The Beginning of the Domination of Randi
- 3 years ago
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Mike and Randi agree on her submission to him.
We arrived at a very nice Italian restaurant and Randi is assisted from the car by the valet and tries very hard to not give him a show. She looks at me worried, that I might be mad, but I just smile and take her arm to enter.
As we walked in, I whisper in her ear, “Nice job, but I do think he was hoping to see more of you,” and chuckled.
She smacked my arm and said, “Sir, only for your eyes.”
The maître d’ showed us to a very nice quiet table and said our waitress would be right with us. A very beautiful young woman appeared, told us of the specials, and took our drink orders. Randi had a glass of Chablis and I had a glass of the house red wine. She said she would return shortly with our drinks and bread for the table.
When she left, I asked, “Randi, how did your afternoon go? Were you able to think clearly, and not get too upset, with how our previous conversation went today?”
She answered, “Yes Sir, all is good, as far as I am concerned. But I do have a few questions for you, and when you are ready, I will ask them.”
“Yes, I figured you would have some, and I also have some for you, but let’s wait until after dinner, to discuss them.” She nodded her head in the affirmative to this comment.
Our waitress returned with the bread and drinks and took our food order. She confirmed our order would be ready shortly.
When the waitress had left us alone again, I asked Randi to tell me how she and Bill had met.
“Well, Mike, we met in college, in my first year. Bill was a year ahead of me and we just happened to have a class together. We ended up in the same study group and, well, one thing led to another, he finally asked me out. At first, I was not sure, as I wanted to concentrate on my studies, but he persisted and I finally agreed to getting coffee after class one day. We had a very good time and found we had a lot in common. Bill was a pre-law major and I was majoring in finance, so we continued to see each other.
By Christmas break, we were seriously talking about living together, but I told him that I had to run it by my folks first. Bill said he understood and was glad that I was willing to discuss this with them.
I invited him to our house for New Year’s Eve, so he could meet my parents and some of my friends. He said he would see what he could do after he got home and talked to his parents.
Randi paused here, as our waitress brought us our meals. After making sure everything was prepared as we ordered, she left us alone to enjoy the food.
I looked to Randi to continue her story, which she did.
Since both she and Bill had paid for their dorm rooms for the year, they decided to stay as they were and look to move in together when they returned in the fall. That way they could look for the best place to live and save money to pay for it.
I told her that was a very good plan, something like what we were looking at tonight. She nodded in agreement and continued to enjoy her dinner.
After dinner was completed, I suggested we take a walk in the nearby park and chat more there. She agreed, so after paying the bill we headed out. We did not get far, as Randi realized the heels she wore were not going to cut it walking around. She apologized immensely, but I assured her it was okay, and we found a nice park bench to sit on and enjoy the evening weather.
When she sat down, her dress rode up showing more of her amazing thighs. Yes, I did look, and yes, she did catch me doing it and just smiled at me.
“Sir, do you like what you see?”
I replied, “Yes, Randi, very much so. You are a beautiful woman who has all of the things I look for in a woman.”
“And what are these things you look for, if I may ask?”
“Well, beauty, both inside and out, have a good sense of humor, confidence in knowing what she wants, and how to present herself, self-esteem, well appreciated by her community and neighbors, know what she wants in life, and from life, and very stable with herself and her family.” I reached over and squeezed her hand, to show her I did approve of everything I had seen so far today.
After some more talking about really nothing, I could sense Randi was ready to get to the real reason we were here.
I suggested we go back to my place for coffee, and we could really get into the crux of the matters.
Randi said she liked that idea very much.
When we got to my house, I asked her to sit in the living room while I made the coffee, but she said she would just sit in the kitchen with me. I gave her a big smile and led the way there.
We chatted about really nothing while the coffee was brewing, and when it was done, I poured each of us a cup and suggested we go to the living room to sit more comfortably.
When we were going in there, I could tell by Randi’s posture, that she seemed a little apprehensive about what was coming ahead for us.
“Randi, is the coffee okay?”
Her reply was very short, “Yes Sir.”
I asked her to go first because my response would all hinge on what she had decided she wanted to do. I sipped my coffee, waiting on her to compose herself, to explain her position in this matter.
“Mike, sorry Sir, let me say I am very impressed with how you are approaching all of this. I had figured, earlier, when I said you could do anything you wanted to me, that you would jump me right there, but instead, you stayed calm and suggested we think about all of the ramifications before we did anything. You also made it clear that whatever I decided to do, you would be okay with that decision”.
“I think I know what decision you hoped I/we would make, and I am pretty sure I know what decision I want us to make, but there are several things I have to consider. Bill, Jill, my marriage, the neighbors, the relationship between you and my family, and vice versa, just to name a few.”
“I have suspected for some time that you are a dominant and that you wanted me to submit to you. Yes, I do feel I am submissive in some ways, but I am also a dominant in some ways. I am a dominant with my family, as I am the one who has to keep us on track. Bill can’t balance a checkbook, nor can he cook worth a damn. I am sure if he was a single parent, poor Jill would be a string bean from malnutrition.”
She chuckled at that, as I did as well. I waited for her to continue before responding to this, as I was sure she had more to say.
“I went home, soaked in a nice hot bath with a glass of wine and thought about all you said I needed to think about. I came up with a decision and some questions for you, that if answered differently than I think they will be, could change my decision.”
“So, here we go. Yes Sir, I do want to be your submissive. I want you to tell me what to wear and what not to wear. I want you to punish me when I disappoint you or don’t do what you tell me to do. I want to fulfill all of your fantasies. Hopefully, in the process, you will consider making me cum like I have never cum before.”
