Baker’s Dozen Ch. 02 free porn video

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12 for fun, and one for love, I thought. A Baker’s Dozen. Seriously? Aidin must have a wicked sense of irony, I thought. The events of the evening were mostly pushed out of my mind. I did my best to wrap my head around this idea of goddesses, gifts, and all the sex I could want. I knew that, back in ancient Greece and Rome especially, the gods and goddesses did this sort of thing all the time. This wasn’t ancient times, though, and I didn’t even really believe what was going on.

Last night’s blowjob was amazing. I didn’t know dirty sex could be so good and passionate. Now, when I say dirty, I’m not talking fetish stuff. Urine, feces, feet, and a nameless amount of other activities ranging from mildly unappealing to outright disgusting were not my cup of tea. Then again, tea wasn’t my cup of tea. This was more than I was used to, certainly.

Sex so far had been a hushed affair. The lights out, no sounds except the occasional moan, heavy breathing, and sucking of a moist cunt, certainly hadn’t inserted anything anywhere else. There was Susan at a party in high school, but her blowjob consisted mostly of probing licks, giggles, and ended when someone’s (I have no idea whose party it was) parents came home.

I pushed those thoughts away for as long as possible. The last batch of the night was the cinnamon rolls. Great big ones, fresh, hot and cinnamony from the stove. The glazing was what did it. Drizzling that sticky sweet substance over the tops of them brought back the images of Marsha’s face, dripping in my cum. The way she licked it from her lips. Stared back at me from beneath a layer of the stuff. I grew hard again thinking about it, and was so absorbed I didn’t realise I was no longer alone.

‘Good morning to you, too!’ woke me from the daydream. The next few moments consisted of me finding I was nearly fully erect, my face burning hot with blood, and an attempt to hide the now deflating cock in my pants. The table stood as a shield between myself and Moira. The next few moments consisted of her giggling a bit too loudly, which dislodged a lock of red hair, and her brushing it aside while trying to maintain control. ‘No need to be shy, Mike. I’ve seen plenty of those, and to be honest that’s quite impressive. You’ll have to show me sometime.’

‘Baker’s Dozen’ I thought, waiting for my facial temperature to return to normal. Moira was sexy in that Tomboy-Next-Door kind of way. She worked on cars, shot guns, and chugged beer with the best of us. She was small framed, slender, and I’ve wanted to see her naked for a long time. ‘What better place to start?’

‘Step into my office, and I can show you now..’ I challenged, opening the freezer door. Bolstered by the Gift, I forced her to blush now. My cock throbbed slightly at the sight, and the superimposition of her face on Marsha’s during last night’s activity. I sort of hoped she noticed.

‘You’re crazy! Not now!’ she laughed, face losing color and changing. I could sense and see the almost immediate change in her demeanor. No longer flustered, she was lustful. I could almost see it radiating from her. A soft red glow and a gleam in her eyes. ‘What are you doing later?’

It took a moment. The whole exchange was overwhelming me. I had lost control again, my face blushing once more, cock deflating in fear. Had it worked? I’ve been trying for over a year to get closer to Moira, but was stuck in the friend zone for nearly all of it. ‘Well.. I ..uh.. I was going to raid with my guild tonight.’

‘No, you’re not.’ She said, cat-got-the-mouse smile spreading across her face. She came closer, face an inch from my ear and her hand toying with my pants zipper.

‘I’m.. not..’

‘You’re not. You’re going to make me dinner…’ hot breath on my neck ‘..we’ll have awkward innuendo ridden conversation, Well, awkward for you anyways…’ lips on my ear lobe ‘and then, you’ll show me your cock.’

‘And then?’

‘And then, we’ll see what happens.’ She said, releasing me and backing away before turning to leave. Her hips swung purposefully, in the way women do when they know a guy’s looking and they love it ‘By the way, do me a favor. Don’t play with that before I get there. I want all your cum, if I decide to let you give it to me.’

