Lilinreia free porn video

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When the worlds collided, the borders became a blur, what was once a view into the horizon was now a keyhole into the unknown. What was once a walk in the woods, low led into the claws of an unknown mistress. All of them were merciless, all wished for nothing more than to usurp the other, whilst playing with the people caught in between. But one of them saw the bigger picture...

"Mistress... please..." A knight whispered from the foot of her throne. He was still in his plate, his sword not two feet away from him, but he dared not move. The poor man gasped and writhed in pleasure beneath his goddess. Her tail bit down, like a snake, upon his member and with each suck the mans face grew thinner and his lines older.

Beneath her throne the former king, bound in a kneeling position, gagged and blinded, with latex covering his whole body as tubes ran out of his mouth and cock. Milking and pumping, milking and pumping. He was the only real threat to her rule but he was dealt with quickly.

Now, his two true born sons were defeated and his adopted one was sprawled upon the ground beneath her. Looking up at her, bawling at her beauty. And she, the succubus Lilinreia, lounged back into her throne, legs crossed as her left arm swayed to the eldest son of the king, kneeling, whilst, with ever movement of her arm, she drew a bit more of his soul from his body.

Clad in form fitting latex and nylon, her boots were thigh high, blood red, the same as her elbow gloves and her skin. While here eyes, hair and nylon bodysuit were the color of snow white.

She was inspecting her right glove as she took another part of Gareth's soul.

"You are first hun. Tell me, what is your soul worth to you?" She asked, her voice between the sound of flowers upon a field and metal scraping together. Gareth was barely anything more than a husk now. Skin a little more than dust, eyes empty but shining with pleasure, mouth barely moving but fixed in a smile. The smile that will remain once he is dead as well.

"Nothing... nothing..." He spoke, if that what left his mouth could be called a voice. Lilinreia, shifted in her seat, her tail still sucking upon the knight on the ground, the adopted son of the king. She fixed him with her empty, white eyes, her red lips parting in a smile while her fangs showed the evil of her nature.

"Nothing? What do you mean nothing?" She asked with a giggle.

"It is all... all yours, mistress... I.. I..." Lilinreia placed her latex gloved finger upon his lip to shush him. Gareth sighed in ecstasy the moment he felt the latex upon his skin and, gingerly tried to suckle upon it. But he had no strength left, it looked like a newborn trying to speak. The succubus ignored his feeble tries.

"Of course it is honey. And what I want I always get am I not wrong?" She placed her other latex clad palm beneath her chin and beamed at him. With another wave of her arm, as a bright, heavenly light shone, a piece of his sole was torn from him and sucked into her finger.

Gareth tried speaking but it was for naught, he was trembling, trying desperately to stay up. Or rather, upon his knees.

"Oh? Have you expired little slave? I guess you were a weakling after all. Even though you were the son of a king." She said with a disappointed sigh. With a final wave of her hand, the red skinned succubus pulled upon his soul and his husk of a corpse, fell forwards.

Lilinreia stood up, placed her latex boot beneath his corpse and shoved it to the side. "I'll let Arachna have what is left of you." She said to the corpse, leaving it behind, and finally looking down upon my adopted brother.

I was bound, unable to move but I fought within my bonds, as I saw my elder brother being sucked dry by this beast.

The succubus stood over Stefan, in all her glory. Her gloves and boots radiating against her matching skin, her eyes hair and nylon bodysuit dripping with sex appeal begging to be touched and kissed. Smelled, snuggled against...

Lilinreia placed her hands upon her hips as she posed above Stefan. He gasped in pleasure at the sight of her, longing to be under her gaze longer as he burst into another blissful orgasm.

"Orgasm number...?" She trailed with her demonic voice, full of sadism. Stefan was still silent, basking in his orgasm.

"You may actually speak now slave." She said, a bit annoyed.

"Seventy five!" He said with a loud gasp and a moan.

"And yet, you fought me, little slave. Just like your younger brother. Your adopted father and older brother were not much of a fight but you two... Capturing you two has been great fun." She said, gliding down her latex arm around her large breasts, that were barely held in place by her bodysuit.

"I apologize mistress... just let me cum again... please I need it." The succubus rolled her eyes upon his words.

"Such a waist. I do always get what I want, slave, but you are too needy, I wanted you to last longer before I broke you... still, I can have fun with you in other ways." She said with a mischievous smile. The red skinned demon lifted her red latex palm, and snapped her fingers.