“I will tell Bill that he must accept this change in our marriage and that I hope this will not destroy what we have built all of these years. I do love Bill, but I am missing something, and I am tired of not doing anything about it. Bill also has to understand that from this point forward, I will do what you tell me to do and come to you at any time.”
“I will also try to explain this further to Jill, so she does not worry her parents are going to get a divorce. With college coming up she has enough to worry about, she does not need this.”
“I have thought about the pain and how far I will go, and I guess my answer is 'I don’t know'. I want you to push me in my comfort zone, but I want you to push me to think outside the box, so I feel like I can take a lot, but time will tell. I want to experience all you have to share with me and more.”
“I do have some requests, and I hope they are agreeable to you, or we are done here. The first is, I do not want any outward marks that I would have to hide or explain to co-workers, fellow church members, my family, or friends.”
“Second, do not abuse me so bad that I am regretful of what we are doing. I know some pain will linger, and I will wince or show outward pain when I move or sit, but, I do not want to be so broken down that I cannot carry on my daily duties.”
“Finally, I will not allow you to burn me in any way, nor will I allow you to cut me, or anything else like that. No water sports on, or from, either of us and no verbal humiliation of my husband or my daughter”.
“I hope you can live with these terms, but I do await to hear from you about them.”
I took a drink of my coffee and organized my thoughts for my reply to what Randi has just told me. Before I speak, I fill both of our cups again with coffee.
“Randi, I do appreciate your honesty and candor in explaining your position to me. I am very pleased that you are going to allow me to guide you through this journey and will do everything I can to make it enjoyable, as well as demanding, for you.”
“I am a Master that will expect you to obey me, no questions asked. However, saying that, I will set up a safe word for you, to use if the pain is too much, or if you do not understand what I am asking you to do and you want to discuss it with me so we are both on the same page. It would not be fair of me to punish you for failure to comply with my demand if you do not understand what you are to do to comply with that demand”.
“I will never outwardly mark you so that our time together will not be discovered or that will cause you embarrassment trying to explain the markings. I will, however, punish you and mark you where they will not be seen in the course of your normal day but will be seen if you are intimate with someone”.
“I will expect you to fully obey me from the moment we agree on the terms of your submission. You will give me total control of your mouth, your pussy, and your ass. You will also agree to do what I want when I want, where I want, and with whom I want. Yes, this does mean that you can have sex with Bill, but only if I so choose, I can tell you not to do anything with him, except give him a blow job for as long as I see fit to do so. In other words, should I want you to only cum for me, then I will stop you from fucking him, is this clear?” Randi nodded her head in the affirmative.
“My punishment, should you disappoint me, or fail to submit to my wishes correctly, will be to spank you, with my hand, a paddle, or anything else I desire to use, on your ass, your pussy, your tits, or your legs.”
“I will also restrain you, with rope, handcuffs, and zip ties. I will spread you on the bed, tied at all four corners. I will blindfold you at times, so you can’t see where I am, or what I am doing. I will tie your hands above your head and hang you from the ceiling. In short, I will do with you as I desire, and expect you to accept it.”
“Sir, may I ask what is the reason for suspending me from the ceiling?”
“It will add to your pleasure, and mine, of course.”
“This is the reason for the safe word. The safe word I would like to use is ‘time out’. If you have a better one, please let me know.” She nodded it was okay with her.
“You will be at my beck and call, day or night, and will come to me immediately. As you stated, you will explain this to Bill, so he knows when you leave you are coming to be with me.”
“When we are out in public, you will wear either a blouse and a skirt, or a dress with no underwear, thigh high stockings, or garter belt and stockings, and a minimum of three-inch heels. When we are here, or your house, when both Bill and Jill are out, you will be naked with only the stockings and heels on. If you are here before I arrive, you will be as I stated before, and on your knees in the submissive position.”
“I will place a collar on you; it will be a choker, so it is stylish and you can wear it in public, but it will be engraved to state ‘Randi belongs to Mike’, and you will only take it off for a bath or shower. It will also allow me to place a leash on it as well.”
“I will also place an ankle bracelet, on your right ankle, that will say ‘owned’ and opposite that, ‘slut’, as you will now be my slut, to do with as I wish. Do you understand what I have said and can you agree to these terms?” Again, she nodded in agreement.
“I will draw up a contract, that we will both sign with our terms stated clearly in it.”
Randi sat there sipping her coffee, looking at me, and then a smile came on her face. This gave me cause for hope and made me feel I did not push too hard with her.
“Sir, I can most definitely agree with these terms and hope we can get started tonight”.
I got up, went to my office and came back with two copies of our contract. See, I did really hope she would agree, and had prepared them earlier while she was thinking this through. I had her read a copy over first and then handed her a pen.
“Since you just read this, and before you sign it, are there any corrections that need to be made?”
“No Sir, this is exactly what we have just agreed to.”
She took the pen and signed her name to both copies of the contract. I then signed mine and gave a copy to her in an envelope.
“Please put this in a safe place and if you want Bill to read it you can, otherwise, this is just between you and me.”
“Thank you, Sir, and when I discuss this with Bill, is it possible you could be there with me for support?”
I looked surprised and pleased at her, as I thought she would want the discussion with Bill to be a private one.
“Yes, Kitten, I can be there should you so desire. Are you also going to explain to him that this will now mean he is your cuckold?”
“I am sorry Sir, but I don’t understand.”
