Connor's Fingers free porn video

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Laura rushed to answer the doorbell. Connor, her brother, was supposed to arrive two hours ago but his flight had gotten delayed. She couldn't hold in her excitement as she fiercely hugged him.

"Hey, Sis!" Connor called out as he scooped his big sister into a bear hug.

"I missed you!" She replied laughing and giggling happily, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Connor returned her enthusiasm with equal force. He chuckled as he lifted her up in his arms, "I missed you more!"

"Not possible in a million years," she snorted and ruffled his hair playfully.

He shrugged in defeat as he gently set her back on the floor before he brought in his luggage. It was only a single bag.

"That's it?" Laura peeked out in the hallway. She added when she couldn't find anything else, "Where's the rest of it?"

"Um... it's all I have."


"I figured buying stuff would be more in line with my abstemious lifestyle." He said with a shrug.

"Abstemious is it?" Laura snorted at him, "Look at you with the fancy words."

"Of course, now that my big sister's a hotshot executive at her law firm, how can I afford to not learn some "fancy" words?" Connor smirked.

She rolled her eyes as if she was unimpressed by his flattery while inwardly her heart soared at his indirect praise, "If you keep this up, you will be a big hit at the weekend."

"Weekend?" He asked her, a look of intrigue in his eyes.

She feigned nonchalance, "A little something, I set up," she tried hard to be calm as she continued, "You know... since you've moved here and all."

"Ah... really?"

"Nothing too big... just some of my friends, and," she paused for effect. She observed him with the corner of her eyes and then added with a smile when he looked like he was getting impatient, "...Maggie."

"I love you!" Connor embraced her and pecked her cheeks while shouting, "You're the best sister ever!"

She flicked her locks behind her head and with a smug smile commented, "Of course, I am." Still held tight in his arms, she mused, "Hmmm... Did you call Mom yet?"

"Oh, Shit!" Connor spouted out.

Laura had to shake her head at her brother's carelessness. Their mother must be hyperventilating by now. Even if her fear of airplanes was irrational, it didn't hurt to tell her when he landed.

"I guess he's cute that way..."

She stared at his figure. His face had matured a bit since she last saw him a few months ago. He didn't exactly have a baby-face but he looked a lot younger than his age of twenty-three. With his six-foot-tall and athletic frame as well as the sharpening features on his square face, definitely, he was handsome, she thought.

"The job hunt had him worried... The hair is also back to the natural black."

Laura ran her fingers through his hair as she passed him on the way to the kitchen. "I didn't like the bleached hair look anyway."

"Get changed, I'm preparing dinner," she knew it would be a while before he got off the phone. Their mother's "love" wasn't to be underestimated in these kinds of situations.

"It's hard being the only man in the family, having to constantly deal with suffocating affectation of all the women," She sighed and turned away from his pitiful eyes. She had long become immune to his begging looks. It would be madness to try to make an excuse for him now when their mother was going ballistic.


Connor tiptoed behind her to catch her off guard. She was focused on her work and didn't seem to notice his presence, or that was what he thought.

"Stop being a creep and help me," Laura commented without turning back.

"Oh, you knew?" He replied drily, unamused by his apparent failure.

"Of course I would know if someone's ogling at my ass!" she spoke teasingly and twerked her hypnotic butt as she felt his receding gaze.

"You wish," Connor scoffed, unperturbed by the obvious provocation. He pecked her head from behind and then mumbled, "So..."

"Just dice them in small pieces and then you can go back to being a creep who checks out his own sister," she giggled by the end of her words.

Connor was shaken this time around and defended himself, "I- I wasn't really-"

"Haha... I know Baby!"

She gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and said in an apologetic tone, "I was messing with you," with a twinkle in her eye and her lips pouted, she added, "Sorry!"

"You know I don't like it when you do that, right?" He commented in her direction in an annoyed tone, but only after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence.

"I know... but I hadn't seen you for so long so..." Laura's lips curved in a sly, almost evil smile as she swirled the ladle stirring the contents of the pot.

He was amazed at her words. It was the first time that he had heard someone say something so nonsensical. He often wondered about that, about why she liked to make him cringe. He knew a lot of other siblings that were close but Laura was too unique in how she acted with him.

He started to chop the veggies with a knife and asked her, "So how would it work?"

"What? Work what?"

"You know... should we take the same car or..."

"Oh, so you want to ride with me?" She turned to look at him, a sensuous smile on her lips, "Or..."

"Don't Laura-" Connor was already shaking his head at what was about to come next.

"Or ride me?" She burst in giggles, her eyes locked on to her brother's steely gaze.


"Fine... Fine... It was the last time." She relented as she thought about all the time she would have now that her brother was going to stay with her.

"I promise," she insisted under his glare.

"And yes we will go together...Unless you have other ideas?"

"I don't know. I'm a little nervous to work under you-" He planted his face in his palm as he realized what he'd just said.

"Oh yeah?" Laura was chewing her lips in order to not make a quip. She kept stirring the curry to hold back from laughing.

He, though, ignored her, "It's my first serious job and it's... you'll be kind of my safety blanket but-" He stopped midway as she thrust a spoon in his mouth.

"How's it?"


Her eyes lit up at the praise. Connor smiled at her inwardly and then continued, "But it's also a little awkward? Don't you think it will be awkward?"

"Why?" She sprinkled some seasoning before she turned to face him, "A lot of families work together in the same place. Why would it be awkward?"

"But you are different!" He added in the same vein, "You are too crazy and embarrassing."

She was stunned for a second before she raged and twisted his ear, "You little shit!"

"I get you a wonderful job, let you stay at my place, and are embarrassed by me?"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Connor realized that his attempt at a joke might have sounded a tad too rude and that apologizing was the best option to placate Laura.

"You can forget about the party that I had planned for the weekend and definitely forget about-" She started to say but was interrupted by Conner's antics.

He had already put the knife to the side when she twisted his ear so he was able to quickly turn around and clasp his hands to beg for mercy. He knew that she was very different when in public, that she seemed to reserve this act only for his eyes, yet he was afraid of the possibility of her reverting back to her past self. He shuddered inwardly at the ominous thought. He didn't want to be the butt of the joke at his new job -- he knew there'd be some of the 'newbie' ribbing but he didn't want to give them too much ammo -- especially when Laura seemed to take quite a lot of pleasure when embarrassing him.

Laura flicked his forehead and hummed good-naturedly, "You'll see how it is when you start next week."

"Now be quick," she shooed him, "I'm famished."

