Kidnapped!Chapter 3 free porn video

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Chuck came to groggily. His arms ached and his head throbbed. He tried to lower his arms but couldn't. Muzzily he tried to look up to see what was restraining him. 'What the fuck?' he thought. He couldn't seem to get his brain in gear. He tugged frantically at his restraints, anger overcoming good sense. All he succeeded in doing was making his arms hurt even more. He tried to move his feet and discovered they were restrained too. He looked down at the shackles around his ankles. More straining and tugging only made the pain worse. Red anger surged through him. "Someone's going to pay for this, ' he vowed. He glanced down again and this time it registered that he was naked. Anger gave way to fear. What was going on? How had he got here? Where were his mom and sister?

A noise caught his attention. He turned his head to see his sister crouched between the spread legs of a black woman lapping enthusiastically at her cunt. His sister was lying with her legs slightly apart and he could see the red and swollen lips of her cunt. It was obvious she had been well fucked. Her blonde hair was spread across the black woman's thighs and the latter was running her fingers through it as Diane worked her cunt. The black woman was cooing and crooning. It was clear his sister was working well.

Fear was forgotten. Chuck watched in growing fascination as the woman prised his sister from between her thighs and strapped on a dildo. He knew his sister was a virgin, she had often boasted that she would remain that way until she was married. Chuck thought this was a waste. If he'd been dating her, he'd soon have told her to get lost when she didn't come over. Chuck liked sex - as often as possible. He thought of himself as bit of a stud.

He watched with growing lust as the black woman parked herself between his sister's slender thighs and began to tease her with the dildo. When Diane eventually let out her heartfelt plea to be fucked, it was all he could do to prevent himself cumming all over the plush green carpet. Even he had enough wits to realise that this would be a terrible social faux pas. Beads of sweat beaded his body as he fought to control himself while he listened to and watched his sister being fucked for the very first time. Part of him was a bit upset. Deep in one of his innermost fantasies, so deep that he hardly admitted it to himself, was the thought that he could be the one to pop his sister's cherry.

The moans and cries from the bed reached a crescendo then died away. The black woman rose languidly from the bed. He could see her properly for the first time - and what he saw made his already stiff cock even harder. Those tits! Those legs! That ass! He ached to sink his cock into that fat cunt. She stretched and the tits stood out like mountains on her chest. Chuck had a thing about big tits. She looked around casually then paused, as if noticing him for the first time. She cocked her head to one side and ran a startlingly pink tongue over her full lips and strolled towards him arrogantly, sensually, the open peignoir floating around her like a cloud of flame.

"So you're awake," she said in an amused tone. Her gaze dropped to his rigid cock. "And you've been watching, naughty boy. Did you enjoy watching me fuck your little sister? I took her cherry, you know." She wrapped a hot hand round his throbbing shaft and stroked it gently. "That's a silly question, of course you enjoyed it. Did you imagine it was you - you fucking your hot little sister?"

The suddenness of the question made Chuck start. An image of himself lying on his sister with his cock buried in her pussy to the hilt flashed through his mind. His cock jumped.

"I thought you might like the idea," she murmured.

She stroked him idly for a while as if thinking about something else. The odour of aroused woman assailed his nostrils. He gritted his teeth. If she kept this up for much longer he'd cum all over the carpet. Somehow he felt she wouldn't be too impressed with that.

"Much as I like fucking women," she continued, "I really prefer to have a big, hard cock inside me. Do you have a big, hard cock, little boy? Would you like to fuck me with it?"

Chuck was unable to speak. He tried but it came out as a strangled gargle. Would he like to fuck her? Too fucking right he would. She was sex personified - the epitome of woman.

She laughed, a low, throaty chuckle. "Of course you want to fuck me. And your cock is certainly hard. As for size... it's adequate."

She unlocked his shackles and waited until he had massaged some feeling back into his arms and legs.

"Come with me," she said, taking his cock in her hand.

Chuck had little option but would have followed her anyway. He would have walked barefoot over a bed of hot coals for the chance to fuck her. She led him to a bedroom, climbed on the bed and lay, arms and legs wide in invitation. Eagerly he scrambled up beside her, his cock bobbing.

In sudden panic, he wondered if she would want some foreplay. She resolved his dilemma.

"Get up here and get that big cock in my cunt," she said.

No second invitation was required. Like a dog coming to heel, he crawled between her thighs and pushed his cock into her open cunt.

"Take it easy, big boy," she growled. "You fuck me nice or I'll chain you back against that wall."

