Hurt Me Daddy - Part 2 free porn video

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The following morning, when I woke up, Daddy was already up. I dressed up for school, and soon as I opened my door I could already smell the bacon he was making for breakfast. I went down the stairs with a silly smile on my face, but my heart was pounding hard inside my chest. We had decided to remember, to go on with it. Now I wasn’t only his daughter anymore, I was something else entirely.

Yesterday, while I laid on the floor still catching my breath and moaning, he leaned forward, and got my girly full cheeks in his hands. He kissed me tenderly on the lips. I melted. Then, he took me in his arms like I was weightless, and he brought me upstairs. He put me sideways over his bed, so I wouldn’t have to sit. He knew he had hurt me.

He prepared a bath, and came back to pick me up again, and took me to the bathtub. He lowered me into the warm water slowly, and I winced loudly when the water touched my violated behind. None of us said a single word, while he started to wash me. We were both silent, until he grazed the sponge he was using on my sensitive pussy, and I moaned softly, and arched my back a little.

“Shh…” He shushed me, putting a finger on my lips. “I have a challenge for you.”

I just coily looked him in his green eyes, puzzled.

“Do you touch yourself?” he asked.

I instantly thought, “Oh boy, he’ll ask me to touch myself in front of him.”

“I do, sometimes,” I said.

“So, I want you not to. I want you to keep all that you’re feeling right now until the moment I can make you cum with me inside of you.”

Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. My insides contracted just by the thought of it.

“B-But Daddy… It aches, my pussy…” I said in a breathy, pleading way. “Please… Don’t make me wait, please!”

“If you beg me again, I’ll do it. Look,” and he pointed to his cock, throbbing and fully erect again. It was the first time I saw it. It was gloriously big. No wonder it hurt so much. Kevin’s, the boy I “was with,” was a joke in comparison. “But if you want to make me happy, you have to do everything I ask you to, always. This is how I want to play this game. Are you up for it?”

I sighed loudly in frustration. I knew I’d do it the way he wanted already. I never thought I was so passive, so submissive, but it just felt like a second nature that I didn’t know I had.

“Yes, Daddy. I’ll keep aching for you for as long as you want.”

He smiled, satisfied. “I’ll wash you up, we’re going to have a snack, then you’re going to your room. You have classes tomorrow. I’ll call Frederick on his personal phone, and I’ll ask him to set an appointment for you. As it is for me, it’s going to be fast. Don’t worry.”

Then, he leaned forward and kissed me again. Daddy slipped his tongue inside my mouth, and it got steamy fast, with our bodies moving according to the rawness of our kiss, until he broke it. I sighed loudly yet again.

“Let’s stop this, or we won’t be able to keep our challenge,” and he resumed washing me up, like I am his baby girl again. “Soon as we are good to go, you’ll move to the big room with me.”

“Whoa,” I thought. Is this for real? Then, I thought about it, and I enjoyed the idea of sleeping with him everyday, even though it meant doing whatever he wanted uninterruptedly. But, then, the only thing I even hid from dad was the sex part of my life, and he was taking care of that now too. Soon, the thought felt comforting somehow. I was his now, I didn’t have to worry. He’d take care of me.

When he took me out of the bathtub, I wrapped my hair in a towel, while he used another one to dry me. He methodically dried every part of me, starting from my shoulders, then my back, my breasts - which the touch made me moan, and he chuckled. Soon, he was down to my belly, and he crouched in front of me to dry my legs. Then, he stopped, and I could see him admiring my pussy. I knew it looked delicate, with the small red lips of my entrance hidden within the puffy molds of skin around it. I didn’t have much pubic hair, and it followed a line down as if it made a trail to my sex, so I never shaved it.

Daddy made a mention to reach forward, and dry me there too, but I stopped him. “No, Daddy. No, please. I’ll cum. Swear to God, if you touch me there, I’ll cum.” I said honestly, with an anxious voice, asking him to stop, but inviting him at the same time.

He grinned, and gave me the towel.

I sighed, “Thank you.”

We went downstairs, had a quick snack, and he asked me to talk only about trivial things. So, I talked about school, about my rhythmic gymnastics training, while he talked about the work at the Marketing company - where he was Arts Director of both the publishing and advertising sectors. He was telling me about a new guy they hired that couldn’t get his job done, and he was telling me about how voracious, and how determined he was, when he first started working there one month before I was born. He had been working at this same company for the last sixteen years. They never let him go, just kept promoting him. Now he was some sort of boss there, which was good for us, even though he had to work a lot.

After we finished our snack, he kissed me again on the lips, and he sent me to bed. It was awkward, all of it, but at the same time I felt excited.

