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What a Surprise - by Spitman, © January 1999

In the middle of the noise and bustle of the party, I am struggling withthe steel reinforced cuffs that hold my wrists securely locked together behindmy back. I don't seriously expect to get anywhere. If they are half as goodas the salesman promised me, they would hold a world class strong man withoutyielding a fraction of a millimetre. So far they are living up to his claim,and I dare not struggle too violently or I will attract more attention to myself.With my hands secured like this, my breasts thrust even more provocativelythan usual, and the wetness I feel in my pussy must surely be visible. If Iknow Wanda, the fiery pain of my whipped bottom will not be the last, or theworst discomfort I will experience before the party is over.

This place is like an enormous stage set - something between Imperial Romanand Hyatt Regency, although the costumes would look more in place on a ranch.And I mean a cattle ranch, or maybe a girl breeding farm. Yes, you guessedit, us girls are all totally nude in here. Most of us would envy the luxurya steer enjoys on a cattle ranch, but at least we are getting lots of sex.I wonder how Wanda got permission to use this place. It must be at least asbig as a Las Vegas casino. And there are hundreds of us girls here. This isa lot more fun than the regular meat lottery, but Wanda said we have to beeligible anyway. She didn't explain why, and I didn't ask. It's probably betternot to know. As long as I am enjoying myself I don't care when my turn comes,or how I will be harvested. I just want to feel everything as intensely aspossible when it happens.

The predicament I am in was not my idea. Still, the joy of these occasionsis all in the little unexpected things, like the person in the crowd who sodeftly clipped my lockable cuffs together before I realised what he was upto. The joke is on me, of course. It was an obvious thing to do when he sawhow easy it would be. After all, this is a domination and submission party,and I would not be wearing this kind of equipment if I didn't expect it tobe used, would I! This is no subway platform crowd, and I got exactly whatI should have expected. The trouble is, the cuffs are not the only stronglydesigned bondage accessory I am wearing. With my hands secured behind me, mynipple and pussy rings are temptingly accessible, and I can't even protestor ask for help if I meet anyone I know, because my mouth is stuffed with thatannoyingly efficient soft rubber gag. My best plan is to find a group thathas neither the time nor the interest to pay attention to me, and hover justclose enough so that other people think I am part of it. I am hoping desperatelythat Ian will not find me again. I dread to think what he will do if he findsme like this. Even Wanda's nasty ideas of fun are preferable to that particularprospect.

There is a large noisy crowd around a fenced off area, something like a smallcattle pen. It is about twenty yards away from me in the centre of the hall.A girl has just been let loose in the pen, and I am fascinated to see whathappens next. She has long dark hair, and all she is wearing is a rope thatbinds her wrists tightly together behind her back. Tiny weights hang from stirrupsinserted through her nipple piercings, and I recognise the style of the ringbetween her hairless pussy lips. It is just like mine. Spectators dressed likecowboys are throwing lassoos towards the unfortunate girl. She is running tododge the lassoos now, and even from this distance I can see the wetness glisteningin her slit. That lubrication will come in rather handy when one of them catchesher. Attached to the pen is a smaller holding pen, and I can see other girlswaiting for their turn. Each girl is tethered by a similar pussy ring to along chain that runs down the middle of the holding pen. I know what it islike to be leashed by my own pussy ring. Either Wanda's piercing artist hasbeen kept extremely busy, or rings like mine have suddenly become a country-widecraze.

***** *****

Wanda has many talents, but the most uncanny is the way she can control peopleby a word or a gesture. One day she called me on the phone.

'Hi Stephanie, I'm going downtown. I'll pick you up in half an hour.'

There was simply no question of arguing with her. I got ready, and an hourlater I found myself in a tattoo and body piercing parlour, wondering why Iwas there. I had no idea what went on those places, or how it was done. I expectedto come away with something, perhaps a small tattoo in a very private place!

'Marcus, this is Stephanie.'

'Hello, young lady. I'll be ready in a moment. Just leave your clothes onthe chair and get up on the couch.'

Wanda was grinning at me, but I didn't have the faintest idea why. I undressedand climbed up on the couch. It was peculiarly shaped, with side extensionsand widely separated stirrups. Before I had time to think, they had me fixedso I could barely move, and then he wound my back up until my breasts werein the position he wanted. The straps were ominously business-like, but beinga girlfriend of Wanda's, I am well used to that.

'You are simply delicious, Stephanie,' Wanda said as her fingers ran delightfullyover my body. Soon she had me shivering with excitement.

'Let me see. Hmmmmm. Excellent. This will be no problem at all,' Marcus saidas he pinched and pulled at my pussy flesh.

Then Wanda pushed her finger and thumb gently but firmly into my slit oneither side of my fleshy ridge, and pinched them tightly around the thick tubularhood of my clitoris. She pulled hard, stretching me while the artist inserteda pair of forceps beneath her fingers. I froze with awe as he pushed a long,curved needle through the base of my ridge, high within my slit.

'There, you see! There's nothing to it!'

He applied a healing salve before he inserted the ring. The shock came whenhe let it go. Its first gentle tug at my clitoris hood brought an instant orgasm,and my helpless convulsions brought a succession of further exquisite movements.I was too distracted to notice him teasing and tweaking my nipples, but momentslater I felt the sharp pain of the needle again as he pierced my stiffenedbuds. Before I recovered my composure he had finished, and two bright goldmatching rings swung gently below my throbbing teats. When they released meI could barely stand. I stepped gingerly over to a full length mirror. I wasstunned by the transformation. I was a beautiful slave in need of an owner.I was so drained of energy that I didn't even speak on my way home.

After my visit to the studio it took a few distracting weeks for my piercingsto heal. After that it was a revelation. My pussy ring surprised me the most.I will never forget my first visit to what Wanda referred to as her charm school.Nudity was de rigeur, but I was astonished when she reached down casually andclipped a finely worked leash to my pussy ring. I was even more surprised todiscover how exciting it felt. Leashed like that, I could easily imagine myselfas a pleasure slave. Her first gentle tug was hardly unexpected, but the feelingwas indescribable. I loved it. I might have guessed that she had somethingnastier in mind; a vicious heave, that found my legs desperately trying tokeep up with my pussy, which seemed to have taken off all on its own. It taughtme how easily I can be controlled by my ring. The tender ache that followedwas mingled with such sweet, intense pleasure that I could barely stand it.That particular experience changed me for ever.

My thoughts and dreams are still filled with vivid images of my first experienceas Wanda's slave. I cannot turn over in bed without a little unexpected tuggiving me a super orgasm. Sometimes I wake up at night quivering with pleasure.Often my pussy is sopping wet when I wake up in the morning. Wanda loves tophone me up before I go to bed. She makes outrageous suggestions, like promisesthat she will chain my ring with a padlock to a railing in the street, or evena pillar on a subway platform, remove the coat which is all I am wearing, andleave me totally naked in front of the morning commuter crowds. I know shecould easily get away with something like that. Nobody would notice the girlwho was casually walking away with my coat. But so far it has remained onlya threat.

It takes very little to keep me awake at night.When I am restless it is evenharder to forget, with that wicked ring tugging at my clitoris every time Imove. She even persuaded me to try sleeping with a chain clipped to my clitorisring, running back through my legs, and then loosely up to the bedframe besidemy pillow. I loved it! I really felt like a slave when I did it. But the thingsshe does when she has me helplessly secured in her torture room are quite anothermatter. She is not afraid of inflicting pain, but she likes to surprise me.She likes to punish me while I am blindfolded, so I can hear everything, butI can't guess what is coming. She makes me come and come and come until I can'tstand it any more. And then again. I know she has other slaves, but she saysI respond beautifully to pleasure and pain, and that is why I am at this party.It is Wanda's idea of a reward for being a good obedient slave all these months.

***** *****

In the cattle pen the girl is still dodging those lassoos. Her weighted nipplesstick out a mile, and her generously rounded bottom is as tempting as the thrustingcurves of her breasts. I hold my breath as a lassoo drops neatly over her head.The delighted cowboy jerks it taut, and jumps down into the ring to lead hertowards the gate. She follows him obediently onto a thick rubber exercise mat,and helpfully raises her hips as he thrusts mercilessly into her dripping pussy.He pounds urgently into her, totally careless of her pleasure. Seconds laterhe jerks in an obvious climax and then collapses onto her, gasping from theeffort. She squirms against him, trying desperately to hold his rapidly softeningorgan inside her. She has my sympathy, especially after waiting all that time,but eventually she manages a brief climax of her own. I can imagine how disappointedshe feels after a pathetic performance like that. It is hardly the stuff ofdreams. I am even more determined not to follow her example. I watch, fascinated,as he drags her up onto a small scaffold and throws the end of his lassoo overthe beam. Tears run down her cheeks as he makes her stand on a small stool,then tightens the lassoo and fastens the other end to a cleat. When he kicksthe stool away the cord cuts deep into her neck. Obviously she can't breathe.She kicks wildly for a moment, but soon her struggles are over and she hangsmotionless.

The cowboy calls out to a man who is standing by with a stopwatch.

'How's that, Bob?'

'Five minutes and thirty-four seconds. Not a bad round. That puts you inthird place.' The crowd applauds his performance, but I am not impressed. Iwant to have a lot more fun than that, before I get snuffed. I glance overas the unfortunate girl is tossed into a cart and wheeled away. Most of thecrowd are more interested in the next girl, who has already been released intothe cattle pen. I have no intention of going anywhere near that particularactivity if I can possibly help it.

'So here you are, my dear!'

I shiver as Ian leans close to my ear. I love the feeling of his tall hardbody up against mine. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach. Surely he isnot going to take me over to that awful cattle pen! I tremble with fear. Ifhe wants to do that to me, there is nothing I can do to stop him. It is infuriatingto be so helpless. I imagine the feel of a lassoo round my neck. It is awful.He reaches down and takes my pussy ring with his thumb.

'Don't worry, Wanda sent me to find you. When she finishes giving Kim a lesson,she has a surprise for you.'

He tries to distract me by nibbling at my ear, reaching surreptitiously behindhis back. I recognise Wanda's leash immediately. I tremble with excitementas he clips it quickly to my pussy ring. He smiles at my fidgeting. I am terrified,but I feel a lot safer on the end of his leash. At least nobody else will interfereuntil we get to where we are going, and any surprise of Wanda's is preferableto the fate of those poor girls in the cattle pen.

All the same, I wonder what painful treatment Wanda has dreamed up for Kim,not that I mind, after the way she treated me. She is a nasty, vicious cowwho doesn't care how it feels to be on the receiving end, and she deserveseverything she is going to get. I am not the only one who feels that way, either.A few minutes ago I saw Kim mounted on an uncomfortably thick steel dildo post.It was raised so high that her toes could barely reach the floor. Her wristswere strapped tightly to her elbows behind her. Ian was giving her a mercilesscaning, minutes after she was released from the medieval whipping block. Bynow her bottom must be thoroughly tenderised. My own is still a little warmafter my own experience on the block.

Ian tugs me forward and I follow him awkwardly. I cannot get used to walkingwith my hands cuffed like this. But if he is not going to release my wrists,there is little point in arguing. At least I am getting used to the feel ofthese very special cuffs. They have steel cores strong enough to tow an oceanliner, catches that would stay out of reach of the most able contortionist,and slip-resistant linings.

***** *****

It was quite an experience when I bought them. I stripped to see how I wouldlook in them nude, as they would be virtually my only adornment at the party.A very pretty young assistant, in a form fitting red rubber suit, producedan assortment of equipment to go with them. Moments later I was gagged, andhobbled with my ankle cuffs joined by a short chain. I thought I looked fantasticin the mirrors in the fitting room, but that did not satisfy my young helper.Before I realised what she was up to, she had clipped a leather leash to mypussy ring, and after a painfully sharp tug to show that she meant business,she led me out into the shop.

I had been there several times before, but until that moment I had neverpaid much attention to the circular cage that took pride of place, on a raisedplatform, right in the middle of the shop. I had assumed that it was just anotherpiece of equipment for sale, between an ominously authentic-looking whippingblock, and a large bondage frame. They even had a rack, and one of those bigrotating wheels that would take a truck to transport it, as well as kits youcould use to make bondage crosses and similar items. It was only after I hadnegotiated the ramp, and the door shut behind me, that I realised why it wasreally there. It was an open showcase for live demonstrations of bondage andrestraint equipment, and I was on show in front of the customers. My energetic,obviously genuine efforts to free myself must have looked as ineffectual asthey felt, and I had the distinct impression that all I was achieving was aboost in sales.

It must have been half an hour later when the assistant helped me out ofthe cage and down the ramp. Her perfectly timed tugs had me convulsing withpleasure by the time I was half way across the floor. Back in the fitting room,before she released me her fingers eased me to a wonderful climax. I had neverimagined that anything could feel as secure as those cuffs did, once they wereclipped together. They removed any thought of being able to intervene whileshe pleasured me. I was sufficiently impressed to purchase the whole collection,including the gag that I am also wearing at this very moment.

