Your Game of Thrones
- 4 years ago
- 40
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The Red Mountains on either side of the Prince's Pass served as a welcome shield, hiding the armies of Daenerys Targaryen from the Dornish Sun.
At my advice, she had started her campaign here, in the lands of Doran Martell. His sister, Elia, had once been married to her brother, Rhaegar. When the Targaryen's had been overthrown during the War of Usurper, Elia had been brutally raped and murdered by Gregor Clegane under the command of Tywin Lannister. If anyone would be sympathetic to a Targaryen restoration, then it ought to have been Doran Martell.
And yet Doran didn't raise his banners and rush to her aid, contrary to Daenery's expectations. She had raged about it for days when it became clear that she would have to press on without the might of Dorne to aid her. She had called Doran all sorts of names, lambasting her desire for peace and equating it with cowardice.
Still, there was nothing to be done. Daenerys had waited for too long already. The armies of the usurper-king, Tommen Baratheon, had started to assemble. She could either win her throne by heading north, or she could turn around and show Doran just how displeased she was with his cowardice.
She did as I expected. She turned her armies north to march on the capital. Doran could wait until after the war.
There were three options open to her. She could take a ship, where her Dothraki screamers and Unsullied would be useless, or she could go by land. If she went by land, she could take the expected route- the Bone Way- or she could take a road less traveled by.
At my advice, she did the latter, hoping that the enemy wouldn't anticipate her movements. The Prince's Pass was narrow and treacherous. At certain points, it narrowed to the point where only a single man could travel at a time. At others, the footing was unstable, and at others, a misstep would mean a fifty-foot fall.
Outside of Daenery's ancestor, The Young Dragon himself, no army had seriously tried to use it. The wider Bone Way was the preferred choice- and so I had convinced her that was where the bulk of the defenses would be. Perhaps there would be some scouts stationed to watch the Prince's Pass, but nothing that could hamper an army of the size that Daenerys had with her.
Moreover, the Prince's Pass would lead us to the Reach, the seat of House Tyrell. Of the regions of Westeros, it was the Reach that was the most fertile- and the one least damaged by the earlier War of Five Kings. Subjugating the Reach would bring the granaries of the Andals under their sway and present their opposition with the choices of burning, starving, or surrendering.
In contrast, the Bone Way led to the Stormlands, one of the poorer regions of Westeros with little in the way of raw resources or strategic value. I told her it was doubtful that taking it would hurt King Tommen all that much, for all that it was purportedly his ancestral homeland.
The argument worked, and soon the Targaryen armies were marching through the narrow chasms. For this I was glad- after I had gone through so much trouble planning the ambush, I would hate to have to adjust.
It had been a good play, but as the first scorpions fired, I knew it was time for the curtain to fall.
The scorpions had been a suggestion of mine. These had been built after experimenting with the durability of the skull of Balerion the Black Dread. A group of engineers had worked on them day and night until the bolts fired from them were strong enough to pierce the skull of the storied dragon, mobile enough to move hundreds of miles, and small enough to hide in the rocky outcrops of the pass.
Daenerys hadn't imagined that her dragons were anything but invincible- and the dragons hadn't considered it either from the looks of it. They had been flying low and close together- playing a game from the looks of it. Intelligent beasts. I was almost sad to see them go.
While the scorpions weren't accurate, if one fired enough missiles, something was bound to hit. With hundreds of javelins soaring through the air and the dragons so close together, nearly a dozen of them found purchase.
Not all were immediately fatal- only one was, in fact. A bolt got lucky and landed in Drogon's eye, killing him immediately. The rest landed in less deadly spots- one in Rhaegal's leg and another through his wing. Two in Viserion's stomach and three in his back, near where I imagined his spine would be.
And that was just the first volley.
The Targaryen army watched it happen in near-silent shock. Even if they had reacted, there would be little they could do from their position on the ground. All the scorpions were atop cliffs. They only snapped out of it when arrows started raining down on them as well.
