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By, BZ

As Kat (short for Katrina) Lang sat at the Restaurant bar watching NickBaker, she was sure she was onto something.

Kat was the new reporter at the Bulletin. She was desperately trying toget her first big break. And her intuition was telling her that Nick Bakerwas at the bottom of the story that had plagued the city for over a year now.

Over the past fourteen months fourteen women had disappeared from the city,vanished without a trace. Twelve had disappeared during a period of three weeks,then after month's of dead leads and no further abductions, two more womenhad suddenly disappeared and what had been a dying story, suddenly became rejuvenated.The early police investigation had focused on Nick Baker, a former SpecialOps. Officer. Nick was presumed to be a disgruntled executive at the firm wherehis immediate superior happened to be the first woman to disappear.

The police were unable to make any headway in their investigation of NickBaker and had eventually moved on to other suspects. As the number of victimsincreased the supposed connection to Nick Baker seemed to become a non-factor,and the police eventually dropped him as a suspect. But Kat seeing Nick Bakerleering at her girl friend, in the restaurant where she and a group of youngwomen were celebrating that friend's birthday, had her suspicions aroused.In Kat's mind, Nick still seemed the obvious suspect, and now Nick Baker seemedto have fixed his attention upon her friend Vicky Greene.

It was Vicky's birthday and the stunning green eyed red head wore her favoriteparty attire, a black silk and chiffon dress, lit with sequins and a haltertop with rhinestones and a lace trim, the dress did more than justice to Vicky'svoluptuous body. Vicky could be one exuberant young redhead, with a very athleticallyattractive body. Vicky's exuberance became obvious every time a new friendarrived at the restaurant bar where the party members gathered. Vicky excitedlyraised her arms to greet then hugged each newcomer as they arrived. Meanwhile,Kat was watching Nick watching them.

Kat, a blue eyed blonde, was decked out in a black lace ballet slip dress,with a black lace bodice and thin spaghetti straps, she was very alluring asshe sipped at her Cosmopolitan and kept an eye on Nick. All in all Kat mighthave been inclined to pass this all off as meaningless happenstance. Both Vickyand Nick were extremely attractive people, and it would not be implausibleif either had found the other attractive. But, to Kat it seemed that Nick'sinterest was menacing and when he went out of his way to see where Vicky andtheir party were being seated Kat felt her suspicions were confirmed.

Still later that evening she could have sworn that she saw someone watchingfrom across the street as she dropped the birthday girl off at her apartment.

She couldn't swear it was Nick Baker, she wasn't even positive she had seensomeone; it could, after all, have just been her over active imagination, butmaybe not. What exactly should she do?

Nick, had indeed, been attracted to Vicky Greene's ample charms, red headshad always been his favorite. And, he had been determined to get another glimpseof the effervescent young red headed beauty on his way out of the restaurant;perhaps, he had been a little too obvious.

When he got to his car he thought "what the hell I've got nothing betterto do tonight, let's see where that foxy little lady lives." He waited in theparking lot for the party to break up, then fixed on Vicky as she exited therestaurant with Kat, and the two attractive friends made their way to Kat'sVolvo. Nick discretely followed the Volvo until Kat dropped Vicky off at herapartment.

Having discovered where Vicky lived, Nick drove home in order to occupyhimself with his own fantasies.

Kat thinking she'd seen some one watching Vicky's apartment building whenshe drove up to drop her friend off had her suspicions aroused. She decidedto make one pass around the block then set up watch on her friend's apartment.She found a place directly across from the apartment's entrance.

Had she indeed seen anyone watching the apartment when she dropped Vickyoff, they certainly weren't there now. With her cell phone in hand Kat tookup watch.

The next Morning Nick drove up to Vicky's apartment complex and immediatelyspotted Kat's car parked out in front of the apartment complex, with Kat asleepin the front seat. "It seems my intriguing redhead has a guardian angel." Beforedriving on he took down Kat's license plate number and made a mental note " Findout who the guardian angel is, and be careful when she is around."

Nick called in a favor from another Special Operations veteran who happenedto be with the police department, and discovered that the Volvo belonged toone Katrina Lang. A little more research told him that Katrina Lang was a newreporter for the Bulletin. "Well, well, well our curious little angel is areporter, and not bad a looking one either."

With his Special Operations training Nick had no trouble gaining accessto Vicky's apartment complex. He positioned himself inconspicuously in thelobby and waited for Vicky to return from work.

Nick had nothing but time on his hands, so he knew he didn't need to rushthings. He patiently waited each evening until he saw Vicky was alone gettingon the elevator. He noted the floor she got off then left. The next day hewould be waiting on her floor and discover which apartment was hers. It wasa simple matter from there to find out Vicky's identity.

The very next day a box of one dozen white roses arrived at Vicky's apartment,with a note that read: "Dear Vicky, I have admired you since first seeing youat the Dauphin Restaurant on the night of your party. I'm sure your friendKatrina saw me, and she knows who I am. I would very much like to see you.If you are interested contact me at 952-0000. Your not so secret admirer, NickBaker."

