Sleep Well, My Officer. I'm Your Hijazi Sweetheart. free porn video

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clerics.With a Hejazi virgin of a secular family who loved Egypt and its secular values and hated House of Saud and their Salafis clerics.

To the memory of Princess Misha'al bint Fahd al Saud

He was asleep again.

Masha-il put her book of Nizar Qabbani poems on the floor and looked to the bed, where he lay. Darkness covered the window in the tiny room, and beyond it, crisp hot air, fields of sand and heat, sandy dunes rising like ramparts into a moonless sky. The only light came from the bedside lamp, which cast an amber glow onto his face. She could sit here for hours. All night, if she dared, just gazing at him.

Her officer.

Sometimes he cried out in his sleep. Words she couldn't understand. Some of them sounded like names. At night they stabbed through her dreams and brought her to the doorway, where she watched him toss and mumble like he wanted to throw off the blankets and get back to his mission, whatever it was.

Slipping off the stool, she crept closer to his mattress. He lay on his back, mouth slightly open. The yellowish light washed away the pallor of his skin, the shadows under his eyes, made him look younger and healthier. And he did look healthier now that the hollows of his cheeks had filled out thanks to Mother's hearty mutton shorbo.

She straightened his pillow and pulled the red wool blanket closer to his chin. He might be cold, she reasoned, even though the fever was almost gone and he had stopped shaking like he had malaria. His black hair tangled around his face, touched his shoulders. She should brush it for him. He smelled of soap and tea leaves, anise mixed with sweat. A manly smell.

Around her finger she twisted a long black ringlet, one of the two that trailed from underneath her crimson headscarf. A habit when she was near him. Delicately, she stroked a lock of hair from his forehead, as she often did while he slept, feeling her breath tighten at the scar carved through his right eyebrow, ending at the top his cheekbone.

There was so much she wanted to know. So much to learn in a shrinking amount of time.

The memorable morning had happened in early February, almost a month ago. Would she ever forget it? Nahar, her eight-year-old brother, had bounded into the valley, AK Kalashnikov rifle bouncing around his neck, shouting that a Saudi spy had tried to shoot one of the sheep.(Because we do not consider ourselves Saudis but Hijazis, the original and proper name of our country and our nationality).

When he was convinced that Nahar wasn't playing a joke, Father had taken the family gun and gone off to investigate.

He came back half an hour later with a black-haired man slung over his shoulder, unconscious. Found face-down in the snow outside a cave, gripping the barrel of an AK, more dead than alive. Not a Saudi, in fact, but an Egyptian army officer—declared by the copper Saladin Eagle insignia on his military beret. On their side in the war against the (House of Saud), Saudis & Salafis clerics spreading through the region.

Although it didn't matter, Father stressed. When you were sick or wounded you didn't have a "side." You belonged to everyone.

And so he belonged to them, this mysterious stranger. No telling how he had come to be in the Hijaz Mountains, or what he was doing there. During those early days they weren't even sure if he would live. His breathing was shallow and laboured—tuberculosis, they assumed—and whenever his eyes fluttered open, he was too feverish to speak or make any sense.

Frightened for him, she hovered while Mother sponged his forehead and pressed poultices to his chest to rid his lungs of the infection. Anxious to be of some use, she would sing to him, lullabies she remembered from her childhood, ones she had sung to Nahar when he was a baby. She would have liked to hold his hands, to comfort him as he sweated and shivered, but that would not have been proper.

Two weeks had passed before he woke up. A wonderfully happy day for Father, Mother, and herself. Less so for Nahar, since he had to apologize for almost shooting him.

At last he had a name. Abdel-Nasser. Lieutenant colonel Abdel-Nasser Mohammad Ali from a special unit of the Egyptian Army. He wanted to leave immediately, but Father insisted that he stay with them. It was decided that as soon as Abdel-Nasser was well enough to travel, Father would sell some of his yaks and buy a satellite phone so that Abdel-Nasser could contact the army and go home. Back to Egypt. He had been away for a long time, he said. That was all she knew about his circumstances, all he would say, though she suspected that Father knew a little bit more.

The communication barrier disheartened her. She didn't speak Egyptian dialect like Father or play chess like Nahar. But she could spoon-feed him shorba (soup), hold a cup of tea to his lips, and read to him from Father's small library—poetry, romantic and historical epics, even a few children's books. He would listen, a smile on his face, and she would take care to animate her voice so that he would be transported to the worlds she wanted to share with him, even if he had no idea what she was saying. It was the least she could do. The best she could do.