"Fine," He sighed as he picked up the knife. A thin smile came upon his face as he watched her pretend to be sulking.

"Oh shit!" Connor yelped, suddenly.

"What?" Laura responded to his shout and jumped up from the dining table.

"I cut myself," He showed her his bloody finger.

Her eyes widened incredulously. She jumped up to him and pulled him towards the sink. Gently, she washed his finger under the cold flow of water. Connor smiled at her panicked state. It wasn't anything big, in his opinion, and he found her overt reaction cute. In under a minute, he felt better, almost, as good as ever. But not Laura, she panicked when a tiny drop of blood oozed out from the barely visible cut.

"Why isn't the blood stopping?" She glanced around to find something when suddenly she halted. Her expression changed to one of realization as she brought his finger to her mouth and sucked it in.

"What are you doing?!" He chuckled at her c***dish act. She often did this; "saliva therapy" was what she called it.

Laura glared at him as if warning him to be quiet. She couldn't find any bandage and it was the only thing that came to mind at the time. She snorted at him for taking her care lightly. If he wasn't her brother, she wouldn't suck his finger just because of a little cut even if the sky was falling around them.

He rolled his eyes. He prayed in his mind that she would let him off sooner rather than later. It was uncomfortable to stand still with his finger in her mouth, and not only because of the tickling sensation. His gaze stayed at his sister in the quiet room.

Laura looked a lot better than the last time he had seen her at home. It wasn't a terrible breakup, she simply got cold feet and backed out of the marriage, luckily way before the scheduled date, but she did look a bit down and exhausted because of it. But now with the promotion and everything she was back to her best. Her brown eyes looked sharp, yet gentle, and her dark hair, she had let it grow out longer than ever, reached down to her waist. And with the ideal figure of 36C-26-36 on her 5'6" athletic frame, calling her a beauty would be a gross understatement. Even when she was dressed in simple jeans and a tee, she looked impossibly hot.

He tilted a little to breathe in her scent. "Musky," he commented to himself with a smile on his face. The tingling in his finger gave rise to a shiver in his spine as her tongue licked the underside of it. u*********sly, he narrowed the distance, close enough to be able to hear her heartbeat. She was focused on the "healing" and thus didn't notice when he had started to fixedly stare at her. He grew aware of the proximity and also of the impure urges that had started to surface with each slow lick.

Laura glanced up to see him peeking but this time she didn't break out in a teasing smile or an ill-timed quip. Their eyes met and she became stiff to her soul. His gaze was blazing hot and her heart skipped a beat. She felt herself heating up but her eyes never left his gaze. Then it happened, and it rocked her to her core. He was gentle but there was no doubt that he had meant it when he pushed his finger further inside and pulled it back only to thrust it back.

"Ooh!" She cooed and swallowed the excess saliva, to keep it from drooling from the corners of her mouth.

Connor felt a thrill like never before. He traced her full red lips with his thumb and it made him gulp when he saw that her fair cheeks had reddened, as had her neck. He couldn't believe what was happening between them, as if it was all a lie, as if it was an alternate reality, but he liked it, and he liked it a lot.

Laura, too shocked to move and stunned by his action, was passive as he thrust in his finger and her grip on his hand loosened. With each passing thrust of his finger, she felt more and more as if her legs would give in. Then she did it, she was passive no more. She flicked her tongue and sucked in his thick finger. The noise produced due to the crazy suction drove her wild. She glanced down to see a tent had formed in his shorts and she lost herself at the sight.

"Ooh!" she cooed again, this time lost to her carnal urges.

His thumb pressed her lips against her teeth to elicit a growl from her. Her wild eyes, filled with lust made his dick hard. It was like a connection had formed between his finger and his cock. And when she glanced down to his crotch he almost came at her convulsing reaction.

Laura panted crazily while his finger played with her tongue. Her mouth was wet and her saliva dripped to the floor. Her eyes remain fixed on his jumping dick as if she could pierce the thin cloth. His thick finger rubbed across the inside of her cheeks and over the tiny bumps within.

It was hot and moist. It felt as if his finger was on fire. He kept thrusting it in and out, and his dick kept pulsing up and down. She boldly sucked it. Her head made round motions and her lips circled around it. She was still looking down at his cock when suddenly she spotted a wet circle starting to form around the tip of his erect dick.


She moaned dreamily. Her head tilted back and she shut her eyes. It was too much for her and for Connor who was taken by surprise to see her shaking body. He almost shot his load in his shorts when she slobbered over his finger like she was taking his cock inside her throat.

He gazed down at her pointed nipples, dark and puffy they looked to him, from what he could make out under the thin white t-shirt. He wanted to put his hands to them but the round, screw-like motion of Laura's head took his breath away.

She sought out his flesh like a hungry tigress. Her lips had encased his fingers in them; too firm to let even a bit of air inside, yet gentle enough to not sc**** them for even a bit. He felt his blood rush to his extremities just as it had to his cock. Throbbing, the tips of his fingers as well as his dick, they were throbbing in impatience.

No thoughts, legal or moral, other than the one about how hot she looked and how sexy she was at the moment came to his mind. He didn't worry about anything because...he couldn't, as was the lure of the woman sucking his fingers, such was the charm of Laura, his sister.

It was hypnotizing, the jiggling of her tits. "There's no bra," he had thought when he had embraced her earlier, and now he knew for sure. He ogled them, caressed them in his mind until the loud slurping sounds distracted him from it. Their gazes met once more and their lust overflowed.

Laura hadn't felt this way before, the taboo situation fanned her flames and the only thing she knew at the moment was to suck. And suck she did, with all her heart and soul. It was just so... Liberating, that was the feeling that ran through her. She had forgotten how it had started, how she had gone from relieving his discomfort to sucking him, and how she had been reduced to this state. But all these things didn't matter to her, and neither did the fact that it was her brother who had stoked her fire so. He wanted her, she could see it in his eyes, in his being, and that was enough.

"Ooh fuck!" Connor growled as he fed her his fingers, there were two of them inside her mouth. The pleasure and the exhilarating feeling of seeing this hot woman hanging on his digits was something else, and it was all the more intensified because it was his sister. No words were enough to define how he felt to see her fuck him with her eyes, to see her go wild. Her hair was frizzy and her lips were red. The heat of her body and the scent of her skin, and the locks of her hair pasted over her forehead due to the beads of sweat, they all made her look... divine.

"A vision," he murmured.

