Truckstop Nuns free porn video

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“Hey there sexy sisters! What’ll it take to make you
break your vows?” called out the young black man.

The two young nuns ignored him as they walked by the
cheap hotel room. His friend, who was sitting on the car
out the front chimed in, “Come on baby, you didn’t need
to become a nun, I’ll take you to heaven!”

They continued to walk by, “Frigid penguin Bitches!”
they heard one of the young men call out behind them.

One of the nuns was blushing, her pretty, rosy face
framed in the white wimple.

“Just ignore them Alice, they’re like little boys
looking to get a reaction,” said the other.

“Yes, I know Lucia.”

They got to the small front office and entered, making
the bell on the door chime. The young women stood at the
front desk for a few moments before the manager
appeared. He was in his forties with unkempt blonde hair
and rough stubble over his chin. He looked the two of
them over with his cool green eyes and smiled, “Hello
again sweet sisters. I hope you found the accommodations
to your satisfaction.”

They actually had a lot of trouble sleeping due to noisy
neighbors who were quite fond of using profanities, but
they didn’t want to raise the issue with the manager.
“Quite suitable thank you Mr. Roberts,” said Alice.

She produced the room keys and handed them to the man.
He deliberately rubbed her soft pale hand as he took
them, and she jerked it back. He smiled at her again,
“Call me Randal. So you’re off again today huh?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Where are you girls from anyhow?”

“St. Paul, we’re with the Franciscan Sisters of the
Eucharist at the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels.”

“Right, what are you doing down this way?”

“Selling bibles and religious items, and accepting
donation for those in need.”

“Speaking of which…” Lucia chimed in, “We noticed that
the bible in our room was looking a little worn. Perhaps
you would like to purchase new ones from us. They’re of
high quality and reasonably priced, and the money would
go to a good cause.”

“Oh, I wish I could sweet thing, but money is a little
tight for me right now. I had only just finished
rebuilding after the tornadoes a couple of years ago.
But tell me, are you heading back up Minneapolis way?”


“Well, I have a friend, also in the motel game, off on
the interstate near Boone. Nice Christian lady by the
name of Grace. I think she may be after just what you’re

“Boone? Where’s that?”

“A few hours up the highway, turn east on the Interstate

Lucia looked at Alice and she shook her head, “No, we’re
not supposed to leave the route that was set for us.”

“Well that’s too bad,” said Randal. “I just thought you
could help each other out.”

“We appreciate that sir, now if you would excuse us, we
should be getting back on the road.”

“Of course, you take care out there sisters. God bless
you and all that.”

“God bless you sir.”

Soon the two young nuns were heading down the highway in
the old blue station-wagon. Alice was behind the wheel
and Lucia was sitting in the passenger seat next to her.

Lucia yawned, “Well, I’m glad to leave that place

“Yes, Mr. Roberts seemed a little…”

“Creepy? … Sleazy?”

“Lucia, Mother Meredith would not like us speaking ill
of someone like that.”

“Mother Meredith is not here.”

“No, but Jesus is.”

“Jesus would probably agree with me.”

“Lucia!” said Alice in a playful scalding tone.

“The rooms had thin walls, didn’t they?”


“How about those two copulating, they were being quite

“Don’t remind me.”

“Oh God! Oh God! Yessss!”

“I said don’t!”

Lucia laughed, “He probably paid her for it too.”

“The poor soul, I will pray she finds the true path.”

“You have never been close with a boy, have you?”

“No, never. But you told me you had been… close before
taking your vows. How close were you?”

“It was a boy I had known through grad school, and we
were in love. I was pretty horrified that I had fallen
in love while considering religious life. I was scared
to go to my nun mentor and tell her. But you know what
she said?”

“No, what did she say?”

“Wonderful! Enjoy it. If we lose our capacity to fall in
love, we lose our ability to truly open our hearts to
God. Of course, there came a point where I had to choose
between my love for this boy and my love for God, Sister
Beverly was a wonderful guide through that time.”

“So did you… express your love physically?”

Lucia turned to her and smiled, “I’m not saying
anything, I’ll leave you to speculate on that.”

“You…are not a very nice person.”

“Ooh, careful Sister Alice, that was almost an insult.”

Alice just shook her head and drove on. They passed a
lot of farm-land around this way as they made their way
north up the highway, vast fields with their golden
crops swaying in the breeze and other areas with their
neatly ordered fruit trees. A large truck roared past on
the other side of the road. Lucia eventually spoke up
again, “So, will we be turning off toward Boone to sell
some of our fine products to this Grace lady?”

“No, Father Mackintosh told us not to leave the route he
planned for us.”

“But on his planned route we have sold very little, I
don’t think it will even be enough to cover the expenses
of our trip. We won’t have any money for the poor, this
trip would have been a big waste of time.”

“I don’t think that’s the whole point of this road trip
anyway. It’s like a rite-of-passage for young novices.
To get out and see more of Gods world and interact with
his people.”

“Yeah, we can do that at Boone, and make some money to
help the poor while we’re at it.”

“We took a vow of obedience remember, Father Mackintosh
told us to stay on this route.”

“And we will, after we make a little detour. He didn’t
tell us not to go to Boone specifically.”

“That’s a technicality, and you know it. We’re not going
to lie to Father Mackintosh. We will tell him if we go.
And if we go, it will have to be for the right reasons,
not for our pride.”

“So you’re considering it? …For the right reasons, of
course. We will only be doing it to help others. What do
you say Alice?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Well I want to go, but you’re driving, so it’s up to
you if you turn off or not.”

Around an hour later, they both saw the sign for the
turn-off onto the Interstate thirty. Alice took in a
deep breath as she struggled with the decision. She let
out a sigh and put on the indicator to turn left.

“Good, we may achieve something on this trip yet,” said

“I just hope we don’t regret it.”

“God is with us, what could go wrong?”

The old blue station-wagon headed west along the I-30
through more rural area. Eventually they saw a battered
old sign which read�”Grace’s Truckstop Motel, five
miles.” It had an arrow pointing off the highway.

“That’s the place,” said Lucia, “He said her name was

They turned off the highway and drove on until they
reached the place. It seemed to be miles from anywhere.

“A little out of the way isn’t it?” said Alice, “You
would think it would do more business on the highway.”

There was a large building adjacent to the road, It
appeared to be a gas station, travel store, truckers
lounge, bar and restaurant all in one. There were a
couple of trucks parked off to the side and a few cars
out the front. The place seemed to be relatively tidy,
and quite basic in its layout and aesthetics.

The nuns turned off the road and pulled up into the gas
station. Both of them got out of the car and were glad
to have the chance to stretch out. It was late morning,
getting close to midday. The sky was clear and it was
quite warm. Alice started filling the car with gas while
Lucia looked around.

She wandered into the shop and the man behind the
counter stared at her. He was a short, pudgy, ugly
looking man who appeared to be in his mid twenties.
“Good morning sir,” said Lucia.

“G-good… good morning, s-sister,” he said with a

“Where’s your bathroom?”

He reached under the desk and pulled out a key with a
metal tag, “Round the b-back.” he said pointing.

She came forward and got the key from him, “Thank you.”
She walked to around to the back of the shop. The man
stared at her the whole time with his pale blue eyes.

Soon Alice entered the shop and paid for the fuel.
“Where might we find Grace?” she asked.

“G-Grace? She’s… she’s… she’s… around the back in
the… the… m-motel office.”

Lucia came back out a few minutes later and the two of
them went back to the car. They drove around behind the
truck stop where there were numerous small units, a few
of them had cars parked out the front. The place was
quite bare and ugly, with minimal gardens and a lot of
flat concrete and tarmac.

They saw the small, plain building that was similar to
the rest, but the basic sign identified it as the
office. They parked in front of it and got out again.
The two nuns walked around to the front door and

As they entered the room, they found that the air was
hazy and stank of cigarette smoke. A fat, dark haired
woman in her thirties was sitting in front of a computer
screen behind a desk. She wore a lot of purple eye
shadow and lipstick and a tubetop which held her huge
tits. She had a cigarette in her mouth. It took a few
moments for her to look up and then a faint look of
surprise crossed her face. “Hello there.”

“Hello Ma’am, are you Grace?” said Alice.

“…yeah, and you are?”

“I’m Sister Alice and this is Sister Lucia. We’re with
the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist of Saint Paul.”

“Are you after a room sisters?”

“No, Mr. Roberts from the Motel Seven down the highway
told us you may be interested in what we’re selling–
Bibles and religious items.”

“Oh, Ol’ Randy sent you here eh? Yeah, yeah, I’m
interested in your bibles and junk, being the devout
Christian lady that I am.” The nuns both noticed the
smirk cross her face.

Lucia stepped forward and offered the bible she was
holding. Grace slowly reached up and took it. She
started her sales pitch, “It’s the New American Standard
Bible. You’ll notice the quality calf-hide leather cover
and gold gilt edges and strong ribbon markers. It’s of
good strong quality for repeated uses, and quite
reasonably priced. And the profits will all go to
helping the needy.”

Grace thumbed through the book, “Right, helping the
needy, that’s good.”

“We have enough to supply all your rooms,” added Alice.

“Good, good. And you said you have other religious junk

“Yes, rosaries, crucifixes, statues, wall plaques,

“I’d be interested in taking a look. But you young
ladies have been travelling far, I’d love for you to be
my guests. Please accept my hospitality and stay in one
of my rooms. The accommodation and meals will be
provided free of charge, of course.”

“Uh, that’s generous of you ma’am, but I was hoping that
we could be on our way soon, we still have many miles to
cover in our journey.”

“We all have many miles to cover in our journeys. But I
think God would want us to stop and smell the roses
every now and then. I so rarely get to spend time in the
company of good, devout Christians. I feel blessed to
have genuine Brides of Christ visit my humble home and
place of business. I would very much like you to stay,
if only for a little while. And I hate to have to rush
any business decisions.”

“Uh, of course ma’am…” started Alice.

“Call me Grace, please.”

“Of course, Grace. We would love to stay…We can be on
our way in the morning.”

“Lovely,” said Grace, giving them a wide grin. She
stubbed out her cigarette in a dirty ashtray on the
desk. She looked down at the black leather bible again.
“You know, I used to think that if you went and randomly
picked out a verse in the bible, perhaps it would hold
some importance. Y’know, like God is directing you there
to give you some advice or warning or whatever. Do you
think that would ever happen sister?”

There was a brief pause as the two nuns looked down at
her, then Alice spoke up, “I think it would mostly just
be random, but there’s no telling how God may choose to
communicate with us.”

Grace smiled, “Let’s do it now, just for fun.” She
started flicking through the gold gilded pages of the
book and then stopped and placed her finger on the page.
She looked down and started reading, “Let’s see�Numbers
31:7-18, Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders
of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But
Moses was furious with all the military commanders who
had returned from the battle. ‘Why have you let all the
women live?’ he demanded. ‘These are the very ones who
followed Balaam’s advice and caused the people of Israel
to rebel against the Lord at Mount Peor. They are the
ones who caused the plague to strike the Lord’s people.
Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept
with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may
live; you may keep them for yourselves.”

She looked up at the sisters and made a face, “Jeez,
that’s a bit harsh. You’re right sister…just random.
Now let me show you to your room.”

Grace had taken them to the unit that was away from the
others and closest to the truck stop out the front. It
seemed quite tidy and well kept. It was a very basic
room, with two single beds against the wall, a large
curtained window, a small television and basic items of
furniture and a small bathroom at the far end.

The woman had left them there to settle in and rest.
Alice and Lucia took turns having a shower. Alice came
out from the bathroom wearing her black frock and drying
her long, blonde hair with a towel. Lucia was sitting on
the bed looking at the screen of her smart phone, “We
should send an email to Sister Meredith telling her
where we are. I’m not getting any reception here

“I think I saw a sign for wi-fi over in the truckers
lounge. We could take a walk over there.”

“Yeah, all right. What do think of Grace?”

“I don’t know…it was nice of her to offer us free
accommodation and meals. She seemed friendly.”

“Yes, but there was something off about her. Something
had me feeling uneasy. What about you?”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Let’s just make our sales,
have an early night and be off again first thing in the

Alice put on her white wimple and black veil and her
plain shoes, and the two of them got ready to leave the
unit. When they opened the front door, they saw Grace
coming toward them. The short, dumpy woman was leading a
group of three men.

Alice and Lucia stood there by the doorway as the group
approached them. “Are you ready to talk business now
sisters?” said Grace in a cheerful tone.

“Who are they?” asked Alice, eyeing the men warily. They
were all looking at her and Lucia intently. She
recognized one of them as the stuttering clerk from the
shop out the front.

