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E-SnuffTM Inc.

by Honda

?Copyright 1999 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved. This story may bereproduced only in its full, original, unedited and unmodified postingwhere: 1) full credit is given to its author and, 2) no commercial gainof any sort is realised as a result of its reproduction. No permissionis granted, actual or implied, to reproduce a modified version of thisstory, in whole or in part, without the express consent of the author.

Warning: This story is intended for mature adults only. Do not continueto read unless you enjoy reading snuff stories. This story is purely fictionaland contains consensual mf/f snuff, shooting, hanging, voraphilia, cannibalism,beheading, strangulation, electrocution.

Note: This story is split into separate parts each containing onescene since this story contains various types of snuff which is not appreciatedby everyone. By having each scene separately, each other can pick out thescenes that is of interest if h/she does not desire to read the whole story.


Part 1: Welcome

Emma was on her way to interview the managing director of the rapidly profitingcompany called E-SnuffTM.This previously unknown company had surprised everyone. It had changed frombeing an unknown company to be one of the most popular companies overnight.Needless to say that it had made many millions of dollars in its first monthof service to the general public.

The whole world was taken by surprise when it launched its new product andservices on the Internet. It marked the start of a new era, the end of censorshipand suppressions. E-SnuffTM hadmade a break through in several areas and was unrivalled in its new businesssector. It basically had the monopoly in the business since no other companywas able to provide any service or product even close to what E-SnuffTM hadto offer. It was a total shock to the market researchers who had never evenconsidered that what E-SnuffTM wasoffering had any appeal to anyone and that there would be such an unexpectedlyhigh demand for it.

The Internet had been the battleground for new and emerging businesses eversince e-commerce took off. It was the ideal medium for not only online orderingsystems, but also more importantly, an important medium for communications.Many big web communities had formed on the Internet and linked up communitiesseparated by the great distances posed by nature.

E-SnuffTM hadsecretly developed a range of incredible and revolutionary services, whichthey offered over the Internet and provided as the meeting place for the snuffcommunity. Profits were skyrocketing. E-SnuffTM hadachieved to do the impossible. It has legalised consensual snuff and providedthe only service through which it was possible.

The success of E-SnuffTM reliedon their state of the art software package called ?E-SnuffTM?.It was a multi-purpose snuff software package, which enabled the users a varietyof snuff options. Basically there were 3 levels of snuff intensities. For thebeginners it had something called ?VR-SnuffTM? whichwas a virtual reality snuff simulation. Most users were satisfied with thislevel for their snuff fantasies.

There was another much more realistic mode called ?Real-Snuff?. This optionwas much more expensive and required an additional hardware device called ?E-CloneTM? anda very fast Internet connection. The basic principal of it was, that usingthe E-CloneTM device,the ?victim? could be cloned and send over the line to the other side to besnuffed for real. The E-CloneTM devicewas also able to clean up the mess afterwards. It was very popular amongstthe rich and wealthy who could afford it.

The third and most expensive option was ?Hardcore-Snuff?.This was for the real hardcore snuff practitioners who wished to do the realthing. The E-CloneTM devicewas upgradable or could be completely replaced by the ?E-TransporterTM?.This handy device allowed the participants of a snuff scene to be transportedto any place or scene they chose provided by E-Snuff, which had invested millionsof dollars in creating suitable rooms with the right atmospheres. This wasthe ultimate snuff experience and currently only a few people had used thisservice. However, it was predicted that its popularity would grow once peoplehad exhausted the thrills they could obtain from the other two levels.

Another thing, which made E-SnuffTM popular,was their online service. Their software was able to provide many entertainingand exciting scenarios and it also helped with the selections of participantsin a snuff scene. This was accomplished by a useful program called SnuffWizrdTM,which was able to help setting up or customising interesting scenarios.

The online service provided by E-SnuffTM allowedinterested parties to log on to the net and find their partners in the variouschat rooms and forums, all that from the comfort and safety of their own homes.E-SnuffTM alsoguaranteed absolute confidentiality and security with their patented securityprotocols. Also for the hardcore snuff users, it provided an additional service,which automatically handled the legal documents required by all the partiesparticipating. E-SnuffTM provideda unique and hassles free snuff experience

Yet another popular service was the online match making service, which helpedvictims find their killers. Many people utilised this service for finding theirperfect partners. However, many attempt to find their partner by themselvesby going through the various chat rooms and engaging into conversations withother interested parties.

E-SnuffTM?sservices was not only limited to the pure snuff fantasies only but also providedservices for related topics such as cannibalism, voraphilia, necrophillia andhardcore BDSM. All services were customisable and new themes could easily beadded on demand. It was the perfect playground for many different types ofpeople with quite different tastes and preferences. Amongst all the services,the gallows was one of the most popular attractions followed closely by theroasting pit and the spit. The shooting range and the guillotine as well asthe some private rooms for stabbing and strangulation were also amongst oneof the most utilised facilities.

Emma entered the reception area of the big E-SnuffTM Inc.building and was greeted by a luscious brunette with long straight hair. Shewas wearing a tightly fitting skirt that did not hide the curves of her buttocksand it did not hide her long slender legs either. Her shirt was slightly openedat the top revealing quite a lot of cleavage. Emma looked at her and wishedshe had that sexy figure herself.

