Beastly Isekai: Tales Of The Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess (2) free porn video

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Rhea did not often break character, her usual stony expression being the best wall against unruly employees or annoying customers; but upon see this beautiful woman reduced to such a miserable state she could not prevent old memories from resurfacing, dire times when she had no Guild that relied on her, free as the wind but as feeble as a leaf. Her responsibilities gave her weight to stand on: who cared if she was a [Sex Worker] when she led the most successful organization of the city?

"As I've said before, Livia, people can accomplish wonderful things, despite their class. Or sometimes, thanks to it, even if it might seem counterintuitive at first."

Livia listened despite her tears, but her expression clearly showed the opposite of what she was trying to get at, unconvinced at her words. Her accusing wet gaze and frowned eyebrows asked without words how fucking a dog would yield anything remotely useful to society. She was an adult, who was she kidding?

Rhea sighed, taking some distance and plucking random books on the side. She did have a few grand plans destined to the princess, but she couldn't refrain from worrying that revealing them now would simply make her more afraid than necessary.

Livia was green in this world, she currently knew absolutely nothing about it, hence her lack of perspective. Though laying down elaborate plans now was probably too much, Rhea guessed she could at least provide a few strands of hope to alleviate her worries.

She opened her arms, seemingly triggering something magical as the air suddenly felt heavier in the room, air currents rotating around her, as if the speech she was about to proclaim had been approved by higher authorities. Rhea started heralding with energy:

"The World is plagued with monsters, religions have lost their gods, legacy civilizations are resurfacing to take their revenge, and the [Planet] itself is rebelling against its fate, having had enough of earthy wounds inflicted by large scale wars decades after decades."

Whatever Livia had been thinking was immediately shattered as her attention was immediately grabbed by the Guildmistress impressive narration.

"Humanity is on the brink of extinction; we are now a minority in this world, surrounded on all sides by various tribes of beasts and monsters, all lead by Vladislav the Long, the infamous [Cocky Demon Lord]!"

The epic and solemn moment suddenly stopped as Livia fell down on her side, holding her ribs as she cried with laughter.

"What a hilarious name! Who stupid guy would call himself 'the Long'? And that class! (Cocky) ha!"

Rhea sighed, shaking her head, hands on her hips; although she guessed she could call herself satisfied with the result, seeing the platinum-blonde refreshed with energy. But someone else obviously had to ruin her recovery.

"Said the [Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess]"

But thankfully Livia either ignored him or let Robbert's comment pass by, as she took her time to enjoy her first fit of laughter in months of stressful work and events. She eventually stood up and cleaned her face before approaching Rhea in a hug.

"Thanks Rhea, I needed this."

The Guildmistress did not mention anything about the stains of that damn thief's seed on Livia's dress, but she sure hoped none of that disgusting stuff ended up on her clothes or they would end up in a bonfire.

"This is what I'm here for, honey."

She could feel her breasts from that close; did her (Slut) addition increase her cup size somehow? Rhea couldn't refrain from feeling borderline jealous; but considering what she was soon going to inflict to her, these assets would only add to her hindrance.

"I got your point though. (Cross-Breeding) can be a great advantage in a world where humans are a minority. About that, is your master plan for me to seduce that [Demon Lord] and bring him down? I probably don't have the level for that."

Robbert coughed violently, startled by their casual comfy discussion suddenly turning into somehow saving the world. Rhea was also agreeably surprised, she hadn't expected her new employee to be that sharp.

"The world is your oyster Livia, I'm glad you're seeing the big picture now. But this is for far, far later. As you said, we first need to level you up, and level 10 in a month is not an easy task."

Rhea released Livia from her hug and conjured a wooden box from below her desk, which Livia stared with delight. Previously she doubted whether the princess would dare accept its content; her worries vanished upon seeing Livia standing straight, her eyes enlightened by a long term goal and her shoulders stabilized by the weight of the world.

"Another princess dress?"

Rhea smiled at her, smugly.

"A special sort, yes."

Livia took a peek at what would soon become her signature costume, then stared at Rhea, so utterly horrified she couldn't find the words to properly retort, her imploring gaze providing all the Guildmistress needed to know.

"I know I know, it is extreme, but so is your class. We have to get you up to speed otherwise you will never make it to level 10."

Rhea stood straight, cleared her throat, and changed back to her stony and commanding expression, disregarding any form of pity.

"In my capacity as Guildmistress and employer, I command you, Livia Clark, for the entirety of the following week, to comply with the following directives. First, you will change your clothes you wear your new 'princess dress' below; second, your diet will entirely consist of a special kind of food, which you will learn more about and discover at noon; and lastly, you will change your attitude: 'Yes, master' will be your only answer to sexual proposals."

"This is preposterous!"

Livia was outraged. The dress she would understand, but the open-to-everyone policy? What if a pervert asked her out? Was she supposed to accept being treated like a meat bag by anyone? Rhea kept calm and coldly reasserted her orders.

