The Bake-Off free porn video

Betty and Sharon made their way towards the pier where there was a bake-off arranged. Both were sixty-five-years-old and dressed in a one-piece swimsuit and sleeveless top and happily chatted as they got to the pier and went to the meeting room where the bake-off was happening.
Betty and Sharon looked around the room and saw the others who were going to take part were of all ages ranging from late teens right through to older than themselves. What was very noticeable was how slim and well-toned the younger entrants were, and how the older entrants, like themselves, had turtle necks, bat wings, and fleshy tummies and thighs, but certainly, Betty and Sharon had no qualms about their looks, particularly as they saw the admiring stares from several of the men who were there to watch the event.
The competition was being run by two of the regular lifeguards, Jasmine and Kellie, both of whom had such well-toned arms and legs and were known for their authoritative no-nonsense attitude. Although both were eighteen-years-old they were used to overseeing the beachgoers and making sure they kept to the rules. What helped was that they had authority to discipline any wrongdoers, no matter what their age, and so were used to spanking and then caning even granny-aged women like Betty and Sharon.
The competition started and everyone had to bake a cake with the ingredients of their choice. Betty and Sharon chose a chocolate strawberry and coffee marble cake and happily set about making the cake alternating adding the flavours to give the marble effect.
However, as usual, the cake didn’t turn out as well as they wanted and so, knowing they were cheating but doing it anyway, they had brought a large bag which they put under their table and out of the judges’ view. When they thought no one was watching Betty quickly got out the previously prepared cake which even had chocolate drizzle icing on it, and shovelled the one they had just made into the bag.
Just as they thought they had got away with the deception, Jasmine called out, “Stop, you two. I saw that.”
Betty and Sharon froze and tried to keep an innocent look on their faces but couldn’t stop themselves blushing. Betty asked tentatively, “What do you mean, luvvie?”
Jasmine wasn’t having any of it and demanded, “Get that bag up from under the table so I can see the contents.”
Betty asked, still trying to sound innocent, “Bag, luvvie? Oh, but we have our clothes in it, that’s all.”
Jasmine demanded, “Then you won’t mind me checking, will you,” she said as a statement rather than a question. It was the tone of voice the authoritative teenager used when questioning anyone on the beach who she reckoned had broken the rules.
Betty found herself turned-on by the teenager’s haughty tone as she exchanged concerned looks with Sharon.
Jasmine knew the looks on the faces of the two-granny-aged women was an admission of guilt as she held her hand out for the bag, demanding, “Now, please.”
Realising they had been caught out, Sharon knelt under the table, picked up the bag, and handed it to Jasmine. As she did, she looked around the room and saw a lot of annoyed faces because cheating was never welcomed during these competitions.
Jasmine took the bag and put it on top of the table, and, as she did, looked inside. She had a triumphant look on her face as she lifted up the bag and tipped it upside down, letting all of the contents pour out onto the table. She glared at Betty and Sharon as she said in her haughty tone, “So you have clothes in here do you, you cheating granny aged-women?”
Betty and Sharon continued to blush, both accepting now that they had been truly caught cheating.
Jasmine looked across at Kellie and asked, “Well, we will need to deal with these two cheats.”
Kellie replied, “It’s actually good timing, Jasmine, because everyone has pretty much finished preparing the cakes, and so there is a good thirty to forty minutes baking time when we were going to have a quiz, but we can, instead, deal with these two very naughty cheating granny-aged women. What do you think?”
Jasmine thought that a really good idea and replied, “We can deal with them as we do on the beach.” She then looked around and asked, “Is everybody happy with that?”
Because everyone hated cheating there was an almost immediate and certainly unanimous response, “Spank them, spank them, spank them,” those in the room chanted.
Of course, most of those who were taking part in the competition were regular beachgoers and had watched as the lifeguards, including Jasmine and Kellie, had spanked and caned wrongdoers on the beach. They all knew that it helped maintain good order which was for the benefit of everyone else. So, as well as approving of the disciplinary regime, they would happily watch as the teenage lifeguards dealt severely with any offenders.
Happy in getting the approving response, Jasmine ordered, “As you know, you naughty women, we spank and cane on bare bottoms, and, as you have a single piece swimsuit on, you must both remove them. Do it now.”