***** *****

An unexpected tug at my throbbing clitoris reminds me not to dawdle. I knowbetter than to fight against Ian's control. I am made to follow him at hischosen pace. It is infuriating that I can't reach forward to relieve the insistenttension at my pussy ring. Every movement brings a climax closer. I know I cannothold out for very much longer. If he keeps this up I will explode long beforewe reach wherever he is taking me. I'm sure he knows that perfectly well. Alreadywe are attracting the attention of other party-goers, who seem to find my predicamenthighly amusing. I am suddenly surrounded by a small group of them.

'Where are you taking her, Ian?' A curious blonde, in a bright red rubberbody suit that pulls tightly into her slit, fingers my pussy ring for a moment.I notice that her suit is padlocked at the neck. She probably stuffed to thegills with something nasty, if Wanda had anything to do with it. She seemsperfectly composed. I wonder if she would be as composed in my position. Hercompanion was leading her by a leash snapped to what looks like a stainlesssteel collar, but for the moment he seems more interested in me. He obviouslyknows Ian rather well.

'Come on, Ian, be a sport! Let me hold her for a minute!' He is so well builtthat he could probably hold an elephant.

'Sorry, Derek, Wanda is waiting for us. I had better not keep her waiting!'

'I know exactly what you mean, but come on! It will only take a moment.'

'Hey Ian, won't you let me try that? It looks like fun.'

Another girl, a spectacular, and very dusky beauty is dressed mostly in steelchains, attached to a variety of rings that she has inserted in some very interestingplaces. She seems to have rows of them in her pussy lips, and one mysteriouschain emerges from her vulva and runs up to a bar and stirrup in her navel.She is very cheerful indeed, and obviously timidity is not in her vocabulary.She reaches out for the leash that Ian is holding me by, but fortunately forme he has other ideas, at least for the moment.

'Leave her alone!' Ian protested. 'No, don't touch her! Wanda is waitingfor us. Don't be silly, Martina, I can't let her go just to give you a quickthrill. Go and find someone else to deal with you, if that's what you reallywant.' He sounded annoyed, and the girls moved back out of his way, but theirescort offered the blonde's leash to Ian.

'Here, why don't you take Susan for a moment?'

'Well, okay, Derek,' he said to the muscular young man. 'I suppose it willbe all right, just for a minute, but be gentle with her!'

'Ian, you can't,' I protest. 'Wanda will be mad if he hurts me!'

His hand feels a little rough at first as he makes me follow him round ina big circle, but I begin to realise that his apparent roughness is actuallyquite predictable. I soon learn to get into the right rhythm. It is very differentfrom the way Ian handles me, and I am beginning to like it. It is getting menicely warmed up, but I am also learning to obey the nuances of his controlsignals. If this goes on for very much longer I will be his absolute slave.Meanwhile Ian is teaching Susan a lesson. Her bottom will be as hot as minebefore he has finished with her. She will learn to be a little less forward.After a few more circuits I am actually sorry when Derek returns me to Ian.Martina's wrists are now neatly imprisoned in gyves attached to her belt oneither side, and she is also squirming excitedly. I wonder what Derek has instore for them. Martina fascinates me. I wonder how that mysterious lookingchain is attached inside her pussy. Some girls have a piercing through theircervix, but others have a fitting that can be pushed through the cervix andopens up inside. I wonder how that would feel.

'Come on, Stephanie,' Ian says quietly, as he leads me away from the group.

As I follow him I see a surprising number of girls with identical rings tomine around the hall. Most girls seem unaware of their significance. They willlearn, soon enough. This is not just a gigantic titillating fashion parade.Pain follows submission as surely as a ringed, leashed girl will follow herMaster. At least there are some men here who know how to handle a slave. Ishiver at the thought of those insidious rhythmic tugs. I loved Derek's touch.Ian is a crude amateur by comparison. I wonder how Derek would use some ofthe exotic equipment around here. It all looks genuine enough, but most ofit is state of the art in one way or another, even the items that look medieval.It is probably just as well that electronics were not invented at the timeof the Spanish Inquisition, or the history of torture might feature even moreof the stuff around here.

***** *****

When I arrived with Mandy and Ian there were easily a hundred people of bothsexes in the locker room. It is probably a lot quieter now, after the rush.I was surprised to be shown into a personal alcove with a dressing table andfull-length mirror, next to a tall locker. None of us girls had been in a placelike this before. The bath section was simply incredible. There were two deeprectangular baths, each the size of a small swimming pool, and one of themsteaming hot, judging by the steam. Around the baths were shower rooms, a steamroom, and two large sauna baths next to the cold pool. The individual showercubicles had jets in every corner, spray heads on every side and a fountainin the middle of the floor. There were also toilets fitted with water jets.No problems here with soggy toilet paper. And enema hoses. An assistant helpedme with the enema hose. Its long polished and well lubricated steel tip slideasily into my rear passage. When I pressed the button a perfectly mixed shotof warm soapy water flooded into me. It was quite an experience. The next timeit felt as if I was getting double the dose. The third time my belly swelledup as if I was pregnant. Afterwards I felt incredibly clean, inside and out.

The hot bathing pool was crowded with naked people of both sexes. It hadunderwater jets that pulled excitingly at my rings when I got too close. Atfirst I tried to ignore the firm athletic bodies of naked men around me, butit was impossible to avoid any contact. Accidentally I touched something familiar,and closed my hand around it, only to gasp when I realised that it was a man'srigid cock. The owner grinned at my discomfiture. He held me still while hisfingers caressed my pussy until I was squirming violently. I kicked wildlyin the water while his other hand fondled my breasts. I was helpless in hishands. At first he seemed more interested in setting me off on my own, thanfucking me. His fondling felt very nice, and I was soon wriggling with pleasure.

When I touched his cock again it was no accident. I reached down and closedmy fingers round it. To my surprise they only just met. He was enormous. Istroked him a few times, and then I reached down to caress his balls. Theyhung loosely in their sack. I stroked the tender crease on either side of it.He grinned wickedly at me. Suddenly I found myself astride him with his cockpressing against my tingling pussy opening. I wriggled. That was a mistake.It only lodged him deeper. He gripped my bottom tightly and with a sudden hardthrust his cock was deep inside me. I knew it was too late to protest. It feltwonderful. I pushed gently at his chest when he increased the pace of his strokes.Intense pleasure flooded through me. I melted inside. He guided me below thesurface of the pool. I was ready to explode. He dived deep with me. I saw thescissoring legs of girls above me. I fought for air, but he kept me under,relentlessly thrusting deep every time he kicked us forward. Suddenly we wererising. I gasped for breath as we broke the surface. I drummed my fists onhis chest. He gripped my bottom cheeks and rammed into me, his urgency growing.I had a primeval urge to suck him dry of seed. My contractions gripped himand I was oblivious of everything but the sweet explosions that kept on convulsingme.

I paid very little attention when he lifted me onto the side of the pool,even when he carried me a few yards with my arms around his neck. I was perfectlycontented. He dumped me casually into the icy plunge pool without warning.I screamed with pure outrage. It was a heart-stopping shock to my system. Istruggled to reach the ladder, all thoughts of pleasure instantly forgotten.

'You!' I yelled. 'You, you . . . !' I just couldn't think of anything suitableto call him.

'Call me Ted,' he replied cheekily, escaping through the door into the mainpart of the Club.

I managed to climb out, exhausted. By the time I finished another luxuriousshower with that fountain playing onto my pussy, I was beginning to see thefunny side. It was a pretty good start to the evening, all things considered.I returned to the locker room, towelled myself vigorously, and prepared myoutfit.

This outfit is like a collection of leather straps, fitted with an assortmentof business-like rings, buckles and clips that can be attached to virtuallyanything. Each strap has a braided steel core, that is subtly hidden underthe masterfully tooled leather. The external attachments are all welded tothat core of braided steel. The lining feels like kid to wear, but the comfortablefeel is deceptive. No amount of struggling will shift or loosen the high tensilesteel. Even if I am taken well beyong the normal limits of suspension or stretching,nothing can give way (except me, of course). There are endless ways to lockthem together, including a hogtie. I can even manage some of them on my own.

I fitted the straps round my body. The ends snapped together with deceptiveease. I made sure they were all comfortably tight. That was the easy part.Loosening the straps at the end of the party would a very different proposition.I would need Ian's special key for that.

When I finally entered the hall I could hardly believe my eyes. Wanda's otherparties had not prepared me for the sheer scale of it. The main hall was fullof naked men and girls in all kinds of outfits, mostly suitable for bondage.One group of girls was escorted by men colourfully dressed in authentic lookingcowboy outfits. The girls themselves wore colourful rope collars like lassoos,with a padlock to prevent them loosening. The ends of the ropes dangled downbehind, but not always freely. One girl's neck rope ran down between her bottomcheeks, which were pink, probably from a recent punishment of some sort. Therope passed up between her legs to her pussy ring. Between her legs the ropecarried a heavy spiked ball. She would certainly learn to keep them well apart.Her wrists were cuffed to her belt on either side. It was sheer cruelty. Tearswere running down her cheeks, but in spite of her obvious discomfort she wasflushed with excitement. I shivered at the thought of the heavy spiked balltugging at her pussy ring every time she moved. Another girl had her wristspulled up tightly to her neck behind. Her bottom showed signs of painful attentionas well. I didn't envy her. Much.

My own state of ringed nudity would catch the eye of a meditating monk ata thousand paces I wondered if I should have made myself quite so eye-catching.It was not just that the sight of my bare breasts would stop most men deadin their tracks, or even that my bright golden rings attract the eye to mynipples and pussy. The moment I entered the hall I realised that I had givenmyself away by wearing an outfit that the discerning eye would recognise asheavyweight bondage professional.

***** *****

As Ian leads me across the hall, I see that it is divided into open and screenedareas. There are large deep alcoves all along the side we are approaching.The alcoves are like open sided workshops, where submissives who are that wayinclined can try some of Wanda's special scenarios. Judging by the crowds surroundingcertain alcoves, they are getting quite an audience, and obviously there isno shortage of volunteers, willing or otherwise. Some are probably findingout the hard way, what it is like to be taken by surprise in front of a livelycrowd.

I recognise a girl called Sandra, whose wrists are stretched wide apart andshackled to a horizontal bar. She has separate long, slender horizontal rodsthrough her nipples, fixed in place by golden pins emerging from their tips,and sharply spiked steel balls on both ends of each rod. Her legs are stretchedapart to reveal her wet, hairless pussy lips with a shorter bar, a slendergolden rod with a tiny ball on each end, inserted horizontally through thevery tip of her unusually elongated clitoris. Her escort is skilfully encouragingher to move with synchronised strokes of a nastily split cane across her barebottom, making those bars spin rapidly, twisting her nipples and her extraordinarilyextended clitoris, until she is helplessly convulsing, gasping with pain andexcitement.

I cannot imagine how Sandra can take such extreme treatment, and still showevery sign of enjoyment. Her nipples and clitoris must surely be on fire fromthe twisting of those terrible spinning bars. It would be just like Wanda tofit me with bars like that. I hope she doesn't think of it.

One of Sandra's audience is a girl whose wrists are cuffed to a thick leathercollar. She has a long silver rod joining her nipples. A chain runs down fromthe centre of this bar to a large gold ring that emerges from between her pussylips. It looks so much like mine that I know immediately where she must havehad it done.

It is strange that Wanda doesn't wear rings like that herself, when she isobviously obsessed by the idea of them. It must be different for her, beingdominant, rather than submissive like the majority of us. Wanda is in her elementwith either male or female slaves, but she is peculiarly reluctant to try thesubmissive role. That is not the only mystery surrounding Wanda. I can't helpfeeling that she is really missing something, even if she has a lot of themost exciting bondage ideas that I have ever come across.

I love the feel of my pussy ring. I am a little more accustomed to it now,but the first few weeks were intolerably distracting. I could hardly walk withouthaving an orgasm. I still find it difficult to hurry. Once my clitoris becomesaroused, even gentle motion of the ring reduces me to a state of tingling arousal.It only has to swing a little further to touch the erect tip of my arousedclitoris. That particular sensation is indescribable. So I do not dare to hurry.Being led by a leash attached to my ring is even worse, but there is nothinga girl can do to resist a sensation like that. I am so easily brought to aclimax that there is little point in trying to avoid it. Even when I am allowedto remain still, its presence between my legs is a potent reminder of whatit can do to me, but Ian is more likely to encourage me with an occasionalunexpected stroke of a whip or a cane, or see how long it takes me to reachan orgasm with someone chasing me.

I know that Wanda is waiting for me, and there is little chance of escapingwhatever she is planning to do to me. Generously, she assumes that I can endurewhatever her inventive mind dreams up. I take that as a compliment. Ours isnot a nice relationship. She brings out things buried deep inside me, sometimesnasty things, usually things that hurt more than they please me. I always feela deep excitement, especially when she pushes my limits beyond anything I hadpreviously thought I could take. That is what it means to be her slave.

There is a peculiar transition from freedom to captivity. It would feel allwrong if I was expected to give right in immediately and without any contest.I want to be surprised, to be overcome, to know that my best efforts are useless.Wanda has a knack of taking control before I realise what is happening, andthen it is beautifully, deliciously too late, and I have no choice but to obeyher. She makes me feel at my ease, and the things she asks me to do seem perfectlyinnocent, even when I know exactly what she is up to. And then there is thatvery special moment, when she takes control with deft expertise and strengthbefore I have time to even think of resisting her. And then I am always punishedfor my stupidity, to show that I am truly a slave.

