Jimmy And Mabel free porn video

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I'm Jim Layton. My wife of seventeen years is Mabel Layton, nee Clay. We were married young and in hurry. We'd talked about waiting, but when my Ranger unit, an element of the 82nd. airborne, was called up to go to Iraq in '91; we took the plunge.

She was twenty at the time, and I was twenty-five. My very diminutive Mable is tawny-haired and some would say a bit on the plain side. She's a tad overweight too, but in her case I think it's sexy. Her best feature bar none is her dazzling personality; I have adored her since the day we met at a Cal Tech exhibition all those years ago.

I guess I would describe myself as slender, not exactly prepossessing in the face, and at five-nine and never over one-sixty-five, not especially impressive physically. But, what is, is, I guess.

As a combat engineer for the Army, with a degree from Cal Tech, Capt. James C. Layton, me; was a natural to fill the position at Harding Engineering Inc. upon my return from the war zone. Harding is a company with serious government contacts, It was a position, too, I had long hoped to get upon my discharge. I was not disappointed in my hopes and hired on as soon as I mustered out in late '92.

A few years later Mabel and I began the next campaign together: that of engineering a family. Clara, now twelve, was our first success in that regard; she was followed two years later by Johnny, now ten.

As I said, I adore my woman. She was and is sexy, she was and is fun, and she is mine, at least for now. Sex from the beginning has been virtually non-stop and varietal. Well it was until very recently.

It all seemed kinda sudden to me: the onset of headache disease on the part of my wife. More, lately it has seemed, that every time I make a move to make love to her, she's had an excuse: headaches, her period, fatigue from her long (four hour) day at the used car dealership—more about that shortly—it's always some damn thing. It's been almost a month now since the last time I was allowed to sock it to her, and when I did, and I'd had to beg, she just laid there like a lump enduring it. I knew something was wrong, but the obvious had not even entered my mind at that point. Okay, I'm a dumb fuck when it comes to her, at least I was.

I had been thinking about things all day, and I now realized, in hindsight, our troubles, mine at any rate, had begun two months ago, when Mabel laid it on me that she was going to get a job during the day while the kids were in school. I was not thrilled by the idea, but I had no good reason to deny her other than my personal preference for a wife to be a homebody.

She said she was bored. I said get a hobby. She said she was, one that paid. She ended up as a girl Friday at Landmark Auto: a used car dealership in town. The pay was okay and the work not especially taxing. For a while things seemed to be fine; except of course that her sex drive had gone from frantic to practically zero.

Today, I'd decided to make her sit down and talk it out. Something had to give, and her job was very high on the list of options. That, since I now recognized that her starting work was the beginning of the whole mess.

I had taken the half day off to talk with her. I wanted to do it before the kids were due to be picked up at 3:30. I pulled into the drive and noticed that the trash had been picked up, so I decided to take the empty can to the back, save myself having to do it later. I ducked into the garage and wiped my dirty hands on the rag hangin' by the door. The sight that greeted me was stunning.

Parked in my space in the closed garage was a vintage red Corvette. Not the kind of car often seen anywhere, but virtually never on our street. I had a bad feeling.

The door to the kitchen from the garage was ajar. I went through it. The noise emanating from the front room killed my heart. "Fuck me harder, damn it, harder! I need it. I need it now!" I heard her say. The 'her' was my wife. For some seconds, I don't know how many, I stood there in the kitchen, my mind a chaos of a dozen swirling emotions. I gathered myself.

I went into the front room. She was leaning forward with her hands on the easy chair, my chair. She was naked and her legs were splayed wide. He was behind her pile driving his cock deep inside of her. He was pretty impressive; I had to give him that. She was grunting savagely as he banged her. I stood there watching the woman, who I had never before doubted, betraying me. I knew the man, met him. He was her boss at the dealership, Dutch Miller. He was married with kids too.

Well, what they were doing explained the decline in my sex life.

Their backs were to me, and they hadn't heard me, not yet. "Mable?" I managed. God I must have sounded like the worst kind of wimp.

The man's head whipped around. To say he was startled was a total understatement, at first. But, then he just smiled. "Sorry man. I couldn't resist this nice little wifey of yours. He didn't appear worried. Well why would he have; he was at least six-six and maybe two-eighty, that he was wrong in his self-confidence notwithstanding.

I stared at him more stunned than anything else. Anger would soon replace those initial feelings. But, for the moment; I was completely at a loss.

Mabel, by now, had stood and turned to face me. She grabbed for the towel she'd evidently brought into the living room from the bathroom. She covered herself. She too got over her initial surprise quickly and offered me the same condescending smile that her lover had.

"Jimmy, you're home early. Well, it was going to happen sooner or later," she said.

"Mabel? What—what—are you doing? Is this the end of us? I know this guy. He's married. He has kids. We have kids. I don't..." I was more or less making sense, but I was not standing up for my rights, or for my family's rights. But, in my defense, I was in a state of shock. It was the worst moment of my life.

"The end of us? No, Jim, in fact it's a good thing. I love you Jim. But frankly, and I don't mean this to hurt you; you don't do it for me in bed anymore. You and I need to talk. But I promise you; I'll make this right by you. You'll just have to give me a chance to make you understand, that's all.

"Dutch, you need to go. Jimmy and I have a lot to discuss," she said.

"Yeah, I guess that's so," he said. He gathered his stuff together pulled on his pants and shirt and left by the kitchen door into the garage where he still had his car to retrieve. I heard the garage door opener engage and the sound of the powerful engine gun as he pulled out into the street and was gone.

"Pour yourself a drink, Jimmy. I'll be down in a few minutes," she said. Her giving me orders was new. She'd never talked to me like that before. I was feeling insulted—no—hurt.

She joined me in maybe five minutes. She started laying it on me as soon as she'd taken her seat. I had already downed a shot of vodka. I poured myself another one.

