Meeting Dani Part 1 free porn video

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This is my first story and if you all enjoy it I'll continue it! It's actually based on a dream I had recently and thought I'd share it. Look forward to what you all think and any suggestions! Thanks!! MEETING DANI By SashaySasha We were in our writing class and the Professor was wrapping up telling us about our final assignment. I noticed Devin glancing over at me. We made eye contact briefly and he turned away. Devin and I were class partners, helping each other with our papers and actually became close friends through the class. The Professor finally finished and dismissed us. Devin came over to me, he looked a little worried. "Hey. Do you wanna grab a coffee later this afternoon? I wanted to ask you about something. And I guess we should talk about the project." I smiled. "Yeah coffee sounds good. Everything alright?" "Yeah. Yeah. Just, I don't know. I wanted to talk about something, but it can wait till later." He smiled. "Alright," I chuckled, "I'll see you later then!" That was weird, I thought. Devin is normally shy but that felt different. *** I texted Devin - I'm running late, be there in like 5! Devin - It's okay! I'll get you a coffee. A few minutes later I pulled into the coffee shop. When I entered, I couldn't see Devin anywhere. I looked over the room a little more. There was a cute girl looking up at me smiling, she looked familiar but I couldn't figure out how. She stood up. "Greg, over here." I started to walk over confused. And then. DEVIN? She leaned in and hugged me, instinctively I hugged her back. Whispering in my ear, "It's me, Greg." Flabbergasted I stepped back a little, but not wanting to make a scene I began to sit down. She looked AMAZING. She was wearing a large grey baggy sweater and a burnt orange skater skirt. Her legs looked so soft in black hose and then she had on a pair of ankle boots with a small heel. Her hair was her natural curly hair, just styled more femininely. I-- I was taken aback. I was turned on, I could feel myself swelling a bit. She giggled, wow. "SO. This is kinda what I wanted to talk to you about." Reaching out and putting her hand on my arm, "I'm sorry for the surprise! But I really wanted you to see the real me, since we became such good friends over this course-- and I didn't really want to not see you after, I thought I'd introduce you to Dani." I was shocked, to say the least. I burst out, "You look gorgeous!" I pulled back in surprise and then looked her in her eyes, my friend's eyes. "I'm sorry-- this was just A LOT." I paused. "Thank you, for sharing this with me. I didn't-- I'm glad you thought we were this close and I didn't want to not be friends after this semester. I-- sorry. I'm just still a little shocked." She put her hand on my arm again. Her smile, I felt it again. Why am I getting so turned on?! "It's okay," she said. "I just felt it was time, and I really like hanging out with you so I figured you should know." "Thank you, really I'm glad you did!" "I guess, we should start figuring out this paper." She laughed again. "But I know you're still in shock. We can work on it later, tonight. Just over text, yeah?" I paused for a second. "Yeah, yeah that sounds good." I smiled. "Okay, well then I'm going to head home." She got up and smiled at me. God she was gorgeous. She bent down and hugged me. Then she kissed me on the cheek. Again I felt it stir. "I'll talk to you later, don't forget about your coffee!" And she walked out the door. The coffee! I completely forgot she got me a coffee. I was so caught up in everything I forgot to thank her. I sat there for a bit longer, just taking in everything that happened. Wow-- just wow. I took a drink of my coffee. *** Later that evening I had started working on my paper, but I couldn't get her out of my head! I know she said she'd talk to me later, but something was just in my head. I picked up my phone and started a text. It was weird seeing Devin's name as the contact, I don't think I could see them as anyone besides Dani now. I sent the text - What does it feel like? I waited for her response, it felt like I was waiting forever. Dani - Haha what? Like dressing? It feels great! :P Why? Me - I don't know ha it's just still taking me back how amazing you look! I just never even thought about that. Dani - Well thank you ;) it seems like you're thinking about it now. Me - What? No. That's not what I meant! Me - I mean-- I am. I don't know. There was no response for a little bit. Dani - Let's get some food tomorrow and we can talk? Now I waited. I'd get to see her again, maybe. I texted back - Yeah, that sounds great! *** That night I dreamed about her. She was wearing nude lingerie. Her legs in tan stockings and attached to a garterbelt. She was wearing large heels and looked stunning. She beckoned me forward and I came into view. I WAS WEARING LINGERIE TOO! It was red with balck stockings, I was wearing heels too, that I had no idea how I was walking in them. She