What A Surprise free porn video

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When Marcus was hit and killed by a drunk driver it broke both Elise and myself, we found comfort in different things with me throwing myself into my work while Elise started drinking heavily, I could understand why she was doing it but I hated seeing her drinking her life away because I knew that Marcus wouldn’t have wanted this. I confronted about her excessive drinking a few months after Marcus’s death but when I did she had broken down in tears and told me that the only person she felt comfortable talking to about everything was me but with me throwing myself into my work I wasn’t around. After talking things out that night we both promised that we would try and change, I would spend less time at work and be there for her while Elise would cut back on her drinking and while it was hard we both stuck to our promises.

“You know I know you think I don’t loosen up but I’m not the one who works all the time and never relaxes.” Elise slurs her words slightly as she pours herself another glass of gin and lemonade.

“Oh, I loosen up just not in the same ways you do.” I say suggestively with a lecherous grin and wink that are all meant to be a joke and actually do make Elise laugh as she playfully swats her hand at me.

“So this isn’t you loosening up?” Elise teases as I crack open a beer and take a long drink from it.

“I’m not sure you could handle me if I was.” I tell her with a joking wink but Elise places her glass down on the kitchen counter before leaning on the counter and giving me a serious look.

“I think you underestimate me Elton.” She says her voice dropping as she leans forward on the counter moving herself closer towards me with.

When Elise leans forward a lot of thoughts rush through my mind ranging from ‘she looks so pretty with her long wavy brown hair and green eyes’ to ‘I wish her T shirt was cut lower’ to ‘I can’t do anything because she is my best friends widow’. I watch almost mesmerised as she slowly licks her lips without breaking eye contact with me as her eyes become hooded and seductive making me think that if she wasn’t my best friends widow I would bend her over this counter and fuck her until she screamed, but the problem is I couldn’t betray Marcus’s memory like that.

“Don’t tease me Elise.” I tell her my voice firm as thoughts of what I would do to her race through my mind.

“Who said I’m teasing.” She says standing up and pushing her chest out towards me slightly, I feel my cock twitch in my trousers as her T shirt tightens slightly showing off her bust that isn’t big but at the same time isn’t small and just the right size to grab a handful.

“You don’t want this, you’re the most vanilla person I know and I don’t do vanilla.” I tell her my voice low and filled with arousal.

“Don’t do my thinking for me. Maybe I want someone to fuck me like an animal and make me feel like a dirty. Little. Slut.” Elise pauses between her last three words to punctuate them, her words make a part of me want to rush around the counter and fuck her until neither of us can move or think but I hold myself back thinking that maybe it is just the drinks speaking.

“You’re drunk, you would regret it.” I snap extremely aware that if she doesn’t stop I might not be able to stop myself.

“For fucks sake, I’m not drunk.” She snaps with the slur in her voice from earlier gone making her sound sober and annoyed, “look.” She adds aggressively making me watch almost transfixed as she surprises me by plunging one of her hands down the front of her trousers.

I watch in an almost trance like fashion as she obviously runs her fingers over her pussy before drawing her fingers back out of her trousers, I can see in the light that her fingers are wet which actually takes me by surprise but not as much as what she does next. Elise slowly walks around the kitchen counter without breaking eye contact with me until she is standing directly in front of me, I break eye contact with her as she raises her hand towards my face and as her finger wet with her juice come into contact with my lips I open my lips and accept her fingers into my mouth. Once her fingers are in my mouth I lick and suck on them trying to devour every last drop of her sweet juices off of her fingers.

After a long moment of sucking Elise’s juices off of her fingers I reach up and pull them out of my mouth with a pop, I then let my hands grip her shoulders and when I do I pull her against me hard and instantly press my lips to hers. I kiss Elise hard making her gasp into my mouth and as she does I let my tongue slip into her mouth and start to explore her mouth, Elise responds a second later with her tongue meeting mine. When she responds I let one of my hands slowly slide from her shoulder to her throat and I lightly grip her throat while I use my other hand to pull her harder against me.

“Are you sure you want this? I’m not going to be any more gentle with you than I would anyone else.” I ask and warn Elise when we break from the kiss to breathe, I leave my hand on her throat though and use my thumb to slowly trace circles across her neck.

“Yes, I want this.” She practically hisses with her voice conveying the amount of arousal she is feeling right now almost as well as the expression on her face does.

