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We were sitting across from each other, so I would have to turn around to look. I didn't want to be too conspicuous so I stood up and walked slowly to the restroom, which was in the girl's direction. On the way I discreetly eyed her; she was pretty, looked to be in her early twenties, and was with a big party of friends. I continued past her to the restroom, took a quick piss, and returned.

"Well?" Jake asked.

"She's hot," I said quietly. "I'm sure she would be fun but she's with a bunch of people. If she leaves by herself we can see what happens but I don't think that's going to happen."

Jake sighed. "Yeah, I know. The hot ones never go out by themselves."

"You're sure you're not interested in Hotpants?" I asked, referring to a 30-something year old who wasn't bad looking and was clearly looking for some male companionship.

"Nah, I need something younger tonight... and less slutty."

"Yeah, I'd like that too but I don't think-"

"Hi, guys!" I was interrupted by a female voice. "How are we doing? My name is Amanda and I'll be your server for the rest of the night. Misha got off."

Jake and I looked at each other for a moment, silently.

"We're good," I replied. "I could use another lager actually."

"Sure thing," she said with a bright smile. "Anything for you?" she asked, looking at Jake.

He just stared at her at first, and I knew what he was thinking. Fortunately he snapped out of it before the girl got creeped out. "I'll have another as well," he finally replied. "The stout."

"Alright," she said happily. "I'll be right back with those."

"Oh, miss?" I asked as she started to walk away.

"How late are you open tonight?"

"Till 2:00," she replied.

We watched her walk to the kitchen to get our beers, enjoying the sight of her bare legs under her denim skirt.

When she was out of sight, Jake asked me simply, "What do you think? Are you in?"

I thought about it for a moment and then replied. "Yeah, I'm in."

It was hard enough to find victims that interested both of us, let alone ones that might be obtainable, so when an opportunity presented itself we tried to take advantage of it. The fact that she was at work made it more likely that she would be alone when she left, and the fact that she was working until closing time meant that she wouldn’t leave until after all the customers were gone. Jake and I had scouted the bar weeks ago so we knew there was no working security camera. Still, she wasn't quite a sure thing; not yet.

"We'll finish our drinks, pay our tabs, and wait in the truck for her to leave," I said. "We'll still want to make sure she's alone when she leaves, but I think our chances are good."

We still had about an hour to go when we left the bar, so we stopped at a gas station to get some energy drinks and snacks. Then we parked outside the bar and waited.

“How old do you think she is?” I asked.

“College age,” Jake replied. I could hear the lust in his voice as he said it.

“She must be 21 if she’s working at a tavern, but damn… she can’t much older than that.”

“Do me a favor,” said Jake, “and don’t fuck up her tits too bad.”

“Yeah, sorry about that; I went a little overboard last time. I’ll try to stay away from her boobs and face, but I do have a new toy to try out on the rest of her,” I said, removing the switchblade from my pocket

“It’s too big!” Jake asked with alarm. “You’ll fuck her up before I get to play with her!”

“Calm down, I’ll use it sparingly,” I replied. “Here, check it out. You might want to use it on her after I’m done.”

As Jake was admiring my shiny new knife the brunette in the black dress came out of the bar, accompanied by a throng of friends.

“Fuck!” said Jake, under his breath. “That bitch’ll never know how close she came to getting murdered.”

I had to admit, she had some of the best boobs I’d ever seen. “She would have been a great time,” I agreed. “Maybe in an alternate universe.” I watched them drive off with without too much regret, knowing that we had a nice consolation prize waiting for us.

Twenty minutes later the girl still hadn’t left, and we were starting to wonder if we had missed her. We were just starting to argue about it when the bar door opened and young Amanda walked out into the night.

She was still wearing her uniform, which was really just a tee-shirt with the name of the bar, a mid-length jean skirt, and flats. Jake and I immediately stopped bickering and admired her. While her breasts were not quite up to the level of Miss Blackdress, her legs were arguably better than any of the chicks we had offed before.

“Fuck, she’s hotter than I remembered!” Jake whispered.

We had parked between her car and the bar, so she was walking straight toward us. When she got to within about 15 feet of the car she finally noticed us and stopped in her tracks.

“Now!” I exclaimed.

As we opened our doors the girl started backing away, then turned around and ran back to the bar. I realized with sudden panic that if she made it inside we probably wouldn’t be able to get to her and she might be able to identify us.