“Employees and associates. She went through introducing
them, “That’s Lachlan,” she said pointing to a tall man
in his forties with tanned skin and short black hair and
beard. “Rooster.” She pointed to a man who looked a
little younger than him, with medium length red hair and
a moustache. “And Dent.” She said pointing to the ugly
young man from the shop. “Boys, this is Sister Alice and
Sister Lucia.”

“A pleasure,” said Lachlan, grinning.

“Yes…nice to meet you all,” said Alice.

“I trust you find the room to your liking,” said Grace.

“It’s very nice, thank you.”

“Can we come in and talk?”

“Of course, I will just get my products from the car to
show you.”

“We’ll get to that, let’s just go inside,” said Grace
gesturing to the room.

Alice nodded and she and Lucia went back into the room.
Grace and the men followed behind and shut the door. The
two nuns stood in the room facing the group, they didn’t
like the way the men were looking at them, it had them
feeling very uneasy.

Lucia spoke up, “Do you wish to buy the bibles Miss
Grace? We can give you a discount if you’re buying for
all the rooms.”

“Perhaps,” said Grace.

Lachlan looked her over, “Are you real nuns? Or are you
running some kind of scam?”

“What?” said Alice, surprised by the accusation.

“Grace here is quite trusting of people. I like to make
sure that no one takes advantage of that. And I ain’t
never heard of nuns acting as travelling bible salesmen

“I assure you sure, we have been nothing but completely

“That’s what someone running a scam would say. I think
we should check to make sure you girls are who you say
you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we should check you got no tattoos or piercings
and that you’re virgins like good little nuns should

The two girls were shocked, Alice looked at Grace, “Miss

She just looked back at her cooly, “He has a point. Take
off those habits.”

“Certainly not!”

“What do you have to hide sister?”

“Nothing! This is indecent!”

“I’m afraid I must insist Sister Alice.”

“Then we do not wish to conduct business with you.
Please leave us alone.”

“No, it’s too late for that. Take off those habits, or
I’ll have the boys take them off for you.”

“No! You have no reason to accuse us, you have no

Grace just smiled at her, “Let me show you something
about my right…do it boys.”

Rooster chucked as he stepped forward and grabbed Lucia
by the arm. “Aaagh, let go of me!” she cried out, as she
tried to pull away from him.

Alice backed away as Lachlan came toward her. “Don’t
touch me!” she called out as he grabbed her by the
shoulders and roughly pushed her over onto the bed. She
struggled to get up, but he was quite strong as he held
her down. “No, Leave me alone!” she cried out.

Lucia was pulled over to the other bed by Rooster, she
was crying out and struggling against him. Alice’s heart
was beating rapidly, she couldn’t believe this was
happening. Lachlan’s rough hands were grabbing at her.
He got hold of her leg and flipped her over so that she
was on her back on the bed. Alice was kicking out and
swinging her arms, fighting him with all she had.

“Gaaah,” he groaned as her fist struck his ear. “Dent,
get over here and hold her hands for me boy!” Dent came
over and struggled to catch her arms as they moved
about, but he managed to get hold of her wrists and pin
them down above her head.

“No! Let go of me!” she cried out. Lucia was also
struggling and protesting on the bed next to her.
Lachlan got hold of her black frock and started pulling
it up, revealing her pale, shapely legs. He pulled it up
further until he exposed her plain white cotton panties
and then scrunched the dark material up as he forced it
up over her breasts that were held in a white bra.

“Hoo, nice tits!” he said as he got hold of them,
cupping them in his big rough hands and squeezing. Alice
squealed as the man lewdly groped her.

“Miss Grace please!” Alice pleaded, “Make them stop!”

“Leave her tits alone Lock,” said Grace, “I want to know
if she’s a cherry.”

Lachlan chuckled as he let go of her breasts. He rubbed
his hands along her abdomen as he moved them down to her
panties. Alice cried out again as he got hold of them
and quickly yanked them down. Alice thrashed her legs
about, but he managed to pull the underwear all the way
down past her feet. He scrunched them up and put them in
his jeans pocket, “Think I’ll hold onto these.”

Then he got hold of her legs and held them firmly
against the bed. He looked up at her exposed crotch.
“Golden bush, looks like we got a blondie here.”

“Let’s see if blondes really do have more fun,” said

Lachlan moved his hand down to her crotch. Alice cried
out in protest and writhed beneath him. “Stay Still
bitch!” he said menacingly as his fingers rubbed along
her slit. Alice squealed as they pressed into her lips
and spread them apart. There was only a small crescent
shaped opening in the middle of her pink vulva. “Yep,
there it is, she’s a cherry,” said Lachlan.

“Wonderful,” said Grace smiling, “What about the other

Lucia was still struggling and protesting on the other
bed as Rooster held her down. He had her black frock
lifted up, exposing her slender light-brown legs and
plain white panties. Lachlan released Alice’s spread
lips and they snapped closed again, forming a thin pink
slit. Lachlan smiled down at Alice, “You’ve got a very
pretty pussy, sweet virgin sister.” Alice grimaced as
she glared up at him through her puffy, teary eyes.

“Hold her here Dent,” ordered Lachlan as he climbed off
the bed. The pudgy young man had had been holding her
arms the whole time, he just nodded to Lachlan. Alice
crossed her legs over each other to try and hide her
bare crotch as best she could.

“Aaah, No! Don’t you dare, you degenerates!” cried out
Lucia as he sat on the bed next to her and got hold of
her thighs. Lachlan ripped down her panties.

“Hmm, this one’s got dark pubes, nice.”

“I like them clean shaven myself,” said Rooster, who had
a firm hold of her arms.

“Twenty bucks says she’s a virgin too.”

Rooster thought about it for a moment, “Nah, that’s why
they call ’em nuns�cos’ they get none.”

Lachlan chuckled as he pulled her panties right off. He
ignored her protests as he rubbed his fingers along her
slit and then spread it open. “Well, well, looks like
this seal has been broken.” He brought his fingers up to
his mouth and spat on them and then pushed them through
the lips and up inside the tight warm canal. Lucia cried
out in protest.

“Damn, I could have made twenty bucks,” said Rooster.

“Leave her alone!” called out Alice next to them.

“No, she likes it,” said Lachlan as he started moving
his fingers back and forth inside her. “You’re a slutty,
cock-loving nun, aren’t you Sister?”

“Aaah…ungh… ow… No! Stop it! I’m… I’m a virgin!”

“Ha! You don’t have any proof of that like your friend

Alice looked at Grace who was just standing in front of
the beds watching. “Why are you doing this? I thought
you were a woman of God.”

Grace smiled, “Ha! Fuck your god! Fuck him up the ass.
When I was a kid, my asshole stepdad sent me away to a
Catholic boarding school. The nuns there were always
sour, nasty bitches with shriveled up cunts. They were
all in need of a good fucking. There’s still hope for
you young nuns, I’ll see that you get the good fucking
you need.”

“I…I don’t understand… why are you doing this?”

“Aaagh…aah…ow… Stop it! You’re hurting me!” cried
out Lucia as Lachlan fingered her. He chuckled and then
slipped his fingers out and rubbed her thighs.

Grace walked over to her dresser and opened the top
drawer. She pulled out an envelope and looked inside,
“Hmm, found it straight away.” She pulled out the cash
that was inside and counted it. “Haven’t been doing too
well with your sales, have you?” She held up the notes,
“This is what I worship�the almighty dollar. That’s what
I want from you, more of these.” She waved the notes
around. “People aren’t interested in the bibles and crap
your selling. But men will pay good money for what’s
between your legs.”

“You can’t be serious!” said Lucia angrily.

“Sure she can,” said Lachlan smiling. He looked at
Grace, “So we can have some fun with this one, since
she’s not a cherry?”

“NO!” cried out Alice.

“No, don’t, please. Just leave me alone,” cried out

“You might say no, but I bet your repressed body will
say something different. I’ll tell you what, if your
pussy doesn’t get all excited and wet and willing, then
the boys won’t fuck you.”

“…Just…just leave her alone!” called out Alice.

“Ha, I can do foreplay,” said Lachlan, grinning. He
grabbed her tits through her habit. “Let’s get this ugly
thing off ya.” He started pulling at her frock again.
Lucia cried out and struggled as the two men roughly
undressed her, pulling her black frock up over her head.
They flipped her over and unhooked her bra and ripped
down her panties. “Mmmm, nice body!” said Rooster.

“Keep her headgear on,” said Lachlan, “I want her to
look like a nun while I’m fucking her.”

Rooster looked over at Dent, “What do you think Dentie-
boy, you want to fuck her?”

“Y…yeah, she…she…she…she… looks nice.”

“She… she… she, she sure does, you can have your
turn after us.”

“Don’t do this, you degenerates!” said Lucia angrily.

“Let’s get her nice and wet, like Gracie said,” said
Lachlan, “You play with her tits, I’ll lick her pussy.”
He went down and brought his head between her legs,
pressing his dark beard into her crotch. He started
licking around her vulva. Lucia cried out and squeezed
her thighs around his head. Rooster groped at her firm
boobs, they had large brown nipples that he squeezed
between his fingers, making her yelp.

“Stop it! Just Stop! Leave her alone!” cried out Alice
as she struggled against Dents’ grip. She managed to get
her arm free and waved it about before Dent managed to
catch it again.

Grace looked over at her, “Don’t worry Sister Alice,
you’ll get your turn. You won’t be keeping that cherry
for much longer, I promise. Let’s put you away in the
bathroom for now.” She nodded to Dent and he pulled her
up off the bed. Her habit fell back down around her body
as she got to her feet. Dent pulled her into the
bathroom and then let go of her and moved back out.
Alice saw Lucia on the bed being molested by the two men
as Grace shut the door.

The stocky woman walked back over to the bed, she
watched the nun struggle against the brutish men as they
molested her. Lachlan had his head between her thighs,
slurping as he ate out her pussy. Rooster was roughly
squeezing her tits. Grace thought she looked pretty hot.
She could admire the female form, and this young nun was
nice and slender with smooth brown skin, the veil and
wimple she wore over her head made her look quite

“Is she soaking wet and hot for it Lock?”

Lachlan moved his head back and licked his lips, “Yep.”
He moved his hand up and slipped his fingers inside her,
making her squeal again. “Well…not really.”

Grace sighed, “You boys, all you know is stickin’ your
dicks in things. There’s an art to pleasing a woman, you
know. Get out the way Lock, let me have a taste of that

Lachlan smiled and climbed off the bed, “Sure Gracie,
show us how it’s done.”

Grace sat on the bed and rubbed her hands over Lucia’s
thighs. The nun tried to close her legs, but Grace
forced them apart. She ran her fingers over her soft,
dark pubic hair, “That’s a nice looking pussy, isn’t it?
Looks like a good little money-maker.” She looked up at
Rooster, “Stop squeezing those tits so hard, it doesn’t
feel that good, you know.”

“Feels good to me.”

“Just rub them gently, and lightly lick and suck at her
nipples, she’ll like that.”

“Whatever you say Grace.”

“What should I do?” asked Lachlan.

“Rub your cock over her face. I bet a horny nun like her
thinks about cock all the time, she’ll love it.”

Lachlan chuckled, “With pleasure.”

“Dent, get over here and feel her up too, the more the
merrier.” Dent walked over and started gingerly rubbing
his hand over her leg.

Grace got down on the bed and brought her face to
Lucia’s pussy. She started rubbing her tongue on the
labia with long forceful strokes. Rooster had a lighter
hold her breasts, he moved his head down and rubbed his
tongue around one of her large nipples, getting it wet
with saliva. Lachlan had his thick, hard cock out and
positioned himself on the bed so that it was in her
face. Lucia turned her head away, but he just rubbed his
cockhead along her soft cheek.

She let out an involuntary moan as she felt Grace’s
tongue push into her soft folds and rub over her
clitoris. It had sent a tingle of pleasure through her.
Rooster sealed his lips around her nipple and started
gently sucking.

Then they could hear Alice yelling out from the
bathroom, “Help…please…someone help us…they’re
holding us against our will…help!!”

Grace lifted her head and let out a loud sigh, “Dent, go
in there and get her to shut up. Threaten to hurt her
friend if she’s not quiet or something.”

“Stick your cock down her throat, that’ll shut her up!”
said Rooster.

“O…okay Grace,” said Dent, turning to the bathroom.
Grace sunk her mouth back into Lucia’s pussy and poked
her tongue deep inside and started moving it about. She
moved her hand up and her fingers started gently rubbing
the silky folds above her mouth. Her fingers found the
little nub of Lucia’s clit and slowly circled around it.

