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Dr. Eloise Vandenberg massaged her neck as she searched the scene below her top floor perch at the Citadel, one of the world’s foremost military colleges. Bumper to bumper in Charleston blocked a flashing ambulance as evening rainstorms erupted. If you were a war strategist but didn’t want the confines of the military like Eloise, this was the club you longed to be in. And if you had a taste for war game experimentation that touched on the sadistic, this was a place to practice your craft with a veneer of credibility.

As a professor, Eloise taught, researched, and was fucking bored most of the time. True, there was never a dearth of work or ideas. Hell, she’d formulated a defense plan the Marines were adapting. If it worked, the implications were endless. Yet she missed the old days. The adrenaline rushing through her veins. Existing with zero rules imposed upon her. These people had no idea what it was to live freely, with no constraints.

The ring of her desk phone jolted her from her reverie as a wall of driving water splattered the window. “Vandenberg,” she answered, her voice formal and deep into the receiver.

“Hey Vandie! It’s Hal.” She despised this personal nickname her boss had devised. He seemed tickled every time he used it.

“Hello Henry.” Running her red manicured nails through waved auburn tresses she wondered what it would be this time. How many beats did he take to answer? She waited..four..five..six… Maybe dementia really was setting in. She remembered the days when she waited for no man.

Rustle of papers on a desk then, “Listen, I got a student interviewing for the graduate program. Everything’s run late today. Mike was supposed to take him next, but he wants to meet you cause of your research. Would you talk to the kid?”

Fuck. The last thing she needed was another graduate student to mentor. More teaching responsibilities on top of her workload. It was a good thing she naturally didn’t need sleep. If this kid was interested in her and wanted to interview, she knew where it was going. The last three grad students she took in entered this way.  Granted they’d satisfied her very specific needs but still.

Henry broke the silence. “Interview him. You don’t have to take every pretty face that comes your way, now do you Vandie?”

I never have Henry. You just don’t know it. “Fine. Send him over but you owe me.”

“Let them keep piling up. I won’t mind paying.” Click.

Rolling her eyes, Eloise laughed at the elderly man’s audacity. She retrieved a lipstick from her laptop case and approached the full-length mirror on the back of her office door. A precision reapplication of cranberry to full lips was followed by a smoothing of tight lapis lazuli blue silk over ample curves. Her exterior modulated to that of an active middle-aged woman who took great care with her appearance.

Contented, she opened the door to sit askew and returned to her computer screen. With cursor pressed, she scrolled down row upon row of raw data, the numbers flashing so they blurred silvery white. Her immediate absorption of information allowed her to formulate trends and discern anomalies long before statisticians could slog through it.

A solid knock on her door and from silvered white data she turned to see a young man staring at her. His eyes a bright arresting blue. His handsome youthful face was framed in silver blond curls. A breath caught in her throat.

“Are you THE Dr. Vandenberg?” he asked as the young man made his way in, extending his hand out for a firm shake.

“That’s me.”

His hand sliding into hers felt good, but she was fooling herself. It always started this way. She could feel that little spark of electricity as their skin touched. His hand grasping hers tightly. The flattery never failed to make her flutter regardless the source.

“Close the door and sit down. Tell me your name.”

“Patrick Nolan. I’ve read your work.”

“A lot of people do. That’s the point of publishing it,” she said.

 “I’ve done some of my own. May I show you?”

After a regal nod of her head, he dug into his messenger bag and withdrew papers outlining his own research along with his grad school app and handed them over. Eloise took both with a boulder of salt but as she read, her jaw grew slack. She asked what school he went to and whose strategy team he worked with. A quick google search to confirm and she was around the desk sitting beside him and the two were pouring over Patrick’s ideas.

“How did you get involved in this kind of research? This sort of strategic thought exercise? I could understand a summer internship project, but you’ve accomplished so much work already!” she said.

“I’m fascinated by puzzles, especially the unsolvable ones. I get obsessed and need to figure things out. Is that why you do it too?” he asked.

Eloise touched his forearm, her fingers making an infinitesimal stroke. Her curiosity piqued by this new brainteaser before her. “Honestly, I just like trying to achieve the hardest things possible.”

