A New Lease On LifeChapter 12: High School free porn video

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The first day of school has arrived, Jake is in the 8th grade now he’ll have to apply to the specialty schools this week. Myself, along with Cindy and Mindy, Beth, and Danny, who just got out of the hospital are in high school, the new Freshman class of 2025.

First up was trying to find our respective homeroom assignments, this first week we will meet every day for 20-30 minutes to get papers sign, wavers filled out, and sign up for after school activities if one wanted to. Unfortunately, we each had a separate homeroom because of our last names, but at least I could still talk with Danny and Beth telepathically.

Beth managed to convince the twins to try out for the 9th grade cheerleading squad, it was my prerequisite for me to join Beth in trying out as well and we even had our own routine to tryout with. While there was a cheerleading program at the school, not everyone wanted to be a high school cheerleader. Some chose academics over cheerleading, so anyone could tryout for cheerleading squads which were happening after school today.


The first day has started we had a revised schedule because of home room and an assembly for all freshmen over at the auditorium. Danny and I got off the bus and while I was here once before, I was still in awe at the size of the campus and all the students, Danny too was overwhelmed.

“It’s like college all over again, but in a high school” Danny said.

“I know. I was overwhelmed when I got here to register for classes, come on let’s find our home rooms.”

It didn’t take me long to find out where I was for home room, I had Coach Jenson for home room, who happened to be the cheerleading coach and our weightlifting teacher. I haven’t seen her until I walked into the room she was assigned to as home room. I was hit by a wall of emotional lust from the guys in the room, and some of the girls, I turned to see what their target was, and I saw Coach Jenson for the first time. I may be Paula 2.0 so to speak, but my old self was still around and by the gods, she was gorgeous. I took a seat, most of the guys had the front rows. She stood around 6 feet tall, a lean yet toned figure, red hair just like mine and cut a bit short. Today she was wearing a full body leotard under a pair of loose shorts.

The bell rang and a few last people came in thru the door. I had to really work to keep from being emotionally overpowered by everyone in the room.

“Alright listen up! I’m Coach Jenson, not Ms., or Mrs., or even Miss, it’s Coach Jenson, got that? And to answer me, it’s ‘yes Coach!’ got it?”

“YES COACH!” the room shouted.

“Good, now this entire week we’ll be meeting here for advisement, I know it’s called homeroom but unlike middle school, homeroom is only for special schedule days. Now I have to ask, who here is not a 9th grader?” One person raised their hand. “Go to the office and they’ll sort you out.” They left and so we started with the basics, going over our freshman classes a couple of people had the wrong math or didn’t have the state-mandated sex-ed class and went to the office to get sorted. Finally, attendance of those who were left.

“McDowell, Paula! Your name is familiar.” Coach called out.

“Here, Coach! I don’t know why Coach.” I answered.

“Oh, that’s right, your cheer squad last year broke up.” There were some snickers from the girls. “QUIET!” Coach yelled and the girls shut up quick.

“Yes, Coach. Our captain got a bit ... overzealous with practice times.” I was trying to be nice.

“Of course.” And she continued down the list of names and handed out papers to be signed and turned in right there.

“Here are your school issued tablets, top of the line this year. You are responsible for them for the 4 years you are here. They will have your digital textbooks on them when you are issued the digital code for them. If your tablet gets damaged beyond use, you will have to pay for a new tablet.”

The tablet came in a thin sleeve, I knew tech, and this was not going to cut it so I figured I would buy a beefier sleeve and case for it. The bell rang and coach told us to go to our first period class. I had to hustle a bit as homeroom was on the opposite end of gym and weight room. Yet Coach was already there, and I went straight to the weight room, no locker visit I’ll have to find out how she does that.

Coach did her speech to the class and handed out papers to be signed. Syllabus, injury and death wavers, good ol’ Cover Your Ass (CYA) documents. I’m surprised we could sign for ourselves at only 14 for such serious documents. Coach then gave us the code for our textbook and needed to fill out our stats, height, weight, physical activity, etc. as this book would track everything starting today, what we ate, how we slept, weekly weigh-ins, how much we can lift, etc.

