The Elevator free porn video

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Paris; 2020. I had been wandering around aimlessly for more than an hour, after finding the Gare d’Orsay art museum was closed because of the Covid-19 Lockdown.

I’d come to Paris expressly to study the famous museum’s furniture collections for my doctorate back in London. Frustrated, I headed for the old station buffet, which thankfully was open for business – though thronged with similarly-disappointed tourists.

I found a quiet window seat and ordered a large glass of the House Red, but when a noisy Chinese group (complete with pennant-carrying tour guide) invaded my ‘sanctuary’, I beat a hasty retreat and stepped outside. Now it was raining. I pulled up my jacket collar and headed for the Champs-Elysées, intending to walk up to the Arc de Triomphe, behind which my low-budget hotel was located.

Half-way up the wide boulevard I spotted a showy department store which I’d never previously noticed. It was called Première Classe, with its name written in huge pink neon lettering across its flamboyant façade. I was slightly taken aback. Having been married (thankfully now divorced) to an inveterate shopaholic, why had Maggie never wanted to spend my money in Première Classe? As my tweed jacket now resembled used blotting paper, I decided to venture into this brash establishment.

The main entrance hall was a cross between Gordon Selfridge’s flagship department store on London’s Oxford Street and the British Museum’s Egyptian Gallery. Gilt-edged perfume counters abounded, all staffed by stunningly-beautiful females (several looking like predatory ‘cougars’). I eased my way through the cosmopolitan crowd and headed for the bank of lifts ranged along the back wall. There were five sets of ornate gilded double doors, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of exotic marble. Above each pair of doors was a half-clock arrangement, with a single gold hand indicating each lift’s location.

I stood in front of the central lift as it appeared to be descending to ground level. An electronic chime sounded the first bars of La Marseillaise as the double doors slid open. Save for its operator, the spacious well-lit lift car was empty. Its walls were lined with mahogany panelling, many containing illustrated information boards. The ceiling was an elaborately-gilded filigree of Fabergé-era lights. Standing beside the lift’s control panel was a small African youth, immaculately dressed in a dark blue uniform, trimmed by gold braid, with two rows of brass buttons running down his tunic. He gave me a pleasant smile. “Where to, monsieur?”

I cautiously stepped inside the lift. “Ehh… I’m really not sure.”

He nodded to the lift’s back wall. “All the departments served are shown on the panels, monsieur.”

“Thank you. May I just take a look.”

“Bien sure. My name is Sami and I will be your guide today.”

“And where are your from, Sami?”

“Senegal, monsieur.”

Relieved that no other shoppers had entered the lift car, I began to study the panels. I heard the car’s doors glide shut. The sales levels being offered were styled by historical references: The Tudors, The Borgias, Cleopatra on the Nile, Horatio Nelson, de Sade’s Dungeon of Punishment and something called The Hall of Hollywood Screen Goddesses. Now the lift boy was standing beside me, looking up expectantly. “Made up your mind?”

I rubbed my chin. “Difficult choice, isn’t it Sami?”

“You can always try one, monsieur; then move upstairs if you don’t like the action.”

“And are they all down in the basement?”

“Bien sure, monsieur. A long, long way below ground level. Many years, in fact. Many, many years.”

Ignoring this last puzzling remark, I pointed to a revealing photograph of a topless Jayne Mansfield, seated behind the steering wheel of a gas-guzzling Chevrolet convertible. “I certainly wouldn’t mind reviving some old memories of this lady. I was still a youth at high school when she died. Will she be down there – in the basement exhibition?”

“For sure, monsieur”, my young friend assured me. “Just as she is shown in the photograph. Topless and still extremely beautiful.” He nudged me suggestively with one elbow. “It is said that she had the largest bosoms in Hollywood, as well as a great many lovers, including – so it is rumoured - JFK.”

“Mmm… sounds too good to be true. And must visitors to these basement areas only observe or can they participate?”

“The choice is entirely yours, monsieur. But if, for example, you desired to be intimate with Miss Mansfield, I know that she wouldn’t object. I have watched many gentlemen have congress with her.” He tugged my elbow and pointed enthusiastically at the lime green leather-upholstered bench seat in the photograph. “Right on the seat of that automobile. She loves it!”