“I admire people who are smart enough to solve the grueling problems.” Patrick looked down at the papers spread out on her desk before looking into her eyes. “I think your work is brilliant. You’re the whole reason I applied here.” His voice was quiet, like he was confessing his deepest secret. He reached his hand to cover hers. At the contact she started to pull away, but he twined his fingers with hers.

“Don’t,” he said. “Here. Let me show you something.” He unbuttoned his dress shirt, slipped his hand in, and pulled out a multicolored stone hanging from a chain around his neck. He placed it in her hand. “Someone special gave this to me. I never take it off.”

The warmth of his body seeped from the stone into her fingers, sending tingles up her arm. Lightheadedness flooded her as she studied the beaming glints off the prismatic talisman then turned to him in confusion. A tsunami of thoughts struck at the walls of her mind, shouting, screaming through her. A second or two more of brutal cacophony until his hand came up to caress her cheek as he pulled the stone away. Then her body relaxed. Her mind became soothed. The touch of his fingertips along her skin eased her, allowing any remaining qualms to disappear.

“You want me to kiss you, don’t you?” he asked.

“God yes,” she said.

She slid her hands up his shoulders as their lips came together. He pressed against her; his mouth passionate as his tongue searched to enter her. She met him willingly, their tongues tangling as their bodies were drawn to one another. She felt herself falling deeper and deeper into him. Patrick’s hands explored her silken curves, pulling her closer until he broke the kiss.

“Show me how you love young cock,” he demanded.

Eloise nodded and with care went to her knees. Taking her time to allow his anticipation to grow. It would be a once in a lifetime chance for a boy like him to feel the lips of a goddess kiss the tip of his cock. Which is what she did once she unzipped his suit pants.

His long thick member sprang into her hands as she looked up into his eyes with her own emerald ones. He moaned as she kissed the very tip then swirled around the young warrior’s crown with her tongue, making sure to play along his slit as she did. His changes of breath as she toyed with him fed her aching pussy. She tongued him round and round until she focused on the most sensitive spot on his underside making him gasp.

She just smiled, running that smile up and down against the velvety skin of his shaft before running her tongue along his length making him squirm. She cradled his balls as the queen worshipped her subject. It won’t be much longer now she judged from how he’d tightened. But then his hands came up. His fingers threaded through her hair, making her feel adored in return until he gripped harder. He grabbed fistfuls of hair now and controlled her head, guiding her back to suck his cock, making it clear to her what he wanted.

She suctioned him in. The sweet boy was close to losing control, she could tell. It had always been satisfying to bring men to an edge and see how long it would take them to lose control. Especially these young ones. It was delicious to drive them wild so quickly. If she were in a particularly naughty unkind mood, she might take her mouth away unexpectedly. If she knew the young warrior well, it was something she relished inflicting.

Gain his trust.

Bring him to the edge.


Over and Over.

Then eventually reward the sweet one and send him off to battle. Though that had been mostly the old days. But this young one? She didn’t have the heart. Even though they may have only met, he touched something deep inside her. An unknown connection existed that she wanted to explore with him. And she wanted more of this gorgeous cock, that she knew instinctively.

His hands gripped her head tight and in the space of a heartbeat her reality fractured. He was now fucking her mouth and she melted inside. Her pussy ached and sliding a hand past her pantyhose, into her black lace panties, she found herself soaked. She’d longed for a man who could raise this kind of excitement in her. Rubbing a finger around her clit, it swelled beneath her touch, sending Eloise close to her own edge. In the millennia she existed, few men ever took the lead. Few had the bravery to consider trying. Yet this one didn’t even think. He just did and it sent her into a wealth of ecstasy.

As Patrick shoved his cock deeper into her throat, her juices seeped to cover her fingers. A bit more pressure on her clit and she was there, humming the joy of her orgasm onto the cock stretching her mouth wide. That earned his attention, as their eyes locked. He pulled his cock from her and lifted her up by her hair with a swift pull.

“Owwww,” she exclaimed, shocked by the pain. Stunned that he’d dare to handle her so roughly.

“You didn’t like that did you?”

Her mouth struggled to form words; lips moved but no sound emerged. Her body vibrated with excitement.

Still holding her by the hair he gave her a little shake. “I didn’t like you cumming like that. I never gave you permission. From now on I’m the one who makes you cum,” he growled through gritted teeth.

