Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts_(1) free porn video

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Chapter 1 – In the Beginning

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit.

Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy

Harry Potter’s fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the influential magical media, Harry had been called a liar, attention-seeker and delinquent. After a very difficult fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where Harry and the rest of the school was secretly subjected to the mind-altering Spellbook of Desires, Harry had to watch a fellow Triwizard Champion, Cedric Diggory, murdered by Peter Pettigrew, just before the return of Lord Voldemort. Harry had escaped the reborn Voldemort and his Death Eaters after a fantastic battle and learning the secrets behind the fabled Spellbook of Desires and the effects it had had on Hogwarts and all who dwelled inside the school. Harry and his friends had been using the book all year to play out their sexual fantasies with both their friends and enemies. It had therefore come as a shock to learn that the book’s spells and potions were all fictitious and the books only real power was to affect the minds of everyone near it to make them believe they were living out their wildest fantasies. It was all used as a ruse to confuse and divert everyone’s attention away from the actions of Wormtail and Voldemort during his slow return to power. Only when he had reached his full power again and had regained his valuable book, did Voldemort lift the book’s powers from the school and wipe everyone’s memory of the book and the fictitious events it had produced. Although Harry had seen the return of Lord Voldemort and Dumbledore had backed up his claim, both the Ministry of Magic and eventually the entire magical world had seen it as far easier to simply ignore the idea of Voldemort returning to power and instead accuse Harry and Dumbledore of being either attention grabbers or that they were simply crazy. This had led to a very difficult fifth year at Hogwarts for Harry; one which had seen him fight with his friends, question Dumbledore and battle against bad press all year. All of this eventually culminated in a battle at the Ministry of Magic and the death of Harry’s godfather, Sirius Black. If the trauma of losing the only family Harry had left was not enough, Harry finally found out why Dumbledore had been avoiding him all year.

While Harry threw Dumbledore’s prized possessions around his office without regard, Draco Malfoy was being summoned to Lord Voldemort, back at his parents’ manor. After learning of his father’s capture at the Ministry of Magic, Draco had fled the school and made it to Hogsmeade. Waiting for him there was his aunt Bellatrix and mother Narcissa Malfoy.

“Come now Narcissa... Draco will have the honour of serving the Dark Lord in the most important mission he will ever have.” Bellatrix Lestrange told her sister as her nephew walked towards them.

“He’s far too young... If Lucius were here, he’d never allow it!” She berated her sister, nearly in tears at learning that her only son would be undertaking a very dangerous mission that only he could perform.

“Is it true Mother...? Has father been captured?” Draco asked his mother as he finally made it to her, still breathing hard.

“Yes Draco... But that`s not why you`re being summoned to the Dark Lord.” Bellatrix cut in before Narcissa could answer. “Come now... There`s no time to talk about it here... The Dark Lord awaits!” Narcissa and Bellatrix took hold of each of Draco’s arms and helped him apparate back to the Malfoy estate, where an angry looking Lord Voldemort, paced back and forth in the manor’s main dining room.

“Fools... Incompetent fools!” Voldemort spat as he paced the room throwing hexes at whoever tried to interrupt his brooding. “Ahhh... The guest of honour, Draco Malfoy.” he said as Draco entered the room all by himself.

“My lord,” Draco bowed respectfully in front of his new Master. Now that his father was incarcerated in the Wizard’s prison of Azkaban, either he would take on his family’s lifelong debt to the Dark Lord or he would pay the price of his father’s misfortunes.

“Stand Draco... You have nothing to fear from me... You will be honoured beyond all others in the months to come.” Voldemort told Draco as he bade him to sit down in the nearest chair.

“Me my lord?” Draco asked respectfully as he sat and got ready to listen to what Voldemort had to say.

“Yes... You are the only one that meets the age requirements that this mission necessitates,” Voldemort continued, “The raid on the Ministry of Magic was for more than one simple purpose... Yes... You’re father’s mission was to steal a valuable tool that could have helped me finally kill that annoying brat, Harry Potter, but he also was used as a decoy while I stole something nearly as important. You are the only one of my faithful Death Eaters other than myself that will know of this and it must remain that way.”

“Of course.”

“Good... I have in my possession, one of only two special time-turner devices which if used correctly, can send the user back in time, as far as twenty-five years. I have chosen you, Draco Malfoy, to travel into the distant past of 1976, where you will find and steal four powerful magical objects.”

“How? What? Where?” Draco asked, looking both surprised and confused.

“The time-turner will transport you back to 1976 Hogwarts, where you will enrol as a transfer student from Durmstrang. Because you were not yet born, the possibility of running into yourself during that school year is not a threat. If you were to see yourself that far into the past, it would surely kill you. The information about the magical objects I wish you to retrieve can be found in this envelope.” Voldemort finally finished, placing a large yellow envelope into Malfoy’s hands.

While Draco was receiving his mission from the Dark Lord, Harry was finally calming down in Dumbledore’s office. With almost all of his valuable objects broken Dumbledore was finally able to bring a little reason to the situation.

“I am sorry Harry; for all that I have done or failed to do for you in the past, but now I must ask something of you that only you and your closest friends can know about. Voldemort’s reasons for breaking into the Ministry of Magic were far more than just to steal a prophecy I’m afraid. He arrived shortly after you and your friends and proceeded to steal another valuable object which would have been destroyed had he not taken it moments before its several less powerful counterparts were destroyed.”

“A time-turner?” Harry replied quickly, remembering how the rest of the time-turner’s were destroyed. “But what’s so special about this time-turner?”

“This particular time-turner is one of two very powerful devices which can allow the user to travel back into time, up to 25 years. All other time-turner’s can only move the user back a few short hours and even that is dangerous. The sight of yourself can cause shock and in some cases psychosis. If someone were to see themselves 25 years older, it would cause immediate death and change history forever. Because of this danger, the two special time-turners were locked up and hidden.”

“But why wouldn’t the Ministry of Magic just destroy them and get rid of the threat?” Harry asked Dumbledore, now very intrigued.

“Oh Harry... I think the past year has given you quite a unique perspective of the Ministry and how it operates. It isn’t that difficult to believe that they’d keep at least one of those time-turners, just in case they truly needed to change some past event.”

“What do you mean one...? I thought you said there were two devices?” Harry replied, catching on a few seconds later as Dumbledore opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a very valuable looking gold and silver stop watch. Instead of the numbers one to twelve on the watch however, there were 25 gold embroidered numbers etched on its face, as well as a number of letters that represented months.

“I have had this one in my possession ever since I created the two special time-turners, nearly twenty years ago. And now I must ask something of you that may be too much to ask. Voldemort has given the other time-turner device to Draco Malfoy. Mr. Malfoy has been sent on a special mission to steal four valuable objects from Hogwarts in 1976. He’s been tasked to retrieve the four objects, return them back to the present and make sure not to change history in the process.”

“How could you know all this?” Harry asked puzzle and unsure how Dumbledore could actually know what Voldemort was planning. “He could have someone killed... Like my parents... I need to use the other time-turner to stop him!” Harry said, now worried for both his parents survival and his own.

“Calm down Harry... I know that Draco Malfoy will travel back to 1976 and that you will follow him because I remember you, your friends and Draco being transferred to Hogwarts in 1976.”

“And you’re only bringing this up now?”

“Until this year, I wasn’t certain it was actually you... The you of 1976 was a sixth year student, had a different name and seemed to avoid me at all costs. I assume I told you not to make any direct contact with me in the past in order to lessen the impact of your presence.”

“What... This is getting way to confusing Professor... What are the objects I need to protect?” Harry replied, looking confused, before Dumbledore went through the specifics for nearly an hour straight. In the end, Harry agreed to use Dumbledore’s time-turner to travel back in time, find Malfoy, stop him and make sure the four magical objects he was trying to steal, were kept safe. Dumbledore told him he could bring back anyone he wanted with him as long as they knew the risks. Knowing that Harry would say yes to the proposal, Dumbledore had prepared fake identities for Harry and the four friends he knew Harry would be taking with him.

“These fake identities should be enough to fool both Hogwarts and myself into believing that you’re actually transfer students from another magical academy. I have prepared a trunk with clothes, gold, and books appropriate for 1976 and the classes you, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood will take part in during the school year. You must stop Draco Malfoy, keep safe the four magical objects and return back to the very time you left from.” Dumbledore told Harry as he stood up and paced across the room looking strangely nervous and embarrassed.