I was now warming to the subject. “And tell me, are there other screen goddesses down there?”

“For sure, monsieur.”

“Such as?”

“Marlene Dietrich, Zsa Zsa Gabor (very noisy when she is having sex, that one), and of course Marylyn. She always wears the sequined ball gown from Some Like It Hot.”

I was dazzled by the choice – and my young friend could clearly see my quandary. “There’s no hurry, monsieur. Take your time; recharge the batteries (so to speak) and fuck them all! Shall I take you down?”

“Yes please!”

The doors slid shut, but the lift car remained motionless. Then the interior lights flickered and went out. “No worries, senior,” Sami called through the inky blackness. “The lift mechanism’s memory is adjusting for time travel.” After a long pause the lights came back on – though this time the interior was bathed in an iridescent purple-green. Twice we lurched to a halt, each time leaving us seemingly rocking above a great abyss (who knows how deep) with the lifting cables clanging menacingly against the side of our fragile enclosure.

Suddenly the lights sprang back on, now glaringly brighter than when we had left the store’s entrance hall. The interior’s taped music (deafeningly loud) was Little Richard’s The Girl Can’t Help It.

The lift doors opened to reveal a brightly-lit movie set. The Chevvy was set on a low dais beneath a battery of old-fashioned arc lights. A dozen technicians busied themselves with tape measures, clip boards and light metres. And there, topless and draped across the convertible’s bench seat, was Miss Mansfield herself, bigger even than in my youthful memories of lusting over her on the centrespread of Photoplay magazine. A make-up assistant dutifully applied some blusher to the upper curves of her gloriously-rounded orbs. Smiling, Sami stepped aside, gesturing me to alight. “Take as long as you like, monsieur. I will have the lift waiting for your next sexual excursion!”

“So, you’re from Ingerland?” she whispered. I’d never heard my homeland pronounced as three syllables.

“Err, yes,” I stammered, involuntarily running a hand across my erection.

“Hey, buster – now don’t go all bashful on me. Get on board and let’s make music.” The technicians discreetly faded away. One of her long shapely legs stretched across the Chevvy’s interior, and with a varnished toenail she deftly clicked open the passenger door. “Why not let the lady see the goods on offer?”

The young make-up assistant tactfully withdrew, leaving just the two of us on the dais. I accepted the invitation and slipped into the passenger seat beside Jayne Mansfield. She leaned across to turn up the volume of the Little Richard track on the car’s Motorola, using the manoeuvre to run one hand across my hidden erection. “Let’s give this fella a bit of daylight, shall we?” she giggled as she unzipped my slacks.

Until this moment – buried deep in the bowels of the earth somewhere beneath the Champs-Elysées, and over half a century back in time - I’d never rated car sex very highly. But this was truly mind-blowing. And judging by the smile on her face the lady was enjoying it too. But my nervousness and English reserve meant that it was over all too soon. Though by her contented grin, I got the impression that the actress had appreciated our short titty-fucking session.

Sami was stood to attention by his lift car. As I stepped inside, he gave me a knowing smile but made no comment. I remained silent, studying the panels on the back wall of the lift car. “Where to next, monsieur?” he called out after a suitable silence.

I turned and smiled. “Well, I think I rather fancy a trip to Egypt.”

“To meet Cleopatra, you mean?”


He clicked a control to close the lift car’s doors. “Good call! You certainly won’t be disappointed, monsieur, I can assure you!”

Once more the interior lights flickered and then went out. This time the exterior noise was of a low drubbing sound. The lift car shuddered but remained motionless. Then suddenly we were in free fall, dropping through space (and time) like a great boulder.


“It’ll take a bit longer this time, monsieur. You must understand that we’re headed for Egypt two thousand years ago.” But it was done in a trice and our magical time machine smoothly drew to a halt. Even before the doors had opened, I could feel the intensity of the heat outside.

“We have arrived in time for one of Her Majesty’s notorious ‘spectaculars’, which she likes to lay on for the Senators whose support she always needs,” my little Senegalese guide told me. “You will see much food and copious quantities of wine. Also, scantily-dressed slave girls serving delicacies to the Senators; as well as the Queen’s pet caged lion cub. But it will be the sexual dexterity of Her Majesty herself that you should marvel at.”

