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Karen glanced at the clock, frowned, and realized she had probably missed the Director of Accounting by fifteen minutes. It was 6:45 in the evening, she was hungry and stressed, and this folder of papers was promised to be on his desk before he left the building. She picked up her phone and dialed the extension of his assistant. Three rings ... four ... voice mail. There was no one there. She pushed the handset hard into the plastic cradle in frustration, slid her feet back into her high-heeled shoes beneath the broad oak desk and pushed up from her tall, black leather seat.

She took the manila folder of documents and smoothed a hand down the front of her jacket, checking herself for rice cake crumbs. Seeing none, she buttoned up, reassured she was in good enough condition to visit with the high brass.

She strode down the hall toward the elevators, past the many empty desks of those who were fortunate enough to get to leave at 5:00 every evening. Behind her, an intern working late leaned out of his cubicle to appreciate her womanly form and perfectly turned legs, wrapped in black, seamed nylon stockings as they carried her down the hall and through the glass doors to the foyer and elevators. He whistled low to himself; she usually wore slacks to work but on the uncommon days she wore those knee-length skirts, he could never repress his urge to admire her.

Karen's mind wandered to her husband, probably home by now with the kids, with pizza in the oven no doubt. Weeks like this were always gladly received by the children who loved nothing more than pizza and Doritos for dinner. But as this week was Convention Week, everyone at the company was needed to burn extra fuel and get their jobs done so that their annual convention would come off without a hitch and make everyone look good. That meant Doritos and pizza for a while at home. And late nights downtown, 45 minutes from her house and family, which had once been a source of excitement for her. Pure, lusty, illicit, wrong excitement.

She shivered when she remembered those nights she could have returned home at seven, but lied to stay for additional hours while she and Grant would lock themselves in his office, close the blinds and fuck passionately on his desk, desperately holding their moans and cries to barely contained whimpers and whispers of ecstasy. Neither of them had any illusions that she would leave her husband, or he, his wife. It was torrid, it was primal... it was so wrong. But oh, the sex.

She closed her eyes a moment as the feelings returned to her, like a warm wave passing through her. She let herself indulge in the memory of him, his eyes, his smell, the taste of his skin, the way he rabidly devoured her sex with his lips and tongue, the way he couldn't bear to keep from slamming his thick cock into her as soon as the blinds were shut. For four months they danced on a razor's edge of danger, until they'd finally had one close call too many and mutually agreed to call off the affair. Karen was ready for it to be over by that point; the guilt and anxiety, the subtle panic that ran through her every time her husband's name appeared on her ringing phone... she had had enough.

The elevator gave a soft chime as it swooped down and stopped behind the twin golden doors. As they parted, she saw the young face of Miranda Fuller. Twenty-six year-old Miranda was the daughter of CEO Gordon Fuller, the multi-millionaire patriarch of the company and icon of the industry (having been featured on the cover of Forbes no less than three times in the course of his career). Miranda, a small, compact woman with bright, conniving brown eyes and a short black bob cut, was the very definition of corporate nepotism. One of the youngest people to reach the third tier of executive management, Miranda was in charge of their enterprise computer systems, in spite of her total lack of management acumen.

No one could argue the woman was brilliant; conversant in three languages, MBA, national honour societies... she even regularly penned articles for trade publications, her coquettish portrait too irresistible to refuse in an industry dominated by overweight men. She understood complex computer systems, that was unquestionable. But where her I.T. skills were strong, her executive skills were at times disastrous, forcing her subordinates to clean up her mess on a regular basis and nurture deep, unspoken resentment toward her. But as the messes would be made, so too would the cover-ups come. Miranda was learning to be a manipulative, cynical woman, using her physical beauty and charm to coax any of the men in her employment—and others, as needed—to keep her in the best light, out of blame's way.

Karen feigned a smile to the young woman as she boarded the elevator, holding her manila folder to her chest. "Evening Miranda," she said, pressing the button marked 32. The glass ring around the quarter-sized circle glowed a golden hue.

Miranda gave Karen a somewhat puzzling smile. "Hello Mrs. Brinks," she replied smoothly, knowingly. She knew she could get away with calling anyone in the company by their first names, but she often patronized them by starting with the proper honorific, then using their first name when she needed to assert social dominance. As Karen turned back, she caught the young woman's sweeping gaze over her body and felt a subtle, barely conscious unease at being contained in this small box with the devious young woman, as the doors slid closed.

She tried to lighten the mood of the car with small talk. "Working late?" she asked.

Miranda gave a soft "Mmmm," which Karen took as dismissive. But something about the way the younger woman was looking at her made her nervous. The numbers above the console of buttons steadily climbed as the elevator car smoothly ascended its column toward the summit of the building.

The ascent came to an abrupt halt with a sudden lurch, and the two women were suddenly enveloped in darkness. They each gave a surprised gasp, seizing the brass handrail to steady themselves. Karen lost her grip on the manila folder and documents scattered to the floor. She gave a frustrated groan as she realized what was happening. A few moments later, a low light clicked on and the elevator car was bathed in low, yellow light from the battery-powered emergency lamp.

"Oh great!" Miranda exclaimed angrily, looking up at the lamp that had come on. "What the hell is this?"

Karen sighed and bent down to begin reassembling the papers into her folder. "Guess we didn't pay our light bill this month," she answered dryly. She prayed it would only be a momentary interruption of power. She didn't think to bring her phone with her; it was still on her desk.

Miranda made no move to help Karen. She instead leaned against the wall and let her eyes devour the succulent curves of the older woman's body as she folded herself to pick up the mess. Capturing her lower lip between her teeth, her lips curled into an appreciative smile as she subtlety moved her heel to pinch one of the pages to the floor before Karen could reach for it. When she did, Miranda did not lift her foot, but held the page to the ground, forcing Karen to look up at her from her crouched position.

Karen's eyes couldn't help but travel slowly. The young woman was a fit, well-proportioned specimen wearing a sharp Donna Karan navy suit that stopped a full two inches above the knee, with dark blue stockings enveloping her toned, strong and shapely legs. Karen realized Miranda had more than likely been a cheerleader when she was in high school, by the fitness of her legs and the social status she could never have done without.

Her eyes continued up Miranda's body until they met hers. Miranda gave a sly wink. "You look hot like that, Mrs. Brinks," she purred. It was a shockingly harassing thing to say, and Karen's eyes widened, her jaw going slack.

"Excuse me?" She could barely believe her own ears.