He felt it then, like his cock would tear through his shorts. The wet spot was well and truly visible and the thin smell of pre-cum permeated the air between them. He felt himself losing control; like the walls would crumble if he held back any longer; it was as if his dick was getting sucked and not his fingers. The veins on his cock bulged with each flick of her tongue on his nails like they would burst open if any more blood flowed into them. He raised his other hand to clutch her long, beautiful, hair and pull her down...


The phone ringing broke their trance. With a jerk, they separated. Too ashamed to look each other in eyes, they gazed at the damn phone.

"It's Mom."

"You should take it."

"Yes I should," She whispered and moved to take the phone without a further glance.


Connor silently watched Laura as she moved through the house doing the last minute adjustments before the party. It had been a few days since that day. Things had been awkward and tough. They hadn't talked about it or talked in general. He had been debating whether he should follow her lead and pretend that it had never happened or say something about it.

After all, they were a phone call away from fucking each other's brains out. And no sane siblings would do that, should do that. A lot of time he just wanted to run away, even going back to his mother's seemed a better idea but he really needed the job, or that's what he kept telling himself. It wasn't like he couldn't find another job, maybe even one that paid better, still, he held on. He didn't want to give any impression to his mother that something untoward had happened between him and Laura, or that's what he kept telling himself.

The truth was... he was scared. He was scared that he hadn't had a good night's sleep. He didn't know if there was ever a way to repair their relationship after that evening or if Laura would ever go back to being herself, but he knew that whatever tiny chance there was that she would ever forgive him, it would go poof if he stepped away from her. So he soldiered on and counted the days till he too started work. And the little "shindig" seemed heaven-sent to him, Laura loved these types of things and he prayed that somehow it would help thaw the ice.

The awkwardness and the constant excuses to dodge each other had been taking its toll on Connor. Though he had always acted as if he disliked her "witty" come-backs and free-spirited behavior, the truth was that he didn't mind it very much but was too ashamed to tell her. He didn't mind it when Laura would lean into him on the sofa, when suddenly sometimes she would caress his cheeks, when she would embrace him softly as soon as she laid eyes on him at the end of a busy evening; in fact, he enjoyed it all; he enjoyed it immensely whenever she spoiled him. But he found it embarrassing to admit it to her.

Now this tension was killing him. It made him want to disappear. So he tried to silently recede to the far end of the room hoping to fade into the background, away from her gaze. But to his sorrow, he seemed to end up getting in her way again and again.

Finally, Laura had had enough of it and glared at him menacingly with her hands on her waist. Her nose flared up as she yelled, "What the fuck?!"

"I-I just..."

"Why don't you try to help? It's all for you, you know?!"

"... Yes, I'll help. Of course, I will!" Connor said, happily. It was like an oasis in the middle of the desert. He had never been so glad to help anyone in his life.

"Stick this," She handed him a colorful streamer which read "WELCOME" and pointed to the wall, "...there." He did as told. And for the next hour, he followed behind her like a puppy, obediently listening to all her commands. It wasn't anything exhausting and he liked it that they were talking to each other again, even if only short sentences.
"Well, that's all. Why don't you change into some nice clothes?" Laura said as she collapsed on the sofa. The food, music, drinks, and everything in between, she had taken care of all of it and the only thing left was to put on her new dress. The week had been tough and unexpected but she was hoping that this night could lead them back on track. She still couldn't believe that she had behaved like a hussy with her brother and felt terrible enough to die. She was the responsible elder and was supposed to be level headed and not act like some cheap whore lusting. It would be too much to ask him to forget and forgive but she was praying in her mind that Connor would keep in mind all the things she had done for him and not remain so distant. The guilt was overwhelming and she longed to fix it.

"And please..." She paused to get his attention, "Don't act like a doofus when you talk to Maggie. I was ashamed for you the last time around."

"She's coming?!"

Margaret Thorns, Maggie for friends, was Laura's boss. A gorgeous redhead with all the right curves, she was the center of focus of any and all men, and some women, regardless of their age or status. With her long legs and her magnetic aura, she had everything one could ask for. Green eyes and fair skin, as well as her seductive smile, they combined to produce an air of regality and temptation around her.

When he had met her the first time, the whole evening he couldn't take his eyes off her and the same pattern repeated itself each of the following times. But somehow, the last time he had gathered enough courage to ask her out only to be gently let down. Still, he couldn't take his mind off her bewitching figure and siren-like eyes. He had begged Laura to put in a good word this time and was hoping that now that he had a proper job, he wouldn't look like a naïve little college k** when he asks her out once again.

"Um... Laura did you... you know...?" Connor stammered, horribly, he was just too fixated on Maggie to think straight.

Laura snorted, "Look at you blabbering. Have some confidence. You're my brother so maybe I shouldn't say this but you are hot!" She paused when she realized what she had inadvertently admitted to him. She felt like shooting herself in the head as soon as that sentence came out of her mouth. It was the last thing she needed but seeing as he still seemed to lack confidence she added while chuckling, "You aren't a virgin right?!"

"Fuck, I mean..." Laura glanced at him nervously, only to find him not paying any attention to her. This pissed her off mightily. She knew that he had a huge crush on Maggie, but this didn't give him the right to ignore her. After all, it was she who had gotten him a job, and it was she who was letting him stay at her place and not that piece of tits and ass. Jealousy overtook her as she bumped him on her way to her room.

"And don't forget to put that stool back at its place!"

Connor glanced at the old wooden stool as the door of Laura's room banged shut behind him.


"Ah... Fuck!" Connor cursed in frustration as he realized that he had forgotten to remove the ugly stool from the hall. Grumbling to himself, he picked it in his arms and examined the room to find a place to put it down.

"There..." He muttered as he walked to the back of the couch and put it down when-


"What happened?" Laura came up behind him and asked while peeking over his shoulder. He turned towards her to show her the splinter stuck in his finger but when he laid his eyes on her, he lost all thought. In a short black evening gown, her dark, lustrous, hair fashioned in a fancy side bun, high heels to accentuate her naked milky, toned legs, with her deep cleavage on display and her heart-shaped ass held tight under her risqué dress, Laura looked incredibly tantalizing. His dick twitched inside his pants but he was not aware of it as his mind was blank.

Apart from her bold and alluring appearance, everything else faded into the background. It corrupted and roused his soul like a cluster of wicked thoughts goading him, enticing him to commit sin. Mesmerized by her halo, he stood speechless, at the mercy of the temptress.

Laura was glad and proud of his enthralled reaction but didn't forget to see what his shout was about. When she saw the splinter stuck beneath his nail she carefully pulled it out. But just when she was about to release his hand, a drop of blood surfaced at the tip of his finger. She stared at it fixedly, unable to take her eyes off it. Suddenly, she glanced up and caught her brother gulping in nervousness. Slowly she raised his finger to her lips, their eyes locked at each other.

