A New Lease - Chapter 2 - Learning To Walk Again free porn video

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The bombshell I received before I passed out gave me plenty to think about. It explained why Christine's family had been there when I woke up the first time, why she'd started crying, it actually made a lot of sense. They didn't believe it really wouldn't be her anymore when I woke up. It explained the nurse giving me that look when I'd asked about my wife. She might not have known. It also gave me tons of new things to worry about as well. Who was I now? If I was in her body, that meant I was female now. If I'm a woman, what does that mean for pretty much everything? Whose stuff do I own? Where do I even live now? What about Liz? Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to resolve any of these issues as I slept. Being unconscious from sedation is quite different from any sleep I had experienced before. Dreamless, thoughtless, timeless. One instant, you're pondering a million things, the next, a quarter of a day has passed. When I came to, Liz was laying on the couch in the room, facing away from me. I wanted to clap loudly to startle her awake, but my wrists were still restrained. I tried to whistle, but I still wasn't used to the new mouth. I didn't have the energy to shout, so I just watched her play with her phone, for a moment. I called over to her "Hey, hooker, quit redditing" she was obviously startled, dropping her phone and spinning around. "Hey." "Hey" she replied. She wasn't much for words. "So, sucks about the whole accident thing." "Yep." "How's your car?" "Oh it's fine. Just had to hammer out a few dings and it was good as new." Terrible at sarcasm. "So I take it you've been using mine." "Yeah, well, I kinda had to. Adam fixed the one wheel and I got a new tire for it, so it's running pretty good now." I'd needed to fix the car for over a year, but hadn't. "That's good to know. How are the animals doing?" More than anyone other than Liz, I'd missed my dogs. "They're fine. Puppy learned how to lay down." That was awesome. We were terrible at teaching the dogs any tricks, sit and lay down were about as much as we'd managed with Lexi. "Well, that's good. So listen, apparently they did some fucked up surgery, and I'm gonna be laid up here for a while." "Yeah, I heard something about that. You look like hell." "Gee, thanks. You look like you just realized you're married to another woman now." Perhaps that one bit a little too hard, because her face kind of saddened. "Geez, don't worry too much. Leave the worrying to me, I'm awesome at that." "Yeah well, ya know." Needed to get the banter back. Focus on the good stuff. "You know how you say you lose weight in the hospital? I'm pretty sure I've dropped over 100 pounds already." That one got her to smile a little. "Guess your weight loss plan worked out after all". Going from being a 6'2" tall, 315 lb. man to being a 5' tall, less than 120 lb. woman was one hell of a workout program. "Yeah, I guess so. Couple of unintended side effects though." "Yep." Her voice kinda trailed off. "Listen, they've told me I'm gonna need all kinds of rehab and stuff, what do you know about that?" "I don't know too much. Vicki was trying to explain it to me, but I think you basically have to re-learn how to use every muscle you have." "Well, I figured out the important ones, or I wouldn't be laying here gabbing at you. Is that why they have me all tied to the bed and stuff, or is the doctor just really into the kinky stuff?" "Yeah, basically so you don't end up falling off the bed trying to scratch your arm. Your head's in a halo, so you moving would be very bad." Oh yeah, the halo thing keeping me from moving my head. My new best friend. "How long until they start all the rehab and stuff, maybe let me get out of bed?" "I think tomorrow they're going to try doing some exercises with you. Just some basic movement." "Okay then. What about this whole talk of me being famous after this is all said and done?" "Oh yeah, that's been crazy. They're talking books, movies, interviews, the whole shebang. Doctor Johns is set to make this hospital the top neuroscience facility in the world after this." "Great, so is he gonna be picking up the tab for this?" "You're funny. No, it was a UPS truck that hit us, they're covering the costs." "You know it. Anyway, what time is it? They don't exactly have me in view of the clock." "It's about 3:30" "It's dark out though." "AM." "Well, that's some shit. Don't you need some rest?" "Nah, I'm off work tomorrow, and the puppies are fine. Besides, we haven't talked in over a week." "A week? It feels like it's been at least a month" "I know, right? I missed you." "Me too." The conversation went on for a little while longer, before my throat started hurting. I hadn't noticed how much my voice had changed. I didn't sound like Christine by any means, I was sending different instructions to my throat, but I didn't sound like myself either. I definitely sounded female, which was something I'd been trying to put out of my mind. I had very little desire to think about what life was going to be like once I wasn't immobilized and able to look at myself. I'd rather look at Liz, anyway. Liz went home, and I slept. It was the first truly peaceful sleep I'd had that I could recall. - The next morning, I was woken up by the sunlight. Laying completely immobile for days on end was making my entire body ache, itch, and I generally felt like I stunk. Around 7 AM, I was greeted by a team of doctors, and what I'm assuming were interns, eager to hear about my case. I was going to be learning how to