Give me your cum
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Chuck came to groggily. His arms ached and his head throbbed. He tried to lower his arms but couldn't. Muzzily he tried to look up to see what was restraining him. 'What the fuck?' he thought. He couldn't seem to get his brain in gear. He tugged frantically at his restraints, anger overcoming good sense. All he succeeded in doing was making his arms hurt even more. He tried to move his feet and discovered they were restrained too. He looked down at the shackles around his ankles. More straining and tugging only made the pain worse. Red anger surged through him. "Someone's going to pay for this, ' he vowed. He glanced down again and this time it registered that he was naked. Anger gave way to fear. What was going on? How had he got here? Where were his mom and sister?
A noise caught his attention. He turned his head to see his sister crouched between the spread legs of a black woman lapping enthusiastically at her cunt. His sister was lying with her legs slightly apart and he could see the red and swollen lips of her cunt. It was obvious she had been well fucked. Her blonde hair was spread across the black woman's thighs and the latter was running her fingers through it as Diane worked her cunt. The black woman was cooing and crooning. It was clear his sister was working well.
Fear was forgotten. Chuck watched in growing fascination as the woman prised his sister from between her thighs and strapped on a dildo. He knew his sister was a virgin, she had often boasted that she would remain that way until she was married. Chuck thought this was a waste. If he'd been dating her, he'd soon have told her to get lost when she didn't come over. Chuck liked sex - as often as possible. He thought of himself as bit of a stud.
He watched with growing lust as the black woman parked herself between his sister's slender thighs and began to tease her with the dildo. When Diane eventually let out her heartfelt plea to be fucked, it was all he could do to prevent himself cumming all over the plush green carpet. Even he had enough wits to realise that this would be a terrible social faux pas. Beads of sweat beaded his body as he fought to control himself while he listened to and watched his sister being fucked for the very first time. Part of him was a bit upset. Deep in one of his innermost fantasies, so deep that he hardly admitted it to himself, was the thought that he could be the one to pop his sister's cherry.
The moans and cries from the bed reached a crescendo then died away. The black woman rose languidly from the bed. He could see her properly for the first time - and what he saw made his already stiff cock even harder. Those tits! Those legs! That ass! He ached to sink his cock into that fat cunt. She stretched and the tits stood out like mountains on her chest. Chuck had a thing about big tits. She looked around casually then paused, as if noticing him for the first time. She cocked her head to one side and ran a startlingly pink tongue over her full lips and strolled towards him arrogantly, sensually, the open peignoir floating around her like a cloud of flame.
"So you're awake," she said in an amused tone. Her gaze dropped to his rigid cock. "And you've been watching, naughty boy. Did you enjoy watching me fuck your little sister? I took her cherry, you know." She wrapped a hot hand round his throbbing shaft and stroked it gently. "That's a silly question, of course you enjoyed it. Did you imagine it was you - you fucking your hot little sister?"
The suddenness of the question made Chuck start. An image of himself lying on his sister with his cock buried in her pussy to the hilt flashed through his mind. His cock jumped.
"I thought you might like the idea," she murmured.
She stroked him idly for a while as if thinking about something else. The odour of aroused woman assailed his nostrils. He gritted his teeth. If she kept this up for much longer he'd cum all over the carpet. Somehow he felt she wouldn't be too impressed with that.
"Much as I like fucking women," she continued, "I really prefer to have a big, hard cock inside me. Do you have a big, hard cock, little boy? Would you like to fuck me with it?"
Chuck was unable to speak. He tried but it came out as a strangled gargle. Would he like to fuck her? Too fucking right he would. She was sex personified - the epitome of woman.
She laughed, a low, throaty chuckle. "Of course you want to fuck me. And your cock is certainly hard. As for size... it's adequate."
She unlocked his shackles and waited until he had massaged some feeling back into his arms and legs.
"Come with me," she said, taking his cock in her hand.