?Welcome to E-SnuffTM Inc.,the premier web site for snuff fantasies. We will make your dreams become reality." wasthe greeting Emma received from the brunette. ?Hi, I am Janet. You must beEmma. The boss is already waiting for you in his office." she told Emma andlead the way towards a big lift.

Emma followed and stared at Janet?s buttocks as she walked towards the lift.She just looked too breathtaking. They went into the lift and it went to thetopmost floor. There they left the lift and entered the first office. It hada sign at the door saying: ?Snuff Master?. They went in and were greeted bya rather young fellow.

?Welcome Ms Soutien. Welcome to the head quarters of E-Snuff." shewas greeted by that fellow.

?Are you the managing director of E-Snuff?" Emma askedsurprised. She had imagined that a managing director would be much older.

?Yes, that?s me." he acknowledged.

?What is your name? Nobody seems to know what your name is." Emmasaid.

?That is true, and I would like to keep it that way. I am not into that entirefame business thing. That?s what Hollywood is for. Call me Snuff Master, MsSoutien,? he told her.

?Oh, OK then, Mr. Snuff Master. And please call me Emma." Emmasmiled at him.

?In your letter of introduction, you have said that you want to find out moreabout my organisation." he started.

?Yes, that?s right. I want to know how you managed to hook up so many peopleand why you have chosen to do this type of business?, she stated.

?Well, most of what you want to know is going to be confidential and you won?tbe able to publish any of it. Anything you want to publish about me or my companyhas to be approved by my PR office first. Do you have a problem with that?If so, we might end the interview right here?, he told her.

?That?s absolutely understandable. I promise I will not pass on any confidentialinformation." Emma agreed.

?Good, in that case, please sign this confidentiality agreement. And makesure you understand paragraph 6?, he told her and handed her a form.

Emma quickly glanced through it and read paragraph six carefully. It statedthat she agreed to allow E-SnuffTM Inc.to punish her according to their company rule if she should disclose any confidentialinformation without permission. There was an attached sheet with all the possiblepenalties, but it was clear that they all were lethal punishments, none thatanybody could survive.

Hesitantly Emma agreed to them and signed the form and handed it to Janetwho filed it away.

?I have planned for Janet to take you on a tour of our facilities. Do youhave any questions before you start the tour, Emma?" he asked her.

?Yes, may I ask you how and why you have created this company?" Emmaasked.

?Well, it has always been my dream to start up my own company and to be verysuccessful. And the best way to do so was to have a fully working solutionfirst before launching it to the market. Unlike many other companies, whichannounce their products months ahead of completion and then do not manage tofinish it on time or are unable to deliver what they had promised and havetheir customers at their throats asking for the promised features. Those companiesare not customer focused but are only concerned by their company?s share values.Their motto is to announce something so that their stock prices rise. My companyon the other hand, is privately funded and very customer focused. We try toimplement anything the customer desires. Any customer feedback for new functionalityand features is put on the drawing boards and experimented on. We try our bestto make our customers happy, and so far all our customers are satisfied,? hetold her.

After a few more questions, Emma was satisfied with the answers she has receivedand went on with the tour. Janet took her down to the basement where it wascrowded with scientists in white coats.

?These are our engineers who created the hardware suchas the E-CloneTM andthe E-TransporterTM devices.They are currently working on a new product called the SnuffStationTM whichare customised PCs for interacting with our snuff services only. The conceptis similar to that of the Network PC. The SnuffStation is like a mini PC witha very fast cable modem or ISDN connection and either the E-CloneTM orE-TransporterTM devicebuild in. These SnuffStationsTM willinitially be used in our new chain of Snuff Caf?s, which is similar to theInternet Caf? thing but specialised for people to enjoy our snuff servicesand with a much higher speed of course than the conventional Internet Caf?s.Ultimately we will be selling these devices to home users as well.?

Janet strolled through the lab and let Emma have a look at one of the prototypemachines.

?It looks just like a mini PC?, Emma exclaimed.

Indeed, it basically was a small PC with a very fast network connection andan additional VR device build in. The VR glasses were just like other VR glassesthat could be found on newer PCs nowadays, but was much clearer in displayingrealistic images. It also included the VR SnuffSenseTM device,which is bound around the wrists like a watch. This new invention was ableto stimulate the nerves for a complete visual and sensual experience of snuffingor being snuffed. There was also a build in safety guard in the device, whichcontrolled the pain level. It was able to reduce the actual pain level experiencedin a real snuff situation to a tenth of what the real sensation was. It alsoensured that the tolerable pain level of a human is never reached and thereforeensured the safety of anyone using the SnuffSenseTM device.

Part 2: The Feeding

Emma was amazed about what technology could provide. She slowly walked aroundthe remarkable little machine and admired it.

?Do you want to test it out?" Janet suggested.

?You mean it already works?" Emma asked in surprise.

?Yes, the device has been working for some time. We are still in progressof writing more programs for several new scenarios. Our new software will allowcomplete movies to be selected. Our previous version allowed interactive snuffgames, but this latest version will allow you to pick a title from our snuffmovie selection and you can pick whom in the movie you are going to experienceit as. Most people will either pick to be the killer or the victim, but youcan also pick to be a bystander." Janet revealed to her.

