Chris BeakerChapter 5 Long Distance Runaround
- 4 years ago
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I arrived at the summer fair with ten minutes to spare. I was meeting friends at six o’clock.
It was a warm Friday evening and dusk was beginning to settle.
I loved fairgrounds and found myself enchanted by fantastic, dazzling lights and joyful screams.
Throngs of people milled around as they hurried from one attraction to the next. The ground shook as the rollercoaster thundered around on its rails, its riders screaming as they were tossed around.
A classic by the Spice Girls blasted from speakers held aloft on tall red and white, swirly painted poles. The smell of toffee apples, candy floss, and meat choked the air.
As I wandered along, the crowd ahead parted allowing me a glimpse of a sleek, shiny black sports car.
I didn’t know what interested me so much about the car, but I needed to see it again, it was if my life depended on it.
Unable to see beyond the throng, I shuffled blindly in the direction of the attraction.
Eventually, I observed a large sign adorned with dancing lights that declared, ‘What Goes Around, Comes Around’.
I noticed that I was the only person moving towards the exotic vehicle. Nobody else seemed to see it.
The car was beautiful, glossy, and elegant, and it drew me like a moth to a flame.
It was then that I saw a young woman standing next to the car, who for some reason didn’t appear to have been there before. She was tall, leggy, and extremely attractive dressed in a short black leather jacket, and a tight black mini skirt. She had the longest legs I had ever seen, I was sure ZZ Top had her in mind when they wrote their hit.
As we made eye contact she smiled, and a star-like glint flashed at me from her bright white teeth, much like you’d see in a cartoon.
As I got closer, the smiling beauty called out, “Roll-up, roll-up, come see about me and my wondrous time machine.”
I paused and quickly glanced about me to see who else was going to be tempted to visit the four-wheeled attraction. Passersby didn’t even cast the slightest of looks in her direction.
Once more I found myself inexplicably unable to resist. I observed blondie beckoning me with her hand, smiling the cutest of smiles.
“Hi Cat, I’m Mystique, I have been expecting you.”
I swear my jaw hit the ground, as I gawped with surprise. I tried to ask how she knew my name, but no words would materialise.
Reading my thoughts, Mystique said, “Don’t be alarmed, Cat, this is all just part of the show.” “I hope you have been thinking about where you would like me to take you, in my beautiful feline car?”
“What do you mean by where, and what is feline about it?” I said finding my voice and attempting not to sound too spooked.
“Well, my cutie, to answer your second question, first, this feline beast is an E Type Jaguar, no less. If you pop around to the front you will see the emblem of a cat set at the centre of the chrome grill.”
I strode to the front of the car, all the time, feeling Mystique’s eyes staring at my plump bottom, held tight by my Levi’s.
I peered into the highly polished chrome metalwork and eyed the badge carrying the image of a Jaguar’s face. As I turned to rejoin my vivacious host, the car registration plate which was set on the bonnet caught my attention. I gasped as I saw, ‘CAT 69’ emblazoned across it!
“Hey, what is going on here?” I half chuckled.
Mystique quickly sidled up to me, “What‘s wrong, lovely?”
I pointed blindly at the number plate. “What is that, there!”
With a knowing smile, Mystique coolly replied, “It’s the vehicle registration of course.”
“I know that,” I exclaimed.
Mystique looked me straight in the eyes, with an amused look, “It says what it has always said, ‘JAG 1’ of course. I tore my eyes from hers and stared boldly at the lettering, for the second time in as many minutes my chin fell open, ‘JAG 1’ it read boldly.
“Oh, well yes, of course it does,” I stammered, trying not to sound stupid, or outwitted.
With hands-on-hips Mystique nodded toward the passenger door and said, “Come on Cat, we need to get you on your way.”
Her smile was irresistible, her blue eyes alluring.
Throwing a bemused glance at the number plate, I joined Mystique at the passenger side of the E-type, just as she opened the door, and threw her arm elegantly toward the sporty leather seat. I stooped and looked inside, the aroma of leather rose to meet me. The interior was pristine.
Aware again of Mystique’s eyes fixed on my bum, I turned and folded myself neatly into the passenger seat, humoring my guide.
“So where are we going?” I asked cheerily, “Oh, I’m not going anywhere, but you are!”
At which point she slammed the door and stepped backward grinning at me. Feeling unsettled I stared at her through the glass. I checked the door handle, it appeared to be locked.
A familiar voice to my right said, “Are you ready to choose a time and place, Cat?”
My head swiveled around and I stared disbelievingly at Mystique, who was sitting in the driver’s seat giving me a dazzling smile.
“Well?” she prompted.
I peered through the passenger window towards where Mystique had last stood, but I was met by my reflection, as all of the glass in the car had become opaque.
“Time to choose, win or lose,” she rhymed merrily.
“What do you mean?” I answered nervously.
Mystique held my stare, as she explained seriously, “You are sitting in a time machine, Cat, and I am your chauffeur, all you have to do is decide where in time you would like to go.”
I couldn’t help but smile at her ridiculous chat-up line.
Mystique continued, “A timer will shortly begin counting down, and whichever time and place happens to be on your mind when the timer runs out is where you will find yourself, so choose carefully.”
She pushed a key into the ignition and twisted it, I waited for the engine to roar into life but to my surprise, it didn’t. Instead, an image of an egg timer appeared in all of the blacked-out windows. The timer was filled with green dayglow sand which had already begun to pour through.
“A minute isn’t very long, Cat.”