Today, however, she had made a bigger effort.

"Tell me more of you," she said in painstaking Masri (Egyptian dialect). "Do you have brother or sister?"

"I have one brother," he answered, speaking very slowly. "Ismail. We're twins. He looks just like me." With a note of pride, he added, "I'm ten minutes older."

"You miss?"

He broke their gaze. "Yeah."

Masha-il had felt an ache around her heart. Did this brother know where he was? Did he know, she found herself wondering, that Abdel-Nasser was even alive?

War was a terrible thing and no one could argue that. Then again, what did she know, a twenty-year-old Hijazi girl who had left commercial secondary school two years ago, who spent her days tending sheep and would probably end up marrying a dull boy from a neighbouring village? What on Earth could she possibly know about how the world worked? Yet as despicable as war was, she felt a helpless gratitude for whatever chain of events had crossed her path with Abdel-Nasser's.

She touched his forehead again. Was someone else waiting for him in Egypt—a woman sleepless with worry who had no way of knowing that he slumbered on the floor of a white-washed stone bungalow at the bottom of a valley of Tihamah, while she knelt beside him and listened to his quiet, steady breaths?

She missed his eyes when they were closed. He had the most beautiful eyes, sometimes black, sometimes as brown as hers, with gold flecks close to his irises, like bits of sunshine. Exquisitely shaped lips, too. The tiny mole above his left lip gave her mouth a tingle.

She could kiss it. If she had the nerve.

Just then Abdel-Nasser stirred and the blanket slipped from his shoulder, exposing his neck and a triangle of skin where the grey flannel nightshirt hung open. Her palms itched. She twisted the ringlet tighter around her finger. The shirt, her father's, was far too big for him. So baggy she could unbutton it without touching him. Easily.

She wiped her hands on her dress. They left smudges on the flowing lavender material. Her prettiest dress. She had made it herself.

She was right. The flannel fell away from his skin after she peeled back the blanket and went to work on the buttons. She had never seen a man's body before (her father and her brother didn't count, of course).

Nor had she ever seen anything like the scars.

She had first glimpsed them when Mother changed his shirt. They spiderwebbed across his torso and back, harrowing slashes of red that made her seethe. Tears came to her eyes. Who had done this to him? What had he done to deserve it? What could any human have done to deserve being beaten so badly?

Watching the scars stretch and sink over the bony ridges of his ribcage, she wanted to kiss them. Run her tongue over the welts and whorls and make them disappear so that his body would be perfect again, as it must have been once.

The cluster of hairs around his navel pulled her eyes downward. His belly was almost concave, like the flesh below his ribs had been sucked out by a cannibal with a drinking straw. She would eat less from now on, she resolved, so that there would be more for him. Even if it meant he would go home sooner.

She followed the hairs to the waistband of his flannel trousers, to the loose knot that held them together. They were just as baggy, but not baggy enough to conceal the mound between his legs.

Her heart pounded in her throat.

She wanted to see him. It. All of him. Nahar and her parents were in bed and Abdel-Nasser could leave any day. She might not get another chance. But what if—and this was a terrifying thought—what if he woke up? He could wake up right now. What would happen then? Would he be angry with her? Would there be trouble?

She looked at his face. His eyes stayed shut. No change in his breathing.

Deep breath. One ... two ... three ... Her hands trembled and her heart beat loud enough to deafen them both, but she did it anyway. Untied the knot, slid the pants over the twin knobs of his hipbones, making sure her fingernails didn't graze his skin. Should she close her eyes, too—make it a surprise? No, she didn't want to miss anything.

Her mouth tingled again. It looked like a mushroom with a long thick stalk, a fleshy tube nestled beneath a patch of wiry hair that was so much darker than the hair on his head. What an odd thing to compare it—him—to. But she had no other image to plant next to it. The only other time she had seen a boy's private parts was when she bathed Nahar when he was little (which also didn't count).

A heat had started to spread, warming her face, her chest, her arms, gathering in the place where she occasionally touched herself, thinking of Abdel-Nasser as she did (and before him, a certain handsome boy from school). Now that she had gone this far, she wanted to touch it. Just once, so she would know what it—he—felt like.