Vicky was on the phone in an instant, not to Nick but to Kat. A very distraughtVicky yelled into phones mouthpiece; "Kat, this is Vicky. I just received adozen white roses from someone claiming to be my "not so secret admirer" andhe says you know who he is. Why did you give him my address?"

Kat was confused, "Wait a minute, slow down, I don't know what you are talkingabout Vick. I haven't given your address out to anyone."

"But on his card he says that his name is Nick Baker, and that you knowhim."

He's the guy the police first suspected when Jill Mason turned up missing.But I've never actually met the guy."

"Then how does he know where I live, and why did he mention your name?"

"Gee Vick, I don't know. I did see him at Dauphin's the night of your party,and I noticed him watching us. But I have no idea how he got your address orhow he even knows who I am. Listen Vick don't do anything, I'm coming rightover."

It took Kat about ten minutes to get to Vicky's apartment. "Let me see thenote."

Kat stood dumbfounded as she read the note. Then related all she knew. Howshe'd seen Nick Baker at the restaurant, that she had noticed him going outof his way to see where their party was seated. And she told her about spendingthe night parked outside her apartment after she thought she'd seen someonewhile dropping her off at the apartment. But she swore, "I've never met orspoken to the man, ever."

Kat then told Vicky everything that she had been able to dig up on NickBaker. He had been in a Special Ops. unit in the Army, and had served in DesertStorm. After leaving the Army he went to work for the Bendix Corp. where herose to the rank of Jr. V.P. until he had retired about a year and half ago.

At the time it was rumored that his retirement had to do with his resentmentat being passed over for a promotion. A promotion, that made Jill Mason (theC.E.O.'S daughter) his immediate superior. As it turned out his retirementhad coincided with his winning the State lottery to the tune of $775,000,000.00,and as he told the police he "didn't give a shit about Jill Mason any way."

The rumored resentment of Jill Mason had been at the core of the PoliceDepartments investigation of Nick Baker when Jill had gone missing withouta trace. But Jill's disappearance had been complete, there had been no signsof foul play and no ransom demands were ever made. Only a disgruntled fatherpointing an accusing finger at Nick Baker. But as other women began to disappearthe assumed connection to Nick Baker seemed to fade even to the point thatit seemed preposterous.

Kat then showed Vicky a picture she had brought of Nick, but to Kat's dismaya funny look came over her friend's face, Vicky's mind seemed to lose focuson Kat's dissertation when she saw Nick's photo and recalled the mention ofthat $775 million.

Vicky thought to herself "a good looking guy with $775 million to boot,what would be the harm in meeting this guy."

Kat tried to convince her friend to have nothing to do with Nick Baker,but she knew the expression on her friends face meant she was not getting throughto her.

The arrival of another dozen white roses the next day convinced Vicky totake a chance. Nick and Vicky had their first date that night.

Kat, unable to talk her friend out of meeting with Nick, could not put hersuspicions aside. She doggedly kept tabs on her friend and Nick, as she triedunsuccessfully to dig up something (anything) on Nick.

The courtship of Nick and Vicky included most of the usual rituals of dating,dinner, theater, movies and parties. An evening out usually ended up with Nickdriving Vicky to his yacht, which he kept docked at the marina. The yacht wasNick's home, and he had spared no expense on it. It was truly a sea going mansion.

Nick had named his Yacht "Schön Und Mädchen" (beauty and girlin German with an emphasis on the S&M). The significance of which was loston Vicky, but sparked suspicious curiosity in Kat.

Nick and Vicky would spend most of their nights together on the yacht. Theyacht was not only Nick's home, it was his favorite toy, he had spent a greatdeal of time finding it, and a small fortune to refurbish it. He had providedit with all the comforts of home, including a crew of five to sail it.

To Kat's annoyance the loving couple felt right at home aboard the "SchönUnd Mädchen".

Kat, frustrated at every turn while trying to dig up the goods on Nick Baker,had taken to following the fledgling couple. But once the couple reached Nick'syacht Kat had no choice but to give up her surveillance.

Then one night, when Kat had taken up a good position at a safe distanceto keep watch. She was suddenly faced with an opportunity to get a better lookat what went on at the yacht. She noticed all five crewmembers of the yachtleave for a night out on the town. She stealthily crept up the gangplank. Thenworked her way around the deck until she found a porthole that allowed herto peer into the master suite.

Kat gasped as she saw her friend being forcibly handcuffed to the headboardof the bed. Panic-stricken, she made her way back to the dock, found a secludedcorner, retrieved her cell phone and dialed 911. The police arrived withinminutes and stormed the yacht, Kat followed closely behind.

The police burst into the master suite and found Vicky naked, handcuffedand spread-eagled to the bed. But she was laughing hysterically as Nick attackedher defenseless feet with a feather. The couples frolicsome mood quickly changedto irate indignation as the officers filed into the suite. Vicky's face turnedan amazing shade of red that almost matched the color of her hair and yelled: "Whatthe fuck, get the hell out of here, all of you."

