Fiance's Encounter With A Pony free porn video

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March 2012

My wife and I are best friends with another married couple who have been our dearest friends since grade school. This other married couple is also a bit unusual as they have two other women living with them and they as well were in school with us. It was well known in high school these four were exceptional close. We did not know how close until over time we spent many very intoxicated nights over the years sharing a hot tub or pool shedding inhibitions only as best friends could, no secrets held between us. Our friends requested my wife and I to write their story...

Now in their own words:

We all grew up in and around a small ski resort town. I commuted in from the family ranch 30 miles away up in the high mountains. Being a small town, Cindy and I had known each other and been best of friends since grade school. I watched her grow up and developed into a world class beautiful, intelligent and gifted woman and we started dating in the beginning of our sophomore year - even though it seemed I was dating three girls because a majority of times her two best friends, Michelle and Lori tagged along on our dates. I really did not mind because they were my very good friends as well and have been for a number of years. Despite their own beauty and personality, they never seemed to date anyone for very long. Plus they had an disconcerting habit of outlandishly and blatantly flirting with me with my steady and serious girlfriend Cindy apparently encouraging it to her great amusement!

It went beyond just those two holding hands with me with Cindy holding my other hand - it seemed to be a game with all them who could shock me the most, her best friends kissing me at times full on with delving tongues, wearing the skimpest attire around me especially when I was at one of the girl's homes, unabashedly revealing and flashing intimate areas to me when in private and public! And when we all went dancing I seemed to be the exclusive property of all three of them and they kept me constantly embarrassed with their very suggestive “dirty dancing”, not to mention their wandering hands. You all get the picture, and it went far beyond this but I was serious with Cindy - I was in love with her, deeply, and she with I, though it did not stop me fantasizing of being in a naked pile in bed with all three of them and Michelle and Lori certainly were not coy in the numerous outright statements, nor suggestions, to me and Cindy about doing exactly that!

Our senior year Cindy and I were elected Homecoming King and Queen and of course Michelle and Lori were her court!

We seriously discussed about getting married after college and as our senior year drew to a close there many intense serious discussions of our future, our plans and with that an unacknowledged and unacceptable realization that our path together was to part.

We had a traumatic and painful breakup when she decided to go to a university that had an outstanding business/financial department in another state and I to a university with an top ranked agriculture department for I was to manage the ranch after graduation while my parents retired and went traveling.

Both of our parents as well as all of our friends thought it was tragic we broke up and could not fathom the reason why even after it was explained to them. We kept hearing the same comments – “but you two were made for each other, you are really soul mates!”

Dad and mom both came from very successful old ranching families that a little oil money helped with along with selling some land to a ski resort and exclusive high end vacation homes for an exorbitant amount of money that was wisely invested. They were able to buy out a small adjoining ranch to make up with what they sold to the ski resort and still had plenty to establish a trust fund to take care of the ranch in perpetuity. Mom and Dad raised cattle and a few horses. While I was attending university my parents began breeding a few very select high quality gentle ponies discovering a small lucrative market for the wealthy with small children.

I only saw Cindy four more times during our university years, each time only during the Christmas holidays. She was on a fast track to earn her undergraduate and graduate degrees in investment counseling in four years so she did not come home for Spring Breaks or for the summers being in summer school. During the Christmas holidays I guess we spent more time together than we should but it felt so natural for us to be together. We held hands, held each other and we kissed but we never slept with each other - both afraid what would happen if we did, it would affect Cindy's future career plans not to mention the painful parting that happened each time we left to go back to the university. Even so the goodbyes each holiday season were painful tearful affairs for both of us.

I saw Michelle and Lori constantly as we all attended the same university and Michelle and Lori were getting agribusiness degrees with a minor in public relations. We three were together frequently all through our university years and still the outrageous flirting and blatant come-ons continued but I thought it was still just a game for them as nothing romantic ever really happened between us despite all their big talk and flirtatious actions.

One night during our second university year during Spring Break, Michelle, Lori and I had gone back home. We had all been out dancing and drinking quite a bit, it was still pretty cool at night and we three wound up in the hot tub at the ranch. Michelle and Lori were wearing outrageously skimpy bikinis that showed off their beautiful toned athletic bodies and bountiful assets, they had continued with the teasing and flirting they had started while we were dancing. I was determined once and for all to see if Michelle and Lori were serious about starting something. We were taking shots and finally after we all were quite intoxicated I slipped an arm around each of them and brought them in close to me.

Both of them looked at me with sparkling eyes and I leaned in and kiss Michelle deeply, kissed her with an intent that she knew I was serious and not the playful kissing that had occurred for years. As I kissed her I felt a hand move up my thigh and I realized it was Lori's. I eased off the kiss and looked at Michelle, her face was deeply flushed and not with the alcoholic intoxication flush and she was breathing deeply and rapidly with her eyes wide. Lori was looking at me expectantly as her hand worked its way under my swimsuit and and she let out a gasp as she felt my full erection for the first time with her bare hand. I leaned in and kissed Lori like I did Michelle, I definitely knew I was impacting Lori's libido as well gauging by her reaction of trying to free my cock from the confines of my swimsuit as she deeply moaned into my mouth. I could feel Michelle start caressing both of us as she leaned in to kiss us both as her hands caressed Lori and I and her hand fully exposed one of Lori's beautiful breasts.

Suddenly, Michelle stopped and pulled back and looked at us. Lori had a very disappointed look upon her face. Michelle slowly started shaking her head looking directly at Lori with a sad whimsical smile. Lori nodded and then both looked at me.

I was surprised to see tears start to form in both of their eyes and start streaking down their lovely faces.

Hesitantly, Michele started speaking

“It is about time you knew that Lori and I as well as Cindy both had serious crushes on you that began when we all were in grade school that later on became love. There is nothing more we both want to do right this instant is for both of us to show you how much we have always loved you. But, we also love Cindy as well, perhaps a bit more than we love you... and we know that at this stage in our lives that if we proceeded, it would wound Cindy and possibly irreparably damage not only our relationship with her but for all of us. We still have hopes that one day Cindy will realize what is really and truly important in her life that also impacts the lives of others in her circle”...

Lori then spoke in a trembling voice as both women tightly held my hands

“Michelle and I had decided that upon reaching thirty, and if there have been no significant changes in our lives, that we have some serious decisions to make. We both plan to move back home after graduation and start our own business together. When we reach thirty, if at that time you are still willing, we will revisit this conversation. Just know that for now we cannot, must not allow ourselves to ever go beyond what we three did just now. Our love for Cindy and our hopes for you and her to get back together one of these days take precedence over our own desires for we recognize, as everyone else does that know you both, that you two are truly destined soul mates, Cindy just has to discover this again for herself...”

For our remaining two years of university, it seemed the three of us grew even closer. Of course the blatant teasing never stopped and there were numerous times we spent mostly platonic nights together at my apartment in my king size bed wearing the skimpiest, revealing and alluring lingerie, but we never went all the way.

While I may be with Michelle or Lori alone without the other during the days or just grabbing a bite to eat, whenever there was drinking going on, Michelle and Lori always ensured they were always together and I realized it was a self protection mechanism they had agreed upon to prevent one or the other in going all the way with me during a loosing of inhibitions as drinking will facilitate. Still, I found it odd that that they rarely went out on dates with other guys but seemed to prefer my company and going out with their other college girlfriends. Both women were gorgeous, smart with fun personalities and loved to do all the outdoor things guys like to do.

The Christmas holidays of our final university year came and Cindy and I backslide - badly and disastrously. I can only blame alcohol, the romance and comradeship of the season. I had surprised Cindy with a sleigh ride and picnic. I had included a bottle of brandy to ward off the cold which we finished off. We got back to the ranch and my parents were away. We got in the hot tub and I lit the outdoor fireplace that was situated by the hot tub. The stars blanketed the night sky and were twinkling brightly with soft music playing in the background. A herd of Elk had come down and were grazing nearby in full view easily lit up by the snow and bright starlight, seemingly attracted by the soft music. We had continued drinking and had wound up in front of the large blazing fireplace in the great room making passionate love to each other the remainder of the night. Unbidden, unspoken hopes started to emerge from deep within my heart, reinforced by a remembered heartfelt conversation one night in the same hot tub with Michelle and Lori. I told her I loved her and always will. The reaction I got was definitely not what I expected. Upon hearing my words Cindy buried her head in my shoulder and started sobbing. No entreaties from me could get Cindy to open up to me.