Lucia shuddered and let out soft moans. “Yeah, keep
doin’ that Gracie, she loves it!” said Lachlan. He
pushed the tip of his cock into her lips, she clenched
her teeth to stop him entering her mouth.

Lucia’s heart was beating rapidly, her breathing was
fast and shallow. She could feel the erect cock rubbing
over her hot face, its strong masculine aroma was
filling her senses. The stimulation from the hands and
mouth on her breasts, the tongue in her vagina and the
fingers around her clitoris was too much. The feelings
of pleasure washing over her mind were unwelcome, but

Her vagina tingled wildly as it became wet. The
sensation of the rough tongue rubbing at her insides was
heightened. She could feel the pleasure like a potent
ball of energy in her lower abdomen, it was tightening
down, becoming more intense. She moaned again and the
cockhead slipped into her mouth. She automatically
closed her lips around the thick shaft. Her mouth
watered and she got the mildly bitter salty taste as she
gently sucked.

Grace could feel the wetness of her tight pussy around
her mouth, she could taste her warm juices. She knew
that the hot little nun was heading for climax, and she
wanted to get her off. She moved her mouth up over her
clit and gently sucked as she pushed two of her fingers
into the tight wet hole. She started steadily moving the
fingers back and forth, rubbing them against the soft,
slippery walls.

Lucia pulled away from the cock in her mouth and let out
another loud moan. She was breathing heavily and
writhing about as the stimulation was overwhelming her.
She felt the tongue rub over her clit again and could
feel the oncoming surge, it was impossible to hold back.
She gasped for breath and squirmed about she felt the
tight ball of pleasure unraveling, sending intense
pleasurable sensations outwards from her abdomen and
clit. She made a succession of high moans.

She let out a long “Oooooooh,” as the pleasure slowly
faded and she lay limply on the bed. Soon the strong
feelings of ecstasy were replaced by guilt and shame.

Lachlan and Rooster laughed. “What? Not gunna call out
for your god?”

“Gotta hand it ya Gracie,” said Lachlan, “You’re a
talented Dyke. Can we fuck her now?”

Grace raised her head, she had a big grin and Lucia’s
juices were running down her chin, “Go for it boys, give
the slut what she wants.”

Dent came out of the bathroom and shut the door again.
“Is she going to be quiet now?” asked Grace.

“She’s p…pray…pray…praying.”

“Good. Whatever shuts her up.”

Lachlan had moved around on the bed and had got between
Lucia’s legs. He rubbed his hard cock over her wet
pussy. “No…please, don’t!” she cried.

“Don’t what? Don’t stop now?” laughed Lachlan. His
cockhead split her lips apart as he forced it into her.
He gave a sharp thrust and sunk his hard cock right down
until his hairy balls pressed against her skin. Lucia
cried out and threw her arms up, trying to push him
away. “Ahh yeah, yer a tight bitch.”

He pulled back and thrust forward again, getting into a
steady rhythm. Rooster got behind her on the bed and
grabbed her arms and pinned them down. Lucia moaned and
groaned in protest as the cock thrust deep inside her.
The fat member was hurting her as it vigorously rubbed
at her stretched insides.

Soon Lachlan slipped his cock out of her. It was wet
with her juices. Tears were streaming down Lucia’s hot
face and she was breathing heavily. Lachlan grabbed her
legs and lifted them up. “Here grab these for me,”
Rooster got hold of her legs and pulled them back so
that her knees were around her head and her wet pussy
was pointing upwards.

“Now that’s a nice view,” commented Grace as she stood
there watching.

Lachlan kneeled in front of her and got hold of his
cock, he started flopping it up and down, slapping it
against her little slit. Her juices were splattering
about as the fat cock slapped against her. “I’m gunna
pound you into the mattress you dirty little nun.” He
climbed on top of her and pointed his cock down into her
cunt before dropping down and spearing it into her.
Lucia cried out as her tight pussy was penetrated again.

Lachlan started bouncing up and down on top of her. He
pushed his weight down into her with each deep thrust,
squashing her down into the mattress. Lucia moaned
loudly as she was getting fucked hard. Grace lit a
cigarette and puffed on it as she watched. She started
idly playing with her large tits, the lewd sight was
making her horny.

Lachlan was getting hot and sweaty as he kept up the
hard pace. He was groaning and his fat cock was making
wet slapping sounds as he drove it into her. After a
while, he slowed down and pulled his throbbing, wet cock
out of her again. “Ungh yeah, tight pussy’s gunna make
me come if I keep that up.”

“Must be my turn then,” said Rooster. He let go of her
legs and they flopped back down on the bed. Lachlan
climbed off the bed, with his hard cock still sticking
out in front of him. Rooster’s hard cock was sticking
out in front of him too as he moved around and started
flipping Lucia over.

The panting, crying nun didn’t put up a fight as he
positioned her onto her elbows and knees. He got behind
her and guided his hard cock to her raised ass. He
rubbed his cockhead along the wet, puffy opening for a
few moments and then pushed it through and drove it deep
inside her. Lucia groaned loudly as her cunt was
stretched open and filled once again.

“Ooh yesss, you’re right, that is a nice bit of pussy.”
He got a tight grip on her ass and started slamming it
in deep and hard. Lucia cried out and tried to get away
from him, but he had a firm hold of her and wasn’t
letting go. The hard pounding cock was hurting her, the
intense stimulation inside her was too much for her to
take. She buried her head in the mattress and cried out
as he continued to fuck her hard.

“Oooh yeah! …Fuck yeah! …Ungh!” He called out
excitedly as he fucked her. Each deep thrust was bucking
her forward.

Lachlan moved in front of her and got hold of her head.
He lifted it up and looked into her teary eyes. “You can
put your mouth to use for me now sister.”


“Yes!” He got hold of his cock and rubbed it into her
face. He pushed it into her lips, “Come on, be a good
girl and open up.” She slowly opened her mouth and he
pushed his cock in. Lucia could taste her own juices as
she closed her lips around the shaft. The cock still
slammed into her stretched cunt mercilessly. She could
feel Rooster’s fingers digging into her hips. “Come on,
suck it Bitch!” She sucked on the meaty rod as the
fucking went on.

The two cocks worked her at both ends for a while as
Grace and Dent looked on. Rooster started to slow down
and came to a stop, keeping his fat cock wedged deep
inside her. Lachlan had his hand over her black veil and
was bobbing her head up and down. He groaned softly as
she sucked him off, “Ungh… Oh man, that’s fuckin’

Rooster pulled back until his cock was released from the
wet cunt’s tight grip. He turned to Dent, “You’re up
Denty-boy, fu, fu, fu, fuck her hard!”

Dent nodded and started pulling down his pants, freeing
his hard cock. Rooster climbed off the bed and Lucia was
left there bent over on her knees with her tan ass
raised. They had a clear view of her pussy, which was
wet and rosy and gaping slightly. There was a slurping
sound as she sucked on Lachlan’s thick cock.

“Hurry up Dent, don’t keep a girl waiting,” said Grace.

Dent got on the bed and shuffled over to Lucia, getting
behind her. He wasted no time pushing his cock through
her slit and burying it deep inside her. He grabbed her
and started pumping her with deep thrusts like Rooster.
Lucia moaned around the cock in her mouth.

“So what do think Rooster? Will she be a good little
earner for me?” asked Grace.

“Yeah, I reckon. The johns will be real happy with her.
Will you be keeping them dressed like nuns?”

“Yeah, it could be a good sales gimmick, ‘The Truck stop
Nuns.’ The degenerates around here would probably be
right into that, and if they’re not, they can always
take the veil off ’em.”

Dent continued to slam his cock into her for a while.
Then he started breathing harder and groaning. He
quickly pulled out of her and grabbed his wet cock. He
groaned loudly as his pearly cum spurted out over her
violated slit. He groaned again as his cock throbbed and
more cum shot out onto her skin.

“Dent, you blew your load too quickly boy,” said
Lachlan. “You gotta learn to stretch it out, enjoy the
ride. But yeah, I’m ready to spray my whipped cream all
over this sundae too.” He pulled his cock away from
Lucia’s sucking mouth and she dropped down on the
mattress so that she was laying on her stomach.

“Here, clean up your mess,” said Rooster, handing him a
towel. Dent nodded and wiped his cum away from her
crotch. He climbed off the bed again and pulled up his
pants. Lucia groaned as Lachlan roughly flipped her over
onto her back. He grabbed her slender legs and spread
them wide as he climbed on top of her.

He rubbed his hard cock along her crotch. His hands
reached out for her tits and started squeezing and
rubbing them. Lucia was breathing heavily and just
looked up at him through her teary eyes. Lachlan grinned
at her as he grabbed his cock and guided it to her slit.
He pushed it through and sunk it in deep, making her
groan in protest. Lachlan supported his weight on his
arms and started thrusting into her, slapping his groin
against hers.

Lucia moaned and gasped as she felt the cock vigorously
rub her tender insides and the fat head continually prod
deep inside her. Her vagina was sore and tender from the
rough treatment, but she also felt the unwelcome carnal
pleasure tightening within her, like it had earlier with
Grace’s mouth and fingers. The cock was banging her
mercilessly, violating her, but she wasn’t sure she
wanted it to stop.

Rooster reached over and grabbed her tits and started
rubbing and squeezing them again. Lucia moaned as the
cock continued to slam deep into her and she felt the
pleasurable surge coming, like a wave that was
impossible to hold back. She soon reached her peak and
the wave came, sending a blissful surge outwards through
her body. Lachlan continued to fuck her as she gasped
and writhed beneath him as she rode her orgasm out.

“Oh Yeah, the slut is getting off again!” said Rooster
excitedly. He rubbed her large brown nipples between his
fingers. Lachlan continued to bang her climaxing pussy
which had become even wetter. Soon he began groaning
loudly as he fucked her. He pulled all the way out and
quickly grabbed his cock and started jerking it.

“Aaaaah Yeah!” he groaned as he spurted his cum over her
crotch and belly. A thick load landed in her dark bush
of pubic hair. He continued to jerk his wet throbbing
cock until every last drop of cum was spent. He rubbed
the wet cock around her puffy lips and let out more soft
groans. Then he pushed it back in.

Rooster moved around on the bed so that he was squatting
over her chest. He rubbed his hard cock over her hot,
wet face. “Get me off with your mouth, Slutty Sister.”
Lucia was in a daze, she didn’t resist when he pushed
his cockhead into her lips and opened her mouth for him.
Her lips closed around his thick shaft and she began
sucking. She closed her eyes and her senses were filled
with the strong smell and taste of him and the feeling
of his fat cockhead rubbing over her tongue.

She felt Lachlan’s cock slip out of her and her tender,
soaking wet cunt felt empty. It still throbbed as she
lay there on the bed with her legs spread. She could
feel the wetness of the cum running down her skin.
Rooster slowly bobbed his cock back and forth in her
sucking mouth. “Come on, suck harder.” He instructed.
Lucia did as she was told, increasing the pressure
around the member.

He continued to fuck her pretty tan face framed in the
white wimple and black veil. Lucia just lay there
limply, sucking on the bobbing cock. Soon Rooster’s
breathing got heavier. He pulled out of her mouth and
grabbed his cock, “Nnnngh yeaaagh!” he moaned as his fat
member throbbed and a load of cum spurted out from the
head and into Lucia’s face around her nose and lips. She
screwed her face up and tried to turn away as another
load of warm cum spurted out onto her cheek.

“Hahaha, suits you,” laughed Rooster as he rubbed his
cock over her cheek. He climbed off her and Lucia
brought her hands up and wiped the thick cum away from
her face. She closed her legs and wriggled up to the top
of the bed. She looked up and saw the three men standing
over her, looking at her. And that horrible woman, just
staring with a smirk on her face.

She felt so ashamed, so violated and defiled and
humiliated. She didn’t know why they would want to do
this to her, why they thought they had the right.

Grace stepped forward, still smiling as she looked down
at her. “I’ve found your true calling Sister Lucia,
you’re a whore now. There’s no shame in it, you’ll be
making a lot of people happy. Me especially, when the
money starts rolling in. And you’ll be getting plenty of
cock, so that’ll keep you happy eh?”

Lucia just glared at her and said nothing.

Grace turned to Lachlan, “I don’t see why we can’t put
her to work tonight. I’m always getting men asking when
I’m getting some more girls. We should have no problem
drumming up some business for her.”

Lachlan nodded, “Yeah, sure. What about the other one?”