use my arms and hands over the next week, hopefully. I was already able to clench my hands, but I didn't have much strength in them and couldn't make a solid fist. I had a lot of work to do, and neither I nor the doctors were sure whether I'd be left or right handed. The best news of the day, though, was that the halo could be adjusted and allow me to move my head around some. I was going to have to keep it for another several weeks, until they were confident that I wasn't going to tear my spinal cord in two when I nodded. I'd been keeping this a secret since it had happened, but I had to know the why behind it, so I flat out asked the doctor. "So, why did I wake up when you guys cut my head off?" He was obviously kind of taken aback by my inquiry, and it took him a minute to answer "Well, anesthesia affects everyone differently, and that sort of trauma isn't exactly well documented in cases where the patient is expected to live. I really regret that that happened, we had no idea. I'm sure that must have been a terrible experience, but looking at your medical history, it does seem you had a history of trouble with anesthetics." He made a note in my chart, but didn't say anything further before ushering the interns out. About an hour later, a woman I hadn't met before came in. She was older, but in good shape. She introduced herself as Debbie, the physical therapist. She had a box of different little gadgets that I was supposed to try to use to develop some coordination and strength with my new body. She ran me through a few basic hand exercises, gripping a stress ball, holding a pen, and trying to snap my fingers on each hand. She stayed with me most of the morning, and by noon, she had unstrapped both of my wrists, and I was free to hold them in front of my eyes for the first time. They were the oddest, smallest things, being the first thing I'd seen of myself since I'd begun this strange, new life. I almost asked for a mirror, wanting to take it all in, but decided to wait. Seeing a dead friend's face in the mirror wasn't exactly the good idea I needed right now. Before Debbie left, though, she strapped my wrists back to the bed, as it wasn't a good idea to overstimulate myself at the moment. That afternoon, the feeding tube came out, and I was allowed to try to feed myself for the first time. Soft foods were on the menu, which meant Jello and ice cream. I wasn't going to complain about those, of course. I'm still a kid at heart, how would I? I did notice that foods tasted a little differently than they had before, I'm guessing another side effect of the new tongue and mouth. It still tasted good, but I was going to have to relearn everything, it seemed. All in all, it had been an exhausting day, and when Liz got to the hospital that evening, we had plenty to talk about. I mentioned that my hands looked freakishly little now, we got to laugh about that. We spent a couple hours talking, and I confessed to her about what had happened during surgery. She was kind of hurt that I'd kept it secret, but was understanding, for the most part. Liz was a typical redhead, and had a short temper whenever things didn't go her way. I desperately wanted to kiss her, to hold her in my arms again, but I could tell that that wasn't something she wanted, at least not right now. I was a woman now, after all, though I couldn't see myself yet, I knew what Christine looked like, and Liz was undoubtedly straight. That was something I should've seen coming a mile away, but it took until that moment to realize it. Eventually, Liz left to go home, and I slept again. It wasn't peaceful that night at all. The next few days were a rinse and repeat formula. Physical therapy on my arms and hands, each day doing a little more to take care of myself, one day I was brushing my teeth, the next I was clipping my fingernails. I was getting used to having tiny little hands, and weak arms. Debbie said I was making good progress, and by Friday, when they adjusted the halo, I was able to keep my arms free. For the first time, I was alone with a little bit of range of motion. My legs were still restrained, but I was able to scratch the itches that had been bothering me all week. Unfortunately, one of those itches was in an area I was hesitant to approach. I'd mentally come to terms with the facts of my new life, but hadn't been confronted with any real aspects of being a woman until now. With a slow, hesitant hand, I scratched one of my breasts. It was rather surreal, feeling something that should not be there, yet is still there. It wasn't sexually stimulating at all, I'd assume it's sort of like trying to tickle yourself. It was just another itch scratched, but in my mind, it was a massive hurdle crossed. I hadn't cried, I'd let out a sigh of relief actually, and laughed at myself for being so nervous. I was going to have to get used to them eventually, wasn't I? When Liz arrived that night, it was already late. She'd worked the closing shift, so it was almost midnight by the time she made it to the hospital. Something was different, though, and she was smiling like I hadn't seen her smile in years. Maybe it was the fact that I'd been able to look at her more directly, or wave at her when she came in the door. We talked for about an hour, but she and I were both exhausted. She did hold my hand this time, which was the most comforting thing in the world to me. Maybe we could make things work after all. That weekend, I didn't have regular physical therapy, but I was allowed free reign over the gadgets. I spent about an hour with the grippers, while I watched cartoons on TV. I really couldn't wait until the