Cindy and I awoke and uncharacteristically for her, Cindy was quiet and seemed slightly withdrawn. She continued to be like this for the remainder of her stay home. Michelle and Lori quickly picked up that something had happened between us and knew that something was wrong as I did.

I saw Cindy off the last day of the winter holiday. She bade her goodbyes to her parents and I walked her to her SUV. Just before she drove off she told me that just before the holidays started, she already had received a job offer from a prestigious leading investment company that would entail a lot of world traveling and she was going to accept. She would immediately start upon graduation. She climbed in her SUV with tears streaming down her face and me with a lump of lead in place of a heart.

In the Spring of our final university year I noticed that Michelle and Lori had stopped talking to me about Cindy and what she had been up to lately and actually became evasive whenever I inquired.

It was one month after our graduation. Michelle and Lori and I moved back home and I assumed management of the large family ranch. The mail came one day and in it a wedding invitation – Cindy's. With blurred eyes I could barely read it. I did note it was going to be a small civil ceremony and not in her home town but in the city across the country where she was employed.

I felt totally crushed and a rage quickly built into an inferno that was quickly doused by overwhelming despair. In a numb fog I saddled two pack horses and my horse as my parents mutely helped me with dejected, down cast looks upon their own faces.
Just as I mounted my horse, Michelle and Lori came recklessly speeding up in Michelle's truck. Both leapt out and ran to me with very red eyes and tears streaming down their faces, clinging to me begging me not to go. I leaned down and kissed each of them telling them I loved them both and I turned and rode off up into the high mountains. My last view of them for quite a while was my parents tightly hugging Michelle and Lori as I spurred my horse on.

I spent a month in the mountains seeking solace and refuge, not caring when or if I ever went back. Michelle and Lori however knew these mountains as well as I and we all had the same favorite spots. Concerned for my well being and no one had heard or seen me during this entire time they had set off to find and bring me back. It took a three day ride up into the mountains and then three more days for them to find me. They were shocked at my appearance as I had not shaved and had dropped a lot of weight as I had hardly ate.

When I got back and recovered I threw myself into working the ranch and went through a period of plowing through the ski bunnies and summer tourists, often times the same ski bunnies that came during the summer to reacquaint with me.

In the warmer months after the snows had melted, I started a small guide service for packsaddle trips up into the high mountains for tourists who preferred riding versus backpacking with a heavy pack strapped to their own backs! I also led fly fishermen (and women!) to select spots on on our ranch and neighboring National Forest which we shared the property boundary with. Surprisingly, this little venture became widely successful and I could not keep up with the trip requests. I was approached several times by clients I led who were also business people, inquiring if I was interested in expanding the operation and backing it as an investment. Politely I turned down all the offers, I had the money to expand it if I wanted to, except I knew the chronic seasonal labor issues that surrounded resort towns would be problem.

That late Fall I wound up marrying one of these ski bunnies much to the disapproval of Michelle and Lori. My parents readily accepted her but with reservations. After several intense discussions with Michelle and Lori in which culminated in one final frustrated outburst by me which shocked Michelle and Lori to their core, severally hurting their feelings and making them cry with racking sobs as they clung to each other - I could not help pointing out that the woman I so wanted for years to marry more than anyone else in the world had suddenly married some other guy no one has ever met and did not even have the decency to have a proper wedding at home surrounded by her friends and family. That her two best friends had some romantic notion that one day Cindy would come to her senses and we would finally get together - nor could I carry on with the type of almost platonic relationship the three of us had, because I loved Michelle and Lori almost as much as I loved Cindy and now that I apparently no longer had a future with Cindy, that you two still continued with this silly fantasy and refused to let our own relationship between the two of us or even the three of us progress now that Cindy had decided her course!

I told them their actions hurt me as much as Cindy's has and I could not stand it anymore. More words spewed from me and evidently it dawned on Michelle and Lori how much I still hurt and the extent of that hurt and their almost platonic relationship with me greatly exacerbated the hurt.
They also began to realize they also may have royally screwed up their own chance of happiness with me...

Reluctantly Michelle and Lori acquiesced and both attended the wedding which was held in the bride's hometown, Cindy did not attend even though she was invited. Michelle, Lori and I still continued with our deep loving relationship with each other to the great displeasure of my wife but it was strictly platonic now. I still caught Michelle and Lori giving me whimsical looks. But my wife never did warm up to Michelle and Lori, even being frigid to them. Certainly I never told her exactly how close the three of us were nor what had been going on with us for years, and I know Michelle and Lori never discussed it with her either. Everyone would have known if that conversation had ever happened as the explosion would have been heard for miles...

However my marriage only lasted one and a half years as I had married a high society city girl who although she loved the ranch did not love the isolation, small ski town life and missed city society action. There was also the unspoken continuation of my close relationship with Michelle and Lori...

When my wife left me, my almost platonic relationship immediately resumed with Michelle and Lori, a little more intensely now but there still seemed to be a barrier to keep it from progressing past a certain point. The two women just demurred and told me to be patient, they still had some personal things to work out which I though was odd because we pretty well thoroughly knew each other and I could not determine whether it was personal or business. They were not dating any guys despite the constant stream of men that hounded them. I knew they had been struggling with their own business venture and I was going to discuss with them taking over the small guide service I had started as it was becoming too much for me to handle as well as the ranch, and there were client demands to expand the operation.

When I persisted they told me, if I agreed, they would resurrect the pact we had made that night in the hot tub during college. I silently stared at them for a long time and worried looks crossed their faces. Then I said

“Fine but since Cindy is out of the picture I may not want to wait till we are thirty and I am plain tired of you two teasing me because that is what it is and it is cruel considering that we do love each other...

With my stern pronouncement I was thrown off guard when they broadcast beaming smiles at me in response.


In the coming few months Michelle and Lori flew several times to see Cindy which was very unusual as they only flown out to see her about four times the previous year. Cindy had yet to come back home since her marriage, not even for Christmas. Michelle and Lori came back from each trip but would only state they all had a good time, and that Cindy had always inquired about me during the trips.

But I already knew she always did during the weekly telephone and Skype conversations she had with Michelle and Lori. I still could not bring myself to talk to her, she had hurt me too deeply this last time and that hurt would only resurface...

Some close mutual friends announced they were getting married and I along with Michelle and Lori were part of the wedding. Michelle and Lori told me they had a surprise waiting for me at the wedding and were being very mysterious about it. I could only assume they had come to a decision about the three of us, anyway I hope they had because I could not go on like this for much longer. I kept getting the feeling to saddle my horses and ride off again to get away from my turbulent emotional relationship I had with these two very beautiful and personable heart-breaker women and my failed short marriage.

During the wedding procession I was escorting both Michelle and Lori up the aisle to the alter, one on either side of me. One of the groomsmen unexpectedly had became ill.

As we walked up the aisle both Michelle and Lori noticeably gripped my arms tighter. Then I saw Cindy, beaming a smile at me from from the end of the aisle, I was going to pass right next to her... I stumbled badly and would have tripped if Michelle and Cindy had not had such a tight grip on either arm. My eyes locked onto Cindy's and hers to mine until we passed.

Michelle leaned over and whispered to me “Cindy is divorced now”

Lori then leaned over and said “that was what all the trips were about recently, we were helping her through her divorce...”

During the whole wedding ceremony I stood there stunned unable to fathom seeing Cindy or process what Michelle and Lori told me. I could not help keep glancing to look at Cindy and each time she was always looking at me with a big smile upon her face. In fact, I had to be prompted by the other groomsman when it came to walk Michelle and Lori back down the aisle. It later became a joke that the wedding photographs clearly showed me in a very distracted appearance.

