You Go Online, Turns To Be Black Owned 4 free porn video

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The miles rolled by under the wheels of her vehicle - the lights flashed through her vision as she drove through the night. She knew her mind was all over the place, hurtling in a thousand different directions, unable to really process the situation. She just knew that she had to see her daughter, had to know the truth.

It was only as she neared her destination that she realised how impractical she had been. It was past Midnight - was she really intending to haul her daughter out of bed and demand to know whether a Black stranger had knocked her up. She thought of her phone but instantly rejected the idea. Some things had to be dealt with face to face. If nothing else she wanted to be able to hold Charli, to let her know that whatever had happened or would happen she would always love her.

Her brain began to try to rationalise the situation. She had been to Charli's house and noticed its unusual lay-out but it couldn't be the only one with a similar set-up. Perhaps other old merchant houses had been cut down due to disrepair, perhaps the clip hadn't been filmed in her daughter's home after all. She knew it sounded ridiculously far-fetched, too much of a coincidence to be practical, but she grasped at the chance. Suddenly as she reached the far side of the Capital she dreaded the last few miles, dreaded the certain knowledge of what she now only suspected. The adrenaline that had fuelled her rush to drive North was now long dissipated. She felt confused and scared and miserable.

She saw a motel sign, presumably for business travellers to the Capital. Probably the last such before they entered the straggling urban sprawl that stretched between the Capital and its down-at-heel, crime, vice and d**g-ridden neighbour - H-Town. She took a snap decision and pulled in. Parked in the lot and pushed back against the head-rest with her eyes closed, fighting the panic down. She had to get it right when she met Charli, clear of thought and speech. Getting this wrong might lose her daughter for good.

There was no-one she could trust with this. Charli's father? He'd faithfully and honourably made bank transfers over the last few years but he would not want or need this drama. She knew his second wife was expecting too, their second. She realised that thought, 'expecting too', had come into her head.

What about the other key person in her life over the last few months? What about her ... she hesitated. What was his real name - Izeye. Didn't the clips come from him? Hadn't he arranged all this? Had he... How could her daughter have been so stupid - to let herself be used and exploited like this! She glanced down at her own body - knew that her own belly might soon be filling out too and with the baby of the man behind all this. He had fooled them, manipulated them both.

Even as the thought ran through her mind she knew it wasn't true. With her daughter perhaps but certainly not for her. Her mind flashed back again. Her helping her Master, she couldn't help thinking of him as anything but that, capture Ann as a new 'trainee'. Her telling Shaka to seed Dee when she was unprotected and fertile, to send her home to her husband and family with a Black man's baby in her. At that moment she had wanted it - wanted her Master and Shaka to succeed, had not cared what happened to the other women.

But was that true? She had worked from her own experience. How good all of this had been for her. How she knew that she could not turn back, more accurately WOULD not turn back once she had gone so far. It hadn't been hypocrisy because she had only helped the other women do just what she was doing, become what she was, enjoy everything that their new lives had to offer. What now? Go back to Izeye despite everything? Find a new Black Master? Just cruise the clubs looking for casual Black partners?

She shook her head and found her bag, checked her credit card was there. Only when checked in and lying on the bed in her little room did she realise that not for one moment had she contemplated giving up Black cock, not for one moment had she considered preventing any pregnancy that she might already have begun. She wasn't the same person that she had been before she gave herself to him. She didn't regret that for one moment - couldn't honestly claim to regret having led others down the same path - but the possible cost to her daughter kept her head whirling until, emotionally exhausted, she finally slept a shallow fitful few hours.


She woke still feeling tired and she couldn't face any breakfast. At least her mind seemed to have stabilised . The initial brutality of the shock had worn off. She would consider her own future in time. First she had to see her daughter. They would survive and get through, just as they always had, but she had to see Charli. No matter how much she dreaded it...

She got there at 0930 in the morning. Saw the familiar little street with the big, cut-down frontage. Noticed the change there and knew that any chance of a coincidence, however slim, had gone. On the wall by the front door was a sign and on that sign the design she now had tattooed on her own lower back. The Black face and the White face united in a kiss and forming the symbol of yin and yang. The symbol of her Master's ownership.

Georgia took a deep breath. She rang the bell but heard nothing so she knocked on the door. No response so she tried again. Then again. Still nothing. She closed her eyes - she knew she would have to make the decision.

It cut against the grain. The key really was only for use in emergency. However, wasn't this just that. She quickly reached into her bag and unlocked the front door. The alarm box buzzed until the entered the code - identical to her own, just as her daughter had once joked. With the door closed she looked carefully around her.

It was the strangely truncated lobby with the over-sized staircase - just as she remembered from her previous visit and just as she had seen on the video. She made her way up the stairs and checked the balcony carefully. In a couple of places she noticed that the varnish had been slightly rubbed. Had a rope or cord been tied there? It was possible.

She felt very strange - like some sort of a spy on the lives of her daughter and her house-mate Lex. However, she knew she could have no peace, reach no equilibrium, until she knew the truth. She didn't search the house she just went from room to room and noticed what she found there. Essentially she found ... nothing. Well she found everything you would expect to find in a house occupied by two young female students. Some rooms were none too tidy but other than that there was nothing to cause alarm. Until she reached the final room downstairs. The locked one.

It was a door that had presumably survived since the house's grander days. A big solid wooden door with an old-fashioned keyhole. They'd had doors like that back home when Georgia had been growing up. She remembered the old keys - big metal objects. Definitely not the sort of thing that a young woman carried about with her on her key-chain.

She looked around her and saw a drawer. She pulled it open but found only spare sheets and bedding. That was the first place you might think to put the key. Then, of course, it would seem ridiculously obvious and you would think of somewhere else. She and her daughter had always joked that they seemed to think alike in many ways. She felt anxiety again at the thought but pushed it down. She focused on what her daughter would have decided to do. If Lex had hidden the key then she'd never find it.

She remembered the kitchens and went to check quickly through the units. No key. Only then did she suddenly understand just what her daughter would have done. She returned to the drawer and pulled it almost all the way out. then she felt the underside with her hand and right at the back she found the key taped to the wood.

She hesitated before unlocking the door. There was no doubt that this was a breach of her daughter's privacy. She pushed the thought down - she HAD to know. She unlocked the door and walked into the room.

The first thing she saw - sitting proudly in full view - was a black leather hood. She was almost thinking of it as 'the hood' until she saw a second positioned behind it. Next to one was a black leather choker with the letters 'B - O - S' spelled out in brilliants. She'd seen that before too. Knew that it signalled that its wearer was a 'Black Owned Slut.' Knew that all her suspicions must be true.

She found herself accepting the knowledge amazingly easily. The panic and suspense subsided quickly - now she knew she had to be practical. She began to look through the rest of the room but almost as an after-thought. The new computer with its high-range webcam, just the same as the one Izeye, her Master, had bought for her. The huge walk-in cupboard full of clothing. Some expensive designer outfits, some trashy street-walker style clothes, some kit that belonged in a bondage club or something. A selection of sex-toys. Then the shoes and boots - all extremely high ticket items. The sort that a girl had to do a lot of 'dancing' gigs for. Georgia knew that from experience.

She felt strangely calm. The 'worst' had happened. She was not a hypocrite. It might not have been what she had envisaged for her daughter but she was in no place to get on her high horse about it. Charli wasn't a c***d any more. Her daughter was a young woman who could make her own decisions and then had to reap the rewards or take the lumps.

Georgia looked again at the computer and booted it up. She expected to need a password but didn't - presumably the girls had realised that anyone in this room knew enough already...

Heard It On The G**** Vine

Really it was a nursing job. Simple applications of first aid and assisting Dr Nikola in his triage of the patients presenting. Alternatively, helping to take samples for the public health programs that his clinic was a part of. H-Town wasn't known for its high rates of health insurance and these regular public clinics were a key support for the hard-pressed public hospitals. Nikola had started them years ago - boosted them once he'd come into contact with the fund-raising prowess of his friend Taylor. They were both rightly proud of their work.

Charli enjoyed helping Dr Nikola. He was a strange fussy, sometimes rather pompous, little man - but he was a very good doctor. She had told him once but he had waived the compliment away.

"No - I am an OK Doctor. My skills, my true genius, lies in surgery. However, the people here mostly do not need a surgeon. They simply need a person with medical knowledge and training to tell them whether they need treatment and where they can go to get it. Four days in the week I minister to the rich and sometimes to the frivolous - this pays for one day helping our people here. My grandfather, now there was a truly great Doctor, he taught me this after many experiences."

The Doctor stood to greet his next patient - an African-American woman in her sixties leaning heavily on a stick. He and Charli moved to help her onto the low couch for examination. Charli was learning a lot already. She knew almost as soon as the Doctor that the woman's ankle was broken and she immediately knew what was needed. She moved to begin preparations and Nikola noticed with a satisfied nod. He smiled at his patient and began to reassure her. The break was not a bad one - with rest and a little help it would soon be on the mend.


"It would be - she's in with the Doctor."

Lex was a little short down the phone. She was very busy this morning sorting the blood test paperwork and hadn't got time to be chatting with Charles and his boyfriend - let alone acting as an answering service for Charli! They knew where Charli was and should have known her phone would be turned off! Lex loved the laboratory and she had already switched her course to medical science. She knew she was good at this and she wanted to work here or at a similar clinic when she was qualified.

She listened to the phone again and pursed her lips. This was not good. Charles had got back home this morning and had immediately recognised the vehicle parked outside her and Charli's house. She told him to hang fire - not to do anything. This day was always going to come sooner or later. She paused a few moments and then rang a number.

"Hello, its Lex - we need your help..."

The Tempter and the Tempted

Georgia didn't take long on the computer to realise that all was not as simple as she had assumed. She almost immediately found files of all the video clips she had been sent and a lot more. They were organised in folders named after two video-sharing profiles that she already knew but also linked to two that she had never heard of. Needless to say the 'girl in the hood' folder was front and center. At first she assumed that the clips had been sent to Charli and Lex just as some had been sent to her.

Georgia didn't watch any of the clips beyond a few seconds to identify them. To watch them when she knew they might feature her daughter was unimaginable. It didn't stop images flashing into her mind though, it didn't stop her trying to remember any detail that might help her identify who starred in each of the videos. From the moment she had seen the two identical hoods she had realised that the clips might feature either of the girls - or both. She remembered the deliberate masking of sound and vision quality on the clips. She had known it was designed to obscure identities but she now realised that might have been done for the general public or it might have been just for her.

She was still in front of the computer when she suddenly froze in her seat. She had found the interracial site where her own journey had started - where she had found out about 'the game'. She found she didn't have to log in - the site had obviously been set to do so automatically. The girls must have done that for convenience - passwords were so hard to keep track of. She had her own system set up the same way. Her username would always appear in the top-right and she had involuntarily glanced into that corner of the screen. That was what had made her freeze - that was what had made her understand.

The username was just a jumble of letters. However, they were a jumble of letters that she recognised with no difficulty. The first two videos had been sent to her by her Master directly - the rest had come from a different account that she had also assumed to be his. Now she knew differently. The other clips had been sent to her from here. She sat back and tried to process the information. She was still seated there, deep in thought, when she heard the front door open and a few moments later heard a familiar voice.

Keep It In The Family

"They sent me to find the key but I thought they might have under-estimated you. Anyway, no need for any more secrets. What are we going to do now?"

Georgia looked up into her cousin's face. Jessica was looking at her with an expression of calm but also with concern. Georgia momentarily reflected that the last time she'd seen her cousin had been just after the delivery of her daughter. The memory threatened to send her fears and confusion back to the surface again but she fought them down. She had a strong feeling that Jessica had the answers that she needed to know - whether she wanted to or not.

"How long has it been going on?"

Jessica tilted her head a little to one side and examined her cousin closely before answering. "What do you want to know? Everything? Because I'll happily tell you everything I know. But do you want to consider why you want to know?"

Georgia felt the tears coming again. Her cousin was acting like the lawyer she was. The frustration burst out of her. "I want to know that my daughter is OK - I need to know that she will be alright. Can't you understand that?"

In a flash her cousin was with her and holding her and Georgia finally felt able to let go. Let the fear and the anxiety and the feelings of failure as a mother flow out of her in great heaving sobs, the tears running down her cheeks and onto the shoulder of her cousin's designer jacket. She heard her cousin murmur into her ear.

"Of course I understand, GiGi, of course I understand. Maybe not a year ago but now, now I understand."

Hearing her familiar accent, hearing her old c***dhood nick-name, being in the arms of her only real family outside of Charli - Georgia began to feel the panic subside again. For a few moments she clung on tight, so painfully tight that her cousin had to be careful not to gasp in protest Jessica's words reminded Georgia that she'd last seen her a couple of months ago - just after Odile had been born. Jessica's daughter. So Jessica might understand...

Georgia released her hold and stepped back. "Will you tell me the truth - swear to it on Odile's life."

She saw her cousin's features stiffen. A hard look come into her eyes. "No, never on that - not for anything. But I will tell you the truth."

Georgia nodded. That was the response she had needed to see. Now they could talk. "How long have you known?"

"Izeye asked my advice as soon as he heard from you both. He suspected the connection - I did too, but we weren't sure. So I told him to go forward on two conditions. First, he should keep each of your activities separate from the other. Second, if he wanted a physical relationship then he would have to choose. Izeye agreed and he has stuck by those rules."

"But he sent me those video clips."

"He told me he had sent you two. He normally sends a clip to his new recruits just to let them know that this serious. Let them withdraw gracefully if they haven't got the mettle for it. Or, of course, encourage them to engage more fully. But you'll know all about that."

Georgia nodded.

"You were pretty hesitant - slow to take the plunge. You had poor Izeye worried. From the first moment he saw you he'd wanted you. It didn't hurt that he saw just how much you needed it. Needed to be set free - liberated to be your real true self. Several times he thought you'd back out and meanwhile the girls... Well you know Charli and Lex better than me."

Georgia did indeed. They were more like sisters than just room-mates. Well, sisters or perhaps something closer. They looked alike, thought alike, had similar tastes in music and fashion. Also, it seemed, similar tastes in men. The two young women's enthusiasms seemed to feed off each other - to propel both of them forward. Suddenly she saw just how it had been. Charli would never have been able to keep so exciting a secret from her closest friend. Lex would have followed suit and then they would have competed together - pushing the boundaries of their desires.

"So Izeye had you, who was so hesitant to even dip a toe in, and he had the two girls who he was having real trouble keeping under control. He'd been real happy about it at first. That clip Lex made at the adult store. Soon as he saw it he knew that was the clip he'd send to all his new recruits from now on. He sent it to you and never thought you might have mistook it for someone else. Pretty soon anyway he's sent you the second clip - Charli had loved it and insisted he posted it everywhere he could.

"So that one was..."

"That was Charli - the piercing video. You know that's Izeye's day job. He didn't see anything sexual in it so he sent you that too. Men can be blind sometimes..."

Georgia remembered that clip as if it was burned into her brain. The eyes of the hooded girl looking at her Master with such yearning, such need. Giving herself to him. If Izeye hadn't seen how hot it was then he must truly have kept his word. She remembered the end of that clip - her Master giving the girl to his wife for the night. Izeye HAD kept his word - but in his own way.

"Izeye sent me that clip too. His wife Leez is great behind the camera isn't she. I had a pretty good idea who the star of the show was but even I couldn't be sure. She taught Charli later - so Charli was behind the camera on most of the clips the girls sent you."

'I'm interested by the girl with the camera too.'

Georgia's mind switched to the words of Levy, the London gangsta and pimp, on a later video. Heard again her Master's dismissal of his request until some undefined later date. They had been talking about Charli. The way the camera had shuddered. Fear - or excitement. It had pretty clearly been the latter. Her daughter had still been testing her limits and had still not found them.

Jessica was watching her closely. "Yes, that's right, you remember that clip by the gate too. That's what Izeye was dealing with. If he hadn't been there that night, if Levy had just clicked his fingers... So Izeye had to give her enough to keep her interested, to stop her going off the reservation. We both know how dangerous that can be."

A night in an abandoned factory somewhere out in the ghetto. Hazy memories of men, a lot of men. Then waking up in a hospital bed and being comforted by Jessica. Yes - Georgia knew how dangerous that could be.

"If Izeye didn't shave his head clean you'd have turned his hair grey. He's having to keep a close eye on your daughter and Lex, he knows that, then suddenly you up and get yourself into all kinds of trouble. He'd have killed that little fucker Mike if he, Antwan and the others hadn't got there in time. Which they wouldn't have if I hadn't had a phone call from..."

"Charli." That confusing night all made sense suddenly. How Antwan and her Master had seemed to be looking for her so quickly, had been able to find her.

Jessica gave a little laugh, the first time she allowed her serious concerned attitude to relax a little. "Can you believe it? We are all trying to keep Charli from doing something stupid and suddenly she is ringing me telling me to look out for YOU. She was scared you were getting in out of your depth." Jessica's raised eye-brows told the story. Nineteen year old girls could have such brash confidence.

"So Izeye and I had another little discussion. He said that if you wanted to remain as a recruit then there was no way he was giving you up. Said he'd seen the changes in you - how you were coming out of your shell, being the beautiful vibrant woman that we all knew you could be. Besides the fact..."

She didn't need to complete the sentance. Georgia had always felt a very real sexual connection to her Master, had desperately hoped that he felt the same for her, since long before they had even met in person. She knew why Izeye hadn't wanted to let her go and, despite everything, it thrilled her.

"So, I said he had to stop playing his game with Charli. We had to find another way of focusing her ... energies. Izeye had seen her dance for Hoss and figured that was the way."


"Yes, Jewel. Your daughter was quite a phenomenon. They loved her - couldn't get enough of her. Then when they found out she refused to dance at mainly White clubs. That went down REALLY well as you can imagine. You know she could work the Franklin Mint and one or two other clubs for a couple of years and then comfortably retire. She was that good. Pain in the ass making sure you two were never scheduled at the same time however. I gather 'Jewel' had to bail on a couple of shifts because she turned up and found you there!"

Georgia remembered the other girls talking about Jewel - many with admiration, some with envy. Whatever their attitude to her they had all agreed that she had been the best at working the clubs. Her looks, her skills, her attitude. It wasn't like Georgia could get preachy or sanctimonious about it. Hadn't she worked the same circuit herself?

"What we didn't know until today was that the girls were sending certain select video clips to you themselves."

The mention of videos snapped Georgia back to remembering watching that video of Jewel outside the back of the Franklin Mint. Thank God it had been such a hazy picture, the video of a black and white monitor screen. Enough to show what Jewel - what her daughter - had been doing and that was bad enough.

