...

Straight Sex
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TEN TV SHOWS I WOULD FILMCopyright (c) 2013 Fred Lake.I am just one lottery ticket away from leaving my boring job as an accountant and business analyst to become a porn producer. These are the shows I'd film. Many of these are existing (or out of production) TV shows or websites that I want to see more episodes of, and to do them better, in English, with hotter sex and no censorship. These are in no particular order.=====1. STRIP POKERThere have been several of these games, but the one in the...

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Ballet Blonde Belle SM1 On Video


1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Chloe Cherry Haley Reed Momos XXX Challenge

Codey Steele has the perfect prank for his stepsisters, Chloe Cherry and Haley Reed. While the girls are getting dressed in Halloween costumes for trick or treat, they start getting creepy texts from Momo. Chloe gets the first text, but Momo is soon seen following both girls around the house. Chloe gets another text indicating that Momo can see them. The next text tells the girls to find their brother because he can protect them. They wind up in bed together, calling for Codey. They ask him to...

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Trailing Home Ch 12

It was early October when they reached the cutoff where they could choose to continue on to the Dalles Mission or turn south onto the Barlow Road. They were only about a hundred and fifty miles from the Willamette Valley. With any luck, a couple of weeks more should see them to their destination. Selena could sense Liam’s excitement. He, even more than the others, was relieved they were close to the end of their journey. As the unofficial leader of their traveling group, he felt a...

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Recovery of a HeroChapter 8 The Hero Remembers

This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. I remember that incident in Iraq quite well. It's one of my clearest memories. Five of us in a Humvee were going to one of the Iraqi government buildings where I was working on the computer network systems when we were ambushed. As we were driving down the road, an RPG exploded to the right of us. The vehicle was lifted off the ground on that side by the shock wave of the blast....

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Relaxing at the Beach

Candy was a 40 yr. old real estate agent and vivacious single blonde. The demands of her business meant she had not had a date in at least 2 years. But that didn’t bother her, as long as the money came in to pay for her bungalow and BMW she was happy. Taking even a one week break was a difficult choice but finally she made her decision. One full day off at the beach! She would even turn off her cell phone. A short stop at the swimwear store and she had what she needed: sunscreen, a beach...

2 years ago
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A Stitch in Time the BeginningChapter 3

When Charlie went into the bathroom the next morning, she opened my door. I lay in bed watching her go through her routine, even when she sat on the toilet and pissed. When she got in the shower, I decided to join her. I used the john to empty my bladder, but thinking about her naked in the shower didn't do much to ease my morning woody. I brushed my teeth and slipped into the shower to stand behind her. She was just putting the shampoo in her hair and I reached up and started to massage...

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Lost The missing episode

This is your chance to take control over one of the living main lost characters, either Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, or Charlie. Or be your own character. Where you was on the plane and where the other characters act differently. To keep characters in their normal personality take control over a character.

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 5 AdvocateChapter 10

Riding into the small town, it was aptly named "Dresden's Last Chance" There wasn't much to see but a few homes and a few businesses, maybe twenty to thirty buildings in total. Of course there was also the tavern that might have a spare room or two, but it was obvious that the Inn was more there for getting a drink than anything else. The companions reached the town about mid day. Kat only wanted to stop overnight since they were so close and give the horses a break then push on. She...

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Woman Partner Chapter Four Debbie Introduces Me To Nightgowns

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 4, Debbie Introduces Me To Nightgowns) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

2 years ago
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Suppers Ready

Synopsis  SUPPER?S READY A Collection of 5 Poems:- Supper?s ReadyMommy?s RulesMy Bad LuckThe ContractAnd Finally by Velvetglove    SUPPER?S READY YouIn a place I?ve never seen.MeThe other side of the screen.You in some strange part of the worldOr perhaps down the road ?Even ? maybe ? next door ?Can we truly know for sure ? You sat at your screen.Me hunched over mine.Making love unseenOur minds entwined.My wife downstairsCooking my meal.You?re not my affairBut how would she feel ? You...

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Sensual Experience

Sensual Experience From the first moment that I met Bronte I loved her Australian accent. She always possessed a bright, sexy smile, every time I bumped into her. The last time we met at the local mall, she invited me over to her house for drinks. She was in her thirties and I had just turned fifty. I brought her a nice bottle of Australian, white wine. The night progressed as we talked about life in general. The subject of sex came up. How, I’ll never know, but it did. I told her about the...

Straight Sex
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House Slut 42 Leaving Home

Sam came to visit but didn’t touch her. Brandon and Yeong said hi in passing by her open door on the way to what had increasingly become ‘their’ room but otherwise she felt like a ghost. The next morning Angus and Sam visited her together before leaving for work, requesting she blow them both at the same time – she alternated between them until they were ready to burst and she egged them on, begging for them to paint her face as she pumped furiously with both hands, which they happily...

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