?This is absolutely incredible. No wonder you make millions of dollars." Emmaconcluded.

?Currently you can choose from the following categories: Hanging, Strangling,Drowning, Beheading, Shooting, Electrocution, Spitroasting and our latest additionis Swallowing?.

?Swallowing? What is that? It sounds interesting." Emmaasked raising an eyebrow.

?This is our latest addition to our program due to popular request. The maintheme currently covered under this category is girls being swallowed by bigsnakes like the anaconda. There?s currently only one title available called ?Anacondameets Annette?. It is about a girl called Annette who is fed to a big anaconda.We also have requests coming in for other animals and even fairy tale creatureslike ogres, elves and dragons. One of our next titles will be ?Feeding Kushi?.?

?Ohhh, can I try out more than one? I?d like to try out one of the hangingmovies, but I also want to try out the anaconda movie if that?s possible." Emmarequested.

?No problem at all. We can do the anaconda movie rightnow and do the hanging one later on. Just sit down there and put on the gear.Wrap the SnuffsenseTM aroundyour wrist and put on the VR glasses. I?ll activate the program for you." Janetinstructed her.

?OK, thanks?, Emma replied and wrapped the SnuffSenseTM aroundher wrist. Then she put on the VR glasses.

All was set. Janet started the program and Emma was presented with a VR environment,which resembled a palace of a rich sultan. There were many barely clad womenserving a fat man sitting amongst many cushions. Some of his cushions wereindeed plumb girls. There was sensual music playing in the background and thefat guy, who was probably the sultan, was eating grapes, which was fed to himby a shapely blonde.

Two pretty servant girls brought in Emma. They practicallywore nothing. All they had were some very thin veils covering their facesand their private parts, which weren?t able to cover anything anyway. Emmawas similarly dressed. Apart from a thin silk cover she wore nothing elseeither.

When they arrived, a gong sounded and the music stopped.The sultan looked up at her and the two servant girls took off Emma?s onlycover. She was now stark naked.

A bald guy, who sounded the gong, made an announcement. ?Our next performance,oh mighty sultan, ruler of all these worthless subjects, protector of all thegood people and the greatest leader of the known world, will be the feedingof your favourite pet snake ?Jasmine?, your present from your dear friend PrinceKahutzu from the Amazon jungle in America. She will be fed with this lovelymorsel?, he announced and pointed at Emma while bowing to his leader.

The sultan grunted with approval and the two slave girls beside Emma startedto rub her with olive oil from head to toe. When they were finished, Emma wasglistering from the shiny oil.

Then the two servant girls quickly departed and a big anaconda slowly writhedinside. It was enormous and Emma stood there watching it come closer to her,unable to move as if paralysed.

Then Emma heard a voice telling her to lie down. Itwas a very weird feeling. The voice came from within her. She heard it notthrough her ears, but it came through to her as if it was her own thoughtand the voice referred to her as ?Annette?.

She felt that it was right. That this was the sole purpose of her existence.Emma slowly began to transcend into her role as Annette, the snake food. Whilestill deep in thought, Annette had lost all sense about what was happeningaround her. All she was aware of was her lying on her back and the snake comingslowly closer towards her.

Annette trembled with anticipation as she felt the snakecome much closer to herself. Then it was close enough and started to unhingeits jaw and open up wide to take her inside. Not very long later, the snakehad its jaw wide open and big enough for Annette to go in. Annette helpedthe snake and placed her feet inside of Jasmine?s open jaw. Instantly shefelt the tongue wrap around her feet and pulling her inside. Annette orgasmedfor the first time when this happened.

She was further sucked into the big snake?s throat.Annette was now up to her knees inside the snake. She moaned slightly fromthe pleasure she had derived from being swallowed. Her feet passed furtherinto the snake and she felt like there were little tentacles inside the snakepulling her further in. It felt great to Annette.

More and more of her disappeared into the snake. Her lower body, up to herhip, was already inside the snake. Annette felt like in heaven. She was experiencingthe most sensual feelings she had ever had and another orgasms rippled throughher body. The experience of being slowly pulled inside the big snake was excitingand also was erotic to Annette.

The inside walls of the snake?s stomach began to contract,pulling Annette further into itself with every contraction. Annette was squeezedevery time and had difficulty breathing whenever it happened. It was so intensethat Annette was afraid she would be asphyxiated before being completelyswallowed by the snake.

She was up to her waist inside the snake by now. Breathing became really hardand with each constriction, she felt like being squashed. She felt pressurefrom every side. Her body was being constricted while being swallowed. It somehowfelt good to her, even though it was very painful and she had difficulty breathing.

Her big breasts made her entry into the snake even more difficult. She felther breasts being squashed as they were pushed against her body and she wasslowly pulled inside. Her breasts rubbed against the walls inside the snake.Annette experienced another orgasm as the walls of the snake caressed her breastsas they passed by.