She was young and she had a head start on us, so naturally she got to the door first. In her panic, she fumbled for her keys for a few seconds, then dropped them and had to pick them up. Finally she opened the door just as Jake caught up with her.

“Get off! Get off!” she started to scream as Jake pulled her away from the door. Before she could say anything else he had his hand over her mouth, muffling her cries. A second later I was there to help him. Without saying a word I took her legs, avoiding some ill-placed kicks, and we carried her back to the truck.

We cuffed her hands behind her back but she was still struggling hard.

“Buddy, I gotta hit her,” I told Jake. “We can’t have her struggling like this.”

He sighed. “Alright, just try not to leave a mark.”

I rolled her onto her stomach. “Hand me the hammer out of the glove compartment.”

“Shit,” he mumbled. But he handed me the hammer.

Sitting on her back to keep her still, I tilted her head to the side and rested the head of the hammer against her temple.

“Wait!” she yelled.

I gave her a quick pop, after which she mumbled something. Another pop to the back of the skull for good measure and she was out cold, and without much visible damage to her face. She could have brain damage, of course, but that wasn’t going to matter in the end.

Greg went through her purse and found her phone, which he promptly smashed. We didn’t want it giving GPS coordinates to a cell-tower.

“Mmm… she’s a pretty one,” I commented, pushing her tee-shirt up past her bra and caressing her smooth, flat stomach. “Hey, do you want to fuck her while she’s out? That’s more your thing and I can drive.”

We lowered the seats in the back and Jake laid her down. I got into the driver’s seat and started the engine. When I looked in the rearview mirror I saw that Jake wasn’t going to bother undressing her. He had simply hiked her skirt up, pushed her panties to the side, and now he was ready to start fucking. That was okay; we would have plenty of time with her naked later.

It was about a twenty minute drive to the shack and we mostly didn’t speak. The only sound was the slapping of flesh on flesh and an occasional grunt. After about ten minutes Jake finished and we drove the rest of the way in silence.

The cabin was remote, which is of course why we used it. Sometimes, especially in the early days, we would bring a girl out into the forest to kill, but lately we’ve been enjoying having a mattress and a roof over our heads. Bending a girl over a log in the rain can be fun too, but we mostly liked to do our business indoors these days.

We carried her inside and tied her down on the mattress. Then Jake got a bottled water and we both waited for her to wake up.

I was reading her driver’s license when she started to stir, about five minutes later.

“Amanda Johnson,” I read loudly. “Five-four, 105 pounds. Hair: brown. Eyes: brown. Twenty-one years old.”

She looked at me with confusion.

“Sounds like a missing person report to me,” commented Jake.

“You know, you’re right. It does sound like a missing person’s report.

She looked at me and then at Jake, her eyes wary. “Who are you?”

“Do you ever watch Investigation Discovery, Amanda?” I asked. “Or Forensics Files? One of those crime shows?

She didn’t answer, but she was looking concerned.

“You know what I mean, right? The kind of show where some pretty young coed goes missing, and the cops suspect foul play but they can’t find her body. Do you ever think to yourself, ‘I wonder what happened to that poor girl?’”

Still she said nothing.

“Well, you’re about to find out, Sweetie.” I flipped the switchblade open.

“Oh! No no…” the girl stammered.

I grabbed her by the throat and raised the knife dramatically above her head.

“Shit! Help me someone! Oh, god!”

I plunged the knife into the mattress, inches from her head. She broke out into choked sobs, her face distorted into a grimace of fear. The tears were flowing freely now.

“Did anyone ever tell you you’re prettier when you cry, Amanda?” I asked. I grabbed a handful of her tee-shirt and poked the blade through, making a small hole. Then I reached my fingers through the hole and tore the shirt down the middle, exposing her torso. She was wearing a bra, so I cut that off as well. She had nice, firm tits.

“Whadya think, Jake?” I asked. “They’re not double-ds.”

“They’ll do just fine,” Jake replied.

“Let’s get a look at that pussy,” I suggested. The girl started squirming so Jake held her legs while I pulled her panties off.

“If you don’t stop kicking I’ll shove this right up your cooch,” I warned her. That mostly stopped her struggling.