“Randi, you now belong to me, so you will only have sex with Bill, if, and when, I say you can. I could even use that as a punishment, for either of you, should you disappoint or not obey me. Did you not realize that?”
“No, Sir, I never thought of that, but I do see how that would be a part of this lifestyle. Will it be necessary to treat him this way?”
“Very much so. I see this is causing you discomfort, so please explain to me the issue.”
“Sir, I love my husband and never plan to leave him. I was hoping this would just add to my sexual pleasure and, in some way, carry over to my sex with him. He is my rock and I would never do anything to humiliate or abuse him in any way. Is this something we can still discuss, or is it sealed, since I just signed the contract?”
“I guess I just assumed you realized all of the ramifications here. If I must, I can add an addendum to the contract, regarding this matter.”
Randi looked relieved, but still unsure of her new position and how it would affect her relationship with Bill.
“Randi, please understand I do not plan to humiliate Bill in any way. However, if you are to submit totally to me, he will have to suffer some consequences to add to our pleasure. If that means I order you to go several days, or weeks, without getting to cum, to heighten your excitement and cause you to want to cum more urgently, then Bill will suffer as well, but you both must obey me.”
Randi sipped her coffee, thinking about this last explanation.
“Okay, Sir, I now understand and do not see a need for any changes to our contract. This is just more I must explain to Bill, but will wait to do that if the time comes to be punished in this way.”
I asked Randi if she still wanted to start tonight or wait until another day to begin her training.
“Sir, I would very much like to start tonight.”
I was very glad she wanted to get started so helped her from her chair and led her to my bedroom. Randi looked nervous, biting her lower lip, but excited at the same time.
My bedroom has already had been set up for this very evening since my wife was my previous sub, and we used our bedroom as our ‘playroom’.
I sat on the bed and had Randi face me.
“Strip for me Kitten, but do it slow and sexy.”
Randi started swaying her hips, like she was listening to music, and started with the arms of her dress. She pulled both arms out of the sleeves and held the dress close to her to not show me anything yet.
I gave her the raised eyebrow look and she just pouted at me, as if to say be patient.
She then let the dress drop to her waist and I finally got my first look at her amazing tits. They stood proud and her areola were pulling taut from her excitement. Her nipples were as large as erasers and caught my eye immediately.
She then let the dress drop to the floor, picking it up and placing it on the chair. She was now standing in front of me in only her heels.
Her pussy shaved as I had requested, and her lips were engorged from the blood rushing to them. She was dripping already, and I could tell she wanted to do this as much as I did.
“Kitten, you are absolutely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I am so glad you have decided to allow me to be your Master.”
She was beaming with joy that I was proud of her.
“I feel I am overdressed here. Do you have any ideas how to rectify that?”
Randi walked over to me and knelt in front of me, reaching for my belt. She undid it, unsnapped my pants, then lowered my zipper. I raised my hips to allow her to pull down my pants and boxers at one time.
She removed my shoes and socks then pulled my pants and boxers off. She stood and placed them on the chair with her dress.
While she was doing this, I removed my shirt as well.
Randi then went back to her knees, crawling back to me staring at my cock. She had a big smile on her face and was licking her lips.
“I take it you like my cock?”
“Oh Sir, it is absolutely beautiful. Bill’s is the only one I have seen, until now, and you are so much more desirable than he is.”
My cock is only about average, but I guess Bill’s was one of those ‘ugly’ cocks.
Randi reached out to grab it and I slapped her hand. She looked at me confused as I pulled her to stand up.
“I think you forgot that you approached this arrangement asking me to spank you. No pleasure until your punishment has been delivered.”
Randi looked excited and scared as I pushed on her belly to lay across my lap with her ass up. I rubbed both her cheeks to make them warm for the spanking she was to receive.
“When I spank you, please count the number of the spanking and then say ‘Thank you, Sir, may I have another?' Should you fail to do either, I will start over. For this first spanking, I will give you five whacks on each ass cheek.”
“Yes, Sir.”
I lifted my hand and came down with a hard swat on her right cheek.
She squirmed and yelled “Oww,” and then remembered her instructions.
“One, thank you, Sir, may I have another?”
The next one was applied to her left cheek, just as hard.
She winced, but said nothing, and repeated the count and request for another.
This went on until the five whacks to each cheek were administered. By the time it was done, Randi was crying and her ass was beet red.
I rubbed it for a while then asked her to go to the bathroom to get the lotion so I could apply it to her ass to calm her down and ease the pain. She got up and rubbed her ass but went and got the lotion as I had instructed.
While she was gone, I went to the kitchen and got her a glass of water and me another cup of coffee, then gave it to her when she returned.
“Take a drink and then lay face down on the bed.” Once she did this, I started to lightly apply the lotion and she started to calm down.
“Was that everything you hoped it would be Kitten?”
“Yes Sir, it was very painful, but also very enjoyable.”
“Í did notice you got very wet, while I was spanking you. You did not cum, did you? If you did, I will have to punish you again as I did not give you permission to cum.”
Her eyes got real big and she quickly explained, “Oh no, Sir, I did not cum, I promise!”
“Very good, you have pleased your Master tonight. Now let’s rest and then you can please me again.”
Randi curled up with my arm around her and her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and then I heard her breathing very shallow to indicate she had fallen asleep.
I replayed the events of the day in my head and realized this day went no way like I imagined when I awoke this morning.
I must have also fallen asleep as well because about two hours later I woke up needing to use the restroom. I tried hard to not wake her but to no avail. I told her to relax and went to take care of business.
When I returned, Randi also needed some relief so she went in after me.