She knew it was wrong, she had struggled with it, but she couldn't hold back. Sucking him, it was the best and most satiating feeling of her life and she wanted more.

Connor watched in trepidation. He gulped in nervousness as time slowed around him. All his anxiety about Maggie had flown away in the face of this amorous avatar of his sister, Laura. Blood rushed to his cock as his finger neared her lips. And then she took it inside her mouth. "Oh, God!" He groaned softly. The blood had already dried but that had never mattered anyway.

The slow suckling sound Laura made broke his trance. He gazed in her eyes to find it reflected back. He felt it. He didn't shrink back anymore, his anxiety vanished. Laura's earlier words rang loud in his mind and his confidence rushed back. Boldly, he snatched away his finger and kissed her hard. Their lips crushed against each other as they shut their eyes.

The dirty, wet, kiss didn't last for long as Laura pulled back. She was panting heavily but there was no sign of rejection or repulsion on her face. After a sensual caress to his lips, she kneeled down with a thump, her back against the couch. She had looked reluctant while going down as if she wanted to keep on kissing her brother but when she saw the erection in his pants her eyes lit up and she dreamily rubbed her face over it.

Connor, using his index finger, titled her face up to make her look him in the eyes and with the other hand lowered his pants. His throbbing cock struck her lips as it was freed from its cage. He clenched inward as a drop of pre-cum drifted from its tip and adorned her lips.

Laura breathed in the scent. It was the most intoxicating thing. She cooed in glee as he brushed his thumb over her lips while his cock thrust slowly. She felt him pull open her mouth and she let him. His stare was blazing hot and she was sure hers was too. And then he fed her his cock...It was heavenly. Connor moaned in delight. Her heat radiated through his dick and warmed his being. It was a perfect shape to thrust into. The wet surroundings engulfed his cock, massaged it, and kneaded it. Waves of pleasure assaulted him, and made him twist his head back, helpless but to let out a low groan.

Laura didn't let up. She took control of his cock with her two hands and slobbered over it. Her hands and her mouth worked together beautifully, as they jerked his cock. She rubbed across the length with her open lips and then took it back inside her mouth. Her tongue flicked over the underside of the head, against the thin strip of muscles and Connor moaned continuously as she poked the opening at the tip of his cock.

"Oh, Fuck!" Connor cried out.

He held her head in between his hands, still and tight. And then thrust his cock in to the root. Laura took it like a champ; her throat widened to let it in and massaged it further. Connor nearly lost his mind at the feelings of exhilaration passing through his cock when her muscles stuck to his length and kneaded it with force. He couldn't hold on for much longer in the face of this one- sided onslaught and came in her throat.

"I'm cumming..." he called out, giving her a small warning.

Laura's body convulsed in orgasmic pleasure as shot after shot of his thick, warm cum struck the back of her tongue and throat. She drank it all, not a drop going to waste, and when he pulled his cock out, she stuck out her empty tongue to show him the evidence.

Connor's eyes bugged out when he saw his sister acting like a pornstar. He had never imagined she could be so dirty and perverse. He watched, petrified, as her tongue flitted across the head of his cock and cleaned it of all traces of cum.

Laura smiled at him and gave him a light kiss on his lips before she glanced at her watch. "Oh Fuck! We don't have much time left before-" She stopped when Connor embraced her from behind. She tried to get away from him as she said, "We don't have the time, Connor!"

But he didn't loosen his grip. Instead, he pulled down her panties and stroked his cock over her throbbing and wet pussy lips. Even as she kept protesting, weak-heartedly at best, he humped across her opening and against her enlarged clit.

"We shouldn't... Maggie may be early..."

Connor paused at Maggie's name but only for a millisecond. He became even more crazed after that as he twisted her nipples and kissed at her are nape. Laura had a mini orgasm at his reaction. She understood his desire. He wanted her, and nothing and nobody could deny him from getting her. So she gave in and screamed what she had wanted to since that evening nearly a week ago.

"Ooh... Please, Connor... Fuck Me!" She moaned, hesitant no longer.

He never would have guessed that this was the sentence he yearned to hear from his sister the most. His palms clutched at her full breasts, as he invaded her canal. They groaned simultaneously at the immoral union of their sex.

"Yes fuck me... Fuck! Me!" She cried out, feeling her brother's cock sliding in and out of her tight, wet love tunnel.

"Laura..." Connor moaned. He felt like a lonely log going against the tides of an ocean as he slid in and out of her dripping cave. His hand fastened around her thin waist while the other one twisted her head towards his waiting lips. He pushed in his tongue inside her mouth just as he pushed his cock inside her pussy.

"Oh, Connor," Laura whispered against his lips. She had shut her eyes as she enjoyed the crazed fucking from her brother, "please, don't stop!" Her hands held on to the edges of the couch to keep her body upright and prevent her from falling as his pelvis crashed against her ass. Her moans and groans got buried under the splashing sounds released from her drenched kitty, as well as the smacking sound when his weight slammed against her."Please, just don't... stop!" she begged him.

Her eyes rolled back as she clamped on his piston after he had hit her sweet spot. She panted like a bitch in heat as he panted warm breath heavily on her neck. The little kisses and long licks drove her over the edge and she nearly ripped off the couch cushion as she screamed, "Cumming!"

"Fuck!" he called out, feeling his sister's pussy clamp around his cock, but he didn't stop his thrusting, he couldn't. Even after having just shot his load a few minutes earlier the heat and the passion of his sister was too much for him to hold on for much longer. He never thought about or imagined that one day he would be fucking Laura, his uber hot sister, and neither did he think that it would happen after that evening when she blew his finger and his mind. But to have her scream like a banshee as she came under him, trapped between his body and the couch, it bulldozed his heart.

"Fuck me, Connor. Fuck your sister..." Laura mumbled incoherently as she squirted on his legs. She didn't care about anything anymore; her brother was all that she needed.

"Laura! Take it..." Connor couldn't handle the taboo and the waves of sex radiating from her. He penetrated her deep and rammed against her ass. His hips were a blur as he fucked her hard.

"Yes, give me!" She cried out, 'Yes fill me with your cum!"

He felt it, she was close. And suddenly his world turned to blank as he spewed, what felt like gallons of cum, in the depths of her soaked pussy.