I pull her hard against me so every inch of her body is squashed against me and she gasps as she feels my erection press against her stomach, I let her breathe back in after her gasp before pressing my lips against hers and tightening my grip around her throat slightly, not enough to choke her but enough for her to feel the pressure. After kissing her with a hard intensity for a long moment I let my hand trail from her shoulder down to her ass that I run my hand over a couple of times before grabbing it hard making her pull her lips away from mine with a slight squeal of surprise. Elise’s ass is so perfect that I can’t help but massage it as I kiss her again with a hard intensity, it doesn’t take long before I draw my hand away and then bring it crashing back against her ass not hard but hard enough for her to pull back from the kiss with a cry of shock.

“I told you I won’t be gentle.” I growl as I let my hand wander from her throat down to join my other hand on her ass.

“Good.” Elise practically growls back at me before letting out a squeal of surprise and slight pain as I slap her ass with both hands at the same time.

“These need to come off.” I say my voice still coming out as a growl as I almost rip Elise's trousers in my haste to get them off of her.

Elise’s panties are even conservative and not flattering but it doesn’t matter because a split second after I pull off her trousers her panties follow, I had felt her moving while I had been removing her trousers and panties and while I had thought she was just steadying herself I find out I was wrong. I look at Elise standing there to see that her movements had been her removing her T shirt so she is standing there in just her bra, she is blushing and looks embarrassed but I ignore it and instead lean forward kissing her hard again as I circle my arms around her. While kissing Elise I use my hands that are behind her to unhook her bra and then slide it off her shoulders letting it fall to the ground leaving her naked.

“Wow, your body is great.” I tell her actually a little bit surprised because the clothes she wears don’t flatter her and you wouldn’t expect the perky tits, flat stomach and bubble butt that the clothes hide.

“Really?” She asks sounding self conscious and vulnerable, I don’t answer her and instead lower my head sucking one of her already erect nipples into my mouth making her gasp.

Elise’s gasp turns into a moan as I tease her one nipple with my tongue and roll her other nipple between my thumb and forefinger while using my free hand to hold her against me. I keep up my actions for a while savoring the sound of her moans and the slight tremors passing through her body before moving my mouth to her other nipple while moving that hand behind her back to hold her in place as I bring my other hand around to the nipple my mouth had just vacated.

“Elton, fuck me. Now.” Elise growls her voice filled with need and desperation after I tease her nipples for a long few minutes.

“Not yet.” I tell her as I draw back from her and quickly peel off my T shirt then let her reach out and trail her hands over my chest to my trousers where she tries to undo them but I grab her hands forcing them up before growling, “I said not yet, I only got a little taste of you earlier now I want it all.”

Confusion clouds Elise’s face for a moment but then I move forward grabbing her by her ass and lifting her up making her cry out in shock but she is only in the air for a moment because I place her sitting down on top of the kitchen counter. I use my hands to roughly spread her legs, hearing her grunt in discomfort as I force them open wide, I can see the moisture from her arousal dripping onto the counter top and I lose all control burying my face between her legs with a long lick up her pussy. I’m ruthless with my treatment of Elise’s pussy as I devour her juices without a care for whatever pleasure she may feel, only caring about the sweet nectar I’m lapping up, I’m certain that she must be feeling some pleasure though because she is writhing and moaning from my actions.

“Oh fuck, Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Elise moans loudly after a few minutes as I feel her legs clamp around my head and her hips buck up hard into my face.

I can feel myself moan as Elise orgasms flooding my mouth with her cum as she holds my head against her pussy with her legs, because she is holding my head against her I decide to carry on but change from licking her pussy to full on fucking her with my tongue. I feel Elise’s legs go limp and hear her moans soften letting me know that she is coming down from her orgasm but less than a minute later her moans increase in volume again as I brutally fuck her pussy with my tongue. I had warned her that I wouldn’t be gentle and I think I have proved that with the fact my fingers are digging into the flesh of her thighs as I hold her legs as far apart as they will go.

Elise orgasms a moment later and instead of just moaning this time she cries out as the orgasm barrels into her, she practically levitates up off of the kitchen counter as I continue to fuck her with my tongue as she orgasms. I move my mouth away from her and watch as her orgasm ravages her body making her convulse and grunt, I enjoy the sight of her extreme orgasm and decide right there that I want to make her cum like that again and again.

