The Beginning of the Domination of Randi Ch 4
- 3 years ago
- 22
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They arrived across the street and she is relieved that none of the neighbors are outside to see her naked. Once inside he removed the collar and she fell to her knees with her head down in the submissive position.
He stroked her hair and told her she was a good girl and that everything will be okay.
“Thank you, Sir, I do hope that is true.”
“So, let’s begin your next step in your submissive training. I want you to stand and bend over the arm of the couch so I can look at the plugin your ass.”
She immediately obeyed and he could see that the plug was still in her ass, where he placed it the night before.
“I am glad to see you have continued to wear the butt plug and are willing to proceed from here. The next step will be to remove this plug and insert the next larger plug so you will be able to accept my cock without a lot of pain and injury.”
He then removed the plug and her asshole slowly closed back up. She could feel a little relief and wondered how the bigger one would feel in her ass.
He went and sat on the couch and said, “Kitten, come to me on your hands and knees. I want you to suck my cock and drink your first load of cum tonight.”
She followed his instructions, with a smile on her face, as she loved the taste of his cum.
She proceeded to remove his shoes and socks and then proceeded to remove his pants and boxers. He was already starting to get hard and she was glad to see he was anxious to receive her oral action as she was to do it for him.
“Sir, my I proceed or is there something else I need to do first for you?”
“You are good to continue Kitten and thank you for asking for permission to proceed.”
She started licking from the base to the tip and then back down the other side. She stroked him at the same time, so he was getting harder the farther she went. She stuck her tongue in the slit at the top and received a moan from Mike, that made her smile. She was very glad to be pleasing him in this way.
“Kitten you get better at that every time you suck me. I enjoy the way you seem to love my cock and want it in your mouth often. Now quit teasing me and get to the business at hand, which is sucking the cum from my balls.”
“Yes Sir, I am sorry to tease but I do love the feel and taste of your magnificent cock.”
Saying that she dove on his cock and took it deep in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head and then sucked hard on his cock making it grow some more in her mouth. Then she bobbed up and down and stroked his cock at the same time.
Mike laid his head back and closed his eyes to savor the feeling he was now experiencing. He put his hands in her hair and started to massage her scalp.
Feeling this Randi increased her sucking and bobbing to speed up. She wanted to prolong the process but did want to taste his cum as quickly as possible.
When she did this Mike said, “Oh fuck Kitten, you do know how to do that and do it right. Keep doing that and I will fill your belly with my cum.”
That was all she needed to hear and worked even harder to complete this task, knowing she was pleasing him and would get rewarded for her effort.
This continued for another five minutes and then Mike dropped his head back, arched his back, driving his cock into her throat. Randi opened her throat quickly, to not gag, and took him to the base at the same time he let loose with a mighty rope of cum to her stomach. He gave her four more strong ropes and then started to come down from his high.
As he did this, she continued to suck his cock and clean it all up as it wilted in her mouth. She sat back on her heels and wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand. She cleaned the cum from her hand and remained in the submissive position awaiting her next order.
“That was very well done, Kitten, and you got a very good reward for a job well done. Come up here and sit on my lap now, so I can kiss you and feel your sexy body next to mine. “
While she was standing Mike removed his shirt so they were both now naked. She straddled his legs and placed her arms around his neck. They looked at each other and started to kiss. It started slow and then both had their tongues in the other’s mouth playing tongue tag. After several minutes he placed his hands under her ass and stood up. She hooked her legs around his waist and he carried her to his bedroom.
He placed her on the bed and said, “I am going to go get us something to drink. What do you want, wine, soda, or water?”
“Wine would be great, but shouldn’t I be the one waiting on you, sir?”
“Probably, but for this one time, I will wait for you, my good girl. Start playing with your pussy, because I plan to fuck you into next year when I return.”
He turned and left and smiling Randi began to rub her pussy and clit to get wetter for him.
He returned with a bottle of white wine and two glasses. He filled both glasses handing one to her. She took it and quit rubbing herself, which caused him to scowl at her. She immediately started again with an apologetic look on her face.
“Never stop unless I tell you to do so. Are you feeling better now that you are here with me?”
“Yes Sir, you do know how to make me relax and forget the stress that we left behind earlier. Do you think Bill will come around to allow this?”