Once her breasts slid into the snake there wasn?t much left of her. Jasmineswallowed one final time and pulled the rest of Annette into her body whereshe would be slowly digested. The last thing Annette thought as she was pulledinto darkness was how lucky she had been to be selected for feeding the sultan?sfavourite pet. She had done two services at once, fed Jasmine and entertainedthe sultan. Annette died soon afterwards from lack of air inside the snake,but she died very happy.

?Wow, that was great?, Emma exclaimed. ?I would never have thought that beingswallowed by a snake could had been so enjoyable and sensual. It?s incredible!Just great!?

?As you can see from your own experience, this new device will be everythingyou had always expected entertainment to be. It?s going to be very popular once it is released." Janet pointed out.

?I absolutely agree. This company is going to dominate the market by far withthis. No other company will ever be able to compete against that." Emma saidadmiringly.

?That?s very true, but let?s continue with our tour. Next we will meet someof the engineers who write these incredible programs. They are such a bunchof smart people, and so very creative." Janet said while her eyes glisteredlike she was speaking from personal experience.

Part 3: The Blowjob

They went to the next level above and were met by a handsome guy who by hislooks was probably in his early twenties.

?This nice guy here is the man responsible for writing those wonderful programs.He also was the one personally supervising the work on the snake movie youjust tried." Janet told Emma.

?Oh, I?m pleased to meet you?, Emma said and stretchedher hand out to greet him.

?The pleasure is all mine. I?ve been a fan of your articles for some time.You always cover the most exciting stories. That photo of yours in the magazinedoes not do you any justice. You look far more gorgeous in real life." theguy said.

?Thank you, you are very charming." Emma replied.

?And you can call me Bill." he told her.

?Just Bill?" Emma inquired and stretched out her hand.

?Everyone here wants to keep anonymous to avoid the press from snooping aroundin our backgrounds and private lives. But you can call me Bill G to avoid confusionwith other Bills." he replied while they shook hands.

?Thank you very much." Emma stammered. This guy wasreally handsome. Emma tried to concentrate on her work, but keep driftingback to fantasise about Bill. There was something about his characteristicsthat attracted her. She felt like a love sick little girl in his presence.

?Let me show you our present services on the net." Bill suggested. ?Haveyou tried any of our services yet??

Emma did not want anyone to know that she was one of the very first subscribersof E-SnuffTM Onlineservices, but she could not lie to Bill.

?I?ve tried it before?, she replied while her mind driftedback to her first experience with E-SnuffTM services.

Emma was surfing the web and had been quite bored aboutthe usual sites she visited. She had wished for something new and exciting.Since she had nothing better to do, she had tried out her luck and went toher favourite search engine. She had typed ?+snuff ?tobacco -vase? into the search engine. From past experienceshe knew that searching for ?snuff? only would give her many results on tobaccoproducts and Chinese vases. But that was not what she was looking for. Shewanted to find the good stuff.

To her surprise, that was exactly what she found. Instead of just findingher regular sites again, her eyes were greeted with a new link to a site callede-snuff.com. It was too good to be true were her first thought, but she clickedon the link anyway to try her luck. She had expected to find another spam sitebehind it, but was very surprised and happy to find a real cool site providinga set of very useful snuff services. The first thing she tried out was theironline meeting room. It was similar to IRC where you could have real-time conversationswith really interesting people, but was more advanced in that it provided awhole new interface. There were background graphics of rooms and corridorsthrough which she could navigate and a changing room in where she could chooseand dress up her character. There was also an option to hook up a camera anduse her real image. It was really advanced.

When she had picked a sexy character and dressed up in a red latex outfit,put on a matching pair of boots, she went into the first room she encountered.It looked like a small town pub with a bar at the side and some tables spreadaround the room. There was a sexy looking bartender who greeted her when sheentered. Nobody else was in the room.

?Welcome to our friendly pub. What would you like to have?" shewas greeted.

?Is this place always this quiet and deserted?" Emmaasked her.

?This place is pretty new. To answer your question, I don?t know yet. I amhoping there will be more people coming once they find out about this place.It has only been created a few hours ago and you are the very first guest Ihave." the barmaid told her.

?Oh really?, Emma pouted in disappointment.

?Don?t worry, there should be many more people comingin shortly. And since you are the very first one here, we will give you afree E-CloneTM device." shewas told.

That first visit to E-Snuff was quite enjoyable. Not only did she receivea free E-CloneTM device,but also met some very interesting people. The first hour was quite boring.The room remained empty and Emma was bored. She read the sales blurb on thewebsite and talked to the friendly barmaid who turned out to be an automatedcomputer program. She was quite sophisticated and it took Emma quite a whileto figure out that there was no person behind the barmaid and that she wasmerely a bot.

After an hour, another lady came in. She was quite pretty, had a ponytailand appeared to be a young cheerful girl. They talked for a while until a couplecame in. The guy was quite a gentleman and the gal seemed to be his slave orwife.

Emma and her new found friend Debbie greeted the couple and engaged in somesmall talk and found out that the guy was called Adam and his girlfriend whowas also his sex slave was called Katherine. Their common interests were gunsof all sorts and their usage. Needless to say that the usage included the shootingof girls. Katherine was quite well versed in guns and described in great detailhow they worked and the effect they would have when fired from different distances.