"Oh nothing," Miranda giggled. "Just teasing you." She lifted her foot and released the paper. She smiled as she saw Karen's face darken in the golden light with embarrassment and confusion. Surely the lovely older woman could never have expected to be flirted with in a situation such as this. But Miranda's appetite had moved beyond seducing her father's golfing friends, and "securing" ridiculously low bids from certain preferred vendors (based on clandestine rendezvous in neighbouring towns' premier hotels, with the promises of future such encounters if contracts were signed). She was bored with cheating husbands and drooling frat-boy interns. Now she wanted to see if she could seduce a woman. A woman in the company. Starting with the most alluring one she knew. Karen Brinks.

Karen snatched the remaining papers from the floor and quickly righted herself again, stuffing them into the folder. The light was too low to try to sort them; it would have to wait until the power came back. She frowned, jarred by the young woman's playful tease.

Miranda enjoyed watching Karen recover her composure, her eyes occasionally glancing to the lovely curves of her calves, brazenly leering. She gave a soft giggle. "Sorry," she offered. "I just can't help that you're so gorgeous. And I haven't been with a woman in so long."

Karen was again struck by the sheer cheek of the CEO's daughter, making comments that could get a man officially reprimanded, quite easily. Sexual harassment was nothing this company took lightly, but here was princess Miranda Fuller acting like... well, acting like the boss' daughter. Karen shot her a look. "That's a little personal for my comfort, Miss Fuller."

Miranda ran her fingers behind her ear, bringing her hair back to show more of her face. She was leaning back against the handrail and crossing her ankles in front of her, very aware of the presentation she was making of her legs. "I bet you'd like being with a girl. Ever done it before?"

"I'm not interested in this topic of conversation, Miss Fuller," Karen said pointedly, emphasizing the name.

"Oh that's too bad... you know there's not a woman in this building who hasn't fantasized about you."

Karen gaped, stunned. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Miss Fuller, are you coming on to me?"

Miranda giggled. "Of course not Mrs. Brinks. I know you're married. I'm just saying, you're gorgeous and everyone here wants you. That's all."

"That's good. I'd hate to have to make an official complaint to the effect that I've been sexually harassed."

Miranda's eyes widened in mock fear. "Oh, that would be terrible, please don't do that. I promise I'll be a good little girl."

Karen frowned at her and leaned against the wall, trying to read her watch in the dim light. "Fuck," she muttered to herself under her breath.

"What?" Miranda chirped. "What did you say you wanted to do?"

"Miss Fuller, you need to knock it off. It's not particularly funny. Maybe the boys think so, but I'm not in the mood." She shot Miranda a look over the rim of her glasses.

Miranda's eyes sparkled as she pushed off the handrail, moving closer to her prey. "Yet."

"I'm sorry?"

"You're not in the mood... yet, Mrs. Brinks. But I can fix that."

Karen was not only stunned that Miranda would say such a brazenly actionable thing, but that the younger woman was now drawing closer with dangerous eyes. "Are you stupid? Are you trying to get yourself written up by HR?"

Miranda's gaze didn't waver. "I'm fucking Director Solomon, Mrs. Brinks. He won't lift a finger against me. And neither will you."

"Get away from me."

Miranda's smile broadened as she closed the distance and pinned Karen's body to the wall with her own, letting her hips fully collapse against hers. "Make me," she whispered hotly.

Karen glanced up to the glass dome in the corner of the car. "I'll have your job for this," she seethed. "The security footage from the camera shows incontestable harassment, boss' daughter or not. Get off of me this instant or I'll throw the fucking book at you."

"That camera isn't recording, because the power is out, Mrs. Brinks. Battery lights only."

Karen lunged for the hatch covering the emergency phone, but Miranda seized her and forced her lips to hers, taking Karen's face in her hands. The smaller woman was quite strong for her size, and she pinned the older woman's body to the wall hard. Karen struggled to turn her face away from the forced kiss, making desperate, panicked sounds, trying to push Miranda away. Finally she managed to break loose of the kiss and lunge for the emergency phone, but what Miranda said next made her blood run cold and her face turn ashen.

"I know about you and Grant!" Miranda stabbed, playing her ace-in-the-hole.

Karen froze. These rapier words shook her to the core. Her vision narrowed and she felt a sickening swoon come over her. Her heart pounded in her ears. It can't be true. it can't be! How could she know? she pleaded to herself. In an uneven voice, she replied, "Grant who?"

But her body's visceral response was all the confirmation Miranda needed, and she twisted the knife. "Grant Parrone, in retail ops. Go ahead. I dare you to deny it." Miranda was looking her dead in the eyes.

Karen trembled; her vision clouded. She fought to replace panic with anger. "I don't know what you think you know, little girl, but if you don't let me go this instant, I'll not only have your job, but I'll sue you for threatening to extort me!"

The thin smile told Karen her threat wasn't going to work. "You won't do that, Mrs. Brinks," Miranda replied, deliberately drawing out the "Mrs." to drive her point home. "Because if you do, I will be forced to trot out the photographs, and the recording that I have of both of you on the night of April 17th, about 8:30 in the evening, when I just happened to leave my voice recorder on the bookcase in his office. And, oh yeah, it was set to 'voice-activated'. It recorded nearly 40 minutes." She waited and watched Karen's face change as she remembered the exact date of one of their more heated encounters.

"Mmmm, yes, you remember, don't you Mrs. Brinks? You get the cutest little squeak in your voice when you orgasm, don't you? And Grant ... mmmm, what a delicious man to throw away your marriage vows for, I must agree. I just loved how he would do that—" she inhaled breathily, mimicking the very sound Grant made when he climaxed. It was a sound only someone who'd been with him would know. And she knew how she sounded when she herself came. Her voice climbed, and when she fought to restrain her peals of ecstasy, they emerged as soft chirps of pleasure.

Karen's fight dissipated as she stared, cornered, quite literally. "What do you want, Miranda?" she demanded in a low tone.

Miranda's eyes danced. "I want to fuck you, Kathy. I want to hear you make those little squeaks just for me."

"You can't do this!"

"I can do whatever I want, and right now I want to fuck you, and I want you to fuck me. It's very simple. We fuck, we have our fun, and then I give you the photos and the recordings and we pretend it never happened."

Karen glared into Miranda's confident gaze. She imagined the horror that would cross her husband's face if confronted with the truth of her infidelity. She knew he would leave her, and a bitter divorce would wreck her whole life. She'd been witness to the hell of divorce, the emotional trauma the children would be forced to endure, as one of her closest friends had to go through it a year past. The nightmare of her friend's ordeal hit home, and was one of the reasons she'd called off the affair with Grant. She had no idea anyone else could have known. But now the grave reality of her naiveté hung above her head like Damocles' sword revealed. She knew she could never call Miranda's hand. She had everything to lose ... Miranda risked nothing.

She set her jaw and turned her face away. "Get it over with," she said quietly.