We somehow all managed to get height and weight in before the bell rang. And the PA system came on and announced that 9th graders were to attend the assembly in the auditorium. As we filed in we were given a code and once we got seated to put it into our tablet. The twins, Beth, Danny, and I managed to find 5 seats in the back corner, I sat next to Danny of course, I had the inside seat, the twins surrounded Beth. The auditorium had theater seating, and seats, arm rests that could move up and down, so I flipped it up and leaned in against Danny’s left side. He managed to get out of the cast for school and is in a sling now.

“Everyone settle down, make sure you input that code into your tablets so you can follow along. Welcome Freshman class of 2025 to Phoenix High School, home of the Phoenix, very original I know.” There were a couple of laughs at that. “I’m Principal John Bradberry. I’m not very formal but I expect you all know when you can call me John, or Mr. Bradberry. Over here is the class of 2025 Vice-Principal, Jane Bradberry, and that’s Ms. Bradberry to you all.” She gave a wave.

“Now, with introductions over with this assembly we’re going to go over a few state and federal law changes, as well as school by-laws and rules. Now it’s going to take 2nd and 3rd periods to go over all of this so when we are done, just go to the lunchroom. Now, if you all would open up the ‘Laws and rules’ app on your tablets that you just downloaded with that code. You’ll see you can search for the school by-laws and rules by using a search term...”

Mr. Bradberry didn’t quite drone on, but there’s not much excitement that can be put into instructions and rules. The school rules and by-laws were basic enough, however they were two different tiers of punishment, rules were slap on the wrist punishments, detention, in-school suspension. Then there were the by-laws, those were the heavy hitting, do not break kind of rules. If you broke a by-law, there was an investigation by the school police and if found guilty so to speak, you were either suspended, or worse, the schools jail. The school had a functional jailing area where you weren’t allowed to go home or to school just like actual jail, and we already signed our wavers to be punished in this way.

Danny though to me.

I replied.

“Now with that over, I turn the mic over to Ms. Bradberry.”

“Thank you, John. Now, on to the State and Federal law’s part, starting with Federal. As you may or may not recall, the federal age of consent was lowered to 14 back in January and took effect on July 1st. Arizona, still has on the books of 13 being the age of consent, which is why you were able to sign contracts in 8th grade. And yes, that does mean you can legally have sex with anyone 13 or older as long as you were older than 13 and I’m assuming you all are at least 13.” The auditorium burst out in hoots and hollers and cheers. “But there are nuances to it all which is why Arizona mandated the sex-education class for all freshmen, first semester will be sexual health and reproduction, while second semester will be focusing on sex laws and the history of them.”

Danny and I learned a lot of their ‘basic’ laws, I guess we never thought to look them up figuring they were similar, but they had some wildly different laws and just weren’t talked about. The 2-hour assembly was up and we were let go to lunch a bit early.

“My god, so much to learn already and it’s not even a class.” Beth complained

“Tell us about it.” Cindy groaned. “At least we don’t have any tests on it.”

“Yeah, but we need to know the laws for our own good” Danny said.

“That’s ... a very adult thing to say Danny.” Mindy finally catching up.

“I’m starved, what’s on the menu?” breaking the cycle of complaining and lining up in the cafeteria.

We found a table just as the bell rang to let all the other classes out and in minutes the cafeteria was packed full of everyone else. These tables were large, and we took up only half of the seats when another group of students came to sit, they looked a bit older, juniors perhaps?

“Oh. My. It is you! You’re Peachy-P!” One of them practically shouted. I knew I had some big fans but never imagined actually meeting them in school.

“It is her!” Another said as they sat down.

“I didn’t know you made it big Paula.” Beth looked over at me. Mindy and Cindy were sitting back watching.

“I didn’t know either.” Turning from Beth to the new group. “Yes, I am, I’m Paula, this is Beth, Mindy, Cindy...” pointing to each one, “ ... and of course my lighting engineer, and boyfriend Danny.”

“Well, I’m Kristy, and this is my ‘little’ brother, Alex Gimble, and we’re both juniors” Kristy announced.

“By only 2 minutes, jeez.” Alex ribbed Kristy.

“A pleasure.” I added. “We’re all part of the new freshman class.”

“We figured since we caught your stream last night. Oh, we go by CottonPicker1 and CottonPicker2”

We talked while we ate during out lunch hour. We learned they lived on the other side of the county from us, they were starting their medical core classes this year, they were both going for paramedics when they graduated. They also gave us some advice, to start our apprenticeship now as freshmen so when you hit junior year, you’re well into learning your craft. All too soon the bell rang, and we were off to 4th period Algebra.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Signatures, wavers, book codes and registration on our tablets. For sex-ed we had Coach Jenson again. Study hall is a different story today, nothing to sign or do so it was pretty much free time. It was however a mixed class of Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.