“I think he will but it will probably take some time and more talking to get him to agree this is best for both of you. Does he Facetime with you much?”
“Not usually but he does know how to do so. Can I ask why?”
“I thought you should call him and then set your phone where he can watch us. He might relax more feeling like he is a part of this.”
“That is a good idea, but he probably is not ready for that tonight. Maybe we could take some pictures and forward them to him to look at.”
“OK, and I will add a note that by doing this we are trying to keep him involved.”
She smiled up at him as he then leaned down and kissed her. She already was feeling so much better and grateful that he had agreed to own her. She felt the hole in her heart was closing.
“I want to start with you on your back, but I will roll you over so I can spank you as I fuck you. That will also allow me to get deeper in your pussy so my seed can get to your womb quicker.”
Hearing that she shuddered and tried to remember if she took her pill today, as she knew Sir would not pull out when the time came for him to blow his load.
“Sir, Time out please.”
“What is it?”
“Sir, I don’t want to get pregnant right now, so can you pull out when it is time?”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? Of course not! I have every intention to breed you and we might as well start tonight. I thought I made myself clear on this matter. Since you questioned me and upset me you will be punished and hopefully understand I will get what I want as your Master. Now get on your hands and knees and stick your ass close to the end of the bed so I can spank you.”
He went to his closet and came out with a fraternity paddle that he gripped with two hands. She looked on in shame realizing she did know the answer to her question and should not have asked it.
He pulled back and hit her square on her right ass cheek, causing Randi to flinch and move forward grunting from the pain.
“One, thank you, Sir, may I have another?”
He was pleased she did remember how to reply to each swat. He hit her again, this time lower so it got her thigh and some ass cheek.
“Two, thank you, Sir, may I have another?”
This went on until he had delivered 10 swats and her ass and thighs were very red and hot. There were tears on her cheeks, but she did not scream out or cry hard.
He put the paddle away and went to the bathroom to get a warm cloth and some ointment.
“I am sorry, but you must learn that most times your concerns do not matter to me, so you need to just follow my instructions and all will go better for you.”
He wiped her down and applied the ointment to reduce the swelling.
“Now, since you broke the mood you need to suck me again to get me hard so I can fuck you and hopefully breed you, slut.”
She nodded her head and turned to swallow his cock again and get him hard, but not cum.
When he was ready, he pulled her head away and pushed into her in one motion, causing her to grunt and wince from the pressure. She was wet after the spanking so he entered her with no trouble. Slowly he started moving in and out and gradually she started to feel him in her and started moaning from the pleasure he was giving her.
“That is a good girl. See how much better it is when you follow directions and accept that you are my sex toy.”
She nodded and felt him push harder to get deeper in her tunnel. She lowered her head to the bed for support and to be able to enjoy the pounding he was starting to give her. She felt it building in her stomach and moving both directions when her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks.
She came so hard she squirted out the side of his cock and soaked the bed. He started to laugh as he realized she was so turned on from all they had done tonight.
“You are such a slut, Kitten. You just soaked my bed, so you will have to change the sheets later so we can sleep. Have you ever squirted before like that?”
“No, Sir, I have never squirted and was afraid I was pissing on you. Good to know that it was cum I coated you with. Thank you, Sir, for allowing me to experience that feeling.”
“You’re welcome, Kitten, and thank you, for allowing me to take you to places you have not been before. That is going to be the first of many new experiences I hope I can help you realize.”
Mike rolled off of her and laid next to her. Randi stayed on her stomach but placed an arm over his chest and her head on his shoulder. Shortly they both fell asleep.
The next morning Mike was awoken by the beeping of Randi’s phone. Instead of waking her, he got up and picked it up from the nightstand on her side of the bed seeing it was Bill calling.
“Yes Bill, how can I help you this morning?”
“Why are you answering my wife’s phone? What have you done to her and why can’t she answer it herself?’
“One, I am the one you woke up calling her, two, I have done nothing that she did not want to be done to her, and three, she is still asleep and I did not want to wake her. It was very late well actually very early this morning before we fell asleep. So, again I ask, what do you want, Bill?”
“I want to know how soon I can bring her some clothes, so she can come home.”
“Well, she needs to wake up first and then I can send her home if she wants to come home. She won’t need any clothes or I would have had her bring some last night. Now please fix your breakfast and have some coffee and she should be home later today.”
