Corporate Bodies - Pt 02 - Discovery free porn video

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Chapter Five

It was late December and we had been invited to dinner at Andy’s house for his traditional Christmas party.

It’s hard to convey just how exciting this invitation was. Only partners or prospective partners were ever invited into his home, so it could only mean one thing; I was finally going to be offered the promotion I had craved for so long.

This would be the greatest achievement of my career to date and would move me into the big league as far as my future was concerned. If I was right, it would make me the youngest partner in the history of the company.

I deserved it, had worked hard for it both in the office and outside, and Amanda had supported me like a rock on the important social side. The fact that it would also help repay the less-than-ethical loans that I had awarded myself was an added bonus.

I had concealed my illegal activities well, and having succeeded for so long, was arrogant enough to believe no-one was clever enough to uncover me. Even so, I could never really feel relaxed.

The timing was perfect. Sandersons was coming out of a rather rocky patch following the global financial crisis and was moving into an important new field, that of advising, auditing and reporting on the efficiency of governments. Every developed country was desperately trying to cut its deficit and do things cheaper and better. That’s where we came in.

After a few smaller contracts with local government had gone well, Sandersons had undertaken more ambitious ones for a national government. Those had gone well too, and we were now on a small list of organisations the EU would recognise as external advisers.

The main project we were bidding for at that moment was with the Turkish government, assessing their progress on the road towards EU membership. Things are very different now, of course, but at that time, this was foremost in both governments’ plans.

If we were successful, the reward would be a major project in which teams from Sandersons would work in the UK, Ankara and Istanbul, monitoring the progress that the country had made towards countering high-level corruption, and reporting our findings to Brussels.

What was most exciting for me was that a new junior partner would be needed to manage this project. Andy had more than once hinted that, if I played my cards right, the role would be mine.

The project was right up my street; if anyone knew their way around financial systems and the illicit extraction of large sums of money, then it was me. I had worked harder on this than on anything in my career, and now it looked like the contract would indeed be awarded to us and the junior partnership might well be mine that very evening.

Needless to say, Amanda was equally excited, and for several weeks had planned and re-planned what she should wear for the evening.

To my relief, the prospect of my partnership seemed to have completely overridden her reluctance to be anywhere near Andy. Perhaps the knowledge that most other partners would also be there had helped reassure her too. In any event, she seemed pleased rather than wary, more concerned not to be outclassed by the wives of the other guests in terms of appearance.

She could outclass us all in terms of intellect any day of the week.

A huge amount of money had been spent on the designer dress she finally selected on her third shopping trip to London’s West End, but it was worth it. A background of deep blue silk that matched her eyes, half-concealed behind a screen of black lace. It hugged her slender figure from her shoulders to her upper thighs, where it stopped short, framing her long slim legs to perfection.

I had never seen anything like it – or paid anything like the amount it cost.

When the party finally arrived, we parked our kids with Amanda’s parents at lunchtime to give us plenty of time to prepare. She spent a couple of hours at the beautician – a pointless exercise, as her skin was already flawless – then bathed and began to dress.

I always enjoyed watching my wife getting ready, but that night was a special treat. Amanda had always preferred stockings to tights, and that evening had selected sheer black hold-ups and an ultra-thin black thong because she ‘couldn’t risk a VPL’. Add to this a tiny matching black bra and slip, and you get the whole sexy effect.

Doing her make-up took a lot longer than usual so, having donned my dinner suit and tie, I was sent downstairs several times to top up her champagne glass ‘to help with her nerves’. By the time she had finally donned her dress and heels, and sorted her hair, she was just a little tipsy.

I carefully ran the long zipper up her slender spine and stood back in admiration.

“Well? Will I do?” she asked, posing in front of the full-length mirror.

“Unbelievable! You look absolutely amazing!”

It was no more than the truth; my lovely wife looked simply out of this world. The blue dress matched the penetrating blue of her eyes to perfection, and followed the lines of her slim, fit body like a second skin. Its shortness, along with her highest heels, made her appear even taller and showcased the long, slender legs below. Her make-up, though light, highlighted her strong, attractive features superbly and toned well with her newly straightened blonde hair.

The effect was mesmerising; when she looked directly at me, her pupils huge and black, my knees literally trembled with admiration.

“My God, Amanda. I’ve never seen you looking this good,” I whispered.

“Good enough to be a junior partner’s wife?” she teased.

“Good enough to be a President’s wife,” I smiled, stunned once again by the extraordinary woman I had married.

I truly was a lucky man.


Less than an hour later, we pulled into the driveway of Andy’s large country home, parked our nice but relatively nondescript car alongside the large BMW and Mercedes limousines already there, and rang the bell nervously.

The door was opened by a uniformed housekeeper who quickly ushered us into a large living room where the other guests were gathered for cocktails. We were greeted warmly by all the partners, reinforcing my belief that this would indeed be the evening I joined them on the Board.

Of course, this made both Amanda and me even more nervous.

Andy himself seemed to pay us extra attention too, making sure that our glasses remained full at all times, that the canapés passed us by often enough and that we were formally introduced to all the main Board members and the firm’s most prestigious clients.

He even remembered to introduce my wife as ‘Amanda’ rather than the Mandy she hated so much. She, of course, revelled in the event, her bright intellectual conversation and striking looks catching all the men and many of the women by surprise.

I felt immensely proud to have her at my side as we circulated through the crowd.

After the introductions, dinner was announced, and we filed through to the dining room. The table was large and there were name cards to show where everyone should sit. I was amused to see that Amanda had been seated between me and Andy, and that he paid her a great deal of attention throughout the meal.

His hands strayed to her arms and thighs on many occasions. True to form, Amanda took this in her stride, knowing better than to create friction on what could well be my Big Night. I was amused to see that, though she gritted her teeth, she did tolerate a lot more physical contact than usual, even when stroking fingers reached as high as her hemline.

The food was excellent, as were the wines, and afterwards, we adjourned to the terrace where coffee and post-dinner drinks were being served. Andy was again solicitous, making sure we were never without a full glass, though I noticed he had slipped back into using the name Mandy again.

Amanda had apparently given up correcting him. She was even beginning to show signs of tipsiness, but in ways only I would notice.

For the next hour, Andy continued to steer us from guest to guest, his hand increasingly on my wife’s back, with occasional forays to her buttocks. I silently prayed she wouldn’t make a scene in front of the partners, but she read the situation well and kept her temper, even when he caught her in a secluded corner and playfully lifted the back of her dress.

“I can’t take much more of this,” Amanda hissed when we managed to get a moment to ourselves. “I’m not a bimbo or a sex toy, and if he calls me THAT name again...!”

“You’re doing brilliantly,” I assured her. “Just keep playing the trophy wife for a little while more. There can’t be much more to go before he makes the announcement.”

IF he makes it, I added to myself anxiously.

“What?” Amanda jumped slightly, turning round suddenly.

“Why don’t you two come into my study for a chat?”

The voice suddenly at my elbow was Andy’s, as was the hand on my wife’s bottom that had surprised her. She flashed her blue eyes at me in anger, but I remained calm.

“Of course,” I replied.

My heart was leaping with excitement. Had the moment we had been waiting for actually arrived?

“Come this way!”


Chapter Six

Andy led us through the crowd, back into the house and into a large, old-fashioned room which looked more like a library than an office. It was full of books and had a large mahogany desk at one side, facing the curtained window. A smart computer and a large flat-screen TV were almost the only concessions to modernity.

“Relax,” he began, closing the heavy hardwood door behind us.

Amanda and I stood nervously on the large carpet, exchanging anxious glances.

“You’ve been with us for a long time now,” he smiled at me. “You know I have always been impressed by your work and your dedication, as well as by your lovely wife.”

He laughed as if it was a joke, but his hand fell onto Amanda’s bottom again as he spoke. I saw her flinch at his touch, but she gritted her teeth and said nothing while I basked in his praise.