“How do you feel, Kitten?”
“Sore, Sir, but I am grateful for you taking charge of my punishment. I promise to not tease you anymore and be your good girl.”
“Very good, now I think you owe me a blow job that I had you stop earlier for your initial spanking”.
She giggled and said, “Yes, Sir.”
Randi got between my legs and kissed the tip and then engulfed my rod, which started to harden in her mouth. She was also stroking it and squeezing my balls. Her eyes never left mine and she had a smile on her face.
“Oh, fuck, Randi, you are an amazing cock sucker. It has been so long since a woman has done this for me.”
“Sir, this is my pleasure,” she said, after she lifted up from my cock, “your cock tastes so sweet, and is so soft, I love it.”
“Then get back to work slut, as I definitely have a load for you to swallow.”
It did not take long and I held her head so she would not pull away as I shot jet after jet down her throat. She did her best to swallow it all but some did leak out. She immediately cleaned my cock, swallowing all of my cum.
“You are a very good girl and definitely know how to please me. I have now claimed your mouth, with two holes to go. Let’s go to sleep and in the morning I will claim your pussy and start preparing your ass to claim next.
As she lay on her back, I pinched her nipples and sucked her tits. I also placed a hickie on the underside of both her tits, thus marking them as mine.
My alarm went off at seven am and I awoke with a beautiful blonde lying on my chest and a leg tangled with mine. I slept better last night than I have in some time, and I know it was because I did not sleep alone for a change.
I went and did my morning ritual, pee, shave, brush my teeth, and shower.
While I was in the shower, Randi ran in, “Oh Sir, I am so sorry, but I really need to pee. Is it okay if I do so while you are in the shower?”
I was already turning off the water as I was done and told her it was no problem, to go ahead. I dried myself off and stepped out of the shower.
Randi sat there just staring at me, smiling. She then did her morning routine and returned to the bedroom to find me sitting on the bed.
She immediately dropped to her knees and crawled to me, reached up and stroked my cock.
“Randi, this morning I am going to claim your pussy and mark it, as mine, like I did with your tits last night. When you discuss our arrangement with Bill, I want you to show him these marks and explain what they represent.”
“Sir, I will do so, and I can’t wait to see Bill’s reaction to the change in our lives.” But I do feel I will have to explain all of this to Jill when we both get home later today”.
I then got between Randi’s legs and ate the sweetest tasting pussy I have ever had the pleasure to eat. In no time she was cumming and cumming hard. I do think, with some training, I will have her squirting like a pro.
I then got on top of her and inserted my cock in her tight pussy. She moaned and gasped every time I plunged back in her. Again, it did not take long for both us to cum loudly. I do hope the neighbors did not hear us.
I rolled off, and lay next to her, staring at the ceiling while we both caught our breath. An old man can’t take too much of that in one day.
“How about some coffee and some breakfast?”
“That sounds good Sir, but I do need to clean up first.”
“Okay, you do that and I will start on both. But first, you need to clean my cock for me, so get that mouth of yours busy.”
“Yes, Sir.” Randi immediately went to work.
Once she was done, I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and went to the kitchen to get coffee and breakfast started.
Randi appeared shortly in nothing but her heels. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Sir, we did agree that when we were alone, this is all I was allowed to wear.”
I pulled her to me and kissed her, praising her for remembering our contract. After breakfast, it was time for her to leave so she went and got dressed while I cleaned the kitchen.
We exchanged phone numbers and I told her to text me later after her talk with Bill.
I walked her to the door, but before she left I turned her towards me and reminded her of the clause in the contract, that allowed her to cancel it any time.
“Thank you, Sir, but I really don’t think that will happen.”
We were looking into each other’s eyes so I leaned down and gave her a tongue filled kiss. Then she turned and walked across the street, home.
(Thank you to Kiteares for his assistance in mentoring me in this process.)
Randi Author's note: This story was originally written in 1994. I found it reread it and while I liked the premise of the story I didn't like the way it went in parts. There were two sequels written (well, one and a half) that if there is enough interest in Randall and Denise I will look at rewriting them as well. Please review and let me know if it is worth the effort. Randall sat at the bar staring down into the brown tinted ice that used to be a rum and coke. He was a bit...
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Read My previous Stories (links on top). So the last fucking day got fucked up due to a bad joke I cracked And I WALKED OUT OF THE DOOR WITH A NEW NAME ‘Randi. I went home, my mom read the puffiness in my eyes. I told am not keeping well and got myself locked in my room. Every time the phone rang, I thought it was Sanjay ji but I heard my mom chatting away, so knew it would either be friends or family. I decided to face whatever my life had stored for me. I consoled myself saying once his anger...
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Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...
Mera nam rahul hai . Mai 2nd year undergraduate student hu .Mai apne bare me apko bta du .Mera height 6’feet hai aur mera lund ka size 8’inch lamba aur 3’inch mota hai. Ab mai apko apni padosh wali babita ke bare me btaya hu. Babita ko mai aunty kehta tha.Uske gand bahut bda hai.Uska chuchi bhi bahut bda hai ap dono hath se nahi pakad paoge uska ek beti bhi hai jiska nam kavita hai aur wo bhi bahut sexy hai. Ab mai story pe aata hu winter ka season tha aur mai apne terish pe padh rha tha.Us...
------------------------------------ It's early morning and I'm sitting at my work table. Nicki is standing next to me in a short summer dress, her left hand resting on my left shoulder. I start to caress her left leg behind her knee, then slowly snake my hand up Nicki's thigh, occasionally stopping to lightly scratch my nails on her soft skin. My hand now snakes up further until I reach her panties... "NO!" I yell in a surprised tone, "You're not wearing any, you little devil!...
