Mrs Sykes s Last Brooklyn Exit
- 5 years ago
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One day, not long after the ferry terminal episode, Holly, Tiffany, and I were hanging out in a bar having sherry. I didn’t particularly like sherry, but I decided to follow their lead.
At one point Tiffany said, “We know another lady who would like to meet a nice young man like you.”
I blurted out, “Another one?”
“Let me tell you about Catherine, or Cathy. She’s forty-two; she’s also divorced and she has two sons. She’s on the West Side rather than the East.”
“That’s a change of pace. So is she kinky too?”
Tiffany replied, “Oh no, not at all.”
“So she just wants some . . .”
I hesitated, and Holly completed the thought, “She wants some balling.” Leave it to her to be blunt.
Tiffany added, “She wants to rent a Lioness Limousine car, and have you drive it.”
I felt a bit annoyed, “Why can’t I just go to her apartment?”
Tiffany knew, “Because she wants to live out a naughty lady with her chauffeur fantasy.”
I said, “Not that I haven’t seen that before.” I thought but didn’t say, great, now I’ll have to find someplace to park with this Cathy person. “Do you have any photos of her?”
Holly had them. I looked at a lady with blonde hair down to her shoulders. Her face was “interesting;” she had a prominent nose, a wide mouth, and a toothy grin. But man, that grin! She was smiling in all of the photos, and it looked genuine and warm. “She looks very – ah, friendly.”
Holly said, “Yes, she’s a real sweetie; I don’t think she has any meanness in her at all.” She paused. “Unlike the two of us, who can be real bitches.”
I said, “You can play at being bitches, but you’re actually real sweeties too.”
Tiffany said, “Aw, he really likes us.” She added, “You should know that Cathy still has a nice, trim body.”
That was a plus. I still had an issue to bring up. “All of this is making me feel like a gigolo.”
Tiffany protested, “But you’re not! Gigolos want some tangible benefits, like money, gifts, and so forth. All we’ve given you is a few cups of coffee, at most.”
Holly broke in, “And some potato salad.”
“Yes, I remember that. So then, I’m doing this just for fun, not for profit?”
Tiffany answered, “Exactly, so don’t worry about it.”
I wasn’t completely convinced. I remembered Joe Buck in Midnight Cowboy, and how he trolled Park Avenue looking for women like these two. There was that steamy sex scene with Cass – Silvia Miles was about forty-four then, but she still looked hot. But she truly was a bitch with no redeeming qualities. When Joe first approached her on the street and used his ridiculous pick-up line – “Ma’am, can you tell me how to get to the Statue of Liberty?” – she replied, “She’s up in Central Park taking a leak.”
If that had been me, I might have had a comeback, “So I guess you know because you take leaks with her.” I was about to describe all of this to Holly and Tiffany (surely they had seen the film), but I thought better of it.
It then struck me that these women didn’t seem at all jealous when sharing me around. Am I just a fling, their boy toy? I wondered what it would have been like if I had been twenty-one back in 1960 when they were also twenty-one. I guessed they wouldn’t have given me the time of day. Now that they were older and lonely, I fulfilled some need in them.
I had one more question, “She couldn’t be from Bryn Mawr too?”
Tiffany was a real estate agent. “I handled her apartment when she bought it.”
Man, now I have to deal with three of these dames. Yet I said, “All right, when this plan is ready, you’ll know where to find me.”
Bush Terminal / Industry City
On a Sunday, I drove my car service vehicle to West End Avenue. I had my single sports coat and a tie on. Cathy Coleman was on the sidewalk, and she came right over to the front passenger-side door. I let her in.
“You must be Paul. I’m Cathy, of course.”
“Hi Cathy; how are you?”
She looked even better in person. Her warm smile melted my heart almost immediately.
Like my other two ladies, she went in for dressing up on the weekends. The most notable item was her big, brimmed white hat. She had a short-sleeved, white blouse with black dots, a black skirt, darky nylon stockings, and black medium-heeled shoes. Except for the hat, it was all pretty basic, but she looked great.
She said, “I’m going to sit in the back. I think you know why.”
“Sort of.”
“That’s so I can play my naughty passenger role.”
That’s exactly what Holly and Tiffany did too. As I starting driving I said, “Cathy, as you must know, we have to go someplace with some privacy. I was thinking of the first location I took Holly, in Brooklyn.”
“I know all about it.” She giggled, “Holly is not the most discreet person.”
“I know that.” How much detail had she described? “So this place is called Bush Terminal.”