I like to be the centre of attention, but I am weak, and it is better thatI am wearing a gag. It is always tempting to protest, to plead for mercy. WhenI am gagged I can yell as loudly as I like and I know it will make no difference.Wanda never discusses my limits with me. She just moves them when she pleases.She is right. I should not be trying to control the proceedings when she shouldbe dominating me. You never know how something will feel until you have triedit. Wanda invents things I would never have thought of, and she keeps on movingthe boundaries just when I think I have found out where they are.

My breasts are nicely rounded, and almost as firm as solid muscle. Even withoutsupport they thrust out beautifully. That opens up a number of painful possibilities,like rope bondage and breast whipping. Floppy breasts are not very popularwith whipmasters. They are just unruly. Luckily my breasts don't lose theirshape when they are bound, even tightly. Wanda likes me in a hogtie, becausethen my breasts stick out like turrets, and my nipple rings are tempting toplay with. I have resigned myself to being chosen by Wanda more often thanthe other girls. I know I look good from every angle, and so far I have takeneverything she has dished out. I am resigned to becoming a regular guest ather exclusive parties. The worse it gets, the more I am drawn into it. Sheunderstands that perfectly. I would not have it any other way.

We are passing another alcove, where five well-spaced couches are occupiedby girls whose ankles are lifted high and wide apart, while their wrists aretethered to the floor on either side, and a waist strap is having the curiouslyerotic effect of tilting their hips upwards. Each one is getting a differenttreatment. Their tormentors are teasing them mercilessly. I recognise a smallcat-of-nine-tails made from silk. It is one of Wanda's favourites. There areother more painful implements. One of the girls is being fucked energeticallywhile her nipples are stretched upwards by silken cords attached to her nipplerings. She is squirming beautifully, and I cannot help feeling a little jealous.

My breasts are not my only attractive feature. I am also quite tall, butnot enough to be intimidating. My long shapely legs are firm from regular exercise,and my bottom is temptingly rounded. My black hair is well-behaved, even whenI let it grow. Today I cut it short. I didn't want to hide my face, which everybodysays is captivatingly pretty. There is a little oriental in my blood. Perhapsthat is what they all find so interesting. An attentive observer might noticeit in the shape of my eyes, and the way I am rounded. More obvious is my jetblack hair, especially the sparse wisps that adorn my perfectly smooth, buttemptingly plump sex lips. The oriental comes out even more strongly in mysexual inclinations. I crave for experiences that go far beyond the limitsof pleasure and pain that most people can stand.

I am a living work of art. I love to dance in my natural state of nudity,and to be admired while I do it. To be inspected and not to dance is somethingclinical, not something enjoyable. When I am stretched so taut in bondage thatI can barely move I feel that I can express myself perfectly. My sex can beinspected minutely without causing me any embarrassment. If I am gagged, Iam also spared the inconvenience of having to object for the sake of appearances.Struggling only adds to the artistic effect. Wanda likes to participate bycontrolling my movements with a whip or a cane. It is a lot more difficultto control my response when she uses a tawse or a cat. My orgasms are wildunder the cat. She knows exactly how to lay those plets into my tenderest places.I am made to feel that I am completely at her mercy. She keeps me on the edgefor what seems like hours before she lets me climax. It is terrible to be boundand want release desperately while she keeps me from an orgasm with her deliberate,calculated pauses, enslaving me by the intensity of my pain and the excitementof anticipation.

***** *****

That distracting thought reminds me of my burning bottom. It was a new experienceto be whipped on a genuine looking medieval whipping block. Until today I wouldnot have believed that this place could exist, just thirty minutes fromdowntown Las Vegas. This hall alone is huge. The height must be at least eightstories, and inside there are hundreds of alcoves, niches and balconies. Allthe way up to the ceiling I can see cameos. There are hogtied girls suspendedfrom balconies over a fifty foot drop, others stretched by elastics in midair between the walls, girls wriggling on dildo posts, others bound over beams,and some bound upside down to wooden frames. Everywhere I see girls being whippedand caned. A few are receiving more specialised treatment, with electric dildosand other sex machines. I suspect that worse torments are reserved for privatealcoves, and other locked rooms leading off the hall.

I was caught when I had barely entered the hall from the locker room. Theblock had fascinated me as soon as I saw it, raised on a knee-high dais. Ijust stood there, staring at it. Perhaps I should have paid a little more attentionto its two muscular attendants. They must have been waiting for a suitableguest to practise on, and I had hesitated just long enough to betray my interest.

'Young lady, you look just right for a turn on the Block,' they had said.

My feet were frozen as they approached me. My head spun with conflictingemotions as they gripped my arms and lifted me effortlessly off the ground,turning towards the Block. Suddenly I panicked. I was quite helpless in theirgrip, but I didn't dare to admit even to myself that I was scared. Perhapsthey only want me to model for them, I told myself. I didn't want to chickenout in front of my friends Mandy and Ian, who were watching from the otherside of the block, obviously enjoying my predicament.

'Go on Stephanie, be a sport,' my friend Mandy called out.

'That's the stuff, Stephanie, show them you can take it,' Ian shouted.

'Just watch those tits move,' came from an appreciative stranger. I lookedup. He was displaying a rather impressive erection, but what fascinated mewas the pair of tiny spiked skulls that enclosed his nipples; not somethingI wanted to get close to. Most of the spikes pointed outwards.

'Hey Stephanie, show us your pussy over here,' someone followed. The attendantslifted me, grabbed my kicking ankles, pulled my legs apart and turned me aroundto give everyone a good look, making sure to jiggle my rings as they did so.I gasped as my pleasure grew. I was going to climax very soon, if they keptthis up. My obvious excitement brought more delighted comments from the crowd.

'Let's see how she dances to the whip,' a female voice came from behind me.

There were other cries of 'Yes,' and 'Get on with it then!' from other girls.

I wondered how enthusiastic they would be if our positions were reversed.I had an amusing thought. They had gathered around with a naive lack of caution,and my captors would need another girl as soon as they had finished with me.Anyone who was silly enough to attract attention to herself was very likelyto be next. They would soon find out how it felt to be controlled with suchmasterful ease. I could see that this was going to be a popular event at theparty.

The block looked even more forbidding at close range. My knees fitted nicelyinto the two grooves at its base. When they had tightened the straps behindmy knees, I felt completely helpless. They pulled me forward by my wrists untilI lay over the block. It was smooth and cold, but not too uncomfortable. Clipssecured my wrist cuffs on either side. I was surprised to have so much freedomto move my upper body. A broad strap over my waist immobilised the rest ofme. It was so tight that I could hardly breathe. It tilted my hips upwards.I knew my vulva was protruding lewdly between my smooth, tautly stretched bottomcheeks. Fighting the straps was exciting, especially when my pussy ring beganto swing. Someone reached between my legs, pulled my ring down and clippedit to a latch that was obviously positioned in the block for that very purpose.It was only at that point that I realised how perfectly it was designed fora girl ringed through the ridge of her clitoris hood. My ring was so tautlystretched that any movement brought a hard, painful jerk at my clitoris.

'Keep still for a moment, Stephanie,' a voice said, unnecessarily. I hadno intention of moving even a muscle if I could help it! A hand reached forwardand moved a lever.

'Owwwww!' I yelled as sharp points emerged from the block and pricked mybreasts. I struggled, but I couldn't lift my breasts clear of the wicked points.My yelling was quickly silenced. They forced a thick, soft rubbery gag intomy mouth, and strapped it tightly in place. Fingers were busy at my nipplerings. I felt two gentle tugs, then a stronger tug as thick elastics pulledmy breasts down towards those terrible spikes. I arched my back in desperation.My nipples were stretched painfully. If I relaxed the spikes pricked my breasts.I was going to finish up like a pincushion. I had never been so comprehensivelyimmobilised. Worse still, my bottom was tilted cheekily upwards, into a perfectposition for punishment. I was ready, gagged and helpless. I couldn't thinkof anything they had forgotten, and if I had it was sure to be something painful.The outcome was ominously predictable. I shivered.

'Stephanie darling, you look excellent,' Mandy called out, with her usualsubtlety.

As usual, she was completely missing the point. She had no idea how thisfelt.

Fingers poked rudely at my vulva. They felt greasy. They tugged a narrowthong up from the base of the block, through my pussy ring, between my pussylips, between my bottom cheeks, and fastened it tightly to the back of thewaist strap. It cut deeply into my slit. I knew all about saddle straps. Iknew exactly what was coming. I tensed, suspecting that they were ready tobegin.

'Would anyone like to tease this bundle of wickedness, before we start?'

I shivered as the crowd surged forward. Amateurs are dangerous at times likethis. I felt as if a dozen excited spectators was fondling me with varyingdegrees of roughness. Inquisitive fingers stroked my sex lips on either sideof the saddle strap, and tested the tautness of my pussy ring. Rough handspinched and kneaded my breasts and buttocks. I felt like a piece of meat beingprepared for cooking, rather than any kind of erotic offering. At least someof them were a little more subtle with their caresses. They were probably girls,but you could never be sure of a thing like that.

'I'll tell you what, why don't we fuck, when you have finished playing withthose crapheads,' Ian whispered into my ear, while his knowing fingers managedto stroke my parted labia with a familiar gentleness. I couldn't even givehim a rude answer. My body was responding unbidden to his practised teasing.I quivered as the accustomed tingling began. I could have killed him, if Iwasn't so helpless.

I was so distracted that I didn't even notice when he stepped back and joinedthe crowd.

'Swisssssh Sniccck!' I heard the unmistakeable sound of the whip hurtlingtowards me, and then an even more awful sound, that could only mean it hadimpacted on my tightly clenched cheeks.

'Mmmmmphhhh!' Fire streaked across my bottom as the lash curled accuratelybelow my cheeks from hip to hip. I convulsed instantly in a violent climax,but even in the throes of an orgasm I could scarcely move a millimetre. Thecrowd chattered loudly. They were enjoying my discomfiture. Silence told methat I was about to receive another vicious stroke. The whip flicked accuratelybetween my cheeks. I screamed into my gag as fire exploded up the line of thesaddle strap. I fought wildly. My struggles only brought a vicious tug at mypussy ring, which triggered another instant climax.

I heard appreciative noises like 'Wow!' and 'Just watch her wriggle!' asif anyone was doing anything else, and 'That's right, good shot!' from Ian.The bastard. I would like to see him whipped like this. A business-like ringprotruded from the steel collar around his balls. It would be handy to securehim with. It might even fit into that latch set into the block between my legs.I smiled at the thought.

The attendants took it in turns. They must have had plenty of practice. Icould tell that by the pain and accuracy of the leisurely strokes they gaveme.

Mandy was standing close, right in front of me. She seemed completely unawarethat from where I was, close to the ground, I had a fine view up her shortred skirt. Between her plump smoothly shaved lips a pink morsel glistened withher juices. I couldn't help smiling at the thought of Mandy getting off onthe display I was giving. Obviously her thoughts were not of sympathy, butI couldn't blame her. The sight of my own response to the pain was enough toset anyone off, and I know Mandy. Anything like that is like a flame to a moth.Her limited imagination feeds on sights like this.

Mandy has a lovely tall, shapely figure. The microskirt was all she was wearing,apart from a pair of shiny red boots. Her bare, shapely breasts displayed apretty pair of golden nipple rings matching my own, but hers were joined bya slender gold chain, and her auburn hair was cut short, pixie style.

Unlike many of the other girls, Mandy was not pierced between her legs. Itwas a pity. Apart from the fun she was missing, a ring emerging from betweenher pretty hairless lips would be stunning. She knew exactly what I was lookingat. Smiling wickedly she parted her legs to give me a better view. If she knewwhat I was thinking of, she might not be quite so pleased with herself. Shewas perfectly made to take a ring through the swollen ridge of her clitorishood, near the top of her slit. I was glad of the distraction. It took my mindoff the pain of my whipping for a few precious moments.

Another merciless, accurate stroke burned its way across my bare bottom.

'Hey, Stephanie!' Mandy called. 'He is brilliant, isn't he!'

Those were not exactly my own sentiments at that particular moment. She wassquirming with excitement. I was sure she was just as wet between her legsas I was. She might be a good candidate to try this next. Beside her Ian waswatching me attentively. He might have seen Mandy's hand reaching under herskirt, but he couldn't see her fingers teasing their way between her lips.I had a perfect view of her exertions as she brought herself quickly to a gaspingclimax. It was so exciting to watch her that I exploded in another violentorgasm of my own.

The vicious strokes continued. My bottom cheeks were on fire. It took a supremeeffort to keep my breasts off those wicked spikes. The carefully timed strokesbrought me to one orgasm after another until I could barely distinguish thepleasure from the pain. It was an anticlimax when the last stroke fell. Mytormentors bowed, smiling to the appreciative crowd.

There were calls of 'Well done, you lovely lass,' from one onlooker, followedby a belated 'Hey, don't stop now, you were just getting into the rhythm,'from a girl I remembered from another party, a pretty young brunette calledKim, who was dressed in a brief black rubber skirt and halter.