I couldn’t help myself and burst into laughter. “Okay, okay I chuckled, enough is enough, let me out of here, I am supposed to be meeting friends shortly and you are going to make me late!”
“Don’t fret about your friends,” she said, amused, “you really should be concentrating on where you want to go, 40 seconds till departure.”
I looked at the egg timer, the sands had changed to amber which unsettled me, but my bravado was steadfast, as I laughingly gestured at the diminishing sands, “This is all very clever,” I chortled.
I faced Mystique and asked, “Who put you up to this ridiculous prank?”
“This is happening Cat, be clear in your mind where you wish to land, 20 seconds to go, and the sands are running red!”
I just stared at her indignantly, refusing to believe such a preposterous thing.
Mystique announced, “Ten seconds left, come on Cat, think! What you would change if you had the chance. Where would you be, who would you see?”
Her words sparked a fleeting memory to cross my mind.
I stared at Mystique’s animated expression which appeared to melt away, and then she was gone.
Everything was bright white, I was spinning, head over heels, a kaleidoscope of patterns flooded my head and I smelled cookies.
The next thing I knew, I was home, but not in my own home, no, this was my parents’ home. I was sitting at the kitchen table and mum was taking a tray of freshly baked cookies from the oven.
Mum looked younger somehow.
Placing a plate of chocolate cookies before me, she said “mind now, these are hot. I hope you have done your homework before you go running off to Netball practice.”
I just stared at her in disbelief.
The radio was playing an Eminem song.
I looked down at myself, and gone were the clothes that I had worn to the fair, instead, I was wearing my Netball uniform, which consisted of a white polo shirt emblazoned with my school badge, white sport socks, and white trainers.
“You’re very quiet Catherine, are you OK; I haven’t known you to turn down a freshly baked cookie,” she said.
I just sat and stared, trying to get my head around what was going on.
Just then a car horn sounded outside, and I looked toward the door.
Mum put her hands on her waist and urged, “Go on then sleepyhead, you had better get a move on, Mrs. Paige won’t like being kept waiting, don’t forget your kit bag and I want you home no later than nine pm, young lady.”
I stood up slowly and looked around the kitchen, everything was so familiar. Then I noticed the wall calendar with a picture of the New Forest on it. I stared disbelievingly; it said Friday, August 30th, 2002!
I grabbed my kit bag and looked at myself in the wall mirror and saw my sixteen-year-old self, sporting a short bobbed haircut.
I wandered out of the front door in a dreamlike state.
It was warm outside and the neighbourhood was quiet, parked on the side of the road was Mrs. Paige watching me as I walked down the path. Then the passenger side window rolled down and my best friend Bonita popped her head out, “Come on slowcoach,” she shouted. As I neared the car I could see that there was only one seat to be claimed, at the back behind Bonita.
Once seated, Mrs. Paige (who I knew as Lisa) began to drive.
I was sharing the backseat with Paula and Jen, and they were chatting away as if hardly noticing me. This was no great surprise, as I didn’t hit it off with them. They were chatting about the latest films at the cinema, discussing ‘The Chamber of Secrets,’ and ‘Bend it Like Beckham.’
Bonita twisted in her seat to speak to me. “You look pale, are you feeling alright, Cat?”
Before I could answer, she said, “Did you see Eminem on TV, he has a new CD, I think he is yummy?”
I studied her face but my head was still at the summer fair eighteen years in the future!
She is a pretty, fair-skinned girl with pale blue eyes and blond hair. She looked like her mum. She turned back around to face the front.
My mind was elsewhere, however, I was brought out of my dreamlike state by Mrs. Paige’s voice which gradually seeped in, I looked at the rear-view mirror where I could see her eyes looking at me. She was smiling as she spoke. “I was asking you how your parents are, Catherine.”
I returned her smile and answered, “They are fine thanks, Mrs. Paige,” to which she laughingly said, “You must call me Lisa.”
“Only if you call me Cat” I replied. “Deal,” she said, still smiling brightly in the mirror, “I’ve not seen your mum and dad in ages.”
Mum and dad used to be close with Lisa and Bill, and used to visit the Paige’s home most Friday nights for drinks and card games, and would usually stay over, while a babysitter would look after me.
Bonita had sworn me to secrecy and had told me that she had never seen a pack of playing cards in the house. She intimated that on the following mornings, not everyone appeared from separate bedrooms!
One weekend there was an almighty argument in our house between mum and dad, dad was furious about something, and they raged at each other for hours. All I could make-out was that mum had let Bill do something, that she never allowed dad to do.
Things eventually calmed, but those Friday get-togethers came to an abrupt end.
Lisa suddenly turned up the volume on the car radio and we were all thrilled to hear Mel B singing “Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.” This prompted all five of us to sing along and throw our bodies about as if we were the Spice Girls, re-incarnate.
When it came to the line, ‘Really, really, really wanna zigazig-ah’ we all except for Bonita’s mum, made ‘V’ signs in front of our mouths and wiggled our tongues suggestively.
Bonita turned to face me, and with a knowing grin, as she performed her ‘V’. She had always admired ‘Sporty-spice’ and because I had bigger boobs I got to be ‘Ginger-spice’!
I glanced at Lisa in the rear-view mirror; she was smiling right at me, admiringly.
Meanwhile, my mind was constantly at work trying to figure out why I had returned to this time of my life.
We arrived at the practice ground and began to warm-up with our team-mates.
A few minutes in, disaster struck.
As I dashed forward to receive a high pass, I stumbled and took a hard fall on the gritty playing surface. Both palms were scraped, and my knees skinned and it hurt badly.
As much as I fought the urge not to cry, tears pricked in my eyes.