As the police stood gaping at the ravishing, naked and handcuffed womanon the bed Nick grabbed a robe and started ushering them out of the cabin.When Kat burst in, she had expected to be hailed as a rescuing angel. Insteadshe was greeted by her friend's indignant and profane tirade.

"What the fuck, what are you doing here Kat? Have you been spying on us?You goddamned pervert. I can't believe this is happening." Then to the exitingpolice "If you fucking ass holes have seen enough, can you please leave andlet me get dressed, god damn it."

Realizing that they were intruding upon a very intimate, though slightlykinky moment, between two consenting adults the police beat a hasty retreat,taking a protesting Kat with them.

Kat, who's face was now as red faced as her friend's, tried desperatelyto talk herself out of being charged with filing a false police report charge.

Nick's concerns about the situation were different from the irate Vickyor the embarrassed police and Kat. He thought, "That snoopy reporter is becominga risk."

He had truly become attached to Vicky, and he thought she was progressingvery nicely, and would soon be the willing sex slave he was conditioning herto become. Kat's little escapade could attract the very attention he thoughthe had successfully put to rest after the disappearance of Jill Mason.

Kat's credibility would surely take a severe blow, but her tenacity couldstill present real problems down the road. Nick decided, "I'll have to stepup Vicky's training, and make arrangements to decommission her snoopy reporterfriend Katrina.

Nick had discovered early on that Vicky was very receptive to suggestion.One night as she slept soundly after a night of frolicking in bed, Nick trieda little experiment. In a very mono toned voice he intoned, "Vicky you aresleeping now, and will continue to sleep, but you can hear my voice and youwill listen and obey."

"I want you to listen carefully to my voice and obey, if you understandnod your head once." He watched expectantly, and then became ecstatic as Vicky'shead slowly bobbed forward. "Good girl," now let's try putting you into aneven deeper sleep. "I will count to ten, and as I do your right arm will becomelighter and lighter, your arm will start to rise, and as it does you will falldeeper and deeper asleep."

On the count of ten Vicky lay flat on her back with her right arm stickingstraight up in the air (as if in a "Sig hiel" salute). She was now in a verydeep hypnotic sleep.

While slowly counting a sheepish grin grew on Nick's face as he watchedVicky's arm slowly rise. "Very good Vicky, he gently patted her head, yourarm is feeling normal now, let it drop slowly to your side. Good girl Vicky(another pat on the head) you are an excellent subject. Now listen carefully,sometime after you awaken tomorrow I will snap my finger and say 'Vicky sleep',you will return to the exact state you are in now. If you understand nod yourhead."

Again the head slowly bobbed up and down, "Good girl", (another pat on thehead, and Nick sat and smugly smiled as Vicky slept), "excellent, Vicky I willcount to three and you will return to your natural sleep... ONE, TWO, THREE."

The next morning Nick could hardly contain himself, but he waited, thoughimpatiently. Finally, after they'd had breakfast and moved to the entertainmentroom, he felt the time was right; he snapped his finger and mono toned "Vickysleep" then eagerly watched, as Vicky's eyes slowly grew heavy and closed.The sheepish grin returned to his face, he knew exactly what he wanted to dowith his new pet.

"Vicky you will listen to my voice, and only my voice. You want to obeymy voice. As you listen to my voice you will suppress your own desires andsubmit your will to mine. I am your master and your onlydesire will be to please your master, do you understand?" Nick repeated hisinstructions to Vicky several times before asking again, "Do you understandVicky? If you understand respond, yes Master." Vicky obediently answered inher own monotone, "yes Master."

Nick couldn't believe how lucky he had become. Vicky had to be the mostsuggestible woman on the planet. Nick took every opportunity to reinforce hiscontrol over her, over and over and over again.

Before the intrusion of Kat and the police Nick had been bringing Vickyalong slowly. After that night he stepped up the hypnotic sessions. Two weekslater Vicky was completely under his control. He was now able to put her intoa trance any time he felt like it, and he felt like it often.

On November 2nd, after a night out on the town Nick and Vicky returned tothe yacht. This time, however, the yacht weighed anchor and set sail for aprivate island Nick had purchased in Caribbean.

Kat stood on the dock, and as tears streamed steadily down her cheek, shehelplessly watched as the yacht eased out of its slip. She had tried to patchthings up with Vicky, but Vicky would not talk to her. She even tried to gothrough Nick, but that was a dead end as well, now she had mixed emotions,she was fearful of her best friends fate. But relieved that Nick was leaving,she had feared retaliation from him ever since the raid on the yacht. "At leastnow I'll be able to get a good nights sleep."

Ten days after Nick and Vicky had set sail for the Caribbean Kat returnedto an empty apartment after a monotonous day at the office. Her plan was toshower, have a quiet meal then curl up with a good book.

While Kat stood under the shower with the water washing away the tensionsof the day, she was oblivious to the shadowy figure who had crept to her frontdoor and was now working away at its' lock with a lock pick.