Laura groaned as another orgasm, the biggest one yet, rocked her body. Unable to hold on to the couch she slid down to her knees. His cock slid out of her with a pop and the creampie dripped down on the floor.

They panted looking at each other but there was no aversion in their eyes this time. It was just a start; they felt it while looking into each other's eyes. Laura chuckled when he raised his "injured" finger at her.

"Nobody likes a smartass..."

"My sister does." He replied as cheekily as her.

Laura blushed slightly at his words but snorted before he could catch it, "Go! I have to clean up before someone arrives..."

He placed a long, soft, kiss on her lips before he moved towards his room. He glanced back at the old wooden stool and then at his finger, which had no sign of blood anymore, and a smile came upon his face. Shaking his head, he pushed the door open, going inside to change and get ready for the party.

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 5 Nimble Fingers

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Chaun – The Free City of Raratha I smiled as I glanced at the seven halfling wives roaming the riverboat named The Halfling’s Harem. The memory of each one of the gasping and heaving beneath me, thinking I was their husband, made my dick throb in my leather pants. Captain Natan had no idea I cuckold him with each of his wives. I hoped at least one of the halfling females were pregnant with my child. All seven would be amazing, but I doubted I was that...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fingers

John looked out the window, across the back lawn and beyond the trees at the end, into the distant horizon. He watched as the sun, second by second, bled into the night sky as it made its way into the breaking of the day. Every morning it was different, every morning there was a different feel to it, and that view, that moment of the day, was why he had brought this place, this house which now after so many years of living within, held many a memory for when he was old and grey and unable to do...

2 years ago
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Auntie Marthas magic fingers

My Aunt Martha slid her fingers slowly up and down my pussy lips; skillfully and urgently exploring every fold of my sensitive places. I was now almost naked on her couch, dressed just with a t-shirt.She had found me there rubbing myself just a few minutes before. Her eyes moved up and down my body slowly as my breathing became uneven. I felt my tits bouncing slightly as my tummy twitched when she touched me. I had always loved watching my Aunt as she moved around the house. I was twenty years...

1 year ago
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Pianist Fingers

None of the following are true events! Pure fantasy! It was a typical autumn day. The temperature was still warm but the smell of leaves wafted through the air. It was my favorite smell. I was 17, a senior in high school. I walked into my choir room, yes I considered it mine, as I was there for class twice a day. Not only that, but I was there before school, after school and whenever I could talk another teacher into letting me cut out early. The room was large and spacious. The risers took...

First Time
1 year ago
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The Vaseline Fingers

Hi guys, I am Sarvesh Patil (name changed) from Worli, Mumbai and I am writing here for the first time, so please excuse any errors or jargons!This is a real incident with my Gf, my Soul mate which I am gonna describe! Saying abt me I am an 18 year old.. average looking guy..studying B.E. in DBIT, Kurla.. With a bulky muscular body with some extra pounds near belly! I look way too elder than my age! My gf Hansini (name changed) is a bit skinny but has awesome shaped boobs which I have pumped up...

1 year ago
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Black VelvetChapter 12 Magic Fingers

“And so that brings us to article sixty-eight, which covers procedures. Read that off for me, Zuki,” Jules said as he stood before the monitor and pointed to the section in question. She leaned forward on the couch to see better, the tablet clutched in her padded fingers. “The eco ... economic and social council shall create commissions in economic and social fields ... and for the promotion of sap ... sap...” “Sapient,” Jules corrected, underlining the word with the mouse pointer. “Sapient...

4 years ago
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The Truckerrsquos Fingers

Some things you hate with a passion. But they’re like a sore that you can’t leave alone. You go back to them again and again. Some things feel woven into your fucking head and no matter how demeaning and humiliating they are, you go back. You always go back. The truck stop on Highway 42 was one of those places. It wasn’t much to look at it was anonymous. A diner, a cheap bunk house place for truckers to rest a head for a couple of hours whilst their tachometer’s eased back some. A fuel stop,...

3 years ago
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Sticky Fingers

She took my hand and discreetly pulled it up between her thighs, all the while continuing her conversation with the CEO. I tried to keep my cool, but I knew I was probably as red as a tomato at that moment, and even more so when I felt the moisture of her pussy seeping through the front of her cotton panties onto my fingers. Her thighs were as smooth as silk, causing an immediate and somewhat embarrassing erection, not to mention bulging and awkward. I looked straight ahead, hoping nobody would...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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His Tingling Fingers

Summary Doc Holliday realizes he’s got a thing for Bobo Del Rey Notes I hadn’t done fanfic is years and this was my first try at it. Be gentle! If you catch any spelling errors, let me know, please! Doc Holliday woke up shaking. He tried to will his hands to stop the shaking the dream caused. There was no reason for it. He swung his legs out of the bed and put his feet onto the cold floor. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. Nothing like this has...

3 years ago
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Two Fingers

Two fingers? No, two fingers of jack were not going to pacify him. It wasn’t the cold steel of the colt in his hand, aimed at nothing in particular, compelling Daphne to comply. The arrogance in the stranger’s face was prompting her submission. The smooth glass in his other hand was waiting for her to show a little more hospitality. “You’re not a half bad looking woman to be working a bar this late into the morning,” he said, flipping the drained glass back to her with a nod. “But you could do...

3 years ago
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Jimmy SixFingers

Jimmy ‘Six fingers’ Gambino, so called simply because he was born with 6 fingers, was a your average nice guy. A shade over six foot, with long black hair, the chiseled features and physique of a Greek God and a smile that made women swoon Jimmy was what most people considered model material. However it was Jimmy’s eyes that gave him away, they were the coldest gray and held the hint of someone who had seen and inflicted a lot of pain. The simple fact of the matter was that Jimmy was a hit man...

2 years ago
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Two Fingers

Two fingers? No, two fingers of jack were not going to pacify him. It wasn’t the cold steel of the colt in his hand, aimed at nothing in particular, compelling Daphne to comply. The arrogance in the stranger’s face was prompting her submission. The smooth glass in his other hand was waiting for her to show a little more hospitality. “You’re not a half bad looking woman to be working a bar this late into the morning,” he said, flipping the drained glass back to her with a nod. “But you could do...

1 year ago
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Me and my fingers

It was Wednesday morning when I woke to the usual sounds of my husband Jack getting himself ready for work. It was then time for me to wake Amanda. So I did and began getting her ready for school. Thirty minutes later and the house was silent. I was home alone as usual at 8:30. It was then that I began to feel rather horny. I walked out into my living room and sat down on the couch. I was wearing a bathrobe and panties only. I walked over to make some tea to take my mind of my horny thoughts....