“How so?”

“Only males are the guests at these banquets, Monsieur – over 100 Senators all told. Yet during the course of the night Cleopatra will fellate every one of them, in full public view. If you are very fortunate, Her Majesty may even honour you!”

The lift doors slid open to the sound of harps and lyres as I stepped out into pre-Christian Egypt. The marble floor was covered with a carpet of white jasmine, while white orchids and lilies cascaded from the upper balconies. Judging by the condition of some of the more elderly Senators, the celebration was well advanced. Many were asleep or sated – some not even bothering to cover their lower bodies after Cleopatra’s attention. On a low podium, in a cage of burnished gold, a young lion observed the scene.

Flanked by two muscular Nubian guards with large rubies in their turbans, the Queen herself moved effortlessly amongst her guests, taking infinite pains with each one of them, slowly fondling every man’s member, lovingly licking his shaft and then slowly sliding her lips over his swollen glans, until he ejaculated into her mouth. A maid would be at her side to hand Cleopatra a fresh cotton cloth. And then on to the next eager Senator.

I nervously took my place at the end of a long empty stone bench near to the central waterfall. The caged lion scrutinised me. Sami had advised me to prepare myself, lest one of the Queen’s scimitar-wielding guards should treat me as an intruder and drag me away to be executed in the yard.

Finally, she arrived before me: petite, stunningly beautiful and still looking remarkably composed. Across her bared breasts was a necklace of gold-mounted gemstones. Her dark brown areolas were studded with tiny pear-shaped pieces of amethyst, enhancing her beautiful nipples. A jewel-encrusted gold headpiece ran across her forehead, with slender gold wires, threaded with lapis lazuli beads, hanging on each side and touching her ear lobes.

She bent forward and slowly took my erect penis into her mouth. I felt her tongue slowly encircle my aching glans while she simultaneously stroked a hand gently over my ball sack. This erotic combination was just too much. Throwing my head back with ecstatic delight, I filled her mouth to overflowing. After some moments she looked into my eyes and smiled, allowing a thin stream of my semen to trickle from the corner of her mouth. We clutched each other’s hands tightly in mutual appreciation.

“That was quite the best tonight,” the queen said admiringly, still holding my hand. “Next week I will travel down to Thebes on my barge. Would you like to come with me?”

I was stunned. “To Thebes?” I stuttered feebly.

“Yes, to my summer palace. It is so much cooler.” Pressing my hand tightly, she added: “I have a beautiful pool where we could play together. Come and be my royal guest. Come and be my lover.” The images got better with every sentence she uttered. One of her maid servants bent forward to whisper in her ear and the Nubian guards looked restless. “I fear I must resume the ‘entertainment’ of my Senators. Tell me, how shall I call you?”

“My name is Mark.”

She stood up and gave a dismissive snort. “How unfortunate. Do you have other names?”


“Much better.” Scooping her gown up, she offered me the back of her hand to kiss. She casually unhooked one of the gold cords from her head band and pressed it into my hand. “A bientot, cherie.” Then she was gone. Flanked by her bodyguards, her maids ushered her towards a sleeping Senator.

Back in the lift, Sami was dying to hear all the details. I was elated but bashful. After all, it’s not every day that you get to be sucked off by Queen Cleopatra, is it?

“Where to boss?”

I was all for making tracks back to my little hotel room, to reflect on my amazing subterranean experiences. But Sami egged me on. “Care to see the Marquis de Sade’s Dungeon of Punishment? He’s heavily into spanking young virgins at the moment. Naked and roped.”

“Perhaps not this afternoon, if you don’t mind.”

“Then how about Horatio Nelson mounting Lady Hamilton’s derriere, across the gun barrel on the deck of The Victory, watched by the entire crew?” he asked mischievously. “She’s simply voracious, monsieur. I’ve seen the Admiral take her from behind many times.”

“Why don’t we finish by visiting The Tudors?” I suggested, patriotically.

My guide obediently shut the lift doors and once more its motors whirred into life. This time we appeared to be ascending. The haunting sounds of lute and harp music could be heard through the closed lift doors as we juddered to a stop.