Bonita was first on the scene, followed by a few others, and helped me gingerly to my feet.
Tears ran down my cheeks, and blood ran down my shins from both knees.
Lisa broke from the sideline and knelt to inspect my wounds, “Oh my, you have hurt yourself, I can see dirt and grit in those grazes to your knees, we need to get you cleaned and patched up.”
I looked at her, feeling sorry for myself.
Taking charge she said, “Come on, let’s get you to the car, I’ll take you to our house and get you fixed up.”
Bonita spoke up saying, “I will come too,” but her mum said, “No, you stay here it’s no good you both missing practice.”
At that, Lisa and Bonita hoisted me beneath my arms, supporting me as I limped painfully to their car.
Suddenly a feeling of Déjà vu came over me but was quickly gone.
It wasn’t far to the Paige’s house, where I had spent many happy hours.
After entering the house Lisa led me to their big bathroom. She leaned her trim body over the large bath and turned on the water and added some bath oils, and perfumed salts.
Looking at me sympathetically she ordered, “You strip off, and I’ll go make drinks, I’ll be straight back.”
I kicked off my trainers and peeled my polo shirt off, and wriggled out of my skirt, just as Lisa stepped back into the room, and seemed to pause just looking at me in my underwear, then she remembered herself and asked, “Do you take sugar in tea, I can’t recall?” I replied, “Two spoons, please.”
Lisa stood silent for another moment, watching as I unhooked my white sports bra, her eyes widened as I slid the straps down and revealed my ample breasts.
I waited in my white cotton panties for Lisa to return, the bathroom was infused with the fragrance of lavender, as the oversized tub filled up.
I looked at my sixteen-year-old body in the wall-length mirror; regressing eighteen years had reduced my bra size down to a respectable B. I turned around and looked over my shoulder, my bum was even too big in my teens!
A thought crossed my mind, and I pulled the waistband of my panties open and peered down. I had pubes which had become a thing of the past, in my future life. I took comfort from the fact that it appeared to be tidy down there.
Lisa promptly arrived with drinks in hand and tended to the almost ready bath.
Swishing the water with her hand, she announced that it was ready.
I wriggled out of my panties, gingerly easing them down over my injured knees. I could feel Lisa’s eyes admiring me as I stood naked.
She offered her hand which I took, her eyes never leaving mine as I stepped carefully into the tub, she commented, “You do have a gorgeous figure, Cat.”
I felt myself blush as I settled into the translucent water. The hot water came level with my dark brown nipples.
My sore knees stung beneath the hot water.
At that moment I had another flash of Déjà vu, with it a glimpse of a memory, but no more.
I looked up at Lisa as she stood gazing down at me, she was unbuttoning her nice lemon blouse. She saw the look of curiosity on my face and explained, “I don’t want to get my good clothes wet.” I stared bemused.
She revealed a lovely cream, patterned bra which seemed to mold perfectly to her breasts. Without pause she released her clinging black skirt, it pooled at her feet as I observed that she wore matching high on the thigh panties, which fit snuggly and presented an obvious camel-toe.
Lisa had a gorgeous body for a forty-something mum, and she seemed to know it. The expression hour-glass figure sprung to mind.
Lisa turned, closed the door, and twisted the lock. This presented me with the opportunity to appraise her curvaceous bottom, her panties clinging to every line. Her buttocks flowed perfectly from her tight waist.
I felt the first stirring between my thighs, and my nipples firmed against the lapping water.
Lisa knelt beside the bath, and her cleavage came into view, the fine material of her bra opened a little allowing me the slightest glimpse of a dark pink areola. Lisa looked me in the eyes and her smile told me that she had observed my voyeuristic act.
Again, I had a hint of a memory. This scenario had been played out before, but I still couldn’t untangle why I was reliving it.
Lisa took a flannel from the edge of the bath and dipped it in, and then she took my hands in hers and very gently washed my grazed palms. She cleansed my wounds and with her eyes on mine, she whispered, “You are very pretty Cat.” I didn’t answer. She lowered her eyes to my breasts which were bobbing slightly as the water became disturbed.
In my mind, I knew that there was a memory to flush out, that there was a reason for all of this. All I could do was go with the flow, and see where this led.
I felt the atmosphere change in the room.
Satisfied that my hands were clean, she slid the warm flannel beneath the surface and gently along my shins, the softness felt nice, and my eyes closed momentarily.
“I’m sorry but this may sting, Cat, I will try to be a gentle as I can.”
Lisa slowly pushed the soft flannel over one knee, causing me to squirm and hiss, “Sorry my dear.” She said as I pressed my back against the top end of the bath. She moved the cloth to my other knee bringing forth the same cringing reaction again.
She was gentle and kept washing my knees, as she massaged and rubbed I relaxed my thighs allowing them to fall open. I excused my action by saying, “You have a beautiful touch, Lisa. My hands and knees do feel much better.”
Lisa smiled and said, “Just close your eyes, relax sweet Cat, and let me take good care of you.”
I did as asked, and closed my eyes. I let myself drift into a state of easiness but still searched my mind for answers.
I felt the flannel on my stomach as Lisa washed me. She was tender as she moved around my swaying boobs, washing my shoulders and neck then back down dragging the cloth through my cleavage avoiding my now very sensitive orbs. Her hand traveled up my cleavage causing rivulets of water to run down over my breasts.
My breathing had become a little ragged, and my chest rose and fell, Lisa sensed the change and ran the warm soapy flannel over my tits, I didn’t stop her and kept my eyes closed as she lightly slid the cloth over my erect nipples.