Mike hung up and Bill just screamed from frustration. His scream woke Jill who came running down the stairs to see what the problem was.
“Dad are you okay? Your face is so red I am worried you are going to have a heart attack.”
“No, I am not okay but I don’t know what to do to make it better. Your mom is not home yet and I tried to call her but Mike answered her phone and would not wake her,”
“She did tell you not to wait up when she left last night, so I guess she knew she would not be home. What did Mike say when you asked about that?”
“He said she was still sleeping and he would send her home sometime later today. But I still have no idea when that will be.”
“I am sure she is okay so why don’t you sit at the table and I will fix you a cup of coffee and some breakfast. How do you want me to fix your eggs?”
“Scrambled is fine,” Bill said, as he sat at the table staring out of the back window.
“Here is your coffee daddy and I will get started cooking for you.”
“You are such a good daughter. I wish your mom would realize how much I love her so she would come home and stop this nonsense.”
Over at Mike’s, he had coffee brewing and was cooking waffles with peach preserves and whipped cream. He thought of all that had happened yesterday and how things had progressed in his training of Randi so far. She had made a mistake but took her punishment without any issues. She was beginning to get better at following directions and today he planned to start training her to accept his cock in her ass. He would also claim her again with marks, so Bill would see that she was his now and he that he had become the second fiddle.
Mike hollered for Randi when breakfast was almost done. She woke to feel very sore, from both the spanking and the pounding he gave her last night. She got up, used the restroom, and went to the kitchen to eat. When she got there, Mike had a place set for her with a cup of coffee and a waffle all fixed for her.
“Thank you, Sir. This looks very good. I am very hungry this morning.”
“I am sure you are. Eat up as we have some more training to do this morning before you go home.”
“I am not sure you heard your phone ring earlier, but I answered it and Bill was on the other end. He sounded upset that you did not answer, but I tried to explain it to him. I am not sure he is happy with us especially when I told him he could not bring you any clothes to go home in. As I told him, if I wanted you dressed today, I would have had you bring something with you last night.”
He could see the panic in her eyes as she realized she would be crossing the street naked in daylight, but he knew she could run fast even in heels.
When they finished, he had her clean the kitchen and bring him another cup of coffee in the living room.
She had one for her as well but put it on the end table as she knelt at his feet. Mike smiled at her as he sipped his coffee.
“Today Kitten we are going to work on you following orders better and on getting your ass ready for my cock.”
“Yesterday, you questioned me and broke our mood, so I had to punish you. Since it was the second time you have done this, I used a paddle and spanked you. How are you feeling today?”
“I am sore, but I know you did it for my good so I will be okay. I may not sit very well for a few days, but I can adjust to that.”
“Very good, let’s begin and see how you react to these commands.”
He went through different scenarios and had her do things to show she was willing to do as he instructed her.
“You are doing very well Kitten, but now comes the hard part. Next Saturday I am having some friends over to play poker and you will be our waitress. You will be dressed as you normally are in my house, with black thigh high stockings and black platform heels. Do you have both of these items?”
She nodded her head in the negative.
“I will take you shopping this week to get them. While we are playing cards, you will keep our drinks filled and bring snacks to us as well. I am sure you will be groped, fingered, and spanked by all of the men. Some may bring their wives and you will have to wait on them as well.”
“Sir, I have never been with a woman before and don’t know what to do. I hope they don’t ask me to go down on them, as I am afraid that I will embarrass you, which will cause me to be spanked again.”
“I had a feeling you would say that, so I have scheduled for someone to come here tomorrow and she will work with you on all of that. Come ready to play and be played with.”
Randi nodded her head and hoped this would happen while Bill was at work so she did not have to explain any of it to him.
“Go in the bathroom and get the next biggest plug and the lube and come back here.”
Randi went and retrieved the items requested and returned getting on the couch on her knees, presenting her ass to Mike to put the plugin place. There was some pressure, as this plug was bigger than the first, but he was gentle and eventually got it all in.
“Time to go home, Kitten. Make sure to kiss your husband when you walk in and tell him you love him.”
“Yes, Sir, and thank you for an enjoyable evening and morning.”
Mike walked her to the door and turned her to kiss him. The kiss was very hot and she did not want to leave especially knowing there could be some more anger waiting for her at home.
