The Berserker free porn video

Authors note: So I tried to put some more effort into this one but I am not sure if it shows. I end up getting more done when I just keep writing new stuff rather than trying to perfect it. I mean the amount of time working on writing so I don't know if I will try to keep this up or not. There is no sex and I am not sure when I will add sex into this one. I will probably have some within the next four chapter that I write.
I have no idea of where I am. It is dark like really dark here I can't even see my own hands. That is when I hear something scuttling somewhere... it's probably nothing... right? I started carefully walking around and quickly found that wherever I am is rather uneven. I almost fell and then that scuttling got really close... OW!! Something is biting me! It hurts, am I going to die? Suddenly the world is silent.
I wake up again and quickly feel my chest where I was bitten and feel nothing. Was it my imagination... no it felt real and this place is just as dark... THERES that scuttling again! I quickly get up and try to find out where it is coming from. After waiting for a while I hear it again and it is ON My left! OW! I feel what seems to be a bunch of creatures ram into me and start biting.
I get up quick this time and start running to my left. I hear it behind me RUN FAAAASTER! The sound is getting louder! I feel like I can feel it's breath on my back but maybe that is my imagination. I run and run until suddenly I don't feel the ground below me... "FUCK!" I am falling faster and faster and I hit some sort web. I try to move but I just make it worse. I am not sure how much time passes but after a while I feel something moving on the web. I then see a spider and watch as it wraps me with the web into the form of a ball. I then feel its fangs bite into my neck. My breath started to go ragged, I felt intense pain around the bite, and I felt my vision blur. It only got worse until I passed away.
I sat up and found that I could not control my bladder. I could still remember the pain, although it was brief it hurt bad like really really bad. I just curled into a ball and waited not even the scuttling made me move or the teeth when I felt them.
I woke up again and decided to explore and figure out if there is a way to beat those monsters. Worst case I will die again best case I make it out of this hell. This time I just walked forward quietly... it wasn't long before I heard that scuttling again. Fuck it I was going to kill at least one of them. They are coming from my...
BEHIND ME! I tried to jump out of the way and some missed me but a few got me and the rest soon followed. Fuck! These bastards are taking longer to kill me this time well that gives me time to kill one! I grab one of them and squeeze as hard as I can... is that fur... aw there goes the noise.
Well that was at least something although I really want to just sit here waiting to die. I got up and I turned around and started walking behind me... and there are those fuckers again. They are coming for my back again I think. Now! I turned around and punched at them... it wasn't very effective? I got one maybe but the rest bit me like normal.
I got up and decided to run to my right. I soon had them chasing me and I ran and ran hoping I wouldn't find another hole. I found a pot hole stumbled and finally saw my attackers. It was a bunch of fucking rats, they were anywhere from a normal size to the size of a cat. These bastards just can't stop seeing me as a meal huh, am I that tasty?
I woke up and repeated the process of exploring, trying to fight and dying, I don't know how many times. I needed a break and I don't care if it will hurt. I ran to my left until I felt myself fall off the cliff. Until, BOUNCE, I felt the web catch me. I then waited until my old friend came to eat me.
I woke up determined to kill a rat. I still pissed myself. Can you blame me? Well the rats will probably find me quicker this time from the piss. They should come from roughly in front of me or to my left. From the left huh well let's try to kick them this time around. 3... 2... 1... kick! I felt my foot hit a rat dead on and others were pushed back but the rest just surrounded me and started biting. Well it is more effective but barely.
Again and again I tried to fight or run and then I would take a fall for a break. Eventually I even started to figure out little things like where not to step and where the best spots to turn around and fight them were but it didn't make much of a difference. As I was resting in the web I had an idea what if I waited at the ledge and then jump out of the way when they attack? I could kill some more and survive right? I saw my good friend tom and I said, "Hello Tom, I might being seeing you less often now." I felt the bite and the pain started again.
I woke up and immediately went to try it. I waited until I heard them. "Come and get me bastards!" I saw a number of them jump at me and I jumped out of the way... I fell accidentally, whoops. BOUNCE. "Hey Tom I brought you some extra food this time." I tried this again and managed not to fall but a rat managed to get me before I jumped so I grabbed him and threw him of the edge. Another wave! I jumped out of the way but got caught by a couple of them I pulled them off but I was bleeding now. I saw a couple of the bigger rats slowly walk up to me and once they got close they tried to bite me off the cliff. I dodged to the right and they kept going for me until I tripped and fell down.
Bounce. Well I think I can run along the edge after the first group has jumped. "Did you like the feast fre... you're not fred." It looked to be the same type of spider as fred but smaller. Maybe one of his kids? Well I will call you little fred.
I did a little better this time but I still had to avoid the bigger rat's so I just ran along the edge of the cliff. Sometimes I would get a rat or two that jumped at me but I usually died from the fall. A few tries later I found out that there is a wall in one of the directions after a while. The rats had me cornered well no choice but to try to fight.
Well let's see what's in the other direction... I die a few times from falling when I see a light... WAIT WHAT!
Below me seems to be a natural bridge across the hole. I saw what looked like people down below. I would probably die from the fall but it was a chance I would take.

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