While my best friends mum washed and caressed my aroused mounds, still my mind wandered and reached into itself, trying to understand.
Lisa’s hand slid down my tummy causing it to tremble. It traveled down the outside of my thigh, further down, over my feet. Then slowly up along my inner calve. My mind was now on high alert. Was Lisa about to do what I thought she was going to do?
My legs were still parted; my inner thighs open and my pussy vulnerable.
I opened my eyes and watched silently, as Lisa watched her hand slide the flannel between my thighs, her eyes wide, expectant, and excited. She was a mere six inches from touching my wanton cunny.
Just as she was about to reach her aim, I instinctively thrust both hands between my thighs and grabbed her wrist tightly and I cried out, “No, we can’t!”
Lisa halted, surprised by my reaction, the disappointment on her face obvious.
Then a flashback hit.
I had done the same thing eighteen years ago. I had rejected Lisa, and I had regretted it for years later.
Now I realised why I had traveled through time to this moment.
I looked a concerned Lisa in the eyes and guided her hand to my aching sex.
A grin of relief crossed Lisa’s face, as she whispered, “You are so sexy like your mother.” I raised my eyebrows at that, choosing not to respond.
As the flannel slid between my swollen folds I gasped as it grazed my horny clitoris, my back arched, and I moaned my approval. I felt Lisa’s fingers ease into my pulsating cunt and her thumb rolled my stiff clitoris, as the flannel floated to the surface.
Our eyes locked together as I rode her hand beneath the water, the feeling intense.
Her free hand squeezed my slippery wet breasts and thumbed my erect nipples.
I was in heaven as my body began to plunge towards its climax. I rode, rolled, and writhed against Lisa’s hands, the water swelled and swished up the sides of the bath; my body undulated vigorously, as a massive orgasm hit.
I felt Lisa’s fingers thrusting rapidly, stretching and filling my throbbing vagina. Wave after wave of orgasms coursed through my shaking body, which caused wave after wave of bathwater to splash over Lisa, as she leaned in and kissed me, her tongue probing in and out, as I cried feverishly into her yielding mouth.
As I wallowed spent and panting, Lisa said, “Do you want me to teach you, ready for more, Cat?”
I smiled and nodded, thinking to myself, that this was the reason I had journeyed back in time.
“Good, that was what I was hoping.”
Her hands moved behind her back and unfastened her damp bra. My eyes widened as she revealed her beautiful breasts, they had hardly any fall to them, their large areola and pointy nipples curved upwards.
Without further hesitation, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, leaned forward, and pushed them to her feet, her breasts hung invitingly.
My eyes drank in the view of her smooth mons and long cleft.
Lisa neared the edge of the bath and I slid myself upright, water dripping from the ends of my rock-hard nipples.
She asked, “Do you like what you see, Cat, like to taste me?”
I croaked, “Yes,” and nodded eagerly.
I watched with wonder as she stepped into the bath.
Using the rim of the bath for support she spread her knees, my eyes were immediately drawn to her fleshy vulva. I could feel its heat on my face.
Lisa saw my reaction and said, “Do whatever you want, all pussies are the same whatever their age.”
I needed no invitation as Lisa pushed her soaked pussy toward me. I leaned my young face forward, and without hesitation, I crushed my open mouth over her thick draping lips. Lisa moaned loudly.
Her fingers slid into my hair as she held my head. My hands glided around her firm bottom and pulled her to me. Filled with desire I rubbed my face in her wetness, lapping wildly, slurping, and swirling my tongue.
Without warning, she said, “Stop Cat, this is no good.” My heart sank, and I raised my slick face to look up at her, my disappointment palpable.
As she eased herself away she said, “Come with me and bring a towel.”
Lisa offered me her hand as I climbed unsteadily from the tub. “We don’t have much time, let’s hurry,” She urged.
Grabbing a fluffy towel I hurried to keep up. I was dripping wet and not quite sure what was happening.
“In here quick spread the towel on the bed,” she instructed, giggling.
We were in Bonita’s bedroom, and I was lowering myself onto her bed.
Lisa climbed over me and my arms opened to welcome her, however she turned herself away from me. Her knees went astride my shoulders, and she lowered her round bottom and pussy to my face. Breathily she said, “I needed to taste you too, Cat. Just do as you were before, you were awesome.”
I kissed her thighs and bottom, as she slowly lowered herself onto my delighted face. Rendered sightless, I was smothered by her beautiful pussy, enveloped in her taste and scent. I reached my arms around her and firmly grasped her buttocks and separated them as I ate her, my tongue lapping eagerly against her clitoris.
Suddenly I felt Lisa’s tongue lick me from perineum to clit, sliding through my folds. I parted my thighs wide as her mouth moved with precision around my throbbing cunt. I was so wet.
Her pussy rode my face as I drew her labia and clit inside my mouth. Simultaneously, I felt Lisa’s thumbs spread my folds and her tongue dart in and out of my pulsating love hole. I oozed into her mouth.
My hips bucked, it was impossible to remain still.
I began to lose control and my body thrashed beneath hers. I mimicked her actions and felt her body writhe against mine. I cried-out with the ecstasy into her slick folds. Lisa fucked my face as we climaxed in perfect harmony, covering each other’s faces with cum.
Lisa peeled her collapsed body from mine, flushed and smiling. “That was amazing, Cat, we must do this again sometime. But now I must fetch Bonita. I will leave you to get your breath back.”
