Second Chances - Chapter 14 - The Morning After free porn video

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Saturday, September 27, 1997 My head is throbbing. I can feel sunlight on my eyelids. Where am I? Try to open my eyes, but my eyes are dry and its hard to open. I must still have my contacts in. What happened? I try to remember. The memories are coming back. The party. I was making out with a cheerleader. I was playing beer pong. I punched Amber in the face. I smiled at that last memory. My head is still throbbing though. I managed to open my eyes. They're so dry. Yup. Contacts are still in. I'm in my bedroom. The sun is streaming through the windows. How did I get home? I don't remember much after being on the porch of that house. Ron took me home? Oh no. The embarrassment hit me. I made a complete fool of myself last night. Maybe if I just stay here in bed for the next week everything will be fine. I'm starting to get uncomfortable. My head is still throbbing. The sun is shining down on my comforter and it's getting hot under these covers. I pulled the covers off of me. I was still in the dress from last night. I sit up of the bed.... oh no too fast. I fell back down. The ceiling was spinning. My head hurt more. Just then my stomach turned. Oh God. I pulled myself out of bed ran across the room through the hall way and into the bathroom falling to my knees in front of the toilet. I made it in time to vomit. Just then I noticed someone behind me. My hair was pulled back. "Just let it out," my mom said. I vomited some more. This sucks. This can't be happening. Hold it together Chris. After a minute, I said, "I'm good. Thanks." Mom let go of me and left the bathroom. I stood up and held onto the sink. I washed my face, spitting the remaining bile out of my mouth. I fumbled for my contacts case and solution. I pulled my contacts out of my eyes. My eyes were so dry it felt like I was ripping them out with sandpaper. I washed the smeared makeup off my face. I found a hair-tie and put my hair in a pony-tail. I slowly made my way back to my bedroom. I pulled out the first t-shirt from the closet I could grab. I grabbed the first shorts from the drawer. I pulled off Julie's dress, removed my bra and put the t-shirt and shorts on. I trudged out of my room and to the kitchen. I could smell food in the air. The kitchen radio was playing. Mom, Dad, and Cindy were sitting at the breakfast table. They were looking at me. I didn't make eye contact. I was too embarrassed. I don't know how many of their rules I broke last night. I sat down and none of us said anything. My mom handed me a plate of scrambled eggs. I looked at it. The smell made my stomach turn again. I put my hand over my mouth and ran back to the bathroom. I vomited again. My head was throbbing. I started to crying. This was too much. My family likely heard my sobbing, but they let me have my space. I don't know how much time went by. But I did become intimately familiar with the toilet. It was an late 70's American Standard. Mint Green. The seat was worn out where the lid would rub when down. Despite my vomit, it was rather clean, which was a relief since I was leaning my arm on the seat with my head in my arm. When my stomach was empty, I stood up washed up and returned to the kitchen. Cindy wasn't there. Mom was doing the dishes and Dad was still reading the paper, but my plate of eggs was replaced by a two Advil tablets and a glass of water. I was feeling better. If only slightly. Likely my stomach was empty of... everything. Food, water, bile, likely the stomach itself. I probably puked that out too. I popped the Advil in my mouth and chugged the water. I sat down at the table in silence just listening to the radio. The sound of my dad flipping the newspaper pages. They were waiting for me to talk first. I put my head down. "I'm sorry." Dad folded up the paper and Mom dried her hands and sat down with him. They gave me their full undivided attention. I took this opportunity to devise what I wanted to say. "I made a huge mistake," I started. "I broke one of our rules. I alienated some of my closest friends. I embarrassed myself. I set a poor example for Cindy." "What do you think your punishment should be?" Mom asked. "I don't know," I said. "I totally get why you'd want to ground me." "Talk to us Chris," Dad said. "What has gotten into you. Let's not even talk about last night just yet. We know something's up. Please tell us. We want to help." They can't help. I can't tell them what's really going on. But I want them to trust me. Can they trust me? After last night I don't think I can trust myself. "I'm trying to help a friend," I started. Vague enough, seeing as I don't know who I'm trying to help. "Something bad is going to happen to them. Don't ask me how I know. I'm trying to be a part of their life so I can try to prevent that bad thing from happening." "Drugs? Alcohol? Abuse? Something else?" Dad asked. "I don't know" I said. I just know they need me" I too would like to