“We’ll lock her away in room eleven for now. I’m gunna
sell her virginity to the highest bidder. We’ll see how
much those degenerates will pay to deflower a real nun.”

“Okay, come on Dent, let’s get the sister to room

He went over to the bathroom door and opened it. Inside,
Alice was on her knees by the sink, praying. “On yer
feet sister, we’re moving you.”

Alice looked up at him and slowly got to her feet. “No,
I’m staying here with Lucia.”

“No, you’re not,” said Lachlan, grabbing her and leading
her out.

When Alice saw Lucia lying there naked on the bed she
broke away and rushed up to her. She threw her arms
around her and Lucia hugged her back and cried into her
shoulder. “I’m sorry,” cried Lucia. Lachlan came up and
grabbed Alice, “Come on bitch, she’s fine, she had a
great time with us.”

“Jesus loves you,” said Alice as she was pulled away.
She looked Grace, “Please, just leave her alone now. You
can’t treat her like this… it’s not right!”

“I’ll be paying you a visit later Miss Cherry,” said
Grace, smiling. Then Lachlan marched Alice out of the
room and Dent followed meekly behind.

Room eleven was some way away from the room where they
were holding Lucia. It was away from the other rooms as
well, located at the back of the motel area. Lachlan and
Dent had left Alice there and locked the door. It was
much the same as the other room they were in, with a
couple of beds and a small bathroom. Alice did a
thorough search of the room, the windows were all barred
and the door securely locked, it was a prison cell.

She couldn’t stop thinking about poor Lucia. She felt so
powerless and scared. All she could do was pray. She
knelt down by the bed and lowered her head and opened
her heart to the Lord. She quietly asked for him to
grant her and Lucia strength and she prayed for the
souls of her captors and for them to find the true path.

Sometimes she would look out the window, hoping that
someone may walk past by chance and she could call for
help, but she couldn’t see much. There was bare field
opposite her and trees beyond it.

Hours slowly went by and the sun set, as night fell on
the isolated motel. Alice couldn’t stop worrying about
Lucia and what torments she might be going through. She
knelt down and prayed for her again.

She was interrupted by a knock on the door. Why would
someone be knocking? She looked up, “Who’s there?” Then
there was the sound of the door being unlocked and she
stood up.

The door opened and a man entered. Alice recognized the
face, with its stubble and medium length blonde hair, it
was Mr. Roberts, from the motel down the highway. He
looked her over with his cruel green eyes and smiled.
“I’m real glad you took my advice and came here sister.”
Alice just stood there and looked at him coldly. “You
remember who I am don’t you?”


“I drove all the way up here to see you. How about a

Grace entered behind him, she was carrying a black cloth
bag. “How are we doing, my sweet virgin sister?” She
settled the bag on the table and locked the door behind
her. She turned and come back into the room and looked
her over.

“Is Lucia okay?”

“Oh don’t you worry about her, she’s just peachy.” Alice
was scared as the two of them just stared at her. “Randy
here is a good friend of mine. He sends girls my way
sometimes, usually pretty good at figuring out what they

“You’ve held girls here before?”

“That’s right, it was a couple of German backpackers
last time. Randy told ’em I had work for them. He was
right about that, I had plenty of work.” Both of them

“Wh…what happened to them?”

“Don’t you worry about that. If you and your fellow
sister be good little nuns and do as your told, then
I’ll treat you well.” A big grin crossed her face,
“Swear to God.”

“What do you want?”

“I just want some photos. Men will be bidding to take
your virginity, aint that exciting? They’ll want to see
what they’re bidding on.”

Alice looked horrified. Randal chuckled, “I think you’re
gunna fetch a real high price, you’re such a pretty
young thing.”

Grace went to her bag and pulled out a digital camera.
She stood in front of Alice and lifted it up, “Now give
me a sexy smile sister.”

Alice’s scared expression remained unchanged as the
camera flashed. Grace moved around to a slightly
different angle and took another photo.

“Now take that habit off sister, or should I get Randy
to take it off for you?”

“Please, don’t do this.”

“Heard it all before sweetheart, now take it off.”

“Oh, I’d love to do it for you,” said Randal, stepping
forward and reaching for her. Alice backed away against
the wall.

“I showed you earlier didn’t I? You’re in MY world
sister. I get my way here. Now strip.”

Alice’s heart was beating rapidly, she was scared out of
her mind. She didn’t want that man touching her and
taking her clothes off. She started pulling up her dress
with her shaking hands.

“Aw, what a pity,” said Randal as he watched. She lifted
the black frock up over her bare crotch, revealing her
patch of blonde pubic hair. “Hoo, no panties!”

Alice felt so humiliated, her face became hot. That
horrible man Lachlan had taken her panties off her
earlier. She continued to slowly lift her frock until it
was over her head and then she dropped it to the ground.
She was standing there in her veil and wimple and white
bra, with her crucifix hanging around her neck. She
coyly covered her bare crotch with her hands.

“Aw, don’t be shy Sweety. I think you’ve got a lovely
mound,” said Randal.

“Needs shaving,” said Grace. “The perverts out there
will go mad for a bald virgin nun snatch. Take her into
the bathroom.”

Randal stepped forward and grabbed her arm, “Clean
shaven sounds good to me. Come of Sweety-pie.”

“Nggh, let go of me!” protested Alice as he pulled her
to the bathroom. Grace followed, carrying her black

Alice struggled as the man pushed her down onto the
toilet and held her there. Grace got some small silver
electric clippers from her bag, “Now stay still sister,
or you’ll get nipped.” Alice stopped struggling as the
man tightly held her wrists. A buzzing sound started
coming from the clippers and Grace moved it to her bare
crotch. Alice closed her legs tightly, but Grace forced
them apart again. She felt the instrument sliding along
her skin as it cut through her bushy pubic hair. Now and
then it pulled slightly at her hair, making her wince at
the short sharp pain.

Before long the buzzing had stopped. Light colored pubes
were scattered all around her crotch and thighs and the
toilet seat and only short stubble remained around her
mound. Grace held up the clippers and blew the loose
hair off it. She looked at Alice, “You might like this
next part.” She put the clippers back in the bag and
pulled out a can of shaving cream and a razor.

She pulled the cap off the can and filled it with warm
water from the basin. She moved it over and tipped it
onto her groin. Alice could feel the warm water
splashing and running over her skin. Then Grace
dispensed some foamy shaving cream into her hand and
patted it around her pussy. She rubbed the cream in,
deliberately rubbing her fingers over her little slit.
Alice jerked her hips and let out a groan in protest and
Grace let out a soft chuckle.

Grace grabbed the little blue razor, she looked up at
Randal, “It’s called a razor, you should try using one
some time. All that stubble makes you look like a
fuckin’ hobo.”

Randal smiled at her, “I thought all this stubble makes
me look manly. What do you think sister?”

Alice didn’t say anything and just glared at him.

“Stay still now,” said Grace. Alice stayed very still as
she felt the blade scraping over her wet skin. Grace was
scraping away the stubble strip by strip. Now and then
she moved the blade up to the basin to rinse it off. It
was a very strange sensation to Alice. She tensed up as
it moved around the edges of her labia, following the
contours, but she stayed very still and didn’t feel any
sharp nips.

Soon Grace had scraped away all the shaving cream. She
tossed the razor in the basin and patted down Alice’s
groin with a towel. She spread the young nun’s legs
apart and admired her work. The area around her mound
was completely smooth and hairless. The pale skin had a
rosy red tint. Her thin pink lips pressed together in a
tight little slit. It was a young looking pussy. Grace
smiled, that was what exactly what she wanted, she was
dealing with some premium goods here that will surely
fetch a high price.

Grace leant forward and blew on the pussy. Alice
squirmed on the toilet seat, the sensation of the cool
air blowing on her sensitive bare skin was very strange
to her. Randal moved his head around to get a look,
“Wow, Nice work Gracie. That would give any man instant
throbbing boner!” Alice was red-faced, now she felt even
more exposed and vulnerable. The whole experience was
extremely humiliating.

Randal let go of her wrists and she quickly moved them
to cover up her bare groin. The man reached down and
unzipped the fly on his jeans. Alice looked away as he
released his big hard cock from his underwear. “Come on
Sweet thing, look how hard you make me. Give it a nice
kiss for me.” He leant forward and started rubbing the
moist head along her cheek.

“No, stop it!” said Alice, leaning over and trying to
get away from him.

Grace stood up and packed the shaving gear back away in
her bag. “Put it away Randy, it’s not play time yet.
Bring her back to the bed.” She left the small bathroom.
Randal chuckled as he tucked his erection away and
pulled Alice off the toilet and lead her back into the

“Take her bra off,” instructed Grace.

Randal forced her to bend over the bed and started
roughly pulling at her bra strap. He unhooked the bra
and Alice squealed as he ripped it away from her body
and tossed it to the floor. He let go of her and she
clumsily stood up again. Her hands moved to cover her
pale exposed breasts and shaven crotch. Tears rolled
down her hot red face.

Grace grabbed her camera again, “Let’s continue our
little photo shoot. Get her on the bed with her legs
spread.” Randal grabbed her again and roughly pushed her
onto the bed. Alice cried out and was struggling against
him as he climbed on the bed too and was pawing at her.
He grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back.
“Stop yer fighting Bitch. It’ll go easier for all of us
if you just do as you’re told.”

He let go of her arms and pulled her legs apart, so that
her exposed pussy was pointing toward Grace. Alice
wriggled about and moved her hands down to cover her
pussy again. “Move those hands or we’ll tie them up,”
said Grace.

“Please, this is obscene!”

“Yeah, that’s the point.” Randal pulled her arms away
and the flash went off as Grace took a photo of her with
her legs spread. “Now give me a sexy smile.” Alice just
scowled as Grace took a few more photos.

Grace got up closer. “Now for the money shot. Spread her
lips wide, I want a clear pic of her cherry.”

“Sure thing,” said Randal smiling. He moved his hands to
her pussy and rubbed his fingers along her labia. Alice
cried out and tried to push his arms away. “I said Stop
fighting!” said Randal angrily.

“I meant what I said you little bitch, we’ll tie you up
if we have to,” threatened Grace.

Alice reluctantly stop struggling, she knew there was no
point. She felt Randal’s fingers press into her labia
and force her lips apart. The little pink fleshy ring of
her hymen was exposed and Grace took the close-up photo.
She moved back a little, getting her pale breasts and
red teary face in the frame and snapped again.

Grace looked at the photos on the small screen of her
camera, “Good. Now take the headgear off her.” Randal
let go of her pussy lips and her slit snapped closed
again. He moved his hands up and started pulling off her
veil and wimple. Alice’s long curly blonde hair was
exposed, flowing down around her shoulders.

“Pretty,” commented Randal. He took a long sniff of her

Grace smiled, “Yes, pretty, young, blonde, devout,
virgin, shaven. You tick off a lot of boxes there, I’m
selling a premium product. You truly are a gift from God
sister. Get off the bed Randy, I want some photos
without you in it.” Randal nodded and climbed off the
bed, leaving Alice lying there wearing nothing but the
crucifix around her neck. “Now, put your hands above
your head, spread your legs more, and fuckin’ smile damn

Alice reluctantly did as she was told, but didn’t smile.
The plump woman walked around, snapping photos of her
from different angles. Randal stood there staring at her
and rubbing his groin. Finally Grace went and put the
camera away in the bag. She pulled out a sandwich in a
plastic wrapper and put it down by the old bible. “I’ve
got what I need. I’ll go and set up the online auction.”

“So I can have a little play time with Sister Blondie
now?” asked Randal, grinning.

“Yeah, just remember what I said�You damage the goods,
you’ll be paying for it.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”

“Have fun you two.” Grace grabbed the bag and unlocked
the door before leaving the room. Alice sat up on the
bed shyly covering her breasts and pussy again and
looking up at Randal with a frightened expression.

He was looking down at her and smiling, “Don’t worry
sister, your cherry is safe for the time being, but that
don’t mean we can’t have some fun.” He dropped his jeans
and freed his erection again, “It don’t mean that at

“Just leave me alone, please.”

“Heh heh, how about that kiss now?” He climbed on the
bed and Alice recoiled as he moved right up to her. He
grabbed her head and brought his lips to hers. She let
out muffled moans and kept her mouth shut tight. Her
hands moved up and tried to push him away. The rough
stubble of his face scraped against her smooth skin. His
lips were locked onto hers as his tongue rubbed along
her clenched teeth.

He pulled away from her slightly and Alice could smell
his sweaty musky aroma as she breathed heavily through
her nose. “Open your mouth Sweety,” he said quietly.
Alice shook her head. He got hold of a lock of hair in
his fingers and yanked hard.