They opened to reveal a long stone-columned cloister stretching towards a huge log fire. Lighting was from banks of candles on wrought iron sconces, set between narrow stained glass windows. In the foreground (only feet from our vantage point inside the lift car) a gaggle of serving boys sat patiently on a bench, holding huge pewter trays laden with exotic poultry and fruit dishes. Two serving wenches (barely 18) stood nervously behind the youths, holding flagons of wine and drinking vessels. Mid-way along the cloister, in a small alcove, a lady-in-waiting sat silently embroidering opposite the Queen’s bedchamber.

Then from a studded door beside the fireplace King Henry VIII himself emerged. He was quite the largest man I had ever seen. Not tall, but broad of beam – a rotund profile exaggerated by his pot belly and his pleated silk doublet. He waived to the wenches who scurried forward with their wine and gold goblets.

Sami gently pushed me from the lift car, whispering: “Don’t worry, monsieur. Here at Hampton Court Palace you are invisible. Go and see at close quarters what King Henry intends to do with those two girls.”

True to his reputation in history the king had no time to savour the delights of roast venison or pigeon stuffed with quails’ eggs, or to wash them down with rich Burgundy wine. He first thrust one of the girls across his lap, lifted her skirts and spanked her naked bottom, finishing by pouring wine over her enflamed cheeks. Then he signalled to the second waitress to get down on all fours in front of the log fire, lifted up his doublet and roughly mounted her, with the ‘coupling’ lasting barely two minutes. This was the signal for the quartet of serving boys to scurry down the cloister with their refreshments for their master. Still on their knees, the maids cleaned the king up, before carefully replacing his flaccid penis inside his studded leather codpiece.

I returned to the lift and nodded to Sami that it was now time for me to return to the 21st century. Tipping him generously, I headed towards the exit and the Champs-Elysées to walk pensively back to my hotel. Cleopatra’s gift was still in my jacket pocket and had mercifully not dematerialised on our return time journey. I stopped to take a glass of brandy in the corner bar then headed for my hotel room.

But I had a troubled night and woke at dawn with yesterday’s historical melange still coursing through my brain. I grabbed a hasty coffee and croissant breakfast down in the hotel’s lobby and headed out as dawn was breaking, determined to re-visit Première Classe. The rain had begun falling again and I turned up my jacket collar. The street-cleaning machines were already in action, but otherwise the city was asleep.

As I walked along the deserted boulevard I saw ahead of me a huge pile of used furniture strewn in front of what had been that flamboyant department store. There were threadbare armchairs, broken tables and even a chaise longue, on which a bedraggled rough sleeper lay unconscious. All the former store’s ground floor windows were boarded up and white-washed and across the double entrance doors a crudely-written sign announced: A Laisser (To Let).

The florid pink neon sign was nowhere to be seen, but framed in a second-floor window I spotted the diminutive figure of a black boy. Not dressed in an immaculate blue, gold-braided uniform, but in a flimsy pair of white pyjamas. He raised his hand in recognition. We smiled at each other, before he was led away by a large black lady in an orange tribal dress.

I wandered forlornly down towards the Place de la Concorde and angrily kicked a can into the gutter. “How the HELL am I going to get to Thebes?”




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A hot trip on a crowded elevator

The elevator was going to the last floor, where I worked. It was really crowded that morning. And I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was stroking my round ass cheeks through my tight skirt. I should normally be offended, but that soft contact felt so good…It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were exploring the...

4 years ago
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the elevator

Tom jumped out of the cab in front of County General Hospital, getting soaked to the skin as a summer thunder storm swept across Cobb County. Shaking off as much water as he could, Tom looked to find the correct bank of elevators that would take him to Dr. Golden's office on the tenth floor. Seeing one of the elevator doors beginning to shut, Tom broke into a sprint and stuck his arm into the closing doors and made them bounce back open allowing him entry. When he finally settled into the front...

1 year ago
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The elevator

Tom Aaron jumped out of the cab in front of County General Hospital, getting soaked to the skin as a summer thunder storm swept across Cobb County. After shaking off as much water as he could, Tom looked to find the correct bank of elevators that would take him to Dr. Golden's office on the tenth floor. Seeing one of the elevator doors beginning to shut, Tom broke into a sprint and stuck his arm into the closing doors, making them bounce back open allowing him entry. When he finally settled...