Betty and Sharon were still blushing as they had watched on the beach several times as women their own age had to remove their swimsuits and be dealt with whilst naked. It had never happened to either of them, although Betty had often wondered what it might be like to be spanked fully naked and so publicly. She knew thinking those thoughts actually turned her on and she ended up with damp knickers, even as she disappeared to the toilet or her bedroom and fingered herself to huge orgasms. Now it was actually going to happen to her she didn’t feel quite so turned on, and even thought about trying to run away. However, that thought had already crossed Kellie’s mind and she went and stood in front of the exit doors just in case either of them had decided to make a run for it.
So now, with nowhere to go, Betty and Sharon looked at each other and were grimacing as they slipped the straps of their swimsuits down their arms pushing the swimsuit right down to the floor, stepping out of it, scooping it up, and putting it on the table which was now pretty much covered in the marble cake mix. They then stood looking at the authoritative Jasmine and Kellie waiting for their next instruction.
Betty realised she was getting turned on by having to obey the two teenage lifeguards and also felt relaxed in her nakedness with her large very kissable breasts and suckable nipples on show, as well as her lickable pussy lips albeit covered in her hair mound. Sharon wasn’t as turned on as she stood with her hands trying to cover her breasts and her hands covered her pussy.
Kellie came away from the door but two others went and stood there in their place, and soon the two lifeguards were sitting on upright chairs at one end of the room which had a raised floor by about six inches, and that meant that everybody would have a perfect view of either the granny-aged women’s faces or bottoms. Different people preferred different views, quite naturally, because some liked to see the pain etched across the offenders’ face, whilst others liked to watch as their bottoms were turned darker and darker shades of red or striped by the cane.
Jasmine glared at the two granny-aged women and ordered, “Now both of you get across our laps.”
As Jasmine kept glaring at Betty she went and bent across her lap whilst Sharon went to bend across Kellie’s. Once each had settled across the lifeguards’ laps, they looked up and saw that they were actually just a few inches from each other’s face as they were lying in different directions, but knew the lifeguards preferred that when spanking two at a time. The naughty women both grimaced at each other just as they felt their bottoms being rubbed in circles, then looked sideways and saw the sea of faces, all upside-down of course, looking back at them. They saw smiles on all of the faces pretty much, and heard them chatting to each other, saying derogatory remarks about how large their bottoms were, how difficult it would be to turn those bottoms red, but, above all, how much they both deserved the spanking and caning they were going to get.
Betty and Sharon both knew that they have had brought this upon themselves. They had just wanted to win the competition which they had entered several times before but their cakes were never anywhere near the standard of the others. They had discussed how they could improve their chances of winning, and it was Betty who came up with the ruse of bringing an already baked cake in a bag. She was pretty sure that she could get the cake out of the bag without being seen, and had even thought that she had seen that done during previous competitions. Well, now she knew, even if other people have done it successfully, she had failed woefully.
So, instead of celebrating winning the bake-off competition, both Betty and Sharon were naked, across a teenage lifeguards’ lap, having their bottoms rubbed, with dozens of people watching, and about to be spanked and then caned. As their bottoms were being rubbed so they heard the continuing derogatory comments once again about their large bottoms, but also about their large drooping breasts, particularly from the teenagers, some of whom sounded as though they were surprised at how fleshy women their grannies age looked when naked.
With the reality of the spanking that was about to happen, what had surprised Betty was that as soon as she was told to bend across Jasmines’ lap she was pensive but also felt aroused as though she was watching a spanking. She knew that she had a desire to be spanked, which had started many many years ago when she had watched a film at the cinema about a girlfriend being spanked. It set her thinking, initially being the one to give the spanking, but pretty quickly that changed to being even more aroused when she pictured herself being spanked. That desire had grown as she used to sit on the train or a bus looking at the people there and picturing herself across their laps and had so often fingered herself to massive orgasms when she got back home. That also set her off watching films and looking at photographs on the internet, at least as soon as she was shown how to use a computer. After that, she revelled in searching the internet for photographs and films that she would watch when at home by herself, knowing it was turning her on so much for when she went to bed.