I had a dream that started weird. I was watching from the door, as he had sex with my mom. She was chained to the bed, had leather straps holding her wrists together, and tied to the headboard of the bed. He was between her legs, fucking her roughly, making the whole bed rock back and forth, and she was screaming loudly. I could hear pain in her voice, like it was hurting, but at the same time I could sense the urgency on her groans… She was feeling pleasure. Lots of it. Then, I felt myself fall, and when I realized, I couldn’t see anymore. I felt my hands tied above my head, and I could feel him on top of me, ramming everything he had inside of me. I felt myself stretch inside, my whole body shuddered, and his chest grazed harshly against my sensitive nipples. He started pushing even harder, thrusting viciously into me, my virgin entrance being torn open by him, and I screamed…

When I woke up, in the middle of the night, I didn’t know if I had screamed for real or not, but I could feel myself sweaty, and absolutely wet again. I reached down, inside the thin pyjama shorts I used to sleep in, and I could feel my juices flowing from my pussy and down my inner thighs. Touching myself there was a big mistake. My body came alive instantly, and I let a moan out. I had to hold on to all the willpower I had to let go, to turn over, bite my pillow, and try to sleep again, which happened more than one hour after that.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” he said even before I showed up in the kitchen.

“Good morning, Daddy,” I said, and I went straight to him.

He turned to me, and I hugged me. When he noticed I was standing on the tip of my toes to kiss his lips, he held me back.

“Are you sure you want to remember last night?” He asked, seriously. His way of asking, “Are you sure you want to go on with this?”

Without thinking twice, I replied a very secure, if not avid “Yes.”

He held me tight against him, leaned forward, and kissed me hard. My whole body reacted to the kiss, and I felt my insides churning again. I remembered the dream, and I wanted him to take me right there, right now.

But, obviously, to my frustration, it didn’t happen. He said we had eggs and bacon for breakfast. I poured ourselves coffee, and we sat to eat. He was already dressed to work, in his black blazer that made him look so good.

“Frederick is going to see you at 4, so you can go straight from school,” he said casually.

“Ok. Good.” I replied, and then I got suddenly nervous. “What do I say?”

“You tell him that you want to start taking the pill, and that your dad knows. Ask him to call me if he wants.”

“Oh… Ok.”

“There’s no need to be worried. We talked about this, me and him. I knew it would have to happen someday, and I didn’t want you to change gynecologists just because he is my friend. He’s been taking care of you for years…”

“I know… But if he sees something… I mean, I still have the marks from yesterday’s spanking…”

“Don’t worry. If it comes to that, I’ll deal with it.”

When I got to school, I felt different somehow. It was like everybody was looking at me, I mean, more than usual. Or I was acting different, walking different, or it was the smile on my face. I wasn’t acting like somebody who had a huge secret because I knew nobody would ever know, as I was in it with the person I trusted the most in the entire world, so there was no reason for me to be paranoid.

Then, I saw Kevin coming my way before I could get to my class, and I got nervous. I had to end things up with him right there, right now. He stopped in front of me, one hand reaching out to the wall, his arm blocking my way.

“Hello, gorgeous! So, did you talk to your dad? I can’t wait to see you tonight…” And he reached for my bum, his hand grazing at the exact same spot my dad had hit me yesterday. I winced, and stepped back. “Whoa! What happened?” He asked, surprised.

“Kevin, I can’t hang out with you anymore,” I said looking at my hands, holding two books against my chest.

“W-What? No way!” He said angrily. “Is it your dad? Is he threatening you? Did he beat you?”

“No, Kevin! Nothing like that!” I lied.

“Oh, yeah? Why did you wince when I touched you?” He blurted angrily.

Since we started seeing each other, I never refrained from his touch, no matter where. This was a first, so obviously he would think that that was something wrong… Nothing was wrong, I thought. If I liked my dad fucking me, hurting me, that was my problem. Maybe there was something wrong with me, maybe I could get hurt in the future, but right now I felt so realized, so happy, that none of this mattered.

“Since the moment I considered us not to be a thing anymore. I’m sorry,” and I tried to walk away, but he grabbed me by the arm.

“You are not ending things up with me! I won’t allow it!”

My eyes grew wide. I had never noticed how aggressive he could be, how he thought he had a right to do whatever he wanted to me… And when I thought back, it was exactly that. After a long time trying to get me to go to bed with him, he convinced me to use all the other alternatives that didn't end up with me losing my "virginity". Even so, I had to stop him innumerous times in which he tried to force himself into my pussy without my consent… And I didn't make a big deal about it. I just felt sad for him. I was the bad girlfriend which he couldn't have sex with because I had "strict family issues", so I never got mad about it. Maybe I was very submissive after all.

But now I was with Daddy, I was his, and there was no room for Kevin in our relationship.

“Let go of my arm right now, or I’m going to scream.”

“I dare you,” he said, not very convincingly.

I pulled my arm, and when he didn’t let me go, I inhaled deeply, getting ready to scream my lungs out… And he let me go.

“I’m sorry, Kevin. I hope we can still be…”

“Fuck you!” He interrupted me and stormed away.

The rest of the day in school was weird, but I didn't care. I had plans and expectations for the night to come.