Eloise’s eyes went wide. He wanted to make her cum. A dazed feeling came over her. He thought he could control when she came. He imagined he could wield that kind of power over her? Breaths rushed into her chest with more speed as adrenaline coursed through her.

He cradled her face in his palms and altered from harsh master to dominant lover. She loved the feel of him tilting her head back to lower his mouth to hers. Their lips touched then he whispered, “Hand the reins over to me. Now sit on your desk and spread your legs.”

Would she do it? Follow his command? There was hesitation yet her aching nipples, the wetness of her pussy, the yearning of her psyche clarified that being dominated was what she secretly longed for. Somewhere inside she knew this was her ultimate weakness. An unacknowledged internal desire that no deadly warrior goddess should ever allow.  And yet this beautiful young man, someone whose education she could help mold even if she didn’t teach him herself, certainly he would be safe to free herself with.

No longer thinking, she melted inside as he nudged her to step backwards until the desk edge pressed against her cheeks. He shoved papers aside, pushed her dress up and lifted her to the surface.

Putting his face right to hers he ordered, “Open them.”

Shivering she obediently spread her thighs. Thrilled by the anticipation, she watched mesmerized as he grasped her pantyhose in both hands. He pulled apart, tearing them, revealing her soaked black lace thong.

He smiled. “That’s easy to deal with.” He shucked off his own pants then pulled the scrap to the side and pressed his head against her opening. She pushed her pussy forward to meet him, ready for him to fill her.

“Uh Uh Uh. You don’t get it yet,” he said as he smacked her clit with his hard cock.

Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes flew down to watch what he was doing. Over and over until she was close again. But then his palm replaced his cock and a new kind of smack brought tears to her eyes. Not because it hurt. But because she’d been close to coming. She hadn’t been denied before. Never experienced the agony of wanting something so badly and having it ripped from her.

“Please,” she whispered, glistening tears falling over her smooth cheeks.

“Why should I?”

“Because I feel like I’ll die if I can’t have it,” she said, undulating her hips forward.

“You beg beautifully.” He thrust his cock in hard, grunting as he did, and nothing felt more satisfying to her. His filling her was like experiencing a literal relief, the desire that had built was so great. Patrick thrust at an angle hitting her in that perfect spot. The longer he thrust she could feel it building.

“May I cum?” she asked.

“No. We’ll experience it together when we do.”

“Cum together?”

“Something like that. Do you believe in chakras?”

“Huh?” It was hard to keep track of what he was saying. His cock stretching her pussy like this felt incredible even if he did slow down a little. His one hand came around to support her back as his other played in her hair at the top. She wished he’d pull it instead of his finger making that circle motion on the crown.

As he started thrusting harder, that ideal spot was being rubbed again, making her build, driving her wild. His index finger circled faster over her crown, a purple light now beginning to glow as he did. Her moans of passions filled the room.

He sucked her lower lip into his mouth and bit hard before he released it. “We’re both close, baby. I want your last orgasm to be the best ever.”

“What do you mean last?” she panicked, but he thrust faster in that perfect way. She began to explode. Her back arched as warm liquid gushed from her pussy as she repeatedly clenched tight around his cock. Yet her ecstasy was interrupted by a driving pressure that started at the top of her head.

The room was suddenly bathed entirely in purple light. Then the sharpest of pains in her head and the blond young man before her transformed into the familiar face of her young warrior from ages ago. His skin streaked with blood, his eyes vengeful. Without speaking, he transferred his thoughts and memories to her through the light.

“Do you remember me?”

Fear making her mute she simply nodded.

“I was your fiercest warrior. I fought and died for you. You resurrected me over and over to win your battles. And when there were no wars to fight you tortured me for your amusement.”

He began to thrust again, this time putting his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. “Now it’s time for you to pay.” He pistoned hard inside her until he shot rope after rope of cum. She disintegrated as he held her in his hands. Flakes of her ash sifted through the air floating down to her desk and the floor. The talisman’s justice worked better than he would have ever imagined.

He stepped back and dusted off his clothes, trying to clean himself up as best he could. Then turning to his messenger bag, he removed a sleek incendiary device. He pressed a password into its keypad to activate it and placed it into the pile of dust that had been Dr. Eloise Vandenberg. It was strong enough to destroy the evidence without taking out the structure. Plus, it was the end of the day and they’d spent long enough fucking that no one was left considering the rainstorm.