“So any word from Freya lately? She’s been kind of elusive since Danny got shot.” I asked as we were hunched over in a corner away from the others. The twins off mingling with others.

“No, but I know she was furious with Loki about it” Beth answered.

“That was one hell of a way to help manifest a power.” Danny voiced his complaint.

“Well hope you are practicing it.”

“I’m sorry Beth, I haven’t had a chance since leaving the hospital yesterday. Would you like me to make one now and blow our covers?” Danny was impatient with how Beth was criticizing our abilities, or apparently lack of.

“Enough you two.” I sighed “Look we’re trying Beth. You’ve been really chewing us out the last couple weeks. What’s wrong Beth? I’m worried.”

“What? Nothing...” she sighed, looking defeated “ ... oh fine I’ll tell. Shortly after Danny was shot, I learned that my world is for all intents and purposes dead. An asteroid got bumped by the AO-0920 comet and collided with my earth, it’s a wasteland now. That asteroid doesn’t exist here or anywhere, so the comet went on its merry way on this Earth. I’m stuck here now, I had a chance of going home when this was over but now...”

“Jeez Beth, I, we didn’t know.” I reached for her shoulder to comfort her.

“Course not, I didn’t tell you and I can’t tell anyone else it was just eating away at me and I didn’t know what to do. I’m just a kid.”

Danny and I looked at each other forgetting that Beth really is just a 14-year-old, while He and I were 44 in a 14-year-old body.

“When it rains it pours I guess.” I whispered. “We’re so sorry that has happened, but look at it this way, you still have parents, still have friends and your still alive. Listen come with me after tryouts we’ll introduce you to someone.”

The PA went off for dismissal announcements, stating cheer tryouts were to go to the locker rooms first for changing and sizing and were to be held in the gym. A few buses were late arriving, and a correction with this week’s schedule, advisement would only be for tomorrow instead of the rest of the week.

The girls and I went down to the locker room, Beth had perked up some and was chatty with all the other girls. She had signed us up Football season, Basketball season, and even Dance Team, although she didn’t expect us to get on it as it was mostly Juniors and Seniors who got it. We all changed and there were even some men trying out, which is unusual but not unheard of.

“Alright ladies! And gentlemen” that last part said as an afterthought from Coach Jenson. “This week will be tryouts. Many of you won’t make it, especially those in the Freshmen class.” There were a lot of freshmen, this was the make-or-break time for your high school career for cheerleading. “Ok line up for measurements in your skivvies, men first and eyes front!”

There were four men, they were Seniors and probably were a shoo-in for men’s quad team, they were probably there since their Freshmen year. It took half hour to measure all the girls for their uniforms which will be handed out on Friday after the results of this week. As we filtered into the gym I saw Danny on the bleachers, he was watching all the others warming up.

“Line up everyone. This year we have only 2 Dance Team tryouts, so we’ll do those first, then the football season, the basketball season tryouts will be tomorrow, if you’re only doing basketball sit on the bleachers. Dance teams you’re up! On the floor and warm up. Junior team you have 5 minutes to warm up, Freshman team you’re on deck.”

Beth, the twins, and I were the only Freshmen doing Dance team, even though it’s a long shot, we were practicing since the first of July, I dropped out of it while Danny was in the hospital, but I managed to pick it back up again once he woke up and practically ordered me to leave and practice. We were warming up when the Juniors took the line and started, we’d be going to the same music, so we watched and learned what we were up against, and boy were they good. They had their flips down, pyramid and drops down to the beat. They only had 2 of their four slide into splits at the end. That’s where we’ll get them with our ending splits.

“Alright freshmen let’s see ... Oh, you four.” Coach was not amused. “What are you doing here?”

“We’re trying out for Dance Team Coach.” Beth took the lead, we’d let her.

“Why should I let you and your team tryout? You are all quitters.” She was tearing into us before we tried out, this wasn’t good. “And you Beth. I take it you want cheer captain?”

“No coach, I just want to cheer. Now are you going to let us tryout or not?”

Coach was taken a-back at Beth’s attitude but gave a small smirk. “Go, and this better be good.”