Ahead, the canyon turned into a choke-point. The first soldier to try to race ahead, a Dothraki screamer, found that pressing ahead wasn't an option as a shield wall seemingly materialized out of thin air, skewering him. Soldiers ahead.
The first to try to retreat met a similar fate. The structure of the Pass ensured that there were many spots to hide, and this particular point had caves to either side. Most didn't lead anywhere besides dead-ends. They couldn't be used to travel.
They could be used to store soldiers ahead of time, however, as had happened here.
The Targaryen commanders knew it was a possibility, but couldn't do anything about it. Their strategy had depended on speed. They had intended to move quickly and in an unanticipated manner. It had been there hope that they would be out of the Prince's Pass before the Lannister-Tyrell forces could muster a response and cut them off.
Slowing down to check every one of the thousands of caves hadn't been practical, and trying would have slowed them to an unpalatable speed. The commanders must have regretted their decision as their worst nightmare came to pass.
Blocked off on both sides, the Targaryen forces dissolved into barely coordinated chaos. Horses charged in random directions as the light cavalry tried to break through the thick lines of enemy infantry blocking their escape. Unsullied milled about as no orders came; unsure of which way their phalanx ought to point. And the levies did neither, opting to run around like headless chickens.
As her army dissolved into anarchy, Daenerys didn't step up to lead. Her eyes- and attention- were focused on the dead forms of her dragons. When she did come to attention and realized she was losing the battle- and with it her war- she understandably panicked and gave me the opportunity I was waiting for.
"Your grace," I shouted, voice barely audible over the screams of dying men, "Follow me."
Daenerys obeyed, probably hoping that I had a plan. She trusted me enough for that. She galloped after me on horseback as I led her into the caves. Most of the caves didn't lead anywhere- that didn't mean all of them didn't.
The enemy soldiers had been stored in the caves behind and ahead of us, meaning that these were empty.
As we moved forward, the sounds started to dissipate behind us, the screams dying down. I couldn't say if it was because her soldiers were already dead or because we were getting further from the source of the noise. Either way, things quieted enough for us to talk.
"Where are we going?"
"I don't know your grace. I've never been here before." The lie slipped from my lips easily. And it was a lie- I had chosen this spot for the ambush for a reason. If it were only for military purposes, then I could have chosen a hundred different locations, some even better than this one.
"Then why did you ask me to follow you?" She sounded frustrated, but she didn't stop following me.
I let the question hang in the air for a second before bluntly asking, "Your grace, are you willing to acknowledge that you have lost this war?" Dead silence. Somewhat unsurely, I turned my head. "Your grace?"
To my surprise, Daenerys looked like she was about to cry. "Drogon," the whisper escaped her lips. Her gorgeous violet eyes were glassy. I marveled at the fact that it was her dragon that she wept for and not her crown. Of course, the battle had just occurred and for the most part, her eyes had been focused on her dragon's dead form.
I imagined that going forward, the ramifications of this battle would hit her in waves. The death of her dragons, the loss of her friends, the loss of her army, the loss of her crown- it was a lot to grapple with and would take time to process. Hopefully, I could speed it up a bit.
"Your grace, we can't stay here. Just follow me until we find somewhere to hide. The enemy could come for us at any moment- and we can't let them capture you." She didn't move, and so I activated my power. My second plea of, "Your grace, please," had her spurring her horse on sending it on to a loose trot towards me.
She looked lost, but she was mechanically obeying. I continued to lead her, higher and higher through the spiraling cavern. The sounds of fighting down below gradually grew softer before picking up again, telling me that we were close to our destination, before starting to fade once more, making me suspect the battle was nearly done.
This was confirmed when we arrived, nearly at the summit. It was difficult to measure how much time passed, but when we emerged, the sun had started to set. There was an opening near the top from which the land below could be surveyed.