Patrick took his time walking out and once on the street beneath the portico of the famous building that housed the school of government, he dialed 911 on her own phone.

“I’d like to report an explosion.” He recited the address and against the advice of the operator hung up. He carefully wiped it of his prints and left it on the steps. His ride was waiting at the curb.

“Excellent work, gentlemen,” Patrick said as he entered a blacked-out SUV holding three other men. Three twenty somethings who had in fact all been Eloise’s graduate students. The vehicle sped away as Patrick pulled out his own phone and they all watched his shaking fingertip press detonate.  A collective exhale of satisfaction and relief released as a small-scale explosion rocked the top of a building receding in their rearview.

“Superb efforts undertaken by all of you to weaken her. When I attempted the kill shot, no defenses remained.” Gratified nods in response to the praise as he thumbed contacts and stabbed Arachne to dial.

“Yo,” a teenage feminine voice answered.

“Target’s been achieved.”


“Are you in place?”

“Yep. Here in Mountain View. ‘Bouta head in.”

“You don’t need to do the teenage chatter when you talk to me, you know.” Patrick could hear more voices in the background now. She probably had a point.

“Gotchu but I like it.”

He smiled. “Anyway, we don’t know how well the ground team has done with Athena yet. You getting this internship with her is key to the whole operation. We’re counting on you. The more gods we topple the greater power we amass.”

“Chill. I got this.”

Patrick heard a beep then a whooshing slide before the line fell dead. He pictured Arachne holding her brand-new Google security ID reading Charnae Williams. With a flip of her woven braids, she’d place it against the scanner and pass by the guards before rising to the inner Alphabet sanctum.

Athena hadn’t allowed Arachne to fall dead. Instead Athena issued her a fate worse than death until they’d rescued her.

He couldn’t imagine what Arachne had in store for her god’s comeuppance. As Athena’s victim, it was her choice how to dispense retribution.  And he was so looking forward to finding out.




Centuries from now, legends would be told of how the gods’ playthings achieved their revenge and became gods themselves.




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She knows it’s a strange habit. Zion, the A.I. running the mansion, isn’t up there, or down on the floor, or anywhere, really. He isn’t at all. But the cameras he controls are on the high corners, she can see them follow her around the place. It used to freak her out at first, though a lot less than his arms did. Now, she’s used to it all. “Thank you,” the wiring noise of the mechanical limb lets her know that her coffee is ready before she can see the mug being carried towards her. It’s...

2 years ago
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Wreck Beach in Vancouver, B.C. was the beginning ofa distinct chapter in my life as a young sensuala****l. This day began as a sizzling vacation periodof time in the month of June on our infamous nudebeach just after my 19th birthday. The walk to thenaked open-mindedness among all those freethinkingindividuals was exciting to me that afternoon as Idescended the thousand steps.Arriving at the bottom of the trail, I foundmyself walking along the beautiful beach through amass of sun worshipers, at...

1 year ago
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A Problem With PiracyChapter 2 The Great Debate

July 14, 1990 The meeting hall was crowded with people stopping by to read over the pending contract. There were piles of documents stacked by the side of the room for people to read about the Cartoom piracy problem if they wished. This was a kind of job that few of them had considered taking. This was a Naval engagement, which wasn’t the kind of thing that the warriors explicitly trained for. That’s not to say that they were unfamiliar with Naval tactics. They’d read everything about war...

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A long Romanian sex story

It was difficult telling whether the Gypsy stripper was moving around the pole or if the pole was just moving around her. She slipped around it like a silk ribbon, twisted her body around it sensuously. Her full, pouty lips were parted slightly, as though she were silently moaning. The evil and cruel Romanian club owner and sex trafficker was pleased. He smiled darkly as he rubbed at the growing bulge in his pants, enjoying the show. The strain of his shaft against his pants was finally too...

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My sister and Me Pt 1

If you just wanna get to the shit skip this bit: (I'm trying to give my stories similar names so that they can be read back to back if you want, or whatever. I appreciate the feedback from y'all and I hope you continue to enjoy the stories I post.)This was a while ago when my family went to go and see my dad's side of the family. They lived deep in the boonies. Driving out there was a bit of a bore and by this time my sister and I were of age to drive ourselves. My sister drove pretty fast and...