“I’ve seen it, from the expressway.”
“So I’ll use the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. That should be quick.”
She was quite sociable on the trip and we talked about our lives. When we emerged from the tunnel, I knew I’d be using Third Avenue under the elevated expressway. Cathy looked around and said, “This must be the location for Last Exit to Brooklyn.”
Holly had made the exact same comment. I replied, “Yes, this is it. Red Hook and Sunset Park.”
“There was that scene where that poor girl Tralala gets gang-raped.”
I said, “That was a little hard to take. I suspect Hubert Selby was a pretty strange guy.”
We soon turned right, and the car bumped over Belgian-block streets and railroad tracks. I did find a place that looked promising. An entire block between First and Second Avenues was given over to parking truck trailers. There was an aisle down the middle that was wide enough to drive into; I parked halfway down. The aisle was open at both ends, but it seemed unlikely that anybody would come in there.
Cathy said, “This looks pretty good; you’re very clever.”
I then had the paranoid thought that I had expressed to Tiffany once. What about a slowly-cruising police car? Would the cops look through here and wonder why a passenger car was parked among the trailers? I tried to put that out of my mind, but I also thought, there is only so much of these daytime parking events that I can take.
“Cathy, I’m coming back there now.”
“Yes, please do.”
When I was sitting to her right, I felt an awkwardness about it. Holly and Tiffany had gotten right into their kinky role-plays, which made it easier for me to be uninhabited. Cathy said, “I admit, I’m a bit nervous.”
“Just relax; if you feel uncomfortable with something, just let me know.”
She smiled at me, “I think I’ll get used to it pretty quickly.”
She soon moved closer to me, and she put her arms around me. Then we started kissing me; she had to take her wide hat off to do that. It felt good, but I was aware that I had only known her for about forty minutes. I only touched her by rubbing her bare lower arms.
At one point she got close to my ear and spoke quietly. We couldn’t be overheard by anyone, of course. I could detect a shyness in her.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been with a man. You, I know, have been with Holly and Tiffany.” Why did she have to mention those two? “Do you have a real girlfriend somewhere?”
Holly and Tiffany seemed real enough to me. “I did have a girl at City College, but she left me in December.”
Cathy found some reserve of boldness because she said to me. “If you are okay with this, I know exactly how I want it to go.”
She needed another moment to get more courage up. “You’re a young guy, so I want you to have some stamina for me. First, well, I’m going to blow you. Then, after a bit, we’ll have intercourse.”
I was struck by how she was mixing crude and formal words. It obviously took her a bit of effort on her part to say that. I said, “Sure Cathy, whatever you want.”
Soon she was rubbing my crotch. She said, “Please, feel me up.” I tried for her breasts first, but her blouse didn’t have buttons in the front. “Here, look at this.” She yanked her black skirt up. I saw a black garter and straps holding up her dark stockings and her lacy black panties on top of those.
“Do you like my underwear?”
I would be more cautious about praising a younger woman, but I figured I had nothing to lose by complimenting this one. “Yeah Cathy, it looks great.”
She took my right hand and guided it to her crotch. “I’m sure you know what to do.”
I certainly did. I slipped my hand into her panties and began alternating between fondling her crotch and moving back to squeezing her ass. Most women seemed to go for that technique. In a few moments she was moaning and saying things like, “My God, this feels wonderful.”
This gal still has her juice. For a second I couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since a man had done this with her.
Soon she said, “Let me get this off.” She put her feet up on the cushion and took her panties off. Soon her hands were down there to help me out. My fingers went in and out of her while her own fingers went to her clitoris.
“I’m going to come with this, I know it. This is how I masturbate.” I was a bit surprised at how down and dirty she could be. She continued, “Don’t worry, I’ll do you too soon.”
“Cathy, I’m not worried.”
When she came, she leaned back, wiggled around, and was chanting something like, “Oh, oh, oh.” Then she sat there and breathed heavily. I was a bit rattled; this had all been quite abrupt. The brashness and even recklessness of Holly and Tiffany had covered for the weirdness of their actions and the risky locations I had chosen for them.
Cathy did have something going for her; I guess I’d call it sweetness. And she seemed to be gaining some comfort with her own sexuality in a way that I suspected she hadn’t done in some time.
As she sat there, she reached out and just touched my nose, “Paul, we’ve really been enjoying this day together so far, but I’ve caught just a touch of – what would I call it? – discomfort from you.” I didn’t know to respond. She elaborated on it for me. “It’s almost if you are being too polite. Probably that’s the way you were trained to deal with women.” She didn’t add, women my age, although I was sure that’s what she meant.