Desperate as he was, Chuck took the threat seriously. Fighting for control, he eased his cock gently into her. Her previous exertions had made her very slick and he slid easily and smoothly in until he was completely buried inside her. She pulled him down, her huge breasts pillowing his chest.

"That feels good. Now fuck me. Slowly. I want to feel it go in and out."

Fighting for control, Chuck did as he was bid, lifting his hips slowly out then pushing back down. His cock slid in and out like a well-oiled piston. At the bottom he gave an extra little push and heard the woman grunt with pleasure. She seemed in no hurry to get on with it, shifting her hips gently to indicate how she wanted him to move. Chuck tried his best to meet her rhythm. Normally he was not a very attentive lover. He had a good-sized cock and good stamina. These were generally enough to satisfy his usual conquests. But this woman was different. First she had power over him. He didn't doubt for a moment that she would make good her threat if he didn't satisfy her properly but, more than that, he wanted to impress her; show her he really was the man for the task. But he was close to cumming. He closed his eyes and tried to think of non-sexual things as he pistoned in and out of her slick, hot cunt.

The woman smiled to herself. She could see that he was close and was making a serious effort to control himself. That was the trouble with boys - they came too quickly. On the other hand their youth meant they were usually up for it again before too long. It felt good to have a hard young cock inside her, and even better that this white boy genuinely seemed to want to please her.

She shifted her hips, encouraging him to move faster. Yes, that was good. She could really feel him inside her now. She urged him even faster and harder, lifting her hips to meet his downstroke so she could feel his hardness deep inside her. He was sweating hard in an effort not to cum, his teeth bared and her eyes tight shut. She could feel her heat rising.

"Yes, white boy. Fuck me harder. Make me cum," she murmured.

She curled her arms around his back, pulling his hard chest against her breasts. His motion rasped the light hairs on his chest across her stiff nipples. That excited her. She loved the feel of a hairy chest. She worked her hips against his cock, matching his rhythm and compelling him to move faster, fuck her harder. His pubis banged against hers. Each bump squeezed her clitoris and sent little trills of sensation rippling through her body. His cock seemed to swell inside her and she knew she was about to cum.

"Yeah, honey. That's good. You're gonna make me cum," she huffed in his ear. "You gonna cum too? Gonna cum inside me?" For an answer, Chuck could only groan. He was almost over the top: almost to the point where sensation overload would cause him to lose it. But not quite. He felt the woman's cunt contract around his cock. Felt the muscles rippling under her velvet skin of her stomach and knew she was about to cum. His balls contracted. The cum burst out like molten lava. His back arched and every muscle went rigid as, with a groan that was as much of pain as pleasure, he pumped his cum into her eager cunt.

'Shit, ' she thought as she felt the first jet, 'this boy can cum.' She wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her heels into his buttocks and held him tightly inside her. She could feel his cock pulse as he pumped his cum into her. This prolonged her own release, or perhaps made her cum a second time. Whatever, it felt good and she held him tightly against her until he had, at last, stopped twitching, which he did long after he had any cum left to give.

They collapsed on the bed. She cradled him, stroking his hair as he fought for breath.

After a time he propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at her. "I ain't never cum like that before," he murmured, awe in his voice.

"You ain't never had a real woman before," she smiled.

They kissed - a long, lingering, tender kiss. It dawned on Chuck that he was kissing a black woman. He had never been attracted to black girls before. It was nothing racial, they just didn't seem his type. But this woman was different and he realised that he would do practically anything to be fucked like that again. His kiss became more ardent.

The woman pushed him away and made him roll off her. She reached up and pressed a button on the wall above the bed. The movement did interesting things to her breasts and, despite still coming down from the fuck, Chuck licked his lips. A few moments later another black woman entered the room. She was decidedly overweight with heavy, pendulous breasts, wide hips, solid thighs and a rounded belly. On her, though, it looked right. Although she could have been described as fat, it was hard fat. Her skin, darker than the other woman's, was stretched lean and tight across her bulk and reminded Chuck of dark, smooth chocolate ice cream. Perched on her head, almost lost in her thick, black hair and looking slightly ridiculous, was a maid's cap.

She padded over to the bed, smiling broadly, her white teeth a starting contrast to her dark skin. "Did he treat you good?" she asked.

"He certainly did, Cindy," the woman replied with a satisfied sigh. Chuck grinned and wriggled like a cat being petted.

Without preamble, Cindy, climbed onto the bed and began to lick her mistress's cunt. The woman relaxed back with a sigh.