2 years ago
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Tokyo Bitch Boy

That night I fantasized about 1san blowing me while I beat off. The next day I canceled my plans and called and invited 1san over, he said okay and would call 2san. They arrived at about 1 with beer. We sat and they started peppering me with more dirty language questions. 2san asked if I had ever played a game called Bitch Slap Five. I had never heard of it but claimed they had read that it was very popular among boys in circle jerks who weren't getting laid yet, in America. They explained...

4 years ago
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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 2 Getting Closer To Them

I was getting closer to my lustful family. Day 3 I woke up in the morning. I checked my phone. There’s a message from James. James: ‘Hey, let’s meet for coffee later today.’ He wants to meet at the place where Bella works. Hell, why not! I replied, ‘I’ll be there!’ I took a quick shower and joined the family at the dining table for breakfast. Everybody was there. Liza: Good morning, Aafi! Rachel: Hi, Aafi! Bella: … Me: Hi, all. Mom: Did you sleep well? Me: Yes, thank you. Breakfast looks...

3 years ago
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To See You Again

You grab my arm, and you pull me inside. The door is shut and I am pressed up against it. With you in front of me and the door behind me, our lips touch for the first time in so many years. I've lost track of the all of the years. 16? 19? Has it been 20 yet? Memories flood back. Your lips are so familiar. Your taste. Your smell.You have my head in your hands, and you pull me from the door slightly as you back away to look at me. You drink me in. My eyes, my lips, my chin. Your...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My favourite fantasy pt 5

My Best Fantasy pt 5 Final installment, honest….. I watched Sarah’s sweet sexy ass sway its way back to the party, I headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower, I passed the other bedroom and things were still in full swing.I pushed the bathroom door behind me as I walked in, the door did not shut it was left ajar. I opened the shower cubicle and stepped in, the water felt so refreshing, I reached for the shower gel and lathered up my body, I was still tingling with excitement, I rinsed of...

3 years ago
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Sklavin Eva

Es begann mit einer Anzeige "devote Skalvin sucht erfahrenen Dom". mehr nicht. Unter all den kontaktanzeigen eine eher unscheinbare und doch sagte mir dir innere Stimme melde dich. Es verging ca. 1Woche bis eine Antwort kam und die kam unter dem Titel besessene sucht Bestrafung. Meine erste mail bestätigte, dass ich mich dafür zuständig fühlte. Umgehend kam zurück "wie bestrafst du mich"?. Es folgten 2-3 mails mit entsprechenden Beschreibungen und dann das erste Treffen. in einem kaffee, keine...

2 years ago
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A Doctors Visit

A Doctor's VisitStruggling with the restraint around my neck, I turned my head to watch the nurse looking through the numerous cabinets on the wall. I could clearly see her slim waist and full but firm breasts that threatened to break through the fabric of the thin, white coat of hers. Quickly she turned around just as I realized that the smooth round shape of her behind did not show the familiar depressions of panties. But my excitement about the naked body of this beautiful nurse quickly...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Jericha Jem Cum Hustler

Jericha Jem doesn’t want to go to school anymore, so she writes a note to tell the school she’s pregnant. Her stepbrother Lucas Frost learns her plan and mocks her. Jericha calls Lucas back and unbuttons her school uniform to pull out her perky all naturals so Lucas can feel them up. Soon he’s stroking her tits while she reaches down to rub his stiffie. Finding him nice and hard, the Latina babe pulls Lucas’s cock out and leans forward to start sucking with long,...

3 years ago
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Virgin Kokan Beauty

Hello, everyone. I am Rahul from Aurangabad, Maharashtra. I am 22 years old, young and slim, and tall. I really like girls wth big ass but at the same time, I like horny mature aunties too. But I like femdom, but never got a chance. So if any lady/girl want to contact me for just fun, mail me at I guarantee your privacy will be maintained. So without wasting time, I will start my sex story here. I got a job 4 months ago in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. And I shifted here all alone for my...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 3 Chapter 4 Passions Cure

Book Three: Barbaric Passion Chapter Four: Passion's Cure By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – Red Eye Tribal Lands, Larg Federation The clear stars burned overhead. I stared up at them, my thoughts drifting. The summer solstice was upon the world. The time to hunt, gather, and war had come to the orc lands. I studied the stars' patterns as they drifted across the night sky. Serisia's spirit lay beside me, cold with her unlife. She...