next week, we were supposed to be trying to rebuild some arm strength, which is a form of exercise I always liked doing, as it allowed me to work out while watching TV. Liz brought my laptop that evening, and my external hard drive that had all of my movies and TV shows on it, so I spent most of Sunday watching Doctor Who while trying to learn to write again. I was apparently ambidextrous now, as I couldn't write very well with either hand, but they were both equally difficult. There were apparently a few different types of hand strength, and I'd developed a good crushing grip, but my others were relatively weak still. I could balance a pen equally well in either hand, but the motion and grip between the fingers still felt awkward and I was clumsy. Counseling began the next week as well, they brought a trauma counselor as well as a gender specialist, to see how I was adapting. I was honest, told them I hadn't really given the gender issues much thought, but I wasn't in any pain. I was sad for Christine and her family, of course, and I didn't know how to deal with them just yet. The next two weeks were a blur as physical therapy took up most of my time. I had to learn literally every muscle in my body over again, but I was a quick learner. In a month, I was walking again. Once I was able to walk, I was able to go to the bathroom by myself. That was an eye-opening experience. I came face-to-face with my vagina for the first time. Well, hand-to-vagina, anyway, when I discovered that I was going to have to get used to spending more time peeing than I was used to. I avoided touching it as much as I could, as it still felt awkward walking without my usual equipment, and I wasn't ready to experiment with the new set just yet. I met with the hospital lawyers, and discussed my legal status. Legally, I was still Nick, as Christine's body was all considered donated tissue. Christine's belongings were being held by her mother, I was free to ask for any necessary items including clothing, and we discussed the status of my marriage. "Well, as you know, same sex marriages are illegal in Kentucky" the lawyer began. "Yes but if I'm legally still me, am I legally still a male?" I interrupted. I shouldn't have done that, he looked cross. "Well, that's part of what we're here to figure out. Your body does obviously conform to a different gender, but the law can't force you to change your legal status due to medical issues. For all intents and purposes, you're being treated, legally, as a man who had been castrated. Now, obviously, you can change that at any time. However, changing your legal gender will dissolve your marriage." So those were my options. Either legally remain a freak, or lose my wife, and deal with all the fallout that would ensue. This wasn't going to be an easy decision. The lawyer left me with a change of name form, if I should so desire, and a few other forms I had to sign in order to confirm my legal identity. Liz and I had a long, but mostly silent discussion that night. A divorce would make it easier to adjust to my new life, and it would let us sell our house for less, with less of a ding on our credit than a foreclosure would. In the end, I signed the forms changing my legal gender to female, and my name to Nicole Thomas. Nicole was the name I was going to have had if I had been born a girl, and Nicki sounded enough like Nick that it didn't bother me nearly as much. A week after that, they removed the halo, and I was pretty much free to go after that. Before I could go, however, I was forced to make a few appearances. They didn't expect me to speak much, but there were going to be cameras, and I needed to be dressed in more than a hospital gown. I hadn't even thought about clothing, I'd been too worried about everything else. Adam brought a few of Christine's clothes to the hospital, and I randomly chose a pair of jeans and a shirt. Underwear hadn't even occurred to me, until I started to get dressed. I grabbed a pair of panties and a bra from the suitcase, without really looking or thinking about it, but I struggled to get the bra on. At this point, I'd had the body for a couple of months, but I still hadn't gotten used to moving with it. Having such prominent breasts was definitely detracting from my sense of normalcy, and without the hospital gown covering me so loosely, it was hard to deny it. I checked the bra tag, 34C. Not bad, my bust was pretty much ideal. It wasn't until I'd gotten completely dressed and brushed my hair out of my face that I finally took a look in the mirror for the first time since the accident. Christine was the picture of beauty. Her face...well, my face now, was simply perfect. Not a blemish in sight, perfect skin. She'd had several piercings, but they seemed to have healed up by now. I probably could have worked them back in, if I'd wanted to. I was short. I'd come to accept that I'd lost more than a foot of height, but I realized now how much that meant. I was going to have a hard time at home, since most of our things were in high cabinets. Legally, I was still 30, but I'd physically gained back almost 10 years, as Christine had just turned 22 a few weeks before the accident. I was young, beautiful, and petite. I had the entire package now. For a second I felt powerful, since Christine had always had that power, she was the girl everyone stared at when she entered a room, and now I was in her body. Then it hit me: Her body. It wasn't mine, not really. I should have died, but she'd given me a new lease on life. I finished straightening my clothes and hair, wiped the tears from my eyes, and called to let them know I was ready.