Hello Friends. Maine apni dost ko bataya ki mein ISS pe share kar rahi hun, toh uska bhi man hua uski zindagi ka ek most satisfying kissa share karne ka. Toh ye kahani usne hi likhi hai maine bas publish ki hai. Hello Friends, mera naam Anita hai aur mein Asha ki college se hi bahut achchi dost hun. Asha ne toh paisa dekh kar shadi ki hai, jo ki uski zindagi ka bahut achcha decision tha. Maine pyaar mein pagal hokar ek normal se ladke se shadi kari jo ki ek bahut normal si job karta hai. Meri...
Hi, my name is Ajay, but my boyfriend changed my name to Mallika. this happened few months ago. I am working as customer relative in a call center. I am a cross dresser since my childhood. but my family have no idea about my cross dressing our home town is Eluru. But I moved to Hyderabad after i got a job in a call center. I continued my CD even after I joined in the call center. I used to spend half of my salary for buying sexy lingerie my favorite lingerie brand is Victoria’ secret. But as...
Gay MaleHi friends this is ishana . An introvert girl with wild thougts. I am fatty, tall and fair. My stats are 44-40-50. I know I’m huge, busty girl and I’m 19 years old. Introduction bahut hua ab story par ati hu. First time mene sex kia apne bf, shivam, ke sath jb me 11 class me padti thi usi ne mujhe in sab chizo se introduce karaya. Sbse jyada maza to tb ata tha jb wo meri eyes par blindfold lagakr chodta tha. Me wese hi horny rahti hu koi mere boobs ko touch karde to mere andr aag si lag jati...
Hello friends am pat from Mumbai writing my story for you, this is my first story so please bear with me if some mistakes happen ye story meri behan ke baare mai hai jisko ragging ke bahane uske college ke kuch senior student ne apni randi bana liya phele meri behan ke baare mai baata hu uska naam sanjana hai age 23 hai uska figure hai 36 30 38 ye story kuch ek saal phele ki hai jab new addmission liya tha MBa college mai. Uska college ka phela din tha, usdin usne short white skirt pheni thi...
Hello adult sex stories dosto mera nam garry hai (short name) age 25 aur punjab ka rehne wala hu aur dubai me job karta hu me ek shadi shuda ladka hu meri biwi ka nam sumanpreet kaur hai uski age 22 hai figure 34 30 36 aur uske bal uski gand se niche tak lambe hai hmari love merg hui hai ab me story pe ata hu ye hamri bilkul sachi story hai To jese mene btaya ki hmari love marg hai to meri biwi bhut shreef ladki thi isi liye mene usse shadi krli shadi se pehle hmane sex nhi kiya tha suhagrat ko...
Cindy met Lucy at her locker after school. ?Lucy, can you do me a favor?? Lucy closed her locker. ?Sure Cindy, what is it?? Cindy gave Lucy her house key. ?Can you drive over to my house and get my new tennis shoes? I forgot to bring them with me. They’re next to the dresser. I need them for cheerleader practice.? Lucy smiled. ?Sure Cindy.? Cindy hugged Lucy. ?Thanks.? Lucy thought about their friendship as she drove over to Cindy’s house. She’d been Cindy’s best friend for the last two...
Domination Unleashed By Jennifer White I was 33 years old when my life was changed forever. My name is Kayla, and I had been going out with Andrew for three years. It was more than just going out with; we were married in all but name (at least in *my* head). We lived together in a nice house in the suburbs. He had a good job as a project manager for a high-tech computer corporation, while I worked as a receptionist at a doctor's office. Between the two of us (mostly him), we...
Finally, I could not stay away from the Randi. I went back to the whorehouse and again picked her from the entire woman lined up in front of me and she took me into her small dinghy room. She was smoking. There was this lingering smell of smoke and alcohol coming from her. I paid her 50 Rs for a fuck and before she started anything she took a big sip from the liquor bottle and then asked me ‘kya piyega dary, chaiye ek sip’. I said no. She kept the burning cigarette on the ashtray and she opened...
It was always an immense please in sneaking up and doing sex with the fear of getting caught. When I was with my brother and my family didn’t know about us, I enjoyed the thrill of having sex with him. All that fun faded away soon when mom and dad knew about us. Surprisingly and shockingly, dad didn’t show any anger to neither Vivaan nor me. Dad, rather, supported us and allowed to enjoy as much as we could. We became free inside the house. Kissing, hugging and touching each other became quite...
IncestDosto yeh ek sachhi kahani hai… Me apni mummy ke sath ek colony me rehta hu jaha mere bhot dost bhi hain… Me apni mummy ka description nahi dunga kyuki woh boring hoga bas yeh maanlo mast maal hai… Toh dosto ek din humare ghar me renovation horha tha toh us din mummy thaki hui thi aur kaam bhot bacha tha…Me apne computer pe game khel rha tha itne me mera dost agya me naam nahi batana chahta.. Toh hum sath khelne lage aur fir achnak se mummy ne dono ko bulaya help ke liye.. Bed uthane me...
Hello everyone, This is Akshay, an Engineering student from Nagpur. Decent, handsome guy, with athletic figure and charming voice. This is my first story however I am very experienced person in this field. I use to visit Aurangabad pune mumbai may times, I have satisfied many auties in pune and Nagpur. any girl, auty, woman who wants my love can mail me at (total secrecy, chat calls videos chats anything you need mail me.). All this started with my Mami, my maternal aunt her name is Anu ( 37...