The intruder had no problem opening the locks on Kat's apartment door.

He entered the apartment setting his large bag down on the floor. The apartmentwas at first very quiet, but as he made his way in he could hear the showerrunning. He withdrew a small object from a pocket, took up a position outsidethe bathroom and waited for his victim.

Kat, completely unaware of the foreign presence in her apartment, completedher shower, toweled herself off, wrapped her hair in a plush terry cloth toweland herself in a plush terry cloth robe and headed for the kitchen.

The intruder was ready and waiting, as Kat walked unsuspectingly past him,he stealthily came up behind her. Suddenly, Kat felt a gloved hand coveringher mouth; she panicked and struggled as best she could. Kat was preparingto deliver a painful blow to her attackers groin, when suddenly she felt ashock of current running through her body as the intruder quickly applied theobject in his gloved right hand to Kat's neck and pressed the button.

Kat's eyes flew open, she tried to scream, but the hand that covered hermouth kept her voice muffled to a barely audible gurgle. The stun gun pressedagainst Kat's neck had sent a powerful shock threw her body and she jerkedviolently in her attacker's arms before passing out.

The intruder then went about preparing the unconscious Kat to be transportedto her new life. He started by removing the terry cloth towel and robe fromhis lifeless victim laying her down on her stomach. He went to his bag andremoved a hand held banding machine, which was normally used to apply largeplastic bands to boxes and crates.

Drawing Kat's arms behind her back the intruder quickly had a band aroundher wrists and another pinning her elbows together. Next the machine was usedto band Kat's legs, one band went around her left shin binding it to her thigh,then he repeated the process on her right leg banding her right shin to herthigh, but leaving her legs spread apart. The intruder flipped Kat over onher back with her arms under her, her legs drifting apart. With his victimsecurely bound on the floor, the intruder went to Kat's bathroom, found herhamper and grabbed the panties that had just recently been discarded. He forcedopen the lower jaw of the unconscious Kat and then stuffed the panties intoher mouth; he secured them in place with several strips of duct tape he hadremoved from his bag.

The intruder retrieved several lengths of nylon rope from his bag, thengrabbed Kat's ankles and crossed them forcing her knees far apart. He tiedher ankles together then ran a long length of rope down through her crotchup her back and up over her left shoulder. He continued the rope down overher ankles again, another pass through her crotch, up her back and over herright shoulder. The nylon rope allowed the intruder to easily cinch the ropeup tight forcing the unconscious Kat into a tight little ball. He played withher exposed twat for a while before arranging the rope on either side of herpussy lips trapping them in a tight little nylon pincher.

Kat's abductor prepared to remove Kat from the apartment; he removed a heavymilitary style canvas duffle bag from his kit. He positioned the helpless Katat the open end of the bag, and then began to ease it up over her hips. Onceshe was about half way inside the bag the abductor lifted up on the sides ofbag and Kat hit the floor with a thump as she settled to the bottom of theduffle bag. He closed the inside flap over Kat's head, arranged the eyeletsof the bag over the slotted prong and locked the bag closed with a solid padlock.

He carefully gathered up all of his equipment, the gloves he wore made surethat no fingerprints would be left. He then tidied up the apartment makingsure that nothing seemed to be disturbed. He even placed the discarded robeand towel in Kat's hamper. After double-checking to make sure every thing wasin order he slung the duffle bag over his shoulder, picked up his gear. Thenchecking to make sure the hall was clear, he exited the apartment locking thedoor behind him.

He proceeded unobserved to the apartments garage, depositing his gear andhis newly acquired prize in the back of his van.

The van moved through the city bouncing its cargo about as it went on itsway. Kat came to, but soon realized oblivion was preferable to reality. Shecould see nothing, could not budge an inch and could only hear the muffledstreet sounds as the van worked its way to an abandoned warehouse along thedocks. Her imagination ran rampant, and if truth were known what was actuallyin store for her was not too far removed from her fantasies.

Finally the abductor reached his destination. He pulled the van into thewarehouse and locked the doors behind him. He opened the back of the van andslung the duffle bag over his shoulder once again. He deposited the dufflebag into an open crate located near the warehouse's waterfront exit.

A layer of foam packing peanuts covered the bottom of the crate. Kat's dufflebag landed atop the pile of foam peanuts with a thud. Fastened to one sideof the crate were two oxygen canisters. The abductor then unlocked the dufflebag; he grabbed the bottom of the bag and pulled up. Kat plopped out of thebag and down on top of the foam, she landed on her back, arms under her andher knees crushed into her chest. Her eyes were wide open and panic stricken.

The abductor was amused as he watched his prize struggle in the crate. Heleaned over the crate, reached in and yanked the tape from Kat's mouth. Katlet out a blood-curdling scream, muffled only by the panties still inside hermouth. He removed the panties then backed off, a huge grin on his face, andlet Kat scream for all she was worth. He knew it was all to no avail, withthe doors closed on the warehouse very little sound would escape. And it wasunlikely anyone would be around to hear her screams anyway.