She had the pussy of a girl her age; tight and well-manicured. There was a tan line around her waist indicating she must have recently spent some time on a beach or in a tanning bed.

“How about a little bag play to start things off?” Jake suggested.

“I’m always up for that,” I replied

I stayed with the girl while Jake got a plastic bag from under the sink. We saved them pretty much any time we got them, so we had a nice little stash. The girl saw the bag in his hand as he returned and she looked at me earnestly with her big brown eyes.

“Are you going to kill me?” she asked, her voice wavering.

“Yeah,” I replied.

Jake wrapped the bag around her head and held it tight around her neck.

“This is a good bag,” I commented. “It’s clearer than a lot of them, so we can really see her face.”

“Got it at Chevron. We might want to get some more.”

The girl lay still. She had completely stopped struggling and I could tell she was trying to control her breathing to preserve her oxygen. That would only work for so long, of course. I could have just waited for her to run out of air on her own, but I was impatient so I punched her in the stomach. That caused her to suck in a deep breath and her air was almost immediately exhausted. Within a couple of seconds the bag was practically vacuum sealed around her face. She tried to poke a hole in it with her mouth but we prevented that.

She started struggling again, believing that she was fighting for her life, but we held her firm.

I was pretty turned-on at this point so I unzipped my jeans and started stroking myself. Within a minute I had pretty nice erection going so pressed the head of my cock against her well-trimmed pussy and shoved myself in.

She bucked at first, fighting the invasion, but I continued to fuck her. Her cunt was warm and soft, and I felt quite at home inside her. I’ve always believed that a girl’s pussy reacts differently when she knows she’s in mortal danger; it just feels different. Jake tells me it’s all in my head.

The girl fought us as much as she could for the first few minutes, but Jake kept the bag wrapped tight, and as her brain became more oxygen deprived her struggles slowed and then ceased. Her jaw hung agape, the bag sucked into her mouth. She was close to death.

“Okay,” I said. “Let’s bring her back.”

“Are you sure? She’s almost dead.”

“Yeah, I wanna fuck her some more while she’s still alive.”

Reluctantly, he removed the bag. At first she didn’t respond and I thought I would have to perform CPR on her, but then her chest expanded as she took a deep breath, and then another. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around with confusion and fear. I grabbed her firmly by the ass and thrust myself into her a half dozen more times, finally coming.

“Pretty good pussy, huh?” asked Jake.

“That was a good start to the evening, but I’m not done yet.”

“Okay, but don’t take all night. I wanna fuck her too.”

“Nothing’s stopping you. Fuck her right now.”

“Don’t start that bullshit with me!” he replied with a flash of anger “You know I like dead girls!”

“You fucked her in the truck!”

“Because she was unconscious, and even that wasn’t the same! We’ve talked about this!”

I sighed. Sometimes working with a partner was like being in a marriage. Although we shared many interests, we were our own people with different needs. Jake was really into necro-sex, which I could take or leave; I was into knives, but that often ruined the girl’s body for him. So we learned to compromise; he let me fuck first (usually, anyway) and I tried to finish within a couple of hours so he wouldn’t be kept waiting.

“Okay,” I relented. “One more fuck and we’ll kill her. I get to cut her a little, though.”

“Fine, just stay away from the face and tits.”

I went outside to piss in the bushes and when I got back the girl was pleading with Jake for her life.

“Please!” she begged. “I’ll keep perfectly still! You won’t notice the difference!”

“You ready?” he asked me, ignoring her. “The bitch’s whining is making me horny.”

“Yeah, let’s do this.”

Jake had a really nice homemade garrote that we often used in situations like this. It was really just bit of fishing line strung between two old guitar slides, but it was effective. Jake wrapped it around her slender neck as she wept. He looked at me as if to ask, ‘are you ready?’.

Having recently ejaculated I wasn’t quite as eager as before, but I knew that once I got going the sex would be better. The girl had instinctively brought her knees up to her chest as if to protect herself. I took a moment to admire the curves of her legs and hips, running my hands hungrily over her smooth flesh. I could see her muscles flexing reflexively under her skin as I did so. After a minute or two of this I pried fingers between her bony knees and pushed her legs apart.

As I did so I nodded at Jake, and he immediately drew the garrote tight. The line dug into the girl’s neck and she tried the squirm away, but of course there was nowhere to go. Once again I plunged my cock into her resistant young snatch. It actually felt even better this time. I started grinding slowly, methodically, enjoying the friction of her flesh, and then I worked up a little speed.