"This is the entire point of your class. The less you want it, the more humiliating it is, the more experience you will receive. Our lives are on the line, Livia, this is not a suggestion. Understood?"

Livia was absolutely enraged and would have shouted at her under normal circumstances, but a strange pressure made her revisit these thoughts and more malleable to the idea. Her stupid body was already wet to the idea of offering her lips to the first guy in heat, a gift from her class she guessed, but it was more than this. Being legally contracted to her - under a death collateral - the princess had little freedom in the matter and nodded, albeit reluctantly.

The Guildmistress lead her out of her office, and as Livia passed through the door, Rhea smiled and gave her last words of the day.

"Oh and by the way, the same order applies to animals. Have fun, and bon appétit!"

And with a loud slam she cut all forms of contest, leaving a cursed woman with a box in her hands, walking mechanically towards her room.


The former Director of HR was doubly cursed, like a whole chicken impaled throughout, or more appropriately, a pornstar spit-roasted both ways. On one side was the class in itself; Livia still hadn't wrapped around the obscenity and collection of taboos that was her abject [Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess] class. This entire concept would have been illegal even in her former developed world, and now she had to somehow endure this burden to avoid dying?

While thinking so, Livia took the time to open the mysterious box and reveal her new attire, direly scare and slutty at once. God, could this even be called a costume? It was more humiliating than being naked!

Because, yes, the simple solution would have been to be lazy and do something else, something unrelated with her damned condition; but her ambition for a higher status got the upper hand of her situation, and her bet with fate backfired spectacularly. [Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess]. She rolled these words in her mouth a few times - and released a moan as she inserted the tail in her bottom - but they did not make sense, and this contract with Rhea did not help neither.

Livia admired herself in the mirror. God did she look slutty; it was her own body and even she couldn't refrain for playing with her breasts, fingering her mostly visible lady parts, and playing with her tail. Just like she did in her office, she couldn't resist laying on the ground and masturbating furiously, before emerging in a louder moan than usual, spraying female cum on the bed and carpet, panting loudly. The scent in the room was languidly entrancing; Livia instinctively knew any member from the opposite sex, actually, scrap that, of any sex, would be charmed simply entering the place; she was too.

The [Slut-Princess] continued playing with her image until she felt satisfied, and comfortable enough with her alluring figure. She didn't know yet how others would react, but it was important that she at least did not wet herself when passing over a mirror, funny as it was.

Enough time had passed; she was a sweaty and smelly mess, but her rumbling stomach unfortunately overrode her desire for a shower, the diet part of Rhea's command taking effect. It was probably around noon, and the only thing she had swallowed was Robbert's cum; as disgusting as it was, it did not fill her at all.

The well-dressed princess promptly departed from her room, towards the canteen in a quest to satiate her increased hunger; she had used all her energy for sexual expenses, and she was sure more were to come.



Heavy silence.

It went unnoticed initially, but its gradual increase soon became evident for all in the Guild's restaurant. The first to notice were the ones equipped with a keen sense of smell, their strange anxiety slowly transmitted to their partners, and the entire place went dead quiet.

An egregious stench of raw sex was staining the air, of such intensity that even the most experienced of the Guild members, a square table with four men adorned of impressive artefacts, couldn't help but being stuck on their seats, shamefully hiding their pent-up desire. They haven't had time to relieve their sexual impulses, having barely finished clearing a mission.

The entrancing mix of pheromones had even more devastating effects on the larger table, hosting a dozen young graduates and apprentices barely out of their studies. These poor and innocent souls had hardly experienced sexual encounters, and hence half of them spontaneously surged on a bare whiff of the lustful fragrance.

The pressure increased bit as bit as the source of the luscious curse approached the doors of the canteen.

A feeble knock, and the doors opened; no soul could resist from glancing a look.

The Guildmistress knew exactly what she was doing: it was as if the embodiment of the Goddess of the lust and obscenity itself had appeared in the lacklustre canteen. Its customers simply lost their minds as they couldn't stop staring, jaw dropped at the unreal costume of the newcomer: The [Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess] was equipped with a silver tiara with a topaz crystal, high heels and arms and legs stockings for the princess side; heart-shaped pasties to hide her nipples and lower lips for the slutty side; and the cherry on top, rabbit ears and a tail-plug, as well as a black collar.

What made the scene even more surreal, apart from her unreal slutty beauty, was the utter shame and disgrace that the former HR Director seemed to undergo. She was utterly red, and her attempts at trying to hide her breasts and lower nether regions rendered her display even more erotic.

Livia felt utterly naked and defenceless as dozens of hungry men devoured her from afar. These ravenous stares didn't leave her unfazed neither: she was drenched in sweat, and dangerously wet - though she had no clothing to soak. She signed, mustering courage before starting to move towards the bartender. Her prancing was followed along by many eyes digging into her curves, a few even drooling at what a piece of ass they had in front of them.