We went and did our full routine, flips and pyramid. I think we perfectly matched the other team, and I think our final move clenched it for us. A standing split, falling into a full split, thank the gods for the padding we put on just for this move. The Gym erupted into cheers and applause.

“Alright you 4 you’ve made it to the Dance Team, and I’ll consider that your Tryouts for cheerleading as well basketball and football if you want. Be here Friday for the results.”

We all giggled and sat up on the bleachers by Danny as we waited for the 5PM busses to arrive. Danny was already going to be getting off at my house, so we dragged Beth along. It was half past 5 when we unloaded and went inside. Jake was chilling in the living room.

“Let mom know we have Danny and Beth over tonight when she gets home, ok?”

“Sure thing sis.” Not once looking away from his school tablet.

We all went down to my room, Beth hadn’t been down here yet, but when she started to approach my bed, she fell to her knees.

“Oh, gods no, gods the pain.” She was holding her head, shaking “His anger, your fear, Gods make it stop.” One of her abilities was manifesting.

“Beth? Beth! Look at me, look at me. Open your eyes, there’s more than that here, there’s passion, love, companionship, good. They are all here, concentrate on those.”

“What’s going on?” Danny concerned about Beth.

“I didn’t realize Beth was empathic, she didn’t tell me, my room is still emotionally charged from the night Travis tried to kill us.”

“I’m ok now, I’m ok, I’m ok, I’m ok. Okay, I didn’t know I was until walking into your room. I can feel it now, the love you two share for each other. All the emotions here must have jump started my empath abilities.” Beth sighed and sat in a chair, at the other end of my room as Danny and I sat on the sofa in my living room area of the basement.

“Ok, so Beth, there is someone we know who knows about Danny and I, that we are body swappers, we haven’t told them of you yet, but if you would like, we can all meet tonight, this way you have someone besides us to talk to if needed, especially...” I let it hang

“Alright, I guess I can use another to talk to.”

Danny thought to her.

Sara replied.

“Alright Beth, she is coming” Danny let Beth know, but she had a weird look on her face.

“You did that telepathically? Why didn’t I hear it?” Beth questioned

“Uhm. Kind of hard to explain, it’s like channels on a radio, we select a channel or channels to broadcast to. We thought you could do that.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’ve always included you both.”

“Hey sis you have company coming down!” Jake bellowed from the top.

“Thanks bro!” I replied back to him. “Time to reintroduce yourself to Sara, Beth.”

“So who’s ... oh hey Beth.”

Sara openly though to us.

Beth answered before Danny, or I could which surprised Sara

“Okay, uhm, when did you swap Beth?”

“Soon after Paula recovered, the Beth from here, well, as far as I know i-is dead now.” Beth broke down again sobbing. Sara and I went over to her and comforted her.

“What do you mean hon?”

“I-I mean dead, my Earth was hit by an asteroid a few weeks ago, an asteroid that doesn’t exist in any other universe. Freya gave me the news herself, they couldn’t do anything for them.”

“I’m so sorry Beth.” Sara just hugged Beth tightly as I moved back to Danny.

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 5 Love and Relationships

It’s February now, which means Valentine’s day. From what Danny and I can figure out it’s the same as on our Earths. Yes Earths, turns out Danny comes from another Earth different from my own. Since Valentine’s day lands on a Sunday, the school decided to have two weeks of Valentine’s themed activities. The 8th graders get to have a ‘dinner and dance’ on Valentine’s day. Guess ‘rank’ has its privileges. During the week prior to Valentine’s day it was all I could do to keep from giggling like...

2 years ago
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A New Lease on LifeChapter 6 Sleepover Weekend

March is here, and here in Arizona for my family means the start of pool season. Low 50’s in the morning and upper 70’s during the day. While for some still chilly, for me it’ll feel great to have that icy water to swim in. Also puts us up ahead of others wanting to clean their pools and get the chemicals for the pool. The first weekend of March is doing just that, cleaning and shocking the pool with chlorine to make it ready for use. The following week felt like it dragged on and on....