Chuck had little option but would have followed her anyway. He would have walked barefoot over a bed of hot coals for the chance to fuck her. She led him to a bedroom, climbed on the bed and lay, arms and legs wide in invitation. Eagerly he scrambled up beside her, his cock bobbing.
In sudden panic, he wondered if she would want some foreplay. She resolved his dilemma.
"Get up here and get that big cock in my cunt," she said.
No second invitation was required. Like a dog coming to heel, he crawled between her thighs and pushed his cock into her open cunt.
"Take it easy, big boy," she growled. "You fuck me nice or I'll chain you back against that wall."
Desperate as he was, Chuck took the threat seriously. Fighting for control, he eased his cock gently into her. Her previous exertions had made her very slick and he slid easily and smoothly in until he was completely buried inside her. She pulled him down, her huge breasts pillowing his chest.
"That feels good. Now fuck me. Slowly. I want to feel it go in and out."
Fighting for control, Chuck did as he was bid, lifting his hips slowly out then pushing back down. His cock slid in and out like a well-oiled piston. At the bottom he gave an extra little push and heard the woman grunt with pleasure. She seemed in no hurry to get on with it, shifting her hips gently to indicate how she wanted him to move. Chuck tried his best to meet her rhythm. Normally he was not a very attentive lover. He had a good-sized cock and good stamina. These were generally enough to satisfy his usual conquests. But this woman was different. First she had power over him. He didn't doubt for a moment that she would make good her threat if he didn't satisfy her properly but, more than that, he wanted to impress her; show her he really was the man for the task. But he was close to cumming. He closed his eyes and tried to think of non-sexual things as he pistoned in and out of her slick, hot cunt.
The woman smiled to herself. She could see that he was close and was making a serious effort to control himself. That was the trouble with boys - they came too quickly. On the other hand their youth meant they were usually up for it again before too long. It felt good to have a hard young cock inside her, and even better that this white boy genuinely seemed to want to please her.
She shifted her hips, encouraging him to move faster. Yes, that was good. She could really feel him inside her now. She urged him even faster and harder, lifting her hips to meet his downstroke so she could feel his hardness deep inside her. He was sweating hard in an effort not to cum, his teeth bared and her eyes tight shut. She could feel her heat rising.
"Yes, white boy. Fuck me harder. Make me cum," she murmured.
She curled her arms around his back, pulling his hard chest against her breasts. His motion rasped the light hairs on his chest across her stiff nipples. That excited her. She loved the feel of a hairy chest. She worked her hips against his cock, matching his rhythm and compelling him to move faster, fuck her harder. His pubis banged against hers. Each bump squeezed her clitoris and sent little trills of sensation rippling through her body. His cock seemed to swell inside her and she knew she was about to cum.
"Yeah, honey. That's good. You're gonna make me cum," she huffed in his ear. "You gonna cum too? Gonna cum inside me?" For an answer, Chuck could only groan. He was almost over the top: almost to the point where sensation overload would cause him to lose it. But not quite. He felt the woman's cunt contract around his cock. Felt the muscles rippling under her velvet skin of her stomach and knew she was about to cum. His balls contracted. The cum burst out like molten lava. His back arched and every muscle went rigid as, with a groan that was as much of pain as pleasure, he pumped his cum into her eager cunt.
'Shit, ' she thought as she felt the first jet, 'this boy can cum.' She wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her heels into his buttocks and held him tightly inside her. She could feel his cock pulse as he pumped his cum into her. This prolonged her own release, or perhaps made her cum a second time. Whatever, it felt good and she held him tightly against her until he had, at last, stopped twitching, which he did long after he had any cum left to give.
They collapsed on the bed. She cradled him, stroking his hair as he fought for breath.
After a time he propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at her. "I ain't never cum like that before," he murmured, awe in his voice.
"You ain't never had a real woman before," she smiled.