“What you don’t know, is that I’ve taken a special interest in your work over the past couple of years,” he continued. “The hours you and Mandy here have put in outside the office and without recognition, have been considerable. Dedication like this deserves a reward and tonight I hope we can put things straight between us.”

“Thank you, Andy,” I began, but he cut me short.

“Have a look at the desk. I think you’ll see something there to interest you.”

With a tummy full of butterflies, I crossed to the desk and looked closely at the display of papers assembled there.

“What... What is this?” I asked, suddenly puzzled.

“Perhaps I should ask you that,” Andy replied, his voice suddenly hard and devoid of its former friendliness. “Those are details of the fictitious staff, contractors and suppliers you have set up over the last few years in order to defraud the company.”

Amanda gasped. My blood ran cold, and my heart seemed to freeze.

“There might be earlier ones,” Andy continued. “And I might have missed one or two, but those I am sure about suggest you’ve helped yourself to a good seven figures of my money.”

The blood drained from my face and I felt faint, painfully aware of my wife’s deep blue eyes boring into my soul as she learned, brutally, the kind of man she had married.

But there was more to come.

"You covered your tracks well, but your arrogance eventually let you down. For the last six months, you have been over-confident. Unlike your lovely wife here, your intellect isn’t as top-notch as you think.”

He stood closer.

“It never crossed your mind that I might be just as clever as you, did it? That I might be able to unravel your little network without you knowing? Did you honestly think I could have built a business this strong by being as simple as you seem to believe?”

I was gobsmacked! I had been so careful; taken such pains to hide my deception. Clearly, I had been wrong, and Andy was right. It hadn’t crossed my mind that he would suspect me, let alone see through the financial smokescreen I had carefully constructed.

“Is this true?” Amanda asked sharply, her face an expression of mistrust, her body language a mix of anger and disillusion. “You didn’t negotiate a raise? You’ve been stealing? You lied to me?”

“Indeed he has, Mandy,” Andy addressed my astounded wife. “He’s lied to us all.”

“Amanda!” she corrected him automatically without thinking, but he barely noticed.

“Your last few years have been an illusion. The two of you have been living the high life on the firm’s stolen money. You married a crook, Mandy.”

She looked at me in disbelief, waiting for me to deny the allegations and defend myself.

"Say something!" she demanded, but I had no defence. There was nothing I could say.

Amanda looked at me, thunderstruck. I looked pleadingly into those amazing blue eyes but could see nothing but disillusion and contempt.

"So,” Andy continued. “You are going to jail. There are three security operatives waiting outside to detain you until the police arrive.” He turned to my wife. “I’m sorry to do this to you, Mandy. You know how much I respect and admire you.”

“Andy! Please,” I begged. “Isn’t there something we can do about this? I was going to pay the money back as soon as I got my partnership. If you’ve found out this much, you know it’s still possible!”

“How can I let you get away with it?” he demanded. “How can I work with someone I can’t trust?”

“Please, Andy! Let me prove it to you! Please don’t do this to my wife and kids. I’ll do anything...”

“Anything?” he demanded.

“Anything!” I felt desperate.

There was a long pause as if he was thinking carefully.

“Well, perhaps there might be a way…” he spoke quietly and slowly.

Amanda and I stood motionless, listening to his every syllable.

“Maybe there is a way to reach an… accommodation with the pair of you."

He stressed the word ‘pair’ ominously, but I missed its significance.

"What do you mean?"

I was really shaking now. The thought of a trial and then jail had me terrified. Any deal had to be better than that, and I clung to the idea desperately. Andy began to walk slowly around the room, his hands active as if explaining a fine point of financial law.

“The deal is this. The two of you have a simple choice. On the one hand, I walk through that door and return with Security. You leave with the police, who will see nothing but embezzlement and fraud. They will prosecute you; we will provide the evidence and you will go to prison.”

I felt my chest tightening, but there was worse to come.

“Then when the police have finished, our own lawyers will get to work on you too. As you know, they are ruthless. They will take your house, your cars, your furniture. Your kids will have to leave school.” He turned towards Amanda. “They will bankrupt the pair of you, while your husband languishes in prison.”

He turned back towards me, his open hand pointing at Amanda.

“What will your lovely wife and family do for the five years you’re in jail? That’s the very least you’ll get for a fraud on this scale.”

I felt light-headed, my heart thumping in my ears. There was a stillness in the room as Andy paused for a long time.

“The alternative,” he continued, “is to come to some kind of special arrangement between us; something that benefits us both. I could still walk out of that door and announce that we have a new junior partner, as they are all expecting. You could still stay out of jail - that can’t be bad for a start - and I could cover your misdemeanours here.”

His words brought a shaft of daylight into my emotional darkness, but what would he want in return?

“In exchange, you would become ‘my man’ in Accounts. You would turn over all your unofficial income to me and would start repaying the loans you took until they’re all returned - with interest.”

I hung on his every word, thankful for any sign of relief.

“It will take years,” he went on. “But I could continue to cover for you during all that time, and when it’s over, things will be as if it never happened. You would keep your house, your place in the community, and your kids and neighbours would never know anything.”

I stood with my mouth open, feeling Amanda’s tense body alongside mine and her deep blue eyes burning angrily into me.

“You’re thinking, why would I bother to do this for you? What incentive do I have to let a thief go free?” he continued.

I nodded, ashamed.

“Well, it’s not the money, of course, I already have plenty of that. No, what I get is a junior partner who will be completely and utterly loyal to me during the next few years, come what may. The way ahead is going to be very difficult, and the Board is not as uniformly loyal as they should be. I need your one hundred percent commitment to whatever plans I need to put in place, however questionable or unorthodox you might believe them to be.”

This made sense; he would need unswerving support throughout the period of change Sandersons was going to go through over the next few years. I could happily live being Andy’s placeman in the Accounts division and compared to all I had already done and the potential ruination of my family, a few underhand tricks at work seemed well within my moral grasp.

I began to feel relieved. But he hadn’t finished; the greatest and by far the worst demand was yet to come.

“And finally, of course,” Andy said calmly but firmly. “The real incentive for me is that I get to sleep with your lovely wife every week until the debt is fully paid.”

It took a few moments for the reality and magnitude of his words to sink in.

“What?!” I heard Amanda exclaim. “No way!”

Andy turned to speak directly to her.

“You might want to think about this for a moment, Mandy. The consequences of a refusal are significant. This is your best – your only chance to save your husband and your family. Besides, what’s it to you? I’m very discreet and as they say, ‘a slice off a cut loaf is never missed.’”

“Don’t include me in your dirty little deals. I’m not a prostitute; you can’t buy me like a whore!!”

“Mandy! You wrong me! I wouldn’t want you if you were simply a whore. Beautiful, fortune-seeking women are ten-a-penny when you’re as rich as I am. No, it’s because you are so sweet, innocent and faithful that I’m even contemplating this deal at all.”

Amanda’s body language showed clearly how outraged and angry she was. Much of it was directed at Andy, but enough was coming my way for me to be unable even to look her in the eye.

“You’re horrified now, I understand this,” Andy continued. “The idea repels you, but please understand, if you agree to this little arrangement, there must be no more rejections, Mandy. I have been patient, but if this is to work, there must be no more contemptuous looks for me; just sweet, smiling whole-hearted enthusiasm - in and out of bed.”

I stared at the two of them, open-mouthed.

“And you never know,” he smiled. “You might even enjoy it. I’m told being in bed with me isn’t an entirely unpleasurable experience."

Amanda stared at him, then at me, her piercing blue eyes full of fear, horror and accusation. But Andy still hadn’t finished.

"I understand it’s a difficult decision; jail or freedom; prosperity or destitution; fidelity or fornication. It's up to you two, but I'm not going to wait very long for your decision." He looked at his watch. “No longer than half an hour, in fact. Any longer than that and my guests will think something has gone seriously wrong.”

Amanda looked at me again, her eyes pleading and accusing at the same time, though she said nothing.

"I can't go to jail!” My voice sounded half-crazed with desperation. “We can’t lose everything! Please, Andy, there must be another way!"