Again her cousin didn't need telling of where her thoughts were going. "Until Cassius came along. We should have known as hot a ticket as 'Jewel' was that she would draw his attention. He came out in person four times before he got her - quite a measure of just how good Charli was. Cassius is something of an expert in that department and he doesn't tend to waste his time. But that was bad news. Cassius is OK until he gets bored with a girl. Then all bets are off and his business brain takes over. He has some links in the 'meat market' that would have paid serious money to get hold of Charli."

Georgia remembered how often she had asked her Master about 'Jewel.' How he had refused to talk about her but had said he was keeping an eye out for her. Had that been true?

"Fortunately Charli kept Cassius' attention a lot longer than most girls. It gave Izeye time to reach out to a mutual friend - one who might be the answer to all of our concerns regarding Charli. It just happened to be the one person Cassius might listen to, might give up a guaranteed profit for. They go back a long way too."

"Who was he? Antwan."

Jessica's eyes widened a little and then she giggled and held up her left hand. The light caught the stone on the ring there. "What are you suggesting about my future husband? He's a reformed character - but not too much."

She'd seen her cousin's face but waved any embarrassment away. She knew Antwan loved her and knew he would be the father of her future c***dren. She didn't need him to be a Saint too - in fact that would be boring as hell!

"It wasn't a 'he' at all. It was a 'she'. Kali runs a club over there in H-Town for some specialist audiences. Mainly for women who are into other women. Along with one or two other sidelines I hear Charli has been a hit there too. Extremely popular and extremely adventurous. I'm sure you don't need details but while she's there I don't think you need to be worried about any unexpected pregnancies. So long as Kali is keeping her amused - and from what I hear Kali is very inventive - that won't be a problem.

Georgia felt the weight lift off her shoulders. Felt the wave of relief flow through every part of her.

"Not that Charli was ever over-interested in that - I think she learned a lot more growing up than you were giving her credit for. Now Lex was another matter. She loves the pregnancy-risk subtext. But you can't always believe everything that she tells the men on her videos. Once or twice it was for real - but otherwise..." Jess gave a knowing smile. "You may have realised that a sizable proportion of our preferred men REALLY get off on the idea of knocking up a White girl. You want to get all the attention you can handle then just drop a hint that it's a fertile time and just maybe you aren't on the pill. But we both know that don't we?"

Georgia knew - the intensity of the coupling, the heavy load of potent African seed, the anxious wait to see if that seed had borne fruit. She knew all that very well.

"Lex was like us. Once she had it she knew there was nothing to come close to it. That rush, that exhilaration. However, Izeye has her in hand - made her promise to go easy on it for six months at least. In six months she will have graduated and she will be 21. Then she can make her decision. I don't think it will be long before she gets what she wants - there'll be no shortage of volunteers. Who knows - maybe you will be there to cheer her on because I hear you can be very persuasive too!"

Jessica saw her cousin's face turn bright pink. Knew the comment had struck home. "Don't sweat it GiGi - we both know there's only one thing hotter than helping another White girl get Black Bred and that's..." She gave a very knowing look towards Georgia.

"How did you know?"

"In our circles you start to notice the signs pretty early. We get a lot of experience you might say. You haven't told Izeye yet?"

"I'm still not 100% sure - I mean I'm very late but I haven't taken a test or anything. I thought with all the excitement and the new job and the moving around that it might have thrown my cycle off. I didn't want to..." She pursed her lips and then decided to finish her comment. "I didn't want to jinx it - I wanted it to be real."

Jessica smiled, her eyes sparkling. "I'm so pleased - you were a great mom for Charli and you'll be an even better one now." She took her cousin's hands in hers and kept smiling at her until the smile was finally returned. Then the cousins hugged again - but this time any tears were for a very different reason.

"I'm just a bit worried how Charli will take it..."

Jess gave Georgia a look of patient exasperation. "You mean you haven't twigged it yet GiGi, get with the program girl! The two young women who have been sending you pregnancy risk interracial videos regularly for the last year. Making sure that any latent desire for another c***d was magnified and focused in the right direction. You are wondering how they'll take it! Like I say after doing it yourself the next best thing is..."

."... getting another White woman Black bred. O. M. G. Did I just get played - and by those two?"

"Oh did you ever, GiGi, did you ever! But tell me straight and tell me honest - do you regret it? Would you go back to how you were?"

"Never," the answer was immediate, "I could never go back. This is who I am, who I always was, I just got to express it that's all."

Jessica nodded. "Don't be too hard on them - but at least we know that when Charli turns 21 next year she'll have all the information to make her own decision and all our support. Meanwhile, there's someone waiting to speak to you. I think that coffee will be pretty stewed by now."

Izeye was waiting in the kitchen - an empty cup in front of him. When he heard them coming he stood up. He looked at them anxiously - the first time either had ever seen him so ill at ease. He opened his mouth but then closed it again.

Georgia knew what he need to hear. "Its OK Master - sit down and I'll make a fresh pot."

The relief on his face was almost comic but it was also fleeting. Izeye knew what she needed from him. He nodded and then his face took on its usual calm, confident expression. "I'll be here for you whatever happens, you know that don't you."

"You'd better believe she's going to hold you to that," said Jess. "We're going to have to take a trip to the pharmacy. We might have a little more news for you later."

Georgia watched her Master as his face cracked into a broad smile. His pleasure was so obvious, so intense. "Damn! This has been some morning! Not sure I'll be able to finish that design for you today Jess."

Jessica gave him a mock scowl. "After driving over here and then this one," she nodded at Georgia, "giving me a hug right on the sorest part." She chuckled and looked around her. "Those girls..."

"I know," said Georgia, "but what can you do with them? You can't put a full-grown young woman across your knee and give her a good spanking!"

Well no," conceded Izeye, "you couldn't and I couldn't but..."

The Price of Success

Charli lay with her face pressed against the warm leather of the couch. She felt it against her cheek and its smell filled her nostrils. It seemed all he more acute because her eyes were blind-fold and her hands tied behind her back. A cuff on each of her ankles and its rope attachment ensued that she was going nowhere.

In her time with Kali she had learned that her Goddess seemed to have an almost infinite variety of scenarios for the testing of her pets and pupils. Partly for the pleasure of Kali herself and partly to determine her pets' deepest desires and preferences.

Kali strolled up to the trussed White girl, admiring the proud firm swell of her breasts as they pushed against the leather of the couch. She ran a long finger-nail down the girl's back and luxuriated in the little shiver that passed through the girl's frame. Was that a little moan, stifled by the ball-gag in her mouth? Never mind - there would be more before the night was done. Kali had received a special request and it would absolutely be her pleasure to comply.

Charli was a valued asset. An all-round team player. As happy to be dominant over a white male as she was naturally submissive to her mistresses and her Black Masters. There was a delicious depravity to seeing her, a young woman, taking charge of an older white man and disciplining him. The sight of her large perfectly-formed breasts moving as she pegged a white boy, taught him his place in the sexual pecking-order of life. She really was a natural. The poor white slaves couldn't help looking at her curvy body with desire and she was merciless in her punishment of them for taking such a liberty. When it came to men Charli was Black-only and that seemed certain to be the way it would stay.

Tonight though the beautiful young woman was fulfilling her other role. Kali moistened a finger in her mouth and then ran it up and down the entrance to the girl's pussy. Now that really was a moan - the most attractive of invitations. The girl knew the pleasures available on these nights and craved them. Craved the touch of hands and tongues on her helpless naked body. Well, all in good time. First, there was the little manner of her punishment. Sweetness was only truly sweet because other things were bitter. The pleasure was truly most intense when it came after a little pain.

Kali clicked her fingers and Cheyenne wheeled on a small portable rack with a carefully chosen selection of her Goddess's equipment. The tall African-American girl took her place beside the rack ready to hand Kali what she required.

"What shall it be," mused the Goddess in a pretence of indecision. The audience murmured their approval. The girl shifted on the couch - the twin rounded mounds of her buttocks inviting and oh so vulnerable.

"Our girl here has been very naughty. Sent porn videos to her mom, even one featuring herself. What sort of behaviour was that?" The audience stirred again, some showing shock and others laughter. Kali leaned forward close to the girl's ear. "Got her mom all hot and bothered and made her a slut for the Black man. Now, we just heard today, her mom is pregnant. Our naughty little minx here is going to have a coffee-coloured brother or sister. What do you say to that Cheyenne?"

"Outrageous Goddess - quite disgraceful."

"And why is that?"

"If her mom is that bangin' she should have brung her down here."

Kali laughed - joined a moment later by the whole audience. "Perhaps brought that little friend of yours too, eh, Lex is it? Another fine young white piece in need of training but were you planning to keep her all to yourself? Share and share alike here Charli. I think we will have to punish you. Where's my little Shay?"

The smaller African-American assistant of Kali came forward.

"Did our pet have her medicine earlier?"

"Yes Goddess, just as always"

"That's good - it makes everything so much more intense." As if to prove her point Kali again touched the girl's side with one long finger-nail. The girl jumped as if shocked with electricity.

"I think ten strokes are in order. But which tool shall I use?"

There were muffled noises from the girl now. She was moving her head trying to dislodge her blind-fold.

"Now, now, don't you trust me - don't you know to serve your Goddess' pleasure or do you want me to send you home?"

There was a muffled whine from behind the ball-gag and then the girl went silent, her body still but tense. Dreading the touch of the lash but also craving it.

Cheyenne moved forward with a riding crop.

Carli waited - trying to process every sound as she heard the click of Cheyenne's boots crossing the stage. It was such an honour to be the central attraction at one of Kali's shows. To earn her Goddess's undivided attention - if only for a few minutes.

The first blow landed on her right butt cheek - left a broad red mark where the paddle at its tip contacted her skin. There was a squeal of protest.

Kali's face was a picture of dissatisfaction. "What's that? Did I hear something? Take that gag out Shay."

A skilful movement and the gag was pulled out of Charli's mouth and onto her chin. A string of drool ran down to the leather of the couch.

"What a mess," commented Kali. "Well I expect it may get messier later. Meantime, anything you wanted to say my sweet?"

"Please continue my punishment Goddess."

Kali smiled - it was such a delight working with this one. She would deserve her treat tonight.

The feline Goddess of the club prowled around the bound girl with an expert eye and every now and then there would be the crack of the crop on exposed pale skin, the appearance of a new red mark, and a gasp from Charli.

Once the tenth blow had landed Kali stepped back and gestured to her assistants. Cheyenne and Shay had been waiting for that moment - this was their time to shine. Charli's hands were untied and then shackled to the front of the couch. With the press of a button by Cheyenne motors within the piece of leather equipment were set into motion

The ends of the couch dropped away to leave Charli's legs hanging on one side while on the other her upper body was help up by ropes leaving her hair and her breasts hanging down.

Cheyenne moved in immediately. She coated her hand in oil and then began to skilfully spank the exposed ass of the girl in front of her. A powerful arm held the girl's legs when she began to try to kick and shift away from the blows. Then Cheyenne took more oil and began to gently massage it into the pink flesh.

Shay hadn't been idle. She took advantage of her small frame to scoot under Charli and begin to work on her tits. A gentle squeeze, a well-placed suck, a little attention for those beautiful nipple piercings. Shay took pride in her work - she was an artist. Providing the pleasure to join with the pain provided by Cheyenne. That all-important inter-connection in the brain that kept beautiful little pets like Charli returning again and again.

Kali's amber eyes were taking in every aspect of her assistants' work, sensing the correct moment to move onto the next stage of the show. She kept a close eye on Charli's responses - made sure that at the point of satiation the stimulus would be replaced.

A click of the fingers and Shay and Cheyenne moved as one. Charli was taken off the couch and pushed to her knees - her hands again tied behind her back. She knew what was coming now. Heard the sound of shoes on the stage - felt the fingers in her hair. Then a flexible plastic shaft nuzzled her lips and she opened her mouth to take it in. She sucked at the dildo and felt hands on her body and something else. As they moved around her she felt the brush or sometimes the prod of a firm shaft. She tried to count them. Three, four, no five. She had worn a strap-on enough to know what was happening.

Kali had selected them carefully. Her club's members crossed the whole gamut of desires and skills among their community. These members were among those who truly felt it better to give than to receive. Two white, two Black and one who brought her very special Lain flair to any occasion. They were experienced and formidably skilled in taking a young woman like Charli to places that she had only ever imagined before. Add a little of the special fruit juice that her performers always took, that little dash of her own very special blend of 'G', and Charli was going to be venturing on a very intense journey tonight.

The submissive kneeling BJ was really only for show - so that everyone understood just exactly who was in charge here. A high femme had to be put in her place but there were so many more interesting ways to play. Only Pat really got into it but Pat was the stoniest of stone butch studs. She grabbed a handful of Charli's hair in each fist and began testing the girl's abilities. The girl had plenty of experience in that sphere but this was a little different. Guys wanted a BJ to get their rocks off - Pat wanted to see what Charli could do. Testing her willingness to take the shaft deep down her throat, testing her gag-reflex. Only when the girl began to struggle, coughing and drooling down her naked body, could the game continue.

Strong female arms took her under the shoulders and pulled her back making her body arch. A hand began to massage her spit into her body while another exquisitely explored the potential of her nipple piercings. Finally she felt breath at her pussy and knew what was to follow. She craved the soft caress of a mouth - knew that it would get her where she needed to be. However, that was not he agenda for tonight. Instead a hand cupped her pussy and a thumb worked her clit with practised ease. The girl gasped, started to thrash against the hands holding her and then, just as her wave of desire would peak, the sensations stopped. She groaned in frustration even as they pulled her upright and best her over the end of the couch.

She felt a crop gently tap the inside of her legs and knew to pull them apart. Felt the oiled fingers at her pussy. Felt one enter, then after a while two, then a little later three. Felt the pleasure that a woman of experience could grant her. Heard the murmur of approval from the watching audience. A fourth finger entered her and then she felt that teasing thumb brush her clit just once before it also entered. She gasped and stared wildly into the blackness of her blind-fold. She opened her mouth to gasp only to have another mouth latch onto hers and almost suck the breath from her. She felt the crop again on her body, not hard but just enough to tease her. To leave her wondering where it would fall next - to mix in with the feelings from her pussy and the mouths sucking at her exposed breasts.

She had seen it done at other shows where she had assisted. Had wondered how it could happen - how it would feel. Now, courtesy of some patience and a lot of lube, she was being fisted herself. She sensed that it was Julia - the Colombian dyke. Her long slim fingers were almost made for breaking in newbies into this intense sexual experience. The fingers moved gently, slowly, expertly. Charli's mouth hung open as she gasped for breath - struggled to accustom herself to the amazing intensity of the feelings within herself. When she judged it right Julia would move her hand or her fingers - playing with Charli's sensations and body like a virtuoso. She knew how good the girl was feeling and knew that as they learned together each time from now would be better and more intense than the last. But tonight only so much could be allowed. When she sensed the girl nearing orgasm she gently withdrew her hand. Charli was left gasping, her pussy empty, her orgasm again denied.

Female hands grasped her again and pulled her back. She was laid gently down on a padded surface and then felt a dildo tapping at her pussy. She opened her legs again and felt it enter her. Its owner grasped her hips and started pounding her hard. The contrast with the gentleness of Julia made it even more intense. She felt another woman climb on top of her. The older woman straddled Charli and the latter did not need any further instruction. She began to tongue the bare Black pussy presented for her attention. Strong fingers gripped her head and held her there. Made sure she did her duty.

To be honest Charli preferred fucking with a strap-on to being on the receiving end. She was enough of a trysexual to realise that she preferred being fucked by the real thing. However, the combination with the exquisite taste and scent of the pussy at her mouth really worked for her. She felt the wave of pleasure building in her even as she worked hard to please the pussy presented to her. She felt a burst of pleasure and hesitated a moment in her attentions. At that moment the pussy and the strap-on were withdrawn. She growled again, now obviously with frustration. They had been waiting for that first sign and had used it to deny her. Her blind-fold was finally removed.

Charli tried to look beyond the five women around her - finally saw what she was seeking. Her Goddess was standing back watching - idly tapping her riding crop against her long boot. Charli sent her a pleading look. "Please Goddess."

The audience laughed but Kali merely arched a perfect eyebrow. Tonight her pet would learn that there were much more exquisite punishments than the lash.

Again Charli was grasped and woman-handled. This time to a metal frame that held her legs in position while her arms were tied above her head. All five of her tormentors now moved in. They stroked and licked and kissed her naked body. She heard the laugh of delight when she flinched at one touch on her side. "We got a ticklish little pet here sistas. Let's see what we can do." Now the fingers and tongues teased her with real intent. Explored her vulnerabilities and mercilessly exploited them. Within a couple of minutes she was hanging from her bonds - crying with frustration, begging the women to stop. This time, however, they did not stop. They teased and tickled her and licked her until Charli was on the edge of exhaustion. Until she would have given anything for them to stop. Until she had screamed as loud as she could that she promised never to deny them anything, that she would be their slave for ever.

Then they finally took mercy on her and Kali came over to caress the girl's reddened face. "You see, my pet you can't deny us. We don't have to hurt you or harm you to have you begging to do just whatever we desire. It's going to be a real pleasure to keep putting you through your paces. Meanwhile, I think you've earned your reward."

She stepped back and the five women were suddenly on Charli again. Untying her and taking her to a mattress dumped in the middle of the stage. Strong hands took her legs and held them up and apart. A skilled mouth descended onto her naked and exposed pussy. The fingers and tongue explored even as others worked on every erogenous zone in her body. Her exhausted senses rallied once more, built one final time. She half expected to be tortured with denial again but this time the attentions continued, even intensified. She shuddered and whimpered and cried as the wave continued to build and then broke. Her 'educators' didn't hesitate but instead they redoubled their efforts. Didn't allow the intensity of her pleasure to recede but instead demanded that it build again but this time from its new height. Charli gasped and moaned and writhed. Her long blonde hair was plastered to her face and body with sweat and drool. She felt she could float above the scene and look down at herself being taken by these five women. At that moment she almost blacked out as a crashing tidal wave of orgasm blasted through her mind and her body. She slumped down exhausted.

"Yeah little bitch - now you getting the idea." One of the African-American women was looking down at her with a satisfied expression on her face. "Sometimes when they talk about an OWL they meaning someone like us - a stud who knows just how to treat a little baby lipstick like you. I mean really knows - or you telling me any man ever matched that!" She gave a pleased laugh to herself as the young white girl stared up at her in awed amazement.

Kali was also smiling. The cameras would have LOVED that. She still wasn't entirely sure that Charli had reached her limits yet. Physical exhaustion had kicked in but she hadn't conceded defeat. Even when she was yelling to the rafters her willingness to serve them she had never gone near that safe-word of hers. It seemed she had still not found the limit to her desires - which made her certainly the most challenging and delightful of Kali's 'students'. So what if the girl was bisexual rather than a gold star girl. Even if she was LUG she was a distance above any of those Kali had ever trained - and there had been a lot. She had been given the girl until she was 21 - always assuming that Charli wanted to stay. Well there was little or no doubt about that. There were still plenty of new themes and experiences that she could share with her. She knew she and Charli would continue to build upon their beautiful relationship.