pulled me in for a kiss and we were caressing each other. I woke with a gasp. My hand was on my cock, I had been stroking in my sleep. God I was horny and I couldn't get her out of my head. I continued to stroke until I came. I tried not to think about me in that dream-- but I couldn't get it out of my head! *** I went up to the door and rang the bell. As I waited I kept thinking about the dream. What was that? D-- did I want to be like Dani? She looks so beautiful and can I? No. DOn't think about that. The door opened. It was Dani! She was wearing a flowery dress, it was low cut but had lace that went up to her neck with a collar. She again was wearing black hose. God I wanted to rub and squeeze her thighs! She had the same pair of ankle boots and was wearing a denim jacket. She almost jumped at me with a hug, and I held her tight for a second. Wow she even smelled amazing. She pulled back, still holding onto me "Thank you for picking me up, I thought we could go grab some food at the mall?" "Yeah that sounds good." I smiled, not wanting to let go of her. She let go and grabbed her purse from the table by the door. "Alright! Let's get going!" We walked next to each other to my car. She had almost a skip to her walk. I kept looking over and smiling, and she noticed. "What is it?" She said with a slight giggle. "Nothing. You just look amazing. Really really amazing." "You don't have to keep saying that. But thank you" She tilted her head down and smiled. "No really, you do! I'm sorry" I laughed, "I'm still coming to terms I guess." We got to my car and I instinctively opened the door for her. As she got past me, she put her hand on my arm and then got in the car. Looking up at me, she did just beautiful, she smiled. "Thank you." * ** We arrived at the mall and went straight to the food court. Both of us got Chinese and found a place to sit away from others. As we ate, I couldn't stop watching Dani. My friend, that I got to know so well over this semester, was someone completely different. "So, what were you so curious about last night?" She asked, leaning back a bit in her chair. Stumbling over my words, "Uh well-- I don't know! You just look so good and it just baffled me. And I guess I was just curious how it feels? I don't know. I had a dream last--" "A dream?" she interrupted. Blushing and pulling nervously into myself, "Uh yeah. A dream last night, with you. Dani, you. And then I was there, also in-- lingerie." "Oh?! In lingerie? Was I too in lingerie?" she asked pokingly. "I-- Yes. You were." She smiled. "Oh? What were we doing, both in our lingerie? How did it make you feel imagining yourself like that?" Feeling like I was now completely inside myself, I had a hard time saying anything coherent. "I don't-- we were-- I DON'T KNOW!" I could feel myself consumed in a blush. She reached out and put her hand on mine. "Hey, hey. It's okay! I was just messing with you." She bit her lip, God she was gorgeous. "Why don't we try something, yeah? Follow me." We got up. Grabbing my hand she began to pull me along. We stopped in front of a large clothing store. She looked at me and could tell I was scared. "Don't worry, it'll be fun!" We went in and she took me straight to the panties! D-- do I want to do this?! She started looking through them and grabbing a couple. She then looked at me real quick and then back to picking a few more. She grabbed my hand again and took me to the dressing room. She pushed me inside with her and handed me a pair. "Here, try these." She handed me a pair of black boyshorts. "I-- what? Like right here? These?" "They're basically boxer briefs, just try them on. I'll show you mine if that'll help?" She winked, waving the hem of her dress up and down slightly. I blushed. "Uh, o-- okay. Can you leave for a sec?" Then she looked down, and I was fully hard. I was so embarrassed! What was happening?! She stepped once, then laughed. "I'm so sorry! I guess this is something you want after all. Here, I'll help you this once. But! You have to listen to what I say after!" Without any hesitation, she got down on her knees. I started shaking slightly. She reached up and unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. She put her hand on my covered cock and rubbed slightly, and I MOANED. I immediately covered my mouth. She just looked up at me and laughed. We made eye contact and all I could think about was how gorgeous she was! She pulled out my cock. She wrapped her hand around it and pumped it back and forth slowly. She looked up again and bent forward, wrapping her mouth around the head. This time she let a muffled moan. I wasn't the biggest but I knew I wasn't tiny, but this was my first time with anyone sexually. She began bobbing her head back and forth, it felt AMAZING. I happened to look to the side and notice the large mirror and saw this beautiful girl sucking me off. And then, within a few seconds of her starting, I came. HARD. She began to pull back a little surprise, but she kept me in her mouth. As I finished, a little leaked