The moment she did Stefan burst into another orgasm as his back arched and he screamed in pleasure.

"You want more slave?"

"Yes mistress please!! I give my life to you! Take it! Just let me cum, I am yours!!!" Stefan screamed in agony as Lilinreia laughed at her slave beneath her.

"Good." Snap, snap, snap.

Stefan shuddered upon the ground, lifting his arm towards her, trying to touch her one more time before he was sucked dry. By now, he was looking more like a mummy and not a human being. Tears rolled down my eyes as I saw my brother, and best friend wallow in despair and pleasure.

"Come now." snap "if you manage to touch me I might let you live." Snap, snap.

He reached, arching his back, trying to lift himself up, and, I almost thought he would make it but Lilinreia had other plans. She bent down towards him, sneering.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.

By the time she finished he looked just like Gareth. A husk. I screamed into my gag and she, finally looked at me.

"Tut, tut baby. You are next don't worry." She said, stepping over Stefan's grinning corpse that was now in a puddle of his own cum.

"You will make it fun won't you?" Lilinreia asked. "Oh, sorry, you can't speak with a gag. But that suit does look snug on you doesn't it." She finished and removed my gag.

I was stuck in a similar suit as father, latex, tight, not giving me an inch of freedom, with traps all over my body, holding my limbs in place.

"You bitch! You will pay! You will pay for what you did to my family! To my land!" I yelled at her but, with a giggle, she just placed her heel upon my head. I cannot deny that it felt heavenly.

"Watch your tongue boy." She said, as she continued giggling. "The fate I have in store for you will be much worse than what I did to them... or maybe not. It depends on when you break. But break you will, my bondage piggy."

I gritted my teeth and bellowed again, trying to save my dignity. "YOU! WILL! NOT! BRE-"


I have had women before, plenty of them, being a prince always has its perks, but never have I felt such intense and raw pleasure as I did when she snapped her fingers.

I felt grateful to her for allowing me such an orgasm, I felt like there, beneath her boot, that is where I belonged. I felt like I will never be satisfied again.

As shivers of orgasm fated my mind, tried to adjust to what had just happened as she removed her boot and placed it in front of me.

"You will be kissing this, very, very soon." She chirped. "Now, how did you like the orgasm? You do know you will never be able to cum to anything else but me again? Were I to release you now, you would go crazy without me."

"Fuck you..." I spat, panting. I lifted my head, kneeling in front of her, and dared to stare back. I do not know how.

"Oh... I LIKE YOU!" She screamed in pleasure. SNAP!

Another orgasm, just as intense rushed through me. My mind went blank as I almost fell backwards but I stayed my ground.

"Do you think you can train me? ME?! Die you fucking pervert. You are nothing to me!" I yelled, trying to sound as brave as I could.

She, simply, bent down and whispered into my ear. "As you will be to me once I am done with you. Just another in my collection."

And then she kissed me, straight upon the lips. I felt her tongue dancing against mine as her latex gloved hand held my chin. Her saliva mixed with mine, the feeling of her latex and... her perfume...

GOD!!! What I am thinking!

I felt surrender creep at the back of my mind, where I knew it would not stay for long. She, again, moved and whispered, before standing up straight.

"You may come now. One last time." And I did. This time I did fell backwards and gasped and writhed in the agony of ecstasy.

Spent, I lay there on the ground, panting.

"Do you want more?" She asked. Both of us knew the answer, but she had already said that was my last orgasm.

I would not play this game...

Again I knelt in front of her and looked her in the eyes. Her perfect, white eyes.

You are perfect...

"I will not play this game.." I said instead. But she just pouted at me ever so... irresistibly. Then, with a faintest touch, she placed her heel right where my cock is, over the latex that covered it. It was a gentle press yet it felt almost as an orgasm did. The one that only she gave.

"I have not been using any of my magic" she began as I felt despair spread through me with every word she spoke. Helpless... beaten... that is how I felt. "if I did I would have broken you by now. You have my saliva and the mark upon your cock but that only enhances the pleasure a bit... if I were to use anything else, if I were to give you more of my saliva... slave, you would break where you kneel." She emphasized the last word.

I felt my head falling in defeat but still, I held on.