3 years ago
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Lust In an Elevator

You hear a lot of people say how much it sucks being single on Valentine’s Day. Even worse, being a single male that works as a flower shop delivery person on Valentine’s Day. I may have been able to agree with that idea in the past, that is, until the day that changed my life forever. To summarize what made that fateful day even occur in my life, here is a quick background. I am a 23 year old college student in my second semester of a business graduate program. I currently hold a two semester...

1 year ago
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The Spanish Lady I Met in The Elevator

The clammy hands and palpitations have nothing to do with the fear I just felt, but have everything to do with Sofia. She is so close to me that I can almost feel the warmth of her body. Is she secret with the lurid psychopathic traits? With all my senses sharp, I wait with closed eyes for the denouement. Sofia does nothing and I eagerly take the initiative with a kiss. The wild strike at the airport has ruined the day for many people, and my return trip home has now been postponed until...

4 years ago
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The Glass Elevator

On the average weekday, at rush hour, the 110 Freeway in Los Angeles averages over 20,000 cars at any given time on the 55 mile stretch. For Phillip Riley, the trip from his job in San Pedro—a small harbor town just south of Los Angeles, to his home in Pasadena took an hour and thirty-seven minutes in gridlocked traffic. Stuck in his car, Phillip would gaze at a glass elevator that rose up and down the exterior of a downtown skyscraper. He assumed the skyscraper was a corporate law firm or some...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Elevator

Waking up from my sleep, I remembered that today was that day i was going to meet the man of my dreams. We had meet on the net but i was in love with him the first time i heard his voice. It came the time where we were both intrested in meeting with eachothere. I am 20 years old and hadn't ahd sex since i was 15 due to loss of intrest and school and now that i have graduated from with a degree in english and in Psycology, i was ready to get back in the "Fuck Frenzy". The more i thought about...

2 years ago
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The Elevator

Recently while looking for a regular job in my chosen profession, I took a temporary position with an Attorney Service, as a courier. One morning I was delivering a small package to a building in the Downtown area of the city. I had been in the building several times before and knew on what floors our regular customers where located. As I came in through the back entrance, I spotted a really handsome, heavyset man coming in the front entrance with two other men. I didn't think he had seen me as...

4 years ago
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Trapped in an elevator

( GB, Stranger, Teen, Interracial, Public, Rape (?) ) Hi, I'm Sherri. I'm a 32-year-old married white female. I am 5'6" and have a nice body - maybe I could loose a couple of pounds. My husband is John and he is a super guy. We have made close friends with two other couples that are very much like us. We all live in the same part of the outskirts of San Diego. About a year ago we started going out for dinner, dancing and a couple drinks. On our third time out together we had a...

4 years ago
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In The Elevator

It was seven a.m. in the morning, and everyone in the building was preparing work. There was barely anybody in the building, really-just the janiter and some other secretaries. I was the head C.E.O., so I didn’t have to come here early at all, but I had to since MTV was interviewing us for our work. I was the founder and owner of Paws Pets, a huge chain of pet stores specializing in cats and dogs. In the work building, there were no pets, since in this building we did the papers and...

2 years ago
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In The Elevator

It was seven a.m. in the morning, and everyone in the building was preparing work. There was barely anybody in the building, really-just the janiter and some other secretaries. I was the head C.E.O., so I didn't have to come here early at all, but I had to since MTV was interviewing us for our work. I was the founder and owner of Paws Pets, a huge chain of pet stores specializing in cats and dogs. In the work building, there were no pets, since in this building we did the papers and...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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90 seconds of lust in an elevator

We walked into the elevator with a crowd of other people heading to the theater on the fifth floor. You stood in front of me, and I could smell your hair. I moved my face closer, noticing your luscious bare shoulder, and neck, and had to bite my tongue to stop from sinking my teeth into your flesh. I breathed the scent of your hair in deeply, and my cock surged and began to press against my jeans hard. Everyone's eyes were glued to the numbers as we went up floor by floor, and I said to myself,...