I watched her beautiful body leave and lay back intensely satisfied and relaxed. I looked around the bedroom. There were posters on every wall, mainly of Eminem and Jake Gyllenhaal. She even had a poster of a shiny black E-type Jaguar with a beautiful leggy blonde stood next to it, my weary eyes peered at the registration plate, and I gasped as I read, ‘CAT 69’.
Just then I was overwhelmed with debilitating tiredness, and my eyes closed tight. I felt myself drift and soar, I was light as a feather, a kaleidoscope of colours spun through my mind followed by a bright whiteness. Next, I found myself falling. I could hear music and detected the smell of candy floss.
My head cleared and I found myself standing in the middle of the busy and noisy fairground.
But why was I standing here like an idiot?
I had a strange feeling that something or someone had drawn me to this place. I looked about me confused. All I could see were lights, fair rides, and revelers. However, I felt very peculiar.
Suddenly I remembered that I was meeting friends. I checked my watch, it was a little after ten minutes to six.
I ventured into the busy crowds and headed for the Ferris wheel, our meeting place.
As I shuffled along I spotted a very tall, leggy, and beautiful blond girl. I was sure that ZZ Top had her in mind when they wrote their hit. The thought brought a powerful feeling of Déjà vu.
The girl looked straight at me and smiled, and a star-like glint flashed at me from her bright teeth and she waved. In that instant I was rocked by more Déjà vu. I returned her smile and proffered a rather hesitant wave.
She held my gaze a little longer then returned to her ticket gathering.
As I moved on I couldn’t help but feel as though she and I had met before.
I could see the Ferris wheel up ahead, and my pulse quickened as I saw my friends walking towards me. They all smiled widely as they spotted me. I hugged Jen and Paula, then gave Bonita the biggest of hugs, kissing her cheek as she said, “Hey Cat, you look wonderful, it’s so great to see you, oh and look who has come along too,” half looking behind her.
I followed her eyes and there a few meters back was her mum, Lisa.
Grinning, I closed the distance between us and hugged her close, “You never look any different, Lisa, you look fabulous,” I said.
Lisa replied, “You are too sweet, and I am so pleased that you think so.” Then lowering her voice she whispered, “Will you be joining Bill and me for our usual night of fun afterward?”
I kissed her ear, and replied huskily, “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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This story is written by tittie-baby for Fantasy cums true part 4Terri is my shemale wife. And I guess the proper word now would be intersexed. When she was born she had a penis so everyone thought her parents had a boy and a girl. But as the k**s grew, Terri and Kate were virtually identical and Terri never showed any signs of wanting to be a boy. By the time the girls were 12 years old they both had a natural set of 34D breasts. Their parents took them in to the DR.'s for some...
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“There’s two of you?!” Dana gasped in alarm, before Rachel elbowed her in the ribs. Alyssa had reached Irillith by this point, and she knelt next to the Maliri girl, pulling her into a hug. She shot Dana a disapproving look, and the redhead was shamefaced at her outburst. Reaching out through Irillith’s grief stricken thoughts, Alyssa spoke to her in a comforting murmur, I’m here for you now, you don’t have to hold this pain in any more. John walked over to squat down on Irillith’s other...
My sister in Law Finally Cums AroundI have long been infatuated with my sister-in-law Barbara. She and I are the same age and even before I married her sister I was attracted to her beautiful body and personality. Through the years I could not help lusting for her and fantasizing about having sex with her though I knew it was not possible. She was the forbidden fruit that haunted my dreams. We have always got along well and had some great conversations over the years. It did not help that...
Julian shivered with the thought. He had never been tied up, but all he could think about was getting that beautiful cock and balls in his mouth. He had no choice but to trust Tonya, if he wanted to taste that sweet man-stick again. "Yes, yes please!" "Hmm hmmm," Tonya chuckled, "I am going to call you cumslut from now on." The name didn't surprise Julian. He suspected that he would become one, if given the chance. He loved cock in his mouth, more than he imagined he would. His first time was...
TransBelow is the transcript between my self and an Xhamster user named Loufresh. She enjoyed exposure porn, but also never wished to be exposed herself. fisterguy: hi. I love the exposed pics too. can I have some of your gallery passwords?loufresh: for big one it's huren for other it's huren2fisterguy: thanks!loufresh: feel free to comment lolfisterguy: can I post those on tumblr?loufresh: anything you get from mefisterguy: hey! I saw...
Claire Musgrave had never forgotten that Thursday afternoon near to the end of her time in Year Thirteen at school. She thought about it often. How embarrassing it had been. How unfair it had been. How painful it had been. Claire had been Deputy Head Girl to her best friend, Jessica Weaver, and had never expected that she would be punished for bad behaviour. But the then eighteen-year-old had been.She had been caught in possession of an almost empty bottle of vodka and, despite her protests...
SpankingThe next morning when I wake up I feel something next to my back. I roll over and to my surprise, I see Brian sleeping beside me. I can't believe he actually came home, and slept in our bed with me in it. I gently slide out of bed. I look at Brian sleeping. I am so angry and so hurt..I decide to go downstairs. I go in his office. Let's see if he has his plans wrote down in his planner. I pick it up and sure enough, I see he is planning to go back to the Golden Crown Hotel tonight, but he wrote...
Straight SexText: I want you. The text was simple and made the phone in his pocket vibrate once with a small, happy-sounding chirp upon delivery. He thought about checking it but ignored it in favor of the conversation going on at the table around him. It wasn’t that he was paying much attention to what was being said, exactly, but it felt wrong to check the text when the discussion around him was more serious than a conversation about the weather. He looked across the table and watched as his girlfriend...