“What’s wrong Professor... I’m sure it won’t take that long.” Harry replied, looking confused.

“I’m sorry Harry, but it will take you almost the entire year before you leave the Hogwarts of the past. I know this because you finished you’re sixth year but never showed up for your seventh... Whether that means you traveled forward in time to when you left or something much darker occurred,” Dumbledore responded, still pacing and still looking concerned, “there is also the matter of the differences you and your friends will have to deal with in 1977. The clothes, attitude and... Sexual freedom of the 1970’s made the magical world of 1976 and 1977 very different to which you experience today. You’ll understand what I mean once you and your female compatriots change into your school uniforms.”

“Don’t worry Professor... Nothing will distract us from stopping Malfoy and Voldemort... If it`s as important as you say it is, we can`t afford to fail.” Harry finished, before leaving the office and finding Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna. He told them all about the important mission he was given, the time-turner device and the fact that he needed their help to accomplish his goals in stopping Malfoy and protecting the four magical items Dumbledore had told him about. All four of his friends agreed to help him without flinching and in moments they were all back up in Dumbledore’s office, getting ready to travel back in time and stop Malfoy from forever changing the future.

“Thank you all for agreeing to take on this dangerous task... Before you leave, I must tell you all to blend in as best you can and watch each other’s backs. Many things in 1976 will distract you from your goal and it will be important to remember why you are there and what you have to do to in order to maintain the timeline. I will set the time-turner to take you back to the first day of school... You will then all squeeze into a small broom closet just outside this office. After activating the time-turner, you will come see me in this office and hand me the transfer papers I have made for you. After that, it will be all up to you to accomplish the task I have set for you and return back here as soon as possible.” Dumbledore recited before shaking each one of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna’s hands and thanking them for their sacrifice. “And remember... the time-turner is your only way home, so keep it safe.”

With that Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna got into the broom closet just outside Dumbledore’s office, held hands and activated the time-turner, which instantly sent them back to September of 1976.

“Well that felt weird!” Luna coughed as everyone tried to catch their breath and regain their composure. The sensation of travelling back in time so far had knocked the wind out of each and every one of them.

“You’re telling me... I can’t see a thing in here though.” Ron replied, jostling around for his wand.

“Lumos!” Hermione said, seconds before everyone cried out in shock. Apparently one of the side effects of using the special time-turner device was the disintegration of the user’s clothes. The trunk they had brought with them, along with the clothes inside seemed to have traveled back in time without any damage, but all the clothes in contact with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna’s skin was instantly disintegrated.

“Whoa!” Harry and Ron said in unison as both were treated to quite an unexpected treat. Hermione, Ginny and Luna were stark naked with a look of terror on their faces. Hermione was nearly 16 and easily the most developed of the three beautiful teenagers. Her slightly larger firm breasts and tiny pink nipples accentuated a nearly perfect teenage body. Her tight stomach, beautiful face, curly hair, long smooth legs and extremely tight and pert young ass nearly made both Harry and Ron pass out. If that wasn’t enough to get both Harry and Ron hard; both friends could just make out a small trimmed strip of brown pubic hair just above her tight little slit. Not to be outdone or outshone were both Ginny and Luna, who had similarly petite frames, small but firm breasts, juicy little asses and a small tuft of pubic hair just above their little slits. Ginny’s entire body had freckles scattered across her skin, but in Harry’s own opinion, it only made her even more beautiful. As Hermione, Ginny and Luna regained their composure and tried to cover up as best they could while they rummaged through the trunk they had brought along, they all got a quick glance of both Harry and Ron’s now stiff shafts. Neither boy bothered to cover up as they continued to stare at the three girls’ sweet asses. Both Harry and Ron sported similarly large shafts; each measuring almost a full eight inches, and it was quite obvious by the girls’ giggling that they approved of their size.

“Oh be quiet and find us some clothes then!” Ron said in embarrassment, after realizing why they were giggling.

“Fine Ron... But don’t stare at our asses while we look in the trunk... It’s a lot deeper than it looks.” Hermione replied, smirking, before turning around along with Ginny and Luna to reach into the trunk. With their juicy naked asses sticking out right in front of both Harry and Ron, the two friends lit their wands and got an even better look at their asses.

“Man... I think Ginny has the best ass... Even better than Hermione’s!” Ron murmured to Harry, not in the least embarrassed that he was talking about his little sister’s sweet teenage ass. Both Harry and Ron had one hand on their cocks and were slowly stroking back and forth while the girls struggled to find them their uniforms.

“You’re telling me... All I want to do is slam my cock into their tight little pussies right now.” Harry sighed as he stepped a little closer to the three girls’ asses and started rubbing himself off even harder. Harry had never had sex before, but he had seen a few magazines from the Muggle world and even a few in the Magical world, so he knew all about it and wouldn’t have minded trying it, even though he knew his mission was more important than any fantasy he might be having at that particular moment.

“Watch this!” Ron replied with a smirk before stepping up right behind Hermione and stroking off his cock at an even faster pace. His face became strained and his breathing became ragged as his hand moved over his shaft like a blur. Within seconds, he grunted quietly and his cock began jerking and spraying a few hot loads of his sticky cum all over Hermione’s tight ass.

“What the fuck was that!” Hermione shouted in surprise without pulling her head out of the trunk. She could feel something hot splashing against her sweet teenage ass as she searched through all the things Dumbledore had packed for them. Hermione could feel the warm liquid run down her round ass and into her ass crack, before dripping down her tight little pussy and along her long legs. “Mmmmmm....” Hermione moaned from the sensation. Fuck that feels good, she thought to herself as Ron’s cum ran down her ass and pussy.

“Oh... I think there’s a leak in the ceiling... Me and Harry are getting wet to.” Ron lied convincingly as Harry stepped up behind Ginny and Luna and starting pumping his cock even harder. Within seconds he started ejaculating all over both Ginny and Luna’s round luscious asses, covering each of them with a sizeable load of sticky cum and causing both girls to cry out in shock like Hermione. After some explaining about the leak and the girls finally finding everyone clothes, the five friends quickly got dressed in their new Hogwarts Gryffindor uniforms. Dumbledore had thought it prudent for all of them to be in the same house, even Luna, in order to allow them easier access to each other during the year.

“What the... Do you see what we have to wear?” Hermione asked Harry and Ron as she slid on her dress shirt and tie and opened the broom closet door to have a little more freedom and get a better look at herself in the full light.

“Ha... Those are the best uniforms I’ve ever seen!” Harry said in approval with Ron nodding in agreement. Hermione, Ginny and Luna funnelled out of the closet to show Harry and Ron almost an even more intriguing sight then them being completely naked. Each girl was wearing knee high white, red and gold socks, an amazingly short black, red and gold skirt that was so short, the bottom of each girls’ luscious teenage asses were visible, and a tight white dress shirt and tie combo that left very little to the imagination.

“Yeah Hermione... I especially like those shirt and tie combos!” Ron laughed as he stared at Hermione’s breasts. The tight white dress shirt was so tight and small that he could see Hermione’s tight stomach and her shapely breasts were nearly visible through the thin material.

“I don’t know Hermione... I kind of like these uniforms... They’re really comfortable... Look... We even get to wear thongs!” Ginny said while Ron continued to stare at Hermione’s breasts. Ginny, twirled around, lifted up her skirt and gave Harry and Ron a nice long look at her tiny red and gold thong. Harry nearly fainted and Ron felt a twinge in his groin as Ginny pulled her skirt back down over her ass and waited to hear what they thought of it.

“Ummmm... Yeah I totally agree with Ginny.” Harry mumbled as he started to regain his composure. “We should go and see Dumbledore now and give him our transfer papers... After you ladies.”

“Wow... A big dick and a gentleman... What a package!” Luna whispered in his ear as she passed.

“Ron... I think I’m going to like the seventies.” Harry said, just before Hermione knocked on the door to Dumbledore’s office.

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts
Chapter 2 – Clothing Optional

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit.

Story Codes: n-con, exhib, grope, spank, unif, voy

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were on a very important mission. A mission which had taken them back in time to the 1976-1977 school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Using one of only two special time-turner devices that Dumbledore himself had created, Harry and his friends had traveled back in time to stop Draco Malfoy from stealing four very special magical objects from the school and forever changing future events. Harry had agreed to take on the dangerous mission to both help ensure the safety of his parents, who were enrolled at the school as sixth years and stop Malfoy from altering the timeline and stealing the four magical objects for an eagerly waiting Lord Voldemort, who had sent the budding Death Eater to do his dirty work. Harry had chosen four of his friends to accompany him and with the help of the Dumbledore of his time, had created fake names and transfer papers to allow them all to attend their fifth and sixth years of education at Hogwarts in Gryffindor House, alongside Harry’s parents. An added bonus to the trip would be the opportunity for everyone, especially Harry to meet his parents, their friends and all the people that would have a profound impact on future events which helped shape the magical world. Dumbledore had warned Harry and his friends of the differences in culture and attitudes during the 70s and although Harry was sceptical that there would be much of a difference, things were about to become much clearer.