know. "Chris" Mom said, "Why would you put that kind of burden on yourself?" "Because only I can help them," I said. "They only trust me," I made that last part up. But it sounded good. "Because I thought I could do it. I thought it would be easy. It wasn't. I failed." "How did you fail? What happened?" Dad asked. "Nothing bad has happened yet. But look at me. I embarrassed myself. I may have damaged my friendship with Ron. I definitely damaged my friendship with Fay. I made an enemy out of a girl on Cindy's cheer squad. On top of that I got careless and broke your rules. And now I'm sure I've lost your trust" "What are you going to do now?" Dad asked. "Give up," I said. "I don't think I can stand ruining mine and other peoples lives even more." "Setting aside this party, which we don't approve of. It sounds like didn't necessarily fail. You just had a few set backs," Dad said. "Failure and bumps in the road are a part of life. Get up and dust yourself off." "If you manage to help this friend of yours," Mom added. "Were these set backs worth it? Would you do it all over again?" I thought about that for a moment. I was having fun up until last night. I can't deny that I didn't have fun with Fay. I can't deny I wasn't having fun exploring who Christina is. Was competing with Amber fun? Maybe. My inner competitor was certainly enjoying it. I regret fighting with Ron. I regret getting drunk. "Most of it," I said. "I think I may have pushed myself too far too quickly." I saw a smile on my parents face. "I'm sorry for breaking the rules," I said. "What's my punishment?" My parents looked at each other and my mom said. "Let's call it you get off for time served." "Time served? Really?" "You've been puking your brains out for an hour. You have damage control to do with your friends" Dad added. "I think you may think twice about getting shit faced in the future." "Thank you so much!" I said smiling. I went to get up and give them a hug, but stopped myself because I couldn't move that quick. "Take it slow today" Mom said. "If you're up to it, you should really eat something" "Thanks". I said. "Oh. I'm embarrassed that I have to ask this. How did I get home?" "Ron and a buddy brought you home," Mom said. " They carried you up the stairs and to your room. I tucked you in and made sure you didn't roll out of bed. Ron apologized profusely. He took full responsibility for you." "It was my fault, not his. I was the one who dragged him to that party." "We figured," Dad said. "I can tell when someone's lying to cover for someone else." I owe Ron one. I looked back at my parents. I can't believe I pushed them out of my life. It didn't occur to me until now, but they're both 40 in 1997. Only 3 years older than Tony was. Crazy. I can't imagine being a parent to two teenagers at my age. They both seem have it figured out. I'm still struggling. When I get home, I'll take Mom up on that offer for me to come visit. * * * I wound up eating a piece of toast and a glass of orange juice. I couldn't even look at eggs. I looked for some Gatorade in the fridge but didn't find any. I eyed the coffee in the coffee pot. I don't know how Chrissy's body will take to drinking coffee for the first time in its current state. I refilled my glass of water. I went looking for Cindy. I found her laying on her bed on the phone. I walked into her door threshold. "Hold on Jill, she just came into my room. Let me get the scoop and I'll call you back," she hung up her cordless phone and looked at me. "What happened last night?" "Well" I said sitting on her bed slowly. "I drank too much." "Well, duh," she said. "I had to listen to you puke for an hour. It really ruined my appetite. What happened with Amber? I heard you decked her." "Yes," I added. "I think I may have accidentally bumped in to her forcing her to spill her beer. She called me names, and slapped me. Then I laid her on her ass." Cindy laughed. "That's awesome." "I kinda feel bad," I said. Cindy gave me a look. "OK, But only a little bit" "Rumor is that you were teaming up with Jessica or something." "Oh that," I said. I decided that unlike Jess, I was not going to out her. I wasn't sure if she was out of the closet anyway. "We played some drinking game together. Amber got jealous that I was getting close with one of her friends." "Did you talk with Fay?" "Yeah. We're done. That was a pipe-dream of mine." Cindy laughed. "You have certainly been bringing the drama with you all week." "I know," I said. "It's exhausting!" We both shared a laugh. "Did Mom and Dad come down hard on you?" I didn't want to tell her than they went easy on me. I have to set a good example for my younger sister. "They're disappointed. They may not trust me next time I go out." "Oh. That sucks," she said. "Well," I said standing up. "I need to shower. I bet I smell like skunky beer, and vomit" And sex, but I didn't say that. "OK," she said. "I'm going to call Jill back" As I got to the door, I heard her say, "Tony." I took a deep breath turned back into her room and closed the door behind us. "I was wondering when you'd show up again," I said. "I wanted to see how all of this played out," the guardian angel said. 