When I got home that afternoon, around 3pm, I had three hours before Daddy got home from work. I took a very long, meticulous shower, and when it was time to choose what to wear I had a lot of thought about it. I was already freaking nervous, and trying to make it a big occasion would only make things worse. I just realized that there was nothing I could do about it. I wouldn't use one of my expensive dresses to stay at home, as it would just feel silly. Moreover, everything I had to wear he had seen already, in fact, he had bought it for me. So, I ended up going for cute/sexy/easy access. I put on a large dark grey shirt that he had given me, with the "Rolling Stones" red logo on the front. It covered me up to two inches down my pelvis. I looked at myself on my body mirror, and I could see it was a good fit. My long and wavy brown hair falling softly over my shoulders and back, and my breasts marking the shirt. As I had no bra on, my nipples were noticeable. I was aroused already… Jesus. I slipped on my white lace panties, and I went downstairs to the kitchen.

I decided to cook something nice for us. Stroganoff it would be. I put on some music, something that he liked and that would get me in the right mood: Guns n Roses. Then, I started cooking, dancing in the kitchen.

As the music was loud, I didn't hear him pull over, or get inside the house. I was, yet again, washing dishes, when he grabbed me from behind, and I screamed.

He instantly grabbed me, wrapping his arms right under my breasts, and kissing my neck twice.

"Hi, Daddy. You scared me," I said with a giggle.

"I noticed," he said maliciously. "What are you doing?"

"I cooked us dinner. Now I'm cleaning the mess," I said while closing the faucet, after I felt him pressing me against the sink. I gasped.

"Did you go to your appointment?"

"Yes… I'm officially on the pill."

"Good…" he said, and I felt his hands running down my waist, then my hips, and up under the hem of my shirt.

I gasped again. "H-Here?"

"It's where it all began…" Using both hands, he unceremoniously pulled down my panties to the middle of my thighs. "The right thing to do would be to give it some days to be sure the pill would work… But I can't wait any longer."

One of his hands slithered up under my shirt, cupping and mauling my right breast, while his other hand moved behind my butt. I heard him unzip his pants. I gasped.

My heart started pounding inside my chest, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I also felt myself clenching from there, getting wet. It wasn't how I imagined, having my virginity taken by him standing like this on the kitchen floor. But again, I was already trying not to make a big deal out of this… and just like him, I wanted it so bad…

"Are you ready for me, baby girl?" He asked panting, his hot breath on my neck, and I felt him rubbing his big thing up and down my pussy lips.

“Yes, Daddy…” I purred.

So, he pushed it against my virgin entrance for the first time. I winced, and gasped, clenching my teeth. I instinctively lift my heart-shaped butt for him, trying to make it easier somehow. He pushes again, and I feel something like a pinch down there, a hurtful one.

“Uunngh…” I groan, then I stop, shutting my mouth. I try to take it without sounding like it is hurting, sillily thinking that if he heard a moan of protest, he’d stop.

I feel him adjusting his position behind me, bending his knees. So I stand tiptoed, leaning towards the sink. He gives me an appreciative moan and he goes for it again, grunting. He pulls it back, rubs it a little more on my moist labia, and goes back to it. This time I feel some of it slipping in. I feel a stinging pain, as if something had ripped down there.

“Uunnnnnghh….” I groan again, leaning my head forward.

“You don’t have to hold it in, sweetheart. Tell me how it feels. Moan for me, scream for me, you are free to feel whatever you are feeling. Unless you ask me to stop, I’m not stopping.”

He says, and he thrusts forward voraciously. With this single movement, I feel it forcing its way inside me for real. I feel myself stretching down there, and the sensation of being filled. At the same time I have all that bottle up arousal being satiated, it hurts. It hurts bad.

“GAAAAAH!” I groan, openly. “I-It hurts, Daddy. It hurts!”

“Do you need time… Or will you be a good girl and let Daddy fuck your tight tiny pussy like he wants to? Can you be Daddy’s little whore?” He asks, stopping for the first time, brushing the hair on the right side of my face and tucking it behind my ear, then grabbing my hair in a ponytail, yanking my head back lightly.

He had just told me there were two options: giving me time to adjust, so it would hurt less, or the way he wanted… Which was just using me, abusing me, fucking me hard on my first time already. I paid attention to the pain, to how violated I felt, to how dominated he made me feel. He asked me to be his whore. If he wanted to hurt me, I realized I wanted him to hurt me as well. It has been like that since the beginning.

So, I decided not to feel scared of the pain, or the shame, and embrace it. I would let everything out. Deep down, I wanted him to use me. I felt like I deserved it. He deserved it.

“F-Fuck me Daddy. Fuck my pussy. I’m yours to do whatever you want…” It all came out almost as a whisper, and after I said it, something clicked inside of me. I felt a vivid arousing sensation washing all over my body. There were no more boundaries, no more shame. If that’s how it felt to be his “little whore”, that’s what I was.

“Good girl, Letty.” With a grunt, he pushed his cock deeper into me, and it made a sloshy noise.