I watched her walk away, round, tight little ass shaking just for me. After a moment of gathering myself together, I finished my daily tasks. The night was down now, turning into morning. Moira was one of the morning crew, so I knew the time must be near 8 AM. That meant shoppers and coworkers, and leafing the store will be difficult with the swollen cock I now had. Lingering, however, meant overtime, and overtime meant being berated by the store manager, so I slung my apron over my arm like a waiter at a fancy restaurant, draped it low enough to hide the slowly lolling erection, and made for the door.

I casually, but politely, declined any amount of conversation other than a nod, wave, or ‘Good morning’ as I plodded through the store, trying to hide my erection. It was slow to fall, the bastard. Normally it would deflate rather quickly when I thought I was noticed. At work, out shopping, or standing in line at the bank, I would often find myself getting a chubby due to a short skirt, blouse, or combination of the two. Not today, however.

I made it out after a gauntlet of coworkers and regular customers. My pants were still noticeably tented, but had died down some. I breathed a sigh of relief and reached for an emergency cigarette in the glove compartment. Sharply inhaled smoke, slight lightheadedness, and Moira’s offer overtook me. Was she the first?

‘Don’t waste it on her. Trust me, Mike.’ came to me from the back seat. I choked a bit on smoke, garnering a laugh from the goddess. ‘She’s a whore without a fuck buddy, Mike. She was already considering it, since she hadn’t screwed you yet and she felt sorry for you. The gift just pushed it along quicker. It helps your cock is impressive. It’s not porn star material, but it’ll intimidate most average girls.’

Her reflection was black and leathery, resembling a redheaded Joan Jett with her large breasts fighting to break free of the half zipped biker jacket.

‘Do you like it? I was on your computer and saw a lot of Joan Jett’s music. I like her, too. Sexier now than ever.’

‘Is there something you want?’ smoke drifting from my mouth, I watched her suck on a lollipop. She began to pout.

‘I’m just helping out. I don’t want to see you waste The Gift on someone who will fuck you without it. I never meant they’d be the only ones who would submit to you.’ The sucker was lipped, tongued, and sucked on. My cock was engorging again. I threw the apron over my lap and pushed thoughts of her wet pussy out of mind as best I could. ‘It wouldn’t work on me, My muffin.’ I failed. ‘Then again, you don’t need it for me.’

She removed the sucker, red and bulbous, from her mouth. Lips spread slowly as it evacuated, pushing through pursed lips. I opened my mouth to receive it, warm with her saliva, dripping on my tongue and down my throat with artificial cherry flavor.

‘So when do I use it? How do I know?’ I asked around the treat.

‘Just stop and think about it. You’ll know when you need it.’ she smiled, nose crinkled and adorable, then with a tap of my nose she was gone in a whiff of vanilla. I thought about this and smoked my cigarette. The sucker I saved in my other hand.

Even rolling the window down for the drive home I could still smell vanilla. It went well with the Cherry sucker, actually.

I slept.

I slept, and I dreamed.

The dreams were not nightmares, nor entirely pleasant. I was in the middle of a circle of light. Women, nude and shoulder to shoulder, surrounded the perimeter. They had no faces. They were blank. Emotionless. Soulless. I was excited, but frightened. Thirteen of them, backs to the darkness. They all reached out to me, arms wanting to hold, to have, to be
taken. Behind them, the darkness stirred. Everything smelled like vanilla.


Blueberry muffins.

I awoke smelling blueberry muffins. I didn’t remember baking them, but I did bake them from time to time. Running water. The shower. Humming? The last few were not unusual, were I the one in the shower.

The blanket hit the floor with a ‘Thufffft’. I reached for a weapon to protect myself from whoever was baking muffins and using my shower. That didn’t sound right, but with the couple of days I’ve had the guitar would make the perfect self defense mechanism. I could run away if need be.

The door was not far, or closed. I inched my way towards it, checking the mirror through the crack. It was opposite the tub and would be perfect for reconnaissance, since my shower curtain was clear. They were tall, thin, and had a great of set of tits. I would have thought Aidan, but her hair was blonde.