MasturbationAs Tonya got up to answer the door, Bailey uncuffed Julian. He got up and stretched, and sat on the edge of the bed. He was still savoring the taste of cum from these two lovely trannies, when the door opened. A tall blonde beauty walked in, and leaned down to give Tonya a kiss. "Jenny, meet our cumslut," Tonya said, her softening cock dangling as she walked over to Julian and placed a hand on the back of his head, as if to show off a trophy. "Hello cumslut, I am Jenny. Tonya tells me that you...
TransWHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDMy name is Mike and I am the Senior VP of a large marketing firm in the Southwest. I manage a group of about 20 employees that handle the marketing for many fortune 500 companies across the globe. I moved here after graduating from college in the south. It’s a tough business, but if you work hard and are intelligent, you can move up fairly quickly. One of my employees is John Stanley. He is a lower level marketer with very little experience. We hired him fresh out...
VoyeurPart 8 Okay, things got a bit more crazy with the update on the virus. It started with my wife who was still having sex with Ron and Greg. She was telling me all about what was amazing for her, even bring both men in at the same time. She sent me a video of both guys fucking her at the same time. Ron who is the anal guy fucked her ass so good that she was gushing at the end of it. Greg tore up her pussy, making sure that he was dripping his cum out of her. The last minutes of the video, she...
CHAPTER 1 As Jennifer Wilson rolled out of bed on that Friday morning in early December to get ready for school, she did so with unusual enthusiasm. It was her sixteenth birthday – "age of consent" in her home state. Her best friend, Angie Walker, had pointed out the significance of the event. It meant that she could now legally have sex with anybody she wanted. All of those men, who had backed away from the thought of having sex...
Oh babe. Last Saturday was fantastic. I hope you had as great of a time watching as I did fucking Carl. When we went to Dennys and you said you wanted to introduce me to someone, I knew right away what you were hoping for. And then when I seen who it was, I was happy because I already knew Carl from work. He doesn’t work in my office, but I see him a lot and we have talked in the lunch room. Just to let you in on something. I have thought about Carl in bed with me a few times and...
This story loosely follows Edge for Thrusts , as it's the same couple. This happens a few weeks after. Friday Evening It's been a few weeks since she had played with her husband and made him edge over and over, allowing him to thrust into her every time he reached the edge of orgasm - naturally bringing him closer and closer to losing control with each iteration. Even though life was very busy and they got very little time to "play", they were indeed intimate. That said, they started to crave...
BDSMI moved my way up and was laying on top of him and I reached down and guided his cock to my cunt. I had my ass in the air and was using my cunt muscles to suck his cock into me and as I did, I lowered myself down on him. He kept telling me how great I felt and how tight my cunt was around his cock and that made me clench my cunt muscles even more against his cock. I raised up and was sitting on him because I wanted to feel his cock slide past my cervix. It went easier this time and his cock...
The following morning, Dan was waiting in the van when David arrived for work. As they set out for the house, there was only one subject on Dan’s mind.“How’s Laura this morning?” he asked.“I haven’t seen her,” David replied, “ l expect her cunt’s a bit tender after the way you fucked her, you looked like you were enjoying it,” he laughed.“She’s a fucking good fuck,” Dan chuckled, “and as for cock sucking, l’ve never had a blow job as good as that, Christ, l thought she was going to suck my...
My name is Carol. You may have read about my time at the lake in Early Retirement. As you might remember, I had to return home on Thursday. Wednesday was a long night and I had more sex than I had had in many months. I learned to enjoy women and big cocks. I learned that night that I could take big cocks, not just in my pussy, but also in my ass and down my throat. On Thursday morning, I got out of bed where I had slept with Ken, Ruth, and Sue Ann after the party. We all bathed and dressed and...
Bikini Beach: What Goes Around By Bashful The young man nervously approached the ticket booth at the Water Park and waited his turn in line. He wasn't the normal male patron of Bikini Beach. Others who had sought admittance would usually stare hungrily at the young women, some actually drooling. They had the effect of disgusting the old woman, it was because of men such them that she had conceived and opened Bikini Beach. This man was...different. He looked at the...
Saturday Evening She lifts her leg from the water, stroking it gently with her forefingers, feeling the softness of her skin. Before the "play-weekend" started, she made sure she shaved her legs including the tender bits that mattered, she wanted nothing to get in the way of her and her pleasure - and off course her husband. She knows how hot it gets him when he touches her legs and they are smooth as silk. It's been about an hour since she got into the bath, and after filling up twice with...
BDSMThis story is written by tittie-baby for Fantasy cums true #3Terri is my shemale wife. And yes we are legally married. We have been married about a month now and have started to get our sex routine down a little. I have found out that as much as we love fucking each other that our tight little asses can't take getting fucked 5 or 6 times a day. So we have compromised a little, we fuck each others ass every morning and every night. The rest of the time we 69 until we cum in each...
Jordan was wise in that she had her finger on her goal. She was blessed with beauty and a fantastic figure which she worked at. The coach suggested she leave gymnastics because her breast size grew fast at 14, so she took up softball and volleyball. But her real desire was to become a famous actress. She took vocal classes, she took drama classes and she was in every school performance since she was 7 years old. Jordan was wise and knew the only thing that could derail her fast track to...
Warning: Adult material contained. M/M sex - If you are not of legal age to read this story, then go away and play computer games. Yeah right I can see that statement deterred a lot of youngsters. Oh well you have been warned. ************************************************** The idea for this story came about when I sent details of my relationship to another writer, but I thought I should do my part and share it with everyone as I have been reading the stories on the net for quite some time....