'You parents had good advice and I don't want to interrupt them or your sisterly bonding time." "Did you set me up to fail?" I asked. "You knew about Fay being straight, yet you let me walk into that trap." "Well, you haven't failed the mission yet. But yeah, we knew how that particular side journey of yours would turn out." "Why would you do that to me? You encouraged me to do it." "You're right. I did encourage you to go out and find yourself. You are doing a terrific job." "But everything about yesterday was a complete disaster!" "When taken in context of just yesterday, yes. Yes it did. But that was the point." "You wanted me to crash and burn?" "Yes." "Why would you do that to me? Is this just a game to you? Just send me home! I'm more than capable of being a complete failure as Tony in 2018. I don't feel like being a complete failure as Chrissy in 1997 anymore." "You're not a complete failure. We've made some progress here." "Oh? I don't see it." "Your parents gave you some great advice. Are you going to give up this mission?" "No." "Are you going to press on with more resolve?" "Yes." "And if you run into more setbacks. Are you going to press on?" "I guess so. What choice do I have." "Are you having fun?" "Up until my letting myself get too drunk, yes" "I'm going to ask again. If you run into more setbacks. Are you going to press on? "Yes." "See. We've made progress." "I don't get it." "Let me make this crystal clear for you, Christina." The angel in Cindy's body stood up and got close to me "When you were Tony, you never took any risks. Whenever you encountered an obstacle you avoided it. When you suffered a setback you gave up. You gave up on friendships. You gave up on your career progression. You gave up on your family. You gave up on your marriage." That felt like a gut punch. But she was right. "I think I've made my point. Let's talk later." She returned to her bed and picked up the cordless phone. I started to walk out of the room as we heard a loud motor outside. I turned to Cindy and she gave a confused look as we both walked to the window and looked out. A motorcycle pulled into our driveway. The biker removed his helmet. It was Chase. "Who is that?" Cindy said. "He's kinda cute." "That's Chase," I said. "Ron's friend." "The one he's setting you up with?" "Yup. That's the one." * * * I left Cindy's room, went down the steps and outside of the house to greet Chase. "Chase," I said. "What are you doing here?" "Good afternoon, Chrissy" he said. "Wait, is it afternoon already?" I responded. Oh wow, his eyes sparkle in the sunlight. Stop it, Chris! "Yes. 12:05," he said looking at his watch. "I came-" he got off his bike. "to drive you to your car." "My car?" I said. Oh right! I left it at school. That's incredibly generous of him. "Sorry, Ron had to run errands with his mom so I volunteered," he added. I sat down on our front porch and I motioned for Chase to sit. He sat right beside me. He was more handsome than I remember from the other night, and from what Tony remembers. I felt something in my stomach, but it wasn't vomit this time. I sincerely think I'm attracted to him. But not now, Chris. Put those thoughts out of your mind. "First I want to thank you," I said. "For helping me last night. A person you barely know." "It was my pleasure," he said. "You're not just a stranger. You're Ron's good friend. Beside, I've certainly had my share of times I was in trouble and needed help from friends." "I also want to say sorry. I was really really drunk and embarrassed myself. I hope you don't think less of me." "It's OK," he said. "I was a little disappointed. I was hoping to hang out with you and get to know you better. When Ron told me you guys were going to a party and invited me to join I was looking forward to it. Maybe get a chance to ask you on a real date. I'm just sorry I got there too late." I blushed a little. Chase came to see me? The thought of going on a real date with Chase actually made me a little giddy. I can't believe I'm thinking these thoughts. "What happened last night?" he inquired. "Oh I've been having problems with this one girl at school. She first started spreading rumors about me liking girls. At the party she caught me with one of her girl friends then called me a lesbian and slapped me. So I punched her back," Wait. I think I said too much there. Shit. Word- vomit again. "Oh, really?" he said. He was thinking. "Can I ask a selfish question?" "Go for it," I said worried about what he's going to ask. "Umm... are you?" he said. I took a deep breath. "Give me a moment. I want to not trip over my words for once." Shit Shit. Wow, I'm actually worried I ruined a potential date with Chase. So I can't tell him I'm a lesbian. But am I? Can I tell him I'm bi? Am I? Was Tony bi all along? That might be a question I might need to ponder another time when this is all