"Jim, to answer your earlier question again, no this doesn't have to be the end of us unless you want it to be. But, I need to tell you, I intend to keep on having my time with Dutch. If you want to stay married, I will be thrilled to agree. But, if you want a divorce; then, that'll be okay too," she said.

"Mabel this isn't right..." I started to say.

"Jim, deal with it or leave; it's that simple. If you want a divorce, I'll take the house, half of the savings, reasonable alimony and child support, and you can have your freedom. I'm sorry you had to see that today. You didn't deserve that. I should never have allowed him in the house to fuck me, my bad.

"But, in a way it's good because now I won't have to be sneaking around anymore," she said.

I looked at her. Who was this woman? I sure didn't know who it was. I sat there speechless for a long time at least it seemed like a long time. My marriage was deader than the proverbial doornail; I knew it if she didn't.

"Jim? Are you all right? I honestly do feel bad that you saw that. I didn't want to hurt you. You're good man just not what I need in some areas.

"Dutch fills that missing something that need. He's worthless every other way," she said, "you are twice the man he is other than when it comes to sex. And—and—you and I can still do it sometimes. I don't intend to cut you off completely. But—well—it won't be as often as maybe you might want I'm afraid."

"What? Why—why are you..." I said. Jesus, I was being wimpy. I just couldn't seem to get a hold of myself. I would at some point; I had to, but for the moment she was in the driver's seat, and I was getting my ass kicked.

"Jim, if you need to find a woman, you know, to take the edge off; like on the side, be my guest. I can't very well object to you doing what I'm doing can I?" she said. It was clear she was feeling proud of herself for being so magnanimous with me.

"But I love you, not somebody else. You love me—don't you?" I said.

"Of course I do, Jim. I will always love you. It's just, the sex with you—well—it's just not like it used to be, darling. Get your head around that, and you'll see; we can get by this little mistake of mine, I mean this thing today," she said. "We can deal with this. It's just a sex thing, nothing more."

We talked for some time. She actually got up and kissed me at one point. She brushed away my tears with her hand. "I promise not to flaunt it in front of you again, Jim. You deserve that much consideration at the least. Are we okay?" she said.

"I—I—I have to go get the kids." The clock on the wall read 3:15. I needed to get out of there; a bad feeling I hadn't had since the war was coming over me. "I'll take them to get pizza. I'll bring pizza home. I need to..." I didn't finish saying whatever I was going to say. I just rose and left. She was smiling benignly. My stomach was settling. A new emotion was finding its way into my mind and heart—anger.

The kids ran to me. Clara was in her last year of grade school. Johnny would have one more to go. They were the perfect age; they were for me at any rate. I couldn't lose them. The upshot of that was that I would have to put up with my new status as Mabel's cuckold, at least for now, in order not to lose them; she'd made that clear. She'd take the kids and most of our material possessions if I made any waves.

I had to think to plan. The army had taught me how to plan surprise assaults. It's how I had nailed those fucks in the desert west of the Euphrates. It would be time to plan soon; I just didn't have it in me today. All I had today was the unholy tastes of bile and betrayal.

I'd never talked much about my time in the Middle East. Not event to Mabel. And, in point of fact, she'd hardly ever mentioned it to me or questioned me. It's how I'd wanted it. Too many good men wouldn't be coming home from those wars, thanks be to the politicians who cared more about oil than human life. Talking about the war was something all of us brothers in arms just knew not to do. Mabel didn't even know about my Silver Star. She never would now, not from my mouth.

"Daddy," said Clara with sauce all over her chin. "I love you," she said.

"Me too, Dad," said Johnny.

"Daddy, why is mommy so bored all of the time? I mean with us," said Clara. "Is she having sex with that other man?"

I stopped with my ice tea halfway to my lips. "Bored? Sex?"

"Yes, dad, she doesn't come to anything at school anymore. She's too busy since she started working at the car place, daddy," said Johnny. "That guy is at our house sometimes when mom picks us up and we get home. He really tries to make us like him. But I don't like him no matter what!"

"But, he never stays long after we get there," said Clara. "They talk a little, and then he leaves. I think they have sex dad."

"Yeah, dad, and she's always late picking us up too," said Johnny.

I had been getting madder and madder inside, but now I was getting just plain mad! Her little games with buttfuck were affecting not only me, but our children. If they had figured out in their little pre-pubescent minds what was going on, it had to be pretty blatant. The only dummy who didn't seem to be in on the joke was me! Well, I was now.

"I'll talk to her about it, kids. But, I'm sure she's not bored with you. And, no, your mom and I are married. She isn't doing the bad thing with him; I'm sure of that," I said. I hazarded a weak smile. Clara looked at me funny—can't fool a kid.

I delivered half a pizza to the house and Mabel smiled her thanks. "I should've gone with you," she said. But, I could tell her words were just formula pap without substance. She'd obviously showered and she looked good. Well, she always looked good to me. That would never change.

During the next days, I went to work. I made a living. I came home, and dinner was usually ready. I had not dared to ask her about her picking up the kids late all of the time or mention their suspicions. One, I was afraid she'd become enraged and go off on me; and two, for the life of me, I was still chicken to deal with the reality that I was in fact dealing with anyway. Okay, I admit it, my tears were almost constant at night now. She'd caught me last night; it was humiliating.

"Jim? Are you crying? Jim?" she said. She had a disgusted look on her face.

"No—I—just have something in my eye. I'm fine," I said. I was so transparently lying that it wasn't even funny. She sat down, set her lips and spoke.

"Jim, for chryssakes be a man! You're acting like a wimpy little boy. For goodnessakes." She threw up her hands in mock despair. "Look, I know I hurt you. But, it's nothing for you to worry about, I mean my having sex with Dutch. He's no threat to you, not in any meaningful way. Now, please act like a man, please. All of this whining and crying has got to stop. Okay?" Her last words were delivered in an almost kindly tone, like she was soothing a child's hurt feelings. I have to admit it; I was only a few nano-syllables shy of actually killing her right then and there. She had no idea; I walked out to protect myself more than her.