"When you've finished, you can do our young friend, here."

Cindy paused long enough to raise her head and say, "Sure thing," before returning to her task. She took her time. She licked all round the outside of her mistress's cunt, over her pubic mound, the inside of her thighs and even delved into her the crack between her ass cheeks where some of Chuck's cum had dribbled. The woman stretched languidly, splaying her thighs wide to assist the maid in her task. Having thoroughly clean the outside, Cindy turned her attentions to the interior. With long, lazy strokes of her tongue, she lapped at the woman's cunt, sucking up the combined juices with obvious pleasure. The woman's sighs became louder. She covered the tips of her breasts with her hands and squeezed her nipples tightly. The amused thought crossed Chuck's mind that this maid really enjoyed her work.

Eventually the woman pushed her maid away. "Thank you, Cindy. An excellent job, as usual."

"No problem," the maid said licking the last of the cum from her lips.

She turned to Chuck and bent over his soft, sticky cock. He was engulfed by her mouth. Her tongue swirled around, bathing his cock. Her huge, soft breasts pressed against his thigh. As with her mistress, she took her time. It was clear she enjoyed sucking cocks. Holding the tip delicately, she licked up and down the shaft, all round his balls, over his pubic hair and the inside of his thighs. The lazy swipes of her tongue left wet trails across his skin. He found this loving, almost reverential, treatment extremely erotic. His cock began to grow. This seemed to encourage the maid who stopped simply cleaning him and began to deliberately arouse him. She pulled back the loose skin and licked the tip then blew on it as if to dry it then nipped it between her teeth. She sucked him deep in her mouth, her cheeks hollowing with the suction. She sucked his balls into her mouth and ran her tongue around them. Before long he was as stiff as a post and groaning in excitement.

At a signal from her mistress, Cindy stopped and sat back on her heels, a look of immense satisfaction on her face.

"Tell you what," the woman said. "You fuck Cindy, here, real good and I'll let you fuck me in the ass." She turned and bent slightly, showing her bubble butt to the youth. Although it was large and round, Chuck had already noticed it was mostly muscle. She twitched her hips seductively, making her rear cheeks quiver enticingly. "You think you can get it up three times."

Chuck's cock, already hard from Cindy's ministrations, became even harder at the thought. Hers was an ass to lust over. "Sure," he said, then with a sly smile, added, "but I might need a bit of help."


"Yeah. I'll need you to suck me."

The woman laughed, making her breasts and ass jiggle. "You will, will you? You're in no position to demand anything." She passed a pink tongue over her red-painted lips. "Still, I like a bit of arrogance in my men. I might just oblige you. But only if you fuck Cindy real good."

"Sure." He looked at the voluptuous black maid who was smiling broadly. "I'll fuck her real good."

Under instruction, Cindy bent over the foot of the bed presenting her large ass to the youth. Normally he did not find large women attractive, especially overweight ones but this big black woman just exuded sex from every pore and he was so possessed by lust that he would have fucked anything.

The maid swivelled round to look at him. "You want to fuck my ass, too?"

"Maybe. After I've fucked your mistress," he replied.

The maid chortled. "You sure found a sassy one this time," she said to her mistress.

Chuck worked a hand between her fat, brown thighs. Her mound was covered with coarse black hair. He found her slit. The outer lips were fat and puffy and his fingers slipped between them easily. He ran his fingers up and down, seeking her clitoris at one end and her vagina at the other. She was wet and ready. A strong, musky aroma assailed his nostrils. She moaned as his probing fingers prodded her clit.

"What are you doing, white boy," the woman asked. She was reclining at the top of the bed, supported by a mound of pillows.

"Just making sure she's good and ready," he replied.

"Oh, I'm ready," the maid gasped, gripping the foot board more tightly. Chuck had just stuffed two fingers into her twat. "Stick that thing in me, now."

Chuck withdrew his fingers and, with his eyes fixed on the woman, slowly licked the maid's juices from them. He didn't particularly like the taste - it was too strong and musky, but the action had the desired effect on the woman. She let her knees fall apart and slipped one hand between her thighs. As Chuck took hold of his cock and slowly eased it into the maid's cunt, she parted her labia with two fingers and showed him the pink interior of her cunt.

For such a large woman, the maid was remarkably tight. Her cunt seemed to suck him in, surrounding him like a hot, wet glove. He tried to keep it slow but Cindy was impatient. She wanted to be fucked. She churned her hips, her cunt gripping his cock intimately. He moaned as the thrills ran through his body. He gripped her broad hips firmly. If a vigorous fuck was what she wanted, that's exactly what she would get. He pulled his cock back then drove it firmly forward. Cindy moaned as he bottomed out and she felt his hips slap against her buttocks, making them quiver like two brown jellies. He drew back and drove home again, gradually building up speed until he was pounding his cock deep into her cunt.