over. After about 5 seconds I found the words I wanted to say. "Chase. I don't know. I'm still young. I'm trying to figure out who I am. I'm not going to let labels get in the way of my self exploration." "Wow," he said. "That is a very mature answer. Are you sure you're only in high school and not in college?" He smiled. I smiled back. "I'm sure." "Nice shirt, by the way," he said. I looked down and realized I was wearing a Super Mario Brothers t-shirt. "I have a serious hangover and wasn't really thinking straight when I got dressed this morning" I said slightly embarrassed. After 3 days of dressing to impress dressing down was weird. "I like it," he said. "I mean. That was one of my favorite games. The Mario 3 was awesome." I looked at Chase. His smile. His chiseled jaw. I suddenly drew some confidence from my conversation from my parents and the guardian angel. I need to own who I am. "It's actually retro chic. In the future people are really going to embrace the geek culture". He chucked. "Oh you're a trend setter. I like it!" "Let me put on a bra and we can head out." Whoa Chris. That was too much information. I blushed as I saw Chases eyes instinctively dip down to my chest and back up again as he knew he'd be caught. He turned red. I giggled nervously and walked back into my house. Did I just giggle? As I was in my room taking my t-shirt off, Cindy came in and closed the door behind her since I was topless. "OK, dish." "His name is Chase. He's taking me to get my car." I pulled a bra out of my drawer and put it on. "He's totally cute," she said. I smiled. And then I finally verbally admitted it. "Yes, he is." I looked down at the t-shirt in my hand. I thought to myself "Screw it. He liked it. I'm a trend setter," I said putting it back on. "Are you going on a date?" she asked. "Maybe one day," I said pulling down my denim shorts. "He hasn't asked me yet." "Good luck!" She gave me a big smile and left my room. I took off my black lace panties. Totally smells like sex. I thought back to Jessica in closet. I didn't even know Jessica existed until yesterday. And I sit next to her in English class! But her and me in the closet - that was hot. Question is- do I want to date Jess or Chase? Am I bi? I don't know yet. "But you know what," I told myself out loud. "I think I'm excited to find out." I guess I'm postponing my shower til later. I put on a clean pair of panties and put the denim shorts back on. I grabbed a pair of socks and a pair of beat up sneakers I found in the back of the closet. I found my car keys on my dresser next to my heels. Thankfully someone put them there. I walked out of my room and down the hall. "Mom, Dad. A friend is driving me to pick up my car! Be back soon!" Chase was sitting on his bike. I hadn't occurred to me until he tossed a helmet at me that he expected me to ride on that. "Hop on," he said. Oh Shit. "Oh no," I said. "I can't get on that thing!" "Yeah you can. Just hold on to me." I bit my lips. Chase is going to die in a motorcycle accident. How can I willingly condone this and get on the bike with him? "Chris? You look worried." "I have never rode one. I'm not sure it's safe." "It's not supposed to be safe. It's supposed to be fun," he said. "But Chase," I said. "It's not worth the risk." "Says the girl who drank until she blacked out last night," he said. "How's your liver?" He smiled and winked. I may have given a visible pout. OK. At least I know when he dies. So that means he doesn't die today. I'm not sure that's the best rationalization there is. I caved. I put the helmet on my head. He put the helmet on his. He held out my hand as he helped me onto the bike. "Hold on to me," he said. I wrapped my arms around him. I could feel his heat on my chest. My breasts were pressed up against his back. He smelled good. "Are you wearing cologne?" I said. "Yes," he said, "you said you liked it last night." He's totally into me. Not sure why. He started the bike as it roared to life. Then we sped away down the street. * * * I can see why people love motorcycles. The wind in your face. Being exposed to the open road. It was exhilarating. It doesn't mean I wasn't shared shit-less. We arrived at the school to my car which was the lone car in the student parking lot. Chase helped me down from the bike. "Thank you for the lift," I said. "Chrissy," Chase said. "Yeah?" "I would like to see you again. When are you free?" "Um," I started. "Today i'm just beat. Tomorrow I have family coming over. I'm open Monday." "Monday I have a gig. How about Tuesday?" "Tuesday?" I responded. "I have nothing after band practice." "So it's a date?" he asked. He smiled. That smile simply melts me. I hate that I'm attracted to this guy. I feel so out of control and not myself. "Yeah," I said. "It's a date." "Have a great weekend Christina." He start starting his bike and driving away. I opened my car and leaned up against the door. I have a date with Chase. With a guy. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm in way over my head.