It was the next morning, Saturday, I was outside working on my car. I had to do something to keep from going insane. The conversation the night before had killed all hope whatsoever of my ever forgiving her and letting her off the hook. She'd be lucky if she didn't actually end up in a whorehouse in Thailand before I was through, at least that's the way I was thinking at that moment. And, as for buttfuck, he was going to get special treatment: maybe a sex change. My mind was rambling, I knew, and filling with outlandish images of revenge.

Cheating on me was one thing, but they were going far beyond the pale in the doing of it. Her using the kids to blackmail me was the only thing keeping her in the saddle. I had to unhorse the bitch, and that sooner rather than later.

Done messin' with the radiator hose, I decided to head out toward town; I needed some stuff. I was able to find what I needed in no time. I was an engineer after all. Walt Reiser had been with me in the 82nd. He owned an electronics shop in town.

"Shit man, bummer. I can't believe she'd do that to you. Anyway, this stuff should get you some of what you need. "Jim," he said, and he paused, "you know, you, we got friends. Friends who don't make mistakes and handle bullshit like this, just say the word. You'll have full deniability."

"No, Walt, I ain't goin' that route. I thought about it. But, no," I said.

"You still sleeping with her?" he said.

"Yeah, so far. I haven't had the balls to move out, I mean even out of the room. I'm doing my best not to make waves. But, there's no sex. Not even much kissing. Every once in a while she gives me a peck on the cheek if I do something she thinks is good. It makes my skin crawl. But, I don't want her to end up with anything, so I put up with it, for now. And, she certainly must not ever end up with the children, not that, not ever that." I said. Walt nodded.

"What about him?" he said.

"Buttfuck? I haven't figured out what I can do to him yet, but he is definitely never far from my mind," I said.

"How about telling his wife?" said Walt. "You say he's married with kids too."

"Yeah, that would probably handle him, at least partly, but I would still lose in having to battle Mabel. I want them both to go down—hard," I said.

I got home about two hours later. The stuff I bought was still in the car. She had to be gone for me to install it. A piece of cake, maybe an hour's work. I wasn't sure what good any of it would do, though. Adultery was reprehensible, but not legally reprehensible. The lawyers and their law making had seen to that. It was almost like they wanted to protect the guilty. Lawyers and politicians had to be the most contemptible cadre of human beings there was.

I knew could prove the hell out of it, the adultery that is, but it probably wouldn't mean shit in the final analysis. I had to hope that my sweet little whore of a wife would slip up big time—somehow.

I came into the service porch and headed for the frig in the kitchen and pulled me out a beer. I needed something a lot stronger, but for the time being I wasn't going to be doin' too much drinkin'; I needed my wits about me to make war. It was the 82nd against a whore and her pimply-assed high school buttfuck; I almost smiled at the thought. The 82nd were the most highly trained warriors in the world. Hell, how could I lose. And if it got physical? Buttfuck was in for a major surprise. Yeah, how could I lose? Okay, my heart was already in the tank, but whatever was left was going to be real hard for the two of them to deal with.

As I was taking my first sip she came in. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in," she said. I didn't say anything. I just shrugged. "Jim, we aren't going to have another scene like last night are we?" she said, not unkindly.

I shrugged again. "I guess not," I said. "I don't have much choice, do I?"

"Jim! Shake it off. Okay. You're supposed to be some kind of soldier or something aren't you? What about all of those guys that got killed and stuff. I bet they weren't as wimpy as you're acting when they were dyin'," she said. Now, she had gone too far.

She saw the steel in my eyes as I set my beer down; she noticeably quailed. I didn't realize it, but I had taken a step toward her, a menacing step. Eleven stinkies had met Allah and had gotten their shot at the promised seventy-two virgins; and that, at my very singular hands in that desert that day. My squad had gotten the two nurses back, and damned near been court marshaled for the doing of it against orders. But, general Gilchrist had gotten involved, and me and my four brothers had gotten Silver Stars instead.

"Mabel, no matter what you ever do to me, now or in the future; never, never, never again mention my brothers. If you do, you won't..." I was talking so low and slow that she realized that she had overreached herself.

"Okay, okay, sheesh, touchy," she said, interrupting me. I was glad she did. I was about to tell her that I would kill her. That would not have been good. I could tell she got the message though. She actually shivered.

"I have to go," she said. "Sheila and I are going shopping. I'll be home kind a late. You got the kids." I nodded.

This was my chance. The house would be totally wired and the phones too before she she'd been gone an hour. I wondered how big a cock Sheila had.

Mabel and Sheila must have found some unusual stores. Mabel didn't get in till four in the morning. I smiled in the dark. She slid in beside me kinda slow and easy trying not to wake me. I wasn't asleep, not at all. I was at war.

I took the kids to the park the next day. We played basketball. The kids won, but they cheated. Anyway, it was a fun day. Afterwards we went to the fiesta the church was having and ate a lot of hot dogs and drank a lot of cokes and spent a lot of money trying to pitch dimes into a dish. I have never understood the mechanism behind that particular game. The damn dimes never would stay on the damn dish; they'd always bounce and skid off, well whatever.

When we got back, Mabel wasn't home yet; it was 5:00. The kids went up to play video games and take naps; they were bushed. So was I, if it came to that. I went out to the garage and checked the phone tap. There were three calls. One to her sister, one from some guy named Eric confirming some kind of meet up with him and his brother, and one from guess who: why buttfuck of course. Who the hell was Eric? Well, I'd be finding that out sooner or later. The one from buttfuck was the most interesting at least to me.

"Hello," said Mabel.

"Hi, it's me. Can you talk?" he said.

"Yeah my wimpy husband is with the kids at the park. Jesus that man is such a baby," said my wife. "He made me feel so bad last night."

"What's going on?" he said.

"Last night he was crying. Can you believe it! I know he loves me. I know he's about as pussywhipped as they come. But, crying like that. He actually made me feel bad for him. Jesus, how many times have I told him he isn't going to lose me! Dutch, I know I promised you that my pussy was for you and you alone, but I'm going to have to let him have me once in a while. He just can't handle it the way it is," she said. "It's not fair to him. We screwed up, and I have to try and make it right by him."