‘Put that down, love. Get dressed and grab a muffin, I’ll be out in a moment. Her voice had bells in it, jingling on the high notes at the end of sentences. She didn’t sound familiar.

‘Who are you?’

She hummed in response, a song I didn’t recognize. I decided to not tempt fate, and did as told. Jeans and a plain white tee were tossed on from the mostly clean pile of clothing on the floor. Cold linoleum met warm bare feet in he kitchen. My continental breakfast waited. The muffin was still warm, and a cup of coffee had been placed out. I sipped. Just how I like it. Was she another goddess?

Following the morning ritual of the springs and falls, I ate out on the small patio. The coffee and muffin met well with the early autumn morning air. The hint of Halloween was there. This was my favorite time of the year. I ate the muffin. I drank the coffee slowly. I smoked a cigarette, and watched through the sliding glass window, waiting for the shower’s occupant to finish up and come out.

Halfway through the cigarette (three quarters through the coffee) the blonde appeared from the bathroom. She was classically beautiful. Not in a Reubenesque way, but a classic 70’s Playboy pinup way. They don’t make bodies like that anymore. Or breasts. Or asses.

Her light gait almost made her seem to not touch the ground at all. She smiled a Mona Lisa smile under hazel eyes. The kind that said, ‘I know something you don’t.’ A t-shirt was plucked from the floor and tossed on, barely long enough to cover the bottom of her ass and the curve of her pussy lips. She kept on smiling, opening the sliding glass door and spinning in the sun.

‘I like your patio. It has a lot of sun in the morning. I love the morning sunshine!’ arms outstretched, facing the daylight. The shirt lifted in back, showing me a good portion of her pristine ass.

‘Who are you, where are your clothes, and where’d you get these muffins?’ smoking casually, those words said as coolly and calmly as I could manage.

‘I made them. Did you like them? I hope you liked them!’ She beamed with pride, sitting across from me. Through the round metal top of the table, the kind with all the little holes in it, I could see her pussy now. It was smooth as a bowling ball but I’d want more than my fingers in it.

‘They were the best I’ve had, but that’s not the main issue here. My life’s been interesting the last couple of days. I thought you might be Aidin, but you’re obviously not.’ She giggled, and I heard harps in it.

‘I’m Asra. Aidin’s my sister. I thought I’d come check you out. It’s been so long, you see, since she’s chosen. She can be pretty picky.’ She took my cup and sipped from it, still smiling. ‘You buy great coffee.’

‘Thanks, but can you answer my questions, please?’

‘I don’t have any.’

‘Any what?’ I took my cup back and drank. It smelled like wildflowers. I hadn’t noticed, but everything did in the background. It edged at the other scents, not overtaking them but merging with them.

‘Clothes, silly! What does a divine being of amazing power need with clothes? I figured it might help keep you from being distracted if I covered up a little.’ She was kind of right. The white shirt clung to wet spots she missed when drying, and her nipples threatened to burst out of the cloth. Her body was much like her sister’s, but softer. Brighter. Happier.

‘That’s not the question I meant, and you know it, Asra.’

She giggled again, harps playing a tiny symphony. She took my cup in one hand, and my hand in the other. I was brought inside my apartment and she sat me on the couch. I watched Asra pour me another cup of coffee and make it the same way I would.

‘So… what do you want from me?’

‘I just want to see you. I already checked out your manhood while you were asleep. Very nice. I was thinking of trying it out. You know, see what all the fuss is about.’ She came back with the coffee steaming in her hands.

‘Try it out? Seriously?’ My prick perked up at the offer. I tried to think about something else, but she set the cup down, and her pussy peeked from between her legs where she bent in front of me.

‘I can tell you like the idea.’ She said looking back at my cock, fighting to be free from the confines of my pants. She was right, of course. A goddess of some sort had just said ‘Fuck me’ and she beautiful and perfect and I would be a fool. I also felt I couldn’t say no. Somewhere in the back of my mind my inhibition sat. It wasn’t obliterated, just backseat driving.

