Catching Marco free porn video

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I had just started my sophomore year in high school when Marco and her
family moved into the house across the street from me. They had emigrated
from France. It was just Marco, her Mom & Dad and her tall, beautiful
sister Angela.

Marco and I became instant friends. Like me, she was a sophomore and she
was in my toughest class, Algebra. At least, it was tough for me...easy
for her.

Being from France, her toughest class was American History. We had that
class together too. We rode the bus to and from school everyday. After
school, we did mountains of homework together.

I loved being around her because she was always laughing and she made me
feel good. She had to be the happiest girl I've ever known.

Marco was really pretty. She had short brown hair, deep brown eyes and a
wonderful smile. She had small breast. Being young teenagers, we all had
small breast. But her breasts were a tad bigger than mine.

Marco's sister, Angela was truly beautiful. She was about twenty years
old. She was a freshman in the local college. She was tall, slim and had
large breast.

I had just started masturbating. In fact, I was becoming sexually addicted
to my pillow. I love to grind my clitoris against my pillow when I
masturbate. My Mom was the only person on the planet that knew I

The only reason she knew was because she walked into my room and caught
right in the middle of an incredible orgasm. I didn't even know she was
standing there until after I had orgasmed.

She was cool about it. She said that what I was doing was both normal and
healthy. Masturbation was something that was totally new and absolutely
wonderful to me. I never discussed it with my friends. Masturbation was my
very intimate secret.

One night, while I was trying to studying for an Algebra test. I realized
that I was lost. I knew that Marco was an expert on the subject. So, I
walked across the street to her house. Angela let me in and sent me to
Marco's room.

When I approached her bedroom door, I thought I heard a moan. I stopped at
her door and listened. I heard another soft moan coming from the other side
of her door.

My heart started racing. Was it possible? Was she masturbating? I had to
know. I slowly opened her bedroom door. Her bedside lamp was on.

She was under her blanket, facing away from the door. I could see her hips
moving under her blanket. Her hand was between her thighs. I could see her
blanket moving up and down with the motion of her hand.

She groaned as she rolled towards the door. When she saw me, she screamed!
She didn't know that I was there. Marco held the blankets up to her
chin. I saw that her fingers were glistening with her wetness.

I just stood there and looking at her. It was obvious that she was
masturbating. She was really out-of-breath and sweaty.

I asked her if she was playing with herself. But, she denied it. I could
have argued and said that I knew what she was doing...but I didn't want to
embarrass her anymore than I already had.

To be honest, we were both young and masturbating was something new. We
didn't know how to talk about it then. It was just to embarrassing.

About a week later, my parents were arguing. I didn't want to hear them
so I decided to see if Marco would let me sleep at her house. It was kind
of late when I got there. Her sister was on her way out for a date and she
told me to go to Marco's. Her parents were gone for the weekend.

When I got back to her bedroom, she was already in her bed. I notice that
she was completely naked under her blanket...and she had been

She stop when she saw me by her door. I walked into her room and sat on her
bed. The musky scent of her arousal was obvious. She was out of breath and
very sweaty. I didn't know if she had achieved orgasm yet.

The thought of Marco, lying in bed, masturbating herself, really aroused
me. I crossed my legs as I felt my clitoris coming alive with my own

We talked for a minute. I told her about my parents fighting and I asked if
I could sleep with her. She said I could.

I asked if she always slept in the nude. She said that she did. Without
saying another word, I began to undress in front of her. I felt her eyes on
me as I pulled off my jeans and panties. My panties were a little wet and
I`m sure she notice that...but she didn`t say anything.

I pulled off my t-shirt and bra. I stood in front her and let her eyes
wonder over my naked body. After she got a good eye full, I climbed into
her bed.

To this day, I have know idea why I did that little strip show for her. But
she seemed amused and we were both laughing as I got under the blanket with

I felt an erotic thrill run through me as I realize that I was lying in
bed, naked, with a girl whom I suspected had been masturbating just a few
minutes ago. I could still smell her arousal.

We laid there and talking about boys and school...soon, we just fell
asleep. I vaguely remember hearing Marco's sister coming home from her

I guess it was about two o'clock in the morning when Marco and I woke-up to
the sounds of her sister's bed squeaking. At first, we just looked at each
other. We thought her sister had brought a lover home.

Then we heard Angela moan. It sounded exactly like my Mom's moans when
her and Dad are making-love.

We had to see what she was doing. We sneaked out of bed and crept down the
hall towards Angela`s bedroom. We were in such a hurry that we didn't
bother to put anything on...we were still naked!