If she had been my age, I would have tried for a cocky comeback. Instead, I said, “Does that bother you then?”
“Oh no, not at all. It’s just that, as you get to know me better, you’ll become more relaxed about getting down and dirty with me. I mean, I’d really like that. Here, let me show you some things.”
She removed her blouse and her skirt. Her bra and her ample garter were a matching set, black with lacy side panels. She into a kneeling position facing away from me on the seat. Since she had taken her panties off, her behind stuck out from the open bottom of her garter. She shook it at me and got giggly.
“If I rubbed my bottom into your crotch, I’m sure I could get you to come.”
“Ah, with my pants up or down?”
She laughed, “Both ways! Even through the cloth, I think I could still do it.” Then she turned to me and went into her quiet confidential mode, “Let’s get to the main act already; we’ll skip that other part.” I figured she meant the blowjob proposal.
She thought a bit more about it. When she started talking again, she was very calm and methodical. “I’ll open up your pants but I won’t rub you so you won’t get too excited. Meanwhile, you’ll rub me so that I do get excited.” She seemed to be remembering some long-disused sexual techniques.
I couldn’t tell her this, but I was glad she was skipping the oral sex. I knew that it and the interim period immediately afterwards would take some time, the time when we were most at risk of getting caught.
We kissed and hugged in the back seat. At one point I decided to take off my awful sports coat. When she wanted to go further, she unbuckled my pants and took down my zipper. As my erect cock come out, she said only, “Oh my.” I supposed it been a while since she had seen one, but she seemed comfortable with the situation.
We kind of naturally got into things. As I had promised, I fondled her pussy, and she again put a hand down there to help. I wasn’t going to remove most of my clothing; all I did was pull my pants down below my knees. We did more mutual rubbing of each other’s crotches. Somehow we forgot to undo her bra, and her nipples were not in the game.
When she was lying down, with one black shoe up on the back seat cushion, and the other propped on the front seat, I decided it was time to go into her.
She started enjoying it from the very start, which pleased me too. Despite her worries, I did have enough staying-power for her. It was enjoyable to look up and see her legs, with the dark stockings and dark shoes, waving around in the air. It was also notable to hear the dirty yet obvious things that people usually say during sex, “That’s it, fuck my cunt, please fuck it hard!”
Her climax came rather quickly, just before mine did. She held her arms around me and gripped my body with her legs. I forgot any unease I might have had when I came myself. I put one hand under her behind to lift her up and get a better angle on her.
Afterwards, we stayed together for a short while as our breathing returned to normal. It seemed very quiet out in the surrounding area. The only sound from outside seemed to be a locomotive horn in the rail yard across the street. That was enough to get me to sit up and Cathy followed my lead.
She seemed more at ease than I was, and she put an arm around me and cuddled. She said, “I’m so glad I could please you.”
“Well, I’m glad I pleased you too.”
I became more aware again of where we were, and as usual, I felt disconcerted. I looked out and saw the sun shining on the trailers.
“Cathy, it’s really time we go.”
“I know; I get that.”
She got her clothes on and I got my pants up. When that was done, I got out on the passenger side and walked around the front. As I got behind the wheel, Cathy got in the front too and sat pressed against me. I had expected that; all of these women did the same things.
“Oh, let me get my hat.” She retrieved it from the back seat and put it on. Then, “But I left my panties back there on the floor.”
“Okay, why is that?”
“Because it feels so good without them. You see, everyone thinks I’m a good girl, but I’m actually very bad.” I sensed that she had used that line before, probably a long time ago. Had it been with a lover or just one of her friends?
I started the engine and we drove off. Beyond the trailers, there was a big, bright world. There were no people on the streets, but I still felt strange having to drive after an intimate encounter. I looked around, just to distract myself. There was a single red boxcar by a loading dock. Painted on the side was, “Southern Serves the South.”
Cathy saw it too, “That’s kind of redundant, isn’t it?”
It took me a second to realize that she was joking. I chuckled and said, “Yes, it sure it.”
In a moment I was turning the big car into Third Avenue again. There were fewer traffic lights on that one as compared to Fourth. Just to start a conversation, I asked her, “So where did you go to school?”
“I’m Barnard, class of ‘56.”
I was impressed. Barnard was a women’s university in Manhattan, closely affiliated with Columbia. Damn, she’s Ivy League.