They kissed - a long, lingering, tender kiss. It dawned on Chuck that he was kissing a black woman. He had never been attracted to black girls before. It was nothing racial, they just didn't seem his type. But this woman was different and he realised that he would do practically anything to be fucked like that again. His kiss became more ardent.
The woman pushed him away and made him roll off her. She reached up and pressed a button on the wall above the bed. The movement did interesting things to her breasts and, despite still coming down from the fuck, Chuck licked his lips. A few moments later another black woman entered the room. She was decidedly overweight with heavy, pendulous breasts, wide hips, solid thighs and a rounded belly. On her, though, it looked right. Although she could have been described as fat, it was hard fat. Her skin, darker than the other woman's, was stretched lean and tight across her bulk and reminded Chuck of dark, smooth chocolate ice cream. Perched on her head, almost lost in her thick, black hair and looking slightly ridiculous, was a maid's cap.
She padded over to the bed, smiling broadly, her white teeth a starting contrast to her dark skin. "Did he treat you good?" she asked.
"He certainly did, Cindy," the woman replied with a satisfied sigh. Chuck grinned and wriggled like a cat being petted.
Without preamble, Cindy, climbed onto the bed and began to lick her mistress's cunt. The woman relaxed back with a sigh.
"When you've finished, you can do our young friend, here."
Cindy paused long enough to raise her head and say, "Sure thing," before returning to her task. She took her time. She licked all round the outside of her mistress's cunt, over her pubic mound, the inside of her thighs and even delved into her the crack between her ass cheeks where some of Chuck's cum had dribbled. The woman stretched languidly, splaying her thighs wide to assist the maid in her task. Having thoroughly clean the outside, Cindy turned her attentions to the interior. With long, lazy strokes of her tongue, she lapped at the woman's cunt, sucking up the combined juices with obvious pleasure. The woman's sighs became louder. She covered the tips of her breasts with her hands and squeezed her nipples tightly. The amused thought crossed Chuck's mind that this maid really enjoyed her work.
Eventually the woman pushed her maid away. "Thank you, Cindy. An excellent job, as usual."
"No problem," the maid said licking the last of the cum from her lips.
She turned to Chuck and bent over his soft, sticky cock. He was engulfed by her mouth. Her tongue swirled around, bathing his cock. Her huge, soft breasts pressed against his thigh. As with her mistress, she took her time. It was clear she enjoyed sucking cocks. Holding the tip delicately, she licked up and down the shaft, all round his balls, over his pubic hair and the inside of his thighs. The lazy swipes of her tongue left wet trails across his skin. He found this loving, almost reverential, treatment extremely erotic. His cock began to grow. This seemed to encourage the maid who stopped simply cleaning him and began to deliberately arouse him. She pulled back the loose skin and licked the tip then blew on it as if to dry it then nipped it between her teeth. She sucked him deep in her mouth, her cheeks hollowing with the suction. She sucked his balls into her mouth and ran her tongue around them. Before long he was as stiff as a post and groaning in excitement.
At a signal from her mistress, Cindy stopped and sat back on her heels, a look of immense satisfaction on her face.
"Tell you what," the woman said. "You fuck Cindy, here, real good and I'll let you fuck me in the ass." She turned and bent slightly, showing her bubble butt to the youth. Although it was large and round, Chuck had already noticed it was mostly muscle. She twitched her hips seductively, making her rear cheeks quiver enticingly. "You think you can get it up three times."
Chuck's cock, already hard from Cindy's ministrations, became even harder at the thought. Hers was an ass to lust over. "Sure," he said, then with a sly smile, added, "but I might need a bit of help."
"Yeah. I'll need you to suck me."
The woman laughed, making her breasts and ass jiggle. "You will, will you? You're in no position to demand anything." She passed a pink tongue over her red-painted lips. "Still, I like a bit of arrogance in my men. I might just oblige you. But only if you fuck Cindy real good."