Betty had often wondered whether other women her age had the same fantasies that she did and wished that she had had the courage to ask her friends, but never had. However, that only added to today’s arousal because this was something that she couldn’t stop. She knew that she could have manoeuvred herself into a spanking by breaking the rules when on the beach but she never had the courage to do that. However, now that she had been caught cheating, maybe that would be something that she would engineer in future. However, she told herself frankly, so much now depended upon just how painful a real spanking and a real caning was, and that was something she was about to find out.
Betty felt Jasmine’s hand still rubbing her bottom in circles and she was feeling certainly tense at the thought of the pain she was going to have to endure, but that was mixed with the feelings of arousal of experiencing her long-held fantasy of submission to punishment and found the fact she was across an authoritative teenagers’ lap even more of a turn-on. She looked up and saw Sharon just inches from her face, but Sharon was looking at the floor breathing deeply and sniffing and was clearly disturbed by what was going to happen to her, and supposed that she hadn’t fantasised about being spanked.
Betty’s thoughts were interrupted when Jasmine said in a loud voice fully intended for everyone to hear, “Just to be clear, these two ladies are being spanked and then caned for cheating in the bake-off competition. I think we all agree that cheating mustn’t go unpunished, no matter what the age of the person who has cheated. Neither does it matter what age the person who gives the spanking. Kellie and I may be teenagers, but we are well versed at disciplining people of all ages who break the rules on the beach, which most of you will already have witnessed. So, don’t worry about any comments you make, just sit back and enjoy yourselves, although, to be fair, it is also a bit of a lesson to all of you to make sure that you continue to keep to the rules and don’t earn a spanking and caning yourselves.”
It was noticeable how everyone actually stopped chatting when Jasmine made the comment which was a real warning to everyone, and as Betty looked sideways she saw so many thoughtful looks on the faces of those watching, at least for a few moments, and then as the first person started to chat, so the others quickly followed and the tension that had been in the room for those few seconds was quickly changed to smiles and giggles and comments all about what was about to happen.
Whilst Betty had to admit to a real and growing respect for the authoritative Jasmine, she quickly realised her predicament again that she and Sharon were the centre of everyone’s attention in the room, and that it was so unlikely that anyone was sympathetic to their plight.
Next moment Betty realised that Jasmine had stopped rubbing her bottom, and the moment after that felt the sting of the first spank landing on her bottom cheek. That was followed with a spank on her other bottom cheek and then spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks. The stinging from the first few spanks were easy enough to cope with, but she realised that the stinging quickly intensified and she started to wriggle around on Jasmine’s lap as the stinging took a hold. She wasn’t surprised at that because she had watched this so many times on her computer, but even so, as this was the first time that she had actually experienced it, it was now much more meaningful.
The spanks continued, with the sound echoing around the room as Sharon was being spanked at the same time. After a while, Betty registered that Jasmine had changed tack and was now spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row followed by the other bottom cheek several times in a row which caused the stinging to intensify even more and she started to squirm more noticeably around on Jasmine’s lap and started to apologise to Jasmine even though she knew that it wasn’t going to stop the spanking any quicker. In fact, she had often thought when watching a spanking on her computer that the more the person being spanked apologised the more it encouraged the person giving the spanking, and that made sense because what was important was the lesson to be learned by the person being spanked. That was how Betty had often imagined it as she lay in bed fingering herself as she pictured herself being spanked. She did momentarily smile to herself, though, when she realised how she quite often pictured herself being spanked by Sharon or one of her other friends, but that wasn’t happening today.
Jasmine and Kellie were clearly well-experienced at giving a spanking as they focused on turning the two bottoms across their laps darker and darker shades of red. They actually enjoyed this part of their jobs, not just because of the sense of power, but because they knew that they were doing a lot of good in changing the attitude of the person they were spanking. It used to be that they would report offenders on the beach to their office and would then have to attend a course run by the chief lifeguards where they would be told off for a couple of hours. However, that never really changed the offender’s attitude, but, what Jasmine and Kellie knew, was that this kind of punishment, which left a stinging pain and several raised welts, was something that the offender remembered for much longer. That was why they happily spanked the bottom on their lap as hard as they could knowing that they were still going to give them several strokes of the cane.