"You are a masochist. A slave. That is your fate. It will be much easier for you to accept it and simply... drown in the pleasure that I give you. Haven't you realized? It is over!" She said with triumph in her voice.

Finally my head fell and I felt surrender and pleasure spread through me. It felt so... good, so right.

I looked up at her in defeat, pleading.

She is so perfect. Why have I been resisting for so long? Her look... it feels like heaven.

She nibbled her lower lip and then... snap.

Hope rose within me as she did but... the orgasm didn't come. I didn't cum. Frustration spread through me as I whimpered.

"Oh did you think you would orgasm? I thought you would not play that game again. Let us try again." She nodded her head next to me and I, following it saw that my arm was free. "Start stroking."

She commanded and I obediently obliged.

I jacked myself, pumped, standing on the constant edge, I could not get myself over. I was so close I felt it, it was right there. Sweat ran down my temples as I cried out, whimpered and finally...

"Why? I want to come!" I said, tears running down my eyes.

"Irritating isn't it slave? I told you, you can only come when and... if I allow it." She said, savoring the agony on my face.

"Please.. let me cum. I need it." I begged as I sobbed.

"GOooooooood slaveeee. See you are learning quickly. But why? You said that you did not want to play this game hm?" She asked, cocking her eyebrow.

"I do... please. I will do anything I am begging you!!!"

She, again, placed the tip of her boot upon my cock. I shuddered, gasped and rested my forehead against her latex boot. It felt perfect...


"Hm? What did you just say slave? I did not quite catch that." She said, casually inspecting her glove again. Like she was losing interest.


"That you are slave. That. You. Are." She said, dripping every word with lust and poison.

She removed her boot and I sobbed again.

"Why?" I asked. "Please...."

"You can do it on your own. Now, start again." She said with a sly smile. It was clear it wasn't as fun for her as it was before. So, with enthusiasm and raw pleasure, I started jerking off... but the outcome was the same.


"Something wrong? I told you, you cannot cum without my permission."

"Please!!!" I screamed through my sobs.

"Pathetic... and to think you were putting up such a fight a few minutes before." She said and laughed down at me. Which only made me more horny.

"Do you want me to let you come?"


"Well..." she lifted her fingers and... snap.

The latex wrapped around my arm, and returned it to the fold of my cocoon.

"No. No mercy for you. I told you, that was you lost orgasm." She said and cackled down at me. I only stared up at her, not even daring to speak. My mind was numb, my head foggy and my spirit... broken.

"But...I... I love you..." I gasped in desperation.

"So? I told you and your brothers, I always get what I want. And you? I want you as my bondage slave." Lilinreia looked down at me, with regal superiority, arrogance and sadism I had never seen before.

"I.. I love you... I love you..." I repeated over and over and she just rolled her eyes.

"Now you are becoming boring pet." She cocked her eyebrow. "But I could reward you... how about this!" SNAP!

She snapped her fingers and I felt the rush of orgasm, the joy, the privilege... and the denial.

"Your mind just came slave... not your body." The succubus laughed maliciously as I crumbled at her feet, face first.

"Oh, is the slave broken?" But I could not even answer, I felt the drool drip from my mouth as I mumbled.

"Good. You have learned your place. It was fun breaking you... while it lasted. But you are nothing more than a S.L.A.V.E." As she voiced every single letter, Lilinreia placed the tip of her boot beneath my chin, and lifted it, if only a little.

"Time to pack you up." She said and all went black.

Deep underground, beneath every castle of a villainess, floor upon floor of cells and dungeons resided. Each filled with heroes of our age. All broken. Inside one of these cells ,the youngest heir of the kingdom of Regalia, was placed.

She lead him there, after he was done and mindless, upon a leash as he crawled behind her. He dared not lift his gaze from the ground from fear, and love, of his mistress. Oh, how he adored her.

Stuck in eternal pleasure, never reaching an orgasm, his mind is long gone.

She had placed him inside of a rubber blob, filled with liquid latex, that would fill his body with an aphrodisiac that would forever keep him on the edge. He is not alone, of course. Many other blobs of latex are around him, many other cells filled with heroes of this world and others, stuck in other forms of eternal torment. Lilinreia doesn't know where each hero is placed, nor does she care to know. She only knows that they are all hers and that they are all broken. And they know that they are unimportant.

She sometimes visits the dungeons, uses some of them as stools, tables and beds. But she cares not where each individual is. For their fate is to suffer for her pleasure and remember that it is her that broke them.