She brushed her forefinger against the tip. The mushroom cap.

After a few seconds it twitched and she snatched her hand away, breathing hard. It looked bigger.

Where the courage came from, how she found herself straddling him, she would never be able to say. For once, her gangly limbs came in handy so that she could perch without touching him, her dress puddled around her waist and her ringlets hanging on either side of his face and all she wanted to do was kiss those beautiful lips, so close to hers.

Would he mind?

A nudge on her inner thigh startled her, made her glance down. It was pointing right at her, and when she looked up again, shocked, all the breath left her body.

Abdel-Nasser's eyes were open. Wide open.

Her heart rammed against her ribcage.

His eyes gazed straight into hers, a jolting black like an ebony sun in an ivory sky, and she couldn't look away, couldn't move.

His hands awakened at the periphery of her vision, she hardly saw them, his left hand burrowing under her dress to her waist and his right hand pulling aside her panties, pressing down, down on the seam where her belly joined the top of her hip until she felt a push, felt her most sensitive flesh yielding around him. She gasped, her lungs full of air suddenly again.

A shudder ran through Abdel-Nasser's body, and then pain flared, immediate, searing.

Tears stung her eyes and she felt her lower lip wobble. Her cheeks burned. For a mortifying moment she feared she would cry and humiliate them both. Had she wanted this? With Abdel-Nasser? She must have ... after all, she had undressed him. Stared at and touched it—him—that part of his body that was now inside her.

Laying a hand on her cheek, he smiled at her with his whole face, like he did when she read to him. Reassuring. Irresistible.

Yes, she wanted this, and she returned the smile to let him know.

Their eyes stayed locked together as he slid his hand under her dress again, under her buttocks, and lifted her up, pressed her forward, then lowered her. Pain jabbed each time he moved into her, even when he molded the small of her back to their movements. Yet he was being gentle, she could sense it, and gradually her hips loosened and they eased into a rhythm, the pain subsiding into a bearable ache, then a slow delighting friction that began to carry her breath away.

So this is what he's like ... a pocket of her mind had closed itself off, had resisted melting, so that it could record every touch, every smell, ensuring that later she would be able to conjure up the soap-anise scent of his skin, the heat of his breath on her face and the ragged edges of his scars beneath her fingertips, the precise moment his smile contorted into a gasp, the sinews running through his shoulders, flexing under her palms, and the tendons in his neck straining like cords as he draped her dress over her shoulders and craned his head to kiss her naked breasts, exciting her nipples into hard buds with his tongue, as hard as the button of flesh between her legs where his thumb rubbed in a circular pattern too exact to be improvised.

She was losing the ability to stay quiet. Yes, she wanted to moan. That feels so good. Please don't stop.

The change of pace surprised her. Mid-thrust he rolled them so that they lay face to face—for an instant their noses touched, contact unbroken—then he scooped an arm around her waist and pulled her onto her hands and knees, dug his fingers into the curve of her buttocks to steady her. Pain resurged as he entered her from behind, lessening when he reached between her legs to that place only she had touched before.

Yes. More. Please. Yes. Yes. Yes.

The sounds she made were strange to her ears, eager high-pitched whimpers, coming from the back of her throat. What was happening to her? Be quiet, she told herself.

Abdel-Nasser made sounds, too, hungry grunting sounds as his lips dipped to her neck, her earlobes, the base of her spine. His movements took on an urgency, and Masha-il felt the same urgency seeping through her skin, her veins, like a heatwave, felt herself opening a little wider from his thrusts. Squirming against him, she bucked her hips, clawed the blankets, kicked off her slippers. The separate part of her mind could see the two of them on the mattress, tangled in each other's clothes and their bodies interlocked like animals', their shadows dancing on the wall (or were they writhing?) in the dim light from the bedside lamp.

More more more yes

The last twinges of pain had faded, a pressure was building, a hot tingling itch spurred by Abdel-Nasser's fingers rubbing and rubbing her not-so-secret place in wet, slippery circles. He was making her into someone new. Someone bold and light and pure, someone she wanted to be. Making her into a woman.

One tilt of her head and she could see him out of the corner of her eye. He held his arm to her mouth. Just in time.