Betty was finding the spanking really painful but couldn’t understand why she was also almost willing Jasmine to spank her even harder. After all, as she had never had the courage to manoeuvre herself into a spanking, she really did want to find out whether the reality was as good as her fantasy. Certainly, she had enjoyed, if that was the right word, the spanking so far because it hurt more and more, but she was turned on by the way she had to be submissive and obedient and had to listen to the reproachful comments being made from around the room by those watching. She did wonder if some of those watching were jealous of her, and wouldn’t be surprised if they were.
Once the bottoms were really red, Jasmine and Kellie nodded to each other and Jasmine ordered, “Right you naughty woman, get up and bend over and grab the seats of the chairs. You still need to be caned.”
Jasmine and Kellie waited impatiently for both Betty and Sharon to ease themselves up from their laps, though enjoyed listening to their plaintive sobs. This was what they both expected when finishing spanking an offender, knowing that they were about to suffer even greater pain from being caned. As the women stood up, so Jasmine turned one chair around so that, when the women bent over, one would have their face towards those watching, and the other her bottom, leaving those watching to decide it they wanted to focus on the pain-filled face or increasingly welted bottom.
Betty and Sharon didn’t have the choice of which way they wanted to face because they had to bend over and grab the chair that they had been spanked on. So, Betty had her face looking out towards the watching crowd, whilst Sharon could at least look at the wall and not have to look at those watching.
Of course, what Jasmine and Kellie realised, was that even if the two granny-aged women’s vision was clear at the moment, it would soon be properly blurred as tears welled up in their eyes, and dribbled down their faces, which was the norm when the cane was used.
Betty already knew that from watching the films on her computer so wasn’t so worried when realising that she would be facing the audience. In fact, it was going to make it easier to listen to the comments that were likely to continue even as her eyes did fill with tears and which dribbled down her face because she saw those reprimanding comments as being very much part of what got her more and more aroused, as being told off was a necessary part of putting her in her place as the caught out cheat.
Betty felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom, and although she was very worried about how much the cane would hurt, given that the spanking hurt more than she had expected, she knew at the same time she felt quivers flying around her vagina. She had read that those being spanked and caned often got aroused because of the pain although could never understand why. Betty had wondered whether she would think the same and was very happy that she did. Of course, although happy right then, she still knew she had to go through all the pain of several strokes of the cane as well. It was then she realised that she didn’t actually know how many strokes she was going to have to take which caused her a little bit of panic but she clasped hold of the seat of the chair to make sure that she didn’t try to get up, and waited pensively.
As Jasmine rubbed the cane across Betty’s bottom, so she glanced towards Kellie to make sure that she was ready, and when she got the nod back, she looked out towards the audience and said clearly, “For cheating, I have set the tariff at twelve strokes of the cane.“
There were several comments supporting the number of strokes although Betty did hear a few ask, “Is that enough?” However, they tended to be followed by laughter which at least pleased Betty who would normally imagine herself getting twelve strokes of the cane.
Next moment Betty realised that the cane was no longer being rubbed from side to side across her bottom, and then she looked at the floor behind her as she had always pictured herself doing because she had seen from those films on her computer that if you looked at the legs of the person about to give you the cane you would see their calf muscles tense. What wasn’t clear from those films was that when Betty looked at Jasmines’ legs, which were only a few feet away, her vision was already too blurred and so she couldn’t actually make out whether Jasmines’ calf muscles had tensed. However, what she did know, moments later, was that the cane bit into her bottom and she yelped with the pain. This really was much more pain than she had expected even though when looking at the films on her computer it was normal for the person being caned to be in floods of tears after just a few strokes, let alone twelve.
The second stroke landed straight afterwards, even before Betty had managed to recover. This was also something she had failed to fully understand when watching the films. However, what she also knew, was that the total loss of control was what she revelled in and got her aroused. All she had to do was stay bent over and take the caning and as the third stroke landed she still found the mixture of pain and pleasure to be so arousing, and that continued with the fourth and fifth and sixth strokes which all followed with just a short gap between each stroke.
With her bottom stinging, Betty tried to look up to see how Sharon was coping but her eyes were now so full of tears she could only make out a blur. However, as the seventh stroke landed, and Betty gasped with the pain, so she heard Sharon’s’ loud yelp followed by sobbing and, yes, crying, so she realised that Sharon wasn’t coping anywhere near as well as she was herself, and supposed she wasn’t having the same sexual arousal either.