“I want you inside me.” Elise gasps looking at me with need when she sits up after recovering from her orgasm, I had already been planning on being inside her soon but I doubt it was the way she wants.

“On your knees then.” I growl watching confusion run across her face for a moment before realisation dawns on her and she slowly slides off of the kitchen counter and down onto her knees in front of me.

“Still want to be treated like a dirty little slut?” I growl the question knowing that if she has changed her mind then we will have to stop here because I won’t be able to hold back if we go any further.

“Yess.” She hisses with her eyes transfixed on the large bulge straining to be set free of my trousers.

“Then remember the only way I will stop is if you tap my leg three times, I won’t stop if you are choking or gagging.” I warn her and then make her repeat what I had told her before carrying on.

I tut as Elise reaches out to remove my trousers, I capture her hands by her slender wrist and hold them above her head using just one of my hands, using my free hand I slowly unzip my trousers and draw them down watching Elise’s eyes as they follow my actions. I hear Elise gasp as my cock springs out of my trousers almost slapping her in the face as it does, her reaction combined with the look of shock and lust on her face urges me forward to press my cock against her lips that quickly opens accepting my hard flesh into her mouth.

“Just relax your throat and breathe through your nose.” I tell her as I push my cock further into her mouth.

Elise looks at me with an expression of fear when I don’t stop pushing my cock further into her mouth even though she is gagging but she doesn’t tap my leg to get me to stop so I keep going. I hold Elise’s head in place as I start to move my cock out of her mouth stopping with the head still inside her before pushing back inside. Elise’s throat closes up as my cock comes into contact with it and I growl at her to open her throat as I continue to push into her until I feel a pop and my cock sinks into her throat but I have to quickly pull out and as I do the contents of Elise’s stomach follows.

“Are you ok to carry on?” I ask a little concerned as I see tears roll down her cheeks as she coughs and wipes vomit from her lips, she looks up at me and slowly nods her head, “like a good slut, maybe now you can take my cock down your throat without throwing up this time.”

My words are harsh and a little bit cruel but I had told her I wouldn’t be gentle and take it easy on her so I’m not but at the same time I don’t want to do anything that will really hurt her or force her into anything, after all I’m dominating not cruel. I use my hands to hold her head in place as I slowly push my cock back into her mouth and then her throat, this time I don’t meet as much resistance and while she gags I don’t have to pull my cock out to let her vomit. I start to slowly thrust in and out of her mouth and throat loving the feel of her warm wet mouth and the vibrations that travel through my cock with her every gag, I slowly start to increase the speed of my thrusts until I’m fucking her throat in a steady rhythm but still unable to fit my whole length down her throat.

“Stand up.” I growl after fucking her throat for a few minutes, Elise slowly gets to her feet and I admire her naked form and the sheen of sweat and saliva that make her breast and upper body glisten, fortunately none of her vomit had gotten on her, only the floor.

“Bend over.” I order not needing to have told her what to do as I roughly spin her around and push her against the kitchen counter with the top half of her body pressed flat against the counter top.

I can tell that Elise knows what is going to happen now as she spreads her legs wide as invitation but I wait a moment as I admire the sheer amount of moisture dripping from her pussy and wonder if this is how wet she usually gets. After a long moment of studying her red, inflamed and dripping pussy I step forward and in one hard thrust bury my entire length deep inside her, she cries out in a mixture of shock, pain and pleasure making me let out a guttural growl of pure animalistic lust.

“Want to be fucked like an animal and treated like a dirty little slut, I’ll give that to you.” I tell her roughly before pulling my cock almost all the way out of her and delivering two hard slap to her ass.

“Argh, fuck.” Elise screams as the pain from the slaps registers and I thrust hard back inside her making her body slide across the counter top as her hips slam into the counter.

“I’m going to fuck you until I break that pretty little cunt of yours.” I snarl as I start to fuck her hard and fast with enough force that her hips slam against the counter and my body slaps against hers with every savage thrust.

The sounds of her screams and cries of pain and pleasure mix with the sounds of my body slapping against hers and her hips hitting the counter, the sounds of our brutal fucking fill the room as I pound her like I hate her. Her screams and cries increase in volume and intensity as I continue to fuck her savagely, her sounds keep rising until she suddenly lets out one loud long scream as I feel her pussy contract around my cock and she cums. I don’t give her any time to recover as I wrap one of my hands into her hair and pull forcing her to arch her back as I continue to slam into her with an animalistic ferocity that quickly has her crying out again in pain and pleasure much to my enjoyment.