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Hot Encounter

I started fucking my sister when she was eleven. I was fifteen and horny all the time. My sister and i shared the same bedroom so access to her each night was easy. In fact, getting into her was easy. I simply asked her to sleep with me in my bed. Soon, i had her panties off and i got her into position. I spread her legs as wide as possible and mounted her. Her Quim was smallish and tight but i slowly worked all of my seven inch cock into her. She whimpered several times but never asked...

2 years ago
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The rain: that's how it all began. Hannelore was standing in the breakroom, staring out the window with an increasingly grim expression. The disproportionate enormity of the window made her look smaller than she actually was, shrinking into nothingness in the shimmering void of the rain. She'd already changed, so she was wearing her street clothes -- nothing special, just a pullover hoodie and jeans. The front pocket of her sweatshirt tightened in her balled fists. "Shit," she muttered,...

1 year ago
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Fisting Jeni

We were discussing different theories about bring a partner to a more intense orgasm and she mentioned the need for a little pain. I have never been interested in the B&D or S&M side of sex but could see the results of over filling her pussy. She wanted me to allow her to use her previously mentioned little bag of sex tools & devices. I had to agree before hand to let her proceed even if I might not like where it was going. I bargained with her saying I would submit if she would let...

2 years ago
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Kevins RevengeChapter 2

Kevin walks in to see Nazz chatting up Eddy, and Jonny storming off, Ed is finally there and gives him a wave between kissing May, which starts to rile him up until he spots Marie and Lee talking once Sarah and Jimmy briefly walk off to dance. A devilish grin on Lees face sets him at ease. “Hey, scram so I can talk to my sister,” Marie ordered. “This better be important, Marie,” she snapped. “We’re talking her, rock reject,” Sarah snapped. “Oh it is ... it is.” “Excuse us for a moment...

1 year ago
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TheLesbianExperience Aiden Ashley Paige Owens Make A Sweet Deal

As young Paige takes a look around the apartment that’s for rent, landlord and sexy woman Aiden, begins to get deep and personal with Paige’s situation. Paige opens up about her recent breakup with her girlfriend and is a bit depressed as Aiden suggest that some good sex would do her some good and help Paige forget about her ex. Aiden getting the green light lays Paige down on her bed and slips her soaked pink panties off licking up every drop of her sweet fresh pussy juices, to...

2 years ago
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Bridget Rising 001

This is my first venture into publishing on Literotica – please be kind! The story is my own, though the characters are not. Well, one of them isn’t. If you haven’t already, you must read Patricia51’s novellas Bridget’s Nights and Bridget’s Days. This story is based around the character Bridget O’Brien, and while it is effectively a stand-alone, it would help to get the background. Patricia has graciously allowed me to take her beguiling heroine into the most tumultuous period of recent Irish...

2 years ago
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Wet Mountain

When I tell people I live in the far west of Ireland, out on the Dingle Peninsula, their first response is usually “You’re so lucky, that sounds lovely.” Then, when I’ve explained a bit more about it, and showed them where Cloghane is on a map, they change their tune slightly, and ask, “Doesn’t it get a bit boring?” To which my answer is invariably a variation on “no, not in the slightest.” Ok, it’s not exactly Tralee, let alone Dublin , but when I’m sitting outside the pub on a warm summer...

2 years ago
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Sister In Law

…I can't believe that I'm writing this and risking everything in my life in order to express this. It goes against everything that one would consider normal – perhaps against sanity itself - but I cannot stop itI believe the same is raging in your heart and body as well. When I see you, I see a strong woman that exudes confidence and doesn’t suffer fools.You have a skin complexion so clear that bronzes your face and body year around. Invisible are the scars you carry from the past. You are in...

1 year ago
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First time BBC slut

I'm going to tell you about my first time with a black guy. This was the first time I met someone in real life too. I'd spent the last hour with a pal at the university gym, training in the boxing room. It was a good, honest workout and we were both pumped afterwards as we headed back towards the changing rooms, planning on grabbing a milk afterwards.Looking back, it was obvious this black guy was looking for someone. He sat on the bench, drying himself naked, with his big cock and balls on...