"Jesus! What kind of wimpy little shit did you marry for chryssakes!" said buttfuck.

"Dutch, he's a good guy. He doesn't understand what's happening to him. I have to bring him along slowly, so he doesn't get all crazy on us. You want to stay with Helen, so she doesn't rape you in a divorce; I have to stay with Jimmy, at least for now because of your situation. I have to deal with his insecurities at my end, Dutch. I'm gonna have to let him have a mercy fuck every now and again. It just has to be.

"You know, I told him to go out and find himself a woman, but he's too damn proud and moral for that. You and I are going to have to cool it for a few days too while I build his confidence back up. Okay?" she said. "I just can't have him bawling all of the time. Jesus, how I wish now that he hadn't walked in on us that day!"

"Okay, do what you think is best.

"By the by, did Eric call you?"

"Yes, the games are on. A week from Saturday; I thank you for that. It oughta be a blast," she said.

They talked about me and their plans for me for the next five minutes or so, said their goodbyes, and hung up.

Interesting, I thought. I get to have a mercy fuck. Like I would even want to touch the foul flesh of that cunt; I'd rather fuck a striped assed ape than her, I thought. But, it was going to be interesting seeing her try to get me to.

She got home by 6:30. I was surprised. But then, she had told buttfuck that they'd be cooling it for a few days. She was very nice to me.

"Hi, honey, Got something for you, but you can't have it until later." She said giggling.

"Huh? Really?" I said. I was actually wondering what it was. Johnny and Clara came in to see what their mom had gotten at the store. She produced presents for both of them. A video game for Johnny and a kid's watch for Clara. Clara had lost her watch a few days before, so this was a welcome surprise for her.

The kids jumped for joy. It was the first time in a week she'd shown them any real interest. I guess they were hoping.

Dinner was noisy; it was almost like old times. For everyone but me that is.

The kids in bed, Mabel all of a sudden was all giggly and smiley again. Of course I knew what it was, what it was a prelude to. But, I played along.

"Hey, big guy," she said to me finally. She took a seat across from me at the table. "I talked to Dutch today."

My head swiveled. She'd surprised me.

"Yes, I told him he and I had to cool it for a while. I told him you deserved better than you'd been getting," she said. She waited for my reaction. I was so surprised I didn't have one ready.

"Anyway, I see you're kinda surprised. Well, do me a favor and come on up to our room in a few minutes, okay? I want to give you your surprise."

I looked askance at her. I pretty well knew it had something to do with my supposedly getting lucky, but not exactly what. I nodded. "Okay," I said, feigning ignorance of what was up.

I puttered around for five minutes or so and headed upstairs. I made enough noise so as to give her a heads up that I was coming. What greeted me upon entering the room was an ambush. Candles and I could smell my favorite perfume; the latter had always enslaved me before. But her biggest gun was the lingerie she was wearing. Her nakedness and her bald mound were clearly visible under it. I stood there pretty much transfixed.

"Cat got your tongue, big guy," she said. She was sure she had me. I was about to disappoint her big time.

I looked her up and down. Looked her in the eyes. Turned and walked out. I hadn't spoken a word. I was almost to the bottom of the stairs when she caught up with me.

"Jim, what's the matter. I wanted to make it up to you. I mean the way I've treated you lately. Come on back up and let me prove to you that I love you," she said.

"I'm not your 'big guy' anymore, Mabel. I guess I'm a wimp as you've called me more than once lately. And, I ain't settlin' for no mercy fuck; I still got a little pride left that you haven't yet trampled in the dirt.

"But tell you what. You get on the phone right now, and tell buttfuck that you're through with him and his forever, and that you're quitting your job at that cheapass dealership, and I will call it all square, and we can try and start over. How's that?" I said. I knew she wouldn't do it of course; I'd heard what she'd said on the phone.

"Jim, this is a bona fide offer. It's no mercy fuck. I want you. I know what I've said. I don't know what I was thinking. I was wrong. Come on back up. You won't regret it," she begged.

"Make the call," I dared her.

"Okay, Jim, if that the way you want it. Forget it," she said. "I wanted to make things right with you. But, you don't seem to be able to deal with what is. It's only sex with Dutch, but you may be forcing me to make it into something more."

"Now, that's the wife I've come to know and understand lately," I said. "Don't worry. You've got me by the balls, Mabel. I won't rock the boat. But, I ain't makin' love to someone who doesn't love me, and that's all there is to it." She stomped out and upstairs; she was clearly not happy that she couldn't entice me.

It was Wednesday morning. I'd worked hard the previous day, I'd had to get my hands real dirty on the job. That, along with the kids at night, and well, I was pretty well thrashed. So maybe it's not too surprising that I awoke startled to see and feel my wife was sucking my cock!

"What the!" I said wiping sleep out my eyes as I sat up forcing my cock to slip from her mouth. "Whaddya you doin'" I said.

"Helping you out, Jim, and you still are my big guy, no matter what you think," she insisted.

"No, Mabel, not while you still have anything to do with buttfuck," I said. "Period."

"Okay, Jim, if that's the way you want it. I tried," she said. She actually seemed genuinely disappointed. "And, I wish you'd quit calling him names. He's a good guy. He feels as bad as I do about you catching us that day. He really likes you, you know. He told me that he hopes you and he can be friends at some point in the future."

"Get this Mabel. He will always be buttfuck to me—period. He and I will always be mortal enemies no matter what happens to us. You tell him that.

"I'll be your legal husband, Mabel, because like I say you've got me by the balls on account of the kids. But, I will not be your lover. I will not lower myself to begging you for a mercy fuck. None of that is happening.

"You want me to go to the store and buy bread, I'll go. You need an escort to the ball so you can fuck your sex toy; I'm there for you. But, don't expect me to like it or love you. Okay? Whatever love I once held for you, Mabel, and it was a lot if you care to know, is dead now," I said.