After the requisite wedding photographs Michelle and Lori took me hand in hand to the reception hall. Before we got there Lori asked if I liked their surprise. I numbly said 'yes', then hesitated and added

“but I can't stand anymore heart break... from any of you..”

As we entered Cindy was clear across the reception hall but she immediately saw us enter and started walking toward us. With every step her smile grew bigger and it seemed my steps grew slower, more hesitant till Michelle and Lori were pulling on me.

My eyes finally left her face and took in the beautiful, very expensive dress she was wearing with the deeply plunging neckline which brought me to a full stop as I realized she had breast enhancements done and she looked impossibly even more wonderful. Then I noticed the tight fitting dress again, her extremely toned and tanned arms, legs, how the dress molded to her flat abdomen, though very fit thru high school she now looked incredibly so!

Cindy had also stopped when I did and I saw a look of concern cross her face and then Michelle propelled me from behind as Lori in a not so quiet voice told me to “Get going! You two are not the only ones involved here!”

We stood there in front of each other for a few moments, dimly I was aware that almost everyone in the reception hall was looking at us. I saw both Cindy's parents and my parents standing together with looks of concern upon their faces then simultaneously we moved and tightly embraced each other. Cindy's embrace grew tighter and tighter, almost painfully tight as she whispered in my ear

“I'm so sorry I hurt you so, I'm such a fool in so many ways.
I made huge mistakes with you, more than once!
I know about you running off up into the mountains,
how Michelle and Lori brought you back, the condition you were in...”

Reluctantly we broke the embrace and and Cindy's eyes were red and brimming. The bride and groom came over and laughingly told us to break it up, this was their show for tonight, not ours! It was then we both realized every person in the reception was looking and smiling at us. Cindy was not the only one with red eyes, Michelle and Lori were holding hands and both had brimming eyes. We looked at our parents and both sets of parents were beaming at us.

We spent the rest of the evening together to the amusement and hopes of our many friends and family there. Of course Michelle and Lori stayed right with us but kept looking, whispering and giggling at each other and with others as they get glancing at Cindy and me...

As we caught up she told me she also had divorced just after a year and a half of marriage and became an exercise fiend as a coping mechanism to handle her divorce. Her husband she found out was a chronic cheat before and after marriage. It was a very ugly divorce centering on his cheating, him trying to squeeze every penny he could, and the ugly truth that emerged that he married her only for her potential, beauty and advancement. It left her self-esteem damaged. Cindy further stated it was like the universe exploded again as she instantly realized the huge unforgivable mistakes she had made with our relationship and hope I would someday be able to forgive her, how she should have listened when everyone told her she was making a mistake, everyone! She sobbed out this last part and I quickly embraced her and help her dry her tears before anyone else noticed, but of course Michelle and Lori always noticed everything, knew everything, and I saw them look at each other with renewed looks of concern.

Silently, I was surprised. I as well as others, man and women alike, thought Cindy was one of the most beautiful, intelligent, outgoing, caring and fun women they had ever seen or met, not to mention she was an incredibly talented and imaginative uninhibited lover when were together. Her ex-husband I concluded was a world class fool!

I motioned for Michelle and Lori to come over and they took Cindy to the restroom to compose herself and also to give me an opportunity to compose myself and begin sorting thru what was happening.

When the three of them came back they were all smiling and we sat down to talk again. Cindy to her surprise became a very adroit investment counselor and less than a year of working at this prestigious investment firm with almost constant world traveling, she struck out as an independent after being advised by the company president that she could go much farther and much faster on her own.

She was told while it would be be a great loss for the company, she was just too good, this company president was unusual as he did what was best for his employees. She now worked out of her townhouse and after less than two short independent years and at age 27 had already amassed enough for an extremely comfortable retirement and had made several of her clients as well as herself very wealthy. Several of her very wealthy clients also had transferred their accounts to her when she left the firm.

I told her my marriage ended in divorce as well and explained the reasons behind it - seemed like love was not enough for a city girl who missed the city night life and high society functions. Cindy told me our two mutual best friends had always kept her constantly informed of everything I did and what was happening the years we had been apart, constantly reminding her she made a mistake, hoping it would one day penetrate her thick, hardheadedness. Then, Cindy gently inquired if was dating anyone special. I looked at her and bemusedly said

“I thought Michelle and Lori told you everything???”

Cindy looked at me and very seriously and replied

“I needed to hear it directly from you...”

I told her there was no one serious even though I was causally dating a few women. I told her some of the ones I had dated really cared about me and loved being out at the ranch, however, I could see reservations in each of them when I told them I would be here for the rest of my life, this ranch surrounded by snow capped mountain peaks without a sign of man in sight.

Cindy told me when were were dating and got serious she often envisioned spending the rest of her life with me living on the ranch, and even after we broke up, during stressful times during university and especially during her disintegrating marriage and very ugly divorce, she often found solace and refuge imagining herself back at the ranch...

The more we talked the more I grew tense... A dull ache began again in my chest that pronounced itself with each beat of my thudding heart that I had not felt since we broke up just before entering university and the last time we parted during that Christmas season little more than two and a half years ago. I dared not think, could not dare to even wish what seemed to be reigniting between us - a long smoldering ember being flamed back to searing life...!

By close of evening enough sparks were flying between us they could have set the reception hall on fire and it seemed we have never been apart. Way before the reception ended, her hand entwined with mine and stayed there. With the bride and groom departing, the bride came up to Cindy and hugged her and whispered in her ear which brought a beaming smile to Cindy's face. Then the bride hugged me and hotly and earnestly whispered in my ear “Don't you dare let her go this time!” The groom came up and gave me a man hug and he too said in a low sotto voice “Everyone always thought you two would always be together, now go make it happen!”

I walked Cindy back to her Mercedes SUV and we stood there for a long quiet time as I held her gazing at the stars. In a low voice Cindy shocked me when she said she hated living in the city and was seriously contemplating moving back home. She could work anywhere as long as she had an Internet connection. She missed her family, friends, these mountains and the quiet rural life...

We stood there silently a few moments and then I said to Cindy

“I can't go thru this again, you destroyed me more than once and the last time I did not think I could ever go on, Michelle and Lori convinced me otherwise, I cannot bear to be hurt like that again”

With a bright twinkle in her eyes and a crooked grin she said

“Our two best friends as well as both our families have repeatedly beat me up over our relationship over the years. You should have heard Michelle and Lori lite into me after I got married. Hell! They flew out, unannounced, and threatened to kidnap me and bring me back home till I came to my senses! They took an instant dislike to my husband and he to them the moment they first met. I should have listened when the alarms started ringing in my head when they met. For sometime I have realized how much I missed someone and how much I have missed out with him due to my hardheadedness. And, I will tell you what I have never told Michelle and Lori - I became aware of this realization the day I got married, and since then it resurfaced very frequently, in fact, every week, of every day that I was married, and it still does...”

I followed Cindy home to her parent's house and we held hands during the long slow walk to the front door. For the longest time we held both of each others hands looking at each other and then she kissed me as we fell into a deep embrace. I could feel hot tears begin streaking her face as she suddenly broke off the kiss with a deep sob and rushed inside...

I stood there for the longest time as conflicted emotions repeatedly crashed thru me as I gazed up into the star filled sky that Cindy and I often stared out for hours at a time when we were together. How this one woman, again, had turned my world upside down like no other had ever done as my heart thudded painfully in my chest with a deep longing ache.

Just on the outskirts of town before I got out of cell range I received a text message from Cindy stating

“I had been overwhelmed with renewed feelings upon seeing you.
I knew I would be but not to this extent!
It was like kissing you for the very first time,
and I knew I loved you at that very instant upon our first kiss!
It was like making love to you for the very first time.
And tonight when I kissed you this love burst forth from the depths of where I had tried without success to wall it off, with an overwhelming realization of how much I have always deeply loved and cared for you.

A heartfelt realization of a love that has never died or diminished but has flared anew this very night...