out. She let my now soft dick fall from her mouth. She kissed it and then looked up at me. GOD she was gorgeous. I wanted her. I wanted to be like her. Wait-- What? She took her finger and took the cum that came out of her mouth and sucked on it. She looked up at me, "WOW that was a lot, more than I expected." "I'm sorry! I just-- wow. I've never had anyone do that before. You were amazing!" She chuckled. "Thank you, it was my first time too." She got off her knees and grabbed a water bottle out of her purse. She took a drink and noticed me staring at her. I rushed towards her and kissed her. She held tight around my neck and kissed me back. Then pulled away. "Not yet, mister. Now you have to do what I say." She looked at me wickedly, then kissed me again. She went over to the pile of panties and handed me the boyshorts again. "Now put these on." I took the panties from her, they felt so different than boxers. I slowly took my pants all the way off. I looked up at her from below my brow, then back down at the panties. I let my boxers fall and then put my legs in the holes of the panties. I was doing this. Did all this really just happen? Was I really about to put on some panties?! I pulled them up. "Good girl! Your first pair of panties." She clapped and my face went fully red. Then my penis began to swell again. Good girl. She came over and kissed me again. "Don't think. And we can't let that get hard again." She reached down into my panties, and tucked my penis between my legs. I looked into the mirror and from the waist down I saw girls legs in a pair of black boyshorts. Hairy legs but still, shapely. "We'll have to take care of that hair but you have very cute legs. Alright, take off your shirt." She went to her purse and took out a tape measure. I hesitantly began to take my shirt off. She came over and helped. Taking the tape, she took some measurements. "Alright, I'll be right back. Maybe try one some other panties while you wait?" Winking, she rushed out the door. I just stood there for a second, in shock of everything that has happened. I was standing there with just panties on in the middle of the room, waiting for this gorgeous girl to come back with what I can only assume is a bra. I looked at the pile of panties, when I saw them. A pair of red hi-rise panties, just like my dream. They were lace and had a little bow on the front. I took them and rushed to put them on. I looked in the mirror, I could feel my member swelling between my legs and I immediately looked away. Then the door opened and she was back. She looked down and smiled. "Those were my favorite too, I was hoping you'd pick them." "They were close to the ones in my dream--" "Oh? That's sexy, and you pull them off so well!" She came behind me and kissed me neck, it sent a shiver up my spine. I noticed her wrapping something around my chest, she picked up one of my arms. "Here, slid your arm through and here." She pulled it up and then I felt the clasps. She turned me so I could look in the mirror. I gasped. "W-- wow. It looks so--" "Sexy?" "Yeah." She came around and grabbed my face and kissed me. I held her and kissed her back, passionately. She bent back. "We're getting you these. And some other stuff." And then pecked quickly. "Take them all off and put your clothes back on." We left the dressing room and I began to blush again. I forgot we were still at the mall. The whole time, everything that just happened was out in public! I felt like everyone knew what we were up to you. As we approached the counter, I tried not to think about it. Dani put the bra and panties and a few other items I hadn't seen her grab. Without thinking I paid. *** The drive back felt like an illusion. I just kept running over everything that had just happened. Dani made me try on panties. Made? Did I want to wear them? If anything tells me I did it's what happened! I couldn't stop getting HARD. And then Dani sucked my dick! Dani turned to me. "What are you thinking about, you haven't said a word." She said as she put her hand on my thigh. "I-- nothing. Just a lot has happened and I'm trying to come to term with it all." "I understand. It took me a bit too. But we're just having fun, and you enjoyed what we did yeah?" "Yeah. I did. I think more than I realized." I could feel my penis beginning to get hard again. Dani noticed, and chuckled. "We'll need to get that under control!" She squeezed my crotch and laughed again. I started blushing. When we finally got to her house, she got out and grabbed the bags. I wasn't sure really what we were going to do. I exited and stood leaning against my car. Dani looked back at me. "So are you coming in, silly? I still haven't shown you what I'm wearing under here like I promised." I immediately followed her to the door. As she was unlocking it all I could think about was how lucky I was. She was so beautiful and she wanted me. She opened the door and looked back, grabbing my hand. I leaned in and kissed her. "There's time for that later, we have a lot of work to do, mister!"