He finally tired of Kat's screaming and pleading; he approached the crateagain with a syringe in his hand. He carefully injected the powerful sedativeinto Kat's neck and soon she was quiet once more. Then he made himself comfortableand waited for the boat to arrive.

At about 1:00 in the morning a fishing boat approached the dock outsidethe warehouse. The abductor now finished his work. He grabbed a breathing apparatusfrom the wall and hooked it up to the oxygen tanks, and then he forced it intothe sleeping Kat's mouth. He secured it in place by wrapping several layersof duct tape around Kat's head. Then he adjusted the values on the oxygen tanks,made sure Kat was breathing okay, and then filled the crate with more of thefoam packing peanuts covering the unconscious Kat.

The top of the crate was being nailed down as the crew of the fishing boatentered the warehouse. It took them no time to load the crate on board. Andin less than an hour the fishing boat was back at sea carrying the abductor(former special operations Master Sergeant Sam Matthews and his precious cargo),on their way to a small private island in the Caribbean.

End part one

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I was just stepping out of the shower when the doorbell rang, so still wet and dripping, I slipped on my dressing gown, wrapped a towel around my head, and went down to answer the door. When I opened it, it was my daughters boyfriend Martin. “Oh hello Mrs G” he said, “Sorry if I got you out of the shower” “That’s ok” I replied, “I had just about finished anyway; come on in and make yourself at home won’t you, I’m afraid Tracey won’t be back for a while yet” He made his way into the lounge as he...

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Deanara pulled the bow across the strings of her violin and magic wafted outward. The dignitaries, nobles and merchants from all over Vilders, were enthralled from the very first note. Up until today she had been called a prodigy. It was Deanara's sixteenth birthday. This day was her first as a virtuosa. Her head was lowered over the violin, reverentially and her thick chestnut hair flowed around her face, forming a cowl, out of which peered her piercing green eyes. Many thought her severe....

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i watched my wife Wanda fuck a black man

I finished my third beer and rubbed my eyes. I was a little p.o.'d with myself that I hadn't been able to figure out what to do. This whole mess was really beginning to bug the hell out of me. A couple hours and a couple beers and I could usually nail just about any problem I ever had. But damn ! I didn't know what to do about this one. And the worst part of it was that I'd caused the entire thing myself. Pandora's box was open and I couldn't get it shut again.Wanda and I have been married a...

1 year ago
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My First Unwanted yet wanted sex Part one

           Maddison was walking home one night after a big party with her friends. The reason for her walking? Well, she came with a friend and that friend left with another ‘friend’. Maddison here was only 17 and still a virgin. She’s had many boyfriends in the past but she’d never had sex with any. She was very beautiful. Model-like figure, perfect curves, lucious lips, medium perky breasts just big enough to fit her body, magnificent smile, bright green eyes and gorgeous brown hair. Maddie...

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My first wife Part 3

My head was spinning! I was rock-hard, yet confused by what to do or the next step."What did this all mean" I thought to myself."Your wife" explained Tayna, "informed James and I that you are NOT a cuck. Do you know that term?""Yes" I admitted, nodding my head. "and she's correct... I am NOT a cuck.""Your wife also said" Tanya continued, "that you both had an agreement. An agreement where you could choose someone to add to your bedroom first...And then it was HER turn to do the same.""Yea,...

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Part 2 of Horizon

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. Part 2 I can’t believe it. I don’t think I ever will. After I ask Allison on a date, she ran out of the room, left the dorm, and I haven’t seen her in two days. I’m so worried about her. I pace the common room for hours hoping she will show up. I can’t sleep, because I wish I could just talk to her. She didn’t have to leave. I would have. I’m so sorry. That was the dumbest mistake of my life. It’s about...

3 years ago
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iBod Chapter Three Home Sweet Home

"iBod: Chapter Three - Home Sweet Home?" by Jaye Domino Author's Notes::::: Hi again, all! Let me first say that one of the major reasons I have my iBod stories contain the sexual content in the way it does is that I couldn't find much in the way of erotic freeze/mannequin fiction (let alone erotic freezing in TG fiction)...and I would've been fine writing them without any "on-camera" sex whatsoever. But let's be honest here-- many authors here on FM and on the EMCSA pretty...

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The Reunion Part 2

The doorbell… Robert didn’t get the opportunity to complete his sentence. I grabbed my panty and ran towards the bedroom. Leaving Robert to answer the door; he rushed to the door to find the lovely Trisha. He was shocked that she was at his door tonight. “Baby, Trisha is here. Do you girls have plans?” Trisha & I embraced and smiled. Robert was staring and completely in the dark as to what was to come. I knew Robert remembered the last time the three of us were together and it finally...