“Knock... Knock... Knock!” Hermione wrapped on the Headmaster’s door, getting ready to present the Headmaster with the fake transfer papers. “I can’t believe I’m meeting the Headmaster wearing these clothes... We all look like total sluts in these uniforms!” She sighed, trying her hardest to pull her tiny tight skirt down over the rest of her luscious teenage ass. The school uniforms of the 1970’s had adopted a far more liberal stance than those of Hermione’s usual dress wear and although she complained about what she was wearing, neither Harry or Ron had much to object to as their eyes continue to scan over Hermione, Ginny and Luna.

“I have no problem with what you’re wearing Hermione.” Ron said slyly as they waited for the Headmaster to answer the door. “Besides... I don’t think our uniforms are that bad.”

“What would you have to complain about Ron... The boy’s uniforms are exactly like what you wear back in our own time.” Hermione replied, looking back at Ron with a little jealousy and anger. Just as she was about to turn around and smack Ron and Harry for continually looking at her ass, the Dumbledore of 1976 opened his door and welcomed the five teenagers into his office. Almost everything in the office looked exactly the same as it would in the future and although Harry thought Dumbledore would be surprised by their arrival, especially because it was mere hours before the sorting of houses was to begin, but Dumbledore didn’t seem the least bit startled.

“Welcome Harry, Ronald, Hermione, Ginevra and Luna to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... I have been eagerly waiting for your arrival!” Dumbledore said with a smile on his face and no hint of surprise.

“You were?” Harry asked, not sure how the Dumbledore of 1976 could possible know who they were before they introduced themselves. Harry thought that maybe Dumbledore had somehow traveled back in time with them and had taken his past self’s place. He did look shockingly similar in looks but after her remembered what his Dumbledore had told him about the danger of seeing himself in the past, he realized that his Dumbledore must have somehow already sent back a letter to himself to let his past self know of the eventual transfer.

“I received a letter two weeks ago explaining the reasons for your transfer and when you’d be arriving.” Dumbledore said, confirming Harry’s hypothesis and allowing Harry to relax just a little. “I also see that you all have already gotten dressed for Gryffindor House. Unfortunately I have some bad news on that front... There is only room for three of you Gryffindor House... Two of you will have to spend your final two years of magical education in Slytherin House. The letter I received told me you already know about the differences in the four school houses so I know you know that you’ll all experience a different side to Hogwarts. Ginevra Beazleby and Luna Lumsley will join the fifth year Gryffindor girls and since there is one open slot available for the sixth year male students in Gryffindor House, Ronald Weatherly will also join you two girls. That means Miss Hermione Stranger will join the sixth year Slytherin girls and Harry Cotter will join the sixth year Slytherin boys. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but there just isn’t any room in Gryffindor House to take on Harry and Hermione. Luckily for you two however, another sixth year boy has just transferred from Durmstrang and will be joining you Harry in the sixth year of Slytherin House.”

“What... But... We’re all friends!” Hermione pleaded with the Headmaster, knowing that if anyone learned of her Muggle heritage, she’d be persecuted to no end by the Slytherins. It would especially dangerous for her because Malfoy was obviously the new Slytherin transfer and he knew all about her parents. All Hermione could hope for was that Dumbledore was able to make a good enough cover story up for her to allay any suspicion.

“I’m sorry, but this was the only way to allow all of you to attend. No other houses have any room for you.” Dumbledore replied, looking genuinely sorry for the inconvenience. “There will be a change of clothing for the both of you in your quarters down in Slytherin House. Here is a map and some information about the school... These two prefects will take you to your respective houses and help you get acquainted with your housemates and new homes.” Dumbledore continued, pointing back at his door where two recognizable students walked through the door looking at each other with pure disgust for each other in their eyes.

“This is James Potter... He will escort Miss Lumsley, Miss Beazleby and Mister Weatherly to Gryffindor House,” Dumbledore said, pointing to Harry’s father, who was almost the spitting image of Harry, even though everybody failed to really notice it. Harry wanted to reach out and shake his father’s hand, but before he could Dumbledore introduced both his and Hermione’s escort. “And this is Severus Snape... He is a Slytherin Prefect and will be more than happy to help both of you become better accustomed with Slytherin House.” Harry looked on in horror as Snape reached out to shake both his and Hermione’s hands in succession. His greasy hair and large bird-like nose were almost exactly like those that had haunted his dreams for five years at Hogwarts.

Without even being able to say goodbye to Ron, Ginny or Luna, Harry and Hermione were guided out of the office, down the Headmaster’s staircase and towards the dungeons and Slytherin House.

“If you’re lucky you’ll never have to suffer the presence of Potter again.” Snape said with a devilish grin as he guided them down the Grand Staircase.

“He didn’t seem so bad.” Hermione chided in order to distract Harry from wanting to punch Snape square in his big nose.

“He’s a blood traitor and doesn’t deserve to be a pure blood wizard. I have already taken it upon myself to browse through both of your files and I’m glad to see that both of you come from a long line of wizard and witches of notable mention.” Snape replied, as they made it to the main level and made for the doors to the dungeons.

“Why should that matter?” Harry said in reply as they made their way down the steps.

“It matters because almost all those without pure wizarding blood should be thrown in Azkaban for stealing our world’s magical secrets.”

“Is there anything else we should know?” Hermione said a little snippily, just as they made it to Slytherin’s secret entrance.

“Only that you should speak only when spoken to bitch!” Snape replied back harshly. ‘You will soon find out that the female students at Hogwarts and especially those in Slytherin know their roles very well.’

“Huh?” Hermione replied, looking worried as she and Harry laid eyes on the statue covering the secret entrance. If Hermione was not already shocked and confused enough, when she and Harry saw what was protecting their new house’s entrance, her hand started shaking.

“Is that a...” Harry started before being interrupted by Snape again.

“A dirty Muggle whore!” He said with a smirk as he pulled out his wand. On her knees completely naked with her ass sticking up in the air to show everyone present, her juicy stone ass and pussy, was a perfect stone replica of a Muggle looking back at them, gagged and crying. On her stone head was a cone shaped hat that had the word Muggle written on it. “Just take your wand, completely insert it in her pussy or ass and say the password... Which is currently Muggle-Whore.” He said, doing exactly that before the statue moaned out loud like a whore and moved aside to reveal the Slytherin House entrance.

“Awesome!” Harry murmured out loud before he and Hermione followed Snape into the Slytherin chambers. Harry had been in Slytherin House once before, but he was shocked to see it was nothing like he remembered. At the center of an extremely large stone room was a massive jet-powered hot tub. At the far side of the room was a stage and tall metal pole that went from the floor to the ceiling.

“What’s that pole for?” Hermione asked innocently.

“Oh... You’ll find out soon enough, ha ha ha. Your rooms are up here and the two doors on either side of common room lead to two similarly large rooms I or someone else in Slytherin will introduce you to in the days to come. Right now however, we all need to make our way back up to the Great Hall to participate in the sorting that’s just about to start.” Snape said, picking up two Slytherin cloaks and handing them to Harry and Hermione. “You’ll have to wait to get changed later... Just throw these on and we’ll worry about your clothes later.” He finished, directing his last comment specifically at Hermione.

“What did he mean that I’ll find out soon enough?” Hermione asked Harry as she put on her Slytherin cloak and followed Snape back out the entrance and towards the Great Hall.

“I don’t know, but like he said... We’ll find out soon enough.” Harry replied as they walked into a nearly full Great Hall.

“You can take a seat next to the other new transfer student over here Harry and Hermione.” Snape told them before sitting down beside two other male sixth year Slytherin students and basically completely ignoring them.

“You!” Harry and Hermione said in unison after laying eyes on a largely inconspicuous Draco Malfoy.

“I knew you two would follow me here... Don’t say another word or I’ll blow your cover and change history forever.’ Malfoy said with a smirk as Harry and Hermione took a seat next to him. “I’m surprised to see you in Slytherin colours Mudblood... But I’m sure you’ll be even more surprised later. My father told me some interesting things about Hogwarts in the 1960 and 70s.”