A gasp sounded from behind me. Turning, I could see the Queen surveying the chasm in horror. "No," she breathed. Below were the butchered remains of her army. Corpses dressed in Dothraki leathers and Unsullied armors, broken by the occasional body in red or green. There were far more of the former than the latter.
Just looking at it, it was clear that not many, if any, of her soldiers had escaped. The battle was over, and the Lannister-Tyrell army was already starting to clear off.
The two of us watched in silence as a soldier stopped to loot a Dothraki corpse only to be halted by a man in fancier armor- either a lord or a knight. Either way, someone of a higher rank. Words were exchanged, too low for us to hear, but I could guess as to what was said.
The Prince's Pass wasn't safe and the Royal Army had no shortage of enemies within Dorne. They had ambushed the Targaryen Army, but lingering opened them up to the possibility of being ambushed themselves. Only a fool would move slowly here.
The man in charge of the Royal Army- Tybolt Waters- was one I knew well, and he was no fool. It didn't surprise me that he chose to turn and march his exhausted army through the narrow pass. He would have to stop to give them a chance to rest, but that could wait until the sunset. There were a few hours of daylight remaining yet.
And so the Lannister-Tyrell forces didn't linger. They had been in the process of forming up and moving out when we had arrived, and as the minutes ticked by they started to vacate. All the while, Daenerys remained in shocked silence.
I sought to snap her out of it. "Are you willing to acknowledge that you have lost this war?" The words were a repeat. I hoped for a solid answer once she saw for certain that her army had lost.
I got a solid answer, though not the one that I hoped for. "I can't lose," she said, her voice containing both hysteria and resolve. It hinted at the madness that House Targaryen had been known for, and I wondered if this defeat hadn't snapped her hold on sanity. "My family built the Iron Throne. It is mine by right."
And then she launched into the usual spiel- how she revived her dragons from stone, how she didn't burn from fire, how she unified the Dothraki. It made sense, from a certain perspective, that there was a higher power at play in her life.
All of Daenery's accomplishments were an unbroken chain of lucky coincidences. Even one of them beggared belief. All of them together was nothing short of a miracle- and the presence of a miracle had convinced Daenerys that she was destined for greater things. That she was destined to rule; to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
"But what if," I cut in, voice soft and gentle. "You weren't meant for higher things but lower?"
Desperate eyes fixed themselves onto me. Desperate both for reassurance, but also for sense. Her beliefs had never been challenged like this. From the 'Sack of Astapor' to the 'Conquest of Mereen,' there had always been a way for her to win. Now with her dragons dead and armies slaughtered, there was no obvious route to victory and it looked like she would never see the Iron Throne.
Her world view had been proven wrong, and she was looking for something that would help the world make sense again. I would be happy to provide. "Have you ever heard the Ballad of Danny Flint?"
Daenerys glanced back at the carnage below before refocusing on me. I noted that she didn't let her eyes stray again. It seemed like she was willing herself to be distracted. "I assume it's a song."
I started singing- that was as good a confirmation as any. "Hear ye now, the sad lament of brave young Danny Flint, whose parents died of sickness when she was not but ten. So off young Danny went to live with her wicked uncle, who one night stole her maidenhead so into the night she went.
"Oh Danny Flint, you'll never escape the fate the gods have written, and life must seem the cruelest jape, oh brave young Danny Flint."
The Flint's were a house of nobles originating from a region of the North known as 'The Fingers.' Danny Flint had been a girl born into one of the branch families of that house. Once her parents died, she had been adopted by her Lord-Uncle who had been taken by her beauty. She rebuffed him, so he raped her.
Rather than endure his treatment, she did the only thing she could. She ran away from home and continued to run until she reached the end of the North where she could run no further. There, she found herself at The Wall.
The Wall was an enormous structure, standing over six-hundred feet. It was built to protect the civilized realms from the savages further north. The wall, an inanimate object, could be climbed or circumvented, and so an order was raised to man it.
