Red Hot Summer, Pt2 free porn video

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The next afternoon the sun was, once more, high and hot, its light glittering on the surface of the Atlantic and beating down on the boat bobbing up and down on the low waves next to a bright yellow buoy.  


After the events of the night before everyone returned to their respective rooms for several hours only to emerge once again and gathered for a morning meal in the dining area. Juliana had heated a few rolls and served coffee while doing her best to avoid looking at the big, dumb smile plastered on Mark's face. Under the table Carrie's foot had massaged David's inner thigh, causing him to stifle a yelp and drop the butter. Tiffany spent breakfast glowering at everyone else over the rim of her coffee cup, circles under her eyes and pink-and-black hair straggly and uncombed.


After the meal the five of them had set out on the Sea Angel's repurposed trawler, Juliana serving as pilot. Today, they planned to retrieve three of the buoys, load them on board and bring them back to the research station for evaluation.


In the cabin, Carrie Ricci lay on a small, low couch with a pair of earbuds in her ears and an eye mask over her face.  


"Ah... Ms. Ricci?"


 At the sound, Carrie reached up and raised the edge of her eye mask, smiling when she saw David standing over her. His discomfort was obvious, the events of the previous night still on his mind.  


"Oh, David, darling. What can I do for you?"


David held onto a table to keep from rocking with the waves, "We're about to start the dive. Didn't you need to... supervise or something? Whatever it is that Nafta sent you to do?"


Carrie dropped the eye mask back in place, waving lazily at David, "I'm quite fine here, darling. You all enjoy yourselves."  


David wondered if this was some kind of trick but eventually decided that it wasn't worth arguing about. He left the cabin and emerged on deck. Mark was already waiting in full scuba gear, ready to begin the dive to unmoor the buoy. Tiffany lay on a deck chair, shielded from the sun by a large beach umbrella, slathered in sunscreen and dressed in a new, pink bikini. David noticed her shooting him a nasty look and wondered if she was feeling seasick.


"Are we ready to go?" Mark was checking his straps and air tank.  


"Looks like it. You remember what you need to do?"


Mark nodded enthusiastically and then paused. "... I think so?"  


David sighed, "Okay. You've got the mooring rope right?"  


Mark held up a colorful red rope with a carabiner hook. "Right here!"


"Good." David was really wishing the university had paid for a professional. "Okay, the first step is to get that attached to the buoy so it doesn't drift away once it's freed."  




"Then, follow the buoy's cable down to the anchor. There's a coupling down there that you can unhook which will free the buoy."


"Won't it just float away?"  


"That's what the mooring rope is for," David explained patiently. Behind Mark, he could see Tiffany slap her forehead in exasperation.




With some trepidation David watched Mark finish donning his dive gear and jump into the water. At least the kid did seem to know what he was doing with the equipment and it would probably be pretty hard for him to screw things up too badly. For a moment David entertained the terrible thought that every effort to prevent Carrie from interfering in the project would be pointless if Mark ended up breaking the buoys himself.


"So, what the hell were you doing last night?"  


David jumped at the sudden question. While he was thinking, Tiffany had come up behind him. She was glaring at him, arms crossed across her chest.


"What?" David was caught off guard and for a moment he didn't know what she was talking about. Rather than answering, Tiffany just stared, her glare intensifying. After several seconds his brain kicked back in and he remembered what he had been up to the night before. The sun felt like it was getting closer and hotter every second...  


"Oh." David flashed a weak, shaky smile. "You... uh... heard that?"


"Yeah, I fucking heard it. For two fucking hours!"


David closed his eyes and tried to steady his mental footing. "Okay, I'm really sorry. That wasn't appropriate, I'm your Profess - ow!"  

Tiffany smacked him on the shoulder, "I'm a God-damn adult! You fuck! I fuck! We all fuck! I don't care about that!"


"Then what's the problem!?"  


"The problem is who you were fucking! Do you really think that Nafta bitch just couldn't resist gobbling your dick? She's obviously trying to mess with the study!"


David felt a twinge of guilt, "You think I don't know that? I already told her that the study was going ahead without interference."


"And so she just jumped on your boner out of the goodness of her heart?"  


"I mean... kind of," David responded, sheepishly. He still wasn't very comfortable discussing this with Tiffany. For her part, Tiffany's eyes went wide and she just stared daggers at him. He had trouble meeting her eyes and looked down at the stream of bubbles rising from where Mark had dived. "What?"  


Tiffany clapped her hands in his face, repeating another clap with every word. "Stop. Thinking. With. Your. Dick! You. Fucking. Moron!"


"I'm not!"  