Debbie listened with fascination and when Katherine paused, she suggestedthat they could snuff her by blowing her head off. Debbie liked the idea ofher head exploding caused by a gunshot. Adam and Katherine were thrilled andasked her whether she had an E-CloneTM device.Debbie confirmed and she electronically cloned and sent herself over the wireto the couple.

Emma had never before been so excited. Even though shewasn?t part of theaction, the couple was nice enough to let her watch. Adam first fucked Debbielike a madman. Then he let her give him a blowjob while Katherine fist fuckedher. Then they changed position and Adam mounted her again and pounded intoher. Katherine on the other hand loaded a shotgun and moved into position.

Debbie was lying on her back being fucked by Adam. Katherinestood above Debbie, her legs spread so that Adam was able to eat her pussy.She was facing Debbie and pointed the muzzle of the gun at Debbie?s facewho straightaway opened her mouth. Katherine pushed the tip into her mouthand Debbie started to suck on it as if it were a big cock.

The trio fucked this way for a while. Their movementswere synchronised. Whenever Adam pushed his cock into Debbie, he was alsopushing his tongue into Katherine?stwat who in turn was pushing the gun into Debbie?s mouth. Then Adam came andshot his wad deep into Debbie?s cunt, shooting his seed all the way into herwomb. At that same time, Katherine was also packed by a huge orgasm and whileripples of pleasures erupted through her, she pressed the trigger and shootDebbie into her mouth blowing her face away. This in effect made Debbie?s bodyjerk and contract her vaginal muscles, grabbing and milking every single dropof cum from Adam?s cock who in turn sucked harder on Katherine?s pussy.

Emma rubbed herself furiously while watching this scene. It was so extremelystimulating; her vagina was itching and screaming to be fucked by a huge cock.

Part 4: The Chair

Emma?s pussy was dripping wet when she snapped out ofher daydream. She often thought back to her first experience with E-SnuffTM servicesand it had always made her dripping wet. Realising that Bill was staring atthe wetspot between her legs, she quickly turned her face in embarrassmentand it turned red.

?Don?t worry about it Emma, its quite a natural reaction. It is nothing tobe ashamed about. You should be worried if that did not happen. This only showsthat you are a perfectly healthy and sexually liberated woman. That?s a goodthing nowadays." Bill told her, and he was right about that.

Emma knew that he was right and stopped her childishbehaviour and gave him a short hug. ?Show me some of your favourite stuff?,she whispered into his ears.

?Come, I?ll show you our studios where we make our scenarios." hetold her and led her into one of the locked rooms.

The inside of the rooms looked like a film studio. There were cameras in everycorner and the lights were all positioned to put light onto an object in themiddle of the room. They walked closer towards it and Emma recognised it tobe a chair, an electric chair to be precise.

?We will be making a scenario in a minute. Do you want to watch?" Billoffered. It was an obvious offer since Bill had brought her there for justthat purpose.

Emma accepted and they both went into one of the dark corners to watch. Thefilm crew arrived and started to do their preparations. The director shoutedcommands at everyone to hurry up. Then the star arrived. Maybe guinea pig wouldbe a better description. She walked directly towards the centre of the roomwhere the electric chair was and looked at it.

?Ok guys, I?m ready?, she said and started stripping. She wasn?t wearing much;in fact she was hardly wearing anything, so it didn?t take long until she was naked.

An electrician came and signalled her to sit down on the chair. The girl walkeddown to the chair without hesitation and sat down on it. Then the electricianclipped on the arm shackles pinning her down to the chair and did the samewith her legs. There were shackles around the legs of the chair, which easily clipped on and secured her legs.

Then he reached down under the chair and activated some device. Immediatelythe girl began to wiggle her ass and moan.

?There are two dildos hidden at the bottom of the chair. He has activatedthem and they are now rising upwards and they should be inserted into her assand pussy in a few more seconds." Bill told Emma when he saw her confused expression.

The electrician continued his work. He attached a fewsmall, barely visible devices to various places on the girl?s body.

?These probes are used to measure her pleasures and pains. All the emotionsand feelings you experience in our programs are extracted from real women.That way you are able to feel what they were actually feeling. We try to makethe snuff experience as authentic as possible and try to allow you to experienceevery minute details." Bill told her while kissing her neck slightly.

Then the electrician clipped a pair of alligator clamps onto the girl whogrimaced in pain but did not cry out. Everything was set. The electrician checkedhis devices once again and made sure he had sufficient readings on his instrumentsand took the remote control.

?Are you ready?, he asked the girl, who replied, ?Yes, do it now?.

He pressed a button on the remote and the girl on the chair started to shake.He put the remote down. The rest of her torture would be automated. Every sequenceand intensities of the electric shocks had been carefully preprogrammed andthe girl would be experiencing the most excruciating pains she had ever experiencedin her young life, in fact, it would be her last since she was not supposedto survive. Her death was planned to be the orgasmic finale for the scene theywere doing. All the electrodes and probes had been carefully arranged and appliedin order to capture that event in the greatest detail possible.