Miranda took Karen's face in her hand and turned it back to face her, staring into the older woman's eyes victoriously as she leaned into capture her lips in a hard kiss. Karen tensed instinctively, pushing, jerking her head to try to slip away, but Miranda held her fast and forced her tongue into Karen's mouth. Karen whimpered in protest, but parted her mouth to allow the insistent wet tongue to explore her own. She glanced worriedly up at the glass orb in the corner covering the camera, wondering if anyone in the security booth was watching.

Miranda's hold on Karen relaxed as she realized she had won over her prey. Her kiss deepened and her hands slid up Karen's body, giving a low moan of arousal. Karen shifted her head to the side, allowing Miranda's kiss to penetrate deeper, and let her hands fall to her sides. The young woman's tongue was smaller and more delicate than her husband's, and she was surprised at how different it felt to be kissed by a woman than a man. Although she'd done the same drunk kissing and picture-taking as every other college girl, it was something she barely remembered and hardly thought of since. This was new to her, after nearly a decade of marriage, and her heartbeat thrummed in her chest to a different kind of energy.

She broke the kiss. "Miranda," she said breathily, "If I'm going to do this, do I have your word you'll give that recording, and those photographs you mentioned, to me, and never use them against me or my family?"

Miranda softened her tone. "Yes. I don't want to fuck with your life. I just want to have sex with you. After that, I'll give everything to you. I won't even tell Grant. I don't even really care. What happens in this elevator stays in this elevator. I swear."

"And if the power comes back on?" Karen hedged. "The camera will come on too."

"Not until they restart the system from the security booth. It will take a few minutes for them to boot their recording software. That means if the lights come back on, we'll have a few moments to get dressed." Miranda concocted this fabrication smoothly and easily. Whereas a decade earlier it might have been true, she knew that newer systems had been installed since then to keep power going to security systems in the event of an outage.

Karen glanced again at the glass dome, then looked back to Miranda and answered just above a whisper. "Okay. But if the lights come on, we have to stop." She was trembling.

"We will. Don't worry."


Karen placed the folder of documents on the floor, rose and slid her arms around the young girl, drawing closer to kiss her. Miranda canted her head and let her lips close over Karen's, giving a soft sigh as she relished the pleasure of her conquest, her hands again exploring the body of the woman she'd just won. She inhaled deeply through her nose, taking in the flavours of Karen's hair, perfume, and makeup. The bouquet of femininity lighted her senses like an accelerant, and she felt the warmth collecting between her legs. She ached to feel Karen Brink's mouth and tongue licking it out of her, and send her home to hubby, making her look into his eyes knowing she'd tasted another woman's cunt.

The kiss grew fiery and passionate. Karen wanted only to satiate the young company princess, preferably before the lights came back, as that would only mean they would have to temporarily postpone their sex rather than resolve it here and now. She too could taste the scents and flavours of Miranda's cosmetics and perfume, and it had a strangely exciting affect on her; perhaps her being a woman, and the extramarital sex, were illicit pleasures awakening within her that she wasn't conscious of before. Grant had been a magnificent lover, but she knew that part of the pleasure of being with him was the wrongness of it, the danger inherent, the risk of being caught - although with Grant it was a different danger, a danger they shared to be together. Kissing Miranda was like playing with the very thing that could destroy her, at any moment.

Not playing with her, Karen knew at this point, would be the greater risk. So she concentrated on returning the kiss with as much passion as she could muster.

She felt a pang of discomfort when she felt Miranda's little hand undoing the buttons on her blazer, and push her hands beneath the shoulders. Karen straightened her arms and pushed off the wall enough to let the jacket slip down her arms to the floor, revealing her white silk camisole. Miranda's fingers played over her breasts, delicate, soft... so unlike her husband's thick and insistent hands. Karen felt a sound emerge from her throat and could not tell if it was one of protest, fear, or surprise and arousal. The emotions were tumbling together so quickly within her, it was difficult to discern just what she was feeling. Her knees were weakening and she felt her body responding to the young woman's desire, her sex throbbing as it awakened.

Miranda's fingers pinched at Karen's nipples beneath the cami, and they dutifully swelled into taut little buds. Karen's breaths came more heavily as she struggled to contain her body's arousal, her nipples tightening and tingling beneath the pinch of Miranda's forefinger and thumb. The kiss came apart and the women's eyes met... Miranda's lustful gaze met Karen's reluctant, nervous one.

"Take off your top for me," Miranda commanded, softly.

Karen's trembling was noticeable. She realized there now was no going back; the line was behind her. She slowly found the hem of her camisole with shaky fingers, and pulled it slowly up her body, revealing her breasts to the warm, stagnant air of the stranded elevator. Lifting the garment over her head, she turned her head away and blushed hard, letting it fall to the floor and feeling the ardent stare travelling over her nakedness. Miranda gave a low groan, and leaned down to capture one of Karen's vulnerable breasts in her mouth.

"Ohhh!" Karen breathed, the sudden rush of sensation cascading through her from the tiny, warm mouth that enveloped the peak of her C-cup breasts. Miranda's hands each took one and fondled gently, as she pressed her teeth down over the clenched, sensitive nipple. Karen inhaled deeply and gave a soft whimper of disbelief .. both that this was even happening to her, and that it felt as good as it actually, unexpectedly, did.

Miranda feasted on her prey's breasts, alternating back and forth, her hands gently kneading, fondling, savouring. She suckled and licked, feeling the arousal heightening in Karen's body the longer she remained. She gave deep, low groans as she imagined sitting across from Karen at senior staff meetings, or passing her in the hallway, and remembering that she had personally tasted the beautiful woman's tits, and made her moan in pleasure. This was an experience she wanted to keep fresh in her mind for a long time to come.

Again Karen's knees threatened to fail her, and she parted her legs wider to keep herself up against the wall. She opened her eyes again and stared up at the little glass dome, not knowing for certain if there was someone staring back at her coming undone under the younger woman's lust. She couldn't take her eyes away, even as she felt Miranda's hands sliding down to her skirt, finding the concealed zip at her hip with her fingers, and sliding the silk sheath down her legs. Karen swallowed and lifted her leg to step out, then the other, and Miranda dropped the skirt over the rest of Karen's discarded suit, leaving her only in her black thigh-high stockings and panties.

Miranda purred to herself as she lowered herself to a crouch, and nudged Karen's legs apart wide. Karen leaned back against the elevator wall and obeyed, widening her stance, then again further as Miranda again nudged them, wanting even more access. Karen felt more vulnerable now than she ever had before, nearly naked, fully exposed, unsure if the camera was on or if she could trust the cruelly manipulative creature now poised between her legs, feasting her eyes on the mound of warm, moistening flesh beneath the lacy black panty.