The man waiting for her had a stern face - if he was attracted to her he hid it remarkably well; the fact that his lower body was hidden behind the bar surely helped. He remained silent and oblivious, cleaning glasses and wiping the wooden bar. Livia coughed to get his attention, the canteen utterly silent to catch her every words.

"Hi there. Could I get something to eat please?"

Such a mundane question asked by such a slutty beauty would have probably paralyzed an ordinary citizen; but the bartender was not lambda at all. At the honourable level 49, the [Perverted Bartender] had practiced his art with boundless determination and passion, and could effectively resist her charms - as long as he was hidden behind his bar that is.

"We do have food, though, do you have cash to pay for it?"

He raised a glance at her, neutral despite looking at the pocket-less costume. No money, no food; it was as simple as that. He hadn't reached this level of competency by being charitable. Livia was confused, not expecting to have to pay, as Rhea hadn't given her anything apart from this curse of an attire. She resigned to remain hungry a little longer and shook her head. The man let a heavy silence weigh in for a few more seconds before finally helping her, scratching his beard.

"Now that I remember, the Guildmistress did mention a new method of payment available."

The rebound of hope in Livia amused him greatly, and even more when he ensued with some terrible words.

"You can pay in-kind. It's simple: swallow the seed of every male in this room."

The crowd erupted in uncouth and profane cheers, especially around the table of graduates who couldn't believe their luck. The team of experienced adventured was visibly annoyed, sighing and face palming at the situation, though they didn't not leave the place despite their apparent gestures.

Livia's eyes went wide and she had planned to slap the offensive bartender when she realized that she actually couldn't resist his order. The man had asked for a sexual favour, and being Rhea's employee she was - unfortunately for her, luckily for them - compelled to behave and answer in a certain way.

"Yes, master."

The unwilling and disgusted face of the slutty beauty as she approached the graduates table to suck them off was a triumph of raunchiness. Having no choice, Livia kneeled and went under, towards her first customer open to her services. The man seemed isolated from the others for some reason, which she judged was convenient to test the waters of her new activity.

Closing in, she immediately started regretting her choice and she cringed at the body odour that the guy emitted.

He seemed to half-share the meal with his clothes as stains of various sauces appeared on his shirt. The man seemed eager for her services as his long and dirty staff was already freed and twitching with apprehension. Finally there between his legs, she decided to take the initiative by touching his feet to signal her presence, so as not to scare him, and then slowly went forward to kiss his gland, wrapping it with her delicate lips.

Luckily she was well hidden under the table so that she didn't have to look at her customers - which did demean her even more after thinking about it - she had to finish that quick. Either way, she could already hear the moans of the obese guy; curious, she went ahead and deeper on his staff, deep enough that her nose could touch his belly. Unfortunately for the guy, the service soon ended there as he emptied his sack, the woman retching as her first serving was delivered against the back of her throat.

Still under the effect of the best orgasm he ever had, he kept her head impaled on his staff for a few seconds with his two big hands, before the noises of the angry blower reminded him that she indeed needed to breathe. He slowly pulled her back, admiring the strings of semen and phlegm connecting his gland to her alluring red lips despite the profanities she was spouting towards him when not out of breath.

Before letting her go he took hold of her chin and turned her head to admire her charming face; neither the filth, pubic hair scattered around her mouth, nor the tears due to the rough oral treatment, did affect her beauty in any way. Quite the contrary, her slutty countenance, stinking breath, and not forgetting these obscene breasts rubbing on his thighs made for a spectacular view. She was clearly the most beautiful slut he had even seen. Hence, he could not resist and tarnish that view by ejaculating a second time, spreading his seed on her face, Livia as disgusted as surprised that the guy managed to come a second time in such a short notice.

"I-if you ever need a midnight snack, come to my room."

"Yeah! Nice words!"

"He has balls!" cheered the crowd.

"Y-yes master. Like I would, you disgusting bastard!" said a contradictory small voice, muffled below the table.

Discussions resumed and the room eventually got back to its usual level of noise. If there was one difference, it would be the occasional slurps of suction and manly groans as each delivered their portion of lunch to the hidden semen demon. The cheerful scene above table greatly contrasted with Livia's current underworld. The lighting was barely enough for her to be able to admire the double line of cocks she would have to insert in her delicate mouth, with a good third already spanking their shaft.

But the view couldn't compare to the smell: this place was saturated with an utterly raw stench of urine, sweat and sex. Livia must have had a dozen of servings already, her pretty face smeared with seed and stray pubic hair. She couldn't help but touch herself despite her reluctance. It had to be her damn class.