IncestHello dosto how are you? ye meri pahli kahani hai so main koshish karungi ki sabhi readers ko ye meri sachi kahani achi lage aur wo betaab ho jaye ki kaash main apke saath apke pass baith kar ye kahani sunati khair mera naam ruche hai aur main patna bihar se hu. Meri lambai hai 5’7″ main gori hu aur meri poori body waxed hai ek baal nahi hai kahi bhi excluding mera sar meri doodh ab hai 36 c aur kamar hai 33 aur gaand 35 ki hai.Ye kahani tab shuru hui jab main dental college maine apna...
By: Anum Princes Hi dear readers,mera nam Anum ha,or mai Pakistan sy ho mai ajj appko apni new story Sunany ja rai ho or umeed krti ho k apppp sab ko pasan aye g so phela ma apna introduction krwa do meri height 5.2 fet ha,or rang sanwla ha,bal kaly or lamby ha mery boobs bht tight ha or bady ha almost 34 ka siz ha meri choot bht deep ha clit pink colour ki ha,or phudii bht swolen rehti ha chudai ki waja sy or meri gand bht moti ha gand ka size 38 ha,but meri qamar srf 28 inches...
Hello friends mera naam rahul hai. Mere ghar maein mere papa maa aur mai rehti hai. Mere papa ek civil engineer hai jo dubai mai kaam karte hai. Unka saal mai 1 month ke liye ana hota hai bas. Meri maa bahut hi khusurat lady hai. Uski gand dekh kar koi bhi muth marne lage. Uski gand aur boob par toh humara sarri coloney marti hai. Okay aap logo ka jata time na lete hue mai apni story shuru karta hoon. Ye aaj se 4 month phele ki baat hai. Ek din mai collage gaya toh maine dekha rohit nikhil aur...
Kaise ho dosto? Aasha hai aapko pichla part pasand aaya hoga. Jin logon ne emails aur hangout pe messages bheje aur videos bheje, aap sab logo ka shukriya. To aage bhadte hai. Fir uncle ne apna lund meri Mallu mummy Leela ki chut par set kiya aur mummy ke khulle baalo ko pakadke ek jhatka diya. Lund chut ki deewaron ko phadta hua meri mummy ki chut ke andar ghus gaya. Ab meri Mallu mummy Leela ki chudai fir shuru ho gayi. Uncle meri mummy ki sawari aur chudai dono kar rahe the. Ab mummy bhi...
She didn’t waste any time once the pleasantries were done getting down to asking me what she called for, I was afraid she was going to ask for money but it was nothing like that at all. She said “So I was hanging out with my sister this weekend and she was telling me about the two of you and I just wanted to talk to you and find out your side of the story.” That took me aback but I replied with “Well, what did she tell you and what can I straighten you out about?” She laughed at that, and...
My mistress, Mistress Angela, has commanded me to write this account of how we met and how we live. I have been Mistress Angela's money slave and cuckold for three months now. She moved in with me a little over a month ago. I met Mistress Angela just over a year ago. She was working as a dancer at the Gold Club. My wife had died the year before, and I was looking for some fun. She sat down next to me and told me her name was Marie. I bought her a drink. As we talked, I found out she enjoyed...
Chapter Fifteen: Futa's Incestuous Domination By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I charged at Ms. Petrov from her desk in the middle of the office to where she stood to whip my ass. The leather cuffs dangled from my left wrist. My ass burned from her whipping me. I was tired of it. Tired of submitting to her. My anger boiled through me and I didn't care about anything else. I thought I could handle some BDSM play. I truly did. But Ms....
Disclaimer : the story has extensive homosexuality and unprotected gay anal and oral sex. This is just a story, in real life, always use a condom. If your name is used as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against anything above stated please quit reading. I’m a frequent reader of many website so ideas for this story is taken from a lot of places. For any comments, ideas or any other “fun” stuff, I love talking to people, email me – Ye baat tabki hai jab mein college ke 1st year...
Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise bhai ne mujhe randi banaya aur ye kahani meri sacchi kahani h ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur bataye meri kahani ap sabko kaisi lagi main apse whatsapp par chat karungi ap sab mujhe mail kariye ap sabke mail ka wait karungi. Mera bhai jo ki mera cousin h wo ek bahut acchi job karta h aur wo ek company me manager h aur usko bahut acchi salary milti h aur wo...
Hi desi hot sex story readers this is this is my 5th story. Ye story iss bare me he ki me kese ek police wale ki lust ke karan meri mom randi ban gai .Banaya. Mera naam rehan he or hum gwalior me rehte he or mere dad bank me manager he.Hum log ek duplex me model town me rehte he. Meri mom ki age 40 he or wo bahut sundar he. Unka figure 36-30-38 he. Unki height 5,6 he or rang gora he. Mere papa family pe jyada dhyan nahi dete he or jyada tar raat ko sharab piker hi ghar aate he. Iss karan se...
Ladkiyon, bhabhiyon aur aurton ko mere lund se namaskar. Mai hun amrendra har umar ki aurton ka aashiq. Ye desi hot sex kahani mai us har aurat ke liye likh raha hun jinki chut ki aag kai mahino se nhi bujhi, us har aurat ke liye hai jinke pati unko din me do baar bhi nhi chodte aur us har aurat ke liye hai jinki chut paraye mard ko dekh ke gilli ho jati h. To apni chut ko nanga kr lijiye kyunki ab mai kahani shuru karne wala hun jo apki moot nikal sakta h. Aur han door zaroor lock kr lijiyega...