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Chances AreChapter 13

The senior Westside mob bosses just finished playing their hands and everyone continued to ignore me until the pot had been gathered up. They were playing poker for fairly small stakes, just a friendly game with quarters for chips it looked like, but I couldn’t tell you for sure what the rules were; a variation of five card draw probably. Then finally, Jonny deigned to speak to me just as a fresh hand was being dealt. “You’re Chancer? Conner here informs me that Antonio ‘Drake’ has gone...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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Chances AreChapter 17

Fuck ... wouldn’t you believe it? The battleship-grade steel that layered the entire top of the basement, under the ground floor was still there ... and virtually immaculate, with hardly even a scratch on it! Now I could also see that this impenetrable layer not only covered the floor of the Murder Mansion, but also the houses next door and even under the old warehouse that had stood behind it. It covered, that thick layer of hardened steel, the entire city block where my house had once...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 36

We never did resolve the matter of my being good, great or evil. My heart told me that none of them were truly applicable. My mind continued to debate whether those labels could ever be used on someone like me. The issues of accountability, responsibility, justice and freedom continued to haunt my thoughts for years after that night. The only thing I did come to terms with was my obsession with truth. Is truth a property of sentences, which are linguistic entities, or is truth a property of...

1 year ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Chances AreChapter 5

Now if I had to award a second place prize for the next choicest skirt decorating the room, it would have to be a coin flip between Skulda the Valkyrie Warrior-Maiden or the Green Canary. The others? Who could tell really, under all of those cowls, hoods, masks and full bodysuits. They could have all been dolls or drudges ... who could tell? The Norse babe had it all; youth, a crisp Nordic face with big blue eyes, long braided blonde hair and more than a hint of well-nourished cleavage under...

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Chances AreChapter 18

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a pitch black bedroom and at least two warm naked female bodies. There were no street lights on outside and very likely the entire house, along with most of the remaining bits of the Westside, were without electrical power. By feel, I determined that Denise (Firefly) was curled up on my right side, or least her massive tits were. A more slender but nearly equally petite figure dozed on my left, and a brief caress of her hair suggested that this...

4 years ago
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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 22

Mina Sutherland ... Doctor Mina Sutherland ... came back from town ten feet tall and walking with her feet off the ground. Mina knew how to glide, but this was more than that. Mina was going to handfast to Calvin P. Potter ... but he might take her name. Calvin Percival Sutherland sounded better than C.P. Potter. Cal was, by way of a million past ancestors, related to one Helen Potter ... she of Peter Rabbit fame and the artist of a multitude of illustrations for the scientific community of...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 7

Introduction: Catherine and Tonys Wild night of sex! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 7 Chapter 7 But this motorcycle officer was no normal police officer? The city of Columbus had started hiring female officers over 20 yrs ago mostly for addressing domestic issues. But women and especially women libbers on the department had viewed these jobs for years as non traditional police work. Being a female officer in a police cruiser with another male was one thing, but a female patrol...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Part 5

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Kelly Daniels, formerly the hate filled bully Ryan Thomas, finds herself madly in love with boy she once bullied. Now fully accepting of her new life, she now finds she has a dangerous problem...her stepfather's wrath Second Chances - Part 5 Kelly's eyes fluttered open as the soothing sounds of the waves crashing on the beach along with crisp sea air floating through the nearby open window. Shaking the sleepy cobwebs from her head, she fully...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 2

Ethel bid farewell to the Flying H ranch and her friends there as she left to catch the train to Philadelphia. Jim drove her to the train station in the town five hours away. For someone familiar with the cities of the East, towns certainly were far apart in this part of Texas. Jim did not wait around for the train to leave, since he had so far to travel to get home that night. This particular railroad only ran as far east as Austin, so she bought her ticket for that city and sat in the...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 9

Ethel and Adam repacked their camping stuff and headed for Wilsonville as fast as they could travel. They had no idea why Charley Wilson would head for Wilsonville. As far as they knew, he had no ties to the town, so why would he go there? The most logical reason was because he knew who Ethel and Adam were, but how could he know that? The other possibility was that he intended to rob the bank, but a lot of towns had banks, so, why would he pick Wislonville? They might never know the answer...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 2 Therapistrsquos Incestuous Treatment

Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her naked body. We were cuddling on the bed in my therapist office. Over the course of the last eleven sessions with her, I had guided her into this naked...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Kelseys confessions Chapter 1 Christmas with my stepbrother

Kelsey’s confessions - Chapter 1 Chapter One - Christmas 2013 with my stepbrother – Introduction – How it started  It seems surreal to think a year has passed since that night, Christmas eve, 2013, when my world changed so quickly and dramatically. First let me introduce my stepbrother and myself. In virtually every aspect, Michael and I were normal, typical teenagers. Michael and I were close; we fought; we shared some things and we also kept other things quite private. There was nothing...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Prologue and Chapter One

The following is a story that's been bumping around in my head for the better part of two years. It's one of those where the hardest part has been how to start it, especially considering how confusing the beginning is. As with most of my other stories (yes, even the incomplete ones) it deals a lot with identity, particularly with characters that remember being one person but have the body and memories of a completely different person too. It's also a spy story because, well....who...