“What do you mean Malfoy... All we have to do is get you alone and send you back to our time and this whole thing will be over.” Harry said, looking ready to jump Malfoy and do exactly that as his fingers grasped the time-turner device in his pocket.

“You wouldn’t dare try it in a crowded area like this and besides, I’ve already slipped your dear old daddy a slow acting toxin that will take almost an entire year to take effect and kill him. If you blow my cover or get in my way, you’ll never find out what I’ve poisoned him with and you’ll never get the cure.” Malfoy said with a smirk before picking up the plate of food that had just appeared in front of him and walking down the table to find another spot to eat beside Snape.

“Dammit... We’re just going to have to find those objects and protect them from Malfoy and just hope he doesn’t try to blow our cover.” Harry concluded as he looked around the hall at all the unfamiliar faces. Ron, Ginny and Luna still hadn’t made it down to the Great Hall and he still couldn’t see any sign of his mother, father or any of his friends. He could only hope that nothing bad had happened to them already as he surveyed the hall one more time and quickly recognized a few of the teachers sitting at the front table. There was Dumbledore, a younger Hagrid who was as big as ever. He saw several of the older teachers like Minerva McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey and even Pomona Sprout all looking both young and very attractive. After Ron, Ginny, Luna and rest of Gryffindor House joined the students waiting in the Great Hall, the sorting began and the feast started in earnest. After Dumbledore gave a short speech that Harry failed to follow because he was more interested in checking out the hundred or so gorgeous beauties all around him, Harry followed the rest of Slytherin House back down to the dungeons and a special little surprise planned for the newest female transfer student.

What Hermione or Harry didn’t know was that Slytherin had a special initiation they put every female transfer student through upon arriving at Hogwarts. It was customary for the new girl to get up on stage with every Slytherin student watching and strip out of their clothes. If that wasn’t enough the transfer student had to get a spanking from every single male member of the house before receiving her new Slytherin clothing.

As Harry and Hermione made it to the secret entrance of Slytherin House, Malfoy walked by them and whispered to Hermione, “You’re going to love this Mudblood!” he said squeezing her ass quickly before running into the Slytherin common room and grabbing a seat for the show.

“What... Fuck you Malfoy!” Hermione cried in shock before she heard the high tempo beat of a familiar Wizard rock band.

“Hmmm... I wonder what they’re planning in there.” Harry said as they walked into the common room to find every single male Slytherin student sitting in chairs around the stage and long metal pole.

“And there she is... Hermione Stranger... Our newest Slytherin slut and the next one on the pole for our entertainment.” Snape’s voice boomed as if he was talking through a microphone.

“What... I’m not a slut and I’m not stripping for you pigs!” Hermione shouted back, trying to back away out of the common room to safety. Before she could leave though, Harry grabbed her by the elbow and whispered in her ear.

“You have to do it Hermione... We can’t break our cover and if you refuse to follow through with their traditions, they may do some digging and find out that were not from their time.” Harry whispered to her as he guided her towards the stage. In truth, Harry really wanted to see her naked again, and the thought of seeing her doing a little strip dance in front of him was extremely hot.

“Are you fucking kidding Harry? You want me to get naked for these sickos?” Hermione asked Harry looking extremely worried.

“You gotta take one for the team Hermione... It’s the only way!” Harry told her before grabbing her cloak and tearing it off her while he pushed her onto the stage.

The crowd of Slytherin boys cheered in approval as Hermione got on stage and grabbed the stripper’s pole tentatively. She had no idea what she was doing up there; she had taken some basic dance classes in her early youth, but exotic dancing was a whole lot different than ballet or tap. Gripping the pole, Hermione spun around it quickly, letting her tiny skirt flutter up past her thong, showing off her gorgeous ass and causing the crowd of horny boys cheer out. Blushing and not really sure why she was actually enjoying herself, Hermione continued to twirl around the pole before ripping off her tight white dress shirt to reveal her pert young breasts and erect little pink nipples.

“Holy fuck Hermione... You are a Slytherin slut!” Harry said mostly to himself as he felt his cock begin to harden again. Hermione was really getting into it by that point and had already pulled off her tiny skirt to show off her amazing teen ass. She still was twirling around the metal pole, wearing only her white sneakers, knee-high socks, tiny red and gold thong, and her small little Gryffindor tie around her neck.

“Take them off! Take them off! Take them off!!!” Everyone started shouting, urging Hermione on to take off her little panties and let everyone get a good look at her tight little pussy and finely trimmed little landing strip. Just to egg them on a little more, Hermione toyed with them a little longer by ever so slowly sliding them down her hips to her ankles. Hermione then kicked them off into the crowd and right into Harry’s face. With one last twirl around the pole to let everyone see her full body one last time, the song ended and her performance came to an abrupt close. Before Hermione could get off the stage, a large ugly seventh year boy grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the stage. As every one of the boys lined up in two lines on either side of Hermione, she was slowly led between them, being forced to stop every few feet so each one of them could either grope her pert young ass or spank her for being such a naughty slut.

“Oww... Owwwww...!” Hermione cried in succession, after each boy gave her a quick spanking. Malfoy got a little frisky by groping her ass and running his finger across her little trimmed pubic strip. “FUCK YOU MALFOY!” Hermione whined in protest, just before Harry gave her ass one good last squeeze, before the seventh year guiding her spanked her harder than anyone and giving her a new Slytherin uniform to wear. Hermione was nearly in tears as she slowly walked up to her new room with a red ass and a feeling that she had degraded herself by participating in such a disgusting little Slytherin tradition. She could only hope that Ginny and Luna hadn’t faced any similar disgusting tradition and that Ron would protect them from anything to bad, unlike Harry had done for her.

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts
Chapter 3 – Lily Evans Is A Slut!

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit.

Story Codes: mf, mf, grope, hp, magic, oral, unif

Hogwarts of 1976 was a very different Hogwarts of what Harry and Hermione had ever experienced. It was probably in large part due to the fact that both Harry and Hermione had been assigned to Slytherin House instead of Gryffindor, but there were many other things about Hogwarts that had changed too. Hermione had the most traumatic night between her and Harry – Slytherin tradition had forced her to do a little strip show after the sorting of the first year students and although Hermione had kind of liked it, the spanking that had followed was nowhere near as enjoyable. While Harry and Hermione became accustomed to the perverted customs of Slytherin House, Ron, Ginny, and Luna were being welcomed a little more warmly by Gryffindor House.

“The Gryffindor common room is on the seventh floor and the entrance is behind--” James Potter was saying before being abruptly cut off by Ron.

“The portrait of the Fat Lady--” Interjected Ron rudely before James looked over at him quizzically.

“Well yeah... How did you know that?” James asked Ron looking confused.

“Uhhhh... Uhhhh...” Stuttered Ron before Ginny pushed Ron aside with an answer.

“His parents used to go to Hogwarts... They told us where the entrance to Gryffindor House was.” Ginny lied as James snuck a peak down at her ass. Ginny’s skirt was so tiny that every time she took a step, her entire gorgeous ass was visible. Ron could hardly blame him; both Luna and his sister were looking rather good as they made their way up the last flight of stairs and towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.

“We did make a few improvements to the common room over the past couple of years though, so I’m sure your parents never told you about the new and improved Gryffindor House.” James said with a smirk and another quick glance down at Luna’s juicy little heart-shaped ass.

“What kind improvements?” Luna asked excitedly as they approached the portrait and James got ready to say the password to enter.

“Password?” The Fat Lady asked.

“Quidditch.” Replied James and the portrait opened immediately. Ron and Ginny expected to see the same basic layout of Gryffindor Tower which they had become accustomed to over the last few years of their time at Hogwarts, but they were both stunned to see it drastically bigger and much more appealing. The common room area looked almost exactly the same as they had remembered, but with three doors that neither Ron nor Ginny had ever seen, leading off into other rooms. Because the opening feast had not yet begun and most of the students had not yet arrived, only a few of the older students were present. A couple of the sixth and seventh year girls were walking across the common room towards one of the three doors wearing the skimpiest bikinis that Ron had ever seen. Over near the stairs however, was an even more intriguing sight; a very pretty dark redheaded girl was on her knees sucking the cock of a handsome and very familiar looking boy.

“Oh come on Lily, you promised me the first blowjob of the year!” James shouted with both anger and humour.