3 years ago
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A New Lease on LifeChapter 7 Aftermath

Monday morning before I headed off to school, we got a call from the police officer who took our statements and asked if we could come in immediately for some more questions. I had school but mom thought this was more important, so we went to the police station to answer their questions. Most of them were the same questions, I think to try and poke holes in my story, but I gave them the exact same answers, varied a little but the same truth none the less. “Well Miss McDowell, seems your...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 9 New Allies and Friends

Friday was here, and I had my CT scan, everything showed normal and off to school I went. The doctors did talk to my mom without me for several minutes, mom wouldn’t tell me what they said which was strange. But soon I was at school, right as the bell rang for lunch and so I met Danny in line for lunch. Thinking to Danny as we ate lunch.

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 10 Summer Break

It’s finally here! Summer Vacation! Mid-June now as school lets out for the final time this year, our grades are final and going to high school in the fall. Unfortunately, this year we lose part of our vacation as the school board in their infinite wisdom decided to change the start of school from after Labor Day, to early August so only 6 weeks or so to enjoy ourselves. The last 6 weeks of school were uneventful, Beth got into the cheer school after all, the twins will be heading to their...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 11 Birthday Surprise And More

It’s our birthdays, and also Danny and I’s first anniversary of our death and body swap. Sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, and perfect weather for a pool party! Everyone I invited came, everyone Danny invited came, and even all of Jake’s friends came, it was huge party. Jerod was grilling up the food while everyone was playing in the pool. Cindy and Mindy were here, as well as Beth. Jake’s friend George was here, they were best friends since forever ago. Then there was Travis, he and Danny...

3 years ago
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A New Lease on LifeChapter 13 Weekend With New Friends

Friday afternoon, Alex, Kristy, Beth, Danny, and I all piled into Alex and Kristy’s cars after school and headed off to Lake Pleasant up north for the weekend. Beth was alone with Alex, I think she was starting to like him a little. Danny and I were with Kristy and Danny let me get shotgun. The drive up there was pretty short, only 45 minutes and that was longer than usual due to traffic. The cabin looked small, but there were 3 bedrooms all with king sized beds and a bathroom ensuite. The...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 15 Malfunctions

It’s mid-October, and the Fall Dance is getting close. It’s basically the homecoming dance but with a different name and always fall themed. I told Danny that I would take him and Beth out for this dance. My streaming tips have been great over the last month, and I’ve been saving up since school started. Danny tried to argue and say he can take us both, but I shot him down and he eventually relented. The twins, Cindy and Mindy were going to go with themselves again this year, guess Jake can’t...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 16 Intense Training

I’m in the training area Freya had gifted us, but I was wearing the red nightie I went to sleep in, I must be dreaming. I looked around, it looked and felt real. Then I saw the others, Danny and Beth came in. “Danny? Beth?” I asked, seeing them in their sleep clothes, Beth in just some panties and a long shirt, and Danny in just a pair of boxer shorts. “Paula, where are we? Are we dreaming?” Beth asked, confused. “I’m not sure” Answering as I looked around, then I saw others...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 18 Prepare for the Dance

Freya helped me get back to my house as I didn’t have my stone on me. I stepped out of my closet, looking at the clock just as it turned to 1:23AM seven hours until I had to be awake for to get ready for the Fall Dance. I crawled into bed and made sure my alarm was set, just in case. I just spent the last 17 days training with Danny, Beth, Alex, Kristy, Anna, Bill, and Sara. Sara was a wild card, Freya didn’t know why she was summoned along with us, there must be a link somehow, but she did...

1 year ago
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Lashways Lease

Sweat dripped her brow. She smoothed her skirt over her nylon-clad thighs. Slender legs led to fuck me pumps underneath a cream-colored business suit tailored to show off her every curve. She looked one last time in the mirror, tugging her brown curls. She tucked one behind her ear before walking out of the bathroom and down the hall towards Bruce Callahan’s office. Her nerves were fluttering butterflies in her stomach, but she had to do this. She needed a new place to live after next week....

2 years ago
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Robin reflects on high school

Robin reflects on High School Robin Jacobson and his cousin Beth were in the cafeteria of their Pennsylvania High School, both wearing the white robes and mortarboards of graduating senior girls. Underneath their robes they were both wearing pastel colored dresses, required by their high school dress code for graduation. Both girls were of course wearing heels, as they were both eighteen years old. Like every other girl in their graduating class, they had their purse makeup bags...

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Back in the late 1970s the local council were in the process of building a Hoising Estate at Dartmouth Park Hill right next to the famous Highgate Cemetery in North London, But the building firm went bust and youths had been stealing building materials such as lead for roofing and valuable copper wire or breaking windows so two guards were employed 24/7 myself assigned nights 7pm to 7am with a second colleague. As it was such a large site we communicated by radio. We were also paid to do two...