It watched as my hands opened my fly and I pulled my dick out. It listened as she sat on it, waving its arms and jumping up and down as my cock penetrated her asshole. Asra moaned, mewled, and bit her lip, looking back at me as my cocks head stretched her anus. I had never had sex outside, and in all my fantasies it was never during the day. She rode me gently, leaning back so I could play with her tits.

She gasped for air, sliding my hand down to her pussy. I played with her clit while she fucked me, nearly dismounting before sliding back down on my cock. I sucked and bit her slender neck, one of her hands reaching back, tangled in my hair, the other helping me work her pussy.

‘I’m going to cum…’ she whispered. ‘Cum with me!’

My cock fired, the excalamation point on the end of her command. I could feel her pussy squeezing my fingers and her asshole flexing on my cock. I blew what seemed the biggest load of my life, gasping in her ear, her writhing against me.

And that’s when it left. The inhibition gave up. Threw in the towel and packed it’s bags. Cum gurgled and dripped as she removed herself from my dick. ‘Oops! Don’t wanna leave a mess! What kind of houseguest would I be?’ she said before sucking my cum from my crotch with a smile. She hummed the whole time. I lit a new cigarette while I waited for her to finish, the old one mindlessly lost sometime before I came.

Finished, Asra straightened the shirt and sat once more. Hair in her face she blew it gently out of the way. ‘That is a good prick you have there! Some lucky ladies you’re about to have! And your juice is delicious!’

I just smoked and watched her. She never stopped smiling once.

‘So… what now?’ I asked, completely exhausted mentally and physically.

‘Now, I show you how to use the gift. It’s very subtle, if you do it right. It won’t work on everyone, but most everybody. True love, of course, nullifies it’s influence on a person.’

I laughed. I coughed a little. I laughed some more.

‘Are you fucking serious? What kind of storybook did that come from?’

‘It’s nothing as pure as you think, Mike. It won’t work because True Love is the work of our brother, Aurelis. We can’t get in the middle of each other’s deals. There are rules, after all. I’m sure he’ll explain it all when he visits.’

‘What? When? He’s not going to want to take my junk for a test drive is he?’ I asked, not really relishing the thought of a gay sexcapade. ‘I don’t swing that way.’

And she laughed jingle bells on Christmas morning, giving god knows how many angels wings.

‘You were a good choice, Mike. Let’s go and test your powers, shall we?’ she stood up and went inside, smirking as I butted out my smoke.

‘I need a shower first, and you need clothes, Asra.’

She pouted on the couch, turning on the tv while I started to get clean. What did she have in mind, exactly, for this training.

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I you ever happen to frequent the Hyperboard you may find a sweet and wonderful girl there by the name of Veronica. She always has a kind word for you and will often share her images with you. Most of the time she likes to be called Ronnie, and I dedicate the song below to her. The link to the midi I used to listen to only seems to be working for "Firefox" and not "Explorer." (Just letting people know). Well Ronnie, I do hope you like this song. The moment I heard I did think of you....

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My Mom The BBC Shemale and My Wife The Virgin

After the wedding, we didn’t move out from my mother’s house as my salary is not enough to cover our expenses and since my wife is also not working.Mom allowed us to stay with her since she will be living alone if we move out.I had no issues with this as I save my expenses and on an off without my wife’s knowledge I can suck mommy’s dick and be fucked by her. Mom is also looking forward to this encounters I suppose.Her age is pushing 60 but she still looks attractive most probably to her...

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good girl gone bad

I was a quite a quite reserved teen, and my parents were always really trusting. I had never done anything to break the trust they stored in me; therefore when I was 18 my mum was always willing to leave me on my own when she went away for a few days. I had a long-term boyfriend but unfortunately, when it came to the bedroom, I must say - disappointment would be an understatement. I did however have a boy that I was extremely close to who use to come round when my boyfriend was busy, or mum was...