Angela's door was about half open. We could see a soft light coming from
her room as we approach it. When we got to her room, we saw that she had
lit several candles.

We also saw that she was masturbating! She was masturbating like I
do...with her pillow between her legs.

Her feet were towards the door so she didn't see us watching her. She was
holding the pillow in place with her hand and was fucking-it as hard as she
could. She was moaning and groaning as she humped the pillow.

I became very wet standing there watching her. I felt my clitoris come
alive with desire. I felt a drop of wetness inching it's way down the
inside of my thigh.

I wiped the wetness from my thigh and pussy with my fingers. But it didn't
help. I was beginning to drip. When I touched myself, I almost started to
masturbate right there, in the hallway...but I didn't.

Marco was standing next to me. From the corner of my eyes, I saw her hand
go between her legs. She slowly begin to rub herself.

The scent of female sex was every where. We could smell the intoxicating
fragrance of Angela's sexuality coming from her open door.

Angela put her hand between her pillow and her pussy. We could see her long
fingers making circles against her clitoris. She plunged her fingers deep
into her vagina and groaned as she finger fucked herself.

Marco and I couldn't move. We just stood by Angela's door and watched
in amazement. Neither of us had ever seen anyone masturbate before.

Angela sat-up and rolled her pillow into a tight ball. Then, she placed it
between her legs and start fucking-it. We could see that her pillow was
drenched from her wetness.

She moaned and groaned as she pounded her sopping wet pussy against her
pillow. Suddenly, Angela burst into orgasm! Her hips were a blur as she
fucked her pillow as hard as she could.

She groaned one long groan as she came. Then, she rolled over onto her back
and attacked her clitoris with her fingers.

She went MAD!!! We could hear the wet sounds her fingers made as she
plunged her fingers deep inside her vagina.

Marco was rubbing her pussy faster and faster. I heard her breathing hard
next to me. I thought that Marco was going to bring herself to orgasm right
there. But she didn't.

Then Angela brought herself to another orgasm. She almost screamed as she
came! We watched her grind the heel of her hand into her clitoris as she

We knew that she might be finished. We absolutely did not want her to catch
us spying on her. Marco and I raced back to our bed.

When we got back to Marco`s room. Marco got into bed and immediately
began masturbating with her fingers. Her face was a mast of passion.

Her bedside lamp was still on and I could see everything. She didn't try
to hide her masturbation under her blanket. She was laying in the middle of
the bed.

It was the first time that I had actually seen her doing-it. I couldn`t
take my eyes off of her as she pleasured herself in front of me.

The sight of her masturbating mesmerized me. She didn't say a word, she
just started doing-it.

I could stop myself from doing-it too. I lay down next to her and let my
fingers pull at my swollen labia lips. I let my thumb rub against my erect

Each time my thumb touched my clitoris, I felt an erotic bolt of pleasure
course through me.

I look at Marco. Her eyes were close. She was breath really hard through
her nose. Her right hand was furiously rubbing her pussy while she gripped
the sheets with her left hand. I could see her wetness glistening on her

She was so into-it! She seems to have forgotten that I was lying next to
her in bed. I leaned over her and watched her face closely as she reached
the point of no return.

Then she said through gritted teeth, "Kala...I can't hold it!" As soon as
she said that, she burst into orgasm! She moaned loudly as she came.

She threw her head from side to side as she orgasmed. Her hips literally
bounce off the bed. Fingers were a blur as she frantically rubbed her

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Sure, I had suspected that she
masturbated...but to actually watch her doing-it! WOW!

As she began to calm down, I knew that I had to bring myself to orgasm
fast. First seeing Angela doing-it...then watching Marco...I felt like I
was going insane! The insides of my thighs were coated with my wetness.

I lay down and let my fingers dance over my clitoris. I knew that Marco was
watching me masturbate...but I didn't care. Hell, I wanted her to watch...I
wanted the whole world to watch me masturbate.

I could feel Marco hot breath on my skin as she got as close as she could
to me. I heard her whisper, "Damn're beautiful."

Her loving words propelled me towards my goal. I slid my fingers deep into
my vagina knowing that she was watching me. I could hear my wetness. I
could feel my wetness as it ran down between my ass cheeks.

I want to say something sexy...but I couldn't talk. Waves upon waves of
sexual pleasure roared through me as I began to rub my engorged clitoris

I couldn't hold back any longer. I was right on the edge of orgasm. I was
frantically rubbing my clitoris with my fingers faster and fast. My hips was
moving to it's own sexual rhythm.