It could have been very awkward - like two hedgehogs circling each other preparing to do the nasty. The women had never been apart so long as they had been before this meeting. There could have been words or tears or anger or apologies. Instead both women instinctively knew what the other needed.

They needed to be together. The simple, no strings attached, caring embrace of a loved one. As she held her daughter Georgia knew that the next year would bring huge challenges, huge responsibilities and huge ups and downs. However, she knew one thing. She would make sure she and her daughter didn't drift apart again.

So Georgia held Charli and she held her tight. She knew that she loved her daughter more than life itself and that though Charli would soon have to share that position she would never be displaced from it.

Kali awoke in bed and rejoiced in the pleasures of life. She almost sensed as well as felt the body of the young woman with her. She leaned forward to kiss the girl's shoulder - felt the warmth of the firm young skin against her lips. The girl shifted a little in her half-sleep and gave a delicious little murmur.

What a find Charli had been. Such a performer - both publicly and privately. Kali recalled her the night before. She had been clad in black latex - her magnificent firm young breasts barely held in check, her long blonde hair flowing, her tall form statuesque. Such a contrast to the two white men whom she had led round the stage on leashes. Both pudgy and pink, one old enough to be her father, almost her grandfather. Her strength and poise and confidence contrasting so starkly with their shambling weakness and abject submission.

She had paddled their chubby white asses a fiercely blushing pink, had stepped on their prostrate bodies in her vicious heels, had put ice on their little pink erections to get them into a tight restrictive metal cage. She, in short, had put them in their place.

The audiences - both in person and online - LOVED her. She so obviously enjoyed her work. In fact there was really only one thing that she ever complained about. Those puny little pink pricks and their embarrassingly futile erections. Kali smiled to herself. She couldn't blame the 'men'. Charli was exceptional. Often their first glance would be enough to have the 'men' begin to 'show their appreciation' of her perfect body, her large but firm breasts.

That was Charli's greatest asset as a performer. She was the purest natural. She didn't need to act. She seemed genuinely outraged at the idea that a white boy would dare look at her sexually. A little unreasonable given that Charli was generally dressed provocatively if she was dressed at all. The poor white boys never stood a chance. Not least because most knew that they would be punished for it and that just made their little pink pricks want to grow all the more!

It was the natural way of things. Kali had little use for men, none at all sexually, but she knew that her young white lover did not share that fundamentalism. It was simply that Charli had a certain very defined taste in men.

Kali and Charli. The two names went together so well. Kali pondered, as she often did, how things might have been. She had been fortunate enough to meet the love of her life but then had lost her, with sudden and brutal immediacy. Even in that second of horror she had known that she could never love like that again. She reached a hand around Charli's body and gently fondled her breast. The girl squirmed a little and Kali kissed her neck tenderly. No, she would never have another love like that again. However, she could still enjoy delicious playthings like Charli.

The girl had been with her for a year now - had a reputation even among Kali's protégés and pupils. There weren't so many girls that had played a big part in getting their own mother Black bred! Kali had heard that story of course - even had it confirmed to her by Charli herself. Well, Kali had been around a long time, had been around certain people a long time...

Kali knew that Georgia, Charli's mom, was very definitely old enough and smart enough to have known just what she was doing. If the latent desire hadn't been there and hadn't been strong then no amount of suggestion could have got her to where she was now. Kali had no reason to doubt that Charli and that wild roommate of hers, Lex, had been behind setting Georgia off down that path. However, she very much doubted that it had originally been their idea. Someone had demonstrated to them the motive and the opportunity.

It really wasn't her problem who that might have been - she was merely curious. Everyone seemed happy to live with the story and the end result - an attractive white MILF with her first Black baby growing in her belly. Amazing how often it tended to turn out that way among white women that came into contact with certain Black men! Well no, not amazing at all. Very natural. In fact the most natural thing in the world.

Kali's hand strayed down to the firm flat stomach of her young white lover. Empty at the moment but full of potential. Kali had no use for men but didn't expect that to be true of everyone. She knew Charli had learned her old Master's lessons well. She also knew the girl was not a hypocrite. If she had helped send Georgia down that path then it was undoubtedly because she intended to follow it herself.

Kali kissed the girl's ear and then tickled it with her tongue. Charli murmured in half-protest. Kali smiled. This one truely was one of her favourite pets.

Virtue and its Rewards (again)

Georgia looked down at the rough Black hand as it stroked her round belly. There was no doubt about it. These men did love to see a White woman with a Black man's baby inside her. Which was just as well because there was absolutely no chance of hiding that fact by now. In the first few months she'd found herself horny as fuck. Her Master and baby daddy had kept her exclusive until there'd been no doubt about her baby-bump. After that things had got a bit wild!

In this last couple of months she had slowed down a lot. She hadn't got the stamina and her new body-shape cut down on the positions that could be enjoyed in comfort. That didn't mean she couldn't enjoy herself however.

She grasped the base of the coal-black shaft gently but firmly between her fingers. It was a really impressive one. Good meaty thickness and a solid eight inches. She'd seen enough of him with Ann to know that he knew how to use it as well. Should she be embarrassed that she couldn't quite remember his name? What the hell, he certainly didn't seem embarrassed. She saw him glance down to her swollen belly and then across at Dee. She felt his beautiful cock thicken and grow in her hand.

Georgia felt mischievous. She decided not to suck the man's cock - well not for a moment anyway. Instead she put her mouth up to his ear while her hand continued to stroke his growing cock.

"See my friend there - she's got a white husband at home..."

He didn't react much to that. Most of the white women at the club had some loser white boy waiting for them at home.

" we took a long time to persuade her to dump her pills..."

Oh - that got a reaction all right. His attention was focused real hard on Dee now. His cock was almost pulsing in Georgia's hand.

" ...and even longer to get her to come out when she's good and fertile. Now we just need a potent Black bull to take charge and give her what she needs."

He turned her head to look into her eyes - checking to see if she was serious. Georgia raised an eyebrow in a studied way. He smiled - he'd chosen to believe her. It was hotter that way.

There was a commotion across the room. His friend pulled out of Dee and moved quickly to cum heavily in strong spurts over her face and hair. Dee squealed in mock protest and moved to wipe a strong spurt of his cum from dangerously close to her right eye.

"Hey - watch out where you're shooting," she giggled. Then she went silent as she felt her legs grasped in strong fingers and the head of a hard Black cock nuzzling her cunt.

"Won't need to worry about that with me bitch." He moved his heavy dark body forward and then began a steady stroke in and out of Dee's body. "I'll be putting it where it counts."

Georgia watched on in satisfaction. A lot of the Black guys just liked fucking white women, especially hot wives. However, there were plenty more who had that ultimate desire - to knock up a white woman, preferably send her home to her white boy husband with her belly full of the proof of his inability to satisfy her needs. This man was most definitely one of them. She'd have to get his details. Her Master could point him in the direction of a lot of just that sort of action.

"You Black-owned bitch?"

"Yes," Dee's voice was breathy, she was feeling the weight and powerful intent of his strokes into her. "I'm a Black-owned white ho."

He chuckled, he liked that. Then he got that heavy rolling stroke going again - made the woman under him moan her satisfaction.

"You Black-only bitch?"

Dee didn't answer him - just wrapped her arms around his muscular back as if to pull him deeper into her. It didn't work - he wanted her full attention, wanted her to get the message. He paused in his stroke and drew a whimper of annoyance from her.

"Tell me bitch - you Black-only?"

"Except for my husband." She said it low, knowing it wouldn't be an acceptable answer for a man like this.

"Ain't you Shaka's bitch?" His finger touched the gaudy hoop-ring that hung from her ear. "Ain't he told you to cut your cracka boy off yet? So's we can get you Black-owned for real."

Of course Shaka had. Dee hadn't had sex with her husband for months now. When he had expressed any interest she had feigned a head-ache or given him a quick hand-job. Frankly it had been no sacrifice - for her at least. However, she knew what was expected of her.

"I'll do it if you'll fuck me - prove to me that no white boy can fuck me like a real Black Bull can."

She saw his smile and the glint in his eye. He liked that. "Not just gonna fuck you bitch - gonna breed you. Make you like your friend over there."

Dee's eyes went to Georgia, to the baby in Georgia's belly. The two women's eyes met. They were all in the zone now. Even the third of the Black friends, the one who'd been fucking Ann doggy-style in the ass, had stopped with his hands still grasping the white woman's hips. Then he began a long low stroke as the two of them watched Dee and her bull.

The third man had slumped down alongside Georgia. She almost automatically used her mouth to clean his seed and Dee's pussy juices from his cock. She felt his fingers gently run through her blonde hair as she worked.

"You sure that's a little nigga you got in there?"

She looked up at him and nodded.

"Looks like Odell is gonna do the same for your friend there."

Odell was certainly doing his level best. He was kneeling on the bed and powering his hard Black cock in and out of Dee's defenceless white pussy. Beads of sweat stood out on his dark forehead and then ran down his face as he worked on, his face intent and determined. A magnificent ebony warrior determined to claim his prize.

"Tell me what you want bitch."

"Fuck me, fuck me harder."

"Yeah - gonna fuck this pussy, make it Black-only. Like all premium pussy should be."

"That's right - make it yours, make it yours..."

He slowed up and concentrated on pushing deep and rolling his hips with every stroke. Dee looked up into his intent face. Her eyes were shining with lust, her lips slightly parted, her mind processing the sensations from his Big Black Cock pushing deep inside her and his strong Black hands holding her.

"You want me to make that pussy sing bitch?"

She didn't reply, she just kept looking up into his hard, almost cruel, face. He knew he had her now and she knew he had her too.

"You know what you needs to be doing don't you. You needs to stop talking about being Black-owned until you can show the proof."

Again there was no reply but once more he saw Dee's eyes flicker across towards Georgia.

He laughed a deep rumble of a laugh. "Yeah - you acting all innocent little teacher-lady but you already learned that lesson ain't ya. What you need to be doing?"

Dee swallowed and opened her mouth but no words seemed to come.

"Georgia - tell her."

"You need to be bred Dee. You need to put that rich potent Black seed to work and make a baby."

"What about your other friend, Ann, what she say?"

Ann was on her hands and knees - maintaining the position where a minute earlier she'd taken a heavy load of African seed deep in her ass. She knew how her Black men loved to see the results of their hard work. Her pale butt showed two distinct pink hand marks where he had gripped her.

"Dee saw me take my pregnancy test last week - she knows what I think."

"Tell her - just so's we all know."

"If we want all that the Black man can give us then we need to be ready to be their baby-mommas. Just like me and Georgia are for Izeye."

The man behind Ann playfully swatted her already pink ass cheek. "You a bad bitch - trying to get yo' friend knocked up."

"She needs to be, she needs to know what it's all about. Needs to feel that rush when your Black man seeds you, puts his baby in you."

"Damn," chuckled Odell. "Seems we got two well-trained bitches here and one who been flunking the class. So teacher-girl, what's the lesson for today?" He patted the skin just above Dee's pussy with his big Black paw of a hand. "Who this belong to?"

"Black men," Dee seemed to have got her voice back.

"What we do to it?"

"You fuck it, you fuck it hard." She obviously was desperate for him to resume doing just that.

"And why we doing that?"


"Tell me - why we doing that?"

"To make me pregnant."

"Yeah, that's right. To knock you up, to put a Black baby in you, to breed you black. To make sure there ain't no going back. That's what its all about. Making that commitment - showing that commitment like Georgia is over there and like your other friend will be soon. You going to do it?"

They could all see the battle raging in Dee's soul. The knowledge of how dangerous it was for her. The temptation of how hot this masterful Black man made her feel. She'd appreciated that Shaka had let her come to a decision in her own time but a strong handsome man demanding it of her was doubly dangerous, doubly arousing, for a woman like her.


Odell moved the thick tip of his cock back up against the entrance of Dee's pussy. He tapped her with it gently as if demanding admission.

"Didn't quite hear that - gotta speak up in class teacher-lady."

"Yeeessss," it was almost a growl, between gritted teeth.

He tapped her once more with that dangerously addictive Black weapon. "Once this goes in I ain't taking it out till I've coated them eggs. You got that ain't you."

He knew he had her - he'd seen that look in a woman's eyes before. Now he was just having a little fun.

"Stop talking and fuck me, please..."

Well it was only polite to do what a classy lady like Dee requested. He pushed his Big Black Cock home into warm wet pussy and began to fuck her with real intent.

No more words.

No more questions.

No more BS.

His strong arms held him above her as he looked down into her face. He was fucking her hard but seemingly effortlessly. He was a beautiful athletic man claiming her for his own. She looked up into the calm confident set of his face and felt her body begin to melt. Felt the wave of desire rushing through her - felt her breathing change into fierce sharp pants of lust and desire. She gasped and held onto him, knew that it was out of her hands now. This man wanted her and was going to take what he wanted.

She shuddered and moaned, her hands gripping his body tightly. She saw his mouth tighten a little and knew what would happen. He gave another three powerful thrusts and then grunted. He kept going with slower deep thrusts. She knew what he was doing. He was milking every drop of his cum into her and then pushing it just as deep as he could. He was trying to make sure of her - to send her home with his baby in her.

She felt her breath coming in great shuddering gasps. Knew that he couldn't know if she was fertile and unprotected or not. He'd just made sure that if the opportunity had been there he had taken it. He had bred her.

She made to move but a big Black hand gently held her in place.

"You just stay there - make sure that seed gets where it needs to be. Gonna be keeping my eye on you teacher-lady. Georgia there will be telling Shaka what happened here tonight. Now you ready to be bred I'm guessing Shaka will get the job done real soon. If he don't then after a while I'm going to have to take charge. Take you back to my crib and keep you there till you showing you Black bred for real. No more free rides teacher-lady. Time we got you Black-owned for sure."

No struggle, no denial, no protest. The Black man had spoken and had demanded his prize. Dee would have to give herself fully or return to her old dull life, to her husband.

There could be only one possible decision.

The Ritual of Ownership

Kali had been looking forward to this moment for a long time. In designing these little shows it helped to have that spark of inspiration. That certain something that produced the magic.

For most of the audience today it didn't really take too much to work out what that certain something was. Fertile white pussy. You didn't really have to gild that particular lily too much but Kali was a professional and for a co-production with Mr Taylor, going to all his thousands of influential patrons and donors, she wanted to put on a real spectacular.

She strode out to the centre of her stage and struck the floor with her stave as a signal for the show to begin. The live audience were mixed both in gender and in race. Only one group was noticeably absent from the live audience, white males. That would be more than made up for by the number viewing the live-streams either now or in archive. White men would pay handsomely for the chance to view something like this, something authentic.

The stars of the show both entered the stage hooded and cloaked. Anonymous. Flanked on each side by Kali's female African-American assistants. The hoods and cloaks were deep scarlet, like blood. One hooded figure was only a couple of inches short of six feet, the other only marginally shorter. The shapes of their bodies were mostly hidden by the folds of their cloaks but not entirely. No-one viewing them could doubt for one moment that they were female. They were effectively blind, only able to see the ground before their feet - each was guided by the young Black woman holding their arm.

As they entered the stage its empty edges steadily filled. Men. Dark men with shining eyes and strong white teeth. Tongues running over lips. Silent and waiting for the show to unfold.

Kali made a gesture and then withdrew a little. A new Master of Ceremonies stood forward to take her place for the evening. Black jacket and pants, a black muscle-shirt and heavy gold jewellery around his neck. His face was that deep almost purple-black that showed West African ancestry. His expression was one of calm satisfaction. It was a hard face, not made any more handsome by the long knife-scar on one side, a face from the streets. He commanded respect and one glance told anyone with eyes that anything he wanted that wasn't given would be taken.

The man took the centre of the stage - as seemed natural. He snapped his fingers - the noise unnaturally loud in a room so packed and so hushed. The two hooded figures were pushed forward to just in front of the man and then a strong insistent female hand was placed on each of the hooded women's shoulders.

They obeyed the unspoken instruction and each sank to their knees, still hooded and effectively blind. The man before them gestured to Kali's assistants and the two Black women withdrew.

Now there was just the big Black man with the two smaller figures kneeling before him. Then the great space of the stage before the ring of watching men and beyond them the seated audience of men and women. Beyond even them were the cameras, recording every moment and streaming it out across the world.

The man put his hands behind his back and slowly circled the two kneeling figures. The robes and hoods twitched a little as the hidden women moved. Trying to sense the presence that was examining them so intently. Such small movements but they were eloquent of the excitement hidden under those folds of scarlet material.

The man finally came to a halt. He rested a big dark hand on the head of one of the hooded figures. Strong fingers clenched a little and took a handful of the material. He grasped and gently pulled. The soft material slowly slid off the woman's head and finally left her revealed. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Young and beautiful. A face well known to any of Kali's members and patrons. Her eyes blinked against the sudden light of the room. She looked up and saw the man. She gasped. Now the man smiled - a smile of triumph.

He repeated the process for the second hooded figure. Another beautiful young white girl - similar in many ways to the first. They could almost have been sisters, almost.

Each girl was naked save for a leather collar and an attached leash. They each knelt with their hands holding the ends of their leash in front of them. Behind them was their long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail.

Each girl had gasped a little when her hood had been removed - when she had seen the man. They knew him and they knew that he had unfinished business with them.

He paced slowly around the two young women like a big cat patrolling his territory. The girls each tried to keep him in vision as he moved. However, in maintaining their position they lost sight of him as he passed behind them. Then they turned their heads and waited for him to come back into vision.

He finally came to a halt in front of them, standing with his legs apart. He waited a few seconds and then pointed each fore-finger at the floor a foot or so in front of him. The girls immediately shuffled forward until they had taken the positions indicated. They stared up into his face, stern and dark.

He reached forward and took the ends of each leash that were still being proffered to him. He gave one sharp tug on each and then unclipped them from the girls' collars.

The man walked up to the slightly taller of the girls as she knelt there. Her blue eyes gazed up at him, fixed on following his every move. A rough Black finger traced a pattern on the smooth pale skin of her cheek. The girl gave a little involuntary shiver. The man smiled, a bleak smile. He knew he had her if he so desired, today tomorrow or any day in the future.

"So you are one of Kali's assets. Been making good coin for her I hear." He reached into a top pocket of his jacket and pulled out a card advertising flyer. "The face of this fine establishment."