“Sorry buddy, she just couldn’t resist the old Black family charm!” Sirius Black laughed as Lily took a break from deep-throating Sirius rock hard seven inches.

“Oh come on James... I’ve been stuck in the Muggle world for the past two months... I couldn’t help myself,” Lily replied with a smirk before looking over at Ron, Ginny and Luna. “And who may I ask is this handsome stud and beautiful ladies?” She said after licking the tip of Sirius’s cock one more time.

“Shit Lily... At least let him settle in before you wrap your tongue around his cock too.” Sirius joked as Lily ignored them and starting sucking on his shaft again. By this point, Ron, Ginny and Luna were stunned. Never did they ever believe that Harry’s mom could have been such a dirty slut. Sucking off Harry’s Godfather in front of everybody, including Harry’s future father was unbelievable. Ron’s cock was rock hard after hearing what Lily had to say about him and both Ginny and Luna were both feeling a little hot under the collar as they watched the dark redheaded slut deep-throat Sirius over and over again.

“Besides Lily, I’m next!’ Replied a slightly miffed James, just as Sirius started to grunt and pant.

“Fuck... I’m Fucking CUMMMMMMING!” Grunted Sirius, just as everyone in the room looked over at the two to catch the best part of the show. Sirius’s cock started to jerk wildly, just as Lily pulled her mouth off his cock and got ready to catch his warm seed. “UNGHHHHHH... YES!” Sirius grunted in satisfaction as he started firing off load after load across Lily’s pretty teenage face. His warm seed splashed off Lily’s cheek and into her hair before she was able to catch the last couple of loads in her mouth and swallow them with pleasure.

“Mmmmm... I love the taste of your cum, Sirius!” Moaned Lily, as she licked her lips and sucked off the last few drops of cum from Sirius’s cock.

“Thanks Lily... I really needed that!” Sirius groaned as he pulled his pants back up and walked over to Ron, Ginny and Luna to introduce himself. “I’d shake your hand, but... You know...” Sirius laughed as he introduced himself as Sirius Black and welcomed them to Gryffindor House.

“And I’m Lily Evans,” She called from across the room as she readjusted her tiny skirt and dress shirt before standing up and for the first time giving Ron, Ginny and Luna a good look at her fantastic body, tight teenage ass, marvellous juicy young breasts and gorgeous rosy cheeked face. Lily used the ‘scourgify’ spell on her face and hair before walking over to Ron and giving him a long hard hug. She briefly felt Ron’s massive bulge press into her thigh before whispering, “Wow... I know what you’re thinking right now!’ Ron blushed before Lily let go of him and hugging both Ginny and Luna in turn, squeezing each of the girl’s ass playfully as if to see if there was any competition she needed to watch out for.

“Well James... Where’s Wormy and Moony?” Sirius asked James as he cleaned himself up in a nearby water basin.

“Remus is a prefect, so he has to take the train from King’s Cross and Peter couldn’t get here any earlier, so he took the train too,” James replied, before slapping Lily’s ass playfully. “I have to play prefect for a few hours, so I can give you three the tour of the place, but I don’t mind.” He continued, looking down at Ginny’s long beautiful legs. Ginny caught him staring, but didn’t mind too much; she had always been fairly liberal when it came to sex and although she was still a much coveted after virgin, Ginny had a very open mind.

“James... Don’t... We should at least give them the rest of the tour before we go at it... Don’t you think?” Lily giggled, breaking away from James sneaky hands before guiding a still shocked Ron, Ginny and Luna towards one of the doors leading out of the common room.

“Dumbledore said this place was a little different than we were used to, but holy hell, I think I might just like this Hogwarts.” Ron whispered to Luna and Ginny as they followed Lily, James and Sirius through the common room door into what looked like a large hall, with a long bar at one side and a massive hot tub in the middle of the room.

“This is the bar, dance hall and hot tub room... There’s an age line at the doorway, so only fifth years and above can get in. You can basically use the hall for anything, but this is usually where all the parties take place.” Sirius said with a grin before he led the group to the bar. Taking a bottle of Fire Whiskey, Sirius poured some into six shot glasses using his wand and passed them around.

“To new friends and...”

“New beginnings!” Ron finished as all six of them drained their glasses and winced from the taste and strength of the beverage.

“God I love Fire Whiskey!” Sirius shouted out as he refilled the glasses again with his wand and everyone took another shot before leaving the hall to continue the tour. Ron, Ginny and Luna were then led to the room at the other side of the common room and after walking in; they were astonished to see a large outdoor balcony overlooking the entire Hogwarts grounds, lake and forest.

“Wow! How long has this been here?” Ginny said in fascination, as she leaned over one of the balcony’s stone railings to get a better look.

“Only a couple years... I did the spell work myself... It’s completely invisible to anyone outside the castle!” James replied looking supremely cocky.

“It’s so beautiful... Isn’t it?” Luna said, also leaning over the stone railing to get a better look.

“It’s definitely a gorgeous view!” James replied with a smirk, not looking out at the grounds, but down at Ginny and Luna’s juicy teenage asses.

“Yeah...” Ron and Sirius agreed immediately, also checking out Ginny and Luna’s sweet asses.

“You guys are perverts,” Lily said with a smile, slapping James playfully. “We should get down to the Great Hall though; the feast is about to start... We’ll finish the tour later.” She said before opening the door and making her way back into the common room. As they walked down to the Great Hall, James separated from the group with Ron to ask him a question.

“Hey Ron... Can I ask you a question?” He asked, quietly enough so that nobody else could hear.

“Yeah sure.” Ron replied, with his eyes fixated on Lily’s tight ass and long smooth legs.

“You’re not involved with Ginny or Luna, are you?”

“No, there just friends of mine.” Ron replied, looking over at Ginny and Luna’s asses as their short skirts flapped up and down over their perfect asses. Dumbledore had forged the fake identities for both Ron and Ginny, but had for some reason unknown to Ron, decided against giving Ron and Ginny the same last name. Ron had no idea why Dumbledore had done this, but as he stared down at Ginny’s juicy little ass, he thanked God for once that he wasn’t related to the young redheaded hotty.

“Good... Because Sirius has a thing for blondes and I’m gonna bang that redheaded slut like a whore!” James laughed before patting Ron on the shoulder and hurrying forwards to catch up with Sirius, Luna, Ginny and Lily. Normally, Ron would have been pissed that somebody was planning to fuck his little sister, but he was a little too busy staring at her ass to really care. The sorting of the first years and the feast went forward without incident; Ron, Ginny and Luna met Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, along with a few pretty fifth and sixth year girls. Lupin looked a little shabby and downtrodden, but other than a couple of thin scars, he looked much better than he would after a few more years of transformations and lack of work. Peter Pettigrew was as rat-like as ever and although Ron knew what he would turn out to be in a few years, and his clear need to do everything James and Sirius did, he was pleasant enough too. Everything was proceeding as usual, until halfway through the feast when Ron felt something tug on his pant leg. Before he could even look down, he felt somebody’s fingers enclose around his crotch.

“What the fuck!” Ron said instinctively as the hand started really massaging his stiffening cock.

“Ha ha ha!” Laughed Sirius as he looked over at Ron’s look of surprise. “Don’t worry... That’s just Lily giving you her standard welcome!” Ron finally looked down underneath the tablecloth and saw to his delight, the beautiful Lily Evans, looking back up at him with a smile on her face as her hand slowly unzipped and unbuttoned his pants.

“Holy Fuck! I can’t believe this is happening!” Ron exclaimed, more to himself than anybody else as Lily took hold of his hardening cock and really started to work on it.

“Lily gives the best blowjobs in school... Trust me Ron.” Sirius replied before getting back to his meal, as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

“This is the best school in the world!” Ron said to himself as Lily starting licking up and down his shaft while she fondled his balls. As Ron enjoyed the sensation of having his dick sucked by a real professional, he looked around the hall to see if Harry and Hermione were having as much fun as he was. He could see both Harry and Hermione looking nervous sitting at the Slytherin table, but other than that, they looked just fine. Ron nearly jumped up in shock after laying eyes on Draco Malfoy talking to a young Severus Snape, but was able to keep his cool thanks to the terrific blowjob Lily was giving him. Other than that, the rest of the feast went by like a blur; with Lily blowing him for nearly twenty straight minutes, Ron was quickly succumbing to her tight lips and long skilful tongue.