"Babo," Tiffany took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Look, fucking you is messing with the study!"  


"How? I'm not going to let it distract me!"


"Let's say we gather all the data and it shows the temperature is rising, because we all fucking know it will, and we get that published." Tiffany was gesturing with her hands and talking slowly like she was speaking to a small child. "And then it comes out that the head of the study was boning the person who was supposed to be providing independent 'unbiased' verification."


"Oh..." David bit the inside of his lip as he started to play out that scenario in his head.  


"'Oh' is fucking right! They don't need to actually invalidate the study! They just need an excuse to ignore it!"


"I..." David struggled to find a proper response, "I-I'll talk to her. Maybe she-"  


"Oh fuck!"  


"Look, I said I'll talk to her!"


"No! Look!" Tiffany pointed at the water. Right next to the buoy was the mass of bubbles that indicated Mark's current position. Now, rising from below, was a spreading red cloud in the water.  


David immediately snatched up the receiver hanging from a nearby panel, connected to Mark's diving radio. "Mark!? Mark! Are you okay?"


There was no answer.


"Mark!" David practically screamed into the radio. What else could he do? They didn't have a second diving suit. Why didn't they have a second diving suit? Why had anyone thought this was a good idea? Should David try and swim down and see if he could... do something?


He almost fainted from relief when Mark surfaced in a plume of bubbles. He waved cheerily at David and Tiffany and began to swim towards the boat. Tiffany hurried to help him on board and David followed quickly after her. The exposed skin of his face and hands were stained with dark, red splotches.  


"Mark! Mark! Are you hurt?" David scanned the deck for a first aid kit.


Mark pulled his rebreather out and grinned at David, flecks of red ringing his mouth. He grabbed a towel from a deck chair and started to wipe himself off, leaving streaks of red across the fabric. "Don't worry! I'm fine, Professor Mercer."  


David and Tiffany both stared at him, waiting for further explanation.


Mark stared back, "What?"


"What the hell is this red shit?" David snapped in frustration.  


Mark shrugged, "I don't know. There was just a bunch of red gunk growing on the anchor line, it got everywhere when I undid the coupling."


David collapsed into a deck chair, heart pounding, dizzy from relief. "Oh thank God. I thought we were all in serious trouble."


"Nope! All good."  


"Okay, well if you could pull the buoy on board... I've got to get something to drink. I think I almost had a heart attack."


David staggered into the cabin, wobbling half from near-shock and half from the rocking of the boat. Carrie wasn't around, possibly in the bathroom or something, and the cabin was empty. He made his way to a mini-fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. He took a long slug of water and then lowered his head over the sink and poured the rest of it over his curly hair.


The boat shuddered and rocked, forcing David to cling to the sink to keep his balance. From the interior door, leading to the bathroom, engine room and bridge, he heard a soft thump and a pained voice, "Merda, il mio culo!"  


Peeking through the door he saw Carrie sprawled on the floor, rubbing her butt. "You okay?"  


Carrie had a pained and grumpy expression as she climbed to her feet, but when David reached down to help her she smiled and winked at him. "I'll be fine, darling. Maybe you can help me massage it later."


"Right... about that-"


He was interrupted when the door to the bridge opened, revealing Juliana "Olá. The dive going well?"  


David glanced guiltily over at Carrie who flashed him a cruel little smile but managed to respond, "Oh! Yeah, mostly at least... I should check on that."


David headed towards the deck, followed by Juliana and Carrie, "Mostly?"


David emerged on deck, temporarily blinded by the sunlight. "Yeah, we had kind of a scary moment but it turned out to be just - oh shit!"


 "Puta merda!"  


"Che cazzo!"


The top of the deck was coated in huge, glistening red streaks. At first glance, it looked like some kind of slaughterhouse. The streak of red led to the buoy laying on the deck, it's bottom coated with more of the slime. Mark was securing it to a ring on the deck and waved, hands covered in red gunk. "Hey, Professor. Looks like this stuff was all over the floating part too."


Juliana stared in shock, "What did you do to my boat!?"


David held up a hand to calm Juliana, "This is kind of what I was talking about, Mark found all this... residue on the buoy."


Juliana frowned and examined the red gunk, "This... is not good. It looks like some type of red tide algae. Merda."


David approached, "Should we be worried. David got covered in the stuff."


"We'll want to make sure he's thoroughly washed, but he should be fine." Juliana looked concerned, "But algae blooms are environmentally devastating, so we normally monitor for bloom conditions. Current projections put the next bloom at least a month away."  