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The Sins of the Sleepwalking NunChapter 3

When the strange Gypsy father and son team of traveling fun seekers visited the convent the following month, they found the sleepwalking nun almost in the same place by the bus stop waiting for some innocent male nocturnal passerby to take advantage of her trance-like state to guide her into a satisfying carnal landing. They did a perfect encore of threesome copulation with a familiarity that thrilled the sleepwalking nun right down to the depths of her demanding feminine core. This time...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 02

Learning to Spell Chapter 2 - Trickery, Thievery, and a Chance Encounter By GirlyCheerBoy [at] hotmail.com Kurt looked in the mirror the girls put before him. It was amazing, he'd almost pass for a girl if no one looked too close and if kept quiet. He smiled for a brief moment, trying to both relish the moment and not let it overwhelm him and keep him from keeping on course for his true objective - he needed personal effects, three, from Ashley. Still though, he felt odd in her...

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Learning To Speak To The Wind Chapter One

Learning To Speak To The Wind Part One By Warm Hearted Edited By Commentator Even though my friends and coworkers tried to talk me out of it, I was attempting to mark off a major thing on my bucket list. I was on a four day hike on the Appalachian Mountain Trial. The weather was perfect early Fall in North Carolina it was a little brisk, but the nights were...

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DianneChapter 7 Integrated Learning Platform

--Thursday, 27th May, 1999-- Early hours of the morning... My head spun in a haze, a perfect storm of lust, alcohol and intense sensation. I was lying face up on my bed, Debbie astride my hips, Jessica kneeling over my face. The two girls’ lips made wet smacking sounds as they kissed while riding me, moaning and sighing softly, sometimes giggling. I didn’t know how long we’d been at it, and I didn’t care. I never wanted tonight to end. “Is his cock good in your hot little pussy?” Jessica...