Finally finished with the graduates, the ashamed woman - not even hungry at this point - crawled towards the remaining smaller table of four adventurers. While they seem focused and serious from the outside, Livia understood their situation very differently; viewing it from the position of a kneeling slut, she could already diagnose their pent-up lust from afar, their long and experienced but seemingly lonely rods pulsing with blood.

They were in dire need of a woman, and Livia felt very generous today, taking them in pity.

Mark, the youngest of the group, was the last one to receive her graces; he discovered it when he suddenly felt her gentle hand on his feet, notifying him, then her delicate breasts on his thighs, and finally her handling of his shaft like it was the sweetest dessert she had ever tasted. He could ejaculate from her luscious gaze alone; she seemed in a trance, eager to satisfy as she licked his shaft from scrotum to gland, bathed his balls, and took the entirety of his cock to the deepest part of his throat, where he donated his load.

Panting deliriously, it had been the only and best fellatio he had ever received, and so for a good reason. Oral graces were formally forbidden; mostly by the church, but at some point it had simply become a form of respect for woman in general. Their delicate lips were designed for reciting poems, savouring lavish dinners, and intimate kisses; Mark was cursed to learn today that kissing glands, licking balls and swallowing cum were also valid functions for willing slut mouths.

That said, the initial taboo had a real and pragmatic reason, one that he discovered when pressing her head deep in his belly while feeding her with his shaft: who in the world would have guessed that the woman's class would appear in such a cursed way? Did deepthroats count as a one-way hand-shake, during which the man could see the slut's name and class but not the other way? What a terrible secret!

Momentarily shaken, Mark looked at his three other group members; they already knew, asking with their eyes if he liked the experience. He then turned to the graduates table: the young men shared a knowing look, both satisfied but afraid of having learned of the truth behind the sex taboo.

The issue cleared, the slut still around his shaft, Mark went back to thinking of that woman's class. [Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess] was it? The Guildmistress was very clear about class respect here, but he couldn't wrap his head around this. Did she spend years mating with animals as a princess of some god-forsaken kingdom? How did she end-up sucking dicks in such a measly canteen? Assaulted with so many questions, Mark couldn't help but unconsciously go a step further. He had already broken one sex taboo, so why not a second one? Such a chance wouldn't happen again so soon.

Livia was choking on his shaft, ashamed of being utterly aroused. These four men, in addition of being way above average in terms of length, had given her the largest servings of seed she had even got; the taste, still as salty and sour as ever and the sheer volume had even made her drunk somehow.

The princess was waiting for that last gentleman to release her when she felt some incoming liquid being discharged in her throat. It was way too fluid to be sperm; Livia went eye-wide as she came to understand what she was being subjected to. Tears began to run down her cheeks, but she swallowed surge by surge, trying her best not to choke on urine. And it was during this unholy ceremony that Livia's body, trembling with pleasure, began to glow with a golden light, which the adventurers immediately picked up on.

"Oh, is our slut-princess levelling up?"

"Sure she is. I'm giving her quite a golden serving. I think she was damn thirsty after all that seed."

"Pervert. Though it looks like you've helped her acknowledge something new about her class, so that was probably worth it I guess."

Refreshed by the sour taste of urine running down her throat, cut off from any form of oxygen, Livia had finally realized what her class really entailed. She shed tears of despair as she slowly accepted her cursed condition, fated to end up as a lavish toilet for male sexual needs, human or beasts. Her skill set had essentially been designed to make her into the perfect carnal outlet, and furthermore, in the most humiliating manner possible.

Her deal with the bartender was done, who was delighted to have discretely levelled-up himself thanks to that new obscene experience. The man in question approached the table under which the slut-princess was crouched. He set up a dog bowl with 'LIVIA' inscribed on it, and then promptly poured some white and smelly content from a sealed jar into it, plugging his nose as the horrible stench was already assaulting his nostrils. Once done he promptly pulled away and gave a pitying look to the unfortunate woman.

"Here's your meal, as commanded by the Guildmistress. Exactly one litter of [Troll] sperm, who are known for their endurance. Apparently you have a skill to profit from that so eat it all up. Don't leave a single drop, otherwise it won't be effective; again, order from the Guildmistress."

Livia was barely conscious at this point, too utterly exhausted after serving all these men to argue. She crawled to the bowl, perversely placed in the middle of the room for all to admire. She had already drank so much cum; a bit more wouldn't hurt, right?

Her tears had blocked her nose so she couldn't smell it, but after giving it a lick she rolled to her side, bringing her hands to her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from vomiting. It was the worst thing she had ever tasted in her life.

The issue was not even with the taste, which was atrocious by itself. No, the damn liquid was alive! Whereas in human sperm the spermatozoids were way too small to be detected or seen from the naked eye, the troll ones' had inherited from the spectacular endurance and size of the beast. The result was a horrific texture of tiny moving tailed cells palpable from her tongue. She eyed the litter-full bowl of troll cum. This is what being a [Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess] really entailed: eating a bowl full of exotic beastly cum to get marginally stronger.