Those watching were continuing to chatter amongst themselves and Betty made out what was being said even as the pain cascaded around her bottom. Indeed, many of the comments were about Sharon’s’ bottom and how the welts were developing and how it must be so painful for her. The eighth stroke of the then cane bit into her bottom and she gasped once more, slightly louder she felt because the pain really was getting so intense. As the ninth stroke landed Betty also heard comments about her own face, and how it creased up after every stroke and how the tears running down her face were causing her make-up to run and how funny it looked, comparing her to looking like a clown.
When the tenth stroke landed Betty could no longer listen to the chatter because she was finding it so difficult now to deal with the pain. She knew she let out a sob and as the eleventh stroke landed that turned into more like crying, and then, when the twelfth landed, she wondered whether it was the relief that the caning had ended but she did dissolve into uncontrolled crying as she continued to clasp hold of the seat of the chair to make sure she didn’t get up but did feel the tears dribbling down her face. It was then she felt totally to have learned her lesson and was overcome with the pain from the caning, but she also knew that she was getting more and more aroused as the seconds passed and she felt the sensational tingling across her bottom intensify and was worried that her cum might soon be dribbling down the inside of her thighs. She was having so many different feelings, in fact, but she certainly knew that as much as it was painful, so she wanted to suffer being caned again, and maybe next time getting more than twelve strokes to see whether the greater pain would cause her to be even more aroused. One other thing, she knew for sure, was that tonight, when in bed, she reckoned that she would have the best ever orgasms.
As Betty calmed down so she became aware of Sharon’s continued sobbing and crying and heard her telling herself how much it hurt. Betty just found it so strange how she wasn’t feeling those same things, well, except that it really did hurt and her bottom was stinging madly, but then there were the quite wonderfully erotic quivers flying around her vagina which equalled the pain, telling her that her long-held fantasy was right. Well, actually the pain was far worse than her fantasy, but then her arousal was more intense as well.
Betty’s thoughts were interrupted as she heard Jasmine order, “Right, you too naughty cheating women, you can both get up and get dressed.”
Although Betty wanted to get up immediately it took a few moments of taking deep breaths to steady herself before pushing herself up and standing. She looked towards the blurred figure of Sharon and saw that she was already standing, and rubbing her bottom and stepping from foot to foot, and realised that whilst she didn’t have to do quite the same, she made a show of rubbing her bottom, which, in the event, she actually found rather pleasing as she felt her warmed bottom cheeks and the raised welts. It was almost like fingering herself, except it was her bottom and not her very damp pussy lips.
Betty wasn’t surprised at the comments from those watching continued as they got dressed, several people talking about their running make-up but others reverting to saying how they both deserved to be punished for cheating. Betty realised that, even if she had wanted to say something by way of a retort, she couldn’t, because the pain had taken away her ability to speak. However, she was confident that would return quickly enough but it probably wasn’t worth having any discussion with anyone there anyway, and certainly not about how she was so turned on by the way her bottom was stinging. Of course, she was the one who had the benefit of feeling the raised welts.
It took just a minute for both Betty and Sharon to get dressed and, without saying a word to anyone else, picked up the bag and made their way out of the meeting room. Sharon wanted to go outside immediately but Betty was more aware and pointed out, “We had better go to the toilets first because you’re going to find that your make-up has run.”
Whilst Betty couldn’t see the surprise on Sharon’s face because her vision was still slightly blurred, she did see where the toilets were and both walked in and went up to the mirror. They wiped the tears from their eyes and both laughed as they saw just how much their make-up had run because they both knew how humiliating it would’ve been to have gone out into the street with make-up like this. They both quickly washed their faces knowing that they were better off walking along the street without any make-up rather than as they had looked.
As they walked along the promenade and away from the beach so Sharon said, “Well I don’t think we’ll be cheating ever again.”
However, Betty smiled to herself as she thought differently and that she would earn herself another spanking and caning here on the beach, and maybe by Jasmine again. However, she answered strongly, “Absolutely right, Sharon. I think we have both learned a lesson.”
Betty certainly knew that she had learned a lesson, except it wasn’t the one that Sharon thought they had learned because Betty wanted to experience her fantasy again, and again, and again.

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- Spanking