"Sure." He looked at the voluptuous black maid who was smiling broadly. "I'll fuck her real good."
Under instruction, Cindy bent over the foot of the bed presenting her large ass to the youth. Normally he did not find large women attractive, especially overweight ones but this big black woman just exuded sex from every pore and he was so possessed by lust that he would have fucked anything.
The maid swivelled round to look at him. "You want to fuck my ass, too?"
"Maybe. After I've fucked your mistress," he replied.
The maid chortled. "You sure found a sassy one this time," she said to her mistress.
Chuck worked a hand between her fat, brown thighs. Her mound was covered with coarse black hair. He found her slit. The outer lips were fat and puffy and his fingers slipped between them easily. He ran his fingers up and down, seeking her clitoris at one end and her vagina at the other. She was wet and ready. A strong, musky aroma assailed his nostrils. She moaned as his probing fingers prodded her clit.
"What are you doing, white boy," the woman asked. She was reclining at the top of the bed, supported by a mound of pillows.
"Just making sure she's good and ready," he replied.
"Oh, I'm ready," the maid gasped, gripping the foot board more tightly. Chuck had just stuffed two fingers into her twat. "Stick that thing in me, now."
Chuck withdrew his fingers and, with his eyes fixed on the woman, slowly licked the maid's juices from them. He didn't particularly like the taste - it was too strong and musky, but the action had the desired effect on the woman. She let her knees fall apart and slipped one hand between her thighs. As Chuck took hold of his cock and slowly eased it into the maid's cunt, she parted her labia with two fingers and showed him the pink interior of her cunt.
For such a large woman, the maid was remarkably tight. Her cunt seemed to suck him in, surrounding him like a hot, wet glove. He tried to keep it slow but Cindy was impatient. She wanted to be fucked. She churned her hips, her cunt gripping his cock intimately. He moaned as the thrills ran through his body. He gripped her broad hips firmly. If a vigorous fuck was what she wanted, that's exactly what she would get. He pulled his cock back then drove it firmly forward. Cindy moaned as he bottomed out and she felt his hips slap against her buttocks, making them quiver like two brown jellies. He drew back and drove home again, gradually building up speed until he was pounding his cock deep into her cunt.
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First TimeTuesday - Day 18 I woke up on Tuesday with two tongues working on my cock. It is a very nice way to wake up. They licked up the sides and took turns sucking the top. As I started to cum, the mouth on the head of my cock pulled off and a hand jerked me off. When I finally opened my eyes I saw that the hand was Becky's, and that Jamie's face was covered in my cum. Becky was licking up the cum that had dripped off of Jamie's face and onto me. When she was done cleaning me off, Becky came up...
This chapter was originally posted with a copy/paste error that caused a section to repeat. This should now be fixed. Thanks for letting me know. You should also feel free to talk to me if it’s not about formatting errors! I love hearing what made you laugh, or if you spot a mistake. By the way, I am now also aware discrete and discreet are spelled differently in English. My proof readers missed it as well, so I always hope to hear about things like that from the SOL-community. – RD. “TWO...
Sexy Shae third tale in a short sub-series in my best bra nched series of my short sexy spanking school series.Sexy Shae first story shall properly pop up below this one, if not I promise to give the link myself in my first comment.Sexy Shae is build by quotes from our very recent private erotic exchange of many messages. I quote here below.Sexy Shae is stubbornly refusing to believe she can get wet indeed, only reading some sexy stuff in a public story.Sexy Shae is a pilot in public, in...
Shaelan ran through the stillness of the forest, silent accept for her ragged breathing. She didn't feel the bitter cold or her snow-soaked clothing that clung to her like a second skin. She reached for the thick trunk of an aspen tree and wrapped her arms around it, grateful for its strength to keep her from collapsing to the ground. She was shaking from exertion, her lungs burning with every breath as if she was inhaling shards of glass. Her vibrant blue eyes were wide with fear as she...