I sent you this text because I could not trust my voice, nor tell you face to face in fear I would breakdown... in fear you did not feel the same...”

With a pounding heart and fumbling fingers I could only text back with a short reply

“I have always loved you with all my heart.
I have never stopped loving you and I always will!
Tomorrow, come out out to the ranch with your luggage, you are staying here!”


I got up early the next morning to go check on some cattle in one of the high mountain valley's. I saddled up my horse and unfortunately I did not get back until lunch time.

As I rode up to the stable I could see Cindy's Mercedes SUV in front of the house. I quickly unsaddled my horse, gave him a quick grooming and threw him some oats and left the gate open so he can wander out into the pasture. I rushed into the house but did not see Cindy, I went upstairs, past the guest room - empty, then into my bedroom. Her luggage was there, opened and empty! I looked out the window down at the naturalscaped horizon pool and saw her in the pool wearing a tiny string bikini which left nothing to the imagination!

As I watched, Cindy dove under and swam to the shallow end and then she rocketed herself off the bottom and shot up out of the water. I was astonished watching her rise and then fall back into the water as I saw for the first time her fully enhanced breasts that were just barely covered by a tiny micro triangle bikini top.
Cindy had always had extremely beautiful moderately sized breasts, with small areolas and small nipples, but what struck me was while her breasts were now slightly larger, they were also the most firmly enhanced breasts I had ever seen, even in porno films! I did not detect a bit of jiggle or bounce as she shot out of the water and reentered! I was also surprised her micro top had managed to stay on as she shot out of the water!

Cindy walked out of the water and even from this distance she looked incredibly stunning wearing an slightly sheer white Brazilian string bikini that had a deep V cut front that dipped daringly low that tied at the sides that left the entire hips bare as well as the front of the legs and she looked spectacularly ravishing in it as it deeply contrasted with her dark tan. Even from this distance I could easily tell it was unlined and made of very thin material. I could make out her small hard nipples and just barely make out her small areolas thru the wet material. Her long lean statuesque body was now accented with six-pack abs and a very cut, very muscularly defined, lower abdomen that her daringly deep V cut bikini bottoms showed off to full advantage. She turned around and bent over to get her towel. The bikini bottom backside had a slight resemblance to a butterfly that also dipped daringly low.

I watched as she sauntered over and laid down on the lounge chair and arranged herself. With a start I realized I was doing nothing but staring at her with a growing, painful erection! Cindy always has had a great body but now it went beyond fantastic - she would put any swimsuit model to shame with that hard ripped defined body and large perfectly formed exceedingly beautiful breasts! I watched her drain a beer which clued me in to rush downstairs and bring her another one as well as myself one.

I barbecued some chicken by the pool while we talked non-stop all afternoon and caught up with what we have been doing these years. It quickly came to me she knew waaay more of what I have been doing and what went wrong with my marriage, thanks to Michelle and Lori, especially since my divorce. Her parents were also close friends of my parents and I have been kept up on her accomplishments, but clearly she knew of my more intimate activities! Well it was a small town that came to life every summer, Spring Break and especially winter with the rich uninhibited ski bunnies who were looking for fun on a getaway!

I was surprised she kept drinking beer after beer through the afternoon, Cindy explained she would have to run a mile for each one she drank the next day, quickly I tabulated and was shocked she was going to run eight miles, then I corrected myself as she reached for another one. We both became more than pleasantly buzzed which helped a bit in diminishing my painful erection as she outrageously flirted with me throughout the afternoon by the pool. Kidding me how our friends have been keeping tabs on me and the visiting ski bunnies I had been with, how I seemed to be “plowing” through them and making them walk and ski funny...

Luckily I have been gifted with a much larger than normal cock than the majority of men, being ten inches with a very fat girth, but it was something I never bragged about. Cindy and I had been together since our sophomore year and she was the only girl I had ever been lovers with while we were together. Cindy shocked me by saying all her girlfriends and their friends had crushes on me and never would let up on her during all the time we were dating trying to convince her to let them have a least one go around in the sack with me or with both of us!

Evidently Cindy was the one doing the bragging! It also explained some of the blatant come-ons and outrageous flirting some of her girlfriends did with me including some intentional flashing.

Cindy was possessed with seeming unlimited boundless energy and when she had been drinking it just seemed to rev her up even more. Cindy told me Michelle and Lori had called that morning and wanted for us to meet them in town to go dancing like we use to. All I was thinking of, was when Cindy was going to make a move beyond the outrageous blatant flirting and teasing she had been doing to me all afternoon wearing that almost nothing daringly exotic bikini, knowing I could see her nipples and areolas thru the material when it was wet and almost transparent. She did hint that she bought it specifically for this trip - assuaging me of imaging her wearing something like that out in public or with another guy...

Cindy gave me a cocky grin when she told me this – even after these years she knew exactly what I was thinking! And I suddenly realized there had been a conspiracy long in the making by friends and family to engineer getting us back together with at least one unknowing participant, me!

We went in to shower and change, Cindy quickly dashed any hope of showering together - or of anything else when she dashed ahead of me, grinned and shut the bathroom door in my face. I took a shower in the guest bedroom and went into my bedroom to get clothes to change in. Cindy emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her that just barely covered her lovely firm ass cheeks.

As I watched her from a corner of my eye, she went over to the dresser, and with a quick glance at me to ensure I was looking, slowly bent over as she opened the bottom drawer where she had placed some of her things, exposing all her womanly charms and denuded pussy. She stood up and slyly grinned at me, then bodily brushed by but her hand shot out and caressed my erection thru my jeans as she huskily whispered “later...”

Cindy emerged from the bedroom wearing an extremely sexy and erotically daring low cut halter neck tie stretch mini black dress with front metallic embellishment. The back was totally open with a super low cut rear that just barely showed the beginnings of the cleft of her buttocks. Her moderately sized very firm enhanced breasts ensured there would be no wardrobe malfunctions. I could not help embracing her and telling her how wonderful she looked, as my hand roamed over her firm tight ass as I silently wondered what kind of panties could she possibly be wearing with this type of dress. She nibbled on my ear and then hotly, breathlessly whispered into my ear, again demonstrating she knew exactly what I was thinking,

“Wondering what I am wearing underneath this?
I will show you later...!”

We got to the club and I was only slightly surprised Michelle and Lori were there without dates – and dressed as sexily provocative as Cindy! As the evening wore on all four of us got outlandishly drunk and silly cutting up with each. The three women all refused dance offers much to the disappointment of the continuous streams of guys asking them, only dancing with me or with each other.

To my discontent, Michelle and Lori insisted on dancing slow dances with me and I could feel them intentionally pressing their bodies against me, pushing their groins hard against me and grinding in little circles. The fast dances were worse with intentional bump and grind as all three took turns with me, turning their backs to me and very hard repeatedly thrust/humped their lovely asses against me as I held their hips.

Toward late evening there were two back to back slow dances that Michelle and Lori insisted I dance with them. Just as the first dance ended Michelle reached down between us and slowly stroked my partial erect cock and would not stop stroking bringing it to full hardness as she huskily stated

“I have always wanted to do that to you
feel your magnificent cock grow hard in my hand and do more...
You probably do not realize how incredibly difficult it was for Lori and I to stop with you in the hot tub a few years back - and still to this day!
Cindy for years have told us how wonderful a lover you are...”

A large knot had formed in my throat and I could not speak, wondering what would happen when the dance ended and Cindy and the others would clearly see the large outline of my erection through my tight jeans...

I was spared when the dance transitioned into another slow dance and Lori cut in. As she cut in she gently clasped one of my hands and held it between us as she pressed tightly against me as we slow danced. She gave me a sexy grin when I noticed her briefly look down and then back up at me and felt her press herself more tightly against my still hard cock. Lori was also wearing a deeply cut dress that plunged well below her lovely breasts. I had noticed early on she was not wearing, could not be wearing any type of bra with her dress, just as Michelle and Cindy could not wear a bra with what they were wearing. And the silky fabric of Lori's dress you could clearly see the outline of her nipples especially when they grew hard...