GayIt had been several years since I last saw Roger. He and his beautiful wife placed an ad on a website looking for another woman to share their sexual fantasies with. I am married and was looking for the same, not another couple. But after seeing her picture and getting to know her through several emails, I decided I did not care. I had to have her. Before meeting, I also befriended her husband. It was important to them that I was compatible with both of them before meeting in person. We all got...
AnalFor his pleasure, she cums (Part 3) Sunday Morning "For what it's worth, it's a really shitty idea!", he exclaims over the phone, "But ok, fine let's see what good we can get out of it. I'm not happy with the way they're doing it though..." His company have been having problems with a piece of technology they had in production for months, and after a software update by the vendor there were random crashes, misbehaving functionality and a general crappy experience for the company's clients. For...
BDSMJulia and her husband decided to take a small vacation on a cruise from California to Hawaii and fly back, just because it had been so long since they had been on one. The k**s were out of the house and they wanted to make the most out of their free time. The cruise though would take longer if they didn't fly back and being on others in the past they understood that staying in a cabin can get a bit boring, no matter how luxurious it was. Julia's husband James was pretty successful in life so...
I live with my girlfriend Beth in a nice little two bedroom cottage in a town on the South Coast of England. Beth and I have been together for about four years and we enjoy a very active sex life. Beth is 5’7’’ tall slim with a 34B bust and a very cute pert bum. This tale is about a time when one of her friends, Jane came to stay with us for a time after she broke up with her boyfriend of two years. Jane had been living with her boyfriend Paul for two years and they were planning on getting...
AnalMeeting my lovely Cumslut, part five"Down on all fours, open your little slut mouth and stick your tongue out young slut."-daddy orders you, with a stern voice. My tone has changed a bit. It is clear that it's time for your first true puishment. Your first lesson... You obey, go down on all fours and stick your tongue out, your plugged, naked ass in the air, your tagged collar making you look somewhat like a domesticated a****l. I put my hand in my pocket, and pull forth a second key, labeled...
As the door swings open in front of you, you can hear several muffled voices further in, and around the corner. You’re not exactly sure, but you think you can hear both men and women, speaking softly. I guide you to the large, tiled bathroom, with a large marble counter, then close the bathroom door behind us. I then tell you to get up, and you comply, eager to get of your knees for a little bit. I place a large hand on your chin, and look down into your eyes, feeling you tremble a little, so I...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Ah... Yes... Yes... Oh... Yeah... Oh my god..." she breathed.Thick ropes of cum were splatted upon her flushed neck and breasts. Hot and viscous, they slid down her breasts, stickily puddling in hollows and gleaming pearly in the dappled sunlight."Oh, baby, yes," she moaned. "All over, that's right, please. Give me all you've got. Mmmm..."He slumped back on the bench, his cock softening as his body...
FetishCumslut HusbandPart 1 - An Acquired Taste"So, honey, what did ya get me for my birthday this year?" Smiling, my wife sucked a drop of butter from her finger and told me "It'd better be good."Uh-oh. I'd completely forgotten about it, and I think she knew it. Stalling, I snatched a piece of toast from her plate and crammed it in my mouth, mumbling incoherently around it."You forgot, didn't you." Crossing her arms over her breasts, she just sat there and glared at me. I tell you - if looks could...
You might want to read some of my previous stories for a bit of context here.Let's set the scene. It was Friday night, I had come home a day early from a work trip to London because the Friday drinks had been cancelled. I decided not to let Sarah, my girlfriend know, as I thought it would be a nice surprise for her. Little did I know... That I would end up being the one surprised.I got back around midnight, and as I drove up to our house, I noticed a car in the driveway, her ex's car... And the...
I never really considered myself a sexual being. When I thought of sex - which was rare, I thought of about three different positions and not much else. Orgasms were few and far between and I rarely experienced passion. Although I was resigned to a mundane life getting by on my limited knowledge of intimacy, there was a deep and repressed desire. I knew I wanted something but wasn’t sure what it was.When He found me, I was naive, inexperienced, and lost...but He saw something in me. He knew I...
BDSMI waited for over an hour for Peter to bring a brand new battery and ample petrol for my Volvo. I sat in my car, wondering how I let the pretty car go. The winters had not been good to her and I sentenced her to a slow death bringing her to the North Country. My Harley stayed wrapped up for seven months last year, and without Mark, being in the Adirondacks just made no sense. The winters were getting longer and longer and thoughts of palm trees, mangoes and rum filled the cold and vacant...
One week after sharing my lovely wife with her old Boss, the man came again home for dinner and claim the deal I had arranged with him. He could enjoy Ana whenever he wanted; but just in front of me.But this time the envy did surface from me, as Ana offered Christopher her tight asshole.I watched my sensual wife on her hands and knees, as at first she squealed with pain and then her sobs turned to cries of lust as the old Boss impaled her onto his magnificent rod up to the bottom of her tight...
~~Start of Part 2~~ I am up at about 0530 as is normal for me now, and I get in the shower and do my essential ‘S’s and go out to the main sitting area and order some breakfast from room service. They leave it by the door as the do not disturb sign is still out, so I go over and get the tray and bring it in and shovel it down in about 2 mins and put the tray over by the door. I go over and wake up Becky gently and say, “bathroom is open, and I am good to go and will be dressed by the time you...