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My First Day at Understanding High School

My First Day at Understanding High School By Jennifer Allison "I want to welcome all of you to Understanding High School." said Ms. Roth-Morton, my new school's principal. "This is a new school in an old school building, but a school set up for the needs of all its students." Let me explain how Understanding High School came about and the reason I am attending. First the school. The city I live in has a population of around a half million. This city is also one of the richest...

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Mr Hightower and his new friend Cydney

My name is Jason Hightower. I'm 47 years old, married to my high school sweetheart Dana, and to everyone else it seems like I live the perfect life. However there is one small problem. I'm unbelievably bored with my marriage. I'm not sure who's fault it is. My wife is beautiful and she is my best friend, but lately I've felt a disconnect between the two of us. We're still intimate, but it isn't the same. I think we've just grown apart. My wife is unable to have children and even though I told...

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A Highland Fling

Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead...

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Underwear High School

Underwear High School Son of a bitch. Fucking Underwear High School. Damn the luck. Brenda and I weren’t even doing anything wrong but somehow we got caught and tossed out of our regular school. Dad had threatened us before with Military School, Shock Camp, and even the Stockade. As you can imagine, he used to be in the military. Well that first Monday morning Mom and Dad delivered us to school at the designated time. They took us in to see the Principle. His secretary...

2 years ago
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Ten Years After High School

I was scrolling through social media looking for long lost friends I had known in high school. I wasn’t really looking for a hook-up, but I have to admit, my inattentive husband had driven to desperate measures.Then, there he was Dan. Dan Shackleford. Dan had been in my JROTC class in high school. I had always thought he was a cool guy, and I loved the way he looked in his uniform, but I was too shy at that time to say anything.I married Ray right after high school, and we very quickly got...

4 years ago
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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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A Fresh StartChapter 12 High School

September 1970 Tammy and I were friends for the rest of the school year, although we broke up when summer hit. With Tammy I had to start buying condoms, since she wasn’t on the Pill. It was worth it. She had a seriously nice set of tits and an ass to die for. Still, while we were ‘friends’, it never seemed to me to be a permanent thing. I always had the feeling that she was interested in someone else, but I couldn’t figure out who. It turned out to be my buddy Randy Bronson, who had been...

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Cydney and Mr Hightower Make it Official

Before I could respond Cydney was already acting like I had said yes. "I already checked out a few hotels in the city. This one has a hot tub, oh and there's one with a standing shower! What do you think babe?" "Cydney, this is all wonderful and I love your enthusiasm, but I can't." "Can't what?" Her expression changed immediately "I can't do this, I can't spend the night with you. I'm married." "So? We've already fucked and told each other we loved one another. What's the problem Jason?" She...

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Mr Hightower and Cydney go all the way

"Thank you baby," Cydney said as she used more paper towels. "How did you let out that much cum? I'm not complaining but that was amazing to see." I had no real answer for her because I didn't know how it had happened either. "Your blowjob was so good, how could I not?" I helped Cydney stand up and put her dress back on. After Cydney went to the mirror to make sure she looked presentable again, I pulled her towards me, and we kissed. "Oh Jason, we should head out, I bet there's a line to get in...

Straight Sex
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From grade school graduation to high school

Introduction: I am in college now but my sex life started the last day of grade school The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16 even if it sounds like they should not be. Enjoy. ,-) ____________________________________________________________ It is only weeks till my college graduation and Im sitting here thinking back over my life. My name is Paul. Im from Sacramento and I am about...

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Haunted High School

Oh God, now this was childish. The thought passed through my mind over and over as I trudged with my friends up through town and to the old high school. The place had been deserted since the new one was built over fifteen years ago and was scheduled to be demolished in the Spring. The rumor, what I was told about the school since starting here a few months ago, was that it was haunted. It was a rite of passage every year that seniors had to spend the night in the vast halls of the school on...

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From grade school graduation to high school

____________________________________________________________ It is only weeks till my college graduation and I'm sitting here thinking back over my life. My name is Paul. I'm from Sacramento and I am about to graduate form UCSD, a big school in a big city. San Diego is a great beach town and UCSD has always been known as a party school. People jokingly say that you can get degrees in surfing, underwater basket weaving or beach orgies. Actually I'm a little bit of a science...