As Juliana retrieved a plastic container and started scraping chunks of the red goop off the buoy. David's head spun. This was a disaster. If there was any health risk then Mark wouldn't be able to keep diving. How long did red tides last? This could ruin everything.


Juliana rose with her sample, "I'm sorry, Professor. We've got to get back to Ilha Anjos, as soon as possible. I've got to examine this stuff."  


David slumped on a deck chair, head in his hands. Carrie sat down next to him and patted his shoulder awkwardly, "There, there, darling. You can't blame yourself for things you can't control."


David gave her an exhausted look, "Easy for you to say, this is perfect for you. And your employers."


"You aren't wrong, darling." Carrie shrugged slightly and gave an awkward little smile. It was the most genuine expression David had seen since they met. "If it makes you feel better, I almost feel guilty about how well it is going."  


David did not feel any better.


Storm clouds were gathering on the horizon, thunder rumbling in the distance. Inside the main building, Mark had peeled off his dive suit and was scrubbing himself down thoroughly in the shower room. Juliana had assured him that he'd be fine, so long as he washed off with shampoo and dish soap. But he wasn't feeling great, he felt dizzy and hot.  


Really hot in fact. He had already turned down the hot water completely off and even under the chilly shower he was still burning up. His skin tingled and he felt light-headed and weird.


Normally, he might be more concerned, maybe even thinking about going to a hospital, but right now he was mainly concerned about the aching, throbbing erection he was sporting. It had started as soon as he began to scrub himself down and it absolutely refused to soften. He'd jacked off twice already, coming copiously, but all it did was make his balls ache.  


Mark shut off the water and stared down at his dick, which was still angrily, almost painfully, erect. He could actually see the veins throbbing. He stared at it for several minutes, hoping that he could simply will it to go limp again. No luck. He wasn't even sure if he'd be able to fit this into his pants.


  He waited several more minutes with no sign of any change before he sighed and picked up the rumpled rubber diving suit.


"Oh, crap..." He had completely forgotten to wash the suit and now his hands were stained red all over again.  


Before he could start the shower up again he heard the door open. The showers were attached to an adjoining locker room, just like at school. He peeked his head around the open shower doorway and into the locker area.


It was Tiffany. She had her back to him and was standing in front of an open locker. As he watched she reached around her back and undid the string of her bikini top. Mark could hardly breathe for a moment and his head felt completely clouded, making it almost impossible for him to think.  


He wanted to just stand there and watch as she stripped down. But he just barely managed the presence of mind to realize that he probably shouldn't let her walk in on him, sporting a huge erection. Still lightheaded and confused, he decided that the best idea would be to sneak out while her back was turned. Leaving his diving suit behind he started to creep towards the door, still stark naked.


He was about halfway across the room when Tiffany pulled down the bottom of her bikini, baring her pale, pert butt. Mark couldn't pull his eyes away and the aching tension in his dick increased. He swallowed a hard lump in his throat.


That's when Tiffany turned around and saw him, standing in the middle of the room, completely naked. Her eyes widened, focused on his twitching dick, and she opened her mouth.


Before she could say something or scream, Mark lunged forward. He was acting entirely on wild, confused impulse, trying to stop her. Trying to give himself some time to explain. This was all just a misunderstanding.  


He smacked one hand over her mouth, smearing some of the red algae on her face and, with his other hand, he grabbed one of her wrists. He pinned her against the locker, using his significant size advantage to push his body against her: holding her in place. She was smacking him on the shoulder with her free hand but he barely felt it as the tingling sensation began to spread.  


He started to speak, trying to explain himself and calm her down before things spiraled out of control. But before he could find the words he felt an intoxicating sensation spreading through his pelvis. He looked down and he could see that he was, without even realizing it, thrusting his hips, pressing the tip of his dick against her stomach.  


It occurred to him that he should really stop that. He should get himself under control, stop rubbing himself against her. He started to apologize, still twisting his hips, but yelped in sudden agony. Tiffany had bit down on the joint of his middle finger, pinching the nerve between her teeth. He pulled back his hand involuntarily and in that split-second, Tiffany took a deep breath and screamed.





David was standing at the entrance to the main Sea Angels facility, glumly watching the gathering storm in the distance. Things weren't looking good. The seas were getting choppy and the trawler was bobbing up and down on its mooring. If the storm didn't blow by soon then the entire study might have to be called off and that wasn't even taking into account the possibility of a red tide.


The one silver lining was that, as far as he could tell, it looked like the storm would be washing across the mainland and wasn't likely to directly impact the tiny island. He sipped unhappily at a can of beer, contemplating the ruin of this project.