“I’m gonna cum... UNGHHHH!” Grunted Ron a few seconds later, firing off five thick loads of his hot sticky magical cum, right down Lily’s throat. Lily didn’t even gag as load after load was fired down her throat. She swallowed it without complaint and before Ron could even apologize for not warning her of his impending orgasm, Lily popped back up on the other side of the table with a smirk on her face.

“Welcome to Hogwarts Ron!” She said cheerily before taking a bite out of a pumpkin pasty. Ron just sighed with relief and closed his eyes in complete satisfaction.

“I told you buddy... Lily Evans is the best!” Sirius said as all the deserts disappeared in front of them and Dumbledore gave them the start of term speech and ushered them all off to bed. Ron, Ginny and Luna got one last glimpse of Harry and Hermione before being whisked off towards Gryffindor Tower again.

“And just think Ron... That was just an appetizer... Just wait until I get you all alone!” Lily whispered into Ron’s ear as they walked back to their common room. Ron felt his cock twinge as Lily walked ahead of him and stopped abruptly. “And just so you know that I’m serious...” She said turning around to face him and the rest of the Gryffindors walking behind them. “... Here’s the proof!” She continued, lifting up her skirt and pulling down her red and gold teeny thong to fling at Ron. Ron caught the wet panties in his hand and stuffed them into his pocket as Lily pulled her tiny skirt back down to cover her finely trimmed strip of dark red pubic hair.

‘Ummm... Uhhhh... Thanks!” Ron stuttered as everyone started walking forwards again, with a few even patting Ron on the shoulder and telling him how lucky he was.

“What was that about Ron...? What was Lily flinging at you?” Ginny asked as she ran forward to catch up to him.

“Yeah... And what was she doing under the table? Was she looking for Wing-Spotted Nymph Fairies?” Luna added curiously as she ran up beside Ron and looked up at him like she was expecting a serious answer.

“Uhhhh... I think she just dropped something.” Ron lied, getting a little red behind his ears in the process.

“I don’t know... I thought she was sucking your cock... She was down there for like twenty minutes!” Ginny said with a smirk as she watched Ron getting even redder. Ginny had never had sex, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t sexually active. For almost an entire year she had been dating a Ravenclaw boy, Michael Corner and although she had never let him fuck her, she had sucked his dick on several occasions.

“Ginny... What the fuck!” Ron said in shock before he felt Luna’s hand drop to his crotch and squeeze.

“Mmmm... She did suck his cock Ginny... I can just tell!” Luna told Ginny as her fingers released Ron’s balls and she continued to walk beside them as if she had done nothing out of the ordinary. Little did Ron or Ginny actually know, Luna was probably the biggest slut either Ron or Ginny had ever known. Introduced to sex by her pervert of a father in the previous year, Luna had fucked and sucked her quirky father every chance she could. When at school, Luna was known as Loony Lovegood for more than just her abnormal behaviour in Ravenclaw House. Luna had become quite the easy target for any Ravenclaw boy in her fourth year at Hogwarts who wanted an easy and freaky fuck with no strings attached whatsoever.

“What...? How the hell would you know Luna?” Ron asked looking shocked as he hurried forward and through the Fat Lady’s portrait to hopefully escape the awkward conversation he was now caught in.

“Oh, she’d know Ron... I’ve heard some strange tales about Luna last year.” Ginny said with a smile, before she and Luna ran forward to catch up with Lily to go and look at their new bedrooms.

“Like you should talk Ginny... I’ve heard some stories about you and Dean, you little slut!” Luna said kiddingly as Ron stood at the bottom of the girls’ staircase looking both red from embarrassment and anger, after learning of both Luna and Ginny’s seemingly slutty pasts.

“Dean? Dean Thomas!” Ron said as he walked up the boys’ staircase and towards his bedroom, both tired and confused. “That fucker’s going to get a beating when I get back!”

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts
Chapter 4 – Spin the Bottle

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit.

Story Codes: mf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, uniform

Gryffindor House of 1976 was far better than the one Ronald Weasley had ever known; not only were the common room and dormitories bigger, better and filled with more alcohol than he had ever seen, the benefits of a far more liberal atmosphere, meant many opportunities for him to score. On his first day, Ron had already gotten his cock sucked by one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, and if the look in Lily Evans’s eyes meant anything, there would be far more to come. Ginny and Luna had also been enjoying themselves, and although they hadn’t done anything to compare with Ron’s experiences thus far, ideas continued to filter through their minds as more and more handsome boys made passes at them at almost every opportunity. Luna had caught Sirius Black constantly staring at her juicy little heart-shaped ass on a number of occasions, but instead of getting angry with the obviously infatuated wizard, Luna had toyed with him by pulling her red and gold thong up past the waist line of her skirt. Ginny had caught the eye of almost every boy in Gryffindor and the other houses for her likeness to the other gorgeous redhead in her House, but she had noticed the eyes of James Potter glued on her outstanding ass and small pert breasts on several occasions as well.

“Is it me or are there a lot of Perverted Pixies floating around?” Luna asked Ginny as the traipsed up to the fifth year Gryffindor girls’ bedroom. Both Ginny and Luna were sleepy and ready for bed after a long and eventful first day at Hogwarts. Both girls had enjoyed the extra attention they had been given by the boys of Hogwarts for their school uniforms which did well to show off their shapely teenage bodies.

“I don’t know about any pixies, but if you mean all those looks Sirius and James have been giving us, I definitely agree.” Ginny laughed, getting a kick out of Loony Lovegood and her quirky personality. Ginny had always been friendly with the Ravenclaw oddity, and although even Ginny usually couldn’t understand Luna’s eccentricities, there was never a dull moment when she was around.

“Yes, I do think Harry’s father’s eyes may have a permanent sticking charm on your ass Ginny.” Luna replied without breaking stride as she opened the bedroom door and was astounded to see how large the room was. “Wow! The bedrooms in Ravenclaw Tower aren’t even half as large as these!”

“Yeah, I definitely don’t remember them being this big... They must’ve put an enlargement charm on all the rooms in Gryffindor Tower.” Ginny concluded as she jumped on the nearest bed with all her belongings beside it. Three other fifth year girls soon followed Ginny and Luna into the room, introducing themselves in order. Ginny already recognized one of the girls as Alice, owing to the fact that she was the spitting image of her future son, Neville Longbottom. Everyone seemed friendly enough to Ginny and Luna, and even though the two girls were by far the most attractive of the five, they soon found out after a long night of gossiping that they were definitely the least sexually experienced.

“It looks like we’re going to have some work cut out for us if we hope to fit in like Dumbledore wanted us to. I mean, we can’t stand out if we hope to accomplish our mission and help Harry, can we?” Ginny reasoned with Luna after the talk had died down and they all turned in for bed.

“I don’t think we’ll have too much trouble catching up though, as long as those Perverted Pixies keep floating around.” Luna replied, yawning with tiredness as she closed her eyes and was quickly whisked away to pleasant dreams.

The first day of classes were short and sweet for both Ginny and Luna; after Charms with a much younger Flitwick and Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Silvanus Kettleburn, who was missing several fingers and toes, Ginny and Luna took a quick lunch in the Great Hall. After being waved over by Lily, she asked them how their first day had gone so far.

“Not bad... We only had Charms and Care of Magical Creatures though... We still have Transfiguration and Ancient Runes this afternoon.” Ginny told Lily as they snacked on a few deliciously prepared sandwiches.

“That’s not so bad... At least Flitwick and Kettleburn aren’t perverts like Slughorn and that new Muggle Studies professor,” Lily told the girls as she took a bite out of her sandwich and quickly looked over at both James and Sirius, who were clearly discussing something important in private. “Sufficed to say, if Slughorn asks you to stay behind after a lesson or to take ‘extra potions lessons’, don’t. If you’re lucky, he won’t make you join his little Slug Club and take every opportunity he can to grope you.” Lily told them wisely, having been groped on several occasions by the aging, balding and fattening Potions Master.

“Slug Club? Do you actually collect slugs?” Luna asked Lily with her usual dazed and confused look.

Lily laughed heartily at what she thought was a funny joke instead of a serious question before turning back to Ginny looking sincere.

“You know... James and Sirius really want to fuck you two... I’m sure they’re planning it right now,” Lily told Ginny and Luna with a smirk, “I know, because they did the same thing before trying to fuck me.”

“And did it work?” Luna asked Lily curiously.

“Well yes, but I wanted it anyway.” Lily told them with a pensive look as James and Sirius broke apart and turned towards Lily, Ginny and Luna to ask them a question.