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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 4 Learning Arts

The following morning they wake-up, once again entwined in each other’s arms and legs, with Brandon up moments before Tracy. He is again watching her as she comes up out of sleep and opens her eyes. Seeing him there, looking at her with a smile, Tracy cannot help but to kiss him deeply, followed by her grinding herself against him, as he is covering her with his body as he supports himself on his elbows. Though aroused and full of desire, they quickly get out of bed, get dressed and head to...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 4 Total Eclipse of Reality

Learning to Spell Chapter 4 - A Total Eclipse of Reality By GirlyCheerBoy[at]gmail.com It had been almost eleven weeks since Kaitie had been "born" into her new life. Every day was a reminder of how things had changed so drastically, literally over night. Sarah was immensely helpful in her time of need during this adjustment - when she needed it. It wasn't but a few days that all of the girls, who began to meet weekly at the very least, noticed that it was hard to remember certain...

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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 4 Learning How To Present Herself

DAY 4 JOHN It was almost 10am when I decided to wake her up; she had had a very strong cannabis cake the night before, she needed the rest. After nearly four hours of watching porn whilst high on the weed she had fallen asleep. I had headed down to the cellar, unfastened her from the chair and gently carried her to the bed; leaving her still partly dressed and chained to the bedstead by her collar; she wasn't quite ready to be trusted yet but it would soon come! As she had been a...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 33 Accelerated Learning

The following Wednesday evening just after dinner, Joan asked Dave, “Where are Alice and Pam? I thought they were going to be around here this week.” She’d brought her mug of decafé coffee over to join him after dinner Dave chuckled, “They are around here, just not here at the Circle. They’re sleeping inside a Cessna Citation over at the main airport so they don’t have to commute. They’re halfway through getting their jet ratings and are very serious about the process. When I talked to Alice...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 6A Learning More About The Island You both go and take showers to clean some of the mutual cum off and there is plenty of heavy petting and another round of orgasms. Coming out of the shower was when it got interesting for me reasons. "I can't believe that your makeup stays in place and doesn't have to be reapplied. It's not fair. Especially the deep painted red of those lips. It still looks like they were painted next to an old '55...

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I only wanted a job Chapter 2 Learning how to be a woman

I ONLY WANTED A JOB Chapter 2 - Learning how to be a woman Annie rented a flat in Stoke Newington. It was a nice flat; the upper floor of a converted terrace house. There were two bedrooms, bathroom, and a living-room with a galley kitchen at one end. Snug but sufficient, and Annie had made it into a comfortable home. "You can have this room" Annie said, showing me into the smaller of the two bedrooms. "You will have to excuse the mess; I have been using it as an overflow area for...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 13 Learning the Milk House Rules

[A peek into the future as post first-fuck training commences and Lilly warns onlookers] Early afternoon, before milking, I just waited, laid out on the loading dock in the sun trying to do something about my glaring white skin. I wanted to look dark like Lilly if I was going to have to bare my entire body and soul all summer. I wanted to look natural instead of like a beacon. I lay there and played with my long penis as the sun shown down and it was very happy standing proudly on its own...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

Introduction: I learn of Jacks past and also about Vietnam and the secrets he holds. The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack I borrowed Janets car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. Ann, he keeps looking toward the...

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Acting as a Cleaning Lady Chapter 5 Learning New Skills

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim If Dave is to become Maria full-time, he has a lot to learn. Chapter 5 - Learning New Skills So in gown and flip-flops, my new feminine flesh jiggling disconcertingly, I wobbled along behind her down the corridor to the hairdressing salon. As Vera had predicted I couldn't seem to stop my new butt swinging from side to side. At the salon Vera introduced me to Sharon and left me with her. She led me to a chair...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 3 All Things Being Equal and Girly

Learning to Spell Chapter 3 - All Things Being Equal (and Girly) By GirlyCheerBoy[at]hotmail.com The sun was shining through a break in the curtains and was starting to warm her face. Slowly she lifted her hand to her face to brush aside some loose hair hanging across her cheek. The sun hit fully now, lightening her eyes with an intense glow that almost hurt. She had been asleep for a while apparently. Her eyes needed a moment to adjust. She slowly began to blink them open, fighting...