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IncestEpilogue:Both babies arrive and life goes on.The next nine months came and went quickly for both Randi and Jill and before they knew it both had delivered baby girls. All five of them were very happy and the ladies had no problem listing Mike as the father of their daughters.All the men were in the delivery room with their women and the Dr. was very glad he could make this happen. He didn’t care what the hospital policy was. As he looked at it he was allowing the father in with the mother, even...
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IncestWhen Jill got home from her grandparents, she found me at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. She put down her bag and got herself a cup of coffee, sitting down to chat with Randi.“Mom are you ok? You look like something bad has happened.”“No, sweetheart, I just have a lot on my mind. We need to have a serious talk and then I need to have the same talk with your dad when he gets home tomorrow.”“Okay, so, what do we need to talk about? I don’t think I have done anything wrong, but if I...
IncestHello friends kaise hai aap sab, aaj mai jo kahani likhne wala hu woh meri behan ki hai , kaise meri behan kothe ki randi baani. Mai aapko meri behan ke bare mai baata du, uska naam smita hai who 25 yr ki hai uska figure 36 30 38 hai, dikhne mai gori aur mast maal lagti, aapko pata chal gaya hoga ki meri behan kaise hogi. Who gand bhi bahut matkake chalti hai. Woh hamesha jeans aur skirt phenti hai, ab mai kahani pe aata hu. Ye baat pichle saal ki hai, mai mumbai ka rehne wala hu, mujhe...
Randi Conclusion Randall met Denise in the living room as they were getting ready to head out the door for work. "Have a wonderful day," he hugged and kissed her. "I hope you have a good one as well," she returned the kiss and they left the condo. Denise pulled out of the parking space and saw Randall still standing outside his car. She pulled up beside him and rolled down the window. "Something wrong?" she called out. "Yeah," he replied running his hands all over. "I left...
Randi Author's note: This story was originally written in 1994. I found it reread it and while I liked the premise of the story I didn't like the way it went in parts. There were two sequels written (well, one and a half) that if there is enough interest in Randall and Denise I will look at rewriting them as well. Please review and let me know if it is worth the effort. Randall sat at the bar staring down into the brown tinted ice that used to be a rum and coke. He was a bit...
“OK to sit down?” he asked. Randi, startled out of her daydream, said quickly, “Sure, Mike,” finishing up some fries. He sat down and looked tenderly across at her. She was fourteen, a little slim, but quite good looking. She had shoulder length blonde hair, big blue eyes, smallish breasts and legs that wouldn’t quit! “How’s it going?” he asked. “OK, I guess . . . Oh . . . not really. I can’t...
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Subah mom mujhe uthane aayi k uth ja jaldi mai nahane ja rahi hu.Mom nahane chali gyi .Mom jab naha kar aayi to mom ne sirf ek towel lapeta hua tha mom ne mujhe apne kamre me awaaz lagai.Mai gya to mom ne kaha k beta aaj konsi bikini pehanu . Mom ne mujhe teen char dikhayi maine ek black color ki bikini select ki.Fir tabhi mom ne apna towel poora neech giya.Ab meri mom radha mere samne poori nangi khadi thi. Usko poora nanga dekhkar mera dimaag kharab ho gya mai ek dum garam ho gya.Par mujhe...
Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1(mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Voh bahut hee haramee kism kee garam cheez haa. Uskoo sex mee nayee experiments karnee mee nayaab mazaa aataa haa.Vo ek software enginner haa aur...
Aj aap logo ko apni pichli kahani “meri chudakad behan” ke age ka kissa sunane ja rha hun. Meri pichli kahani ko aap logon ne itna pasand kiya, mail kiye or aage ki kahani likhne ke liye hosla diya uska bahut-2 shukriya. Aap me se kai logon ne to mujhe apna sala bana liya or khud ko mera jija maan bethe. Isse mujhe pata chala ki aap logon ko meri behan kitni pasand aayi. kher ab mein aage ki bat btata hun. Apni behan ke bare me bta dun. Uska name shelly hai or vo college me final year me hai....