The Night's Watch. A brotherhood sworn to celibacy. They would spend their lives freezing in the far north and in exchange, they would get food and board.
It was a fate that was arguably better than starving.
To Danny, it was a lifeline. The best option she had. And so she hid that she was a woman and joined a militant brotherhood.
The ruse even worked for a time, until three of her sworn-brothers came upon her bathing nude and discovered she was a woman. "They took her honor and then her life, but Danny made not a sound."
Danny had run a thousand miles away from home, but in the end, she couldn't outrun her fate. "Oh Danny Flint, you'll never escape, the fate the gods have written. And life must seem the cruelest jape, oh brave young Danny Flint."
"W-why?" My eyes had drifted closed while I sang my song. Snapping them open, I realized with a start that somewhere along my performance, Daenerys had started to cry. Tear tracts were visible on her face, made all the prominent by the fact that the rest of her face had smidgens of dirt on it. The tear tracts seemed bright in contrast. "Why would you tell me this?"
"Did you know, my queen, that the Faith of the Seven- the faith I was raised in and you were born in- doesn't believe in magic. Or at least, not in the way that the people of Essos seem to. In Westeros, we believe that magic is real but it can't change fate. My Septon told me that it's a bit like tossing a pebble in to a river. It might cause ripples, and the water may flow around it, but eventually, the water will go where it was meant to go."
I paused to think. "In this case, fate is the water and magic the pebble. Magic might cause a ripple and it might cause a few events to happen differently, but eventually, things will play out the way they were meant to and no action of man can change that."
"You'll never escape the fate the Gods have written," Daenerys echoed back. Her voice sounded empty. "So is this the fate the Gods have written for me?" Despite her best efforts, her eyes drifted back to her destroyed army.
"You've interpreted all those unlikely events in your life to mean that you were destined to be Queen, and yet they can be just as easily used to argue the opposite. Before you were born, your families three century-long rule came to an end. You were raised by a brother that didn't love you, and given as a whore to a Dothraki Khal that intended to breed you. That would have been your fate- had it not been for magic. Had it not been for Mirri Maz Duur."
The mention of the name drew a hiss from Daenerys. "I didn't ask her to use magic. I didn't ask for her to turn my child into a stillborn abomination, to render me infertile, or to kill my husband."
"Perhaps not, but it was her intervention that changed your life. Without her, you would still be Drogo's whore. Instead, you burned her in his funeral pyre and awoke three dragons through magic. And another pebble was cast and the river diverted further."
"My accomplishments weren't just magic. I outwitted the Wise Masters and tricked them into selling me the Unsullied. I conquered Astapor and freed every slave within the city."
"You did that," I acknowledged. "And the river corrected the flow. Once you left, Cleon the Butcher rose to power and declared himself king. He then re-enslaved every citizen within the city and went on to cause as much misery as the Wise Masters before him."
"I united the Dothraki and got them to cross the sea. They had never done that before."
"There are no more Dothraki in Westeros." I pointed to corpses littering the ground, "And after a disaster like this I doubt they will ever cross the sea again."
"I took Mereen."
"And did such a good job there that the slaves were begging to be put in chains again. I would be surprised if the slavers haven't taken back control again."
"Alright," the easy acceptance surprised me. "So all my accomplishments amounted to nothing in the end. All my titles- Breaker of Chains, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mother of Dragons- all of those have come to waste." Her eyes fixated on me and I marveled at how hollow they looked. "What do I do with that information? Where do I go now? What is my destiny if not to be Queen?"
"To be a whore," the words slipped out of my mouth without my thinking, but I didn't take them back. Even if my words angered her, she no longer had her armies or her dragons. There was nothing she could do about it. "You were never meant to be anything else. It was the fate the gods had written for you."
My hand reached out to cup her cheek, gently lifting her head so that she was looking me in the eyes. "Do you remember who you used to be before the magic? Before Mirri Maz Duur? A shy, sweet girl. Subservient and beautiful. The perfect whore. That's the real you- and it's not too late to go back to that."