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Learning Dizyntk 1Chapter 4 Raising Dizyntk

Ariarisha Michaela Feyalisa Zerleen was born three years, or two dizyntk cyankas, to the day of the crash that had stranded Feya and Michael. Feya saw this as a sign that her mother was watching over her and her child. She therefore gave her new daughter her mother's name, Ariarisha. However, while Feya's mother was known as Risha to her friends and family, Feya and Michael would usually call their daughter Aria. Aria was indeed a hybrid of her parent's two races. She had Dizyntk ears and...

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Learning from a New Family Chapter 2 Our First Shower

Introduction: This is a continuation of my story Learning from a New Family, and while I suppose it can stand on its own, it will be better if you read Chapter 1 first. Im open to all constructive criticism and comments, and hope you enjoy! The characters in this story are young. They may be below the age of consent your jurisdiction. If that bothers you, please do not read. Sarahs eyes lit up with glee. Ive always wanted to try that! Hold on for just a minute, I have to find the keys to let...

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I had set up a work placement for Kirsty with one of my friends who was a senior manager with a local company. The placement was a little unimaginative - two weeks in the human resources department - but I knew the practical experience would be invaluable to her. The school looked to identify placements for as many students as possible and this one was easy enough. Before she went on the placement I had one more 'advisor' talk with Kirsty, this time she held back after class to initiate...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 512 Funding Learning And Giving Back

“David,” the principal said after the other parents left. “A moment of your time?” Why do I feel like a kid getting called into the principal’s office without knowing what I did to get in trouble? “Given what I’ve learned of your time here over the last few years, you were lucky you didn’t find yourself in my office regularly,” the middle school principal said and laughed. “I observed you mostly ignoring the students and teachers around you. I know that if your mother heard you were rude,...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 49 The Learning Curve

Knowledge begets knowledge and once gifted with a few tricks by the sister nymphs giving me a leg up on being a god I was on my way to performing some pretty darned cool stunts. I would never use the term “stunts” around the sisters however. They would get very disgruntled with me and let me know I hadn’t the experience and/or the pain of gained wisdom to be so cavalier. So it’s between you and I but the stunts were cosmic joy, so fucking much fun. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven when...

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Learning CurvesChapter 42

The beds at the cabin were smaller than the one at the apartment but Phil didn’t mind. It just meant Hailey had to snuggle closer to him – which she didn’t mind in the slightest. She reveled in the closeness as she felt Phil come awake. His erection was pressed between her butt cheeks and his hand nestled between her bountiful breasts. She felt his warm breath on her neck and it caused her to shiver. “You OK?” Phil wondered. “I’m great,” Hailey said. She wasn’t joking. She felt wonderful,...

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Learning to Spell Chapter 01

Learning to Spell Chapter One: The Book and the Party By GirlyCheerBoy [girlycheerboy [at] hotmail.com] It all started when we found that book... My best friend, Bryan, and I were walking along the beach and came across the old Al-Hadim mansion. It had been deserted for years and there were rumors that it was haunted. Being the typical curious teenaged boys we were, we decided to go in and take a look round. The doors were boarded over but the boards were rotting out now and...

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Assassin Learning the TradeChapter 10

Despite what Jo had said, she was still a little nervous about parading around a strange house with no clothes on, so she donned a robe she found in the bathroom for her walk to the pool. She couldn't help wondering if she was being set up for some cruel practical joke, but she sincerely hoped that wouldn't happen. Since the death of her mother and brother, she had longed for someone to be close to. So far, she hadn't found anyone, but she had the strangest feeling about the Stewart...