Marco saw how close I was to orgasm. She lowered her head and sucked my
erect nipple into her hot mouth. She started pinching my other nipple with
her fingers.

Finally, I closed my eyes and I let my orgasm consume me. My orgasm bloomed
inside of me. Then it burst into a tidal wave of orgasmic pleasure.

I groaned as the first orgasm burst within me. I let my fingers continue to
dance on my clitoris until a brought myself to a second, excruciating

I groaned as my body rocked from side to side. Marco had let my nipple
go. I saw her leaning over me. She was watching my face as I climaxed.

Then, just as I was calming down from my two mind-blowing orgasms...Marco
kissed me. It was a long, passionate kiss.

This was the first time that we have ever had any sexual contact with each
other. I knew that we should not be kissing...but her lips were so soft and

I reached up and pulled her into my arms as our kisses deepen. I couldn't
stop myself from wanting her. I allowed her tongue to enter my mouth and
dance with my tongue.

I felt Marco getting on top of me. She didn't do it quickly. Instead, as
we kissed, she slowly climb on top of me. I felt her fine wet pubic hairs
on my thigh.

She began to grind herself against me. I felt her wetness on my thigh. I
held her tight as I felt her small naked breast against mine.

Her thigh nestled against my very wet pussy. I moaned as she began to pinch
my nipples with her fingers. Our kiss became even more intimate as she
began to masturbate herself against me.

We were both so sexually aroused that we just lost control. It was
incredible! I knew Marco was getting close to orgasm. She was literally
pounding her sopping wet pussy against my thigh.

I wanted her come on me. I held her tightly in my arms. I began to kiss her
neck. I dragged my tongue up to her ear and began sucking on her ear lob.

As I began kissing her neck and ears, Marco went ballistic. I felt her body
begin to shake as she furiously masturbated herself against me.

I reach between her thighs and started rubbing her pussy. I felt the hard
knot of her clitoris. I felt her wetness as she fucked my hand. I let my
fingers enter her vagina.

When I did that, she exploded in orgasm. I felt her hot wetness gushing out
of her. She groaned loudly in my ear.

I felt her body literally pulsating in orgasm. I held her as tightly as I
could as her orgasm consumed her.

This was too much for me. I need to come again. I start grind myself
against her thigh. I couldn't come while lying on my back. I need more
pressure against my clitoris.

I rolled her over and mounted her. She did not resist. I started grinding
my clitoris against her pelvis bone just like I do my pillow at home.

Marco knew that I need to come again. She slid her hand between us just
like I had just done to her a minute ago. I could feel her finger against
my clitoris.

I lifted myself and let Marco's fingers slide deep into my vagina. Then,
I lowered myself and started fucking her hand.

I was sloppy wet. The wet, slick sounds of my pussy, grinding against
Marco's hand, seemed to echo off the walls. I was on top of her and I
was literally riding her.

It only took about a minute before I burst into orgasm. My hips were a
blur as my orgasm detonated within me. I groan loudly as my orgasm swept me

Incredibly, I felt like I was on the verge of another orgasm. I felt my
orgasmic contractions deep inside me as I went wild!!!

I continued to grind myself against Marco as hard and fast as I could.
Suddenly, I burst into another orgasm. I actually yelled when I came again.

I knew that she was getting soaked from me. It was so intense! Marco held
me in her arms as I masturbated myself against her.

Finally, my orgasm began to subside. I didn't have the strength to get
up so I just lay in her arms. We were both covered with sweat. We were
breathing like a couple of racehorses at the end of a race.

Then, we heard a soft moan. When we looked up, Angela was standing by the
door watching us. Marco pushed me off of her and tried to cover herself
with her blanket.

I just covered my eyes and prayed that her sister wouldn't kill me. I
wanted to turn-off our bedside lamp...but it was too late for that.

Angela said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you girls. I just
thought I'd check to see if you two were asleep. Obviously, you two were
no-where near sleep, were you?"

We did not answer her. We were in total shock. We were both completely
naked. Our young bodies was covered in sweat.

The musky scent of our sweat and our sexual arousal hung heavily in the
small bedroom. Our sheets were soak with our lust. We were busted!!

Angela gave us one more look. Then, surprising us both. She smiled at Marco
and said, "at least Kala can't get you pregnant." With that said,
she closed our door and went back to her room.

Marco and just l sat there wordlessly and looked at each other. We
couldn't believe what we had just happened.