The scream interrupted his moping. He dropped the can, spilling foam and beer across the ground. He was running before he realized what he had heard and the locker room door was in sight by the time his brain recognized the voice as belonging to Tiffany.


David shoved the door open, expecting to see that Tiffany may have slipped or been injured. He was not expecting to see her, completely naked, pressed against the wall by Mark, who was equally naked.


He acted without thought, rushing towards the younger man and grabbing him by the shoulder and yanking him off of Tiffany, who immediately collapsed to the ground. David yanked Mark back and punched him hard in the jaw, sending him sprawling.


David positioned himself in between Mark and Tiffany as the young man got to his feet. Now that instinct wasn't at the wheel, David began to realize the situation he was in. He was a few inches taller than Mark, and still in pretty good shape, but Mark was over ten years his junior and significantly beefier. The fact that his hand was already numb and stinging from one punch wasn't a good sign either.


"Mark, calm the fuck down and get out of here," David tried to use his sternest lecturer's voice. "Don't make this any worse than it already is."


Mark made an incoherent noise as he rubbed his hand against his mouth and looked down, seeing blood from a busted lip. His face was beet red and David couldn't help but notice that he was sporting a protruding, aggressive erection. The young man growled and lunged at David, grabbing him by the front of his shirt. David wasn't sure if he should try throwing another punch or if it might be wiser to just take a hit and see if he could talk Mark down. He could hear Tiffany yelling at both of them but the sound of blood pounding in his ears drowned out her words.


Any attempt to strategize went out the window as soon as Mark slammed him against a locker, fist raised. Time seemed to slow down for David as the young man pulled his arm back but he found he couldn't seem to move, only watch as Mark prepared to smash his face in. However, this granted him ample opportunity to see Juliana enter the room.


She must have been right behind him, presumably drawn by the same scream he was. The moment she entered she seemed to assess the situation and immediately rushed behind Mark. A quick strike with one foot to the back of Mark's knee caused him to collapse, falling to one knee and ruining his attempt to knock David's block off.  


Before David or Mark could react, Juliana wrapped one of her arms around Mark's neck and pressed the other arm against the back of his scalp. Mark struggled, trying to regain his feet or break free, but Juliana had the advantage of firm footing and the muscles of her arm flexed as she held firm. Within moments Mark's struggles weakened and eventually ceased entirely.


Tiffany ran to David's side and clung to his arm, shaking with shock. Instinctively he patted her on the head, trying to comfort her, but quickly remembered she was still naked and found a beach towel to drape over her.


He looked over at Mark, who was being lowered to the ground by Juliana. "Is he okay?"


"No, he's apparently a horny little shit." Juliana practically spit. She seemed to be seething with anger and looked like she'd like to kick Mark in the head. "But he'll survive, it was just a sleeper hold."  


She got to her feet and approached Tiffany, looking down at her sympathetically. "Are you okay meninha?"  


Tiffany managed a nod, "Yeah. Yeah. Just freaked a bit. It's cool."


"No, no it's not cool, meninha. But it's going to be okay." Juliana pulled her in for a hug, looking at David over the top of Tiffany's head "Could you drag him to his room? I'll make sure to lock it up before he wakes up."


David was at a loss for anything better to do, so he hooked his hands under Mark's arms and pulled the naked student out the door and towards the hallway connecting the main building and the dorm.


He couldn't help but notice that Mark's erection was still extremely present but he tried to ignore it. As he was lugging the weight along the hall, Carrie stepped out of an adjoining door. Their eyes met. She looked at him, looked down at the unconscious, naked student in his arms. At the huge erection still poking up from between Mark's legs.  


He opened his mouth but couldn't find any words. Carrie stepped back into the doorway and shut it behind her, apparently deciding that she'd rather not know anything further. David sighed and dragged Mark the rest of the way to his room, putting him on the bed and closing the door behind him.


He was going to have to make some very, very awkward phone calls tonight.




Later that night Tiffany was having trouble sleeping. Lightning flashed just over the horizon and the distant rumble of thunder could be heard. Of course, after what happened earlier, it was no surprise that she was having trouble relaxing but that didn't seem to be the problem. Instead, she felt light-headed and hot, even hotter than last night. The skin of her face tingled slightly and lips felt a little numb.  


But mostly, she was thirsty. Her mouth was dry and cottony and she had already emptied her water bottle as she lay in bed, trying to get to sleep.


Finally, the discomfort was too severe to stand any further and she climbed out of bed, pulling on a robe and headed for the door. As she entered the hallway she glanced down towards Mark's room. Juliana had switched rooms with her, placing her at the far end of the hall and no longer right next door.