“That’s pretty awesome, I’d say.”
She replied, “Well, don’t they call your school the Harvard of the Proletariat?”
I was kind of proud of that. “Yes, they sure do. However, the campus is, well, run-down now.”
“I heard about how the Stalinists and Trotskyites used to have debates in the cafeteria. That was a bit before my time.”
“That’s right, in the 1930s. It was the one in Shepard Hall.”
It occurred to me that if we had both been twenty-one at the same time, either now or in 1955, we might have hit it off. Well, aren’t we getting along now? No, she had over two decades on me, so it wasn’t quite the same. We were of different generations; we had grown up in different eras. Yet, even with her slightly prominent teeth and nose, she must have been stunning back then. She still seemed pretty hot.
She seemed to guess my thoughts because she said, “Paul, I’m aware of certain things. I know that you are going back next semester. You’ll have to find a girl up there for yourself.”
That was true, but I didn’t know how to respond.
She continued, “It would be nice if you could still show me some kindness every now and again.”
“Haven’t I been kind so far?”
“Of course you have.”
I had an ungenerous thought, why doesn’t she date someone her own age? Then, maybe she can’t find anybody. Holly and Tiffany didn’t seem to be having any success either.
To change the topic, I said, “Let’s avoid that noisy tunnel; we can take the Brooklyn Bridge.”
“That’s a good idea. I like the view from up there.”
It turned out that the bridge wasn’t that quiet either. I had forgotten that the bridge back then had a strange deck made of a steel grid with asphalt stuck in the openings. The sound of tires running over that was pretty intense. I looked out at the city, my city. It could be both exciting and overwhelming. In 1976, it was also getting into deep trouble.
As we approached West End Avenue, she said, “I’d like it if later you would come back here, and we could have a couple of drinks.” That was exactly what Holly had asked me to do the first time. Tiffany had decided on coffee for her first day.
I said, “I can do that.” I gave her an estimated time of arrival. Then on her block, there was some awkwardness at our parting. She decided to kiss me warmly.
She winked at me, “I have some pretty nice undergarments, don’t I?”
“Yes, Cathy, you sure do. I see you are into that garter belt thing.”
“You know where I got that from? From Holly and Tiffany. They also told me about the – ah, lack of a certain undergarment.”
I said, “Like you are now, obviously. I think they’re a bad influence on you.”
She laughed, “At my age, you need all the bad influences you can get. Look, when you get back here, tell the doorman to have me come downstairs. I’ll tell him to expect you. There’s a bar on Broadway we can go to.” She looked a bit worried. “You did say you were coming back?” She was aware that I could just disappear from her life now if I wanted that.
I reassured her, “You bet.”
As I was driving away, some memory of the last couple of hours came to me. At a light, I looked in the back. Sure enough, her black panties were still on the floor.
Hey, she’ll be amused when I give them back to her in the bar.
A few days later, Holly and Tiffany invited me to the latter’s apartment. I knew what they wanted: an after-action report, something to gossip about.
Holly said, “Cathy told me she wants to see you again.”
“I know, I could tell that from what she said to me – in the future tense.”
Tiffany said, “So, did you like her? You know what I mean.”
I felt that was a bit personal, and I wasn’t about to describe the details. All I said was, “Yes, I liked her.”
“I think she charmed the pants off of you.”
“Well, I didn’t have any trouble getting into her pants either.”
Holly went for some mock disapproval. “Oh, that’s so crude.”
A bit later, I blundered into something that had been on my mind for a while. In fact, I had already told them about it. I got into it by referring to a movie. “There’s that scene near the end of Sunset Boulevard where Joe gives all his gifts back to Norma.”
Tiffany said, “I get it; you’re on that kick again.”
I tried to deny it. “No, I was just saying that it was a good movie.”
Tiffany put on a pretty good imitation of Gloria Swanson, gestures and all. “ ‘I’ll show them; I’ll be up there again, so help me!’ ”
Holly said, “Do you want us to buy you a necktie or something and get it all out in the open?”
I had to pretend that I wasn’t serious, “I don’t want a tie; I want a car.”
“What would you like?”
“How about a 1971 Plymouth Cricket?”
She laughed, “It will break down as you’re leaving the lot.”
I realized what was really bothering me, but I wasn’t going to tell them about it. It wasn’t about money and gifts; it was about me exchanging tokens of affection and sex with them. With Cathy, there were now three such women.