1 year ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience My First Kiss Added Bonus Spunky Fingers

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.One day, anybody who is lucky enough reaches a point when they can finally say they had their first kiss (a proper full-on grown-up-type snog). The first of my friends to have theirs was Jo. All my other friends followed on after that. It is safe to say I might possibly be a late starter – my first kiss was well over an entire decade later than Jo’s. I was thirty two. Thirty two! Thirty, sodding,...

First Time
3 years ago
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Seductive Fingers

A rather attractive woman goes up to the bar in a quiet rural pub. She gestures alluringly to the barman, who comes over immediately. When he arrives, she seductively signals for him to bring his face close to hers. When he does so, she begins to gently caress his beard, which is full and bushy. "Are you the manager?" she asks, softly stroking his face with both hands. "Actually, no" he replies. "Can you get him for me -- I need to speak to him." She is running her hands up beyond his beard and...

1 year ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience My First Kiss Added Bonus Spunky Fingers

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. One day, anybody who is lucky enough reaches a point when they can finally say they had their first kiss (a proper full-on grown-up-type snog). The first of my friends to have theirs was Jo. All my other friends followed on after that. It is safe to say I might possibly be a late starter – my first kiss was well over an entire decade later than Jo’s. I was thirty two. Thirty two! Thirty, sodding,...

2 years ago
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Pianist Fingers

None of the following are true events! Pure fantasy! It was a typical autumn day. The temperature was still warm but the smell of leaves wafted through the air. It was my favorite smell. I was 17, a senior in high school. I walked into my choir room, yes I considered it mine, as I was there for class twice a day. Not only that, but I was there before school, after school and whenever I could talk another teacher into letting me cut out early. The room was large and spacious. The risers...

4 years ago
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Office girls wrap Perv round their little fingers

I couldn’t believe my luck when I started at Smithsons. Up the stairs from the stores where I worked were offices full of girls. Now I don’t go and make an announcement when I start a new job – “hullo everyone, I’m a compulsive masturbator, pervert girl-worshipper. I only wank on girls, I’ve got a massive collection of dirty books and I spend my time out and about in my rain-mac or hanging out my window or anywhere where I can see lovely girls and get my perv sex pleasure”.I wouldn’t last very...

2 years ago
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His First Fingering

She can't help the sigh that escapes her as his tongue circles her clit. His mouth is perfect, and he's so good at pleasing her with it as he's proven twice already tonight. Her fingers curl over the top of the headboard as she pushes her pussy down against his lips. Straddling his face makes her feel in control, which she wants tonight. And those noises he makes while surrounded by her thighs arouse her even more. Not only does he know exactly how to lick her, but he loves doing it for a...

1 year ago
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Reddit Fingering, aka r/fingering! Hands down, one of the best websites that could satisfy all your dirty needs is This website is free and driven by its community; thus, everything you find on is uploaded and made by/for the community. I am not here to talk about Reddit in general, even though I love to do that. I am here to talk about one of its subreddits called r/Fingering/.Now, there is really no rocket science behind what r/Fingering/ has to offer; it is right there...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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My Guilty Pleasure Spanked and Fingered

His eyes didn’t leave her body as he followed her into his bedroom. She had begged him to be her guilty pleasure, and as much as his better judgement told him not to, he had agreed. The way that she was looking at him was different than anything he had ever seen, and he was drinking it in. Her eyes were green and glossy. She was standing beside his bed as he closed the door. She hadn’t taken her eyes off of him, and as he closed the door his coy eyes met her gaze again. She started to unzip her...

1 year ago
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Wrapped Around My Little Finger

I hooked my husband’s finger into the strand of my panties material, just dangling between the nanny’s legs. Siobhan at thirty realises she hasn’t trespassed into having sex with another woman and her husband at the same time. A woman always gets what she wants and her man eventually comes to understand this. I had happily done the young motherhood part of my life; juggling part time work with day care; but it was now time to be my sassy corporate self again and Mike agreed; though I...

3 years ago
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Chubby Girl Gets Fingered

Recently, I had to take a trip which required a long train ride, about 5hours. I had a seat to myself and so did the pretty, but overweightwoman sitting across the isle from me. She was large framed, wearing askirt and blouse, her breasts were very much on the large size. Sheappeared to be in her early 40's. About two hours into the trip, shepulled out a blanket and closed her eyes for a nap. It was already darkoutside, and the only light on the train were these small aisle lightsand individual...

3 years ago
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Wrapped Around Your Finger

June Willis was going against conventional wisdom and looking a gift horse in its mouth. She was wise and remembered what happened to Troy when they just accepted that token of friendship from the Greeks. She also knew in life if it seemed too good to be true, question it. Even with the lady who was about to get her greatest desire to come true being cautious, her wants blinded her to any warning signs her instincts were right. Even with it not all adding up and not feeling right, June...

2 years ago
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Vedanti8217s fingering

Vedanti turned the shower off and got out. She began to dry herself, and marveled at how soft the cotton towel felt against her smooth skin. She felt her nipples harden as she dried them and then she saw her reflection in the mirror. “I wish I was a cup size bigger,” she thought as she cupped her firm B-cup tits in her hands. She followed the line of her body down and thought, “I do have a firm body though.” She smiled. She had just shaved and her vagina and legs glistened in the soft bathroom...

4 years ago
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24 yo Banaras Girl Leena Gets Messy While Fingering

My ex had just moved abroad, and we were no longer speaking. So, I tried to forget her, but she was always at the back of my mind. Her face was always what I saw, and I couldn’t get her out of my head. I would try to keep her out of my mind. Every time I tried to, the memories of all the naughty stuff we did would come back into mind and make my cock stiff. It was always the memory of our first time that came back to mind. The way she stuck her tongue down my throat, her tasty lips sucking on...

3 years ago
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Stinky Finger

Stinky Finger Ever since we were little I have poked my finger up into my little sister’s pussy. We called it ‘Stinky Finger’ and played it often. I enjoyed it and Ashley never seemed to mind it. When she turned thirteen and had her first period I still poked my finger up into her but she didn’t seem to like it as much then. However as her fifteen-year-old brother I just told her that I had always done it and that I wanted to keep doing it despite the blood. She protested saying that...

3 years ago
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My Lovers Finger

I was in my early thirties and she had a safe ten years on me. I was foolish enoug tho think that I had picked her up, but would learn differently in time. I spotted her in Fred Segals, an upscale collection of stores in Los Angeles. She was in the home wares section, so I began to talk about the sensual side of cooking that I thought would impress her. How creating a menu and then shopping for the freshest most in season produce and meats was a very sensual experience. The same went for...