Livia mustered some courage, ignoring the disgusted stares from the surrounding men - who had stopped eating because of the revolting show - and scooped another lick with her delicate tongue. Still alien, but to her astonishment, she felt she could get used to it. Eventually.


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“What!?” Katriana’s eyes went wide and she just stared at me, so I repeated myself. “I want to be king, and I want you to be one of my queens.” There was another long pause. “I don’t even know where to begin with that statement,” she replied flatly. I let another moment pass. “I notice you’re not saying no...” Katriana stood up, and started pacing the room rapidly. “I’m your sister. You know, I behaved! I saved myself! I knew that you might need to offer my hand in order to seal an...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 14 Isekai Life Rock Candy

I flinched when Ashryn referred to me as “Lord Esche”, and from the corner of my eye, I could see Katriana glancing around the early morning street making sure that nobody was listening. The name probably didn’t mean anything to Voss- being a former guard he probably wasn’t educated in the geopolitical landscape of this world, and besides, was distracted by the elven cleric’s holy fonts. Ashryn immediately noted our discomfort, though. “Did I say something wrong? You are Lord and...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 15 Isekai Life Snake Dissection

From there it was easy to find the site of the temple dedicated to Yphion. It was the huge, burnt-out husk right next to the Islingquet, was a pair of morose-looking acolytes picking through the wreckage. Our quartet was just one of several lookie-loos peering over the husk of the temple, but a pair of city guards were on hand to prevent people from swarming the site. “The two guards are men, I’ll handle this,” Katriana said, and drifted away from the party, “Why don’t you look for what...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 17 Isekai Life Princely Command

Soon after all that, conversation wound down. Ashryn excused herself in order to get to the convent before it got too dark, and Voss decided that he’d better drop by his tenement at some point since he hasn’t spent more than hour there that wasn’t sleeping in the last four days, and at least he ought to keep his landlord from renting the place out from under him. That was fine, as it left me and Katriana all by ourselves. However, once everyone left, she seemed to hesitate, playing with a...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 19 Isekai Life Double Dipping

“Oh, gods! Theodore, are you alright!?” Katriana came racing over to me, sheathing her sword as she went. She stopped to feel my chest and look me over, and after confirming my state of good health pulled me into a tight hug. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t even see that crossbowman until it was almost too late! You’re okay, right? Please say you’re okay!?” I stroked her back a little while I was hugged, though it was a little hard to breathe. “I’m all right, Katriana, I’m just fine. Ashryn...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 20 Isekai Life Awkward Meeting

Ashryn and Katriana elected to stay downstairs while I took Voss up to the room to let him drop off his chest. He managed to handle the thing all by himself, I just needed to make sure the guard recognized me and unlock the door. Which he did, acknowledging me with a nod, and I did, using the big brass key. Voss put his chest just inside the the room, just out of the way so that people wouldn’t trip over it, and look around whistling at the luxury of the place. “Wow, this is nice! I didn’t...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 21 Isekai Life Eating Platemail

Now that I had had a name to go on, memories of Calliope came flooding back. I had been enamoured with her ever since I noticed her two week into basic lessons. She was smart, attractive, kind ... if a little too serious and standoffish. But that didn’t matter, what are little things like human flaws to get in the way of a good infatuation? The best part is, she seemed to warm up to me in time. We didn’t flirt, precisely, but she would blush whenever our eyes met, and she was really...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 22 Isekai Life How I Spent My Vacation

Immediately as the cloaked figures drew steel, Voss had his longsword in hand and his shield at the ready. Surprisingly, Calliope drew her own weapon- an ornate dagger from a sheath just inside her sleeve. The cloaked figure chuckled. “Little girl, you don’t thin-” So I threw a trio of darts at him to shut him up. Calliope chanted and gestured, just barely casting a Shield spell in time to deflect the enraged stranger’s counterattack. Meanwhile behind me I heard Voss and the other three...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 23 Isekai Life Speculation Intensifies

We stuck to crowded streets and, if not that, deserted alleys. Even though a gap opened up around us as we traveled through crowds, we’d still rather be around witnesses than not. We saw no more of the hooded hobgoblins- presumably, the one that survived convinced the others to fall back and regroup. After awhile, we began to relax, as it didn’t look like we were being followed. I finally began to breath a sigh of relief as we finally entered into the Lazy Ox, exhausted from the constant...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 24 Isekai Life Ape Beatings

“So what do we do about the rest of that stuff, then?” I asked then, “I don’t mind speculating about what girls I’m going to marry, but what’s all that stuff about fire and doom and breaking chains and stuff?” “I think it’s kind of like a timeline,” Katriana replied, “Before we’ll have the resources to get our kingdom back, we’ll need to do seven quests like that. Or something. I mean, we might have already done the fire one, if the temple arson counts.” That kind of bothered me. A two-day...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 28 Isekai Life Level Up