“OOWWL!” Alice cried out at the sharp pain. Randal
lunged forward and pressed his lips against hers again
and stuck his tongue into her mouth. Alice tried to pull
away, but he had a tight grip of her head. She was
grossed out as she felt his rough tongue probing her
mouth, rubbing against her tongue. She got the foul
taste of smoke as he kissed her. She thought about
biting down, but she didn’t want to hurt him, didn’t
want to anger him. She just wanted him to stop.

He kept at it for a while, holding her head tightly as
he mashed his face into hers, his rough stubble
scratching her skin. He pashed her wildly as she let out
muffled moans and pushed against him. She thumped her
fists against his chest trying to get him to stop, but
he ignored her.

Eventually he pulled back and licked his lips. Alice
gasped as she caught her breath. The man slowly moved
down and brought his head to her firm, pale breasts. He
licked along her right boob and then took the little
pink nipple into his mouth. Alice squealed as she felt
the strong sucking around her nipple. His hand came up
and cupped her left boob and she felt the strong fingers
press into her flesh as he groped her.

He moved his mouth up off the breast with a loud
slurping sound. Then he poked his tongue out and Alice
could feel it rubbing around her wet nipple in circles.
The sensations were all very strange to her. Her face
was hot and she was still breathing heavily. She just
wanted the lewd molestation to end. She was so ashamed
that he was doing this to her, but her body was
responding to it, waves of warm tingling sensations
flowed through her.

He moved his head over and started licking and sucking
on the other tit. Then Alice felt her nipple being
pinched between his teeth. He didn’t bite hard, but
Alice yelped and pushed his head away. Randal looked up
at her and smiled. He lifted himself up on the bed so
that he was kneeling. His hard cock poked out in front
of him, it had a thick shaft with a few purple veins
running along it, the fat dark head was wet with pre-

Alice turned her head away when she saw it. The sight of
an erect penis was unfamiliar to her and she found it
quite scary. Randal chuckled, “Come now sister, gaze
upon god’s creation. He made cocks so hot little bitches
like you can enjoy ’em. Don’t know where you nuns got
the silly idea that you gotta stay away from ’em.”

He shuffled up and started rubbing his cock over her
bare breasts that were wet with saliva. He started
flopping it up and down, slapping it against her left
tit. “Oh man, you make me so hard sister.” He grabbed
her head and moved it, forcing her to face her chest and
his cock. Alice could see the thick member sitting on
her breast and it had her heart racing. It looked so
aggressive and scary, yet somehow fascinating.

She screwed her face up as Randal brought it forward and
started rubbing it against her cheek. “Now give it a
kiss for me,” he said as he pressed it into her lips.
Alice just kept her lips tight as she caught the strong
smell of it. “Open up and let it in sister, you know you
want to.” Alice kept her lips shut tight. He got hold of
her hair again and just held it there firmly,
threatening to yank it again. Alice knew that she
couldn’t fight him, and there was no stopping him.

She slowly opened her mouth and the fat cockhead moved
past her lips and slipped inside. She tried to keep her
mouth open around it, then she felt the head in the back
of her mouth and it made her gag slightly. Her lips
closed around the bulky shaft. The cock had a strange
bitter taste to it. It just sat there for a few moments
and she couldn’t believe she had a man’s penis inside
her mouth.

“Suck,” ordered Randal. She did as she was told and
started sucking on the cock, putting strong pressure
around it. She felt her mouth become wetter with more
saliva and her tongue involuntarily rubbed along the
underside of the cock. Randal let out a soft moan and
started slowly bobbing his cock back and forth. He
grabbed her hand and brought it to his shaft in front of
her face. “Hold it firmly, stroke it.”

She gripped the firm shaft and moved her hand along it
while she sucked on the tip. Tears rolled down her red
face. She was being forced to participate in this carnal
act. She was overwhelmed by the taste and the smell of
him, and the feel of him in her hand and mouth. She
didn’t know why her groin was tingling with strange
sensations. Randal continued to let out soft moans and
groans as she pleasured him. He ran his hand through her
curly blonde hair.

For Alice it seemed to go on and on as she just kept on
sucking and stroking his sinful organ. Eventually he
pulled out and she made a loud slurping sound as it left
her sucking mouth. Globs of spit dribbled down her chin
as the cock pulled away. Alice closed her mouth and
rubbed her jaw, she was glad to have her mouth empty

Randal moved down on the bed, his wet hard cock was
poking out in front of him. He grabbed her legs and
forcefully pulled her down further on the bed, making
her squeal in surprise. He lifted her legs and spread
them apart and let them drop again. Alice looked up and
saw that he had a grin on his face as he looked down at
her bald pussy that still had a rosy red tint to it.

“Such a beautiful sight.” He started rubbing his hard
wet cock over her smooth mound. The lewd rubbing had her
pussy tingling and feeling very strange. On some level
she wanted feel that rubbing on the inside as well.

Alice looked up at him with fearful eyes, “No, you

“Yeah, yeah, I know, your virgin cunt is a restricted
area. That just makes it even more appealing. Forbidden
fruit and all that, like in the bible.” He rubbed his
head around her little slit, making her squeal again.
“Maybe I’ll just ram my cock up there anyway, fuck the


Randal laughed, “No, not this time. But you’ve got
another virgin hole that’s even tighter. I’m gunna stick
it up your backside Sweet Sister.”


“Hehehe, yeah. Stay here.” He let go of her and shuffled
off the bed. He then went into the bathroom. Alice sat
up at the head of the bed again, her heart was racing.
Her mind was in turmoil, she was aroused and very
frightened at the same time.

Her fight or flight responses were screaming out in her
mind, but she knew she could do neither. She could only
wait for that man to come out and rape her. She believed
that everyone had some good in them, perhaps there was a
small chance she could talk him out of it.

She felt a strong sense of dread when Randal soon came
back out again. He stroked his hard cock with one hand
and held up a small hotel shampoo bottle. “Here, this
should serve as lube.”

Alice looked up at him, her voice was wavering, “Please
don’t do this sir. I’m with the Franciscan Sisters of
the Eucharist at the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels.
I’ve taken a vow of chastity, poverty, obedience…”

“Obedience, I like that, bend over the bed for me. As
for chastity, well, some vows are made to be broken.”

He went over to the bed and grabbed her. “Leave me
alone!” she cried out as he pulled her over to the edge
of the bed. She struggled against him as he positioned
her so that she was bent over with her legs over the
edge. He pushed her down as she tried to get up and then
rubbed his hand over her pale round butt.

Alice was pinned down against the bed, crying out for
him to stop. She felt his hands rubbing and groping her
bare ass. Soon she felt the cool, wet shampoo running
down between her cheeks. “Relax baby! It won’t be so bad
if you relax and accept it.”

She felt his finger probing around her anus, slipping
over her wet soapy skin. It made her tense up. Then he
prodded it right into her opening. Her tight sphincter
squeezed around the finger as it forced its way inside.
Alice groaned as she clenched around the invader. It
slid right in to the knuckle, lubricated by the slippery
shampoo. It was a horrible violation and she just wanted
it out of her body.

Randal started slowly moving his finger in and out.
Alice could feel it rubbing past her squeezing ring and
probing inside her. Her vagina continued to throb. She
groaned and cried out for him to stop. “Ooh, that’s real
tight,” he said softly. She could hear him breathing

He slipped the finger out and the little hole clenched
shut again. He rubbed his finger around her slippery
skin, then he pushed it in once more. Alice groaned in
protest as he started forcefully rubbing his finger
around in circles, rimming the hole with his wet
slippery finger. He rubbed his finger around in a few
full circles and then started pushing it back and forth
in a fucking motion again.

Soon he stopped moving his finger and left it there.
“See, it ain’t so bad is it? Yer tight hole is nice and
slippery now, and ready to hug my cock.”

“Don’t…please. I don’t want this!”

“Too bad. You’re just lucky you got a gentleman like me
who will get ya ready and go easy on ya.” He slipped his
finger out and once again the hole closed up tightly. He
got hold of his hard cock and guided it to the little
wet opening. The fat cockhead slipped over her skin as
it teasingly probed around her anus.

“Don’t!” Alice cried out. Then she felt the blunt head
pushing into her. The little hole resisted the
penetration, but the cock pressed forward with more and
more force. She felt her ring suddenly give way and
painfully stretch open. She cried out in pain as the fat
member forced its way into her ass. Randal grunted as he
pushed forward and sunk his member deeper into the tight

Randal stopped there with several inches of cock wedged
up inside her and the little ring clenching tightly
around his thick shaft. Tears streamed down Alice’s face
as she cried out into the mattress. The pain was
unbearable. Randal reached forward and ran his hand
through her hair. “Relax baby, it ain’t gunna kill ya.
Ooh, fuck yeah… so tight!”

The cock felt so huge wedged inside her body. Her
stretched ring was filling her mind with sharp pain and
meaty log felt incredibly uncomfortable and unnatural
prodding up inside her rectum. Then he started slowly
pulling back and pushing forward again. She cried out
and he reached forward and pushed her face into the
mattress as he slowly fucked her tight ass.

She could feel every inch as it slid through her
clenching ring. The fat cockhead seemed to be
continually poking up deeper inside her body. She tried
her best to relax her clenching rectum. The slippery
shampoo was helping the cock to slide through the tight
gripping hole. Once again, she could feel the throbbing
in her vagina, she could even feel the wetness seeping
from her.

Randal held on tightly and was letting out grunts and
groans as he fucked the girl’s virgin ass with slow deep
strokes. Then he pulled all the way back and her ass
released its grip on the fat head as it popped out.
Alice was relieved to have it out of her, she hoped that
it was over. Then she felt the head rubbing around and
prodding at her sore opening again. She gasped and
shuddered at the anticipation of another penetration,
and then it forced its way through, stretching her
sphincter open again.

He started pushing into her with deeper, more forceful
strokes, but still wasn’t pounding her hard. Alice just
lay there underneath him, gasping and groaning as her
violated her. The pain wasn’t so intense now, she was
able to relax her sphincter and stop it from painfully
clenching around the invader as it pushed and pulled at
her insides.

Randal noticed her calming down, “Yeah, you see, ain’t
so bad now is it?” He rubbed his hand over her soft skin
as he moved it down and ran it over her smooth mound.
His fingers forcefully rubbed along her wet lips and she
moaned and shuddered. His cock continued sawing into her
tight hole while he mashed several fingers against her
slit. A wet finger slid up her vulva, probing for the
little nub of her clitoris.

Alice gasped and let out a loud moan as the finger put
pressure around her sensitive bud. She never felt
anything like the raw pleasure that was building within
her as he continued to lightly rub his finger around the
clit in tiny circles. She couldn’t stop herself letting
out successive moans and wails, her virgin pussy tingled
and throbbed and even her ass felt good as it tightly
hugged the firm throbbing organ.

The intense pleasure rose until it reached its peak and
Alice let out a succession of high pitched moans and
wails and other strange noises as the intense pulsing
pleasure emanated from her fluttering pussy and clit.
Her ass seemed to clasp Randal’s cock even tighter for a
few seconds and he let out a groan. He could feel her
shuddering underneath him for a few moments and then she

She lay there limply on the bed, gasping for breath,
beads of sweat running down her hot face. Randal removed
his hand from her pussy, laughing softly. He got hold of
her hips and began rhythmically pumping his cock into
her soft hugging ass.

He ploughed into her for a little while longer, then his
breathing became more labored. He groaned as he pulled
all the way out of her again. The tight hole released
its grip on the fat cock and gaped slightly. Randal
grabbed his shaft and started furiously jerking it. He
groaned loudly as the pearly cum spurted out and landed
on the wet rosy asshole. It was quickly followed by
another spurt that landed on the pale skin of her butt.
“Uuuugh, ungh… fuck yeah!”

He brought his cock forward and rubbed the dark head
over his warm sticky cum. He gave her bum a playful slap
and then stood up again. Alice just stayed there, bent
over the bed. Her mind was in a daze. Her little hole
had closed up again, but still looked rosy and wet. The
cum ran down her pale skin and along her bare pussy.
Randal’s wet cock was shrinking and softening. He turned
and walked away, into the bathroom.

Alice finally moved again and got up onto the bed. She
winced as she sat up, her ass felt sore and tender after
the violation. She felt so ashamed, how could she have
received so much pleasure from the disgusting act? She
never wanted it, she was taken by force, violated,
defiled. Yet mind had been lost in the raw carnal
pleasure. Had she sinned taking pleasure in the assault?
It made her feel sick.