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Learning CurvesChapter 69

The last day of the week dawned rainy and far chillier than June weather should be. Phil took one look at the gloomy weather and burrowed deeper under the covers. Hailey wished she could do the same but she had a report due for Beth that afternoon. Phil was still awake and reached out to caress her bottom as she pulled on her underwear. “This is one of those days when you should be allowed to stay in bed,” Phil told her. “Every day should be that way,” Hailey replied. “I love just lolling...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 29 Am I Safe Now

Dec .18th, 2018 Have you ever done full contact sparring without the pads? That’s how me and my buddies trained. We pulled our punches a bit. Head shots, Neck shots, Joint breaks, and the ever famous groin shots had to be pulled completely and stop just close enough so you both knew the defender could not have prevented them. Even with those areas protected you would wake up the next day so sore sometimes. Or imagine that you’re a piece of paper that someone has crumpled up in a tight ball...

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Sleepwalking Daddy

PART 1There it was again. That little thump. The sound of dad's feet getting out of bed. It had happened more and more often recently. Dammit. And I had just gotten all nice and cozy under the covers, too. Now I had to get up, go downstairs, make sure he didn't hurt himself ...I stood up and quickly put on my slippers and my bathrobe. Man, it was really not comfortable, getting out from under that warm duvet. With a big yawn, I made my way from my room down the hallway towards the stairs....

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Stepbrother Sleepwalking Surprise

--- "Fuck me!" Nicole couldn't believe it; she had slipped on the icy path leading up to her house, her ankle had twisted painfully, and then she had heard (and felt!) the crack of her wrist as it hit the pavement. She was overwhelmed by dueling pain sources. "Mom! MOM!" she cried out desperately. Finally her stepmother and stepbrother Cam came out and helped her inside. --- 4 to 6 weeks, the doctor said; that was how long she'd have to remain bedridden unless her family practically...

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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 3 Learning To Be A Woman

DAY 3 BILLY I awoke on the second morning of my captivity very much like I had awoke on the first. The room was a little chilly and like last time there was no cover; only this time I wasn't naked, I was still wearing the pink frilly panties that he made me wear the day before. My body was aching all over which quickly reminded me of the previous day's events. As I rubbed my hands across my poor battered body I could feel the welts on my thighs and buttocks. My nipples were still...

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Updating The Lease

 As I shut the front door, Celia poked her head out of her sitting room at the back of the hall and said, “Care for a drink?”“That would be lovely, Ms. Zhang. Let me wash up.”I took off my hat, shoes, and overcoat and went to wash my face and hands. It had not been a tiresome day, but I felt better joining her in her private space after cleaning off the daily grime. She gave me a healthy discount on the rent of her extra bedroom in return for maintenance around her house and other properties....

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A New Lease on Life

‘I’m not fucking going into one of those places. You can stick your retirement village right up your fucking arse, I’ve lived in this house for the last fifty years and there’s no way that I’m leaving it now. I don’t give a flying fuck what you say, I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.’ I was angry, angrier than I could ever imagine being, so angry that I was using language that I’d never used before in my life. But what Warren, my son, was suggesting was the cause of my outburst. ...

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The Lease

Thanks to an old relative, you’ve never had to worry about house and home from a very young age. A twelve bedroom house has been in your family for generations and aside from the occasional update or repairs, it's never been on anyone’s mind for as long as you can remember. It’s a nice place, and with all the renovation that has gone into the house it is arguably better than a good number of celebrities’ homes. From what you can remember, the house was built long ago specifically for your...

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A Apartment On Lease

Write me back with your comments at People need to get over themselves and stop being so shallow. If a BBW or whatever you want to call those ladies wants to date a good-looking guy- and if such men want to date them – what’s the problem? Just because plus-size ladies don’t live up to the standards of being a size 2 model type doesn’t automatically mean they shouldn’t be dating or enjoying their lives just as they are. To be honest, Mr. or Ms. Right comes in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Why...

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