Bake ShopChapter 10
- 3 years ago
- 19
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Planning for the upcoming Christmas party has taken less time than to make all the goodies for it. If anything, it has made both Chance and Jill realize the need to hire more help. If this one job says anything, it is that expansion will mean a lot more work. With that work, it has meant less and delayed deliveries, and a whole lot of effort for them to make and collect their secret ingredients. Rory has agreed to go to the party as Santa’s little helper and is taking time off from her firm to assist when she can. The babysitter is already taken care of, so now everything just has to be made ready.
But all work and no play makes work boring.
Rory, dressed in a blue business skirt and matching jacket, hopes in her car. She had to meet with a wealthy client on an upcoming project, so she had to look her very best. Normally she keeps her firm at a business casual dress attire, requiring total professional dress on days like today. Letting her hair down, she pulls out of the parking lot and heads toward the bake shop. This is one of those days that she has taken off early to go help her brother and sister-in-law. The sun is shining, taking away a hint of the cold from the wintery air.
Traffic is heavy this time of day, but it is moving fairly quickly. Being only lunch time, it isn’t as hectic as it would be if it were time for everyone to be heading home from work. Rory finds a station playing Christmas music and starts singing along to it. Before their talk a few days ago, she wasn’t certain that she would be in the holiday spirit. Rory has always loved Christmas, but this year she was beginning to dread it. Their making up and agreeing to have children is perhaps the best gift she can receive.
Her gas light comes on suddenly, catching her attention. Rory had been so happy this morning that she had forgotten that she needed gas. Her life is back on track and she landed the big job. Everything is going perfectly. So she pulls into a convenience store to stop and fill up at. After pumping, she hangs up the nozzle. When she does, she notices a younger man across the way at another pump eyeing her. She smiles at him and decides to grab something to drink for the rest of the trip to the bake shop. As she heads into the store, she steals a glance back at the boy—a boy younger than Chance—to see him grinning at the way her hips sway.
The first place she goes is to the restroom. She doesn’t have to use it she just needs to remove her panties. After looking at herself in the mirror and fixing her hair, she slips back out. Immediately she finds the young man in the store a few aisles over, occasionally glancing up at her. She smiles at him and then opens the cooler door to fish out a drink. She goes to the counter to pay, asking for a small brown paper bag. Before she slips out the door, she makes sure that her path leads her to the boy, where she hands him the bag and is gone after that.
The young man opens the bag to find a simple pair of white cotton panties. His face turns beet red and he looks up just in time to see her climbing back into her car. His eyes go back into the bag to stare down at the wet panties to convince himself that it isn’t a daydream.
In the car Rory hits the interstate. She opens her drink and takes a few gulps. Her mind goes to the boy at the store. She smiles thinking about how she certainly made his day. She can’t wait to become a MILF like her sister-in-law is. She can almost feel the little horns poking out of her head. He’s probably in the restroom right now jacking off on them. Her finger traces over her breast beneath the jacket. They’re probably wrapped around his cock right this minute. She unbuttons the jacket, her fingers dancing over her breast. She feels the nipple beneath the fabric harden. So she pinches it. “What a day,” she says to herself.
She arrives shortly at the bake shop. Pulling around to the alley, she parks and gets out of the car. With a set of keys to the place, she allows herself entry through the back door. Jill is sitting on a stool behind a large metal island in the middle of the kitchen. In the sink built into it, she is scrubbing some vegetable and peeling carrots. “I see you’re still busy,” Rory says, announcing her arrival.
Jill sets the carrots aside. She looks up at Rory and smiles before setting the carrots down to pick up some eggplant to clean. “Oh yeah, it’s been hectic. Chance is out right now on a delivery.”
“I’m guessing you are taking your lunch to knock out some work,” Rory says, her eyes lingering on the carrots.
“You got it,” Jill says, finishing the eggplant and starting on the zucchini. “This party is going to be a big deal.”
“I don’t believe I have heard of using vegetables for desserts,” Rory says with a frown. “I mean, I’ve heard of carrot cake.”
“Well, Mr. Shatto has a few on staff that are health nuts,” Jill begins to explain. “He asked that we prepare some healthier desserts. So we’re making a chocolate zucchini cakes, carrot cupcakes and chocolate eggplant torte.”
“Is that all?” Rory asks.
“Well, if we have time I’m thinking of chocolate spinach muffins and some pumpkin brownies.” She grins, noticing where Rory’s eyes are. “You’re thinking dirty about the carrots. You should be ashamed.” She laughs.
“Me?” Rory asks, nodding toward the zucchini in her hands. “Who is the one masturbating the vegetables?” She points out Jill’s hands absent-mindedly stroking the green vegetable.
Jill looks down and sees what she is doing. “No,” she says with a shake of her head. “If I were masturbating, it would be something more like this.” She lowers the zucchini under the edge of the counter and slips it under her shorts.
“Oh my,” Rory says, leaning over the counter for a better looks. “I thought these were going to be eaten,” she teases.