“Sorry, this is the only deal on offer. It’s the best I can do and it’s better than you deserve.”

He turned to Amanda.

“And what would it really cost you, Mandy? A few afternoons in bed? An acceptance that you’re not really any better than the other women who have enjoyed my intimate company. It’s not a lot to ask, and just think of the benefits! The lifestyle you and your family have learned to enjoy can continue without the fear of exposure!”

Still not a word passed her lips. Then Andy calmly picked up a new bottle of Scotch and, cracking it open, offered it to me.

“Why don't you pour a couple of glasses and talk it through? I’ll be outside with my other guests.”

He put the bottle down, walked towards the door then turned back towards me.

“Half an hour, no more!"


Chapter Seven

The door closed, and for a moment we stood in a terrible, tense silence. I filled two large glasses with whisky and carried one over to where Amanda was standing, a horrified look on her pretty face. My hand was shaking as I offered one to my wife.

To my surprise, she took it and downed a long draft. For a moment I could say nothing, silenced by the tears welling in her eyes. Finally, I said quietly and pathetically:

"I'm so sorry, Amanda."

“How could you?” she asked coldly, her eyes burning into me. “What kind of man are you, lying to me for so long? Have you got any other dirty little secrets I should know about? A mistress perhaps?”

“Christ, no!” I insisted. “This is all of it, I swear!”

Desperate to avoid her penetrating gaze, I looked anywhere except into her eyes as I pleaded.

“I just wanted us to have a nice life. I wanted to give you and our kids the best and... and the partnership just wasn’t coming fast enough. I did it for you too!”

“Don’t try and blame me!” she shouted, then looked at the door before dropping her voice to a more discreet volume. “I didn’t ask you to steal anything; that was your decision. All yours.”

Amanda began to pace up and down in front of me, her anger growing by the moment.

“I’ve been married to a thief for how many years?”

I told her when it all started and how. It did not improve her temper.

“And you really thought you could get away with it? You really thought you were cleverer than anyone else? The arrogance alone is criminal.”

She was right, and now that it was too late, I could see it too.

“And now you’ve been caught, who has to pay the price? Not the thief; that would be far too easy. No, his stupid, gullible, trusting wife has to pay, that’s who!”

Again there was no arguing. Again, my devastatingly intelligent wife had hit the nail on the head.

“Now I have a choice; either become a whore or lose everything we have worked so hard for!”

She turned away as if to draw breath after her tirade. I couldn’t think of anything to say; should I tell Andy to go to hell? Should I take my medicine and go to jail?

“We could say no; we could go bankrupt and…”

“And the kids get put out on the street and their father goes to prison,” she sneered. “Everyone would know too. What it would do to them, I can’t begin to imagine! What kind of life would they have?”

Silence fell for a long time. The tension between us was electric. When Amanda eventually spoke, her voice was soft, as if she was on the verge of tears.

“I’ve never slept with anyone but you, remember?”

“I know. I’m so, so sorry!”

The next few minutes were some of the worst of my life as I watched my lovely wife, the bright, intelligent, devastatingly attractive woman I adored, gradually adjust to the new reality that had been thrust upon her.

Her wonderful life, her beautiful dream house, her cars, clothes and holidays had all been built on fraud. She had married a crook and was faced with the prospect of losing it all or paying for it with her body.

Tears flowed freely, but she wouldn’t let me comfort her, shaking my arm away several times. Disillusionment washed over her like a wave. It was almost unbearable to watch, but throughout it all, the accusing brightness in her deep blue eyes remained.

“Two minutes!”

Andy’s muffled voice came through the door. I stared imploringly at my wife and the mother of my children, watching the agonised expression on her sweet face change to one of resolution and determination.

“I don’t have a choice, do I?” she stated, her voice angry but controlled.

“You mean you’ll do it?” I asked, almost unable to believe my ears.

She took a long, deep breath.

“Yes, I’ll do it!” Her voice was hard and bitter but despite this, a wave of relief washed over me before she added, “But I’m doing it for myself and for the kids, not for you, understand?”

“Amanda, I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything! Let me try and come to terms with it all. I hadn’t bargained on a career as a whore. It will take some getting used to.”

There was a knock on the door and Andy entered with a broad smile on his face.

“Time’s up! The others are getting curious and Security are asking whether we need the police after all.”

He turned to Amanda.

“What’s it to be?”

I looked into my sweet, faithful wife’s eyes one last time before replying. She paused then nodded silently.

“We agree!” I mumbled.

“Sorry?” he asked, as if he hadn’t heard.

“He said we agree!” Amanda snapped.

Andy stepped back and clasped his hands together.

“Splendid! You’ve made the right decision – however hard it feels right now.”

Amanda and I looked at each other again as Andy moved to my wife’s side.

“Oh, I’m not saying there won’t be a few teething troubles between you, but in a year’s time you’ll be pleased you agreed to this tonight.” He ran his fingers through her long blonde hair. “It will be tough to begin with, but you’ll soon get used to our arrangement.”

“So, are we finished now?” Amanda asked sharply, stepping sideways away from his reach. “Won’t your guests be feeling abandoned?”

She moved towards the door and I made to follow, but before she could put her hand on the doorknob, Andy stopped her with a word.

“Wait!” he called. “Don’t worry about my guests. They’ll be fine; the fireworks are about to begin.”

He crossed to the table and poured himself a Scotch, then turned towards Amanda and took a long sip.

“Which leaves us just enough time to seal our agreement.”

We both turned to face him, wondering what other secrets he might have hidden up his sleeve.

“As an act of good faith,” he said slowly and clearly. “If this deal really is agreed, I think I should take the first payment on account.”

“There’s no way I can get that kind of money at this time of night!” I protested.

Andy laughed, genuinely amused.

“It’s not that sort of payment I had in mind!”

Amanda and I stared at him, eyes wide. “What do you mean?” she asked, horrified.

“It’s simple; we’re going to seal the deal right here, right now!”


“I mean, Mandy, that our first fuck will take place here, now, in this room!”

“No!” she turned to me. “Say something! Do something!”

“What can I do?” I pleaded helplessly. “He’s got all the cards!”

“Spineless bastard!”

“He’s right, Mandy,” Andy interjected. “Think about it. You either go along with my plan or face the consequences. Besides, would your first extramarital fuck really be worse here and now than any other time?”

The look she gave me was so cold it could have frozen a bottle of vodka.

“Think of it as a gesture of goodwill,” Andy said. “Just in case you have... shall we say ‘second thoughts’ about fulfilling your side of the deal after the partnership has been formally announced!”

There was a long tension-filled silence before my wife finally spoke.

“Well, if that’s what you both want,” she said slowly and precisely, her blue eyes hard and looking at me contemptuously.

Andy smiled triumphantly. My chest ached. My lovely wife was about to let my boss fuck her, the only man other than me ever to do so.

And it was all my fault. Full of self-pity, I picked up the bottle of Scotch and started to walk towards the door.

"Wait!” Amanda’s voice rang out behind me. “If I am going to be forced to do this,” she turned to Andy, “then I want you to make him watch. I want him to see just what a sacrifice he’s forcing me to make. If I don’t have a choice, if I have to humiliate myself, then I want him to suffer too.”

Andy smiled, clearly enjoying his victory.

"You’re wasted in teaching, Mandy. A mind like yours should be working here. A woman like you deserves better than being married to a petty criminal.”

He turned to me.

“Yes, you should stay and watch. Let’s see how good all that stolen money feels when your lovely, sweet wife is fucked right in front of you. Lock the door!”


Chapter Eight

Stunned, I turned the key and heard the bolt slide across with a terrible finality. I turned back to face Andy and my wife, my heart thumping.

"Shall we begin?” he said as he turned towards Amanda. “Let’s see what you’re wearing under that wonderful dress. Let’s see what you’ve been tantalising me with all evening. Lift it up!”

To my amazement, without argument Amanda slowly turned to face him, her back towards me and nervously taking the hem of her dress in both hands, raised it until her stocking tops were just visible.