“HHUUUNGH! D-Daddy!” I groaned, feeling his big thing burying inside of me, and he quickly started to move with sharp and strong thrusts. My pussy, its labia, it burned, at the same time I felt him getting deeper, making passage where nothing had ever been before. “Huungh! Guuh! A-Aa-Aaah!”

One hand pinning my head back, the other clawed on my hip, he started fucking me viciously. Every time it was in, I felt so full… And I loved it. With every in, he made my tummy bang against the sink, and I had the feeling of my pussy stretching for him, and I groaned. With every out, there was this second of anticipation for the next one. Soon, he was deep enough inside of me so I could feel how long he was again. It all slid in and out of me easily now, but painfully.

After a while I realized I was crying, but I didn’t care. Neither did he.

“What-a good-little whore-you-are, sweetheart. How-tight, Jesus C-Christ.” He said, his voice following his pace while he fucked me non-stop.

“J-Jesus has n-nothing to do with i-it. Ungh! U-Uungh! AAugh!” I repeated his words to him, to which he laughed.

He bent forward, his mouth close to my ear, “Always with the mouth…” and he bit me there.

“Augh!” It didn’t hurt much, but it sent another wave of arousal through my whole body. Then I felt his hand letting go of my hair, that once again fell long over my back, and I felt his hand up and under my shirt, until he grabbed hold of my right breast. He closed his hand around it fiercely, mauling it, then squeezing tight from its base to the tip, pinching my nipple and pulling at it. “AAAAUGH! AHHHH!”

I felt my legs start shaking, and my insides clenched him even tighter, to which he groaned. The pain was still there, but it started to give way to my arousal, which was reaching its limit. Because I was getting tighter, he started pummeling in even more roughly, with more paced and violent thrusts. My groans got more anxious, more desperate… And that’s when I felt him hitting my deepest part.

The head of his cock banged against the entrance to my womb. I felt as if I was having a terrible cramp, out of the blue. It was almost unbearable.

“AAAAUGH!!! D-Daddy, too deep! T-Too deep!” I groaned and cried.

“O-Oh fuck! You are so tight! So small!” He said in a vicious, entranced tone, ignoring what I said completely. The head of his dick banging against my cervix again, and again.

“AAAAUGH! AAAAAAUGH! AAAOAAAAH! D-DADDY! DADDY PLEASE!” I cried and screamed desperately, clawing my fingers hard on the sink’s edge. The pain was louder than the arousal yet again.

He fucked me, roughly, going as deep as he could in every single thrust. I was losing it. The only thing I could think of was how much it hurt every time he was all in. But I couldn’t stop him, I couldn’t let go, I was stuck in that moment and I couldn’t escape. Then, I felt my whole body start to convulse and shake. My eyes rolled up in its sockets. An orgasm struck me out of the blue.

“GUAAAAAAAH! A-AAAAAAAGH!! G-GAAAA-AHHHHH!” I couldn’t say what was happening anymore. I just felt that feeling wash over my whole body starting from within. I felt that warm sensation blow up inside me and leak down my thighs.

“OH FUCK! FUCK!” I heard Daddy groan, and I felt him pulsating, realising everything he had deep inside of me, still humping me like there was no tomorrow.

I only came back to reality when I felt him taking his cock out of me. I was curled forward, bending over the sink, shaking all over. Even my fingers hurt, from how much I had tightened them on the edge of the sink. I couldn’t move, just breath and groan, my legs barely able to keep me in place. My hair covered the sides of my face like a veil. I felt broken, as if my body didn’t belong to me anymore.

“Letty?” I felt his hand touching my shoulder, but I cowered. “Letty, sweetheart, are you ok?”

But, again, I couldn’t say anything. It was too much. There was too much inside my head. I couldn’t decide what to deal with first, the burning sensation in my pussy, the crushing pain in the deepest part of me, that crazy orgasm that made me numb somehow, or how violated I felt. I said please, and he didn’t listen. He wasn’t saying just for saying it, I was his fuck toy, it was for real. How would I deal with that?

“Letty, baby, it's ok! Everything is ok! I’m sorry I pushed too hard.” He said trying to hug me, which I tried to avoid at first, but then I let him. “Let me take care of you, come on.”

When he wrapped me in his arms, when I just tried to stand up, I fell. He grabbed me, quickly. Then, he turned me to him, “Oh, sweetheart…” he said when he saw my face. I covered it with my hands, and I leaned towards his chest, crying. He just rocked me, caressing my hair and my shoulder, while I let it all out.

He took me in his arms and brought me upstairs, to his bed. I stopped crying a little after, but apart from him asking me if I was fine, which I was able to nod to after a while, we didn’t talk. We slept there, with him hugging me from behind.

In the morning, I woke up with him caressing my face. He seemed really worried.

“Letty, I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.”

“I-Its ok, Daddy. I’m sorry too.”

“You have no reason to be sorry. I think this was all a big mistake.”

My eyes got wide, and I felt a whole on my chest. He was giving up on me. “It wasn’t. I’m sorry I couldn’t handle it.”

“Baby girl, it was my fault…”

“No, it was mine. Daddy, I knew what I was doing. It was just a little too much.”