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Kirayedarni Ko Maa Banaya

Sab bhai aur unke behno ko mera sadar namaskar. Mera naam hai Tito(fake) (Age- 27 years,hight 6 feet 3inch, color weatish, with about 80kg and unmarried) Orissa ka rehne wala hoon. Mein aaj apni story aap sab se share kaar raha hoon jo ki 18 mahine pehle hua tha. Hamara ghar sambalpur mein hai lekin mein bhubneswar mein business karta hoon. Yahan mera ek 3bhk flat hai jaha mein akela rehta tha. Bade ghar mein akele rehna acha nahi lag ta tha isiliye meine 1 bd room chod ke baki ghar rent pe de...

1 year ago
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The ensue Day

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is another super story read and write. Funny how life throws you an occasional curve ball. I was just about to enter college when my parents split. For a couple years I witnessed their anguish...the yelling and fighting. I really didn't know until later exactly why they divorced. After we moved into a new house, told me dad cheated on her often and she finally had enough. It was hard on me as I loved my dad, but I loved mom too. Mom...

1 year ago
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Playing with toys

I was shopping for something sexy to buy my new girlfriend. Christmas was coming soon and I knew I wanted to be cumming too. (pun intended) I looked at silky gowns and wondered over to the toy section. I saw the strap on selection and thought, I wonder if there is anything in the to get the girl off other than just the thought of doing her man ? I ended up picking out a double dong and a small butt plug. I had a few experiences with other men and while I had chances to, I avoided having...

3 years ago
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The Neighbors Put On A Show 4

Debbie continued to kiss me passionately as she reached down and grabbed my crotch.  I was wondering if I would be able to respond, having cum less than half an hour ago but I was so horny from my recent dallying with Julie and Randy that in a very short time, my cock was rock hard again. I hadn't  had time to take a shower. Would she be able to detect Debbie's pussy scent on my cock or Randy's  musky cum residue in my mouth, I thought as she got in front of me and unzipped my shorts. I soon...

1 year ago
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Its Behind You

“Whoops, sorry!” Kevin felt himself blush involuntarily as he opened the dressing-room door and found himself confronted by the sight of Gary and Belinda going at it like a couple of rabbits. She was bracing herself against the table while Gary enthusiastically scuttled her from behind. The white blouse of her dirndl costume had been pulled right down, giving Kevin a full-frontal view of her ample boobs as they swung vigorously back and forth in time with Gary’s banging. Her large pink nipples...

3 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 59

Immediately upon entering the fitting room, Olivia dropped to her knees and lifted Gina’s skirt. For a minute she just sat savoring the scent in the vicinity – Gina had been marinating for awhile, and the smell that lingered around her was like smoked salmon coated in honey.Olivia picked up a pair of slinky white panties and helped Gina step into them. She pulled them into place and leaned back to admire how they looked, then took hold of them and began to work the crotch up into Gina’s slit....

4 years ago
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True Lesbo Experience With Mom

Hello ISS and friends, I am very glad to share my first sexperience with my mom as lesbo. Thanks Indian sex stories for giving us this place to post our personal experiences. Let’s just not waste anymore time and start sharing my true experience… Meri naam Srabanti (by d way name not changed) hai aur me ek typical Bengali family se belongs karti hoon. Meri English acchi nahi hai, isiliye me Hindi me story bolne ki koshish kr rahi hoon. Me 26 saal ki hoon aur avi bank exams ke liye padai kr rahi...

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Double TimeChapter 62

“Eternity will not cause our memories to fade, it will force our hearts to accept the past.” —Ross Caligiuri, Dreaming in the Shadows RACHEL MET US at the door of Joan’s house and immediately kissed Livy, then sniffed around her face before licking it. “Naughty girl,” she laughed as she turned to me. “Do you taste like Livy?” She kissed me, disappointed to find I had no female scent around my mouth. I pressed the fingers of my right hand against her lips and she sucked them into her...

1 year ago
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Jennifers Home At Last

My wife finally moved home only because I told her to keep seeing other guys. The catch was she had to bring them home to a cottage on our property to fuck them. Tonight I'm waiting for her to come home from a date. So I can watch my slut wife suck a strangers cock and get fucked. Jennifer is a 45 year old 6ft with 40dd tits and voluptuous ass and pussy. When she left tonight she had on black blouse and half bra with fish net stockings and come fuck me boots. Finally I seen lutes pulling into...