Yes yes yes yes oh yes oh oh —

She bit down on his arm, tasting sweat. Her breath stopped, her heart stopped. And then she was new—blindingly, achingly new—her muscles twisted and loose all at once as her body sprung like a coil unwinding. The harder she bit the more she unwound, her insides tumbling like a landslide in her deepest centre, and the more she had to swallow the cries pushing up her throat so that no one else would hear.

Oh oh oh oh

Another wave started. Masha-il's knees gave out and she collapsed onto her side. Her eyes rolled up and through her lashes she saw Abdel-Nasser holding himself against her thigh, jaw clenching and eyes screwed shut like he was in agony (slightly alarming) as streams of white spurted onto her skin and the sigh she breathed out shook them both.

Abdel-Nasser groaned and flopped into a heap, all arms and legs. His head sank to the pillow. His eyes closed. From his rapidly slowing breaths, she knew he was asleep.

Time was already hurtling forward, dragging her out of the haze. How she would have loved to snuggle against his chest, hold him close to her until morning, but the separate part of her brain stepped in to take control.

With the hem of her dress, she wiped a trickle of blood, her blood, from his inner thigh and mopped the wet patch above her knee (so much for her prettiest dress). Then she pulled up his trousers, tied them, and buttoned his shirt, covered him carefully with the red blanket, found her slippers, adjusted her headscarf that was miraculously still in tact.

His features had a new softness to them, the skin stretched less tightly around his jaw and cheekbones, his cheeks flushed and sweat on his forehead.

Was he dreaming behind his eyelids? Dreaming about her?

Crouching on her heels, Masha-il let go and kissed him full on the mouth. His lips parted, his tongue meeting hers, and her heart jumped when his eyes flickered, a light juniper green, glazed and sweet with marvel. Had her own eyes turned blue? she wondered. She would have to check in the mirror in her bedroom.

Lightly he ran a finger along her cheek to her chin and then his eyelids dropped, a curtain closing, and she felt the tender knot between her legs throb like a bruise.

Masha-il turned off the bedside lamp and tiptoed to the door.

"Sleep well, my officer," she whispered into the darkness. "Sleep well."

Next morning, he proposed to her, and her father and mother agreed.They married.And war ended with the victory of Egypt, Hijaz and the secular values.And the defeat and execution of House of Saud, their army and their Salafis Wahhabis clerics.


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People talk about their lives being complicated. It’s a fact, everyone’s is! But the issues I seem to deal with, are more the incredibly, bizarre situations that arise, from said complications. A while back, I was laid off from my high paying job, of eight years. At the time, I figure I’d take a couple weeks of ‘Me Time’, then, find a new job. Well, seemingly out of nowhere, the economy decided to downturn, so POOF! No jobs! On a different note, it seems my wife of 3 years, Daria, had fallen...

4 years ago
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A young Starfleet officer tries to relax on shore

Sumati pulled her uniform jacket taut over her body, glancing down briefly to confirm that she looked suitably smart. It really shouldn't matter, she thought to herself, as she flicked aside a few stray hairs from her jet black fringe. Here, just beyond the borders of Federation space, nobody was going to care that much.Except that the senior officers might very well care, especially with the Captain being such a stickler for rules. The Captain always looked immaculate, almost infuriatingly...

1 year ago
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The Officer and The Girl

‘Mom, I got the job! I’m going to be working in the city!’ I exclaimed into the cell phone. I was on my way back to my home in a small rural town, navigating my little red car through the streets of an unfamiliar suburb outside the city. I’d been working on finding work in my field for quite sometime now, after I graduated college, and had finally found I a job that I’d knew that I would love. ‘Congratulations honey! I knew you could do it! I’m so proud of you,’ my mother gushed into the...

3 years ago
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Officer Friendly

 Another night, driving the streets of the city. Arresting streetwalkers, dealers, and drug addicts. The occasional drunk driver. Being a cop was all Tom Peyton had ever wanted to do, and as a father of two young children, he now felt like it was his duty to wipe the shit off the streets so they could grow up in a safer place. It was annoying. “Fucking drains on the world,” he muttered. Dusk had settled into night and Tom was on his way home to his quaint pocket of suburbia. One ride...

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Yes Officer

"Yes, Officer". Gerry was already 15 minutes late with a 30-minute drive ahead of him, so he decided to take the back roads. His sports coupe could easily take those bends at 70 mph and chances were, no traffic patrol would be around. He could cut his time in half and only be a half-hour late. Gerry made it about 5 miles down local 447 when the blaring siren and flashing lights caught up him and an angry cop ordered him to pull in the next side street over the pa system. Gerry...