“They’re going to,” Jill moans and wiggles her hips. The vegetable is smooth and cool as it begins sliding in. “We need to have the proper amount of ingredients added to make it perfectly delectable.” Rory drops back and circles around the island where she sees half the zucchini sticking out of Jill’s moistening cunt. “Like what you see?” the baker asks.
Jill is just finishing packing the delivery van when she sees her husband sliding the new customer onto one of the empty storage tables. Beneath that thick winter coat is a knockout. She almost wishing she would have stayed to play with her and Chance, but deliveries have to be made. She reaches the door of the van when she thinks one: how cold it really isn’t outside; and two: how they really need to hire someone, if only to mind the front of the store. The drive takes her across town,...
Chance barely dries himself off before he is pulling on his clothes. Then he rushes for the front of the store. “Sorry for the wait,” he says, stepping out to stand behind the counter. The man, who looks like he has been doing more window shopping in the glass display than waiting, looks up and smiles. “I was wondering if you forgot to put up the out to lunch sign.” Chance grins. He feels that there is more behind the words. “Yeah, things took longer in back than I expected.” The man looks...
The Mall By the end of my sophomore year I had been dating Jamie for a full six months. Surprisingly I had been totally faithful to her the entire time, with the exception of one night with Katie at the beginning of the summer, but no one ever needs to know about that. It was now summer and to my utter disappointment, Jamie was planning to spend the summer at camp! How could she do that?! She’s going to leave me here alone all summer? There’s no way I’ll ever survive that long without...
You wake up Sunday morning with a hell of a headache. The first weekend back from summer break is always a wild one, and every year seems worse than the last. Maybe you’re getting better at partying hard, or maybe you’re just getting old. Reluctantly, you try to pick yourself up off the grass. Grass? You roll over onto your back, and you see the sign: Delta Tau. Even with to you greatly diminished mental capacity, this makes sense. Somehow, you clamber back to your feet. Every step pounds...
Chance stands naked in the shower behind his wife as she adjusts the temperature of the flow. His frosting slathered cock stands erect against her comparably smeared ass. Even though he went soft just a little while ago, he is raging hard again. Even after all these years since that first time, and after having their daughter, he finds that he is just as attracted to her as he is his sister. Satisfied with the water and with his hands on her hips, Jill turns to face Chance, smiling before...
With Jill closing up shop, Chance takes the opportunity to finally have that talk with his sister. The entire way home, his mind is filled with questions long asked and answers never given. He thinks about what he will say and what he expects Rory to say, where they will go from here and where they should be now. Like setting silver against gold on a scale, these thoughts have weighed on his mind since their last fight, the last time they really spoke to each other. He pulls into the...
Chance is lying in the bed when he hears the sound of feet walking on carpet. He opens his eyes to a room that is half lit by the moon outside. Across from him the bed is empty which means either Rory is using the bathroom or couldn’t sleep. When there isn’t another sound, Chance opens his eyes more to roll over to look at the clock. It feels like he hasn’t gotten much sleep, but with the day he had, he could just be tired. But before his eyes can settle on the brightness of the numbers on...
With the girls finishing up preparations for the Christmas party at Shatto Enterprises in the company’s banquet hall, Chance finds himself up on the top floor, handing over the invoice to Mr. Shatto’s secretary, Lenore. He had brought with him a small box of chocolate-caramel sandwich cookies as a pre-party gift for her. Needless to say, the cookies were a hit, and what was supposed to be a quick and simple business transaction quickly turns into something else entirely. “Is it just me or...
“You have definitely created a spectacular building for me,” Chris Shatto says, leaving the elevator right behind Rory. “Not only is it the tallest in the city, but the one that stands out the most.” “Thank you,” Rory ways with a blush. “But it seems that whoever was your interior decorator outshined me.” “Yes, it is quite remarkable,” the man admits. “What is remarkable is that jungle floor you have going on,” the woman counters. “I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of something like that...
Chance steps off the elevator. Shatto’s office is just ahead, through the door, past Lenore’s desk. The place is quiet, but he is certain that this is where Rory must have ended up at. Leaving the party wasn’t an easy task. It seems like everyone wants a piece of Santa and Jill is clearly out of commission to lend a hand. Quickly, he bridges the distance between himself and the door to the office. When he opens the door he is shocked to only find his sister lying on the couch, half naked. He...
With the party wrapped up, Chance and Rory collect the still unconscious Jill and take her home. The babysitter already has Emily in bed. They put Jill in bed and then head back downstairs for a drink. “Well, tonight was a success,” Rory says, taking a sip from her glass. “That it was,” Chance agrees. “A wonderful Christmas present if you ask me.” Rory sets down her glass and throws her arms around his neck. Her fingers sink into his hair as her lips finds his. Her tongue darts over his...