Hie guys I’m Wasim writing my first story hope you enjoy it. Toh boys chaddi hai haath daal lo aur ladkiya apni panty mai So I belong to a Muslam family.. Hamari family mai mai.. Mom dad and meri behen afreen reheti hau. Afreen padai ke liye put of station hai currently Ammi : name shabana Height : 5’3 Figure: 34-24-36 Gand : chubby n curvy Colour : fair To ye baat tab ki hai jab mere abba ne ammi ko Talak Talak Talak bolke kisi dusri aurat ke saath chale gaye…ammi bechari Bohot sad reheti thi...
Hello to all my lovely friends, aapka sahil batra wapas aa gya ek aur sexy story ke saath saari chut waaliyo ko mere lode ka salaam agar koi ladki/bhabhi/aunty chut ki khujali mitana chahe toh contact me on aapki identity reveal nai ki jayegi and aap sabhi plz apna response se jarur de Ab bina tym barbaad kare mai story pe aata hu Mera naam hai sahil mai 25 saal ka hu meri height hai 5″9 mere lund 6 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai meri behen ki age bhi 25 saal 34-30-32 uska figure hai uska rang...
Hi m ishana back with another experience after being gangbanged by my ex bf and his friends… Mere ex bf or uske dosto ke sath chudne ke bad se me bht horny rhne lagi apne ko hmesha fingering krti rhti or shivam ke msg or call ka intezar krti rhti. Fir ek fin intezar khtm hua or shivam ka call aya S: haye meri rand badi yad aa rhi thi teri Me: mein khud tere lund ki pyas ungli se bhuja rhi S: mere hote hue ungli ki kya jarurat ye lund tera hi to h a jau teri pyas bhujane Me: haa aa ja bht...
Hi guys this is sham alias shama 26 yrs gay bottom and a cross dresser. Love to please my man as horny housewife or his girlfriend in bed. Talking about me, I have sexy female figure with curvy waist, huge 34D melons natural and round juicy ass and cute small 3”cock.I like to dress up in saris and western clothes ISS is my favorite sex story site.I like share my half real and half fantasy story. Hope I give you guys a boner. So here it begins, this incident happened when I was studying in...
Gay MaleDosto mai aaj apko batane ja raha hu ki kaise mere maa randi bani,mera naam jack hai age 18,mere maa ka age 35 hai,size 36D-24-34 hai pura body dhekne me rasdar lagta hai,Hollywood films aur wester dress bahut pasand hai,jab main hostel se ghar ata to unke rum me porn ki DVD milta tha jo mere maa chupa k rakte the.baat un deno ki hai jab mai apne 12th ki padye katam kar k ghar aya tha, mere papa kaam k leya aksar bahar jate the,is bar v wo 10 deno k leya ghar se bahar gaye,use din mere maa sam...
Hi friends this is Vicky meri dusri story hai meri first story thi “meri mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya” .mujhe khushi hai ki aap logo ko meri story pasand aayi. Mujhe bahut sare mail bhi aaye thanks to you guys for liking my story.ab mai apni second story likhne jaa raha hu ye story meri nahi hai par ye mere dost rajat ki hai .rajat mera bahut acha dost hai usne mujhe apni puri kahani batayi.usne mujhse kaha ki vickey tu mere liye story likh de. so aaj mai rajat banker ye story aapko...
By : Venky Reddy Hi friend’s mera naam venky hai mein andhra ka rehana wala hoon aaj mein aapko meri ek sachhi kahani sunane ja raha hoon agar aapko meri kahani achhchi lage toh please mujhe reply karna id: jis time yeh ghatna gathi tab mein degree 1st yr padhta tha yani ki yeh saal phehele ki baat hai mein apne summmer holidays mein mere buwa ke goan chala gaya buwa ka naam kanta tha. Woh bahut sundar thiunka figure tha 37,35,39 mein bahut dino se unhe chodhna chahatha tha lekhin kabhi...
Hello Guys and Girls, I am Coolboy from Gujarat, par stuying in london from last few months…ye meri pehli story hai. me pehle story likhu bhi to kese likhu ye mera pehla experience jo hai….chalo aap sabko bore na karte huye direct story pe aata hu ..par pls aap logo ko meri story pasand aaye to atleast muje reply jaroor karna..on my id Me abhi 23 sal ka hu, average body, fair in colour, 5’10 height, bas kuchha mahine pehle london me aaya hu…uske pehle india me hi graduation kar raha tha,,tabhi...
Hi friends mein Ash, phir hazir hoon apne ek aur experience ke asth. Dosto yeh sahi kahani hai. Jaise ki aap ko pata hai. Meine apni saas ko kai baar choda hai aur meri biwi bhikai baar mera sath deti hai. Meri biwi Nancy Sali ek number ki randi hai apni maa ki tarah. Wo bahar wale laude bhi khub khilati hai apni chut ko par dosto sach kahoon mujhe bhi maja aata hai use kisi aur ka lund apni chut mei dalva kar apni chut marvate hue dekhne mei. Yeh meri story ek sachi kahani hai. Meine aur mere...
Chapter 19 I lay in bed and even though I'm mentally exhausted, I can't get my brain to shut down. "Why? Why the fuck do we sabotage our relationship every fucking time it seems to be going great?" "I just don't understand why Jennifer has to constantly push me in a direction I don't want to go!" "Jennifer chooses the dumbest shit on top of everything else! What the fuck will I learn from Hip Hop dancing? How does it make me a better Dominant, or person in general?" God, I...