She actually felt guilty at how little the incident seemed to be affecting her. It had been terrifying when it happened but she'd felt only loopy and dizzy since then, almost like she was mildly stoned. She thought about it occasionally, but it was more like something she had seen on TV or remembered reading in a book, rather than something that happened to her directly.  


She padded through the dorm hallways down to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she dug out a couple of water bottles and turned to head back to her room. Leaving the kitchen she almost ran into Carrie Ricci, dressed in a flimsy nightgown and carrying a bottle of wine. Tiffany yelped and dropped her bottles to the ground. Carrie responded with a similar, strangled sound and managed to, barely, avoid dropping the wine.


 "Oh my, darling!" Carrie held a hand to her chest, breathing heavily. "You nearly made me jump out of my skin!"  


"Sorry. Sorry." Tiffany leaned down and collected the bottles. She realized that this was the first time she'd actually spoken directly with the Nafta representative. "What are you doing?"


"I could ask you the same thing, darling." Carrie gestured with the bottle, "I was just looking for a corkscrew. Dr. Mercer seemed to be having a rough day and I thought he might appreciate a glass or two."  


"And maybe some company?" Tiffany's tone was icy but her head was spinning.


Carrie smirked and shrugged slightly, apparently not at all embarrassed at the implication. "I suppose we'll see where things lead."


Tiffany's heartbeat was loud, pounding. She couldn't help but imagine Carrie and David together, olive and brown skin against one another. His cock pounding her evil, corporate cunt into submission. Why was it so hot? Was it global warming? All because of Carrie and her slutty, capitalist cunt and her.. .her... fascist tits?


The next thing Tiffany knew Carrie was laying on the ground, looking up at her in surprise. Tiffany was straddling her, fistfuls of Carrie's nightgown in her hands, panting heavily. Carrie spoke slowly, soothingly, "Are you okay, darling? You're a bit... on top of me."


Tiffany was burning up and a deep, aching itch was growing between her legs. Her robe had fallen open at some point, exposing her naked body underneath. She began to move her hips, rubbing her pussy against Carrie's thigh.


"What...what are you doing darling?" Carrie tried to pull herself up but Tiffany pushed down on her shoulders, holding the older woman down. "Taffy, darling, whatever your name is. This is getting uncomfortable."


Tiffany tried to gather her thoughts enough to say something. Maybe to apologize? Or maybe just to tell the slut to shut up and start eating her pussy? She wasn't sure what she wanted to do right now. Before she could find out, the lights flicked on.


"What the hell is this?" Juliana stood in the doorway of the kitchen


Carrie spoke up before Tiffany could say anything, "Could you help me, darling? I'm not sure what's going on either."  


Tiffany managed to gather herself enough to climb off Carrie but she was still burning up and she could feel the wetness between her legs. Now Juliana was here and, as usual, she was barely dressed, wearing only another pair of tight, short shorts and a sports bra that was struggling to keep her contained. They were begging to be set free and sucked and teased and...


Juliana's hand smacked onto Tiffany's forehead, bringing her momentarily back to her senses. She had been moving slowly towards Juliana without realizing it and Juliana had employed the simplest method to stop her: holding one hand out and keeping the shorter girl at arm's length.  


"Sorry... sorry..." Tiffany panted, "I don't know what's going on."


"Well, you seem to be in quite a state darling," Carrie sat up and started to climb to her feet. Both she and Juliana were looking down at her waist and, following their gaze, Tiffany saw that her left hand was absent-mindedly rubbing against her shaved pussy. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather go back to your room?"  


Mortified, Tiffany pulled her hand away from herself and pulled her robe closed. She tried to think of something to say, but it was all she could to avoid falling back into the weird, sexual fugue again.  


"What's everyone doing?"


David had just arrived, standing in the doorway, wearing only a pair of pajama pants. Tiffany's eyes locked on his chest, captivated by the glistening sweat caught in his chest hair. Before she knew it she was caught be Juliana's outstretched hand, keeping her from reaching David.  


Tiffany screwed her eyes up, "I'm sorry! I don't know what's going on!"  


David looked around in confusion, "Okay, I'm confused."  


Carrie walked up alongside him, and Tiffany almost hissed when she put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm not sure myself darling, everyone is behaving so strangely."


"I think I might have an idea." Juliana held Tiffany firmly at arm's length, "The algae bloom."


Tiffany shook her head, finally managing to clear a few cobwebs, "What does that have to do with anything?"


"I've been examining the algae. It's not any species I've ever seen before." Juliana continued, "It seems to thrive in high temperatures and although it'll need more tests to be sure, it seems to be exuding some unusual hormonal compounds."