After a minute, Marco leaned to me and gently kissed me on the lips. I put
my hand behind her head and pulled her to me as I laid down. We fall asleep
in each other's arms.

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Catching the Wife Vol 2

********************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: This is one of my favsALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of thier page for more creative and worth-the-read storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 02bychasseur11©I woke up late the next morning from what little sleep I did get. It was a rough night being very restless. Had a hard time trying to get what...

1 year ago
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Catching Honeybee To Sex

This is a true incident happened in my teenage, I was living in a small village in Kerala, from childhood I was seeing sex by chicken, cow, got, etc, this made a lot of curiosity… and one day I happened to see the hairy pussy of one beautiful lady in my neighborhood, little did I realize she was showing that to me and inviting me for something……. All the neighbor ladies take bath in stream which flows through the village, which had lot of bushes and plants on both the sides. I was so much...

3 years ago
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Catching sister with dildo

My first story:Catching sister with dildoArianna! Come here! I came down the stairs wearing a white blouse and black and red boy-shorts. Ari, I got Amanda a little something for her 18th birthday. Dont tell okay. Uh huh. I opened the box to find a blue dildo. Really mom? Well, I thought she might want one. Will you give it to her? but you just told not to tell her! just go! I run upstairs with the box. Amanda! I knock on her door a few times. no answer. I walk in hearing what seemed like soft...

2 years ago
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Catching her Masturbating

I Caught Her Masturbating!I had an ex-girlfriend, Elise, who claimed to have never masturbated. She said she didn’t believe a real “Lady” should EVER masturbate! As a guy, totally into watching women get themselves off, this was disappointing; VERY disappointing. I decided to try to test Elise, to see if she was telling the truth.Elise was a cute little package, standing about 5'1". She slept in thin nighties and lacy lingerie. Our first night together, it seemed like she was presenting herself...

1 year ago
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Catching My Dream Girl

Holly Grandal had been my dream girl since I was in the fifth grade. She was the smartest girl in the class, and I was the smartest boy. We used to be the last two standing in any of the class spelling bees or multiplication table contests. When the Iowa Test of Basic Skills was administered in the fifth through eighth grades, Holly and I had the two highest scores in our school each and every year. We took turns in first and second place, with her at the top in fifth and seventh grades, and...

1 year ago
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Catching More Than Sun

As you open the door you feel the warmth cling to your skin. You leave the safety of your air conditioned room behind and close the door.  Making your way through the hallway towards the elevator you come across a man going the opposite way. Passing each other you hear his cadence change and suddenly become more aware, as if he’s looking back, staring at your behind. “Maybe I should’ve wrapped the towel around me,” you say to yourself. “Ah well.” Holding the book that you’re hoping to finish in...

3 years ago
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Catching up with Lynn

It was Friday after work, just enjoying happy hour with the usual gang of friends. Drinking beer and telling stories, it was one of those places where everyone knows everyone. All of a sudden I felt a hard nudge on my shoulder, turning around I see Lynn smiling at me, "Hey You." "Hey You, long time no see." I reply. Lynn is a girl from the neighborhood I grew up in, a few years younger than me, but as kids we all hung out and played together. We took a few minutes to catch up and I...

4 years ago
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Catching my sister inlaw part2

After not only seeing but getting a video of my sister in-law Tina fucking her own brother behind my brother's back I wondered all night how I was going to handle it. Do I show my brother the video and rip his marriage apart or do I some how get Tina away from her brother but she wouldn't be doing that with her brother I believe if their marriage didn't have problems. Then on the other hand I could use the video to get in Tina's pants which from what I seen are a million times hotter then my...

2 years ago
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Catching up with cuz

So this story begins with me looking at my facebook page and trying to get back in touch with people i have been neglecting. One such person would be my cousin gwen well she is not really my cousin she was adopted.She was 2 years younger than me and secretly very knowledgeable and bloomed very early. She had perfect size boobs they were very very inviting. We bad a close relationship growing up i think because both of us were shy and could confide things to each other and not have to worry...

1 year ago
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Catching my friend

My friend Haley and I have been friends since we were little kids and our parents trust us together as just friends and nothing more. We share all of our experiences together and with us both being 16, and neighbors, most of the stories we shared were sexual. We led our parents on to believe we were naïve about sex and any relating matter which was to our benefit. Just last year we both discovered that the other one masturbated because we both started doing it around the same time. This was...