Sure, they were all very kind to me, but that wasn’t the point. The seventeen and twenty-one-year age differences were ultimately insurmountable. I had already fallen for Holly, pretty hard in fact. But I couldn’t tell her that, and I knew she’d never tell me about her own feelings.
No one ever leaves a star; that’s what makes a star. Eventually, somebody was going to have to leave this comfortable little arrangement, and that would be me. I wondered how it would be done without everybody getting their feelings hurt.
As if on cue, the talk came around to sex. Tiffany said, “Do you know that Swanson was married six times? Plus she found time for affairs, like with Joe Kennedy Senior.”
I wasn’t surprised that Holly came up with something witty, elaborate, and dirty. “She must have been a real left-handed screw.” I knew the screw metaphor – the metallic kind - somehow led to the idea that a certain woman’s vagina felt particularly good on a man’s cock.
Tiffany had her own contribution. She started singing, “ ‘Where have you gone, Joe Maggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo hoo hoo.’ ”
Holly said, “Come on, that lady was a real bitch.” She then turned her attention directly to me. “And we’re not like that, are we Paul?” I could tell she was assessing me, and she was pretty sharp. “You’re actually a rather uptight guy.”
“That’s just my nature.”
“Well, try to relax a bit, okay?”
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Erotic“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...
Peralta was horny. Not, like, a little horny, but full blown blue balls horny. If he didn't get laid any time soon, there was a strong chance he'd start dry humping strangers's legs. Oh God. He'd be treating strangers like Charles treat him. Jake shuddered. The thought was too grim. Perhaps another trip to the loo to beat himself off was on the agenda. It didn't help that Amy was sitting across from him with her tits straining to burst out of her shirt. Fuck. That girl was perfect. He realised,...
As the year had drawn to a close Zack told her he was going to be moving to Paris in the summer as he had an internship. She begged him to let her come with him, and he agreed. She had to tell him the truth about her age, she would turn eighteen before they left but wouldn't have a passport. He was angry at first but told her he knew a few people who might be able to help. After they made up he had asked her to help with his final project, he had to do a "glamour shoot" sort of sexy but...
"Stand up fuck toy." Looking up she saw she was in a large room with a huge four poster bed that had heavy carved columns. It looked like something from a magazine or TV, but she guessed the sort of men that can afford to buy girls like her as play things liked the finer things in life. She rose to her feet and he undid the lead from her collar. "Go and stand at the foot of the bed and wait for me." She took her place and he walked over to the bed tossing the lead onto the bedside...
It was unnaturally dark that night, and Mrs. Anand appreciated it. The shoreline she was walking on was suspended above the black watery void that danced back and forth hypnotically. The cool sea breeze sent shivers down Mrs. Anand’s spine. She did appreciate it, though. The chill breeze provided a momentary distraction from her thoughts. The things she had planned to do today would push her firmly past the point of no return. Set against a small enclave part of a massive cliff were Mrs....
As most of you are probably aware, the last weekend in June marks the largest music festival in the UK at Glastonbury. Being England, unfortunately you can't rely on the weather being wall to wall sunshine. In all honesty, you can pretty much guarantee that you're going to get wet at some point over the weekend. This year was no exception and by Friday afternoon, the sunglasses and sun hats had been replaced with rain-hoods and brollies.Being the optimistic type, I always try to find the...
CHAPTER 9 SUZANNE'S PHOTO SESSION After returning from the outing Suzanne was ready for the photo shoot. Mrs. McGregor said, "I think first we should do a series of poses with him completely naked. Suzanne, strip." She removed her clothing. "Now stand with your elbows in, hands out and up." "Now clasp you hands behind your back." "Now stand on tiptoe. Turn. On tiptoe again. Margaret, her ass looks very nice when she does that, doesn't it?" Mrs. McGregor...
MRSGRAVESBy: counterparts199; part 1?What?s up, Mister Askins?? I asked the barber. He was sweeping the winter dirt off of the shop porch.?Looks like you could still use a sit, Joe,? he teased back. To Mister Askins I seemed a deserter, my hair having grown a little since the better economic conditions of fall.?Hi there, Mrs. Graves,? I said after walking on a piece, and past the town?s cornerstone plantation house. She didn?t answer. Mrs. Graves was pruning her roses because she?d grumped...
Elizabeth stood quietly in Mrs Denver’s Study with her dress tucked in above her waist, her knickers off, her Brazilian cut showing. The 36-year-old watched Emma, her 17-year-old-daughter, turn and pick up her knickers. She cringed when she saw the twelve wicked red lines across her bottom. She watched her daughter ease her knickers back on over those weals and it brought back memories of those times she was caned when at school. She heard Emma gasp as she let go of the elastic of her...