He looked at me, thinking.

“Letty, I think it is better if we stop this before we destroy our relationship.”

I swallowed. I thought quickly, trying to decide what I wanted. Even though my body was still hurting, and even though I was still a little scared, it didn’t matter. I wanted him, I wanted “this”. I wanted to be his. Even though that meant going through this again, and again, for an unforeseeable future.

“I want it Daddy. Don’t you see that I’m still here?”


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“Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke’s ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their sixteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still burning from the spanking her daughter administered earlier. Her eyes flicked to the monitor showing the feed from the spy cams planted at the Alamogordo Church of Christ where...

3 years ago
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Granddaddys Love Chapter 01 Kissing my granddaddy

I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...

1 year ago
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Oh Daddy all three parts

Sometime the pain from my health problems disrupts my routine; however, I do not let it rule my whole day. Like today, I’m up way too early but only because I took a nap yesterday. I'm not in any pain, just horny as hell, and sitting here naked and masturbating. You see, I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, and love playing with myself, while fantasizing about my new lover John. I wish he were shoving his index finger deep into my drenched cunt. I love how it makes me quiver and tingly all over,...

3 years ago
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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 3 Daughters Pleasing Daddy

I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal’s pussy. She was the second daughter I’d fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their underage cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They’d changed my mind, allowing me to rewrite the brainwaves of others and control them. I imposed my will upon two of my daughters and Crystal’s friend/lesbian lover Jessica. First, I deflowered...

2 years ago
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Daddy and I part2

OK let me continue : Dad and I were locked in a deep passionate kiss, I had an very warm feeling come over me as we kissed. It was strange as I had kissed many of boys before but never had I got this feeling before , it was like I was heating up from the inside out. I swear I could hear and feel my heart pounding as dad broke our kiss and just cuddled me tightly against his chest. I nibbled and ran my tongue on his ear as he embraced me, having those big arms around me just felt so good most...

3 years ago
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Daddy and I part

OK let me continue: Dad and I locked in a deep passionate kiss; I had a very warm feeling come over me as we kissed. It was strange, as I had kissed many of boys before but never did I have this feeling before; it was as I was heating up from the inside out. I swear I could hear and feel my heart pounding as dad broke our kiss and just cuddled me tightly against his chest. I nibbled and ran my tongue on his ear as he embraced me, having those big arms around me just felt so good most guys...

3 years ago
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Madison loves her daddys cream Part 3

Introduction: Ive decided not to state the ages of the young girls in this story. This is to allow the tastes of the reader to fill in the blanks with their own preferences. As I wrote this, I found myself re-editing it several times, but eventually you need to just accept that a piece is finished, and share it. This chapter has alot more speaking and less actual sex than the first to parts did, but I think it builds nicely on what has already happened, and sets the scene for part 4. enjoy....

4 years ago
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Daddys Girl chapters 56

The next morning Beth and I had woke up around 11am. I told her that she needed to come to my house tuesday afternoon after school. Remembering that daddy said I was to follow my instructions and so far I had. Thinking back to last night playing with Beth and actually letting Rex lick and fuck me. I really didn't think that having a dog fuck me was going to excitie me as much as it did. As much as i had fun my mind kept going to daddy. I love him and i love being with him and I missed him. I...

2 years ago
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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 6 Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! There was nothing like having a teenager’s cunt on your dick while driving. Just feeling that hot, tight snatch clenching and relaxing, shifting as the car drove over any bumps, the way she whimpered in pure delight as my dick stirred around inside her. I had my arms wrapped around Pina, a fifteen-year-old Hispanic slut I claimed at the church orgy. Pina brought my burgeoning harem up to ten women: my wife, my four daughters, Crystal’s...

1 year ago
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Daddys secret girlfriend 1 completed

Introduction: This is for all those incest lovers out there. I love it myself and i honestly do not care if you dislike it or not. Please comment and tell me what you think! Thank you for reading and ENJOY <,3 It all started when i was real young. I had developed way faster than the other kids. I weighed 90 pounds and was about 52. I had already started my period and My breasts were now C cups.Yea, i was developed look wise, but i haddent done anything close to sexual. I had kissed one or two...

3 years ago
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Daddys little kitten

Introduction: kitten lust after her daddy When I was a kid I would sneak peeks at my daddy from the time I was 4 till I reached my early teen years. I always wondering about our differences and why I wasnt built the same way. Now its my birthday today and all I can think about is my daddy and he makes me tingle in places I am just learning about. I would wake up with my panties soaked and a stickiness that would coat my virgin pussy. I laid in bed and stroked between my legs amazed about the...

3 years ago
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Daddys Girl chapters 78

I wake up and its Monday ... Yuck school so i get up and shower and get ready. As I walk into the kitchen daddy is sitting there and says "good morning princess, did you sleep good"."Oh yes daddy you helped me sleep very well." I say as I walk over and kiss his lips and push my tongue in his mouth. As I kiss him I hear the front door open n think shit she has the worst timing. I turn to open the fridge to get some milk and fruit for breakfast as mom walks in and says hello. We both say hello as...