1 year ago
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Friend8217s Mom Caught Me Fingering

Hi, I am Swati kaur. Let me introduce myself. Age: 21yrs Height: 5 feet, 5 inches Weight: 121 lbs (55 kg) Figure: 34DD-26-40 Temperature raising curves Birth date: February 10, 1993 I am a very bold and open minded girl. I lost my virginity when I was 18, in class 12th, although, I gave my first blowjob when I was young. I had a massive crush on him, since we could exactly get it on with his parents not in the house, we took refuge in his parent’s room and I got down to business. He had given...

1 year ago
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Stories of Davis Hall 3 Fingered

(...the day before) “So, Brook, I understand you and Will have been around the bush a few times?” Sierra said playfully. “Yeah you could say that” “Oh! I can’t believe my little Will is already growing up! OH! He’s so cute! You’re a lucky girl!” “Yeah, and surprisingly, Will’s really good at it, I mean, I have no one else to base it off of, but he always makes me cum when we do it” “How big is he?” “About this big”, Brook said, holding up her hands about six inches apart,...

3 years ago
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Stories of Davis Hall 3 Fingered

Introduction: intros in the name 3. (…the day before) So, Brook, I understand you and Will have been around the bush a few times? Sierra said playfully. Yeah you could say that Oh! I cant believe my little Will is already growing up! OH! Hes so cute! Youre a lucky girl! Yeah, and surprisingly, Wills really good at it, I mean, I have no one else to base it off of, but he always makes me cum when we do it How big is he? About this big, Brook said, holding up her hands about six inches...

2 years ago
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Marina's nerves were singing so hard she jumped when the screen door slapped shut behind her. Her pulse hammered with exhilaration. Her bikini felt smaller now than when she first tried it on and debated whether to go out and let Ryan see her in it. The stretch of the bright cords against the ripe opulence of her body dug in her flesh like restraints. Every step she'd taken in her garden under the watchful gaze of her beautifully made neighbor made the tiny garment feel smaller and...

1 year ago
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Photo Booth Fingering

My first girlfriend was horny a lot of the time, she really liked to be fingered lots. One day we went out and went to the cinema and had a nice day out, and I walked her back to the train station so she could get a train back to her house. It turns out we were faster than we both anticipated, and people were sitting on all the benches, so we went and sat together in a passport photo booth, because no one was using it. N o one could really see us and soon we started to kiss, and quickly the...

2 years ago
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Watching Ana being fingered

Ana had gone with me on a quick business trip outside town.It would take just a couple days and my sweet wife could join me.On the first night, after dinner, we went to the lobby hotel for some drinks. Ana then asked to go to a dance club; she was in the mood for moving and swaying her hips to the music, she claimed.My sensual wife was wearing a loose short black dress, high heels, but she had left her thong behind. Once we got inside the club, Ana just moved to the dance floor and she swayed...

1 year ago
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Graces Public Fingering

I'm 18, and my name is Grace. Before this, I'd never done anything sexual. My cousin and one of my closest friends, Ali, had always told about the things she'd done with her boyfriends, stepbrother, and her other boy toys. Ever since elementary school, I've always had big boobs. I developed young! I have long, wavy, dark brown hair that goes down to my belly button, which I have pierced with a little diamond stud my dad bought for me in Africa. I have big, light blue eyes and straight white...

3 years ago
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Aurora 1 Bathroom wanking ass fingering

Aurora, it turns out, is a colour right between orange and red. The more I was eyeing my lipstick in the harsh light of the bathroom mirror, the more I didn't like the way it looked on me. Eventually, I sighed and redrew it anyway. If I had to wear the wrong colour, I would at least do it with confidence.Behind me, there was a little bit of commotion coming from the bathroom stalls. As I was still cursing that teachers and students had to use the same toilets in this goddamn college, someone...

4 years ago
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The Virgin I Fingered

So I'd been having problems with my girlfriend at the time as I recently found out she had cheated on me or something of that nature, each night I'd walk home wondering what it is I did to deserve it, anyways i was walking down this street and a girl came out of her house to put the rubbish out and I thought she looked familiar, Shelly I shouted she turned and looked confused I told her it's me Joe " OMG she said how have you been" "pretty good I replied feeling a bit rough" she invited me...

1 year ago
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A Wiggle of the Finger

It was Thursday and I couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive. After such a busy week it would be nice to do a little nothing. My wife called and said she was running a little late. “I need you to pick up something for dinner on your way home.”  I acknowledged her request and said I would grab some Chinese. I arrived home, toting dinner along, and placed it on the kitchen table. My wife peaked into the bag and, with a slight sigh, mumbled, “I guess that will have to do.” I turned to get some...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Oral sex with a masseur and ass fingering

I like someone doing massage for me. I like it especially when a masseur is a handsome man. Once I visited a salon for massage. Masseur was a man of my type: dark-haired, tall, with strong hands, humour sense and he smelled nice. And the spiciest thing was I was absolutely naked. At first the masseur massaged me several times. He started from the neck and shoulders. I like man touching my neck, it turns me on so much. After he massaged my back tenderly and moved down to the buttocks. My pussy...

3 years ago
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The Office Masseuse 1 Groping Fingering

Emily worked in administration at my company. She was in her forties, rather short, with a nice figure and an attractive face and short brown hair. I liked the way she dressed... Nothing inappropriate for the office but she wore dresses that showed off her figure. I found her attractive but I knew she was married (her married name was Polish or Czech... Very hard to pronounce).After working with her for a couple of years, I heard a rumor that her husband had lost his job... And then she...

3 years ago
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Awesome Ariel in Adam 4 Fierce Fingering

Awesome Ariel almost faints from fingering by Professor Peter P, under his sexy showerAriel is hot from her dirty dancing, horny from all looks she got, warm & wet from pants pee.Ariel is glad Professor Peter P undresses, and her as well, as soon as they arrive at his home.Ariel always wanted to take a lovely long sexy shower with a man, who knows what he can.Ariel feels that the water is warm. Has hot hopes of what happens to her under the shower.Ariel is allowed to squat down on all...

3 years ago
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Womans Story First Fingering

When I had my first fingering, I was fresh out of high school and had just met the man who became my husband. He was a few years older than me but still a virgin and I was his first girlfriend. I too was a virgin. It was two weeks after we started dating that he wanted to fuck me. I wanted to fuck him too. He came by one night and we were out in the front of my parents’ house. We started kissing and he started to feel me up. He slipped his hand underneath my shirt and starting playing with my...