Hello guys and girls. I am back with the 2nd part of my maid story. In this part mein apko bataunga kaise maine usse choda aur kaise hum pakade gaye. So ladies apne chut mein ungli daaldo aur ladko apna loda hilane lag jao. So brief, hum dono lift se upar arahe the aur uski phone pe baat hoa rahi thi aur woh randi mera loda bhi sath mein chus rahi thi. Jaise lift upar pahochi thi.maine apna loda uske muh se nikalne ki koshish ki lekin saali woh kutiya jo jor se chus rahi thi. Randi loda chhod...
Hi iss reader mera naam sunil hai.Mai is site ka bahut bada fan hu.To aaj apni sachchi kahani share karne aaya hu.Meri kahani pasand aaye to mail kare Mera naam sunil hai mai 22 saal ka hu.Is waqt nanga baithkar story likh raha hu aur meri randi mom bhi nangi hokar meri god me baithi hai mera sath de rahi hai story likhne me. Mai clg me padta hu.Meri mom ka naam radha hai wo 42 saal ki hai.42 ki umar me bhi wo 32 ki lagti hai.Mai aur mom hamesha friends ki tarah rehta hai.Mai sari baate mom k...
Maine Nisha ki Gaand Maarne use apni Randi Banaya. Hello everyone, mera Naam Rakesh hai aur mai Banaras ka rehne wala ek Dhobi hoon. Aaj mai bataunga ki Maine kaise ek muslim ghar ki Nisha Naam ki aurat ko apni raand banaya. Yeh baat kuch saalo pehle ki hai, mai jis ghar pe kapde Lene jaata the unme see ek Ghar me shaadi ke Baad ek aurat aayi thi, woh ghar joint family tha to mera wahan aksar aana Jaana chalta rehta tha. Uss ladki ka Naam Nisha tha aur vo doodh ki tarah Gori thi. Uske hoonth...
IndianHello guys pichli kahania aap ne padhi hi hogi, nahi padhi toh padhlo. Bohot maja aayega aapko. Kaise meri wife ki gand ki seal mere samne tut gayi. Aur kaise maine uske ander ki randi ko dekha. Ab aage meri wife aur mera rishta ab jyada khul chuka tha. I mean ham har baate share karte. Mai usko bolta ki muje wo ladki pasand hai, kis ke baare me kya sochta hu. Aur wo bhi share karti ki kiska pasand hai lund and all. Ab ye kahani hai kaise saloon me meri wife ki thukhayi hoti hai aur uske baad...
Hi every one this is Milly here again with the new story of my one online friend who chat with me regular on nate: hi told me his story so I write this story for my all riders who like my story and give me good moral support for white story, me story pe aati hu yeh kahani mere ek friend ki he jo himachal pradesh ke kulu ke pass ke pahadi vistar me ek chote se gauv me rahta he uske pita ka 5 sal pahle mot ho chuka he vo uski maa jiska nam ragini he uske sath rahta he. Hi, me samir hu meri maa ka...
ROMA BANI RANDI Hi everyone! Im a regular reader of the stories in here, and I really enjoyed some of them. Infact some of these stories added a lot of spice into me and my wife’s sex life. So I thought about writing about one of our hot sex adventures…… Roma aur meri shaadi ko 3 saal ho gaye the. Ab main 28 saal ka hoon aur Roma 26 saal ki. Woh pehle se hi bohot khule vichar rakhha karti thi, har cheez ke bare mein. Hum apne sex life ko bhi lekar bohot utsahit rehte the, aur hamesha kuchh na...
It must have been my stomach growling that woke me. Or maybe my bladder. The sun was on its downward journey, soon to be setting behind the Rockies to the west. I looked at the back of my left wrist. It was bare. "Damn! I've GOT to do something about getting a watch!" I thought loudly to myself. Anna stirred slightly, but I could sense she was still out of it. The combination of Mother Nature's call, and Little Mike's extremely close proximity to a phenomenally sensuous ass, made for a...
Hello friends, those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce myself first. I am Chumki Dhar, a citizen of India, belonging to the beautiful northeastern part. My age is 43 and I am a teacher in one of the school in my area. I have a daughter who is doing her engineering from one of the colleges here and stays at hostel. My husband is in service, and stays out of the house and comes only once in a year. So basically I stay alone at home. There are times when at this big house I feel lonely...