“Hold-ups, my favourite,” Andy smiled approvingly. “A little higher, please! And the slip too!”

Silently Amanda did as she was told, raising the hem of her dress higher and higher until it reached her waist, and the pale skin of her upper thighs was clearly visible above her hold-ups. Her tiny black lace thong contrasted perfectly with the whiteness of her exposed skin.

From my place behind her, I could see her small firm buttocks clench with nerves.

"Turn around slowly!" Andy commanded.

My wife complied, her skirt and slip still held high, her lovely legs and hips and buttocks on full display to his openly admiring gaze.

As she turned her bottom towards him, her face was towards me and for an instant, our eyes locked together, her deep blue eyes burning into mine. I could feel the mixture of fear, loathing and humiliation racking her brain before I lowered my gaze, unable to look her in the face any longer.

“You really are an astonishingly beautiful woman, Mandy,” Andy said softly. “It’s such a pity we have so little time. Never mind; we’ll make up for it another day.”

Amanda closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel her steeling herself for whatever demand was made next. It was not long in coming.

“I think we’d better lose that lovely dress,” Andy said, turning to me. “She’ll probably need a little help.”

Dumbfounded, I padded over to where my wife stood, her dress still raised, her panties still on display. As I reached her side, she dropped the hem then turned her back towards me. Silently I took the top of the zipper in my fingers and smoothly drew it downwards. The dress fell forward along her arms and she caught it against her breasts.

“Does it feel good, helping your wife strip for me?” Andy whispered in my ear. My throat was too dry to reply. He laughed. “Let the dress go, Amanda. We don’t want it to get... soiled, do we?”

Amanda let go of the dress. It slipped easily down her tall, slim figure and gathered around her ankles. She stood anxiously in her tiny black bra, thong, stockings and heels, the dark silk contrasting sharply with her pale skin while her straightened blonde hair fell smoothly down the length of her back.

Had I really married such a beautiful, sexy woman? And was I just about to lose her? My stomach churned.

“Very impressive,” Andy said, walking around to view her body from every angle. “Now take off the bra.”

Amanda slowly but obediently reached behind her back and flicked the bra’s clasp. The loosened straps slid over her shoulders and down her arms. Instinctively she held the loose cups against her breasts to cover them.

“I appreciate your modesty, Mandy, but I think it’s misplaced,” Andy said, amused.

He gently took my wife’s hands in his and drew them slowly away from her chest. She offered little resistance and a moment later her bra had joined her dress on the floor at her feet. Amanda tried instinctively to cover her bare breasts with her hands, but he held her wrists firmly and guided her arms down to her sides.

My heart was thumping in my chest as my beautiful wife stood upright before him, bare-breasted, her small boobs firm and proud, their large dark nipples hardening in the warm, still air.

“Your breasts really are delightful,” he said. “As small things so often are.”

He took her right globe in his left hand and cupped it, kneading it gently until the nipple stood out even more firmly, before toying with the dark teat at its tip. Then his right hand took her left breast and toyed with its teat too, until both nipples stood proudly forward.

I could see Amanda’s hard, silent stare softening slightly under his touch. Her chest heaved as he fondled her and there was a slight tremor in her long, slim legs.

Was she getting aroused by all this?

Andy’s expert fingers caressed and tweaked my wife’s nipples until even I could see their extreme hardness. Then he suddenly released them both and sighed.

"It’s such a shame to rush things, but I must consider my other guests,” he said sadly. "It’s time to take off those tiny panties, Mandy. Slowly!"

She hesitated as if unwilling to take the next bold step of exposing her most private place to a stranger. So far, my wife hadn’t revealed much more than her tiniest bikini would have displayed on a beach. On a very few occasions, she had even sunbathed topless, but exposing her naked vulva to another man would be a big step into the unknown.

Amanda looked across at me as if for support, but I could provide none.

“Come on, Mandy,” Andy said impatiently. “We haven’t got all night. If you’ve changed your mind, I’m sure Security are still waiting outside those doors!”

My wife took a deep breath, then, to my amazement, slipped her fingers into the side of her thong and quickly pulled it down, over her smooth buttocks and along her slender, stockinged legs until it lay around her ankles with the rest of her discarded clothes.

As she rose to her full, impressive height, she tried to cover her sparse triangle of pale pubic hair with her hands. Andy simply chuckled.

“Again, so modest, but it’s not necessary. Take your hands away!”

She hesitated, then I saw her hands tremblingly slip from her groin to her sides, leaving her naked pubic triangle fully exposed to Andy’s view. From behind, I could see her buttocks tense again and her stocking-covered knees trembling, but she stood, still and exposed in front of him, exactly as he had commanded.

“You are simply beautiful, Amanda!” Andy whispered, staring directly at my wife’s groin. “And a real blonde too, I see! What a refreshing change!”

He laughed, but I could tell he was genuinely impressed with my wife’s body. And who wouldn’t be? Always tall, slim and blonde, her exercise and gym sessions had kept her fit and athletic despite having given birth twice.

For a moment I felt perversely proud that it was my wife’s body standing there, naked and exposed in front of this powerful man. But then the appalling reality of my situation hit, and a double dose of guilt washed over me.

Meanwhile, Andy’s hand had dropped to Amanda’s tummy, where he was running his palm admiringly over her soft skin. A moment later, his fingers had descended to her thighs. For a moment I saw her struggle for balance, stepping out of her rumpled dress and panties to stand more steadily in her heels, her legs a little further apart.

Andy’s probing fingers stroked up and down her legs, then suddenly dived deep between them until the flat of his hand was pressed firmly against my wife’s groin. His arm moved and my wife winced; he must have touched her vulva for the first time.

Unsighted and powerless to intervene, I could do nothing but watch and imagine.

Andy’s hand moved deeper between her thighs; again my wife winced, but this time instead of standing rigid and tense, her legs parted a little further, her knees bent slightly, and she began to rock forwards and backwards in time with the movement of his arm.

She was being fingered! My lovely, innocent wife was being fingered right in front of me.

Whatever her brain might have thought about this outrageous invasion of her private places, her body was clearly enjoying the experience. Spellbound, I slowly moved to get a better view. Andy watched me out of the corner of his eye but said nothing, continuing to explore my wife’s most sensitive areas with his fingers.

Suddenly the muscles of his arms bunched. Amanda gasped. Oh my God, he had thrust his fingers deep into her vagina. He repeated the move with the same response, then began to move his hand back and forth, round and round, his hidden fingers expertly working inside her dampening female flesh.

Amanda gasped, and her legs opened wider still. I stared transfixed; was she simply trying to retain her balance, or was she instinctively offering him better access to her vulva?

I moved again, until I could see my wife’s face clearly. Her eyes were closed; whether with pleasure or in horror, I couldn’t tell, but I could see Andy’s fingers working unhindered, hard and fast in her groin. Amanda was clearly fighting against her rising arousal, but it was a fight she was losing and as his fingers rose to her clitoris, her knees trembled dangerously, and she grabbed his shoulders to steady herself.

“That’s better!” he murmured. “I promised you would enjoy it!”

Amanda’s eyes opened and immediately fell on me as I stood watching. A look almost of desperation flashed across her face, then vanished instantly as his deftly moving fingers found her clitoris once again and another bolt of shuddering pleasure passed through her.


The sound that came from her mouth could have been pleasure, pain or protest, but whatever it was, it was not followed by any sign of physical resistance. My eyes flew to her groin to see both her vulva and his hand glistening with moisture as she lubricated copiously onto his expert fingers.

“Don’t worry about him, Mandy,” Andy whispered, looking me straight in the eye. “Just relax and enjoy!”

He lifted her face to his and tried to kiss her on the lips, but despite her mounting arousal, she moved her mouth away and his lips touched her cheek instead. He tried a second time with the same lack of success.

“Very well, Mandy, if you want to keep this business-like, I think it’s time for me to fuck you properly, don’t you?”

Releasing her vulva, Andy quickly unfastened his belt, lowered his zipper and in a single movement slid his trousers and shorts to his ankles.