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Dani and the Bull Ch 13

Author’s Note: I just want to thank everyone who has sent me feedback and all the great comments over my time away. I meant to do it sooner but to be honest, since the dam had broken on my writer’s block, I have been working like a fiend, not only to get pages ready to submit but on new stories and hope nothing comes along to plug the hole of creative energy I seem to be experiencing. I have also been working on my grammar and punctuation that seems to bother a lot of folks, but I don’t think...

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CHAPTER 2Some six months after Mistress Jennifer first imposed the "sissyDani" persona on me through post-hypnotic suggestion, our liveshad settled into a routine. Most of the week was quitenormal--only Jennifer's insistence that I wear a corset andbaby-dolls to bed indicated the hold she had over me. Naturally,I complied, since she could always threaten to permanently impose"sissy Dani" on my mind. Weekends, however, were generally spentin my transformed bondage. Perhaps a description of one...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 01

(Author’s Note: As you will have noticed this is the edited version, when it appeared in the story section and i read through it, i found several things i thought i had already fixed but hadn’t. I also want to address a couple questions in the comments page. The original story was 20 plus chapters and while it is a romance story it could also fall under the category of supernatural. All the characters are human, and i hope you will enjoying meeting them as the story progresses. Peace ...

2 years ago
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Dani Part 2

I was unaware of Dani watching me as I rode away from her house just as I was unaware that her legs were still rubbery from the intense sex that we had just experienced in the shower. I didn't know that once I was out of sight she flew up to her room, closing and locking the door once inside and literally tearing her clothes off.I didn't see her flop on the bed and spread her beautiful tanned legs to allow the slender fingers on her right hand began to circle her swollen nether lips. As she...

1 year ago
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Mz Dani 150 167000

Mz. Dani calls herself TheOnlyDani2x on Twitter, which is kind of funny when you think about it. She had to add “The Only” to her username because there was already a Dani2x on the platform. That other Dani signed up in 2010 and never did a damn thing with the account, not even a single tweet or follow. The Dani we’ll be talking about today is a much newer arrival on the social media monster, having just signed up in April 2023. She may have showed up over a decade later, but she’s already...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Dani meets Kristen

It was a typical Monday morning, wife just left for work and I’m on xhamster reading erotica and watching porn. Half playing with my cock just because it feels good. I get a text from my FWB Dani saying, “hey do you wanna fuck today”. I know that means she is either horny or that she needs something. Either way I do want to fuck today so I say sure. In an effort to be discreet we agree to meet at the grocery store across the street.She shows up driving a pickup truck that has the older style...

1 year ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 08

Helen left the supermarket and headed for the car Jack had given her for their first anniversary. Jericho was kicking and she ran her hand over her stomach to calm him. She loved being pregnant so soon after getting married, and the fact that Jack was such a wonderful lover just made it all the better. ‘Hello Helen, you’re looking all pretty today…’ A wave of nausea crashed over her as she looked at the man who had recently been released from the mental hospital. He was more dangerous looking...

4 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 11

Author’s Note: Sorry this one has been a little late in coming, but writer’s block has struck again and I haven’t been able to get my mind to agree with Dani or Bull about anything they suggest…I did however put them up on their own pages on Facebook: They said they were getting bored just sitting around in my head all the time, so there they are. The only thing is now, Reni and Devon from A Ride to Heaven and Back, (in case you haven’t read their story yet) want their own Facebook pages too,...

2 years ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 6

I woke up about five hours later, my dick still inside Dani, but sadly deflated. I saw my daughter naked and asleep next to me. I looked up into Dani's face and I flexed my dick and I heard a moan from her, which in turn woke up Elle. I saw her eyes flutter open and a smile appeared on her face that was ... brilliant. Whispering she said, "I suppose you want to know how I knew that Dani was pregnant? When I went into her room, I saw a used pregnancy test meter and it was still showing the...

3 years ago
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Dani Home Alone

Dani is a young asian college student in her early 20's. She lives with her parents and shares a room with her sister. Dani loves to masturbate but it's hard for her to play with herself because her sister is in the same room as her so she usually does it in the washroom or sneak it under her covers. Dani is rather average in height and skinny, she's a 34C. This week she was alone for the entire week because her parents were going on vacation and her sister was going on vacation with her...

3 years ago
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Sissy Dani CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER 4 "This should be the most exciting night of your life,` MistressJennifer told me. "We'll be celebrating Sissy Dani's first'birthday.'" It was true. A full year had gone by since Jenniferhad first used her secret hypnotic designs to implant within mymind the personality of Sissy Dani, a simpering, submissive malelesbian who craved being both beautiful and bound. In that year,she had also aided many of her dominant female friends tosuccessfully transform the men in their lives into...