Hearing her cry out again spurs me on and I pull harder on her hair as I attempt to thrust harder but after a couple of minutes I stop and pull out of her bringing a groan from her lips at the sudden removal of my cock.

“Wha...” Elise starts to speak a question but cuts herself off with a cry of shock and pain as I snake my free hand underneath her and then use it and my hand still laced in her hair to pull her up to a standing position.

“Come on.” I growl using her hair to drag her out of the kitchen and into the living room where I throw her down onto the sofa.

Elise looks up at me with a scared expression on her face but I don’t care and I hear her groan as I force her legs open as wide as they will go and then push her knees up towards her head. The sight of Elise with her legs spread wide and her knees practically touching her shoulders is massively erotic and I can’t stop myself as I deliver two hard slaps to her pussy making her scream in pain. Elise has barely stopped screaming when I lean forward grabbing her throat hard and pushing my entire length inside her, she tries to move her legs out of their uncomfortable and painful position but I place my free arm across her legs to hold them up near her head.

“Don’t fucking move, take it like the dirty slut you are.” I growl as I start to pound at her pussy making her mouth open in a silent scream.

I pound into Elise as hard and as fast as I can all the while holding her legs in place and choking her harder than I had before. It doesn’t take long before I feel her pussy start to pulsate around my cock and her whole body starts to shake as she orgasms again almost making me cum at the same time. I quickly pull out of Elise and release her legs and throat before grabbing her body and roughly moving her around so that her head is falling backwards off of the sofa.

“Open wide slut.” I growl watching as she instantly responds by opening her mouth wide and looking up at me with fear but also excitement in her eyes.

I push inside her mouth feeling an extra twinge of pleasure when I don’t feel her throat block my cock like she had before even though I still can’t fit my entire length inside her. I don’t start to fuck her throat like I think she expects me to and instead I reach down and wrap my hand around her throat before massaging my cock through her flesh. I pull most of the way out of her mouth to allow her to take a big gulping breathe of air around my cock before plunging back inside her and when I do she once again gags as my cock pushes into her throat sending vibrations through my length and making me try to push deeper into her throat. The vibrations from Elise’s gagging and the way her throat contracts around my cock pushes me over the edge and with a loud guttural growl I cum deep in her throat spraying stream after stream of my cum straight down her throat.

“I think that was the best sex I've ever had.” Elise says a few minutes later as she lies naked on the sofa with her head resting on my lap.

“That was pretty fucking amazing.” I tell her gently brushing a stray lock of hair out of her face as I watch her smile up at me.

“Can we do this again soon?” Elise asks her voice dropping and becoming husky as she practically purrs the question.

“If we do I won’t be as gentle as I was this time.” I warn her part of me wanting to scare her off because I feel guilty because I’ve just savagely fucked the brains out of the wife of my dead best friend.

“That was you being gentle?” She asks sounding a little bit nervous but letting out a soft laugh.

“Yeah, I mean I only made you cum like what four times? Plus I didn’t fuck that tight little ass of yours.” I tell her running a hand down her body and onto her ass.

“So you would do more next time?” She asks looking intrigued and excited by my words.

“Well I’d definitely have to fuck that ass.” I tell her giving her ass a squeeze making her giggle before I continue speaking, “I’d have to bring out the toys and the ropes, I’d make you cum so much that you would beg for me to stop and I’d work on your throat, I want you to be able to take all of my cock until your nose is pressed against my balls.”

I feel Elise shiver and my cock twitches as I imagine her tied up with my cock deep in her throat and a vibrator pressed against her pussy making her orgasm as I fuck her throat. I still feel guilty about the fact that she was married to my best friend who had died a matter of months ago but I also think that Marcus would be ok with it because even though I’m dominating and rough when I fuck someone I’m also caring and protective. I feel a couple of tears escape my eyes as all these thoughts run through my mind but I quickly wipe them away hoping that Elise hadn’t seen them but when she speak I know that she had seen the tears.

“What’s wrong?” She asks her voice soft and sounding concerned as she looks up at me with wide eyes.

“I was just wondering what Marcus would think about all this.” I say truthfully, Elise’s expression darkens momentarily but then she smiles slightly and speaks.