Kim was obviously enjoying my predicament, and didn't want the fun to stop.

'Well, young lady,' came the reply. 'Perhaps she does need a little moreattention. Why don't you come up here and give her some yourself.'

Kim stepped forward with a grin. 'Why, thanks,' she answered. 'I don't mindif I do.'

They handed her the whip, and showed her where to stand to keep it clearof the crowd.

Kim was merciless. I knew the type. She has no inhibitions, no compunctionabout really hurting a girl, unlike the male attendants, who were expert, butfar more controlled. I wondered how far they would let her go. She must havedone this before, I realised. Her seeming inexperience was just an act. Aftersome really vicious strokes across my thighs, she gave a few wicked cuts intomy burning crevice. I was beginning to worry that she might cause some realdamage when at long last the attendants stepped in and removed the whip. Theystood on either side of Kim while she took a bow, obviously pleased with herself.The audience cheered while Mandy helped Ian to release me.

'That will teach you to stand there gawping,' Ian said, when at last he hadme down off the dais.

I felt like giving him a very rude answer, but neither of them had botheredto remove my gag, and I couldn't see properly to do it myself. I had a goodidea what Ian had in mind, and I just let him stick his forefingers throughmy nipple rings, and lift me up. My nipples were sore, but I was just too shakento protest, and I didn't mind a fucking to distract me from the pain. My pussylips were raw and burning, but I was as juicy as could be. Ian pushed his cocksmoothly up into me, and fucked me with a rhythm that soon had me squirmingagain, oblivious of the attention we were getting.

Kim was too pleased with herself to realise her predicament until it wasmuch too late. In a moment they gripped her arms firmly, lifted her effortlesslyoff the ground, and stripped her naked. At first she was too startled to protest,and then we were treated to the spectacular sight of her delicately curved,evenly tanned nudity. Her breasts were perfection itself, tipped with hardbrown buds, each transfixed by a slender golden ring. Her neat curly bush matchedher close cropped hair, but that was not all. When they stretched her legsapart, there it was, a thick golden ring embedded deep in the fleshy ridgeof her clitoris, just like mine. I was even more interested in her obviousstate of arousal. Her slit was dripping with juices, her vulva swollen andparted to reveal the glistening pinkness of her pussy. Quickly they loweredher to the ground, and her noisy protests were soon muffled as the gag wasstuffed deep into her mouth and strapped tightly in place. I knew exactly howit felt. I had no sympathy at all, after the way she had treated me. Soon shewas a helpless captive strapped tightly to the block. She squirmed in a desperateeffort to keep her lovely breasts away from those awful spikes. I enjoyed thesight of another naked girl struggling in exactly the same position I had occupiedjust a few minutes ago, especially after the way she had treated me.

Her vulva protruded rather temptingly. I was not the only one to notice.

'Fuck her, you silly bastards,' someone called irreverently.

'Go on, teach her a lesson she will remember,' someone else called. Obviouslyshe had not learned that attracting attention to yourself could be dangerousaround here.

Having an experience like that might teach Kim something, but it would notcure her sadistic streak.

It was odd to feel Ian's cock thrusting deep into my own pussy, while severalof the others fucked Kim roughly, one by one. She did her best to distractthem, hoping they would go easy on her afterwards. She wriggled enticinglyand manipulated them with her inner muscles. She had underestimated her captors,who continued to fuck her between accurately placed strokes of the whip. Thecontractions this produced must have given them a heavenly time. I watched,fascinated. The whip flicked accurately, deep into the gaping pinkness of herpussy. I climaxed the moment I saw her convulse with pleasure. It was too muchto watch her writhing while my own pussy was still burning after the way shehad punished me with the same wicked-looking whip. If revenge was sweet, thiswas utter delight.

'Go on, make sure you hurt her,' the calls came, but her suffering was notto end so quickly. They took care to torment every part of her body in turn.I watched her scream as the whip covered her breasts with a spidery tracingof red, returning to her inner thighs, and then the soles of her feet.

Meanwhile Ian was still pumping steadily into me. I wondered how long hecould keep it up. With each silky stroke of his shaft my pleasure grew inexorablyfrom a deep, soothing sweetness to heady expanding waves of delight that threatenedto submerge me. The gag muffled my gasps as Ian quickened his pace, and I grippedhim as tightly as I could in my silky love tunnel as his warm seed spurteddeep into me. I was shaking helplessly when he lowered me to the ground. Withouta word, he was gone. The bastard.

Surprisingly, there were plenty of volunteers to take Kim's place, and shecouldn't get away from there quickly enough. After my experience with the block,I wondered if Wanda had designed other kinds of torture equipment speciallyfor girls wearing rings like mine. Perhaps there were girls who had worn themfor years, but the smart money went on this being something Wanda had convincedthem all to do in the last few months! I expect Wanda is getting a nice commissionfrom the piercing studio, but all this equipment must have cost millions, andthere must surely be something more behind all of this. I cannot see Wandafinancing something like this without high-powered support.

I was so overwhelmed with sensation that I stood at the back of the crowd,my chest heaving, struggling to release my cuffs that some considerate soulhad just locked together behind my back. That meant that I would not even beable to remove the gag that stuffed my mouth, much to my annoyance. I was gladthat someone else was the focus of attention for a change.

***** *****

I am feeling very nervous now that we have arrived at the alcove where Wandais waiting for me. I have a sinking feeling as she prepares a bondage framefor its next trembling victim. There is no sign of Kim. My Mistress is wearinga bright red rubber bikini, boots to match, and a thick black leather beltwith leashes, whips, chains, handcuffs, dildos and all sorts of other usefulaccessories. As a Mistress she is perfection itself. It is hard to imagineher even pretending to be a submissive. But I know different. Deep down shewants to experience all of the scenarios she practices on the rest of us. Perhapsshe tries them out during the quiet weeks between these parties, but I haven'tfigured out who she uses as a dominant. If she has a lover who has that kindof power over her, she keeps incredibly quiet about it.

The large vertical bondage frame reminds me of my first meeting with Wanda,at the Torture Garden Club in Chicago. I had been wandering around quite innocently,overwhelmed by all that bondage and sex. I could hardly believe what I wasseeing, or how it made me feel. Wanda must have noticed the way I was trembling.She had just appeared, attached her leash to my collar without a word, andpulled me to a vertical bondage frame. I was far too excited to object as shestretched me taut in the frame. A small crowd gathered around to watch. Firstshe aroused me with her fingers. I was in heaven until she began to whip mewith expert viciousness, between my outstretched thighs. I screamed and screamedbut didn't take any notice. She was merciless. My lips grew like leaves, exposingmy tender clitoris. I lost count of the orgasms I had before she let me go.Later I gave her my address. Since then she has invited me to a few other parties,but none of them were anything like this. Between parties I dream about Wanda.I never know what she will think of next. That makes it all the more excitingto be around her. Once she gets started on me I forget time, place, everything.

She helps Derek into position in the frame. He is docile. She clips his ankleswide apart to the base, then she stretches long cords to his wrists beforeunfastening his cuffs. She turns a large handle, and winches his arms upward.He is stretched taut in the frame. He has an incredible erection. Wanda takesa wand tipped with feathers, and teases him between his legs. I can see dropsof clear juice on the tip of his cock. She knows exactly how to torment himwith light touches around the base of his cock, and then she caresses his innerthighs on either side of his ball sack.

Wanda beckons me closer and helpfully removes my gag. She attaches it tomy belt. Derek's cock is dripping clear liquid juice onto the floor. It isrigid. I cannot help myself. I move closer until I can take it into my mouth,and I tickle it with darting movements of my tongue. He struggles, but he cannotescape. Meanwhile Wanda is tickling the soles of his feet with her featheryrod. He gasps as she caresses him all the way up the back of his legs to thefirm cheeks of his bottom. I suck him slowly, rhythmically. It is awkward withmy wrists bound behind my back. Wanda knows when he is about to come. She beginsto cane his bottom. Suddenly his sticky seed spurts deep into my mouth. I haveto swallow twice before he has finished.

Amazingly his cock is still stiffly erect. I lave it carefully with my tongue.Wanda smiles at me. Another climax will probably exhaust him. I am patientuntil he spurts a little liquid into my mouth.

Wanda produces a tiny key. She must have taken it from Ian. When she hasfreed my wrists she takes my hand and smiles. We leave our captive, ignoringhis protests. Other guests are waiting to take their turn with him. Wanda smilesquietly as she leads me further down the hall. Nobody is paying any attentionto us. I wonder what she has in mind for me, this time.

A small crowd of girls is gathered around a raised platform. A strugglinggirl is tied tightly to a ladder-like frame. Her leather-clad male attendantis busily sorting through a collection of piercing tools and body jewellery.The captive already has piercings rather like mine, in her nipples and theprominent ridge of her clitoris hood. I have an ominous feeling about this.

'What's going on, Wanda?' I ask.

'You will soon see,' she answers. 'Those rings are very special. They arelike the rings real slaves used to wear, but they are made from a special newmaterial. They are incredibly strong, seamlessly welded. Now that your piercingsare well established they are just what you need. A slave should not be ableto remove her rings whenever she feels like it.'

The attendant removes the girl's slender ball-closure rings from her piercings,one by one. The new rings are thicker. He inserts them carefully, using a heavyweightcirclip pliar to hold them open, and then he seals them with a small weldingiron. I wonder if she can feel the heat, but obviously he knows exactly whathe is doing. When he unfastens the girl, she fingers her new rings hesitantly.I notice that she is flushed with excitement.

'You can do Stephanie next, Gilbert,' Wanda tells him.

She pushes me forward before I can think of an excuse. Her tone allows noargument. I let her lift my wrists. Gilbert's grip is like a pair of steelclamps. He lifts me effortlessly onto the platform. It is too late to get outof this. He secures me so tightly that I can barely move. It is tempting tostruggle. I had better not move while he is anywhere near my tenderest partswith that welding iron.

Gilbert unscrews the ball closures from my nipple rings. My lower ring willnot be so easy. I am so slippery down there that he will have a job findingmy piercing, once he has removed my ring. Now he has sealed my nipple ringsand he is busy at the piercing between my legs. My new nipple rings are a littleheavier than my previous rings, but I like the way they feel. I gasp as a momentarywarmth tells me that he has finished with my pussy ring. He is a very quickworker. When he loosens my straps, I feel so weak at the knees that I can hardlystand. My new pussy ring moves distractingly even when I stand still. Gilbertlowers me to join Wanda below the platform. It is outrageous, but this is justlike Wanda. If she had her way, the entire female population of Los Angeleswould be wearing slave rings like this, but I cannot imagine her volunteeringto wear them too. Mistresses like her have their own set of rules!

Gilbert straps another girl to the ladder-frame. Wanda is standing behindme, stroking my neck. I shiver with pleasure as her fingers run excitinglydown my arms and close gently around my wrists. I don't care what she doesto me, as long as it feels as intoxicating as this. I watch Gilbert workingon the new girl. Wanda is moving my hands a little closer. I know exactly whatshe is up to, but she is trying to keep me guessing. Gilbert is kneeling betweenthe girl's legs. She is trembling. I am too involved to resist as Wanda pressesmy wrists quickly together. I feel the click as my cuffs lock together. Itis just the kind of neat trick I expect from Wanda. She knows exactly how tofool me. I pull at my wrists as if I am desperate, but they don't give a millimetre.I am pleased. After all, that is why I am wearing this outfit with all itsattachments. I wonder what Wanda will do with me now that I am her prisoner.The girl on the platform is enjoying a marvellous orgasm. I smile at her.

Wanda is like a child who has just been given a new toy. I am the toy. Sheturns me round to face her, and before I can protest she puts her finger throughmy pussy ring and jerks it roughly. I move forward without thinking. Much tomy surprise, the experience is virtually painless. The ring feels comfortable,like a part of me. Wanda smiles. She is pleased with my reaction.

I look around at the girls who are eagerly queuing up to have their ringsreplaced. They are quite oblivious to everything else, and I don't think anyof them noticed what Wanda just did to me. Even if they had, I doubt if theywould have realised what it meant. I smile hesitantly at Wanda. She knows Iwill not say anything to the others - at least, while I am at her mercy..

'Well, Stephanie, let's get busy. I have something else to show you.'

With that she produces a slender chain. It has a wooden handle like a toggleat one end, and a shackle at the other. She snaps the shackle to my pussy ringwith a loud click. I know what is coming next, but the exquisite sensationof her first hard jerk makes me feel light-headed. I stumble after her as everytug brings a frisson of pleasure. Even the lightest brush of the chain betweenmy legs excites me. I had never imagined that anything could feel like this.I am too distracted to notice where she is taking me.

There is a paper sign over an entrance just below the lowest balcony. Itsays 'The Wall'. This is not something I have tried before. I am sure of that.

'Come on, Stephanie. It is in here.'

I hesitate for a moment in the doorway. She looks back with that gleam inher eye again. I know she is up to something.


A sharp jerk at my pussy ring reminds me that she is in charge. She willnot let me forget that she is my Mistress. It is the first time she has usedreal pain to control me like that. I feel like jumping in the air. It is awfulthat I can't protect that tender place between my legs. I hurt terribly.