I gasped aloud as the biggest cock I had ever seen sprang out from between the front flaps of his shirt.

Hearing my exclamation, Amanda looked straight down at Andy’s groin, coming face to face with the monster erection that he proposed to stick into her.

“Oh God! Please, no,” she begged. “I’ve never... I’ve only ever… my husband’s… It’s too big!”

Andy smiled, clearly pleased with our joint reaction.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. I know how inexperienced you are,” he reassured her.

“But I’ve never...” she began, but he put a finger over her lips to silence her.

The finger must have smelled of her arousal because my wife immediately pulled a face and tried to move her nose away from his hand.

“Trust me! I’m very experienced,” Andy said, amused at her reaction. “There’ll be no permanent damage, I promise.”

He took her trembling body by the shoulders and backed her up against the edge of his large, mahogany desk. I could see from her expression that Amanda was both afraid and angry, but at the same time driven by the unexpected strength of her arousal.

Andy eased her gently backwards until she was leaning with her buttocks perched on the desk’s edge. As he manoeuvred her into position, Amanda’s deep blue eyes reached out for mine as if screaming for me to stop this from happening.

But I could do nothing. Frozen to the spot, all I could do was watch as my wife was lifted onto the desk’s large, varnished top. Seeing my helplessness, something within her seemed to snap and with a hard, determined expression on her face, she leaned back on her elbows.

As her deep blue eyes burned into mine, her unspoken words filled my head:

This is all your fault. Your weakness and dishonesty put me here; don’t you dare look away now. I hope this humiliates you every bit as much as it does me!

My mouth opened and closed but no sound would emerge. I cowered beneath her relentless, accusing stare as she slowly opened her long, slender legs…


Chapter Nine

With a completely compliant woman before him, a look of triumph and determination spread across Andy’s cruel but handsome face. Moving between my wife’s open thighs, he prepared to mount her, raising and parting her stockinged legs even wider, giving him full, unimpeded access to her vulva and providing me with a clear view of her waiting, glistening sex.

It was already swollen and dripping with moisture, its well-fingered lips pink and parted.

I watched helplessly as Andy took his monster cock in his right hand and began to slide it up and down her slit until it had located the entrance to my wife’s vagina. A moment later, he had positioned its tip firmly between her inner lips.

He paused, his erect cock poised and ready to take my wife’s fidelity. She gasped again and I felt my chest tighten frighteningly, my heart thumping until I thought I would faint.

An unbearable agony of anticipation flowed over me. I could feel Amanda’s piercing blue eyes boring into me. If I looked into her face, I knew I would see the terrible mixture of pleading, fear, accusation, disgust and contempt that I, having put her in this position, fully deserved.

In all her life she had slept with only one man. She had been faithful; she had kept herself pure.

Now, thirty short minutes after learning how false and fragile our lifestyle had been, and how weak and dishonest the man she had married really was, she was about to pay the price of that dishonesty with her body.

In a few seconds' time, she would know how it felt to have a bigger, more powerful man with a bigger, more powerful erection thrust inside her body. Andy would know what up till now, only I had known; how my wife’s smooth, deep, tight, vagina felt wrapped around his shaft.

My sweet wife’s precious fidelity and purity would be gone forever; she would become a different, disillusioned, despoiled woman, and all because of my greed and dishonesty.

Amanda called my name; despite my fear, I looked up. Her deep blue eyes caught mine full-on and she fixed me with her penetrating gaze. However much I wanted, I couldn’t tear my eyes away as between her spread thighs, Andy’s body tensed and, slowly but firmly, he began to force his cock into my wife’s wet, open vagina.

“Oh my Goddd!”

Amanda gasped in astonishment as Andy’s thick, smooth head was thrust past her inner lips and plunged a short way into her deep, dark passage.


She moaned, part in pain, part in pleasure as her body tried to adjust to his unfamiliar size. I gulped, my eyes fixed on the mating couple, my chest so tight I could hardly breathe.

It had actually happened. Right there, right then, another man’s erect cock was actually inside my beautiful, sexy wife’s vagina.

And it was all my fault!

“Oh God! Oh Jesus!”

Andy had pulled himself back until just his smooth head was still between her lips, then thrust himself forwards again, this time plunging deeper until two-thirds of his substantial length was buried inside her.

“Oh my sweet God!”

Amanda cried aloud as a wave of overwhelming and completely unexpected pleasure surged through her newly penetrated body. Her deep blue eyes short from mine to fix on Andy’s, her body rigid, her hands reaching out towards his waist as if trying to push him away, but not quite being able or willing to do so.

“Please! It’s too big!” she begged, her raised legs trembling.

Whether her plea was to me or to Andy, I will never know, but there was to be no rescue. I stood, frozen to the spot, watching my lovely, innocent wife’s face contorted in a new mixture of pain, pleasure and surprise. Andy drew back his shaft for a third time, then thrust himself slowly but inexorably into her defenceless vagina once again, this time pausing with only an inch of his extraordinary length still outside.

“Please,” she begged again. “It hurts! It hurts!”

“Shhhh!” he whispered. “You’ll be fine. Trust me, you can take it all.”


“Relax, you’ll enjoy it, I promise.”

I could see a momentary look of relief on Amanda’s face as he pulled back one final time before driving himself powerfully forward again. The force of his thrusting hips lifted her legs even higher and wider apart until his coarse pubic hair ground roughly against her downy triangle and he was finally there, his huge cock fully embedded in my wife’s vagina.

“Christ! Oh Jesus Christ!”

Amanda wailed as Andy’s hips smacked hard against the underside of her buttocks, driving her bodily up the desk, sending a pile of papers onto the floor above her head.

For a moment, the whole room froze. I stared helplessly at the couple on the desk; the most beautiful woman in the world lying there, her newly violated body impaled on this man’s thick, dark shaft. She was panting as her body tried to adjust to the huge, unfamiliar invading phallus, her eyes open wide in fear and anticipation.

And then he began to fuck her!

Slowly at first, so slowly I could see her lips stretched tightly around his wet, shiny shaft, Andy began to move in and out of my wife’s vagina. Beginning with short strokes, his speed and power built slowly but inexorably, his cock growing wetter, glistening with her juices as his thrusts grew longer and deeper.

Helpless beneath him, Amanda began moaning in time with his strokes, her stockinged legs flailing wide, then curling around Andy’s back as if to hold him closer to her as his speed and power increased.


Her hands, which had at first appeared to be pushing him away, now grabbed at his upper arms, her fingernails dug into his biceps as he fucked her harder and faster. As his speed increased, her moans grew louder too until, to my amazement, her head was thrown violently forwards, her back arched, her hips tilted sharply downwards and her whole body erupted in an orgasm so powerful and so completely unexpected that it seemed to frighten all three of us.


I couldn't believe my eyes or ears! In all our years of adventurous lovemaking, Amanda had never responded this quickly or strongly before. This was an orgasm as intense as any I had seen.

And he had barely started fucking her!

“Good girl!” Andy whispered as she spasmed beneath him.

“Please…” she wailed.

Ignoring her feeble protests, his powerful thrusts continued relentlessly and a dozen strokes later, another wave of orgasm rippled visibly through her body. Amanda called out my name as she came, but in her ecstasy, I couldn’t tell whether she needed my help or wanted to torment me with her pleasure.

In either case, intervention was impossible. I was incapable of doing anything other than watch spellbound as my lovely wife was fucked hard and expertly before my helpless eyes.

As soon as the second wave of her orgasmic trembling began to fade, Andy resumed his slow deep thrusting. His cock glistened with the juices that now flowed freely and messily from my wife’s body, pulling back until just the head of his cock was at her entrance before plunging forcefully into her again.

The response was immediate. New, deeper moaning sounds filled the room in time with each thrust as Amanda’s arousal began to soar. The speed of his thrusts increased; her moaning increased in rhythm and a new sound began to make itself heard, that of two highly lubricated bodies colliding every time Andy’s erect cock bottomed out inside my wife’s vagina.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!