Corgiel, that puppy-eared angel, floated down into my viewpoint. My gut went cold. “Did I ... did I die?” “No, silly! You levelled up! Congratulations!” Sparkly confetti rained down from above, and Corgiel did a cute little dance. “Okay ... so why am I here?” “Oh, you’d prefer a seamless experience? I thought you might prefer to roll for your HP gain! Although, maybe I should have waiting for when you go to sleep rather than just the end of the encounter...” I looked down at the small,...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 29 Isekai Life Butler Revelation

We filed into the room the carrion crawlers had occupied, gagging at the stench, and saw what they were feasting on- a small pile of bodies, stacked like cordwood, charred and burned but still quite raw on the inside. They just barely identifiable as humanoid, and since we were unable to do anything for them now, we moved on. “Am I beginning to sense a theme here?” Voss said after a tense silence, “The fire pattern on the jar, the guy they burned at the stake, the arson of that...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 30 Isekai Life Stolen Landscape

It was extremely boring. Sitting there, talking as little as possible, waiting for hours. Or at least what seemed like hours. Finally, there was a sharp rapping on the door, one that got all of us (except Calliope and Bekker) scrambling up to our feet as quietly as possible. “Hey, old man! Is Thronric in there with you? How long does it take to check for some stupid rats?” All our eyes (except Calliope’s) descended on the old butler. He cleared his throat. “Some of these casks are quite...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 31 Isekai Life Sweet Loot

I put a soft hand on Katriana’s shoulder. “Sister ... take this, and go trade with Voss. You can secure our escape route while we continue on with him.” I handed her the runic greatsword that the lead hobgoblin had, safely sheathed now that Enna had cut the scabbard free of his back. Chances are it was some kind of magic- these hobgoblins didn’t seem to be fond of embellishments or artistry in their weapons, so I’m guessing the runes were there for a purpose, The leader also had a small vial...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 32 Isekai Life Dragon Myth

I looked around at my other party members. Voss just gave a helpless shrug. Enna was mopping her her scalp wound with a bit of fabric ripped off the lord’s satin cape. I looked back to Ashryn. “Sorry, you’re going to have to back up. God of destruction sounds bad, but is it kinda bad or is it very bad?” Ashryn looked pouty for a moment- was she annoyed with me?- before taking a deep breath. “The All-Fathered created the earth-goddess Cyona after Lathlys, the celestial goddess, proved too...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 33 Isekai Life Knights of Esche

I knelt in front of Calliope, who was despondently flipping through her spellbook. She glanced at me momentarily, before looking back to the pages, chin in her other hand. I shifted to a sitting position and sighed. “Yeah, I’d be pretty disappointed in myself if that happened to me, too.” “Well, it didn’t,” she replied, “So you don’t have to worry about it. You’re not a burden on anyone.” “Except that it could’ve happened to any one of us, you just got unlucky. I’m sure you’ll have plenty...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 35 Isekai Life Princely Embezzlement

I awoke to the sounds of someone shuffling around in our room. I squinted, eyes hazy with sleep, to see a figure standing over by the couch. “Excuse me, your grace, I did not mean to wake you.” “Oh, Bekker,” I said, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. At some point someone pulled the blanket up over me, which I was grateful for. “Yes, your grace. I assumed you’re not adventuring today, so I picked out the blue robe for you, your grace.” I blinked. Your grace... ? Oh. The man...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 37 Isekai Life Climax Wait

Our meal was fairly solemn after that. We sent Bekker to get the usual, stew with fresh bread and butter, which he supplemented with an unasked-for plate of cheese, olives and pickles. The extra food was welcome- I’ve always had an extra stomach for olives, a trait I shared with previous!Theodore- and everyone was able to eat their fill. When we were getting up to head off to bed, Bekker lingered, and as I was about to leave, tugged my sleeve. “Your grace, may I trouble you a moment?” “Of...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 39 Isekai Life Divine Intervention

So, to recap, while I reflect on how massively fucked I was. Katriana, Ashryn, Voss and I were lying on the floor of the arena, bound by Hold Person spells (or whatever stupid name that spell had in this universe). We were all still alive, but for how much longer was anyone’s guess. The only other person still alive in the arena was Mariska, who had taken a hard right into mad religious nutcase territory and never looked back, cackling and capering with joy now that she had managed to...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 41 Isekai Life New Rest

We were taken to the palace of the lord paramount in Tresens, which was a fortified estate. If what Mariska said was to be believed, it was also a former temple to Malgarath himself. The thought set a shiver up my spine. I don’t know what will happen to Malgarath now ... Ashryn’s little myth seemed to imply that the gods are totally unkillable by mortal hands, but who knows if she’s accurate. I mean, that sounds like something a god would totally tell a cleric to say. Well, I could at least...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 42 Isekai Life Marking Territory