Hello friends meri pechli story mai maine aapko bataya tha ki kaise shaadi ke baad mujhe apne sasural mai 3 mardo ki randi banaya last night mera sasur meri chut dikhai kar chuka the aur aage ki story mai aapko apne sasural ke pehle din aur suhagraat ki chudai ke baare mai batungi. Agle din jab subah mai apne pati ke paas nangi soo rahi thi to usne neend mai hi mere boobs masal ke mujhe uthaya aur bola ki mera lund chus ke utha mujhe mai waise hi uska lund apne muh mai liya aur dhere dhere...
Karib 3 ghante bad Birju vapis aya. Puja ka bura haal ho gaya tha is bondage mein. Kam se kam 6 bar jhad gayi thi. Uske andar himmat nahi rahi thi. Gand ke vibrator ki to battery bhi khtam ho gayi thi. Birju ne vibrator nikale aur Puja ke baal pakad kar bola, “Kaisa laga randi, maza aya. Dekh jo tera sath ho raha hai woh teri akad ki vajae se ho raha. Chup chap meri randi bankar rahegi to aisa kuch nahi. Ye sab karke teri asli aukat bata raha hun. Taki bar bar na batani pade” “Birju, please...
Pooja, ek school teacher thi, uski umar lagbhag 25 saal hai. Woh Delhi ki rehne wali hai. MSc kar usne Dehradun mein bohut bade International school join kar liya. Dehradun mein woh khud ke apartment mein rehti thi. Pooja bohut sundar aur gori thi. 5’7inch lambi, 36 ke chuche patli kamar, mast gand. Uska face bohut cute tha. Par ghamandi bhi bohut thi. Use apni sundarta par bohut ghamand tha aur apne se niche kam karne walo ko bohut gandi tarah treat karti thi. Society ke watchmen se lekar...
Hello ISS readers. I am Krishna Singh and I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. I am 20 yeasr old and I live in kishangarh near to Ajmer (Rajasthan). Meri pehle ki stories ko bhaut acha response mila.Aur m bhaut si bhabhi or aunties se bhi mila or unhone apne experience bhi share kiye lekin wo m aapko nhai bta sakta due to privacy. Ab m story pata hu…ye incident mere or meri nokrani ke bich m hua ek wild incident h…jaisa ki mne phele bhi btaya h ki mujhe wild sex bhaut pasand h… or mne...
Hello iss readers! I am krishna . M ajmer ke pass ek chote se sher kishangarh m rheta hu jo marbel city ke naam se jani jati h . M ek clg student hu or iss p ye meri dusri story h jo ki meri or meri bhaut dur ki cousion sister ke bich m hua ek wild incident ki h . Apka jyada time waste na krte hua m story p aata hu meri age 20 years h or mere land ka size 7.5 inch h . Or meri so called sis ka name h nikita usne abhi 12th ke paper diye hi the. To hua u ki hamare ghar m ek function tha to dur dur...
Mera lun bohat bara nahi hai but mughy ladies to maza dyna ata hai. Is waqt aik randi mery lun ko choos rahi hai mughar mughy kuch maza nahi a raha…………mughy rough hone ka shoq hai…..isliye jab meri kutiya mery lun ko chos rahi thi meiny us ka sar ko apni tangon mein zoor sa pakr liya or apna lun pura uska galy mein ghusa dia itna ka uska nak or muon lun ki base sa lag gay or usko sans lyna mushkil ho gaya…..usny bohat koshish ki upar any ki but meiny us Sali harami randi ko uppar nahi any...
Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Bahut puchnee par bhee usnee apnaa naam Randi batayaa haa. Uskee pahlee chudaee kee story mee – meree pahlee chudeeyee courier boy nee kee naamak...
Agle din ki subah hoti hai. Ek rat mein char bar chud kar Puja ki haalat bohut kharaab hoti. Uski gaand ka ched chudai se fat gaya tha aur dard kar raha tha. Puja ko yad ata hai ki use aj bhi Birju ki biwi banke rahena tha. Puja uthakar bathroom jati hai aur nahane lagti hai. Bahar nikal kar jaise ki Birju ne kaha tha woh ek naya suit aur salwar pahenti hai aur tayar hone lagti. Nayi dulhan ki tarah tayar hokar Puja Birju ke liye chai-nasta bana kar bedroom mein le jati hai. Birju tab tak uth...