Meanwhile, the girl was convulsing with every shock she was subjected to.The electric charges had intensified and there where blue sparks visible inthe dark room. There was also a slight smell of burned flesh. Her breasts wereheaving and shaking tremendously with every shock. In fact, they were beingsubjected to a separate torture than the rest of her body. The alligator clipson the tits were connected to a separate source, which had double the intensityof what the two dildos had.

After a while, the smell of burned cunt meat was in the air. At that pointthe torture paused for a minute and a sprinkler above the chair was activated,which drizzled some water onto the girl making her entire body wet and herskin glistered.

Then the electric shocks resumed making the girl buckleand shake again. This time it was worst for the girl since the conductingliquid on her skin made her whole body an electric field, from both the insideand the outside. The poor girl was obviously in great pain when she was hitby the electric shocks and cried out loudly. Her shrill screams gave theroom an eerie feeling. Blue sparks started to run along the surface of thegirl?s skin and her screamsbecame almost silent when the intensity of the shocks was increased again.

Meanwhile Bill was shagging Emma like a mad dog. He had fucked her into everyhole. He was fucking her tight little ass when he saw the girl jerk one finaltime before going limb. Bill shot his seeds into Emma at that time and heldthat position with his cock pushed deep into her anus while they both watchedthe girl die.

Then they heard excited screams from the electrician. ?I got it! We?vegot perfect readings. The operation was successful.?

?Well, it seems like I?ve got work to do now. I?ll have to program those recordingsinto the new scenario. It?s going to be a real hit?, Bill commented and pulledout of Emma who collapsed with exhaustion. Then he left.

The room was emptied in a few minutes. Someone unshackledthe dead girl from the chair and carried her away. Emma wondered what theywould do to the body but was too exhausted to ask. She only lay there motionlesslyand rested. Later on, Emma found out that the girl was called Kathy and wasthe electrician?sdaughter.

After a short while, Janet came in and brought Emmaa drink. ?You look exhausted.Bill must have pounded you very hard. He loves doing that." she commented onEmma?s situation. It was obvious she had seen it happen many times before andprobably even experienced it herself. It appeared that she knew Bill quiteintimately. Emma was quite exhausted but nevertheless very happy. She alreadywas past the point for inhibition or embarrassment. She was still fully awareof her nakedness but did not really care about it any more. Janet waited forher to get dressed again before taking her to the fantasy rooms.

Part 5: The Guillotine

?These are the places you get teleported to when youuse the E-TransportTM device.These rooms are designed with the greatest of details and are fully customisable.Any scenario the customer wants can be created here. The default room layoutwas created with my inputs." Janet told her proudly.

There was a peephole in the door and Janet offered Emma to peek through itand when Emma did that, she was very amazed. The setting was a French townsquare at the time of the revolution. Right in the middle was a huge guillotinewith a huge, shiny blade at the top, ready to be dropped. There was an intimidating,mean looking executioner with a black leather hood standing next to it. Belowthe platform of the guillotine was a big crowd dressed in 18th century Frenchclothing shouting and cheering the executioner.

Then a beautiful black haired woman was led up to theplatform by two guards dressed in revolutionary uniform. The girl did notseem to be scared, at least she wasn?t showing it, but instead bravely walkedup to the guillotine.

?The girl is called Marianne and that guy in the executioner outfit over thereis her boyfriend." Janet told Emma. ?Those two are real people, but the restare holograms.?

?That?s really amazing." Emma exclaimed and continuedto watch the unfolding scene.

The young lady continued to walk up to the guillotine bravely. She was wearinga low hanging, white blouse, which exposed her shoulders and did not even attemptto hide her massive cleavage. The rest of her clothes was composed of a simple,dark red dress, something only a rich lady was able to afford. Her hair waslong and smooth and had been hastily tied together into a bundle.

She began to breathe heavier when she neared the guillotine. Her ample breastswere heaving with every breath she was taking. When she arrived, she kneltdown and put her head onto the kerb at the front of the guillotine. The executionercaressed her face lovingly and carefully pushed her bundle of hair to the rightside of her neck, completely exposing the back of her neck to the blade waitingabove.

Then the executioner moved down towards her legs, stopping at her hips, hegrabbed her arms and tied her hands behind her back with some rope. Once thatwas done, he caressed and squeezed her ass while she was kneeling there motionlessly.

?Are you absolutely sure you want to do this, honey?" the guy whispered. ?Wecould use the E-Clone thing again.?

?No. We?ve done that many times already. I want to do it for real now. Youcan only behead my clones that many times before it gets boring. And latelyit has become a bit boring. I?m not complaining about your performance. You?veput up a fine performance every time, but I don?t get as thrilled about itanymore as I used to get. It?s time for me to experience the real thing. Ineed this. Please Robert, do it for me if you really love me." Marianne saiddetermined. ?And I know you will get off on it as well.?

Robert knew his girl friend was right. He had enjoyed beheading her clonesmany times before and knowing that he would be really killing her this timehad really turned him on. But he was also a bit saddened by it since he wouldbe losing a great girlfriend.

"Ok, darling, your pretty head will be dropping into the basket in a shortmoment.? he told her.