Cheating Wifes
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The Secrets of Brinkley Ridge In the Barn

She rose above him and braced herself with locked arms pushed into his muscular chest. Squat on his swollen girth, she ruthlessly fed the pressure inside her. With undulating hips and her legs spread wide, the momentum of her naked body fucked him hard. Announced by loud sobs of joy, uncontrollable tremors threw her over the precipice. His heavy manly growl came next and he shook mightily, bucking his full length into her. Feeling a torrent of intense warmth, colours exploded against her...

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Toms Adventures Ch 03

I felt something move next to me. I opened my eyes and couldn’t see anything. I rubbed my eyes to make sure they were working. Yup. Still dark. Then the memory came back to me. I was in the basement. I felt movement next to me. I turned my head and my nose was suddenly in somebody’s hair. That’s it. I feel asleep on the couch. Jessica had cuddled up to me. Ouch! My arm had fallen asleep! I slowly moved my arm from underneath Jessica’s head. Once free, Jess moved around in her sleep, or what I...

2 years ago
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A Bath to Remember

I just adore England in the spring; it's the most perfect time of the year. The trees are starting to leaf, the hedgerows are filling out and different hues of red, white and pink blossom seem to adorn every other tree you can see. Spring was the time Allison had first picked for her visit to see me in England, and I couldn't wait to see her again. We'd fallen in love online some six months earlier. Neither of us had been looking for love or had even remotely expected to have found it in the...

4 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 83 The Stallions

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Hamilton Center for BDSM Treatment

Cover photo taken from Jesse Flanagan Photography, 2017 You are running late, since you have an appointment at 10 o’clock, in 44th Hamilton Street, and its 9:45 AM. Almost running to the place, you hope to arrive at time and not have to make another new appointment. After a tremendous rush, you finally reach Hamilton Street. Like any other day, the street was empty and very quietly at that moment of the day. That let you walk calmly and think about what will happen in the session. While your...

2 years ago
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The Fundraiser Part 1

The Fundraiser Part One Note: This story does have sex…it just comes near the end. No one under 18 involved. Every January for the past 15 years I have blocked out the fourth weekend of July to participate in a two hundred mile bike ride to raise money for medical research. Starting at one end of the state and ending at the other, thousands of spandex clad men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes come from all over the country to further the cause. The event has been going on for almost...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Virgins PetChapter 5

"I'm glad I talked you out of going back," Ann Marie said. "I don't get visitors out here in the country too often and I like to hold onto them for a while if I can." Gayle had finished her breakfast and was pouring herself another glass of orange juice. Through the trees outside the window she could see the large lake and the beach that ran around one end. When Captain Marvel padded into the kitchen, Gayle cringed "You're not afraid of him, are you?" her aunt laughed. "It's...

2 years ago
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My First Time with Another Couple

It was about 20 years ago when I was in my mid 40's and living in Wisconsin. I was in an adult chatroom and I saw that a guy named Tony was looking for someone to take pictures of him and his wife fucking. I quickly answered since they were located about an hour and a half away from me.We chatted briefly in the chatroom then we exchanged phone numbers and talked. His wife, Jody, was 31, petite, small tits and shaved pussy. There was no mention during our telephone conversation of me joining in....

1 year ago
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Christmas present gangbang

My wife Kristi wanted to do something kinky for me for christmas so she arranged to meet up with her Bull Greg. She told him she wanted to make a movie for me and told him to pull out all the stops. One night a week or so before christmas I got a text from Greg telling me he had a buddy who owned a swingers club up near chicago and if I wanted to see my wife get fucked in person not a video he could set it up without her knowing I was there. I have seen her a few times being a total slut but...

1 year ago
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Fringe Benefits

Driving into the driveway this house looked pretty promising. The ad was about a garage apartment and the house had a three car garage so it should be pretty large. Dan parked his car, got out and headed for the front door. Knocking on the door he was glancing around taking in the nicely manicured lawn and fantastic landscaping. The door swung open and Dan was struck a little speechless. Standing before him was one of the sexiest women he had ever seen. Dark auburn hair and green eyes. ...

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