Group Sex
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Coeds European Roadtrip NightmareChapter 3

Inside the stifling cellar the afternoon heat had nowhere to go so the walls seemed to perspire the syrup air thick and stale. The undertaker had hooded all three women desensitising them; allowing him time to manipulate each of their sweaty bodies into the positions he like. When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Gay High School Doggy FuckBitch pt 2 The Humping0

Gene lay back on the bed with his feet on the floor then opened his legs, letting me rest my upper arms over his thighs for support as I kneeled between them. I reached around behind his hips to grab his asscheeks, pulling him forward for my waiting mouth to slide down his tremendous dong. King hopped up and lay down, watching me intently with a curious whimper as I started to give my kid brother a blowjob. As I looked at King out of the corner of my eye our gaze locked and my nipples...

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She was worried.Her hands where twisting together, the thumb, indexfinger and middlefinger of one hand, rubbing and pinching at the indexfinger of the other. They left small red marks along the entire finger, it almost looked like she had burned herself, or dropped firewhiskey on it. The soft lips where parted in a smile, a lock of brown messy hair lay across them, moving everytime she exhaled. Even her eyes where filled with a wordless joy, sparkling softly. But her hands...The smell of...

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The Camp Endurance Family Relocation Center

My name is Ken Griffin. I am a 36 year-old man who has a 8.1 CAP score. I started out in Billings, Montana, the day the Sa’arm attacked it. I had been supervising several women’s shelters for the state of Montana in the city of Billings. It was a good job for a retired Marine captain. I was not disabled, but my tour in Iraq, and the damage I had, made enlisting or being conscripted into the EDF impossible. Walking a few hundred yards I could do comfortably. Walking ten miles though was out of...

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Eros Academy Chapter 3 The Assignment

“Michael! Wait up!” a familiar voice called across the courtyard as Michael walked past the fountain of lovers on display. Classes were over and his head still felt like it was spinning. All day as he sat through one lecture after another he kept thinking about anatomy. He couldn’t believe what he had done. Turning back now, he saw the study group walking swiftly up to meet him. He smiled, thinking how it was funny that they seemed to have formed a clique so quickly. “Hi,” he said. The group...

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cheating wife on a road trip

Before me and my wife divorced like most married couples at first its jealousy about my wife. I wanted her to cover up and no one but me to look at her. But after 13 years and two k**s I want the opposite. I want to show her off. I asked her to buy revealing clothes. When we go out I always ask her to put on a skirt with heels and a low cut top.I presented her a weekend get away. She loved the idea so I set up a weekend get away. Left the k**s with her family and off we went. I did not fill up...

1 year ago
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One of the Best Ways to Pass the Time

I'm very bisexual, my two male roommates, Kevin and Liam, are as well. Ive been living with them for a month and we pretty much spend every night together. They are both very hot and have huge dicks, it was shocking, both were about nine inches or so, I'm a very lucky girl, and to think I didnt think I was even into guys. One night I was watching a movie, I'm a slasher flick addict, movies just aren't worth my time unless there are gallons of red cornsyrup all over the place. I thought I had...

3 years ago
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A present and a deal for the son pt 1

"Son. Come in here," I heard my dad say from the living room. I went in there to find him sitting on the couch."Yeah, Dad?""Well, it's your 18th birthday," he stopped."Yeah?" He stared at me for a second."Your mother and I want to give you something special.""Okay.""Something you'll remember for a long time.""Alright . . . What is it?""Look, just follow me." He got up and headed up the stairs. I followed him up to my parents' room. He opened the door and I followed him in. My mom was sitting on...

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Transgendered True Story Part 5 Lexi Moves For

Lexi Moves Forward!My name was Alex and this is a true story. I was born a male that loved to secretly cross-dress and dream of being a woman. I knew I was bi as a teenager as I love giving blow jobs and being fucked.Recently, I went on a business trip that allowed me to dress as my alter ego, “Lexi” and go to adult theaters and bookstores. Once there I would have sex with as many men as I wished. That week changed my life as I finally admitted to myself that I had been born in the wrong body....

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Runners MoonChapter 13

The sun had long set; even the twilight was gone. It was cold out on the ice of Spearfish Lake, a a short ways out from the shoreline, off of the city beach. It was above zero, but with the clear skies, that wouldn't last; it was going to get chilly tonight. That wasn't all bad; Josh could stand it getting down a bit colder, since the dogs would be less likely to overheat. There was a gentle breeze, not enough to move the inch or two of snow that had fallen the night before -- just enough...

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B Movie BabefestChapter 18

That evening Candy stood at her bedroom window her elegant virginal white nightie making her look like marketing mans dream. The sky outside was once again crystal clear the millions of stars like splattered paint on a black roof. The town was in ruins the survivors almost held hostage by the now seemly endless ranks of officials and troops. Tomorrow she'd have to answer question after probing question. But not tonight. She looked back at her husband as he entered from putting the kids to...

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Tea Biscuit

Tea Biscuit Ethan stood anxiously beside his mother while the older doctor went over herclipboard with the younger doctor. The younger doctor or whatever she was wasn'tmore than a year or two older than Ethan's eighteen years. Ethan was a strappingyoung male. At two meters tall, he was a head taller than any of the womenin the room and topping a hundred kilos likely weighed more than any two ofthem together. His large, muscular frame didn't carry an ounce of fat. Thoughhe may have towered...