12 for fun, and one for love, I thought. A Baker’s Dozen. Seriously? Aidin must have a wicked sense of irony, I thought. The events of the evening were mostly pushed out of my mind. I did my best to wrap my head around this idea of goddesses, gifts, and all the sex I could want. I knew that, back in ancient Greece and Rome especially, the gods and goddesses did this sort of thing all the time. This wasn’t ancient times, though, and I didn’t even really believe what was going on. Last night’s...
The night was quiet as I baked. Baked isn’t as glamorous when I use it. By bake I mean, I placed frozen dough on pans lined with wax paper, sprayed with nonstick stuff, and put them in an oven. There’s no sifting or measuring for me. I work in a grocery store. I don’t mind it, though. My night starts at midnight, when I put my finger on a small device that clocks me in, grab a cart, and begin removing out of date product from the shelves. All the while I make a list of what I need to replace...
The night was quiet as I baked. Baked isn’t as glamorous when I use it. By bake I mean, I placed frozen dough on pans lined with wax paper, sprayed with nonstick stuff, and put them in an oven. There’s no sifting or measuring for me. I work in a grocery store. I don’t mind it, though. My night starts at midnight, when I put my finger on a small device that clocks me in, grab a cart, and begin removing out of date product from the shelves. All the while I make a list of what I need to replace...
12 for fun, and one for love, I thought. A Baker’s Dozen. Seriously? Aidin must have a wicked sense of irony, I thought. The events of the evening were mostly pushed out of my mind. I did my best to wrap my head around this idea of goddesses, gifts, and all the sex I could want. I knew that, back in ancient Greece and Rome especially, the gods and goddesses did this sort of thing all the time. This wasn’t ancient times, though, and I didn’t even really believe what was going on. Last night’s...
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Tuesday came round, and I collected Sian for our trip to the cinema. It was still raining. She kissed me on the lips as she let me in. "Jon, would you mind very much if Vee came with us - she'd like to see 'Cabaret' too?" "Of course not! I've heard that it's an amazing film." Sian nipped back upstairs to fetch Vee. I realised that my hand-holding activities would be curtailed, and sure enough, we walked down to the cinema as three friends would. But Sian did hold my hand...
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The following letter I just wrote to a couple seeking horn toad letters about fucking them. When I get inspired I like to write, and for whatever reason this couple did it. OK, well, their sex was the reason! Dearest Make a Cake,What a pleasant name! Do you bake love madly? Or love baking up some sex? Either sounds ever so wonderful! As to the Bears I always have hope for them every year. In case you were wondering the reason I even asked that is because I noticed the slippers you were...
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Quickie Sex12 for fun, and one for love, I thought. A Baker's Dozen. Seriously? Aidin must have a wicked sense of irony, I thought. The events of the evening were mostly pushed out of my mind. I did my best to wrap my head around this idea of goddesses, gifts, and all the sex I could want. I knew that, back in ancient Greece and Rome especially, the gods and goddesses did this sort of thing all the time. This wasn't ancient times, though, and I didn't even really believe what was going on. Last night's...
The night was quiet as I baked. Baked isn't as glamorous when I use it. By bake I mean, I placed frozen dough on pans lined with wax paper, sprayed with nonstick stuff, and put them in an oven. There's no sifting or measuring for me. I work in a grocery store. I don't mind it, though. My night starts at midnight, when I put my finger on a small device that clocks me in, grab a cart, and begin removing out of date product from the shelves. All the while I make a list of what I need to replace...
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I made my way through the throng of people in the ballroom of City hall. My bladder was at bursting point and was getting painful. On finding the restrooms I entered the one marked gentlemen. A low whistle escaped my lips. 'So this is how my taxes are spent,' I thought as I marveled at the plush décor. Standing there, I was conscious this room wasn't the only thing of ornate beauty that had caught my eye this evening. Mrs Davidson, my boss's wife had also grabbed my attention. She was stunning,...
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I had bought a new web camera and it came with a sophisticated software. I was eager to try it out. After installing it , I discovered that it had many security features too, for instance the webcamera could also be used as a cctv, but recording only when it would detect a movement. I am not very tech-saavy, so I was astounded. "Have your breakfast" I was brought to reality by the sound of my 35 year old wife Anu."You are going to get me late today." It was 9.30 am .Not too late for me, but...
There were 3 of us scheduled for arraignment this morning. Myself, and my two cellmates. The meth-addicted kid and the wannabe gangster. Who was trying very hard to look tough, but not quite getting there. When the system was ready for us, they shuffled us out of the holding cell. We were in jail jumpers, waist cuffs, and shackles. You would almost think we were dangerous desperados. We were sat down on the side of the room, away from the normal folks. There were 2 CO’s to keep an eye on...
Paul gradually came back to consciousness, fighting a dense fog of confusion. It took longer to focus now, and his body was starting to feel more natural. The magic from the sheets had disappeared, and he was able to push them apart, pulling bits of sheet from his crotch and from between his buns. As soon as he slid out of bed, Paul fell down to his hands and knees, his head spinning. He struggled for a while, trying to focus. Finally, he got up, staggered a bit, propped himself up against...