'It's not all that bad, Stephanie,' she says quietly in my ear. 'You willsoon get used to it. Just follow me closely, and I won't need to do it again.'

After that I follow her so closely that we are constantly touching. It isexciting to be so close to another girl. Her skin feels wonderfully smoothand sensual. Her scent is intoxicating. I wonder why it has never occurredto me before to make love to a girl. They are so perfectly made for eroticplay, and there is that unique delicacy of touch. I brush my ringed nipplesdelicately against Wanda's back and her arm, the one holding the leash. I wanther to feel that I am her obedient slave, and I want all the people watchingus in here to know it too.

People are drifting along with us. Where Wanda goes, something interestingis bound to happen. They follow us into the room, but keep well back whileWanda tugs me close to The Wall. I can see a few oddly positioned hooks, barsand other projections, but I can't work out what they are for. I begin to feelweak at the knees again, for some inexplicable reason.

'Here, let me help you.'

Wanda makes me stand on two thick cubes of wood. I am facing the wall, mylegs a little apart. Her hand reaches under my bottom. She lifts me a little.My pussy ring is caught on a hook that projects from the wall. It is rathertoo high for comfort. I will never get off it on my own.

She pulls my nipple rings upwards. My breasts stretch into cones as she hooksthem onto another set of perfectly positioned hooks. If I will slip those ringswill rip right out of me. I try to keep still, but she is merciless. I feelthe soft touch of her fingers caressing me. She strokes me gently upmy back,between my legs, down my arms and behind my knees until I am tingling all over.

I feel awkward when she unclips my wrists. One by one she lifts the ringson my wrist cuffs up, out to the side, and over the hooked ends of long barsthat project far out from the wall. I am arched so far back that my nipplesare stretched even tighter. I feel even more precarious when she lifts oneof my ankles out and up and hooks it to the end of another long bar. I am standingon one leg, struggling not to slip off the last remaining wooden block. A momentlater my other ankle is pulled painfully outward. I am doing the splits, ahelpless captive of the wall. My flesh is stretched taut by the ring embeddedin my clitoris ridge. I know Wanda would not stretch me out like this justto look at me. I look imploringly at her.

'Don't worry, Stephanie, you are quite safe. Nothing can possibly tear youloose.'

Sure enough, I feel her fingers running over my body. She caresses me again.I am as taut as a violin string. My body responds unbidden. I cannot resisther relentless, maddeningly exciting touch. I squirm helplessly, in a futilestruggle to evade her persistent teasing, but the more I move the closer Iam to a climax. I am on the brink of an explosion when she steps back suddenly,without warning. I know what is coming. There is nothing I can do. My bottomis already hurting from the whipping I had earlier. I hear the swish of a cane.The sound is familiar. I know exactly what I am going to feel when the whipfinds its target, which is surely my tautly stretched bottom cheeks. I wishshe had allowed me a gag.

'Aaaaah! No, don't, Wanda please!'

'Hush, Stephanie, Hush!'

Fire sears my tautly stretched bottom. Wanda ignores the instant explosionof pleasure. Her strokes continue at breathtaking intervals. In between, theonlookers are allowed to feel the heat of my bottom cheeks, and even to exploremy tautly stretched nipples and pussy flesh. I squirm, gasping as my body explodesin one climax after another. The pleasure is unbearable. I cannot help pullingviolently at my rings. I cannot get out of this impossible cycle of pleasureand pain.

'Ooooh! No, Wanda, not that!'

I feel the caress of the whip. She brings its tip gently up between my thighsto touch the slippery division of my pussy lips. I know it is futile to struggle,but I can't help myself. What is going to follow will certainly not be gentle,if I know Wanda. It is just like her to make me anticipate the pain like this.I turn my head and look at her. She has that wicked gleam in her eye.


I scream loudly when the whip snaps viciously into my crotch. She finds theexact place where she touched me so gently just moments before. My pussy ison fire with pain, but the heat brings another uncontrollable climax. I amscarcely aware of the applause Wanda is getting from the audience. By the timeI have received three more strokes my pussy is numb with pain. I am just apretty, helpless target for her whip. At first I am relieved when she changesher aiming point to my breasts, but soon I realise that it is worse. I feelas if my ordeal has lasted for days, and I don't even realise that she hasfinished when she comes close and caresses me gently again.

'How was that, love?'

I am speechless. Her fingers stray knowingly into the raw entrance of mypussy. My relief is so intense that I convulse again the moment she touchesmy clitoris. I know it is swollen and incredibly sensitive after the whipping.I try to relax, but I know that I cannot stop her bringing me to a climax.The slightest touch would set me off. Every movement brings more exquisitetugs at my nipples and pussy ring. It is simply unbearable. I am terrifiedthat those rings will tear right out of me. When my explosion comes I screamagain and again until I am completely exhausted.

When Wanda finally releases me I can hardly believe that the rings have doneno damage after all my violent struggling. I am not comforted by the thought.It opens up far too many tempting possibilities to someone like Wanda. I juststand there, shaking uncontrollably. The tears pour down my cheeks. Wanda givesme a big hug, and I kiss her deeply. The onlookers are all applauding loudly.

'You are a brave girl, Stephanie,' she tells me. 'That was quite a performance.'

'I don't know if I can take much more treatment like that,' I tell her honestly.'It was marvellously exciting, but it was just too intense. I was sure my ringswould tear right out of me.'

'Don't worry,' she answers with a smile. 'They can take a lot worse punishmentthan that. You will see, all in good time.'

That sounds much too ominous for comfort. I shiver with excitement whileshe runs her fingertips lightly down my arms. Suddenly she is holding my wristsgently but firmly. When she brings them down to my sides I know exactly whatshe means to do. My cuffs click into place. I pull gently, but my wrists areimprisoned on either side of my waist. Now I cannot touch her, or even myself.Curiously it is the fact that my rings are out of my reach that affects memost deeply, especially when she reaches under me and caresses my tinglingpussy lips with her fingers.

'You are just so delicious, Stephanie. I think I am in love with you.'

I am too excited to think of evasion. Quickly she snaps her leash to my ring.I am happy to be her slave again. My breasts quiver as I stand trembling infront of her. My nipple rings swing lazily. I look deeply into her eyes. Idon't fully understand what I see. I am more excited than I can remember. Sheis anxious to get me away from here before someone in the crowd has other ideas.

I am distracted, and when she gives me a sharp tug I am surprised. I stumbleas she heaves my body into motion, but I quickly find my balance and followher obediently. I must take care to avoid any more silly mistakes like that.

She leads me into the hall. Mandy is coming towards us. She smiles at me,turning to show me a very impressive set of whip marks across her bottom. Herbreasts look as though they have received a similar kind of attention. I knowexactly how it feels to have my breasts whipped. I am surprised to find herso cheerful after a painful treatment like that. I am surprised that she isbeing allowed to walk around with her hands quite free.

'Hi, Stephanie! What have you been up to? Ian and Kim gave me a great timeon one of those dildo posts. I had no idea how much fun it could be. Do youlike my stripes?'

I would love to feel her bottom. It must be scorching. With my wrists cuffedbehind me like this I can't get my hands close enough. Wanda seems fascinatedby the chain joining Mandy's nipples.

'Hi, Mandy! You are making me jealous. Wanda has just shown me what it islike on The Wall. I don't recommend it, though. Have you seen what Gilbertis doing over there? He has real slave rings, and they are incredible.'

While we are talking Wanda gives Mandy 's chain a little tug. I cannot helplaughing. Her large pink nipples stretch, and her breasts nod towards eachother. It is so funny that Wanda does it again. Soon we are all in fits oflaughter.

'Let me feel yours, Stephanie. They look super.'

'Of course, Mandy, go ahead.'

Mandy feels my nipple rings, and then she reaches between my legs. I cannothelp squirming a little when her playful attentions awaken my clitoris again.With my hands cuffed out of the way, and Wanda holding me still with her leash,I could not object even if I wanted to, but for once she is being pleasantlygentle. Her fingers curl upwards and wiggle to tease their way into my slipperyvulva. I clench my muscles to tell her that I know what she is playing at.She smiles innocently, while her forefinger rubs the slippery smooth tip ofmy cervix. She knows I hate it when she does that. I am incredibly tender justthere. Fortunately I am so slippery just now that I don't mind it at all. Sheleans close to my ear.

'Shall I tell you a secret? I have a ring inside me, just there. Nobody knows,except you.'

I am stunned. A ring through the head of her cervix! Now I realise why Mandyhas not wanted to be pierced through her clitoral ridge. But Wanda overheardher telling me.

'My dear, let me see! Oh! How marvellous! You could have a little chain there!You darling!' Wanda is completely off her head now, exploring busily deep inMandy's pussy. She finds a small chain attached to her belt and inserts itcarefully, clipping it to Mandy's mysterious ring.

'Come on, I'll take you to Gilbert. He will love this.'

Cheerfully Wanda leads us both towards the platform, where Gilbert is justas busy as he was before. One the way we pass Ian. He is walking hand in handwith Kim. I admire Kim's rings. It is incredible to see circles of thick goldpossessing those firm brown nipples. She is walking a little awkwardly. I amnot surprised. The stout looking thick, burnished gold ring in her clitorisridge bobs up and down with every step. She is obviously not used to it. Iwould like to see Kim punished on the Wall. I wonder if she would take thekind of treatment Wanda has just given me without screaming her head off!

Wanda nods at Ian, as if to tell him something. He grins knowingly. I wonderwhat that is all about. I think Wanda has something planned for Kim. If I haveanything to do with it, it will be something very painful. She may be a bitch,but I have to admit that she is absolutely stunning. Ian seems to be leadingher towards a stand where someone is whipping a hogtied girl with a nasty-lookingmulti-stranded whip that looks suspiciously like a cat. I hope Kim will bethe next to feel it across her wicked bottom.

'Mandy, I am going to take Stephanie up to Julian, and I will be back foryou in a few minutes. Just wait for me after Gilbert has finished with you,will you darling? I have a surprise for both of you.'

'OK, Wanda,' she answers brightly. 'See you later!'

Wanda watches Gilbert finish with the girl he is working on. He comes downoff the platform, takes the end of Mandy's pussy chain from Wanda, and thenhis inquisitive fingers follow the slender chain to where it disappears rightinside her. He is obviously quite taken with her unusually placed ring, andhe also seems to enjoy the chain that joins her lovely nipples. I watch himlead her close to the platform. He fastens her pussy chain to a heavy ringbolt on the edge of the platform, and binds her wrists behind her. She grinsat me as Wanda leads me away. I would have loved to watch him deal with her,but she has other priorities. I wonder if he will change that special ringright inside her.

At the end of the hall we come to a row of doors. One is marked: 'BondageRoom'. A great staircase sweeps elegantly up to the accommodation above thehall. Below there are doors marked 'Pillory' and 'Rack', 'Suspension' and 'Tank'.A thick oaken door is simply marked 'Private'. I wonder what exotic activityis hidden behind it. It has a security lock. Wanda enters a sequence of figuresto open it. That explains why she will have to return for Mandy. Obviouslythis is not a place open to ordinary guests. Behind the door a short corridorleads to a steel-reinforced door. Wanda speaks into an entry phone and thedoor clicks open. She tugs me forward up a staircase. I tremble with excitement.What can possibly exceed what is going on out in the hall?

There is no door at the top. We are in a long, narrow corridor, like an artgallery. It curves to the left. On that side there are several windows in deeprecesses. It looks as if they are all empty. Until we get closer I will justhave to contain my curiosity.

A man comes forward to welcome us. He is attractively muscular. He has ablack leather cache-sexe, with a matching set of gold studded leather belt,collar and wristlets. They must have cost a fortune. He has all sorts of itemsattached to his belt. While I admire him, Wanda unclips her leash from my ring.I wonder what is going on. My wrist cuffs are still locked to my waist belt.

'Hi, Wanda!' The hunk greets her with a friendly kiss. 'Who is this?'

'Hello Julian, this is Stephanie. What do you think of her?'

Julian has obviously done this before. I stand obediently while he checksme out. He squeezes my breasts, pats my bottom, runs his hands down my thighs,and then feels quickly between my legs. I wait for his verdict. It is not quitewhat I am expecting.

'Very choice, Wanda. I think she will go down a treat.'

'By the way, Julian, A girl called Mandy is with Gilbert. She will be readyin a few minutes. Will you take her straight into the Ring? I will be downas soon as Stephanie is ready. Tell her I won't be long.'

When Julian goes we are alone. I am curious to see what is happening outthose windows. Obviously this is some sort of viewing gallery overlooking anarena down below. I am curious to know why Wanda called it the Ring. Wandaputs her arm around my shoulder, and we step right in to the middle alcove.

'This one gives the best view. What do you think?'

I approach the window. There is a thick, padded bar just below waist-height.It is comfortable to lean on. Below, through the window, all I can see is astone floor with a few odd-looking posts dotted around. Judging by the ropesI can see attached to some of the posts, they are used for some kind of bondagegame. This is getting more exciting by the minute.