For the first time since the blowup, I think I saw tears forming behind the façade that she'd been showing to me.

During the next few days, it was cool around the house. The enthusiasm that the kids had had just days before had wilted as their mother returned to form. It was Friday evening. I got a special request from Mabel.

"Jim, I need you to take the kids to the zoo tomorrow; they've been asking. I'm having a meeting here at the house that can't be interrupted. Am I understood," she said.

I snickered. I remembered her promise not to flaunt it in my face. Well, what the hell was this! "Why don't you just tell me you need your privacy to screw buttfuck," I said. You're not kidding anybody."

"Actually, I'm not," she said. "Then it came to me. I remembered the conversation with the Eric guy. It was him and his brother that she was going to fuck. I was sick to my stomach. Something had to break pretty soon or I would.

"Fine," I said. "Whatever." I was actually happy, I was going to get it all recorded. Maybe this was the break I was hoping for. She was overconfident. A bad thing when you were screwing somebody over, somebody like me.

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Jimmy was staying with his Aunt Susan for the summer. The 17 year-oldwished he could go home. He missed his friends and he resented thedisciplinary side of his aunt. Aunt Susan was his Mother's younger sistershe was only 24 and this was causing much friction between the aunt andnephew. Jimmy's parents made sure he understood that while he was in hisaunt's home he must abide by his aunt's rules and discipline. Jimmy was increasingly misbehaving as a way to rebel against his aunt'sauthority;...

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Jimmy and Kenny Complete Their Education

Jimmy and Kenny sat up in Jimmy’s bedroom both still in something of a state of shock and of tremen- dous arousal after what they had experienced in their clubhouse, “The Cock Club,” just a little while earlier. A bunch of the guys had assembled there earlier in the day. It hadn’t been “The Cock Club” then. That came about when Stevie suggested that only guys could be in the club for obvious anatomical reasons. He was also the one who had first...

3 years ago
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Jimmys Girls Part 2

Chapter 3Tiffany was a very proud girl tonight! Though new to the area, she was at a party with all the big-stud football players, sexy cheerleaders and other foxy chicks, the kind football players liked! She was dolled up good! She wore a short leather skirt and a very tight halter top that barely contained her luscious boobs. She had on shiny, red lip gloss that made her lips look wet and ready for kissing. She was getting lots of stares.She was with Jimmy Patterson, the biggest stud football...

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Jimmy gets Married

PATTY A TEASING WIFE How long will Patty leave Jimmy outside the bedroom with the doors closed tightly rubbing his little dick wondering what Patty is doing ? Or does he know what she is doing. Can he hear the vibrator as it gets her pussy off as his little dick can’t? How many times will she have an orgasm? The longer she leaves him outside waiting the more he loves it He encourages her to go in the bedroom and play with herself.He wishes she would go in and shut the doors more often. ...

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Jimmy Olsen Shemale Bimbo Chapters 1 and 2

Jimmy Olsen - Shemale Bimbo Chapter 1 - Junior reporter on the job! Jimmy ran the brush through his shoulder length hair one more time and stepped back to admire himself in the full length mirror. The wig looked good. It was the same wig he wore each time he dressed up. He took the cap off of the lipstick tube and applied a generous coating of the scarlet wax to his lips, and then blotted off the excess with a tissue. He was ready. He pulled a light sweater over his blouse, careful...

4 years ago
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Jimmy and Rebecca

Chapter 1: Jimmy ?Jimmy, slide the buttplug in your rectum? said the voluptuous woman. Shewasn't fat but she had nice round hips. Jimmy actually liked Rebecca's hips.He always tried not to look at her hips and her big breasts. Jimmy tried to slide in the buttplug but without lubricant, it wasn't easy. ?Doyou want me to help you, Jimmy?? his wife asked. Her husband was always comfortablewith her and he was never embarrassed to ask her for assistance. ?Yes, please, Rebecca.? was his answer....

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Jimmy Palin You Asshole

CHAPTER 1 Jimmy Palin left the bus at the smallish city with the name that appealed to him. Jimmy was still smarting from being kicked out of home. His dad Paul, an attorney, had been grumpy ever since Jimmy decided not to return to college for his second year and now at twenty-two and having dabbled in the job market for two years he’d almost doubled his age in salary and commission selling pre-owned cars when disaster struck. Reading in bed on Saturday morning, Jimmy had been disturbed by...

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Jimmy Neutron Sex Story Chapter I

Jimmy was in it now, before him a holographic image of his mother was sucking his dick. But this was not ordinary hologram, it was a sexogram. A Holographic image that also acted as a sex toy or bot. In this case, Jimmy had retrofitted Goddard for the task. Just moments ago, Jimmy’s mother had taken a shower, a quite long and hard shower. Unknown to her, Jimmy was in his lab testing out this invention with a great vigor. In front of him a lovely and realistic naked 3D Judy Neutron switched...

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Jimmy and Dorrie

DorrieI suppose most of us had an Aunt or Uncle who were not blood relatives. Family friends who because we were not old enough to address them by their Christian names, but not distant enough to call Mr or Mrs.This is the story of one of these relationships, her name was Dorothy, I always called her Aunt Dorrie, due to the fact I couldn’t pronounce her name properly. Dorrie had a husband, his name was James, or Uncle Jimmy. My name is Barry I was sixteen at the time of the story and I’ll start...

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Jimmy Neutron Sex Story Chapter II

“Oh God Carl, that is amazing.” Jimmy said as Carl began the long, slow stokes with his tounge and suction. Grabbing his head, Jimmy sped Carl up onto his Shaft, so much that His face was slapping Jimmy’s balls adding a sense of gratification to the motions.Carl was getting into now, with the Motion he was exploring Jimmy’s cock with his tounge, wiping the sides and adding to Jimmy’s already building orgasm. Looking to the Side, Jimmy saw his Mother, still nude taking her shower. The timing...