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It was a day out walking around town when I met Jon. He is a well built 6ft 5" black man about 45 yrs old. I was walking by as he came out of the pawn shop. He was heading the same direction and was behind me. I barely caught the words thats a nice ass. I thought he was seeing some hot chick. I looked back and he was looking at me checking me out. I stopped and he came up and said " sorry but you have a nice ass" "nice and kinda thick". I never thought i could feel so flattered. I was tingling...

2 years ago
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My Wifersquos Teenage Cousin Part 2

“How do you want to play this? Is it going to be a threesome with you too?” I asked Kutwijf.“No, just you and Jing, and you must promise to take it easy and not cum inside her, she is not on the pill so you must use a condom”“Fair enough; have you told her or made a plan with her?”“That’s the interesting part, you need to seduce her as if you were picking up a girl and not paying for it like you normally do” she said without a hint of hatred. “Maybe take her to dinner, give her some wine, that...

3 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 13

I looked for advance men in each of the other 15 towns on my list. We agreed that St. Louis and Kansas City were big enough to be special cases and we would quickly generate a full house without advance publicity. This proved to be true, but the advance notice was important for all of the other places. The only negative reaction we got was from some of the passengers who resented having their exclusive use of the gambling facilities shared by "peasants." They had a point, to some extent—we...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Carolina Sweets Gets Devastated By Dredd8217s BBC

Carolina Sweets sees if she can handle Dredd’s giant BBC! Carolina’s been given the keys to the kingdom today as she does a social media takeover of JJV. Dredd stops by to check in on her to make sure she’s keeping up with the posts and that there aren’t any issues ‘popping up’. Carolina pulls out her phone so do some snap videos and realizes something is missing….a big hard cock for her to show the fans. There’s no need to worry, Dredd’s...

2 years ago
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Sea of Love

My name is Alex and my friends think I have no life. I like to travel the USA, but I am not on the prowl for women. One of my friends from elementary school, Don, badgered me into going on a senior singles cruise to Alaska. I reluctantly agreed to the idea to get him off my back. Don gave me a list of clothes to pack and booked the cruise. He was a pro at cruising and I was about to become his wing man for the trip. I guess that was the plan. We flew to Seattle, boarded the ship, and were off...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Melody

I know that everybody wondered why one entire wall of my office was a mirror. I know there were people who proposed all sorts of silly reasons, chief among them the idea that I was so full of myself that I loved to sit at my desk and admire myself. But no one had ever guessed the real reason. Oh if they could only see me now. When Melody came to work for me as a secretary and receptionist she was just a young newly married woman who looked fresh and wholesome and had pretty much the look of...

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The ladies last performed ‘Defying Gravity’ and both of them were fantastic. Joanie was clearly rising in quality of tone. Mr. Schwartz will have to let us do his music. These two girls ... ladies, not only brought tears to my eyes, but to everyone who was there. “We will do this all again the day after tomorrow. Is here after school OK with both of you?” Everyone agreed. “Do I need to take anyone home?” Jan offered. “I can do it,” Jennifer said, “I need driving at night experience.”...

4 years ago
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Rachel moments memoirs of my cousin sister Part 1

Rachel moments: memoirs of my cousin sister Part 1Rachel – my best friend, my confidante, my cousin sister. Rachel and I were born 4 months apart, and we grew up together – spending some of our most pivotal moments together. When we were young enough so we were still close, but not so young that I don’t remember those times – Rachel was the first sexual experience I had. We were sitting in the Jacuzzi together when Rachel got out to shower. I continued sitting when to my surprise, Rachel got...

3 years ago
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I was too drunk and I mouth off the wrong girl until one of them smash a bottle over my head I was knocked out unconscious stripper POV we’ll look at that ass it’s so big on him I bet the boss will love this.

2 years ago
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Enduring LustChapter 11

As Katelyn approached Mike's hotel room, her heart was pounding so loudly in her ears she didn't think she'd even be able to hear what her spouse had to say. Not that she really wanted to hear... she was scared to hear. When Mike opened the door in response to his wife's knock, Katelyn burst anxiously into the room. Mike was wearing khaki shorts and a blue Ralph Lauren polo. He looked relatively calm and handsome with his dark hair neatly combed. Katelyn noticed he had dark circles...