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Harry Potter Loves You Part 9

Part 9 and there was Three Harry woke feeling his wives, wives I have two wives, he smiled, laying next him, his eyes closed. Hermione snuggled up to him, her leg over his, Ginny on his other side pressing into him, their heads on his chest and shoulder, their breasts against him, he could feel their breaths on his skin, their heart beats, Hermiones wetness on his thigh, Ginnys hand gently holding his erect manhood. He laid there thinking of how his life had turned around it the last years. ...

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Harry Potter Gets Charmed

This is a fanfic of 'Charmed' and Harry Potter, the characters are owned by their respective owners. Harry Potter gets 'Charmed' By Eric Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were trapped in Snape's Office after hours. Snape was at the door blocking their escape! "I know you're in there, Potter!" he said happily, gloating. "At last I have you red handed, Mr. Perfect Porter! This time not even Dumbledore will keep me from punishing you all!" He started to open the...

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Harry Potter and the Unicorn Mare

Warning Spoilers, If you haven't read all the books. The following story may contain spoilers. The story may also not be suitable for younger readers. You have been warned. Any complaints will be ignored. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I am only playing in the world created by J.K. Rowling. No money is being made. Title: "Harry Potter and How I Became a Unicorn Mare" By: Not Telling. |_| Ever hear the phrase, "Try walking A Mile In My Shoes, and then judge the choices I...

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Harry Potter and the Discipline Room

Harry Potter sighed as he contemplated his bleak future. He was sitting on his bed in the boy’s dormitory in Gryffindor tower, hugging his legs against his chest and resting his forehead on his knees. He sighed again, lifted his head and looked at his carved, four-poster bed which was hung with rich, red, velvet curtains. He wondered whether he was seeing it for the last time. Harry was certain that he was going to be expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for engaging in a...

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Harry Potter and the Passion Potion

“Where am I?” Harry thought to himself as he picked up his school uniform and began to get dressed. As Harry continued to think, he realized that his last thoughts were from his 6th period potions with Professor Snape, the greasy-haired head of Slytherine, who hated him more than anyone at Hogwarts. As Harry began to think more, looking very puzzled as he scratched his messy brown hair, “Something had to have happened in potions class…” As Harry thought more and more he reached down to...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...

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Harry Potter And The Love Feather

"Common, Harry it's getting late, lets all go to bed," Ron said. I got up and packed my homework. We were in the Gryffindor (our house in our school, Hoghwarts) common room studying. "Yeah, lets go," Neville agreed. We all talked and then walked to our dormitory of five. It was lit by candles and immediately caused us to feel drowsy. That was the beauty of magic. We all jumped into our beds and went to sleep immediately as we were dog-tired from the Quiditch match (I love that game)...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 2

Something had happened, but Harry wasn't sure what yet. Mr. Weasley had come and got him from the Dursley's and was just explaining to him about getting the tickets to the Quidditch World Cup when they had entered the Weasley house. As soon as they had entered Harry had heard raised voices followed by a slap then seconds later a groan and a thud as someone had fallen to the floor. As he reached the stairs he was met by Hermione, moving fast and obviously crying. She pushed past Harry and...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART TWO

HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA PART TWO (THE CONCLUSION) This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. PART TWO Back in Ancient Runes, Harrys distracted for several minutes before he can bring...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part II

PART II "There, look!" "Where?" "Next to Ron Weasley of course!" "Wearing the glasses? It can't be!" "Did you see what he looks like now?" "Yeah I know, creepy isn't it?" Whispers followed Harry from the moment he left the abandoned girls lavatory three weeks before. He is still a girl. People queuing outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at him, or doubled back to pass him in the corridors again, staring, gaping at the new female Harry. He wished they wouldn't but at...

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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

I'm a Harry Potter Fans but i love aslo extreme sexual fantasy about Potter universe. This story contain Character of JK Rowling Book two last thing before you read this first i'm not English Native Speaker so be easy on me... maybe soe part of my text are all wrong grammaticaly but i think it's still easy to understand Second, this story Contains Harcore Porn like Scat for this one chapter and many other sexual deviance so don't read it if you don't like extreme shit Finally This is...

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Daily Prophet HeadlinesNovember 1st, 1981You Know Who Dead! James Potter Killed, wife, son surviveDark Lord’s body found at sceneMultiple Deaths reported throughout Wizarding World December 31st, 1981Albus Dumbledore Announces RetirementWill step down from Headmaster Position effective the end of the School Year September 1st, 1996Harry Potter starts Hogwarts‘Boy Who Survived’ Hopes to Join Gryffindor HouseExclusive Interview!July 31st, 2003Harry Potter Announces His Lady PotterCho Chang will...

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Harry Potter and the Gerexium Part One

(All things in relation to J.K. Rowlings' Harry Potter series are of course copyrighted to their rightful owners, this work is simply one of a fan of the series, and all of the characters, and most of the events are taken from the book series, which I accept no credit for.) This story takes place in an alternate universe, parallel to the one J.K. Rowlings' has continued with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Therefore, anything in the first 4 books has already happened, but...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part I

Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of Emerald Witch Part V

PART V *Gasp!* Heather quickly sat upright in her bed, panting heavily. She was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe. The amulet beneath her night dress was glowing brighter than ever, pulsing and pounding like a beating heart against her chest. She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to catch up with her breath. For a moment she thought she was hyperventilating. Then, she thought she was dying. "Oh no," gasped Heather. "No, no, no!" She thought she'd never get...

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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

This was the first story I ever wrote in 2011. I posted it on XNXX under the writer's name VoldemortSlave. It was way before I started to do fakes and wrote stuff in here. I realized that the chapters I wrote back then have been posted on many sites for fanfiction stories. I decided I should probably post it back here for people to enjoy and add to it if they want. I made 11 chapters back then so this version should update fast at first. I still want to write stuff for my Celeb Handler story so...

Mind Control
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The burrow was filled with numerous relatives and friends of the weasley family, all in bright wedding attire. Everyone was happily socialising and why not? The boy who lived had defeated the dark lord Voldemort and there was peace in the magical world.Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to...

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Harry potter and the veela bride

Bill had decided to have another wedding since his first to Fleur had gone so badly with the Death Eaters attacking and ruining the function. So here he was. If only he could find his bride now. Night was falling and he was practically itching to take his wife to bed..but where in Merlin was she? He looked around to find his beautiful redhead sister Ginny sitting nearby in one of the wedding tents talking with Hermione Granger and walked towards them. His sister had grown into quite the...

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harry potter and the snake eyes

"nagini!" said valdamort in parsletounge. "make yourself known." a huge python slithered out of a hole in the floor and rapped itself around the back of valdamort's chair. " are you ready for our little indever my sweet." he said. nagini nodded, flicking her tounge . aloud sound like the backfireing of a car echoed through the room and wormtail appeared, his decreped form bent in a low bow. " master i have returned with good news." he said. " good then i won't have...

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“Close your mouth, William. You look like a fool.”“Sorry, Fleur.” Her husband Bill grinned at her sheepishly before looking back around. “But it’s just—veela!”“Oui, veela,” she said, sighing. “I know.”Fleur had been excited to invite the extended Weasley family to accompany her on her trip to visit her grandmother at the veela conclave in France. She hadn’t expected it to be much of a problem. Even the members of the family that had barely been able to speak to her without drooling had gotten...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter and the real ending

Harry awoke with a gasp, his body ached but he was surprised to find he was on silk sheets, which wouldn't have surprised him half as much, if he wasn't expecting not to wake up at all. Voldemort cast the killing curse at him, it should have destroyed both himself and the horcrux living within him. Perhaps this is the afterlife he thought to himself, if it was it was a drab one at that. Dark curtains partially covered a large dusty window which let in a trickle of light for Harry to see...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

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Harry Potter And the Ring Of Salazar Part 3

He was amaze by what he was seeing. Ginny Weasly was resting on her back on the side of Harry's bed. Her head was lying down the corner and Harry Potter was fucking her throat like he never think it was possible. Ginny's face was coated with slip and even some puke... Maybe because Harry was letting her only take 10 second of air for any minute of facial rape. He was gag fucking her for at least 30 minutes, getting strength each time he allow her to breath. Malfoy was amaze by the way Ginny...

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Harry Potter And The Ladies Of The Realm A HP AU story

The Golden, Enchanted Bells rang loud and clear throughout the City of London. All who heard it, Noble and commoner alike, knew what those Bells ringing meant. James Potter, The Magical King, Protector of the Magical United kingdom, High Scion of England, Scotland and Ireland, was dead. Lily Evans did not seem to care as the 32 year old Witch sipped her coffee and observed the events from the small cafe she sat outside of. The common born cried and wailed in the streets while the nobles and...