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Jimmy and Claire

She sat across the table from me. She hadn't been saying anything. Not surprising. She looked up, finally, and started. "Jimmy, it was never the case that I didn't love you. You have to believe that," she said. "I'm not sorry I did it, but I am very sorry that I have hurt you. Really." Not sorry she did it! My stomach began to roil, but I was able to maintain my self-control for the moment. "Not sorry you did it? Not sorry you did it, Claire! And why, after telling me that, would you...

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Jimmy Neutron Sex Story Chapter III

After 5 long hours, Jimmy had done it. It was not yet working, but that was because the chemical he needed last had to be heated first; in lava. Jimmy did this, and waited. He soon grew bored and went to find Carl as he was definitely ready for some more action, at his expense. Finding him on the couch Jimmy had a wonderful idea. Quietly, Jimmy stripped Carl’s pants. Slowly he turned him over on the couch and once again positioned himself. This was going to be awesome and Carl would like it. No...

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Jimmy His Brothers And His Mother

Jimmy, His Brothers, And His Mother Jimmy, Billy, and Joey were talking rather loudly about Mandy and her twin sister Candy. They were talking about how the two beautiful girls had allowed Jimmy and his two brothers to feel them up. What they were most adamant about was that they were too scared to do more to the two girls. They were pretty sure that the girls would have allowed them to go further and that they had missed the opportunity to finger fuck them. That was when their...

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Jimmy and Winnie Pt 02

Jimmy walked down for breakfast that morning, feeling that all eyes were on him and that everybody knew his secret. He sat down with his Father just as Winnie served them all breakfast. She sat down at the other end of the table with her meal. The Father always insisted that she ate meals with them at the table. ‘So Jimmy,’ his father started speaking, ‘Winnie told me that you started running.’ ‘Yes sir.’ Jimmy replied in a small voice. Not comfortable with the lie, certain that very soon he...

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Jimmys Sissy Part 1

"Alright, faggot. Wake up! I'm not leaving until you make my dick cum." That was the sound that reverberated around my freshman dorm room the night that my...let's call them troubles...the night that my troubles began. While not the absolute beginning, it was the point where there became only one possible ending. You see, there was a time when I wasn't a cock sucking sissy addict. That was the time before Jimmy, my high school bully, drunkenly barged into my dorm room with the urge to embarrass...

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Jimmy and Doreen

Jimmy and Doreen were . Jimmy adored his sister. He would often play with his dick at night before he went to sleep thinking about her. Jimmy knew that it was wrong to have such thoughts about Doreen but he could not help himself.The boys in high school said she was hot. It made Jimmy mad when they talked like that.Jimmy woke up from a wonderful dream. His mother was calling him for breakfast. He passed by his sisters bedroom as peeked in the open door. Doreen was putting on her nightgown....

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Jimmy James

I met jimmy james on a solo camping trip. I needed to get away so off I went to the national forest. I always go skinny dipping at the boat launch area after dark or walk down to the beach. That night I chose the boat ramp as no one was around and all cars and boats were gone. I left my summer dress on a large rock, and slipped into the warm night water. I was swimming and lying on my back and enjoying the solitude. My son and his friends come out a lot and I heard and saw a car that looked a...

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Jimmy James

I met jimmy james on a solo camping trip. I needed to get away so off I went to the national forest. I always go skinny dipping at the boat launch area after dark or walk down to the beach. That night I chose the boat ramp as no one was around and all cars and boats were gone. I left my summer dress on a large rock, and slipped into the warm night water. I was swimming and lying on my back and enjoying the solitude. My son and his friends come out a lot and I heard and saw a car that looked a...

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jimmy the small cocked hitchhiker

The weather in this part of the country sucks. I was born and raised here and never quite got used to temperatures in the low hundreds in the summer and then howling winds that blew the snow parallel with the ground all winter. This wasn't Minnesota or one of those states but Kansas. Yeah, the home of wheat and coyotes.I'm Bob and twenty-seven and was on my way from Wichita to just south of San Antonio, Texas for a job interview and was tooling along just over the Oklahoma line at seventy when...

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Jimmy Smart

It all started when this article showed up on the front page of the daily paper: A month after a federal indictment was issued against them, Northwest strip club mogul Frank Colacurcio, Sr., and five others involved in his businesses appeared in court Friday to answer charges of racketeering, money laundering and facilitation of prostitution. Facing U.S. District Court Judge Mary Alice Theiler, Colacurcio, his son, Frank Colacurcio, Jr., and longtime associate John Gilbert Conte Conte pleaded...

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Jimmy and Winnie Pt 01

The scream froze Jimmy’s blood. Winnie was always so polite and quiet. He never imagined that she could scream so loudly. Or that she could scream for so long. Most importantly, he never imagined that she would find him hiding in her wardrobe. Not that he gave it that much thought. It was never a great plan to begin with. Just hide in her wardrobe and watch her undress. Unfortunately once the idea entered Jimmy’s head he could not leave it alone. He had to hide in her wardrobe. He had to see...

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Jimmys first time

This took place before cell phones were a thing, some homes had land lines. When televisions were huge and bulky floor items and many did not have air conditioning. Most homes were equipped with a bathroom where you would find a face bowl, toilet and a bath tube, showers were elite, That Friday after Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had robbed me of my innocence and introduced me to multiple sex partners and male on male sex. I managed to convince my parents to allow me to stay home fringing a...

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Jimmy Olsen Shemale Bimbo Chapters 12 to 13

Jimmy Olsen - Shemale Bimbo by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter 12 - Frustration! Thursday morning. Jimmy woke up and stretched. He rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed. He momentarily lost his balance a bit. Despite weeks of having tits, they still threw off his centre of balance a bit. And his back hurt. But he smiled when he realized that was because his boobs had gotten much larger since his initial transmogrification. He giggled as he took his breasts in his hands and...