She pulled the sheets up off the bed and covered her
naked body. She heard a splashing sound coming from the
bathroom as Randal pissed in the toilet bowl.

The man came back out and smiled at her, sitting on the
bed under the sheets. Alice just glared at her through
her teary eyes. “You have an amazing ass, Sweet Sister.
Some lucky prick is going to rip through your cherry
soon, but don’t forget that it was me who took your

He went over to the bed and sat down on it as he started
putting on his pants. When he was done, he turned to
Alice, “How about a goodnight kiss?”

She just glared at him.

“No? Well there’ll be plenty of time for that. I might
hang around here for another day or two, see how your
deflowering goes. We’ll get down and dirty again, you
and me. I look forward to it already.” He smiled at her
and blew her a kiss and then stood up. Alice watched as
he left the room, locking the door behind him.

She was left there alone again. Her ass was so sore, and
was wet with the shampoo and cum and fluids, she felt so
dirty. Alice slowly got up off the bed and walked over
to the bathroom. She ran the shower and got in, letting
the warm water wash over her.

She wasn’t interrupted again for the whole night, but
she couldn’t get much rest. She was too worried about
Lucia, and what might be happening to her. Her mind kept
playing over the horrible humiliations and violations
that were brought upon her. The guilt and shame of it
all. And she was fearful of what was to come. She
wondered about Grace, and how her soul could have fallen
so far to commit these vile acts on others.

Most of the night she just prayed. She prayed with all
of her heart and hoped that god would listen and grant
her strength. She did finally manage to fall into a
troubled sleep some time during the night.

She was up for a couple of hours the next morning when
she heard the door being unlocked. It made her
automatically tense up. She was sitting on the bed
dressed in her full habit. Grace came through the door
and Alice was relieved to see that she was alone. “Good
morning Sister Alice,” she said cheerfully.

“Is Lucia Okay?”

“Sister Lucia is fine. I think she really likes being a
whore. She made me six hundred dollars last night.”
Alice grit her teeth, she couldn’t believe how horrible
and vile this woman was. Grace just smiled at her, “I’ll
leave it to you to guess how many customers that is.
Perhaps I charge fifty bucks and she did a dozen guys.
You’ll be glad to hear that your online auction is
underway and you’ve fetched me more than that already.
The punters love your photos.”

“How can you do this to us?”

“I thought we went through all this. I’m doing it all
for the money.”

“It’s such a cruel way to make money. Something must
have happened to you to make you fall this far. Do you
want to talk about it?”

Grace scrunched up her face as she looked at her. “Shut
the fuck up! I brought you your breakfast.” She held up
the take-away container and then looked on the table.
The sandwich from last night had been left untouched.
“Not eating? I want you staying healthy. You had better
eat this, or we’ll force you.”

“You had me raped!” said Alice angrily.

“It ain’t so bad. You’ll get used to it, and you’ll even
enjoy it.”

“Please, look into your heart. You know that what you’re
doing to us is wrong. It is never too late for you to
save your soul.”

“Save the sermon sister, not interested. What I am
interested in is how your little date with Randy went.
He lives up to his name doesn’t he?” She let out a
chuckle. “You’re still intact I hope.”

Alice sat there and stayed silent.

“Yeah, Randy wouldn’t be that stupid. I bet he gave you
a sore ass though, hehehe. You’ll need to get used to
that.” She put the container of food down on the table
by the bible. She looked at the old worn book, “Been
reading your favorite book while you’re waiting to lose
your virginity? Let’s try it out again, just for fun.”

She picked up the bible and started flipping through the
pages and poked her finger down at a random spot. She
lifted the book and started reading, “John 5:29; and
shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the
resurrection of life; and they that have done evil,
until the resurrection of damnation.” Grace looked up
and scoffed, she looked up to the ceiling, “Fuck you and
your resurrections!” She slammed the book closed and
tossed it back onto the table.

She went and opened up the door. Alice spoke up behind
her, “Please, let me see Lucia… please.”

Grace turned back to her, “Perhaps… if you be good.
Eat your food. I’ll be sending a couple of the boys
around to give you some blowjob practice. Be nice to
them and do what they say. Then I’ll see about letting
you see your girlfriend.” She left the room and locked
the door. Alice sat there despairingly. That woman was
so full of hate. It would be very difficult to get
through to her.

Her stomach was hollow and rumbling, she hadn’t eaten in
some time. She went over to the table and picked up the
container, it had a sausage and some bacon and fried
eggs and baked beans packed into it. She sat down and
picked at the food.

She read through the bible for most of the morning,
seeking guidance and comfort from the familiar book, and
distraction from her situation.

Around midday, someone came to the door again and
unlocked it. Alice tensed up as she put the book down
and sat up, facing the door. The door opened and a
strong gust of wind blew inside. Outside, the sunlight
was muted behind clouds. The red-headed, mustachioed man
called Rooster came in, “Phew, it’s getting’ a bit blowy
out there.” He smiled at Alice, “Good morning Sister
Cherry. I brought your lunch.” He placed another
wrapped-up sandwich down on the table. He rubbed his
groin, “It’s right here, a nice fat sausage for you to
chow down on. Heheheh.”

He walked over to her and she got up and backed away
from him, against the wall. “Come now, don’t be shy. I’m
not gunna hurt you.” He reached up and she flinched away
from him as he stroked her face. “Pretty face, I’d love
to cum all over it like I did your friend. But I reckon
you can swallow all my cream instead.” Alice just
remained silent.

He pulled his hand away from her face and went and sat
on the bed, “Come on, get on your knees in front of me.”

Alice just stood there scowling at him.

“Grace told me you would be a good nun and do as you’re
told. She also told me that if you weren’t, I could get
a little rough with you. Is that what you want?”

Alice slowly moved forward and dropped down on her knees
in front of him. “Good girl,” he pointed to his groin,
“Now get my cock out.”

Alice hesitantly reached forward and started undoing the
button on his blue pants. She unzipped the fly and saw
the bulge in his white underwear. She slowly reached in
and lightly got hold of his cock, pulling it out. Just
the sight of it caused a reaction in her, her face felt
hot and flushed and her heart started beating faster.
She let go and his half-erect member sat there in front
of her. Rooster chuckled, “Okay, you may be a virgin
nun, but you know what I want. Get to it.”

Alice reluctantly wrapped her hand around the soft
flesh. “You can grab it harder than that sister. Give it
a nice kiss.” She got a firm hold of it moved her head
forward. She took in the strong masculine smell of his
crotch as she took it into her mouth and sealed her lips
around the shaft. She felt the cock quickly swelling and
growing in her hand and mouth. Her mouth got wetter with
saliva as she started to suck. The smell and taste of
the cock made her stomach uneasy, she hoped that it
wouldn’t go on for too long.

Then there came a distant rumbling sound. It sounded
like a train, but she didn’t think there were any train
tracks around here. Rooster heard it too, “What the hell
is that?” He pushed her head back and she made a loud
slurping sound as the cock left her lips. He got up and
went over to the window and looked out past the
curtains, “The sky looks weird out there.”

He tucked his erection away in his pants and walked back
over to the door. “Now just wait here Sister. We’ll
finish this in a bit.” Then he went out the door again,
locking it. Alice could still hear the rumbling, she got
up and moved over to the window and peered out, past the
metal bars. The sky looked dark, and the wind was
strong, she could see leaves and rubbish flying past.
Something unusual was happening out there.

Steadily the rumbling got louder and the wind howled.
Alice saw the large window bending inwards. She backed
away from it and suddenly the window shattered.
Splinters of glass flew into the room and the curtains
flapped about as strong wind blew all around her. Alice
cried out in terror, her heart was beating rapidly.
Among the sounds of loud rumbling and howling wind she
could hear a man’s panicked shouting. She could hear him
crying out, “Twister!”

She suddenly realized what was happening�a tornado was
bearing down on them. She was in great danger. She
rushed over to the bathroom. She was still locked in
this room, the best she could do was huddle down in this
small room and pray for god’s protection. She moved back
to the bed and started pulling the heavy mattress off.
The curtains were flapping around violently as gusts of
wind filled the room. Her black veil flew off her head.

She looked out the shattered window and saw a large flat
piece of metal, like a car bonnet rolling past, being
carried by the strong wind. She strained as she pulled
the mattress over to the bathroom. It barely fit inside
the small room, but she got it in there and crawled
underneath it, huddling in the corner of the shower.

The loud noises were indescribable, like thousands of
things scraping and banging and crashing all at once.
Alice could feel the wall she was leaning against
shuddering and vibrating. She was expecting the walls to
be ripped apart at any moment and to be carried off to a
violent death. She had never been so terrified.

Alice tried to calm her breathing and clasped her hands
together under her chin. She began praying. “The light
of God surrounds me. The Love of God enfolds me. The
Power of God protects me. The Presence of God watches
over me. The Strength of God renews me. Wherever I am,
God is!” She repeated it over and over again as the
weather raged around her.

Eventually the rumbling began to die down. An eerie
quiet followed and Alice realized that the danger had
passed. She was alive and unharmed. “Thank you Lord,
Amen.” Then she immediately thought about Lucia, she had
to know that she was all right.

She crawled out from under the mattress. There was
debris scattered all over the room. The mattress from
the other bed had been thrown against the far wall.
Alice immediately noticed the large gaping hole in the
far corner, where the door was. The door had been ripped
away as well as a large chunk of the wall and ceiling.

She stepped over the smashed glass and rubbish as she
walked over to the gap. What she saw shocked her. The
whole area had been devastated. The small buildings had
been reduced to piles of scrap. Debris of all shapes and
sizes was scattered around everywhere. What few trees
there were, now looked like bare sticks leaning over. A
white car was upside down nearby. The truck stop in the
distance looked like it had partially collapsed, and
what appeared to be Grace’s office was still standing
but was badly damaged.

Alice made her way out from the room. She had to find
Lucia, but she was very scared at what she might find.
She stepped over the loose debris and materials as she
made her way toward the front entrance. A large chunk of
splintered wood caught her frock and tore it as she
walked past. She saw a car that had been crumpled up
like tin-foil.

She walked past the damaged car and saw a man lying on
top of a pile of debris. He was dead. His clothes were
torn, as well as his skin and he was battered and bloody
all over. He was lying on his back with his legs
together and his arms spread out wide. Alice saw his
face and realized it was Randal Roberts.

Alice made the sign of the cross gesture as she looked
over the dead man and moved on. She was afraid that she
might find Lucia the same way. “Please Lord, let her be
all right,” she said softly. She started calling out
Lucia’s name as she made her way through the devastated

She got closer to the damaged motel office when she
heard someone crying out for help. It sounded like a
woman’s voice. Her heart beat rapidly as she quickly
made her way toward the sound. Then she saw someone
trapped under a large concrete slab. It was Grace.

She was on her stomach on the ground with the large slab
and other debris looming over her. Dirt and blood was
smeared over her face and arms. There was money
scattered all around her, notes fluttering in the
breeze. “Help! Someone help me please.” She called out.
Then she looked up and saw Alice, “Sister, oh thank God.
You have to help me, I’m trapped.”

Alice looked down at her. The fat lady looked very
vulnerable and frightened, “You have to help me!”

Alice quickly moved over to her and got hold of the
concrete slab. She strained as she tried to lift it, but
it was too heavy. She started pulling rubbish away from
the top of it. Then she turned and walked away. “No
wait! You can’t leave me here!”

“I’m not,” said Alice, looking around. She picked up a
large strong steel sign pole. She came back to where
Grace was and pushed the pole underneath the slab. The
pole sat on another chunk of concrete that was on the
ground. She started pushing down on the other end, using
the pole as a lever. She grit her teeth and strained as
she pushed the pole with all her might. Slowly, the slab
began to raise a few inches.

“Ungghh!…You gotta…crawl out!” Grace grit her teeth
and groaned in pain as she pulled her heavy body along
the ground, slowly making her way out. Alice couldn’t
hold it any longer and dropped the slab down again.
Grace had come out far enough and had been freed. Alice
moved over and gasped and groaned as she helped pull her
out further.

Her left leg had been crushed and was lacerated and
bleeding, Grace cried out in agony. Alice knelt down
beside her and ripped off a long strip of her torn
frock. She wrapped the black material around her leg in
a makeshift bandage to stem the bleeding. “We need to
get you out of here,” she told Grace.

Alice strained again as she helped the plump woman up.
She had her arm around her shoulder and helped support
her weight as they slowly walked off. Damn she was
heavy. “Nggh… Thank you sister. God bless you…God
bless you.”