David stroked his five-o-clock shadow, something he usually did when confused, "So... what does that mean? I'm a meteorologist, not a biologist."


"I think it might be psychoactive. Exposure might explain Mark's behavior earlier."


Tiffany put one hand to her face, which was still tingling slightly. "He got the stuff all over my face too."  


"Exactly," Juliana nodded. "It seems to have...unusual effects on sex drive."


Tiffany pulled her robe tighter and glanced at David but couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. She could still feel that demanding, urgent tension between her legs. "That... that might explain a few things."  


David nodded slowly, obviously a bit uncomfortable, "Okay, we'll call for a pickup and get off this island. We should get both Mark and Tiffany to a hospital."


Juliana shook her head, "It's no good. I radioed the mainland just a little while ago. The storm is tearing up the coast. There's no way to arrange a pickup for at least another twelve hours. Good news is there's no sign of neurotoxins or anything immediately dangerous."


"Damn!" David glowered, "Okay, maybe it'd be best if we just let Tiffany stick to her room until we can get help from the mainland."


Carrie spoke up, "Excuse me, darlings. But is there any chance the weird sex goop could affect us without touching it?"


Juliana frowned, "Some algae blooms can go airborne, affecting animal life along the coast. Why do you ask?"


Carrie pursed her lips and gestured gently downward. Following her gesture, Tiffany saw the front of David's pants beginning to bulge outwards. She had to fight to keep the fog from consuming her mind again and she could feel the sensation of moistness flowing down her inner thighs.  


Juliana nodded slowly, her eyes also fixed on David's waist, "It's possible. I have been feeling a bit... warm... myself."


David looked around in confusion for a moment before following everyone's eyes down to his growing bulge. He reacted with immediate embarrassment, grabbing a bag of corn chips and held it over his crotch in a desperate attempt to hide his erection. "Oh shit! I'm  -I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me!"


Carrie pressed closer to David, running a hand up her body and lingering on her breast, "Don't worry darling, it's not just you. I'm feeling very...warm myself."  


Juliana's bronze skin was shining with a thin sheen of sweat, her eyes fixed on the plastic bag David was holding against his waist. "Yeah... yeah... me too."


"Fuck yeah..." Tiffany whispered. Now that she knew what was going on, she felt more lucid but that also brought awareness to the trembling, hungry desire growing every second. David's bare chest and barely hidden erection, Juliana's statuesque frame and gleaming skin and even Carrie's flimsy nightgown clearly showing her nipples pressed against the fabric. She wanted all of it.  


David held up a hand, still clutching the package to his waist, trying to calm everyone. "Wait! Wait. Let's try and keep this under control. Obviously, we're all... affected. So let's just separate, we go back to our rooms and try and sleep this off so we don't do anything we regret."


"I... guess you're right," Juliana looked almost as disappointed as Tiffany felt. "We wouldn't want to... do anything? Would we?"


Carrie stroked a hand across David's shoulder and he shuddered, reaching towards her with his free hand before he restrained himself with obvious effort. "You're absolutely right, David darling. Don't worry, I'll keep you busy so you aren't tempted to bother dear Juliana and little Tiffany."


"What!" Tiffany's lust was eclipsed momentarily by a flash of anger, "No! He just said we should wait it out!"


"Of course, darling, we wouldn't want anything inappropriate to happen." Carrie smirked at her, "But, David and I are already... well acquainted. Why shouldn't I help relieve his tension?"  


David licked his lips, staring down at Carrie. "That... might not be a bad idea."


"Fuck that!" Juliana grabbed Carrie by one arm and yanked the smaller woman physically away from David. "I'm not going to sit in my room feeling like this while you keep him all to yourself."


Carrie smiled wickedly at Juliana, "Are you suggesting we share, darling?"


A thoughtful expression crossed Juliana's face, "That... might be..."


"No!" Tiffany clapped her hands, "I am not going to wait in my room while everyone else fucks their brains out, two nights in a row! If I am not getting any then you bitches aren't either!"


"Please! Calm down!" David reached out to physically separate the arguing women but apparently thought better of it and retracted his hands, "We can't let this spiral out of control!"


Carrie raised an eyebrow, "You dropped your bag, darling."


As one, Tiffany and Juliana's eyes snapped down to David's waist. His erection had grown harder and larger, pulling the waistband of his pants a few inches away from his pelvis. Tiffany could just make out his curled, black pubic hair. She realized that she had let go of her robe, letting it hang open, but she found she didn't particularly care either.


Juliana was breathing heavily, straining the sports bra, "I'd say.. .that the algae's chemical is definitely spreading."