She felt the betrayal in her heart as warm lips enveloped her mound, and a soft but hungry tongue began nuzzling into the fabric protecting her womanhood. Her head rolled to the side and she moaned lightly, thoughts of her husband at home passing through her mind, this time stirring a deep and troubling guilt. She never wanted to have to lie to him again, and now here she was, her body in the arms of another. The fact that it was blackmail was of little comfort, given how much pleasure she was struggling to control.

Miranda's little fingers slid up her thigh and curled around the rim of the panty's crotch, and slowly pulled it aside, revealing the goal of her machination, the treasure she sought to plunder. Karen's eyes glanced down, feeling the exposure, and her vulnerability filled her eyes from behind her glasses as she stared at her boss' daughter, now free to ravish her in the most intimate ways. Miranda felt the eyes on her and glanced up to return the look, fully aware of the power she held. As she kept her eyes fixed on her prey's, she leaned in and with the tip of her tongue, lightly caressed the puffy, velvety petals.

Karen drew a hard breath and struggled to keep from moaning aloud. The sensation of watching Miranda Fuller, crouched between her legs and staring hungrily, resolutely, up at her as she tongued her labia, was a mixture of trepidation and an almost insurmountable ache to surrender to the pleasure. Never before had another woman put her mouth there. It made her feel illicit, dirty, adulterous ... and wonderful. She rolled her head back again and this time gave a sigh of pleasure, and with the most subtle of movements, shifted her hips forward in the younger woman's kiss.

Miranda felt the movement, heard the sound, and felt the victory firing her desire. She pulled harder at the nylon fabric in her fingers, exposing more of Karen's body. Her tongue eagerly split the puffy, swollen petals and lapped upward, drawing in the nectar, tasting it, then lapped again, and again. She groaned, drinking the succulent, rich, forbidden honey, feeling her own body ache to be touched and tongued. She knew there were men (and probably more than a few women) who fantasized, even coveted, the flavours and sensations she was enjoying now. Karen Brinks was desired by many, but above everyone's reach. Everyone else's reach. Tonight, the ravishing Mrs. Brinks belonged to no one else, not even her own husband. She belonged to Miranda.

Her tongue began flicking over Karen's hooded button, lightly. Karen again rocked her hips forward, the sparkles of pleasure that glittered through her like electricity coaxing another, deeper moan from her parted lips. She heard the sound she made and couldn't believe she herself had made it. It sounded like a woman lost in ecstasy, almost out of control. Could she actually be feeling so much pleasure? The butterflies in her stomach became tremors of pleasure, her fear steadily and quickly becoming consumed by her arousal. She would worry about her betrayal, the threat of her affair's exposure, the unknown status of the camera, all of it later. All that mattered now was the pleasure coursing through her from the young woman's tongue ravishing her.

Even the pleasure of the spritely, exquisitely feminine tongue on her clitoris was overcome by a new sensation: that of two slender fingertips suddenly nuzzling up against her opening, worming their way inside and opening her as they slid inside. She gasped loudly and clutched the bar behind her, her chest heaving as Miranda's fingers penetrated her sex and buried themselves within her.

"Oh god," she breathed huskily, and having steadied herself, lifted one hand to slide up the side of her face, feeling the heat of her blush beneath her own skin, her fingers running into her hair. Miranda twisted her wrist, letting her fingers explore Karen's inner warmth. She glanced up and teased, "Do you like that, Karen? Do you like my fingers being inside you?"

"Oh... I... Miranda..."

"Tell me ... tell me you like my fingers in you." She gently began bicycling her fingertips against her upper wall. Karen again gave a breathless moan, a sound that curled Miranda's toes with desire.

"Yes," Karen finally surrendered. "Yes... I do."

"You do what?"

"Like your fingers inside me."

"Tell me you want me to fuck you, Mrs. Brinks," Miranda ordered in her most velvety voice.

Karen stared down at her, eyes pleading. "I ... I ... "

Miranda continued gently pedaling her fingertips against Karen's upper wall within, occasionally letting the tip of her fingernail drag into the soft, warm flesh. "Come on," she coaxed. "I want to hear you say it so badly, Karen. Say it for me."

Karen's face turned a deep crimson as she closed her eyes and turned her head away. In a soft voice, she relented, "I want you to fuck me, Miranda."

The words hung in the air like a prayer. They echoed through both women's ears, an utterance that could not be taken back or ignored. Miranda swallowed, nearly swooning from the nigh-dizzying effect the erotic words had on her. Barely breathing, she pressed her advantage. "Say it again."

Defeated by her own body's raging desire, Karen repeated, "I want you to fuck me," her voice cracking before she could finish the sentence. She felt hot tears of shame stinging in her eyes, threatening to humiliate her even further. "Fuck me... Miss Fuller."

Miranda nearly gasped at the unexpected coda, and eagerly complied, slipping her fingers nearly out completely and then plunging them back inside Karen's throbbing vagina. She felt Karen's muscles bearing down, clutching at her fingers as they impaled her. Karen gave a breathless moan, her hips coming unglued, rolling and undulating lustfully with each deep thrust of Miranda's fingers into her. Wide-eyed, Miranda couldn't help but stare at the exquisite eroticism of the woman before her, so desperately lost in the rapture of being fucked by another woman's fingers. Karen's head turned back and forth, her body moving fluidly, one hand clutching the grab bar behind her, her other hand balled in a fist in her own hair as she writhed.

Faster went the slender fingers, quickly becoming coated with Karen's rich, syrupy nectar. The younger woman again leaned in and began frantically tonguing Karen's clit, sending another torrent of ecstasy storming through her body. An uncontrolled moan burst from Karen's throat, at a volume easily heard by anyone standing outside the elevator doors, but she couldn't think past the currents of pleasure now dominating her senses. The fingers plunging in and out of her, the tongue flicking and suckling at her little pearl, the illicitness, the danger, the threat of being watched, all poured through her in one profound cocktail of ecstasy like nothing she'd ever felt. Her moans climbed, becoming stifled cries. She was writhing helplessly against the elevator wall as her orgasm gathered within her.

Miranda wanted desperately to reach between her legs and touch herself, but bid herself to be patient. First things were first. She drew her fingers out of Karen's sex just long enough to fold a third in with them, arranging the tips in a little triangle and sliding the new triplet into Karen's quivering sheath.

Karen again gave a barely contained cry as she felt herself being opened even more by the increased girth of Miranda's invading fingers, and tightened her fist in her hair, as she did whenever a self-induced orgasm threatened to break. She opened her eyes, staring hazily at the little dome in the corner, and again wondered if ... but another tremor of ecstasy spilled through her and pushed the thought away. Miranda's relentless tongue dodged and fluttered over her clitoris, her fingers fucking her with strong, fluid strokes. She drew a breath just as the waves crested within her. The exhalation fixed in her throat as they carried her violently away.