“Ungh…Don’t say that! Just… just be quiet…

They walked by the damaged office building where she
first met Grace. Then Alice heard her name being called
out. She looked up, “Lucia!” She settled the wounded
woman down on the ground.

“No, don’t leave me here!” She cried out.

“I’ll come back for you,” said Alice as she made her way
toward the voice.

“Alice!” called out Lucia. Alice saw her, and was
relieved that she appeared uninjured. She was wearing
her black frock, but her dark hair hung loosely around
her face. They both quickly made their way to each
other, stumbling over the debris. They threw their arms
around each other and hugged tightly.

Lucia was crying, “Oh thank the Lord. Thank Jesus.”

Alice looked into her teary eyes, “It’s going to be okay
Lucia. It’s all going to be all right… come on.”

They both made their way back to where Grace was. Grace
looked up at them and called out, “Oh thank God you’re
both all right. I never meant any harm for you. I swear
to God.” The damaged wall above her groaned and creaked.
Suddenly part of it crumbled away, a sheet of metal slid
down and sliced cleanly through her neck as it crashed
to the ground.

Alice and Lucia both shrieked as they saw her
decapitated head roll along the ground. It came to a
stop and she seemed to look up at the two nuns as the
life left her eyes.

Alice and Lucia both looked away in horror and hugged
each other tightly. Soon a man appeared behind them,
making his way through the debris. He was wearing the
bright orange uniform of an emergency worker. He
approached the two girls, “Ladies, are you okay? Are you
injured at all?”

Alice looked up at him with her teary eyes, “No, we’re
all right.”

He looked over and saw the fat severed head sitting on
the ground, “Good Lord! …Come on, let’s get you out of
here. You’re safe now.”

He led the two nuns toward the front entrance, and they
left the fat head of Grace behind amongst all the debris
and rubbish.

Same as Truckstop Nuns Videos

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Monastery for Nuns

Monastery for Nuns ? Synopsis ? Orphaned at fifteen, Mary is sent to London to live with her aunt and uncle. Persecuted for her devout religious beliefs she is sent to live as a nun in a Mediterranean monastery, a monastery devoted to worshipping Satan. ? ? Monastery for Nuns ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if...

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Truckstop Takedown

“Jake! How’ve ya been?” the stocky man in oil-stained overalls asked, as he greeted me with a cheery wave. He put down his torque wrench, and strolled across the garage to join me. I stepped down out of my car, closing the heavy door with the satisfying weighty sound of well-oiled hinges locking it into place. “Not bad, not bad at all, Bob,” I replied, with a broad grin. Glancing behind me at my car, he frowned as he asked, “What happened to the Valkyrie? Been looking for trouble again?” I...

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Spanked By The Nuns

The girls were only on their third time with their new “bad girl” underwear when the nuns caught them. There was a rumor going around the school that the nuns had some kind of extrasensory perception that gave their teachers something beyond random guesswork to discover which girls were being naughty on a certain day.Probably it was something more prosaic than that. After years of experience looking for that kind of thing, perhaps the nuns could tell from a girl's stance, gait, facial...

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Vampire Aliens Rape Nuns

While the cloaked alien mother ship lands in a large clearing adjacent a convent the captain a beautiful redhead with green sparkling eyes turns to her 1st mate and utters a few words. “This is a favorable planet for us to conquer, I am hungry for some holy blood from these pathetic mortals.” The black haired and iridescent purple-eyed beauty responds with a hiss in her words and a flick of her serpentine forked tongue. “Yessss let us get some human pussy to eat. I can sense, taste...

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Hot Nuns

I spent the better time of my high school years in detention. I just couldn't seem to keep myself out of trouble. Hell, that was why I graduated a year late, because I never could seem to get to school enough to get the grades I needed to get outa good old St. Francis High. That was until the first day of school in what would be my last year of high school. That was the day sister Mary Beth and sister Anne came into my life. I was sitting outside Father...

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The Demon and the three nuns

Desiree always had a curiosity with the occult and black magic despite being a nun and on this night, she was determined to perform a Halloween ritual she found in an ancient book, even if it meant going against tradition. She drew a pentagram on the floor, lit candles around her and chanted a phrase in Latin she found in a book. She chanted it three times and said in English: “O, spirit of the underworld, appear before me, and make me one with your essence.” Nothing happened; she assumed...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 13 The Pleasure and Pain of the Nuns

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Thirteen: The Pleasure and Pain of the Nuns Slowly, the Ecstasy faded from me, the rapturous fire withdrew, and the outside world returned. No longer was I swept up in the passion of the Archangel Gabriel. My sense returned, one by one. The first was smell, the air filled with a lemony scent trying to mask a bitter ammonia cleaner. I could feel the cool tiles beneath me, through the fabric of my gray habit, as touch returned. My mouth tasted of...

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As the f****y wagon pulled into a small truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Jack’s father turned to him and his mother. ‘Who else is hungry? ‘ They had been driving across state to visit f****y and were now heading back home again. The problem is that it’s a long drive and Jacks iPod ran out of battery a long time ago. Since then all he has had to entertain himself was his imagination, and like every other teenage boy, his couldn’t help but fantasies about things of an x-rated nature. All...

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Truckstop Gloryhole

It’s been snowing no stop for the past 2 hours with no sign of letting up. I decided to play it safe and pull in to a rest stop to take a break for awhile. With any luck this show will clear up a little too. I grabbed my laptop bag a bottle of sprite and headed inside. I walked through the small lobby to the café at the end and sat down at a table against the wall. Besides the café attendant there were 5 other men, probably truckers, hanging around in attempt to wait out the storm. I kept to...

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As the family wagon pulled into a small truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Jack's father turned to him and his mother."Who else is hungry? "They had been driving across state to visit family and were now heading back home again. The problem is that it's a long drive and Jacks iPod ran out of battery a long time ago. Since then all he has had to entertain himself was his imagination, and like every other teenage boy, his couldn't help but fantasies about things of an x-rated nature. All this...

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The Devils PactChapter 13 The Pleasure and Pain of the Nuns

Slowly, the Ecstasy faded from me, the rapturous fire withdrew, and the outside world returned. No longer was I swept up in the passion of the Archangel Gabriel. My sense returned, one by one. The first was smell, the air filled with a lemony scent trying to mask a bitter ammonia cleaner. I could feel the cool tiles beneath me, through the fabric of my gray habit, as touch returned. My mouth tasted of incense from Gabriel's kisses. Something tapped over and over, a hollow, woody noise, and...

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Truckstops Part I

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Latex Futa Nuns

It was the hour of the wolf and Sister Jessica Felicita was troubled. She had been awake in bed for at least an hour reliving a particular event from the previous day and contemplating her life. Regret and anxiety had taken hold and no amount of prayer was getting her back to sleep. Frustrated, she tossed the thin blanket off her body and slid off the bed into the muggy Austin air of midsummer. The rays of a full moon beamed through her window, illuminating her ample curves through the gossamer...

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Convent of The Monster Nuns

“You want to do what now?” The gatekeeper looked at this anemic young man with incredulity. He was trying not to laugh. “Well you know, kill some things, maybe rescue a damsel-in-stress…” A meek reply. “You mean a damsel-in-distress?” The guard corrected him. “Yeah that!” The youth replied, obliviously. He remembers when he was his age. Not too different, really. The guard thought the matter over for a few moments but conceded. “Hmm. Fine. Let me see your sword then.” The guard said. Without...

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Janes Initiation by a Strict Nun

Janes Initiation by a Strict NunThe blonde bombshell bounded up the steps to St. Monica's School forGirls. Her unusually large breasts bouncing up and down and side-to-sidelike small cantaloupes trapped in a bra. Her petite frame and figure wereidentical to Jenna, except her breasts were even LARGER than Jenna's. Withan easy pull she opened the large heavy wooden front door to the school andwalked in.Her firm tight ass swayed easily from side-to-side and each step caused hershort navy mini to...

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Seduced by a Nun

“Ah there is a Nun to see you my lord,” Carruthers my butler intoned one morning while I was reading quietly in my library. “A Nun Carruthers, A Nun?” I queried. “Quite so sir, dressed in a black habit as is their habit, with a white surplice,” he elaborated. “I know what a Nun looks like, sort of an elongated Penguin with longer legs, but what does she want with me?” I enquired. “A delicate matter she informs me, my lord.” he explained. “Well give her a guinea and send her hence,” I...

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A young novice nun

Angela wasn’t even allowed to call herself a sister – not technically speaking. At sixteen she was only in her second year of the novitiate, a trainee nun who had to bob her head to the full-fledged sisters when she met them in the corridors of the convent or when they entered the classroom at the start of a lesson. If she thought of herself as Sister Angela, it was because her vocation to the order was so strong and certain within her, and she was so completely sure that when she...

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The Fat Lady and the Nun

I stood in the shower the next morning, hard as a rock, stroking myself thinking about the blubber monster’s asshole and how she squeezed my cock to a ball-wrenching orgasm. I wondered what sick sexual punishment I was going to receive at the hands of this mysterious “Betty.” I drove to the fat lady’s apartment as instructed at about 10, and saw the behemoth pouring herself into their car. “About fucking time you got here,” she said as I walked over to them. “Get in. We’ve got something a...

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Reform School Memoirs of a Nun

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INTRODUCTION:Now essentially naked, I stood before the bamboo gate to the nun’s compound. I wasn’t sure how long I have been here, but I was sure it was at least several hours. It wasn’t that I was being ignored. To the contrary. Upon my arrival, I rang the large bell attached to the side of the gate’s archway support. An older nun exited the building inside and spoke to me through the gate. This nun was nearly naked except for her veil, sandals on her feet, a very thin, nearly sheer, white...

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JOKE Tricking a nun

A hippie gets onto a bus and sits next to a nun in the front seat. The hippie looks over and asks the nun if she would have sex with him. The nun, surprised by the question, politely declines and gets off at the next stop. When the bus starts again, the bus driver says to the hippie, "If you want, I can tell you how you can get that nun to have sex with you." The hippie of course says that he'd love to know, so the bus driver tells him that every Tuesday evening at midnight the nun goes to the...

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The Nun

I don’t remember my name; it was lost in history as I used so many aliases to protect my identity. I was born somewhere in Europe around a hundred years before Jesus Christ. I don’t know the date or who my parents were. I was told my mother died in childbirth and my father then left me on the doorstep of a neighbor. I lived there until I was kicked out due to my special gift, a gift that is both a curse and a blessing, for I am a Necromancer.How does it work, you may wonder? Well, there are two...

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The Nun

I was a nun for 12 years before I finally left and discovered my true self -- my true sexual self. I was raised Catholic and pushed into religious life from a young age by my strict Catholic parents. I went to Mass and attended parochial schools my whole life. I never had a real date -- only a quick kiss from a boy after he walked me home from a dance -- a 15 second peck on the lips, no tongue. By the time I graduated from St. Margaret's H.S. Academy, it was pretty well decided I'd become a...

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Incredible Sex With A Nun

Hi dear ISS voracious readers, This is my first sex story I am gonna present u, not my first sex…lol… I am a doctor, my name is shoban babu, 29 years, well built, muscular, fair complexion boy, I am from Tamilnadu, Salem district, this Is a real story, while I was pursuing a job in Bangalore private hospital, it is a Christian institution… I worked in medicine department, on the first day of joining I visited the medical department HOD, asst professors and staffs in the ward and finally went...

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Naughty Nun

Sister Bernadette was the youngest and the prettiest nun at my school. She was a novice so she wasn’t a real nun yet. Since all I could ever see was her beautiful face and her slim hands I could only imagine what was hidden beneath her habit. I had been punished for breaking one of the many dress code rules. My skirt was not touching the floor when I knelt down. For that I had to sit in Mother Superior’s office and get the palms of my hands hit with an old fashion wooden ruler. The ruler...

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Naughty Nun

A nice quiet evening was interrupted by a church bell. It was the time for the evening prayer. Nuns gathered into the main building, where the late meeting was held. Sister Mary was slightly behind, convulsively looking for something.“Oh my God, where is my prayer-book? I couldn’t have left it somewhere.”To be late on the meeting meant to have rough rebuke from the prioress. She desperately tried to remember where she had left the damn book.“Can it be in the kitchen storage?”A panic attack...

4 years ago
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My Doctor Years Ago Was a Nun

I live in a small town in northern Arizona. When you are in a small town it's hard to keep doctors around for primary care. I now travel to a nearby large city, but twenty years ago when I was 45, for a short while I had the shortest doctor I had ever had. She was a nun, but obviously didn't wear the nun outfit when acting as a doctor. She introduced herself to me as sister Prudence. She told me which order she belonged to, but not being a religious guy that didn't stick with me at all.She...