2 years ago
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Punished By A Traffic Police Officer

The story is when I was studying in the U.S. and had an amazing life. 23years that time with a figure to die for 34c-25-36, fair and met this really amazing guy in college.But one day everything changed. I checked myself one last time in the mirror, red lipstick made my lips look perfect, little red dress hugged my curves, long brown hair styled to perfection and black heels made my legs look longer. Everything’s perfect. I glanced at the wall clock 30mins to go for my date. I took my car keys...

3 years ago
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I will officer

Thursday’s are my usual day off from work and, much as I enjoy my job at ‘Playthings’ helping customers choose seductive lingerie or a new sex toy, a girl needs time to rest and recuperate. My gorgeous flatmate Ebony was away for a few days on a course, something to do with her job as a Solicitor, so I decided to treat myself to some retail therapy. It was a fine warm July morning as I drove towards the town centre in my metallic purple Mazda MX5 with the top down. My car is my pride and joy...

Group Sex
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Arresting Officer

"All right, round 'em up and move 'em out!" Sergeant Mike Murphy called out to the blue clad phalanx under his command. "You got it, Sarge." Officer Herrity replied. Both men grinned as their fellow officers led a parade of women across the open courtyard to where a large blue bus waited. Despite the cool early morning air, few of the women wore much in the way of clothing. Tank tops and shorts seemed to be the order of the day. The uniform of their profession you might say. "God, I...

4 years ago
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My VIRGIN Highschool Sweetheart

Graduation Ball By now we have been spending a lot time together and sometime spending hours on the phone, you know lovers do.  From the multiple invitations, I was so happy that she accepted to be my grad ball partner.  I rented a new car to take her to the ball and couldn't take my eyes off her all night.  Even though she wore little makeup and a rather conservative gown, but her perfect figure was very well enhanced.  Lots of fun with ballroom dances that we learned and practiced for this...

4 years ago
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Pam and the Officer

Pamela Martin was speeding down the interstate at well over the legal limit whenshe noticed the tell-tale flashing lights of a State Trooper following her.The 30 something wife and mother swore under her breath as she made her wayto the side of the road. Pam wasn't worried about a speeding ticket. She hadplenty of experience flirting her way out of many traffic violations. One thingabout Pam is that she had kept her figure at all costs. She was a stunningwoman. Her blonde hair and blue eyes had...

2 years ago
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Officer Haleys Dying Wish

There was something deeply unsettling about watching the cold metal protruding out of her bloody pussy. However, the gruesome scene was an all too common sight on the battlefield. Pussies were prime targets and most Goons died with pointy objects sticking out of their cramping cunts. Milo caressed Officer Haley’s swollen meat mound and felt how it was pulsating heavily from the poison. Despite her impressive strength and stamina, Goons like her stood no chance against the Poison Darts. The...

4 years ago
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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 09

So the Army sat and waited. It waited for some word or sign that General Clinton was coming closer. Instead what it got was signs that Fall was here in all its splendor. The leaves turned bright yellows and reds and the nights were cooler. It also meant winter was coming with all the horrors it would bring if this Army were forced to winter where it was. There were other signs. Signs that the American Army was growing in size and strength. Across the Hudson bands of men could be seen gathering...

3 years ago
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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Four Ms Caldwell Can Spank

 Zofeya Caldwell and her friend, Aimee Connell sat nervously on the sofa in the living room. To the girls’ left, Zofeya’s adoptive mother, Diane, sat in her leather armchair. Opposite Ms. Caldwell, in the other armchair sat their neighbour, Miss Pauline Manson. The ladies sat there in silence. Aimee, despite her friend’s warning about what was going to happen to the young ladies, sat and hoped that Ms. Caldwell would simply tell her off. Zofeya played nervously with her long dark hair, looking...

4 years ago
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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 04

Major Tremaine had been summoned to Army HQ almost as soon as he returned from the Indian camp. He hurried over yet he had been kept waiting almost 45 minutes. It was just another example of how this army was being run. He still believed in General Burgoyne but time was being wasted. It was almost the middle of June. They should on the Lake by now, threatening Ticonderoga. Yet they sat, cooling their heels. As he waited, Jeffrey thought about last night and Polikwaptiwa. He had been with all...