I've been dating this girl for about two and half years now. I haven't felt her tight pussy on my dick in about two years though. See, the problem is I have a tiny dick. About 4.5 inches tiny. When my girlfriend and I started having sex, she was nice about it. But the first time we had sex wasn't fulfilling for her, and it just got worse from there. Our First TimeWe were in the living room watching TV at my house. She changed the channel and one of those late night NC17 pornos came on. She...
"Sorry I have to make your car so muddy and crap" he said. "It's fine. It's leather so I can just wipe it off" I responded. "My seat is dirtier than yours anyway" we both just laughed. I gave him my ipod, "Here. You're in charge of music" He took it and started looking through the music. "How about this one?" he said. Here in Your Arms by Hellogoodbye started playing. The Irony of the lyrics was kind of funny. He started singing to me in a 'gay' way. We're the...
Its a cold autumn day and I was bored so I invited my friends Carl and Divine over for a movie and pizza. When they arrived I invited them in and asked them what would they like to do? Carl said eat and Divine being the horny bitch she is asked if we could go skinny dipping in my new spa. We all agreed and hopped in. While we were in there I could feel this hand going up my leg, up and up ever so sensually. I realised it was Divine. I then placed my hand on top of Carl's cock. He jumped at 1st...
Group SexIN COMMITTEE By Geneva A group of women comes into possession of an old magic book that, among others, can make men into women. They use it to help some men but also to remove some abusive men from positions of power. Being made into a woman can have positive or negative effects on a man! This story describes the start of the women's committee that figures in four of my earlier tales, "Making the best of it"; "No Service At All"; "The World is my Oyster"; and "Not Quite Done Yet."...
It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...
By STORMKING (M/fff, NC) All characters are fictional and are assumed to be of the minimum legal age in your community or region. If you wish to imagine their ages to be otherwise since the girls here are high school seniors ( 18), then it is not my problem as I am not a mindreader. The idea for this story came from cheerleader car wash pictures someone shared with me a few months ago. A picture really is worth a thousands words or more. Bear in mind that this article is fantasy and...
"Amber! Amber!" Amber was in the backseat of her boyfriend Ethan's car. Her shirt was pulled up and her bra was off giving Ethan access to her large breasts which he was grabbing with both hands. Her legs were wrapped around his waist as he enthusiastically thrust into her pussy. The car was parked in a spot in her winding driveway where the trees blocked the view from the road and her house. "Amber!" Ethan thrust in once more and shot his load inside her. She held him as he shuttered on top of...
InterracialFor the first time in five years I was leaving a business show a day early. I work for a telecommunications company and every year we participate in three business shows. The shows are held in different cities around the country and each show lasts five days. We go in and set up our booth on Sunday and Monday and the show begins Tuesday morning and ends at noon on Thursday. For the last five years I have worked every one of those shows and I always stayed until the last box was packed and...
Hi, My name’s Jason and I’m a young atypical guy, not quite the Dungeons and Dragons living in your mom’s basement type, but not quite good enough to hang out with the cool kids either. I have spent my life stuck in the netherworld of loneliness. Not that I don’t have any friends, it just seems like mostly women want to be friends with me. I’m not really into sports, so most other guys think I’m a dweeb, and I’m not into geeky stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, so the nerds don’t like me either....
This is a story I wrote about one night being used at the sleazy hotel I lived at. If you've seen it before it was postedAbout a year ago while living in a hotel and living there as a Transexual I was used by a young black man as his whore for the night. He moved in about two weeks ago with a couple friends. They where maybe 5 rooms away from me on 1st floor. As the week wore on I would be coimg and going and would notice them watching me. When I would walk by they never said anything but one...