Karen Brinks tensed every muscle in her body and shuddered wildly against the elevator wall, causing the car itself to heave in its support lines. Her orgasm shattered her, sending her into transports of intense ecstasy like she'd never known ... not with her husband, not with Grant. Even the young woman between her legs was taken aback by the severity of the climax that was consuming her, scorching her within. The lock in her throat gave just enough for Karen's orgasm to be released as soft, light chirps as she convulsed against the elevator wall, like a baby bird pleading for sustenance, her head thrown back in oblivious euphoria, lips parted in bliss.

The waves and aftershocks finally receded, and Karen panted hard, releasing the grip in her hair and steadying herself on the handrail. Miranda stared up at her in amazement, victorious. She pressed her lips to Karen's sex once more and carefully replaced the crotch of her panty over it. "Mmmm, Mrs. Brinks, that was ... you were ... just magnificent."

Without warning, the elevator's lights snapped on and a loud whirr could be heard outside the car. From behind the elevator panel came a soft beep. Karen gasped and pushed off the wall, quickly slipping into her clothes again and trying to straighten herself. Miranda rose to her feet and calmly smoothed her hands down herself, wiping the glistening wetness from her lips and chin with her fingers, and enjoying the taste on them as she suckled them. Karen twisted her skirt around her hips and bent again to pick up the document folder. The elevator car trembled and gently resumed its ascent up the shaft until it again slowed, chimed, and opened its doors. Miranda stepped out, turning to look back to Karen with an impish, and victorious, smirk.

"Enjoy your evening," she said as the elevator doors slid closed again. She licked her lips, still tasting the flavours of her succulent conquest. Yes, the camera had seen and recorded everything, and that recording would be cashiered for more encounters with the ravishing Karen Brinks. She thought of a few vendors she'd been having trouble moving from the figures they were insisting couldn't be negotiated down. Surely Mrs. Brinks could bring her ample negotiating skills to bear on the problem. Her marriage, and her reputation, could hang in the balance.

She smiled to herself as she made her way back to her office to call the head of building security. Next time, she thought, Karen was going to be taught the art and technique of cunnilingus.

Her smile broadened as she realized she could have as many next-times with Karen Brinks as she wanted.

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The first time we are going to meet it will be in a secluded spot that we’ve decided was perfect for us. It was out of the way, quiet and pleasant. We have chatted online and exchanged letters for a while and had built up wonderfully, exciting expectations of how it would be the first time we’d make love. Our letters had gotten more and more passionate and exciting, the images each of us created for each other more than fantastic. I couldn’t wait to feel the touch of your lips on mine, the feel...

2 years ago
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Hard Guys and HostagesChapter 10

Max led the little Winslow cunt into the kitchen and put her to work setting the table and getting something ready to eat. "Could I have my robe?" she asked. "It's dirty." "Well, maybe there's another--" "You look fine the way you are." "Oh. Well, then could I have a towel? I'm--" "It'll evaporate. Get your ass in gear." She worked fast, almost feverishly, and first he thought it was just to keep her mind off of her own nakedness and wetness. Then it occurred to him that...

1 year ago
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Boudoir Pics to remember

Elizabeth was a hot, almost model standard girl from Dublin. She oozed sex and she just knew it too. Rather than be called Liz she always preferred Elizabeth, as this sounded more posh than Liz. She was 29, stood about 5 ft 9 inches tall; her hair was dyed from red to auburn to blonde as her mood suited her but she’d recently kept it blonde. She wore make-up that was almost slutty, had hazel green eyes, and a body to die for with stunning long legs, beautiful curves and c sized tits. Due to her...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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My Friends Mother

My wife left me, not that it was unexpected. We had been cordial to one another, but our sex live was nil. What with our conflicting schedules, we saw little of one another. She would go to the gym three nights a week and often came home with a just-fucked glow. One night, I decided I'd check and see if she actually did go to the gym, or if she was perhaps engaged in other extracurricular activities. I knew a balcony overlooked the workout area and I could not be easily seen if she were to...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 10

All the upstairs meeting rooms were occupied so that left us with the larger basement meeting room. We listened as Moses, Larry and Curly - our corporate lawyers Howard, Fine and Howard - explained the suit and the cease all work order the town was asking the judge to rule on tomorrow. “Why a stop order on the whole project? The sewer is the last thing that will be needed months from now. Why not just the sewer portion?” I asked. “It’s all about negotiating leverage,” Moses replied. “It’s...

1 year ago
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Dont Move

Please bear with me, as English is not my 1st language. Not suitable for minors. Hope you enjoy. „Hm… you definitively don´t make it any easier for me.’ His voice close to my ear made me shiver. His arms held me tight and I enjoyed the warmth, that spread to my toes and made them curl with pleasure. ‘I think it´s just fair.’ I murmured, moving my head a bit so I could kiss his neck gently, right at that spot where his pulse was beating. We lay on the comfortable couch outside by the pool,...

1 year ago
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Project ManagerChapter 8

After some minor problems were worked out and the initial briefing done with the three assistants the Doctor had selected the physical therapy program started. The Doctor sent to Sandi a list of the patients along with what he thought there problems were. The nine patients the Doctor initially referred had the types of illnesses and injuries that Sandi had worked with in the States. The assistants were females, all in their mid-twenties who were quick learners and had caring personalities....

3 years ago
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Serpent of the Incas

Jennifer Marie Stephens was excited, nervous and somewhat uneasy. Her husband was the curator for a big museum at the local college. Maybe she had been right about him all along. Now maybe her parents would see him in a better light. She had normally dated a bunch of "wild ones" in high school and college. She had been burned out with all of their maniacal egos; their endless flirtations with other women and sexual demands. She began to take a whole new direction with her personal life after...

2 years ago
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Teased too much

Foot Teased and Stroked TOO MuchKevin awoke, groggy. The first thing he noticed was that he could see nothing. He could feel his head surrounded by a mask. The mask covered his mouth with a zipper, left his nose sticking out, and had openings for they eyes. He could feel the strap from a blindfold blinding his sight. The last think Kevin could remember was having that fourth glass of wine. He'd been apprehensive about telling Hailey about his foot fetish. Even moreso about his desire for...

1 year ago
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Horror at HellmundWinchere Ch 1

I. Lilian entered the dark basement. She didn’t want to, but knew that she had to. Mrs. Antonia had ordered her to go, and everyone knew what happened to those who didn’t do as the teacher told. The stairs into the basement was made of a creaky old wood which moaned as if in pain every time Lily stepped on them. Dust covered these wooden planks, and cobwebs lined the downward sloping ceiling. Lily swallowed her agitation, and descended. At the bottom of the steps, she turned on the electric...