"Drogo is dead."
"It wasn't just Drogo you slept with. Who was that handmaiden of yours? Dorea?"
"Dorea," she confirmed. "She's dead too."
"You don't need either of them to be a whore. When you work for me, you'll be sleeping with plenty of people; men and women alike. It'll suit you better than ruling ever did."
It would. My magic would ensure that it would.
It had been working on her through our conversation. With the backdrop of her dead army, Daenerys had been as vulnerable as I had hoped she would be. It gave me a chance to twist her into a more agreeable mindset.
She didn't resist when I leaned in to kiss her, nor when my hands started to slip beneath her dress. The only resistance I found was within myself.
Could a kiss be both hesitant and eager? If so, then mine was.
It occurred to me that while her adventures had come to an end, so had mine in a way. Daenerys Targaryen had been the last Queen I intended to claim. The last of three Queen's; along with Margaery and Cersei. She completed the collection- and the moment that I took her would be the end of the greatest journey of my life.
Even if I lived for another millennium and bedded a million women, I would never be able to exceed this accomplishment. Everything after this peak would reek of steady decline. It would be the ashes left behind by a brilliant fire.
One last time, I promised myself as I pulled back from our kiss. I would savor the greatest days of my life one last time. Then I would bring it to its conclusion by claiming the Mother of Dragons.
It had all started with a sad lament.
Notes: This story wasn't commissioned by anyone. It, as well as story called 'The Patriot (Naruto)' have been bouncing around my head for a while now, and I decided to write it. I'm going to be writing the first three-ish chapters for free and shop around for commissioners. If anyone is willing to pay to get this story continued, I'll continue it. If not, I'll drop it after chapter three.
If you want to see this story continue, please join my patreon at
On another note, all characters in this story is over 18 and I'm crossposting this story to my hentai-foundry account under the same name.
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The kids ranged in age from 8 to 14, I was 10 at the time. I was always one of the faster more athletic kids, but couldn’t quite keep up with the older kids in the group. We played different night games, but the most common were kick the can, and hide and seek. I remember one summer night very vividly. We had played a few games already. It was Maria’s turn to choose the game, she chose hide and seek. When we started playing, Maria told me to follow her, she had a good place to hide. I...
The kids ranged in age from 8 to 14, I was 10 at the time. I was always one of the faster more athletic kids, but couldn’t quite keep up with the older kids in the group. We played different night games, but the most common were kick the can, and hide and seek. I remember one summer night very vividly. We had played a few games already. It was Maria’s turn to choose the game, she chose hide and seek. When we started playing, Maria told me to follow her, she had a good place to hide....
“You must be the gamekeeper.”The words were spoken by a thin, pale woman of about thirty-five, wrapped in a red waterproof jacket, jeans and walking boots. She was standing at the foot of the treacherous, mossy concrete steps that led down from my holiday apartment, Gamekeeper’s Cottage. It was on an estate in deepest Cornwall, former home of some lord of the manor who had made his fortune from the tin mines that used to flourish in the area.“Yes, I’m the gamekeeper,” I said, entering into the...
Straight SexI'm sitting in French class as I feel my phone vibrate from inside my pocket so I discreetly slip my manicured hand inside and pull out my phone. The buzzing pulsates against my palm and I feel my heartbeat quicken, hoping it was Shawn. I check and see his out of state area code and read over his intimate message. No phones in class was a rule strictly enforced by teachers so I knew I was risking myself but the thrill and excitement I got from talking to strangers I met online outweighed my...
I wanted to experience those feelings again, but I didn’t know how to make it happen. I didn’t want to try to meet woman at bars, and I certainly didn’t want to pay for sex. So, for some time my main sexual release was my own hand as I watched porn on my computer in the privacy of my house. One day, as I tended to Mary’s flower gardens in our back yard, I noticed my neighbor, Casey, sunning herself in the next yard. I had never noticed what a hot body she has. She is about 5’6” with...