2 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 2

The next morning should have been a sleep in day but the phone was ringing by seven. Forest said, "I heard you caused all kinds of problems to a bunch of Arabs on your way back from Belgium. Some big shots from DC are coming down so you better get spruced up and come in. Sorry to short you on some down time, I'll make it up, I promise." I asked if Bobby should come in and he said she could if she wanted to. We got dressed then called for our stand-ins to come to the house to stand watch....

3 years ago
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2 Daughters Love Their Father In a New Way

The daughters were lying in bed one afternoon. They had just spent the past hour eating each others’ pussies, making them slick and wet, bringing each other to multiple orgasms. They were a bit tired, and were lying in each others’ arms, sleepy, when they heard the front door open. Their step-father had just come home from work. Daughter Amy looked at daughter Bella. (They were aged 22 and 21 respectively, but they enjoyed pretending they were younger.) “Remember what we talked about last...

1 year ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 10

We walked out of the house onto the porch. Pap was right behind us, so I stepped to the side and whispered to him, "Call Bobby about Irene before you head over to Hap's thanks." He gave me a wink, and I walked towards the barn. We had not said anything to each other and when we got past the barn I stopped and pulled her to me. I gave her a hug which she returned, and then I spoke, "Tammy, what am I going to do with you?" I waited for her to tell me. She bit her lip and bounced from one...

3 years ago
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Charlotte part 14

"Jamie?" the young man asks with confusion as he answers his front door. "What are you doing here this early?" "I'm here," I tell the expectant young man, "Because I love you... Stuart." Stuart closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "You love me... But?" Stuart asks, making me smile and roll my eyes at the handsome transman's paranoia. "No buts," I say. "Plenty of ANDs, though. I love you AND I want to be with you. I love you AND I'm IN love with you. I love you... AND I...

3 years ago
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1st And Last Time My Chotu In A Pussy

Hello guys & gals, this is the 1st time I’ve seen a website like this where we can share our real life sex stories. I was browsing through porn sites yesterday (2nd Feb’15) and somehow reached this site, I was surprised and amazed with the stories,” THANK YOU; not sure how to ISS” and hope all the stories are real life. About me: This is Rakesh Cupid, athletic body type, working in a leading MNC and living in Hyderabad. I’ve stories from my childhood, even before the sperm production has...

3 years ago
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Auntie Hayley reaches into her bag of tricks

The summer and thus Auntie Hayley's trip was drawing to a close much to my dismay. She was using me daily as a fuck bag doing unspeakable things to me and technically she could have got into a lot of trouble if I had not enjoyed it so much!My day always started down the hay shed where she would give a quick hand job to start my day well! She always let me finger her sopping wet cunt as she tugged on my member! Hayley would help me get off at various times during the day if needed and there was...

3 years ago
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Our Encounter

I pull you hair to one side with my other hand and continue to lick and bite your ear and neck. Then reaching around the front of your blouse, I start to unbutton, and reach my hand inside to grab your breasts and pinch your nipples. They respond, readily. Yearning to be suckled and teased with my mouth. You let out a light moan of pleasure. Begging to have me do more to them. But not yet. You, in response to my grabbing your nipples, grind you ass harder against my growing member. It's...

1 year ago
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My Time with Kelli Pt 04

The first couple of weeks after the break-up were hard. I went to work, doing all of the things that needed to get done, before heading back to the barracks. What I did when I got to the barracks is long in the past, too far back for me to remember. I do recall there were a few times that my old roommate, as I had moved into a different barracks with my promotion to Corporal, taught me the basics of line-dancing. Yeah, it was to help win Kelli back or to meet a new girl and rub it in her face. ...

3 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 2

Through the shooting pain in his head and most of his body, Harris could see the lights overhead and thought he could hear voices coming from a speaker somewhere. He tried to open his eyes without much success, so he stopped for a time, trying to get some idea of where he was. As he stopped fighting, his memory began to return and he could almost hear the crash of the truck hitting the car and the screams from Nicky just before she hit the window. He remembered now, with a vengeance. He was...

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One from me

I am mid fifties, five feet tall, with 34D tits and on heat.Just recently a good looking college guy joined the company I work for as a stores person on a work experience project.It all started with a bit of sexist banter like pointing at my name badge and asking what the other one was called, but then got hotter with my new work colleague telling me he was available any time I fancied a good fucking. I was very embarrassed at first but must admit I liked the attention.I started getting really...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 24 Monday August 9 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010 Jake went to the window and closed the drapes. It was getting dark outside, and with the curtains drawn, it was too dark to see. Alice, would you give us just a little light? Alice turned on the bathroom light and closed the door most of the way so that there was just enough light to see. She sat down in a chair against the wall. Alice was in shadow, but Jake saw her hitch her dress up and put her hand between her legs. You’re not just a spectator, Jake sent her....