Feedback greatly appreciated The Milano’s Jeff - Me - 54 Meg - wife - 55 Liam - Son - 16 Mila - daughter - 18 Jen (Jennifer) - Anything Goes Inn Night clerk Michael owner of sex toy shop Jess RV Park attendant Neighbors - Jack and Pat Bar - Hangin’ Out Here Price List Blowjobs $10 Pussy Fucking $20 Ass Fucking (male or female) $30 We had decided to take a slow, cross-country trip in our RV. We had no particular destination, and told friends and family that we’d be gone 6...
Lifeguard 9 RecapAlex was poolside with Caley languishing in a kiss, lips locked for the longest time. Their combined hardons were only partly slowing them down. Ashley came over and grabbed Caley away from Alex and started to ravish her, paying particular attention to her penis. Caley’s mother Belle came over and did the same thing to Alex. Fay walked out of the pool and kneeled down, then started kissing Belle as Alex started kissing Belle’s lovely boobs and slid his cock between her legs....
IncestSome of you will remember from the last time I went dogging (cum slut goes dogging dressed in latex rubber and gets barebacked and pissed on )that i met a very convincing transvestite who as well as giving me her phone number, gave me a well fucked pussy full of spunk. Well, Anna as she liked to be called, promised me that she could arrange an all t v party for me, well a couple of weeks ago I put her to the test and asked her to get something organised and last Saturday my partner and I turned...
Author’s note: This is one of a series of poems I am posting on my blog. I know it’s not a “story” per se, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy reading the postings here. Please comment either here or on my profile if you like it. Thanks. Warm winter winds caress the prairieAs a full moon lights the grass sighing in the air. The Horned-God is walking the erythI smell his seed-scent as it wafts through the currents. The moon feels good on my bare fleshAnd the stars seem to tickle my...
IT FINALLY CUMS TRUE As Billy stepped back to look at his prize Rose finally got a look at his bulge and was amazed at the size of it. She wanted so bad to see his penis as she called it but at the same time was very nervous. Billy slowly removed his jock strap and when he pulled the elastic down the front of his cock Rose thought that she was looking at a normal size cock and was shock to see it pop out of his jock and bounce up and down. Rose saw that there was a drop of fluid on the tip,...
TeenWhen I woke up I knew about three things. One: It was morning, Two: I was beaten, Three: My dad raped me. I was sore all over and I felt five times as bad as I did last night. I burst into tears the second my eyes opened. After what happened last night- and if you haven't been reading, Robbie- my ex-boyfriend- let other boys fuck me. I wanted to kill myself and I would if I had the balls to do it. I got up slowly, my arms buckling under my weight and when I raise my head I...
Sorry. Threw the key to my leash away, but I fount it. ;) I know this isn't my best work, but it's all apart of the story. You can probably skip if you want, but if you enjoy the story I guess you can read it *shrug* I was beaten last night and so was Zach and Micah for some unknown reason again, but their whoopin' was only about fifteen seconds, but as a result my body is more than sore. I wore long sleeves to school and Rob hated to see it on our way to school....
And don't worry about the boys, I have something different in mind for them =) Whata Week-Locker Room I was beaten last night and so was Zach and Micah for some unknown reason again, but their whoopin' was only about fifteen seconds, but as a result my body is more than sore. I wore long sleeves to school and Rob hated to see it on our way to school. Everyone else was too focused on the ring on my finger to care about the long sleeves. Temporarily I'm lying saying that I...
Micah and Zach came to sleep with me tonight, meaning I got their attention. But they were nervous and didn't try anything, but they did explore my body a little with their cute fingers when they thought I was asleep and their fingers were so soft, I got wet. I'm just glad they didn't explore my pussy and fount out. Sunday. Both Rob's and my family go to the same Church and so does half the neighborhood. Rob picks me up so I can go to church with his family and I take...
Tell me, Am I boy or girl? =) My name is Alexandria, Alex for short. I'm a senior in high school and without much choice, abstinent. When I was about eight or nine, my parents- mostly my father, tricked me and my little brothers Micah and Zach into signing a contract to stay abstinent till married. When I figured what that meant and how it'll effect my social life I demanded changes, but they only changed one thing. Only when a good man, proposes to me and swears to marry...
Angie is the sweetest teenage girl you can imagine. She has brown hair with blonde high lights, small in stature with heavy legs. Small breasted and she has a near Angelic personellity. One could not ask for a nicer girl. Near Sonia' age of sixteen I would think. I was about to say hello when I noticed she was upset ............. then I noticed way. Two black guys were bothering her. The nearer I got the more of the conversation I picked up. The short version is that they wanted to fuck...
Memories! Huh! ..... the lady walking past the office reminds of a lady i new years ago. Edna, an older women, 65 too 70-ish if memory serves. I met Edna in a hospital room she shared with my mother in law. I remember Edna because of her back. My wife and i were visiting my mother in law and Edna was her roomy. The ladies were talking, i got bored and walked over to the window to look outside. When i turned i saw Edna's bare back, too the small of... - Danny gets what he wants. Danny a 18 year old in the closet Crossdresser who live at home, visits a website and orders a necklace which, with a saying (Your mine now), can hipnotis a person or persons who you are looking at. Danny was aimlessly searching the internet, he had been on transgender website following link after link, untill coming accross a website, which sold a number of interesting items. One inperticular was a dimond neckless, which the site...
What Boys Want! What else would boys want more than; to grab those tiny soft nipples they see everyday popping out of see-through tops and perhaps savour them inside their mouths, to probably see their crushes making out/ naked/ masturbating, or rather to slide under those tiny skirts mature pretty ladies wear to work among other fuckin' naughty fantasies that hardly ever see the light of day unless, of course, you check out This sex bombshell is packed up with lots of...
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