Spankingmrs watson gets a text#all the cameras are up mrs watson#good boy come round when your housemates are home and we'll check the views togetherjustin arrives at mrs watsons later in the evening strips then knocks on the door'come in' mrs watson opens the door lets justin in'was it fun positioning the cameras?''uh yes mrs watson''did your tiny cock get excited ?''yes mrs watson it did''but you didn't touch it ?''no mrs watson''good boy , would you like me to touch it as a reward for being a good...
Upon Mrs. T requestI read her this story as she stroked my cockshe did not let any leak out her sexy red lipsI love to shop. It always better to go shopping with someone else. There is nothing more fun then going shopping with Mrs. T. We always seem to have fun. On some occasion we have a little too much fun. I usually buy her what ever she wants. On most shopping trips she buys everything with her husband credit card or cash. She likes to make a game out of shopping sometimes. She likes to...
Part 1 Sally Denver , the 45-year-old Headmistress, was in her Study when the buzzer sounded. She looked at her watch. It was 2.30 pm so they were right on time. Sally pressed the button of the intercom. “Yes?” she asked sternly. Her Secretary, 25 year old Charlotte , replied, “ Mrs Carson and Emma are both here, Mrs Denver.” “Send them in please,” Mrs Denver ordered in her strict tone of voice that students knew to fear. Mrs Denver watched sombrely as 36-year-old Mrs Elizabeth Carson and...
SpankingMrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to my bedroom” she instructed her daughter. Ellie knew her Mother had threatened to spank her and fully expected to have her knickers taken down and make the trip across the maternal lap, but it was her Mother of course, not Mrs Howard. A few spanks and it would be over. She...
Justin is in the kitchen trying to ignore the sounds coming from gerrys room when his phone rings'hello ?''hello justin i see gerry has his girlfriend over i'm watching them fuck now you placed that camera well would you like to watch it''oh yes please mrs watson''well i need you to do something for me then i need to catch gerrys girlfriend doing something so i can have some fun with her''um i don't know mrs watson how could i do that''well something i find usualy works is cash leave some...
Elizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...
Spanking3am justins phone rings he picks it up and answers'good morning justin did i wake you ?' asks mrs watson'uh yes good morning mrs watson' says justin sleepily'what are you wearing ?''nothing i sleep in the nude''pull back the covers put your phone on videocall and show me your clit'justin pulls back the covers points his phone at his tiny cock'hmm no morning wood ? keep the phone pointed at your clit while we talk''uh no mrs watson its very early''have you been good or have you been touching...
CHAPTER 3 STUART'S MEETS MRS. MCGREGOR'S PANTIES Stuart stood naked in front of Mrs. McGregor and his stepmother. His blush ran all the way down his chest. "Well, Stuart, today we start your....conditioning.... concerning women's panties. I know you're aroused by the sight and feel of a woman's panties. You've stolen your Step-mother's and masturbated into them enough times. Right Stuart?" "Ummmm....errrrr......." Mrs. McGregor laughed then said, "Don't lie, child. Now lie...
It was a conversation David Glanfield didn't relish, knowing it would probably be awkward and embarrassing. But, having decided it was his problem, and as difficult as it might be, he felt it his duty to tackle the issue. It did occur to him that Human Resources should really deal with it -- in fact company protocols were quite clear, however, since being newly promoted and with it still being early days, in an attempt to foster a relationship with his team and gain their trust, David thought...
23 year old Nikki Pearson had eagerly agreed to meet up with her ex-Headmistress to be disciplined in her Study. It was educational for her ex-Headmistress, Mrs Sally Denver , who had been shocked to be told by Nikki how when at school she had been naughty on purpose so that she was disciplined more than any other student, by far. The agreement was that Nikki would allow Mrs Denver to be much more severe than she was with the students to test just how thorough she could be when disciplining...
Spanking'please mrs watson i don't want to keep doing dirty things for you and don't want you to do dirty things to mewhat can i do to end this ' asks katy while fucking her own arsehole with a cucumber'you don't like it then why do you keep cumming ' mrs watson asks while pinching katys nipples ' i can't help it but really would like to get back to a normal life what can i do ? please may i cum mrs watson ?'katy is shoving the cucumber harder and harder up her arse' of course you can cum ' says mrs...
mrs watson was in the mood for some light entertainment at someone elses expense so she called katys housea woman answered the phone 'hello''hi i'm mrs watson i just wondered if katy was at home ?''oh hello mrs watson its nice to hear from you i'm katys mom dawn i'm sorry katy isn't here can i take a message ?''no i really need to talk to her' mrs watson had a naughty thought 'or could you pop round it is important buti don't want to discuss it over the phone''ok as its important i'll pop round...