1 year ago
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Moms Dark Room

Mom’s Dark RoomI had wanted to have sex with my sexy mom for a long time. She was so sexy to me. She was tall, long hot legs, big nice tits 36c, dark hair, and I had seen her hot looking dark bush, peeking at her a many times. She had such natural beauty that you would have to see to believe. I was use to having my buddy’s stare at her and get boners. She knew she was beautiful and she too, was use to having men look at her. She had lot’s of men to chose from, but at home, she picked me to...

3 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 47

I took a long hot shower when I got back to my apartment. The heat and steam helped my head and cleaned my body but it didn't help settle my mind. For the first time I questioned if Kelly and I were going to be able to work things out. Did we have a future? It just killed me to think of us breaking up but I couldn't go on like this. Ruefully I remembered the hell I put Zack, Anders, Evan, J. T. and my other friends had gone through last year with my drinking. It had taken me a long time to...

3 years ago
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Kitty Teddy LLC Ch 04

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Everyone says that it was one of the most memorable weeks of their life. A lot of things, significant things, happened in a very short time. Then it was a matter of picking up the pieces. Dad calls it his mosaic. Chapter 8 — Making a Mosaic Sheila: Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I shut the damned clock off. This time it woke me was not nearly as good as the last time, though I hurt just as much. I sat up in bed, and pushed my hair out of my eye. This brought...

2 years ago
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Living Like a Bull

Living alone in a city where you have come to work is exciting but it gets boring after sometime. the few initial months are fun, the whole living alone experience is very liberating and fun but only for a few months but then your daily life becomes monotonous and boredom takes over. You start search for hobbies but none come to rescue. Your mind wanders specially if you have a mind like me which thinks about sex 24 hrs of the day either you spend time masturbating or watching porn. Either...

2 years ago
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Although Greg had never felt anything like it before, he certainly didn't mind when wave after wave of pleasure began coursing across his body. His only regret was the timing, which was right in the middle of third period calculus. Discretion was the name of the game, even as waves of tingling warmth settled across his musculature. It was very subtle at first, and maybe it had been going on for hours without him even noticing. At this point, though, it was getting increasingly hard...

1 year ago
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If You Get This Message Part 1

This is a short romantic story about connecting, disconnecting, and all of the elements that come into play when two people fall madly in love. If You Get This Message Part 1 (c) 2002 Deanna Lea Monday, March 1st Hello, my name is Deanna and I have a story to tell you about an amazing thing that happened to me last year. To be totally up-front, I need to tell you that I am a post-operative transsexual. Ten years post-op, living totally as a woman. And I couldn't be...

2 years ago
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Travelling On

Chapter 1 I'm pretty satisfied with my life and how I live. 35 years old, divorced, comfortably off and with no real responsibilities or worries and a job that I enjoy and get a sense of accomplishment from. Some years ago I went into partnership with a couple of friends and we operated a small but highly technical 'Machine Tools and Precise Fittings' workshop employing a small but highly qualified staff who are paid them well and rewarded for extra productivity and loyalty. I no longer...

1 year ago
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Massaging Neighbor Aunty Lead To Nice Fuck

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. I am a great fan of this wonderful site and use to read stories almost daily for last few years. The story which I am going to narrate is not actually a story but a real incident which happened between and a neighbour aunty of mine in the month of April. The entire characters name has been changed here due to obvious reason but the place and incident is real. Before we come to the story let me introduce myself, I am Harsh from Mumbai, 26 years old,...

2 years ago
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Two Mothers Two Sons Chapter Three

Dale Denver finished showering, he shaved and he dressed for work. When he was done with that, he hurried to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat on his way out the door. It's there that he found his loving wife, Jessica, bent over the stove and putting the final touches on his scrambled eggs. She was dressed in a long, fuzzy pink robe that hugged her hips seductively and was tied at the waist. The collar dipped just low enough to offer a subtle hint of the goodies hidden underneath, but not so...

3 years ago
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Her True SelfChapter 1

It had been four months living with him. They had met online when she was seventeen and they moved in together five months later after she turned eighteen. It was everything he promised her. Nothing like her previous life, nothing like what all her former friends were living at the moment. She knew that it wasn't proper or right, it wasn't what people would call normal, but she also knew it wasn't wrong. Nothing that felt so wonderful could possibly be so wrong. The moment she left her...

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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

1 year ago
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Era of Sex Flute of Pan

"You've got a new case Officer" A blonde policeman said as he tossed a file on to the desk and left. The elegant brown-hair police woman pulled her chair closer to the desk and opened the file. Her skin was tanned and from the looks of it, she was Hispanic. "Hmmm... Some eliged raper.... thought to live in the abandoned warehouse on Mason Street downtown....I guess I've got a busy night today." Katerina Gonzales said as she got up from her chair, grabbed her brown coat and purse and headed out....

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Anglian Water

She backed her car into a secluded water station entrance, we got out of the car to get comfortable in the back where the blacked out windows would  offer some privacy but she wanted to put her jacket in the boot. I followed her to the reared the car, I eyed her up and down as she opened the hatch back. She was wearing a short green dress with poppers down the front and a black pair of heels set off her bare legs.She was teasing me bending into the car, a naughty look a knowing glance. I...

1 year ago
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White Boy Becomes a BBC Sissy Chapter Two

Chapter Two - Dominick's Plan I lay there on all fours, butt still gaped open, staring at its picture on his phone. I was getting used to this feeling of shame, embarrassment, and arousal at his objectification and domination of me with each humiliating thing he subjected me to. I didn't know it, but my soft, bare dick was beginning to leak pre-cum. "Here's what's going to happen today, sissy boy. I know you have more girly clothing and shit like that at home. You don't just show up at...

3 years ago
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The Big Sandwich 2 Pussy Posse

This is a story jointly written by myself and my partner in crime, Mazza. Mazza woke, her head was pounding. She opened her eyes and the room swam in and out of focus. What a mess! Champagne bottles, empty glasses and food wrappers were strewn everywhere. “Where the hell am I?” She thought as she began to sit up on the sofa, which was a mistake, as her head immediately began to spin so she lay back down and closed her eyes. “Fuck!” The sun was streaming through the blinds onto her eyelids...

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Taking a Monster Cock

A few months ago I was asked to head up to a friend of mines family farm to help out with some bush fire mitigation. They were afraid of a fire spreading and taking out their property. In the end, their property wasn’t effected by the fire but I enjoyed helping out in the bush for a week and they are good friends. I could tell you some fun stories about hanging out on the farm but that isn’t what I really want to share with you guys. On the drive up to the farm, I spent a night at a cheap...