Marianne shuddered when she heard her boyfriend tell her that he was goingto chop her head off. She was very excited and she knew that it would be realthis time. Her head would be sliced off by the blade and dropping into thebasket below. A shiver ran through her spine while she imagined it and her pussy began to become hot and moist.

Everything was set. Marianne waited for the special moment when her loverwould be giving her his greatest gesture of love. She loved to give head andwanted to take it all the way. This required Robert to do a big sacrifice.She on one hand will get her full ultimate fulfillment; Robert on the otherhand, would be loosing his beloved girlfriend forever. He would be left alonein the world and had to start over again and find a new girlfriend. It wouldbe a great sacrifice for him, one that he was willing to make because he lovedMarianne very much and wanted to make her happy. In the very short term, healso would be getting a big thrill out of seeing her loose her head, but inthe long term, he would be loosing a great partner.

Nevertheless, Robert had made up his mind to grant his girlfriend her ultimaterequest. He slowly walked back to the head of the guillotine and grabbed thehandle to release the blade with both his hands. Marianne orgasmed and moanedsoftly when she saw him grab the handle. She was in total ecstasy and her sexwas itching and graving for something to fill it up.

?Fuck me?, she begged. ?Please fuck me hard.?

?Fuck her, mister executioner?, the crowd echoed.

Robert grinned. His mind toyed with the idea of just releasing the blade andchop off her head straight away or give her a hard fucking first. He continuedto hold the handle in his hand and pretended he was going to pull it. Mariannebelieving that she was about to be giving head closed her eyes and her wholebody shook and trembled from anticipation when she heard the crowd scream.

Then to her surprise she felt a huge cock being rammedinto her ass. It took her by surprise and she screamed in pain while Robert?shuge member was pushed to the hilt into her tight asshole. Once she realisedshe was being granted a last fuck, she grunted in pleasure and enjoyed hersodomisation. An anal fuck had never before felt so good to her. She moanedand grunted all the time until Robert shot his juices deep into her.

It was like as if he had pressed a magic button. She quivered and shook inthe most satisfying and erotic ecstasy she had ever felt. Everything felt sosexy. Marianne loved the feeling. The crowd was wild and screaming with excitement.

?Now, you?ll give head?, she heard Robert whisper toher.

?Oh yes, take my head?, she moaned and prepared forit.

However, instead of feeling the blade at the back ofher neck, she felt a big throbbing cock pushing at her lips forcing her mouthwide open. She gagged on the big cock being pushed deep into her throat andmade gurgling noises. It didn?t take long and her mouth was filled with deliciousscream.

Robert pulled out and let her enjoy her last meal. ?Ok, darling, this is reallyit. Do you have any last requests?? he mocked her and an outburst of laughtercould be heard form the crowd.

?No, do me now.? she begged with a trembling voice.Her whole body trembled as a last orgasm swept through her and everythingwent black. The crowd went really wild and applauded loudly.

Robert had pulled the handle and released the blade. It dropped down swiftlyand hit her bare neck, slicing through it like butter and severing her head.It popped off and fell into the empty basket located just below where her headhad been. Her headless body continued to jerk a little bit longer. Robert tookthis opportunity and mounted her from behind again. The jerking and thrashingof her body as well as the frantic contraction of her pussy made him reachanother orgasm in just a few minutes. It felt really great and he forgot anyfeelings of regret or remorse. It was simply the greatest orgasm he ever had.

Then when he was finished fucking her dead and headless body, he pulled outher head from the basket. He had grabbed her bundle of hair, which was stillneatly bound together and lifted it up. There was a smile on her face despitethe distortion caused by the pain. Robert was happy that Marianne had diedwith a smile on her face. He placed the head carefully into a box which wasfilled with velvet rose pedals. Then he left the room and the holographic crowddisappeared.

An attendant came in and fetched the box with Marianne?shead while another started to mop up the platform on which the guillotinestood.

?Her head will be treated and returned to Robert. He is probably going tomount it somewhere in his home as a momentum. He has donated her body to ourkitchen.? Bill told Emma.

Just at that moment, two people dressed in white butcheraprons entered the room and carried Marianne?s headless body away.

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Peace River Camping

Before starting it is important to note that many of the names used by this author are the same from story to story. This does not mean that they are the continuation of another story. It is just easier for me to type certain words. Jenny, Jenn, Joe, Stephanie, Steph, etc. are just easier for me to type than others. That is why so many of these stories are using the same names. Read the blog and you may also understand why many of my descriptions of "Jenny" are the same. She is somewhat of my...

1 year ago
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Everyone knows that porn comes in many different forms. It doesn’t just have to be videos, as they could also be pictures. That’s exactly the philosophy of Pictoa.com. They don’t really think that videos are the do all end all of porn and you’ll soon come to realize that this is in fact quite true. In fact, you’ll realize that porn pictures can be even better in some cases and they can bring forth a lot more pleasure. So, let’s check Pictoa.com out together and see what we can find out about...

Porn Pictures Sites
3 years ago
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Fucking A Hot Girl From College

Hello all, a little intro to start with I am vv ( shortened for obvious reasons) 22 yrs old 5.5 ft tall, living in Bangalore. This one is about how I have a nice time with my friend on top of the terrace during my college days. Let me tell you a little about this girl ‘s’. She is a fair girl, 5.3 ft tall with assets to die for. Since the time I saw I had an intuition that we have a lot in common and we would become good friends. During the college lunch break, I picked up my food and started to...