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White Pussy Boy Gay

"Like what you see, boy? Ready for some action?" I could only nod my head. "Then strip, faggot," he said as he sprawled on the couch. He watched me as I pulled off my shirt, kicked off my shoes and socks and dropped my shorts and underwear."Still looking ready to be fucked, whiteboy. You got a nice body, in shape, well toned and real fuckable." His hand went to his crotch and massaged the growing bulge in his boxers. "This is the piece of meat that's gonna do it to ya too, pussyboy. You like...

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FamiliesTied Krissy Lynn Gia Derza Unruly Niece Gets A Fat Cock in Her Ass

Stirling Cooper strolls back into his sister-in-law’s home like he owns the place after many years away. Caught by his brother for having a hot BDSM affair with his wife, Krissy Lynn, Stirling has been banned for years. Using the holidays as an excuse, Stirling gets back into Krissy’s head and hot cunt, putting her submissive sexual desires to use on the living room floor. Krissy pleads for Stirling’s thick cock in her mouth and cunt, but first she must have her gorgeous MILF...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorsChapter 3

We expected the torture chamber to be hidden in the basement if it were in this building. We looked around for stairs leading down. We finally found them when we located the fire stairs. There were two levels below the ground floor, and we decided to start at the bottom and work our way up. There was an "emergency" light already turned on, so we did not have to use our own lights or night-vision glasses to see where we were going. The lights were surprising if the building really were...

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I Burglar

It was all going so well, you were in the bedroom and up to your elbows in the jewellery drawer when you heard the car pull up in the drive! You peeked out of the window - there they were, unloading Tesco bags, the man and his wife. They were supposed to be at work, not coming home at this point!!! You look around in a panic to see where you are - yep, definitely in the shit. You've made a mess and there's no time to tidy it, your options are limited and decreasing by the moment. You hear...

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What mom doesnt know Pt 2

Introduction: Things get a little hotter. That night I had the best orgasm I had ever had. I used the mini dildo Id secretly purchased off the internet while spreading myself before his picture as usual. I kept thinking of his hands on my tits and how amazing it had felt, and wondered how far it would have gone if mom hadnt come home. Still, the idea of doing that with her only feet away excited me somehow. Thats when my mind started wandering. How often was I actually alone with him anyway?...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 25

Brock took a seat on the couch as he considered Zoe's words. They could have so many meanings. "We're not brother and sister?" he asked. Zoe's mouth twitched slightly. "I think we are," she said. "That's not what I've lied to you about." "Just tell him," Meredith advised gently. "It will be fine. You'll see." Zoe nodded slightly. "When I asked you yesterday if you minded about, uh, well, Emmy," she said. "I wasn't just asking because of her. You see, I'm that way,...

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The Bet Chapter 15

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 15 (Saturday - week 2) In his dreams, he was awash inside of a desperate need. It seemed that everyone... make that everything around him was in a constant state of orgasmic ecstasy... except him. He alone felt nothing. Numb! While all around him was in the deep throws of sensation, he desperately willed himself to feel something, anything. But no matter how hard he tried, all he felt was nothing. A sudden sensation to the very part of him...

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Daughter of the mob

Cold water splashes over your face. You take a few deep breaths and then another hand full of cold water from the water tap. But it doesn’t help. You don’t wake up. It is not a nightmare. It just feels surreal. You are currently at a police station in downtown. In the restroom to be precise. You look up and see your face in the mirror. Your name is Ashley. You were born 18 years and two months ago in a large mansion in the richest district of the town. The mansion of the Pike-family. The most...

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Marty the Midgets Erotic Christmas

Chapter 1 His little digits blindly searched for the snooze button of his alarm clock. The Beatles, "Yellow Submarine" was quickly cut off as Marty flicked the button down. His arm wriggled back under the covers like a worm running from the sun. He was hoping to go another round of nine minutes of sleep. It was his third failed effort to shake off the cobwebs, and he was not eager to rise out of bed just yet. Now he laid there half in and half out of dreams. It was inevitable that he had to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 44 You Had Me At Hello

December 27, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota “OK to get my things and come back?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied. I went into my room and less than five minutes later Mary returned. I got us each a bottle of water and we sat on the couch. “I have to ask you a simple question,” I said. “If we do what you’ve made clear you want to do, how are you going to feel on Tuesday when you’re back in Rochester and I’m in Chicago?” “I can’t predict the future, and neither can you.” “Very true, but what...