Every one there and everyone watching knew the image on that card. Charli on her hands and knees looking playfully into the camera with an admission ticket to the club in her mouth. Collared and with a dog leash hanging down to the floor between her hands. In the image she was naked or at least topless. The rings of her nipple piercings were visible. Her long blonde hair hung in two braided pigtails in either side of her face. Her strong white teeth held the ticket, her almost impossibly blue eyes connected with the viewer.

"Just that Kali can't give you everything you need. Others of us can - and we can put those newly learned talents of yours to work too. For today, though, you will be assisting. In time - when we decide the time is right - you'll be the star of the show."

He moved a couple of strides to the other girl. She stared up at him in a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. She knew what was coming.

"You know me don't ya oyibo."

The girl nodded.

"C'mon then."

"You're ... Levy."

"What did I say last time we met?"

"You said - you were going to breed me."

"Nah - that's not what I said. Any pretty white girl like you should be Black bred - that's just natural. The alpha male, the Black male, seeding you and putting his baby in his belly. That's just what you for - nothing strange about that. What else did I say?"

"That if I wasn't bred you'd take me with you next time."

"Ah," now Levy did allow himself a smile, "I did say that didn't I. Stand up girl."

The girl got to her feet and stood in front of him, her quick breathing showing her excitement.

"Now then - this one is called Lex. Been keeping a track of her myself. Quite a few clips of you getting bred out there. But..." He reached a hand out to her flat stomach. "...something doesn't add up."

He snapped his fingers and one of Kali's assistants strode onto the stage and handed him a bowl and a box. He unsealed the box and produced a small device.

"You know what this is."

The girl nodded.

"Yeah, just to make sure we all being honest here. Just to make sure we all know where we stand. You know how to use it?"

The girl nodded again.

"Get to it then. But best not be stringing me along again. If it turns out you ain't ready tonight then I'll be taking you both back to London with me tomorrow. So you sure you want to take that test?"

He'd seen Charli's head turn to look intently at her friend. She knew the score. She knew what going back with Levy to Levy's home turf would mean. For Levy ownership of his women wasn't a 'lifestyle' thing. Levy didn't play games.

There was risk here. The human body was not a machine. They were pretty sure that they had chosen the right date but what if they were wrong, what if Lex's cycle was a little irregular this month.

Lex didn't hesitate. She had been waiting for his day since her graduation. She was confident that she knew what the result would be.

Levy left her to it. He moved back to Charli and carefully placed a finger under the point of her chin to tilt her head upwards. Her eyes were wide as they stared directly into his. The connection was made and held for several seconds, the whole club silent. Charli looked into those eyes, deep and dark. They seemed to be searching every inch of her consciousness, judging her, testing her. Her mouth quivered a little but she did her best to stand up to him, to his pure physical and psychological presence.

Finally he smiled. It seemed she had passed the test. Of course it wasn't necessarily a good thing to pass a test with some men. Being on Levy's radar could have consequences in the future...

He moved behind her, deceptively quick for a man of his size. She felt his finger on the small of her back - where her Master's tattoo stood out against her pale skin. She seemed instantly to know what he wanted and moved her hands back behind her back. One of his big hands easily held both of hers in place there. His grip was gentle - there was no force or pain. There didn't have to be. She had put herself into his hands.

His other hand came round and touched the top of her thighs. Again she didn't need to think about it - she seemed to automatically know what to do. She moved her legs apart and allowed him access to her pussy. His hand cupped her there and his fingers began to work. She gasped. He had found her already receptive - took advantage of it. His fingers began moving faster and faster. Unseen cameras zoomed in to catch Charli's face - the way she was biting her lip. To cry out would have been a release and she didn't want a release - not yet.

He was only a few inches taller than her but he was broad and massive compared to her slim frame. He leaned back a little and exerted more pressure with his hand. The girl was lifted off her feet - her legs moving a little as they sought the security of the ground again. He held her there with a hand that worked fast and hard on her clit. It was almost effortless but obviously extremely effective. Charli's face was red and her whole body began to move in his grip. Finally she screamed - the camera caught liquid spraying from between her legs.

Levy allowed her to drop back onto her feet and then eased her back onto her knees. He held his hand, wet with her juices, out to her as if offering a treat to a pet. Charli began carefully, gently, licking his fingers.

Levy turned back to Lex - the other girl had been an amusement for a few moments. Lex was the main focus of his attention for tonight if all went as planned. He held out his hand to her and then received and studied the OV test. He nodded his satisfaction. He held out the test for the camera to pick up the result. A murmur rose from the audience - the show could go ahead as intended.

What It's All About

Levy moved across and hooked a finger into Charli's collar before moving her across to in front of her roommate. He hadn't spoken in several minutes - he seemed almost to control them by pure force of will. Charli, still on her knees, arched her neck up and began licking and teasing her friend's pussy with her tongue.

Kali looked on with a little more interest now. She'd often wondered about the two of them, Charli had become quite an expert in the fine art of pleasing another woman with her mouth and tongue. Kali took a pride in that. It was Lex's reaction that fascinated Kali now. Her face wasn't hiding her emotions. A mixture of desire and shock all overlaid by the most refined essence of pleasure. It seemed the two of them hadn't been lovers - at least not before tonight. Perhaps Lex's sexual adventurism hadn't extended to other women for some reason. Well, that was probably changing forever - among other things.

Levy had gone to the men at the edge of the stage and selected five. He handed each an object and called them out to where the girls were - still locked together, seeming almost oblivious of the audience watching them and the cameras recording their every move.

"On your feet," Levy's voice seemed unnaturally loud and he punctuated his order with a click of his fingers.

For the first time there was a momentary hesitation but then Charli stood up and stood beside her friend. She'd been enjoying herself but when Levy gave an instruction then his white bitches obeyed. She didn't really have to think about it - it was just the way it was and how she wanted it to be, how it needed to be.

"Keep looking out front at me." He gestured with a hand and the five men moved in.

Charli had been in situations like this before. The group of women or of Black men closing in on her and claiming every part of her. She felt the rush of desire through her body in anticipation. However, the men approaching her were all still fully clothed. She felt a hand touch her and hold her in position and then felt a ticklish sensation on her back. Another hand held her and she felt a similar sensation on her belly. She began to glance d...

"EYES FRONT," barked Levy and forced both girls' attentions to immediately snap back to him. "Not sure you two got what it takes to be one of my hos. Don't want to see them eyes wandering off mine till my brothas here have done."

It was difficult - fiendishly difficult. They wanted to look at what the men were doing - not that they didn't have a general idea. It was certainly horribly ticklish and Charli desperately wanted to giggle.


Charli stiffened her back again and stood up straight. The hands and sensations had travelled all round her body, even down to her feet. They withdrew for a second and then a hand gently grasped her chin. She saw the marker pen coming and then felt it writing on her face. She swallowed hard, concentrated on keeping still for them. To please them and to please Levy and to please her Goddess and her Master who were both watching. She heard a gasp beside her and knew Lex was getting the same treatment.

Finally the men withdrew.

Levy laughed - a stern laugh. "Now you looking more like a couple of cracka thots should. Thanking you gentlemen for your work. Take a look hos."

The wording was mostly in big black capitals, just here and there drifting into the cursive.

Each looked at the other - reading the obscene messages written on their friend's body. Knowing the same was marking their own.

'BBC' down one arm and 'WHORE' on the other.

'NIGGA' across her chest and 'BABY' and 'FEEDERS' on her breasts.

An arrow up to her cleavage and another up her neck to her mouth, each with 'BLACK COCK HERE' written underneath.

On Lex's belly was written 'FERTILE CUMDUMP FOR NIGGAS' with an arrow pointing down to her bare pussy.


Down the other, 'CERTIFIED BLACK BRED' and then the date.

On the top of one foot was 'BBC' and on the other was 'SLUT'.

It was the face that was most blatant, most brutal. The stark Black script across Lex's pretty white features. 'BBC WHORE' on her forehead and 'NIGGA' on one cheek with 'OWNED' on the other.

Lex was staring at her just as Charli knew that she was staring at Lex. It was ugly and stark and powerful. She looked down at her body and saw many of the same things she had read on Lex. Except her own belly was marked with, 'NO CRACKAS' and 'THIS PUSSY FOR NIGGAS ONLY'.

"Show her yo' back." Levy was enjoying it, you could hear it in his voice.

Lex turned a little. There was her Master's tattoo. Below it was, 'ACCESS ALL NIGGAS' with an arrow down to her butt. 'BLACK BABY FACTORY' was written across her shoulders and the top of her back.

"Now show yo' friend." He was the ringmaster, the choreographer orchestrating their performance, what most decent white folk would have called their humiliation, their degradation.

"How you like it? Wanna go on?"

He wasn't asking about the design. He wasn't even really asking their opinion or their feelings. They knew what he wanted - what they needed to provide.

"Yes sir." The two girls answered in unison.

"Same on both yo' backs. Should be the same on every fine white woman. We can afford to be generous - leave the fugly ones for the crackas." He laughed a short dry mirthless laugh. "White girls like you was put on earth for the pleasure of the superior Black race. That's why you both need to be 'access all niggas.' Not just the young fit handsome ones - old and ugly niggas need their share of fine white pussy and booty too. They'll even pay for the privilege. Which is good - helps keep the likes of me in the lifestyle which we deserve. Plenty of rich white folks whose fortune goes back to selling Black flesh. I'm just evening up the score - and girls like you just doing your bit towards those long overdue reparations. Hearing this?"

"Yes sir."

"And that other one that's just saying what you was put on earth to be. Nature works that way. There's the prime male, the alpha male, the breeding male. Who's that?"

"The Black man."

Levy gave a little smile and nodded. "Thass right. Black man is stronger, faster, better in every way. Only purpose of a white boy is to take care of the frigid cracka bitches so their daughters can have a chance of finding out what it's really all about. Just like you have - and will."

"The finest of women is a beautiful Black sista - like your Goddess over there." He flashed a glance at Kali who gave him a knowing smile. Each recognised the other was a virtuoso in their craft. "But premium white girls - girls like you - can be fine enough to deserve the Black man's attention. You can have the privilege of serving the Black man's needs and providing him with his pleasures. You can be what you was put on earth to be - the Black man's ho, his slut, his bitch. One of a Black man's stable - there for his enjoyment and that of his friends and clients."

They were both looking at him now, their breathing shallow and fast. Their eyes fixed on him. Knowing what his words meant and accepting them. They both knew the lifestyle - knew it was not 'one size fits all.' However, Levy had a way of boiling it all down to the purest essentials. What lay beneath it all. It didn't surprise them - his reputation had gone before him. They knew he was very dangerous, that they could merely be moths to his flame. Like Cassius - a lot of his white girls couldn't take the raw intensity of being one of his hos. They burned out real quick. Got passed on down the line until they were stood on some street corner somewhere and even had to take white johns. Levy had connections in Lagos - the huge bustling African metropolis. There were busy brothels there where a white girl, any white girl, was a selling point - a bit of variety. Did Levy supply them, for a price - that had long been the rumour and he had never denied it. Apart from anything else it helped keep his bitches eager to please him, to make themselves indispensible. After a while with him their ink and other things meant they weren't going back to their old lives - even if they had wanted to.

"So premium white sluts get the privilege of serving the alpha male, the Black man. In return you serve him with no hesitation and no limitations. You got bodies and skills to please your Black men - you should be using them all and in every way. You can play at it or you can live it. Like the difference between a real playa and a white wanksta. Which way is it with you sluts - you playing at it or you want to live it?"

"To live it." The voices came back immediately and in unison. Levy felt his cock straining against his shorts. It just never got old - that was what kept him coming back. The moment they gave themselves up - put themselves in his hands even if only, at the moment, for tonight. In London he'd have had them both bred straight away. No question. Apparently the taller one was Kali's favourite plaything at the moment and she had studies Taylor didn't want interrupted. As if anything should come between her and her destiny, being a Black man's whore and raising Black men's c***dren. But - he was still just a visitor here. These Americans didn't have the imagination.

Shit, he'd heard something else about Charli. If they were his he'd have had her, her mother and her aunt all being bred by any nigga with a hard dick until they was sure they'd got the job done. Then he'd have had them dancing together. Three white hos from the same family, all showing with a little nigga in their bellies, that would be quite something. Like he said - these Americans were lacking in showmanship. Except Kali of course and she knew that to get a good breeding show you called on a specialist.

"You living it then you get your fucking like it should be. Real fucking, raw fucking, full strength fucking. First rule - no white boys. You Black cock only. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Second rule - it's got to be bareback, skin to skin. Man wants to fuck pussy not some fuckin' rubber. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Third rule - you belong to the Black man so you don't deny him. Mouth, pussy, ass - he gets what he wants and when he wants. That's what you is for - everything else is secondary." He stared long and hard at Charli and saw color come to her cheeks. "Especially important. Since you white girls are lacking in booty the least you can do is give it up to every nigga wants to fuck you in the ass. So you keep yourself ready to please them. Again, it's what you fo'. Following this crackas?"

"Yes sir."

"Finally - and MOST importantly. The link between a Black man and his white ho is a sacred thing. Shouldn't be nothing come between them, not ever. Nothing keeping a white girl from showing and proving her devotion to her Black man. So if you got a white boy husband or boyfriend then you cage him till you can get him safely snipped. You be Black only anyway - and he is not an exception - but it's best to avoid any accidents. Because you belong to the Black man - mind, body and soul,. Every part of you and every potential of you. Which is why you stop taking or using any form of birth control. If your Owner feels it appropriate he may let you use a diaphragm from time to time. But you don't even think about it without his clear WRITTEN permission, you got that."

"Yes sir."

Levy paused and looked them each up and down. "You won't need to be worrying about that for a while. You both over-due proving your dedication to your Black owners. First thing I'd do with each of you is make sure you got your first Black baby and then, as soon as possible, get you started on your second. A little nigga in your arms and another growing in your belly. That's when you'll know you really Black-owned, you REALLY worthy to be called a Black man's bitch, one of his stable. That's how its gonna be ain't it?"

"Yes sir." Just Lex's voice that time, Charli had glanced across at her friend. Then, just a second behind, Charli's voice echoed the response.

Levy nodded, his stern face relaxed a little into a smile. That was most satisfactory. Lex was here to breed - her response had been known. Charli was a little different - being held back. That little hesitation proved she was just what she had said. She wasn't playing at this, she had considered it and she wanted it. The seed had been planted in her mind just as soon it would be planted in Lex's womb. Both would grow to fruition - it was just a matter of time now.

Talking of which...

Levy held out his arms in a gesture of welcome. His fingers beckoned.

Again the girls just instinctively seemed to know what he wanted. Their bodies covered in the obscene writing they moved across to him and accepted his embrace. Then Lex began removing Levy's jacket as Charli dropped to her knees and untied his shoes. The girls were quiet with concentration and they carefully worked to remove his clothing - to prepare him for what they knew would come next.

Lex paused to run her fingers across his broad chest, to feel the hairs there and the muscle underneath. He was the essence of masculinity, powerful and strong. The genuine unalloyed alpha male and he was going to breed her tonight - as he had bred so many other girls before. Nothing had ever seemed so right. Her mouth met his and he tasted the sweetness of his prize.

Charli had left him naked below the waist save for his shorts. She moved to one side. She knew automatically that the last stage of his undressing had to be left to her friend, the star of the show. She felt a little pulse of jealousy. She did not resent her friend but she knew that she should be the center of attention, she should be the one taking that precious Black seed. If Levy did his job then she'd spend the next few months living close to Lex and her friend's body every day would demonstrate just how much better a job she was doing as the property of her Black men.

Lex finally eased off Levy's shorts. She reached out and slowly stroked the big Black cock which was already hard and standing up against his belly. He was ready for her. She put out her other hand to gently cradle the big balls hanging under that hard Black shaft. She felt their weight - knew that they were full of potent sperm and just what that sperm would probably do. It would burn her bridges and let all the world know just what she was. A lot of people, people from her own background, would not understand. They would just feel that she had proved the truth of those labels written on her by the men. They couldn't understand. But she did...

She looked up into the face of Levy and gave a hesitant smile. The Black man nodded again. It was settled between them. Lex moved forward and began to suck the hard Black cock.

Levy then glanced over his shoulder to Charli. "Get back there and help get me ready. If you're not ready to be bred then that's all the use you are."

Charli felt a flush of blood to her face. She moved round behind him and hesitated. He brought a hand down and tapped his butt cheek, then eased it marginally to one side. Suddenly she knew what he wanted and momentarily rebelled. How could he expect her to do that - especially after he had shamed her in front of...

She glanced up and saw him watching her over his shoulder, his gaze intent. He was happy enough, he had a pretty young white girl sucking on his dick. However, he was already setting up the next, seeking the next conquest. He was testing her.

And she wouldn't fail. She moved forward and used both hands to pull his butt cheeks apart just enough. She hesitated again and then plunged her face forward. She opened her mouth and explored with her tongue, hesitantly at first and then with more confidence. She had done something like this before but only with Kali and her girls and only fresh out of the shower. Levy was a big man and she didn't know how long it had been since he had cleaned himself. She was relieved to find that he was clean back there. There was just that faint musty taste - not unpleasant as such but enough to remind you that you were doing something that good girls most definitely did NOT do.


Jessica Lyons raised her eyebrows and shifted in her seat. Izeye had told her often enough how wild her niece was but it was still surprising to see how enthusiastically she was rimming Levy. Her man shifted in his seat too. She glanced across and saw Antwan was enjoying the show. Well, waste not want not! She reached across and undid the front of his pants before releasing that Black cock that she knew and loved so well. He deserved a treat - they'd only found out a couple of mornings ago that she was expecting her second Black baby and this one was definitely Antwan's. They'd taken care to ensure the fact - it'd been dangerously close to monogamy! She knew he'd soon be wanting to show her off to all his friends, wanting to share her with lots of them too. She cast another glance at the action on stage and then dropped her head into his lap to take his cock into her mouth. Watching her little slut of a niece was fun but pleasing her man was almost top of the list.


United States Senator Christian Clarke had no idea that his ex-wife Jessica was in the audience. He was seated in his home office watching the live feed from the show. His fist was plunging up and down his small but rock-hard white prick. He'd seen many such shows since his discovery that his ex-wife had 'jungle fever', since he had begun making contributions and doing 'favours' for Mr Taylor who provided the live feeds for events such as this. It had been best when he'd seen the monkeys degrading his ex-wife of course. He'd fantasised about Jess being Blacked for so long before it had really happened. He had lost her in the process of course but he HAD got to see her gang-banged and even knocked up. His cock throbbed almost painfully in his hand. The first time he'd seen her with her belly big with some old nigger's baby. Oh he'd cum quarts - or so it had felt at least. She didn't appear so often now but there was always fresh talent.