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They sat in the bar, eyeing up the clientele. Mark and Sarah watched people; it’s just what they did. They were open about their desires and Sarah wanted to see Mark having sex with another bloke. She often found herself go wet when she thought of her husband wanking another man off, taking his cock in his mouth and giving his engorged cock a suck until cum filled his mouth. She even thought it would be good to see him shagged senseless by a well hung stud.Tonight was the night, Sarah was...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Part 2 of 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Samantha (part 2 of 4) At 10:15, Samantha rolled over in bed and noticed the clock. "Oh, shit," she slurred as she started to wake. My appointment with Chrissie was at 9!" For her entire life, Samantha Hodge had been punctual. But not in this last week. Since her visit to Total Transformation last Saturday, she had had a rough week. She spent most of it in a cocaine stupor - showing up for work late, disheveled and not particularly...

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A wifes tale

It had been a nice day. both had.enjoyed a relaxing day shopping and had arrived at the hotel around 3 and checked into the room. the room was clean with a king size bed freshly lined and 2 comfy chairs and table with all the usual refinements. as they entered the room they dropped the holdall and the shopping they had brought. thank you for a nice day so far she said to him as she kissed him passionately on his lips. he responded by grasping her to his body before sliding his hand down to her...

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End of the Line

End of the Line By Cal Y. Pygia I'd been sleeping for the past several hours, and I was groggy when I woke in the cramped seat, the beautiful brunette beside me. Outside, it was dark. Lights flashed past, streaking the huge window with reds, oranges, ambers, yellows, whites, and greens, as if some gigantic, invisible hand were painting an illuminated garden upon a canvas of glass. Through the slits of my half-open, rheumy eyes, I could make out the indistinct square, rectangular, and...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 17 Secrets in the Mist

The next day Jake did his normal work out with his sword. Then had breakfast with Catherine and Cali. Cali was a bundle of energy this morning. She asked Jake if he would teach how to use a sword, when the two came on deck while he was doing his forms. He told maybe when she was older. She seemed to accept that well. He had thought she might pout. He would have at her age. He thought he could remember doing so actually. At breakfast, he watched as Cali fed Grace from her fork and then used...

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Exerpt from yet to be titled bookcomments welc

After a grueling 12 day, 4 country tour, your Daddy is finally coming home to you. To make it worse for you, my plane had that new upgrade with the Wi-Fi, so the whole time back I'm chatting with you. Putting dirty ideas in your head between the breaks I take to take a nap here and there. You get excited when I tell you we just landed in Hawaii to refuel, telling you we have to come here together. I don't care if I have to get you drunk to get you on the plane, or to stuff you in a box and make...

1 year ago
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All American BoyChapter 37

“Ms. Maria asked me to run an errand for her then she wanted me to help her open a couple of packages and make sure that everything was OK inside them and I didn’t get a chance to see you before I left.” The first week of school was spent getting us into a routine and I must admit it was working, here is it Thursday and we’re playing our second scheduled conference game of the season today at four o’clock. Coach Miller told us to be at the athletic complex at 2:30 pm for a team meeting, so...

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JulesJordan Riley Star Interracial

From the depths of the L.A. river, the Disciples of Desire find Riley Star hot and horny for a giant cock. She’s wearing a tiny top covering her itty-bitty titties and jean booty shorts as she douses herself with water to cool off. Riley teases you with her subtle bush and perky nipples until Jax comes by and picks her up to take her back to his place. Back at the apartment, Jax helps Riley out of her shorts and leans her against a chair so he can start fucking her from behind. Riley’s toes...

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A Degrading Relationship

(This story will stay in non-consent, however this story is more of a CNC "Reluctant" than full on non-consent. The story is set to open for all those who wish to add chapters themselves feel free to message me about the outline and direction of the story.) (10-15-2022 added no sharing arc will be shorter but planned to still tell the full story in a diffeent way.) Everything had spun out of control. I'm still unsure how I feel about what I did, or more correctly what we did to my girlfriend. I...

2 years ago
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My name is Chris Powers (18 yrs. old) and I have a feeling my life is about to change. I am a crappy looking weakling and I am always the victim. My family didn't want me (I’m half Asian, half black) because I was an ugly tiny little weakling of a baby. I was kicked out of the orphanage because I had nothing to contribute. Now I’m homeless and live in the woods. I go to public school and my life inside of school is a little better. After all the time at school I’ve finally made a friend, her...

Mind Control
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Deceit and Love

Prologue ‘I need a break!’ Elle said. She ran her hands through her long brown hairs and groaned in frustration. Her life was a miserable excuse of living. Oh wait, she had no life at all. You don’t call work, eat, sleep-and repeat- a life, do you? In the middle of all this she had Ronnie-a ten year old brother- to take care of which gave her a reason for living. Had it not been him she would have given up quite early. She placed another price tag on the can when her phone rang. The screen...

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Taking Jane

I had a bikini for her to use. A hot pink bikini that tied up at the sides and back. A little revealing but she thought she guess it would have to do since she didn't have hers. She went into my bathroom to change and we went downstairs to the Jacuzzi. We got in and talked some more. Then I pull out my hard penis from my swim trunks. Jane is shocked and cries " No." I put it away and backed off. She decided it is time for her to leave. She got out to return to my room to change and leave....

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Marine Visitor

Marine Visitor After the punks left the restroom, I took a deep breath and went to the sink to spatter my face with water. The janitor rolled his work cart into the restroom. It was Bill. He’d caught me sucking off one of my buddies in his Janitor’s closet one day, and offered me his cock to keep him quiet. He was the first black man I’d ever sucked off. He has a very large cock and it was awesome to suck. We’ve done it several time since then. “Hey Corey. How’s it going with ya? ...

4 years ago
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A Boy and His Sisters Best Friend In Love The Long Awaited Sequel

“Look, Jill…” I stammered “Allie, can you excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to my brother in private about something,” my sister said cutting me off. “Ok, but don’t bitch him out or anything or tell on us. He was really gentle and didn’t hurt me at all,” Allie said as she got up and gathered her clothes. After Allie had left, she closed the door and I started to put on my clothes in an attempt to look decent, even though I was still sweating and smelled of sex. My sister...

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Unexpected Night Fucking My Sister And Sister8217s Friend

Hi, my name is Mikel (fake) and I am from Kathmandu, Nepal. Today I am going to tell you about how I had a threesome with my sister and her friend Riya. Please read my previous story, “” for continuation. I hope you all enjoy this story. My sister’s friend Riya left after her mother called her. I offered to drop her but she said she could manage on her own. I was a bit worried about what happened between us as she was my sister’s friend and it could be a little complicated. But the thought of...