2 years ago
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Wanting the Wife Used

1 Introduction: I should explain that I am now a late 50’s, male and married to a mid-40’s female. We have been married for almost 20 years. On and off during much of this time we have been involved in swinging and swapping partners. At first I was more interested in my pleasures with the other woman but I would watch my wife in action. This included some interest she expressed in female to female contact. During this time I have seen her with a few women. It was and is very erotic. ...

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The kioskowners daughter

I’m a danish man, age 45, and I have in the last years, becomed aware of the beauty, of young muslim women. With or without headscarf. It excited me to think, that they probably are completely untouched virgins.There is a kiosk nearby where I live, and the owner is a man called Ali, and I guess that he is about my age. I did not knew exactly where he was from, but I was sure that it was a muslim country. No doubt about that. I often stop by to buy cigarettes, or bear for friday night.A couple...

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Younger sisters crush on me

It all started when I was 18 and just moved to a new city because of my moms new/old boyfriend. He had, in the time him and my mother were apart, had two daughters one 13 and one 16 we got along quite well almost immediately and we had lots of fun hanging out. Around six months had passed by when I was told by the younger sister that the older one kind of crushed on me when we first met, but she knew it was weird because our parents were together and had been married around 20 years prior. I...

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The Body Swap Clinic Life Couldnt Be Better

The Body Swap Clinic Life Couldn't Be Better By Allison Pettman "Tim, come and clean up your toys from the lounge room this instant." screamed Jennifer Collins. "I will later, mum." replied Tim Collins. "No do it now!" said Jennifer. "God, she is such a pain in the bum." Tim said quietly to himself. Tim went downstairs and started to clean up his toys. When his mum Jennifer came in, he was presented with the sight of his beautiful mother. Jennifer was 28 years old, with long...

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Daddys Cock ForeverChapter 9

The next morning... I awoke with a bit of a start, someone having touched my foot for reasons that were unclear. I got up to use the head, hearing footsteps behind me, and sure enough, there was Amy. She put her arms around my waist and helped me shake my cock as I finished pissing. I didn’t really need the help, of course, but I wasn’t going to tell her that and hurt her feelings. That was especially true when one considered that it was a nice gesture and I was pretty sure that she knew...

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Introduction: Hey guys, so yeah I wrote this for a friend as a birthday present last year so my writing skills arent quite as developed as they are now. Although, I do hope you enjoy. Its only short, Id love some feedback without the kik me hornyguy6969 spam. Thanks xx. P.S. it was just a bit of fun, so Im sorry if you think im weird lmao bye I plunked down next to you on the couch as you played another one of your video games. I grabbed the game case off the table and glanced at the cover....

3 years ago
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Sex with Friend

Sex With A Friend By: Vicky This is one of my experience with my very close friend sister.. We are friends from the i know everybody in there home very well..after a long time i went to his home for the festival celebrations..we spend whole day roaming here n there..sighting the girls..sharing the sex day they are supposed to go to their temple with the family..fortunately his sister Sharmi stayed in the home along with to receive their relatives.. Me n...

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Just this one time

They'd been sitting in the corner booth for almost two hours, originally sucking down some inhibition-killing drinks before turning to nursing the later ones to at least preserve some of their intelligence. "How about that one?" Bob asked, nodding his head toward the end of the bar. Lois followed his gaze, confirmed his good eye, then nodded a different direction and said, "Second booth ... the one tapping at the tablet." Bob studied her choice and agreed. "Perfect. Which one, though?" Lois...

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Harry and Rebecca

Her name was Rebecca Anne Courtney and I had lusted after her since the seventh grade, but while I might have told myself that I would kill to have her I knew in my heart that it would never happen. The simple truth of the matter was that Becky couldn’t stand me. Because of mutual friends she tolerated me, but I never knew why she didn’t like me. At first I thought that it might be that she didn’t know me all that well so naturally I tried to rectify that. Whenever I saw her I would approach...

3 years ago
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Her Submission

She had always been interested in the idea of giving herself openly to a man but had never had the chance until she had met Max at a local munch about a month ago. There had been an instant spark between them and the more they talked the closer they had become, she had even told him her deepest desires and he instantly took an interest in making them come true. Since then they had talked almost every day and even met a few times for coffee but today would be the first time she would submit to...


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