Wanda caresses my bottom. I stand with my legs a little apart. I feel wonderfullyrelaxed already. She begins to caress me gently between my legs with her fingers.Suddenly there is a firm tug at my pussy ring. I look down over the paddedbar. A leather thong stretches from my seamless pussy ring to a thick horizontalsteel bar, that crosses the floor length window below the padded bar. The thongdisappears through a smoothly rounded hole in the middle of the rigid steelbar.

I don't think I can release myself even if she releases my hands. If I fightthe tension, it yields a little, but the moment I stop it reels me in so tightlythat I can barely move. There is obviously some kind of mechanism hidden inthe bar. I am enjoying myself. There is only one thing better than a good fuck,and that is a delightful surprise like this.

'Oooooh, Wanda! This is super,' I tell her brightly.

'I'm glad you like it. Here, let me make you more comfortable!'

There is not a lot I can do except cooperate, as she pulls each of my anklesto the side and attaches my cuff-rings to shackles wide apart, on either sideof the alcove. My pussy lips are stretched open. My moist inner lips are exposedto the coolness of the air.

Two golden chains with beautifully worked links hang from a slender bar thatcrosses the window. They look much too short to reach my nipple rings, whichis a pity. I am sure they would feel sensational. Wanda plays with my nipplesuntil I think they are going to explode. She pulls one of my nipple rings upwardsuntil my breast is stretched into a taut cone. I am surprised to discover thatthe chain is now just long enough. I wriggle as she clips the chain deftlyto my nipple ring. Now my breast is stretched upwards by the chain. A momentlater my other breast is also impossibly stretched. I am flushed with excitement.Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. Wanda kisses me again, asif she is pleased with my obedience. I am not yet sure what all this means,but it is super fun.

One by one she releases my wrists. I pretend to resist as she clips my cuffsto rings set wide apart in the wall on either side of the window. When shehas finished she takes the gag from my belt and forces the soft rubber ballinto my mouth. I feel the straps tighten around my neck. I am silenced. Myheartbeat quickens. Suddenly I have a lot of questions to ask. I look imploringlyat Wanda. She grins as if to say, tough!

I have an excellent view of the arena. Stone walls about twelve feet highsurround a circular open space, where there are tall posts fitted with ropes,shorter posts with smooth round tops, horizontal bars and frames. Heavy ringsare set into the floor by each piece of apparatus. Outside the central area,passages lead to a smaller enclosure, which holds a number of giant lizard-likebeasts. Fortunately their enclosure has a very strong looking, and heavilybarred gate.

I feel a gentle, insistent vibration from the thong. It is doing indescribablethings to my clitoris. However I move it carries on relentlessly. I feel likea finely tuned violin being played by an expert musician. At any moment I willexplode with sensation. The more I fight it, the more intense it becomes.

A door opens below. Mandy enters the arena and wanders around curiously.She even looks up at me. In my present condition she can be forgiven for notrecognising me. The new rings in her nipples are larger than mine and lookvery pretty indeed, but there is no sign of a new ring between her legs.

I hear a noise behind us, and turn my head. Julian has returned. He watchesapprovingly as Wanda begins to caress me again. I tingle all over. Wanda caressesthe tips of my elongated nipples by circling them with her fingernails. I canhardly contain myself. I am sure my nipples will burst, if she carries on likethis.

'That young woman is ready for you in the Ring, Wanda,' Julian tells her.

'OK, we had better not leave her alone too long,' she answers. 'I will leavemy outfit up here.'

Julian is obviously enjoying a few private thoughts as Wanda removes herbright red bikini. I can imagine what they are. I strain my head around towatch as she reveals the secrets she was so shy to reveal to the other guests.She has a generously curved figure, with lovely rounded breasts. A thick peltof natural flaxen hair conceals a delightfully neat slit, with prettily plumplips. From this awkward angle I cannot tell if there is a ring hidden somewheredown there. Her pert bottom is as tempting as her long shapely legs, and herclear blue eyes. Her bright, red-tipped nipples are obviously well perforated,and studded with expensive looking jewels, but I am surprised to see that sheis not wearing any rings.

She whispers quietly in my ear.

'Be still, Stephanie. Don't worry, you are not going to miss anything. Justwatch carefully!'

Wearing only her boots she strides to the door and disappears down the stairs.Moments later she emerges to join Mandy in the arena. She whispers somethingto Mandy and they both start laughing, waving up at me. I am not exactly ina position to respond, but I wriggle anyway.

Julian is behind me. The gentle vibration at my clitoris has brought me toa breathless quivering. My pussy is dripping wet. I want him to fuck me, buthe has other ideas, or perhaps even orders. I hear a swish. Pain streaks acrossthe tender underside of my bottom cheeks. The cane burns deep. I wriggle helplessly.The pain is excruciating, overwhelming the sensations of pleasure that hadbegun to course through me.

Wanda begins to chase Mandy playfully around the circular arena. Mandy isquick. She even has time to do handstands and cartwheels. I catch excitingglimpses of her prettily shaven slit, before she escapes just ahead of Wanda.But Wanda is gaining. It seems inevitable that she will soon catch up withMandy, who is doing her best to be elusive. From time to time she grins upat me, and I know they are putting on a show for my benefit. It looks likeinnocent fun. The closer Wanda gets to Mandy the more excited they get. I ambeginning to wonder what Wanda will do after she catches her. When Wanda herselfturns a cartwheel I notice a hint of gold between her legs. With her legs wideapart, I can see a thick gold barbell through the ridge of her clitoris, exactlywhere I have my own piercing. So that is her secret, I reflect as I watch theirplayful game. I cannot imagine why she is so reticent about displaying therings that obviously excite her so much.

Julian continues with casual, well-spaced strokes of the cane. I forget thatmy legs are parted, until he flicks it accurately up into my vulva. My screamsare muffled by the ball gag that distends my mouth. So this is why Wanda gaggedme! He does it again and again, with a methodical indifference. I contort withpain, but the heat brings rushes of pleasure. I know there is nothing I cando to make him stop. Oh no! I feel myself coming! Ah! I tear wildly at thechains as explosions of pleasure convulse me, but that only makes it worse.My nipples hurt dreadfully. The slightest touch from Julian will set me offagain. But for the moment he is showing no inclination to attend to me anyfurther.

In my distraction I have paid no attention to what is happening in the arenadown below. When I recover my breath I see that Wanda has caught up with Mandy,who is leaning against one of the posts, obviously exhausted. She makes littleeffort to resist when Wanda crosses her wrists behind her back and ties themtogether tightly with a rope. Mandy loves to be tied. We have often playedWanda's games together. I am a little jealous, wondering what novel form ofexcitement Wanda has dreamed up this time. Mandy's fingers twitch as she testsher bonds. She soon discovers that the rope from her wrists has been passedaround the post. She tugs it tentatively at first, then more violently. I smileat her futile efforts. Wanda is no novice at this kind of thing. Mandy is notgoing anywhere. Her ringed nipples are standing up prettily. I see the wetnessin her slit. This is as exciting for me as for her.

'Damn it, Wanda, let me go!' she demands unconvincingly. Wanda just grins,as she plays with her lovely prisoner. She looks very pleased with herself.

'Oooooh! Aaaaah!' I hear from Mandy as she is teased mercilessly by her captor,who knows exactly how to excite a naked girl.

I feel the tingling sweetness grow again between my own legs. Wanda looksup at me with a conspiratorial smile. She is busy preparing a rope that emergesfrom a hole in the front of the post above Mandy's head. It looks like a noose.She drops it quickly over Mandy's neck, tugs until it is firmly in place thenpulls it tight from behind the post. The rope pulls Mandy upright, and thenup onto her toes. The more she struggles, the tighter it gets. Her protestsare quickly silenced. Wanda fastens the rope to a ring behind the post. Sheexplores Mandy's dripping slit with knowing fingers, and teases her ringednipples until she is wriggling with pleasure. I am fascinated. This does notlook like any bondage game I have seen before. No wonder she keeps this scenelocked away from the other guests.

Wanda leaves her captive through a small side door that I had not noticedbefore. Outside the animal enclosure, she presses a lever to open the gate,and disappears inside. I watch, fascinated as she emerges leading one of thebeasts. Now I can see it better. It is obviously very friendly with Wanda,judging from the way it is slobbering all over her. It is probably fifteenfeet long, including the tail, and it stands about eight feet high. It is avery ugly beast, with large warty lumps all over its hide. I am fascinatedby its jaws and its big, baleful eyes. In ancient times they might have calledit a dragon. The head is something like a cross between a very ugly horse anda crocodile, with teeth the length of Wanda's fingers. They look very sharpindeed. I wonder what those creatures eat. I have a peculiar feeling in mystomach. Wanda leads the beast into the arena, and attaches its chain to aheavy ring bolt in the floor, right by the helpless girl.

'Try not to wiggle too much, Mandy darling,' Wanda says while her wickedfingers are busy testing Mandy's wetness. 'It gives Bootsie indigestion.' Withthat she retreats to a safer distance.

I am open-mouthed, as the beast slurps all over the tethered girl. Mandyis as helpless as a girl can be. It seems that Bootsie likes the taste of Girl.I can guess what is going to happen next. He looks hungry. I have a horriblefeeling that this is the last I am going to see of Mandy. The tears run downmy cheeks. His jaws close over a delectable breast. He munches contentedly.I watch in horrified fascination, scarcely believing that Wanda could let himdo such a terrible thing to a girl.

Wanda reappears behind me while I am transfixed by the spectacle below. Bootsieis amazingly dexterous with his giant claws. Easily, effortlessly he has justtwisted off one of her legs and tossed it to the ground. Tears are runningdown my friend's cheeks, I watch in horror as Mandy's other leg and her armsjoin the grisly pile. Now he is noisily chewing on one of her lovely legs.It is a rather messy scene. My stomach revolts. Wanda has arranged herselfcomfortably on a bench, with her head facing up between my legs. She strokesthe soft juicy flesh of my slit with a delicious sensitivity. I realise witha shock that her fingers are wet with Mandy's juices. It seems like a betrayalto be caressed with my friend's juices while I watch her being dismemberedand eaten. Wanda's fingers slip into my wet vulva. She teases my clitoris withher tongue. I dare not admit how much I am excited by the horrible scene below.I close my eyes for a long heady moment, overwhelmed by my excitement and Wanda'sexpert caresses.

'So, my lovely prisoner, are you enjoying yourself?' she asks as she pausesfor a moment. 'It's exciting, isn't it!' Gagged, I am in no position to reply.Perhaps that is just as well. I wriggle as she chatters on. I try not to thinkof the casual way Bootsie chewed off Mandy's breasts, while the poor girl lookeddown with horror. I think she fainted after that. I was rather distracted atthe time. Now he has almost finished with Mandy. I remember the fun we hadtogether. Now the only reminder of her beauty is a pair of golden rings discardedin a pool of blood, and a heap of well chewed bones.

'Girls usually find it exciting to watch,' Wanda confides. 'It is so mucheasier for us when it turns them on. Sometimes one of the girls asks me torope her to one of those posts down there, just to see what it feels like.'

Between sentences, her tongue is doing indescribable things to my throbbingclitoris, while her hands hold my buttocks tightly. Those wicked chains arestretching my nipples painfully, but I know there is no way they will tearloose. All the same, the tiniest movement is unbearably distracting as Wandabrings my helplessly tingling body to another climax.

'It is so much easier to get a girl ready, if she thinks it is all just anexciting game. They never believe it is going to happen to them, until it ismuch too late to make any difference. They are so trusting, sometimes I feelalmost guilty about fooling them like that.'

Wanda's tongue is busy again between my legs. She pulls me back until thethong is stretched taut to my pussy ring. My clitoris explodes with sensation.It is infuriating to be so helpless while she teases me like this. It is impossibleto concentrate on what she is saying.

'But a beautifully ringed girl like you is never any problem to handle, darling.Julian will just ....' She hesitates for a moment. 'Let's leave it as a surprise.It will be more exciting that way.'

My heart thumps madly. I have an awful premonition. This has all gotten terriblyout of control. With my mouth stuffed with rubber it doesn't matter how persuasiveI am, and suddenly I realise why she has done it. She has probably convincedherself that I am actually enjoying all this, and I am horribly aware thatshe is right. I am terribly excited, in spite of myself. Her persistent, teasingtongue is having its inevitable effect. My orgasm comes in a violent seriesof exhausting convulsions. Wanda grips my heaving hips while her tongue continuesto tease my spasming clitoris. She is devilishly skilful. I explode again,overwhelmed with pleasure. This is impossible. I know there is no way I amgoing to get out of this.

'Well, dear, I must leave you for a while. We are always so busy at feedingtimes. Julian will take care of you while I am gone.'

Her fingers give my pussy a parting caress. I am glowing with pleasure. Mybody is responding as if I want her to do it again. I cannot help it. WhatI really want is a good fucking, but punishment seems to be more Julian's style.I wonder if he is gay. That would be a waste of a beautiful body. I expectI am out of luck. I wriggle in my bonds after I am left alone. Julian is nowhereto be seen.