2 years ago
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Officer Aunty Ne Chudwaya

Kaisi ho meri pyasi aur pyari namkeen chutwaliyo mai yogu fir se hajir hu apni nyi story leke,mai yogu abhi belgaum mai padhayi kar raha hu age 23 dikhane mai sexy handsome hu ache ghar se belong karta hu agr koi ladies bhabhi,aunty ya koi high profile ladies muzse real mai sex karna chahti ho to muze mail kro mere email id hai mai aapki puri pyas buza dunga.Ye stori mere aur ek high profile bhabhi ki hai mai kisi kam se cominissioner office gya tha vaha mai bahar baithkar intazaar kr rha tha...

2 years ago
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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 6 Dr Rita Officer Cindyrsquos Naughty Contest

Ms. Ji-Woo Kim Triumph surged through me as I rammed my clit-dick into the Summer futa lying frozen on the banks of the Year’s Divide thanks to my powers. I had just vanquished her companion, a teenage futa named Cassie. Now I would defeat another of Summer’s champions. Two out of five down in minutes. We would win. I wouldn’t lose my futa-dick and— When my crotch smacked into the Arab futa’s body she slid across the sandy beach like she was coated in grease. She popped off my dick as she...

4 years ago
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Female security officer CH1

By Dina Petro I was unemployed for a little while, I needed the job so bad to get going in my life, one of my close friends, Lisa, told me, her boyfriend was an owner of a shop that needed a security officer in charge, and they prefer female officer, I was shocked saying “a security officer, I have never done such a job before, I was a secretary most of my working life”She said “I know, although you are so sweet and a gorgeous looking girl, and security officers usually are more of tomboys or...

3 years ago
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Officer Joeys Unexpected Opportunity Episode 4

“How did I get here?” I asked myself, sitting alone at a back table of a popular restaurant. I was on my “lunch” break, working third shift (3:00 to 11:00 pm) as a police officer. My name is Joey Holmes. Moving from day to night shifts was the downside of my new promotion. When the opportunity was offered, I thought, “Why the hell not? I deserve the promotion. Having evenings free would just be a painful reminder of my recent breakup with Ashley.”It was not how I planned or wanted things to...

2 years ago
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US Army Battalion Officer Of The Day Perks

I had just settled into my room at the Bachelor Officer Quarters, when my room phone rang.“Sir,” said the female voice on the other end of the line. “I’ve been informed to let you know you’ve been assigned duties as 'Officer of the Day' by the Battalion Commander.”“OK,” I said, “What do I need to do?” I asked.I was a senior Second Lieutenant and had just gone on to Active Duty in the US Army after spending two years in the National Guard, finishing up my college degree. I was not expecting to...

3 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 13 The last officer

The light hurt her eyes. Her breath hurt her throat. She tried to speak but only a rasp came out of her parched lips. It wasn't over. She saw Aisha, a desperate look of worry in her eyes, replaced by relief. "Lila, I thought you were dead!" "I wish I was," she tried to answer, but no words came out, only a hiss, like a viper. She helped her up and took her out. In the garden, both girls kneeled on the grass; Aisha gave her sugared water to drink, her face showing her concern. If she...

1 year ago
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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 07

Jeffrey looked himself over. He realized how lucky he was. The bayonet that rebel had thrust at him only gave him a deep scratch, not an opened wound. The wound was ugly looking but the doctor said there wasn’t much chance of infection. Though it bled quite a bit, he simply cleaned it and put a clean wrapping on it. He told Jeffrey to keep it clean and wear a fresh shirt. Not much advice under these conditions. Jeffrey had already removed the dressing and decided to keep it off. As he...

2 years ago
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Officer Jocelyn

Officer Jocelyn ? ? [email protected] ? (Comments and feedback are appreciated.) ? ? Police officer Jocelyn Devereaux loved nailing guys like this.? These rich guys in their Lamburgini's think they own the world.? As she emerged from her patrol car and walked up up to the luxury sports car, she thought how much she enjoyed writing these tickets. "License and registration." The man behind the wheel fumbled nervously in his wallet, finally finding the necessary documents and turning...