I woke up early for once. I was turned toward Ashryn, spooning her. I felt a little bad for poo-pooing the rooms here- the mattress was soft enough that you sank three inches into it, the sheets were silk, and whatever the pillows were stuffed with, they were just stiff enough to provide the right amount of support, as if they had been carefully calibrated that way. Ashryn was still sound asleep, her silver hair arrayed around her head like a halo. Most of the time, she seemed to have that...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 43 Isekai Life Lordrsquos Rewards

I pulled on my robe, thoughtfully left out by Bekker while we were sleeping, and headed out into the courtyard, where I was greeted with applause. Enna was seated on one of the couches under the pavilion, grinning at me and clapping her hands. “Y’know, if I hear another performance like that, I’m going to be gettin’ in line, m’lord!” I flushed, embarrassed. Everyone else was already up, Calliope giving me a cool look as she studied her spellbook under the pavilion, Katriana giving me a...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 44 Isekai Life Lewd Mark

Voss was glad to be back. He joined us leaving the audience hall, and we were glad to have him back. The Theodore Esche Royal Harem was a pretty exclusive club, and I got the sense that as much as Enna found all the debauchery amusing to watch from the outside, it would eventually drive a wedge between her and the rest of us if she was the only one left out. Voss being in the mix made us a team which happened to include the harem, rather than the harem plus Enna. Bekker not counting in this...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 45 Isekai Life Wedding Night

We started our little drinking party at the Lazy Ox. The innkeeper there recognized us, though he was not ecstatic to greet us. I suppose the number of times we returned to his inn bloody, dirty, smelly, or what have you didn’t endear us to him, despite our coin. Still, we were able to sit down, have some wine, and enjoy the music and revelry around us. I was keeping my drinking light. I didn’t really have any desire to go on some kind of huge bender like Voss was implying he wanted. I...

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Slut Nikkis Cluster Breeding Cuck Gangbang

My neighbor Nikki and her husband Rich wanted to have a baby and Nikki had some very strange theories on how human breeding should be conducted. Based on her study of ancient Italian history and theology she was convinced that there was an old breeding ritual that translates into english as “cluster breeding” or gangbang with the intent to impregnate in more modern terminology. What is even more exciting is that I was chosen to organize the event. My plan was to have 3 other men of various...

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Fathers Day Taboo A Gemini Breeding Session

Introduction: After the Fathers Day/Birthday cookout, Richard, Olivia, the boys along with the Gemini twins and Lila all take part in a breeding orgy. The second & last part in the two-part series. Little slow going at first, but it picks up as it goes along. *********PART TWO: ALL IN THE FAMILY************* As we all got ready for what was about to be an exciting day, my son Julian called to wish me both a Happy Fathers Day & a Happy Birthday. So when are Damian and Lila coming over dad?...

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A Fucking Isekai

Authors note- Hello I am the writer of this story. This is my first attempt at writing a story on here. Expect it to be isekai trash and maybe be pleasantly surprised. If you have any constructive criticism I wouldn’t mind it but don’t just tell it is shit since I am mainly making it for myself. I admit that I have partially based the character off of myself but also made some things different. I have kept the intro relatively short and tried not to be too specific so that other writers can do...

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Isekai Adventure

I'm thinking I will write a few stories off of this Isekai story idea so I won't have much in this first part. All of the important info should be obvious from the selection titles below.

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Isekai Starship in a D

Isekai Starship in a D&D fantasyworld Mid 80's an age before the Internet The year was 1989 in Los Angeles California, the Teenage boy hated his life, he knew he was queer and was uncomfortable with his body, he hated that he was a nerd, liked men, and felt like a girl. The teen also hated his humanity, kids in the 80s were cruel, and being Transgender was not yet a known or common thing. Yet the teen was very much a Transgender Girl only they didn't know these words or know that...

2 years ago
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CrossDressed Fairy Tales 3 The Adventures of Pierrot

Cross-Dressed Fairy Tales Part 3 By Dawn DeWinter In parts 1 and 2, Sherry and Sadie, two married men, went to a lesbian bar on their "girl's night out." There they came into the clutches of Mike and Big Sue, and are in danger of being raped - or worse - if Sherry cannot keep Big Sue entertained with "original" stories. This task has just become a mite more difficult with the arrival of two more people. Can they too be kept satisfied? Part 3 is based on Pinocchio, the story of the...

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breeding time for fuckmeat sluts

Every girl knew when it was time for a breeding. The familiar buzz of the table would start, humming directly in contact with your clit and the warmth would spread like a wildfire until you were dripping onto the leather. The bench began to whir and instinctively you pressed yourself against the vibrations and start to grind your stiffening button across the stimulating bumps at the tail end of the apparatus. Your table neighboured two other girls who were also in the breeding rotation. Each of...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales Snow White and the 7 Trolls

Sherry and Sadie, two married men, have a girl's night out at a bar. The evening goes badly and, like Sheherazade, who related the 1,101 tales of the Arabian Nights, they end up in great danger, desperately spinning stories to protect their derrieres. For material, they transgender fables they have read, hoping that their captors won't know the original. Will this strategy work? It will depend on you, the reader, because Sherry and Sadie will soon run out of ideas unless you...