Jake was enjoying his role as well. He pulled with all of his considerable strength on the ends of that garrote, no doubt impatient to enjoy her himself. She looked up at him as if to ask ‘why,” and he bent down and licked her cheek.

“Ease up a little, Jake,” I asked, grunting.

“I’m ready to fuck,” he answered curtly.

“Just give me ten more minutes with her, that’s all I ask.”

I think he let must have listed, because otherwise the girl would have been dead in another couple of minutes. Instead, I had a little time to play with her. I opened the switchblade. Holding it with the hilt at the bottom of my palm I began to plunge it into her ass and thighs. Not too far, mind you; just a half-inch or so, so I wouldn’t mess her up too much for Jake. I synchronized the stabbing to the thrusts of my pelvis, so it almost felt like the knife was fucking her too.

Poor Amanda definitely noticed, as her body recoiled from each stinging bite of the blade. After a few minutes, though, she was really starting to lose strength. The skin on her neck around the fishing line was red and in some areas the line was digging so deep I couldn’t even see it. Her eyes were fluttering open and closed. Her mouth hung open and a tiny line of spittle ran down her cheek. I knew she was close.

“Finish her,” I said to Jake.

I fucked her as hard as I could, ramming my cock all the way in until my pelvis slapped against hers. Again and again I pounded her, staring into her beautiful brown eyes as they lost their focus and rolled up into her head. Finally I felt the cum rising out of my balls. With a few last furious thrusts I felt it shoot down my shaft and explode into the girl.

I stayed on top of her for a minute or two afterward, my hips occasionally gyrating as if on their own, depositing any last drop of semen I might still have in my balls. Then, with a satisfied sigh, I rolled off of her.

She was dead alright, there was no doubt about that. She was still hot, but her eyes were staring in slightly different directions and the capillaries in one had burst. She was all Jake’s now.

Before he started on her, I did him the courtesy of cleaning her up a bit. With a rubber glove and some tissue paper, I wiped as much of my cum out of her as I could. There was quite a bit. Then I took a quick shower and came out to take a nap. I laid down on the couch feeling sleepy and content. Jake was going at the girl pretty hard, slicing her tits as he fucked her. I watched for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.


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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter Six Murcer Strike One

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 6 - Murcer Strike One Gina was feeling good and a little concern about her job prospects with the Seals. She knew that she had performed well and she felt a strong connection with Malissa. But she couldn't shake her worries about a background check as she did not have a background. Once she was safely in her car she called out to Thomas, and asked what she was going to do about the background check? At that moment her IPhone sounded an alert...

4 years ago
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My Mom Fucked By My Cousin 2 With Dad

Manish wrote on WhatsApp to my father again saying, your son was about to catch us but he is too dumb. I then knew what happened that day. Because they fucked inside the bathroom under the shower I could hear any of the fucking voices and moans. Now I was furious and frustrated but also I had a hard-on too.But I couldn’t masturbate because the woman who was getting fucked was my mother. And now I know that my dad knows about this too. How could he allow such things to happen to my mother? I was...

1 year ago
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my mates sister

(This is a true story)Years ago when I was about 16 years old, I stayed at my mates house. We decided to play call of duty and drink until late at night. Now my mate had a sister that was around 18/19 years old at the time and she was about 5,11' or so, brunette with shoulder length hair, with a slim build and nice quite big tits! So me and my friend are now beyond tipsy and are being quite loud on CoD (given the time of about 1:30am!) and his sister comes down the stairs wearing a skimpy...

2 years ago
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A trip back home

It's been a tiring yet rewarding couple of years, you made the decision a couple of years ago to knuckle down and get yourself set, and boy did you do it! Initially the long weeks and late nights felt never ending, days to relax were few and far between, but eventually the business you struggled to establish took off and now is starting to take care of itself. The value has soared recently and you recently turned down a multi million dollar buy out. Your thoughts drift to your personal life....

3 years ago
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Forced to play

I snuck in the house right after I saw her pull away to go to the gym. Excitment and anxiety ran through me. I rushed to her room and started getting ready. I started a bath in her bathroom. Made it extremely hot so it would be at perfect temperature by the time she got there. After getting my grip on her I knew this would be an easy victim. She was so small. It was like the cat holding onto the tail of the mouse... Very easy. I rubbed her crotch. I knew she wasn't going to give in too...