CHAPTER 5 Mrs. McGregor returned a few minutes later. She had a smile on her face and was carrying her tawse. "Very well, ladies, I think you'll enjoy this." Mrs. McGregor led them to another room. Entering, they saw that Stuart wrists were tied to the ceiling, his ankles chained to rings in the floor. Stuart was still nude, sporting an erection that pointed straight out. One thing the Mother and daughter noticed was that Mrs. McGregor had draped Mindy's panties over Stuart's...
Please do read Part One first: Mrs. Denver spoke very clearly and firmly, “Mrs. Howe, you will be first now, the strokes will be more spaced out, and I repeat they will be rather harder than the first six.” Mrs. Denver smiled when she remembered of course she had given both ladies seven strokes, the seventh being the penalty they both had to pay because Mrs. Howe had stood up after the first stroke, a definite no no, and an act everyone knew was never tolerated by the Principal. Olivia had...
'can i help you ?' justin asks as he answers the door'hello dear my name is mrs watson i live next door i moved in a few weeks ago just thought i would pop round and say hello to my neighbour' says the little old lady at his door'oh hello mrs watson nice to meet you''yes well i think you should ask me in young man''um well i was about to go out so maybe another time?''no i don't think so we need to have a talk young man''uh about what ?''well some of my clothes have been going missing from my...
“ So Charlotte,” Mrs. Denver repeated, “Now I need to deal with you my girl.” “ Yes Mrs. Denver,” Charlotte replied timidly. Charlotte walked up to Mrs. Denver’s desk and tried a smile that wasn’t returned, so stood waiting. Charlotte was nervous and Mrs. Denver saw it. Mrs. Denver enjoyed watching her assistant struggle, looking so young, and in fact so attractive. She had often had whimsical thoughts about the girl, sexual ones, although doubted they would be returned. The age difference...
SpankingCharacters Stuart Duncan - submissive & slave & sissy Suzanne Mrs. Margaret McGregor - Governess Mrs.Vanna Duncan - Step-Mother "Mama" "Mommy" "Mistress" Three house maids: Marta, Mary and May. Mrs. Tara Kent - Friend Mindy Kent- Mrs. Kent's daughter Billie Kent - Mrs. Kent's son and sissyslave Mary Johnson - Maid and Billy's keeper Aunt Mo - Maureen Duncan, Mrs. Kent's strict aunt Uncle James Fellowes - Aunt Mos' companion Aunt Mo's 4 sissy maids Prudence, Fawn, Fifi and...
old dog knocked on mrs watson door the next day 'come in and strip' mrs watson told her old dog stripped her clothes off while mrs watson watched when her knickers came off there was a small drop of cumon them mrs watson picked them up shoved them in old dogs mouth and told her to suck them , she shoved 2 fingers up old dogs cunt and started finger fucking her , old dogs cunt was wet and full of cum the cum started dripping downmrs watsons fingers , mrs watson pulled her fingers out and sucked...
After two weeks Mrs Jones and her husband returned from their trip, and I had never been so excited to see my hot blonde older neighbour.And I think she was eager to see me as well, because the next day as I stood in the garage working on my moped again, Mrs Jones stepped out of her house and moved towards me.Dressed in jeans and a blue blouse she crossed our shared lawn area and stepped into my parents garage."Hey Robbie" she said smiling."Hi" I replied stepping towards her."Are you busy?" she...
It was some hours later when there was a knock on the door. After Mrs Waxerman’s statements, Doctor Hooker had decided he needed to process all that his fiancée had said. His plan had been to leave his fiancées purchases on the table, bags unopened until later, go home, water his plants, and sit down to write. He had after all promised to dictate the list of body parts, various sexual positions and general colloquialisms he expected Victoria and her niece to use. Many of these he knew he’d...
Mrs. Glist had just come out of the shower. Her hair was wrapped in a towel. Otherwise, she was naked. I stood in the doorway and stared. I stared at her waspy waist and high breasts. I gazed intensely at her broad hips and her sliver of pubic hair, at her long legs and slender neck, and at her deep navel. My eyes were everywhere but hers. She stood still, looking at me, I think. Minutes passed and I kept looking. I had forgotten that I had come into her room hoping to use her bathroom while...