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A Godmother and a Princess

A Godmother and the fairy princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Mom, what are you going to be this year, for the party I mean?" "I was thinking that I would go as the fairy godmother, why?" "I can't think of anything." "I knew it would come to this! You always wait so long to decide!" "Yeah, but..." "And, since I figured you would do this, I decided to be prepared this year! I already have your costume!" "You do? That's great mom! What is it going...

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My Godmother and a Fairy Princess

A Godmother and the fairy princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Mom, what are you going to be this year, for the party I mean?" "I was thinking that I would go as the fairy godmother, why?" "I can't think of anything." "I knew it would come to this! You always wait so long to decide!" "Yeah, but..." "And, since I figured you would do this, I decided to be prepared this year! I already have your costume!" "You do? That's great mom! What is it going to be...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales Rapunzel

Some familiar fables transformed for readers of transgendered tales. In part 1, Sherry and Sadie, two married men on a "girl's night out" visit a lesbian bar and go home with Big Sue and Mike, two women who are dangerously upset to discover that they've been seduced by two cross-dressed males cheating on their wives. Like Sheherazade in the Arabian Nights, Sherry decides that the only way to protect their -- um, posteriors, is to entertain Big Sue with fabulous stories. ...

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Breeding for the Fatherland

Chapter 1 Gretel Heinrich and Elsa Muller were both voluntary "breeding mothers" for the Center for Aryan Development and Furtherance in Oberammergau, Germany during the early years of the 1940s. They had both graduated from gymnasium and when the Third Reich offered the chance for sexy young German girls to serve the Fatherland by serving as "breeding mothers" for the elite men of the Third Reich, both Gretel and Elsa had stepped forward and offered their services gladly. They were only...

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Tales of an Embarrassed Princess

In a kingdom where a queen rules the land. A young princess lives there. Her name is Alida Fair, kind, beautiful. She is destined to become the leader of the great kingdom someday. She enjoys art, poetry, fancy clothing, and childish panties. And has a habit of "accidentally" putting herself if embarrassing situations. Some say that she doesn't even know it's happening. But in reality, she does it on purpose. She loves the embarrassment, the humiliation, the exposure. Something to escape her...

3 years ago
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True tales of submission and crossdressing Chapter One Meisterin

True tales of submission and cross-dressing : Chapter One - Meisterin It is my intention to write a series of true life stories, detaling various encounters and adventures I have had. I know the site's called "Fictionmania", so I hope my contributions are not unwelcome. The stories are not as racy as most of the fiction posted on here, but remember than these stories are real, and described to the best of my memory (of course all speech is paraphrased). Hopefully the fact that these...

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Breed Me Big Brother Chapter 2 Little Sisters Breeding Plan

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Little Sister's Breeding Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The cramps squeezed my guts. I groaned as my eyes opened, staring at the fuzzy walls. I sucked in a deep breath and bit my lip, feeling so bloated. I squirmed, not wanting to be awake yet. I closed my eyes, snuggling up against my brother's muscular body. He pulled me to him automatically, his arm so strong. I rested my head on his...

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OneHanded Tales 1 Sissy And The Slut

One-Handed Tales #1: Sissy and the Slut By Sarcastic Slut I watch him writhing under her touch, half turned on, half terrified. I smile and cross my long legs, adjusting my tiny skirt to cover my wet panties. The sissy hangs there, chained by the wrists to the post, arms above his head, ball-gagged and blindfolded. The slut in front of him runs her hands over his smooth, stocking clad legs and his silk pantied crotch. Her hand moves up, over his corset to touch his chest where the cups...

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The CrossBreeding Saga Of Two Families 8211 Part 1

This is quite a long story containing intercourse between many characters ….. it may be termed as novel instead of a story with 32 more parts……..i am working on 31st part ….. this is the introductive part and the sexual journey starts at the middle … I am sure everyone will like this … this is my first writing ……..pls feel free to correct me It was a pleasant morning with slight drizzling as I sipped on my coffee. i am about to complete my engineering. I live with my grandmother and my sister....

1 year ago
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Reddit Breeding, aka r/Breeding! Do you enjoy looking at cum filled pussies, or just seeing girls get excited about being impregnated overall? Well, in a sense, that is what r/Breeding/ is all about, and obviously, you are more than welcome to check it out. To be fair, is a free website, and it is filled with lots and lots of breeding content. So, if that sounds like something you’d be interested in, by all means, enjoy browsing.I am sure that some of y’all will be confused as to...

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