2 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 05

Dani felt Bull shift against her head and opened her eyes slowly. She was stiff and sore from sleeping in the same position but she was reluctant to move. It only took a moment to realize if she did, then she would disturb Bull and he needed his sleep as much as she had. Her last waking memory was Bull bringing her out here, settling her back beside him on this lumpy old couch, and stroking her hair until she felt the stress and tension of the night fade from her body, and mind. Now it all...

2 years ago
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     Dani walked slowly across the wide stretch of minimally undulating beach that morning. Her head down in contemplative gaze at the details of the sand having been washed once more on the outgoing tide. She carried her favorite short board cradled against her side. It was a soft morning, as the fog lifted slowly. Her wet suit warmed her against the cool of the morning breeze. She had deliberately left the front zipper low to her waist as it allowed cool niblets of air to surround her taut...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Dani

My wife and I have been married for twenty-one years now and during that time we have had our share of sexual problems, but lack of desire was never one of them until a year ago. For some reason my wife Dani suddenly lost all interest in sex. I did every thing I could think of to light her fire, but to no avail. Until her loss of interest Dani and I led a very active sex life - none of that twice a week on Tuesday and Saturday stuff - we engaged in sex on the average of five times a week. When...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e9 Dani Eastham 19 teen tease

Series 9, Episode 9: Dani Eastham (19), from Chichester We cut to an establishing shot of an old suburban street. On one side of the road, parkland with plenty of green trees, infront of us a roundabout, and to our left a windowless wall, decorated with a large mural depicting cartoon horses running free. We round the corner and come face to face with our hostess for this week – it’s our little former pornstar co-host, Renae Russell, her tight little frame squeezed into a sexy PVC ‘suit’ –...

1 year ago
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Dani Marks Her Territory

It was almost spring and I had come to Oregon to explore extinct volcanoes. The Ladies, as they are collectively known, are 14,000 feet above sea lever or higher. The air up there can be thin and I was a bit wiped out, so I decided to relax and have a drink at a local bar. I hadn't realized it when I walked in, but it was obviously an all girl bar. Sometimes you just get lucky.All the girls inside were inked up with a vast collection of rings, pins, bars, and hoops, etc. I was tired and didn't...

1 year ago
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Piss Whores in Training Sharing Dani With My Boyfriend

We lay on the floor at Dani’s for a while, letting the feelings of recent orgasms subside, with Dani still curled up next to me, whereas Karissa rested her head on my chest. It was actually quite comfortable there, the shop had a thick, brown carpet that was soft enough to lay on, and coming down from the high of a wonderfully depraved and perverted fuck was just the best feeling. After a while, though, I noticed a different feeling, and stretched, my body suit now clinging tightly to my skin....

1 year ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 4

After she took my dick and let me erupt inside her mouth, we took a shower together – a lessor man might have collapsed, but we got clean! She slipped into her room and found a pretty paisley dress that must've been her mother's. Her voluptuousness was barely contained, but she came in just as I had put on my shoes. "My, you look fabulous, Dani – I feel so lucky to be your grand..." "Lover, Jamison?" "That's a term I haven't heard – Grandlover, it makes feel younger already," I...

1 year ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 7

Two days later, I brought Elle and baby Olivia home – I'd realized I needed to get some cribs, so I had ordered a couple over the Internet, with Dani's help. They arrived and I quickly did the little bit of assembly, putting one in both my girls' bedrooms. There was again the sound of infants in the house, and a definite odor as well. I did the best I could helping the ladies with their newborns. Dani got back her gorgeous figure within five months of having Grant. Elle was having a time...

4 years ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 8

The days and nights have been going by so quickly; Dani was approaching graduation from college. The little ones were all growing up, with Grant having a birthday in a few weeks – and Olivia just after that. Elle and I took the two of them to see Dani graduate. It only took her an extra year from her original plan; Grant was the reason, of course. The cribs, we bought in haste, were practically grown out of, so we planned to sit down and discuss what came next. We stopped at a Dairy Queen to...

1 year ago
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Dani The First Time Part 1

It started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Jean and their college age daughter Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks. Over the months I got to know them better and we spend time together at the occasional BBQ and dinner and last summer a few weekends at the beach, so we were all familiar with each other as good neighbours. Then last weekend...I was upstairs in my bedroom late in the afternoon getting undressed for a shower...