It was a long slow dance and Lori was holding our hands up high against the hot bare cleavage of her breasts, it was only after it happened did I realize Lori had been intentionally and incrementally moving our hands underneath the edge of her plunging dress and maneuvering my hand onto her breast. I tried to move my hand away but she firmly held it in place as she worked her fingers free to where my hand now cupped her breast and her hand keeping mine in place. I could feel her diamond hard nipple and I could not resist sliding her nipple between the V of two of my fingers and gently squeezing them together. Lori gave out a little moan and whispered “harder”. She leaned close to my ear and hotly said

“for years I tried to talk Cindy about all of us going to bed together and she always said
“one of these days...”

I was barely able to speak this time and I told Lori I always thought she was beautiful, fun and loving and I loved her dearly, but it appears tonight you and Michelle have decided to break our pack - now of all times! I believe what Cindy and I had may still be there and I want to do whatever has to be done to ensure to see if it is and do nothing to jeopardize it...”

Lori gave me a sexy smile and then gave me a very unchaste kiss on the corner of my mouth as she repeatedly darted her tongue in and softly said to me

“Silly! Michelle and I are here to ensure you two do get back together, you belong to each other, everyone knows that, and besides Cindy does not mind, she loves seeing us tease you, always have, it has always been somewhat of a serious game with us... if it ever was a game...”

I was totally confused as we finished the dance and Lori tightly held my hand as we walked back to join the others. Michelle and Lori volunteered to get the next round of drinks. I took the opportunity to hesitantly tell Cindy what had been going on during the last two dances...

Cindy gave me a speculative smile and said

“I do not think you really realize the depth of how much those two love you. It should have dawned on you when those two went up in the mountains, two young extremely beautiful women, by themselves, and dragged you out and nursed you back to health. If I hadn't ever been in the picture you would have been long married by now to one of them - with fringe benefits with the other with the wholehearted endorsement of the other! You have to realize and realize tonight how much those two not only love you but each other...and me. You absolutely have to understand if all of us are to be truly and totally happy for the rest of our lives.

For years they relentlessly hounded me for all of us to get together and I can't tell you how many times I almost gave in. It may seem odd to most people but that is the depth of our love we all share with you. Its too bad that legal polygamy is now outlawed, in this country at least...

Also, I know full well what happened in the hot tub with you three back in university, they told me the following week it happened - and about that pack those two drafted you into. The other day when I went out to lunch with them, we discussed if things went well this week between us, between all of us, then that pack is no longer valid...”

Stunned, I sat there trying to process what Cindy told me as she sat there looking at me with a sexy grin and one eyebrow highly arched in amusement. Michelle and Lori came back and saw my appearance and Cindy's look of amusement. Michelle asked what has been going on and Cindy replied

“Oh, I just told him I threw the pack out you three had made...”

Lori dropped the drink she was carrying...


Michelle and Lori had a friend bring them to the club and Cindy and I drove them back to Michelle's parent's ranch house out in the country where Lori had left her car. I raised up the center seat console of the front seat of the Dodge truck and all three women climbed in the front seat and none in the back. Luckily the truck had a very spacious interior and all four of us easily fit in the front. But it turned out to be a very long drive back to Michelle's parent's ranch house even though it was on the way to the ranch...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Michelle lean in and started French kissing Lori deeply and long as each others hands sensuously caressed the swells of each others breasts and as fingers pulled open their plunging dresses fully exposing two sets of firm, very large and perfect hard nipple bare breasts. I felt a hand caressing my crotch and I glanced over at Cindy who gave me a sexy grin. Michelle and Lori broke their kiss but them Lori started in on Cindy! Michelle leaned over Lori and pulled to one side Cindy's dress and latched onto her nipple as I saw Michelle's hand creep under Lori's dress! I felt Cindy fumbling for my zipper and I stiffened up and Cindy noticed. She broke away from kissing Lori and she looked at me and started giggling! Lori and Michelle also started laughing seeing my reaction!

Evidently they took pity on me as Michelle explained

'back in grade school we did a little exploration as most girls do as they feel their sexuality budding out and teenage hormones start flowing and we discovered we preferred girl-on-girl rather than boy-on -girl, except with you!

Lori suddenly let out a stifled groan and I quickly glanced down and saw Michelle's hand busily working between Lori's legs with her short dress hiking ever so slowly upwards as Lori and Cindy started back in on each other and Michelle started sucking on Cindy's nipple again. Cindy was now working on my zipper with some urgency apparently spurned on by the actions of her two friends working her over. I kept glancing over and then glancing down to try to take it all in as I tried to drive. Lori's hand was now between Cindy's legs and then I felt Cindy's hot hand upon my stiff cock,felt it being drawn out of my open fly, felt it being stroked...

I had never imagined this really happening!
But I did fantasize about it!

Over the years there had been times when it got close especially that night in the hot tub with Michelle and Lori, and I always had suspected that at times Michelle and Lori later continued on without me.

In the past I thought the three of them were just kidding but they always seemed to be a bit earnest about it, not to mention the blatant flashing. Unfortunately, I wanted tonight to be about just Cindy and I and that was all I could think about - and then my mind went briefly blank as I felt hot lips and mouth encircle my cockhead and start bobbing up and down, sucking hard.

I tightly gripped the wheel and with Cindy sitting beside me and the other two on the either side of her there was no way it was Cindy doing it! I still remember her distinct and unique talented way of giving head and this was not it! I glanced down and saw Lori's beautiful head going up and down while she laid across Cindy to reach me. Lori was also finger fucking Cindy's pussy while Cindy was still stroking my cock. Michelle's hand was furiously finger fucking Lori's pussy and ass as Lori laid over Cindy to reach me, her short dress had ridden well up over her bare lovely tan contrasted ass completely exposing it as she laid over Cindy...

A groan escaped from my lips, a mighty battle waging to just drive on to the ranch with the three of them and feeling a surge of arousal flood and swell my cock as Lori slightly gagged on my swelling girth. Hearing this brought me back to what was the most important thing and for the future. Cindy looked at me and smiled lovingly and longingly. Huskily I choked out

“Cindy, I want tonight to be just you and me...please”

Just then Michelle brought Lori to an intense orgasm in which Lori inadvertently bit me in her passionate reaction as well as driving her fingers deep up into Cindy's pussy triggering an orgasm in Cindy!

Tears were streaming down my eyes as I braked the truck to a stop. For a moment all three looked at me with concern and then Lori said in a very little voice “I accidentally bit him, I'm sorry I could not help it, you are just so big and I came so hard!” and then all three of them burst out in laughter!

So much for any sympathy from these three!

I had to admit the scene was comical and very erotic - three very gorgeous women hardily laughing in various stages of undress, all had their lovely hard nipple breasts fully exposed, breasts heaving up and down with their drunken laughter and dresses hiked up as all three looked unabashedly back at me as I saw full-on bare, very intimate areas, of Lori and Michelle fully for the first time with no move to cover themselves as all three hungrily looked at me...

Cindy stated Michelle and Lori will not distract you any further the rest of the drive, but then Michelle quipped

“but not in the future!
We have a lot to makeup for!”
as all three burst out in laughter again

For the rest of the drive I studiously concentrated on the drive to Michelle's parents ranch house but out of the corner of my eye I did catch hands surreptitiously and furtively ease in between upper thighs as hands slowly moved back and forth...

I pulled into Michelle's parents ranch and pulled up to the ranch house and we all got out. Michelle deeply kissed me with Cindy standing right beside her. Michele broke off the kiss and she and Cindy grinned at each other. Then Lori kissed me deeply and hungrily! She ended the kiss but did not let me go as she hotly whispered in my ear

'better heed what Michelle said...
we three do have plans in the future - for all of us...!

Numbly I stood there as I watched Cindy, Michelle and Lori take turns deeply kissing each other goodnight as I felt a definite stirring in my pants! I knew Cindy and I had to leave very quickly before I told all three of them to get back into the truck!