“I think he would be ok with it, yeah you can be rough and a little scary but you’re kind, caring and protective, so I think he would prefer this than me going out to try and find someone else.” She tells me her voice raw with emotion making tears form in both of our eyes even though we are both now smiling.

“I hope so.” I say quietly as I start to run my hand through her hair savouring the feeling of her head on my lap, my cock twitches again as if it doesn’t know about the emotional turmoil in my head and only cares about the head of a beautiful woman pressed against it.

“Preparing for round two?” She asks her voice husky and with a smile on her face that manages to be both dirty and cute at the same time, she also turns her head a little bit and gently rubs her cheek against my cock.

“He doesn’t realise it but I'm exhausted.” I tell her motioning towards my cock that is partially hard again, “you can stay the night though and then in the morning we can pick up where we left off, there’s not much better in the morning than sex.”

“What about waking up to someone sucking your dick?” She asks with that dirty yet cute smile still on her face.

“You were right earlier, I have underestimated you.” I tell her with a low chuckle that seems to make her shiver.

“I told you so.” She says teasingly with a laugh that turns into a gasp as I gently but firmly reposition her so that she is straddling my lap with her body pressed hard against mine before kissing her, I don’t kiss her with the same almost violent intensity as earlier but instead I kiss her soft and gently.

“You have the problem that I won’t underestimate you again.” I warn her before kissing her neck.

“If it leads to more sex like that then I don’t think it’s a problem.” She tells me with a big grin on her face making me laugh before I kiss her again while the thoughts of all the things I’m going to do to her in the future run through my mind.


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When we entered the house, we saw a tented note on the kitchen table. It read: “No clothes beyond this point!” The three of us looked at each other and quickly shed our clothes. The girls had already set up three tables in the pool that had beers, bourbon and wine coolers opened in the cupholders. The three of us dove in the pool and swam across to hug and kiss our two sexy ladies. “Welcome home guys, we hope you don’t mind, but we’re so freaking horny we gotta have you play with our...

3 years ago
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Whats Good for The Gander

Brains and beauty as Jack would learn is a very dangerous combination! Enter Delia at twenty-two she was on track to become a whisky drinking cigar smoking VP at a major accounting firm. Along the way Jack her boyfriend became an afterthought, her eye candy. If your wondering if she slept her way to the top, she tried to and for sure knowing her drive I’m sure she would cut the throat, or crush the balls of anybody that got in her way and suck or fuck anybody that would help her get to the top....

2 years ago
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Sissy Sister Surprises

SISSY SISTER SURPRISES by Throne Penny and Mina were in the pink bedroom, sitting on the bed, waiting for their wives to return. The sissy husbands had been left there to occupy themselves while their brides were out on a double date with a couple of hunky guys. Penny was wearing a lavender baby doll nightie and Mina's was pale peach. They had their full heads of hair styled into pixie cuts and were fussing with each other's make-up. "I don't know what Janice and Tracy are doing...

1 year ago
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Travel Surprises

Travel Surprises - By Stats "Bob, will you quit arguing. We have agreed for some months now that we would shop for clothes in Portland. It is just a simple matter of taking a morning plane from Tacoma to Portland. Renting a car in Portland. Go to a couple of shopping malls to buy a complete Christmas wardrobe for you. Spend the night on the town. And we return on Sunday afternoon. Now don't distract me, I see the Airport exit is the next right and I don't want to miss...

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What A Surprise

Yes, it certainly was a surprise! And a lot more than I expected. When I went out for drinks that night I never thought it would end up with some dick sucking going on but it did. Oh, yes there was some dick sucking going on all right. And if you read on I think you’ll be surprised, too. I know I was! I was about 18 or 19 .. maybe .. and say .. second year in college at the University of Alabama. On a certain Friday night I had decided to go out to McFarland Mall .. browse around for a...

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I had always hated surprises. They made me anxious. I overthink them. He told me he had a surprise for me when I got home from work. I worried about it for hours, wondering what it could be. I thought about things I had asked for recently, everything I could possibly imagine. He hadn’t given me any clues as to what it was, so I guess I’d just have to wait. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I left work and started the long drive home. It was torture. Twenty miles of wondering.When I...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 10 More Surprises

Heels: The Ultimatum 10 - More Surprises By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 9: Alterations The heels, adhering to their prime directive to enrich Dennis' life, had taken the metaphysical leaching process a step further. On the day of Dennis and Gale's marriage, beginning with the happy couple's first kiss as a wedded couple, the heels, via the magical potential they had replicated within Dennis himself, had begun to gradually create a carbon copy...