2 years ago
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Officer Sassy and Officer Bootsey

Derrek and his wife Kate had plans to go to a friend's party on the other side of town that night but after my long ride I opted to stay at the house. "Great, have the run of the place but could we ask you a small favor?" "Sure" "Our daughter Samantha and her friend Betsy are at a costume party a few blocks away and are supposed to be picked up and brought here afterwards. If you could do that we wouldn't have to come back so early" "I haven't seen Samantha in what, six years?...

3 years ago
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Halley Officer Peter and the Domestic Disturbance

I answered the door quickly when I heard the doorbell. It was only my second night at my new house in the big city, just outside Raleigh. I loved it here, the warmth, the beach within reasonable driving distance, being out of my parents’ house, having employment that utilized my college degree! And oh, the sweet southern accents that made my knees weak. My knees were not weak because of the accents at the moment though, they were quaking in fear. My not-so-friendly neighbors had gotten into it....

Straight Sex
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Sergeant Rockwell

It was after seven at night when I walked into the dark and empty Charlie Company offices while First Sergeant Rockwell parked the jeep. Of course I knew he was mad, after all it had been patently obvious when he hadn't said a word during the hour long drive back from the field. Not only had he driven the whole way in total silence with his eyes staring straight out through the windscreen, his jaws had been clenched and he had a death grip on the steering wheel which was better than him having...

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Virginity Lost During CBI Officer8217s Mission

This is a sex story about a CBI officer Menaka’s secret mission. Menaka aged 26 is from Chennai from a middle-class family and got married to an Engineer. Her husband is an IT engineer aged 29. She got married before 2 months and had no sex life with his husband. Since she told her husband that she needs a gap for some months. So her husband agreed to it. Menaka is a beautiful girl with milky color and with a shape of 36-28-34. She has a well-shaped body with huge breasts with pink erect...

3 years ago
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The Lawyer and the Female Police Officer

BETH The soft sound of the alarm in my mobile phone at the bedside table woke me up. It was six AM, and I was feeling like hell. I was hurting bad and my throat seemed to be on fire, I felt that it was closed and I couldn't swallow even my own saliva; I felt feverish and each and every joint in my body was as if it had its own life, such was the intense pain they produced. I looked at Nora peacefully sleeping beside me, and I was undecided about whether to wake her up or let her continue...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him. Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant...

3 years ago
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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mother's and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a quick shower and relaxed in my bedroom. Drying off, when it hit me: Damn-I am so horny!. My husband hasn't been around lately and when he has, he hasn't exactly fucked me right. Sure, I do love him, but his 5 inch penis and poor stamina in the...

2 years ago
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Officer Bigdick Pt 1

Introduction: I cant believe Im doing this! Intro: Ive never done this before, so I just want to get my story out there. Please comment!!! This is easily my most exciting sex story and what makes it so great is that it actually did happen. Thank you all. It was late one Friday night, about 11:15. I had just gotten home from a late night at the office. The kids were at my mothers and my husband was on a business trip in Denver, CO. I kicked off my heels and constricting business skirt, had a...

1 year ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer by Wilderness Cry

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him.Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant and I...

2 years ago
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Sleepwalking Daddy

PART 1There it was again. That little thump. The sound of dad's feet getting out of bed. It had happened more and more often recently. Dammit. And I had just gotten all nice and cozy under the covers, too. Now I had to get up, go downstairs, make sure he didn't hurt himself ...I stood up and quickly put on my slippers and my bathrobe. Man, it was really not comfortable, getting out from under that warm duvet. With a big yawn, I made my way from my room down the hallway towards the stairs....

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An Officer and An Italian Ch 01

This story came about when a reader emailed me wanting to know where she could find Sergio’s and Rachel’s story. The sad truth is that I hadn’t written anything about Nicola’s brother from the Empress’s New Clothes. I hope this satisfies that particular reader. This is the first chapter of what I am planning on have be a six to eight chapter story. All feedback is welcome. Sergio Rambaudi tried to hold his sigh of impatience in check. It was a hot summer day and due to the intense heat, he...

2 years ago
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Arrest Me Officer

I waited for a passing car to move past me and then ran across the street. The sky that had been bright blue just a few seconds ago had opened up and begun to pour, the water seeped through my thin top and soaked my high-waist shorts. The massive mall was filled with people that had, just like me, attempted to seek some sort of shelter from the spiking drops of rain and I watched the hoard of them as I wrung out my long dark and now wet hair onto the already slippery floor. Since I was stuck...


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