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Jimmy the Frog

CHAPTER 1 Radio talkback host James Froggatt ran the 1:00 am to 5:00 am ‘Sleepless in Orion Show’ transmitted by an obscure radio station in Indiana, well north of Indianapolis. After finishing that shift on this day he understandably yawned his way through the early morning emergency meeting called by station manager Doug Hart. Personnel were asked to take another 20% pay cut, the second in six months. ‘If I don’t get your cooperation I close the station,’ Doug warned. ‘Our investors are...

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Jimmy probeert bullchat Deel II

Deel 1: https://nl.xhamster.com/stories/jimmy-probeert-bullchat-513306Jimmy staarde vol ongeloof naar het kattebelletje dat Ronny had achtergelaten. Wat wou hij nog van hem? Hij probeerde een reden te vinden om niet te moeten gaan en brak z'n hoofd erover. Hij ging terug aan z'n pc zitten en las het skype-gesprek nog eens opnieuw. Hij zag ook weer de foto die Ronny had genomen en besefte dat hij tijdens hun ontmoeting ook vaak met zijn smartphone in de weer was geweest. Hij vroeg zich af waarom...

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Jimmy the Geek Male Multiple Orgasms

"What's the worst thing that could happen to you?" asked Frank. The five men were sitting on Frank's rear deck having a beer in the Sunday afternoon sun, leering at a 24 year old bombshell while their wives prepared the barbeque."I guess it would be if my dick was so small, I couldn't have sex," laughed Henry."Well, I haven't been getting much lately, so I guess it would be the loss of my right hand," countered a morose Greg."Hey, both those things must be true for Jimmy," laughed Dave.But...

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Jimmy and his mom a love story

Note : This story is completely fictional!"Now that you're eighteen Jimmy I have something to give you" said Charles."What is it dad?""A letter from your mom, I'm supposed to give it to you on your eighteenth birthday" he said.Jimmy's mom left years ago. She walked out and never came back. Jimmy opened the letter and found a check made out to him for thirty thousand dollars. There was a note which said to spend it wisely and to come a visit sometime. The boy was flabbergasted. Now he had the...

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Jimmy and Michelle Ch 02

As I was getting ready for Amanda’s graduation, I was thinking these past five months had flown by. Amanda had finished up her PhD work at UCLA and was getting ready to drive back east to be with her family. Both her parents knew that I called her my girlfriend, and Amanda called me her boyfriend, but we were nothing more than fuck buddies. I have met her parents before, when they flew out here when Amanda had finished her master’s degree two years ago. And her father nailed it from the get go....

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Jimmy Olsen Girl Reporter

JIMMY OLSEN - GIRL REPORTER by Victoria Crane This humble piece of fan-fiction is based on TG drawings by Fraylim. I went looking for more inspiration in the form of photos of redheads and I found a page of Lindsay Lohan pics. Several of them directly inspire the outfits our "heroine" wears in this story. (Hey, maybe Miss Lohan will play Jimmy in the film adaptation of my story!) I've tried to stick to the story as presented in the drawings, but obviously had to embellish....

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Jimmy SixFingers

Jimmy ‘Six fingers’ Gambino, so called simply because he was born with 6 fingers, was a your average nice guy. A shade over six foot, with long black hair, the chiseled features and physique of a Greek God and a smile that made women swoon Jimmy was what most people considered model material. However it was Jimmy’s eyes that gave him away, they were the coldest gray and held the hint of someone who had seen and inflicted a lot of pain. The simple fact of the matter was that Jimmy was a hit man...

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Jimmy P5

I was up early because i needed cash!Having lost one of my favourite pairs of trainers, my wallet, my phone and other bits, i needed some money urgently and i was off to get some... not from a job, please! Do you really think i'm going to work for a living? No. I was off to see my fairly rich uncle, uncle Pauli for a loan.Uncle Pauli was my fathers older brother, and he had a second hand car dealership across town, and if i asked extra nicely, i was pretty sure he would loan me a few...

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Jimmy and the Amazonian World Outline

Jimmy and the Amazon World * Three friends come across a rift in space time and land in the amazon home world. * To begin with the three are a little nerdy. John is into Star Wars/ Star Trek big time. He becomes Jenny and becomes sporty and turns into a hunter/warrior of the amazon. Clarence is into math/science. He becomes Claire and starts out trying to become a warrior like Jenny but cannot handle it. She is forced to become a seamstress but later becomes a builder and an...

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Jimmy Gets Replaced

Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually m*****ed by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...

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Jimmy Gets Replaced

Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually molested by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...

First Time
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Jimmy P9

So i was just coming downstairs on a good looking sunny morning, when my mother started yelling my name."Jimmy! Jimmy!" she cried out from the kitchen."What? What?" i yelled back as i entered the kitchen.My mother stood there in the kitchen, in a blue bikini top, holding in her big saggy mature tits, and a matching sarong, busy cooking breakfast, and replied "Don't disappear this morning! i need you to go get me bits for the BBQ today!""When did i become your personnel gopher?" i asked...

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Jimmy Gets Replaced

Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually molested by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...

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Jimmy Olsen Shemale Bimbo Prologue

Jimmy Olsen - Shemale Bimbo Prologue.... Six Months Later In the back of her dim witted mind, she knew that something was not quite right. In the back of her throat, she knew that Steve Lombard's long hard cock felt so very very good.. If her mouth had been empty... if his balls had not been slapping her chin, Gemmy would have squealed in delight. "Oh Stevie... feed me your dick! Cream down my throat!" she cooed. When she was sitting at her secretary desk outside of Perry...

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Jimmy P11

Mid-afternoon the BBQ was underway, and pretty soon friends, neighbours and people we knew were coming around, and our garden was full of people drinking, eating and having a good time.My father was doing his best on the grill, with help from Derek and Bob, his two mates from work, and was only burning half of the burgers and sausages."Piss off, you knobhead!" he replied back, after i had pointed this out.My mother was getting drunk, and excitedly talking to everyone who came with in six feet...