The Poker Game We guys get together on Friday nights during the winter months to play poker. It is strictly a friendly game for pennies and nickels with a ten-dollar maximum loss. We each bring four rolls of pennies and four rolls of nickels and when they are gone we are out of the game. When the game is at my house the wives and children come too. We have a big house out in the country and the kids can run and scream until they drop. The wives usually go into the big family room...
She glanced around and saw that Kevin was sitting at a small table near the side entrance. He smiled and waved when he saw her and motioned for her to come over. Jenny batted her green eyes and flashed Kevin her best smile that she could come up with. She walked over to him and sat down. “Hey Jenny” Kevin started. “I just want to get right to the point tonight. I know that we haven’t really talked at school and all but I was thinking that you might be able to help me out a...
Stacey danced on the nightclub floor aware that men were looking in stiff admiration, her moves ensuring that her round ass, small waist and double d-cup breasts were more than noticeable in a neon pink micro mini skirt and bikini top. She often frequented the Deception Nightclub, on her own being aware that she will soon have company for the queue of adoring men. She rarely bought any money with her, as men ensured she was well catered for and those who were lucky enough to buy her drinks...
I have two russian cousins, Petr (yes with no e) and Mira. They’ve lived in england most of their lives so they have lost most of their accent but both have the classic russian beauty. Petr is the same age at me so 12 at the time whilst Mira was just turning 17 in a couple of weeks. Petr looked like any other 12 year old boy but coffee skinned. He had short black hair and very blue eyes which looked unnatural with his skin. Mira shared Petr’s eyes and skin but there the similarity...
What was Fred Mullings supposed to do at this point? The room was quiet. The chattering of the children outside in the neighboring garden were all that reverberated in the room. He said nothing, hoping the shock would simply scare her from the appalling scene. But it was not the case. His wife was not scared, distraught, or confused. The look on her face reflected a primal instinct, one that could not be misunderstood by her husband. Anger. "Margret." Fred was not well composed. What...
(Incest with young girls. Not your thing? Go away.) My blood was up. Hot. My cock swole to bursting. The red colored all I saw. I needed release. But who? The wife couldn’t stop this feeling. Amy was useless except she brought me the girls. Jamie? 7. She was still being taught - choked too much. Kim? 9. She knew what was expected – and did it, more or less. Becky. Fuck - I missed Bec. My fault the cum drowned her. Leena. Now 12, she was into the game. Her pareau was...
Each year in June, the MD and owner of the company that I work for hosts a staff party at her spacious house in the hills outside the city, and I am going to tell you about what happened the first time that I attended. I was then just over 30, and had joined the firm seven months previously; I was in a middle management position, doing well and marked out as being on the fast track to the top. The event was ‘bring your partner’, but at that point I had no ‘significant other’, and in any...
you never know what can happen late at night in an old subarban neighborhood Thud Thud Thud, that was the only sound that hit her ears as she walked through the endless rows of houses in her neighborhood. For some reason, she had so much energy tonight. At 15, she had the body of someone almost ten years older than her age. She stood 5’4” and was dark skinned with black hair, and, coming straight from her house, she was wearing only tight sweat shorts and a tight...
Mandy replied with a customary snarl borne of frustration and helplessness. The reason for her dark mood had been set in motion six months back when, totally out of the blue, her mother announced that boyfriend Alan had asked her to move in with him. "Mum, you can't leave me here on my own," Mandy had protested, knowing full well that Alan's house was some 250 miles away in coastal Devon. Carol's subsequent hesitancy spoke volumes. "Erm, look honey, I'm putting the house on the...
The Football game Story by Richard Barber It didn’t take long for me to be known as the school cocksucker and a fine pussy boy from a select few guys that wanted to be serviced at my school. My brothers, Carl and Roy and their best buddies, Jake and Larry kept close watch over me so I never got in a difficult situation. I felt pretty secure and decided to venture out on my own to find even more hot action. One day when we were having a home football game, I went to get myself a soda...