Climaxing freely and helplessly, Amanda’s legs wrapped themselves around his waist, then rose high up his back before falling helplessly and grotesquely apart as the force of his thrusts drove her bodily along the desk’s slippery surface.

She grabbed wildly at his arms, then at his shoulders, then his face, her deep blue eyes locked fully on her lover’s as she came closer and closer to a third and much more intense climax.

I moved slowly towards them as if in a dream. My sweet, faithful wife was being fucked across my boss’ desk like I had never seen anyone fucked before. As I drew closer to their mating, the deep, pungent smell of a woman in full heat grew stronger and stronger until it was overwhelming, filling my nostrils and fuddling my brain.

I stared at my wife’s violated groin and the thick shaft that was plunging into it again and again. A rim of white foam had formed around its base as her flowing juices were churned into a thick, strong-smelling cream.

Small, high-pitched yelps of pleasure escaped her lips each time his cock bottomed out within her body, plumbing her deepest recesses and battering her cervix mercilessly until finally, she reached the massive, mind-numbing, all-consuming climax that had been building within her.


“Cum for me, Mandy! Cum for me!”

Andy’s voice was low and harsh, his thrusts brutal and completely merciless.


The sound that broke from my wife’s mouth, as the first wave of her most powerful orgasm broke over her, was unintelligible and incoherent but sent a message loud and clear even to my dazed brain. And when the next, even greater wave struck, depriving her of the power of speech entirely, there was no doubt in my mind that my sweet wife was having the orgasm of her life.

On her back, on my boss’ desk, dressed only in hold-ups and heels and with me, her husband, watching every thrust, she was being fucked to within an inch of consciousness.

Her hands flew to her breasts as she came, then to Andy’s hips, then to his face, then back to his shoulders as wave after wave rolled over her, sending violent tremors throughout her sweet body.

His thrusts were growing wilder too, shorter, faster and uncontrolled, his rhythm broken as his climax approached. Even in my dazed stupor, I recognised what was about to happen, but still my mind and body would not react.


Andy’s hips were almost a blur as he slammed into Amanda’s vagina with his final short, sharp thrusts and his own climax descended upon him. Any resistance that remained, evaporated in an instant as the final, overwhelming tsunami of orgasm wracked her body.

My mind screamed at me that another man was about to cum in my wife. That in a few seconds, the body that had only known my semen would be awash with Andy’s. That the womb that in which our two wonderful children had grown, would soon be flooded by a stranger’s sperm.

Something deep within me cried out that there was still time, that if I acted quickly and decisively, I could still save her. But something deeper and stronger drowned out that plaintive voice, leaving me frozen, completely incapable of action even at this late stage.

Then suddenly, it was all too late. The decision was taken out of my hands as Andy's climax began in earnest. His back tensed, his buttocks clenched, and his body went into spasm as he slammed himself violently into the red, raw, meat that was my wife’s vagina.

Amanda’s long, slender legs were gripped tightly in his arms, pulling her bodily onto his thrusting cock, forced every last millimetre of its length as deep into her as it could possibly go, grinding his pubic hair hard against hers, grunting hoarsely with every thrust before, with a loud triumphant moan, he finally began to cum.

I held my breath, still incapable of movement as Andy began to ejaculate inside my wife’s exhausted body. Completely unprotected, his semen flowed freely within her open body, cascading against her battered cervix as his cock and balls discharged their sticky cargo.

“Oh fucking YYYEEESSSS!”

Andy’s ejaculation seemed endless. Unable to tear my eyes away, all I could do was watch as his throbbing cock pumped rope after rope of semen into my still-climaxing wife. Amanda’s hands were on his arms, on his shoulders, on his hips, pulling him deeper into her body with every stroke as if desperate not to miss a single drop of his precious fluid…

Then finally and mercifully, his thrusting slowed to a halt. For what seemed an age, they remained motionless, Amanda on her back, legs spread grotesquely wide, her lover’s cock buried deep in her body, his buttocks twitching slightly as the final spasms of ejaculation faded.

Then it was over.

The room fell silent as Andy slowly withdrew his softening cock from my wife’s gaping vagina, both gasping for breath. As his body left hers, I heard my wife sigh in instinctive disappointment before her body went limp and she fell back onto the desk.

Andy stood above her panting, gazing down on his most recent conquest. On his face was an expression of admiration and respect on his face.

“That’s quite a wife you’ve got there,” he smiled at me as he pulled his shorts and trousers back over his red, flaccid cock. “I can see this is going to be a great deal for at least two of us.”

Stunned, I took a step forward to look down at the inert body of my conquered wife as she lay limp and exhausted on the desktop, her legs spread wide, her sweet face flushed pink from her many orgasms.

“Are you okay?” I asked, my voice trembling.

Amanda opened those deep blue eyes to look into mine and nodded slowly. There were tears in them now as she lay spread-eagled, her sticky red vulva grotesquely displayed, a trickle of juices pooling on the desk beneath her bottom.

She whispered my name, and I raised my eyes from her puffy, sore vulva to her face. Her deep blue eyes were still dreamy, but she offered me her hand. I took it, helping her to her feet where she tottered unsteadily on her heels, leaning on my arm for support.

I scooped up her bra and she slipped it back on, her hands shaking so badly I had to fasten the clasp for her. I gathered up her designer dress then helped her into it, drawing it slowly and carefully up over her still-trembling hips, then smoothing it down as best I could.

Her make-up was smudged, and her hair tousled. The pink flush in her face and chest and the powerful aroma of recent sex that emanated from her body screamed out her recent penetration and multiple orgasms.

“Well, how was your first instalment?” Andy asked, straightening his shirt and pulling on his jacket, “Not as bad as you’d feared, I would guess.”

Neither Amanda nor I could respond or even look at each other. Andy saw our discomfort and chuckled, then stooped to pick up something from the floor. He turned and pressed it into my hand.

I looked down to see it was Amanda’s tiny thong, scrunched up and very damp.

“Keep this as a souvenir,” he said, looking me straight in the eye. “You’re going to have quite a collection by the time all that debt is paid off.”

I slipped the panties into my trouser pocket.

“Every Wednesday, four pm, Mandy,” he said to my wife, then turned to me. “This is the address.”

He reached into his jacket and produced a small card with a handwritten address on it.

“She doesn’t work Wednesday afternoons, does she? It will give her plenty of time to look her best – and we know how good her best can be! Perhaps she can wear some of those expensive dresses that I appear to have bought her!”

Amanda shook her head, trying to look him in the eye but failing. There were tears running down her cheeks.

“There’s a sink and a mirror in the closet there,” he said softly, nodding towards a compartment half concealed by the bookcases. “Take your time and straighten yourself up. We don’t want everyone to know about our little arrangement.”

Amanda nodded, then tottered unsteadily towards the closet, her eyes lowered. I watched her stiff, unfamiliar gait and my stomach churned.

My head was spinning as Andy turned to me cheerfully and took me by the arm.

“Come on then. Cheer up! I think I have an announcement to make now, don’t you, Mister Junior Partner?”

He led me towards the study’s main door, leaving my dazed, freshly fucked wife alone in the room.


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Corporate Psychology

Corporate Psychology I Jennifer Taylor stood quietly in the ladies room just off the lobby at the Corporate Offices of Prescott-Lowell Pharmaceutical. She was checking herself in the mirror carefully. She needed to make sure that every hair was in place, her makeup perfect, and not so much as the slightest wrinkle to disturb the smart looking business suit that she wore. Today was a special day and she was here early to make sure that everything went well, at least those things...

4 years ago
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Corporate Bodies Pt 07 Complicity

Chapter Twenty-EightThere can be few more beautiful sights than the early morning sun rising slowly over the majestic and ancient city of Istanbul. Despite my current anxieties, my chest tightened with emotion as I stood on the balcony of the five-star hotel and watched brightening sunlight gradually drive the shadows from the dark streets and iconic buildings.It would have been close to romantic perfection to have been able to share this view with the woman I loved and respected so much, but...