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Whats your name again

Introduction: Macs hate me so hopefully vaios like me better. A few notes: – Both characters were 19 -They now have their own house as Jeremy is an engineer and Laura is an intern at a hospital. -They live in upstate New York. Whats your name again? My name is Jeremy. I am 26 years old and live happily with my wife Laura. This is the story of how we took each others virginity. Lets start at the beginning. We met in kindergarten. I remember seeing her first come in and feeling the urge to...

4 years ago
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Whats App Message Leads To Fulfillment Of Hidden Desires

Hi, This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories.net. I have been an avid reader since 5 years and always used to feel that are these incidents real or fiction till it also happened with me. As you all know that social media has captured the imaginations of young, old alike. So keeping in tune with changing times, I also purchased a smartphone and downloaded Facebook, twitter etc. It was a great and my friends coaxed me into opening a whats app account so that I join the group. I opened whats...

3 years ago
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Full of Surprises

Full of SurprisesI got the text around midday. My lovely wife Linora, I skimmed covertly under the table whilst Muller blabbed something about last month's projections. She'd bought something. She wanted to try something new. I didn't know what that could mean. But Muller would be an ass bigger than Linora's if he saw me texting."Yeah, sounds good," I tapped. Probably a new brand of pasta or something."Sweet, see you in bed ;D," she replied."//Bed?//" I thought, "//Uh oh. What did I just agree...

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Sex up your love surprises

Such situations are definitely not uncommon. Many people who are in long-term relationships do encounter this phase. So why don't you plan some exotic surprises for your partner? Such that he's taken off guard and left asking for more.Surprises need not necessarily be really pricey. What matters the most is your attitude, the way you show your concern and express your love towards your mate. Here are some innovative ideas...Dare bare...Men love it when their ladylove makes an extra effort to...

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Being Nice Can Have Surprises

Note - Here is the story I wrote, before I wrote about Justine, which was my original attempt at writing a non-magic, non-scifi, non-unknown chemicals, transgendered story about transformation, based on a request posted on TG Comics, where he/she just wanted a simple straight forward dress up story. Liking challenges, here was my first take on that request. No magic, no drugs, no science fiction, no s-m, just a very simple, and possibly believable, adult dress up story with a...

1 year ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 57 Unexpected Surprises

At the “Jail’ in Ibera’s World The Assassin-Blane ‘The Ace’ Murdock POV: I’m getting a really bad feeling about what’s been happening and SOON to happen here. There’s no way they’re just going to dump us on an island and then forget about us. With all the contacts we still have I know some of our friends would eventually find us and rescue us. At least that’s what many of us are hoping. But, and my ‘compatriots’ still haven’t come to grips with it yet, I don’t believe we’re still in the...

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Kumar Apartment Part 13 Teena Ka Hardcore Lesbian Anal Surprise

Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe kaafi khushi hai ki mera gmail aplogo ke mail se bhara hua hai aur aap sab kitne besabri se meri kahani padne ka intzaar kar rahe hai. Last episode mein aap logo ne dekha ki Shobha aur Akash sham ko hone wale Shobha aur Rakesh ke live sex show ka plan karte hai. Par usi waqt Teena ke ghar Teena ne Swati ko uska surprise diya jiske bare mein aaj ka lesbian episode hai.. Hope you enjoy this part too...

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Maries 40th birthday surprise

She woke frome the noise of her alarm as she does every morning at this time but this morning there was a difference it was her 40th birthday and what a birthday it was gonna be little did she know her husband had a big night planned for her. She stumbleedd out into the kitchen for a shot of coffee and found a card from Jayson and she opened it it was a beautiful card as usel but a letter fell out she thought my what could this be and she had to open it right away she begin to read it the...

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Jennifer8217s Surprise

Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to get home. The assistant sales-director got a phone call from her husband Tim during the day and she’d been feeling giddy ever since. It was a long working day, but Tim’s phone call really made her feel better. She loved her husband very much, but in the last couple of years they’ve had their problems. Without either of them knowing it, they were both feeling dissatisfied with their sex-life, until at one point they had an argument which...

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Mothers Day Surprise

Mother's Day Surprise By Princess Pantyboy Today was just like most days I came home from daycare, and I was sitting in my room playing with my toys and stuff. I go to daycare because my mommy works full time, and I am only 5 years old. Usually boys and girls my age would already be in daycare but I have a small issue with potty training. You could say I have accidents once in a while. Okay to be honest I have a lot of accidents and I don't even realize I have to go potty until I am...