3 years ago
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Vegas Trip with Dani

**The two main characters are real, but the story is mostly fantasy. Enjoy**It had been a good 3 months since we had really talked. The last time we did she asked if we could put our relationship on hold due to a family crisis. I told her that it would be fine, but we needed to stay incontact with each other. We got to the point of sending a few messages each week to each other. Then all of a sudden i was getting no respose back from her at all. I would send a mesage to her every couple of...

3 years ago
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Dani And Mahboob

Hi I am Dani ….18 years old… studying in university…I’m 120 lbs….I have 6 inch uncut cock….I am 100% virgin from both side….sometimes jerking alone…. It was dark but still light enough for me to see as I ran to my uncles house….he is my favourite Uncle…. I had run away from home because my parents were fighting again…. Yelling each other….I couldnt take their fighting…So I decided to go and stay overnight with my Uncle….. As I rang the doorbell my uncle…how was in only a towel… answered...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 2

With her acquiescence, I put my hand a little higher on her leg. Conversely, she pressed her palm tighter against my groin. "Jamison?" she said with a lilt in her voice. "Y-Yes Dani?" "Are you hard because of me?" "Y-Y-Yes Dani – I'm sorry?" "What for, how long has it been since you've ... been with a woman?" I started to cry as I took my hand away and removed hers from me. She got up a little and asked, "What's wrong?" "I'm really sorry – you make me feel like I...

2 years ago
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My Granddaughter DaniChapter 3

Her face went to a look of discomfort as I'd entered my 18-year-old granddaughter with my 58-year-old erection, but it quickly washed away to a look of deep satisfaction, as she smiled at me. Her breasts, probably full C's, were right in front of my face. Before I started thrusting inside her I leaned down and licked each of her nipples, causing a slight tremble to her body. I began my thrusting, as she placed one of her hands on my butt, trying to help me, I think. "Can I kiss you some...

3 years ago
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Adhire Mardal Dani Friend Ni Atharesa

Hi friends your raj again with part 2 of last bang bang story. Chaalamandi mail chesaru hangouts lo msg lu pettaru. Story super maku address lu ivvandi.Num ivvandi ani.But adi ela istam bro. All are families and housewives. They unfortunately did it with me in weak moments.So sorry ala adagakandi bros. Appreciate cheyandi thanks, chepandi.Mi chuttu pakkala kuda chala mandi untaru.U have to find them dudes.Cheer up guys and u all get a chance one day.Use it and enjoy it. Inka story ki...

1 year ago
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I was not aware that my girlfriend had begun studying hypnosis,nor that she harbored ambitions of petticoating me. But I soondiscovered that the combination of the two was dangerous to mymasculinity. One afternoon I was sitting in my living room,listening to the stereo through a pair of headphones. It was awarm, sultry day, and after a while I drifted off to sleep. (Muchof what follows my girlfriend--now my mistress-- explained to melater.Seeing that I had dozed off, Jennifer saw her chance....

4 years ago
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Virgin Forever Dani

After the collapse of the Karla debacle, I went to a very dark place. It fell to my friends to try and keep me sane. Eric and Sam joined me at the cottage for American Thanksgiving (basically just another excuse for us to have a turkey) at my cottage. It was around this time where I started to develop somewhat of an alcohol problem. Not in the sense that I was constantly bombed or drinking every night. But for a guy who usually only drinks on his birthday and on New Years Eve, going to clubs...

1 year ago
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Dan into Dani Part 2 Getting used to girlhood lingerie shopping

OK, Dani, take off my knickers, choose a fresh pair from the drawer, and let’s get you dressed,” said Lucy.Dan sat up in bed. He was wearing a tight-fitting white bra and Lucy’s knickers - the ones he had pulled down Lucy’s legs before he had plunged his throbbing cock into her wet and inviting cunt. The night before. When he had been a boy.Now everything had changed. He had been tricked into putting on a bra that had magically and instantly turned him into a girl.He had been a six-foot shy...

3 years ago
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Slave to Dani Divine

After stumbling across one of her pictures on Google you instantly became a fan of Dani Divine. You followed all of her social media sites, and even brought her calendar every year the personalized one of course. You watched all her videos including her Pyrohex ones. You had become one of her biggest fans. You had often fantasied about being with her as her personal sex slave. Especially after one of her latex or bdsm themed photos. but fantasies never come true at least for people like...


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