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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 16

Ring! Ring! I could hear the faint ringing of my cell phone in the pocket of my jeans which were where I left them on the bedroom floor. What now? I answered the phone only to hear crying and gasping and a soft. "Jimmy?" More sobbing and another barely audible. "Jimmy?" "Who is this? Lynn? Talk to me." More sobbing then a sound like the telephone was dropped. Then. "Jimmy, it's Eva." She didn't sound normal either. "What's wrong Eva. Why is Lynn crying?" "It's awful...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Jimmy crosses the street again

Friday morning found me between Camilla’s arms in her bed, after spending the night together. Her black boyfriend Michael had fucked both of us; but during the birthday party he had picked up a stupid blonde bimbo.Then the bastard had fucked all night long that silly bitch, causing Camilla exploiting out in rage. She told him to share his bed with that young bimbo.When I woke up I noticed my legs were spread. My girlfriend was between them, licking my still wet cunt. Soon Camilla made me cum...

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Jimmy P7

After a busy morning i arrived home for a well earned beer and rest, only to find my mother and Carol, our mature chubby blonde neighbour, sat on the sofa talking.Well i say talking, my mother was doing most of the talking, as Carol was busily weeping into a tissue."Hello. What's up?" i asked as i walked into the living room, and then flopped onto a chair nearby."It's Carol's husband Barry." my mother replied."He's left her!" she then said."Oh!" i replied, trying to sound sympathetic."He said,...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Jimmy Stokes

Mary Isabella Eldridge lived down the street from me. Everyone called her Missy and she was older than me by a full year. Me, Jimmy Stokes, sad to say, was the homeliest kid there ever was. I was well aware because everyone teased me about the way I looked. I was short, had spiky-red hair and my ears stuck straight out from my head. Missy teased me, but she did it in a nice way. The best part, she wasn't mean to me like the other kids tended to be. I felt she always liked me. And ... she...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Jimmy P8

After such a good day i decided to have a quiet night in, and was happy sat on the sofa watching whatever football game my father had found to watch, until half time came around, and i headed upstairs for a piss.As i came out of the bathroom afterwards though, i heard a noise coming from my eldest sisters room.It was a low buzzing noise, and some soft moaning, and i kind of knew instantly what it was, but just out of curiosity, i moved to her bedroom door and then gently pushed it open, to see...

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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 2

Friday after classes I walked my roommate Derek to the bus station for his trip home to Connecticut. On the way back to school I stopped at the coffee shop for supper. O. K. a ham and cheese sandwich. Good enough and well within my budget.I had told Rita that I would call her around 7:00 PM which gave me an hour to study first. Seven on the nose I called her. "Hi it's me." I said. "How are you Rita?" "Cold Jimmy." "Uh? Why are you cold?" "Because I am naked Jimmy. I'm lying...

2 years ago
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Jimmy the College BoyChapter 15

Wendy left around midnight. She didn't volunteer information as to where she was going and I didn't ask. I was happy that I had the opportunity to once again see and touch her young naked body. It was wonderful to have someone over your lap that could orgasm without being touched. Only touched by leather on her naked backside. "Thanks Mom. That was a great gift. I haven't seen Wendy in months. Now I have a gift for you." "What Jimmy?" Both of us were still naked as I pushed her onto...

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Jimmy And Amys Forbidden Weekend

AmyI'm going to be late. It took forever to collect my bags and find a taxi. I hope he's still there. What am I doing? Will we have chemistry, or will it be awkward? I am crazy? Ha-ha, this is crazy! I am married, he is married. I'm so going to hell.JimmyI cry from joy. I weep for the realization that I will see you soon. It has been too long in the making. We have spent too much time behind our screens. Emails have not fulfilled my heart. I need to touch your skin, feel your breath on my skin,...

1 year ago
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Jimmy and Doreen continued

Doreen and Jimmy became lovers with their mothers approval. Bessy knew she couldn't stop them from fucking each other. Jimmy worshipped the ground his sister walked on. Doreen's birth control pills kicked in and the kids had noisy sex every night. Doreen shouted in climax and it was upsetting to Bessy. She pushed her cunt against the bed post and got herself off. She needed a man, any man to fuck her. Jimmy was still sleeping and Bessy greeted her wet cunt."I'm not wearing any panties" the...

4 years ago
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Jimmy P6

So now i had the money from my aunt, i quickly headed to the shops and got myself a new phone and wallet, and was feeling pretty good about the day again.And i was on my way home when i spotted big fat Sally ahead of me.Now big fat Sally wasn't actually that big and fat, she was just tall and chunky with a big pair of tits, and an arse to match, it was just the nickname the other k**s gave her at school, and its always stuck.So anyway, Big fat Sally was trudging back from the shops with...

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Jimmy P3

So a bit later than i wanted to be, i finally made it out of the house and soon caught up with my mates down the pub.I could feel it was going to be a good night, the beer was flowing the banter was funny and everyone was up for a session.Then part way through the evening i glanced across the bar, and stared in amazement when i saw someone i hadn't seen since school."Emily fucking Wyatt" i exclaimed as i saw a beautiful short haired blonde in a pink stripy top and jeans, sat with a few female...

2 years ago
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Jimmy P2

By the time i had got out of the shower and dressed, my sisters had already gone out, and as i came downstairs and headed to the front door to do the same, my father said firmly "Where you going?"I looked over at him, sat in his chair watching the football highlights from yesterday and replied "Out!""Not till you've cut the lawn!" he replied back."Really?" i asked unhappily."Yes, really!" he said firmly."Now get on with it, you little twat!" he then said.So i sighed and headed towards the...

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Jimmy P12

BY BIGHORNYCOCK123 (I'm now having to put this on my stories, as i've recently discovered people reposting them under their names, claiming they created them!)So the BBQ was going pretty well, everyone was having a good time, and the drink was flowing.Then as the afternoon turned to evening, people began to leave for one reason or another, like Mrs Newman needing to clean my love goo out of her pussy before her husband found it.And as the light began to fade, and my father turned on the outdoor...

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