3 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

While attending a party, man meets a woman dressed as a dominatrix...but is it just a costume?Halloween Surprise.Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for k**s. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot...

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Halloween Surprise

I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce....

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Halloween Surprise

Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for kids. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot looking moms. Not that I would ever even consider using a kid's costume as a conversation starter just to make way...

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Anniversary Surprise

“I have a surprise for you today on our anniversary. I have booked a romantic weekend in this wonderful hotel where we can explore some of our sexual desires.” “Oh, my I think I mad you hard by just the thought of that.” “As you can see, I have even spent to time to decorate the room for our adventurous romantic interlude. “ “I see this really turns you on because you are rubbing your hard cock through your pants.” “I can tell you are excited by your hard on but are you ready for this sexual...

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Birthday Surprise

On the day of her eighteenth birthday, Tori Vega awoke to darkness.She frowned, slowly bubbling to consciousness, raising a hand to swat at the material covering her eyes, only to realise her other hand was jerked up with it. Tori lay still for a moment, mind working. She flexed her wrists, silky material twisting over them. So she was blindfolded. And bound. She knew that much. Maybe this was some kind of birthday prank or something. Or a surprise. She didn't put it past her friends to do...

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Daves Birthday Surprise

In late summer of ’09, we were on holiday at a fabulous resort. A soft breeze blew across my naked body as I lay on the beach. It was not really enough to cool the hot rays of the sun but it was refreshing. I loved the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. That’s one of the reasons Dave and I love the clothing optional beaches and resorts that we often visit. I also love them because I truly enjoy having men looking at me while I’m parading around naked. It’s arousing for me to know they are...

Straight Sex
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Part II really don't know where to start in describing this. It all happened so fast – well, sort of. Things happened slowly, but when the threesome happened, that's when it really picked up speed. I guess the best way is to tell you a little bit about myself and the things that happened to me over the past few years.I was married when I was 21 because I was pregnant. It was a lousy marriage, but what could I do? After ten years, my husband left me. I admit it, I had let myself go, but in a...

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Weekend of Surprises

I listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...

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Whatsapp Orgy With Friends

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...

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WhatsApp Se Neha Ki Chut Tak

Note- ye meri pehli story hai so pls jo bhi galitiyan ya spelling mistek hoo unhe toda ignore kare. Ye real story hai and maine sari cheje ussi order mai likhi hai jaisse hui hai. Sari batey to nahi likh paya warna story jayada lambi hoo jati par main main points likhe ha. Aasha karta hoon apko pasand aayegi. Hey guys’ mera naam advik hai and meri age 20 yrs hai. Main abhi studies kar raha hoon. Ye story meri aur meri ex-girlfriend ki hai ki kaisse pahle hum dost bane fir humney sex kiya aur...

3 years ago
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Whatsapp Orgy With Friends

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 7 Futa Girls Big Surprises

Chapter Seven: Futa Girl's Big Surprises By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Britney Meyers Being a futa was a life-changing experience. The last three weeks had been insanely hot. “Oh, my god, Mrs. Thompson,” I moaned as my math professor bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my girl-dick. I was seated on her desk, classes were out. I had to “stay behind” to do some makeup work. The greedy teacher was just hungry to...

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My chance had arrived. I knew you would be alone and just so happened I was able to get away at that same time. It was going to be difficult to plan but no obstacle was about to stop me from my quest. I had to make all my travel and transportation arrangements and just hope you or your wife did not change any plans. This was going to be risky but I was more than willing to take a huge chance to finally get my hands on you. My mind was racing through all the little details I wanted to make...

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Babys Surprise

Baby's SurpriseAfter a long hard Stressfull month at work I came home Friday and Lisa was not home and had left a note(Hey Baby unwind and take a shower I left somethings on the bed for you wink wink, See you in an hour xoxo Lisa)I sit down turn on the stereo and get loaded, I get up and go to start the shower and take a shower and shaveall over and clean out. Lisa's wink wink is a hint to shave and clean out back there she wants to play.Back Story 10 years ago Lisa and I ventured into...