Down below two attendants are busy replacing the messy, half-chewed ropeson the post with new ones, while others remove Mandy's bones. One of them musthave taken Bootsie back to the enclosure while I was distracted by Wanda'scaresses. After a powerful hose has cleaned the floor, there is no sign ofthe horror that has just taken place down there. I wonder if it was all inmy imagination.

To my surprise Julian has returned with Wanda. He is laughing, and I cansee why. He has taken her to Gilbert, and now she is wearing a perfect setof beautifully welded slave rings, just like mine. I can tell by her face thatit was not exactly her own idea. She is also wearing a pair of thick leathercuffs, and her boots have been replaced with ankle cuffs. She looks no differentfrom any of the other luscious slaves at the party. That thought rather pleasesme.

'But Julian, we were supposed to fetch Sandra from Gilbert. Look what youmade him do to me!'

I wish I could tell Wanda how much I am enjoying her discomfiture.

'My dear, you look stunning. I know you have always wanted someone to dothat for you. After all, I know you have been ready for it for months, anddon't worry, Sandra is already down there.'

Down below the unfortunate Sandra has appeared in the arena, escorted bythe two attendants who prepared the ropes earlier. One of them encourages herwith accurate flicks of his cane across her bare bottom. He manoeuvres hertowards one of the posts. When she turns to face the gallery with her backto the post I notice that the bar that previously linked her nipples is gone.She has evidently made a visit to Gilbert, and now she is also wearing ringsexactly like Wanda's and mine. One of the attendants has gone to fetch anotherbeast from the enclosure. My heart is pounding. It is going to happen all overagain. I wonder how many girls those beast 'process' every day. There are alot of them to feed. I tremble at the thought of being in Sandra's place whilethe cheerful attendants secure her wrists, and noose her to the post.

In the window next to mine, Julian is standing right behind Wanda as theywatch the scene below. He strokes her arms just as she stroked mine earlierin the evening, but Wanda is not taking him seriously. Quickly he lifts herwrist cuffs, and before she realises what he is doing he has hooked them tothe wall rings on either side.

'Julian! Let me go! Do you hear! Don't you dare treat me like this!'

All this is music to my ears. He evades her desperately kicking feet, andgrabs her ankles one by one to secure them to the wall, wide apart. After thathe forces a large ball gag into her mouth. He tightens the straps around herneck, and secures the straps with a small padlock. Now her indignant protestsare silenced. He stretches her nipples upwards and hooks her rings onto thechains dangling from above the window. I know exactly what he is doing betweenher legs, stretching the thong to attach it to her clitoris ring. She is squirmingwildly. I am thoroughly enjoying myself now, except for the sight of poor Sandradown below. She has just seen the dreadful beast that has been released inthe arena, and her eyes are popping out of her head with fright, but the ropeis so tight round her neck that she can hardly breathe, let alone protest.The Ring is silent apart from the shuffling movements and noisy breath of thebeast.

In spite of Wanda's gag I can hear her moan as Julian's whip lashes her tenderbottom with merciless severity. I turn my head to watch. It is a mistake. Amoment later he repays my curiosity with a vicious snap of his whip, rightinto the tender flesh of my own pussy. It is awful. I learn my lesson. Afterthat I can only hear the swish and crack of her punishment, but I am sure thathe is not forgetting her tender pussy flesh, or her lovely breasts. I cannothelp being fascinated by Sandra's gory dismemberment in the arena, but I expectWanda is drinking in every minute of it, knowing her. Those beasts are certainlyefficient. I am amazed by the way they strip a girl's torso of flesh with theirlong, obviously razor-sharp tongues. It would not surprise me if they weregenetically engineered specially for the job.

It does surprise me when Julian releases Wanda. By then Sandra's ordeal isthankfully over. Wanda cannot keep still. First she rubs her bottom, and thenshe tries to unfasten her gag. Julian smiles at her.

'So now you know how it feels. You make a beautiful slave, young Mistress,but for now I think I will let you keep that gag.'

Wanda absently rotates the perfectly welded ring in her left nipple, glaringfiercely at him. There is nothing she can do about it, and I am certainly notin any position to help. The wetness glistens in her slit. She is hot for something,and I can't wait to see what it is.

'Why don't you go help clear up after Sandra, while I attend to Stephanie.We won't be long.'

Wanda gives me a peculiar look, and shakes her head. Something is botheringher, but I can't work out what it is. Julian is amused by her reluctance.

'Now don't be silly,' he says, playfully flicking his whip up into her pussy.She makes a muffled noise through the gag. His next flick curls neatly roundher right nipple ring and tugs at it painfully. Her hands go up instinctivelyas the whip cuts viciously into her pussy with a loud 'Sssssshpt!' She triesto run but Julian flicks the whip expertly up into her pussy from behind. Sheruns awkwardly for the stairs, as the unaccustomed weight of her pussy ringtugs between her legs. Her whole body is striped from head to foot, and I canimagine the way her pussy feels after those vicious cuts.

I watch her emerge into the arena. She begins to clear up he remains of thelast beast's meal. He was a very messy eater. She tosses the bones into a largehole in the ground behind one of the posts, and gets busy with the hose. Soonthere is no trace of the unfortunate Sandra. She looks up with an apologeticshrug, as if she is sorry to keep me waiting. Behind her the ropes on Sandra'spost have been carefully replaced by the attendants. I can see the point. Ifthey left messy, half-chewed ropes lying around, it would make it far too obviousthat the next player is to be a victim. They would never have fooled Mandywith bloody ropes lying around. But nobody will be trying to fool me, afterwhat I have seen. I wonder if there are more girls waiting outside that door.Julian could probably tell me, but I am in no position to ask him.

Wanda seems to have forgotten the attendants, who have finished their task.Oddly it seems that they have only just noticed her. First they look at thepost they have just prepared, then at Wanda. I have an awful premonition asone of them begins to circle around behind her, and after that he stays betweenher and the exit. Wanda begins to run. She must think they want to have a bitof innocent fun with her. She will not let them catch her as easily as that.Obviously she is the only one who has not yet worked out what is really happening,but of course, she has never been the victim before now.

It dawns on me why she was so upset when Julian replaced her jewelled studswith welded rings just like everybody else's. Previously she looked so differentthat nobody could have mistaken her for a guest. Now, nude and gagged, shelooks very much like any other girl. The guards probably think that she hasjust been delivered to the arena for disposal, covered in weals from a severewhipping, and gagged to muffle her protests. Her disguise is absolutely perfect.The irony appeals to me. I wonder what they will do when they discover theirmistake. By then it will probably be too late for my sadistic young friend.

She is finding out just how distracting it is to run with a ring tuggingat her clitoris hood. By the look of that ring, Gilbert must have added someextra weight, and the way her breasts are bouncing must be almost as awkward.I can see why she had such an obvious advantage when she was wearing that smallbarbell in her clitoris hood. The attendants seem to know why she is dodgingthem so awkwardly, and they are making sure that she doesn't stop before theconstant titillation has its inevitable effect.

Julian is behind me. He is stroking me, willing me to climax again. His fingersslip into my pussy and lights are beginning to flash in my head. I cannot evadehis caresses, no matter how I move. One of his fingers pushes deeper into myslit and rubs gently against the tender tip of my clitoris. Wanda has cometo a stop, convulsing helplessly with pleasure. Those rings have finally givenher a lesson in female vulnerability. She is far too distracted to resist asthe attendants close in and grip her arms firmly. They carry her, still shaking,to the nearest post. Her kicking legs are a trivial annoyance as they bindher wrists tightly together behind her back. When they link her elbows herbreasts thrust marvellously. One of the men whispers something in her ear andshe calms for a moment. Her nipples are getting engorged, as she contemplatesher awful fate. Her juices drip from the heavy golden ring that swings betweenher legs. They lower the noose over her head. She knows what is coming. Desperatelyshe rises onto her toes but when they tighten the noose it tugs her even higher.Now she can scarcely breathe. She is much too distracted to notice when oneof them leaves to collect one of the giant beasts. The rope is tightly securedbehind the post. She is gasping for air when they finally unlock and removeher gag, but they still seem to have no idea who it is that they have preparedto be the beast's next victim.

I am shuddering in spasms of my own, when I feel something smooth and hardpushing up into my vulva. Julian is busy screwing a thick dildo shaft up intomy body. I squirm desperately as my pleasure grows, but I can't stop my convulsionsof pleasure as he excites me even more with smooth deliberate strokes of hiswhip across my bottom. Every movement I make tugs at the tenderest parts ofme, but now I am wriggling with my pussy stretched by a slippery smooth dildoshaft. Casually Julian flicks the tip of his whip around my breasts, expertlyfinding the tender bases of my painfully stretched nipples.

The beast shuffles towards Wanda. I watch, fascinated. Slowly he licks betweenher legs. I can feel her horrified excitement. Her whole body shudders in ahelpless paroxysm. His jaws snap over one of her breasts, and it is gone. Hespits out the ring. Blood pours down her chest. In a moment there are two gapinghollows where her lovely breasts had been. Tears run down her face. She looksup to the window. She knows it will be her last spectacular performance.

Giant claws grip her ankles. She knows what is coming, but there is no escapefrom his awesome strength. With apparent ease he lifts one of her legs, twistsit round until it is dislocated, wrenches it free and tosses it to the ground.Her other leg follows as quickly as the first. The rope cuts deep into Wanda'sthroat. She has closed her eyes.

I wriggle helplessly, and the movement excites me. It is bad enough to seethe ruin of Wanda's beauty, and remember her expert attentions between my thighswhile the beast casually dismembered my friend Mandy. Now I am forced to squirmwith a thick dildo shaft filling my pussy, and a whip tormenting my tenderbottom. Julian soon has me convulsing with pleasure. Pussy juices run downthe dildo shaft as I collapse, wracked with conflicting sensations, exhaustedby the ordeal.

One by one Wanda's arms are tossed to join the pile of dismembered parts.Her torso is hanging from the noose. With a quick flick the beast turns her,and munches contentedly on what is left of her shapely buttocks. I cannot bearto watch, but fascination keeps my attention. Once her head is gone there islittle that resembles Wanda. All too soon the beast is resting, with well chewedbones all around him, panting contentedly. Bile fills my throat. I shiver withhorror. At least Julian has left me alone, but I am still ensconced on thegiant dildo shaft. I dare not move or I will climax again.

'So here you are,' Ian says from behind. 'I wondered where you had got to.This is not a show for the faint-hearted, is it!'

Kim's bottom is as well striped as mine. She gasps as Ian flicks the thongsof his whip casually up at her cheeks. Stylishly and obediently she steps forwardinto an alcove. She must be wondering what is going on down there. Ian timedit well. A few moments earlier and she would have seen the whole thing. Therewill be another victim down there soon enough, and it will probably be me.Ian reaches under her bottom to stroke her pussy. Kim smiles with pleasure,until something tugs at her pussy ring. She pulls back in surprise, but thethong holds her firm. No matter how much she wriggles and tugs, she cannotfree herself. Ian quickly fixes her wrists. Kim gasps as he suspends her nipplerings from the golden hooked chains. She is a pretty captive. Her nipple chainsare a little longer than mine, and they look a lot more comfortable. It isnot fair at all.

'Hi, Stephanie! Sorry to keep you waiting!'

It is the moment I have been dreading. Julian is back. He wastes no time,reaching down between my legs to release the dildo shaft. It sinks back intothe floor. I am trembling with terror while he gives my shoulders a friendlypat, and strokes my arms. I can feel his strength. Suddenly I am weak at theknees. He detaches my wrists and effortlessly clips them together again behindmy back. I wish I had not taken so much trouble to make my cuffs escape-proof.Those braided steel reinforcements are serious overkill. When he detaches thechains from my nipples it is an incredible relief. Then he frees my ankles,but I am still held firm by the thong attached to my pussy ring. He is notin any hurry to release the thong. When he straps my elbows together, my breaststhrust beautifully, unnaturally. My protests are completely muffled by my gag.I feel his hand busy between my legs. Once my pussy ring is released I feelas if I am free, but all I can do is tremble. Even if I got away from him,I would never manage to open that door with my wrists bound together behindmy back. Julian is smiling. He is holding a long pole with a kind of hookedprod thing on the end. I wonder what he intends to do with it. FortunatelyKim is looking the other way, but Ian is watching curiously, as if he has neverseen anything like this before. Suddenly I remember Wanda's mysterious remark,something about girls like me not being any trouble. I have a sinking feelingin my stomach. Why is he holding that peculiar pole so low?

He moves the pole towards me, incredibly fast, and with an expert twist andtug he snaps its rubbery hooked tip onto my pussy ring, and pulls me forward.The finality of it makes my heart beat wildly. With his pole attached to mydeeply embedded ring he can heave me as hard as he likes, and I know I willgo exactly where he moves me. Julian knows exactly how to handle a girl allright, irrespective of her own feelings in the matter, I reflect ruefully.