2 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - This story is fiction. Pleases enjoy.----My wife Kim has many skills.She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever.You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my wife's behaviour, but there is this thing called...

4 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - As always if you’d like a photo of Sharon in the nude, please send us a message. My wife Kim has many skills. She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever. You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 7 Princesss Taboo Discovery

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Seven: Princess's Taboo Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Nineteen: Catgirls Need Cock Too Sven Falk – Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch I grinned, loving the sight of my sister writhing on her back, Zanyia running her tongue through Kora's sloppy pussy, licking up the incestuous combination of my cum and my sister's cream. My dick throbbed, still slick with Kora's juices. My sister shivered, her round breasts...

3 years ago
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Family Discovery

1.02 Sara and Sean, A Guided Mating: 1.03 Sara and Prince: 1.04 Sean, Preparation: 1.05 Sean and Prince: 1.06 Amanda and Sara: 1.07 Amanda and Rapture: 1.01 Sara and Sean, Discovery: It was Saturday and Amanda was getting ready to go the hospital where she works in the morning as a volunteer aid in the rehabilitation center. She fed the Golden's and let them outside into the back yard to play until she returned. The six month old puppy was named Prince and the year old Golden was...

4 years ago
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A Nocturnal Discovery

to be true it wasn't the first time Michcs teenage hormones had gotten the better of his prudence when it came to spying on his cousins, but this time it was different. For starters, she wasn't alone like previous times. She had a man with him who, with his back turned towards him, seemed to be about his age, and was evidently on quite intimate terms with her. She even seemed to be seducing him with her stare and the gentle curves she drew on his broad back with her long nails. Yes, he was...

4 years ago
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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

Introduction: Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery By Kim Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randis story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years...

3 years ago
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A life changing discovery

With the remaining strenght left in my arms I pushed as hard as I could. The hinges finally gave up and the wooden doors opened before me, revealing a path leading deep underground. A cold gust of wind blew directly in my face which was giving me a small relief from the heat outside. But I wasn't here for shelter from the sun. Right at the moment, I was standing in front of a great discovery. Here in Egypt, a few hundred meters from an average hotel, I found a temple unknown to...

4 years ago
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Self Discovery

Chapter One They say that university is the place you go to discover who you are. To experiment with life to see what you like, what you don’t, your tastes, your desires, what you have a flair for or just an inclination for. Well, let me tell you. Experimenting? I thought I'd been there, tried that; got the proverbial t-shirt. I did the drug thing and discovered it just wasn't my thing. I even did the fun stuff in the bedroom. The bondage. The costumes. The rough. The wild. The teasing. The...

2 years ago
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Day of Discovery

Author’s info Gender: Male Age: I remember when the Dead Sea got sick. Location: Rochester, N.Y. Introduction: A story with some truth and some fiction For my pretty fourteen year old sister and me, the day of discovery would be remembered as the day when her life and mine took a mutually unexpected turn. The school bus driver had dropped us off and we’d just walked up the sidewalk to our door. Shelly had gotten off ahead of me, so she got to the door first and reached into her purse for her...

3 years ago
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The Discovery

The sleek star cruiser moved towards the newly discovered solar system, the captain having advised the crew to be on special alert, as it was believed this system had showed life forms living on at least one of the planets in the distant past. One of the crew commented on the large planet with an interesting red spot on it, which seemed to be a storm of some type. Another crew member was intently gathering all the data possible from another planet which had rings circling its equator. Each...

2 years ago
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OtherworldChapter 1 Discovery

If it hadn't been for Mrs. Martin's fourth period science class, I never would have made the discovery. I would have remained an ordinary teenager in an ordinary life. I would have continued going to school, working my ass off to get good grades. I would have kept coming home everyday to play computer games, or read comics or fantasy and science-fiction books. I would probably have graduated near the top of my class and gone off to college. But the discovery I made changed my entire...

3 years ago
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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 13 A Fascinating Discovery

When we reached Psi Serpentis we were astounded to find a water-ice bearing superplanet just outside the Goldilocks zone. Even more amazing we found an abandoned starship embedded in solid ice. It was much smaller than our great ships or even our moonlet ships. It was only a about 600 meters long and barely a quarter of that in diameter. We managed to slice it free of its entombing glacier. Once we could examine it, we found what appeared to be an emergency crank to open the hatch in the...

2 years ago
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Corporate Bodies Pt 06 Cruelty

Chapter Twenty-FourSaturday morning dawned bright and sunny as if nothing had happened to darken our lives. The world still turned, the kids still needed taking to their sports activities and Amanda and I started the day as if the extraordinary events of the last two days had not taken place.The terrible anger of the previous evening had resulted in wild, passionate sex as if both of us were trying to expunge the memories of all I had seen, and all Mandy had done in Andy’s office.Neither of us...

2 years ago
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Corporate FavorsChapter 3

"My what a beautiful wife you have Ron. You're certainly a lucky man." Larry Tremper's compliment was said with a smile, yet Jennifer felt none of the warmth which Mike and Cindy had exhibited the week before. Tremper's smile was a little too broad, mixed with the hint of a leer. He was handsome, she had to admit. Jennifer had been expecting some cigar smoking, overweight, old codger. Larry Tremper was none of those. He was in his mid to latter forties, young, she thought, to be the...

2 years ago
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Corporate Ladder

Writer’s Note: Even though I’ve had three “editors” read this before I submitted it, and they liked the ending, I’m not sure I like the ending. So all of you “critics” out there give me some feedback if you have some ideas that could have finished better… I can only learn with Your Help… Thanks Sport 7777 This story has a little bit of everything. Erotic Couplings,Anal, Group, Lesbian, and it’s long with many chapters , so I put it in the novels/novella’s category. Sport 7777 THE CORPORATE...

5 years ago
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Corporate Membership

The gym was on my route home. As we had corporate membership, and partly because Jill in the office had nagged me into it, I decided to give it a try. I’d bought some kit- going for the dullest colours possible so as not to draw attention to myself. Besides, day-glo was for poseurs, right? I chose to go as late as possible, partly because I’d worked late at the office, and partly to avoid anyone else from work. Flashing my conspicuously new membership card, I went to the changing rooms and...

4 years ago
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Corporate Takeover

Man I hated coming to these corporate functions. It was our annual holiday party, and most of the people in attendance were already feeling quite good. I was already tired of the let’s be polite and ask how things are going. I have never been into small talk. I wasn’t looking forward to the 90 minute drive home, and was wondering if I had been here long enough so that I could make my getaway? I decided that I had. I stood up and said my goodbyes to the others at my table, wishing them all a...

2 years ago
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Corporate Takeover Part 2

When we left our hero, he was standing in the middle of the corporate jungle about to fall into the clutches of …just kidding! She smiled and said, what no more protest? All I could do at this point was groan. She now bit lightly on my now raging hard-on, I thought that the fabric would rip. I needed release, in more ways than one.  My cock straining against the fabric was almost painful. Julia seemed to sense this and started to pull down the waistband on my underwear. When it came free...

2 years ago
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Corporate Party

Once my boss gave me a task to handle the huge party. This was not the corporate meet actually, this was organized by them to entertain their clients under the same roof. Everything was organized in company bungalow cum five floor building without any camera or CCTV inside the building, only entry and exit point covered with hd quality CCTV and bungalow technically covered with That bungalow was used only for company's eve and party only, but this time all were invited like top achievers, top...

3 years ago
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Corporate Membership

The gym was on my route home. As we had corporate membership, and partly because Jill in the office had nagged me into it, I decided to give it a try. I’d bought some kit- going for the dullest colours possible so as not to draw attention to myself. Besides, day-glo was for poseurs, right? I chose to go as late as possible, partly because I’d worked late at the office, and partly to avoid anyone else from work. Flashing my conspicuously new membership card, I went to the changing rooms and...