Hi dosto, mera naam Reshma hai. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai college 1st year padh rahi thi. Mai 18 sal ki hui thi or tabhi mere chuche ubhar ke dikhne lage the. Mai suru se hi bhot chudasi thi, lekin apne gharwalo ke strict hone ke vaja se apni chudasi chut shaant nahi kar pati thi. Lekin mera college dusre seher main tha. Aur muje vaha jate hi ajadi mil gayi thi kahi bhi jane ki, or kisi se bi milne ki. Maine iss ajadi ka bohot fayda uthaya, or college ke ek saal khatam hote tak mai lagbhag...
Hi dosto.. mei danny phir se vapis aya hu.. apni randi bhen key sath.. ap logo key email mile.. Meri is story par bhi mail karna.. . Pechli bar ap logo ko mene btaya tha ki kaise mene apni bhen ko sleeping pills diya.. aur phir use choda… Jb mene use randi ki tarha.. bnaya.. ab us rat hum log nange hi so gaye… jb hum subha uthe toh hum dono ne ek dusre ko kiss kia.. par mene use bola ki kyu na meghna ko bhi bula le.. toh mene use subh phone kia aur use kha ki vapis a jae.. kuch imp kam hai.....
Hi friends mera naam radha hai meri age 22 years hai mai bahout gori aur sexy figar ki ladki hu. Mai rajasthan Mein ek chote se shahar bhelwada se hu. Mere pita bahout hi garib the. Ek saal pehle unhone meri shaadi paas ke gaon ke zamindar ki 30 saal ke bete se kara di.Mere badan ko dekh ke Shaadi mai zamindar ne mere pita se koi dahej nahi liya bas ye kaha ki shaadi ke baad ladki kabhi apne baap ke ghar nahi jaayegi. Meri shaadi ek aam shaadi ki tarah hui. Aur aage ki kahani pe aap yakeen nahi...
Hi i am sister fucker, My name is lucky age 18 and 2 sister name Aruna age 19 and 2nd Rinki age 17 years ,& mom age 37.My dad was died before two years. mujhe incest stories read karn acha lagta hai aur mai net se incest movi bhi download kerke dekhta hu. Dosto ye 1saal pahele ki baat hai ki mujha pata chala mari badi bahen female nahi ek shemale hai.Meri choti behan college me padti hai aur hostel me rahti hai. Ghar main hum 3 log hi rahte hai. Upper Middle class familyc maree neyat bahen par...
Pichli kahani mein padha ke, Puja aur Birju abhi chudai karke hate the ki Anita ghar ke andar aa jati hai. “Sali randi, tujhe Birju hi mila tha chudne ke liye.” Anita gusse mein Puja ke baal pakad leti hai aur muh par jor-jor se thappad marna shuru kar deti hai. Puja tel mein liti hui khadi hone ki kosish karti hai par fisal jati hai. Tab tak Anita 10-15 thappad jhad deti hai. Thodi der Birju ye dekh khush hota. Fir Puja ko chudwa kar use bathroom mein bhej deta, saaf hone ke liye. Birju...
I knew it was coming days in advance. I'd felt that uncomfortable twinge when I drank hot coffee in the morning three days in a row. And then at dinner, biting down on an uncooperative piece of steak; wham! Toothache. It was easy to get an appointment with my dentist, and I usually looked forward to being in his office, particularly when he is not there; the hygienists are very friendly and cooperative and always make me feel good before I leave. That is, if I 'donate' to their private office...
Office SexHey girls and guys. Kaise ho aap sab log? Ye story continuity hai ‘Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid’ series ka. Toh pehle ke part padhna mat bhulna friends. Abhi tak story mein, maine apni randi naukrani ko choda chaat pe aur humari chudai ke waqt meri padosan Pooja ne hume dekh liya. Ab age. Toh mera aur meri naukrani ki chudai ab regular ho gayi thi. Jab meri mom dupahar ko sone jati thi, usko ghar mein chupke se leke ata tha aur apne room mein uski chudai karta tha. Mera room aur Pooja ka bedroom...
Hi friends..This is Ironman back with a new story..First of all thanks to all the reading mai story and mailing me their feedback…It means a lot..Ab toh aunty aur ladkio ke bhi mail anne lage hai sex chat aur sex ke liye..I hope app logo ko mere sath maza aa hoga.. So mai ab sidhe story pe aata hu yeh abhi just kuch dino phele ki bat hai..Mai hyderabad ek coaching class attend kar ke liye aaya hua hu..Aur haal fillal chacha ke ghar pe rukha hu..Mere chacha service karte bai aur aaye din...