2 years ago
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Around Her Finger

AROUND HER FINGER - 01 By Libnos I woke and lay in bed for awhile waiting for my senses to adjust to a new day. After a few moments I remembered it was only 8AM, Saturday morning, and I didn't have to get up and go to work, which gave me a feeling of relief as I rolled over to go back to sleep. Then it all came back and with a start I bolted out of bed and headed to the shower. It was my wedding day. I'd lain awake, tossing and turning, most of...

1 year ago
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Beach Goddess Gets Fingered

There is not a cloud in the sky on this beautiful summer day. The waters of the Med are just as blue. I'm sitting on my beach towel feeling as horny as hell. And then I see her and suddenly there hardly seems enough room in my swim trunks. She is tall and lean, with a sun bronzed body and flowing blonde hair. I watch as she steps down to the water and plunges in. I adjust my posture so that my erection doesn't show. A few minutes later he rises up out of the water like some goddess of old. It...

3 years ago
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Taking advantage of drunk girl and fingering

This was my first time feeling inside a pussy and cumming on a girlI hit puberty hard! Subsequently doing some highly immoral things in terms of peeking touching etc. The stuff i feel worst about is groping when going through puberty - i couldn't keep myself away from spying or gropingMy first was pretty intensive, when i was about xx, my girlfriend at the time was a year older and came to my house with her mate one night when my parents were away. I had fancied this girl for ages and all i had...

4 years ago
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Dani stepped off the bus into the madness that comprised the downtown business district at lunchtime. Class was over; now it was time to keep her lunch date with Brent. She turned many a male head as she made her way across the courtyard toward the sixteen-story building in which Brent worked. Dani was quite a looker; she was a twenty-year-old college coed with a gorgeous fair complexion, long, flowing blonde hair and expressive blue eyes. Five-foot- six with a figure to die for, she had on a...

1 year ago
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Super Sex with SM 1 First Fingering

MY TRUE SEX STORIES OF STUDENT LONG LASTING LOVE, LATE SEVENTIESFirst super sex I had as a student going steady with freshman slender sensual sexy Stella Maris.It took me a few weeks before she let me finally fondle and finger her secretly at a s1eep-over with many more students and freshmen. I didn't break her hymen, but it did break the ice. Stella Maris started to spend most nights at me. For convenience, as I lived in a dorm in old town, and for some super sex together at a regular...

3 years ago
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busted fingering

One afternoon after sex with my husband that left me unfinnished I had to go into work to get a few things done, it was a weekend day so I would be all alone. I got to my office and I have a window the looks out over a busy street.we have shades on the windows so no one can see in but we can see out. Well I have played around before here alone knowing I cant be seen. so i thought now would be a good time. I turned my chair around looking out the window and unhooked my bra and took it off. I sat...

3 years ago
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A New Submission Around her Finger

Although i still went to work each day dressed in my male clothes, Kelly's control of me began to affect my behaviour and attitude, particularly towards the girls in the office. None of them noticed or at least mentioned the subtle changes in my appearance but gradually I began to be included more and more in their conversations as their attitude to me changed. When a problem arose on one of their projects they would drop into my cubicle to discuss it and work it out, rather than just...

3 years ago
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Girl RefurbishedChapter 9 A Bad Finger

Joe We left Cambridge on the next morning after a good breakfast and we were back in Bethesda a little after noon. It took us the rest of the day to move Lori's belongings into my apartment. She explained things to the Carlsons and promised to come by on Saturdays to mow the lawn. It turned out that this was not necessary. One of their grandsons had been bugging them for months to give him the basement and they had only resisted because they did not want to kick Lori out. She could even get...

4 years ago
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Graces Public Fingering

I’m 18, and my name is Grace. Before this, I’d never done anything sexual. My cousin and one of my closest friends, Ali, had always told about the things she’d done with her boyfriends, stepbrother, and her other boy toys. Ever since elementary school, I’ve always had big boobs. I developed young! I have long, wavy, dark brown hair that goes down to my belly button, which I have pierced with a little diamond stud my dad bought for me in Africa. I have big, light blue eyes and straight white...

2 years ago
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Anna Gives Me The Finger

Spring is the most wonderful season of the year. Mother Nature awakes from her slumber and the earth begins to awaken. The days grow longer, and the weather warms up quickly. Warmer weather turns into less clothing, a definite plus when checking out the sexy young ladies. Living outside a college town, there are always young beauties to check out. Little did I realize one such beauty was right under my nose, Anna. Anna grew up next door to my country house, her and her mother. With no father...

1 year ago
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A Wiggle of the Finger

It was Thursday and I couldn’t wait for the weekend to arrive. After such a busy week it would be nice to do a little nothing. My wife called and said she was running a little late. “I need you to pick up something for dinner on your way home.”   I acknowledged her request and said I would grab some Chinese. I arrived home, toting dinner along, and placed it on the kitchen table. My wife peaked into the bag and, with a slight sigh, mumbled, “I guess that will have to do.”   I turned to get...

4 years ago
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Anal Finger

Was für eine Schreckliche woche , erst 5 Tage Spätschicht, dann im Anschluss das WE im Hotel. Jetzt bin ich auf den Weg nach Hause , es ist Sonntag abend , ich habe meine Süße fast 7 ganze Tage nicht gesehen. Ich freue mich schon sehr sie zu sehen zu spüren , ich will SEX. Wir haben eben Telefoniert, Sie weis das ich nach Hause komme. Ob sie mich in ihrem Neues Sexy BH überraschen wird ? oder ob Sie mich Splitterfaser nackt an der Tür empfängt ? Auf den weg die Treppe zur Wohnungstür hoch...

2 years ago
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A friend with benefits part 1

This is a story of how I met Camille, who I knew was married at the time and still is through my friend Becky.It was a Friday night around 6:30pm I happened to be out in North of my borough where I live, I was coming back from visiting my godson and his mother. As I was walking and checking my facebook, I had noticed my friend Becky was going to an event at a nearby pub that her friend Camille had organised. Since I was about ten minutes away with nothing to do I decided to pop in and see her....

2 years ago
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Plantation slave girls

If this will bother you, please do not read this story. ____________________________________________________ The location is southern Georgia near the coast just before the Civil War. Horace Franklin was a successful businessman in his late thirties. He owned a small plantation where he lived. It was only about forty acres. He did not farm it but let two sharecroppers pay him for the place to grow crops. He had a wife, Ellen, and two...

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