4 years ago
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Trapped in an elevator

My name is Will i live in Toroto ontario and im 25 and i play hockey in the NHL. I have Dark brown short hair, im 6foot1 and about 190 pounds at my last weigh in. This is the story of one night in a stuck elevator, this happened about 6 or 7 months ago during a bad rain storm the area was having i was comming home from an dinner date that didnt go well and i was in the elevator with a girl in her early 20's she was about 5'11 120lbs, beautiful stawberry blonde hair and a well formed body with...

4 years ago
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We walked into the elevator with a crowd of other people heading to the theater on the fifth floor. You stood in front of me, and I could smell your hair. I moved my face closer, noticing your luscious bare shoulder, and neck, and had to bite my tongue to stop from sinking my teeth into your flesh. I breathed the scent of your hair in deeply, and my cock surged and began to press against my jeans hard. Everyone's eyes were glued to the numbers as we went up floor by floor, and I said to myself,...

2 years ago
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Getting Stuck In An Elevator

At first it bothered me to have some 50ish or even 60ish guy staring at my breasts all the way during regular meeting, but gradually I began to find it a bit of a turn on. I began to look forward to these meetings and started wearing sexy lingerie underneath my tight business blouse, jacket and skirt. Frankly I got off on watching these old farts panting their way through marketing meetings, gaping at my thighs or low cut blouses, while all the time pretending to be interested in profit...

3 years ago
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A long climb up in the elevator

I took the elevator to reach the last floor, where I worked. The small cabin was really crowded that morning. And I was being squished among a lot of people. A wonderful start to that long day, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I felt it. There, again… definitely it was more than just a quick accidental contact. A pair of hands was rubbing my buttocks through my tight skirt. I should normally be offended, but that soft contact felt so good…It was not an aggressive groping. Those hands were...

3 years ago
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Love in an Elevator

First let me introduce myself, my name is Alison, I'm 25 years old and I work as a saleswoman for a small but old bank and insurance company. The bank I work for is very traditional, but I was taken on to sell banking products to the newly identified "women's market". I am very successful at my job, consistently meeting targets. Really at this stage I'm the top woman in the place (not hard there are only a dozen of us, mainly secretaries). As such I regularly meet with the old men who run the...

2 years ago
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Brownout In The Elevator

Chapter 1 "That's it for now, Gene," my attorney said at the door to his suite. "I'll give you a call when the papers come in and you can pick them up or we'll send them to you." "Okay, Mr. Lewis," I replied. He didn't bother with a handshake so I turned down the long dusty corridor and headed toward the old elevator. I was already thinking about things I wanted to do with my automotive shop under the auspices of my new company. I had just signed the final papers to be filed with...

4 years ago
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The Elevator

After high school I got a job at an older hotel in downtown Rochester. Built in 1920, it had once been a pretty posh place with a penthouse, restaurant and lavish lobby furnished in reds and golds and warm oak trim. By the ‘70s it was mostly patients for the Mayo Clinic. As such, working third shift was pretty easy. At 11:00 p.m. the bellhop left and pretty much everyone was in bed so I had the place to myself ‘til morning. Of course, that also meant that anything anyone needed was my job too....

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Elevator

As I walked into the building my master had told me to come to after school, I looked around hoping nobody was noticing how i was walking or that I looked out of place here. Everyone around me were wearing suits of some kind or uniforms while I was dressed in my short black dress with all black converse, collar wrapped tight to my masters liking and hair half up and half down, while my bangs covered some of my eyes.'Out of place indeed'Waiting at the door of the Elevator that would take me to...

3 years ago
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Stranger in the Elevator

I had just left my father’s office after bringing him lunch while I was downtown shopping. It was one of those tall skysc****rs and his firm’s office was on the 48th floor. When I got on the elevator there were only three others besides myself, just some business men. I had my purse on my shoulder and my shopping bags in my right hand. I was heading home for the day. As the elevator descended, it stopped every few floors and more people entered. On the thirty-fourth floor a group of people...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Sexy Stranger Pt 1 The Elevator

I was out of town on business. Been a long trip, actually been a long few months. Work has been intense and home, well not much good to say there. My wife, hot wife, has shut down sexually… Loves to dress up like she’s got some slut in her, I’d fuck her all the time, like we used to. Oh well, needless to say I’m horny as hell. Just had a few drinks, things were quiet at the bar. I’ve never cheated on my wife, didn’t think I ever would but she’s not giving me any choice… Porn is ok but it’s been...