Laughingly Lori inquired

“sure we cannot go back to the ranch with y'all tonight?!”

and Cindy laughingly replied

Next Time!

During the drive back Cindy kept kissing and fondling me making it very difficult to drive not to mention I should not have been driving with all we had drunk. Luckily the state highway was a small isolated one and we were only on it for a few miles after we left Michelle and Lori before we had to turn onto the county road to get to the ranch road, by now she again had unzipped my pants and been stroking my cock, then I saw her head bend down and felt her hot lips and hot tongue encircle my cockhead. Cindy gave fantastic head, the best I had ever had. However I was thinking I wanted our first time back together not to be a blowjob but settling into her wonderfully and exquisitely tight and hot pussy!

We pulled off the highway now driving on the county road when Cindy told me to pull over into a National Forest road that we both knew very well. Again she demonstrated she knew exactly what I was thinking as she climbed into my lap, lowered the seat back and straddled me as she started slowly working my long fat cock into her fantastic and exquisitely tight pussy and I suddenly realized she was not wearing, nor has been wearing any panties the entire night! Just as she very slowly worked the last three inches in, Cindy let out a deep and loud groan, as a brief realization flashed thru my mind that Michelle and Lori hadn't either!

Cindy pulled her plunging dress to either side baring her large hard nipple breasts as she rode up and down on me. I became mesmerized as she increased her pace as my eyes locked onto her breasts as they moved up and down, fascinated because there was nary a jiggle they were so firm. Despite both of us being very intoxicated we both shortly orgasmed simultaneously like we always had.

Just as we pulled into the ranch road Cindy again went down on me bringing me rapidly to full life even though I already had another partial erection thinking of round two...

She took me by the hand and led me into my/our bedroom and slowly pulled off her dress. She extended her arms and slowly and drunkenly twirled around and asked if I like what I saw...

I was very pleasantly surprised to see she had all her pubic hair removed except for a very small landing strip.

I remarked she was the most incredibly beautiful and fit woman I had ever seen and words fail me how I felt now she she was back in my life again as I never felt complete after we broke up and felt there was always something missing, and that no other girls I have ever dated came close to her intelligence,beauty, caring and wildly imaginative sex!

Cindy informed me she got tired of waxing and shaving and when she went over to Europe to have her breasts enhanced by a world class specialist as part of her self-esteem redemption, she also had all her pubic hair removed as well except for what you see. She also had her legs and underarms done as well.

Cindy then stalked over to me and started jerking off my clothes with a renewed sense of urgency...


After long wildly passionate drunken sex Cindy leapt out of bed. Now Cindy, was one of those women who seemed blessed with unlimited boundless energy and sex just seemed to rev her up even more though she was so drunk she could barely stand.

She exclaimed

You had never shown me the ponies that your parents started breeding after we went went off to university, let's go see them!

My ex left a few clothes behind including an extremely memorable and very sexy short silk charmeuse Kimono.

When Cindy put it on, it almost just barely reached the bottom of her lovely firm ass cheeks. I gave her an appraising look and she asked with a very slurred voice and sexy grin

“are you thinking of your ex-wife or of me, or perhaps all three of us together....

Shocked, I just stood there and what I realized later was a dumb grin on my face while I unconsciously nodded my head...

Bemusedly she looked at me and then pulled me after her as we headed out to the stables as she explained what kinds of things Michelle, Lori and she did in their process of discovery, when it started and what it in turn lead to - something more which she would explain later....”The three of us will ensure you will never, ever think of your ex-wife again!” Which left me mute for the rest of the long walk to the stables as all kinds of images and fantasies flashed through my mind...

We went into the stables and I brought Stormy and Snowy, our two stud ponies out from their stalls. Cindy started giggling as Stormy and Snowy repeatedly nuzzled her breasts but she did not pull away. I explained they were looking for sugar cubes and would be persistent until they found one. Snowy kept searching and easily parted the smooth slick fabric of the robe baring Cindy's large firm hard nipple breasts to his soft velvet lips and soft velvet nose looking for his treats as I looked on.

Astounded and speechless, I watched as Snowy repeatedly worked his sensitive lips across Cindy's bare breasts, searching, then started intently working one small area - Cindy's hard nipple! This caught Stormy's attention as he started anew on her other breast! Cindy allowed this continue for several moments allowing Snowy to nuzzle and repeatedly lightly tug on her hard nipple with his sensitive lips before Cindy backed away laughing, looking directly at me, she said

“the soft lips feel pretty interesting and he is quite talented!
As I recall, better than you were when we first started dating...!
But you rapidly improved!”

As she petted him, Snowy became more relaxed and then his cock began releasing out of his sheath. I could not resist a smart ass quip as I said to her

“looks like he is happy to see you!”

Giggling, Cindy said

“I think he does!”

I did not tell her that that when it is hot, equines let their cocks dangle to help shed heat letting the beginnings of a fantasy build....

Cindy knelt down beside Snowy as she continued to stroke his flanks in long languid motions, clearly for some reason she was fascinated with his dangling, pure pink cock. She had seen several horse cocks before being out at the ranch and Michelle's ranch in the past, even had made ribald sexual comments about their cocks especially when she had brought out a girlfriend or two out to go riding - remarking the penis looks just like a human penis except much longer and much thicker!

As Cindy continued stroking Snowy I noticed his cock started getting stiff, swelling and contracting. I watched as naked sexual emotions clearly played across Cindy's face, her nipples were diamond hard and her respiration had increased - her breasts visibly moving.

Clearly she was reacting to the stiffening cock, so human in appearance except on a much bigger scale.
As I mentioned before, Cindy had a very fertile imagination as well as a very high and healthy libido which combined to create indulgent fantasies and desires. I began hoping and fantasizing she discovered a new stimulus for both!

Hesitantly I saw her reach a hand toward it then stopped as she whispered “it does look waaay too human, it is totally pink and is a very, very beautiful cock...” I softly told her to go ahead, it was okay he was used to it as he had to be handled during breeding and semen collection activities.

Cindy brought her hand close and then stopped just before she reached it as she gave out a small exclamation

“I can feel the heat radiating from it!”

then she gently grasp his cock as Snowy stood still, Cindy clearly enthralled and fascinated at feeling for the first time such a powerful and massive male sexual organ in her hand. The massive shaft was throbbing – swelling and contracting as she encircled her fingers of one hand around the shaft as her fingers gently explored his glans. Slowly her hand began sliding up the shaft ,then back down, then repeatedly as I gently stroked her back...

Her breathing grew deeper and more rapid as my hand stroke down to her lower back, then slowly I caressed my way over and under her firm ass cheeks as she began increasing the stroking of Snowy's cock. I cautiously stroked a finger under her small firm muscular ass cheeks going a little bit farther each time till I felt her pussy - and was surprised how hot it was and then how easily my finger slipped in. As it slipped in she gave out a little moan as she increased the stroking as I gently began finger fucking her pussy.

It seemed instantaneous when she started bucking against my finger, in a hotly whispered emotional voice she told me to use two fingers. I could not resist in seeing how far she would far she and I could carry out this fantasy...

After a few seconds of using two fingers which had her writhing on top of my hand as she steadily jacked Snowy's cock

I hotly and softly whispered into her ear

“you could get on your hands and knees under Snowy and let his cock slide between your legs...”

Without even looking at me she positioned herself under Snowy, the robe barely hanging on as it rode well up and over her firm tan contrasted ass completely baring it, her large firm breasts completely exposed, Cindy captured his cock and guided the cock between her legs. I could see her swollen engorged parted labia as she s

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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

1 year ago
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A Womans First Time Encounter Without Her Hu

After a time of suitable correspondence, a middle aged lady from a small town in Ohio decided to actually meet to determine the chemistry we may have for each other. She, a very nice looking 5'4" tall, with a very attractive firm stocky figure, green eyes, flaming red hair, and beautiful full firm breasts at least a 40DD size. During our prior correspondence she had mention that she had never been intimate with anyone else than her husband, and for the past five years or more her husband had...