I had been working at the plant for two weeks before the guys finally invited me to their weekly poker game. I had just gotten a job at the auto plant in town. It was a sweet gig, with the standard 40 hour work week, a simple job operating a machine on an assembly line and a crew of some of the most raucous and funny co-workers I'd had in a very long time. i was making good money, some new friends and generally having a great time. During some of the lunch breaks I had heard a few of the...
One day during the game I ran out of beer, it would have been better if I marked the deck of cards with the way they carried on, no beer how could I run out. It looked like I was going to have to go to the store and get some more; I didn’t feel like doing it so I said, “hell real men would drink whiskey anyway”. The guys thought that was a great idea and saved me from going out, fortunately we had some whiskey in the house. Later that night after four or five shots my husband got a little...
But the names and ages have been changed for the fact that I cant spell one of the person’s names and so that I can branch out on the story more into the fiction. I grew up in a small suburban city, pretty close to Chicago. My best friend since for as long as I could remember lived right next door. Her name was, Stephanie but everyone called her Steph. She was 8 and I was 9 at the current time in the story. I knew about sex but I didn’t know how to do it or what it looked...
As he lay his tired body to rest. His weak and pale body, so drained for energy. So damaged from endless painful years of sickness. He is so tired of the reality of pain. So much he wish he could leave reality to itself. Wish he could escape into his own private world. A world were he would not be sick. A place were his appearance is not regarded as repulsive. A place of love instead of pity. He tries to turn to his side but his damaged lungs can not conjure the air for him to do so. Even as...
My wife Donna is the love of my life after eight years of marriage and having sex is always good but we had become somewhat bored with ‘the same old thing’ in the bedroom. We wanted to keep the sexual spark alive and to please each other so after some discussion we agreed on several erotic activities that we could feel comfortable with ‘if we worked up to it.’ We got the idea to invent a bedroom game. We agreed to try just about anything once and thought that the game would make things...
Me and my girlfriend of 4 years, have one good thing in common, we play video games, even though most girls wouldnt like it, she wouldnt care. So one night we were playing Madden, I had an idea, which was really stupid at the time, I said, for every touchdown, u must remove an article of clothing. She We did that. We started playing and on the first play I threw an interception for a TD by my girl’s team the Eagles and mine was (god help me) the Patriots, I removed my shirt first. So in...
Ed was an average guy, with an average life, an average job and an average wife. He'd reached an age were he would already have achieved anything in life that he ever would, his wife had recently realised this and quickly grew disillusioned with his apparent lack of ambition as she tried to encourage him to better himself while pursuing her own career. They slipped into a stereotypical routine of childless middle aged married couples, she spent her evenings watching soap operas or reality shows...
This story is based on a real (normal) game show. I don't know if I should state the name of the show because I might draw too much attention. Lisa was an average girl from a small town in the south of France. It had always been her dream to live in a big town where she could just have a much more rich lifestyle of friends, parties and boyfriend's. At her 18th birthday she decided to make this dream come true and moved to the city. She already saved some money. But she knew she had to find a...
LesbianThe next big game AI world hit the market on January first 2079. It was marketed as the most realistic game to date, constantly updating and controlled entirely by artificial intelligence. Full immersive virtual reality had been a reality for ten years, and the lack of a dominate MMORPG could really be felt. Advancement in AI could not keep up with other advances in technology which led to all VR role playing games to feel rather dry and lacking, AI world promised to solve this. Gaming had come...
FantasySiento como recupero mi consciencia, lo único que recuerdo es el irme a dormir, no se quien soy ni como me llamo, solo se que estoy siendo invocado como un Servant en la Cuarta Guerra del Santo Grial. El Santo Grial empieza a informarme de mi situación actual y de todo lo que debo saber para servir adecuadamente en esta era. Soy Gilgamesh, el Espíritu Heroico mas poderoso de todos, el rey mas antiguo de la humanidad, el Rey de Heroes que dio comienzo a todos los mitos de héroes posteriores y...