4 years ago
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Teen Fun with Lianne Pt2

So I have left this too long.....I left it at the point where I was going to meet Lianne on the following Saturday. We phoned & agreed we'd be at the Village pub that evening & being forward-thinking, I'd got myself a couple of condoms, keeping one in a pocket of my long coat. She, Jenny & her gang from the other town had arrived a little later than us, but was cool as we all sat in the corner at the back disco, like typical Goths, just drinking/smoking. Lianne sat with me most of...

4 years ago
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My Innocent Mother Changed As A Hot And Horny By Our Relative Part 6

Sorry for the delay friends. Thanks a lot for your feedbacks. Part 7 will be the last part. Are you all enjoying my story? Please comment below. Me :- Mom, really sorry for what happened. Please don’t think this is wrong. Mom:- how son? I am not a loyal wife to your dad. Me:- Mom, how do you know dad is loyal to you? (Aiyoo…, mom slapped me in the face. She is so angry) Me:- sorry mom… really sorry. Mom:- don’t say like that. He is the one feed us 3 times, he is the one look after us, he is...

1 year ago
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Daves Momcam pays off

Note : This story is completely fictional! Wow Dave’s “Momcam” has paid off once again! The camera we had set up in the bathroom caught his Mom and a recent “visitor” in the act. They entered the bathroom and took off their clothes and that’s when the show started. Dave’s Mom puts on the front that she is a church going conservative single mom but guess what, she’s a slut! As soon as they were both naked she was on her knees sucking the dude’s cock like a cum guzzling whore. It was a perfect...

2 years ago
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AMOST Ilona Harper

A Man of Singular Talent – Ilona Bialik & Harper Shelby —– The second of (hopefully) a series of shorter tales featuring my mind-controlling protagonist. If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories. As always feedback is welcome. —– All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers. —– Nowadays I avoid Hollywood. Sure, I’ve had a lot of fun...

3 years ago
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PupsRUsChapter 9

"Jarvis, now that I have seen the size of this dog, I think that it would be prudent for you to remain in here while I try him out. I am afraid that his weight would be too much for me, and I may need you to rescue me." "Very well, Ma'am. I will do as you request." "Sue, my dear, please don't be shocked at that request. Jarvis often has to help me when I use the bathroom, so he is used to seeing my naked body and me doing what would embarrass most people." Sue nodded, but she was...

3 years ago
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Shooter Bitch

Terry was a good friend of mine. I believe her as we have been friends since childhood and I have been to the place where she worked a lot. She was 18 at the time. She worked in a crazy large bar and was a shooter girl or shooter bitch as some call it. The bar she worked in could hold 300 plus people and was wild. It was a country style bar. Things got especially rowdy there on Friday and Saturday nights. Her job was to dress pretty slutty and of course the sluttier you dress the...

3 years ago
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The Andersson Adventures

You're a member of the Andersson family. The head of the family, Jim Andersson, died 10 years ago.... Now there're only the Mother Jane Andersson and her three children.. The eldest daughter Gena, then the second Jessie and finally the only boy in the family, Sean Andersson. Before the story can begin, The one & only thing that needs to be known is who the hell are you?

3 years ago
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Tight Spot

His friends grinned and laughed, playfully nudging him as they made their way towards the shop as a group, “Aw come on Cody!” one of them jested, “You aren’t afraid of a few vibrators are you?” “N-no! I just don't want us to get into trouble is all…” Another of his friends spoke up, “Pff, worst case scenario we get kicked out of a shop we never go into, right?” Cody glanced at his friends, letting out a little sigh and nodded, smiling, “Alright alright, sure.” A little playful...

2 years ago
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Mallu MILF Lakshmi

Hello, My Dear Readers. Mallu MILF Asha is only the tip of the iceberg Mallu MILFs are. Lakshmi is another mother from the state of Kerala, who found herself being quickly upgraded to the status of a hot Mallu MILF. I would like to say that all my stories are happening parallelly in the same universe. All the characters from my stories will crossover at some point in time. Mallu MILF Lakshmi will have a few characters mentioned in and related to Mallu MILF Asha, and vice-versa. However, this is...