3 years ago
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Surprise Encounter with the Boss Part 2

Kelly had been a wreck ever since the encounter with her boss Stan.  She simply couldn’t get the encounter out of her mind.  She was filled with a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from confusion, shame, fear and the most surprising and persistent to her… lust!  The encounter with Stan had been the best sex she had ever had and she hated herself for it.  Kelly didn’t know what to do about it either.  She knew she couldn’t tell her fiancé, Mark, but should she quit her job?  How would she...

1 year ago
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Encounter With Lusty Manager To Another Encounter With Colleague

Hey boys (hard dicks) and ladies (yummy pussies). Sameer working in Bangalore is back with a hot encounter with my colleague. After my encounter with HR manager, as soon I had this encounter I am writing this to share with you and guys I am better in real life than the story because some romantic scenes are tough to write as words fall short to describe instead it can be shown please mail me your reviews and fun at my email id at the end of story cum real experience. Now there was another HR...

1 year ago
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Romanic Encounter

My name is Jay and I am married to the greatest partner any man could ask for. My wife of 8 years has been a joy to be with anywhere including the bedroom. Granted is Jan is not the 18 year old I first met but after 2 kids and 8 years she still looks good and I have no desire to roam. That is until my wife got me turn onto our next door neighbor. We moved in next to Roger and Joan about 3 months ago. He is a pastor at a local fundamentalist church and she is the office assistant at the church....

3 years ago
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My Encounter With Liz

By : Hotguyroby Hello guys and gals, this is Roby again with my second story which happened 5 years ago. Thanks for the feedback and comments for my first story ‘My Encounter with Leena’ posted under the Couple Category. Now let me share you guys with the second encounter with a North-Eastern beauty which happened in the Capital of India. I was working in BPOs in New Delhi and I was new to job and city. I had a friend from UP who was my roommate for couple of months during my initial stay over...

2 years ago
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Caribbean encounter

I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...

2 years ago
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Hot And Pleasurable Encounter With Two Hot Milfs

Hi everyone, this is Ashok back again and I am gonna tell you a true story which happened to me just a few weeks back.How I had an encounter with two hot milfs who are from Kerala. I am a good looking 25 years old from Hyderabad. Mature ladies and aunties looking for a good time and for a nice encounter can contact me on . Full privacy guaranteed. When i am checking my emails I met this woman named Pallavi (name changed)a 45-year-old housewife from Kerala. She is married but her husband stays...

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Encounter in the Lab Part two

Introduction: This story is the second story in the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol, an attractive older Lab Tech in a major North Carolina hospital suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder. In part one, Carol encountered one of her willing lovers, men devoted to satisfying her incessant hypersexual drive. As noted in the previous chapter, the story is fictional, yet based upon real people and genuine circumstances. Obviously, names and details have been changed or modified to provide anonymity....

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My Brother8217s Bride 8211 Part IV 8211 The Holi Encounter

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 3 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. The first 3 parts were about how I made her compromise the situation and gift her virginity to me and we had a...

4 years ago
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A couple from the Elyria, Ohio contacted me a while back and said that they thought I sounded interesting and would I care to get together with them at a café for a bite of food and a further discussion with all parties being present. I agreed to the meeting at the café where we discussed their previous experience meeting other singles and couples for adult encounters. After I was satisfied that this couple was truly sincere in their intentions I agreed to come back to their residence for...

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A couple from the Elyria, Ohio contacted me a while back and said that they thought I sounded interesting and would I care to get together with them at a café for a bite of food and a further discussion with all parties being present. I agreed to the meeting at the café where we discussed their previous experience meeting other singles and couples for adult encounters. After I was satisfied that this couple was truly sincere in their intentions I agreed to come back to their residence for...

4 years ago
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My First Sex Encounter With Owner Aunty

Hello friends, this is hunterr4u72. I am 42 years old and live in the Garden city, Bangalore. This if my first story in ISS. Even though I am a big fan of ISS, I had restricted myself to just reading . I decided that I should pen down my experiences also. This is a true story which happened in the year 1996. I was then a young boy who did not know how to keep my dick down. We were staying in a rented house. The owner of the house was a business man with two daughters and a son. The wife, a...

3 years ago
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The Arranged Encounter Part 1 The Meeting

As I walked into the bar I was quickly able to pick him out. The trendy bar was full of 30-somethings and younger, and I knew he was my age. We were the only men in the place with graying hair. I walked over and he immediately stood and shook my hand. David quickly explained why the big smile. “I’m so glad you came, you wouldn’t believe how many men I talk to don’t show and when I return home I get some lame excuse.” I knew exactly what he was talking about having been on the receiving end of...

Wife Lovers
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My First Lesbian Encounter

Hey guys. I’m 22yr old girl from Mumbai. My name is Natasha!! I’ve read a few stories on iss and thought I’ll write my hot encounter with my bestie Sanjana!!! Sanjana is super cute and bubbly and very fair. She is 22 yrs old as well. Her best feature is her ass according to me & she has good enough tits as well. I think it must be 32-34 b size. She has long legs as well. I am a little cuter than her with a thin waist line and lovely tits ;) I have a good looking ass as well. I’m fair as well!...

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Wifes Encounter with Jake

Introduction: Wife Encounters a Donkey Our Stories in Succession: 1. Bree1 Kate, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains, when sequins to: 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with Jake the Donkey 8. Bree 8 The Reunion (a standalone story that references Bree 1 7) As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession...

1 year ago
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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

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Redemption with Jerry 1st and 2nd encounter

My story with this guy starts like a year and a half ago. Maybe two years ago. I was posting ads on Craigslist looking for guys to suck off. At the time I was watching rough porn... facefucking type stuff. So I think my ad probably asked for somebody to “fuck my face”..Little did I know... I wasn’t ready for that at the time. A guy... let’s call him Jerry... answered my ad and said he had his own apartment and he would turn me into his sissy. And it turned me on. He seemed different from a lot...

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A Hyderabadi HR 8211 Sexual Encounter With A Sales Girl

Hi myself shank….27 male….Name changed…. I am from Hyderabad and a hr professional, so you can understand the encounters occurred in my life….I am 6 feet and can take any female for ride and I prefer women and matured girls for sex as experience counts. I had good responses to my last story especially from young girls and aunties for “a hyderabadi hr…..Sexual encounter with fellow female colleague”. This is the story how I had and sexual encounter with a sales girl of a company which is...

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Accidental Encounter With An AC Inspection Officer

There are some encounters which you don’t plan but it happens accidentally. This is one such encounter where I met a middle-aged ac guy for repair work and it turned out repairing work for our bodies. Well it happened around last week when there was so much dust storm and thunderstorm was happening in north of India. So because of that my ac stopped working as it is an old one. This ac I got installed using my office connection and because of that voltas guy sent this ac inspection guy to check...

Gay Male
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Wifes Encounter with Jake

1. Bree1 – Kate, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 – Girlfriend’s Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains, when sequins to: 4. Bree 4 -Wife’s Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 – Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 – The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake the Donkey 8. Bree 8 – The Reunion (a standalone story that references Bree 1 – 7) As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession so you will gain an understanding...

3 years ago
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A Chance Encounter with Kavita from Hyderabad 02

(After having an overwhelming response to ” A Chance Encounter with Kavita from Hyderabad”, as promised I am giving you the details of the subsequent shots I had with Kavita. I request you to first please read the first part to have a background as well as to maintain continuity. Some readers have said that part-I is too detailed. It is so as it is a true account and I have not concealed anything.) The dinner arrived after about half an hour. After having supper, we decided to rest for a while...

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Encounter with an older man

I read my email and sure enough, an email fromTrelane was waiting for me. My heart started to poundas I read it, then it was pounding even faster!Trelane told me that he had a friend, another top, whowas wanting to join us for a threesome. I had oftenfantasized about being with two men at once, and herewas my chance. I sent a reply stating that I would behappy to meet his friend, but being sexual with himwould just depend on what happened at our firstmeeting. A couple of days passed,...