David squeezed his eyes closed and bit his lip, "Tiffany's right. It'd be selfish for anyone to.. .indulge while everyone else feels like this. We should just separate and try and cool off."


"That's...not what I meant." Tiffany started to gently stroke at the light stubble around her pussy, "I just... I just didn't want to be left out."


"What?" David was struggling, and failing, not to look at Tiffany's bared skin. "I thought you were into women?"


"I'm into people, David." Tiffany snapped, "Don't make assumptions."  


"You're still my student, Tiff. I can't take advantage of you in this situation. It'd be wrong."


"No!" Tiffany half-shouted, letting out the frustration that had been building for a long time, "No! You don't get to do that!"  


"Do what?"


"There are two choices," Tiffany held up two fingers, glistening slightly from rubbing herself. "Either you're going out of your mind on sex-tide and you can't control yourself at all. In that case, so am I. If we fuck then no-one's to blame, we couldn't help it."  


"I like the sound of that," Juliana breathed. She was started to run her hands up and down her torso.


"Or, option two." Tiffany continued, "You can resist and keep control of yourself. You can feel hot, horny and crazy but you can decide to stay in your room and do nothing. In that case, then I can resist too. That means if I choose to fuck you then it's a free choice I'm making for myself and you don't have any right to say I shouldn't."  


Tiffany pulled her robe off her shoulders, standing naked under the kitchen lights. David's jaw worked wordlessly, trying to think of something to say, eyes fixed on her small, high breasts and pale skin.


"Besides," Tiffany licked her lips, suddenly nervous to be so exposed, "I've been wanting this for a while now."  


Juliana came up behind David, running her hands up and down his arms. "Professor Mercer, David. If you really want me to I'll lock you in your room and give you the key so none of us can try and sneak in. But if that's what you want, you need to say so now. Or else things are going to... escalate."


"It's now or never, Professor." Tiffany approached, weaving her fingers into his chest hair and feeling his rapid heartbeat beneath. It felt just like her fantasies. "Are we doing this or what?"


David shook his head, struggling against his own desires. For a moment Tiffany was worried that he'd back out but that thought was blasted from her mind when he leaned down and kissed her. His hand grabbed her waist, pulling her against his body, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips locked together, the tips of their tongues twirling slightly against one another.  


"Mmm." Juliana cooed, pressed against David's back. "Last chance if the two of you want to make this a private event."  


Tiffany pulled back, holding David's face in her hands, breathing heavily. She could feel the scrape of his stubble against her palms and the firm pressure of his cock against her stomach, with only the flimsy material of his pajamas separating flesh from flesh. "Not a chance. In fact, you're going to go first."


"Oh?" Juliana clearly didn't mind, an expression of eager surprise on her face, "You sure you don't want the first crack at him?"


"No, I want to watch you taking this cock." Tiffany swayed her hips, rubbing against David's erection. "David's got a perfectly good mouth I can use in the meantime. Then we can switch places."


"What about me?" Carrie piped up from the sidelines in a soft whine. At some point, she had pulled her nightgown down over her breasts and was massaging them with both hands. "I don't like just watching."  


Tiffany sneered at Carrie as David nuzzled her neck and ears, "You got plenty of time with him last night, bitch. Once we've had him for a few hours maybe we'll let you have a turn."


Carrie pouted, coming in to try and slip herself into the tangle of bodies, "You can't just leave me in this state darling!"  


Juliana pushed her back firmly with one strong arm, "You heard her. This is my island and I say you wait until we're finished."  


David might have expressed an opinion, but he barely seemed cognizant of the conversation at this point, reaching down to grip Tiffany's small, tight ass in his hands. She gasped and giggled, running her fingers through David's short hair. "Tell you what, I'll eat your worn-out pussy for you."  


Carrie pursed her lips in distaste, "Not my type darling."


"I'm willing to give it a try," Juliana grinned as she stripped her sports bra off and tossed it in Carrie's direction. "I guess you'll just have to watch."

Same as Red Hot Summer, Pt2 Videos

4 years ago
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Becoming a hotwife Pt2

Since our night out with Mark and Helen, I started to embrace dressing more sexy. Dave loved it. I was now wearing hold ups daily for work, nearly every morning he would sit and watch me getting ready. That I became to love, modelling my lingerie for him. I also had quite a collection of new heels as well. I was starting to embrace the hotwife idea of Dave’s, but still unsure.Could I do it?Three months after that night. Here I was. In my hotel room, standing naked, assessing my body in the...