Hello Friend. Mera nam Prashant hai aur me Gujarat ka rahne wala hu. Me Indian Sex Stories ka bahut bada fan hu..iss me aati hui sabhi stories me padhta hu…and I m thankful to all story writers…khas kar muje incest stories bahut pasand hai. Me hamesha incest ki fantasy duniya me rahta hu aur muje meri fantasy maa ko chodna bahut pasand hai…Ajj me apni fantasy story likh raha hu..this is my first attempt…agar aap ko story pasand aaye to reply bhejna. Meri umar 18 saal ki hai aur me Indian Sex...
By : Magic4u Hi I’m Nikhil, 1 bar phir apni story le kar aaya hu ye kahani thoda dirty type aur real bhi nahi hai, main apne bedroom me tha padma bhabi aa k boli k bor ho rahi hu mere upar koi kahani sunao, meri randi padma bhabi ko budho se chudwane ka bahot shauk hai to main ne ek chote se gaon ki story padma bhabi ko suna di, is story se mujhe baho fayda huwa, q ki jaise jaise main story sunata padma bhabi tadpti gayi aur story k bad main ne rat bhar padma bhabi ko ch0da aur khub maza...
Hello mai meenu umar 18 saal ek dum gori chitti ubhrate hue chuchia , gol chuttad is ummar mai hum ladkiyo ki chut jyada machlti hai,mai aapko apni chudai ka kissa batati hu,ghar mai mummy papa bhayia pinki bhabi aur didi hai, mai aur bhabhi kai baar baar ek sath chud chuki hai to hum khul kar baat karti hai mai aur bhabhi aapas mai baat kar rahi thi mai boli bhbi naye saal mai kuch nahi kiya babhi boli yaar kya kare koi moka hi nahi lag raha hum aise hi batte karti bhayia ke dost ki behan ki...
Hi dosto mai kusum, thanx for previous respons in desi stories ‘college tour’. Mai dubara bata deti hu apne bare mai,mera naam kusum hai. Mai college mai 1st year arts mai padti hu.meri figure34-28-34 hai. Hamare ghar mai mere mummy papa aur bhayia hai.meri umar 18-19 saal ki hai.rang gora chuchi gol hai.maine pehle likha kaise college tour par meri aur hema ki rajesh,sandeep aur jitendar nai khub chudai ki, hum dono un teeno ki unmarried wife ki tarah rahi.hum dono unse puri tarah khul gayi...
Hi, every one m back with another story of my online mother Sumitra as u all know m from Mumbai my online mom is from Kolkata. She and I meet in Rajasthan for a function. So without wasting time, I will give u a quick glance of her. Toh ye meri mummy jisko jai pyar say sumitra randi mummy bolta hu kya bolu uska figure uff ek dam high profile rand lagti hai 36 32 40 hai aur 42 age hai sali lagti nhi par uske milk boobs aur pink nipples uff maine pata nhi kitne raaat usko pic dekh k hilaya hai...
Hi indian sex stories dot net, I am raadha , mai apni kahani ka teesra part leke aapke paas aayi hu on much demand. Is kahani mei mai aapko bataungi ki kaise mere devar ne mujhe apni randi banaya aur apni slave fantasy puri ki . Apne pati aur sasur ke saath suhag raat bitane ke baad , ab baari mere devar ki thi. 2 din baad , subah subah mai woh hi ghagra aur choli pehan ke chai bana ke apne saas ke kamre mai pahuchi to saas ne kaha meri chai yaha rakh de aur sasur ji bahar tehlne gaye hai unki...
Hi friends ,mera naam illyas hai aur ye meri pehle story hai jisme meri gf mujhe alone fantacies ke aate mein batate hai aur main bhi uski saari khwahishein poori kar deta hun. Baat kuch mahine pehle ki hai. Main aur meri gf live in mein rehte hain aur hum dono ek multinational company mein kaam karte hain. Meri gf ka size kaafi kamal hai, bade santare jaise chuche aur kamal ka choodu figure hai. Woh complexion mein thodi dark hai aur uski kamar ekdum bhari bhari si hai jiski wajah se ofc mein...