2 years ago
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Awesome Encounter With A Lusty Young Wife

Hi viewers.. This Raj it’s actually the first story of mine on ISS. But not the first experience of my life…. Let me describe myself first.. Me age of 28 … good height of 5’11” and my chotu size will be known and remembered to all you has seen it. As its my first story please do bear with me if any mistakes and please do reply and send me the feedback so as to motivate me to write more stories. Please send your feedback on Myself a young energetic and good physic guy from Hyderabad, I was...

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Sexual Encounter With An Online Friend

Hey, this is the Coolguy back with an encounter I had with another woman named Swapna (Name changed). I met her online after . This incident happened towards the end of March 2021. So not giving an elaborate introduction and getting to the story soon. So a brief introduction about me. I am 6 ft tall, 29 years of age, brought up in Chennai. In this story, I will be describing a sexual encounter that I had with a Swapna. I hope you all will enjoy it. An introduction about Swapna. She is 40 years...

4 years ago
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My Encounter With Sexy Aunty

Hi My name is Raj (name changed) from the South Indian city of Bangalore. Interested aunties and matured ladies can contact me on As I write this story which is 100% true, my memory dates back to 1990 when I was a 1st year Engineering student with raging hormones. I had a very strong sexual urge but did not know how to or where to release it. In those days, we did not have sites like Indian sex stories but our access to sexual literature was limited to books which were sold in some book stores...

1 year ago
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My second encounter with college junior

Hi All of indian sex stories dot net, If you are a new reader of this story, I kindly suggest you to go through my first encounter ‘ Introduced to the world of sex’. After the end of my first encounter, days passed by with few quickes and bjs when ever I catch up with Preethi. I was jobless for almost a year, then decided to do my masters so moved to Bangalore in one of famous college. Until my first year never had any girlfriend, almost for one year everything went always with handshakes. The...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter With Bhavika

Hi readers, this is Atul once again with a brand new encounter, which has happened early December, 2011.It was Friday 2nd December, 2011 as usual I went to office. I always love Fridays since the next two days are holidays for me and when I reached office my boss called me in his cabin. I was not even settled on my seat, but once I got his message, immediately I went to his cabin. He told me that I am going to Pune within next 4 hours. He had made arrangement to book my Volvo ticket also. I...

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Erotic encounter with my friends mom Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

My name is Zen and this is my real story of an erotic encounter with my friend’s mom. I saw her for the first time and fell in love with her. It was 4 years back when my other friends and I used to meet at night time for playing cards. We used to sit on a bench near four-way, discuss cricket, tease each other by their girlfriend’s name and many other things. One night, one of my friends introduced us to Harry. Harry was a few years younger to us. As there was no boy of his age in the locality....

Extra Marital Affair
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Encounter With Big Spanish Girl Latisha 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone, This is Rohan, back again with the second part of my encounter with big Spanish women Latisha, a bit about me again, I am 27, 6’1″ tall and athletic. I suggest you read the previous part to enjoy the current story even more. Here is the link Well after our encounter in the kitchen and in the sofa, we both were exhausted and sweating, it may have been a short session of 20 mins, but it got us both very horny and we both came like never before, our face was wet with each other’s...

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First Encounter With Pretika

By : Shon Hey I’m a guy 18 years old who will let you know about encounter with a woman who I wanted to fuck. My name is Shon and her name was Pretika. Well the story starts off by the day pretika came to my house. She was a married woman who has had two children. Firstly let me tell you she is short not very tall, has black skin.She was a family friend. She was good looking so before you ask me why I was interested, you should know the answer. Pretika was doing the dish when my dick started...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Sensual Encounter with my Mother Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am Neil and this is the story of a sensual encounter with my mother. It all happened last year when I went to my home in the countryside to spend my holidays. I didn’t inform my mother about my arrival as I wanted to give her a surprise. As I entered the door, which was open as usual, I saw my mother in a white see-through nightgown, cooking breakfast. I hugged her from behind but unlike other times I felt different as if she is burning, burning from inside. I ignored it and kissed her...

3 years ago
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Out of town encounter

Whenever I travel I know I am going to be horny, and I may get to ‘stretch my arms’ a little… explore my ‘darker side’ that must stay hidden whenever I am home. I generally like the ‘usual porn’. Occasionally, though, I may veer off the main stream a little and open my mind for more interesting attractions. One of the first things I do when I get settled into the hotel (as ‘settled in’ as you can get at a hotel) I open the phone book and browse the local entertainment venues. Bars, nah. Night...

2 years ago
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The Arranged Encounter Part 2 Setting Sail

A few weeks ago I had met David for the first time. After weeks of chatting that meeting was meant to build the final trust needed for him to share his wife with me, his beautiful wife of more than 25 years. The meeting went well, as expected. Men are drawn to trust and follow me. Women are drawn to trust and want me. I don’t say that out of arrogance, I’ve known I was a true Alpha male since I was 21. My early experiences both in my professional life and my sexual life helped me understand my...

Wife Lovers
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Unexpected Encounter In A Park

Hi guys, I’m Varun(name changed) from Bangalore. I’m a bisexual strongly attracted to men who are older than me. Possibilities do exist. So if you wanna know more about me and my experiences, get in touch with me. So this story is about an unexpected encounter that happened to me last year. I was 19 years old then. I was always fascinated to see new dicks and gave a fetish for underwears. Also, I like exploring sex in public places. This story outsets when I wanted to inquisitively experience...

Gay Male
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Out of town encounter

Whenever I travel I know I am going to be horny, and I may get to "stretch my arms" a little... explore my "darker side" that must stay hidden whenever I am home. I generally like the "usual porn". Occasionally, though, I may veer off the main stream a little and open my mind for more interesting attractions. One of the first things I do when I get settled into the hotel (as "settled in" as you can get at a hotel) I open the phone book and browse the local entertainment venues. Bars,...

3 years ago
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Surprise Encounter with the Boss Part 2

Kelly had been a wreck ever since the encounter with her boss Stan.  She simply couldn’t get the encounter out of her mind.  She was filled with a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from confusion, shame, fear and the most surprising and persistent to her… lust!  The encounter with Stan had been the best sex she had ever had and she hated herself for it.  Kelly didn’t know what to do about it either.  She knew she couldn’t tell her fiancé, Mark, but should she quit her job?  How would she...

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110 Louisersquos First encounter

110 Louise’s First encounter. Louise, looked out of the car window, rain tricked down the glass, as they waited the lights, a dreary Devon day. She was going to stay with her aunt and uncle again, mum and dad having to go off on another business trip. Luckily it was just across town so she could still continue at the school she loved and with her friends, but she hated leaving her room and all her treasured possessions, 14 going on 15 now, puberty just upon her, she valued the little room and...

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Anonymous Encounter

Well it was a boring day. It was fairly hot outside,somewhere around 93 degrees. The sun was shining, there were very few puffy clouds in the sky, and I was home alone. As usually happens when I am bored and home alone, I was horny as hell. I wanted to jerk myself off, but I wanted to do it to something different than the normal porn that I usually watch. I figured since no one would be back at the house until tomorrow, I would take the time and dress up and do my makeup and hair and really go...

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Whilst travelling back to my ship whilst in the navy 30 years ago, I had my first stranger sex encounter.The last train was usually full with Sailors returning from leave and other passengers, I was sat reading a book and every time I looked up I noticed this older woman kept catching my eye. I was 20 at the time and she must have been early 40s, Suddenly out of the blue she sat next to me and started talking about the book I was reading. General conversation ensued, after the first stop, the...

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My Mom8217s Sexual Encounter 8211 Part I

Hi to all friends and this platform has given wonderful sexual stories. I have been a regular reader of the stories. I am going to tell real stories about my mom’s sexual encounters with an uncle living under our apartment, with his friends and also with my friend. Let me tell you about my mom how she is look in mid 40’s in 90’s, she is lovely lady with heavy figure but sexy) and lady of 2 pair of nice boobs heavy and huge ass. This by now is understood it’s an old story. She was a housewife...


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