"So, do you think it worked?" Joey said as we walked out. "I think so. And if it didn't, she'll just have to live with it. I don't want to fight my urge to fuck like that again. I was considering even doing her ass." "And what an ass it was... " Joey said remembering. "You know something? I kind of hope she doesn't lose all that weight. She's so big... She's fucking erotic." "Yeah, me too. Listen, I'm going to sixth period. Do you want to keep an eye on Suzi's fun, or...
Randi walked home to find Bill already there, sitting in his chair, and waiting for her.“Where have you been Randi? Did I just see you come out of Mike’s house across the street? Why were you there, anyway?”Randi went to hug Bill, but he pulled away and said it could wait until he got his answers.“Okay, fine I will answer you, but you must not say anything until I am done. Can you do that?”“If I must, but get on with it.”“Yes, I was across the street at Mike’s place. He helped me with the hose...
IncestBlack Daddy DominationScott Clair hated his whiteness. He wasn’t able to articulate it exactly in that way; he claimed to be coming to terms with his submissive nature and his overwhelming desire to serve the Black race. Had he been a bit more self-aware, a bit more introspective, he could have accurately described his self-hatred as stemming from his inherent need to feel superior. Whiteness was his disease, magnified by a Napoleonic complex of huge proportions given his height of 5’1?. He...
House of Domination (May be continued in the future)The house was fairly rundown but a mansion still the same. Donna had paid a lot of money just to come here and wasn?t about to turn back now. This was a dream she had fantasized about for yours. Total submission she craved was finally about to be given. She got out the door of the car that had picked her up at the airport and grabbing her one bag and purse started walking towards the door. Donna had read about the place on the internet...
I awoke one morning with what must be the most superb, the most lascivious sensation any guy can ever experience. My mother was working her tongue around my cock, bathing it with her moist lips and stroking my morning woody close to explosion. She knew from experience the signs of my impending climax, and used her well developed oral skills to keep me on the edge for what seemed ages. I howled in desperation while she laughed, a low sensuous sound, knowing that, for a short time, she was in...
I charged at Ms. Petrov from her desk in the middle of the office to where she stood to whip my ass. The leather cuffs dangled from my left wrist. My ass burned from her whipping me. I was tired of it. Tired of submitting to her. My anger boiled through me and I didn’t care about anything else. I thought I could handle some BDSM play. I truly did. But Ms. Petrov was just a bitch. She made sure I came without her permission while she was fucking me with her strap-on. She took my cherry with...
Chapter Thirteen:Sir impregnates Randi in front of Bill.“Slut, please get Kitten ready to receive me tonight, as I plan to breed her in front of her cuckold.”Jill immediately went down on her mom and had Randi begging to cum in no time at all.While this was going on Bill looked at Mike to see if he was serious about breeding Randi. He could not stay quiet and said, “I forbid this to happen. You have no right to get my wife pregnant. If she wants another baby all she has to do is ask me.”“Slut,...
IncestThis story was posted before by the name of The Domination Kin, and refused by mistake by the system when I tried to edit it. I re-posted it with the second part and some slight changes. Hope you enjoy it. Cheers, A2O ----- Sweet Torture Part I -Intro- When I decided to come spend the weekend at my hated father’s beach house, just two weeks after my divorce, I had absolutely no idea it would end up in pleasure, pain, and death. Yes, death. Did I deserve revenge on my father, a chance...
In front of me was, in my opinion, the sexiest, most delectable bottom I’d ever had the pleasure to spank. Not small by any means, but definitely soft and malleable, with buttocks that bounced beautifully as the palm of my hand connected. Voluptuous came to mind…The bottom, which was turning a lovely rosy red colour, belonged to Samantha, a sexy, smart, curvaceous “mature” woman, whose sexual innocence I found exciting and challenging. She had put her trust in me, and I was taking her on a...
FemdomIn this world, femboys have risen to a position of power and domination over other genders. They are admired for their beauty, grace, and intelligence, and their society is built on a foundation of power. sex and femboy domination. The world is united into one empire, led by a powerful femboy queen who rules with a cruel and domineering. Femboys are respected for their leadership skills, and they have created a society that values intelligence, fear, and cruelty above all else. Femboys are free...
GayWelcome to our newest game show. You must be excited, because out of thousends of candidates you are choosen. You are now allowed to take part in the famous new game show: Game of domination. The rules are very simple. You get a small plastic card with your name and a magnetic stripe. Your points will be credited to you on this card. The more dominance points you collect, the better. To earn those points, you will have to solve different tasks from the so called "masters". They are employees of...
BDSMThey arrived across the street and she is relieved that none of the neighbors are outside to see her naked. Once inside he removed the collar and she fell to her knees with her head down in the submissive position.He stroked her hair and told her she was a good girl and that everything will be okay.“Thank you, Sir, I do hope that is true.”“So, let’s begin your next step in your submissive training. I want you to stand and bend over the arm of the couch so I can look at the plugin your ass.”She...
SpankingChapter Fourteen:The ladies prepare for their vacation and Jill talks to Jack about Daddy.With about three weeks before Jill left for college, Mike suggested that the three of them go to the Bahamas for two weeks. Both women agreed that it sounded nice, but Randi was worried about how Bill would take it.“Sir, would you consider no cage on Bill while we are gone?” she asked Mike.“Kitten, why do you ask this of me? You know the rules, but if you have a good argument, I will consider it.”“Sir,...
Cuckold“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...