He'd almost shit his pants when he'd first seen Georgia. Then when he'd seen Charli! It just went to show that it had to be in the blood. That family's women just couldn't keep away from nigger cock. He groaned as he came into a wad of tissue he used to protect his computer and his work desk. He suddenly thought of his current wife and almost groaned again. The match had helped his political career, of course, but she was such a puritan. It was her neglect that had caused him to...

He heard a noise behind him and almost froze in terror. He was sure he had locked that door. When he turned it was only to see his valet, Jake. That explained it. Jake had a key of course and, anyway, Jake already knew all of his secrets.

Jake moved almost silently across to the desk. His eyes carefully took in the lewd display of interracial lust on the monitor.

"May I advise that in future you close the blinds sir. This material, while interesting, would not be appreciated by our voters back home." He spoke in a deep accented voice. No-one could be in any doubt that he came from the same deep South state that had sent Christian up to the Senate. His broad face, the colour of bronze, was calm. His eyes only glittered a little as he observed the scene on the monitor. Jake had never had much inclination towards that sort of thing.

"Oh yes, yes, thank you Jake." Senator Clarke had come to rely on his valet in so many ways. He couldn't do without him. He wouldn't dare even try. Jake knew where all the metaphorical bodies were buried, all the little secrets, personal and political. Any one of them would have had Christian Clarke's adoring God-fearing salt-of-the-earth white American support base assembling in pitchfork-wielding mobs to hunt him down.

Thinking of which...

"Is that all of the work finished for today Jake?" His cheeks flushed a little and not just because he was well aware that he'd spent most of the afternoon jacking off to the show still silently playing on his monitor. No, not just because of that.

Jake smiled. He placed the sheaf of papers he was holding on the desk and stood with his hands on his hips. Some folk wondered how he could be a servant to such a hypocritical racist stuck-up pompous asshole as Christian Clarke. However, he knew a different side to the US Senator. Just as he knew the secret meaning to that last question his supposed boss had asked.

"There is one more thing you have to do. While you're getting busy with it I'll let you know what Mr Taylor has planned for the next session."

US Senator Clarke dropped to his knees in front of his African-American valet and began to undo the man's pants. His mouth was already watering. This was his most favourite time of any day.


Life was good. Levy's fingers were in the inviting tangle of Lex's blonde hair as he pushed her head down onto his big Black cock. He stood like a Nubian God with both the white girls working hard to please him. His ebony shaft pointed to the heavens, ready and prepared. All was as it should be.

He exerted the slightest pressure and Lex gamely pushed her head as far down that thick shaft as she could. She was doing well, trying hard to be a worthy sexual partner of his. He relished the sensations. He had fucked a lot of little oyibos and that wasn't new for him. What got his blood flowing every time was their enthusiasm. Their eagerness to please him. Their realisation of their true place in the natural order - their appropriate role as the property of the superior Black man. Be that as a plaything, a whore or a baby momma. Be that as all three at once or in sequence. When they understood that and enthusiastically accepted it - when he saw it in their eyes - that was what made a man like Levy's Big Black Cock hard and ready.

Lex was still working on his cock and he decided it was time to move the program on. He eased back. withdrawing his cock from her mouth. She knelt in front on him looking up at him. She was panting, gasping for breath. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks flushed. She was ready.

He reached down and grasped her chin, holding her mouth open. Then he leaned over and spat into her mouth. Even as he did it he felt the other girl use his new position to force her tongue deeper into his ass. He knew lots of men would pay very good money to have a beautiful white whore like her do that. Be a shame to waste such talent - but that was an issue for another day.

He stood straight and Lex followed him up, getting back to her feet. He finally turned and signalled Charli to stand too. She stood, looking almost annoyed at having to stop licking his ass. Again his mind registered the fact, filed it away for potential future pleasure and/or profit. A girl that looked like that and was seriously freaky with it. The definition of unfinished business.

He turned Lex and held her arm as he tapped her legs. She moved them apart and he decided not to waste any more time. He bent his knees, lined up his cock and then pushed it home. Her pussy was very wet and very good. He moved his second hand so that now he had a grip on both her arms. She wasn't going anywhere and she knew it. He began long slow strokes to push his cock deeper inside her. He wasn't going to be cutting any corners with this one. Lex needed his seed just as deep as it would go so she could put it to work like she should.

He heard the girl gasp as he worked his cock into her. Nine inches of premium African baby-maker. He'd heard the arguments before. Was it better to have a big cock or to really know how to use it? Well, he had both and it was time to take little Lex on a wild ride.

He kept his grip tight on one arm but moved his other hand up to her neck. His big fingers half-encircled the bottom of her throat. It wasn't enough to impact on her ability to breath but she could feel it there. Just another demonstration of his ownership. Just another sign that she was his to use just as he wished and desired.

Lex was gasping in time with every hard stroke of that beautiful big Black cock into her little white cunt. Her eyes were shining and her cheeks flushed with excitement and lust. Charli had moved round and took her friends hands, gazing deeply into her blue eyes. She wasn't even sure that Lex knew she was there. Her friend seemed taken away into another world by what Levy was doing to her. That might be just what was happening. Lex was being taken away to the world of potent Black bulls and the beautiful White women privileged enough to bear their c***dren. It was a one-way trip and once you took it you were separate from all the other white girls and women. Soiled, ruined, degraded - that was what most of white society would say. She and Lex knew better. It was a privilege. You only had to look into Lex's eyes now to know that, without any doubts or qualifications. It WAS a privilege and it was a privilege that Charli desperately wanted to prove herself worthy of too.

She knew what she wanted to do and she saw her opportunity. Lex's patrician little chin dropped a little as she gasped for breath. Charli pushed forward and locked her mouth onto her friend's. She pushed her tongue into Lex's mouth and after a moment felt her friend's tongue respond. They kissed deeply with the force of each of Levy's powerful thrusts transmitting itself through each of their bodies.

Beads of perspiration began to show on Levy's dark forehead. He'd fucked and bred a lot of oyibos but this one was just a little special. The build-up, the audience, the fact she and her friend were so into it. It all gave a man inspiration, helped him fuck just that little bit better. He'd been thinking of turning the bitch over to a few men from the crowd to make sure she got plenty of seed. Now he'd decided differently. He clicked his fingers at one of Kali's assistants and then whispered in the girls ear. She dashed off to make the arrangements. No, they'd do things a little different and then he'd take Lex to his room for the night and the morning before his flight left. He wanted to know that this one was carrying the best Black seed, HIS Black seed.

"Lie down," he growled at Charli. The girl obeyed immediately, another good sign. She lay on the mattress on the floor expecting Levy to fuck her too. Instead he lay Lex on top of her. Then he knelt between the girls' legs and pushed his big cock back home into Lex's hungry white cunt. Charli realised he was just using her to give Lex that little bit of extra height so he could fuck her more easily. It was so exploitative, so abusive. She was just a tool to make sure he knocked her friend up. But she could still feel those powerful thrusts into her friend's body, still knew that any one of them could trigger him to cum into her and make Lex Black-owned, or at least most of the way there, She wrapped her arms round her friend's hot sweating body. Her fingers found Lex's breasts and teased her hard nipples. She felt her friend gasping, knew she was close to a major orgasm. At that moment she knew the truth. She wasn't being used to help get Lex knocked up she was being given the privilege of helping to get Lex Black-bred. Tonight would make them closer than ever and, in time, Lex would be there to do the same for her.

She murmured up into Lex's ear - not even sure her friend could hear her. "Let go Lex, let it out and cum. You know you need to cum. It'll help make sure you get your first beautiful Black baby. It'll help him to..."

She got no further. Lex had heard her or maybe Levy was just that damned good. She opened her mouth and screamed. A scream of pure joy and sexual excitement.

Levy moved forward and laid down a ferocious fucking. Lex could hardly breath while it lasted, never able to come down from her sexual high, but even Levy couldn't keep that up so long.

"Fuck yeah." he grunted and they all knew that he was finally doing it. His seed was being planted in her fertile pussy. Now, experience took over. He carefully made sure to gently fuck her while his cock was still hard. Made sure she got every drop of his seed and made sure that seed was planted just as deep as he could. Finally he withdrew and then eased Lex to one side off her friend. He darted a glance at Charli. Again she just seemed to know by instinct what he wanted. She scampered across and dropped her head between her friend's legs.

"UUUUhhhhhhh," moaned Lex. She'd had a few seconds respite before she had felt Charli's tongue and fingers at her pussy. Now the intensity was suddenly ranked up again.

"Yeah, thass right, make the little slut cum again. Make that hungry womb suck my Black seed in and put it to work. Usually makes sure a cracka ho is properly knocked up." Levy was watching intently and with satisfaction.

Was it her tongue or his words or a combination. No-one knew, even Lex didn't. But her body seemed to vibrate and her legs quivered in Charli's hands as she orgasmed again. Charli just kept licking - savouring the combination of Levy and Lex's juices. It tasted just right even as it looked just right. This fucking, fucking to breed, was how fucking was supposed to be and she couldn't wait to do it - a lot!

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Levy was felling real good, a little tired but still real good. Watching the girls was better than viagra was supposed to be. He felt his cock start to stiffen again. Shame the big titted little whore wasn't fertile too or he'd give the crowd a double breeding. Fuck Taylor and fuck Kali and fuck Izeye - if she'd been ripe she'd have been leaving here with his little nigga in her belly and fuck the consequences.

Thinking of Izeye brought him back to the moment. He glanced to the side and saw the big man there with his portable equipment. He raised an eyebrow and Izeye nodded. Just went to show that Izeye had the right instincts even if he had gone a bit soft over that slut Georgia. Fuck, what would have happened if he had ever got soft with any of his oyibo baby-mommas? Wasn't going to happen any time soon, wasn't going to happen ever. The bitches were lucky to be getting to raise his babies. What more did they want?

Kali's assistants brought out a couple of chairs and the girls were sat down, still hot and sweating. The lewd writing on their bodies hadn't run and was a crisp as ever. Permanent ink - well of course it was. Levy didn't believe in doing things by halves and he was about to prove that. When the girls saw Izeye, their Master, they knew that in this regard he didn't either.

Izeye wheeled on his equipment. He gave his two 'pupils' a nod but he talked to Levy. This was between the men. "What do you have in mind?"

"They yo' bitches by yo' mark on them Izeye, how 'bout you decide."

Izeye nodded again. That was good - showed respect between the two men. Starting a beef with Levy was tantamount to suicide but Izeye wasn't a man to be messed with either. That each recognised the other's reputation only served to enhance the gravitas of both.

"This one," Izeye pointed at Lex, "deserves your ten rules - same as I put on Jess and Emily that time."

Levy smiled. He liked that idea. "Script on the inner upper arm, 'I pledge to obey the Ten Rules of a Black Man's Woman.'" He thought and nodded - it was appropriate.

"So do you pledge to obey them?" Izeye asked Lex as he readied his equipment.

"I don't know - what are the Ten Rules?"

"Time enough for details later - for now you just need to pledge to obey my and Levy's rules. Then we can get you inked. Understood?"

The moment's hesitation was gone. "Yes Master." She offered up her arm. With practised ease Izeye cleaned off the area of Lex's skin before he began drawing the calligraphy on her arm ready to be inked later.

Levy moved across to stand beside Charli. He glanced downwards and she got the unspoken instruction. She took hold of his hardening cock and began to suck it. Soon after they heard the noise of Izeye's tattoo gun.

Charli lavished attention on Levy's impressive cock. She savoured its texture, its taste, its color - everything about it. This was as close as she had ever been to Levy - he had never fucked her and she knew that he wouldn't be fucking her tonight either. Not when there was fertile white pussy available. But soon, she promised herself, soon...

She was so busy trying to impress Levy with her BJ skills that she actually didn't notice the tattoo gun stop. The next thing she knew Izeye was moving his equipment alongside her.

"Same thing for this one?" Levy's question was casual. He was eager to get back to breeding Lex.

Izeye's answer was far from casual. He had been thinking about it - thinking about how best to play the situation. "I don't think so - she hasn't earned it like Lex has."

"Very true, very true," agreed Levy.

Izeye had been watching Charli. He'd got to know her very well. He knew how competitive she was, how she liked to be the top of the tree. She couldn't stand being second best - even to Lex, or perhaps especially to Lex. That comment would register and keep Charli working hard to please her Black men. It was all very well her working for Kali but she needed to remember where her ultimate destiny lay. Nine months of watching her best friend's belly grow with a Black baby wouldn't hurt any either.

Izeye looked around the stage until he spotted the couch used by Kali in some of her shows. He signalled to the two men standing closest and they brought it to the center of the stage - watched all the way by Charli.

"Not that this one doesn't need some ink to mark her as ours." Izeye patted on the couch. "Your turn Charli."

The girl got on the couch and laid down.

Izeye produced his wipes ready to sterilise the area he would work on. He swiftly cleansed the area just above her pussy and then prepared his tattoo gun.

There was more than one way of claiming a white pussy for the Black man. Izeye might have agreed that Charli shouldn't be bred straight away but that didn't mean he was letting any white boy think he had a chance with her. The writing on her body had given him the idea. He gestured with his hand, "We'll just make this one message permanent. OK"

A statement rather than a question. Charli nodded her understanding. Izeye gave her a brief smile and then his face moved into his professional look. He was good at his job, what was really his art. Accurate, precise and rapid. The needle gun hummed and he began to ink in the message that anyone getting close to Charli's sweet white pussy would be seeing from now on.


The script was rapidly added, the ink permanently marking the girl's pale skin. Izeye then added a black spade symbol on each side of the message.

Levy nodded his approval. One hand held the uninked arm of Lex. He'd be careful with her tonight and in the morning. Careful not to knock her bandaged arm and careful to keep her fertile cunt full of as much Black Baby-making seed as he could. He saw Kali coming back onto the stage. One girl Black bred and the other one marked as the property of her Black Masters - that was what Levy called a show. Good luck to Kali in trying to follow it!

One Afternoon

Kali did not do nervous. After her life, after all she'd been through, not then not now and not never. She'd dealt with some sketchy mother-fuckas, she'd dealt with large sections of society that wanted her dead or at least gone because of the color of her skin. She'd dealt with the other sections that hated or distrusted her because she was a female and doubled down on that because of her sexuality. She'd given all that the sturdy middle finger and marched on through her life. She was a tough cookie and not ashamed of it. She was not a woman that you could intimidate or pressure or coerce. She was her own woman and she was fiercely proud of that. Kali did no DO nervous.

Except that she was sat in her vehicle, not the limousine this time, and she was watching the clock creep slowly toward the time of their appointed meeting. Finally it was close enough and she almost had to drag herself out of the door and onto the sidewalk. Her instincts took in the other car parked down the road. The man in the passenger seat checked her out and having seen who she was returned to whatever it was he had been doing. She was expected.

The house was unpretentious - one like thousands in this section of the Capital. She turned off the sidewalk and began walking up the path. Before she reached it the front door opened and an African-American man of about sixty years of age stepped out to great her. He had a warm easy smile and offered her an old-fashioned hand shake.

"Kali my friend, it's been a while. Even longer since you came over here. What can I do for you?"

"Mr Taylor - I'm sorry to be a bother to you. I'm here because I need to talk to you about Charli."

Kali suddenly realised with a blinding clarity that there WERE times when she could still do nervous.

Cutting A Deal

Taylor exchanged a glance with his trusted lieutenant. He knew that Antwan was far more at home in these streets than he himself was. Antwan had been born over here and no matter the spreading sprawl of developments between the two cities there was still a big difference between the Capital, Taylor's home turf, and H-Town. Especially this particular part of H-Town.

To be sure Antwan could have dealt with this himself. It was a family matter for him after all. However, there were certain proprieties to be observed. Respect had to be shown when you were asking another's co-operation. Sending a deputy, no matter how trusted or high in Taylor's own estimation, would not have sent the right message. In any case once this connection had been established there were sure to be other occassions of potential mutual advantage or profit.

Taylor had half expected to be going down to one of the clubs in the 'meat market' district. High- to medium-end strip joints - some catering to a tourist and business clientele. Even H-Town had its up-market area, mostly around the world-famous University. It turned out that white boy college students liked to see a pretty girl too and Cassius was not a prejudiced man. The only colour that had ever counted with him was 'green'.

Which made it interesting that he hadn't agreed to meet Taylor at one of his clubs in the 'meat market.' That zone was notorious nationwide, had featured in numerous press articles and TV documentaries. To date four US Presidents had pledged to force local government to close it down. Hadn't happened of course - too many prominent figures liked to drive out from the Capital to those very same clubs. Nonetheless they remained a symbol of depravity - of a 'wide-open' culture that so many seemed to deplore even as they craved its attractions.

To anyone in the know, of course, the regular denunciations of the 'meat market' were as farcical as they were futile. Those clubs were the public and almost respectable side of Cassius's business. A few 'extras' might go down but they were out of sight and out of mind.

Neighborhoods like this one didn't have much time for such niceties. However, sex still sold and Cassius was real happy to supply that particular demand wherever and however it might be sought. It was just that round here his girls had to work that little bit harder. The neon and bright lights were still there but what happened behind them was rather more primal and much less covert.

There were two large African-American men stood outside the club they had been told to meet Cassius at. Clearly a welcoming party - no joint needed that much security at this time of the day in the normal course of affairs. When they saw Taylor and Antwan approach they stood aside from the door in a silent invitation to pass through.

Taylor glanced at his friend and lieutenant. He trusted Antwan's instincts. "He's a businessman - only starts trouble if he really needs to." Taylor nodded - that had been his inclination too.

They were quickly proved right. Before they reached the open doorway to the club it was filled by the figure of Cassius himself, welcoming them in.

"Rare pleasure Taylor," the two men bumped fists and then Cassius glanced at Antwan, "hadn't seen this one since he got the new jewellery. That white piece of yours still let you out Antwan?"

Antwan unconciously glanced down to his ring finger and the band of gold there. Then he returned Cassius' glance. "She keeps an eye on me - when she's not keeping you from getting all your clubs closed down."

There was a moment's silence and then Cassius roared with laughter. He slapped Antwan on the shoulder. "Not sure I wouldn't stay home awhile if I had the lovely Jessica waiting there for me. All that and free legal advice too. Say one thing for you - you ain't no fool." He laughed again and then set his face into a business-like expression. "I know Mr Taylor hasn't come down here to hear two homies baggin each other. What's on the agenda?"

So they told him what they needed from him and he listened and considered. "So what's in it fo' me?"

"Apart from the obvious."

"A dime for the ages but I've hit it already. You'll be on point that your main motivation is not mine necessarily. I like a little garnish shall we say."

"Half the cut."

"Shit that'd be the fee for setting up yo' cameras and making sure my clients don't walk off with them. Niggas gotta eat!"

For the first time Taylor stepped into this part of the discussion. "Shall we cut to the chase Cassius? What do you want?"