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Duke Pt 07

Half and hour later seated at the sSs BBQ Barns Steakhouse with Duke, their knees touching, Lisa said she was so excited. ‘The house is much bigger than I expected and better. You have negotiated a great buy. I think that fourth bedroom at the back looking out to the pool should be converted into a recreation room with a bar and sliding glass doors installed giving direct access to the deck and a great outlook to the pool.’ Duke looked at her with interest. ‘That was my thinking. It would...

4 years ago
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Black Royalty in the Zulu Empire

The Region of Botswana, South Africa, circa 1211 A.D. The sun rose over the beautiful City of Dumazile, crown jewel of the Zulu people. Andile Bafana lay in his bed, feeling a tiredness that had nothing to do with the mercilessness of the Southern African sun that was high in the sky. The six-foot-three, ebony-skinned young man finally got up. As the son of King Fundani, Warrior Chief of the Zulu people and the grandson of Zulu Emperor Gabangaye, he had certain expectations he had to meet....

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 34

I had done some thinking and made some calls. To make sure that the Union Representatives heard the message correctly, I asked Craig to fly in to show them how serious we considered the meeting. This only dealt with one port, but all ports have unions, so we expected that at this meeting, we'd be setting a precedent. It was the beginning of 1983 when the minimum wage was $3.35 an hour or just under $7,000 annually. The median income was just under $21,000 a year. We were paying our drivers...

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Sex with Grandma Evelyn

I had been having sex since I was 13 years old. After my first time I had sex with various girls, typically it was girls who talked to other girls about sex with me. Up until I was a legal adult at the age of 18 I only ever had sex with two women over the age of 18. One was my girlfriend's mother, (I posted another story about this earlier). The other woman was before her. The first one was my step grandmother Evelyn. I never knew my maternal grandmother, she died long before my mom met my dad....

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Earths CoreChapter 59 Fated Kin

“As expected, he chose the Infernal Immortal route and is now in a critical state ... at this rate he will die”. God Demirva assessed. The black hand that pierced Zax’s head actually came from inside of it. PUCHI! Another pierced out, five finger stretched. Both hands grabbed the split skull and strenuously tried to pry it open. “He is absorbing the Inner Devil”. God Bimentia said, in her tone an indistinct vibe of incredulity, even though she predicted Zax’s choice. “The six...

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Sex With My teacher And Her Family

Hello, everyone, my name is Anuj, and I’m from Gurugram. This story is not mine but of a fan that he sent me on my email. I will tell this story in his own words. My name is Divik. I’m 21-years-old right now, and I live in Lucknow with my parents. This story starts 2 years back when I was in junior college. We used to have a math teacher, Mrs. Saroj. She was 62-years-old at that time. She has big hanging boobs, white complexion, and wrinkles all over here body. She has a little bit of white...

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South American Police Rape of the Sisters

© Copyrighted 2004 by Powerone She was bound with her hands behind her back with heavy metal handcuffs. She complained that they put them on too tight, but they ignored her. Her bra was gone, her shorts unzipped and open, her pink panties showing. She was pushed along the corridor of cells, some of them open to the hallway, others just ominous large metal doors, the unknown behind them. She looked in some of the cells and was surprised at what she saw. There were other girls in them like...

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True Friendship

True Friendship(And how my life became what you see today, lover of men and women)Because this was the first incident that changed me and the way I saw life & sex, there would be so much to tell you, but later stories have already been written and published. This story puts all the others into a better perspective.To move things along I will give a brief history of a man my late husband had known for many years, whose wife was left paralysed from the waist down and in an institution, due a...