3 years ago
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Taxi driver and a Nun

A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won’t stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring. He replies: ‘I have a question to ask you but I don’t want to offend you.’ She answers, ‘My son, you cannot offend me. When you’re as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I’m sure that there’s nothing You could say or ask that I would find offensive.’ ‘Well, I’ve always had...

2 years ago
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The nun

THE NUN As far back as sister Mary Angela could remember, she was never interested in sex. As a teenager she developed large breasts at a very young age and was curvy and beautiful. Despite the fact that she always dressed very conservatively. In her youth, boys and even some girls, treated her very nicely. She, however was never interested and as soon as she turned 18 she started her career as a woman of god. It’s all she ever wanted to do with her life. Many years later, in her early 40s she...

4 years ago
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The Nun

Admittedly, I'm an alcoholic, though recovering now. In my early thirties my addiction to alcohol had reached its peak and I was on a slippery slide downhill. I had become a blackout drunk, unpleasant to be around, at best. Old friends shunned me and when I wasn't drunk, I was physically ill with the DTs. The only cure was to get drunk again. A merry-go-round of horror, familiar to any drunk who has survived long enough.I did odd jobs as infrequently as possible to pay for my habit. I lived...

4 years ago
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Hells Nun

sister Veronica was always a good girl. She was born in 1982 in rural Pennsylvania to a farm family, and spent most of her youth learning the value of hard work. Veronica loved reading, mostly the bible, but other books too. She loved Mark Twain and Emily Bronte. She enjoyed swimming in the big lake behind the farm. When she went to high school she joined the swim team and found that she had a talent for it. But she eventually quit, the day she was taking a shower with her team mates and...

2 years ago
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My Doctor was a Nun

(Part of this story is true, part of it is pure fantasy. If you have a problem with a story about a Catholic Nun being a doctor who examines a man and does things that don't break her vows, but which are surely a bit out there...then don't read this story. Thank you)In my small western town it's hard to get and keep doctors. Fortunately there are programs that bring doctors to small towns. I had a doctor for three years who was a nun. She never dressed in a habit. Her name was sister...

2 years ago
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The Nun

September 4th 2156. Thirty years after the second coming of Christ. The great redeemer returned to reclaim his flock at the beginning of the twenty-second century. An ecological basket-case, many had already written off their chances of survival, if not salvation. The previously chilly snowscapes of Canada and Siberia were now the world’s most habitable destinations. Not that border designations of things like countries meant anything anymore, all previous acknowledged national boundaries being...

3 years ago
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The Flying Nun

The winds of Puerto Rico are strong. They can be a challenge to somebody under 100 lbs. It is even more of a challenge to stay on the ground if that somebody is a nun with a cornette with extensions that not only looked like pelican wings but could act like them. Young novice Sister Bertrille was quick to discover this when she arrived at the Convento San Tanco from the States (California, originally). Though this Believer did not believe it was a miracle ("When lift plus thrust is greater than...

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Overnight With A Nun

Sister Anne and I took a trip together, it was part of the job we didtogether. This particular weekend, we drove all day, stopped to eatdinner then checked into our room. To save money, we had a room with twodouble beds.Once our showers were done, we each climbed into our own beds. Whilewatching a Disney movie, she fell asleep, I looked over at her and foundit odd to see her without her veil and habit, wearing a simple whitenightshirt which buttoned up the front. Although she was a large...

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Encounter With A Nun

I was 42 years old when I met Sister Anne. I worked for her in afacility where she was the acting director. I became immediatelyattracted to her, although she was not an attractive woman persay. Sister Anne was 57, a large woman with modest sized hips and verylarge breasts, I'm guessing, 46EE. Sister Anne was sometimes adifficult woman, strong, stoic and unbending. For some reason though, wehit it off well and became very friendly with each other. I was one ofthe few people that could actually...

4 years ago
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Sex with a former Nun

She was born Paula. But for ten years, her name was sister Mary Beth. I remember Paula well. She had long brunette hair, and piercing blue eyes. Perfect sized bust and butt, she was a mix of Sports Illustrated super model, and playmate of the year. But when she was 19, she had a near death experience. She gave herself over to Christ and became a nun.However, after ten years of serving the church, her body felt a different yearning. It needed sexual fulfillment. And a chance meeting between...

4 years ago
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Tales From the Leather Nun

With a soft whoosh, the screen in the confessional slid open. “I have sinned since my last confession of two days ago.” “Continue,” the faceless voice from the other side of the confessional screen intoned. “I have had impure thoughts -” there was a pause. “Of you.” The slightest sound of a person clearing their throat sounded like thunder in the silence. “And?” “Last night, I couldn’t help myself. I touched my sexual organ and became aroused.” I have sinned, there was the sound of regret...

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Summer of Love part 1

Not only cousins, but also lifelong best friends, the two boys look so much alike that they’re often mistaken for brothers, even twins. Both are short, with Aaron standing 5’5, weighing in at 125 pounds while J.J. is 5’6, and 135 pounds. Both have lean and wiry builds. With their dark hair and blue eyes, they are never seen without their backwards baseball caps, and when they smile, their boyish charms are only enhanced, with both of them flashing winning tinsel grins with their braces....

4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 56 Definitely Feeling Aggressive Tendencies

“I want to know how you got into the facility in the first place,” the interrogator demanded. Before Tim could answer, the other man in the interrogation room began pummeling him with combinations of punches across his chin and midsection. Tim was unable to protect himself while tied down to his chair. The interrogator asked Tim the same question once again. After shifting himself up straight in the chair, looking away and off into space, Tim seemed disinterested and distant to the...

2 years ago
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MoragChapter 3

There were one or two adjustments during the night because Morag was not used to sharing a bed. We moved apart from time to time only to resume the same position having shuffled about a bit. I didn't sense the last move though! I began to surface to feel my cock in a wet oven. I lay there savouring the feeling until I felt the pain of teeth drawn over the helmet. "Ooh!" I gasped, opening my eyes. There was Morag with my cock in her mouth gazing intently at me. "Oh, sorry, darling! Did...

2 years ago
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Junior Sex Club 5

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The week passed slowly...but not without incident! When I got home Tuesday after work, I found Mindy standing in the kitchen with a note in her hand. That was her only adornment, she was completely naked! "Mom's gone to a meeting," she grinned, rubbing her deep slit with a fingertip, "and she took Polly and Suzy with her. She says we are to take...

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Maths Never Got So Exciting

I was studying in diploma when this happened with me. I was very week in maths as a result I had failed my first exam. So my parents got worried and the very next day they came to my college to talk to my maths teacher. She is young around 24 at that time. Her figure is 34d-26-34 a perfect hourglass shape. I used to constantly stare her when she was teaching in classes. That’s the main reason that I had failed in the subject. Not only me but many of my friends too. So coming back now so my...

3 years ago
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The Alliance Ch 01

The teen sat on his bed finally winding down from a fun packed day of nothingness. A teens dream. The eighteen year old slowly plugged in his laptop as if he were sore although it was just exhaustion from the twenty hour days he had been pulling all spring break. He sat back up and thought for a moment as he stared out the window seeing nothing in turn from its blackness. The drizzle outside was a static rhythm and was pleasing to his ears. The teen had a deep psychological love for the rain...

3 years ago
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Astor Heights Boys Academy Ch 02

Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter Andy will return to the nurse’s office to receive more of Millie’s special treatment. We will also meet some of the faculty and other students and learn what...

2 years ago
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Like Magic

Merry Christmas, my fellow smut lovers! It's that time of the year when Santa plays peeping Tom on us, under the pretense of giving free gifts. Yeah, ya ain't fooling anyone, SANTA!. This is a story that got stuck in my head and refused to leave until I let it out the only I know how that is not having sex... Writing smut. I hope you enjoy this and enjoy the festivity. Everything revs by at breakneck speed as you sail through the air. You defy the bullshit of gravity within the span of that...

2 years ago
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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 03

I’d left Summer’s place full of hope, thinking that I’d formed some kind of special bond with her, but within a matter of days I thought that I’d blown it with her.  After spending what had been the best day of my life with Summer, I was a little too eager to see her again.  Could you blame me?After our time at her parent’s place, we made rough plans to go out sometime.   I called her later that same night, but she didn’t answer.  I called her again the next day and when she didn’t answer the...

3 years ago
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Something Extraordinary Ch 02

Author’s Note: DC Comics owns Superman and related characters. The only thing mine is the following work of literature. ***** The shouting matches are nothing new in any household. But it was much more frequent in the Anderson household. It was just this morning that Daniel had one with his stepson. Hah! He would laugh at the word ‘stepson’. He was no stepson, he was the devil. He had a feeling that something was really weird with Alex. His mother was always able to keep his antics in check....

3 years ago
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A Dog is a Young Mans Best Friend

Unfortunately, what I failed to realize was that in a small town, kids had no room in their social circles for an outsider when they had known each other all their lives. This treatment went on for a few more years, and in that time I made only one very casual friend – a boy in my class named Jacob. He lived fairly close to me, but even then we only got together once a month or so. Through all of that isolation, my only real friend was Jo. And I have to admit that I didn’t exactly...

3 years ago
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the night i got to dress up and blow my friends mi

hi well im a gay crossdresser that was on on the downlow but one weekend i decided i was going to dress up and go do something all my friends went out of town for a week so i had some time to do something so all week i went around buying dresses bra panty hose heels makeup and so then i was ready thursday night came everyone left and i started to get dressed its was along time since the last time i could do this and well i got all dolled up hair and all so then i said ok i go for a drive but i...

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BadDaddyPOV Alyssa Cole Needs Punishment

Alyssa Cole has been a bad girl ever since her Mom left. She has no respect for anyone, including her step daddy. Alyssa has been stealing money from his wallet and staying out late with the older boys from school. Enough is enough and it is time for the teenager to be punished. She is spanked and manhandled, but it only makes the young blonde giggle. If she wants to act like she is an adult know it all whore, then she is going to be treated the way a whore gets treated. With no hesitation, a...

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Groping In Train

Dear Friends, This is Neeru here again with a very current event happened in my life. For people who don’t know me I am Neeru from Delhi. I am a house wife who feel like enjoying life at the fullest. I don’t want to loose even a single chance of enjoyment. My hubby is busy in his own world of money making and I am busy in my world with my group of friends. It was during the last week on January when my darling friend bobby and me were enjoying at my place. During the relax break between our...

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Beginnings Chapter 2 Formalities

When I awoke the following morning, my eyelids steadfastly resisted my initial attempts to open them. My night’s sleep had been punctuated by a patchwork of semi-lucid dreams which had left my head feeling furry. Within moments my mind turned back to my meeting with Veronica the previous evening. I spent several seconds lightly rubbing the heels of the palms of my hands against my unwilling eyes in an attempt to hurry along full consciousness. For a few seconds I played with the possibility...

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Sylvias mom part 3

After our first session, I was exhausted and fell asleep which was the last thing I wanted to do at that time. Sheila had seemed to drain everything from me including my consciousness. Fortunately, for me, Sheila was not overly concerned by my temporary lack of attention to her. Perhaps she was giving me the benefit of the doubt due my youth and relatively limited lack of sexual experience with a woman. I was awakened by a tingling sensation on the head of my cock. Sheila was leaning over me...

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Moriahs First Adventure

The chilly wind blowing through the multi-colored trees left a crisp autumn scent lingering in the air. Moriah lay under a tall Maple near Lake Juniper, a small hidden area in which she normally goes to meditate and reflect upon her life. She likes to take in the fresh air and commune with nature whenever the opportunity presents itself, and this particular spot was the opportune place to do so. The clear lake, big enough to swim in, the various maple and oak trees scattered and laced with wild...

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The Tree Trimmers

I could hear the buzzing from the saw. It woke me up that Saturday morning. Someone in my neighborhood was doing some kind of work with a saw, obviously. I sat up in bed and threw the covers off. In the kitchen, I turned on the coffee maker and sat at the table, having a fresh cup of coffee. I could still hear the saw. I had no idea where it came from, though I knew that it was close. The saw stopped with a sudden, final roar, and I heard a branch hit the ground nearby. I went out to...

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A Family Matter

Jack stepped away from the taxi and turned to watch his daughter in law climbing the short but steep steps to the hotel doors. It was hard not to notice the movements of her shapely bottom under the tight grey skirt. He cursed his son, Colin, under his breath. Suzy was tired, she had been on her feet all day at the trade exhibition while her lazy husband was away playing golf with his friends. He should have been there helping out in the family business. “He didn’t deserve her.” He thought to...

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