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MyFriendsHotMom Richelle Ryan 22767

Now that Richelle Ryan’s son is away at school, she doesn’t have anyone around to help her with projects at her house. That’s why she’s called her son’s childhood friend Van over to give her a hand with some things. And he’s more than helpful to Richelle, especially when he inadvertently reveals he’s got a big dick when Richelle starts swiping through his photos on his phone! And when a horny MILF who hasn’t been fucked in some time sees a big cock on a young guy…that’s when the needle starts...

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This Time With Suhasini8217s Friend And How We Had Good Fun

Hi all, thank you for feedback and support and thanks ISS readers. Coming to my new experience I was having with suhasini that night after drinks and dinner we had good fun and in moring her friend came and all three of us had good fun. Any couple or lady from Hyderabad like to meet me or wanted to have good fun means ping me at playboyhyd at yahoo dot com or ping me at yahoo messager id is playboyhyd. Coming back to my experience that night me and suhasini had good fun after drinking and had...

4 years ago
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The Interrogation of Natalie Rogers

I sat in the small, dark interrogation room- I mean, “interview room” waiting for my interrogator. I tried to convince myself that everything would be all right. I took deep breaths and tried not to appear nervous, but l I wasn’t doing a very good job of it. And who wouldn’t be anxious? All I could do was mentally re-trace my steps from the time I exited the plane to when a hard tap on the shoulder by a Customs official removed me from my comfort zone. This trip would not go as planned. ...

Straight Sex
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Ainsely 8

I never get to sleep late, so it was actually kind of nice to just let the bed monster hold me fast for a while. When I finally woke, it was after 9:00 and Ainsely was long gone. It kind of bummed me that I hadn't even heard her get ready, let alone leave. There was a kind of longing and fear combined going on in the pit of my stomach as I thought of her in Javon's clutches at that very moment, indeed for the whole weekend. But there was nothing I could do about it now.I grabbed a cup of...

Wife Lovers
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Bhabi My Sex Teacher 8211 Part II

After that “first night” me & bhabi could not talk to each other well. She avoided eye contact with me & i thought it was all over with yesterday itself. At night i went to bed early & fell asleep.It was around 11 pm when some1 woke me up. It was bhabi. she smiled & said “getup u are late for classes”. Her child was asleep. She had arranged for an extra bed(still dont know what she told my mom to get it). she put it on the floor. We both sat on that bed and she told unlike yesterday we could...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 138

"So Wilson how you like the restaurant business?" I asked. "You know it really is okay. I was surprised that I could do the shaking hands and talking to the people, but I am doing just fine at it. At least Mel tells me I am." he said. "Good for you, how are you doing with the TV people," I asked. "Oh they really don't want me. They want Mel. They also want her to run around half dressed, even in the winter months," he said. "I guess that means you aren't the only one who finds...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 2 Therapists Incestuous Treatment

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Therapist's Incestuous Treatment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her...

4 years ago
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Piercings Part IV Infidelity and Reparations

We lay in bed shortly afterwards. I had given Liz a good spanking; made her cry, gave her release and left her marked. Before fucking her across the table though, I had knelt down behind her to enjoy her cunt with my tongue and compare her taste to Amy’s, I immediately encountered the remains of Joe’s fucking.I told her that I could taste him and she just groaned that he did cum a lot. I should have been put off but I found myself getting more and more aroused and continued my deep penetration...

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Fireball in a Wheelchair

"A prick up her jacksie might cheer the miserable bitch up a bit," Shirley declared. "And if it was stuffed up her bum, it might knock some of the shit out of her," Sally the receptionist commented, "You sure you don't mind parting with this Becky? It looks like it's silver and might be valuable." "Yes, it is silver but I got it in a job lot of jewellery at a car boot sale and only paid a few pounds for the whole lot. I've never liked it. It's more of a choker than a necklet and I...

2 years ago
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Rocking sex after teaching her computers

Hello, everybody this is nicky from mumbai. I am m 25 years old, ^ feet tall, good physique working in a mnc as a sales executive. Let me explain you all about my rocking sex story with my neighbour aunty. What a dashing lady she is. Her name is jalpa of 29 years old, housewife and having a 3 year old cute kid. I stay in mumbai as a paying guest where in the same society jalpa stays. She uses to visit our lanlord house frequently for asking help as her hubby goes to office daily. They are new...

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sperma nd a germ

so this was the other day. i was in science class. i was looking at a picture of a piece of glass. on that piece of glacss thaere was a germ. a little bug that goes in your blood and transmit disease. MY teacher said that was a "BATCTEREIA." or a germ. now i thought i wanted to have sex really bad so i wanted to fuck a bacetria right inn its ass hole. i took the fucking slide and scrammed it up my uretha and ti broke. i ran d around the room fucking screaming and crying with my fucking...