3 years ago
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Daddy will you help me practice my part

I always thought that I was doing a good job raising two girls on my own. They were well behaved and did not get into trouble and were good in school. Donna had grown to look a lot like her mother. She was 5'5", slim and had a nice figure. Her hair was blond from a bottle. She dressed like most of the other girls that she hung around with even though I felt that it was a little too suggestive. She had dated for several years but never seemed to have a steady guy. We lived in...

4 years ago
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Daddy and his girls final part

As the girls left the bedroom dressed in only bikini bottoms and a towel, but carrying clean vest tops, they heard the front door open. "It's only me" I shouted. "Course it is," Jenny said, "no one else has a key". "What are you two up to ?" I asked seeing my girls walk past wrapped in towels. "It's a lovely day, we're gonna top up our tans. Didn't think you'd be home yet " Jenny continued as she walked right past me towards the kitchen, and the back door. "Hello Daddy, " Sky said as she...

4 years ago
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Daddy and his girls final part

As the girls left the bedroom dressed in only bikini bottoms and a towel, but carrying clean vest tops, they heard the front door open. "It's only me" I shouted. "Course it is," Jenny said, "no one else has a key". "What are you two up to ?" I asked seeing my girls walk past wrapped in towels. "It's a lovely day, we're gonna top up our tans. Didn't think you'd be home yet " Jenny continued as she walked right past me towards the kitchen, and the back door. "Hello Daddy, " Sky said as she...

2 years ago
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A Daddys Love

Introduction: This is a true story about my first sexual experience and how my life has continued. I understand it may not be pleasing to every reader, but to those who have experienced it……..enjoy! I was 10 years old and grew up in a very small town in the Bible Belt. My step-dad was tall, thin and had dark curly hair. He wore cut-off denim shorts and from time to time they were cut very short. My sister and I would giggle when we saw his cock and balls fall out of the leg of his shorts. He...

4 years ago
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Daddys Sleepy Time Surprise

Introduction: This was inspired by some real life roleplay Ive done. id like to make THIS happen, as I havent gotten this far and fantastic in real life(: Sissys P.O.V. —————- How did I finally get into this? I ask myself with a smile. I finish brushing my raven black shoulder-length hair, and put it into childish pigtails. I apply my cover-up, making my skin look flawless, and apply mascara to make my eyelashes big and luscious. I put on pink lip plumper, and put the long ribbon around my...

4 years ago
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daddys girl 3

As time went on things kinda fell into a happy routine. Mom skipped out of rehab with some guy and never came back. I did see her again but it was years later. April and I had started playing with buddy, our German Shepard. Man he could eat some pussy. It was great feeling his tongue all up inside me.So I woke up to sloppy bj noises and rolled over to see. Daddy had gotten used to his morning bj's, and we wanted to drain daddys balls and make sure he was happy always. I saw April on her knees...

2 years ago
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Daddys Party

Daddy had a few friends over for beers last night, and told me to wear my hair long, no ponytail this time and to be in my school girl outfit which is my little grayish plaid skirt that that rode up right to the bottom of my ass checks, white stockings with little bows in back, and of course; black heels. He likes my matching white and gray top because it makes my sissy breast look more girly.As daddy’s friends started to arrive, I blushed as they commented how cute I looked while I handled...

4 years ago
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Daddys Party

Daddy had a few friends over for beers last night, and told me to wear my hair long, no ponytail this time and to be in my school girl outfit which is my little grayish plaid skirt that that rode up right to the bottom of my ass checks, white stockings with little bows in back, and of course; black heels. He likes my matching white and gray top because it makes my sissy breast look more girly.As daddy’s friends started to arrive, I blushed as they commented how cute I looked while I handled...

3 years ago
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Daddys little girl

Self taught daddies little cumslut.My name is Ashley and I honestly never remember a time when I wanted to be with anyone else. I remember when I was mabye 6, I used to sit in daddys lap and just hang all over him. He would get uncomfortable and put me down and say "go get your mom". Well mom would come in and suck daddy off and then I could get back in his lap. I remember being aggravated, cause why couldn't I do it and stay in daddys lap. So one day mom was sucking dad off and I said "I can...

3 years ago
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Daddy and I have been lovers since the day that my mother, the bitch, walked out on us and never looked back. That was my sophomore year in college, the summer I turned 20. I was there to ease Daddy's pain and he has rewarded me with the loving touch only a Daddy can give his little girl. I know that some of you may be thinking that this is wrong, but how can something that feels so right be wrong? It is not wrong in our eyes and it works for us. After we became lovers, Daddy moved us out of...

2 years ago
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For Daddy

As Daddy enters the room, I sit there on my knees with my hands in my lap. Looking down at the floor trying not to look at Daddy until he acknowledges me. I respect him too much to say anything until he speaks to me so I sit quietly biting my tongue and waiting. Daddy is loving taking his time to acknowledge me because he knows the moment he walks in the room, my excitement starts to build and it is a struggle for me to keep my place where I am kneeling. Daddy still not saying a word, slowly...