1 year ago
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MisfitsChapter 3

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked dumbly, staring at Billy, Mark, and Dale as they sat around the kitchen table. "I wanted to meet your friends," Mom told me as she poured a glass of milk for Mark. They were eating cookies. "What?" I felt like I'd fallen into the Twilight Zone. Mom had invited over the three boys who had turned me into a fag? "Sit down, faggot," she said with a smile. "I made your favorite; chocolate chip!" "Faggot!" Billy laughed and the other two...

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Toman of the Cherokee 14

------------------ Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ------------------------------------------- I was still going over our last action when Naci walked to me with a plate of food. "Here husband, you need to keep up your strength if we are to succeed." Then with a wry smile she continued. "Besides if we are to start a family one day, you will need to be in your best shape." I was startled a moment...

1 year ago
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wife M and the landlord

Hello again. So ive already told you about M when she got fucked by R and B after their drinking night in. So heres another littlestory she tells me as well. And just so you know, these stories are all taken from her diaries. She didnt write full details but would make notes, then over time she has shown them to me which then allows me to ask questions and its then that she elaborates. These diaries were all written before I met her.So, for this story she was still in the bedsit in London. I...

1 year ago
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Catherine Makes a Change

Catherine Makes A Change By Petricia     She stood in the doorway and gazed at it as she had done countless times before. Gleaming stainless steel, black lacquer, soft black leather, chrome buckles. It was beautiful, a work of art. It was hideous, evil, cold- a thing to be feared and reviled. It dominated the room, as it dominated her thoughts, and holding the promise of something so sinister it made her quiver to think about it.      The device was Catherine’s own creation, a product of her...

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Highway Stranger in the Rain

Its early spring with the first april shower overhead covering the roads. Im riding down highway 64 on the way home when I notice a leggy brunette looking under the smoking hood of her sportscar. She is wearing heals and a short dress with buttons all the way down…it is unbuttoned revealing a little cleavage. She is using a newspaper to try to keep the rain from covering her completely. She has this damsil in distress look. Im not about to let someone else ‘rescue her.’ So i pull over in front...

1 year ago
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FirebrandChapter 15 Catch Perfect

Moralez returned to the hangar to find everyone standing around the idle dropship. Harry and the ambassador were fine, and Lorza was nearby. Blackjack was guarding a kneeling figure, the last survivor of the SWAR team, who looked decidedly less cocksure now. It was the one who Blackjack had been shaking around, he could see the tooth marks that the reptile’s teeth had left in his ceramic chest piece, and his hair was matted with saliva. Two of the Shock Troopers relieved the Krell, standing...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Sarah Vandella Sarah Vandella8217s Receives Deepthroat Banging

Wild and ravishing Sarah Vandella couldn’t suppress her naughty smile when her handsome boyfriend entered the room. As an angel with a dirty mind, she got down on her knees teasing him before slowly unzipping his jeans. Like a hungry alluring beast, she devoured his incredibly hot cock right there and then. His partner was over the moon when Sarah erotically licked and sucked his balls. He had reached an uncontrollable lust from watching her girlfriend’s tits bounced as she gave him...

1 year ago
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One Summer Day

One Summer Day I always found my sister-in-law, Cara, kind of attractive, even as my girlfriend and I were dating at the time. She was already married when I started dating, but I was already mesmerized by her beauty. At my wedding, Cara wore a beautiful strapless turquoise dress that rivals my wife's white wedding dress. I would have been fine if they had switch places that night. However, my wife never truly got along with her sister. Cara was...careful with their money with...

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Bud Louise hooking the first day of high school school

Bud and Louise stayed involved sexually on and off almost all of their entire teenage years. Starting at 14 for her and 15 for him and going on until he graduated from high school at the age of 18! Then while they still dated and had fantastic sex, it was less of the time since they both had met other people. They would get together from age 18 to around 24 when it ended. But during high school and from time to time afterwards, they would break up and then always seemed to get back together for...

4 years ago
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My Professors Wife

Well I'm a current college student at the University. I never really had time to go hang out or party and have fun like I would love too. I usually spent most of the time studying and sleeping. If I wasn't at school or in bed, I was at work. I work in a nearby restarunt by the school and usually put in 45+ hours a week. So as you can tell my hands are pretty full trying to juggle everything all at the same time. I have little time for girls, relationships, and even just casual sex I'm ashamed...