3 years ago
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Mmm In the Highlands

Jane and Samuel were away in the Highlands of Scotland. They went there for their first weekend away. Since that memorable weekend they visited the Highlands a few times each year. Their home for the weekend was a beautiful old log cabin on a Loch at Glen Coe. The cabin sat in a glacial valley. The two high mountains on either side were snow capped and the views were amazing. It was early spring, the new plants and leaves were just beginning to bud. The weather was warmer but there was a...

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The Woman Pleaser

An engineering student helps her professor with a very interesting project.The Woman Pleaser Being a woman at an engineering college had its advantages. Not the least of which was that Helena was outnumbered by men everywhere she went on campus and was the only girl in several of her classes. She liked it that way. Helena liked watching the male students gawk as she sashayed across campus in a tight skirt and bustier, her four-inch heels making her ass sway back and forth as she walked. She...

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My journey pt 1 Last months of High School

=================================================================================== Introduction: My name is Mark Anderson, and I am in a situation. Now, you would probably be thinking, so fucking what? The World’s tough, man, deal with it. I am not arrogant enough to believe that mine is the worst a man could have, but to me, it is a pretty big deal, my situation, because it involves a girl. My Girl. My Soul-mate kind of girl. Codi. Codi is my classmate. She came here roughly about...

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Twins Enter High School

Madison sat on her bed, naked, cross-legged Indian style, looking at the small student handbook, her free hand twiddling with her left nipple, stretching it out and letting it spring back. “This stupid dress code stinks,” she said to her sister who lay on her back on the bed beside her with her battery-powered vibrator deep in her tireless snatch and its attachment tickling her clitoris. She alternately tensed and relaxed her PC muscles, eyes closed and forehead furrowed, concentrating on her...

1 year ago
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New School

“A Girls School?” I wailed “A Girls School, Mum?” “Don’t forget the apostrophe, Jimmy.” was her reply. How the hell could she tell I’d missed out an apostrophe when I spoke? She was that kind of woman. If cleanliness was next to Godliness, then grammar trumped them both. “I know it is not ideal, but this school is terminating my contract. They need the money to teach woodwork or personal hygiene or something equivalent on the intellectual scale. Jimmy, let us be honest; it is not a very good...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 3 Great Start to High School

So here I was ready for the first day of High School to arrive. Today dad had dropped me off at the bus pick up point. I knew this wouldn’t be a daily occurrence, but it was nice for the first day at least. I was first to arrive. I knew I was a little early, so this wasn’t a surprise. One thing I was a little concerned about was Rory, I know he had seemed friendly when it had only been the two of us. Would he still want to associate with me, now that he was going to be with his normal...

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high school

about ten years ago while i was still in high school i was mistaken as a girl on a few occasions. the long hair i had back then didn't help. even back then i liked wearing panties but i was not open about it. this is about when a guy discovered my little secret. one afternoon after school had let out for the day i stayed in the library to do some reading. the bell rang for the late buses to leave so i figured i get up and leave. i walked home from school and given no one was home i just stay in...

4 years ago
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Hyperactive AlexChapter 5 High School

"Stand still!" his mother ordered. She was biting her lip while checking the length of his long sleeves and the length of his jean legs. Alex supposed he was happy that he was finally growing. He now believed that one day he might even reach his father's 6-foot height. He was now average for his ninth grade. But gaining nearly six inches in twelve months was not easy. His mother's grumbles about replacing his clothing were not too bad. For the most part, buying loose shirts and...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal A New Day of High School

I stood on the sidewalk waiting for the bus, it was my first day of high school and I was nervous. For some reason I always got nervous around big groups, I wasn't a nerd or anything just your average teenager but I was shy. Fortunately a few of my friends were attending the same school as me but they lived in different parts of the neighbourhood and so we would meet up at school. So here I was standing on my own while the other students at the stop were hanging in groups. As I...

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Bud Louise hooking the first day of high school school

Bud and Louise stayed involved sexually on and off almost all of their entire teenage years. Starting at 14 for her and 15 for him and going on until he graduated from high school at the age of 18! Then while they still dated and had fantastic sex, it was less of the time since they both had met other people. They would get together from age 18 to around 24 when it ended. But during high school and from time to time afterwards, they would break up and then always seemed to get back together for...


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