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Catching someone else

So I've moved to another golf course community and finally found a player but he doesn't play golf. I noticed a man mid 60s looking around before walking into the mangroves on the golf course. He walked in empty handed and walked out empty handed. I quickly ran out and caught him walking away and I kept a far distance from afar. I watched him walk into a building and take the elevator. I was able to see him walking again on the 4th floor and walk in his from door. I headed in and thought I'd...

2 years ago
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Catching Up Part 1

Tuesday 22 February 2011. Twelve fifty-five pm. That was when a devastating earthquake hit my home town of Christchurch, New Zealand, after which nothing in this city will ever be the same again. Unbeknown to me at the time, that same moment was also to trigger events after which, in a much happier way, nothing in my life can be the same again either. Not ever. I was one of the many city council and other public service staff who were taken from their normal work and pitched into a myriad of...

2 years ago
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Catching up with my ex Part 1

Encounter 1, the cafe.I drove into the parking lot of a local coffee shop to get a coffee to help my head stop spinning from the alcohol the night before. There was a few people standing in front of me while I waited in line and only a few sitting around reading the newspaper and talking. I couldn't stop thinking about a girl last night at the bar.Before I knew it, it was my turn to order my coffee, the lady at the register said good morning and asked what I would like today. I told her 1...

2 years ago
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Catching My Son With My knickers

Mark was in High School and would be on school holidays in a few more weeks.One Friday evening, I had to work late. I had been pursuing a new account for the past few months. And I was hoping to finalise the deal over dinner with the client. Normally, I kept Friday evenings free for my son. It was a long-standing tradition with us. We always did something special on weekends. So it was a touch of guilt that I called up Mark to cancel our evening plans. I told him that I would be late, and that...

3 years ago
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Catching up with cuz Part 1 chpt 6

Still reliving the night before and what had happened between the three of us, but today would be different i had invited my 2 cousins from my dads side to the house before everything had happened. Becky had also invited her best friend JJ to the house as well. Last but not least Gwen invited her sister Lizzie down to the house as well. It seems marriage had not been nice to any of us except for Ann, the older of my two cousins that were coming. Joyce and Lizzie were divorced and JJ had never...

3 years ago
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Catching Katie by loyalsock

When we agreed to take in Katie for a few weeks before she started college, I cleaned out my work shed. We sometimes used it as a guesthouse, but, in between stays, it was my personal workspace and temple of solitude. It had electricity, running water and heat. It was small but comfy. I took out my tools, I brought my laptop into the house, I removed two half completed novels, three porn magazines and my personal papers. I left the spy cam hooked up.I'd installed the cam and a silent alarm a...

2 years ago
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Catching My Daughter With Her Black Boyfriend

My name is Brittany and I am thirty six years old. I live in an apartment with my daughter Kim who just turned s*******n. We moved in shortly after my husband left me for another woman and as much as I feared him leaving would have an effect on Kim she really didn't seem to care. I work two jobs to pay the bills so most of the time Kim is at home alone after school but if there is one person I can completely one hundred percent trust its Kim. She has always gotten good grades and is never in...

1 year ago
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One day as I was driving around on the other side of town, I decided to pay a lady friend of mine a surprise visit. Sandy was a 40 year old single Mom and lived with her 18 year old daughter named Hannah. I had known them for many years, but had not seen them in several months. As I knocked on the door, it unexpectedly swang open. This had me concerned, so I stepped inside to see if they were okay and shut the door behind me. Hello? Is anyone home?, I loudly asked. As I walked down the hallway,...

2 years ago
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Catching Her Attention Vampire Pt 4

Chapter 04: Catches Her AttentionOver the centuries I have seen many things; turn of one century, a depression, two world wars, many other wars, rights activists, freedoms won, new technologies daily and the turn of another century. Yet during all of these times I have found that I have grown lonely and instead I had filled my time learning about all the world had to give me. During the many years I have traveled around the world and came across many other vampires with so very many different...

1 year ago
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Catching Mom and Dad

Chapter 1 Have your parents ever caught you having sex? Oh, I've had friends tell me their stories, one guy about his mom walking in on him masturbating, another friend who had his girlfriend's mother catch them, then stayed and had him begin taking care of her as well. That's the wildest one I've heard, well, except for my own. Actually, it's a bit different ... I caught Mom and Dad at it. It happened when I was twenty-one and a senior in college. My parents had rented a ski lodge for...

3 years ago
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Catching Up

Shay Roberts was preparing breakfast for her family. While she was checking the toast her hubby had went out to check the mail. He returned and had not said a word since. The kids ate and were out the door on the way to school, she sat at the table quietly watching her husband Jon, finish his coffee. He got up from the table grabbed his briefcase and left without saying a word. Shay was stunned, why would he act like that she had not done anything to cause him to ignore her such as that. Shay...