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Harry Potter Life after Hogwarts

Harry lay in his huge king size bed at his home at Godrics Hollow. He had just finished school, and was looking forward to a long period of relaxation and more importantly, exploring his sexual side. Harry was still a virgin and had every intention to lose it as quickly as possible. He had a few ideas of whom he could shag, but was looking for a long lasting relationship, with someone who trusted and loved him. Harry lay in a sleepy state, only half awake, when he heard a knock on the...

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Harry Potter and the teachers

Elizabeth felt a pair of calloused hands roam her body and she moaned. Merlin, the lad had magical hands. They knew how to touch her and where. They then cupped her swinging breasts and she groaned. She was on her hands and knees with Harry in back of her thrusting in and out of her gushing cunt.“Mmmm, Harry” she moaned.“Yes professor?” Harry asked.“Harry, you know you should call me Elizabeth during your tutoring sessions” Elizabeth chided gently.“Sorry, Elizabeth” Harry said.“No problem...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 0

Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires – Chapter 1 - Camping Introduction: Harry Potter discovers the Spell book of Desires in his fourth year at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. I didn't write this i found it on the internet and wanted to share it with you Harry was having the best time...

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Harry Potter Full Length

sorry about not writing as much. I found this on my hardrive from when I was infatuated with Harry Potter. For my b-day on Sept. 5th, I'm releasing this harry potter Complete Works special. This was posted already under my other aliases. constructive feedback only, no dissing me out. I apologize in advance for grammar. Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Epilogue

EPILOGUE Harry lay face down, listening to the silence. He was perfectly alone. Nobody was watching. Nobody else was there. He was not perfectly sure that he was there himself. A long time later, or maybe no time at all, it came to him that he must exist. He was more than a disembodied thought because he was lying, definitely lying, on some surface. Therefore, he had a sense of touch, and the thing against which he lay existed too. Almost as soon as he had reached this...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 Chos Jealousy

Introduction: After hearing of Harry and Hermiones exploits, Cho takes matters into her own hands. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 2 A fortnight had passed since Harry and Hermiones session and Harry had thought of nothing else since. With the pressure of losing his virginity lifted, Harry felt a lot more confident around the girls and a lot happier then hed ever been. Both Harry and Hermione...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 6

Part 6 Ron couldn't believe the sight in front of him. The confusion and worry over Harry's disappearance had caused him to forget all about the reward Hermione had promised him. His excitement growing Ron felt his cock begin to rise at the prospect of what he was about to do with Hermione. Ron was still a little bit confused however. 'What's that bottle your holding?' Ron asked curiously. 'It's lubrication, if your going to have anal sex with me then your going to need...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Two

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" Hermione screamed as she dove off of Harry. He absently noticed that her hand was still covered with her own spittle and his pre-cum. "Please, don't stop on my account," Gryffindor's ghost implored. "Continue. Pretend I'm not here." "Is that..." began Hermione as she crouched in the corner while clutching her half-opened blouse in front of her. "Is that Godric Gryffindor?" "See that?" Gryffindor said to Harry. "She didn't take a kip...

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Harry Potter That Need Part 7 8

"Well, I guess I could ask you the same question, but they’ve invited us along in a few hours. Let’s just see what they’re up to then," Harry said with a grin. "Besides, we had a go right after we left them Saturday night. At least maybe they’ve managed to keep their hands off each other the whole week." Then the grin slid off his face, "Ron, do you think we should tell them, about us I mean?" "I can’t just walk up to Hermione and say ‘by the way, I went down on Harry after I shagged...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 4

The following week was rough on everyone as the Dr.'s Granger had to get used to their little girl now being married at the age of fifteen, but also for Harry and Hermione for pretty much the same reason. Dan spent several hours the first couple of days with Emma in the study talking to the portrait of Danielle Granger, who had been the last Lady Granger, painted 300 years earlier, and filling her in on as much family and world history as they could. Dan assured her he would dig through the...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 5 Katie Bell

There was no stopping the rumours about Harry sex life. The fact that he had fucked Pansy and then Cho spread across the school like wild fire, especially as Cho was heart broken. As Harry had suspected Hermione wasn’t too happy with him sleeping with Pansy just one day after he had been with her. But as he hardly saw her anymore he couldn’t tell any greater difference in her mood. Hermione wasn’t her old self at all, she didn’t even volunteer information in class ymorymore. Harry had never...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 10 The Fall of Ron

Chapter 10 If anybody had happened to be passing by the 7th floor corridor, they would have heard a faint cry of joy emanate from within the stone wall itself, opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy attempting to train trolls for the ballet. The voice seemed to belong to Draco Malfoy. * Long rays of clear morning sunshine shone through the high narrow windows of the 6th year boy’s dormitory as Harry Potter awoke from a nice long lie-in. A yawning Harry stretched out his legs, as he...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 6 Revenge is a Dish best served cold

Harry went from his room and into the Library "Hermione What should we do to the ones who Betrayed us?" Harry asks as he enters. Hermione Looks up from the Huge book in front of her. "Well we can get a Piece out in the paper. We can name all names. And we should contact the twins." She says. Harry Replies," Well I already sent Fumbledore a nice tainted box of Lemon Drops. I surpose we can use this Rita Skeeter for our Mud raking." "Harry what do you mean tainted Lemon Drops?" She...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 30 The Twins Come of Age

Chapter Thirty – The Twins Come of Age Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, magic, orgy, preg, spank, voy As March wound down and April approached, the school was abuzz from the latest sex scandal involving Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and nearly half of the school. So prodigious were the circumstances of the abnormally...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 5 Double Trouble

Chapter 5 November descended upon Hogwarts and along with it came even rain and even a few flakes of snow. It was the final week of November and there was only a fortnight left before the Christmas holidays started. Ron began to feel his bad mood coming again. A month had passed since his fun with Lavender and they had been dating ever since. Though the sex was incredible, they did not really share much in common and Ron had started to lust after his true love; Hermione once more. ‘If...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 Chos Jealousy

Chapter 2 A fortnight had passed since Harry and Hermione’s session and Harry had thought of nothing else since. With the pressure of losing his virginity lifted, Harry felt a lot more confident around the girls and a lot happier then he’d ever been. Both Harry and Hermione were desperate for an opportunity for round 2 to happen but with the immense work-load that was piled on the 6th years, both were too busy to hook up again. Harry’s cock was aching for some more action and little did he...

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Harry Potter Helping Out

Gabrielle Delacour graduated with top marks out of her year, and she could pretty much have any job in the world. And not because of the fact she was a pretty face either. The eighteen year old Veela princess had golden blonde hair, a soft complexion with soulful blue eyes. Her sizeable breasts squeezed into a tasteful white blouse, which came down to the plaid skirt she wore. She wore white stockings over her long legs which stretched down for miles.The Veela Princess could have any job she...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 5 The Train

Chapter Five – The Train Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, rape, x-gang, first, unif, voy The Spellbook of Desires was once again in Harry Potter’s grasp; having lost it for nearly two weeks, he was relieved to have finally regained it. Harry was so relieved because he knew it would be his single best companion, other than Hermione and Ron, during the...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part IV

PART IV For a moment, nothing happened and the full feeling was freed from her mind. She thought she had beaten The Emerald Curse. Suddenly, the amulet chain tightened and began to squeeze tightly on her throat. She tried to pull it off as it dug into her skin but it was much too strong. She trashed about the place, gasping for air, wrenching and choking. "The old man must DIE!" screamed Alys. "Arrrrrgh!" croaked Heather, pleading for Alys to stop. She started to feel woozy and...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Introduction: Harry Potters 6th year at Hogwarts becomes a little more exciting. NOTE – This is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Sixth Book. A few things are changed, more prominently the beginning. Ill do my best to get all the details correct! Enjoy. Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked – Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents deaths and the other horrible things he...

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Harry potter meets the sisters black

Harry potter was taking a walk thinking about how crappy his life is. The dursleys have ruined his life for the first eleven years and the past five summers. He is so ready to leave their house, but he still has two more years left till he is a legal aged wizard. Then there is voldemort, who killed his parents, and has tried to kill him at least once a year since he turned eleven. Then last year he heard the damnable prophecy about him and voldemort. "Why is my life so screwed up!?" the 15...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...

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