2 years ago
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A Game of FootsieChapter 23

ALIA SAT AT THE kitchen island counter and studied the Kelsey’s portfolio. She debated moving some of their investment into high-tech stocks. Apple and Netflix still had legs. Cisco was about to report strong earnings. The industrials were struggling. Still, was it right? The Kelsey’s were five years from retirement. Risk should be minimized at this stage of their lives. Maybe reinvest eight percent into tech stocks with a short term plan. Yes. That would work. She’d call them...

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Rachna So Sweet

Hello friends, I’m vikas Sharma age 26. I’m ek manager hu aur jaipur mein rehta hu. Meri height 5’6 inch hai . Meri email id hai Aj m apko apni real story suna ne ja rha hu jab 6 mahine pehle maine pehli baar kisi ko chut ko mehsooskiya tha M jaipur me rehtahu aur maine yeh kabhi nhi socha tha ki isi ghar mein rehne ki vajahse kabhi kisi ki chut bhi maar payunga, vo bhi meri mami ki bestfriend rachna ki. Rachna jo ki 5’2 inch, uski age lagbhag 26 years aur uski figure 34-26-36 ke aspashai....

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 23 DC Conquest

We arrived at the cemetery to find a multitude of activity; the streets were packed with military vehicles and helicopters. There were dozens and dozens of them and most surprising my brother walked out to meet me. "Hey Justin we should be ready in another day or so, the drones are still converting some of the vehicles," Paul said. "This is amazing, I never expected this, but now that you're here I understand," I said laughing. "Well, I wanted to be overwhelming, and I think I...

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A Special Mothers Day

John and Sue Davies had 5 children between them, all boys. From their first marriages John had Alan, who was now 17, and Sue had Brian and Charles, who were now 15 and 14. When John and Sue got together they tried for one more child between them. Sue, of course, secretly hoped it would be a girl. Instead she had twin boys, Michael and Nathan, who were now 11. Their house wasn't large, and only had 3 bedrooms for the children. Alan got his own room, though it was the smallest. Then...

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Dish Served Cold

Dish Served Cold Don Abdul Mrs. Rebeca Robinson was 45 years old when the proverbial fickle finger of fate beckoned, and led her into the exciting world of cougars. She was the head teacher at a ‘special high school’. She was still very fit and shapely, probably more so than most women her age. Her ample breasts were just about starting show signs of sagging. Her thick thighs and heart shaped ass were still at the dawn of a losing battle with age and cellulite. Her regular jogging helped her...

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Let It SnowChapter 10

“Damn it, honey, you girls have outdone yourselves for sure with this supper! The clam and wine sauce is excellent, plus the asparagus is just hot enough, but still crisp. And the garlic bread is to die for, ladies! Talk about your team effort!” I couldn’t help but rave about the excellent dinner that the women of our new, growing family had cooked together that night. “This wine goes well with it, too. A nice white wine that fits a seafood spaghetti like this. Perhaps we men should do...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Anne Amari Second Appearance

Ahhh…the Classics. The pool boy….the pizza guy. These storylines are as old as porn itself. Well, Anne Amari’s fantasy combines them both! Yes…she fucks 2 guys for the very first time on film. Anne seduces the Pool boy and then orders a pizza and seduces the Pizza guy…just so she can have 2 cocks at once. The girl can service too! She’s an artist with her mouth…both getting orally satisfied before they slip it in her wet and eager pussy. She rides one...

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My first time with Marisaa

I glanced across at her and laughed. She was pulling a silly face at me from the other side of the bus, and I couldn't help but giggle along with her.  Marissa was beautiful. She had long, platinum blonde hair that hung down to her shoulder blades, or at least she would have. At the moment it was dyed dark brown and was held in a loose bun atop her head. Her face was kind and seemed to promise a good time without her actually having to say anything. She had a short, slender build,...

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I was walking the last two blocks to my house when I saw her. Long black her, C cups, long thin legs, and an ass to die for. I put the key in the door and walked to my room and sat my stuff down and went to bed. The next day I got up at seven and went for five mile run. When I got back I saw her again. She was walking down the street in a short black dress and her hair was blowing in the wind. I went back home and worked out for three more hours and ate lunch. I went out for another run...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 6 Twinnocence

Like every morning for the past month, a gentle pair of lips sucking on my dick brought me out of my night’s slumber. When I looked down to see which twin it was this time, I automatically smiled at the seventeen-year-old, part of a friendly empathic good morning which she echoed back. As usual, my back was complaining from having lain on it too long but waited for the twin to finish before getting up and doing my morning stretches. Some men would consider my position to be one of pure...

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My submissive Ex0

One of those days we found ourselves lying on my bed making out and touching each other, as you do. and after a quick bit of undressing, I found myself under a busty black-haired beauty, grinding herself on my engorged cock. But this wasn't going where you might think. Without going into too much detail, I was and still am unable to have sex in the proper way without causing pain to myself and risking my partner's health. However, we had alot of fun despite of that. Back to the scene, I'm...

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I Licked It So Its Mine

I was busy getting things out of my locker at work when I noticed one of the teachers, Helen Katz, bending over to find something in her own, which was at a rather lower level than mine. Admittedly, as principal of John Paul Jones High School, I really shouldn’t have stared at the exposed butt-crack, even the top part that Helen flashed me, but it was hard to look away. After all, if I had that much self-control, I wouldn’t be divorced, pointedly for my own infidelity (though I sometimes...

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The Omega Project Chapter 5

She saw that one of John's students, one of the girls he had fucked yesterday, was leaving his home. With the girl were two adults, who V'Sharra assumed were the girl's parents. Both the mother and the daughter appeared to have been well fucked, much to V'Sharra's pleasure. She rewound the current recording and watched the events of the past several hours. "It appears John has discovered that he can consciously use his powers", she noted as she watched John speaking to the parents by...

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GirlsWay Kenna James Khloe Kapri The House Cleaners

Kenna James and Khloe Kapri have a job to do. Khloe wants to quit, stay home and spend the day fucking Kenna. The idea sounds tempting but the girls have bills to pay and they have no choice. Kenna stops kissing her and tells her they can continue this later. Disappointed, Khloe gathers their things to leave. At the client’s house, the girls start in the bedroom. Kenna states that they have to do some laundry but Khloe can’t get her mind out of the gutter. She points out that the...

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Demonic Family Values

My name is Roland LaRoche and I’m a demon of Haitian descent living in Massachusetts. The life of a demon isn’t easy, folks. Forget what you read in the books or see in the movies. Not every demon out there is hungering for human souls. Personally, I don’t deal or trade in anything having to do with that business. Tell that to those assholes and bitches who write cheap science fiction/horror and keep making my species look like a bunch of monsters. Pardon my French, folks. And they always think...

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