Belatedly I understand why a ringed girl is 'never any problem'. My clitorisexplodes with pleasure at every tiny movement of his wickedly hooked pole.With my arms clipped behind my back I can barely keep my balance as I stumbleforward, step by step. It is impossible to think, while I am kept so closeto an orgasm by the repetitive tugs of the pole. I thought rings were a fantasy,an illusion to make a girl seem excitingly vulnerable. Now I know what theyreally mean. It is blindingly obvious to anyone who has tried it for herself.A girl cannot help being docile and obedient, when she is led by a pole hookedto her pussy ring. She is incredibly easy to control. The first time I triedto resist, the orgasm was so powerful I almost fell. Julian ignored it completely.He just carried on heaving me forward while I was hardly aware of where myfeet were taking me. I have never felt so helpless. By the time we are halfwayacross the gallery I realise that he is really enjoying himself. The more ithurts me, the more he likes it.

I spasm repeatedly as he tugs me roughly down the stairs and across the arena.Pleasure explodes so violently between my legs that I can hardly think clearly.He is making sure of that. The feeding post is ready, and the two attendantsare there to help him. They take the pole and hold me still in front of thepost until the rope has been tightened around my neck. Now I can hardly breathe.

I look up at the viewing window. Ian and Kim are watching. I have a fineview up her pouting slit. She has class all right. The thong is tugging ather pussy ring. Ian's fingers stroke her gently where she is most sensitive.Kim is beautifully, temptingly ringed, and excitingly helpless but she cannothave the slightest idea how easy she will be. In spite of my position I amenjoying the thought that Kim will be next. My only regret is missing the lookon her face when the awful reality of her fate dawns on her.

The beast snuffles as he shambles towards me. His baleful eyes inspect mytender body. My pussy is not going to help me now. His tongue rasps betweenmy legs. There is nothing I can do as his cavernous jaws close over my breast.His mouth is cold. I feel no pain. There is blood where my lovely breast juttedso proudly, and my ribs are exposed. He watches me, chewing noisily. Casuallyhe spits out the ring that hung from my lovely nipple. I have one breast now,and he leans down to that tasty morsel. His teeth bite into my soft flesh andit is gone.

Kim is flushed with excitement at my predicament. The pleasure is makingher gasp and twist as the spasms come. Perhaps Ian is helping. I can see herbreasts bobbing. I hope her nipples hurt when they jerk at the chains. I tryto imagine Kim being helplessly tugged down into the arena by Julian, withthat long, wickedly hooked pole. She is enjoying a preview of her own terriblefate, but she cannot possibly realise that yet. Even after they took WandaI didn't believe that this was really going to happen to me.

The beast spits out my second, bright golden nipple ring. Tears run downmy cheeks, as I contemplate the evidence that my proud beauty is gone forever.My lovely breasts are already consumed by that terrible beast, but I know theworst is still to come. That awful thought brings another explosion of sweetpleasure between my legs, and a familiar tingling, as if my nipples are respondingtoo. I am resigned to my awful fate. At least a girl has some consolation fromthe sweet hidden delights between her legs.

The beast lifts my leg to the side with the practised movement I have seenbefore. There is no pause. He twists, and my hips are on fire. I feel a tug.There is an awful tearing sound as he wrenches my leg free, and casually tossesit to the ground. It was a pretty leg, long and shapely. It is extraordinaryto see my own leg lying bloody on the ground, while I am being dismantled socasually by a terrible monster. I stand awkwardly, trying to keep my balance.I cannot believe that I can be still alive, and in such pain.

His thick bony thumb rips deep into my cunt as his claws grip my buttocksto hold my torso steady. Casually he pulls my remaining leg up. I feel a burningpain as he twists to loosen it, then just a tug as he pulls it free. My weightis on his horny claw and I hear that horrible tearing sound again as he tugsmy leg free from my quivering body and tosses it casually onto the pile. Ashe removes his thumb it saws dreadfully up between my lips and he tears myclitoris ring away with a small but precious lump of flesh, waving it in frontof my face and I cannot feel anything between my legs any more. I cannot bearto see my dismembered limbs, lying there as if abandoned.

His sharp claws tear at my arms and my bonds are gone. He twists my armseasily free, one by one, and tosses them onto the growing pile. His teeth closeover my head and there is a coldness around my neck. It is dark, but suddenlyI feel a miraculous lightness. The pain is dissipating. I am above my bodynow, curiously watching the beast at work. But it is only flesh and I don'tneed it any more.


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Mothers Day Surprise

Mother's Day Surprise By Princess Pantyboy Today was just like most days I came home from daycare, and I was sitting in my room playing with my toys and stuff. I go to daycare because my mommy works full time, and I am only 5 years old. Usually boys and girls my age would already be in daycare but I have a small issue with potty training. You could say I have accidents once in a while. Okay to be honest I have a lot of accidents and I don't even realize I have to go potty until I am...

3 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

While attending a party, man meets a woman dressed as a dominatrix...but is it just a costume?Halloween Surprise.Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for k**s. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot...

2 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce....

3 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for kids. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot looking moms. Not that I would ever even consider using a kid's costume as a conversation starter just to make way...

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Anniversary Surprise

“I have a surprise for you today on our anniversary. I have booked a romantic weekend in this wonderful hotel where we can explore some of our sexual desires.” “Oh, my I think I mad you hard by just the thought of that.” “As you can see, I have even spent to time to decorate the room for our adventurous romantic interlude. “ “I see this really turns you on because you are rubbing your hard cock through your pants.” “I can tell you are excited by your hard on but are you ready for this sexual...

4 years ago
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What A Surprise

When Marcus was hit and killed by a drunk driver it broke both Elise and myself, we found comfort in different things with me throwing myself into my work while Elise started drinking heavily, I could understand why she was doing it but I hated seeing her drinking her life away because I knew that Marcus wouldn’t have wanted this. I confronted about her excessive drinking a few months after Marcus’s death but when I did she had broken down in tears and told me that the only person she felt...

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Birthday Surprise

On the day of her eighteenth birthday, Tori Vega awoke to darkness.She frowned, slowly bubbling to consciousness, raising a hand to swat at the material covering her eyes, only to realise her other hand was jerked up with it. Tori lay still for a moment, mind working. She flexed her wrists, silky material twisting over them. So she was blindfolded. And bound. She knew that much. Maybe this was some kind of birthday prank or something. Or a surprise. She didn't put it past her friends to do...

5 years ago
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Daves Birthday Surprise

In late summer of ’09, we were on holiday at a fabulous resort. A soft breeze blew across my naked body as I lay on the beach. It was not really enough to cool the hot rays of the sun but it was refreshing. I loved the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. That’s one of the reasons Dave and I love the clothing optional beaches and resorts that we often visit. I also love them because I truly enjoy having men looking at me while I’m parading around naked. It’s arousing for me to know they are...

Straight Sex
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Part II really don't know where to start in describing this. It all happened so fast – well, sort of. Things happened slowly, but when the threesome happened, that's when it really picked up speed. I guess the best way is to tell you a little bit about myself and the things that happened to me over the past few years.I was married when I was 21 because I was pregnant. It was a lousy marriage, but what could I do? After ten years, my husband left me. I admit it, I had let myself go, but in a...

3 years ago
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Weekend of Surprises

I listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...

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Whatsapp Orgy With Friends

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...

3 years ago
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WhatsApp Se Neha Ki Chut Tak

Note- ye meri pehli story hai so pls jo bhi galitiyan ya spelling mistek hoo unhe toda ignore kare. Ye real story hai and maine sari cheje ussi order mai likhi hai jaisse hui hai. Sari batey to nahi likh paya warna story jayada lambi hoo jati par main main points likhe ha. Aasha karta hoon apko pasand aayegi. Hey guys’ mera naam advik hai and meri age 20 yrs hai. Main abhi studies kar raha hoon. Ye story meri aur meri ex-girlfriend ki hai ki kaisse pahle hum dost bane fir humney sex kiya aur...

3 years ago
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Whatsapp Orgy With Friends

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...

4 years ago
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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 7 Futa Girls Big Surprises

Chapter Seven: Futa Girl's Big Surprises By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Britney Meyers Being a futa was a life-changing experience. The last three weeks had been insanely hot. “Oh, my god, Mrs. Thompson,” I moaned as my math professor bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my girl-dick. I was seated on her desk, classes were out. I had to “stay behind” to do some makeup work. The greedy teacher was just hungry to...

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My chance had arrived. I knew you would be alone and just so happened I was able to get away at that same time. It was going to be difficult to plan but no obstacle was about to stop me from my quest. I had to make all my travel and transportation arrangements and just hope you or your wife did not change any plans. This was going to be risky but I was more than willing to take a huge chance to finally get my hands on you. My mind was racing through all the little details I wanted to make...

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Babys Surprise

Baby's SurpriseAfter a long hard Stressfull month at work I came home Friday and Lisa was not home and had left a note(Hey Baby unwind and take a shower I left somethings on the bed for you wink wink, See you in an hour xoxo Lisa)I sit down turn on the stereo and get loaded, I get up and go to start the shower and take a shower and shaveall over and clean out. Lisa's wink wink is a hint to shave and clean out back there she wants to play.Back Story 10 years ago Lisa and I ventured into...

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Delivery Surprise

Delivery surprise I had just completed a great new fantasy story called Tropical surprise. It was about a trip I had taken to a pacific island and while in a bar on the first night had met Cleo who took me back to her place and introduced me to the world of trannys. The next day when she went to work her 3 room mates continued my introduction all at the same time. I really wanted to get it to Cleo so she could read it before our next encounter so I decided to drop it off at her...

3 years ago
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The Big Birthday Surprise

The big day had arrived, my fortieth birthday, I was lying in bed enjoying the thought of not having to go to work, it being Saturday. How could I be so lucky to have it land on a Saturday. I'm Sandra Jennings, My husband of sixteen years, Jimmie Jennings, had just gotten up to go make coffee. I laid there thinking what it was he was going to surprise me with. All he would divulge was, it was going to be a big surprise. Jimmie had turned forty seven his last birthday and after being married...

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Girlfriend8217s Big Ass Surprise

Mera naam manu hai .Mein vaishali ka rehne wala hun.Meri age 20 saal hai. Meri height 5’9″ hai mere lund ka size 6 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi indrapuram,noida,vaishali, vasundhara ya koi aur jagah ki agr mujhse chudwana chahti ho to mujhe email kr skti hai aur email mein apna contact number bhej de, main uski id pe rply krdnga ya usse call krke baat kr lnga. Main 12th class se iss padh rha hun. Yahan pr maine bahut saari stories padhi hain. Aaj main yahan pr apni real...

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I knew your wife was going out of town to visit relatives. Damn I have wanted you for so very long. I wanted to do all the things to you that I knew she never ever would. All your fantasies I will make come true in a big way. Chatting with you for months made a huge lust grow deep inside me for you. Seemed you enticed me at every turn. You are just so sexy and hotter than any man I know. The lack of privacy made hooking up very difficult and I wanted more than just words though I loved...

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Mom I Cant Help Myself 4 Surprises

Mom! I Can't Help Myself - Surprises By Jennifer Allison Chapter 4 - Dearest Mother: It's Friday already. This last week has gone by so fast that I can hardly believe it. To me it is still Monday morning and I just left Miss Lynne's office for the first time. I want to thank you again for this wonderful surprise. I never dreamt that being a girl could be so much fun, and work at the same time. School is tough, I mean the instructors are strict but with a gentle...

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"Where are we going?" I asked, staring out the window into the cloudy skies. Tyler had made me put on a short skirt and no panties before we left the house. I wasn't sure what he had in mind for the day but I was a bit bored. I was also horny but all of my sexual advances had been rebuffed by him. I was confused as to why he would tell me to put on a skirt with no underwear and then not fuck me. I was frustrated."It's a surprise!" he said with excitement. "Try to at least look a little bit...

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I parked my little car in the tree-lined suburban street, took the folder of papers from the passenger seat beside me, walked up to the front door of the well-kept detached house and rang the bell, hearing its chimes echo distantly inside. After a moment I saw, outlined indistinctly through the frosted glass panel, the shape of a woman approaching. However, when the door swung open I was surprised to find that this was not my boss, but a complete stranger. For a moment, I wondered if I...

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Alice and Amanda 5 Surprises

Alice & Amanda 5: Surprises by Alina AamuStorycodes: F/f, bond, gags, cuffs, cons, XI felt a little jolt of excitement going trough my body as I reminded myself that I was once again comfortably tied up. I tried to pull my hands apart, but the attempt was doomed as the soft rope tying my wrists firmly together didn't give way. Amanda clearly noticed my attempt and put her arm snugly around me. She leaned to me slightly as we continued to watch television.And that was all that we were doing....

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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 3 Surprises

Not wanting to prolong her waiting much longer, I fixed two bowls of cereal that we both liked, which we wolfed down in record time. She sure was anxious to get that surprise from me. "Okay, I guess it's time for your surprise so let's go," I told her. I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, setting her on the edge of the bed with her legs hanging over the edge. I pushed her shoulders back onto the bed and told her, "Just relax and enjoy." I sat on the bed next to her, placing...

2 years ago
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The Surprise

He said he had a surprise for her, and that she should dress nice. That was all. So Meg slips into a white halter dress, black tights, and cute heels before pulling on a huge coat and stepping outside of her apartment.It's the middle of winter after all, and though it isn't snowing, it is still far below freezing outside. She drives carefully to Danny’s house before parking on the street and checking her makeup in the mirror. Just enough sexy and sweet makeup is on her face. Her hair is curled...


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