3 years ago
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A Sissy Fantasy A Day And Night With Daddy

A Sissy Fantasy - A Day And Night With Daddy Daddy's Cocksucking Princess I awoke after falling asleep after last night's escapades, and the first thing I I notice is the chastitiy, it immediately reminds me of what happened last night. I wasnt expecting to be put in chasitity last night, Daddy had hinted at it, but I did not think he was have me in it so soon. I did not really want to have my clitty locked up like that, but I really want to please Daddy, so of...

2 years ago
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Daddy Shoots Deep

Daughter seduces daddy into taking her virginity.I remember distinctly when things changed between me and my daddy. It didn't happen slowly over time. It came to me in a rush. I didn't realize at first exactly what was happening to me. I guess since I had never experienced sexual feelings before, I couldn't identify them as such right away. I do know that I was confused at first. Very confused. In my head I knew it was wrong – so wrong for me to have such feelings about my father. In my mind I...

4 years ago
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Daddy Shoots Deep

I remember distinctly when things changed between me and my daddy. It didn't happen slowly over time. It came to me in a rush. I didn't realize at first exactly what was happening to me. I guess since I had never experienced sexual feelings before, I couldn't identify them as such right away. I do know that I was confused at first. Very confused. In my head I knew it was wrong – so wrong for me to have such feelings about my father. In my mind I was ashamed and afraid – but, between my legs, it...

1 year ago
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Hearing my daughter Caitlyn's girlish giggles brought my dormant cock to life. Her soft high-pitched voice and the husky responses of an adult man downstairs in our house switched my whole body from the lifeless sack of flesh that had been lying inactive under Caitlyn's bed for about four hours, to the pulsating, throbbing lusty father that I know I am.Finally she was back home with her date, so it made all of the waiting worthwhile. My cock was instantly hard on my naked abdomen. I didn't care...

3 years ago
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Daddy and His Girl Cows

Daddy and His Girl CowsChapter 1For weeks, the cow sluts in the barn have been excited. Daddy has been working on a new pump to use with our milkers, and it seems like it has taken forever! But finally, Daddy says he's ready to show us what he's made, and that he's going to demonstrate it to some of the other daddies who have, or want to own, milk sluts. Daddy says if we do really well, and are extra-good bitches, he might even pick one of us to do a milking demonstration at the State...

2 years ago
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Daddy  ??????????????? Privacy, Respect, things that sometimes we take for granted, are the things that I'm being scared not to have anymore while I'm being drag in to a room that seem more like a prison. He's looking at me while I?m on the floor, I try to scream for help but he's just watching me probably thinking what to do with me. He takes me by my hair saying "Ok, we are going to have some rules now, first you don't have any rights, as you've seen no one can hear you, you...

3 years ago
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Daddy I Whispered1

"DADDY?" I whispered Stephanie Seduces her Handsome Father THE PAST – JUNE 1994 - PITTSBURGH "Daddy," I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed. "Daddy, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my fathers body, purring into his ear, my tongue twitching just an inch away, already eager to lick inside him. No don't, I thought to myself, pulling back even as I felt...

3 years ago
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Daddy I whispered

Stephanie Seduces her Handsome FatherTHE PAST – JUNE 1994 - PITTSBURGH"Daddy," I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed."Daddy, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my fathers body, purring into his ear, my tongue twitching just an inch away, already eager to lick inside him.No don't, I thought to myself, pulling back even as I felt my nipples stiffen and arch toward him. Lifting...

2 years ago
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DADDY I whisper

Stephanie Seduces her Handsome FatherTHE PAST – JUNE 1994 - PITTSBURGH"Daddy," I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed."Daddy, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my fathers body, purring into his ear, my tongue twitching just an inch away, already eager to lick inside him.No don't, I thought to myself, pulling back even as I felt my nipples stiffen and arch toward him. Lifting...

1 year ago
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Daddy Finds A Playmate Pt2

Angel stepped into the shower in her room; her body was on fire.  She had just spent the night with DD after a wonderful lovemaking session and followed it up with another roll across the bed this morning.  The sexual fire deep within her had been released. The hot water hitting her body was nothing compared to the heat coming out of her core.  She slid her hand down across her pussy and rubbed it.  She could feel DD’s gift dripping out of her; she rubbed it over her clit, moaning loudly as it...

Straight Sex
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daddy daughter

Tasha looked at the gorgeous man and couldn’t help but wonder who he really was. Yes, he was her father, but she did not know much about him and that needed to be changed. He was six-foot two-inch tall, dark black hair that was graying around his temples and a very rugged face. He always had a smile for her and as of late, it started to excite Tasha and she noticed Dad with quite a few hard-ons. She knew it was weird, but Tasha didn’t think of him as her Dad, she thought of him as one very...