So Cassius told them. A ridiculous figure of course. But everyone knew such formalities had to be observed. Antwan's lovely wife had already given him a suggestion as to what might seal the deal. Something that Antwan had to offer rather than Cassius demand.

So Antwan offered it and the deal was done.

Lateral Thinking

The man was perhaps in his late twenties with a mop of shaggy brown hair above his handsome face. He was skinny with his ribs showing below his pink skin. He wore a leather bracelet on each wrist and a leather anklet on each foot. Other than that he was naked. His limp penis hung down as he held a position on all fours. His blue eyes were shining with excitement, with anticipation. He yearned for the arrival of his Mistress.

Grant Symington had grown up a trust-fund k**. From prestigious schools to the ivy league to the board-room of a world-renowned company had been the easiest of transitions. Everything had always come easy, dropping into his lap like gifts from the Gods. Had he taken time to consider it he might have sensed that history was why he felt such yearning for moments like this. For a man who seemingly could have anything and anyone the allure of the unobtainable could be intoxicatingly strong.

No cameras recorded these private sessions, there was no audience. The stage was empty safe for a chair and a young woman who stood next to it. She wore a tight outfit that followed the curves of her figure precisely. Grant looked up at her but saw that she was studiously ignoring him. He swiftly dropped his eyes again. She was very attractive but he had come to realise that she could not compare to his Mistress.

His heart seemed to skip a couple of beats and his breath caught in his throat as he heard the firm click of heels over the wooden flooring of the stage. He wanted to look up - to feast on her beauty, her arrogant dominant loveliness. However, he knew that was not his role. He hung his head in supplication before her.

"You again - I see you have been properly prepared." Charli's words were clipped, laden with contempt. She flourished her riding crop at the backside of the man. Grant's pale buttocks were striped with red marks. The 'preparation' had been expert - the pale skin was bruised and marked but not broken. In truth Grant was milk-toast even in his perversions. He preferred humiliation to outright pain, preferred to make his tribute in dollars rather than blood. Which, needless to say, suited Charli perfectly.

The clicking of the heels stopped. Grant desperately wanted to look up but he knew his place. "Heel," said that imperious commanding female voice. Grant almost fell over himself in his eagerness to reach her, scrambling along on all fours towards the pair of feet which was all of her that he dared to look at. The feet shod in fiendishly high heels, almost ballet boots, with dramatically scarlet soles.

The second woman watched him go. Her eyes took in every moment of his self-humiliation. The ridiculous shuffling on hands and knees towards the blonde woman who called him. She had never seen him like this before - she would not have believed it even now but for the evidence of her own eyes.

"Do you want to worship me, little puppy?" Charli's tone was mocking. "Show me how much - beg for a treat."

Grant got up onto his haunches and held his hands out in front of him, mimicking the 'begging' pose of a trained dog. His eyes shone as he was finally able to look up into the beautiful face of his Mistress. However, he knew he could not show his pleasure too much - not if he wanted to be awarded other treats, even that most exquisite of all rewards. So instead he tried to make his expression as desperate and pleading as he could, he whined pitifully in imitation of a dog seeking its mistress's attention.

"Hmmn," Charli paused as if judging his efforts, "perhaps you can be permitted to clean one of my boots."

Grant Symington, non-executive director on three of the Tri-State Area's most prestigious corporations, set to work lavishing attention on the black boot thrust closest to him. He was suddenly intent on licking clean every inch of the leather surface. He savoured the curve of her encased leg, realised its perfection - perfection shared in his eyes by every part of his unobtainable and cruel Mistress. As he worked, desperately trying to please her, Charli glanced up at the other woman and their eyes met. The latter seemed to shiver a little but Charli was pleased to see that she was still there. She obviously wanted, or more precisely needed, to see what would come next.

As Grant worked on, bent over her boot, Charli reached down and attached a cheap dog collar around his neck. Then she clipped a leash into place. At the precise instant Grant completed his task Charli snapped, "Heel". Like a well-trained a****l Grant rushed to take position behind his Mistress - only once peeking upwards to take in the delicious curve of her butt. He was sure she couldn't see him but he was wrong or perhaps his Mistress had second sight. Either way she viciously tugged on his leash and he was pulled up short, gasping for air as the leather momentarily choked him.

"Behave." The command was clipped and then Charli began striding across the stage leading Grant as he desperately tried to keep up on all fours. The other woman watched and took in the stark contrast. Charli's curved figure was all grace and smooth power, Grant was a pitiful exhibition of clumsy subservient weakness. Charli's heels clicked harshly and remorselessly against the wood of the stage and behind her were only the flaccid flopping noises of Grant's bare hands and feet as he scrambled to follow. Charli held the leash tight - forcing him to keep up or feel the collar tighten around his neck once more. The other woman took this all in and then noticed that Grant's penis was no longer limply hanging down. Instead it was hard, standing up against his pale pink belly. What better proof that all she had been told was true - what more blatant evidence could she be given?

She glanced up again and saw that Charli's eyes were once more on her, now glinting with unmistakeable pleasure and triumph. She suddenly knew why she was there. Charli wished to share her pleasure with her. Charli's triumph was not over her - it was over Grant and all the others like him. She took all that in during the few moments that Charli allowed her mask of cruel domination to slip. She took it in and processed it and decided to stay. Charli gave her a nod. She didn't know it yet but that decision was the first step along a long road.

Dee marched once more across the stage, heard the floundering noises behind her, heard the rasping breaths of Grant as he tried to keep up. In truth she would never have dreamed of treating a real puppy like that or any other a****l really. Only white boys and especially when they were weak enough to pay handsomely for it. She stopped in front of the chair and then flicked the leash expertly. Grant had been trained well over their past sessions and rushed round to kneel before his Mistress, gazing up at her adoringly. He loved these moments - when he could truly admire her, drink in her icy perfection.

Charli did not love these moments - but they came with her new vocation. It wasn't the dopy white boy looking up at her with his puppy-dog eyes - it was the fact that his little pink wiener was hard. What The Fuck! As if she had any use for that miserable little thing! Most white boys were pretty much useless in her experience but this one did have one little skill.

"Do you deserve a treat? I wonder?"

The man's whining and begging became louder, more insistent, more desperate. His humanity was disappearing in an abject display of self-abasement. Charli spared another moment to glance at the other woman. She saw that the message was getting through and was satisfied.

"You don't deserve it but I'll make you a charity case. You know what to do."

Grant almost hyper-ventilated he was so excited. These sessions had to be handsomely paid for in advance and you never knew what would happen. Sometimes Charli didn't even turn up - she would send a substitute or even just a note telling him to go home. Femdom could become findom so easily. The potential of 'a treat' was always there but its fulfilment so rare that these moments were never taken for granted. He had pleased his Mistress and now she would allow him to please her, or at least to try.

He stumblingly scooted his way under the chair. there was a small platform under the piece of furniture and he lay on his back there. He almost automatically placed his arms and legs in position.

Charli addressed the other woman for the first time. "Stephanie - perhaps you would like to assist. You will see that your fiancé (the word was pronounced with contemptuous scorn) is wearing cuffs on his ankles and wrists. If you take the metal rings there and connect them to the restraints on the platform. They simply click into place - simple but reassuringly sturdy. They make sure a slave is kept in place."

There was the briefest hesitation. Then Stephanie bent down and clicked Grant's first ankle-cuff into position. Perhaps the noise or the movement did it. For the first time Grant's concentration on his Mistress wavered. He glanced at his soon-to-be wife and watched as she connected his other arm and then both of his legs. His eyes were blazing as if with fever, his cheeks were flushed, his breath was coming ragged and harsh. He had never, ever, felt so excited. To be honoured to serve his Mistress was already almost too much. But this, this...

The chair was of a very particular design. It was wooden and heavy, once its casters were locked it was difficult to move. Certainly a scrawny white boy like Grant had no chance of escaping his bonds or shifting the chair, especially once it was occupied. The 'seat' of the chair formed a crescent broad enough for a person to comfortably sit but leaving a gap where the center of the seat would normally be. Now, looking down from above, you would see Grant's flushed face there, framed by the remaining seat.

Charli's boots were not the only part of her outfit that were black and shiny. She was dressed almost as the dominatrix of caricatures. Why not? Her clients had their expectations. Her stomach was bare but a black vinyl top pushed her superb breasts up to form a mouth-watering cleavage. She wore a thong of similar material and. save her boots and dark hold-up stockings, that completed her outfit. 'Less is more' as a wise man once said.

She approached the chair and stood over it. Then she grasped the back of the chair and swung her leg over to straddle it. She took a comfortable position on the seat - felt her thong rub against the face of her slave as he lay beneath her. She gave one last glance at Stephanie and then, with one fluid motion, eased her thong to one side. Immediately she felt his tongue at her pussy, felt him pushing his face forward onto her. For a slave he was really quite good at this. His tongue quickly found her clitoris and she arched her back to ease her pussy harder onto that questing tongue. She allowed a blissful smile to play across her features. There were, after all, a lot worse ways of making a living!

Stephanie watched as her man slobbered and licked and desperately strained to please his Mistress with his mouth. She did not share Charli's smile. How long had she been with Grant? Yet had he ever tried to do the same for her? She had only ever wanted to make him happy but it was quite apparent that she had been going about it all the wrong way. She watched as Charli gently undulated her magnificent behind. She saw Grant's tongue working hard on his Mistress's clit and pussy. She also saw his penis, rock-hard and standing up straight against his belly as he lay.

Stephanie wasn't a sheltered virgin. She had known that such people as prostitutes and dominatrix existed. But that her potential husband was a client? That he was seeing a student in her own study program - even if Charli was three years younger and basically a stranger. She could never have imagined that until his confession of two weeks before.

She had wanted to scream at him, to storm out, to slap that handsome face of his. However, she hadn't done so. Why? It was really quite simple. She loved him. She didn't love a version of him created in her own mind - she loved HIM. She wanted to share his life with him and she had expected to have to make concessions. Career, family, desires - she expected to have to fit into his requirements and needs. Wasn't that just the way things were?

She had considered this over the last two weeks. She had done so even more after Grant had asked her to accompany him here tonight. Her mind was positively racing now. All her expectations of life with Grant up to two weeks ago were exploding as she watched him desperately try to please his Mistress. She just wasn't sure what was replacing them - except that she still loved him. She knew that this wasn't a threat to her. Grant had promised that he had never actually had sex with another woman since becoming an item with her. She believed him absolutely - crazy as that might seem. Why would he be upfront about all of this and yet lie about that? But what did it mean for them?

"Hhhhmmmmnnn - not as pathetic as usual slave." Charli's voice was like melted honey. Grant was urged on by such faint praise. He lapped and slicked and sucked and teased her wet pussy for all he was worth. His hard cock actually twitched where it lay on his belly.

Charli winked at Stephanie and then, unseen by Grant, beckoned to her. Stephanie paused, considered and then moved across to join the beautiful leather-clad blonde. An arm came out and drew her close to Charli. Charli smiled and momentarily arched her eyebrows. It was an invitation and Stephanie did not reject it. She felt as if she was almost on auto-pilot now - in sensory over-load after all she had heard and seen. Charli beckoned again and Stephanie leaned down towards her, felt her heart beating suddenly fast and insistent as she did so.

Charli leaned forward so that her lips touched those of Stephanie. A moment's contact. Then Charli repeated but left her lips in place a moment longer. Finally on the third contact, Charli felt Stephanie's lips part. Charli eased her tongue into the brunette's mouth and let it gently contact with its counter-part there. Again just a moment's hesitation before Stephanie responded. Charli leaned back and made strong eye contact with Stephanie. She smiled and her eyes sparkled with amusement and mischief. Stephanie almost shyly smiled back and then leaned in to renew their kiss.

Charli ground her behind down onto the face of her slave. Grant found himself trapped between her firm buttocks and for a moment was engulfed in that sweet pink flesh. Not for one moment did he hesitate but kept desperately licking and savouring the pussy that almost threatened to stifle him. However, as the girls kissed above him he suddenly realised that there was no almost about it. He could not breathe. His arms and legs jerked but were held in their restraints. His face was trapped by the flesh of Charli's butt. He gasped for breath into the sweet but unrelenting flesh of his Mistress.

Then, as he almost thought he would pass out, he felt the pressure lift from his face. He sucked in oxygen and then he saw both women looking down on him through the wide gap in the chair.

Stephanie looked down at her fiancé. His face was red and wet with saliva and pussy juice. His eyes were wide and his mouth open as he gasped for breath. She had never seen him, never seen any man, look so excited. The doubt was just entering her mind when Charli fore-stalled it.

"It's your turn."

She had been about to wonder where her place lay in this new secret world of her fiancé. Charli had answered it for her but the answer really was obvious. Her new position was to be on top. Stephanie undid her tight skirt and let it slip down her legs. She moved up to the chair and saw Grant looking up at her. She smiled when she recognised the desire in his eyes. She had a feeling she could make this work. She let her panties follow her skirt down to the floor and then stepped up to take her seat. Even as she sat she felt Grant's tongue seeking out her most sensitive areas. She gasped and then bit her lip. She looked up and saw Charli looking down at her with a broad smile. Now they could really get started.


Stephanie sat and savoured the sensations. She occassionally gave a little exploratory wiggle of her hips. Each time Grant responded. A girl could get very used to such treatment!

Charli stepped off stage and then returned with a bright yellow rubber glove looking incongruous against the rest of her outfit.

"What you have to understand Stephanie is that all those idiots have ever told you about how things are meant to be were wrong. At least for you and Grant. The man of the house is supposed to be dominant and in charge? I don't think so? Just arch your back a little and see what happens."

Stephanie tried it and couldn't help but giggle. Grant's tongue had darted up and licked at her butt-hole. She explored with moving her bottom a little and found his tongue chasing her - he was apparently desperate to perform his new task. She glanced down and saw his cock give another twitch as it still stood hard against his belly.

"Hmmn - this little thing." Charli reached down and flicked at his penis with her gloved hand. Stephanie felt rather than heard Grant gasp before he resumed rimming her.

Grant's dick could be called many things but hardy 'little'. He was a proud seven inches and thick with it. Stephanie was to learn that Charli had rather different standards where these things were concerned.

His Mistress held Grant's cock between two gloved fingers with an expression of vexation on her face. "Just look at this - how is something so pitiful ever going to please a woman?"

Stephanie felt Grant gasp beneath her. She saw his cock twitch again. The signs were unmistakeable.

Chali had seen them too. She swiftly produced a container and held it in front of Grant's cock. Her latex-clad fingers gave two experienced strokes and...

"Ohhhhhhhh," moaned Grant.

Spunk shot out of his cock and into the container. He had clearly been VERY excited. Seven heavy spurts thudded against the plastic as Charli expertly milked him.

Once he was finished Charli held up his penis between her two fingers. Grant's hairy balls were exposed to view. She flicked one with her finger.

"You see - these things look weak and harmless but they can still cause problems." She reached behind the chair and produced a box with a biohazard symbol on it. Grant's spunk was deposited inside and the box sealed. "Come here Stephanie."

Stephanie dismounted from her chair, if rather reluctantly. Charli reached behind the chair again and produced a small metal object.

"Clearly Grant here needs to be kept under control so he can't make nasty messes like that last one. Perhaps you'd like to be the one that fits this so Grant understands he has two Mistresses now."

Grant watched, helpless in his restraints, as his wife leaned down and applied a small metal cage to his penis. It locked with a small key.

Charli produced a small chain and expertly threaded the key on. Then she carefully hung the chain around Stephanie's neck.

"There - now everyone knows who is in charge. You and I have lots to discuss regarding his training and what all this can mean for you."

Grant watched as the two women kissed again. He wasn't entirely sure what had just happened but he did know that it made him as horny as fuck. He felt his cock start to stiffen only for it to immediately meet the cold restraint of his new metal cage. It seemed he was going to have to get used to things being a bit different from now on.


"I have just interviewed the young lady, Stephanie Thornton, and she seems absolutely perfect for the role. Freshly qualified with the highest honours - very motivated and eager to assist in our social programs - an excellent interviewee. I was extremely impressed and with continuing professional development I think she is perfect for our team."

The voice, with its distinctive East European accent, sounded from the phone. The device's owner furrowed his brow a little. "Wasn't that the position we had ear-marked for young Charli Johnson?"

"Indeed yes, my friend, but Charli would not qualify fully for at least two years. This young lady is a friend of Charli's - was in fact recommended by Charli. I understand she herself has transferred her studies to physiotherapy - you know we will soon have a vacancy there. Delphine is heading for retirement."

"Well, Dr Nikola my old friend, it's your clinic and I'm as always happy to be guided by your expertise. Thanks for the heads-up."

When the connection was ended Taylor leaned back in his study chair and steepled his fingers. He had made the arrangements for Charli, as requested by Kali. However, he had insisted that it not go ahead until Charli was fully qualified so that she could fill the coming vacancy at Nikola's clinic. The work there was vital to the community. It had to take priority.

He sat for a few more moments and then shrugged his shoulders. Well, he had expected her to fill the vacancy and she had - if not in the way he had expected. Maybe he SHOULD have expected that - the young lady was always full of surprises. It didn't take a mind-reader to know why Charli had gone to such trouble. She was impatient. Well, so be it. He picked up his phone again and hit a number on speed-dial.

"Cassius - the little matter you, I and Antwan discussed..."

Putting On A Show

Georgia Johnson studied herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. It really wasn't that long since the first time she had read about 'the game'. Was it really not much over a couple of years? Back then she could never have imagined where she would be now - let alone what she was about to do. Life was like that perhaps.

She took a long moment studying the woman in the glass. Looked into her own eyes for a sign of regret or anxiety. She couldn't see any. She knew that she had moved on beyond that long ago. If there had ever been any doubts then the arrival of little Kanesha had swept them away. So beautiful and such a little darling. She dropped a hand to her belly, a belly already swelling with Kanesha's little brother or sister. There really wasn't much doubt about Izeye's potency - as if you couldn't tell that by one glance at him. She was pleased that both her new family members would share him as a father. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Two c***dren by the same father - that almost made her a prude in some circles!

Talking of which. She saw a familiar figure approach her in the mirror and lean down so her face was level with Georgia's own. "You OK, GeeGee?" Jessica was smiling but Georgia noted that her cousin's eyes were watching her closely.

"For the beached whale convention? Yeah, as I ever will be. Do you think he knows what he's getting?" Georgia smiled - eager to show Jessica that all was well. Her cousin, above everyone, had an idea of how difficult this day could have been for her. She wanted to let her know that she was more than reconciled to it, that she understand that this was how it should be, how it had to be.

She watched Jessica's smile move up into her eyes. "Oh that gentleman has wanted to get me dancing here ever since I first met him. Add in my condition and my co-stars and I don't think he'll be complaining. He'd best not - this is his one chance!"