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Catching Them in the Act at School

Students in his science class sat at two person tables, and coincidentally Rachel and Michael sat next to each other. He had put up a YouTube video on the white board regarding photosynthesis and as he looked over at the two students, he noticed . . . even with the lights out, that Rachel was almost beet red with embarrassment. Michael had a big smile on his face as he was pretending to look at the video. Rachel on the other hand almost looked embarrassed and at...

4 years ago
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Catching up with two ladies after late night movie

This was supposed to be a ‘A’rated movie lasting about for 2 hour. The first half movie started. There was just starting to be some action in the movie when movement caught the corner of my eye. I looked to my left and there were two women, that I guessed they were in their forties, looking where to sit and one of them asked me if they had missed anything yet. I sort of embarrassedly said no and they sat down two rows in front of me. One woman was taller and sort of a medium build and the...

3 years ago
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Catching Him In The Act

But looks can be deceiving. At that moment, my fingers drowning in my hot cunt as I furiously rubbed my clit, I was anything but shy. It was 11:47 at night, and I was getting off to the sounds of my stepfather giving my mother a good fucking. The head board was smacking against the wall rhythmically, and I could hear the deliciously taboo moans of my whore mother. My stepdad's deep grunts turned me on even more; my pussy was sopping wet, and I was so close to orgasm. I reached up with one...

2 years ago
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Catching the babysitter drinking

We got a babysitter for the night because of our little guy Jacob that is 5 years old and we haven’t had a night out in a long time. Well we came home to find our substitute sitter, Mrs. Lawson is out of town and this one came highly recommended so we hired her. She’s a sophomore in college and so we thought why not, she had plenty of references and believe me Jasmine checked them all out. When we came home Mary Beth had found the liquor cabinet and opened it somehow because it locks and had...

1 year ago
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Catching Emily Pt3

It was Friday, the day before an agonizingly long three day weekend which meant that after today Mom and Dad would be around for seventy-two hours which in turn meant Emily and I would be back to self serving sex; in other words, jerking off alone. Damn holidays! We got off the bus right on time and started walking toward home. Today, Emily walked with me instead of her friends, who lagged behind. She whispered in my ear, ’I can’t wait to get home‘ and then she gave out a mischiefish little...

1 year ago
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Catching Emily

My sister and I were raised in a strict household. There was no cussing and absolutely no nudity. We undressed in the bathroom and dressed in the bathroom… with the door locked. Emily, was 16 at the time. She was a tall girl, perhaps five feet ten or even eleven. Height ran in our family, although weight did not. Emily was one hundred ten pounds at best. She was not what anyone would call beautiful. She had long dark hair and pretty green eyes, but her nose was slightly longer than she...

3 years ago
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Catching them at it

Mum and dad had clearly intended to ensure the pair of us were exhausted and not likely to stay awake too late. The evening's activities included a long walk blackberry picking and what felt like hours of frisbee in the local park before some enormous servings of fish and chips that we picked up on the walk back to the house. We were tired and full and even two energetic young lads like us could only stay awake chattering about the kids we hated in school and the girls we wished would notice...

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Catching and taming a Snow Angel

The work crew were grumbling a little for having to be out in such weather but their foreman had insisted. Looking out of the window, something caught the foreman's eye. It was fresh tire tracks going into a ditch. He told the driver to stop so he could take a quick look and call it in if help were needed. He approached the car and brushing the snow from the window, he thought his eyes were deceiving him when he saw looking back at him, an angelic face surrounded with long golden curls...

2 years ago
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Catching My MotherinLawOr Was I Trapped

i first started fantasizing of her because i was driving her back to the house and she was in the backseat over my right shoulder. she was wearing a dress, but i guess through the ride, it kind of bunched up a bit. we arrived at the house and i turned to say goodbye, she thanked me and spread her legs to get out and i got a glimpse of her pussy. holy fuck, she had on the garter and thigh high hose, but there were no panties! i could see a strip of pubic hairs, nicely trimmed, pointing towards...

1 year ago
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Catching Up With a Friend

One Thursday afternoon after work I got a little pop up on my phone. It was a friend request from someone on Facebook. And to my surprise and excitement, it was Julie. Julie and I were close friends throughout high school. She was my high school prom date and my study buddy through the first year of college before she transferred to another school and we lost touch shortly thereafter. These were the days before Facebook and other social media and not everyone had email. We had met and gotten...

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