3 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 6

In February, Jill suddenly stopped flitting around like a butterfly and started going out exclusively with a boy named Langston Carter. He was a senior and they went out somewhere about every other week. The rest of the time she'd go to his house, or he'd come to hers. If there was a dance, they went together. But she never talked about him. I saw him at the house several times, and he seemed like a nice kid. He didn't paw Jill, or act territorial around her. I asked Lynne what he was...

1 year ago
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Surprisingly Surprise Sex

Jacob was pumped as he walked out on stage for a karaoke/improv night. He had two minutes to make a good impression and get the audience to laugh. This was his chance, at last, to be a comic and see where it took him. Money, fame, sex and being a celebrity all ran through his mind.  He was ready!"Hi everybody, my name is Jacob and we're going to see how people respond to sex."He began with, "Guys know they can talk about sex and laugh, joke and sometimes brag but they have difficulty...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Crystal Rush Romantic Anal With Creampie

We have a sensual one today, folks. We have the beautiful Crystal Rush coming in and talk about how much she loves anal. We ask her what’s her favorite way to have sex and she loves it when a guy is soft and smooth. She doesn’t care about size, as long as he knows what he’s doing and can get it in nice and gentle. Well we have Jmac on the way with some flowers to romanticize her. After meeting Jmac wastes no time in getting her comfortable and ready to fuck. After some soft...

2 years ago
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Hangover III

Hangover III: In the second part of this story I had been taken on as a maid by Kate at Hooters. I finished cleaning Dave and Mike's table when I noted Pete at the next table. As I went over to clean Pete's table I saw Mike go over to Kate. There wasn't anything I could do about that now but I would try a different tack with Pete. I was worried what would happen with Pete. I normally sat with him and he looked like he recognised me. "Don't I know you?" his eyes seemed to...

2 years ago
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I was only here for the golf but the week turned into something else. My young niece was with me for she was a golfing nut. I enjoyed a game or two but she was fanatical. The Hotel had two full size courses and Annie was happy to play 36 holes a day; me, I thought the last few holes were a bit too much. We soon noticed other quests, Jerry and Carol, a 30-something couple who would only play 18 holes in a day. And then there was Derek and Barbara who were there on their honeymoon and didn't...

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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 06

group sex – bisexual – tranny – strapon – harness – anal – nipple play – bdsm We were having such a wonderful time sitting together on the beach and watching the sun begin to set. The weather only changes a few degrees between morning and night and the evening breeze brought in the fresh smell of the ocean, crisp and clean. We gathered our belongings and walked towards the house. I was holding Emily’s hand as our arms swung between us with a lilt of happiness. Jess and Chrissy followed close...

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The Girl In My Row

There she sits. The girl of my dreams. I can see her from my desk in the back of the row in spanish class. The day has dragged on long enough, but it's all better when I get to see Maria. She sits there texting on her phone while the professor drones on about nothing important. Her long brow hair flows over her shoulders down to her back where her shirt has slid up to reveal a black g-string just sitting there taunting me. The bell rings and I hop out of my seat and begin to walk out the...

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Mandy The Complete Story Book 1Chapter 6

Back at the apartment Mandy stripped off her old clothing, letting it fall to the floor at her feet. Walking over to the trash can she unceremoniously tossed the tattered heap into the trash. Bob didn't make any comment, understanding her disdain for her old clothing. She'd told Bob on the walk home from Target, her mother had never spent more than $20 at a time on her clothing. "Yet," Mandy had said, "She always complained -- loud and long -- about how it was such a needless expense...

3 years ago
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Annalee is All Grown Up

Annalee had been my neighbour forever. Since the area we lived in was a bit out-of-the-way there had been feel other young families around. Annalee would always try to tag along with her older brother Chris and me when we went out. We would do our best to try to lose her or ignore her but we would always get in trouble.I left for college after high school and spent two years away from home. It was summer and I decided to forgo summer classes and let my brain heal from the past five terms....

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Unfaithful Again

I was recently used in a nice sexy gang bang. It was organized by my elder lover Frank, following a sexy discussion with me. He placed an advert in a local newspaper advertising a lingerie party for men looking to buy gifts for their wives at Valentines. He said in the advert that an evening of demonstrations of glamour wear could be organized within the comfort and privacy of their own home. Saving the men any trips to department stores and also allowing them the opportunity to physically...