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Second Chances Chapter 7 Take Two

Wednesday, September 24, 1997 The alarm buzzer went off. The same confusion from yesterday washed over me. But this time I reminded myself I was not home in 2018, but in high school in 1997. I groaned, immediately regretting my decision on setting my clock for so early. I kicked my legs out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. I stood up and stretched my arms out, arching my back and extending my boobs forward. Yup. I'm still Christina. I flicked on the bedroom light and...

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Second Chances Part 3

Second Chances By Alexander Kung Second Chances - Part 3 It had just started to rain as Rani and Jay started to walk home. The storm had shown up so suddenly that they had to cut their time in the tree house short. However nobody said how long they could take on the walk home. Since they were next door neighbors, they could get away with taking the scenic route. "So, Jay" Rani asked with a slight nudge "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Not really" Jay replied "I guess girls don't...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 7

Chapter 7 But this motorcycle officer was no normal police officer? The city of Columbus had started hiring female officers over 20 yrs ago mostly for addressing domestic issues. But women and especially women libbers on the department had viewed these jobs for years as non traditional police work. Being a female officer in a police cruiser with another male was one thing, but a female patrol officer on a motorcycle now that was quite something and this woman officer...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Kate and Catherine Girl on Girl My devious plan for Kate and Catherine was finally coming together ! The young black men had been well satisfied earlier at my wife Kate's expense, and I had made sure she was wearing only the charcoal panties as I had made her remove everything else and give the pink and gray outfit to these men as souvenirs before we left! I marched her out of the motel room down the stairs with several black men watching and into the parking lot...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Introduction: Catherines Excellent Adventure Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 6 Catherines excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Catherine's excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black market in South Africa and had immigrated to this country as a young...

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Chances AreChapter 11

Our very private chat now done, we headed on home with naught but a grocery stop at the A&P planned along the way. We agreed that mission number one for tomorrow morning was shopping to seriously upgrade our extremely limited wardrobe. I’d picked up a few basic items of casual clothing at a couple of local used resale shops in North and South Hell over the last couple of weeks, but I still had nothing that our old pal Rags would have been caught dead wearing. We now had the dough, so it...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 12 Orcs and Panthers

Then something large and heavy almost certainly the fist one one of the Orcs smashed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body, in shock she opened her mouth to gulp in air only to have her mouth and windpipe blocked by the giant putrid cock now being forced into her mouth and throat, the combination of the shock and her convulsive choking relaxed her ass enough that she felt a new tearing pain as the huge cock at her rear forced its way in making her feel her anal ring was tearing and...

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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 2 Absinthe

Dinner that night was an awkward affair. Diana was acting sullen for some reason, barely picking at her food, and not so much speaking as grunting when I tried to make conversation. I wasn't much better - I'd started to feel responsible for what happened to Marissa, even if it wasn't anything I did on purpose, and that left me growing more quiet and introspective the more I went over it in my head. As for Marissa, she seemed to have accepted her new self wholeheartedly, and her interest in...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 40 Catherine Liz

Saturday, May 29, 1971 The rain was beating a steady tattoo on the metal roof of the Lodge when I woke up. My bladder was telling me to get up. But the rest of me wanted to stay under the covers, and listen to the rain until I drifted back to sleep. Of course, my bladder won. I scanned for the family as I walked down the hall to the communal showers, noting they were all asleep. With the warm water of the shower beating down on me, I began to scan the ranch. Mable was in the kitchen at...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Chances AreChapter 8

So, on that peaceful Saturday evening I was sitting up on the roof of Murder Mansion, alone and slowly enjoying four fingers of fine quality rye, enjoying the late-night spring breezes and the sounds of the city from off in the distance. Most of the flat roof was covered with a series of four long rectangular greenhouses, but everything inside had been dead for a full decade or more. Orchids most likely, from all of the dried petals on the floor. At the northwest corner of the roof, the...

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