1 year ago
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daddy daughter

Tasha looked at the gorgeous man and couldn't help but wonder who he really was. Yes, he was her father, but she did not know much about him and that needed to be changed. He was six-foot two-inch tall, dark black hair that was graying around his temples and a very rugged face. He always had a smile for her and as of late, it started to excite Tasha and she noticed Dad with quite a few hard-ons. She knew it was weird, but Tasha didn't think of him as her Dad, she thought of him as one very sexy...

1 year ago
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Daddys Little Whore

Daddy had asked me what one of my fantasies was in the beginning of our relationship. I responded, without hesitation, that I would like to be in a gang bang with five to six other guys. I had three "rules" for my gang bang. Daddy asked me what those three rules were. I simply said that my Daddy had to be in complete control, all participants but Daddy have to wear a condom, and I must end with just my Daddy and no one else. Daddy agreed to all of those "rules" and I left the rest to Him. ...

2 years ago
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Daddy Daughter Date Days

Summary: Special Daddy-daughter alone time ends up very special.Note: This is a SUMMER 2020 Contest Story so please vote.Daddy Daughter Date DaysJill was devastated by the sudden and unexpected passing of her father. He had lived on the east coast and Jill's immediate family on the west coast, so she hadn't seen him since Christmas... six months ago. They had made plans to fly over and visit him this summer, but alas, he died just two weeks before their scheduled visit. So as it happened, they...

3 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad 10 Daddy Daddy Daddy

I couldn’t believe how much having a daddy fantasy turned me on. The first time I came close to role playing this was with Frankie, a married fireman that my cousin Sandy introduced me to. It was such a turn as he fucked me in bed and in the shower calling me babygirl and with me calling him daddy until we came over and over again.Then I gave Mr. White, my next door neighbor a blow job in my father’s chair and he called me princess over and over again. Princess is the pet name my dad always...

2 years ago
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Daddyrsquos Little Party Favor

Daddy poured the amber liquor into two dozen shot glasses on a silver tray as his little sex slave emerged out of the bathroom. She looked delicious. 'Are you all cleaned out?' He demanded sternly.'Yes Daddy.' She wiggled her ass u*********sly after the enema he just gave her. He had tied her up in the shower and cleaned out her asshole, forcing her not to cum. She hadn't had sex or been allowed to touch herself for two whole weeks. The enema almost tipped her over the orgasm edge. But she...

4 years ago
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Instagram Cuties Mind Controlled Romp 3 Daddy MindControls His Fertile Girl

Chapter Three: Daddy Mind-Control's His Fertile Girl By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! I was kneeling in my daddy's office in my torn pantyhose and my gray business skirt hiked over my waist. My pink blouse was open, my round and perky tits out in all their nineteen-year-old perfection. I had my mouth wrapped around Daddy's cock, nursing his dirty dick clean of my asshole. Just like a daddy's girl should. And I was the best daddy's girl...

1 year ago
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Melody8217s Life With Daddy

The morning sun broke through a crack in the curtains, flooding her naked body that lay on the bed. The sunlight hit her back and ass; warming it from the early morning chill. Melody stirred, still half asleep reaching over hoping to find a warm body next to her in bed. She found that there was no one there. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it was already a little past nine thirty, she must have not heard the alarm go off. She rolled over on her back, and opened her eyes...

3 years ago
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Sitting in the car next to Daddy as we drive home from school, I'm so scared.I glance over at Daddy; he is clenching the steering wheel, staring straightahead as he drives us home; I have never seen him so angry! Biting my lip,I stare out the car window and try not to cry. Remembering what has happened,I feel the blush spreading over my face. I had been attending an all girl Catholic school since I was 5, and now in11th grade, my friends and I had started to ?alter? our modest uniforms...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 3 Daddy Girls Naughty Quarantine Research

Story Three: Daddy Girl's Naughty Quarantine Research By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! It was a good thing our family had a big home, or we'd go insane in quarantine. There were Mom and Dad, Nancy and Clancy (they were twins), Renee, and then me. I was the youngest at eighteen. If we didn't have this big house, I'd think it would have started getting bad during quarantine. We all had to find things to do. Things that let us stay out of...

2 years ago
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Red Nixy Shower time with Daddy

Shower time with Daddy I want to be your Daddy's girl that you love more than anyone else in the world. I want to walk around the house in short cheerleading shorts with a tight small undershirt on with no bra on. I am sitting Indian style on the floor of the living room texting friends on my phone but when you get up and walk by to go to your room I will pull the fabric covering my pretty pink pussy to the side and show daddy a little bit of his naughty girl. I am so excited that my Daddy saw...

2 years ago
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Kat Finally Gets It From Daddy

Kat kept her face forward, ostensibly staring out the car's windshield at the expanse of utterly boring scenery, but her eye strained to the side as far as she could to admire the stiff bulge of Daddy's erection in his tight gray shorts. For the last twenty minutes, at least, his prick was fully erect inside those somewhat-tight shorts, so stiff that she could easily see not only the bulbous head but even the ridge of the helmet of his cock, and some of the ribs of the thick base. Over eight...

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