The necklace was beautiful. It hung outside the cave, its white stones glittering in the sunlight. Freya felt herself getting wet as she looked at it. As she examined its glittering facets, she began to stroke a hand against her skirt. She could feel her nipples pressing against the fabric of her dress. With her other hand, she reached for the necklace. "You like it?" a voice said. Freya brushed, pulling her hand away from her pussy. Out of the cave had come a dwarf, twisted and ugly. He leered...
FantasySome people used to say that he or she who plays a videogame becomes a god for a while. Nonsense. A god knows everything, is everywhere, and can do anything. The player doesn’t come even close to this. There are some good points, of course; having spare lives, for example is very convenient. The rules may be different from the everyday life, but they still must be followed. Well, maybe the programmers are gods. Okay, enough wandering. You are anxious to try this all new game platform that...
Three more bends up the hill, and I would be back in the safe havens of the hostel. I had been jogging at quite a brisk pace for over two miles now. But the early morning fog and the ensuing chill caught up every time you stopped for a breather. In this merciless December winter, the body sought warmth above everything else. A lot more was on my mind however, as I stopped by the fifteenth milestone, and surveyed the carefully constructed yet inspired hotness that was Navya. Let me tell you...
FetishIt's Game Day! The Producer's never got back to Johnny about the final approval of the rules nor had they told him who the third contestants were going to be.Maggie and Adam were still staying with us. It's early 7 a.m. on game day and Johnny finally gets a call from the Producers. The Producer Alex told Johnny that they changed the concept of the show a little bit and wanted to know if It would be okay to film the show at their house? Said, wanted more of a Reality TV feeling. Johnny agreed....
I looked up from my book at the sound of whoops and cheers from the basement. Smiling, I picked up my iPhone and checked on the hockey game that my husband and his two buddies were watching. It was over and “our” team had won handily, five goals to two. That was my signal. Putting my book aside, I got up and slipped off my sweatpants and sweatshirt. Underneath, I wore a pink satin bra with some black lace trim. It uplifted but barely contained my ample assets. Down below, I wore matching...
Wife LoversIt had been 10 years since Johnny and Beverly were on the very first every Granny Gameshow. Beverly was upset because she felt like Johnny purposely lost on the show so he could get a chance to fuck her, and it was true. But ever since then, for the past 10 years, Johnny has only fucked Beverly twice and that was 8 years ago. Beverly is now 71 years old white blondish long hair, saggy double DD's thin frame with wide saggy ass but very fuckable.No one has heard from the other contestants Maggie...
This past weekend i got a call from one of my fuck buddys ,Jamal. He was having some friends over to watch the NBA Playoffs and asked if i would dress up and serve them during the game and be their fuck slut for the night. So of course i agreed to help. I had no idea who the friends were or how many friends would be there. I quickly started to the closet to decide what i would wear. Black see through lace night gown, heels, and black thigh high stockings was the choice. I would go as a blonde,...
Giggles left the girls’ mouths as they quickly ran up the stairs to play their new video game. It had been a long time coming but finally it was here, in their own hands. As the girls sat down on their pink gaming chairs, their eager hands unwrapped the game and slipped the smooth, silver disk into the machine. The game started up, and the girls could feel the excitement rushing through their bodies. Their eyes widened as they heard the music of the main menu for the first time; they felt as...
SupernaturalI remember this as if it happened yesterday. In fact, whenever I think about it I get still get so hot that if I’m fucking my husband I start to orgasm almost as soon as his cock slides into me. If I’m alone and at work I have to go to the ladies room, go into a stall, and masturbate until I cum. At home I will masturbate, use my vibrator or fuck myself with my dildo until I cum. That’s how good that day was. I am not a big football fan but my husband, Ned, is. He and some of his friends will...