4 years ago
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This Was Going to Be the Last Time

I love California. Living here is like cheating. At least that's what I thought as I guided my Screaming Yellow 06 Mustang GT through the darkened streets. If I was still living in Michigan, there's no way I'd still be driving my car on New Years Eve. I'd be driving my Jeep through ass deep snow and freezing, instead of heading back to my Sister in Law's place after a beer run. I didn't mind the beer runs, every chance I got to get behind the wheel of my little toy, was a pleasure. What...

2 years ago
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Supernatural Secret

Twenty one years... Twenty one years since you began this journey known as life. At least that was what the blaring buzz from your desk top alarm told you. Glancing at the offending piece of technology you grumble in annoyance, with all of these advances in human technology and people can't even figure out how to make a damned alarm sound more pleasant. With a quick lash of your hand you shut off the offending equipment, muttering in annoyance as you slowly sit up in your bed. Twenty one years...

1 year ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 2

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 2After a lot of time, thought, encouragment, and some light pressure on my part, Alexis finally agreed to take things to the next level, sexually. I mean she SAID she agreed, but she was also very hesitant. She sometimes seemed almost angry when I brought the subject up and refused to even talk about it, but gradually I got her to talk more about this and we got into some specifics.A lot of the discussion about what we would do, took place while making love....

2 years ago
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Urban encounters chapter 2

Read chapter 1 first to get caught upThe door flies open as lil Rob is caught off guard. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights as the sun from outside blocks the view of who's standing at the door. As a crackling voice says a cuddy we gotta talk like right now. It's Stacy play brother phat boy - (a 4'11 14 year brown skin chubby delinquent that runs packs for Lil Rob). Lil Rob yells close the door fool as Stacy basically caught up a lung from vicious throat fucks she just received.You...

3 years ago
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A shot in the dark Ch1

Robert and Trisha had been dating for some time and finally Robert proposal to Trisha. She happily accepted. Everyone was happy for the couple. Trisha's mom secretly thought her daughter would never get married because she was flat-chested. Robert's mom never thought he would get married because he was too nice and thin and short for a guy. About six months before the wedding they took a trip and got a nice hotel room. They made out passionately and soon they were naked. Robert...

1 year ago
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Sweet little Annies moms sweet ass

I had known Annie Wright and her family for as long as I could remember. They lived just a few streets over and Annie’s dad was the pastor at the church mom and dad dragged me to every Sunday. Her family and my family knew each other very well and had always been involved in each other’s lives. Despite being a pastor Mr. Wright was a normal guy, but he ended up having three girls. Since our families were so close he had kind of taken me on as an adoptive son. He went to many of my football and...

1 year ago
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Books and Glasses

The woman had always loved that old late night show. You know, the one where you’re not sure if it really happened and, if it did, what did it mean.? With all the horrible recent globe shattering calamities it was hard for her to remember a lot of things. She was quite sure it was hosted by a tall skinny man with glasses and definitely broadcast in black and white. Not that it mattered. Nothing was being broadcast now or would be for a very long time. If ever.Her favorite episode involved books...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Couples First Swingers Club Experience And It Was A Good One

Introduction: Recently weve become more and more kinky and for months, wed talked about visiting a sex / swingers club to observe and possibly have sex around other couples. *This is the true story of my wifes and my first time to a swingers club and our first threesome. This happened very recently. My wife, Kate, and I are a white couple in our late 20s. Im a pretty big guy at 6 290lbs. Shes 55 120lbs with perfect b cup breasts. We were high school sweethearts and have been married now for...

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nasty ebony lesbian

it was night and it just rained my friends Jada and Tina just came from a hockey march so we were so tired.i went to the bath to have a wash down,i really stayed for long at my return i saw Jada sucking Tina's nipples it was so string that Tina moan loudly .i that moment i didn't had any idea,so i climb up stairs grabbed my plastic and flexible strap-on went straight to the kitchen held Jada from Tina and dipped my dildo in her anal.i fucked her like 1hour cos i was drunk and took a sex...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Crystal Rush Picnic And A Hard Dick

Crystal Rush is looking extra exotic today as she sensually swallows some luscious fruit in the park. Our stud stumbles upon this vision of paradise and is pleasantly surprised to find Crystal beckoning him over. She takes him by the hand and leads him on a path back to her place. Once there, she lifts her top over her head to show off her beautiful, bouncy boobies to her new friend. He unsheathes his thick banana, and Crystal swallows it whole, slobbering and spitting all over his cock. Then...

2 years ago
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The Wifes Dare

Introduction: Wife goes too far with the dog The Wifes Dare February 2012 Wife, Unexpected 1st Time, Discovery, Friends I was just about to cum as I watched my beautiful wifes face twist with wanton lust under the large Mastiff as he hammered into her pussy with primal abandon. The huge dog had her from behind and his massive weight pinned her body down to the bed in front of me. Her knees were widely spread to better handle the onslaught as well as accept the huge thick cock being pounded...

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