Georgia didn't respond. It was going to be a big evening. She still had trouble getting her head around it totally sometimes.

Jessica held her shoulders and spoke soothingly to her. "She's going to break all sort of records you know, that beautiful daughter of yours. She'll make my viewing figures look very weak sauce. Even after our host's cut is subtracted it's going to be a tidy contribution to the Foundation. You're OK aren't you?"

Georgia looked again at her face in the mirror. Her life had taken some amazing turns, just like her daughter's and just like her cousin's and just like so many others. It wasn't what she had expected but it also wasn't anything that she regretted or would reverse, even if she could. Charli had come to her and pointed out that her lifestyle probably wasn't the best for a putative Doctor and that if one thing had to go then it wasn't going to be a close decision. Being a physio would be much more compatible. Well, in the end, it WAS her daughter's life and if she was happy and fulfilled then Georgia would be happy to accept that.

She nodded into the mirror and saw Jessica smile in response. Georgia continued, "Just so long as once my part is done I can slip away. She IS still my little girl you know, she still will be to my dying day."

"Don't worry," reassured her cousin, "your friends have arranged a little something for you..."

Georgia looked over at her Jess and saw that familiar mischievous smile. She had a pretty good idea what the 'little something' would be and that it wouldn't turn out to be so 'little' after all!


The four women danced on the small stage - showing their bodies off to full effect . Each wore a skimpy bikini decorated with that ever more prevalent 'Queen of Spades' symbol. The viewers didn't really need to see the bikinis to tell them the self-identification of the women. Their baby-bumps were pretty eloquent on the issue. The timing had been fortunate. Jess and her friends were all big enough to be clearly pregnant but not quite so big that it hampered their moves too much. Either way their audience were ready to make some allowances.

The usual segregation applied at a time like this. The performers were all female and white. The audience were all male and Black. A mix of Cassius' clientele and regulars from Antwan and Hoss's establishments. It had been a seriously hot ticket in their particular little community.

The crowd were appreciative - whooping and applauding each move of the girls on stage. Jess tried some of her more sinuous and seductive moves on a big bearded hunk stood next to the stage. One of Cassius's security. The big man laughed but she noted that his eyes were rooted on her, taking in every move and every inch of her fair-skinned body. As with most of the men here her current condition clearly wasn't a turn-off. Quite the reverse in fact.

Cassius had always wanted her dancing for him. Frankly, she doubted she would make too much difference to the takings at one of his clubs but she knew he would get a serious kick out of getting his lawyer up on stage. He'd not made much of a secret of that. Even after Antwan had made her an 'honest woman' and the chance of getting her in his famous back office had receded. Receded - but not quite disappeared. There was always the hustle, always a deal to be made and Jessica had always been curious about Cassius's reputation. He was supposed to be very good. Well she could compare him with Antwan and Shaka - it promised to be fun seeing whether he could 'measure up.' The arrangement had been made to prepare the way for tonight. Jess was booked in to perform a weekend at Cassius's most prestigious strip club once she was back in more orthodox dancing trim.

It was understood by everyone what 'dancing' for Cassius would mean. On the Friday evening Jessica would be staying over with him. Antwan would not have suggested that but he wasn't like the husbands from her old life. As he put it, "Shit - I've known Cassius since was growing up together. He may think he's getting one over on me but he'll soon learn. He's gonna find out the best he ever had is just my beck and call girl. He'll be eating himself up over that for years!" Jessica loved his confidence and knew it was well-placed. It didn't matter how good Cassius turned out to be - Antwan was her man for so many reasons beyond that. He knew he would win any comparison. It was like giving a friend a chance to drive your new Ferrari. They'd enjoy it but their Nissan wouldn't seem the same afterwards!

Taking it in turns three of the women would take places round the stage and allow the fourth to solo. There weren't too many dramatic moves, let alone pole-work, but they had the audience's attention none the less. Each exposed belly was eloquent of the potency of the Black man - eloquent of how 'woke' these women were to the real sexual hierarchy. For many they were just sexy bitches dancing for their pleasure. For some each growing belly was a little victory against 'the man.' Whatever - the crowd weren't shy about showing their appreciation.


Georgia watched on from the back-room. It was usually the base for security. Cameras covered the main hall and the dozen or so small cubicles where the real business was done here. Best not to think too much about that. The real nature of this place where she was about to hand over her daughter. She knew that Charli would be getting a kick out of it though.

She risked another glance at the woman sharing her 'duty' today. She was so striking - her dark skin and those proud features. Like a classical ancient Egyptian statue or perhaps a Nubian one. Timeless beauty and an underlying strength that made quite a combination. It wasn't hard to see why her daughter was so smitten. Let alone those eyes - feline and almost amber.

Kali seemed to sense she was being watched. She let her eyes meet Georgia's and allowed a little smile to play across her lips. Her confidence was obvious, confidence proven by her words.

"We just lending her for a night or two you know. She only ever gonna have one momma and she only ever gonna have one me."

They were words of reassurance and words that both women knew were rooted in reality. The young woman they both loved, though in very different ways, would be under-going a 'rite of passage' in their community but that didn't mean they were losing her. Quite the reverse.

The Main Event

Glasses and pitchers had been refreshed. The stage had been cleared of dancers. It was time and the buzz of excited conversation proved it. Time for the main event.

Well someone had a sense of humor and an entirely unexpected knowledge of 'old white man fossil rock.' Maybe they'd just googled for something appropriate but Georgia doubted it. Cassius tended to plan these things out very carefully and it undoubtedly was quite deliberate that their 'walk-on music' was 'Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter.' Yes indeed she had heard enough about Cassius to know that it had his finger-prints all over it.

"Fuckin' Cassius." That was from under Kali's breath - it seemed she'd come to the same conclusion.

Charli joined them as soon as the music struck up. She looked amazing, so beautiful. She wore a black latex bodysuit that wasn't skin-tight but that also didn't hide the promise of the curves hidden beneath. At her wrists, ankles and neck there was the stark, delicious, contrast between the Black vinyl and her pale skin. The beauty of her face seemed magnified by contrast with the stark darkness of her body. Look closely however and you saw the zips in the suit - the promise of what was to come. It was all she wore - save for her So Kate 120s, their scarlet soles only visible when the club lights flashed and caught them.

They moved forward as the music roared out of the speakers. The sea of dark faces all turned towards them - all craning to see the spectacle put on for their entertainment, for their satisfaction.

The women looked forward and saw that the stage was no longer empty. In its centre stood one man - his arms crossed and his gaze fixed on the women, more accurately on Charli. Cassius was here to claim his prize.

'So pick up your foolish pride

No going back

Nowhere, no way, no place to hide.'

That was what today was really all about - that was what they were doing here. Kali had never taken a backward step for anybody. Georgia was a satisfied and stable feature of the world that moved around and within the Taylor Foundation. Now her daughter was making that same commitment, obvious and irreversible. The people they loved would approve. Those that hated it - well their opinion didn't matter anyway. Hadn't mattered since that moment when mother and daughter, quite separately, had both decided to play 'the Game.'

They reached the stage just as the speakers blared out,

'Let her go, let her go, let her go.'

The two women released their hold on Charli's arms and gently helped her climb up and onto the stage.

As she stepped up the two woman shared a moment. Then it was over. Kali turned to make her way across to the bar where a couple of her assistants had made a place for her.

It was time Georgia was gone. She just saw Cassius beckon and her daughter go to him. He placed a hand on her shoulder as the music rang out,

'So get down on your knees, honey

Assume an attitude

You just pray I'll be waiting

Cause you know, you know I'm coming soon.'

As Charli sank to her knees in front of Cassius Georgia turned around and found herself surrounded by three powerfully-built young Black men. They were handsome and perhaps ten years her juniors. They were also looking at her with an expression that she knew very well. She'd seen it on a lot of hot Black men's faces over the last couple of years.

One of the men gently took her arm and began leading her out of the main hall as the other two cleared a way for them.

"You aren't going to watch the show?" she asked.

"Oh we got much better things to do baby."

Well that was just fine by Georgia...


Cassius was dressed like a good H-Town businessman. A suit so sharp you could cut steel with it. Gold jewellery on his hands and at his neck. He was real happy to get reacquainted with this piece of white poon. Her skilled fingers had his hard Black cock free of his pants in record time and that sweet white mouth started working its magic. He let her set the pace for a minute or so - savoured her skills as he stared out over the audience with an expression of pride and ownership. Then it was time to put on a show.

He hooked his hands round her head and grasped her two pig-tails. A nice touch that - made then so much easier to control. He pulled the girl onto him - made her take that little more at each downward plunge of her mouth. He knew this one was a world-class bopper and he was going to see just how good she was. He watched her carefully - noted how she was also struggling to keep eye contact with him. He saw the moisture in her eyes, saw her face redden, saw her gasp for breath. Then he gave her some relief, watched the long trail of drool stretching from her mouth to his cock. A few seconds and then he pulled her back onto him. Damn she was good. Even if he didn't feel it he'd have known it from her eyes. That desperation. Not to escape - oh no. To go that extra inch, to be the best bopper, the best little white slut a prime Black alpha male could possess. Well Cassius knew she didn't come far short of that ambition. The audience were learning it now too. He knew how many would give some tidy currency to be where he was now. How many would have done so by now if Kali hadn't intervened? He liked Kali but that had been an expensive gift. He jammed the girl down onto his rock-hard Black meat, held her for a few seconds. She didn't struggle but tears were showing in her eyes. He knew the struggle going on inside her - knew what will-power it was taking not to show it. Fuck it - a deal was a deal. His lost earnings would just have to be regarded as his version of c***d-support.

Cassius pulled his cock back leaving Charli gasping. He moved a hand to grasp the neck of her body-suit and pulled her up off her knees. She was a tall well-built girl but Cassius man-handled her with experienced ease. His second hand held her steady while she found her footing. Those heels. They raised practical issues but the message they gave was so damned powerful. He'd seen the bitch in ballet boots before - he knew she could do it. Besides, they got her up to his level. Made pulling her to him and pushing his mouth onto hers that much easier. He kissed her with real passion - his tongue claiming mastery over hers and leading it in a dance of domination and submission.

Fuck the little bitch was good. He'd never been like old Antwan or his boss - never made a big thing out of breeding. Sure he'd knocked up a dancer or two but just in the course of business. He was going to fuck them and it was up to them if they made precautions or not. This one made him reconsider that a little. Fine little bitch needed premium Black seed and where could you get better than Cassius himself. Well, be that as it was, he was getting his cock wet in prime cracka cunt and getting paid for the privilege. Life was good.

He turned the girl and pushed her over to the leather-covered settle on one side of the stage. Not onto it but in behind it. She instantly knew what he wanted. With one hand she gripped the back of the piece of furniture. With the other she undid the zip at the crotch of her bodysuit. The material, held tight before, bowed out and revealed the deliciously pale flesh beneath and, at its centre, a beautiful wet pussy.

Cassius didn't need to think. Instinct had placed the settle in the perfect position for most of the crowd to see what came next. Anyone unsighted could watch on the big screen behind them - see him line up his big Black cock and see him move forward until their two bodies became one. It was a well-prepared pussy and it was about to be a well-fucked one. There was just the right level of grip and resistance against a man. Just the right amount and not a piece more. Fuck she was good.

Cassius started pounding the little white bitch hard. Not that Charli was complaining. He knew from experience that she liked it that way - especially for the first round. Besides he was sort of surprising himself. That didn't happen too much nowadays but for a man who wasn't part of that whole breeding kick he found he really, REALLY, wanted to coat this little ho's eggs. Wanted to see her with her big belly and know it was his little nigga growing in there, his little nigga that'd be sucking the milk out of those beautiful white titties.

Incredibly, almost shockingly, he felt the first warnings that he was about to come. Damn - that NEVER happened nowadays. He'd only been fucking the bitch for five minutes. Still he heard the roar of the crowd, heard the shouted demands to 'knock the ho up.' He considered lowering his intensity, regaining control, but then he looked at the beautiful graceful body in front of him. Saw her fingers clenched tight on the settle back. Fuck it - he needed to seed her and he wasn't waiting one more fucking minute. He just let go and powered through. Kept going as he felt his sperm pumping as deep into the willing little slut as he could, kept going until he knew she had it all.

Then Cassius pulled out, picked the girl up and lifted her onto the settle. He gave a gesture with his hand and then withdrew to a seat at the other end of the stage. His favourite dancer of the moment, Misty, was there to lovingly clean his cock of his and Charli's inter-mingled juices with her tongue. Misty was a premium bitch but nothing compared to the little ho he'd just knocked up.


That hand signal had been for Kali and her girls. She had Shay, Cheyenne and Labelle with her, three of her best. All African-American - in keeping with the theme of the show. They moved in around Charli as she lay recovering from her frantic breeding. Even as she gasped for breath Kali's mouth found hers. The longest of soul kisses as the other three girls undid zips and got to work, exploring every available sensitive inch of the white girl.

There were cheers from the crowd as Shay pulled down a zip and freed Charli's breasts. Immediately a mouth fastened onto each erect pink nipple. Tongues teased the piercings there. Labelle had the prime job - kneeling at the end of the settle and licking at Charli's pussy and clit. Total erotic over-load and so soon after Cassius had bred her. It was too much. Charli came hard as the crowd roared their approval.

Even as Charli was coming down from that first she heard her Goddess.

"We're just lending you - you belong to me. So we need to get this job done - you need to cum again so your womb can take in all that potent Black seed. We need it so you can be mine forever. You want that? You ready for that?"

The wave hit again, the fierce heat of lust radiating through every part of her. Her legs quivered in Labelle's grip as the Black girl continued her delicious torment of Charli's clit.

Kali clicked her fingers. Her girls moved like a well-oiled machine. Charli was pulled to her feet and was held upright. Even without those heels her legs were shaky like a new-born fawns. But for Kali and Cheyenne's strong grip she would have crumpled to the floor. Not that she would get any mercy - not that she would ever have desired any. Shay was kneeling in front of her pushing her head up to nuzzle and pleasure her pussy and clit. Labelle had moved onto Charli's nipples, both standing hard and proud and glistening with the saliva of her lovers and friends. LaBelle took in the sight and then flicked out a teasing tongue to play with first one piercing and then the others.

The girl was quivering in their arms again, being taken onto the next peak before she could totally come down from the last, then to the next and the next. Being taken on a rolling crescendo of orgasms that would not end until her Goddess decreed or until Charli herself collapsed with sheer exhaustion. Only in these moments did Carli truly understand what pleasure could be. Only then did she understand that everything in her young life had led to this, this moment of exquisite almost agonising fulfilment. To that one whispered question into her ear that cut through all the static of crowd noise.

"Who do you belong to - yesterday, now and forever?"


It was the first thing the audience had heard her say. They roared their approval again. Some thought it signalled the end of this part of the show. They couldn't have been more wrong. The women only increased the intensity of their skilled attentions. It wasn't an end but a reaffirmation and a new beginning. 'Bring your daughter to the slaughter' - what machismo nonsense. A girl didn't know what pleasure was until she had been with Kali. Charli knew and Charli would be Kali's forever. Her pet, her slave, her lover, her partner. Kali kissed that sweet delicate pink ear. They would never be separated now and soon they would be family.

Settling Up

Izeye had been waiting for this moment all evening. The show had been one for the ages of course but some things were just unique. Getting one over on a certain wily old nigga was something to surely be relished. Now he saw the familiar figure of his old friend come over. He looked him in the eye and savoured the moment when Taylor's hand went to his inside pocket.

"I think I said five grand..." He held the envelope out to Izeye who smilingly transferred it to his own pocket. No need to count it - Taylor was a man of his word.

"I was right though," continued Taylor, "it was most definitely worth it."

They both knew the money was purely a token. This had been the most hotly-awaited 'performance' for years - probably since Antwan's Jessica got her first. Taylor's donors and supporters had contributed far more than a few thousand dollars. The fact was Taylor had been getting pretty white girls Black bred for a lot of years but tonight had been unique. Izeye deserved his tribute - he had done what even Taylor hadn't thought possible. The big man dwarfed Taylor but his smile just now was the biggest part of him.

So Izeye was happy.

Taylor returned to stand with Jessica - now showered and changed after her little dancing session. Jessica would always be one of his favorites and didn't tonight just show why. How many women would turn themselves out just to make sure their own niece got the perfect Black breeding! He'd seen Jessica watching Cassius perform up there - appraising his performance. She hadn't made any sacrifice - she'd enjoy herself and enjoy it even more for knowing why she was doing it.

So Jess was happy.

Antwan stood on the other side of his wife - his arm around her waist and his hand on her baby-bump. He was truly the perfect lieutenant - truly the man to take over when the time came. He could always see the bigger picture. Why be jealous of Cassius? He and Jess had something that went way beyond just sex. Jess had planned out tonight with Kali, had wanted Charli's breeding to be epic. She'd been ready to fulfil Cassius's desires to make that happen. Antwan understood. Just as Jess understood when Antwan needed to help other pretty little white pieces along their own road of self-discovery.

So Antwan was happy

Somewhere upstairs Georgia was with three men recommended by Cassius for their ability and stamina. Taylor generally liked to let chance decide these things but he'd decided Georgia deserved the best. If you won a game then you surely deserved a prize.

So Georgia was happy.

As Izeye had pocketed the cash Taylor had glanced to the bar. There at the corner - almost hidden in the darkness - he saw a familiar female figure with her three assistants. Taylor gave her a questioning raised eyebrow and noticed the slight incline of her head in response.

So Kali was happy.

Cassius towelled the sweat off his impressive physique. He had watched the women as they worked their magic on the young white girl. He was a man in his prime and it didn't take long. He soon felt his big Black cock start to thicken and rise in readiness. Cheyenne had glanced over and then at her word the other women had moved back to the bar. Charli was left lying there alone - her mouth open to suck in oxygen, her eyes wide with lust and desire. He saw her show a moment of regret at the women's withdrawal but then she saw him as he stepped back up into position before her. He grasped her legs and pushed them up and back to completely expose her pussy, a pussy already wet with cum and saliva. He eased forward and she welcomed him in. Damn she was some fine white pussy - smooth and warm and wet, holding and caressing a Black man like she was meant for him. Which, of course, she was - just like all the other pretty little white bitches.

For a moment he contemplated taking it slow - savouring that pussy. However, he knew what the girl needed and he knew that they were, after all, putting on a performance here. The audience wanted to see him fuck that pussy like he owned it again. For the next few days - while she was primed for breeding - he would be doing just that, owning it and fucking it. Then he'd send the little white ho back to Kali good and knocked up. Just thinking about it had him laying down a deep powerful rhythmn of thrusts into Charli. He felt her legs already quivering in his firm grip - knew the girl was thinking about what tonight meant too, that her body was reacting to it. The knowledge of how his rich potent African seed would change her life forever. Well it was all in a day's work for Cassius - even if sometimes his work was a pure pleasure.