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But Im married PT2

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Summer vacation changed whole life pt2

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Summer Memories pt2

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Red Hot Summer Pt1

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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt2

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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt2

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House Slut 32 Halloween pt2

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How i became a sissy fuckslave pt2

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Aunties home tuition pt2

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Motherinlaw Her sister me Pt2

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My Brothers Toy Pt2

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Kate becoming a bitch Pt2

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1 year ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt2

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The stepdaughters revenge pt2

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Naughty Nick PT2

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Reluctant Top Pt2

******************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************* WARNING - Bisexual content FFM, Some Hetero Sex FM, if its not your thing, please dont read. We arrived into port at the same time as the big trawler. The captain was a big solid bald guy, probably early 40s. He waved to us in a friendly way as we tied up to a guest mooring. As...

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The adventures of Tom Matt pt2

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1 year ago
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Adopted Affair pt2

It's Monday morning and we woke up early, I had to go to school and Janice had to work at the school. We are breakfast and got ready, as we drove to school, we didn't talk to each other, we knew what we had to do, go day by day pretending nothing was happening. We made everybody believe that my behavior was and would be better from now on. “Before we go in… remember there's nothing going on between us… we talked over the weekend and you have accepted us as your new family OK” she...

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My Wife is 54 PT2

Call him, tell him you have had a little to much to drink you are going to have your friend Dottie drive you to her house to stay the night ,you be home in the morning. My wife, being ever reluctant started to resist,but Dottie would have none of it. “Call him,cunt,or you will be sorry.” With that she called me, told me the story, and I told her ,”great,that I would see her tomorrow.” No that was not so hard was it baby,Dottie said to my wife, c’mon get into the truck,don’t bother...

4 years ago
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Karen My lover pt2

was getting much more confident. Her naughtiness kept popping up and she was beginning to experiment sexually. She decided to shave her pubic hair off, which when she showed me for the first time, I just couldn't help myself, I pushed her back into her bed, spread her legs and started working her clit with my tongue, and eating and tasting her pussy, while my fingers worked deep inside her pussy, first just one finger, then two, gripping my fingers hard. Even though my cock is quite...

4 years ago
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The unwilling gangbang whore pt2

The next day she didn’t wake up until midday. At first she didn’t seem to notice anything different, not until she sat down at the table and asked me why it hurt her butt sitting on a chair. She also wondered why her pussy and her asshole was so sore. I told her after dinner last night we had some drinks and she had gone a bit crazy with the sex. I told her it turned into a fantastic night of really wild fucking and asked her if she didn’t remember any of it. She didn’t and I told her she...

3 years ago
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Not Strong Enough to Say No pt2

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dad. Did you hear me?" Deb asked for the second time. "Huh" Oh sorry, I was in another world. What would you like to eat? (I know what I want he thought, then mentality slapped himself for thinking that) There is a great BBQ place just short of Dallas called Soul Mans that would be nice if you want BBQ." Sure, sounds great" replied Deb and she turned...

3 years ago
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Whos that Girl Pt2

“Yes” he answered simply staring at her dribbling pussy before him.“Good” she replied and placed the replica of his cock on his sternum before she raised herself up and eased the tip against her vulva. She sighed loudly as she lowered herself down the dildo, feeling her soaking wet pussy open easily to accommodate the girth. Her eyes closed behind the mask as she savoured the sensations feeling every millimetre of the fake phallus ease deeper and deeper inside her. For a moment she forgot about...

3 years ago
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Time at Youth Pt2

“I see you finally got the nerve to ask Anah out, Jesse,” said Amber. Amber is a year older than me, but about half a foot shorter. She has long, dark brown hair tied back into a pony tail. Her wood brown eyes were complimented perfectly by her black glasses. “Actually, I asked her out a while ago, she just interested in a commitment style relationship,” I said having Anah release my arm so I could give Amber a hug. “Yea, follow me and I’ll explain it to you. Jesse, can we have a...

3 years ago
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Brads new computer pt2

I then turned around and moved towards brad, who was lying on his side, his cock pointing at me and holding the jelly stuff in his hand. I told him to put it down, causing to look at me in alarm and say, "your not sticking your cock in my ass if you are not going to lube up first." I shook my head and told him that I had something better in mind than lube. He then put the jelly on the floor next to his bed and I got on the bed next to him, bent over so that his cock was only a few inches...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Maid Marion Pt2

  Once again comments and suggestions welcome.       Marion road out from her family hall towards Sherwood hoping to catch a glimpse of this notorious bandit they called Robin Hood. Anna her handmaid accompanied her as Marion got close to the woods her called " Careful milady lest the bandits snatch you away". Marion heard but ignored the warning riding forwards into the edge of the forest she knew this area well she had oft played here whilst her father had ridden further in to hunt deer...

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