Straight Sex
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Corporate Hijabi

TomI am a manager in the corporate world in New York. I was responsible for around 100 employees and well renumerated for my efforts. At the age of 45 I felt comfortable with my life.As part of my role I have to attend certain conferences and training sessions out of state. This was not a problem for me as I was single and had no c***dren. I usually went as the sole representative for the firm but on this occasion I was to be accompanied by another manager from the sales department. There were...

4 years ago
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Corporate Slut

This is true story of one of my friends showing our corporate culture. Well, her name is Sobia and she was working in a multi national company as Sales Manager. Lets narrate in her way. My boss, Mr. Salman told me that we need this contract by hook or by crook and for that you have to work hard. I knew what he had in his mind as I have pleased many of his clients and for that he have given me renumeration too. As I have a big family to support and my father is quite ill so all the...

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Corporate Party Mai Fun

Hello friends mera naam eshan hai main 28 year ka hu, hot body  I  love gym, dance, tour, swimming, mai delhi se hu.. Agar koi interested ho girl, auntie, bhahbi, any one, any age, party, kitty party, tour, delhi out of delhi out of india,phone sex, sex chat to mall () me your name and no  I  will call you. And don’t worry ye sab gupt rahe ga or full enjoy satisfied ab shida story pe. Ek bar hamri company mai corporate party ka invitation aaya, or us main bas company k ceo ya manager ko jana...

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Corporate Training Turns Into Sex Training

Hi all, I am Sam here with my another wonder full experience with one guy whom I met in a training session in my company… training was arranged in Hyderabad for nearly 20 days (that became our honeymoon period). I reached a day before the training starts. I was given company accommodation which we have to share with other guy. He is suraj from Bangalore but never seen him in my office . he too reached on same day evening. His is nearly 5.8 height fair and soft guy. We had a nice chat had dinner...

Gay Male
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Corporate Assets Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Carmen was now using both hands to grip the dildo as she forced it up her helpless captive's ass. Sandra felt more of the dildo enter her ass. Carmen was shoving more of the rubber monster into Sandra's bowels. In a fairly short time she had about half of it, six inches or so, stuck in Sandra's ass. "Man this ass fucking is hard work", she said. She leaned back to admire her handiwork. "Hey you're doing real good", said Hector. "We'll give you a real one to play with if you keep it...

2 years ago
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Corporate Assets Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Skinny and Stocky picked her up by the arms. Maria again held up the photos. One showed Sandra being impaled on Skinny's cock. Another showed Sandra's mouth filled with cock while another was buried in her pussy. "You have a real talent, chiquita," said Maria. "Maybe we take you down to Mexico and get rich off you." They all laughed. Sandra was walked into another room. The room was empty except for a roll of carpet that had not been laid. The third man (who Sandra called in her mind,...

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Corporate Training Turns Into Sex Training 8211 Part II

Hi to all and I am Sam here with continuity of corporate training turns into sex training. Once I saw him in saree my sex feeling raised to peek immediately he pulled me and we hugged and rolled wildly on the bed kissed each other. He smelt great his perfume tempted me more and I started to kiss his face neck licked his shoulder gave a small bite near to the bra strap he moaned ssssh. I came over him buried my face into his neck and started to eat him and he was smoother that girl. I was...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Corporate Slut

Hi! This is true story of one of my friends showing our corporate culture. Well, her name is Sobia and she was working in a multi national company as Sales Manager. Lets narrate in her way. My boss, Mr. Salman told me that we need this contract by hook or by crook and for that you have to work hard. I knew what he had in his mind as I have pleased many of his clients and for that he have given me renumeration too. As I have a big family to support and my father is quite ill so all the...

4 years ago
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Corporate Takeover Part 3

The last few days since my trip to Boston were difficult. I thought of her often, actually maybe I should scratch that as I thought of her all the time. She was in my head. Kind of like waking up with a tune in your head and you continue to keep replaying it over and over throughout the day. Although I would say that this was much more pleasant. It was Monday morning and I was beat, what a way to start the workweek. I hadn’t slept well for days.  I would often lie awake at...

Straight Sex
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Corporate Takeover Part 2

When we left our hero, he was standing in the middle of the corporate jungle about to fall into the clutches of …just kidding! She smiled and said, what no more protest? All I could do at this point was groan. She now bit lightly on my now raging hard-on, I thought that the fabric would rip. I needed release, in more ways than one.  My cock straining against the fabric was almost painful. Julia seemed to sense this and started to pull down the waistband on my underwear. When it...

Straight Sex
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Corporate Shenanigans 1 Ice Breaking Session with my Colleagues

Let me introduce my female colleagues in terms of seniority: Fahima 27 years of medium complexion (34C-26-34) Sharmeen 26 years of medium complexion (34D-24-32) Sadia 25 years of fair complexion (36C-32-38) Since joining, I was put under strict supervision, where even my smallest mistakes were met with the harshest words. Being new in the corporate world, I felt dejected about my treatment. However, it all changed that during that weekend office... When I entered the building on...

2 years ago
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Corporate Ladder

"How do I get a raise around here, sleep with the boss?" I dropped my pen. I had been filling out numerous invoices, head in the books, eyes weary from a full day's work, when I looked up into the delectable cleavage of the young blond secretary leaning over my oak desk. I peered up from my glasses and my mouth dropped. It was my daughter Kara. "A raise?" I sputtered. I leaned back, away from her dangerously close feminine scent. "Yes. What do you have to do to climb the corporate...

3 years ago
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Corporate FavorsChapter 13

Early that afternoon, Jennifer received a visit form Cindy. "Hi there, stranger. Things any better with you and Ron?" "No. I hardly see him anymore. He's off on one trip after another and even when he's home, it seems we don't have much to say to each other." "How's the love life?" "Nonexistent. We haven't made love in months. At first it was me. Then, I quite using Jip and I thought things would get better, but he hardly even notices me. He's always too tired or too...

3 years ago
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Corporate FavorsChapter 14

That afternoon when Ron came home from the office, Jennifer tried once again to entice him into bed, but he gently pulled her arms from around his neck. "Sorry, honey, but I'm bushed and I've got a seminar tonight." Jennifer's eyes widened but she tried to act nonchalant. "Oh?" "Yeah, I forgot to tell you. Tremper wants all the junior execs there. Probably be the usual boring stuff." "Well, Cindy and I thought we might go out tonight." "Good idea! Have a good time," he...

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Corporate Sins 8211 Part 1

Shipra! She hurried to the car after rapidly packing her items into her handbag. She is departing with her boss, Vikram, for a client appointment. For their bank, approving the loan agreement with textile business owner Shoaib is crucial. Shipra works as a deputy manager for a private bank in Chandigarh. After serving her three-year term in Ludhiana, her hometown, she was recently transferred to Chandigarh. Shipra! Vikram repeated while driving. “You are aware of the significance of this loan...

2 years ago
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Corporate Bodies Pt 05 Depravity

Chapter TwentyAmanda was still fast asleep when I left the house very early the next morning after a sleepless night. She was still clearly exhausted, and the room’s faint smell of recent sex had turned stale. Even in the low light I could see that her chest and face were still flushed pink from the previous night; whoever she had been with had delivered orgasms at least as comprehensive as those she had been receiving from Andy for so many months.With the huge expectations of the day ahead –...

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Corporate Bodies Pt 03 Reality

Chapter TenThe hour after Andy led me out of the room and into the waiting crowd passed in something of a daze.The study door closed behind us with a clunk, leaving Amanda alone to deal with the messy physical aftermath of her unexpected copulation. The emotional aftermath would have to wait. As Andy and I passed into the main room, the expectant guests turned to greet me.Then, with a short speech and much backslapping, my promotion to Junior Partner was announced.Had my head been in the right...

4 years ago
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Summer of Discovery

Summer vacation in my younger years was a magical time in my life, filled with exciting, erotic discoveries. The thrills of the time actually started during the last week of school when I made a new friend. I’d always admired and envied him. His name was Bobby, and he was so cute; but we had nothing in common. He was the star of all the boy sports that I hated. I preferred to play on the swings and monkey bars; and when I was lucky, jump rope and hop-scotch with the girls. So I was confused...

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