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Mosi Ki Ladki Ki Chudai

Mera naam raghav hai aur m lucknow se hu .. Mera lund 6 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota h meri cousin (rubi) uska figure ek dm mst h 32-30-34 ek dm sex ki devi lgti h Baat tb ki h jb m 18 saal ka tha m apni mosi ke ghr gya tha wha mujhe 20 din rukhna tha unhi dino ke bich maine rubi ki chudai ki mera 12tha ka exam chal rha tha tbhi mujhe wha jana pda aur rubi bhi 12th ke exam de rhi thi ek din wo nha rhi thi aur drwaja khula tha sayd wo bhul gyi thi to maine usko nhate hue dekha to mera lund ek dm...

3 years ago
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Accident Became Incident

Hi readers and this is Mithun of course not real name. This is my first ever try to write a story as am a lazy fella still I managed to write as the incident made me do so, I want my co-readers to enjoy the minutes of mighty experience that I had since this is my first time writing I want to keep it short and crisp based on the responses to my email will elaborate my very immediate incident. Let’s get to the story. I am a basket ball player 6 feet whitish with athletic body and am 25 years old...

1 year ago
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Serena McGuire hated boats, that was all there was to it. The rolling beneath her feet, the closed confinement, even the sea air bothered her although it never had before. Of course, she had been on a beach then. But the combination now had her stomach rolling along with the waves of the ocean. Her best friend, Isabel Trecher, instructed her that if she would actually spend some time on the deck instead of in their cabin (which happened to be on the lowest deck, complete with two beds, one...

3 years ago
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After The Late Night Part 2

I tense with all my body and become all stiff. As he is approaching me I shake my head (no dont) and slightly push him away. I want it...I truly do... but it scares the hell out of me to be doing this.-Dont you want it? Dont you want me to slide inside of you...isnt that what you wished for?Just hearing him talk like this...what is he doing to my body... I can no longer seem to gain control over it. Hey...what?!?! I wished for it? I look at him inquiring silently about what he meant. He...

4 years ago
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Cum slut

i thought i would relate one of my many happenings which is totaly true belive or not its up to you .it was summer i was off work for the day and thought i would go to the local gay dogging site (for those that know Suffolk was tobys walks)it was day time so not much going on so i went into the toilets there are two cubicles next to each other there is a hole in the wall between the two after waiting a while a guycame into the other cubicle and looked through the hole i stood up and dropped my...

1 year ago
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Thomas meets Misty

When Misty showed up at one of the local association meetings Thomas belonged to, he was full of lust for her immediately. She was very beautiful. She was dark skinned. She was Asian and Afro-American, with gorgeous results. She had long straight coal black hair and beautiful smooth silky skin. Her eyes were brown but very bright and she had a beautiful smile with a heart shaped face that would make your heart stop when she smiled.Her body was spectacular. The thing he noticed right away was...

2 years ago
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Just Another Genie Story

Note: This story has some heavy sex. Like the movie Romeo & Juliet (1968) it fits. If because of laws, age or religion you should not be reading this then don't. If you are just looking for sex just read the first part. Don't go beyond her waking up. The magic is magic and works the way I say it does. Just Another Genie Story By shalimar I was taking another vacation alone. Again Marsha, my wife of 10 years did not want to come along with me. It is getting to be a habit, and...

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Gang of FiveChapter 24

Cheering sections for individual wrestlers usually consisted of just immediate family and a friend or two. It was not a big spectator sport. Sean was already the star of the first match of the year when all five of the Gang, Roger, Alan, Dan, Sarah, Jess, Troy, Tracey, Rebecca, and Rebecca's girls stood and cheered when he was announced. Brad sent his regrets, but he was out of town. He was not expecting that, but it did not throw him off. He won the match quite handily in a first-round...

2 years ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 9 The Heros Gift

The next couple of weeks were a bit of a blur for me, but I remember that Sally's friends came over just about every day. They took turns helping me around the house, and they would frequently take me places. All their parents helped with rides and such. I had a lot of fun during that time even if I forgot a lot of what we did. One morning, after Sally had gotten us our breakfasts and taken me outside to eat, George came out and joined us for a bit. Sally asked him if he could stay with me...

2 years ago
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Halo Ch 01

Hallo to all who follow my stories. I have been asked numerous times to put a note on which story goes where in the series I have written. It all started with Stolen. Then Ren: Shades of Grey overlaps from Chapter 6 of Stolen, this is Ren’s side of the story as it unfolds. It also overlaps into the next story inline: Shattered Dreams starts where Stolen finishes as Ren puts Sky/Janey on the bus home. Brad & ‘Tanaya takes up the story a year later. I did say I would add a final chapter to Ren:...

3 years ago
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A Silent Fulfillment

Tanya knew what to expect as she laid face upwards on the bed dressed in just a pair of black laced panties and black lacy top stockings; her arms and legs stretched out and secured to the legs of the bed by ropes attached to the restraints on her wrists and ankles. He would blindfold her next increasing his control over her and heightening her sexual arousal. Then he would leave the room; leave her for a while. Leave her to lie there contemplating what was to come next. Tanya knew what to...


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