3 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 35

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1991 Edited by WRC264 I rumbled into Mandy’s driveway at the appointed time. This time she did let me get to the door and I did have a short and awkward talk with her parents, who were very nice. I knew them from years of being around their daughter. We’d been classmates many school years. Soon we were off to The Corner for supper and shakes, or a shake, I should say. We shared a big one. I had an extra critical eye for Allison as she served us, knowing the advice Woody...

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Revenge Sex

Lee pulled his car up to Denise’s town home, and set the car in park. Their expressions appeared to be shocked, as if they'd witnessed something striking. He turned off the ignition, and sighed. “Here we are.” He turned to her. Denise crossed eyes with him. Her mascara appeared runny, but she wasn’t crying anymore. “Thanks.” She sighed. “I can’t believe my fiancé was fucking around with your girlfriend.” “I was wondering why she hasn’t answered my calls.” He tapped the steering wheel. “I’d stay...

Quickie Sex
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Crystal PassionChapter 2

In her best-selling biography, Polly Tarantella makes clear that she ranks the most significant days of Crystal Passion's life as those from when she arrived at JFK airport until her fateful last day on American soil. It's probably not surprising that an American writer asserts that Crystal's few weeks in America should be her most important. Although Polly interviewed me for the book and we continue to exchange e-mails, there's a lot in her account I don't really recognise. And this is...

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By Any Other Name

©2009AdrianLeverkuhn There are some stretches of road that are nothing less than Hell. Some stretches of water, too, for that matter. And mountains. Mountains are rather like life, too, but it’s better to get by the rough patches and move on than it is to dwell on the toll they take. Sometimes there’s just no way to avoid the rough spots, other times find us tempted by the idea of taking a short-cut around life, maybe missing out on a little pain or finding our way to happiness just a little...

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Memorable Day In Ukkadam 8211 Part II

Thanks lot for many readers who appreciate my story and share their story / fantasy with me and I heart fully thank each and every one of you. Those who miss first part can read the story from below She called me on Wednesday and asked me whether I was free or not and i told her that I’m free and she asked me to come to her place and I took my bike and bought some condoms and went to her apartment and rang her bell. She opened the door and she was in light green fancy saree and she was...

1 year ago
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My unexpected journey part 3

“Hello,” I say hoarsely, my throat dry and sticky. “Get up sleepy-head,” I hear the sweet voice of my new girlfriend, Kendra, on the other end of the phone. “Can you come over in a little bit? There’s something I want to talk to you about.” I agree and tell her I would be over in a little bit. I groggily sweep the covers off of me, looking down at the silky pink pajamas I find myself in. After stretching I get up and make my way over to my dresser trying to figure out what she would want to...

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Hlw everyone,the is the third part of the story .so as i told richa didi and me staying in our home and my mom dad had gone to some relatives house and its the next morning the its starts.i woke up in the morning and came out of my room and saw richa di in kitchen cooking ,she wake up early as my mom is not there so she will cook today ,she had became so resposible she greeted me 'she-good ra.she-aii cha khai jai.she-kakima bodhai bikala asba tai hba...

1 year ago
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Donna Needs Two Cocks

Donna was in her late 30's and had gained a few pounds since having our first child a few years ago, but I still thought that she was hot, and had never tired of giving her a good fuck. Lately when I would slide a couple fingers into her she would ask me if she could suck my cock at the same time. I'd get on my knees up near her head and let her suck me. I started to think about another guy fucking my wife while she gave me oral. The thought crossed my mind that Donna had this fantasy as well...

Group Sex
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Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act - Part 3bylinkznut©She was a little less than graceful, bending over the sofa in high heels with her hands still bound. And she felt far less than ladylike with her face buried in the sofa cushions, her hands tied behind her, and her ass sticking up so prominently for all to see.It wasn't long before she felt Adam stepping up behind her and pressing his cock against her pussy. She'd been certain that, given her present position, he was going to spank her. She actually found...

2 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT4

Six weeks from my first meeting with Jerome, in a seedy warehouse, the home pregnancy test showed positive. I made an appointment with my doctor, it was confirmed. Jerome had fertilized my garden with his potent seed.I called Jerome that night and asked him to come over, he agreed. I had not seen him since I moved out of my house, this worried me.Jerome showed up at 9:00, which pissed me off. I had made dinner to celebrate our pregnancy. When Jerome knocked on the door, I answered...

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