3 years ago
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Just sixty seconds into the elevator

That afternoon I came back from lunch and walked into the elevator. It was so crowded with other people I had never met. But amongst all these persons, there was the sexy brunette secretary from the tenth floor…She stood in front of me and I could smell her hair. I moved my face closer, smelling her round bare shoulder and neck. I had to bite my tongue to stop from sinking my teeth into her soft skin. I breathed the scent of her hair in deeply and my cock began to press hard against my...

3 years ago
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Lebanese Haifa Wehbe Fucked In An Elevator

The name's Frankie. I'm a cab driver in Boston.Louie, a buddy of mine got a job in Dubai. He was working in the Media Center building where they make a lot of their local TV programs. Every time he wrote to me he went on and on about this hot Lebanese singer called Haifa Wehbe. She does sound hot, but there's no frigging way any woman could be anywhere near as gorgeous as he kept saying. He wrote pages and pages about her big, brown, baby-deer eyes, her full lips, her long silky hair, her long...

4 years ago
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in the elevator

Co written with an old friend... Glad to have reconnected babe...My work day is done, thank god it's Friday. I can just think about recreation until Monday morning. Car's locked, time to go upstairs....should I climb the stairs? not today, feeling lazy......the elevator's taking forever, must be busy......finally! And only that cute woman on it...We've seen each other occasionally on the elevator and once outside the building, but we've never interacted. I think you live a couple floors below...

2 years ago
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Love in a Elevator

I had been working with D&O Inc. for three years. My office was on the sixteenth floor of the Federal Building downtown. Last week I almost missed the elevator when a beautiful woman held it for me. I recognized her from accounting her name was Tess; she had long dark brown hair, and big brown eyes. I thanked her as I got in the elevator but I wasn't sure she even knew who I was."Hello, my name is Tess," she said in a deep voice, eagerly extending her hand in friendship. Her perfume...

3 years ago
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The Elevator

Kim walked unsteadily down the hall to the elevator and pressed the button. A few minutes later, Dan, came up and stood beside her. "Sorry, Kim, I know it's been another long day," he said, looking at the weary expression on her pretty young face. That was an understatement if ever there was one. It was nine-thirty at night and she'd been hard at it all day. The large vibrating dildo her cruel master had forced up her ass at eight that morning was still, even now, throbbing as intensely as...

4 years ago
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The Elevator

  The Elevator By Ms. Cleavage Copyright 2007   The elevator door closes and behind me is a very handsome man that I noticed as I entered. He is wearing a very expensive looking suit with an attaché case in his right hand leaning up against the wall. He smiles at me as I enter the elevator and press the button for the floor below the button he pushed. We have many floors to go yet. I stand there in the middle of the floor and we begin our...

2 years ago
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The Elevator

  The Elevator By Ms. Cleavage Copyright 2007   The elevator door closes and behind me is a very handsome man that I noticed as I entered. He is wearing a very expensive looking suit with an attaché case in his right hand leaning up against the wall. He smiles at me as I enter the elevator and press the button for the floor below the button he pushed. We have many floors to go yet. I stand there in the middle of the floor and we begin our ascent...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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sub in an elevator

She made my cock hard, the first time I saw her. She was new to the building, obviously a recent hire. It was about a month ago, in the courtyard of the building we work in. It’s where we smokers meet, to light up on breaks. The first thing I noticed was her slim, shapely legs, dangling ever so sexily from beneath her short skirt. She has dancer’s legs, long, tight and toned to perfection. The four inch heels she wore, complimented the shape of her slim body. Her hair is black and cut short....

4 years ago
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Going Down Sex in an elevator

Going Down? ... an elevator love story We'd just had a wonderful dinner at an intimate restaurant. Feeling sated and frisky, we walked arm in arm to the parking garage several blocks away. The meal had been deliciously sensuous since we ate with our hands. Feeding each other succulent fruits and fragrant meats; our fingers slowly pulling out of our partner's mouths as they ate with voracious appetites. With Spring in full swing, the air was incensed with flowers and fresh-cut grass. Pausing...

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