So Cassius was happy. And judging by the noises she was making Charli was more than happy.


Taylor took a pull on his beer and observed all that was going on around him. Seemed that everyone that counted was happy - there had been a little something in the action for everybody involved. All while he himself had got exactly what he'd been wanting all along. Just the way he liked it. Taylor allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. Then his mind turned to his next project - she promised to be a real but entertaining challenge...


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Rindr Online Chapter One

Chapter One Early into the twenty first century virtual reality, or VR, was released to the public in a basic form. The first generation devices were worn over the eyes and had to be used with ear-buds or a headset for sound, and a hand held controller for movement inside the VR. It was considered to be a breakthrough in motion technology but there was still a lot left to be desired, and as such the technology grew by leaps and bounds over the following years. VR could be...

2 years ago
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Going Online With Jim

We used to have to fight over who got to go online. My brother, Jim, would always yell that I was taking too much time and I would be just as mad at him when he was online. Then our dad came home one day and asked if we wanted to get that cable internet thing so we could both use it at the same time and give him back his phone line! We both jumped at it and quickly agreed to dad's terms (we had to pay for it out of our part-time jobs, etc.) A month later our two computers were hooked together...

2 years ago
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black owned

My name is Mary. I have a husband, but am owned. I eagerly allow any man my master chooses to use my body to please himself. It doesn't matter that they all cum inside me because I'm already pregnant Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm pretty good looking, 35 years old, 5 foot 7 inches, 130 pounds, natural dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and enhanced 36 C breasts. I wasn't always a slut. For the first 30 years of my life every thing was quite normal. I was a very ordinary housewife and part...

4 years ago
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Online Request Turns Real

First of all, I want to thanks ISS for giving this wonderful opportunity to share our sexual experience, before two weeks or so I have posted my last story ” Incest with rama chithi” I have got more than 20 positive responses and now I’m going to share my next sexpisode happened on 1st of January, guys and girls send ur responses and feedback to Posting my last story on 22/12/14 I got a reply from an unknown mail id saying that, the story was good and I hope to have chat with you sex, and I...

4 years ago
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Continuation Online turns real part 2

*Note: This is a follow up to a previous story ( online turns real part 2 )I wake up to my arms and legs tied to the bed and you sitting in your chair in the living room. You hear me rustling against my bonds."Good morning my pet, did you sleep well?"I lightly shake my head. "Yes, Sir, I did."You come up to the side of the bed next to me, stroke my hair out of my face and kiss me lightly on the forehead. "You look so beautiful tied up, you know that?"I blush and instantly get wet at your...

3 years ago
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Online Cheating

She loves her husband. She loves her children. At least that's what she always told her online lovers. It set the ground rules and put up boundaries so that none of them got too serious or requested a meeting. It was a grand rationalization, to put it mildly. By getting this up front, she was able to tell herself that none of this was real, that it was all fantasy and fun and that no one would get hurt. If she had believed that, then perhaps it wouldn't have gone so wrong, caused so much hurt,...

2 years ago
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Continuation Online turns real part 2

*Note: This is a follow up to a previous story ( online turns real part 2 ) I wake up to my arms and legs tied to the bed and you sitting in your chair in the living room. You hear me rustling against my bonds. ‘Good morning my pet, did you sleep well?’ I lightly shake my head. ‘Yes, Sir, I did.’ You come up to the side of the bed next to me, stroke my hair out of my face and kiss me lightly on the forehead. ‘You look so beautiful tied up, you know that?’ I blush and instantly get wet at your...

2 years ago
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The UK will block online porn from April Proof of

The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we knowAge verification of all pornographic content will be mandatory from April 2018. But there are still a lot of grey areasOnline pornography in the UK is set to undergo its biggest ever change this year. The government will introduce an age-verification requirement for all pornographic websites and people wanting to use them will have to prove they are over 18.The plans were initially announced in July 2017 with Matt Hancock, the then...

4 years ago
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Teenage Girl Seduces Adult Neighbor Online

It was very difficult for my father and me when my mother left us when I was only twelve years old. She was very beautiful and sexy looking, and probably still is. It turned out that she's a real slut and cared more about finding a lot of different cocks to fuck than she cared about us. Dad does his best and makes many sacrifices to be the best parent he can.My name is Ashlee, and I’m now sixteen years old and Dad is forty. We live in a comfortable condominium in the Little Rock area. Dad works...

1 year ago
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My First Online Hookup

I've never met anyone who has hooked up online. I've only ever heard about it. I know of a couple people who have dated from online, even married, and I've heard from friends that people date and marry online. I'm not into that, but I was very curious about hooking up online. It was a huge turn on for a while. So I checked out some sites, the typical ones: CL, AFF, SS, AM. Turns out that most of the fuck sites set up for hooking up are just scams. And CL has become a hotbed of scams and...

2 years ago
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An Online Relationship

Thanks to Demorie for her encouragement and assessment. Dave looked at the Bulletin Board — Personals. And one in particular caught his eye. It was simple, appearing innocent, and yet appealing. Nothing sexual in it, but Dave felt something sensuous and refreshing. The Post read:: ‘Female college student looking for online emailing’. All the other posts were the usual: ‘Looking for erotic chat’, ‘Looking for a fuck buddy’, ‘Mutual masturbation in (you name the state or city)’, ‘Do you like...

2 years ago
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First Time Fun With An Online Girlfriend

Hi, friends. I am 35 m from Delhi. Who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know. I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 18 years age. Experience do counts hehe. No, I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal Punjabi Indian man heavy built with an average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to the core. Love giving and getting oral fun. Experiments with food items etc. I am in for online phone...

2 years ago
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black guy i met online

black guy I met on : by Rebecca date 02/27/2015ok I was online one day looking for a guys that would by for sex! im a 34 year old white girl 5'2' whit a nice booty sexy feet and a tight little pussy shaved smoothed! I met this black guy who was 6'3" 220! we talked for a little bit then I gave him my cell number so we texted and made planes to me up and fuck! he was gonna pay me to fuck this tight little pussy for 500$$$$ we met at the motel room it was a Friday night! so I told him for 500$$$...

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An online friend from the USA visits London

Another day of heavy rain in London.  I listened from my bed as the latest storm drove rain into the window. Outside I could hear the wind howling. Without even opening the shutters I knew it was going to be grim.My mood was not improved by the radio news. Coronavirus, Trump and the latest post-Brexit fuck-up from our incompetent government.If all that wasn’t enough I had just been dumped again, by WhatsApp this time, a first for me. I was done with online dating, it was a disaster for me....

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From Math Teacher to Online Whore

I was still single. I had just broke up with a girl at the beginning of school. She caught with her Mom having sex. She walked in her Mom bedroom to see me fucking her Mom in the ass. Damn her Mom could fuck. After that she started some rumors around school I was a bad guy. No harm. I was not looking to get tied down. I was over skinny high school girls. I was more into curvier ladies. The bodacious hottie with the voluptuous curves. The wider the ass and the bigger the boobs was my new...

4 years ago
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Online Crush

I first met her about 8 years ago. I met her online in a video chat room. I had met other women in chat rooms, but none that I ever really connected with. You see I’ve always felt a tad bit silly visiting those sites. I even assumed that I wouldn’t meet anyone that I would like, although I realized that that view was indeed a bit hypocritical. Rather, I would lurk and read the dialogue, but it quickly bored me. However, this woman was different. She was quick-witted, she was bright and she...

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From Math Teacher to Online Whore

Introduction: She wanted to earn extra money after class I had to stay after school. I was beating the erasers on the chalk board in detention. I looked up to see the male teacher was falling asleep. It was close to 4pm. I only had a few more minutes before the last bell to go home. I had just moved in my Grand Mothers basement about a week ago. She was always out playing Bingo or at church. It was a good thing. My parents were no longer in the picture. I was going to drive my old clunker home....

3 years ago
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Kerries Journey Chapter 2 I explore online

At the time I had just turned forty. That milestone, for some reason, had me beginning to wonder whether, as good as my sex life was with my husband, Tom, there was more to sex than I had experienced.Certainly the massage in Phuket was the first time a woman’s touch had aroused me. And, how I came and came again! Even in my late teens, I had not, as many girls do, experimented sexually with girls. I didn’t mind if they did but, for me, sex was something you did with boys. Not that I was that...

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Online Shopping With Mom

Hello this is prasad from Mangalore. I am MBA and working in MNC in Mangalore. I am only son to my parents and dad is working in Nationalized bank as chief manager. Currently my dad working in Gujarat and mom and myself stay in Mangalore. we stay in our own house. since i am only son i got all the privileges at home and can i say happy family. My age is 27 and my mom is 49 and dad age is 5 5. My Mom is graduate and she is housewife and she is kind of innocent. She got 36 B- 36- 38 figure, fair...

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Online Friend Sonia Fucked

Hello People this is Luvbunny once again here to share my story with you guys. This happened with me in 2010 December and I met this beautiful South Indian Kerala lady or should say girl online via website chatting and her name is Sonia 29 years of age when we met. She is about 5 feet tall typical south Indian skin colour black hair till shoulders black eyes soft lips, bust size 32 C flat tummy and cute little ass but married lady. I use to surf a lot online to meet girls online but never got...

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The Limitations of an Online Relationship

They met in an online, sex chat room. It was Andrea’s first visit and she almost left thirty seconds after she created her profile. Six private messages popped up on her screen.Hey beautiful. Want 2 fuck?I’m 9 inches and ready to go.Hard and hot 4 u. Hi, Baby. A/S/L?Do u cbr?Gonna cum all over you. “What am I doing?” Andrea said aloud in her empty apartment. This was sleazy. Maybe not as bad as going to bar and picking up a random stranger, but close. Nonetheless, she was here because she would...

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Meeting my online daddy

I met Mark online. I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest.To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages.I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it...

4 years ago
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From Online to Bliss

We first started chatting online and both of us had fantasies of having sex with someone we met online. We are both married and were both going though a pretty dead period in our married lives. I was about 55 and she was in her early 40's. We were both looking for fun online but during our long chats we came to the conclusion we should meet and test the waters. So this was an adventure. The first time we met we arranged to meet outside a major bookstore in T*****o. After a delay, in which I...

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Falling Prey To An Online Hypnotist

This is written by me, and can be reproduced for your enjoyment, however not if it is reproduced on an Internet pay site, or any other medium, without compensation for me — the writer. Summary: Kathy and Ted become subjects of an online hypnotist – with some submissive feelings toward serving him and his sexual urges. My girlfriend Kathy and I were together the for past year. I took her for granted. Then I started noticing a change in her attitude, her demeanor and her dress. She and I were...

1 year ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 94 Online Dating

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-93”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I’m a workaholic. Most...

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Her Online Lover

Cherise had been writing to Fred for a while and she had to admit, she wondered if he was nearly as good in person as he was in writing. This whole friendship started when she was lucky enough to have a short erotica story posted on a website. While she liked the story, she was unsure of how it would be received. When a friend told her to give it a try, she did. It seemed to take forever before the story was posted, but when it was she was giddy with excitement. She never actually got...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 94 Online Dating

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Banging A Hot Punjabi Cam Girl Online

Hello, everyone. This is Yash from Punjab. I am a regular reader of ISS. Today, let me share my sex chat and video call experience with a hot cam girl I met online. Well, to tell about myself, I am a businessman (small time) and I live alone. So, I have no commitments. Sometimes, if I have enough time, I would visit my favorite call girl and have a good time with her. But I am not getting the mood nowadays. I don’t want to spend too much time with the girl. Too hectic. It may sound like fun at...

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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 1

Hotel ki online receptionist ko asli sex ka maja dia hun Hi iss readers, am basa here am a big fan of iss, regular reader and all most read all the story here, i hope ill do more sex experience through iss in future, i like and believe most story and little was fake also, ok leave it come to point, i want to submit my story in Hindi because Hindi is sexy compare to English. Mai iss may 2nd story submit karta hun aur first story ka first part submit kiya hun aur 2nd part be bahut jald submit...

2 years ago
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SAO Sex Art Online

I was obsessed, I had to get one of the 10,000 copies of Sword Art Online. I hadn't gotten into the beta and it really disappointed me. First off let me introduce myself. My name is Dai, I'm 24 years old and I've been a bit of a gamer my whole life. Somehow I've been extremely lucky and was recently left with billions from my grandfather who had an international company that sold a lot of kettle corn (weird I know). I live comfortably now thanks to him but unfortunately alone. Even...

4 years ago
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I had always been a Bhabhi boy and will always remain the same.After all being bhabhi boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with bhabhi cuddling me after collage and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside bhabhi shirt and innocently caressing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my bhabhi as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had always a deep desire of getting my...

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Online Free Chat

OnlineFreeChat has one of the most generic names I’ve seen slapped on an adult site lately, but sometimes those bland keyword search titles make for internet gold. The fact that these guys have been around since 2007 says something, but does it speak to the strength of their platform or did they just pick a good name? They get half a million visitors a month, so I was hoping it was the former, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I lubed up and tried it out for myself.Despite the SFW domain name...

Sex Chat Sites
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Son finds real mom online

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always been a momma's boy and will always remain the same.Afterall being momma's boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with mom cuddling me after school and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside moms shirt and innocently carresing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my mom as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had...

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Online Chat Room to Real sex First Experience with a Housewife

This story is about my first real life experience, how I met the first female of my life in an online chat room, which paved way into real meetings and my first sexual experience Hello. I am Deepak and these are my experiences in life. I thought of narrating the same for our mutual pleasure. I will be talking of my real life sex experiences. I will not take the real names of any of my partners and will neither reveal the same. So please don't ask me the same. But, I am looking forward to hear...

3 years ago
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KAW Online Dating Can Be Hell

This is a work of fiction. It involves a Japanese woman who decides to meet a "Man" she first met online. This story contains sex and humour. It is not serious and I hope it makes you smile;) Have a wonderful day! JadeM Online Dating Can Be Hell! My name is Chiaka Kurigawa. I am a 27 year old professional woman who has always put her job ahead of relationships. To say that I am lonely would be an understatement. I have no one to blame but myself I have never made time to try and...

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Online Christmas Wishes

The tree was glittering with lights. Her stocking was hung on the mantle. A crackling fire danced in the fireplace. A CD full of Christmas tunes filled the room with holiday cheer. To anyone looking in the window, it would’ve appeared as if the occupant was in a festive mood. That is, unless they knew the occupant. Tess sat in front of her computer, alone again on Christmas Eve and talking to others who were suffering from the same problem. Far away from family and few friends aside from...

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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Two online friends meet for drinks

This is a story of when an online friend, Ashley, came to visit me in my hometown. Well really she was in town for work, but she made it a priority to make time for me one evening. My family was out of town for a bit of R&R and I had a golf tournament. Ashley and I are both married and dedicated to our vows, so we won't physically cheat. But neither of us were getting any passion or sensuality in the sexual department with our spouses and it can be depressing and frustrating. Ashley and I love...

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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn't...

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I found heaven online

I began playing online games quite by accident. I was checking for messages on Facebook when a friend invited me to play a game. It began quite innocently. After more than twenty years spent married to the same guy I thought my sex life had pretty much been bludgeoned to death by life. Just coping with repressing the urges was becoming troublesome and finding an outlet, difficult. I began making short comments in the online chats of the MMORGs I played, in response to the flirting that others...

Love Stories
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Met her online

I was online checking to see if i could find a Mistress that was looking for a sissy slave, well a few days later i got a e-mail from a lady said she was looking for a new boy bitch an over the next 4 or 5 months she knew all my little secrets, she mailed me a locking cock cage that a note said put it on an lock it i did without thinking thats when i noticed that the key was missing , i sent her a e-mail asking her where the key was , she said that i didn't need the key ..... wow only met her...

1 year ago
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The Married Woman I Met Online

I Had Sex With a Married WomanThe Married Woman I Met OnlineI have been attracted to and dated older women my entire adult life. Recently however I have been meeting a lot of married women online. Initially I stopped pursuing them after learning they’re married, but a rather persistent housewife I met online named Keri, persuaded me into meeting up with her for happy hour one afternoon.Since we lived in the same general area, we agreed to meet up at a bar across town so as to not run into any...

2 years ago
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College Guy Fucks Sexy Girl Online On Cam

Hello, friends. I am Vishal Kannan. I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Recently I read a story about a cam girl in Delhi Sex Chat from this site. First, I thought it was some person’s mere luck and it would not favor all the people. But I too felt lonely like the guy who had narrated the story. Coming from a normal and orthodox background, I wanted to explore things on my own. I didn’t want to feel embarrassed in front of all my friends asking about the sex and how to make a girl happy. Things do...

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My First Online Dating And Mating

Hi all readers,   Thanks for appreciating my stories and contacting me with your friendship and feedback. I really value your time and your friendship. I guess friendship is the neediest thing we bottoms need in our indian society.   For the new readers please check my earlier stories: 1) on my brother’s wedding; me and my partner had our suhagraat too 2) get together with my first partner   A brief introduction again:   I am aman living in canada for last couple of years but originally from...

Gay Male
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Memorable Day With Online Friend

Hello guys Sundar again with another experience. It was sunny morning I was enjoying my coffee, jobless jack I was at that time and was so desperate in getting a job. Finally I cleared an interview and was resting in room preparing to join after a month. Had my breakfast and joined the online chat rooms for fun which we need generally I don’t like to chat with that funky useless gals in chat rooms who are of no use, I always feel interested married gals can contact me  at-on After chitchatting...

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Online Date

On meeting him she’d been surprised what a hunk he was! But then having taken her to his make-shift camp in the spinney, he’d taken the scarf from around his neck causing her heart to thump in fear. “Turn around.” he’d ordered. He moved behind her and placed the scarf over her eyes, blindfolding her. She could see light but nothing more. He took her shoulders turning her back to face him. Her mind ran wild, trying to figure how she’d got herself into this precarious position. After all she...

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Akiba Online

AkibaOnline! There are many ways one could describe Neo-Otaku community, what the fuck they are all about, but I shall go with the basic description just so everyone understands me. Now, here I am talking about, a forum site where otakus from all over the globe are welcome to talk about the naughty shit that makes their dick hard; what else did you fucking expect?Now, while I think that most of you know what the hell Otaku means, I am still here to describe it for those who...

Porn Forums
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black owned

I didnt realised what it meant until it happens to me too, wearing cute panty and caught by a older str8 black guy at the parc . alone smoking my weed my sweat pant pull just enought for my pink flashy panty to be seenhe walk by me on the picnic table sit alone and smokingi smilled at him and he smile starting to walk towards mei never was this nervoushe sat and look at me''hi can i smoke with you? ''''yeah ok..''he took my weed and started smoking ''good weed, you smoke here alone late night...

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