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Delivery Surprise

Delivery surprise I had just completed a great new fantasy story called Tropical surprise. It was about a trip I had taken to a pacific island and while in a bar on the first night had met Cleo who took me back to her place and introduced me to the world of trannys. The next day when she went to work her 3 room mates continued my introduction all at the same time. I really wanted to get it to Cleo so she could read it before our next encounter so I decided to drop it off at her...

2 years ago
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The Big Birthday Surprise

The big day had arrived, my fortieth birthday, I was lying in bed enjoying the thought of not having to go to work, it being Saturday. How could I be so lucky to have it land on a Saturday. I'm Sandra Jennings, My husband of sixteen years, Jimmie Jennings, had just gotten up to go make coffee. I laid there thinking what it was he was going to surprise me with. All he would divulge was, it was going to be a big surprise. Jimmie had turned forty seven his last birthday and after being married...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend8217s Big Ass Surprise

Mera naam manu hai .Mein vaishali ka rehne wala hun.Meri age 20 saal hai. Meri height 5’9″ hai mere lund ka size 6 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi indrapuram,noida,vaishali, vasundhara ya koi aur jagah ki agr mujhse chudwana chahti ho to mujhe email kr skti hai aur email mein apna contact number bhej de, main uski id pe rply krdnga ya usse call krke baat kr lnga. Main 12th class se iss padh rha hun. Yahan pr maine bahut saari stories padhi hain. Aaj main yahan pr apni real...

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I knew your wife was going out of town to visit relatives. Damn I have wanted you for so very long. I wanted to do all the things to you that I knew she never ever would. All your fantasies I will make come true in a big way. Chatting with you for months made a huge lust grow deep inside me for you. Seemed you enticed me at every turn. You are just so sexy and hotter than any man I know. The lack of privacy made hooking up very difficult and I wanted more than just words though I loved...

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Mom I Cant Help Myself 4 Surprises

Mom! I Can't Help Myself - Surprises By Jennifer Allison Chapter 4 - Dearest Mother: It's Friday already. This last week has gone by so fast that I can hardly believe it. To me it is still Monday morning and I just left Miss Lynne's office for the first time. I want to thank you again for this wonderful surprise. I never dreamt that being a girl could be so much fun, and work at the same time. School is tough, I mean the instructors are strict but with a gentle...

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"Where are we going?" I asked, staring out the window into the cloudy skies. Tyler had made me put on a short skirt and no panties before we left the house. I wasn't sure what he had in mind for the day but I was a bit bored. I was also horny but all of my sexual advances had been rebuffed by him. I was confused as to why he would tell me to put on a skirt with no underwear and then not fuck me. I was frustrated."It's a surprise!" he said with excitement. "Try to at least look a little bit...

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I parked my little car in the tree-lined suburban street, took the folder of papers from the passenger seat beside me, walked up to the front door of the well-kept detached house and rang the bell, hearing its chimes echo distantly inside. After a moment I saw, outlined indistinctly through the frosted glass panel, the shape of a woman approaching. However, when the door swung open I was surprised to find that this was not my boss, but a complete stranger. For a moment, I wondered if I...

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Alice and Amanda 5 Surprises

Alice & Amanda 5: Surprises by Alina AamuStorycodes: F/f, bond, gags, cuffs, cons, XI felt a little jolt of excitement going trough my body as I reminded myself that I was once again comfortably tied up. I tried to pull my hands apart, but the attempt was doomed as the soft rope tying my wrists firmly together didn't give way. Amanda clearly noticed my attempt and put her arm snugly around me. She leaned to me slightly as we continued to watch television.And that was all that we were doing....

3 years ago
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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 3 Surprises

Not wanting to prolong her waiting much longer, I fixed two bowls of cereal that we both liked, which we wolfed down in record time. She sure was anxious to get that surprise from me. "Okay, I guess it's time for your surprise so let's go," I told her. I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, setting her on the edge of the bed with her legs hanging over the edge. I pushed her shoulders back onto the bed and told her, "Just relax and enjoy." I sat on the bed next to her, placing...

1 year ago
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The Surprise

He said he had a surprise for her, and that she should dress nice. That was all. So Meg slips into a white halter dress, black tights, and cute heels before pulling on a huge coat and stepping outside of her apartment.It's the middle of winter after all, and though it isn't snowing, it is still far below freezing outside. She drives carefully to Danny’s house before parking on the street and checking her makeup in the mirror. Just enough sexy and sweet makeup is on her face. Her hair is curled...


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