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br comes home 2

He didn’t know how often Amy had used this toy before, but it was clear that her cunt was still tight, as he increased the pressure to push the rubber cock further into her. He felt his own cock ripple with excitement, already matching the dildo in size, but not yet in warmth as he pressed it further inside of her. Gently he let the shaft slip inside his s****r as she lay back on her bed, her legs parted, welcoming his actions. Matt let his free hand wander to his shorts, where already he...

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Eighteen months later…Tobias sat on the sofa contentedly sipping his wine, pleasantly weary after a full remit of parish ministering. Leaning back, he surveyed the cosy domestic scene before him.His dear wife, Lucy was finishing the last of the household sewing for the day, her hair gleaming softly in the lamplight. Meanwhile, their baby son of nearly five months gurgled and cooed to himself in his cot, having just been fed.As he did every evening about this time, Tobias took another mouthful...

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happy campers

'Kari this rain isn't going to die down' Sara complained, flicking back her curly blonde hair. Kari and Sara were camping out in the Moore Valley and for the third day in a row it was raining.'Baby I know but we can still have fun' Kari replied wrapping an arm around her lover's shoulder. Kari pulled back her long dark hair from her pale face and secured it with an elastic band.'How can we have fun when there is nothing we can do except stay in this tiny tent?' Sara exclaimed, throwing herself...

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The Night I Lost My Anal Virginity

You may remember J from when I discovered I was the girl next door. The tall and handsome guy living next door to my apartment. Well, after Halloween night, and getting a taste for his perfect cock, I couldn't help but want more.After Halloween I didn't see him much - I guess he was busy with school and work. I would go about my day trying to focus on things around the apartment, but every so often I'd have a moment where I would stop what I was doing and think about how horny I was from the...

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Continuing The Journey In USA 8211 Part 2

Hello, Nitya here. After, my break up with my boyfriend I felt so lonely. After coming to USA for masters I felt like I got all the freedom in this world. This motivated me to explore wild sexual adventures. I found James and started dating him. Probably most of you read my first encounter with James. It was a steamy experience which I never felt before. Thanks for responses. I really liked your comment. As most of you asked me, this is not a fantasy story but this is my real experience. Coming...

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Dream Girl Birth of a Goddess part 4

He looked at the ground for a second and contemplated. After a few moments he looked at the young girl who was standing before us both and looked back at me and said “I don’t know bro. I don’t even want to think about it to be honest.” “What happened bro?” I asked concerned. Once again he looked at the ground and looked at her, “Dude I know you said you slept with a goddess and this is your child with her but I think you’re asking for too much trouble raising this child. That kid isn’t...

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Altered Fates A Promise Kept

Altered Fates: A Promise Kept By Jennifer Adams "Mike! Where have you been?" Connie asked. It was more of a demand rather than a question. She had been waiting and wondering where her husband had been for several hours. He wasn't normally a man who left and didn't come home. At least not until SHE came back to town. SHE was Mike's childhood friend. They had been neighbors growing up and played together all the time. Her name was Dana. "I'm sorry dear. I was over at Dana's...

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Oh No Not Dorothy 2

chapter #2 Ricky had just seen Lynn holding an arm full of frilly girly dresses. Plus she was still going through her closet. He figured it was time to get the heck out of there, while the going was good. Especially before Lynn got the idea to have him try on one of her frilly dresses right then & there. So while Lynn was still looking through her closet he told Lynn's mom, (Mrs. Miller) that his mom was getting supper ready, and he only came over to tell Lynn the news about the...

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Threesome Sex And Massage 8211 Radha In Hyderabad

Hi all. This is my 4th story on this Indian sex stories site. About me, I’m Siv from Hyderabad. Women find me attractive and I always had their attention. I’m 34 and a regular to the gym. This incident happened last year. I was running a medium-size e-commerce website from Hyderabad. I am a regular massager for the last 10 years. I offered massage to ladies through ads on some website promotion. My customer told me about this site, so I thought I will update my experience on the site. I got a...

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