1 year ago
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Cold Water

She should have known that today would lead to a lot more than she bargained for. This morning, she woke up with a large damp area in her light blue panties, darkened to a deep azure by the wetness seeping through. Without much thought, she continued throughout the day without even an inkling of feeling any sexual desire. It wasn't until night fell that her desires came raging out suddenly.At first she merely stripped out of her clothes and wandered throughout her apartment. She sat at her...

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2 1 Wheeee

About 2 months ago, I was contacted on xhamster by a young man interested in c2c play online. I responded, we chatted, and discovered we were about 2 hours from each other. After a couple of cam & cum sessions, we decided to meet. Our first encounter was pleasant. He's quite young (22), though fairly experienced with cocks. It was a mutually-satisfactory playtime, and we engaged in a pretty deep conversation about all things sexual in our lives. As a mature bi guy (since age 14), I was able...

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Her curves got my attention

Whose latent function was to provide safe place for sexual orgies to the elite class of Lahore. A patient named Sultana was admitted in the Hospital. She was the second wife of her landlord husband, who used to visit her once in a blue moon. Her daughter SHAHIDA was looking after her. She used to stay with her day and night. She was 36yrs old,Goori chitti, kubsoorat,gool,attractive Boobay,aur sab say barh kar uski shandar gand. Jisay daikh kar hum sub tabsaray kartay,or bus itna hi khay patay,...

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Are You Man Enough

Here I am, sitting alone in my apartment watching T.V. to help relax after a hard day. Things couldn't be going worse for me, I have a mountain of debt, just lost my job so I can't pay any of it off and my girlfriend has moved back with her parents and says it's over for us if I don't fix things. Everything just happened so fast, I was never the best at saving money so when my car broke down it took everything I had to fix it, then my boss fired me the next week meaning I had no way to earn any...

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Cuckolds ChoiceChapter 7

June was in love. Surely now her teacher wouldn't tell on her? As the short, busty youngster walked (or more accurately, waddled) home from the school she was already scheming about being with Mr. Slade again. Her fat, thirteen-year-old pussy throbbed, tender and sore from its initiation by her teacher's sizeable cock but nonetheless hungry for more. Her panties felt soggy and heavy between her plump thighs as some of the man's semen oozed from her first-fucked cunt. Still sprawled on the...

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Halloween for Life Chapter 20 Timeline 1

Chapter 20 - Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) ANOTHER DAY IN THE LIFE OF JORDAN Tuesday morning. Jordan woke up before the alarm this time, turned it off and lay in bed thinking. Yesterday had been a long, busy day, and today would be too. Jordan thought again about what had happened in Mr. Johanson's office the night before. It was so confusing in so many ways and he was having a hard time understanding it all. It felt full of deep meaning - but what sorts of...

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Making 60 Year Old Man Cum

By: Anahitagarwal Hi ISS readers I had to be on a break thanks to all the sexual encounters I have had. Now that I am on a break with sex, I shall let you know about my encounters. After I ended up with my father-in-law thanks to my own mistake of accepting the offer from my father (you guys will have to read my earlier stories in order to understand the whole thing) I had to accept all the demands of my Sasurji (father-in-law) after he threatened me. Being in good touch with the politicians,...

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Ganv Ki Girlfriend Ki Pyas Bujhai

Hello dosto Mai Sanu Singh hazir hu apni ek aur story ke sath. Hopefully aapko meri pichhli do kahaniya Thoda sa apne bare me – Mai bihar se hu and currently working in Delhi as software engineer. My age as of now is 25 years. Now let’s proceed with the story – Ye kahani 2005 ki hai jab mai 12th ka exam de chuka tha aur chunki results ane me kuchh waqt tha so i was too free. This was the first time i had sex with some one. Exam khatam huye 1 week huye the aur mai apni azadi ki jindagi ji raha...

1 year ago
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The Wrong Dimension

"Chance! Your sister's and I are going to the mall before it closes. Do you want to come?" My mom shouted as she jiggled the locked door handle to my room. I shushed Trish as she stroked my hard cock underneath the covers. This was it, the first time we were going to have sex and my mom was ruining it. I wouldn't put this past my sisters to fuck up my sex life, but mom might put a damper on the whole thing if she burst in now. "Mom! I already said 'no'. Can you please let me get back to playing...

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