She takes best friend's son in front of her cheating husband."Have you ever done any riding Dan? You've grown up a lot in the last couple of years. You look like you'd be pretty comfortable in the saddle.""Well mom did take me to a pony ride when I was eight..." Dan answered, rather cleverly he thought given how much trouble he was having keeping focused on Mrs. Robinson's casual banter.She had asked him to come over and do some stone work on the artificial waterfall by her pool. Dan could use...
Mrs. Baxter's New Lodger By Trish Shaw The shimmering garments in the lingerie store window captivated Andy the first time he walked past the place. Everyday he walked the long way to and from the train station just to pass the shop and get a brief glance at the window display. It was the sign in the window advertising the attic flat for rent that gave him the opportunity to finally enter and meet the owner as he walked past after work on the Thursday evening. Muriel...
katy is cleaning the kitchen floor in the nude mrs watson moves behind her and pushes her hand between katys legsshoving a finger into her cunt katy stops mopping'don't stop slut you are here to work so work 'mrs watson shoves 2 fingers up katys cunt and starts fucking herkaty tries to mop the floor but is having trouble concentrating 'whats the matter slut don't you want to work?''sorry mrs watson but its hard to work while you are fucking me''ok put the mop down and get on the table on your...
Charlotte was enjoying her weekend her stay with Mrs. Denver but they had not yet made love. Charlotte still did not realise her boss had strong feelings for her so when Mrs. Denver suggested a morning walk Charlotte decided to misbehave, force Mrs. Denver to spank her again, then hope this time for kisses and cuddles afterwards. Unfortunately as Mrs. Denver equally did not realise Charlotte’s feelings for her she took the misbehaviour as disobedience that required a disciplinary spanking,...
This is a story about a woman on xhamster, she told me she doesn't have any fantasies left because she has aleady experienced all of them. Which I think is a bit of a shame. This story is dedicated to her and hopefully it'll give her something to think about. Everyone hold on to their hats, cocks or dildos, this lady has done just about everything, so I'm going extreme!!! Ehm for this, I'll play the stunt cock. Enjoy and leave a comment please. Mrs I is married, but her husband lets her play...
Another in the series of tales about magic books. Simon becomes Simone, a pawn in the power struggles of a witches' coven. MRS. BRAITHWAITE II ? by: Geneva When I was fourteen, my mother died and I was left an orphan. Well, perhaps that wasn't really true, but my father had disappeared soon after his brief liaison with my mother, barely taking long enough to impregnate her. I had no idea whether he was still alive, and I never cared much about it anyway. I lived with my mother...
Mrs Collins opened the door to Mrs Howard, her cleaner who immediately asked “did you give Ellie the spanking as we discussed?” She could tell from Mrs Collin’s face she hadn’t. Mrs Collins answered somewhat sheepishly “Well I saw how red her bottom was after you had spanked her and felt sorry for her.” “I see. So, how has she been this week with you?” “Oh you know, just like any 16 year old I suppose.” “You mean she was rude to you again.” “I guess” Mrs Collins said quietly. ...
SpankingI was sat watching TV in the afternoon, trying not to think about my hot blonde thirty something neighbour when my phone beeped and glancing at it, I saw the message 'Come over now, by the backdoor, let yourself in" from Mrs Jones.So I quickly stepped out of the house, climbed over the back fence into Mrs Jones's garden and strolled to her back door, then making sure no one was watching, I opened the back door and stepped inside.I then stood in Mrs Jones's sparkling clean kitchen and for a...
By PenKnave193 When I was in junior high school in the mid 1970’s the administration made the progressive move of making, on a trial basis, two of the ninth grade PE classes coeducational. One was to be taught by one of the boy’s PE coaches, and the other by one of the girl’s PE coaches. The boy’s coaches were very selective in their choices for this project: they only picked the best behaved boys, not necessarily the best athletes. I was one of those boys chosen. While my buddies and...
Mrs. Cooper put the last corrected physics test on her desk and switched off the table lamp. There. All done. Time to go home. As she walked out of her office, she realized that she had forgotten her keys in her classroom. She walked over to the physics lab, and opened the door. What she saw brought her, the ever-cool woman, to stop and stare at the scene in front of her. “Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed.Two young people quickly got to their feet and tried to straighten their clothes, but it was...