He had stopped his cumming for a moment, but it didn’t take long for it to come back, he felt it and this time he couldn’t stop it, he groaned as his cum exploded from his tip, and shot onto his floor, and stomach. He grabbed a sheet, wiping it off, and standing up. “God I need some pussy…” He walked out the door, and towards the front door, first he needed to hunt, and get some meat. His family was poor, and depended on him for food. “Where are you going?” He heard his father yell. “I’m...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Jammal Scotts looked out the window of the bus he was traveling on. It was starting to get dark outside and he was cold. It seemed only yesterday that it was a hot afternoon and he was graduating from high school in Phoenix. He had a lot on his mind, namely, where he was going to sleep tonight. He had come to visit his brother for two weeks while his parents were visiting relatives in Georgia. However, his brother had been incarcerated when he arrived,...
GayI had been in bed about a half hour when the phone rang. It was Sherrie. "Hey," she said softly. "Open the door, I'm coming over." Just like that, she was gone. By the time I got to the door she was waiting. Her hair was freshly washed, her face scrubbed, and she smelled absolutely yummy. "You look good enough to eat," she said, brushing past me. "Is that an observation or a promise?" She smiled her own version of the girl-power, sneaky smile. "I'd say it was the inevitable...
Hi friends! I am Raj. I am regular reader of this site. I want to post my real sex story with my cousin. This was the first story I was posting. If there are any mistakes please excuse. My mail id is Please post your valuable comments. Let’s go to the story. This was happened 3 years back. My cousin name was Suhu (name changed). She was average in color but looking good. I and she were long relatives. One day she came to my house regarding some work. At that time we exchange our phone nos. But...
IncestJust Truth, No BSBy: Londebaaz Chohan I was a student at Middlesex Community College. They usually did not exchange students in the freshman year but recently they signed an MOU with Rockland Community College for 5 students per semester and for maximum of 2 semesters and guess what! I was the lucky or the unlucky one to be sent to Rockland College. Being alone because my parents had gone back to where they came from, I was already enrolled in the college dormitory of Middlesex College and this...
Warning: This story contains torture, rape, and violence. You have been warned, and so I say, read at your own risk. Also, this is a sequel to "A Warrior Reborn." I suggest you read it before reading this. The Black Wtich Tristan paced the battlefield, his long strides covering twice the distance of most other men. His long, golden locks fluttered in the gentle, wandering breeze. That wind carried with it the evidence of that day's battle - a horrid stench of death and...
Lena: Lena shivered, her front was oddly cold, but her back was warm. Her sleepy brain tried to figure out why, but she couldn’t seem to fight off the dregs of sleep long enough to focus on it. There was something hard poking her in the ass. That was weird. She heard a soft snore that definitely didn’t come from her. Her eyes flew open as she remembered what had happened the night before. She started to panic as she realized that she was laying on her bed in her underwear with her bra pulled...
Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-8 of this series, Tom & Sue John & Debbie, I suggest you do so. Readers will follow the fictitious characters while they take the reader on a roller coaster ride filled with sex, sports, and romance. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter and without reading the previous chapters the reader will miss out on a lot of detail regarding the characters and the story plot. I hope you enjoy my series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ DISCLAIMER:...
The thunder woke me up, a deep sudden boom that shook me into the reality of Monday morning. I groaned as I looked at the clock, which was blinking 12:00. I reached until I found my phone on my side table and brought its face to mine. It told me what I suspected. I was late again. I arrived to work soggy and grouchy, but my mood plummeted to panic when I saw the stickie stuck to my monitor. “Mr. Villalobos. Conference Room 4. Monday. 8 O’ clock. DO NOT BE LATE!” It was written by my boss,...
The wonderful thing about falling apart quietly is that you can start over. Part 1 The beginning First, let me tell you I'm old. No, not "mature," but OLD, past 65 in fact. I've been a closet CD for most of my life, going through secret purchases and purges for years. I married and had a conventional life, work and kids. But I always dressed in private when I got a chance, then felt the shame and repressed it for extended periods. Many years ago I confessed my secret to my...